#episode did not go as i thought!! my confidence has been shot
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tanukitsuneko-suki · 2 days ago
w episode 22 thoughts:
- shotaro as the conscience of this show is gonna bite him back in the ass one day
- "i believe terui ryu has the right idea this time" listen i feel very /pos about this. i have a lot of emotions. obviously the conclusion that ruthlessness should be accepted is wrong and violates the lesson that w is trying to impart but whenever they have this conflict between them it tickles my brain
- i have half a thought to stop yapping just in case i'm proven extremely wrong but ahh... mistaken conclusions are a part of life isn't it
- if i mischaracterize a character so bad in these recaps to the point where i earn a side-eye from you guys i am sorry in advance
- philip scolds shotaro a lot but he still smiles softly when shotaro does what he does, i really like that part about them. it almost makes it seem like any opposition from philip is him testing shotaro's resolve again and again, rather than any real argument
- anyway the way philip looks at shotaro when he insists on not letting any lives be lost...that is a gaze of a man in love
- *oh.* philip smiled because he knew that shotaro understood what he said that they have to stop her regardless. shotaro was too forgiving and philip pulled him back. they met in the middl;e
- they have to kill her off because she is too powerful otherwise. death note ahh plot
- that went downhill quite quickly!
- sure do hope wakana doesn't die or anything. the death flags in her song is crazy
- i will be very polite. i will not say anything. about the legs. not a single peep from me
- i think she's just trying to infiltrate the org deeper even at the cost of a life or two
- ohhhhhhhhh🧍 maybe i'm naive too. i have love and peace in my heart, you have to understand
- "...react with rage and hatred" oh you mean like hazard. like a hazard level? they grow stronger with intense emotions and occasionally get driven berserk? okay
- first time seeing his transformation clearly. he turns into the motorcycle itself?? haha just like
- this secondary is spoiled to all hell by the plot
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mo-mode · 1 year ago
Back on my Screenwriter soap box while watching PJO: They should have bought a bunch of oil diffusers.
(Edit: This post was made before someone pointed out to me that I missed a key line of dialogue, but my points and theories still stand for the same reasons backing up my original post so I’m not changing anything. The dialogue I missed lets us know that Hermes told Percy the lotus was being pumped into the air off-screen. It’s also implies (? I’m still on the fence about this one?) that Hermes told him what day it is, but I missed these during my first three watches because of how quick and vague it was. Which actually kind of supports my point on why visual indicators are so important. Without these, it’s easy to miss key information. And remember, it’s a kid’s show. ANYWAY my conclusions haven’t changed, and I still believe these edits would work better than the quick line of dialogue so just keep this in mind. Thanks.)
(I’m not being nit-picky. I swear. Just hear me out.) So the weirdest thing to me in episode six was how Percy just…learned everything so quickly without any visual indicators? Like they know time passed because it’s dark outside, but how did he know it was Thursday? They know they were affected by the lotus flowers, but how does he know it was pumped into the air? This irked me because even if he’s smart enough to figure some of this out himself (which he is) we as the audience should still be able to follow his thought process instead of learning after the fact.
What if there were oil diffusers?
So imagine the trio walks into the Lotus, figures out this is like the Odyssey, and decides not to eat anything. They waltz in super confident that they cracked the code, but they were wrong. How do we know? Because the moment they enter the crowd, we get an establishing shot of a lotus-branded oil diffuser letting out steam.
Immediately, we as the audience realize their mistake, making it just that more tantalizing to watch. As the episode continues, we realize they’re everywhere. There’s a diffuser in the plants, on the counter, between the game tables, always right out of the corner of our eyes. They just keep churning out lotus-scented oil into the air, which we can infer because we’re smart. (Remember that.)
Now when Percy realizes what’s going on, we know HOW they’re doing it and HOW Percy knows without being told!! Because they were there the whole time.
Onto Thursday.
Consider: A watch.
What if Hermes has the only watch in the casino until the trio walks in with their own?
Let’s give Annabeth one of those cheap, funky watches that gives the time, day, month, year, etc. Something you get from a kids toy catalogue. It’s waterproof, glows in the dark, has an alarm or whatever. I feel like Annabeth would have one of those. (And honestly, she might already. I forgot.) The most important feature for us, though, is the day. It clearly tells us the day of the week.
It’s pretty easy to establish that Annabeth has the watch. Just do it the same way they establish the date: Percabeth arguing over it in the truck. Annabeth shows him the watch. Establishing shot of the watch’s face. That’s it. No bells or whistles necessary. Then when they get to the casino, Annabeth checks it one more time (without an establishing shot, she just does it casually) and they walk in.
(It’s so easy. I promise.)
While Grover is walking around alone, he tries to check the time and realizes there’s no clocks. (Which ngl is super common in casinos already, but it’s creepy nonetheless.) Yada yada, he gets sucked in by Augustus and that’s how he gets got.
Meanwhile, Percy and Annabeth keep meaning to check the time, but every time they do, someone tries to hand them an appetizer or a drink, which makes them forget OR Annabeth’s hubris keeps her from checking. (Percy: Time check? Annabeth: Its only been five minutes. We’re fine. We need to focus.)
And that brings us to Hermes. After their chat, yada yada, Annabeth “leaves” and Hermes gets all cryptic, then he makes a BIG show of checking his watch, and THAT’S when Percy realizes something’s wrong because oh no they haven’t checked the time. So he finds Annabeth, they see it’s dark outside, they check her watch, and it’s Thursday.
“But we didn’t eat anything!” Annabeth says. Percy looks at the diffusers by the entrance. It dawns on him. “They’re pumping it into the air.”
That’s how you VISUALLY SHOW US THINGS instead of Percy just figuring everything out off-camera and telling us!!!!
Now, you may be thinking “Oh but do they have the budget for that??” Do you know how cheap these props are? Just bulk buy like six oil diffusers, slap a homemade sticker of a lotus flower on them, and keep moving them into every shot. And they’re quiet!! They wouldn’t interfere with the sound, the steam is visible enough to be caught on camera without messing with the lighting, they actually look really cool in some lighting, and they fit the atmosphere of a hotel/casino!! Then the watch is like $15, fits with Annabeth’s character, and totally matches her outfit.
The biggest problem with this show isn’t how accurate it is to the book or how much money they have or that they’re “Disney-fying” it. The problem is they are TELLING US things instead of SHOWING us. And not to beat a dead horse because everyone’s heard of “Show Don’t Tell” but like??? This is exactly why everyone is taught this over and over again in school?? Because people still do it anyway all the time???
There’s also something else I learned (or really just picked up) when I got my B.A. in Creative Writing: Good shows are predictable.
Whether it’s a case of the audience learning what’s going to happen before it happens or them watching the show again and realizing how obvious the answer was the whole time, audiences always want to feel smart. They want to interact with the material. If you don’t give them the opportunity to pick apart the mystery themselves by setting down clues, they’ll give up on interacting with the show and lose interest. That’s why you SHOW them things. There are several moments where this show is completely unpredictable, not because it’s complex but because it doesn’t let you predict it. That doesn’t make it bad—the comedy and character development is doing a great job of carrying the show’s weight so far. But it definitely doesn’t make the show good.
It’s like Rube Goldberg machines. Or dominoes! We don’t watch those crazy 1000+ domino videos so we can watch the last one fall. We watch it to see HOW they fall. Take one domino out, and it’s unsatisfactory. It doesn’t work anymore.
But some oil diffusers and a watch??? Little clues that make the realization that more visually appealing??? THAT’S SATISFYING
Anyway, these are just two things that could have been done, but weren’t. Most of the show is stellar. I think it just needs a little bit of editing here and there. I studied this for like years, and I needed to get this off my chest. That’s it.
Rick Riordan, if you ever see this, I am available for hire :) I would love to be a script doctor please please please please
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thatgirlonstage · 1 year ago
Okay I’m too tired to keep listening to Dark Heir but I’ve got a whole bus ride home so I’m going to spin Black Butler thoughts at you all.
(Idk how coherent this is, I’m sorry if it’s rambly my brain is SO dead but it wants to Talk so)
I’m thinking about… the gradual build of Sebastian’s fear that he could actually lose Ciel, as we go:
The asthma attack in Circus Arc: not ultimately serious, but a danger to Ciel’s wellbeing Sebastian had not been aware of and cannot easily fix
The fight on the Campania, where Sebastian is very seriously injured himself, to the point where he’s in danger of losing Ciel to Undertaker because he can’t physically stop him from being taken,
Which leads into THIS fucking moment in school arc:
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which is entirely fueled by Sebastian’s fear that Undertaker will snatch Ciel out from under him, AGAIN, because he did it before
AND THEN GREEN WITCH ARC HAPPENS, where Sebastian gets within literal minutes of losing Ciel to the gas, and WOULD HAVE if Sieglinde hadn’t been there or hadn’t been willing to help them
And still in Green Witch Arc, even AFTER Ciel has physically survived, Sebastian nearly loses him anyway because he backslides so dramatically into a PTSD episode that it nearly voids their contract
All of which is why by the time you get to the Blue Cult Arc, Sebastian is so genuinely afraid he might not be able to protect Ciel that the scent of blood from a single needle prick makes him do. This.
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And now, with bizarre dolls getting ever more advanced and better at hiding from Sebastian’s senses and the whole police force mobilized against them, I’m very ready for Sebastian in Brighton to be doing everything short of wrapping Ciel in 19th century bubble wrap. I’ll frankly be shocked if he lets Ciel out of his sight for more than five minutes.
But the thing is. The thing is. Narratively, there isn’t much further you can ratchet up the stakes for Sebastian (at least until you get to the moment of truth with the contract and eating his soul, which is a different conversation). Ciel being put in danger or hurt again isn’t going to do all that much to alter their relationship at this point. Sebastian is already about as whipped as the poor guy can get.
