#eres el mejor de todos
loveordrugs · 5 months
Me tienes enamorada. Enamorada y enternecida. Me gusta ver tu sonrisa y tu ojos que me miran con complicidad. Más allá de una locura desmedida o un incontrol mental, me gusta que me llevas de la mano a la cordura, enseñándome qué es el amor de verdad.
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frasesenespa-ol · 11 months
Eres todo lo que anhelo, eres el regalo que cayó del cielo
La mejor de todas (Banda El Recodo)
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yo9urt · 2 months
no sé cuantos seguidores tengo que sean hispanohablantes pero si eso te describa deberías mirar el show club de cuervos...es bastante bueno
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darkacua · 5 months
The Cain instinct
I demand canon moments where Silver and Malleus treat each other like siblings whenever they're alone, especially if Lilia or Sebek aren't around them. Where they show that outside of their typical treatment of respect is the fact that they were raised by the same man whom they both consider their father. They love each other eternally, they would kill, they would die and they are capable of destroying the entire world for each other, one to a greater extent than the other.
Especially since I'm sure they both have ridiculously strong Cain instincts.
One day you are a prince taking care of your caregiver's adopted son and the next a being who lives in an eternal circle of revenge and destruction towards the cruelty of humanity (Silver bit his finger when he was 8 years old and Malleus pecked his eye in Consequently, they continue to blame each other whenever they can)
Imagine a Silver who fell asleep in the forest and Malleus just finds him. If Lilia, Sebek or anyone was near him he would feign complete concern and take him to his bedroom. But he's alone, so he's going to wake up the young man he considers his brother with a loving kick in the ribs (nothing too hard, he wants to bother him, not kill him).
Or a malleus who is simply reading and out of nowhere feels a wet finger in his ear, a finger that belongs to a 17-year-old with a smile too kind for someone who has just drooled in the ear of the next king of the Briar Valley , and someone who is also a coward since he runs away the moment the older man gets up from his seat.
It is better if neither of them knows what is happening, they just know that there are days when they have to be mean to the other or they will go crazy, they have accepted it as a royal decree and will continue it until the end of their days. .
Imagine that no one knows about this kind of treatment, until someone enters Diasomnia only to find the all-powerful Malleus Draconia screaming like a dying child because Silver has him in a wrestling hold (which it is very obvious he can get out of, but… Where's the fun in that?)
Anyway, I need an irrational Malleus and Silver being a shitty little brother. I leave my delusions here.
Español bajo el corte
Exigo momentos canónicos donde Silver y Malleus se tratan como hermanos cada vez que están solos, sobre todo si no están Lilia o Sebek a su alrededor. Donde muestren que por fuera de su típico trato de respeto está el hecho de que fueron criados por el mismo hombre al que ambos consideran su padre. Se aman eternamente, matarían, morirían y son capaces de destruir el mundo entero el uno por el otro, uno en mayor medida que el otro.
Sobre todo porque estoy segura que los dos tienen un instinto de Cain ridículamente fuerte.
Un dia eres un príncipe cuidando al hijo adoptivo de tu cuidador y al siguiente un ser que vive en un círculo eterno de venganza y destrucción hacia la crueldad de la humanidad (Silver le mordió un dedo cuando tenía 8 años y Malleus le pico un ojo en consecuencia, se lo siguen echando en cara cada que pueden entre ellos)
Imaginen a un Silver que se quedó dormido en el bosque y Malleus simplemente lo encuentra. Si Lilia, Sebek o cualquiera estuviera cerca fingiría completa preocupación y lo llevaría a su dormitorio. Pero esta solo, así que va a despertar a él joven que considera su hermano con una amorosa patada en las costillas (nada demasiado fuerte, quiere molestarlo no matarlo)
O a un malleus que simplemente está leyendo y de la nada siente un dedo húmedo en su oreja, un dedo que pertenece a un joven de 17 años con una sonrisa demasiado amable para alguien que acaba de babear el oído del próximo rey del Valle de Briar, y alguien que también es un cobarde ya que sale corriendo en el momento que él mayor se levante de su asiento.
Es mejor si ninguno de los dos sabe que es lo que pasa, solo saben que hay días en los que tienen que ser malos con el otro o se volverán locos, lo han aceptado como un decreto real y lo continuarán hasta el final de sus días.
Imaginen que nadie sabe de este tipo de trato, hasta que alguien entra a Diasomnia sólo para encontrar al todopoderoso Malleus Draconia gritando como un niña moribunda porque Silver lo tiene en una llave de lucha (de la cual es muy obvio que se puede zafar ¿pero dónde está lo divertido en eso?).
En fin, necesito un Malleus irracional y un Silver siendo un hermano menor de mierda. Hasta aquí dejo mis delirios.
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a-lexia11 · 1 month
Friendships and Sleepover (meeting in Barcelona Part 2)
Alexia Putellas x reader
Words: around 9k
Warning:a tiny bit of angst,fluffy.
Part 1 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5
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“¡¿Qué?! ¿Eres la chica por la que ha estado deprimida durante semanas?!” (What?! You're the girl she's been depressed about for weeks?!) she exclaimed, surprised.
“¿Ella habló de mí?” (She talked about me?) I asked, surprised. It shocked me because, since she rejected me, I didn't think she'd talk about me to her sister.
“¡Sí! ¡Eres la chica que le pidió su número pero ella te rechazó porque tiene miedo al amor debido a su trabajo, verdad? pero por alguna razón nunca me dijo tu nombre!” (Yes! You're the girl who asked for her number but she rejected you because she's scared of love due to her job right? for some reason she never told me your name) she reminded me, surprised.
“Sí, soy yo ¿De verdad te dijo eso?” (Yes, it’s me. Did she really tell you that?) I asked, a bit embarrassed.
“Sí, lo hizo, pero ¿por qué no me dijiste que la volviste a ver?” (Yes, she did, but why didn't you tell me you saw her again?) she asked.
“Me dio mucha vergüenza y quería olvidarlo, lo siento” (I was too embarrassed and wanted to forget about it, I'm sorry) I apologized feeling a little bad.
Alba truly is an amazing and loving person. She has been a tremendous help to me here in Barcelona, always offering her support and guidance.
We share everything with each other, from our deepest secrets to our everyday experiences. Her presence has made my time in this city so much more enjoyable and fulfilling.
I feel a bit guilty for not telling her about my interaction with Alexia in the street, especially since she was really excited when I first mentioned Alexia to her that night at the sushi restaurant.
Now, it feels like I kept something important from her, and I don't want to hurt her feelings or make her feel left out.
“No necesitas disculparte, lo entiendo. Tenías todo el derecho de no decírmelo. Todos tienen sus propias razones para mantener ciertas cosas en privado, y respeto eso. Tus sentimientos y decisiones son importantes para mí.” (No need to apologize, I understand. You had every right not to tell me. Everyone has their own reasons for keeping certain things private, and I respect that. Your feelings and choices are important to me) She told me gently putting her hand on my thigh,squeezing it.
“Eres la mejor” (you’re the best) I simply told her putting my hand on top of hers on my thigh.
“Pero te dije que el nombre de mi hermana es Alexia; podrías haberlo deducido por el nombre.” (But I told you my sister's name is Alexia; you could have figured that out from the name) she said getting back to the subject.
“Alba, no sabía su nombre hasta que la volví a ver en la calle y fue entonces cuando ella me rechazó. Además, ¿sabes cuántas Alexias hay en España? No podía simplemente sacar conclusiones basadas en un nombre y no tenía idea de cómo se veía tu Alexia” (Alba, I didn't know her name until I saw her again on the street and that’s when she rejected me. Plus, do you know how many Alexias there are in Spain? I couldn't have just jumped to conclusions based on a name and I had no idea how your Alexia looked like) I replied matter-of-factly.
She gave me a look that said “yes you’re right” and shrugged her shoulders.
“Somos las chicas más tontas de España” (we are the stupidest girl in Spain) she said laughing a little.
I turned back to the field, watching Alexia's every move. I couldn't believe it...
Alexia and the other players started heading back into the tunnel. Alba called out her name to catch her attention. Alexia looked up at her sister and smiled.
Alba then put her arms around my shoulders and pulled me closer,so that Alexia could see me.
Alba grinned widely and pointed at me. I smiled softly at her and waved.
Alexia's jaw literally dropped in shock, her eyes widening as if she had just seen a ghost.
She stumbled a little, almost falling over, before colliding with one of her teammates.
Her face turned pale, and she quickly apologized to her teammates.
Then, she turned back to look at us, her eyebrows furrowed deeply in confusion, and her mouth still slightly agape. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit at her bewildered reaction, finding it both surprising and amusing.
After blinking a few times to collect herself, she managed to smile and gave a small wave.
Her movements seemed almost mechanical, as if she were on autopilot. Then, with a final glance back at us, she turned and disappeared into the tunnel, leaving an air of lingering uncertainty behind her.
Throughout the entire match, I was mesmerized by Alexia's performance.I don't watch football because I find it boring but it's completely different when it comes to her.
She is absolutely incredible. While watching the match, Alba filled me in on Alexia's career details.
She explained how Alexia is nicknamed “La Reina” because she's the best female footballer in the world. She's also a two-time Ballon d'Or winner, she has won the Champions League back in 2021, and numerous other trophies.
I couldn't believe my ears. I was in the presence of a true legend. Given the number of people wearing Alexia's jersey and the way the crowd cheered every time she touched the ball, it was clear that she was deeply loved and idolized.
At the end of the match, Barcelona clinched an easy victory with a score of 3-0. Players from both teams exchanged congratulations and hugs.
Alba and I stood up to leave the stadium when we heard someone calling her name. We turned around to see Alexia signaling for us to come closer.
We walked down the stairs and leaned over the barrier separating us from Alexia. She looked up at me and said “hola” with a soft smile. I returned the greeting and smiled back.
She looked incredibly attractive in her kit, and the sweat only added to her appeal. We gazed at each other for a few moments until Alba broke the silence, waving her hand and saying, “¡Oye! Todavía estoy aquí.” (Hey! I'm still here) which made us laugh and looked at Alba.
“Ven a mi casa” (Come to my place) Alexia said. “Podemos pasar un rato allí y luego unirnos a mamá en el restaurante.” (We can spend some time there and then joined mom at the restaurant) Alba nodded in agreement.
“¡Vale, nos vemos allí!” (Okay, see you there) Alexia said with a smile before walking into the tunnel.
Alba and I got back in the car and headed to Alexia's apartment. Once parked, we entered the building and take the elevator to Alexia’s apartment. Alba searched through her bags to find the spare key to Alexia’s place.
After finding it, she unlocked the door, and Alexia’s fluffy dog came bounding toward us. “Nala!” I exclaimed, picking up the tiny dog.
“¿Cómo sabes su nombre?” (How do you know her name?) Alba asked, closing the door and moving further into the apartment, settling on the couch. I followed her, still holding Nala, and sat down beside Alba.
“La conocí en el parque. La segunda vez que vi a Alexia, Nala corrió directamente hacia mí.” (I met her at the park. The second time I saw Alexia, Nala ran straight to me) I explained, petting Nala as she attempted to lick my face and Alba just hummed.
“Todavía no puedo creer esta situación, ¡es una puta locura!” (I still can’t believe this situation, it’s fucking crazy) she said, reaching for the TV remote and turning on the TV.
“Yeah, I can’t either” I replied, more to myself and looked at Alba.
Now that I think about it, how could I not have noticed that Alba and Alexia were related? They look exactly the same, with their strikingly similar features and mannerisms. It's almost uncanny how much they resemble each other, right down to their expressions.
“Así que, ¿estás enamorado de mi hermana?” (So, you’re in love with my sister) Alba teased, poking my cheek, snapping me out of my thoughts
“Deja de decir eso, no estoy enamorada. Solo he conocido a tu hermana tres veces antes de hoy y apenas hablamos.” (Stop it, I’m not in love. I’ve only met your sister three times before today and we barely talked) I said, swatting her hand away.
“Claro, claro... Alexia y Y/N están enamoradas el una del otra” (Sure, sure… Alexia and Y/N are in love with each other) she sang cheerfully, puckering her lips in a playful manner.
