#Liz Maverick
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alegendoftomorrow · 1 year ago
Letters to our Soldiers
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Summary: Bradley finds himself making a Christmas wish on a letter from a stranger as he spends another Christmas alone ten thousand miles away from home.
Character: Bradley Bradshaw and F!reader (no use of Y/N)
Word Count: 1,208
Warnings: None
A/N: This is my third entry into @sailor-aviator winter challenger. My prompt was Merry Christmas, though I did also use this as a springboard for a possible series that I hope to start soon. Now, is this late... so very much so. Did life decide to send me into the new year with one finale kick…. Also yes. Is this also the first personal thing I’ve written for myself in a long time…also yes. But I had so much fun doing it and it feels good to get back to writing again. I hope you all have a phenomenal New Year and you find all the things you were looking for…. Enjoy some Christmas in February!
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Bradley jumped off the ladder of his F-18 and shivered against the wind that blew across the deck. The sweat beading up along his brow and making his curls stick there was now making him feel even colder as he saluted the handful of privates who came to tighten his jet down to the deck and then lower it away so they could head back into port. Their practice drills finally done.
Rushing inside he tucked his helmet under his arm and headed right for the debriefing room. If he was lucky their CO would have nothing of note to say and send them all back to their bunks. Bradley wanted to change and get under his blankets. There was heat on the USS Dauntless but the steal walls and floors always seemed to hold onto the weather outside better then they did the temperature inside. Meaning right now it felt like walking through an ice box.
“Hey Bradshaw, you coming with us tonight or not?” That was Fitz’s voice echoing down the hall.
Bradley paused in the hall and pressed himself against the wall to let another officer pass by him as he waited for Fitz to catch up to him. “Na, I think I’m just going to stay in and try to catch up on some sleep.”
Fitz rolled his eyes and groaned as he walked in stride with Bradley to the briefing room. “Come on man it’s the first time we’ve seen land in weeks and you’re telling me you’d rather stay on this floating tin can then come and enjoy the night out with us?”
“That is exactly what I’m saying,” Bradley quipped back. “I intend to spend my leave sleeping and resting in my own bunk. Not eating bread and water in the brig.”
Fitz rolled his eyes and punched Bradley’s shoulder. Waving him off like he was a lost caused. “First of all, that happened one time and secondly you’re still boring.”
Bradley just shook his head and plopped down on one of the wooden seats. His excuse was the truth. Mostly. The other reason though was currently burning a hole in the pocket of his flight suit. A perfectly folded letter that still smelled faintly of warm vanilla. A letter from a stranger he’d never met. Natasha had signed him up for one of those letter writing programs for soldiers. He’d been annoyed at first, but now he looked forward to each and every one of them.
“We’ll be heading into port in a few hours and I expect all of you to act like the officers you are. Dismissed,” their CO finally called after the debrief had ended.
“Last chance Bradshaw,” Fitz said already halfway out of the door. “It’s Christmas Eve!”
“Leave the man alone Fitz. He’s got big and important plans for the night,” Omaha said with a laugh. Dragging Fitz out of the doorway as a chorus of other officers and enlisted men chattered loudly, interspersed with laughter and off key singing which Bradley just chuckled at.
After a quick shower he changed back into his dark t-shirt and pants laying back on his lower bunk and taking out the letter. The writing on the front was in pretty, dark cursive. Whoever this woman was she had the prettiest handwriting Bradley had ever seen. He pressed the letter to his nose and breathed in the warm scent of vanilla that still only faintly lingered there. It would be a hard day when the smell faded from this one too. Opening the letter, he tucked one of his hands back under his head and smiled softly.
Dear Soldier, 
            I don’t know what time zone you’re in, or even what country you’re stationed at, but where ever you are I hope you’re not spending Christmas Eve alone.
Bradley laughed. “Sorry to disappoint sweetheart,” he muttered. Though he did wonder if this technically counted as spending the day alone if he was reading her words…
             I for one will likely be spending it at the hospital. One of my co-workers, Mandy--she was the one involved in the blue cupcake fiasco a few months ago—anyways she has two adorable little boys and so I took her shifts so she could spend the holidays with them. I don’t mind though so don’t go feeling bad for me or anything. I like what I do and it’s nice to get to spend time with the patients over Christmas. Especially when some of them don’t have any family to come visit them. You should see the nurse’s station all decked out in different decorations for just about every different holiday celebrated among us.
Bradley’s smile grew wider as his heart swelled in his chest reading over the words. This woman was so kind and bright. He could so easily imagine her sitting at a nurse’s station and painstakingly writing to him everything that came to her mind as she looked over her floor. He imagined she had the most beautiful smile to match her pretty words. He found himself longing, as he often did, to ask her questions back. He wanted to know everything about her and he wanted to tell her everything about him. He wanted her to know that he reread the twelve other letters shed written him nearly every day. That he held them close to his chest when the nights got dark or the sea was rough. He wanted to tell her that he had them memorized. Every friend she mentioned and patient she cared for; he knew them all. He wanted to tell her that they had the same favorite color and favorite Girl Scout Cookie flavor. He wished her letters came with a return address.
            Alright well it’s getting late and I have to head out for another round but I want to make sure I get this in the mail to you so you get it in some kind of speedy order. I don’t really know how to say this without coming off like a stalker or some kind of wierdo, and I really hope you don’t thinks it’s weird but I included my address at the bottom of this page just in case you wanted to write back to me.
Bradley’s heart flpped and he sat up so quickly his head nearly hit the top bunk. Flicking his eyes to the bottom of the page he did indeed she her return address written there. His thumb brushed across her name and the letters and numbers beneath it.
I know the service is random and I’ve already written more letter than I was supposed to but, I don’t know, getting to write to you these past few months has felt nice. You really helped me, whoever you are out there, and I just want to keep writing to you if I can.
            I hope wherever you are you’re staying safe and that m letters have been a little piece of home you’ve been missing.
Merry Christmas Soldier.
“Merry Christmas sweetheart,” Bradley whispered. He looked down at the address one last time and then reached under his bunk into one of the drawers there. Pulling out a notebook and his pen he began his own letter.
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horseshoegirl · 1 year ago
Happy First Anniversary to Damn Those Dog Tags!
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On February 22nd of last year, I decided to return to fan fiction writing with this story and posted the first chapter. I couldn't have predicted the response or how many people fell in love with Liz, Sadie, and their version of Jake. So I wanted to mark the occasion with something special.
A few people on here know I draw, so for over the past three months, I've been trying to design a book cover of sorts. I finally finished it last night.
💛This is my thank you to you guys 💛
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Please be gentle... I'm not used to publicly sharing my artwork (Idk if it's even that good, and I was also really scared to post it), though this story means a lot to me, so I had to do something 😅💛 Can you guess what chapter this is from?
Damn Those Dog Tags Masterlist
Special thanks to @desert-fern @sarahsmi13s @teacupsandtopgun @startrekfangirl2233 @dakotakazansky and @callsignspitfire for your feedback over countless screenshots as I drew it and encouraging me to post it 😅💛
Tagging the tag list for DTDT here:
@blue-aconite @tinytotontheoversizedpony @djs8891 @caitsymichelle13
@ereardon @dempy @shanimallina87 @daggerspare-standingby
@phantomxoxo @formulapierre @eli2447 @fulla02 @blckgrl-sunflower @mizzzpink @ohgodnotagainn
@bubblegumbeautyqueen @lynnestra44 @memoriesat30 @penwieldingdreamer @mxlanciia
@bradleybeachbabe @bobby-r2d2-floyd @lavenderbradshaw @roosters-girl @lovinglyeternal @kmc1989 @gigisimsonmars
@keyrani @craftytrashprincess @hisredheadedgoddess28 @abzidabzy @memeorydotcom @vicsnook @taestrwbrry
@its-the-pilot @dizzybee03 @fanficfandomlove
And for those who followed along: @mycobrakai1972 @wherethewildfanlives @abaker74 @wildxwidow @penguin876
@tgmreader @hookslove1592 @pinkdisneygirl97 @superskittles
From the master tag list:
@lynnevanss @wretchedmo @stargazer-88 @redbarn1995
@bellaireland1981 @halibshepherd
-Lucky ☘️
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arcane-vagabond · 9 months ago
You’re gonna look me in the eye and tell me that Maverick, Goose, and Carole weren’t a polycule???
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sorchathered · 1 year ago
I just need everyone to know how much I truly love all of my author friends for sharing your work with me and sharing your WIPS, I love seeing how amazing and creative your minds are it’s so awesome to me that I get to hang out with such bad ass people.
Also @sailor-aviator is currently trying to murder me with DHTN 😭😭😭😭😭
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strawberryblondebutch · 1 month ago
Your regular disclaimer that I am not paid the big bucks for this - Soda played for Duluth from 2018 to 2023 (and served as their starter from 2020 onward). The Frost have a lot of WCHA players who played either with or against Duluth during that time period:
Minnesota Golden Gophers: Taylor Heise, Kelly Pannek (graduated before Soda started regularly), Grace Zumwinkle
Minnesota Duluth Bulldogs: Maggie Flaherty
Minnesota State Mavericks: Charlotte Akervik, Brooke Bryant, Claire Butorac
Ohio State Buckeyes: Sophie Jaques, Liz Schepers
St. Cloud State Huskies: Klara Hymlarova
Wisconsin Badgers: Natalie Buchbinder, Britta Curl
I'm not saying that's the only reason Soderberg has struggled so much against Minnesota specifically, but their player core is much more familiar with her than a team like the Sirens, who pull far more players from ECAC Hockey, USports, and Europe - by comparison, only 4.5 Sirens would have had any significant collegiate playing overlap with Soda - Knowles, Levis, Roque, Rosenthal, and Giguere, the last of whom did her graduate season at Duluth after playing with Colgate in undergrad.
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lucyswinter · 1 year ago
Request guidelines
Requests are : OPEN<3
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Who/what I write for:
-Cillian Murphy/ characters: (Jackson Rippner, Tom Shelby, Neil Lewis, Jonathan Crane, Kitten Braden, Jim: 28 days later, Emmett: a quiet place part II, Raymond Leon, Robert Fischer, Tom Buckley)
-Criminal Minds: Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, Penelope Garcia, JJ,
-The Bear: Sydney Adamu, Richie Jerimovich, Carmen Berzatto, Sugar Berzatto
-Saw: Lawrence Gordon, Adam Stanheight, Mark Hoffman, Peter Strahm, Amanda Young, Jill Tuck, Lynn Denlon (for ships: I’ll do chainshipping, coffinshipping, and shotgunshipping/lynnmanda!)
-American Horror Story (All seasons up to Cult with the addition of 1984. Only ships if they are canon (by season, I mean)! i.e: I won’t do Kit Walker (s2) x Madison Montgomery (s3) or anything! And for canon relationships, I will do any season besides NYC and Delicate as long as they are already together. For example, I would do Montana and Richard from 1984.)
