#eric reisner
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epickiya722 · 2 years ago
When you rewatch movies and then start questioning more of the little details because WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN THE ARMY LENT YOU A TANK, MAN?! HOW?! WHY?!
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WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! Just how much authority does Little Nobody have to be a NEW ASSISTANT NOW to already have a damn TANK?!
It's the only tidbit of F8 that I actually still can't get over because... *incoherent noises*.
"You didn't get this from drug dealers." YEAH, I WOULDN'T THINK SO!!
How did that conversation even go down?
"Hey, can I have a tank?"
"Oh, yeah, sure."
Like what did he do? Why did they even give him a tank?!
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epickiya722 · 2 years ago
Ooh! I had to think about this one! It's because of how he viewed Dom in the F8. Remember how Dom was working with Cipher? Yeah, in Little Nobody's eyes he was someone working with the enemy, not to be trusted and he also didn't know Dom as well as everyone else.
Note the "this guy's on our side now" line.
Of course, it got better since he wasted no time saved Dom from the explosion with the others and he was there at the end of F8 with everyone else at the get-together, as well working with Dom in F10.
Think it stems from that.
Still I thought he would be more of "friends" than "frenemies" since they really don't have beef like that.
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@epickiya722 how is Little Nobody a frenemies of Mr Nobody????
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chaplinfortheages · 8 months ago
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An archive of Charlie Chaplin photographs from the collection of Loyal Underwood put up for auction on Bonhams.com (x)
Loyal Underwood was one of Charlie’s stock players, appearing in 11 Chaplin from 1916-1923 and a final appearance and last screen credit "Limelight" 1952.
Top photo: Shows Charlie Chaplin during production of "Sunnyside", Charlie with Eric Campbell, Albert Austin and Loyal Underwood while he shot some footage for a never released film "Golf Links, 1917. Charlie used this idea in his later film "The Idle Class".
Second photo: Charlie posing with the wood nymphs from "Sunnyside" 1919
Third photo: Charles "Chuck" Reisner, Charlie and Loyal Underwood with Charlie during production of "The Kid" 1921.
Fourth photo: More photos from his collection, two of them autographed from Paulette Goddard and Edna Purviance.
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oldisnewradio · 4 months ago
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Top Draw Talent! 2 hours of POW! Featuring Johnny Mercer with commentary by Margaret Whiting, Annie Ross & Mercer's niece Nancy Girard. Presenting our Live-On-Air In-Studio Billy Staryhorn Concert with commentary by author David Hajdu and performances by Eric Comstock, Karen Oberlin, Ralph Brande, Laurie Krauz & Barbara Lea Plus 4 renditions of Kander & Ebb's "A Quiet Thing" with Liza Minnelli, Karen Mason, Brent Barrett& Morgana King. Christine Reisner sings Albert Hague and Tania Grubbs Quintet's new album is our Pick of the Week. Please share and tune in! Everything Old Is New Again Radio Show is on The Penthouse at 9PM-et TONIGHT!
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angelsanarchy · 1 year ago
Books to Movies: Still Hung Up On You by Liz Maverick
"A hilarious, heart-tugging rom com about two people finding each other again one phone call at a time. "
Hannah Gold never thought she’d speak to Ethan Reisner ever again. Getting dumped in high school will do that to you. But when she needs to find a beloved sweater in time for her parents’ 50th anniversary, she begins her search where she last saw it: Ethan’s childhood home. She thought calling Ethan out of the blue would be the hardest part, but breaking fifteen years of silence was just the beginning.
Hannah Gold - Played by Meagan Rath
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Ethan Reisner - Played by Eric Christian Olsen
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Sometimes I read books and picture certain actors in their roles so this is what you're getting. Stay tuned for more of these.