I grabbed a pillow next to me and playfully hit her with it. She pushed me away and laughed, turning her attention back to the TV.
About 20 minutes later, the apartment door opened, and there stood Alexia. She was wearing a Barcelona tracksuit and her hair was a little wet. I couldn't help but think she looked even more stunning.
Nala, who had been in my arms since we arrived, leapt out and ran straight to Alexia to greet her.
“Hola nena” Alexia said, picking Nala up and kissing her soft fur.
Alba also got up and ran to her sister, greeting her with a big hug and multiple kisses on the cheek. Alexia hugged her back and kissed her forehead as they pulled away and Alexia put Nala down.
I stood up too, feeling a bit unsure and awkward in the middle of her living room.
Alexia glanced at me and walked over. She smiled softly before pulling me into a gentle hug.She smells so good…
“Hello” she whispered in english into my ear and I greeted her back softly.
With her arms around my waist and her tall, muscular body against mine, I had never felt so safe.
She pulled away far too quickly for my liking, and I already missed the warmth of her body.
“Alexia, te presentaría a Y/N, pero aparentemente ustedes ya se conocieron antes, ¿verdad?” (Alexia, I would introduced you to Y/N but apparently you guys already met before right?) She asked a smirk playing on her lips and she wriggled her eyebrows.
Alexia walked pass Alba putting one of her large hands on Alba’s face pushing her away “Métete en tus asuntos, tonta”(Mind your own business, idiot) she said making her way to the kitchen.
“Voy a hacerme un batido, ¿quieren uno?” (I’m making myself a smoothie, do you guys want one?) she asked, looking at both Alba and me.
Alba and I politely declined, and we both took our seats at the kitchen table, sitting face to face.
As Alexia rummaged through the kitchen cabinets, searching for the ingredients for her smoothie, Alba and I started discussing our upcoming classes.
While I was talking to Alba, I felt Alexia sit next to me, really close, placing her smoothie on the table. Honestly, I couldn't focus on what Alba was saying anymore.
Then Alba's phone started ringing. She checked who was calling.
“Necesito contestar esta llamada, los dejaré solos para que puedan hablar un poco” (I need to answer this call,I’ll leave you two alone so that you can talk a little bit) she said winking at us a smug expression on her face.
She then stand up and walked towards what I assumed was Alexia's room, closing the door behind her.
I was left alone with Alexia, and an awkward silence filled the room.
“Did you like the game?” I heard Alexia asking after a few minutes of silence.
I couldn't say it enough, but I loved when she spoke in english.
I turned my head towards her and looked into her eyes, smiling. “Yes, you were amazing” I told her truthfully.
A blush spread across her cheeks, and she looked a little embarrassed but smiled nonetheless.
“So, you've been friends with Alba all this time? You work together at school, verdad?” she asked curiously, taking a sip of her smoothie.
“Um, yeah, we are co-teaching a class together. We met like two days after I first met you at that restaurant” I said to her.
“I didn't know you were her sister until today, though. She talked about you, obviously, but I never saw what you looked like or anything” I continued explaining and she nodded her head.
“Alba también habló de ti, pero al igual que tú, no relacioné los detalles. Mencionó tu nombre, pero para mí solo era un nombre, así que no podría haberte reconocido.” (Alba spoke about you too, but like you, I didn't link the details. She mentioned your name, but it was just a name to me, so I couldn't have recognized you) She explained her perspective in spanish.
“It’s okay, now we know…better late than never I suppose” I said smiling gently at her and she smiled back before looking back down at her smoothie.
Another awkward silence filled the room…God Alba please come back…
“You know, I felt very bad for not giving you my phone number. I—” but I cut her off because I really didn't want her to keep talking about this embarrassing moment.
“It's okay, you don't have to feel bad. I understand now” I told her.
She smiled at me sympathetically. “You know, now that you're pratically Alba's best friend, we can be friends too, but only if you want to...” she trailed off nervously and unsure.
I smiled at her. “Yes, we can be friends, of course.”
I extended my hand for a handshake, and she just looked at me in confusion.
“Let's do this all over again. My name is Y/N Y/L/N, and you?”
She smiled softly and took my hand. “I am Alexia Putellas” she said, shaking my hand.
We smiled at each other and we let go of each other's hands “by the way nice jersey, you must be a big fan ..” she said jokingly.
“Oh thank you, Alba gave it to me, I only wore it because I like the colour.I have no idea who that “Alexia” is…but Alba told me that apparently she’s the best player in the world, I doubt it since I have no idea who she is, do you know her ? ” I joked.
“No, I don’t know her either, but you’re right the colors are pretty” she played along and we both giggled.
I smiled at her and and was about to agree when we were interrupted by Alba coming out of the other room.She sat back down, smirking at us.
“Soy yo de nuevo. Espero no estar interrumpiendo.” (It's me again. I hope I'm not interrupting) she said smugly, making me roll my eyes.
“Eres tan molesta, Albita.” (You are so annoying, Albita) I told her, glaring playfully and using the nickname the kids at school gave her.
Even though she'll never admit it to the kids, she absolutely hates that nickname for some reason.
“No me llames así, puta” (Don't call me that, bitch) she said, now glaring at me.
“No te enojes... Albita” (Oh, don't be angry... Albita) Alexia continued, also using the nickname to annoy her sister.
“No, no, no, no estamos haciendo eso, solo porque ustedes dos son pareja ahora no significa que puedan unirse para molestarme.” (No, no, no we are not doing that, just because you two are a couple now doesn't mean you can team up to annoy me) she scoffed.
No way, she did not just say that.
“No somos pareja.” (We're not a couple) Alexia and I said simultaneously, glancing at each other in surprise and then smiling.
After some time and talking more about this crazy situation to clear things up, and also teasing Alba, Alexia got up to get changed as we were about to leave for the restaurant to meet Eli, Alba, and Alexia’s mom.
As Alexia was getting ready, Alba was lying on the couch, scrolling through her phone, and I was at the kitchen table playing with Nala.
Alexia then made her reappearance; she looked beautiful. She was wearing large blue jeans and a white top with a “just do it” cap—so simple yet so beautiful.
She noticed my staring and looked at me with a teasing smile. I quickly turned my attention back to Nala.
Alba suddenly got up from the couch, shouting, “¡Vamos chicas, tengo hambre!” (Come on girls, I’m hungry).
Alexia and I both laughed at her. “Vamos en mi coche.” (Let’s take my car) Alexia said, picking up her car keys.
We exited the apartment but not before saying goodbye to Nala and made our way to the parking lot.
Alexia’s car was a sleek, black Cupra with tinted windows and shiny rims. As I stared at it, a wave of recognition washed over me. Wait a minute, I’ve definitely seen this car before.
“Hey! I recognize this car. It was you! You almost ran me over the other day in the parking lot” I told her accusingly as we got into the car. Alba and Alexia sat in the front, and I was in the back.
“It was you?! What do you mean I almost ran you over? You should be careful when you cross the road.Your mom never told you to look both sides of the road before crossing it? ” she laughed a little, glaring at me playfully.
“¡Oye, habla en español! ¡No entiendo! que está pasando? ” (Hey, speak in Spanish! I don’t understand! what is happening?) Alba said feeling a little left out of the conversation.
Alexia and I burst into giggles as we recounted the entire situation to her in Spanish.
With a mischievous glint in her eye, she joked that Alexia should have just run me over and not stopped, so we could have met each other again even sooner.
The playful banter made the moment even more memorable, and we couldn't stop laughing at the thought of such a dramatic reunion.
Arriving at the restaurant, we made our way towards the entrance, and Alexia opened the door for both Alba and me. I smiled at her and thanked her.
The waitress greeted us, and we informed her that we would be four, as Eli hadn't arrived yet. She led us to a table for four, and Alexia and I sat next to each other, with Alba facing me.
While waiting for their mom, we talked about Alexia's upcoming important match since Barcelona will be playing in the final of the Champions League against Wolfsburg.
She mentioned that she told her teammates if they win the Champions League, she'll dye her hair pink.
Not gonna lie, I think pink would suit her.
After waiting for about fifteen minutes, Eli finally arrived, giving us a warm hug. She seemed to recognize me from the restaurant where we first met in Barcelona, as she looked at me a bit longer than usual.
As she sat down, Alba introduced me to her mom, saying, “Mami, esta es Y/N. Trabajamos juntas en la escuela y ahora es mi amiga.” (Mami, this is Y/N. We work together at school, and she's my friend now)
Eli greeted me warmly, saying, “Mucho gusto, Y/N. Aunque siento que nos hemos visto antes, ¿verdad? En un restaurante hace un tiempo, eres la estadounidense.” (Nice to meet you, Y/N. Although I feel like we've met before, right? At a restaurant a while ago, you're the American one.) Her gentle smile made me feel at ease as I confirmed “Sí, esa soy yo” (Yes, that's me.)
Throughout the entire dinner, I had the chance to get to know Eli better. She reminded me so much of my mom—sweet, caring, and fiercely protective over her daughters.
Her warmth and attentiveness were palpable, making me feel instantly at ease. It became clear to me where both Alba and Alexia got their kindness and sweetness from.
Eli's nurturing nature and genuine affection for her family shone through every word and gesture, leaving a lasting impression on me.
After a delightful dinner together, we bid farewell to Eli, exchanging warm hugs and promising to meet again in the near future.
Alexia, Alba, and I got back into the car and began our drive back to Alexia's apartment.
The ride was serene, with only the gentle tunes from the radio playing softly in the background. I frequently noticed Alexia glancing at me through the rearview mirror, and each time, we exchanged knowing smiles that spoke volumes.
When we finally arrived at Alexia's apartment, she carefully parked the car.
Alba and I started to say our goodbyes, lingering for a moment to appreciate the evening, before heading towards Alba's car.
As I hugged Alexia and said my goodbyes, she gently asked if we could talk for a moment. Her eyes conveyed a sense of urgency and sincerity.
She then looked at Alba, subtly signaling her to give us some privacy.
Understanding the cue, Alba nodded and walked towards her car, giving us the space we needed.
She patiently waited for me there, allowing Alexia and me to have our conversation undisturbed.
Alexia leaned casually against her car, her gaze fixed on me as she softly uttered, “Would you like to have lunch together tomorrow? I want to talk to you, just us” a tinge of nervousness evident in her tone.
I responded with a warm smile, “Absolutely, that sounds good.”
“Can I have your phone number please?” she inquired, extending her phone towards me.
I accepted, taking her phone and putting my number. “Sent me a text so I can save your contact too” I suggested.
Our laughter filled the air as she mischievously sent a message saying, "Alba es una tonta" (Alba is an idiot).
After saving her number, I playfully labeled her as “La Reina 👸” in my contacts, eliciting a playful eye roll from her.
As she opened her arms for a hug, I embraced her warmly. With a gentle rub on my back, she bid, “See you tomorrow.”
Returning the sentiment, I echoed, “See you tomorrow”.
Walking towards Alba's car, I glanced back to see Alexia looking at me. I waved, and she waved back before heading to her apartment building.
I got back into the car and Alba looked at me teasingly making kissing sound with her mouth, “tonta” (idiot) I insulted her and slapped her softly on the arm she just laughed and started the car.
The next day, I was getting ready for lunch with Alexia. I was a little nervous about it.
Alexia was supposed to come and pick me up, so I waited for her.
I spent almost an hour deciding what to wear—not something too fancy because it wasn’t a date, but not too casual either because I wanted to at least look good.
After choosing an appropriate outfit, I went to the bathroom to do my hair. I decided to leave it down instead of tying it up.
A few minutes later, I received a text from Alexia telling me she was in front of my building.
I quickly exited my apartment and spotted her waiting for me, leaning on her car with a bouquet of roses in her hand.
I got closer to her, and she looked up, smiling widely at me. I gave her a hug as a greeting, saying “hola.” She said it back, hugging me a little tighter.
We pulled away, and she handed me the bouquet of roses, saying “para ti” (for you) nervously.
I awed at her. “Thank you, Alexia. Those are my favorite flowers. How did you know?” I asked, smelling the roses.
“Um... I asked Alba about it” she said, a little nervous. I decided to be a bit bolder and kissed her cheek as a thank you.
She blushed a little. “Vamos” she said, opening the car door for me. I smiled at her and got into the car.