-Nip/Tuck: Sean McNamara, Christian Troy, Matt McNamara, Julie McNamara, Liz Cruz, Eden Lord, Sophia Lopez, Kimber Henry
-DC villains (from the Nolan trilogy or Gotham tv show! I will specify from which one I mean. I’ll also write Batman but that’s the only “hero”/vigilante)
-Peaky blinders: Luca Changretta, Tom Shelby, Alfie Solomons, Finn Shelby, John Shelby, Arthur Shelby, Oswald Mosley
-Top Gun/ Top Gun: Maverick: any characters! (For ships, I only rlly know IceMav 😭 but I’m open to others! I’ll also do penny!reader)
-Bridgerton/ Queen Charolette: Daphne x Simon, George x Charolette, Anthony x Kate, Colin x Penelope (and all of these characters individually as well as Benedict, Violet, Eloise, and the Featherington sisters! *Edit for season 3*: Lord Debling, Lord Stirling, Lady Arnold, Lord Anderson, Francesca Bridgerton, Cressida Cowper)
-Community: Professor Ian Duncan, Jeff Winger, Abed Nadir, Britta Perry , Annie Edison, Troy Barnes
-Impractical Jokers: Joe Gatto, Sal Vulcano, James Murray, Brian Quinn
-Supernatural: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel, Destiel (will not do Wincest or Wincestiel)
-X-files: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, MSR
-BBC Sherlock (only JohnLock)
-Good omens (only Ineffable husbands)
-Hannibal (only Hannigram)
(Any other characters im open to! Just PM me to see if I know the fandom/media they’re in, or rec with a few options! I’ll ignore if I don’t know them <;3)
I will write: A bit ooc (depends on scenario 🤭), fluff, smut, small-ish age gap, AU’s, non romantic pairings, alternate endings, fem!/gn!/afab!reader, character x reader, character x character
I won’t write: Male!/nonbinary!/trans!reader (im a cis female so I will write gender neutral reader if requested, but most fics (unless specified) were written with a fem reader in mind :)), incest, underage reader (or character), dub/non-con
Thanks for reading! Feel free to PM requests if you aren’t comfortable sending them through the question button or want to work through the request :)
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chasingshadowsblog · 9 months ago
Review: Strictly Ballroom - Show Me Your Paso Doble
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Title: Strictly Ballroom Directed by: Baz Luhrmann Written by: Baz Luhrmann, Andrew Bovell, Craig Pearse Cast: Paul Mercurio, Tara Morice, Pat Thompson, Billy Hunter, Barry Otto Year: 1992
Sometimes you start watching a movie and you know that you're not going to like it. It's not bad, it's not offensive, it's just not the film you were looking for in that moment...
"Did I fail him as a mother?!" Baz Luhrmann opens his film with a series of interviews about an incident that occured at the Southern Districts Watarah Championships, in which main character and ballroom darling Scott Hastings blew his career by including non-regulated steps into his routine with partner Liz Holt. The world-building accomplished in this short segment is nothing short of exquisite. Not only is it very funny but the exaggerated reactions of Scott's friends and family throw the viewer into the deep end of the film's ballroom dancing world in a way that doesn't leave us confused, but completely understanding the level of scandal that Scott has incurred upon himself.
"I don't CARE about winning the Pan Pacific Grand Prix!" But Scott is no longer willing to compromise. He has something inside of him that he needs to put out into the world, even if it means killing his chances of becoming a champion. Enter Fran, a pimply, awkward but enthusiastic beginner who encourages Scott's new steps and defies all the rules of their world by approaching Scott and asking him to be her partner, "Look, a beginner has no right to approach an Open Amateur." "Yeah, well an Open Amateur has no right to dance non-Federation steps, but you did, didn't you?" Fran herself goes through little change throughout the film, having arrived fully formed as a young woman willing to call it as she sees it and who isn't afraid to put herself out there. Her feisty nature brings him back down to earth and while she might not be at the same level as Scott, Fran's passion for dance and desire to try something new is equal to his own.
Underneath Strictly Ballroom's main plot is a sweet and quiet love story between Scott and Fran, inevitable under the circumstances, but viewers would be mistaken to think that this is all the film is. The main story revolves around the maverick Scott and his defiance of the regulations imposed by head of the Australian Dancing Federation, Barry Fife, a plot which culminates in Scott launching himself onto the floor of the Pan Pacific Grand Prix in the costume of a bull-fighter, where he dances the paso doble with Fran - a Latin dance with connections to the military and bullfighters. Their initial practice of a rumba, a dance associated with love and sensuality, is over-taken by the more agressive and competitive paso doble as Scott frees himself more and more from the restrictions of the federation. Indeed, Scott has to re-learn the steps and soul of the paso doble from Fran's native Spanish father and grandmother, who laugh at his initial dance school version of the steps, "Show me your paso doble."
It is always interesting to see such a distinctive director's debut feature; while Strictly Ballroom is full of all the glitz, glamour and glitter that this world operates on, it is much less of a sensory overload than Luhrmann's later works like Moulin Rouge, The Great Gatsby and Elvis. Still, hints of the director to come can be found in the visceral world-building, Fran and Scott's magical dance in front of the Coca-Cola sign, and the glamorous costumes and over-the-top hairstyles of the dancing community. However, it in the quieter moments that the film truly shines; when Scott watches Fran's father dancing in the half-light of their back-yard with only clapping and a guitar for accompaniment or when Scott and Fran dance their beautifully intimate rumba behind the curtains, stripped bare of the costumery and drama of the competition floor. These are the film's most powerful moments, where Scott finally finds the passion, truth and intensity he's been looking for.
Other bits:
the way Scott, Liz, Wayne and Vanessa come out onto the ballroom floor at the beginning of the film like the popular kids that they are (chef's kiss)
"There was no doubt in anyone's mind that Scott and Liz would be the next Pan Pacific Grand Prix Amateur Five Dance Latin American Champions."
"Hi Liz! I thought you should have wo-" Fran gets punched by Liz (while we don't want to see Fran get punched by anyone the comic timing of this moment is inarguably hilarious)
"I want Ken Railings to walk in here right now and say, "Pam Short's broken both her legs and I want to dance with you!" "Pam Short's broken both her legs and I want to dance with you."
Tara Morice is so funny in this film, her timing is brilliant
Fran's excitement and Scott's pleasure and laughter at seeing her so excited when he tells her he wants to dance with her at the competition is such a sweet, beautiful little moment between the two of them (and likely the first time in a long time that Scott has enjoyed or been around someone who enjoys dancing in such an honest care-free way) (IMO)
"It was announced today her partner of ten years Nathan Starkey will be retiring because of commitments to his landscape gardening business."
"The inconceivable sight of Scott dancing with Fran!"
Fran's dad and abuela are wonderful
"Muy bien, Fran. Very good." I love this moment, the two of them dancing together and the surprise on his face
shout-out to cinematographer Steve Mason, MVP
Wayne's heroic leap to unplug the microphone
the soundtrack
I haven't seen his name brought up much when reading about the film but the choreographer is John O'Connell
fun fact: Scott's been dancing since he was six years old
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nerdgirljen · 1 year ago
Got my Panel Moderation schedule for DragonCon
Liz is on the fucking ball with the Alternate & Historical Fiction Track! So at some point during the weekend, I will be moderating the following panels:
Lessons in Chemistry Fan Panel - It's probably going to touch on the show and the book... which means I need to watch the show. And I have all intentions on watching it... but now that I know that a certain character dies, I have to work myself up to watching it.
Bridgerton Fan Panel - Yall, it's Polin season, and I'm going to be ridiculous during this panel. I'm ready for Penelope and Colin's story to play out, and while I don't agree with how the showrunners ended them in Season 2, I'm ready for the carriage, the mirror, and Mr. Colin "My Wife" Bridgerton."
Cozy Mysteries & Crime Fighting Pets - This is the 3rd year of hosting a cozy mystery panel, and this year we're going to talk about the pets that are integral to the genre. And believe me, the good cozy mystery series always has a pet or two... sometimes even a ghost pet... or a fantastical pet... Or sometimes a familiar.
I'll also just be a panelist for their Boddice Ripping panel that will talk about books/tv shows/movies in the Alternate & Historical Fiction genre that talks about smut. That's pretty much all that's going on there. I admit that I don't read much historical romance - unless Nora Roberts western romances count - but I've seen Bridgerton and Outlander... and that's about it, so I may end up backing out of this one depending on the rest of my schedule.
I do know that I will be leading another Disney Vacations for Beginners panel for Kids Track. I'll be the only Travel Agent on the panel, and I will be bringing a bunch of giveaways and Disney Parks/Cruise Line info to the people who come to the panel. I'm going to try to not cry during the panel this year, but no promises. (We were talking about emergencies while on vacation, and since I had just gone through a vacation where Hurricane Ian decided to butt in... I was able to give my experience on how Disney treated guests who were stranded and had to stay to ride out the storm.)
As for panels for American Sci-Fi and Fantasy, I hope I'll get to do a few panels for them, but since there's not really been much in the way of MCU shows/movies come out, and since Arrow has been finished for a few years, I'm not entirely sure what panels I'd be most interested in... new Ghostbusters, definitely. Twisters? Hell to the yeah. And I have to face it, anything Top Gun: Maverick will be part of Military and Sci-Fi Media Track... I may need to ingratiate myself with them...
This post was mostly for @love-in-light, but if any of yall find yourself at DragonCon this year, feel free to hit me up! We can get a drink or something, or maybe wave awkwardly at each other since I'm shy af in meeting new people. Lmao.
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docrotten · 8 months ago
SNOWBEAST (1977) – Episode 220 – Decades of Horror 1970s
“I quit being a skier in 1968 because the other skiers were mavericks!” Well, isn’t that special? Join your faithful Grue Crew – Doc Rotten, Bill Mulligan, Chad Hunt, and Jeff Mohr – as they check out some cryptid horror from the television screens of the 1970s with Snowbeast (1977)!
Decades of Horror 1970s Episode 220 – Snowbeast (1977)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Decades of Horror 1970s is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL (https://wickedhorrortv.com/) which now includes video episodes of the podcast and is available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and its online website across all OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop.
Synopsis: A Colorado ski resort is besieged by a sub-human beast that commits brutal murders on the slopes.
