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luzriels · 7 months ago
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BENJAMIN WALKER as HIGH KING GIL-GALAD in The Rings of Power » 1.05 "Partings"
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galstelperion · 1 month ago
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thelien-art · 4 months ago
Ñolofinwë, Anairë & Grandchildren
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Sons of Fëanáro - Fëanáro, Nerdanel & Telperinquar - Children of Ñolofinwë - Children of Arafinwë - Arafinwë, Eärwen, & Grandchildren
Now for Arafinwe and kids!!
Fingolfin: Fingolfin did look up to Feanor a lot when he was younger and would try to act like him, wearing white, red, and gold, as well as trying to become a smith one time, but later when it became clear for him Feanor had no real interest he began doing a mix of being the opposite of Feanor as well as just trying things he thought he would like before wondering if either Feanor or Finwe would approve. While I think his relationship with Finwe was great I still think it had its flaws, especially when Finwe decided to go with Feanor to exile after Fingolfin had been threatened BY Feanor, neither do I think he ever felt that close to the Vanya, as after all he was a Noldor prince, and while not the first in line, he wasn´t the last either. Of his siblings, he was closest to Lalwen and would take her counsel highest. I do think that upon his death he thought he did what was best, after all, all was hopeless, but maybe he could sacrifice himself for more peace for his people, and while doing that, maybe he could see Anairë again? I also think he took much pride in his grandchildren, although only being aware of one, and made a big deal out of being there for all his children, supporting them in whatever they wanted and helping them try different things, as long as they would never fight among themself.
Anairë: Anairë came from a noble family and knew Fingolfin in his youth before they decided to marry. After Finarfin married Eärwen, who Anairë became close friends with, she would happily take her children to visit their uncle and aunt, building expressly upon Turgon and Finrod´s friendship. While I think she took pride in being fully Noldo she did not support Feanor, thinking him rash in his speeches, and neither could she follow her people after the first kinslaying both because of the humiliation she felt upon seeing it as well as the grief, and later would move in with Finarfin and Eärwen, grieving for her lost children and husband.
Idril: As a half Vanya (5/8 Vanya??) she leans a lot into her mother´s traditions, both by covering up her hair as well as not braiding it, and while the Vanya doesn´t wear as much jewelry as the Noldor they do wear big pieces when they do, and Idril finds some kind of middle ground. I think she used to wear some gold, like her mother, before the crossing of the ice where she lost both her mother and legs (last part is a HC). While before she chose to only wear silver it was because she idolized Anairë and wanted to be like her, while after it was some kind of denial later becoming a fashion choice (?). - I do HC that the first year after Elenwë´s death Idril only wore her mother's jewelry to feel close to her, but after having to accept her mother was gone she would try to avoid anything that would remind her too much of her.
Maeglin: I know I talk about it at every chance, but I HC ËOL AS A MAIA AND I WILL NOT BE TOLD OTHERWISE, so I give Maeglin glowing eyes too for that reason. Turgon, when it gets pointed out to him, because his whole family and most of his Lords have glowing eyes, just shrugs it off and blames Melian for it. I like to think that while there wasn´t a lot of galvorn Maeglin still learned how to forge with it, he and Aredhel have jewelry made with it. He dyes his hair tips light purple as is costume to some of the Avari, to color it, as that he thinks Ëol is a Avari and he therefore is part. Yes, he has dark purple hair after Ëol but thinks that´s just something some people do have, after all some of the Sinda (Luthien&Daeron) have blue hair and Ëol purple, why can´t he have it too?? Nobody really notices as he dyes it anyway, and Aredhel is 99% sure Ëol is a Maia which is why Maeglin too has purple hair, but why would that matter, he is mama´s boy after all.
Gil-Galad: I am fully convinced Ereinion is just some guy - I HC Gil as an adopted child of Fingon, later adopted by Orodreth, and lastly Cirdan. Most of his jewelry is taken from Fingon and Orodreth, more or less without permission (light kleptomania), Orodreth would pretty much ignore it, whereas Fingon would find it funny and "accidentally" loose piece Ereinion would have shown in interest in, making a big deal out of looking for it before shrugging with a laugh declaring he didn´t care and whoever found it could keep it in front of Ereinion. Most of this is because of his upbringing, I HC him as a child of Angband, later becoming a bad habit, although he would only take things from people very close to him and give it back if asked. His vitiligo is also from Angband, as I HC those born close to Ainur suffer effects from it either physical or mental, which means that the biggest amount of elvers with born disadvantaged come from Angband, whereas the Ainur wouldn´t even try to lower the effect they have on elvers and humans, thereafter Valinor (but only certain places - where the Ainur "lives" which means that very few elvers actually live there, so it is very very few, although I do HC Edrahil of being affected by the Ainur in Valinor), and lastly Doriath.