We parked in the restaurant's lot, and I smiled shyly at her upon realizing where she had taken me.
It was the place where we first met.
We both got out of the car and walked to the restaurant, with Alexia being the gentlewoman she is, opening the door for me.
We were seated at our table and placed our orders. “How was training this morning?” I asked her, since she mentioned during dinner yesterday that she had training.
“It was good, a bit intense since we're preparing for the Champions League final”she replied, sipping her water.
“I'm sure you all will do great. You won it last year, right?” I asked.
“Yes, we did. How did you know? Alba told me you didn't like football and didn't watch it” she teased.
Okay, so last night, just before heading to bed, I found myself diving into some research about Alexia and Barca.
Despite my usual disinterest in football, there's something about Alexia that's making me reconsider my opinion.
I read about her impressive career, her achievements, and the impact she's had on the sport and her team.
It's fascinating how someone can completely change your perspective on something you thought you didn't care about.
Maybe football isn't as boring as I once thought; in fact, it might be quite intriguing after all.
“Well, you know..Alba told me about it” I lied blushing slightly and took a sip of my water as Alexia chuckled.
Our food finally arrived, and we began to eat it. The paella I ordered the last time I was here was delicious, so I ordered it again.
“How's the paella?” she asked playfully , looking at me “Delicious” I simply replied, and she smiled softly at me.
There was a small moment of silence until I decided to speak. “I think we should address the elephant in the room" I said, looking at her.
Alexia frowned and looked around. “There’s no elephant in the room” she said, looking at me as if I were weird.
Oh, she didn’t understand the expression. Well, obviously Y/N, english isn’t her first language.
“Oh, sorry, no, it means... we should talk about...you know IT” I murmured, looking at my plate, avoiding eye contact.
I felt her large hand over mine, forcing me to look at her. “Yes, let's talk about it” she said delicately, stroking my hand before pulling it away.
“Um... I won't lie to you, the first time we met I felt like some kind of…connection? I guess. I know it sounds cliché, but it's true” I said diving right into it looking at her, but still unsure of myself.
“Don't worry, I felt the same.When I first saw you I thought you were really beautiful and I could not stop myself from staring at you” she said a little embarrassed and I blushed. “And when I saw you in the park again, I thought maybe, I don’t know, it was fate and it was my chance to talk to you” she continued.
“So, do you feel the same as I do? Like an attraction?” I asked.
“Yes, but...” she said, trying to find the right words.
“I know... you don’t want a relationship right now because of your job, Alba told me” I said, and she just nodded looking at me pitifully.
“Estoy realmente dedicado a centrarme en mi carrera en este momento, y es difícil equilibrar eso con tener una novia. Los viajes constantes y las demandas de mi trabajo hacen que sea difícil mantener una relación estable. Quiero darle a mi carrera la atención que merece, pero es difícil cuando los compromisos personales me están tirando en diferentes direcciones” (I'm really dedicated to focusing on my career right now, and it's tough to balance that with having a girlfriend. The constant traveling and the demands of my job make it difficult to maintain a stable relationship. I want to give my career the attention it deserves, but it’s hard when personal commitments are pulling me in different directions) she continued, and I nodded in understanding.
“I understand, it’s your career before everything else. You need to prioritize your professional growth and opportunities right now, and that means making some tough choices. It’s clear that your job requires a lot of your time and energy, and maintaining a relationship might not be feasible with your current commitments.” I said completely understanding where she’s coming from.
But I couldn't help feeling a bit sad. Since my first night in Barcelona, I've been feeling some kind of way about Alexia.
It's difficult to accept that I can't be with her because her demanding job takes up so much of her time and energy.
Feeling really sad and maybe a little embarrassed, I just look down at my hands resting on my lap, nervously playing with my fingers. It's like I'm trying to find some comfort in the small movements, but my mind keeps swirling with thoughts. The weight of the emotions makes it hard to lift my head, and I just want to disappear for a moment.
Alexia whispered, “mírame” (look at me), as she reached over the table and gently lifted my head with her hand. Her touch soft.
She gave me a sad smile, her eyes reflecting a mix of empathy and regret. It seemed like she felt bad for technically rejecting me... again. The moment was heavy with unspoken emotions, and her expression showed that she wished things could be different.
“Sabes, cuando Alba me habló de ti, mencionó repetidamente lo increíble que eres. No podía dejar de enfatizar lo maravillosa persona que eres, destacando tu amabilidad e inteligencia y por los pocos momentos que pasamos juntos, puedo decir que ella estaba diciendo la verdad.” (You know, when Alba spoke to me about you, she repeatedly mentioned how incredible you are. She couldn't stop emphasizing what an amazing person you are, highlighting your kindness and intelligence and from the few moments we spend together I can tell that she was telling the truth.) She spoke honestly in Spanish; I suppose she can express her emotions better in her native language.
“I still want to be friends with you, if you still want to be. I really value the connection we have, and I'd love for us to keep being a part of each other's lives. I really want to see more of you” she continued gently switching the language.
I hesitated for a moment to consider the situation.
Being friends with someone you might have a small crush on could complicate things. It’s probably not the best idea because it can blur the lines between friendship and romantic feelings, potentially leading to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. It’s important to think carefully about how this might affect both your emotions and the friendship itself.
Alexia could definitely see the hesitation on my face. She nervously bit her lips and looked away, her eyes reflecting a mix of anxiety and disappointment.
“If you don’t want to, it’s okay. I completely understand…” she said, her voice tinged with sadness. It was clear that my reaction had affected her, and I could sense the vulnerability in her words.
She seemed to be bracing herself for a rejection, trying to mask her emotions but not quite succeeding.
Despite my initial thoughts of not wanting to be friends with someone I have a crush on, I also really want to be part of her life.
In a way, I already am, since Alba and I are inseparable, and that naturally keeps me connected to her.
Maybe, in time, I'll get over this crush... who knows?
It's a confusing mix of emotions, but being around her, even as just a friend, feels important to me.
“Yes I do still want to be friend with you” I finally told her smiling a little, reassuring her.
She seemed genuinely relieved by my answers and her face lit up with a bright smile. It was as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, and the warmth in her eyes made me feel more at ease.
After that, the conversation flowed effortlessly. We discussed a wide range of topics, from the mundane to the profound, and in the process, we got to know each other better.
She shared details about her career, and I discovered that not only does she have the Champions League final coming up, but she will also be participating in the World Cup in August. Her dedication and achievements were truly impressive.
She was equally interested in my life, listening intently to every word I had to say and looking at me with genuine interest.
For a brief moment, I forgot the reality that we could not be together, lost in the connection we were building.
After finishing eating, Alexia drove me back to my apartment.
When she parked, we both got out of the car. “Thank you very much for lunch. I'm really glad we were able to talk things out”
I said, genuinely happy about our time together. "We should do it again sometime," I added with a hopeful smile.
"No problem at all. I'm also really happy about it, and yes, we should definitely do this again," she replied, her eyes sparkling with the same happiness I felt.
The warmth in her voice and the sincerity of her words made me feel even more connected to her.
“Alright, I'm heading out now. I'll see you around, Alexia” I said, giving her a smile.
“Bye, Y/N” she responded, smiling back.
As I started to walk away, I heard her call out, “Espera!” (Wait!) I turned around, slightly surprised. “You forgot your flowers” she said, walking towards me.
“Oh, thanks” I replied gratefully and take the flowers from her hands before turning to leave again. Just when I thought I was free to go, I felt her hand on my shoulder, stopping me. I turned back, curious.
“Wait... there's something I wanted to ask you” she said, a bit nervously.
“Sure, what is it?” I asked, focusing on her.
“Um... Quería preguntarte. Tengo un partido el sábado por la tarde. ¿Te gustaría venir? No tienes que comprar una entrada; tengo extras para familiares y amigos.” (Um...I wanted to ask you. I have a game on Saturday afternoon. Would you like to come? You don't have to buy a ticket; I have extras for family and friends) she said a bit more nervous now.
“Um... will Alba be there?” I asked her.
“No, she has a dentist appointment, but Alba doesn't need to be there for you to be there too” she informed me. “Ahora también somos amigas, no necesitamos a Alba para pasar el rato juntos.” (We’re friends now too, we don’t need Alba to hang out together) she continued smiling a little.
“I’d love to come see you played again” I said, smiling softly. She smiled and hugged me.
I hugged her around the waist and buried my head in her shoulder, and I heard her whisper softly in my ear “No te arrepentirás” (You won't regret it.)
We parted, and I gave her a kiss on the cheek and said goodbye, waving to her.
She waited for me to enter the building before getting back into her car and driving away.
Saturday arrived quickly, and before I knew it, I was sitting by myself in the stadium, waiting for the game to start.
Throughout the entire week, Alexia and I were in constant communication.
Every morning, we would exchange cheerful good morning texts, and then we’d hop on FaceTime to cook breakfast together.
It was such a delightful routine to prepare our meals side by side, even if it was through a screen, and then sit down to eat together, sharing our first moments of the day.
She continuously showed her care by frequently checking in on me. She would ask how my day was going, and it felt wonderful to know she was thinking about me.
In the evenings, our connection continued as we would FaceTime again during dinner time. We’d prepare our dinners together, step by step, and then enjoy our meals while chatting and laughing, making the distance feel so much smaller.
Finally, as the night drew to a close, Alexia would always send me the sweetest goodnight texts. She wished me sweet dreams, and her words were the perfect way to end the day, leaving me with a warm and happy feeling as I drifted off to sleep
As I was looking around, I got a text from Alexia.
La Reina 👸: ¿Estás aquí? (Are you here?)
Me: Yes, I’m in my seat.I can’t wait to see you play!
She just sent me a winking emoji.
I smiled at my phone before locking it and waiting for the players to come onto the field.
After a while, the players finally emerged from the tunnel. Alexia was the first one out, with a serious face, ready for the match.
Barcelona was playing against Madrid CFF. It was their last game before the Champions League final in June.
Barcelona was down 2–1, with Alexia being the only one to score so far.
Unfortunately, Barcelona lost. I could see the disappointment in Alexia; she shook hands with her opponents and hugged her teammates before going to see some fans to sign their jersey and take photos.
She got closer to the section I was in, signing jersey and talking a little bit with the fans placing a smile on her face but you could clearly see she was disappointed with the match.
She spotted me and smile at me and I returned it.
Once she finished she went back into the tunnel.
Knowing that she probably is not in the mood to talk right now, I got up and made my way out of the stadium.
As I got into my car, I received a call from Alexia. “Hello” I answered. “Hola, are you still here?” she asked. “Yes, I'm in the parking lot; I was about to leave” I informed her.
“Can you please wait for me? I'll be there in 10 minutes” she requested. “Yes, no problem, I'll wait for you” I told her, and she thanked me before hanging up.
Just as she promised, 10 minutes later, I saw her car pulling up next to mine.
She got out of the car and smiled at me. I got closer to her, and she engulfed me in a hug, wrapping her arms around my waist and burying her face in my neck.
“Lo siento” (I'm sorry) she murmured softly. “Why?” I questioned her.
“You come here and I lose the game” she explained.
I pulled away and held her face in my hands. “I don’t really care that you lose, I enjoyed the game and you were amazing, chica este golazo!” I exclaimed trying to lighten her mood and she laughed a little.
We completely pulled away, but I could sense that she was still a little sad, so I took her hand in mine, caressing her knuckles softly to bring her some comfort.
“¿Estás haciendo algo ahora mismo?” (Are you doing something right now?) she questioned, her eyes looking at our joined hands
“No, why” I answered still caressing her knuckles.
“¿Te gustaría venir a mi apartamento? Podríamos ver una película y luego puedo cocinar la cena” (Would you like to come to my apartment? We could watch a movie and then I can cook dinner?) she proposed.
“Me encantaría tener compañía en este momento, no quiero estar sola.” (I’d love some companies right now, I don’t really want to be alone) she continued.
“I would love to” I told her not hesitating, squeezing her hand.
I pulled away from her hand. “Okay, let's go. Follow me” she said, and we both got into our cars, driving to Alexia’s apartment.
Upon arriving at her apartment, I sat down on the living room floor and played with Nala.