  Directed by: Herb Wallerstein
Written by: Joseph Stefano
Selected Cast:
Bo Svenson as Gar Seberg
Yvette Mimieux as Ellen Seberg
Robert Logan as Tony Rill
Clint Walker as Sheriff Paraday
Sylvia Sidney as Carrie Rill
Thomas Babson as Buster (as Thomas W. Babson)
Jacquie Botts as Betty Jo
Kathy Christopher as Jennifer
Jamie Jamison as John Cochran
Richard Jamison as Ben Cochran
Liz Jury as Mrs. Blodgett
Richard Jury as Charlie Braintree (as Ric Jury)
Rob McClung as Deputy #2
Annie McEnroe as Heidi (as Anne McEncroe)
Victor Raider-Wexler as Deputy Holt
Prentiss Rowe as Billy ��� Bell Captain
Michael J. London as The Snowbeast
Daniel Mandehr as Ski Instructor (uncredited)
Brett Palmer as John (uncredited)
Remember those great made-for-TV horror movies from the 1970s? You know the ones. They had familiar stars, and some were very, very good films like The Night Stalker (1974) and Salem’s Lot (1979). In this episode, the 70s Grue Crew returns to that well with Snowbeast (1977). Familiar stars? Bo Svenson, Yvette Mimieux, Robert Logan, Clint Walker, and Sylvia Sidney. Check. A very, very good film? Not so much. According to Bill, Snowbeast should be known as No Beast for its skimpy reveal of the title character. But there is that beautiful skiing footage. Oh well. Someone out there loves Snowbeast. Now, if we could just find them.
At the time of this writing, Snowbeast (1977 is available to stream from Amazon Prime, Tubi, Crackle, Plex, and Freevee. 
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1970s is part of the Decades of Horror two-week rotation with The Classic Era and the 1980s. In two weeks, the next episode, chosen by Bill, will be Colussus: The Forbin Project (1970), a science fiction thriller about a computer takeover. Wait. Is it science fiction if it’s already happening?
We want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: comment on the site or email the Decades of Horror 1970s podcast hosts at [email protected]
Check out this episode!
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cammie-morgan-goode · 2 years ago
If solomon is nice guy, what do you think are the codenames of Rachel, Abby, Zach and Townsend?
Hi friend! So here’s a list of code names we do have:
Solomon—Wise Guy
Now here’s what I think everyone else’s codenames are:
Zach—Boy Wonder or Tough-Guy (because of his mother he’s “Boy Wonder” but also I think “Pick it up tough guy,” or something like “you gonna hit me tough guy?” Was used a lot And idk why but it like stuck plus it’s kinda like Joe’s orrrrr Maverick because he’s a risk taker! Or maybe Shadow? I’m so conflicted on Zach’s codename
Abby—Cherrybomb (because let’s be real Abby is go big or go home)
Rachel—Buttercup or Foxtrot (I feel like that stuck because of a mission with Matt where they had to foxtrot or something)
Matt—Haystack (farm boy and he’s hard to find like a needle in a haystack) or M&M because reasons. What about Shadow? Or maybe that’s Zach’s….
Townsend—Tagalong (when he went through training he followed behind everyone else so he got called “tag along Townsend”) (I originally thought of something along the lines of Tango or Doomsday??)
Kim—Possible or Stoppable or KP, because of Kim Possible and you can fight me on that
Tina—Cosmo(s) like cosmopolitan magazine (not my idea so credit goes to the gals in discord)
(Written by: @cammie-morgan-goode)
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klirk-hammurton · 2 years ago
@callsignred and myself are starting up a discord server for Top Gun and Top Gun Maverick. We are in need of more people to join. Message me or Liz for details on the server.
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alegendoftomorrow · 1 year ago
Ice Skating
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Summary: A fun outing after Christmas turns into a tease fest when one of the Dagger Squad may not be as good at everything as they pretend to be.
OC: Olivia Carter (Liv, Livy, Olive,). Photo Journalist assigned to the Dagger squad to do a piece on Naval Aviators in the modern world. Official character sheet coming soon!
Word Count:1,971
Warnings: None
A/N: This is my first entry into @sailor-aviator ‘s winter challenge. My prompt was ice skating, though I did also use this as a springboard for a possible series that I hope to start soon. Now, is this late... so very much so. Did life decide to send me into the new year with one finale kick…. Also yes. Is this also the first personal thing I’ve written for myself in a long time…also yes. But I had so much fun doing it and it feels good to get back to writing again. I hope you all have a phenomenal New Year and you find all the things you were looking for…. Enjoy some Christmas in February
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“This was a terrible idea,” Jake’s voice calls from somewhere behind Liv. His tone lacking its usual confident swagger as she turns towards it to find him clutching the edge of the ice like it’s his lifeline. His feet slipping and wobbling as he attempts to walk rather than skate.
“I thought you said you had been skating before?” Liv called as she glided closer to him. Stopping sharply in front of him and meeting his pouting glare with an innocent smile.
“Yeah, when I was ten,” he said sharply. Ducking his head in something that resembled sheepishness. “I thought it was like riding a bike.”
Liv shouldn’t laugh. She really shouldn’t. Yet she can’t help the barely contained giggle that bursts past her lips that she tries to disguise as a cough. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s not funny. Just try to—”
“What’s not funny?” Bradley’s voice cuts through her words and the Christmas music still playing on the loud speakers around them. “Seriously Hangman, you’re still attached to the wall? You know there are five-year-old’s doing laps around you right?”
Jake rolls his eyes and mumbles something unintelligible, his hand coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose while Bradley leans down and kisses Liv’s cheek. His mustache scratching her warm skin in a way that still sets her heart racing like it did the very first time he kissed her there. His arm wrapping around her waist and tugging her closer to his side. Effortlessly using his strength to keep them both balanced and upright.
“Come on my love leave the poor man alone. Can’t you see he’s struggling enough?” Liv playfully smacks Bradley’s shoulder as he throws his head back and laughs. The California sun catching his blonde-brown curls and throwing that warm light back down onto Liv. Momentarily making her forget there are other people around her until Jake very loudly clears his throat.
“If you two are about to start making heart eyes at each other again I’m going to throw up.”
“Oh, whose making heart eyes?” A voice calls out. All three sets of eyes turn to find Mickey and Reuban skating towards them. Bundled up like everyone else around them against the “cold”. Matching knitted candy cane stripped scarves around their necks that were a gift from Reuban’s wife. They’d opened them yesterday when they’d gotten back and had yet to take them off. Somehow Mickey seemed more excited them Reuban had been. Proudly declaring “his shared wife” had made it for him. Reuban had found this far less amusing then the rest of the squad.
“No one is,” Bradley said quickly. Squeezing Liv closer he nodded towards Jake who was doing hi sbets to look like he didn’t need the wall to stay balanced. “We were just making fun of Jake here and his inability to skate.”
“You can’t skate?!” Mickey’s voice added to the shock in his wide eyes and dumbfounded expression.
“I can—”
“No way!” Reuban continued. “You mean there is something even the great Hangman himself can’t do.”
Jake sighed deeply and hung his head into his hand, groaning as the teasing continued. Liv wanted to feel bad but considering Jake was often the first to jump on someone else’s weakness she really didn’t feel too bad about it.
“Yeah, well not all of us grew up in the ice and snow,” he weakly shot back. Another round of laughter as Bradley argued that he too had grown up in California for some time, and Mickey put in that he’d grew up without snow too.
Liv just leaned into Bradley’s chest and looked at the group with an amused smile. The California heat was new to her. As was a Christmas and New Year without snow. Her parent’s farmhouse was likely half buried in snow and the pond she’d learned to skate on would have been frozen for months.
“Yeah, and didn’t Javy grow up in New Orleans?” Bradley added with a pretend thoughtful expression. “Yet I know that man can skate nearly as good as Livy here.” He jostled Liv out of her thoughts for a moment.
“Speaking if Javy, where is your wingman, Jake?” She asked.
“Oh, he hasn’t made it to the ice yet,” Mickey said. Pointing across the rink to the outdoor rental building where Javy was leaning against the counter with a wide grin as his hands animated the story, he was telling to the beautiful woman working the counter. “Yeah, he’s too busy flirting to come and save you.”
The woman laughed at something Javy said and Jake gave a long-suffering sigh, a look of betrayal crossing his face.
“Don’t make that face.” Liv smirked. “Like you haven’t done the same thing to him a thousand time.” She raised her eyebrow in an almost dare to have him disagree with her. He did not.
“Yeah, well how come Bob gets to sit this activity out?” He shot back instead.
They all looked over to the row of bleachers sparsely filed with mothers helping their kids tie up their skates, friends huddled around hot chocolate mugs laughing with whipped cream on their faces, and a few older people with cameras waving to their families on the ice. Right in the middle was Bob. His cheeks covered in a pink blush as he stuttered his way through an explanation of his booted ankle while he helped a woman’s young daughter stand up in her skates. The woman’s son was sitting on Bob’s other side continually shaking his head when his mom tried to offer him a pair of skates. Bob must have said he would watch him because the woman smiled and took Bob’s hand, nodding her thanks which made the blush on Bob’s cheeks worse. He nervously adjusted his glasses and pointed to the ice, saying something that made the little girl laugh.
Good for him, Liv thought as she turned her gaze back to Jake who was growing increasingly annoyed.
“Because he twisted his ankle playing volleyball with us all yesterday,” Nat said. Her sudden appearance causing them all to jump and Jake to scramble back into the wall.
“A little warning next time Tasha!”
“Sorry,” she said in a way that made it clear she wasn’t sorry at all. “What are we all doing hovering awkwardly over here?”
“Jake can’t skate,” Mickey supplied.
“We’re making fun of him,” Reuban added.
“I hate all of you,” Jake shot back.
“Even me?” Liv asked. Turning out of Bradley’s grip to face Jake fully with her best puppy dog eyes.
“Especially you Olive. This was your idea.” Jake pointed a finger at her and yet there was no venom in his words.
Liv gasped and gripped at her heart. Mock hurt flashing across her face as she fell backwards and suppressed a laugh when Bradley’s strong hands caught her. “I’m hurt Jake. You have wounded me and I don’t think I can recover from this.”
She peeked an eye open just in time to watch Jake roll his eyes and the other laugh.
“You’ll get over it,” he promised.
Before Liv could say anything back, a very breathless and unsteady Javy called out for them as he skated quickly towards them before nearly crashing into Mickey and Reuban. Both men exclaiming as they caught him and scrambled to catch their balance. Bradley pushing Liv back to standing and Nat skating a step forward with her hands out to help if needed.
“And where have you been?” Jake asked accusingly when Javy had been rightened back onto his own feet. Though Mickey and Reuban kept their hands floating beside him just in case.
“Whoa, whoa why the aggression?” Javy asked with only mild confusion. Liv recognized that mischievous glint in his eyes as meaning he was only half listening to whatever any of them said. He had come here with a plan. “I was only gone a few minutes.”
“It’s been half an hour and I could have used some backup,” Jake said.
Javy tilted his head and scanned his eyes over all their faces for a moment before just shrugging and plowing on to what he’d come here to say. “Okay so I was talking to Claire and—”
“Who’s Claire?” Natasha asked.
“Unimportant,” Javy continued. “Anyways—”
“She’s the woman renting out skates,” Liv whispered to Natasha who leaned over so she could see the woman in question and then nodded.
“She’s cute.”
“I know.”