What would be a change, is Ciel nearly losing Sebastian.
There’s been—for obvious reasons—much less risk and fear on that front. There has been some build for it:
Red Butler Arc, encountering reapers, Ciel sees Sebastian fight an enemy who can actually hold their own against him for the first time (and while I don’t think this is confirmed, I suspect Grell’s chainsaw eating his shoulder is the first time Ciel sees him get injured for real (as opposed to allowing himself to get shot and playing dead just for the sake of being a dramatic bitch))
Curry Arc, Agni successfully fights Sebastian to a tie (which is why I’m VERY interested to see if Soma turns back up in the Brighton arc as well, feat. angry Kali powers)
[The murder arc is a fake out, because Ciel knows he’s fine the whole time]
On the Campania, Ciel sees him get very badly injured. This is the one and only time Ciel has real cause to fear for Sebastian’s safety, as such.
And since then, while Sebastian isn’t quite untouchable, he hasn’t really suffered any serious injury or physical danger to himself. There have been defeats or fights that didn’t end perfectly for him—such as the school arc fight—but Sebastian hasn’t been existentially threatened. Ciel, I think, still has pretty high confidence that worst case scenario, Sebastian can always just pick him up and make a run for it (indeed, part of the reason things got so bad on the Campania was because they were trapped on a boat). And even if Sebastian couldn’t save him, Ciel—to the extent it’s even occurred to him—doesn’t have a lot of reason to think he couldn’t save himself.
This is now the second time Ciel has lost everything—his title, his name, his home, his safety, his dignity and respect. The first time was worse, obviously, but he’s got to be feeling the similarities.
The first time, Sebastian pulled him out of his despair by offering him the power to escape.
Now, the second time, he at least still has Sebastian by his side. A Sebastian who is going to be laser-focused on protecting Ciel from all possible threats.
But what happens if Ciel thinks he might lose Sebastian too?
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lurkingshan · 4 months ago
Japanese QL Corner
We are back in the flood, with three (!) new Japanese QLs starting this week (we will be patiently waiting for @isaksbestpillow’s excellent subs on the new GL, so I’ll cover that next week), on top of our three ongoing shows. Three of these are streaming weekly on Gaga, with two provided via fansub (feel free to ask if you don’t know where to find them).
Love in the Air Koi
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The much anticipated Japanese remake of Love in the Air is here, and it's off to a strong start! I'm a fan of the Thai original despite its flaws, and I am hopeful that a remake can elevate the core of the story while shedding some of the sillier plot aspects and filler. This first episode did exactly that, executing all the important beats of the original first episode in half the time, and establishing our core characters and their dynamics quite well. The casting is good all around, but Nagumo Shoma is perfect as Arashi, and he and Rei have good chemistry. I will look forward to this one every week.
Our Youth
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Another strong start right out of the gate! This drama seems to be a second chance romance of sorts. We begin with Minase in present time (narrating about how he and Hirukawa can only communicate via letters, which I suspect may be incarceration-related?) before traveling back six years to high school to see their relationship unfold. Minase is a wealthy but lonely top student who teachers adore, Hirukawa is a poor and abused kid who teachers have already written off as a lost cause, and they are inevitably drawn to each other when Minase witnesses some of the horrible things Hirukawa is dealing with and keeps his mouth shut about it. This drama feels confident about the story it's telling and it's so beautifully shot. Hirukawa already has my heart. I especially like that his characterization feels nuanced and specific rather than archetypal; he is troubled but he's not a bully, and rather than rejecting care, he seeks it out from someone he perceives as trustworthy. I am along for this ride and excited to see where Minase's perspective takes us.
Smells Like Green Spirit
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Ow, my heart. This week town gossip spread like wildfire about Mishima and Kirino's supposed romance, and both had a heart to heart with their mothers about it, with wildly different results. While Mishima's wonderful mother affirmed that she knows who he is and wants him to be happy and live his truth, Kirino was shamed and guilted by his homophobic wreck of a mother. We already know how much her grief weighs on him, and her inability to accept him will surely make things hard for him going forward. It was lovely to see he and Mishima escape together to their Shangri-La, however briefly, but I also felt sad that he kept his painful experience to himself rather than confiding in his friend. I just want them both to be okay. Yumeno also had a coming out of sorts, and while I was happy to see another supportive mother, I thought it overcrowded the episode to shove that in, too, especially with lots of time also spent on the villagers. I would have liked the focus to stay more tightly on our besties.
Love is Like a Poison
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Welcome to the battle couple era!! Shiba and Haruto are settling into couple life (adorably), and Shiba is defiantly claiming Haruto as his partner for anyone who cares to know. And this week we get what we've been waiting for, as the story sets up the final boss, who appears to be an enemy of both Shiba and Haruto (the former professionally, the latter personally). Haruto is still not telling his Ryo-kun what he's driving after, but we got some helpful hints at the end of this episode about what is ultimately motivating his scamming. I am so excited to see them team up again to take this guy down.
Chaser Game W
I’ll keep this brief. This sequel season had little purpose, with a plot that changed randomly from week to week. They capped it off with a finale that made an insulting mockery of the homophobia real same sex couples in Japan face. This show sticks out like a sore thumb on this list of otherwise excellent Japanese queer media, and I’m very glad it’s over.
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not-your-bro · 4 months ago
what i did and didn't (but mostly didn't) like about until dawn remake's character trait changes
hello friends and fans. i am super excited to welcome all my pals back to the latest episode of Laura Yaps About Until Dawn Remake. i've talked about the prologue here and here, and i plan on talking about other elements of the game (visuals, gameplay, narrative changes) whenever life and time allows.
before i go off about the character traits, thanks to @claarria for posting this handy side-by-side of old vs new. super helpful! i'll be using those images here.
and generally speaking, let it be known that i think the font change is so fucking ugly 💖 like god bless but it is so bad 💖💖 and they've made the layout so much less dynamic by just listing all the traits straight down, bullet point style?? it is all very microsoft powerpoint core and it sucks. anyway. onto the characters, in order of appearance.
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off topic but very importantly, how did they fuck up sam's face THAT bad?? ballistic moon sapped the life out of her and now there is literally nothing behind those eyes. HOMEGIRL WAKE UP 👏👏
one trait change here: adventurous -> brave. not wrong, but super redundant, because brave is one of the character stats in the menu, so like. at any point when i'm playing her, i can pop in the menu and see exactly how brave she is. it's pointless to put it here.
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one change: methodical -> loyal. and honestly. this one slays i can't lie. like yeahhhh 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
i know everyone loves to hate on chris now, but he pushes to help sam even when it puts himself at risk and he goes to the shed to get josh even though josh just traumatized the hell out of him lmao. boy is loyal asf and i'm more than happy to see it replace methodical.
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big changes here. i'm not jazzed to see confident go. i always thought smg included it purposefully, because this is how jess is trying to come across, even though she's actually insecure.
and imo trusting fits her far better than, say, driven. based on em's comment about her grades (and the fact that jess doesn't deny it lmao), i don't think she has much drive or ambition at this point in her life. she's always struck me as the kind of person who doesn't have a big dream or passion, and as high school graduation approaches she would feel sort of aimless? like she doesn't know where to go next.
i don't mean these as negatives, btw. jess is a top 3 ud character for me. i just don't think she's driven. and i think she is irreverent. and that's fine. 💖
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one change: persuasive -> forthright. like sam's change, this isn't wrong. emily is definitely forthright. but i don't like that we're shifting her further from mike (more on that later), and this change makes her use of words seem less purposeful. like she says what she wants just for the sake of it, instead of: she knows what to say to get people to do what she wants.
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matt's trait changes make for a much different impression. motivated and ambitious have been swapped with obliging and dependable, which shifts the focus from himself to others. we're drawing attention to an agreeable, go-with-the-flow personality, rather than the fact that he's got big dreams for himself (get that scholarship, bud).
i'm not sure i'm the biggest fan, because it kind of makes him seem like a doormat? it's possible that he never talks to emily about how she treats him, and he does film the prank on hannah even though he doesn't seem like he would. still...i guess i wish there was more of a mix here. he can be obliging and dependable, but he doesn't have to be, depending on your choices, and this really makes him feel like everything he does is for the sake of others.
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i appreciate ballistic moon pulling these shots back a little - some of them were really, like, up the character's nose lmfao. but bro those traits are unreadable against mike's skin 😭😭
anyway, mikey gets a complete overhaul. i've been over brave with sam. it's a waste of a slot. and it's not that mike isn't driven or charismatic. i mean, he is definitely charismatic, given his popularity in fandom. even i have this feeling of 'man, i should not be charmed by him' <- is definitely charmed by him. but i think we're losing a lot by separating him from emily, with whom he used to share 2 out of 3 traits (intelligent and persuasive). i always thought that said a lot about why they would be drawn to each other and start a relationship - but also why that relationship wouldn't last.
if i were to give mike any new trait, it'd probably be impulsive, which i think is a great fit for him. mike may be intelligent, but when it comes to decisions, he's a man of action - a doer, not a thinker. which is just as likely to lead to a bad outcome as it is a good one.
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one change here (forthright -> sensitive), but god does it fucking suck. SENSITIVE?????? be fr. is ashley sensitive or is she traumatized nonstop for eight hours? she was upset when she was chained to a wall and thought she was going to die! when she thought her friend died! when she thought her other dead friend's ghost was trying to communicate with them! when she was put in a life-or-death trap a second time! that sure was sensitive of her!
if i could revert only one trait change, it would be this one. 0/10.