“Ella realmente te quiere” (She really likes you) Alexia said from her spot next to me on the floor caressing Nala’s soft fur.
“Of course, who doesn't?” I joked sassily, and Alexia smiled, giving me a gentle push.
She then got up and headed to the kitchen. “What do you want to eat for dinner?” she asked.
“I don't know, whatever you want” I replied.
“We can make lasagna” she suggested, rummaging through the cabinets for ingredients. "Oh, I love lasagna!" I exclaimed happily.
She laughed as I got up and headed to the kitchen to help her with the cooking.
She took her phone, connected it to the aux, and put on some music. “You and Alba are obsessed with Karol G” I told her.
“La mejora” (the best) she simply replied, singing along to the lyrics.
As we cooked together, I noticed that Alexia often glanced at me, and every time I caught her, she quickly looked away.
While waiting for the lasagna to cook and Alexia went to the bathroom, I decided to scroll through her Instagram. As I was doing so, I felt hands on my hips from behind and heard Alexia whisper, "Boo!" I got scared and almost dropped my phone as I turned around.
“Idiota” I said, laughing as she did. “Did you liked my pictures on Instagram? ” she asked teasingly. I blushed a little, huffed, and removed her hands from my hips, walking past her to check on the lasagna.
Once the lasagna was cooked, Alexia took it out of the oven while I set the table with plates and cutlery.
We both sat down, and Alexia changed the seating arrangement to sit next to me instead of across from me. We took the first bite of our lasagna.
“Mmm” I moaned. “Delicioso” I told Alexia, who agreed with me. “Good job” she said, raising her hand for a high five.
After finishing dinner, we cleared the table and did the dishes together. The kitchen was filled with the sound of running water and clinking dishes.
Alexia and I were standing side by side at the sink, chatting and laughing as we scrubbed the plates and glasses
Suddenly, without warning, Alexia decided to splash water on my face.
“Hey! Idiota!” I exclaimed, drying my hands quickly and rubbing my eyes since the water had gotten into them. The cold splash took me by surprise, and I blinked rapidly to clear my vision.
“Ow! Ow! Ow! That hurt” I said, pretending to be in pain and squinting as if the water had caused more discomfort than it actually had.
“¡Oh, mierda! ¡Y/N, lo siento mucho! ¿Estás bien?” (Oh shit! Y/N, I’m so sorry! Are you okay?!) Alexia asked urgently, her voice filled with concern.
She took my face gently in her hands and tilted it back to get a better look at my eyes, her own eyes wide with worry.
I smirked at her, seeing the genuine distress on her face, and decided to take advantage of the situation. I scooped up a handful of soapy foam and, with a mischievous grin, smeared it all over her cheeks.
Alexia gasped in shock, her eyes widening as the foam clung to her face. I let out a loud, triumphant laugh and bolted from the sink, running across the kitchen. “¡Vas a arrepentirte de eso!” (You’re going to regret that!) she shouted, her initial shock giving way to laughter as she chased after me, both of us laughing and slipping on the wet floor.
By the time we finished our little water fight, our shirts were wet, so I asked if I could borrow one of her shirts. She agreed immediately and went to her room to find one for me.
She came back a moment later with one of her black hoodies. I thanked her and went to the bathroom to change. The hoodie smelled just like her and was so warm.
I returned to the living room to find Alexia already comfortable on the couch, her legs resting on the coffee table with a duvet covering them. She was scrolling through Netflix in search of a movie.
I sat down next to her, leaving some space between us so as not to make her uncomfortable.
She extended the duvet so she could covered my legs too. Nala came, jumping on the couch placing herself on Alexia’s leg.
Alexia selected a film named “Nowhere” and pressed play.
Midway through the movie, I felt myself getting tired, so I rested my head against the back of the couch. Alexia glanced at me and uttered, “Ven aqui”(come here) as she raised her arm. I moved closer to her and nestled into her side.
She slid her hand under my hoodie and began to stroke my side. “¿Está bien eso?”(Is that alright?) she inquired, to which I responded with a hum, too relaxed to speak.
Nala noticed me and barked, prompting me to place my hand on her soft fur beside Alexia's.
Over time, Alexia's hand inched closer to mine, and I instinctively reached for it, placing my hand in hers as our fingers intertwined.
Everything was so calm and peaceful that I couldn't help but fall asleep.
I woke up in a dark room, still in the same position as when I dozed off. Alexia was sleeping with her head resting against the back of the couch, which couldn't have been comfortable. Nala had decided to sleep on the floor.
Alexia and I were still holding hands, our fingers intertwined as if they were reluctant to let go. I could feel the warmth of her touch and I gently pulled my hand away, feeling a slight pang of reluctance as our fingers slowly separated.
“Alexia, Alexia” I called softly, shaking her gently. “¡Despierta!” (Wake up)
She groaned and woke up startled “¿Qué? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Estás bien?” (What? What's wrong? Are you okay?) she asked, placing her hand on the back of my head with concern.
“Everything's fine, we just fell asleep” I reassured her.
I sat up and reached for my phone. It was one in the morning. “I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep. I was just so tired” I apologized.
“It's okay, don't worry” she reassured me, sitting up. “I should go” I said, standing up.
She stopped me by grabbing one of my hand “No, sleep here. It's too late and you're too tired to drive” she told me also getting up.
“No, no, I don't want to bother you” I told her. "You're not," she answered softly.
I take a moment to think it over. It's just one night, and with tomorrow being Sunday, there's no work to worry about.
“Fine” I finally give in.
“Let me grab you some shorts; you can't sleep in jeans” she said with a warm smile. I thanked her, appreciating her thoughtfulness, and she quickly disappeared into her room.
Moments later, she returned with a pair of Barca shorts in her hand. The fabric looked soft and comfortable. I took them gratefully and headed to the bathroom to change. As I slipped into the shorts, I felt a wave of relief wash over me, thankful for her kindness and the comfort of the new attire.
Returning to the living room, I was about to lie back on the couch when she stopped me with a gentle hand on my shoulder. “No, go sleep on the bed. I'll sleep on the couch” she insisted softly.
“Alexia, it's your apartment. You should sleep in your bed” I protested, trying to reason with her. “No, you're my guest. You sleep on the bed” she retorted firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument.
“No, you sleep on the bed” I replied, standing my ground.
She let out an exasperated sigh and stepped closer, taking me by the arms and gently but firmly pulling me up. “Alexia, what are you doing?” I whispered, half yelling at her, confusion and surprise in my voice.
“Shhh” she shushed me, leading me with determined steps into her bedroom.
“Alexia—” I started to object, but she cut me off with a stern look. “Callate. We're both going to sleep in the bed. Is that okay with you?” (Quiet) she asked, her voice softening.
I looked at her, seeing the earnestness in her eyes, and just nodded, unable to find any more words to argue.
I settled onto the soft mattress, feeling her presence beside me, a comforting warmth in the dimly lit room. Despite my exhaustion, sleep eluded me, perhaps due to her proximity.
The scent of her shampoo lingered in the air, a subtle reminder of her closeness. Unlike on the couch, where slumber came easily with her nearby, sharing a bed introduced a new level of closeness and intimacy.
Turning to meet her gaze, I found her already looking back at me with a gaze that seemed to convey unspoken understanding. As she drew nearer, I shifted to face her, our eyes locked in a silent exchange of emotions.
Her hand, gentle and reassuring, cupped my cheek, her thumb tracing soothing patterns against my skin. The tender caress lulled me into a state of tranquility, my weariness giving way to a sense of calm.
“Está bien, ve a dormir, cariño, estoy aquí”(It’s okay, go to sleep,I’m here) her voice, a soft murmur, resonated in the quiet room as she pressed her forehead against mine.
The closeness of our breath mingling, the shared warmth, and her comforting presence gradually ushered me into the embrace of slumber.
I woke up the following morning to an empty space where Alexia should have been. Glancing at my phone, I saw it was 7 AM, and a sense of unease washed over me.
I got out of bed, thinking she might be in the bathroom or the kitchen, but after searching the apartment, I realized she was nowhere to be found.
Where could she possibly be at 7 AM on a Sunday?
Then, as I walked into the kitchen, I noticed a note on the table. My curiosity piqued, I picked it up and read:
“I went running, I will be back soon”
- Ale.
I couldn't help but chuckle. Who goes for a run at seven in the morning on a Sunday?
Well, apparently Alexia does. Her dedication and energy never ceased to amaze me.
I greeted Nala by giving her a lot of kisses and some belly rubs and made my way to the kitchen.
To show my gratitude for her hospitality and perhaps surprise her upon her return, I decided to make breakfast for her.
I rummaged through the kitchen, finding ingredients for a hearty meal. As I started cooking, the aroma filled the air, adding warmth to the quiet morning.
A little later, as I finished cooking, Alexia returned. “Bon dia” she greeted, giving me a kiss on the cheek.
She had been very affectionate since yesterday; maybe just maybe a little part of me think she had changed her mind about not wanting a girlfriend, or perhaps she was just naturally affectionate as a Spanish person.
“Bon dia” I replied. “I made you breakfast” I said, presenting the plate. She smiled softly at me. “Gracias” she responded.
As we settled at the table, the morning light creating a cozy atmosphere, we enjoyed our breakfast and chatted about the busy week ahead. There was a comfortable ease in our conversation that made the moment feel special.
After we finished eating, we tidied up the dishes and decided it was time to head out, feeling content with the start of our day.
I then decided it was time for me to leave. I truly enjoyed my night and morning with Alexia; spending this time together allowed us to bond even more. The conversations we had and the moments we shared made me feel closer to her.
I went back to her room, made the bed, and changed back into my clothes. I carefully folded the clothes she kindly let me borrow, making sure they were as neat as when she first gave them to me.
I strolled back into the living room, my heart filled with gratitude for Alexia's generosity. “I'm heading out now, thank you so much for letting me stay” I expressed to her.
Alexia, with a gentle smile, rose from the sofa and enveloped me in a warm hug. “De nada” she whispered softly, her voice carrying a sense of genuine care and hospitality.
After our embrace, I planted a tender kiss on her cheek, grabbed my car keys, and followed her to the door.
Alexia opened it for me.
“Adios” I told her , to which she replied with a kind smile. “Text me when you get home and be careful on the road” she reminded me, “and remember to look both way before you crossed the road” she teased playfully, a smirked on her lips and I giggled at her,
“I will” I assured her, touched by her thoughtfulness and made my way out of the door to the elevator.
The rest of the day, I couldn't stop thinking about my time at Alexia's. I just can't figure her out; she says she doesn't want a relationship right now, but then she goes and does all these things—giving me flowers, cuddling me, holding my hand.
It's so confusing because her actions speak differently from her words. She makes me feel so special and cared for, yet insists that she's does not want a relationship. It leaves me wondering if there's something more to her feelings that she's not ready to admit.
Ughh I hate love.
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mysunshinetemptress · 2 months
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Alexia putellas x equestrian!reader
Warnings:rushed shitty writing, not proofread
“Vamos!” You shout arms outstretched above your head in relief and excitement as you watch the Spanish girls dance around the pitch hugging one another and thanking their Japanese opponents, your mamí wraps her arms around you tightly pulling you into a hug “Oh, Potro, eso fue increíble” You let out a small laugh hugging her tighter “Conozco a Mamí y esto es solo el principio, VAMOS ESPAÑA”
You smile watching the team happily talk to each other about the match that has just taken place before deciding to call it a night, you had one final training session before you would have to take part in the first round of the eventing on the 27th.
Your least favourite event was dressage, you hated how meticulous it was how precise, everything had to be on point, one wrong stride and you would be falling down the table, the bid for a medal slipping further away. But dressage was like a dance, a dance where your dance partner is your horse Once fuertes, you lead and he follows in time to the music.
When it’s over and you see your name sitting in first place and you don’t seem to dislike it as much, you are happy with your dance partner, with the precision of his hooves through the sand his strides perfect, of course it is you who cause the fault only a slight one but still you have raked up 16.00 penalty points.
1.5 penalty points less than your closest opponent but it’s not enough.
“Lo siento, mamá, debería haber sido mejor” you fall into your mothers arms “Potro, it was perfect, parada being so hard on yourself, tienes razón donde necesitas ser un potro, llegarás allí, solo espera.” All you can do is let out a grunt as you push off her and turn to follow your grooming team.