“—So, she says her friend Amelia is the best there is,” Javy finished with a flourish.
“Wait. Who’s Amelia?” Liv asked. Clearly having missed something while talking to Natasha.
Javy fixed both of them with an exasperated look. “Do either of you ever pay attention when I talk?”
“As a general rule of thumb, no,” Natasha teased.
“If it makes you feel better, I don’t listen to any of you,” Liv added.
“Hey!” Bradley turned to face her with a pout. His honey brown eyes locking onto hers as he stuck his bottom lip out.
“That doesn’t include you, my love. I always listen to you,” Liv added quickly. Cupping his cheek and patting it softly with her fingers.
A chorus of groans and gagging noises followed the action.
“Alright back on topic. Amelia is the red head over there that’s offering lessons. She’s also single,” Javy added with a smirk.
More groans and eye rolls followed as they all watched Jake’s interest immediately shift to the woman a few feet away from them. She was tall and had a white hat pulled down over her ears, her long red hair only barley contained in a thick braid down her back. Smaller red curls poked out around her face and her ice blue eyes were filled with light as she clapped for a pair of siblings who had just finished skating the length of the rink without falling.
“Don’t worry I already talked her up for you.” Javy nudged Jake in the ribs and the other man’s confident smile once again wavered. His eyes snapping to Javy.
“What did you tell her?”
“Only the good things don’t worry. Come on, consider it my very late Christmas present to you.” Javy didn’t give Jake a chance to protest as he wrapped his arm around his and dragged him over towards the woman. Jake attempting to still look as tall and in control of the situation as he still white-knuckle gripped the wall.
“Oh, this I have to see,” Natasha said as she too moved to follow after them.
“I’ll race you there,” Mickey dared. Tucking the edges of his scarf back into his jacket so he was ready.
“Twenty bucks says I beat all of you,” Reuban chimed in. Living up to his callsign as Bradley and Liv shared a look before declaring their intention to race too.
“Let’s maybe not race towards the group of beginners though,” Liv said. Pointing instead to the bleachers on the other side of the rink where Bob was still conversing with the young boy beside him.
The pilots and Liv all lined up against the wall and waited for an opening while Natasha cupped her hands to her mouth and called out.
“Bob! Call it when we get there.”
Bob looked up and squinted at them before shaking his head with a sigh and flashing a thumbs up. Liv was pretty sure he mumbled something about pilots and there need for speed but her lip-reading skills weren’t the best.
“Go!” She called.
More laughter mixed with the sound of skates cutting into ice as the last bars of Jingle Bells played on the loud speakers. Just for this moment at least, they were safe and happy, and really that was all any of them had wanted for Christmas anyway.
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14 notes · View notes
"Did I now?" you quipped back, your eyes narrowing playfully as you tried to find this alleged missed spot on the wall. Jake sauntered closer, a teasing glint in his eyes. "You did, right here," he pointed vaguely towards the wall. You followed his finger towards the piece of crown moulding you had touched up white, but nothing was amiss. "You're trying to mess with me, aren't you?" He shrugged, the corners of his lips turning up into a smirk. "Maybe. Or maybe I just wanted to see you stretch a bit more, get a better view."
I love their banter! They're so sweet and relaxed when they're together. (Also this is going behind a readmore)
As he gathered his things, you sat in his stark grey kitchen, frowning at the lack of warmth. It was stereotypical of someone who had a military career. Besides a few picture frames and a framed Long Horns jersey, the place lacked signs of life, all sharp edges and bare surfaces. You rushed him out of there the second you could. Jake deserved to have a life filled with life, memories and bright colours. One full of love. 
This is so sweet and kind of sad. Is this because of his dad and how he was brought up? Does he believe that he doesn't deserve all of the things that Liz does because of his dad and his a2a?
His skin was warm under your wandering hands, his lips soft and aggressive against yours. Till Jake slid his hand up into the roots of your hair, firmly pulling your head back to expose your neck, his lips tracking the ridges of your trachea.  "Fuck, Jake," you gasped, nails biting into his skin. His hand groped the meaty part of your ass, spreading your cheek and heat pooled in the pit of your stomach.  "Fuck, I need you so goddamn bad," he gruffed out.   In the span of seconds, Jake had unclipped the two clasps holding the straps of your overalls together, pushing them over your shoulders and reaching for the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head. You pulled him down by the back of his neck, kissing him hard and gasping for breath, scraping your nails down the ridges of his chest.
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Jake set a harsh pace, a steady claiming rhythm that has you falling to the desk, crying louder and louder each time he hits deep. He's rambling about how pretty you look from his angle, mixing in various swear words while pressing bruises the shape of his fingertips to your hips. He makes a strangled noise, one that has him doubling down and reaching for your shoulder.  
I truly love their intimacy with each other.
You lightly slapped him on his shoulder, prompting him to hum, "I never slept with any of them." You widened your eyes, shocked, pulling yourself up onto your elbows to look down at him kissing your breasts. "You're lying." Jake shook his head, never lifting it once. "I would never lie to you." "But the sign in the girl's bathroom? That.. I was throwing that at you almost constantly. You never said anything."
HE NEVER? WITH THEM? So it was just him being a good guy?
"Fucking hell, Rooster!" you tried to shoot up off Sadie's bedroom floor, angry and feeling like you had been duped. "Bradley Bradshit Fucking Bradshaw, oh, I'm going to fucking murder you!" Jake pushed you back down to the floor, laughing at your reaction. "You fucking meathead, you were the one sleeping with people, weren't you?! Your name was on that list, too!"
Bradley Bradshit Fucking Bradshaw! My favorite name for him, I swear.
I want the two of us to continue being the reason you come home so you never have to know a life that's not full of love."
This is the line that I think I will forever remember for eviscerating me.
"She wouldn't have given them back to me if she didn't want you in our lives, Jake," you continued. "All along, that's what she's been doing. Showing you she cares. Since you helped her with her math homework." You cupped his face gently, ensuring he was focusing entirely on you. "She doesn't, Jake. She misses you. She cares for you. She loves you so much." He chuckled softly, "I swear she knew half the answers after that first day but just wanted to spend time together." "She's more astute than we give her credit for," You said with a grin, nuzzling closer to him.
There's our Sadie-bug. So astute and gorgeous and mature.
"Thank you for bringing me back to her," his voice carrying sincerity unknown and rare to Bradley. "To them. For saving my life." "You two okay?" Bradley asked, tilting his head towards you.
Finally! Do I sense a little truce?
"You're defiling government property, darlin'." "You're not on duty, are you? That makes you mine." "Oh, you're going to pay for that later." "Am I?" you said, making sure your lips were just over his, just barely, enough so he might feel your breath but not your touch.
EEEEEK! I love them. This relaxed happy teasing version of them? I adore it.
But the ribbon she had won slipped from her hand at her side, falling to the ground, forgotten. She stumbled backwards a few steps as her mind caught up with the sight. Sadie couldn't believe it. Because everyone she had ever cared about, one way or another, had been taken away from her beyond anyone's control. Uncle Jake was here. He came back. He was alive. He was home. "Uncle Jake!" She cried out, finally propelling herself into a run, going straight past Nat, you, and forgoing Bradley entirely to beeline it to him. The tension released from Jake's shoulders as he dropped to his knees into the dirt, holding out his arms to take the crying girl into his arms.
This? This is when I started crying. Jake and Sadie's relationship is so special, so sweet.
"Of course, I made it home, Bug," Jake said, pressing a soft kiss into her hair. "I had to make it home to both of my girls."
both of my girls 🥹🥹🥹🥹
Then a grin stretched across her face, reminding you so much of Ridley. "Finally. My job here is over." Little matchmaker, indeed. You gasped affectionately, playing along as if you didn't know she had been trying to get the two of you together. "Why, you little..."
They couldn't have done it without her and she knows it!
"As much as he needs Liz, he needs Sadie too."
Oh my god. You did it! You successfully made Bradley Bradshaw have a character arc! He can show emotions and process them!
All kidding about Bradley and Jake aside... I'm so in love with this story you created out of your magical wonderful brain. Everything about Jake and Liz's relationship, Jake and Sadie's relationship is so realistic and well thought out. I can't get over how wonderfully you portray emotions and how organically realistic Jake and Liz's connection is. Everything is so perfectly to character for the Daggers and their relationships too.
I can't believe there is only one chapter left before the end. It's been a wild, wholly memorable ride, Lucky! I can't wait to see what you write next!
Damn Those Dog Tags: Part 22 - JUMP
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📜 Second last one till the finish! 😭But we get Jake and Sadie's reunion in this one, and some more smut between Jake and Liz! This is also what I'd classify as Sadie's song amongst the bunch.
❗️+18, strong language, godmother reader/original female character, an original child character, reunions, sexual themes (I mean smut, so get out of here if you ain't +18, I mean it!!! Also wrap it before you tap it! minors DNI.), and fluff.
#8k words
Part 21 | Masterlist | Part 23
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"You missed a spot."
You eyed Jake standing in the doorway to Sadie's room, bare-chested, from your spot on the ladder with a paintbrush in hand.
"Did I now?" you quipped back, your eyes narrowing playfully as you tried to find this alleged missed spot on the wall. Jake sauntered closer, a teasing glint in his eyes.
"You did, right here," he pointed vaguely towards the wall. You followed his finger towards the piece of crown moulding you had touched up white, but nothing was amiss.
"You're trying to mess with me, aren't you?"
He shrugged, the corners of his lips turning up into a smirk. "Maybe. Or maybe I just wanted to see you stretch a bit more, get a better view."
Rolling your eyes, you dipped the paintbrush into the tray, contemplating whether to flick a bit of paint at him. "You're impossible," you said with mock exasperation.
"That's why you love me."
Shaking your head, you resumed your painting but couldn't help the smile that crept onto your face.
It had been a few days since Jake's return. With each day that had passed, Jake's back was slowly healing. You'd account it him being as fit as he was, but after the first few, he no longer limped around the house.
You had gone back to his apartment with him to gather some of his things. If it wasn't the urge to take care of him and have him as close as possible after what happened, it was the fact you finally got a glimpse of what his life was like when he was alone.
As he gathered his things, you sat in his stark grey kitchen, frowning at the lack of warmth. It was stereotypical of someone who had a military career. Besides a few picture frames and a framed Long Horns jersey, the place lacked signs of life, all sharp edges and bare surfaces.
You rushed him out of there the second you could. Jake deserved to have a life filled with life, memories and bright colours. One full of love. 
You were putting the last finishing touches on the walls of her room, and Jake was assembling her new desk chair and bed frame out in the hall.
The two of you had stayed up last night to get her desk built, the thing probably missing one too many bolts and screws, considering how many you had left over. It was tucked neatly into the corner of her room, out of the way of any wet paint.
If all went to plan, her room would be ready in time for when you went to pick her up the day after tomorrow.
Jake circled around your ladder, coming closer and eyeing the paint tray on the top step.