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must be said that josh's shot is much better in the remake. it could not have been worse, like i will never understand how anyone looked at that half-closed eye and open mouth and was like yeah that's a good first impression LMAO. so, cool with that.
tbh i also like josh's trait changes? this is another total overhaul, but honestly, at the risk of getting booed offstage, i'm happy with this. if i'm being real, complex was always a waste of a slot. like...yeah? i hope so? all of your characters should be complex to some degree. it feels like a weird shade to the other characters to point out one guy, specifically, as complex. so the rest of them are simple, then? 🤨 it's not that i would argue against josh being the most complex - i do think he is (though i realize my stance on that means little because i'm up this man's ass). it's just weird to draw attention to it.
as for the other traits, yeah, josh is thoughtful and loving. for sure. but i feel like these are sort of...level 2 traits. ykwim? and the new traits are level 1. if you hung out with josh in a casual way, in a group setting, remake traits would be more likely to spring to mind, to match that initial impression. i think you'd have to look more closely or spend more time to clock that he's thoughtful and loving, because outside of his sisters, i don't think he's particularly straightforward or overt in the way he conveys those things, and he wouldn't draw attention to them. maybe i'm leaning too hard on the version of him i've fleshed out in my mind, but josh is the kind of guy who would, like, remember one offhand comment matt made about liking a specific brand of beer. months later, at the next lodge trip, it's there in the fridge, and josh says nothing about it. but he remembered, and he got it. that's josh's brand of thoughtfulness. in my opinion.
none of these six traits are wrong, i just think the new ones are better 'first impression' traits for him.
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jiniretracha · 6 months ago
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐲 - Jeon Jungkook (4)
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x fem!reader / Park Jimin x fem!reader (but not quite, you'll see)
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Future smut
Summary: You were supposed to spend your happily ever after with Jeon Jungkook... until a family issue causes him to leave and a sudden break up leaves you bereft in the arms of your best friend, Park Jimin.
Word count: 5.2k
PS: this is heavily entirely inspired in the last two episode of True Beauty (so consider this a huge spoiler if you haven't seen it) cause i've been a fan of it since it came out and I just had to do something about it lol
CHAPTER 4: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐲
You slowly pulled away from your intense hug with Jimin and stared at him. You found his gaze way too intense to hold it, so you shifted your eyes to the floor. 
“I- Jim-”
“No, no, don’t worry. We’ll have more dates, it’s fine” Jimin smiled at you, booping your nose. 
Jimin looked up at Jungkook and then down at you. 
“Go inside, it’s freezing” Jimin said.
“Okay, good night, Chim” you said softly.
Jimin pressed a kiss to your head and smiled, letting you go inside your building.
He turned to look at Jungkook once he made sure you were inside the building and let out a breath. He knew he had to face him sooner or later, but he had to. Jimin decided that this was the perfect time to do so, knowing that he was right there. 
Jimin crossed to the opposite sidewalk and came face to face with him.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
They found themselves eating at a bar while drinking some soju. 
Jimin poured himself and Jungkook a shot of the alcoholic drink and they both threw it back in unison. 
“So… you still have feelings for Y/N?” Jungkook asked him as soon as the shot glass hit the table. “Did you tell her how you feel?”
Jimin turned his face and stared at him. “No. I’m dating her” 
Jungkook gave him a curious stare and then his eyes narrowed. He grabbed the bottle of soju and poured him another shot. “I know it’s not true” he chuckled, pouring one for himself as well. 
Jimin scoffed. “What do you know?” he asked. 
“Well, I met her yesterday and found out you are taking her out on dates” Jungkook said, throwing back the shot.
Jimin grumbled and threw back the shot as well. “Exactly! Why did it have to be yesterday?” he whines. 
Jungkook played with his lip ring. “The first snow fell” he tells him.
“What are you saying? The hell does that mean?” Jimin asked with a frown on his face, beyond confused. 
Jungkook let out an airy laugh and tried the ramen that they had ordered. “So… it isn’t true, huh? You guys aren’t dating” he said, putting his chopsticks down.
Jimin snorted. “Do I make you nervous, Kook?” he asked with confidence. “Is that it?”
Jungkook glared at him. “I’m not nervous” he said sternly. 
As he poured more soju for him and Jungkook, Jimin smirked at him. “Whatever you say” 
They downed the shots and Jimin cleared his throat.
“You really hurt her, you know that?” he asked Jungkook as he licked the remaining alcohol from his lips.
Jungkook looked down. “Do you think I’m not aware of it, Jimin?” he mumbled the question. “I think you shouldn’t be taking advantage of her being sad about our relationship”
Jimin frowned. “I’m not doing that, Jungkook. And somebody has to pick up her pieces and help her get back together again” he said to his friend. “And you weren’t around, so guess who had to step up? Karina has a boyfriend and a life as well”
Jimin’s words were true, Jungkook thought. Of course they were. But he wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction. “Well, I better hope so” he sighs. 
Once they finished their bro-date, Jungkook walked back to his apartment, his knees weak from all the alcohol he had ingested. 
As soon as he closed the door behind him, he fell to the floor on his ass and took out his shoes, tossing them down the hallway.
“He hugged her. In front of me” he huffs, throwing the remaining shoe far away from him. 
Jungkook laid down on the floor and stared at the ceiling.
Why me?, he thought.
「 ✦ 𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐛𝐞 𝐦𝐞, 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐭𝐨
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐲? ✦ 」
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
The following day, you got a message from Jimin, that he wanted to meet you at his company building because he wanted to show you something.
You skipped through the big halls of the company that had signed Jimin with an awed expression. It was so big and the walls were so white that it almost hurt your eyes. 
You sat by one of the couches by the windows and pulled your phone out.
You: chimmmmmm
You: i’m here! 
You: did you finish practice yet?
You saw that Jimin had read your message and a couple of minutes later you saw him walking towards you.
You smiled at him, sitting up and went to hug him.
“Chim, hey!” you greeted him.
He didn’t look so happy as you were though. “Hey…” he said, returning the hug but not with so much enthusiasm as you would have guessed he would. 
“What’s up?” you asked him, trying to search his eyes. “Do you wanna talk over dinner?” 
Jimin looked at you in the eyes and chuckled. “You wanna take me out? I’m kind of busy, you know?” he said with a half smile. 
“Oh, now that you are a trainee, you blow me away. Fame got to your head already?” you joked.
He laughed slightly and nodded. “Yeah, kind of” he continues with the joke. 
“Okay, so, if you’re so busy, what is it you wanted to tell me?” you asked Jimin.
Jimin out of the blue hugged you, tightly. Like he hadn’t before. Like he had never done before. You gasped at the sudden force he put into the hug and hugged him back, reluctantly. You felt him release a shaky breath against the fabric of your sweater that he had apparently been holding for too long.
“Chim… what is it?” you asked and he quickly pulled away, forcing a fake smile on his face.
“Nothing” he chuckles, playing nonchalant. “I just… felt like it. And- oh, didn’t you hear?” he asks you, faking remembering something.
You cocked your head to the side. “Hear what?”
“Jungkook is going back to the States on a red-eye tonight” he told you.
Your heart dropped to the pit of your stomach. More so, your heart literally stopped beating. What the hell was he talking about?
You blinked a couple of times. 
Jimin nodded and it was another dagger into your heart. “Well, with his dad waking up, he said he only came in briefly to take care of some things” he told you. 
Your eyes started lining up with tears. “What?” you whispered as you felt your chin quivering. “He’s leaving again?”
“Yeah” he sighs as he sees your expression. “You should hurry up if you want to say goodbye, Y/N” 
You stood there, frozen in your place, trying to process what he was saying.
The love of your life was flying away from you again. Away from you.
You were blinking away the tears, trying to regain your train of thought but it was hard. 
“Hey! What are you still doing here” Jimin smiled as he poked your forehead. “Hurry along if you wanna catch him before he goes away. You don’t wanna miss him”
You frowned at him and then hugged him. “Thank you, Jimin” you said as the tears fell. “Thank you”
Jimin bit his lip to keep himself from crying in front of you. 
“Yeah… don’t mention it” he whispered. “Now go” he says, pulling away. “Or else I’m kicking your butt”
You chuckled and ran away from the building.
Jimin watched you run desperately after the love of your life and he looked up, trying to contain the tears. He then turned on his heel and walked back to where his bandmates were.
But before he could reach his destination, he took a turn and holed himself up in the bathroom, locking himself in a stall.
There, he let out a gut-wrenching sob, feeling it rack through his whole body as he shook with sadness. He slapped a hand over his mouth to contain the noise but they were too loud that his mouth did little to nothing. 
He slowly sat down on the lid of the toilet and let out more sobs as he remembered the memories he had with you.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟  TWO YEARS AGO 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
“Wait, where the hell are you taking me, Chim? You’re gonna make me trip on my feet” you scolded him as he took you to his living room while covering your eyes with his palms.
“Oh shush! Be patient, Y/N. You can hold onto my wrists” he said, pushing you further into the room and you did as he suggested, wrapping your hands around his wrists to keep yourself stable. “Keep your eyes closed, alright?” he asks, taking his palms from covering your eyes. “I see you peeking! Close them!”
“They’re fucking closed, Jimin!” you yelled at him, making him chuckle.
“Okay… open them!” he said slowly and you did as you were told.
“Surprise!” you gasped when you saw all your friends, Jimin, Karina, Taehyung, Seokjin and your boyfriend, Jungkook, holding a cake with a big sign that said Happy Birthday. 
“Oh my God, you guys!” you squealed, jumping up in surprise and slapping your palm over your mouth. “You did not!” 
“Happy birthday, my sweet princess” Karina said, running towards you and wrapping you up in a hug. 
“Aw, thank you, my love” you cooed, hugging her back.
“Happy birthday, Y/N-boo” Taehyung copied Karina, making her slap his shoulder, and he chuckled. 
“Thank you, Tae” you said, hugging him as well. “As a birthday wish, I’m gonna wish you guys finally date”
Taehyung visibly blushed and pulled away, your comment making him walk away. 