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truelove-crackship · 6 years ago
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And I know, I can tell you anything, you won't judge. You're just listening ‘cause you're the best thing that ever happened to me, 'cause my darling, you and I. Could take over the world and one step at a time, just you and I. 'Cause you're the only one, who brings light just like the sun one step at a time. Just you and I. { Song : Tom Walker ♫ Just you and I }
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c-valentines · 4 years ago
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Fast and the Furious RPF, Hobbs & Shaw (2019) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Luke Hobbs/Deckard Shaw Characters: Hattie Shaw, Owen Shaw (Fast and the Furious), Deckard Shaw, Luke Hobbs, Magdalene Shaw, Dominic Toretto, Letty Ortiz, Megan Ramsey, Tej Parker, Roman Pearce, Margarita | Madame M, Brixton Lore, Eric Reisner | Little Nobody, Lisa (Fast and the Furious), Locke (Fast and the Furious), Mr Nobody Additional Tags: Headcanon, Angst, Fluff, Smut, story ideas Series: Part 1 of Story ideas Summary:
Just the descriptions from my Shobbs story ideas, feel free to use some if they inspire you or you have a idea on what to write for them.
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omnivorousshipper · 3 years ago
De aged Deckard: You’re gonna go far, kid - Part 32
Summary: When the Shaw siblings try to break into an Eteon facility, they’re met with some unexpected consequences. Now, it’s up to Owen and Hattie to be the older siblings Deckard never had. Even if they have no idea what they’re doing
Part 31
           Eric “Little Nobody” Reisner stared down at the radar, watching them closing in on Cipher’s plane and could hear several people around him talking quietly as Cipher’s own lackies tried hacking into their systems. The whole things felt oddly familiar when they had tracked Cipher down only a few short months ago, arresting her, only to have her taken from them within hours by Mr. Nobody’s former agent, Jakob Toretto.
           Mouth twisting in displeasure, Eric thought back to that time. He had watched Mr. Nobody making the distressed video and sending it off to Dom Toretto and his crew, only for Nobody to smirk and lead the way to their small escape aircraft. Meanwhile, they had left Cipher alone on the plane and ripe for the picking as Jakob Toretto came for them. It wasn’t until they left did Eric learn about the Ares device that Nobody had left behind. He had asked if maybe they should send help to the crew, but had been told they wouldn’t need it.
           And Nobody had been right.
           While the crew had caused millions of dollars in property damage, they had saved the day once again while bringing Jakob back to their side. Eric had watched all of it happen from recordings after the fact, but was nonetheless impressed with how everything worked out. The crew was even able to hold a party once Parker and Pearce were back on the ground.
           However, this time, Eric wasn’t so sure they would be able to save the day unscathed.
           Not when they were up against not only Cipher, but Eteon and Mr. Nobody’s forces as well.
           While Eric knew he shouldn’t be rooting for Dom and his crew, he really couldn’t stop himself from cheering them on when they had started to form a small army to save Deckard. He had seen a few images and videos of the little boy, and couldn’t help but feel sorry for the ex-assassin; nobody should be turned into a living science experiment. However, because of that reason, he was now on his way to take the boy back.
           Hopefully without the crew knowing that he had gotten his hands on Deckard.
           The truth was, he and Nobody’s other agents had been tracking the Shaw siblings for some time now, especially when they started to break into Eteon’s many bases. Their reign of terror on the organization had been the break they needed at Nowhere. They had been able to go in after the Shaws left and steal every single scrap of information Eteon had, including their experiments. And now that Nobody knew that their experiment on Deckard had gone successfully, he wanted the little boy for himself.
           You could never have enough soldiers in Nobody’s opinion.
           Which was why Nobody had been smiling with maniacal glee ever since they had gotten the latest information from Eteon: their updated mind-washing serum. Nobody had been using their older version for a few years now and was unhappy with the results, especially when it came to Toretto’s crew, so when he got the latest version, he hadn’t wasted any time in replicating.
           Eric knew that if he wasn’t already so loyal to Nobody, he would be one of the first to be required to drink the new serum. However, the small chip that was buried in the back of his skull was enough as the moment.