"Don't even think about it," you warned, holding your brush out in some type of threat to get him to stop.
He grinned mischievously, dipping his finger into the tray and flicking a droplet of paint directly onto your arm. "Oops," he said, feigning innocence.
"Jake!" you exclaimed, feigning horror at the small speck of paint on your skin, missing the splatter on your overalls. Without warning, you retaliated, swinging your paintbrush toward him and slapping a generous amount of paint to his cheek.
You tried to stop your laugh.
His eyes widened in mock surprise, and he touched his cheek, smearing the paint a bit more. "Oh, you're asking for it now," he threatened playfully, eyeing you.
You let out a challenging laugh. "You started it, Hangman."
Trying to reach for more paint, Jake's arms were suddenly around you, lifting you off the ladder and settling you down to the ground. Your shouts of protests of 'watch your back' fell on his deaf ears as he spun you to face him, pressing his paint-battered cheek up against yours. You squealed, yelping out his name as he ran his hands up and down the length of your body, smearing the remains of white paint across the denim.
"This is counterproductive. We will never finish her room in time."
"Ah, the wall can wait." he grinned, leaning back to take in his handiwork. For a moment, the two of you just stood there, you wiping, trying to pick away at a dried spec of paint under his eye, and Jake, trying to separate a few strains of your hair from your face.
You smiled up at him, lifting up on the balls of your feet to press your lips to his. It was meant to be a quick kiss, one full of affection and giddiness. But Jake tightened his grip on your waist, tugging you closer and taking what was a movement for you to take a breath, to part your lips in a savage kiss. 
His skin was warm under your wandering hands, his lips soft and aggressive against yours. Till Jake slid his hand up into the roots of your hair, firmly pulling your head back to expose your neck, his lips tracking the ridges of your trachea. 
"Fuck, Jake," you gasped, nails biting into his skin. His hand groped the meaty part of your ass, spreading your cheek and heat pooled in the pit of your stomach. 
"Fuck, I need you so goddamn bad," he gruffed out.  
In the span of seconds, Jake had unclipped the two clasps holding the straps of your overalls together, pushing them over your shoulders and reaching for the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head. You pulled him down by the back of his neck, kissing him hard and gasping for breath, scraping your nails down the ridges of his chest.
 He spun you, guiding you a few steps to the corner of the room, bending you slightly over the newly built desk with a hand pressed between your shoulder blades.
"Jake, we can't. Not on Sadie's desk."
"Don't you think we should test it?" he panted out next to your ear, hand sliding down the front of your stomach under your bunched overalls and underwear to cup your cunt, fingers spreading your folds. "Make sure it's secure?"
You whimpered at his touch, your knees on the verge of giving out were it not for your grip on the desk. Jake groaned, curling a finger into your spot. "Ugh, you're so wet for me. Only for me."
Your knees wobbled as he thumbed your clit, and you fell forward, only for Jake to quickly slide his hand at your hip, possessively up your stomach to the center of your chest. With his arm bracketed around your body, you were pulled upright, trapped between him and the desk.
You could do nothing but tilt your head back against his shoulder, leaving your neck exposed, as Jake simultaneously squeezed your breast and pinched your nipple, working his hand into your spot. His mouth was just as bad, going for all the spots he had a chance to study in greater detail that he knew would make you crumble.
"Please, Liz, let me have you again," he groaned desperately into the side of your neck. Turning your head, you met his lips in a desperate kiss, his lips muffling your confirmation before he popped the button on your hip and shoved your overalls down.
You had gone so long without intimacy in your life that you found yourself surprised at how easily you gave in to Jake.
After that first time, the two of you had a long discussion about what the two of you were okay with. Jake ashamedly admitted it was a conversation the two of you should have had after the fair, before the night in his truck, maybe even before the two of you even started dating. But you had assured him he had done nothing so far that you weren't comfortable with, and he had pretty much asked for your consent each time.
And it became clear to you soon after that Jake clearly loved sex.
Reaching for the buckle, Jake's belt clinked as he quickly unworked the strap, the leather hitting the back of your thigh, making you whine. You could even feel the back of his hand as he unzipped his fly and shoved his jeans down, cock jutting out to rub against your folds.
His breath was haggard as he stepped out of them and knocked your leg to the side, grabbing his length only to rub the head teasing against your entrance. You mewled, curling around his arm against your chest.  
"Stop teasing me, Jake," you panted, tilting your hips so that you might thrust yourself back to catch him mid-tease.
"Tell me to do it," he uttered throatily into your ear, having caught on to your attempt, rubbing the head against your clit. "Tell me how good I make you feel." 
But you're not weak, and your resolve is strong. What does your smart mouth reply with, "I have nothing else to compare you to." 
Dropping his forehead to your shoulder, he growls, positioning himself at your entrance. "It's only me. It will only ever be me, making you feel like this, giving you this pleasure, only me fucking you. Loving you. No one else." 
You smirk, knowing you've caught him. "Prove it." 
Jake slid home in one stroke, burying himself in you with a groan, hands grabbing both your hips. 
There were only two other times Jake and you did this. Once after dinner one night during a movie on the couch, and the other in your kitchen while you made coffee. That's not to say other things didn't happen, but with each time you took him, the stretch became easier to handle.
"So tight, darlin'. Ugh, look at you gripping my cock." 
Jake set a harsh pace, a steady claiming rhythm that has you falling to the desk, crying louder and louder each time he hits deep. He's rambling about how pretty you look from his angle, mixing in various swear words while pressing bruises the shape of his fingertips to your hips. He makes a strangled noise, one that has him doubling down and reaching for your shoulder.  
"Tell me where, darlin. Where?!" 
You wanted to feel it again.
"Inside. Please, Jake."
He fell against your back, pinning you to the surface as his hips clashed with yours with newfound vigour. "Yeah? You want me to fill you?"
You whimpered. You knew that tone.
He was going to make you beg for it.
"I said, do you want me to fill you?!" he demanded on a particularly hard thrust. 
You were too far gone to care how you sounded now. 
"Yes, Yes, Yes, please, Jake. Please, cum in me." 
Cold shock surrounds you as Jake pulls his cock from your cunt, causing you to cry out against the surface of the desk at the sudden loss. Then suddenly, you're being pulled up, a duel grip on the bends of your elbows against his chest, stumbling as he guides you away from Sadie's desk.
On weak legs and in supportive arms, you tumble to the ground, letting Jake manhandle you until you are on your back and your legs are wrapped around his waist, him on his knees with his cock, red, angry, poised at your entrance.
Panting, you cock an eyebrow at him in question, but Jake, ruggedly pants out, "I need to see your face," before he presses back in with a rough whine.
"Fuck, Elizabeth. I'm never going to get enough of you."
"Jake," you cry out, gripping the old sheet you used to cover Sadie's bedroom floor above your head.
His eyes darken as he starts his pace again, quickly amounting to rapid punches that have you biting into your bicep. Your screams are muffled, sounding out each time he hits the back of your cervix. It scares you a little bit, this level of desperation, to be wanted on his level by someone. But you knew, above all else, you were the safest when you were with Jake, even now.
Suddenly, Jake's mouth is wrapped around the bend of your jaw, you taking it as a sign he wants you to give him your mouth. You do, curving your spine upward as he takes both of your wrists stretched above your head into the grip of a single hand. He pins you down, taking each desperate cry, every wanton moan, into his mouth as his hips meet yours again and again and again, working to build that release once more.
Then, somewhere in the back of your mind, you register yourself saying you're close, urging him not to stop, never to stop, to keep driving into you, for him to give you everything.
It makes him thrust harder. Makes him take his hand, not holding on to you, and hike your thigh higher on his waist. It makes him gasp into your open mouth, "Always such a good girl, always letting me know what she likes. What she wants. How she takes my cock... How she wants to feel me cum inside her. Oh, fuck, Liz, I'm going to cum."
You scream from his words alone.
Jake sets his teeth into your shoulder, pulling you tight as he finds his release with a needy growl. You whine into his shoulder, a cry following close behind as your muscles pull taunt, and your stomach burns as you clench around him. He slows his thrusts, letting you milk him for all he's worth, until he stills, sagging his entire weight into you and in no rush to leave your warmth.
You can feel rough, harsh pants against your chest that match your own as Jake draws his head down to rest between your breasts, finding a moment's peace as he regains his strength.
Sadie would definitely kill the two of you if she ever found out when she got older.
"Ugh, I'd quit Penny's too if I only had to experience that once in my life."
Jake snickered against your chest, rubbing the outside of your thigh gently. "I'm curious. Where did you hear that story anyway?"
You lifted your head off the ground, staring at him funny.
"Wait, what? It was the reason Penny hired me back? She was short-staffed because there was this pilot," you said, poking him in the shoulder trying to play along, "who was scaring them off after having one-night stands with them."
A faint chuckle slipped from Jake's lips. It was subtle, a mere puff of breath between your breasts. But then it grew, his shoulders starting to shake, and with each second that passed, his voice grew louder and louder.
"What?" you asked him, a smile on your face. Your question only made him laugh harder, making him growl into the side of your breast. "Jake! What's going on?"
You lightly slapped him on his shoulder, prompting him to hum, "I never slept with any of them."
You widened your eyes, shocked, pulling yourself up onto your elbows to look down at him kissing your breasts.
"You're lying."
Jake shook his head, never lifting it once. "I would never lie to you."
"But the sign in the girl's bathroom? That.. I was throwing that at you almost constantly. You never said anything."
"One was having trouble with her... ex, I guess that's what he was?" he started, mouthing the top of your breast. "He slashed her tires during her shift, and I gave her a lift home a couple of times. She said she didn't feel safe with him lurking about and was debating quitting anyway."
You raised your eyebrows, slowly lowering yourself back down to the floor.
"One was trying to get her girlfriend to come to her senses after a fight. She had been offered a publishing job requiring her to move." He gently slid his nose up the length of your clavicle, snuggling his face into your neck and holding you close. "I was just playing a role, pretending to flirt with her. Last I heard, they got married and bought a house together somewhere in Seattle."
Your mouth dropped open.
"The last one was just a troublemaker, running her mouth about sleeping with all the new recruits. She managed to get her nails into Rooster and then saw me as her next victim. I might have had a rep, but I wasn't going to cross Rooster like that. Even back then. She left shortly after."
"Penny didn't know about any of this?"
Jake shook his head. "All of it happened around the time Penny and Mav went on a vacation. The one with the girlfriend wasn't out to anyone yet, and the girl with the ex... well, I'd rather her ex focus on me than her. The tramp just fit the rep I had, so denying anything would have been a waste. I mean, I wasn't a saint, but I hadn't been looking for something like that for a while."
"It's okay," he sighed affectionately, breath hot against your neck. "It got me to you in the end."
You racked your mind for any explanation or memory that would have counteracted what he just said. But Penny had been short on the details when she asked you to come back. And Jake might have come on a little strong, but you had acted on the assumption he was really trying to get you into his bed.
