#equilateral triangles
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years ago
Wobbly Sierpinski-fractal model/toy
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Made with foil strips of equal length and book screws.
The larger triangle at the center is stable because the outer tinier triangles stabilize it. (The larger triangles have a side length of two foil strips. The smallest triangles ("the building blocks") have a side length of 1 foil strip. The largest triangle is this entire model with side length of 4 foil strips.)
The largest triangle (4foil strips) is stable, because the tiniest (1foil strip) triangles stabilize each other as well as the larger (2foil strips) triangle.
The sierpinski pattern has interesting properties regarding its "stability" I have to admit.
Normally I struggle to make equilateral triangles of side length "2 foil strips" stable enough without adding an inner triangle. This construction (using outer tiny triangles) is a good solution if you want a "larger triangle hole".
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rjalker · 1 year ago
I know a lot of people like the equilateral triangles because of Bill Cipher but you do have to understand that they are, as a class, helping to oppress the lower classes. That's what the middle class does. That's literally the Entire Point of having a middle class. Just because they're not higher ranking doesn't mean they're not helping to oppress the people below them. No, they're not considered Gentlemen or Nobles...but they also are not literally chained in place and starved to death in schools for children of nobles either.
Put down the Gravity Falls-tinted glasses and actually look at the actual Flatland society presented to us. Just because you like Bill Cipher and he's an equillateral triangle doesn't mean you shouldn't be understanding the role that the middle class plays in oppressing the lower classses, both in Flatland, and in real life.
In Flatland, equillateral triangles absolutely hold power over the lower classes, and actively help to oppress them. If you don't understand this then you are failing to understand many of the themes of Flatland, and basic facts of how real society functions as well.
You liking Bill Cipher doesn't mean you get to pretend that the Middle Class isn't literally essential for continuing the oppression of the lower classes both in Flatland and in reality. Thinking so will only further ingrain real classism into your brain and politics.
Eat the rich includes your favorite characters. Yes, even characters who are only in the setting as a crossover. If you can't recognize systems of oppression in satirized fiction created to draw your attention to them, then you have no hope of combating them IRL, even just inside your own head.
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lphaneuf · 2 years ago
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A 10" d4 I made for Therin (& Lemon).
This is my own , new design. So many things I would do differently next time. But its really cute. I like it and they will, too.
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necromimetics · 10 months ago
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This has caused great debate among my math friends so I think it needs tumblr's input
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ajthecrocodile · 7 months ago
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The clip of Bill saying YELLOW was all over my FYP and it inspired me…
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the-gay-prometheus · 6 months ago
...*sighs* yeah alright ok
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Toxic old man yaoi warrior cats or whatever the fuck
Individuals under the cut
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augustameretrix · 11 months ago
very juicy how laios learns to ask the impossible of marcille (see falins resurrection, the bunnies etc) while falin is hesitant to ask even the bare minimum of marcille ("you went this far for me" after yeeting her out of the dungeon, the weird berries at the academy etc) and in both cases marcille does. well. everything and anything that she possibly can.
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fieriframes · 3 months ago
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[Thanks for that equilateral triangle you sent me last night.]
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tortellinibeanieweenie · 5 months ago
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gravity falls ate my brain and its bill's fault so heres he
i wanted to make him look human but only using the parts, polygons, planes, and angles he already has, like mathematically unfurling a spiral. its him but in a form a human can comprehend. very much inspired by prismo from adventure time
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ragnarokhound · 4 months ago
You're doing trick or treat???? 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 *Rings the doorbell*
Happy Halloween! Iirc, i heard you like jaytimkon :3c have another snip from my wolf x dog x sheep jaytimkon WIP:
“…Jason…?” Kon ekes out. Gloved fingers gently sweep away the damp curls sticking to his sweat-soaked skin, over the spiderwebs of green just now fading from his cheeks. “Looking a little green around the gills there, superbrat. You should be more careful. Gave your boyfriend a scare,” Jason scolds lightly, but the voice changer on his helmet can’t actually hide his relief. Tim can tell. “Just… my boyfriend?” Kon asks, still too wiped for a cheeky grin, but clearly giving it his best shot. Jason huffs, leaning back to get his hands under Kon’s knees and around his shoulders. He lifts Kon up, settling him as comfortably as he can. Kon groans, probably nauseous after being exposed to kryptonite for this long— but he slumps into Jason, pressing his face into the closest part of him he can reach. Trusting Jason to carry him. From across the room, Tim watches it all with hungry eyes.
(For the trick or treat ask game! Send me a trick or treat ask and I'll share jaytim WIP snippets, or new 3-sentence -paragraph fics, etc :^) through the 31st!)
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iamsigningmylifeaway · 5 months ago
its the opposite they asked rafa about roger and he brought up novak unprovoked 🫨
**good to know that my forceful tennis rpf challengers throuple irl manifestation is still inextricable
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art-of-mathematics · 1 year ago
2. Fold an equilateral triangle grid /tetrahedron net
2.1.) Starting with the 120 degree angle we continue to fold it in half to get a 60 degree angle:
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2.2.) Then fold it this way:
(The right (depicted in orange) edge of the paper needs to lay on top of the top side of the paper. )
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Repeat these steps until you have only a stacked triangle.
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2.3.) Unfold it:
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2.4.) Now valley-fold all folds - all folds have to be in the same direction.
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This results in a line of almost 5 entire equilateral triangles. - For a tetrahedron you need more than 4 triangles. (4 equilateral triangles aligned in a line is one of the many variations of a tetrahedron net.) (A tetrahedron has 4 faces. But the 5th triangle is needed to insert as a flap - and make the shape sturdier. )
2.5) Assemble:
Roll it up until the 5th triangle stays up as a flap.
Then insert the flap into the face:
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I hope you enjoy my lil shape and shape tutorial. 🌈
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DIN Ax (1:SQRT2) paper might work well for that.
With square (1:1) paper it does not work.
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Quick friend-shapes needed to be made.
(meaning: I was bored and needed to do something with my hands and brain.)
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noelements-setempty · 11 months ago
Since everyone likes regular shapes so much:
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rjalker · 6 months ago
here they are.
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[ID: a digital drawing of two original Flatland characters, seen from above. One is named Jerult, whose pronouns are ey/em/eir/(eirs)/emself, who is an irregular kite, shaped like an Isosceles triangle, but with an extra stubby angle where the base would be. The other is named Cairis Garret, whose pronouns are he/him/his/himself, who is an Equilateral triangle. Both have thick black exoskeletons and purple insides, with their organs as large blobs in different shades of pink, purple, and red, with one single eye at one of their points. Jerult's is at eir stubby angle, and Cairis' is on one of his points. They both stare at eachother from a short distance away. End ID.]
Cairis is named after C'rizz for reasons that will become obvious, at least to other nerds who know who C'rizz is in the first place.
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catamaurrr-star · 3 months ago
ur trademark:
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ch4nticle · 3 months ago
finally had a breakthrough on what to make my brother and his girlfriend with (checks watch) 13 days til christmas, 12 until i actually see them
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