You let out a little giggle and then gasped when you saw the shirt that Seokjin was wearing.
It was your face in it and it read below: Y/N Y/L/N lovers club, no losers admitted. 
You let out a snort and bit your lip. “You are a cartoon character, Seokjin” you told him. “Seriously”
He smiled and hugged you. “Happy birthday, Y/N” he sings.
“Thank you, Seokjin. You are the best” you laughed.
“I know” he mutters and he walks away, not before giving you an exaggerated wink. 
Jimin was next to hug you, and he gave you a bone-crushing one, lifting you in the air and giving you a little twirl as you squealed out a giggle. “Happy birthday, Y/N!” he laughed. 
“Thank you, Chim!” you laughed as well. 
Jimin felt his heartbeat quickening its pace at that nickname. He absolutely loved it. He had been feeling weird around you lately. I mean, sure. He’s always known he had a thing for you. You were absolutely drop dead gorgeous, funny, you two had an inside joke which went on about you two being soulmates because, if you were being honest, you were two peas in a pod. He liked you so much, it hurt his chest. 
So, when he pulled away, he gazed into your eyes and he noted the sparkle on them. 
You were beautiful.
And he loved you.
Hold up.
He couldn’t help but pull his face back at the sudden downing of feelings he had internally.
He loved you. 
Then, he saw you turn your head around and your smile widened two times more. 
Jimin looked at the direction you were looking at and his heart dropped. Of course.
Your boyfriend. 
He was holding the cake they had all prepared for you with that characteristic bunny smile of his, in which his front teeth would absentmindedly dig into his lower lip. 
“Kook, what is this? You guys made me a cake?” you said, putting your hands on each cheek of yours. 
Jimin hadn’t seen you glow like this ever. You were so happy and he could sense it. And it made him happy. 
Jungkook started singing the birthday song and your friends chimed in as well. Once the song finished, you closed your eyes, making a wish. 
Jimin was inwardly wishing that your dream didn’t have anything to do with Jungkook, but he knew that it would be selfish to wish that.
Your eyes opened and you blew the candles, your friends cheered at you and Karina went to turn on the lights once again. 
“Where did you put the gifts?” Taehyung asked Jimin.  
“Oh, they’re in the closet by the hall” he said to his friends.
“Great, I’ll go get them” Tae said, patting his back and walking away.
Jimin turned to look at you and regretted that move. 
He saw you in the middle of the room, wrapped around your boyfriend engulfed in a heavy make out session. One of Jungkook’s hands were on your waist, slipped under the white shirt you were wearing and the other one was gripping your asscheek, his thumb caressing it over the black jeans you were wearing. Your arms were curled around his neck, with one of your hands locked on his hair. 
Jimin felt a hot fire erupting in his chest from the pain and jealousy he felt seeing you in the arms of somebody else. Somebody whom he considered his best friend in the whole wide world. Someone who he was physically unable to hate, even if he so desperately wanted to. 
His figure turned in his heel and headed to the table, to find Karina cutting the cake into pieces. 
“Hey, can you help me hand these out?” she asked him, her eyes not leaving the cake, so she wasn’t able to see his eyes lined up with tears.
With a clear of his throat, he nodded. “Sure, Kari” he mumbled and grabbed one plate. 
He turned his head and found you and Jungkook talking now, lips far away from each other, thankfully. 
“Here, Y/N” he smiled at you.
You looked at him and gave him a big smile. 
He could see your lip gloss smudged slightly over your top lip and he cursed himself internally for noticing that.
“Thank you, Chim” you flashed him your teeth in your smile and it made him want to kick his feet in delight.
“The cake’s amazing, Y/N. Jimin picked the flavour. He told me it was your favourite” Jungkook said, brushing a hand over your hair.
Jimin looked at Jungkook and he hated that he couldn’t hate him because he was the sweetest human he had ever met.
“Really?” you asked and placed a hand on his shoulder. “You’re amazing, Jimin. Thank you. I love red velvet”
I know. He wants to say.
I know everything about you because I’m kind of obsessed with you and everything that you do.
“I made the buttercream, I hope you like it” Jungkook said and Jimin could sense he was nervous about it because he was toying with his lip ring and his cheeks were flushed slightly. 
You took a bite off your cake and gasped. “It’s amazing. Good job, you guys. I’m not gonna get mad at you if you decide to bake more for me” you joked. 
Jimin was about to say something when Jungkook kissed your cheek. “I’ll bake anything you want for you, Jagiya” he mumbles into your cheek and then presses another one, but this time, on the skin of your neck. 
He had to find another piece of cake and hand it to Taehyung before he did or said something he’d regret later. 
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 PRESENT DAY 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Jimin couldn’t help but sob at the memory, clutching his chest at the pain that soared inside of him. 
He hated that he couldn’t have you.
And he hated that the moment he managed to find the guts to tell you and feel like he could finally have you, Jungkook appeared and stole you away from him.
Or worse.
He started to think that he may never have had you in the first place. 
You always belonged to Jungkook, even if he had spent an entire year in another country. 
Even if Jungkook had gone on radio silence for a year. If he had hurt you like nobody else had before. If he was the reason you spent countless nights crying over him. 
You’ve always belonged to Jungkook and there was nothing he could really do about it. 
He was there to pick up the pieces and he saw the damage Jungkook had left. He had put you back together, he had been there for you more than anyone. And it still wasn’t enough. 
Jimin didn’t know if he was going to be okay.
But he had to be. 
「 ✦ 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞, 𝐈'𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐬
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐲
𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲, 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐲 ✦ 」
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
You felt your feet going numb at how hard you were running towards your car and you cursed yourself for leaving it three blocks away from the company building. 
Once you clicked on your car keys, you threw yourself behind the wheel and zoomed right to Jungkook’s apartment. 
Your brain couldn’t help but recall Jimin’s words. 
“Jungkook is going back to the States on a red-eye tonight”
You let out a sob at the possibility of not seeing Jungkook for a year again. Or probably, ever again. 
Even if he had hurt you so much you felt like ripping your heart out of your chest, you loved him, more than you’ve ever loved anyone in your life. And it wasn’t fair. Nothing was
It wasn’t fair that you still felt all this amount of undying love for him when he had broken up with you with no apparent reason, without letting you fight for them, because he was so far away. 
And now he was leaving you, but he was still here, so you felt like you could fight for him this time. 
When you parked outside his building, you ran up to the elevator, punching the buttons furiously. 
You let out a frustrated breath when you reached his door and started furiously knocking on his door. 
“Jungkook!” you cried, feeling the tears down your cheek. Nobody came to answer the door. “Jungkook, open up!” you cried again. Silence. 
You let your hand fall down to your side, defeatedly.
“Did he leave already?” you whispered to yourself and let out a loud sob. Then, out of anger, you kicked his door with your foot. “You idiot! Why did you come back if you were gonna leave anyways? Why did you even follow me around?” you cried as you kicked his door again. 
Suddenly, the door opened and Jungkook looked at you wide-eyed.
You matched his expression. 
“Jagiya…” he whispered. 
You let out a sob and you felt helpless around him.
You walked towards him and wrapped him up in a hug, crashing into him.
“Don’t leave” you whispered pathetically and desperately. “Don’t leave me, please” you continued saying and as you opened your eyes, you saw his bags in the living room, making you sob harder, “Please don’t go, please. I’m not letting you go” you shook your head.
Jungkook, who was shocked to his core, let his arms wrap around you tightly. Oh, how he had missed your touch. And your body warmth. It was unmatchable. 
You were sobbing so hard against his chest, and his hands found your hair, caressing it softly. 
“I’m not going anywhere” he whispered against your hair as his nose found its way to smell his favourite scent: yours. His hands find the hem of your shirt and slip under it, feeling your skin.
His knees went weak at the sudden proximity and feeling your skin after a whole year again. 
He had always been so pathetically taken by you, it was laughable. But right now, he wasn’t going to bring himself to care.
“Don’t leave again. Please… please, please, please” you sobbed again into his chest, desperately asking him to stay with you. 
He pushed you away gently by the shoulders but held you close to his face. “Stop crying, Jagi” he whispered, his hands framing your face. 
You grabbed at his wrists, basking in content at his touch. 
“Don’t go…” you cried brokenly.
“I’m not going” he chuckled, pressing his forehead against yours. His thumbs brushed the tears away from your face. “You know… when I found you, I wanted to seem like I was confident, but… I was so fucking nervous”
“Why?” you whispered.
“I didn’t know if you wanted to see me. And I didn’t blame you when you said you didn’t” he told you, and pushed his face away from yours but still maintaining the proximity. 
His hands brushed your hair out of your face while you stared at his beautiful face. “Why did you come find me?”
Jungkook frowned. What do you mean why? He wanted to see you, because he missed you more than anything in the world and his sole purpose was to get back to you.
“What do you mean?” he asked, shaking his head.
“You were going to leave again” you said angrily, but your face was still screaming sadness. 
“Huh?” he let out. “What are you talking about?”
“You’re going back to the States tonight on a red-eye” you said. “Were you planning on telling me at all?” 
Jungkook was even more confused. “Why would I leave again?”
You turned your head and pointed at his bags. He followed your stare and he kind of understood.
“What’s with all the bags, then?” you asked Jungkook. 
“I just started unpacking” Jungkook explained. “I got a little lazy and well… kind of distracted since I came back” he chuckled, sheepishly. 
“What? Jimin said that you were-” you said and then stopped yourself, when you came to the realisation that Jimin had lied to you.
Jungkook matched your expression. “Jimin said that?” he asked you.
You blinked a couple of times. “I…”
“You ran over here thinking I was going to leave?” Jungkook asked desperately, praying you’d say yes to his question. 
“No.” you said quickly. 
“You wanted me to stay” he was stating now, he wasn’t asking. 