You don’t get a day to relax, to process your recent accomplishments instead your sitting on Once fuertes in a forest in Versailles getting ready to take part in the cross country trail for both Spain and yourself just like yesterday.
Only today is not a dance, today is a race against a nine point two minute clock and twenty eight fences/obstacles in the way. Once fuertes is big at 17.5 hands these obstacles will be nothing for him the time trial a minuscule thought for such a long strided horse like him, but it’s up to you to get him there.
You do so perfectly, you trust in him to leap over every obstacle and land ready to race towards the next and he does it without hesitation yet you don’t stop talking to him pushing him forward edging him to go faster to jump higher and it pays off. You hold your lead. You’re still number one, still in position for gold. Your first gold.
Your happier this time around, your mother can tell just from the way your hunched over Once talking to him happily “ Oh, mi chico, eres increíble, eres perfecto, podríamos hacer esto, yo y tú, once, yo y podrías ganarlo todo, oh, ese es mi sueño para ti y para mí.” Your mother pats Once happily “Bien hecho once, gracias por cuidar de mi potro” you beam down at your mother before swinging your leg over and jumping down from the thoroughbred laughing happily as your mamí pulls you in for another bone crushing hug “Dios mío, mamá I think we might actually have a chance, we might actually place on the podium me and Spain, me and Once.” Tears spring to your mothers eyes, happy tears at your growing excitement, at your accomplishments so far “I don’t think you’ll just place Potro, you will win it all, you and España and Once, you will win the gold.” You shake your head not wanting to get your hopes up just yet “Paciencia, es todo lo que tengo en este deporte.” Your mother squeezed your arms before letting you stand back as you got ready to follow your groomers again “you sound just like your Papá.”
It’s not over, far from it, you still have the eventing show jumping tomorrow, the team final and the individual qualifiers but tonight you can relax, tonight you get to watch La Rojas face off against Nigeria, tonight you get to focus back on a different race for a podium and your happy to get to switch off even just for an hour.
You sit happily in the Olympic village with your team around a table as you watch the girls battle it out, fighting for a point that never seems to come. “Uhh, no van a anotar, quiero decir, vamos, quedan diez minutos.” Your teammate Carlos shakes his head, you simply smile and shake your head “Paciencia Carlos, they will strike when they are good and ready. She will strike when she is good and ready.” The team laugh at your faith in the Spanish girls, your faith in your favourite player La Reina herself, but it is you who is laughing five minutes later when Alexia scores the only goal of the match “Mira, te lo dije, when she is good and ready.”
You look out at the castle the next morning getting ready to walk the course with your teammates insuring you know your route, your strides, when to push Once on more with your leg and when to let off, to losen the reins, this is it, you could win your first gold medal today with Spain, your first gold medal as an individual, you just have to be patient.
You must qualify in the top twenty five to reach the individual qualifiers, you must be in the top twenty five to win, you have to jump a clear round all while staying within the eighty second time period. Once has to stay calm, so you have to stay calm, Once must keep his strides precise, he can’t over stretch, he might knock a pole if he does, he might knock more than one and the penalties you have been working so hard to keep down could wrack up suddenly, but again your against the clock a time trial, you have to do this fast, he has to do this fast, you both have to do this fast and clean together, it’s the only way you will keep your spot.
And you do. You jump last for Spain, you jump clear for Spain, for your self, to qualify for the individual medal, not a single pole rocked within the cups and you stayed five seconds under the time limit, for Spain, for you and Once, you were perfect, he was perfect, now it’s a waiting game as the last five jumpers get ready to try and knock Spain off the gold position.
None of your other teammates scores are as perfect as yours but they aren’t the worst, not even middle, they are comfortably in the top twenty and so you stand in the stands to watch the final rider with bated breath.
Great Britain sit second, France sit third and with Tom McEwans for Great Britain four faults in his round he seals the deal on all three podium spots, you have done it, you’ve won a gold medal, Spain have won a gold medal, Once has won you both a gold medal and now you have to refocus to win your individual one.
Your jumping last out of the twenty five riders, you sit in first and you can’t do anything except watch how the riders ahead of you take this new course, their turns, their leg sheathed it’s on or off, how their horses react, you watch the screen as the names move up and down below the top four, the top four, four faults sit between you all, four faults is all it will take for you to drop off the podium altogether, for this to be all for nothing and as your time comes closer it seems to be the only thing swimming around your head.
But it clears, it clears as you swing your leg over Once and as your mamí squeezes your leg before turning to the thoroughbred “Enciérdala por mí, cuida a mi pequeño potro.”
Sixty seconds till your gold medal, sixty seconds till you hold a gold medal, till you and Once become Olympic champions sixty seconds and a clear round.
You don’t remember the course, you don’t remember starting the course, but the roar as Once touches the ground on the far side of the final fence, clear, two seconds under the time giving, clear, clear, he jumped clear, you jumped clear both of you together jumped clear, your an Olympic champion, Once is an Olympic champion, Spain are Olympic champions and all you can do is look towards the sky and shout.
You arrive back to the village beaming, two gold medals around your neck, a team and an individual, you won’t have time to celebrate it, not yet, the games aren’t over but for now you beam and let out quite thanks you’d as athletes pass you in the village congratulating you as they pass.
You freeze as a certain athlete stands in front of you “Guau, hace tres días y ya tienes dos medallas de oro, debes ser bueno.” Your frozen unable speak, unable to think, unable to breath. She’s gorgeous, she’s breathtaking and she’s standing right in front of you. “No, No not really.” She smiles holding out her hand to you “I’m Alexia.” You look at her hand before taking it gently, scared your hand might pass through hers “I-I am Y/n.” Alexia beams happily holding your hand for far longer than she expected but she thinks you’re gorgeous, that you’re breathtaking and so she doesn’t mind “I was going to get a go coffee, would you like to join me.” You nod before finding your words “Sí, me encantaría.”
You let out a laugh as Alexia tells you of her younger sister Alba stating that the only role she wanted in the Olympics was that of a WAG or singing in the opening ceremony.
You sit happily listening to her talk about her family, talks about them like you have known her and them forever, you want to ask about her father but decide that if she isn’t happy mentioning him to you, a complete stranger she met mere hours ago then you weren’t going to ask.
“I am here for Fútbol.” You nodded “Sí, I-I am a fan.” Alexia doesn’t react like you thought she would, her smile seems to grow “a fan, of Spain?, of Barcelona?, of me?.” You laugh “De todos ustedes, de España, de Barcelona de ustedes, la Reina- I have been in love with fútbol my entire life, I have been a culers my entire life, and I have been a fan of you since you started playing.” Alexia lets out a sigh, a content sigh. “That is good, because I don’t think I could give my phone number to a Real Madrid supporter.” You laugh again this time sliding your phone over to the older girl.
Alexia watch’s you as she types in her number, adding emojis to her name. “So you never told me what sport you’re so great at that you won both of your medals for.” You blush as the conversation turns to you, you were quite content listening to Alexia talk and now she had switched to you. “Ecuestre, this one is from the team eventing so Yo y otros tres ciclistas ganamos este.” You hold out your team gold medal for Alexia to inspect “Y entonces this one is my individual medal, but really I couldn’t have done it without Once.” You hold out your individual medal as Alexia’s eyebrows raise “what is your horses name.” You smile “Once fuertes” Alexia nods approving “eleven is a strong number alright.” You let out a giggle taking back your medals “so what does Once get.” You go to take your phone out to show her pictures of the thoroughbred “he gets a rosette, and carrots, lots of carrots.” Alexia let’s out a small oh “well that’s not fair.” You pause as you go to hand over your phone “what do you mean.” Alexia shrugs “well your job is easy, the horse does all the work, so shouldn’t he get a better prize.” You feel your face heat up and turn bright red from embarrassment, as you smile sheepishly putting your phone back in your pocket, you push your chair to get up from the table and Alexia can tell she’s said the wrong thing “Y/n.” You ignore her as you stand “Good luck for the rest of the games.” You leave immediately as Alexia shakes her head “Joder.”
Alexia tried texting you but your not answering and so she decides to see if you have any social media, with a quick google of your name Alexia feels her guilt increase ten fold “Y/n Ferré Balagueró dedicates her Olympic wins to her father.” “MIERDA”
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cachandodemonios · 14 days
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Recuerdo desde el primer momento cuando llegaste a mi vida eras tan pequeño , te vi y mis ojos se llenaron de ternura , puedo decir que en el primer momento me hiciste tan feliz hasta el último día de tu vida y agradezco por tanto amor y fidelidad .
Eras un perro muy inteligente a parte de guapo eras para mi el golden más destacado y único que en mi vida pude llegar a tener
Tener cada recuerdo de ti cada memoria me hace vivirte por un instante pero la realidad es otra cuando ya no estás , te extraño y siempre lo haré por que fuiste un gran perro ,mi hombrecito peludo .
Luchaste tanto para seguir con nosotros se que no te querías ir aún pero ya tenías que descansar y no sentir más dolor .
Lloro cada día por que no te siento no te puedo ver pero cada recuerdo de felicidad junto a ti me calma .
Se que te di lo mejor en todo el tiempo que estuviste conmigo y hasta el último momento di y odo para poder ayudarte a seguir en esta vida , pero el destino te quería de vuelta no se aún con exactitud porque pero la vida es así .
Te necesitaba más tiempo conmigo tú eras mi sustento de seguir luchando con mi sufrimiento interno , verte me daba paz y me llenaba de esperanza , pero no puedo ser egoísta tú necesitabas descansar y ahora lo entiendo duele pero lo entiendo .
Ahora eres nuestro perrito eterno , DUNKAN mi amado peludo te honro con cariño y respeto hoy y siempre .
Gracias por darme el privilegio de escogerme como tu familia .
Gracias por el privilegio de tenerte junto a mi , me siento afortunada de ser parte de ti .
Gracias por ser un perrito valiente y luchar tanto por darnos más tiempo a nuestro lado
Ahora vivirás para siempre en nuestras almas , y ahí jamás moriras .
Se que estarás feliz corriendo sin ningun dolor y jugando con los peluches que tanto te gustan .
Tú amor incondicional puro y sincero lo extrañaré .
Creo entender el significado de que estuvieras conmigo todo este tiempo tú ciclo de estar conmigo me dejó mucho que pensar y lo tomo con mucho amor y cariño, GRACIAS POR TANTO Y PERDÓN POR LLENARTE EN OCACIONES CON MIS SENTIMIENTOS DE DECADENCIA Y TRISTEZA
Mi mono hermoso te amo ahora y siempre ! 💛💜
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baby-ana1 · 4 months
Consejos para bajar se peso:
1. Has ayuno intermitente, es realmente efectivo
2. No superes las 800 calorías diarias
3. Todo lo que tenga 0 calorías puedes consumirlo durante el ayuno, así que puedes probar tes, café, jugos light, lo que tu quieras
4. Comprar ropa que te quede pequeña para verte obligado a bajar de peso, ya que si no lo haces, no vas a caber
5. Pasar frío. Es un mito que el calor ayuda a bajar de peso, solo te deshidrataras, pero el frío si ayuda a bajar de peso. Cuando uno pasa frío el cuerpo se ve obligado a quemar grasa para producir calor corporal
6. Si vas a vomitar, preorisa alimentos líquidos, son más fáciles de vomitar
7. Date premios no relacionados con la comida. Por ejemplo: comprárte ese pantalón que siempre quisiste pero que nunca pudiste comprar por que no lo ibas a poder usar, ir a ese lugar que te daba vergüenza por tu peso, etc.
8. Consigue a alguien que tenga el mismo objetivo y ayunen, hagan ejercicio, etc, juntos. Es mucho más divertido y efectivo.
9. Evita lácteos y asucares, es lo que MAS te hará engordar
10. Intenta que tus comidas no tengan variedad de alimentos. Vieron que cuando se llenan al comer, por algún motivo todavía pueden comer el postre? Eso es porque el cerebro manda señales que te hacen comer más en presencia de variedad. Si buscas comer menos, evita esa variedad.