For all you could have known, it could have been just some harmless flirting, something you've always been awkward at. As you thought about it, he never fully confirmed the story, either. When he kissed you for the first time, and you brought it up, he had said the bartenders had quit for other reasons.
You had also let everyone else form your first impression of him. Because it was that day at Sadie's Soccer game, they told you Jake had a thing for Bartenders.
Well, one person did.
"Fucking hell, Rooster!" you tried to shoot up off Sadie's bedroom floor, angry and feeling like you had been duped. "Bradley Bradshit Fucking Bradshaw, oh, I'm going to fucking murder you!"
Jake pushed you back down to the floor, laughing at your reaction.
"You fucking meathead, you were the one sleeping with people, weren't you?! Your name was on that list, too!"
"It's done and over with, Liz," he snorted. "We just got him on the same page about us. We don't need to jeopardize it."
But you shook your head back and forth against the floor, and Jake couldn't figure out if you were angry or laughing at the idiotic nature that was the overgrown chicken.
"I really am Elizabeth Bennet!" you whined out. Jake sputtered out a laugh, moving so he was resting completely on top of you, arms looped under your shoulders.
"I really am!" you cried out. "And Ridley's having the last laugh 'cause she freaking named me after her."
Jake stroked your hair back at the side of your temples. "I think that's the first time you've told me about her without being sad."
His words sobered you, making you swallow harshly. "She left me a letter. And called me out on some stuff. Rightly so. I think the worst part for me was not knowing what she was thinking. The most horrible thing I could have done to myself was not read her letter when I should have."
He pressed his forehead to yours, trying to bring you some level of comfort.
"I wish I could have met her."
The other letter you stashed up on top of the refrigerator stood out like a solid picture in your mind.
Maybe you still can.
"I wish you could have too."
Jake trailed his nose along yours, gently kissing your lips, his thumbs sliding across your cheekbones. It has you sliding your hands up the length of his chest, one finding a home on the back of his neck.
When he pulls back, his face has a tender look as he gazes down at you. It fills you with warmth, so much so that you blurt out, "Move in with us."
His smile drops. "What?"
"Move in with us," you replied softly.
Jake blinked, clearly caught off guard, and studied your face for a long moment. You felt vulnerable under his gaze, worried about how he'd respond.
"We've done so much of this backwards, Jake. I don't think any of us had any plans to follow the rules," you admitted, chuckling nervously.
He quirked his lips upward. "Rules? What rules?"
You find solace in his reply, your nerves settling in the pit of your stomach when you return his smile.
"I meant what I said in my letter. I'm in, Jake, whatever comes our way. If it's marriage, kids, or none of those things, I just want you in Sadie and our lives. I don't want to waste time not being with you when you could be swept away from us any time you're called out."
You glide your fingers through his hair, stroking the tuffs back just above his ear. "I want to make memories with you, wake up next to you. I want hikes with you and Sadie and Saturday nights with family, ending with us doing the dishes. I want the two of us to continue being the reason you come home so you never have to know a life that's not full of love."
You felt it before you saw it, a drop of water hitting your cheek, and you realized Jake was fighting to stop tears from pooling in his eyes.
"Are you sure?" he asked, his voice choked with emotion.
You nodded. "I might have taken the longest, most backward route to deal with my grief, and God knows I give Bradley one too many chances when I probably shouldn't," You paused, a smirk playing on your lips as you looked into Jake's eyes. "But I love you, and I've never been more sure of anything in my life than this."
Jake took a moment, a whirlwind of emotions playing across his face, till he finally settled on a broad smile. "Let's wait till we get the bug from Camp to decide that?"
You frowned at him, but Jake only shook his head.
"She needs to know what she's getting herself into, yes?" he growled, rolling you on top of him.
The morning you were going to pick up Sadie from Camp, Jake was up and out of bed before you. Before you had even opened your eyes, you had reached out for him, only to be met by an empty space.
You got up, reaching for your robe to cover your naked body, hoping Jake hadn't gone out for a run. He was chomping at the bit to get back into exercising, and you didn't blame him. The doctor on base hadn't cleared him yet, and you were doing everything possible to ensure he didn't break that rule and set himself back.
Even the sex had you worried.
You found him sitting at your kitchen table with Sadie's Polaroid in hand and a cup of coffee next to him, gentle swirls of steam catching the light from your window. He was hunched over in thought, absent-mindedly working his hand across his mouth, staring down at her image.
You approached him quietly, placing a gentle hand on his back before wrapping your arm around the front of his chest, resting your chin on his shoulder.
Jake reached up, squeezing your wrist.
"Is that her cockpit photo?"
You remember this one, the F-18 and museum trip, and you understood why Sadie had wanted to include it with the others from the day of the hike.
Jake nodded. "The very one."
He reached over into the small pile, spreading the images out before sliding one of you in front of him. You weren't surprised the risky one was missing, Jake probably having stashed it somewhere safe out of your reach after he found out you wanted to burn it.
He never let you hear the end of that one... and then some. Only Jake could turn your anxious thoughts into something sexual. Though, that was a story for another day.
"This one is yours."
You lifted your head from Jake's shoulder to step next to him and lift the photo off the table.
It wasn't the prettiest photo. Clearly, Sadie had been messing with her camera when she accidentally snapped it. But you looked happy, smiling at Jake out of the frame. It was probably the first time you had truly smiled at something, and you knew then and there that Sadie only included it because all three of you knew who made you smile like that.
Yet, when you turned to Jake, he couldn't take his eyes off hers.
"She's going to prove you wrong, Jake."
He didn't give you a reply, his face etched in worry.
You gently grabbed his arm, pulling it out of the way so you could slide yourself in between him and the table. You popped yourself down, sitting sideways across his lap, wrapping your arm around the back of his neck.
"Can I tell you something, and you promise not to judge me for it?"
Jake shot you a look that made you smile, placing your head between his collar and jaw.
"The night I opened her box, it was a week after you left, and I broke down," you felt Jake's arms tighten around your body. "I was so upset, I ripped these from my neck and threw them across the room."
You held Jake's tags out in front of you, thumbing the rubber casing around one of them.
"Sadie found me. I don't know if she was scared of the thunderstorm or heard me scream, but she got them and returned them to me."
"I didn't give them to you to cause you pain..."
You were quick to reassure him, placing a hand on his cheek and letting the tag fall back to your chest. "No, they didn't. They just... helped me see what I was doing to myself. And I missed you. So much."
Jake pressed a kiss to your forehead, stroking your bare leg.
"She wouldn't have given them back to me if she didn't want you in our lives, Jake," you continued. "All along, that's what she's been doing. Showing you she cares. Since you helped her with her math homework."
You cupped his face gently, ensuring he was focusing entirely on you. "She doesn't, Jake. She misses you. She cares for you. She loves you so much."
He chuckled softly, "I swear she knew half the answers after that first day but just wanted to spend time together."
"She's more astute than we give her credit for," You said with a grin, nuzzling closer to him.
"She's just.." he trailed off. "She's one hell of a kid."
You smiled softly. "She is," you agreed.
The two of you sat like that for a few more minutes, Jake holding you, letting his coffee cool. The two of you didn't say anything, nor you didn't need to. Both of you were simply content to be holding one another.
"Come on," you said, getting up and holding out your hand. He took it, bringing himself to a stand. "We should get ready before Nat arrives."
Jake wiggled his eyebrows, following you down the hall.
"You think we could manage a quickie?"
"Jacob Seresin, you are a horny beast!"
"Takes one to know one, Darlin'."
When you and Nat dropped Sadie off at camp the week prior, she promised she'd come with you to pick her up. However, when she arrived at your house an hour later, a stowaway was with her - which was ironic when you thought about it. Nearly a year ago, Jake had been in Rooster's shoes, standing apprehensively in front of your porch step.
You had never seen him look more out of his element than he did when you opened the door.
You had instantly shot her a look.
"It slipped out," Nat held her hands up in defence. You placed your hands on your hips, cocking your eyebrow. "Really? It slipped out?"
There was no malice behind your words. If Bradley wanted to come with you guys to pick up Sadie, you weren't going to stop him. You smiled at Bradley, nodding at him that it was okay that he was here. He relaxed, returning your smile.
Jake pressed a kiss to your temple before walking out to your porch and down the steps to join Bradley. Nat and you walked over to the railing, somewhat away from the two, watching them have their moment.
 She knocked your hip once, leaning over towards you to ask, "So I guess it was a good week."
"Why wouldn't it be?" you asked her confused.
"Cause you're walking funny and have a hickey twice as large as the first one you got. You did a shit job at covering up," she laughed.
You blushed, blubbering out, "Nat.. that's not.. I mean... What the hell do you mean I did a shit job?!"
She only continued to laugh, knocking your hip once again. "I guess you don't mind the anagram on his helmet now."
You sputtered, your mouth opening and closing like a fish, and Nat only relished in the innocent look on your face, trying to stop herself from drawing attention to the two of you.
Jake and Bradley, however, didn't hear the two of you. Bradley was too caught up in his head, trying to figure out what to say to him, and Jake was trying to come up with the words to properly thank him for saving his life.
Bradley looked him up and down, a smirk on his face. "You look good, Hangman. You know, despite the..." Bradley pointed to the healing bruise on the side of his face. It wasn't as nasty as before, but still an ugly yellow-brown shade.
"Yeah, well.." Jake remarked, taking his eyes off Bradley for a second before looking back. "For all I know, I have you to blame for that."
Bradley let out a small chuckle. "Yeah..."
A silence befell over the two, and Jake mulled over the right thing to say that would express his gratitude to Rooster, that he wouldn't take the wrong way.
"Thank you for bringing me back to her," his voice carrying sincerity unknown and rare to Bradley. "To them. For saving my life."
"You two okay?" Bradley asked, tilting his head towards you.
Jake glanced over to you and Nat, sharing a laugh over something, and Bradley caught the loving look as Jake settled his eyes on you. "Yeah, we are. More than okay."
Bradley looked away, the weight of everything he had done heavy in the air.
"I need to apologize to you, Jake."
Bradley's use of Jake's name, not this call sign, made him turn back, slightly shocked.
"I've given you, given the both of you a hard time. I... just wanted to protect them, you know? They've been through so much, and Sadie..." he stopped, struggling to find the words. Jake crossed his arms, staring pointedly at Rooster as he rambled.
"I was in Sadie's shoes at one point in my life. And I think from what I know about you now, you'd do anything not to have someone else go through what we've gone through to get here in our lives."
Jake nodded in agreement. "Can I ask you what made you change your mind?"
Bradley didn't look at him when a soft smile came over his face, and he remarked, "When I saved your life."
Jake barked out a laugh, shaking his head. Bradley joined him, soft chuckles escaping his chest.