           And was the only thing stopping Eric from contacting the Toretto crew and warning them that they needed to get to Deckard as soon as possible. Or else an even worse fate waited for the child.
           “ETA?” A voice asked him. Glancing to his right, Eric frowned at the woman who stood next to him. Her eyes seemed almost dead as she stared at him. He knew she had her own chip in her head, but because of her strong-headed attitude would soon be forced to drink the serum.
           “Ten minutes.” He told her quietly. She nodded and adjusted the large pack of equipment on her back. She might have been petite, but with all the upgrades Nobody had given her, she was stronger than any normal human. “Don’t do anything stupid, Elena.”
           Not a single emotion crossed her face as he told her that, but he knew she would do all that she could from fighting Dom and his crew. He could only hope things didn’t come to that. He would hate to see the cyborg reprogramed again.
           Standing across from the chaos that was the Shaw family, Jakob watched with a stone cold expression. While he didn’t want to be on any of the Shaws’ shit list, he didn’t want to be pulled into the tornado of a mess this whole thing was turning into. When Queenie had put out the job to rescue a child, Jakob had just thought of it as an elaborate kidnapping, not saving one of the deadliest assassins turned child. Who was now apparently being brain-washed if anything the man who had been with Margarita was saying.
           “What the bloody fuck do you mean ‘brain-wash’?” Owen snapped, and Jakob grimaced at the crack in the man’s mask. He had never seen his friend so distraught and desperately wanted to comfort him, but couldn’t do that while his and other crews were watching. He had a reputation to keep, and so did Owen and his family.
           “I mean Eteon was planning on brain-washing Deck, it’s not that complicated, you bellend.” Brixton Lore hissed back, and Jakob tensed, ready to defend Owen if need be, even though the man was capable of doing that himself and had several allies around him to do the same.
           “Why? They already turned him into a child, one who will do anything he’s told to do.” The old man next to Queenie questioned Brixton. So far, Jakob was guessing that was Owen’s father and wondered if Queenie would be willing to pay him to murder the old man. He could tell that nobody around him wanted him there, so it wouldn’t be that big of a loss. Even if he was the one Deckard Shaw had contacted.
           “He might have been obedient to his bastard of a father, who beat him daily,” Brixton snarled. “But, people who have taken him away from his family, who he would willingly die for, is a different matter. Eteon doesn’t have the patience to beat obedience into Deck if they can just inject it into him.”
           Jakob’s hand moved down to the gun on his hip. Seemed like even the man nobody around like hated the old man just as much as they did. Maybe if they took a vote, then Jakob could shoot the old man.
           “Did they use it on you?”
           Frowning, Jakob glanced around and could see everyone else shocked at Hattie Shaw’s question. She was staring directly at Brixton, a quizzical look on her face as she waited for his answer. Looking at him, Jakob was shocked to see the almost guilty look on Brixton’s face.
           “Only in small doses, but most of my actions were my own.” The man finally admitted, meeting Hattie’s gaze straight on. She nodded in acceptance of his answer, her face not giving away any of her thoughts.
           That changes things, Jakob thought to himself. Thinking for a few minutes, he let the squabbling and conversations from everyone wash over him as he considered his own past. Coming to an unsettling conclusion, Jakob stepped forward and saw Dom’s crew tensing as they saw him coming closer. As for Queenie, she narrowed her eyes and waited for him to speak.
           “Are you still working with Nobody?” Jakob directed the question to Dom, who blinked at the question.
           “Yeah. But he said he and his people barely knew anything about Eteon, so they left it to us to save Deckard.”
           “Then you ate his bullshit up then.” Jakob told him bluntly and smirked slightly at the snarl that left his older brother. “Because Nobody has been stealing information and tech from Eteon for years.”
           “And how do you know that?” Brixton spoke up, hackles raised no doubt at the idea of his own former employer being stolen from.