11. Toma mucha agua, entre 2 y 3 litros por día
12. Has al menos 6 mil pasos diarios (parecen mucho pero no lo son)
13. Eviten comer cosas del paquete, no se van a poder controlar
14. Priorizen las proteínas para no quedar skinny fat
15. Hagan actividades que no los hagan pensar en la comida
16. El agua tibia con limón ayuda mucho al metabolismo
17. Evita las yemas de los huevos, un huevo entero tiene 75 calorías, pero la clara sólo 17, osea que la mayor parte de las calorías son por culpa de la yema
18. Usa platos y cubiertos pequeños si tienes alguno, harán creer a tu cerebro que la porción es más grande de lo que realmente es y te sentirás más saciado.
19. Has pilates. El pilates es lo mejor que le paso a este mundo
20. Haste estas preguntas a ti mismo antes de comer cualquier cosa
¿Me voy a sentir bien con mi cuerpo después de comer esto?
¿Realmente tengo hambre o solo estoy aburrido?
¿Me voy a arrepentir de comer esto?
21. Pasar frío puede quemar de 60 a 100 calorías cada 25 minutos
22. Selecciona UN día, solo UN día para quitarte las ganas de todo aquello que se te haya antojado durante la semana. Que sea siempre el mismo. El motivo es que si tienes un día en lo que puedes comer lo que quieras se disminuye la probabilidad de un atracón.
Si te dices "no voy a comer esta galleta hasta que sea delgada" van a pasar las semanas y vas a ver que todavía no eres delgada, lo que significa que todavía no puedes comer la galleta y te vas a empezar a desesperar. Lo siguiente que pasará es que vas a dejar la dieta, porque ya no aguantas las ganas.
En cambio si tienes un día designado para comer lo que quieras, te dirás "no comeré esta galleta hasta el sábado (o el día que quieras)" y al pasar los días veras que el día para comer SI se acerca y sabes cuando es, lo que te ayudará a resistir.
Obviamente, cuando llegue el día, no te comas todo lo que se pase por delante tuyo, come únicamente esos alimento de los que estuviste más antojado en la semana.
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wileys-russo · 1 year
Please could you write something with reader trying to teach alexia english😩
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PSA: I don’t speak Spanish so I sincerely apologise for any mistakes
second languages II a.putellas
"hola! ale?" you called out as you let yourself into your girlfriends apartment, bending down to scoop up nala who came hurtling at you from the sofa. "hola!" you heard the blonde call out from her bedroom as you cooed at the small ball of fluff in your arms and kicked off your shoes, sliding them to sit neatly beside your girlfriends.
you couldn't help but chuckle as you entered the bedroom to see alexia's eyes trained on the large tv on her wall, watching barcelonas last match with real madrid. a notebook and pen sat nestled in her lap, the girl clearly taking notes before their upcoming rival game this weekend.
"nadie puede decir que no estás dedicada bonita." (no one can ever say you are not dedicated) you laughed, placing nala down and shaking your head. "para ser el mejor tienes que saber todo sobre tu oponente. hola hermosa." (to be the best you have to know everything about your opponent. hi beautiful) your girlfriend shrugged, moving her notebook away and opening her arms expectantly.
"y por eso eres la mejor?" (and that is why you are the best?) you laughed, placing your keys and phone down on her desk. "si es por eso que soy la mejor." (yes, that is why i am the best) the catalan grinned as you collapsed on top of her, your arms wrapping around one another in a tight hug.
"No es que me queje al verte. pero pensé que tenías trabajo esta tarde?" (not that i am complaining to see you. but i thought you had jobs this afternoon?) alexia questioned curiously as you moved a few loose strands of hair out of her face.
"a few clients cancelled so it freed up my afternoon." you explained with a happy smile, honestly not all that bothered if it meant you got to spend more time with her.
"veo. bueno, al juego todavía le queda la mitad." (i see. well the game still has one half to go) your girlfriend smiled as you sighed, knowing her well enough that there would be very little you could say to pry her away from her match studies.
"i'm gonna go make some food then." you chuckled, pecking her lips and moving to stand but her arms stayed locked around you. "o podrías quedarte y mirar conmigo mi vida." (or you could stay and watch with me) alexia grinned, wiggling her eyebrows making you laugh.
"haré algo de comida y luego volveré y miraré. okay?" (i will make some food then come back and watch) you bargained, the blonde humming and letting you up. "si, okay."
"and don't forget, we're practicing your english later." you reminded causing the older girl to groan loudly in contempt. "ale! you promised." you warned at her response, the blonde flopping backwards and sighing.
"de repente me siento muy mal bebe. podría perder mi voz." (suddenly i am feeling very sick baby. i might lose my voice) the taller girl faked a cough causing you to narrow your eyes at her in a glare.
"alexia you are the one who asked me to help you be more confident in your english. so that you can speak easier with my family!" you warned her sternly, the midfielder whining like a child throwing a tantrum as she kicked her feet and dragged her hands down her face.
bit by the travel bug you decided to spend a summer interning in barcelona around a year and a half ago, you already knew spanish from studying it in school and so when the opportunity came up from one of your old teachers for a photography internship abroad, you'd have been stupid to say no.
that was how you'd met alexia, a few months in you'd been sent to assist on a shoot for the new fc barcelona kit drop.
you'd caught the older girls eyes right away the moment you'd first spoke, alexia finding endless amusement in the way your thick northern accent came through in your spanish.
so with some light teasing throughout the shoot you were surprised when she'd asked if you wanted to grab dinner afterward, claiming that you'd not had a proper barcelona experience until you'd eaten at some of the best places it had to offer which alexia was glad to show you.
and the rest was a story you'd probably tell your grandkids one day.
"o podrías ayudar a tu familia a mejorar su español?" (or you could help your family work on their spanish) your girlfriend suggested with an innocent smile, which promptly dropped as you only continued to wordlessly glare at her.
"fine!" alexia huffed, throwing her hands up in defeat before crossing them over her chest, pouting up at you. "that's not going to work ale. go back to your game!" you nodded to the tv, turning around and heading toward the kitchen.
"cual es tu horario para mañana bonita?" (whats your schedule for tomorrow) your girlfriend asked with a stretch, joining you in the kitchen from her bedroom. "hermosa?" she called out again when you didn't answer.
"in english." you turned to her with a smile, leaning against the counter as you took a bite from your sandwich. "qu��?" alexia frowned as you pulled yourself to sit on the counter. "english lessons ale. i will only respond when you speak in english!" you explained with a shrug, continuing to eat your sandwich.
"mierda. uh, what are your....jobs tomorrow?" the older girl managed to get out as you nodded encouragingly. "i have a shoot at two and another at five." you answered, your girlfriends understanding of english was fine as was yours of spanish, but it was her diction that she was often insecure about.
"what time is training tomorrow?" you asked, leaning over to place your empty plate in the sink. "training is at ten." alexia answered with a little more ease and you smiled.
"okay so now lets practice like you're talking with my family." you started, jumping down from the counter and moving to the living room, both you and alexia taking a seat on the sofa.
"how have you been?" "good." "okay, they're going to want to know more than that baby. what about football? speak about that." "okay. we have been training for the..." you watched as the blonde struggled to find the right words, huffing in frustration.
"champions league?" "si. sorry, yes. champions league. barcelona lost last time, we do not want that to happen again so we train hard, we try to win all our games." "good! see, you can do it ale." you nudged the older girl with your foot, sending her a soft smile of encouragement. "you will have to help me with your father." alexia chuckled as you agreed, your dads accent easily the thickest of your families with how fast he spoke alexia often struggled to understand what he was saying.
"your accent when you speak english is very cute baby." you grinned, watching on victoriously as a small blush coated the girls cheeks, a welcome change from her often sharp demeanor.
"ojalá pudiera decir lo mismo de tu nena española." (wish i could say the same about your spanish) the taller girl sent you a smile, hands tugging at your top to pull you closer to her. "hey!" you frowned in offence at the comment as you now sat practically in her lap, her long legs reclined down the sofa.
"should i say in english too?" alexia teased as you smacked her chest with a small pout.
"there are some things you like better when i say in spanish baby girl, no?" alexias tone shifted as her eyes roamed your features with a slightly darker gaze. your face heated up at what you knew she was insinuating, her hands gently sliding up and down your bare thighs.
"...maybe some things sound better in spanish."
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angel-amable · 9 months
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Todo lo que yo te haga, antes ya tú me lo hiciste. Y ahora, ¿qué quieres conmigo? Si tú para mí, no existes. Aún yo soy mejor persona, pues no quiero hacerte daño. Solo sé que no te quiero, mi amor se fue con el tiempo. Tú no me vengas con pamplinas, ni me pidas que te ayude. Cuando te necesitaba, yo jamás a ti te tuve. Ni te quiero ni te odio, quiero ver que me comprendas que eres uno más de tantos que he conocido. ¡¡Se acabó!! Porque yo me lo propuse y sufrí como nadie había sufrido y mi piel se quedó vacía y sola, desahuciada en el olvido y después de luchar contra la muerte, empecé a recuperarme un poco y olvidé todo lo que te quería. Y ahora ya.... ¡¡ Mi mundo es otro!!
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ittom2m · 5 months
Poseyendo a mi mejor amigo
Alex ha sido mi mejor amigo desde hace varios años hemos sido inseparables hasta ahora que vamos en la universidad he comenzado a sentir cosas por él, no puedo dejar de pensar en que le diré hoy justo iba cruzando la calle cuando derrepente todo se nubló no recuerdo nada más que el sonido de un carro frenando hasta que abrí mis ojos estaba en el hospital podía ver mi cuerpo acostado en la cama y al lado estaba Alex, que estaba pasando? Me sentía tan perdido pero feliz de poderlo ver, creo que soy un fantasma
Trate de comunicarme con Alex hasta que vi que saco su teléfono, pase mi mano fantasmal por la pantalla creo que puedo escribir en su teclado
Alex al instante supo que era yo, supongo que de tantos años de conocernos tenemos algún tipo de conexión, empezo a preguntar Jon eres tu? Que esta pasando?
Jon: creo que estoy muerto soy como un fantasma no se como regresar a mi cuerpo
Alex: puede que sea algún tipo de proyección astral de tu alma,me alegra poder hablar contigo aunque sea de esta manera
Jon: a mi también me alegra que estes aqui pero ahora necesito volver a mi cuerpo
Alex: hablando de eso tu cuerpo esta en coma, no parece ser algo grave pero no sabemos cuando puedas despertar así que si vuelves a tu cuerpo talvez ya no podamos hablar
Jon: entonces que hago no me puedo quedarme así
Alex: déjame pensar Tu sabes que todos estos temas de fantasmas me gustan pero nunca me había pasado algo parecido
Jon: es cierto siempre me obligabas a ver esas películas de terror
Alex: tengo una idea es algo rara pero si funciona seria genial, por que no me posees?
Los ojos de Alex se iluminaron no podía creerlo que idea tan descabellada aun así cierta curiosidad nació en mi interior por que estaba tan emocionado por que yo poseyera su cuerpo, aun así no lo pensé mucho quería salir de ese hospital
Jon: estas seguro de esto alex, crees que funcione?
Alex: hay que intentarlo no perdemos nada, simplemente voy a cerrar mis ojos, me voy a relajar lo más que pueda y cuando sientas que es el momento trata de abrazarme yo te dejarte entrar a mi cuerpo
Jon: okey aquí voy
Me acerque a Alex mientas él cerró sus ojos y empezó a meditar se veía tan lindo así que fue fácil al instante quize abrazarlo Fue ahí cuando todo se nubló
Abrí mis ojos me sentía mareado todo me daba vueltas mire hacia abajo fue ahí cuando vi las manos de alex. No puede ser en verdad lo he poseído.
No recordaba lo bonitas que eran sus manos, sentía mi corazón latir me volví a sentir vivo en el cuerpo de mi mejor amigo corrí al baño a verme al espejo. En persona Alex es más guapo empeze a tocar mi cara mi pelo mis brazos hasta me quite la playera que bien se ve el cuerpo de Alex todas esas visitas al gimnasio le han dado resultado me di cuenta que podía hacer cualquier cosa con su cuerpo ahora que lo poseía pero solo tome una foto en el espejo.