"I never thought I'd be sitting by your bedside while waiting for an airlift, begging you not to die," he admitted, scratching the back of his head.
"Would have solved all your problems if I did, right?" 
Bradley shook his head. "No, it wouldn't. I wasn't about to let Sadie or Liz experience the death of another person they loved.
"And?" Jake prompted, letting his voice drawl on.
"And I realized I was creating problems where there was none," he exclaimed, throwing his hands up. "And projecting some shit onto you two."
Bradley wasn't about to admit to Jake his entire back story. That he was going to therapy, too, but something told him even if Jake knew, he wouldn't hold it against him.
He was seeing you, after all.
"You have every right to be in their lives. I'm sorry I assumed differently. If you make Liz and Sadie happy, I'm not going to stay in the way of that."
Jake scrunched up his nose, acting like he was contemplating his apology, before holding out his hand. It was not too unfamiliar from when he offered it after saving his and Maverick's life two years ago.
"Clean slate?"
Bradley cocked his eyebrow. "Really? A clean slate?"
"Just like that."
Rooster glanced at Jake's outstretched hand for a moment before taking it, gripping it tight and shaking it once. He went to let go, but Jake only tugged, making Bradley take a clumsy step forward, his shoulder almost meeting Jake's chest. He leaned over as if to pat him on the back, but instead, he tilted his head to say something into Bradley's ear.
"Just don't use me as a scapegoat this time to cover up the fact you're getting some."
Jake slapped him on the back hard, then stepped back as Bradley sputtered out a cough.
"Come on, boys!" Nat called out, having seen the interaction.
They turned back as you finished her shout, yelling out affectionately, "We have a Bug to go catch!"
Nobody protested when you asked if the four of you could stop by the thrift shop on the way to pick Sadie up. You had mentioned it had something to do with her birthday present, and nobody seemed to argue. Jake had only smiled, and Bradley and Nat instantly agreed, all too eager to see the famous store you and Ridley had found.
When the four of you entered the shop, Rooster, as you expected, practically ran to the vinyl section, Nat close on his heels to make sure he didn't break anything in his excitement.
Jake followed you to the counter, where you had to wait in line to see Mr. Murray. You honestly stupidly thought he would have gone off on his own, not follow you to the line. He couldn't see what you were doing; as much as this was a surprise for Sadie, this was a surprise for him too.
You had to think of something to get him to go away, and you had to do it fast.
Jake's hand was resting low on your hip when you turned and pressed your hands flat to his chest. Pulling yourself up, you lifted one of your hands to trace the outline of his lips with your fingers before you kissed him, slow and purposely. Lowering yourself back down, Jake's eyes remained closed until his brain caught up with him, and he found himself staring down at your lips.
"Shoo," you cooed at him with a grin. Jake raised his eyebrows. "Shoo? You want me to shoo?"
You nodded, pecking his lips again quickly in a bid to get him to leave you alone.
"Why? It's just Sadie's birthday present."
You bit your lip. There was no real reason he couldn't be there with you, and you didn't have a reply that wouldn't have given away her gift.
Deciding to take one out of Sadie's book instead, you slowly slid your hands down his back, cupping his ass, and squeezing hard once, leaning up to whisper into his ear, "No questions asked?"
Jake's groan vibrated in your ear. "I know what you're doing. And I know I'm at fault for it."
"Is it working?" you teased, sneakily taking his ear lobe between your teeth and letting go just as quickly. To any on-looker, it appeared as if you were simply whispering something in his ear.
"Still doesn't change the fact you're trying to get rid of me."
You slowly slid your mouth down, nipping the skin of his neck in a quick motion that made him hiss. You pulled back to take in the tiny mark, slightly proud of yourself.
"You're defiling government property, darlin'."
"You're not on duty, are you? That makes you mine."
"Oh, you're going to pay for that later."
"Am I?" you said, making sure your lips were just over his, just barely, enough so he might feel your breath but not your touch.
You weren't sure who this person was that Jake had awoken, but every time you found yourself in a position to tease Jake about something, you felt like those social media videos Sadie liked to watch with you, the ones where someone faked an "achievement unlocked" status above their head. Jake had no idea the power he had suddenly shown you.
He went to kiss you, but you dodged his attempt, pressing a finger to his lips.
"Go make sure Rooster doesn't break something. I'm sure that 45' Jerry Lee Lewis record is still there. He already plays Great Balls of Fire enough."
Jake grimaced. "Yup, no, thank you."
You patted him on his chest. Jake winked at you, turning on his heel, not before catching you mid-spin with a light slap to the meaty part of your ass. You yipped, jumping from where you stood, a hand covering the sting. Jake was already walking away with a shit-eating grin on his face, calling out, "Rooster! Hands off the classics!"
Looking up, you came face to face with Mr.Murray, his eyebrows raised. Heat flooded your cheeks more than it already had, and you felt like a kid getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
"Glad to see that one's safe and sound."
You blushed. "That was.. ah.. That was me..."
Mr. Murray shook his head, reassuring you. "My wife and I were like that at one point. Could barely keep our hands off each other. Still do to some extent."
"Mr. Murray," you blushed, stepping forward.
Reaching into your bag, you pulled out the patches ripped from Jake's ruined flight suit, secretly sliding them across the counter. Jake had saved what he could and asked you to throw out the rest. Little did he know you had other plans.
"Do you think you could fix them up? Do the thing we talked about?"
Mr. Murray looked down at the patches in your hand, taking them and smiling.
"For Sadie? Anything."
You knew there would be more moments in your life where you would feel immense pride for Sadie, each one topping the last. But watching her row her boat down that river, similar to how you and Ridley had done it as kids, would be something you'd never forget.
Her wanting to go to camp came from one of the polaroids Ridley left behind. You weren't sure who had managed to catch it, and the years had not been kind to the image, but Sadie wanted to know all the memories associated with that photo as you were pulling them out, deciding to preserve them in a scrapbook. You weren't shy about telling her. It was easier, having since opened her box, for you to talk about Ridley without clamming up.
In the end, she asked if she could go to camp like you and her mom did—specifically one where she could row her own boat down a river like that one.
The sunlight glinted off the water, shimmering as you leaned forward, a pair of binoculars held up to your face. Jake's knee bounced anxiously next to you, his eyes darting back and forth between the group and the river bend as Nat and Bradley carried on a separate conversation, waiting for Sadie's boat to come into view.
As you arrived, you had told the group that Sadie was taking part in this race before they could see her. Nat already knew, having made a poster with "Go Sadie Bug!" written across it in big colourful letters and splattered with ladybugs. It sat between the two of you, ready the second she appeared.
It was but a few more seconds before the boats made it around the corner, and you spied her and her teammate rapidly gaining on third place.
"There!" You cried out, letting the binoculars fall to your lap as you pointed. "In the red!"
Jake scanned the water, his heart thumping in his chest as the crowd started to pick up that the kids were nearing the end. His world momentarily narrowed to a mere pinpoint as he searched for one particular kid. A flash of red stood out from the rest, and Jake homed in on her small frame, leaning into every paddle stroke, fierce and determined.
All the uncertainty, the worry about whether she still resented him, evaporated. At that moment, Jake was filled with pride, seeing her giving her all out there on the water.
You were already on your feet by the time Jake stood, watching as Sadie and her teammate paddled vigorously, tied neck to neck with the team currently in third. Bradley leaned forward from his spot on the bleacher, muttering with confidence over and over, "She's got this. She's got this."
Beside him, Nat was unrolling her poster, the rubber band snapping in her excitement and eagerness, as she stood, throwing the piece of Bristol board over her head, letting out a shout.
Jake couldn't help but shout out his encouragement, even if she couldn't hear him from this distance or amongst the shouts of other parents. 
"Come on, Bug! Give them hell!"
The distance between the two canoes started to close, and with each powerful stroke, Sadie and her teammate pushed into third, leaving the other canoe in the wake of their water trail. And then, inch by inch, the two of them rapidly approached the other two canoes, currently tied neck and neck for first place.
Bradley's voice joined the others as he shot up and out of his seat. " That's it! Come on, Sadie! Come on!"
But you... you were suddenly overwhelmed, tears streaming down your face as your heart pounded away inside your chest because it wasn't Sadie you were seeing, but your sister, shouting back over her shoulder to encourage what appeared to be you, trying just as hard to see the two of you through to the finish line.
It was such a vivid memory, and you could almost hear her voice, her laughter, as she yelled for the two of you to keep paddling, as she now yelled for Sadie to keep paddling. You didn't shove it down as you might have done once before.
You embraced it.
You instinctively looked over to Jake, who was too focused on watching Sadie to see your eyes on him. His face was lit up with fierce pride and love, and seeing Jake's unwavering support, despite questioning if Sadie really cared for him or not, in your heart, you knew the two of you would always be safe with him.
Sadie was undeterred by the task in front of her. It was clear. The finish line was drawing close, and you couldn't help but reach out to grasp Jake and Nat's forearms.
Nat yelled, "She can do it! She's our bug!"
With a surge of energy, Sadie and her teammate closed the gap, drawing level with the leading canoe. Her face was lit up in sheer determination as she shouted out, using every ounce of energy she had left to push themselves forward, crossing the finish line a mere few seconds before the previous leaders.
You let out a cry, screaming for joy as Jake went for your waist, lifting you up towards the sky in celebration as he celebrated, letting out a shout. Nat was hugging Bradley as he let out a loud whistle in appreciation.
Even if he thought she hated him, Jake still lowered you to the ground and pulled you into his arms, giving you an overly excited kiss and exclaiming how proud he was of her.
After everything she had been through, after everything she had to face this past year, you were proud of her, too.
The four of you escaped the bleachers, making your way down to the docks where you were meant to pick her up. Jake held your hand, eyes nervously scanning the crowd of kids staring to find their parents.
His Adam's apple bobbed, and you squeezed his hand once, swinging it back and forth. "You okay?"
Jake opened his mouth, ready to answer you, before Nat suddenly jumped and squealed, "There she is!" pointing to Sadie on the boardwalk below.
The four of you watched as she made her way up the dock, a red ribbon in hand, as she laughed and celebrated with her friend. You smiled, letting go of Jake's hand to step forward and join Nat at the peek of the hill so she would find you easily.
Rooster stepped forward to get a better view, but he still stayed behind with Jake, who remained where he was, currently clenching and unclenching his fists.
He didn't know if he was ready for this.
Sadie was saying goodbye to her friend when she realized you and Nat would have been in the crowd with everyone else. She thought she had seen someone holding a poster with Lady Bugs on it, but she had only gotten a quick peek before she had to concentrate on the finish line.
She leaned up on the edges of her shoes, scanning the crowd with a hopeful gaze. She knew you'd be here. You promised you would, and you never broke a promise.
A big smile appeared across her face when she finally found you and Nat waving at her on top of the hill. She picked herself up into a run, giggling like anything and everything.