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foedhrass · 5 months ago
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“Gil-galad was an elven king…”
The autumn colors 10 days ago were perfect for my Gil-galad cosplay, especially the cloak.
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welcometolotr · 15 days ago
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⋆⭒˚.⋆˙⟡ the countless stars of heaven's field ⟡˙⋆⭒˚.⋆
(some medieval-inspired gil-galads)
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silmarillaure · 6 months ago
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sesamenom · 6 months ago
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even more tiny gil for reverse gondolin!
(turgon invented elevators. gil invented pushing all the elevator buttons to prank the adults)
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sandwichmustbetasty · 5 months ago
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not gil galad standing there like 'well, this is awkward'
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nevui-penim-miruvorrr · 5 months ago
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Ereinion Gil-Galad
Comissions open !
10$-ONE character CHEST UP with color( every fandom, oc’s, etc)
15$ ONE character WAIST UP with color
20$ TWO characters CHEST UP with color( every fandom, oc’s, etc)
30$ TWO characters WAIST UP with COLOR
50$-TWO characters FULL BODY with COLOR
60$-i don’t want put the word with nsxx or i will be flagged lol + COLOR + FULL BODY
i don’t do, mechas,background or armors too complicated
*only paypal
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southaway · 1 year ago
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Corrupted Elven Ring Bearers AU Series
Extra: Gil-Galad with Vilya the Ring of Air
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allbycharles · 2 months ago
Elrond was trying his best, Gilgalad knew it.
But still he sometimes felt like the Peredhel was half-elf half-pain-in-the-ass
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hinril · 1 year ago
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28 Aug 2022
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galstelperion · 2 months ago
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Benjamin Walker as Ereinion Gil-Galad
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thelien-art · 7 months ago
Ereinion, Artanáro, Gil-Galad
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@lammstrellicon informed me of another Gil-Galad origin theory, that might slowly be seeking its way up as my favorite, under my Andreth drawing, so here´s Gil, son of Aegnor and Andreth, my beloved half elven high king :)
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foedhrass · 8 months ago
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I’m really excited about the new trailer that dropped yesterday and the second season which starts airing in only just about a month! What better occasion to post another photo of my Gil-galad cosplay that I made just prior to season 1.
Cosplay & edit: @Foedhrass
Photo: Goldiepond
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ann-atar · 6 months ago
Also ... I haven't had too many thoughts about Gil-galad so far, but he really grew on me in the finale episode; we saw his heroism, his gentleness, and his humor in the aftermath of a really devastating confrontation, and I hope they continue to develop him next season. I could see Ereinion acting as a buffer as Elrond and Galadriel work through the remainder of their issues, and of course they will each mourn Celebrimbor in different ways.
(Speaking of Celebrimbor's death, which I will likely be doing for the foreseeable future, I've seen some posts that say Galadriel and Elrond didn't have much of a reaction, but I think we'll see the aftereffects of that next season. His death and the fall of Eregion is still too horrifyingly close, it just happened, and they're in shock. Elves aren't supposed to die after all, and they certainly aren't supposed to die the way Celebrimbor did, and he's a close friend as well as their close kin so ... give them time. If anything I'm glad they didn't show an outpouring of literal grief during the last two minutes of that episode, it would have seemed rushed and premature and a bit cheap.)
The Siege of Barad-dûr is presumably a long way off, will probably not happen until close to the end of what they have planned for the series, so there is plenty of time to get to know Gil-galad and I hope they don't waste it by continuing to use him as a political plot device, not only because we should see him develop more but because his actor seems rather excellent too -- I'm honestly really impressed with the whole cast, and especially those characters who have to deliver a lot in shorter scenes or because they haven't yet been the focus of the majority of the action.
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