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Ya iba a salir de baño cuando me entraron unas ganas de mear. No puede ser no quiero ver ahí abajo pero no puedo aguantar más, me la tuve que sacar, no podia creerlo tantas años siendo amigos y es la primera vez que le veo el pene a Alex no pensé que se lo vería estando en su cuerpo, su pito es de buen tamaño, sin circuncisión, es un poco más grande que el mio y vaya que necesita una rasurada
Al acabar Inconcientemente sacudi su pene para limpiarlo, había olvidado que este es el cuerpo de Alex en seguida empezó a ponerse duro no podía evitar ver su pito crecer sentida como su corazón bombeaba toda su sangre ahí abajo empezaba a incharse. Derrepente ya estaba viendo todas las venas de su pene, sentía que iba a explotar pero no podía martubarme que diría Alex aun así todo su cuerpo me lo pedía empeze a apretarlo se sentía tan bien que una cosa llevo a la otra cuando me di cuenta ya estaba masturbandome. Solté un gemido con su voz, esto fue lo que me puso aún más caliente y segui martubandolo hasta venirme
Pude sentir como salia toda su leche y escuria por mis manos. Un pensamiento intrusivo paso por mi cabeza y me lleve la mano a la boca sabia bastante bien su leche estaba caliente y bastante espesa Me sentía tan culpable pero a la vez tan bien en su cuerpo. Al final es como si Alex lo hiciera solo que soy yo quien controlo su cuerpo, solo pensar esto me ponía más duro pero antes tuve que limpiar todo el desastre que deje, ya se hacia tarde asi que guarde sus cosas en la mochila que traía y regrese a su casa
No había nadie en casa sus padres llegaban hasta tarde me sentía cansado y estaba bastante sudado por la caminata y lo que paso en el baño, sus axilas ya olían bastante fuerte aunque no me disgustaba ese olor tenía tenía que cuidar el cuerpo de Alex así que decidí meterme a bañar Me empeze a desvestir al quitarme los tenis me di cuenta que las axilas de Alex no eran lo único que olia fuerte no me imagine que los pies de mi amigo fueran tan bonitos no se por que pero comencé a ponerme caliente
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era raro ver que el cuerpo de mi mejor amigo desnudo pero aún más raro era ver como su pene se ponía erecto al ver sus pies, me sentía exitado pero antes necesitaba bañarme abrí el agua y comencé a tallar por todas partes fue toda una experiencia bañarme en el cuerpo de mi amigo estoy bastante agradecido con él y su cuerpo
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Ahora tengo que fingir ser él y ver como me puedo comunicar con Alex pero antes creo que me haré otra paja este cuerpo es muy caliente
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( hola esta es mi primer historia pienso subir más tengo varias ideas si tienen Algúna sugerencia o simplemente quieren platicar estoy feliz de escucharlos aquí en los comentarios o por DM)
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blvzily · 9 months
Birthday Week | Pablo Gavi
Pairing: Pablo Gavi x reader (obvi)
Warnings: terrible google translate
Summary: It’s your 20th birthday week in Greece
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Liked by pablogavi, rosalia.vt, pedri and 1,135,390 other
Y/N: Birthday week in Greece 🤍
View all 3,698 comments
pablogavi: hermosa 🥰 (beautiful)
↪️ Y/N: Gracias mi vida 🫶🏼 (thank you my darling)
GigiHadid: gorgeous as always
↪️Y/N: thank you so much gigi!!
User18: stop they’re literally the cutest couple everrrr
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Liked by: Y/N, pedri, neymarjr, and 5,101,607 others
pablogavi: Feliz cumpleaños a mi hermosa novia y/n. Eres lo mejor que me ha pasado, eres todo mi mundo. Te amo con todo mi corazón; ¡Espero poder pasar el resto de mi vida contigo! ¡Te amo! ❤️ (Happy birthday to my beautiful girlfriend y/n. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, you are my whole world. I love you with my whole heart; I hope I get to spend the rest of my life with you! I love you!)
Y/N: Muchas gracias, mi amor (Thank you so much my love)
↪️ pablogavi: 🫶🏼
Pedri: Feliz cumpleaños y/n (Happy birthday y/n)
Fan801: That was literally the sweetest caption I’ve ever seen 🥹
Y/N added to their story
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Liked by pablogavi, bellahadid, arianagrande, and by 3,430,579 others
Y/N: forever
pablogavi: Amor de mi vida🤍 (Love of my life)
Pinned • ❤️ by author
↪️ Y/N: 🤍💍
bellahadid: CONGRATULATIONS 🥹 I want to be a bridesmaid
↪️ Y/N: THANK YOU 🙏🏼 trust you will be one
Fan444: Congratulations 😭😭😭
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Liked by Y/N, leomessi, fcbarcelonab, and 6,833,878 others
pablogavi: ella dijo que sí (she said yes)
Y/N: ❤️🥰 te amo mucho (I love you so much)
Pinned • ❤️ by author
fcbarcelonab: felicidades 💙❤️
pedri: Finalmente tuviste el coraje de proponerle matrimonio 😂😂 (You finally had the courage to propose to her)
↪️ joaofelix79: kkkkk 🤣
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florinaranja · 7 months
Holaaaa, primero que nada escribes INCREÍBLE, me encanta tu redacción, cuando encontré tu blog mori por qué quería leer más trabajos tuyos y no encontré, ánimo.
Y segundo quería pedirte algo con pipeeee, es un golden tiernon, no sé, se me ocurre algo como una fiesta post partido de fut y que Pipe sea medio reservado, pero por estar tan feliz, no pueda esconder el PDA y se la pase buscando contacto físico inocente y al final no le importe nada estar sobre, mostrando afecto frente a sus amigos.
Espero con ansias leer todos los trabajos a futuro que escribas. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
afición de enamorados ; felipe otaño
pairing: felipe otaño x fem!r
summary: ¿qué hay mejor que pasar un día muy futbolístico y amoroso con tu novio pipe? exacto, nada. 1.6k.
warnings: none!! puro fluff como debe ser
n/a: muchas gracias por el request! siento la tardanza, los exámenes me consumen viva. espero que te guste muchísimo y de verdad muchas gracias por el apoyo y tu mensaje😢 me ha hecho super feliz y motivado un montón!! love u!!! also esto creo que es obvio, pero soy española así que siento que no tengan el habla argentina🙏 i'm trying
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nunca hubiera pensado que se emocionaría viendo un partido de fútbol, pero ahí estaba ella: gritando a puro pulmón cada vez que la pelota recaía en los pies de su novio. ahora entendía la euforia que sentía felipe cada vez que veía un partido de river, equipo del que era hincha hasta la raíz, y este ganaba. 
alegrarse por su novio no cambiaría el hecho de su poca afición futbolística, pero de vez en cuando era divertido pasar la tarde gritando como una loca apoyándolo. es un tipo de orgullo explosivo, eso era indiscutible. 
no era más que un partido entre amigos, una forma más de pasar el tiempo. pero felipe estaba corriendo decidido hacia la portería contraria, esquivando con agilidad a los contrincantes y con el sudor de un ganador corriéndole por la frente; y maría, desde su posición de espectadora, tenía los puños apretados y se iba levantando poco a poco de la grada hasta que felipe marcó gol. la chica pegó un salto emocionada, aclamando el último punto que le daba la victoria al equipo de su novio. 
bajó corriendo las escaleras hasta llegar a las vallas que la separaban del césped, esperando a que todos los amigos de felipe acabaran de felicitarlo. en cuanto terminaron, el joven se escabulló y dirigió directo hacia su novia, como un perrito que regresa a traerle la pelota a su amo. maría lo recibió con una amplia sonrisa. acunó su cara entre sus manos y comenzó a llenarlo de besos sonoros por toda la cara, casi pareciendo una madre orgullosa. 
—¡has estado increíble, cariño! eres bueno en todo lo que haces, que lo sepas —pipe rio acalorado, bien por el cansancio y el calor del verano o por las palabras cariñosas de la joven—. además me hace tan feliz verte disfrutar así, como un niño pequeño… 
maría se encontró con sus ojos azules, melosos. jugaba con los piquitos ondulados que se formaban en la nuca de su chico con una sonrisa tonta y felipe no pudo aguantar más sin sentir sus labios contra los suyos. se inclinó por encima de la valla y cogió firmemente una de las mejillas de la chica, entremezclándose en un beso de simple amor. 
los silbidos de los amigos de pipe no tardaron en llegar, como era lo normal. pipe cortó el beso y se giró hacia ellos, sacándoles el dedo. —no se cansan de joder ustedes. 
volvió a dirigirse a su novia. —esta noche los chicos y yo pensamos en celebrar la victoria y ya de paso ver el partido de river. ¿qué decís?
ella entrelazó sus manos. —si dijera que no a pasar tiempo contigo estaría loca. 
llegó la noche y la pareja estaba lista para la larga celebración que les esperaba en casa de uno de los amigos de felipe. lo primero que hizo su novio al entrar en la casa fue tirarse en el sofá, ansioso y con los colores rojo y blanco de su camiseta vibrando más que de costumbre. no era lo mismo que verlo en el estadio donde el ambiente estaba cargado de los gritos de los aficionados, pero si estaba con su chica cualquier cosa era extraordinaria. se giró por encima del sofá a mirarla, estaba charlando con otra chica y, cómo no, estaba radiante. cada vez que la veía, le era imposible no pensar que era todo lo que necesitaba con él, la chica de sus sueños. se acomodó bien, de nuevo enfrentando la televisión, mientras se mordía el labio intentando reprimir las ganas que tenía de besarla allí mismo. 
nunca habían sido del tipo de parejas que están pegadas todo el rato, uno encima del otro, sino que guardaban los momentos más íntimos y cargados de emoción para la mera presencia del otro. no es que no se mostraran cariñosos en público, siempre paseaban con las manos entrelazadas y se robaban besos cada vez que podían, pero el verdadero sentimiento que se tenían se daba en la soledad de su hogar.
el partido comenzó a las nueve en punto. fue acompañado por pizzas y fernet, las risas de los amigos (entre las que maría siempre destacaba la de felipe) y la pura afición que solo el fútbol conlleva. cuando su equipo marcó el primer gol, los bramidos se escucharon por todo el vecindario. felipe no cabía en su felicidad. buscó con la mirada a su novia, quien ya se encontraba mirándolo y le hizo una seña con el brazo mientras gesticulaba “vamos”. con ese simple acto, se le llenó el pecho de una alegría abrumadora. incluso llegaron a subírsele los colores y a cosquillearle la barriga, como si fuera la primera vez que hablaba con la chica que tanto le gustaba. 
le recorrió la necesidad de cogerla, apretujarla y dejar el partido de lado para susurrarle al oído y oír sus risitas en respuesta. pero lo único que hizo fue darle una sonrisa en respuesta y volver a sentarse en el sofá cuando el ambiente ya se había calmado. 
hasta que marcaron el segundo gol a favor de su equipo, el chico echó en falta algo, o mejor dicho alguien. de vez en cuando se le colaba por el rabillo de ojo la imagen de su novia charlando con uno de sus amigos —desde el primer momento se llevó bien con todos ellos y es que, ¿quién podría no hacerlo?— y en su mente solo podía pensar en tenerla cerca. así que, aprovechando la nueva emoción, felipe pegó un salto del sofá y se acercó a la chica. le tendió la mano y esta la aceptó gustosa aunque extrañada. la condujo hasta el sofá y miró a los dos chicos que lo ocupaban.
—échate para allá, dale. 
su amigo lo hizo, no sin antes lanzarle algún que otro insulto cariñoso y burlarse de él. ahora, con maría a su lado la noche de felipe solo había mejorado. no quería hacer tan obvio que estaba anhelando el tacto de la piel suave de su novia pero falló irremediablemente. mantuvo sus manos entrelazadas y acercó su rostro al cuello de ella, descansando en su aroma a lavanda. 
la joven rio por lo bajo por las cosquillas que su pelo le hacía y llevó su mano libre a su cabeza, acariciando cada mechón de pelo castaño.
—¿y este repentino cambio tan amoroso? —el chico suspiró.