“No.” you said again and turned on your heel, and opened the door to his apartment, choosing to leave.
“Jagi!” he yells with a smile and puts a hand on the door, closing it before you can even open it halfway. “Don’t run away”
“I’m not running-”
“Jagi, look at me” he whispered. You slowly looked at him and he smiled at you, making your knees buckle. “You came here… to see me… because you thought I was leaving?” he asked you.
You didn't answer. “I need to go” you mutter.
“No, you don’t” Jungkook shook his head. “Let’s talk… please?” 
You blinked and then let out a sigh. 
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Jungkook and you found yourselves sitting on his couch. He noticed your leg was bouncing up and down with nerves. And he hated it. Because he didn’t want you to be nervous around him. At last not with that sentiment. 
“Do you hate me?” he asked you. “For what I did, I mean”
You were looking at your feet. 
“Can you please look at me, Jagi?” he whispered softly. 
“You came back… you knew you were coming back” you said to him and then your eyes found his. “Why did you do that, then?” 
Jungkook sighed and gave you a little smile. “I thought that making you wait would be too hard on you. And it wouldn’t be fair of me to do that” he told you. 
You scoffed. “Waiting was nothing, Jungkook, compared to what you made me go through” you told him and a tear slipped from your eye. 
Jungkook felt his eyes water at your comment. He hated himself more than anything for hurting you.
“I know. It was the same for me” he mutters, afraid that if he’d speak up, he’d just end up choking on his words.
With a surge of confidence, he slowly catches your hand and brings it closer to him, caressing it with love. 
“It was… excruciating” he exhaled, letting out a few tears himself. “And I didn’t want that feeling anymore to be around so I’ve been looking for ways to come back to you. Even if my dad hadn’t woken up, I would’ve come back for you” he tells you. “Because believe it or not, my whole world revolves around you”
You bit your lip to muffle your cry.
“And it sounds… pathetic, I know. But I’m obsessed with you, Jagiya. You’re everything I think about. You’re my world” he states softly, a tear slowly slipped down his cheek and it took everything in you to not wipe it from his face. 
You swallowed. “What if I had forgotten about you?” you asked him. 
“I’d chase after you then” he chuckles. 
“And what if I still didn’t want you back?” you asked him.
“I would’ve cried and begged like a pitiful asshole… or won you over with my charms”  he smiled and then gave you a wink.
You roll your eyes and click your tongue, looking away. 
“Jagiya…”  he whispered, brushing your hair away from your face. “Please look at me” he pleaded brokenly. 
His thumb brushed over the side of your face and you met his eyes once again. 
“I know I made you miserable. And there are no words to describe how sorry I am. Because I am. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry” he whispers to you, getting a little closer to you.
And you let him. Because you were helpless around Jeon Jungkook.
But at the same time, you understood how he felt and why he did it. He was alone with his mind and not having you around was hard for him. And he felt guilty. He did it thinking it was the best for you.
“I understand… why you did it, Jungkook” you slowly breathed out. “But… you gotta understand that seeing you reminds me of how sad I was”
“I’m… so sorry I hurt you, Y/N” he said in the most sincere tone. 
“You were hurting too” you hummed, content with the love he was pouring with his touch on your face. “I know it must’ve been hard for you to be so far away from home… being alone and all. You must’ve really struggled, and I wish I would have been there with you to hold your hand through it all” you said and let out a sob, your palms slapping your face as you covered yourself. “I wanted to be there for you and I couldn’t. I tried so hard to find flights but… I couldn’t afford them” you cried. 
Jungkook found himself crying and he reached for you, wrapping you up in his arms. You hid your face in his neck and cried freely. “I know, Jagi. Nothing of this is your fault. Don’t cry” he whispered, his hands sinking into your hair. 
He let you calm down against him, while giving you sweet caresses as he basked in the feeling of you so close to him again.
“You… changed a lot” you tell him against his neck, your hand finding the skin of his neck and you couldn’t help but stroke his skin with care.
You felt his laugh rumbling in his throat again. “Did I?”
“Yeah… but you look the same just as much” you whispered with a chuckle. 
Your eyes found the chain around his neck and you grabbed it. It was a chain that had a pendant with your initial on it.
“Jungkook…” you breathed out.
He looked down and saw you were playing with his chain and he felt his cheeks redden. “Yeah…” he said, kind of embarrassed. “I bought it… I think it was five months ago or so”
“Five months ago?” you asked him.
“Yeah” he sighed. “I got really drunk one night and walked down a street that had these… necklaces and I just had to get one that reminded me of you” your heart doubled its size hearing him talking about you like that. “Even if you might not believe me… you were all I thought about the past year”
You pulled away from his arms and smiled at him as he met your gaze. 
“Thank you” you whispered.
He frowns. “For what?” he asked.
“For coming back for me” you told him
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
You got to the door, with Jungkook following behind you. 
“You’ll tell me when you get home, right?” he asks, reaching for the handle of the door of his apartment.
You smiled at him. “Yeah” you nodded. 
Jungkook stood staring at your eyes and then down at your lips. “Good girl” he muttered. 
Your heart did a cartwheel and you felt your core clenching around nothing at his remark.
You couldn’t help but down your eyes to his lips.
They were so inviting and damn him for fucking biting them, knowing that you were tempted as well. His tongue licked his lip ring, and he toyed with it, rolling it around.
He took a dangerous step towards you and just when he was about to take another, your phone started ringing. 
The invited sound made you both jump in your place and with a grunt you fished your phone out of the back pocket of your jeans. 
Jimin read in big letters. 
You had forgotten about him and his lie at this point.
“Who is it?” Jungkook asked, noticing your discomfort. 
You eyed him and sighed. “Jimin” you mumbled.
“Oh” he said, feeling small.
You pressed the green button and raised your phone up to your ear. 
“You’re in big trouble, man” You told Jimin on the phone and Jungkook pressed his lips in a thin line.
“Yo, what?” he seems genuinely confused.
“You lied to me” you tell him. “I came in here to Jungkook’s apartment and made myself look like a fool” 
“Well, are you with him?” Jimin asked you.
“And did you guys make up?” Jimin asked again.
You looked up at Jungkook who had obviously listened to Jimin’s question and was looking at you like he had been the one to ask it. 
You licked your lips nervously and chewed on your bottom one. “Kind- kind of” you stammer, feeling nervous.
Jungkook felt hopeful after your confession. 
He felt like he could make it work for real. That you two had a chance of going back to how it was a year ago. 
“Chim, I’ll call you later, okay?” you told him, your hands getting sweaty from the nerves.
Jimin laughed on the other side of the line. “Yeah, of course” he said.
You ended the call and let out a sigh as you looked at Jungkook.
“Well, I better go” you mumble. 
“It’s okay, Jagi” he nods. “Will I see you tomorrow?” he asked you, and you noticed the spark in his eyes. 
He looked like he wanted you to say yes more than everything. 
“Yeah, just- just text me” you told him and you wanted to kick yourself for stumbling over your words. 
“Of course” Jungkook flashes you a bunny smile.
You’re absolutely done for.
74 notes · View notes
khaoala · 3 months ago
Ok ok ok. So. May met ai oon when she stole oom's uniform and went to school as her for the day right? And for May it was love at first sight but oon obviously forgot about it since she didn't recognize May at all! She's definitely going to be beating herself over that one once she's realizes it next ep.
Also it seems like oom was a terrible partner to both Paul AND May. Like girl did you even care about it either one of them???
Ok now on to the important parts like THE BATHROOM SCENE 🫠🫠🫠
Whooo baby *fans self* oon had been DESPERATE to kiss May again and goddamnit did she ever!!
Heartbreaking that oon thinks that may only loves her cause she thinks she’s oom but also funny that drunk oon was ready to fight her sister even though technically SHES the one in mays heart. 🤪🤪🤪
I think that’s it
ps it might’ve just been me but when i saw the scene of May crying on oon’s chest in the trailer i thought she was dead. Glad to see that wasn’t the case 🙈
anon, i was waiting for your ask (i say as if i have any significant things to say) (and she ends up going on and on for 6 paragraphs, yeah, clearly nothing to say, dumbass).
oon did a lot of things while dressed up as oom, apparently. from picking fights to making people fall in love. we love the range. i find it so amusing that oon clearly didn't remember may from the past, but from the moment she met her in present day, she was immediately infatuated by that woman. i mean, she saw a pretty angel coming down the stairs and talking softly and touching her with care, and was immediately a goner. from my perspective, it goes to show how much lack of affection she has endured since school days into adulthood, to be honest, for her to latch on a complete stranger like that. but it's amusing, too, to see that oon's main rival the whole time was, * checks notes * oon herself.
we don't know enough about oom to make me defend her, but ever since that talk the twins had in front of the shop after oom came back from a flight, i kept thinking, oon is trying to support her sister bc she's clearly the most gifted of the two (not my thoughts btw, but we know how oon's self-confidence works) and the favorite, while oom is trying to fill in all the spots to make it look like their efforts and sacrifices meant something. pang herself said that her house felt lifeless and that she decorates her clients' houses based on the aura she gets from them and it jut felt like a bachelor's house, and jan says that's probably bc she wasn't into it. i don't think that was just about paul but about the whole life she built for herself (but then, that's me reading too much into it, too. sibling dynamics and the roles within their family group just fascinates me).
once upon a time, when i was watching ayaka is in love with hiroko, someone commented on the tags of a post that it was so nice to see women desiring each other instead of just giving off best friends vibes, and here we are in thai gl where women eat each other like their lives depend on it and let me tell you, oon has been waiting to get freaky with may for a fucking eternity, i genuinely thought she was about to combust on that car scene in the beginning of the episode.
and then she finally gets to confess and kiss may like she has been meaning to, and it's delicious! i've said this in the tag of my gifset, but i've been obsessed with that shot with oon lingering around may's throat as may kisses her forehead since forever. it's beautiful and intimate and honestly so breathtaking. the way they are both so into it and the clear desire? it was like gorgeous, i loved it so much. and the way oon lifted may up and put her in the sink? yeah, sure 'i've never been interested in women before' your learned all the tricks rather quickly.
it's honestly so sad that oon sees herself as second place. she was so confident during lunch with may's godawful "friends". i loved how she was direct and didn't look ashamed when saying she works in delivery and is also becoming an author. may had a huge influence in her confidence and moral, but when it comes to the matters of heart they need to be secretive bc oh man, when the truth comes out about the whole trial and kosol's involvement in may's accident? i'm sure it'll all be super duper fine.
that scene with may crying on oon's chest also confused me a lot when the trailer came out, because they were clearly in a regular bed and oon is dressed in a pretty dress, so why would you be crying, girl? and now we know. no one's dead, she was just very drunk.