           “Because he’s been turning people into monsters just like you for years.” Jakob looked Brixton straight in the eye and could hear several curses coming from the Shaws. “Isn’t that right, Han?”
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ao3feed-brianoconner · 5 years ago
Furious 10: The Lunar Track(Fur10us)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2FrtcPd
by Ninjaboy13779546
The team is called in once again to help out with a recon mission. It's gonna be loads of action, fun, danger and of course, fast cars. But they'll need to be real careful or else it'll blow up in their faces. Reuniting with old friends/family will be emotional, but hard. And there's one more thing, it's on the moon!!! (Part 3 of my Ride Or Die Series)
Words: 256, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Ride or Die
Fandoms: The Fast and the Furious, Fast & Furious (Movies), Fast and
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Dominic Toretto, Brian O'Conner, Letty Ortiz, Roman Pearce, Tej Parker, Luke Hobbs, Ramsey (Fast and the Furious), Mia Toretto, Mr. Nobody (Fast and the Furious), Eric Reisner | Little Nobody, Amy(OC), Rosie O'Conner(OC), Samantha Hobbs, Casey Hobbs(OC), Brian Marcos Toretto
Relationships: Dominic Toretto/Letty Ortiz, Brian O'Conner/Mia Toretto, Tej Parker/Ramsey
Additional Tags: Paul Walker - Freeform, For Paul, Furious 10, Fur10us, Fast 9, F8 - Freeform, Brian O'Conner Return, Space Battles, Space Flight, IN SPACE!, Fast Cars, Spaceships, Moon, Lunar Mission, Space Base, rover - Freeform, Fast Family, Family, Fake Character Death, Astronauts, hover
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2FrtcPd
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epickiya722 · 2 years ago
Literally the only people not explicitly stated is Eric and Brian and Mia's mids
Like I'm glad you don't want him to kill the kids (who honestly wants that, I know I damn well don't).
But jeez! That was almost everyone!! Yeah, I did not see Little Nobody on that list. Which is kinda ironic given he was one of the people Dante did try to kill. Failed, but he did try.
Also, Owen and Deckard weren't listed!
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rowinablx · 2 years ago
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Name: Beckett "Beck" O'Connor
Nickname: Little O'Connor
Age: 32
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Psychical Appearance: Tall and blond with muscles and tattoos.
Natalie Hale (Wife)
Alexis Hale-O'Connor (Daughter)
Brian O'Connor (Older Brother)
Tess (Older Sister)
Eric Reisner/Little Nobody (Older Brother)
Frank Petty/Mr Nobody (Father)
Ms O'Connor (Mother)
Dominic Toretto (Brother in law)
Mia Toretto (Sister in law)
Letty Ortiz (Sister in law)
Jakob Toretto (Brother in law)
Jack O'Connor-Toretto (Nephew)
Brian Marcos Toretto (Nephew)
Cipher (Enemy, situational ally)
Roman (Ally)
Tej (Ally)
Suki (Ally)
Ramsey (Ally)
Gisele Yashar (Ally)
Han Lue (Ally)
Sean Boswell (Ally, rival)
Twinkie (Ally)
Earl (Ally)
Leon (Ally)
Jesse (Ally)
Vince (Ally)
Deckard Shaw (Enemy, situational ally)
Owen Shaw (Enemy, captor, situation ally)
Role in films
The Fast and the Furious
Beck is first mentioned when Brian tells Dom about him and how he would move heaven and hell for him
2 Fast 2 Furious
When Tej asks about him, Brian says he recently joined the special forces. Roman asks about him, Tess and Eric later.
Fast and Furious
Beck appears for the first time, having recently retired, with information on Letty's death for Brian. He also says that he can't hide his feelings for Dom forever.
Fast Five
Appears with his wife Natalie and daughter Alexis, gives the team info on Reyes and his money houses. Beck joins temporarily to help Brian. Natalie bonds with Dom over their love for their dumb blonds who get into trouble.