—siempre puedes volver a irte si quieres, amor —siseó juguetón felipe, para luego dejar un casto beso en su cuello. 
por nada del mundo la chica se iría de ahí. se acurrucó contra él, intentando tener el mayor contacto que podía. estaba disfrutando esta muestra pública de cariño como la que más, era un hecho. 
sin embargo, las cosas comenzaron a complicarse para los rojiblancos. el equipo contrario había remontado acabando en empate, teniendo solo quince minutos de prórroga para ganar. el ambiente en el pequeño salón se notaba preocupado. felipe apretaba la mano de su novia con fuerza cada vez que veía un gol cerca aunque terminara en nada. cuando ya quedaban cinco minutos y todo los chicos habían aceptado la derrota, un jugador de river marcó, dándoles la victoria. 
todos los amigos que se habían reunido aquella noche saltaron exaltados, incluso maría se alegró por los vencedores. los chicos comenzaron a corear mientras saltaban, con unas enormes sonrisas plasmadas en sus caras y la joven esperó que felipe se les uniera. en cambio, fue sorprendida por un agarre brusco que la hizo girar para encontrarse con sus labios estampados contra los de su chico. correspondió a su beso, brusco y desaliñado por la emoción del momento, con su agarre fuerte en sus caderas derritiéndola por completo. 
al separarse, maría cogió una bocanada de aire jadeando. tampoco le dio tiempo a mucho más, porque pipe la tomó levántandola del suelo y girándola por el aire. la sala se inundó de sus risas.
—¡pipe, bájame! voy a vomitar la pizza.
el joven obedeció sin mucha resistencia y le plantó otro beso y otro y otro y así hasta que un carraspeo los interrumpió. —no bueno, si queréis nos vamos y os dejamos solos.
felipe reaccionó como hacía apenas unas horas: le mostró el dedo del medio. nadie le dio mucha importancia y la celebración continuó. maría alcanzó la mano de su novio y le sonrió. 
—quiero pasar toda mi vida contigo, cariño. acompañarte a todos los partidos de fútbol solo para verte así de feliz, a todos los castings que quieras… no sé, no puedo imaginar no estar a tu lado. es algo raro para decirte justo ahora, pero es que me lleva rondando la mente por un tiempo, quiero que sepas lo mucho que significas para mí. 
—nena, algún día de estos vas a matarme —le regaló un beso en la mejilla—,  no puedes ser más perfecta. no puedo esperar para que pasemos juntos toda la vida. 
la joven se colgó de su cuello y esta vez fue ella quien inició el beso: lento, saboreado, rosado. 
y así continuaron el resto de la madrugada, más melosos que unos recién enamorados, siempre a menos de cinco centímetros el uno del otro. al final, ni siquiera ellos podían escapar de la necesidad de sentirse cerca, no importaba el público o la situación. y qué decir que después de esa noche, maría comenzó a ver los partidos de fútbol con más cariño.
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quetzalnoah · 2 months
Quizás un día te toque dejar el lugar donde creciste. Te enamorarás con locura de alguien en otra ciudad. Te tocará estar ahí cuando una persona importante para ti se despida de esta vida. No está de más recordártelo, pero: te van a desmadrar el corazón también. ¿Y sabes algo? No eres el único o la única. Todo es parte de la vida misma. Tenemos que enfrentar ausencias, decepciones, dolor, tristeza e incertidumbres. No te digo que todo estará mejor pero siempre dependerá de ti ver el lado bueno de las circunstancias y aprender que ningún dolor perdura y las malas rachas no son definitivas.
Libro: Estoiconmadre, estaré mejor
Quetzal Noah
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verso-abstracto · 3 months
¿Eres feliz?
La vida muchas veces se trata de retos, pero los retos individuales en muchas ocasiones son los más difíciles de superar.
La adrenalina no siempre nos motiva, el dolor nos quita toda la emoción de querer intentarlo y la alegría se gasta llegado un punto.
¿Qué nos quedaría entonces?
¿Echarnos? Tal vez, pero… ¿Qué ganaríamos realmente?
No, la vida no se trata de retos, se trata muchas veces de oportunidades.
Las oportunidades que nos damos personalmente de ser cada día mejores.
No vivas para complacer a mamá por más que quiera lo mejor para ti, ni a papá, aunque quiera que seas fuerte siempre y tú eres alguien sensible.
Ser sensible está bien, no saber a qué dedicarse en el futuro cercano está bien, querer manejar todo a tu propio ritmo sin queja de terceros está bien.
Lo realmente importante es vivir, y permitirse hacerlo de la mejor manera.
Date la oportunidad de poder decir mañana que hoy fuiste feliz, con lo poco o mucho que tuviste o hiciste.
Entonces para tu futuro escoge lo que realmente te haga feliz, ve en busca de aquello que realmente te motiva y date la oportunidad de poder decir con confianza que te permitiste ser feliz con todo lo que esto significa.
Seguir tus sueños, estudiar la carrera que querías, abrazar a las personas importantes para ti, recordarte cada día frente al espejo cuanto te amas, haber comprado aquel dibujo que te transmitía paz.
Date la oportunidad de que cada día de tu vida valga la pena, porque de eso se trata.
Los retos siempre vendrán, es parte de la vida, nada se consigue sin esfuerzo, ¿pero las oportunidades, esas que te das a ti mismo?
No, esas no vienen a menos que tú decidas darle paso.
Y te digo algo: Nunca te cierres a darte a ti mismo la oportunidad de ser feliz, lo que sea que esto signifique para ti.
Sé feliz.
… Y buscar ayuda para lograrlo tampoco no está mal.
Little Moon
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soyelmorse · 1 month
Hola! 8 minutos tarde pero les prometí el capitulo 7 y aquí está! 😘, antes de darles el capitulo, aclararé que en el siguiente capítulo abra escenas subidas de tono (+18) Entre Pomni y Ragatha.
Sin mas que decir, la imagen no es mía, la saqué de pinterest, el autor de la imagen creo que está en la misma imagen con la marca de Agua y Disfruten el Capítulo.
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Kinger: Y ahora que hacemos?
*Kinger termino de atacar a Gummigoo*
Caine: No podemos dejarlo ir así de simple, oh, espera está es la oportunidad perfecta, en cuanto despierte le haremos varias preguntas para saber si está cuerdo
Kinger: De acuerdo, que hacemos mientras tanto?
Caine: uno de nosotros debe quedarse para hacerle las preguntas, así que me quedaré yo, ve y unete al resto y trata de hacer plática para que no noten la ausencia de este lagarto humano
Kinger: Creo que es mejor que vayas tu, yo me quedaré, eres mucho más carismático que yo y sabrás que decir, apenas el despierte te llamaré de acuerdo?
Caine: De acuerdo
*Caine se despidió de Kinger y salió de área del cuarto de control, se dirigió a donde se encontraban los Chad y Max y empezó a darles la bienvenida y llevarlos a recorrer el lugar*
*Mientras tanto, Zooble y Gangle estaban revisando las marionetas de la Princesa Lu y ella conversaba con Pomni y Ragatha*
Ragatha: Y como fue que lograste crearlas a tus súbditos?
*Ragatha Le pregunté mientras se dirigían al centró del circo para comer unos helados*
Princesa lu: Fue extraño la verdad, recuerdo que una noche estaba descansando en la cama pensando en como dormir, cuando derrepente me pareció ver algo asi como nieve, cuaso sali no vi nada de eso, pero el suelo estaba cubierto por cenizas, creo que siempre habia estado asi pero no me habia dado cuenta.
Después, agarre las cenizas y empecé a moldearlas, pensé en lo que quería y poco a poco sin darme cuenta había creado algo, no recuerdo exactamente en este momento que era Pero recuerdo que después de eso empecé a construir el castillo
Pomni: Y porque no intentaste crear una salida?
Princesa Lu: hm... Salida? Creo que hace tiempo intenté hacerlo. Recurso que lo anoté en mi diario pero este se perdió, un sujeto extraño me lo robo y-
*Mientras hablaban, Observaron como Jax sacaba varios helados y se colocaba algo en los ojos y oidos para no ver o escuchar algo*
Ragatha: Ignóralo el siempre es así
Princesa Lu: De acuerdo, como te decía, un sujeto extraño robo mi diario, creo que algún momento lo conocí o algo así Pero todo eso lo anoté allí
*Pomni busco varios helados y luego regreso con las chicas*
Pomni: y realmente no Recuerda algo?
Ragatha: a qué te refieres Pomni?
Pomni: No lo se, ver una puerta, un portal, algo que no pareciera normal
Princesa Lu: oh! El valle vacío, eso definitivamente no era normal
Ragatha: Valle vacío?
*Mientras que las chicas hablaban, Jax se quitó uno de sus bloqueadores de sonido y escucho disimuladamente*
Princesa Lu: un día, envié a mis súbditos a explorar y uno de ellos me contó hacer a del valle vacío, era un lugar donde los árboles que nos rodean se terminaba y que todo era tan plano y blanco que no podías diferenciar el cuello y la tierra.
Tal vez en ese lugar misterioso este lo que buscas
Ragatha: Jaja...
*Ragatha rio nerviosamente*
Ragatha: No lo creo, más bien parece algo como...
Pomni: el límite del mapa...
Princesa Lu: Límite del mapa?
Pomni: No es nada
Princesa Lu: Bien, gracias por el helado, iré a ver a sus compañeras ya mis súbditos ok?
Pomni: Ok
Ragatha: Gracias por charlar con nosotros!
*Pomni y Ragatha despidieron a la princesa Lu cuando está no las escuchaba hablaron*
Ragatha: tu que opinas Pomni De ese tal valle vacío?
Pomni: tenemos que verlo primero, Pero más o menos tengo una idea
Ragatha: De que se trata?
Pomni: Si es cierto que es algo así como el límite del mapa, Nosotros debemos estar en alguna parte de este, así que necesitamos ver cómo se cierra este límite
Ragatha: claro, entiendo, si estamos en un círculo, al llegar al límite, podemos volver en una sola linea recta y mas temprano que tarde llegaremos al centro, dónde probablemente haya una pista
Pomni: Si, supongo que tendremos que esperar y-
Ragatha: Esperar?
*Ragatha interrumpió a Pomni y llamo la atención de Caine, quien le estaba enseñando la entrada al salon de pinball a Chad y Máx*
Caine: Si!?
*Saludé a las chicas*
Ragatha: Pomni y yo saldremos un rato ok!?
Caine: De acuerdo! Pero no sé olviden llevar sus bubbles, el las ayudara a regresar por si se pierden!
Ragatha: De acuerdo!!
*Ragatha dejo de gritar y miro a pomni emocionada*
Ragatha: andando Pomni! Tenemos que encontrar esa pista cuánto antes!
*Ragatha se llevó a Pomni de la mano y rápidamente se prepararon para salir*
Jax: ... Je, ilusas...
*Jax se quito la venda que tenía en los ojos y fue a agarrar otro helado, sin embargo a lo lejos ví que algo se cayo y se dio cuenta de que era ese sujeto extraño*
Jax: Que rayos está haciéndo?
*Jax se dió cuenta de que este había descubierto la habitación secreta que el había hecho, rápidamente dejo a su bubble en la mesa sin activarlo y se dirigo disimuladamente hacia la habitación que el había ocultado*
Jax: Que crees que haces idiota!
*Jax confronto a Fudge*
Fudge: Nos volveremos a ver Jax!
Jax: Que? No te conozco, y más te vale salir de aquí, este lugar es privado
Fudge: De seguro que si, pero no te preocupes, no le revelaré a nadie tu pequeño secreto, apuesto que nadie sabe que tú eres quien tiene la llave para salir de aquí, o me equivoco?...
*Fudge saco la llave que Jax estaba ocultado*
Jax: Como sabes lo de la llave?
*Me pare en frente de el listo para pelear*
Fudge: Porque yo estuve allí, y te Vi cuando escavaste el lugar donde todos nosotros aparecemos, también lo hice una vez te hiciste, pero solo encontré una puerta en el suelo la cual no pude abrir, y sospecho que está llave es para eso...
Jax: je, lo lamento amigo, pero nadie me quitará mi diversión...
Fudge: Lo suponía, Por eso vine preparado...
*Cuando Jax dió un paso más, jalo un hilo y 2 columnas pesadas cayeron sobre Jax*
Continuará :D
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