31 notes · View notes
agentlizardofowca · 5 months ago
❛ enemies make the best lovers, you know. ❜ //SHOT
Friday evening was telenovela evening.
"Rodrigo, that wasn't me at the ball! That was my twin sister Camilla!" The actress was beautiful. Her hair and chest bounced dramatically as she spoke. It was almost distracting enough to make you ignore her horrendous acting. Almost.
"No!" Rodrigo gasped dramatically on the TV screen. "She tricked me! Clara, I promise my heart only belongs to you!" The actor who played Rodrigo was barely wearing his shirt. Just two buttons held it ""closed"" and his shimmering pecks sparkled in the studio lights.
This was the worst TV show Perry had ever seen. He has to know what happens next.
Without looking, Perry reached to the left and grasped a handful of popcorn. He didn't even check his hand before he stuffed all of it into his mouth, his eyes were glued to the TV.
"He's going to end up with the evil twin sister, I'm sure of it," Heinz informed his soap opera buddy with full confidence. "They'll get married and everything."
Perry arched one sceptical eyebrow at his nemesis. His legs were draped over Heinz's lap, a comforting position to lean back in. But it made reaching for popcorn a little impractical. Obviously, Heinz wasn't aware enough to offer him any assistance. So, Perry had to fold himself in half every time he reached for more.
He had paused, mid lean, fist full of popcorn, to doubt Heinz's expertise.
"She's probably pregnant with his baby right now. You know they didn't just kiss in that broom closet during the gala."
Perry dumped his popcorn into his mouth so he could sign. 「But he's been faithful to Clara for three seasons.」
"Which is way too long in tv-land! They need to shake things up and the evil sister is perfect! She has all the same features as Clara, but evil! And we all know evil is sexy!"
Perry shook his head lightly.「They can't stand each other, she's going to try to kill him during the rehearsal dinner.」 He wasn't going to touch that evil is sexy remark.
"And Rodrigo is going to think it's so hot!" Heinz yes-and'd
Perry shot him a look that attempted- and succeeded in conveying: you're insane.
"No, I'm right! I'll bet you anything they're going to hate each other so much that Rodrigo forgets all about Clara. He only focuses on Camilla and they have a love-hate relationship.
「That would never work.」 Perry's hands moved with confidence, but Doof only scoffed.
"As if you don't know that enemies make the best lovers! It's true!"
Perry removed his legs from Heinz's lap to get up. Arguing with him was no use, so he was going to go to the balcony and lament the fact that Disney doesn't let him smoke.
Heinz scrambled to pause the episode and got up to follow him. He almost knocked the bowl of popcorn over, but there wasn't much left inside to spill anyway.
"You're only avoiding me because you can't handle the truth!" Heinz said and he followed his nemesis outside.
"You get back here!"
Perry had a feeling Doofenshmirtz thought he was soooo funny.
"Just accept that they're super us-coded and watch the next episode with me! Come on Perry! Cliffhangers are bad enough, but being left hanging because you need to throw a hissy fit is way worse."
Now on the balcony, Perry sighed tiredly. Up here, the air was cold enough that it escaped his mouth like a cloud of vapour. Close enough.
"I'm going to continue watching without you!" Heinz threatened, but he caught the glowering look Perry cast over his shoulder and suddenly fell silent.
When pretending to be dramatic was no longer funny, Perry returned to the couch to watch the rest of the season. Heinz wasn't entirely correct, but Rodrigo did end up kissing Camilla at the wedding, not realizing that his actual bride was tied up in the broom closet with a bomb strapped to her chest. The finale cliffhanger ended when Rodrigo learned who he had married and where his bride was.
Heinz groaned as the credits rolled. "Now I'm going to have to wait for months! Do you think she'll live, Perry?"
Perry frowned as he tried to get into the writers' heads. 「It would be so dramatic if she died.」
Doofenshmirtz flopped over and threw the last few kernels from the popcorn bowl at the screen. "This show sucks."
Perry agreed as he googled the release date for the next season.
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foundfam2754 · 7 months ago
S17e10 (finale!) live reactions!
- AHHH this is it!! finally! here. we. go.
- yeah they better not hurt my kiddos thank you very much
-I’m telling you NOW. this is all about Elias. He’s the center of the conspiracy. that’s been my theory since e1. if he didn’t say anything about GS, none of this would have started
- of course, Emily’s kidnapped again. That HAS be in Paget’s contract or something
- where are JJ and Luke?? boyf and bff up to no good again
- what did Emily do?? what’s she being judged for?
- tbh this has to be the least scary time that’s she’s been “abducted and interrogated” lol
- I KNEW IT. My “Emily abduction count” was 4
- this is the “dramatic and cry-y” outfit for Pen!!
- I think my theory is right!! if you have been reading my reaction posts every week you’ll know I have a theory about this season:
that the underlying conspiracy of the season being that they’re (BAU and the gold stars) doing everything Elias wants them to do - and it was all to get him out of jail and to screw over the BAU, and it all started with Bailey’s “gold star” in 16x10. especially because the only way they can resolve it is by confiding in voit. because he knows everything and how everyone really feels. and everyone’s priorities
- lol elias’ cell looks like a college dorm
- OMG that’s not a spin I saw coming
- wait wait wait did I forget or did they JUST tell us about Emily’s sister
- aw man doug bailey’s such a good egg
- chaotic voit is so fucking funny
- also that’s a cool shot
- god doug bailey is *so* cute
- oh god - voit knew if bailey ended up on that wall, pete would fall into deeper into the conspiracy!! 🤯🤯
- how does emily end up being cool and such a bitch badass even when she’s in that much pain!??
- “Jenny?” ew
- “we can smell you later” HAHA
- haha I fucking love Tyler “thought experiment”
- oh my god Penelope, stay safe
- PEN PROTECTING TYLER!!! it actually threw him off, you could see his face, it’s the eye contact specifically that threw him off
- oh my god that’s horrifying
- this whole episode is the bau trying to throw Elias of and v/v
- oh god I forgot about emily
- is she about to say that she loved him? pls, I kinda liked them together
- also a lil inconsistency that bugs me; in 15x4, they said that you can never talk down a conspiracy theorist, a targeted individual - they just have to let them believe what they believe - so why is Em trying to convince them so hard, shouldn’t she profile them? idk
- wait I don’t get it, how does the board relate to the team coming?? wouldn’t they have booby trapped it either way? why does Luke dancing in a towel after his shower have anything to do with it??😂
- omg Luke
- OMG dave this is so smart
- Jade’s gonna do something isn’t she??
- when is pen going to cry? im so unsure what kirsten’s insta post was about bc the ep is almost over
- “discretion is the better part of valor” - interesting
- wait are we getting profilers back?? now that she has more money
- Penelope’s house!!
- but also no more greencia pls
- pen and luke pls?? pls? pls. :(
- wuoh elias…
GREAT SEASON!!! but we deserved garvez
looking forward to 2026, when I can do these again :)
more to come as I reflect on the season, but thanks for sticking w me as I did these reactions!!
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nso-csi · 7 months ago
240819 ETERNAL 1Q1A
Q1. You reached your solo debut 10th anniversary this year. It must have felt very different, how do you feel?
Taemin: It made me realize that I have been active for a long time and I am very thankful towards the fans that have been loving me over this long period of time. I prepared this album with the intention to commemorate my 10th anniversary so I really wanted to present what I prepared as soon as I can.
Q2. There has been a huge change. You moved to a new company, BPM so is there any thing that changed or stayed the same from the usual? If there is, please share what is it.
Taemin: To be honest, there isn’t a huge difference due to the change of company. I have prepared it the way I always do regardless of where I am. But of course, I am learning how to communicate with the staff and other various things as I try to find a way to work together. I am just creating a new way of doing things but I think I have prepared it as how I have always been preparing.
Q3. We heard that you took part in all the process in producing this album, from the planning to the music, concept, music video etc. You included lots of your identity in the album introduction too so what’s the most core point when making the album?
Taemin: I have always put in lots of thoughts at what I need to do, what I want to show and I have tried to include them as they are in the album this time. However, I did not try to intentionally change anything or put any meaning to it just because there is a huge change to my situation. That’s why I am just doing it the way I usually do and connote the music and emotions I like to prepare this album.
Q4. Double title track ‘Sexy In The Air’ and ‘Horizon’ presented different color respectively. Please introduce each song.
Taemin: I think that ‘Sexy In The Air’ is a song that fits the hot weather. It has a very exciting and retro-ish sound and to dance a dance fitting to that retro-ish sound will give off a refreshing feeling. At the later part where the song atmosphere heightens, there will be drill (a music genre) where it makes the song a charming one. ‘Horizon’ is a synth pop genre with lots of energy and it’s interesting as it’s my first time trying out this genre. A passionate performance fitting for this song will be charming so it would be great if you can watch it together.
