#eric and alex
operationandre · 8 days
alex suffers from chronic pain.
it’s especially prevalent in his back and neck. doctors can’t really pinpoint why he has the constant pain and pressure. they thought it was arthritis because alex had already been diagnosed with arthritis in his hands; that wasn’t the case though. one doctor said it might be fibromyalgia but changed his mind due to it being so uncommon in men.
there are several days when alex wakes up in severe pain and ends up having to skip school. sometimes he falls asleep with heating pads on his back only to find burns on his skin in the morning. there’s a pillow-type padding on his seat in his house’s dining room.
he often gets made fun of for it. people mimic the limp he has and comment on the padded grips he has on all of his pencils. when he has to leave class to go to the nurse, balled up paper gets thrown at him as he’s walking away.
no one really says anything about it. john and eric have tried to stick up for him sometimes, but no one listens to the two of them. alex doesn’t know why the bullies would listen to them. all three of the boys were quiet and somewhat outcasts. alex simply told them to not bother with protecting him; it wouldn’t make a difference anyways.
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b3thecowboy · 4 days
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nalias fic coming up!
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boys-with-gunss · 7 months
I'm in Phoenix for a week. I can't leave my hotel when I want to, it sucks. I like my family, but I'd rather not spend this much time with them. I want to be home.
I saw Ronnie's posts a couple of hours ago, they're gonna get this shit taken down, I swear. We agreed we wouldn't talk for a while, but I can read their posts. Can't say much more or maybe they'll report our own fucking blog for terrorism.
Anyways, Ron said they didn't like Elephant, rather they couldn't even get past the first 10 minutes, so I watched it. It was okay. Really slow paced, many irrelevant characters with names you were supposed to keep track of. Alex and Eric's actors were good though.
I think they spent most of the budget on "guns" and shit for the actual shooting scenes. I think those scenes had the most effort, it was inconsistent and obviously they put way more work into some scenes then others. The plot was good, different from other movies like it.
Whatever, it was okay, I probably wouldn't watch it again. Obviously I know some films don't have that big of a budget to work on but I wish they tried harder to work with they had and made the quality consistent throughout the whole thing. It was a good concept, just wasn't executed as good as I would like.
Anyways, guy I met said I should watch "Bang Bang! You're Dead", I might, I'm bored here. I think once I get back to my actual house I'll hang out with Ron.
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kissofadeadgirl · 5 months
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Brandon Lee behind the scenes of The Crow (1994)
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sonjackcarl · 1 year
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gutturalsecrete · 21 days
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deadghost176 · 1 month
why does NONE ever mention Alex as an art kid? especially his bag with patches that he carries during the shooting, and the drawing of an elephant in his room (a nod to the movie and the 'elephant in the room') i dunno I just really like his character
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manichewitz · 9 months
what i say: i’m fine
what i mean: when sam and dean are investigating andy gallagher, a guy who they fully think killed someone with his mind, they find a massive bong in his car. more specifically dean says hey sam look at this massive bong and then picks it up, turns to sam, and smiles. smash cut to sam and dean in the impala, eating food together for no discernible reason. now im no expert here but they obviously used that bong didnt they. they broke into this guys car and took his bong and smoked his weed and then got the munchies. supernatural is a show steeped in subtext and that subtext includes the incredibly vital fact that sam and dean winchester stopped their telepath murder investigation to smoke the telepath murder weed in the middle of the day and then got on with their case like nothing happened. who’s doing it like them
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atomic-chronoscaph · 11 months
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The Crow concept art by Darren Gilford and Peter Pound (c. 1992)
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explosivities · 3 months
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you look like someone i could bury
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thewebspinner · 18 days
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operationandre · 10 days
eric loves popsicles. during the summer, he almost always has one. when he’s in his or alex’s room, he’s got a popsicle in hand. when he’s sitting in his back yard, he has one. even in the car, he has one. alex has no fucking clue where he gets all of them and how they don’t melt.
their kisses always taste sickly sweet as eric’s mouth is coated in sugar and fake dye. there’s a constant ring around his mouth. sometimes it looks like he’s got some sort of weird lipstick on and other times he just looks ill. he doesn’t mind, though.
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b3thecowboy · 5 days
nalias hcs next…
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yoyo-bonewolf · 5 months
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Great movie
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7smiles · 5 months
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The way Alex lacks emotional attachment to everything and only kissed Eric as a last hurrah + experimental thing is going to kill me. Because if he cared about Eric the way Eric cared about him, he wouldnt have gunned him down mid sentence. He wouldnt have dragged his friend into this.
Alex being a truly evil person is so fascinating to me because when you watch Zero Day, you get so much introspection to Andre and Cal's emotional capacity. Alex's emotional capacity is exempt from this film because he doesn't have any at all. He has flat affect up until he smiles when telling Eric his laid out plan for their destruction.
I see people complain about Alex not having enough substance as a character, but Gus Van Sant did such a wonderful job at showing us who exactly Alex is with SO little framing. Alex is privileged, we see this in his home, his freedom, his lax parents, his ability to afford weapons- You're told this through his piano, and the cost that comes with his piano lessons. You get all of this information in very little time and not a lot of it is explained to you, Alex's character simply doesn't require monologuing.
Despite Alex's privilege, he is still troubled at school. I do think Alex is pure evil because of how he killed Eric, but there are other things i think about when diving into Alex's character. Eric's death aside, I'd like to note that I read Alex as autistic. He's visibly easily targeted, naive, his speech patterns are not like any of the "normal" characters, he gets very upset when things dont go his way (Piano scene). He has that scene in the lunch room where he seems very overstimulated, and as i mentioned before, he has flat affect. Not only that, but Alex holds a childish naivety to him- He believes that the only way to move on from his highschool torment is to kill his peers. He does not realize that things will get better, he doesnt know that there is life beyond Highschool- We have already established that he is very well off and set up for the future. I dont think autism makes his behavior okay at all, but it explains so much and this is very applicable to real life shooters as well.
Alex doesn't care, he does things for himself. I dont think he's a narcissist, but I do think he is delusional or something similar. The only time he mentions unsettlement is when he quotes "So foul and fair a day I have not seen," but I dont think it counts- He most likely only quoted this as a jab at Macbeth being a required class text + found it ironically funny that he was causing carnage and yet it was a victory for him.
Anyway, if you got this far, thanks for reading. Alex's character is painfully human and his behaviors are so interesting to read into.
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sonjackcarl · 1 year
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