Fast and Furious 6
Now living in Brazil with Natalie and Alexis, he volunteers with Elena Neves, another ally, to keep watch on Mia and her son. Before Natalie leaves with the crew, Beck promises that this will be their final favor for Brian. When Vegh and Klaus are sent to kidnap Mia and Jack, he distracts them long enough to allow them to escape, being used as a hostage instead to control Brian. Natalie later helps her brother in law kill Vegh and reunites with her husband. Beck comforts her and asks if she is okay rather than him.
Furious 7
Like his brother, Beck has a hard time adjusting to regular life after his time in special forces and as a criminal. He relays to Dom that Brian told him he misses the violence. He and Natalie don't take part in the mission against Deckard Shaw but has to be physically held back by his brother from punching their father. He hugs Mia and Letty goodbye when they decide to retire, Letty having regained most of her memories. He celebrates after Dom proposes to Brian. Beck also urges them to adopt a child so he wasn't the only one who had one.
Fate of the Furious
Beck punches Eric upon reuniting with him, and also makes various gestures at Roman to stop mocking his brother. Due to his family and retirement, Beck reluctantly leaves. Natalie tells him to stop pretending that he doesn't miss being a member of the crew and that she loves him no matter what. He returns towards the end to help his brother. He decides to attempt a permanent retirement after Deckard saves Dom's son.
Beck comes out of retirement to help his brother again. He asks Mia how Letty is handling babysitting his nephews and if her memory is better. Sean makes various jokes about him being dumb because he's blond, he asks if they can give Sean to Jakob. He retires again at the end, joking that it won't last long.
Fast X
Beck is mentioned by Tess when she explains to Aimes her family history. Eric asks Dom if he and his wife are safe, to which Brian says yes. However Beck and Natalie appear as targets on Dante's list.
Nicknamed Little O'Connor because of the age difference between him and his siblings, Brian being in his early fifties, Tess in her mid forties and Eric in his early forties.
He met Natalie sometime after he was discharged.
Despite not being biologically related, he's close with his nephew Jack.
His car is a Charger Hellcat.
Beck tried to stay away from the Agency's radar for years.
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anaissenli · 5 years ago
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Anaïs Senli The Heavy Air That Surrounds Us 1.11.2019 – 12.1.2020 Curated by Lena Johanna Reisner Exhibition views Photos by Eric Tschernow
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dailyscotteastwood · 7 years ago
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Scott Eastwood as Little Nobody Eric Reisner in Fast 8: The Fate Of Furious — Request by Anon (+)
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As the Virus Surges in South Florida, a Trump Resort Joins the Rush to Reopen
By Eric Lipton, Neil Reisner, Steve Eder and Ben Protess Miami-Dade County has been hit with about a quarter of the state’s cases. The Doral hotel and golf club there is taking steps to prevent infection, even as many visitors and some workers do not wear masks. Published: June 23, 2020 at 05:50PM via NYT U.S. https://ift.tt/3ducERs
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javierpenadea · 5 years ago
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"As the Virus Surges in South Florida, a Trump Resort Joins the Rush to Reopen" by BY ERIC LIPTON, NEIL REISNER, STEVE EDER AND BEN PROTESS via NYT U.S. https://ift.tt/3ducERs
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sassycollectivebanana · 7 years ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The Fate of the Furious (2017), Fast and the Furious Series Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Christine, Dominic Toretto, Letty Ortiz, Vince (Fast and the Furious), Mia Toretto, Brian O'Conner, Roman Pearce, Tej Parker, Eric Reisner | Little Nobody, Mr. Nobody (Fast and the Furious), Ramsey (Fast and the Furious), Cipher (Fast and the Furious) Additional Tags: First Person Omniscient Summary:
When Vince tells The Team and Christine that he needs help with a job. The Team reluctantly agrees to help him. But little do they know that Vince has a different plan up his sleeve.
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