Q5. Performance is something important that Taemin cannot leave out. What’s the part that we have to keep our eyes on among the performance for this promotion?
Taemin: Choreographies that fit the flow of the music for each section has been choreographed. That’s why there will be parts that are very minimal and there will be parts that are very refreshing and then it will go to parts where it’s very conceptive. It would be great if you can keep your eyes on the performance that changes to fit the flow of the song.
Q6. Pre-promotion contents have already hyped up the anticipation. Are you able to give spoilers about ‘Sexy In The Air’ music video? We are curious of any episodes happening to.
Taemin: I shot the music video of ‘Sexy In The Air’ with director ‘SEGAJI’ who I worked with for ‘The Rizzness’ performance video. As we have previously worked together before, the director has a high level of understanding of me and pondered over many things with me. The mood of the song, which expresses the desire and confidence to move forward, is embodied in the image, and is expressed with a sense of speed transitioned with a huge scale set and the performance. There will be sensational moments delivered through water, light, wind etc. in a totally different space so if you look into parts like these deeper, you will be able to understand ‘Sexy In The Air’ better.
Q7. You did a listening session where you introduced the song to fans before the release and since that’s the first time the songs are being revealed, is there any interesting question or episode? Do share how it feels to do a listening session.
Taemin: I am always nervous when I release a new album so to be able to be in a space where I can be with my fans that are like my forces at the listening session made me feel at ease. It was meaningful to be able to share the stories from my recollection working on each and every song and it was nice to be able to see the various reactions of my fans myself. Rather than saying that it’s an episode, it was enjoyable to be able to talk to my fans but because it got too long, it was such a pity that the corner where I read messages from my fans got shorter at the very end.
Q8. Is there any reaction you wish to hear from your 5th mini album ‘ETERNAL’ or any goals you wish to achieve?
Taemin: I hope this ‘ETERNAL’ album can be the chance for it to be known that I have started to participate a little more in the album. Through this album, I think it’s the chance for me to slowly complete and grow more from parts of me that are still less inexperienced. It’s also for me to include the emotions of mine a little more or those that I want to express, as it is, in this album. That’s why, I would like to include the process of me being a little more of the main subject in the next album.
Q9. You have your first solo world tour ‘Ephemeral Gaze’ in schedule. You have done lots of concerts but it’s your first time doing a solo world tour so how do you feel? Do share what kind of stage are you preparing.
Taemin: I am very happy and grateful that I can finally do a tour. I have been imagining to do a tour like this right from the moment I dreamt of becoming a singer actually so to be able to finally fulfill it makes me very fluttered. I want to use this chance to meet lots of fans and make good memories with various people while going to places that I have never been to.
Q10. Please say a word to the fans that are always supporting Taemin’s path.
Taemin: It’s thanks to you guys who are by my side giving me the support that I am able to always try new challenges. I think it took very long for me to realize things like these. I feel even more grateful these days, and I want to show myself as a musician, and show it through my music so that I can always return my appreciation for this kind of support. Thank you and love you guys always.
cr. iheartshinee_
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accirax · 3 months ago
Disventure Camp Season 4 Pre-Season Analysis
Welcome back, campers! Now that we've fully spun off the end of DCAS, another season has rolled into town. And, in my opinion, it's looking really great so far!
As with any series of predictions, it's sort of a fool's game to try to predict entire-season arcs and characterizations when all we have are a couple of minute-long intros and a singular trailer. Still, I wanted to share what I've observed so far, as well as analyzing what was happening in that chaotic trailer before the first episode comes out-- for us non-Patreon normies, at least.
SPOILERS for the prior 3 Disventure Camp seasons, as well as possibly this one if I'm right in my analysis. You've been warned? Here we go!
The Profile Rigs
When I originally watched the 18 individual character intros, I was watching very closely for one thing-- the profile rigs. When Anastasia's trailer dropped, everyone was quick to notice the spicy new front-facing and side profile rigs the characters seemed to be sporting. However, come Hannah's interview, suddenly, her profile rig was nowhere to be seen. Did that mean it didn't exist?
Slowly but surely, the trailers were released, and six characters were left without profile rigs-- Hannah, Benji, Lynda, Spencer, Jade, and Diego. Would these be six pre-merge boots with no shot at returning for the latter half of the season?
... And then the actual trailer dropped and Lynda, Jade, and Diego were revealed to have profile rigs as well. It's possible the other three have them as well; I didn't scrub closely enough to 100% confirm that they didn't. And that's why I waited until all of the character trailers were out to make my theories! Saved myself a lot of work by letting my theories get disproven before I write them 😎 But, for anyone else who was thinking along those lines, know that line of logic is essentially debunked.
Haha. About that. While I anticipated that there might be a trailer after the audition tapes finished, I certainly wasn't expecting there to be an Episode 1 trailer AFTER the main series trailer. Therefore, I wrote part of this post before watching the Episode 1 trailer. There honestly isn't a whole much in it other than some further character work (which is great) but in terms of challenges and stuff it doesn't change much of what I wrote. In the event that it does, I'll be adding further thoughts like this, in pink text.
Episode Count
Let me preface this by saying that, along with not being a member of the Patreon, I also don't follow Jared or Robert on Twitter, nor am I a member of any Disventure Camp Discord servers, official or otherwise. (And yet, I still take the time to write out this entire post. Such is my personality.) Therefore, it's possible that I could be missing out on something that's been confirmed or de-confirmed along the way.
That being said, I know from DC4's original announcement that this season has been stated to be 26 episodes long. That's two episodes longer than All Stars, our previous 18-person example. A standard 18-person season with no bells and whistles would need a total of 16 episodes to eliminate 15 people one-at-a-time, with a one part finale. That boosts up to 17 episodes if you assume a two-part finale, which I am at this point. However, that still leaves us 9 episodes short from our episode count this season. What does that mean?
Well, for starters, I'm going to assume that the first episode is an introductory, non-elimination one. Whether that's in the S1 tribe swap sense, the AS interview into tribe reveal sense, or an entirely new sense altogether, I don't know. But, even the description of the first episode on the wiki seems to support that the first episode will just be about introducing the contestants (as does the apparent lack of challenge/tribal footage in the Episode 1 trailer), so I'm fairly confident that can lock us in for at least 18 episodes.
For the other 8 episodes, I think we can predict a combination of:
Hidden Tribe Swaps: This is describing the thing that happened to Grett and Ellie in S1, where they thought they were being eliminated but instead they swapped tribes. I feel like I remember people being disappointed that nothing like this ever happened in All Stars, so I wouldn't be surprised to see it make a comeback in S4. Any instance of this occurring would add an additional +1 episodes to the season, because although it "saves" two people from elimination, given that the standard rate of elimination is 1 person/episode, we only actually prevented one person's elimination. Therefore, if this were the only solution, we could have 8 whole tribe swaps. I really hope that doesn't happen.
Comeback Challenges: You all know what this means. Someone is eliminated from the competition, but they get to come back through some sort of redemptive challenge! Based on the length of the season, I'm almost certain that this will be included. It grants you a whole +2 episodes every time it happens, because not only do you cancel one episode's elimination, but you add another player who will need to be eliminated again. If this happened, for instance, once at the midpoint and once near the Final 5-- mirroring the comeback systems of shows like Top Chef or Survivor in its seasons with the Edge of Extinction-- that could already book us for half of our extra episodes this season. Also, I want to point out that we know from the original DCAS boot order list's third version that ONC was once planning to have a comeback challenge in which two eliminated contestants came back at once. (Maybe the original plan was that eliminated contestants would work together, instead of being paired with a current player.) That also opens the door to the idea of two players coming back via one challenge, each instance of which would be +3 episodes.
Non-Elim Cliffhangers/Two Parters: This, to my memory, has not yet happened in Disventure Camp outside of a finale, but I think it's still possible. This refers to any episode that doesn't end on an elimination ceremony, but instead on some other twist or revelation-- Survivor's infamous hourglass twist did this in Season 41 and 42. If this was to occur, I hope that the ending-worthy cliffhangers would be more along the lines of a big strategic decision and less "OMG A is about to tell B that they like them!!!" However, given something we see in the trailer (which I'll get to in a minute), I'm inclined to think that this happening would be more advantage based and less love triangle based. But we'll see. And, obviously, each time this happened would grant us +1 episode.
Non-Competition Episodes: Namely, the Loser's Motel episode. Or, alternatively, if we spent an entire episode focused on the staff, or Jensen, or prior competitors or whatever. (I do not want it to be that alternative possibility.) Instances of this would likely be very limited, but they could still be used to absorb +1 episode or two a couple of times throughout the season. There are enough "missing" episodes that I wouldn't be surprised if each of these things happened at least once.
The Trailer
Finally, time for some actual, direct content analysis! I think it'll work best if I divide this into sub-headers. Before that, though, I want to point out that I'd imagine that anything depicted in this trailer is probably from, like, Episode 4 at the latest. That's not just because of not wanting to spoil what happens too late into the season, but also because I just don't think they'd have animation for any farther than that complete at this stage.
The Setting
It's a circus. With clowns. Yeah that's pretty obvious. I'm just putting this here because most of the opening trailer shots (of the season trailer and the Episode 1 trailer) seem to be communicating this fact and this fact alone.
The Teams
I swear there was an official image delineating the teams somewhere, but I can't find it. No matter, it should be pretty easy to determine who's on which team based on this trailer anyways.
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There are many images in the trailer that support these being the teams, but this is the only one where everyone is on screen at once. Therefore, it's a given that the Ice Team is comprised of Logan, Ted, Marissa, Anastasia, Natalia, Isabel, Lynda, Richard, and Alessio, while the Fire Team is comprised of Zaid, Hannah, Tristan, Ivy, Jade, Benji, Amelie, Spencer, and Diego.