You dropped to your knees, prepared to catch her in one of her overly dramatic hugs that would have you failing to the ground if you weren't ready. But then she stopped dead in her tracks, a gasp escaping her lips. Her face started to red, blue eyes wide and watering, and her bottom lip was begging to tremble as she looked past you.
Concerned, you followed her gaze, realizing she had caught sight of Jake and Bradley standing behind you.
"Oh, Bug," Nat cooed next to you. But you knew, right away, who warranted that reaction.
Jake caught sight of her, a hopeful yet apprehensive look on his face. His heart thudded heavily in his chest, awaiting what he thought to be the ultimate reprimand and lowest point in his life. Because everything was waiting on this moment, despite his apology, despite working his way back to the two of you, if Sadie didn't want him here, if she didn't want him in her life, he would walk away.
It was the longstanding promise to put her first. Her feelings mattered above all else.
But the ribbon she had won slipped from her hand at her side, falling to the ground, forgotten. She stumbled backwards a few steps as her mind caught up with the sight. Sadie couldn't believe it. Because everyone she had ever cared about, one way or another, had been taken away from her beyond anyone's control.
Uncle Jake was here.
He came back.
He was alive.
He was home.
"Uncle Jake!" She cried out, finally propelling herself into a run, going straight past Nat, you, and forgoing Bradley entirely to beeline it to him. The tension released from Jake's shoulders as he dropped to his knees into the dirt, holding out his arms to take the crying girl into his arms.
Sadie couldn't help but throw herself at him, launching her tiny body and wrapping her arms and legs around him only to borrow her head into his neck.
Jake's vision blurred, tears starting to form as he dropped his chin to her shoulder. He cradled her close, letting out a shaky exhale, his grip matching Sadie's tight. The two of them were terrified either one might vanish if they let go. The weight of everything he'd faced, the danger, the near-death, it all paled in comparison to this moment of pure joy and absolute relief.
Sadie did want him in your lives after all.
You could faintly make out the words from him as he cooed over her sobs, "I'm here, Bug. I'm here."
You stood, walking over and kneeling down next to them. You placed a hand on Jake's back and rested the other on Sadie's. Jake lifted his head to look at you, and you were surprised to see his eyes watering. The sight of him holding Sadie, moved by her missing him, brought tears to your eyes.
"Why are you crying, Bug?" You soothed, trying to stop your own voice from breaking.
She pulled back from Jake's neck to look at you. Despite her blotched face and tears, a smile was etched across her face as she blubbered out, "He came home."
Her statement wasn't lost on you. Ridley never made it home to her that night. The family you guys had found was made up of people who flirted with death daily. For as long as they flew, there would always be the chance one of them would never make it home.
"Of course, I made it home, Bug," Jake said, pressing a soft kiss into her hair. "I had to make it home to both of my girls."
Sadie buried her face into the fabric of his shirt, weeping, and you watched as he fought with himself not to cry.
Then she started to giggle through her sniffles, happiness starting to replace her sadness. She curled her head to the side against his chest, gripping his shirt tight between her tiny fingers and taking a few deep breaths.
She didn't want to let him go.
"I love you, Uncle Jake."
You had to wipe your eyes, knowing exactly where that came from.
Jake slammed his eyes shut. "I love you too, Bug."
He was in it for the long run. There was no question about it.
Sadie sharply lifted her head, looking at you, then at Jake, back and forth several times, her mouth hanging loosely open.
"Wait..are you two back together now?"
You nodded. "Are you okay with that?"
It was redundant to ask, but you still needed to anyway.
You could see the gears grinding in her head, working up a quick-witted response only she could come up with. Then you noticed the second the idea popped into her head, fighting to prevent the corners of her mouth from turning upward.
She tried to relax her face, but she was failing miserably. Jake caught on when she tried to become stoic, and his cheeky grin widened with each second that passed. She had done this to him once before, and he wasn't about to be caught in her trap for a second time.
Then a grin stretched across her face, reminding you so much of Ridley.
"Finally. My job here is over."
Little matchmaker, indeed.
You gasped affectionately, playing along as if you didn't know she had been trying to get the two of you together. "Why, you little..."
You attacked her with your fingers, tickling her stomach. Jake tried to contain his laughter as she started to squirm in his arms, shouting out, "Save me, Uncle Jake! Save me!"
Jake tried to lean back to keep her out of your path, but despite his reassurance, his back hadn't returned to being almost 100 percent. It spasmed, causing him to lose his balance off his knees. Sadie screamed, reaching for the only thing she could, which happened to be you, tugging on the front of your shirt.
Your breath caught in your throat as you fell with them, Jake securely tightening his arm around Sadie's back as she fell onto his chest while reaching out for you. He took the brunt of your fall, you landing on the opposite side of his chest, and Jake groaned, tilting his head back against the ground to the sky, laughing.
Nat gathered Sadie's ribbon off the ground, coming to stand next to Bradley, who was watching the three of you with an affectionate smile.
"Damn it, Rooster," Nat teased, knocking his side with hers. "It looks like you've been replaced."
Bradley shook his head.
When Sadie first came to live with you, each of the Daggers had found something to share with her. Nat and her loved sports, and Bob listened to her gush about bugs. Maverick did anything and everything fun and semi-dangerous with her. Fanboy and Payback loved playing games with her, and Coyote was simply there when she needed him. For Bradley, it had been sharing their grief at losing a parent.
But Jake... It wasn't Jake offering Sadie anything. It was Sadie who held out her hand and took him under her tiny arm. Sadie, who offered him her love with no questions asked.
He was never at risk of being replaced, never at risk of losing her love or her playing favourites. Sadie simply cared for everyone and everything thing.
It's just who she was.
"You know what, Nat, I don't mind," He replied, fondly looking at Jake, Sadie and you, now sharing a hug.
"As much as he needs Liz, he needs Sadie too."
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I'm crying. There's only one more left 😭💛
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@phantomxoxo @formulapierre @eli2447 @fulla02 @blckgrl-sunflower @mizzzpink @ohgodnotagainn
@bubblegumbeautyqueen @sarahsmi13s @desert-fern @lynnestra44 @memoriesat30 @penwieldingdreamer @mxlanciia
@bradleybeachbabe @bobby-r2d2-floyd @lavenderbradshaw @roosters-girl @lovinglyeternal @kmc1989 @gigisimsonmars
@keyrani @craftytrashprincess @hisredheadedgoddess28 @abzidabzy @memeorydotcom @vicsnook @taestrwbrry
@its-the-pilot @dizzybee03 @cassiemitchell
Part 23 - Sleep Deprivation, the final part, coming soon 😭
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arcane-vagabond · 8 months ago
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@shinycupcakebaker you were right lol
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iliketopgun · 1 year ago
*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*
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Name: Hayley Isabella Prescott
Nicknames: Hay, Hayls
Titles: Lieutenant Prescott
Age: Twenty-six
Call sign: Mockingbird
Family: Daniel Prescott (Father), Alana Prescott (Mother), Madison Machado (Older Sister), Zoë Prescott (Younger Sister), Javy Machado (Brother-in-law), Arlo (Dog), Eliza Walker (Maternal Grandmother), Patrick Walker (Maternal Grandfather), James Prescott (Paternal Grandfather), Mary Prescott (Paternal Grandmother)
Love interest: Jake Seresin
Status: Alive
Played by: Phoebe Tonkin
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Name: Samantha Kaitlyn Kazsanky
Nicknames: Sam, Sammy
Titles: Lieutenant Kazansky
Age: Twenty-five
Call sign: Karma
Family: Tom Kazsanky (Father), Sarah Kazsanky (Mother)
Love interest: Robert Floyd
Status: Alive
Played by: Danielle Campbell
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Name: Lyra Nicole Mitchell
Nicknames: Ly
Titles: Lieutenant Mitchell
Age: Twenty-six
Call sign: Chaos
Family: Duke Mitchell (Paternal Grandfather, Deceased), Mrs. Mitchell (Paternal Grandmother, Deceased), Unnamed Maternal Grandmother (Deceased), Unnamed Maternal Grandfather (Deceased), Pete Mitchell (Father), Charlotte Blackwood (Mother)
Love interest: Bradley Bradshaw
Status: Alive
Played by: Florence Pugh
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Name: Cassidy Anne Bradshaw
Nicknames: Cass, Cassie
Titles: Lieutenant Bradshaw
Age: Twenty-six
Call sign: Rascal
Family: Nicholas Bradshaw (Father, Deceased), Carole Bradshaw (Mother, Deceased), Bradley Bradshaw (Twin Brother)
Love interest: Mickey Garcia
Status: Alive
Played by: Brie Larson
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Name: Madison Olivia Machado
Nicknames: Maddie, Mads
Titles: Mrs. Machado, Madison Machado, RN, Madison Olivia Prescott (maiden name)
Age: Twenty-seven
Family: Daniel Prescott (Father), Alana Prescott (Mother), Hayley Prescott (Younger Sister), Zoë Prescott (Younger Sister and legal ward), Arlo (Dog), Eliza Walker (Maternal Grandmother), Patrick Walker (Maternal Grandfather), James Prescott (Paternal Grandfather), Mary Prescott (Paternal Grandmother)
Love interest: Javy Machado
Status: Alive
Played by: Liz Gilles
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Name: Zoë Alana Prescott
Nicknames: Tiny, short stack, Z
Age: Fifteen
Family: Daniel Prescott (Father), Alana Prescott (Mother), Madison Machado (Older Sister), Hayley Prescott (Older Sister), Javy Machado (Brother-in-law), Arlo (Dog), Eliza Walker (Maternal Grandmother), Patrick Walker (Maternal Grandfather), James Prescott (Paternal Grandfather), Mary Prescott (Paternal Grandmother)
Status: Alive
Played by: Katie Douglas
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Name: Claire Marie Davis
Nicknames: Claire bear
Titles: Lieutenant Davis
Age: Twenty-three
Call sign: Barbie
Family: John Davis (Father), Emily Davis (Mother)
Movie: Top Gun: Maverick
Played by: Claire Holt
Status: Alive
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Name: Jenna Rebekah Floyd
Nicknames: J, Jen
Titles: Lieutenant Floyd
Age: Twenty-three
Call sign: Twinkle
Family: Mr. Floyd (Father), Mrs. Floyd (Mother), Robert Floyd (Older Brother)
Movie: Top Gun: Maverick
Played by: Jenna Coleman
Status: Alive
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magnificentmommas · 1 month ago
The Mammoth Book of Ghost Romance: 13 Tales of Supernatural Love (Mammoth Books 440)
A wonderful collection of stories of supernatural love by Sharon Shinn, Annette Blair, Caridad Pineiro, Jennifer Estep, Gwyn Cready, Carolyn Crane, Jeannie Holmes, Anna Campbell, Julia London, Christie Ridgway, Holly Lisle and Liz Maverick. In happy-ever-after endings, ghosts come to life so that lovers can be united in the flesh.
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