This will be important to keep in mind, as tribe draw is a crucial factor in determining whether you'll find allies in the early days, or if you'll wind up on a tribe you don't mesh with and be kicked out for it. For instance, the Fire Team seems to have a lot of younger players on it, which means that Amelie, the only player in her mid-30s, could initially be on the outs and struggle to find allies. Doesn't mean she's totally screwed, but leanings are all we really have right now.
The Challenges
Based on the trailer, I think I can confidently say that we've been shown three different challenges thus far.
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The first is this "fighting with sticks in swimsuits" challenge, which happened in both S1 and S2, if I remember correctly. The weird thing here is that they don't actually seem to be near a body of water, but what do I know?
Based on the crowd, we can see that everyone is present at this challenge, which means it must happen pretty early in the season-- probably either the first immunity or reward competition. I'm going to wager that we didn't get enough footage to definitively decide which team wins, so I'm not even going to try to determine that.
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The next is what I can only describe as a "hunting clowns" challenge. Not sure if it's a "last clown standing without being shot wins" or a "the most points scored on the clowns at the end of the challenge wins," but it's likely one of those. The only characters we're able to definitively place in this challenge are Marissa, Isabel, and Natalia (all as archers) and Hannah, Diego, Benji, and Spencer (with the former as archers and the latter as clowns). ONC was a lot cagier with who was shown in this challenge, which would make me think that it' might take place after the first elimination. If true, that would make all of these characters safe from being the first boot of their tribe.
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This challenge is even cagier that the last, as the only way to piece together that they are likely part of the same challenge is by noticing that they all take place in this train-looking location.
I have no idea what happens in this challenge. We've got chickens, math, ice baths, worms, and getting your head shaved. I'd think that this might be a repeat of the "face your fears" challenge from S1, but chickens for the tour guide and math for the marine science student feel a little out of place for that. Also, why would Richard's fear be going bald if he basically already is bald? It's probably something else, but I have no clue what.
Anyways, we can see Diego, Jade, Ted, Ivy, and Richard in this challenge, with a bonus Logan, Anastasia, and Spencer as they can all be seen on the train in these scenes.
Other than that, there are a couple of screenshots that I think could be challenges, but likely aren't.
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Between the log and the booth (both showing opposite teams), I at first thought there might be some sort of heavy lifting challenge in the works. However, both scenes look like they take place in a more camp-like setting, so I think these are probably just taken from scenes of each team arranging the camp. The last one would also match with that, as Ivy holding up a decorate posted while Zaid might be dusting or adjusting some lights. The trio looks a bit too calm for a challenge in that last screenshot, anyways.
Then there are these, which are a bit more confusing.
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We've got Spencer rearranging some flags, and Jade taking a swim... in her normal clothes? Both of these could be challenge-related, but they also could be more scenes of daily life around camp. Spencer's could truly go either way, as rearranging the flags could be more housekeeping work or it could be some sort of puzzle. I'd be inclined to say that Jade's was part of a challenge, except them it seems like she would be in her swimsuit...?
In the Episode 1 trailer, we see Spencer collecting similar flags from the other members of his team (with several of them looking displeased).
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That definitely places this scene in Episode 1, and, based on their stances, probably not in a challenge? But, also, I don't know what this would mean outside of a challenge. Perhaps it's not a team vs team event, but something more like the Sweat vs Savvy challenges that have been seen in recent Survivor seasons? In them, contestants have to choose between attempting a grueling but fairly reliable test of athleticism or a quick but unpredictable test of intelligence in order to earn flint for their tribe. I could see that the Fire Team might have wound up doing the intelligence (Savvy) task, which Spencer fully takes over-- possibly to win or lose it. However, there are a few flaws with this. First of all, Disventure Camp contestants don't need flint, so I don't know what they would be competing for. Secondly, there doesn't appear to be any corresponding footage of the Ice Team competing in any challenge...? Therefore, I'm not sure how Fire would wind up in this disadvantageous position, where Ice neither had to win a different challenge nor compete in their own Sweat vs Savvy task. So, maybe it's just about camp decor? I'm excited to see what these flags are about on the 30th.
Between the hunting clowns challenge and the train challenge, we've had confirmed appearances from Marissa, Isabel, Natalia, Ted, Richard, Logan, Anastasia, Hannah, Diego (in both), Benji, Spencer (in both), Jade, and Ivy. If I'm correct that these are immunity challenges two and three (in either order), that could spell trouble for Lynda or Alessio on Ice and Tristan, Zaid, or Amelie on Fire. Again, because we don't know which challenge will occur first (or even that they're guaranteed to be immunity challenges), none of the people pictured are guaranteed safe. However, especially for Spencer and Diego, I feel confident that they won't be the earliest of early boots.
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Also, I wasn't sure where else to put this, but, hey, it's that thing I said we'd get to later. This sign-- which reads "Go down the path together to a private booth; you're both about to make a major decision" is giving BIG Journey energy. If you don't know what a Journey is, in the new era of Survivor, they've started having points at which (typically) one player from each tribe goes off to an island together, they get to chat for a little bit, and then they play sort of game (whether against each other or against chance) where they either win something (typically some sort of advantage) or lose something (typically their vote).
The interesting thing here is that this scene is decisively set at night, which, in Disventure Camp, is often reserved only for Tribal Councils. That being said, we already have footage of a challenge happening at night (hunting clowns), so this could be part of a challenge or on a non-Tribal night instead. No idea who will be part of this Major Decision Pair together, but it's neat that they're bringing in even more strategic Survivor aspects into this new season. I love strategy!
The Tribal Councils
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Just pointing out that we have footage of both tribes going to Tribal council, at which I would have to imagine that everyone is present. (Why would ONC show footage of a Tribal at which not everyone is present if that necessitates that said tribe already went to a Tribal Council at which everyone was present???) Not much to say here, just that it seems very likely that both Tribes will go to Tribal a minimum of one time in the first 3-or-so rounds of the competition. My money is on the first two Tribals being one per team.
The Relationships
Given Tumblr's image limitations (and also the limitations of the time I want to spend writing this post), I'm not going to go over every time two characters are shown on screen together. Given that, I am necessarily being biased in portraying which trailer relationships I think might be important. It could be that I'm blowing something small out of proportion, or ignoring something important because I think it's more circumstantial.
Oh, and, also, just because this is the "relationships" section doesn't mean that I think all of these relationships will be romantic in nature. Friendships and other platonic relationships totally qualify as well! That being said, Disventure Camp's gonna Disventure Camp, so I wouldn't be surprised if several of these relationships are romantic in nature.
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Speaking of toss-ups, Hannah and Benji! This is the pairing that I most fear I might be blowing out of proportion the most. But, when I saw this shot in the trailer, I immediately thought, "oh, I guess they're gonna be a couple!" We know from Hannah's intro that she's bi, which means that she has the capacity to be attracted to Benji.
I hadn't thought of these two as a pair before because I thought Benji would be eliminated early, but I think they could be really cute! I could see Benji's silly vibes making Hannah laugh, and Hannah's social skills covering up for some of Benji's awkwardness. Even if the relationship is short due to Benji getting eliminated early, I hope we get to see a lot of this dynamic!
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As opposed to the other two, Ivy and Zaid seem to be shown together a lot in this trailer. Another pairing that I did not expect, but that I'm open to! They seem like they're having fun with each other. Sort of predicting romantic on this one as well, but it could totally be a friendship. Either way, an alliance seems inevitable.
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Spencer and Diego definitely seem to have some sort of bond, as everyone predicted from the poster alone. Many people have also, I believe, already begun to ship them. I went on the record a few weeks ago as saying that I thought that Logan and Spencer would be the ship of the season, but with their being on different teams, I can't deny that spenciego(?) might win out in the end.
Of course, these two could also just be friends, and Spencer could wind up with Logan, or no one at all. Or, imagine if there was a love triangle with Spencer of all people being the main target of affection. Would that be wild or what? No matter what, I'm a fan of "opposites attract" dynamics (romantic or platonic) so I'll be happy if these two do wind up being a pair!
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In the same post in which I predicted logancer(?) true canon, I also predicted that Richard would befriend Logan, which seems to be the case. I mean, c'mon. A gay basketball coach father figure and a probably-gay swimmer with a probably-not-great relationship with his parents feel like they were made for each other. And, given that these are fictional characters and not real people, they probably literally were...!
Don't have much more to say about these two because their dynamic already feels really familiar. They even both have their first initial on their shirt. They will be besties, for however long both are in the game.
Those are all of the main dynamics I got out of watching the trailer, but I did want to highlight a couple more that struck my interest.
Isabel + Natalia
Could just be a coincidence, but I felt like Isabel and Natalia were pictured together a lot in the trailer. And that's so cool. Again, a relationship I totally didn't see coming, but that I would love to see play out throughout the season if that's ONC's plan.
A lot of people in the comments of Isabel's audition tape were expressing the fear that Isabel would be one of the main villains of the season, and while (as an agnostic person) I don't have any particular dog in that fight, I do think it would cool to have the nun become besties with the trans woman. Show a little example of what Christian people should be doing, eh? They seem like they could balance each other out well, in another "opposites attract" kind of way.
Anastasia + Logan
These two have a very clear scene together in the trailer, with Anastasia yelling at Logan (on the train). This could be more of an established dynamic, but I could also see it being more circumstantial, with Logan, like, messing something up in that challenge or whatever. I could see them being a pair as a sort of prep girl x jock boy kind of thing? Not sure, but I'm noting it for posterity.
Lynda + Everyone
Seemingly, everyone wants to talk to Lynda. We have Marissa shaking her hand, Ted pulling her into a bush, and even Emily spying on her spying. It's interesting in the context of her saying that "she'll be the one pulling the strings." Aren't people like that supposed to be more... under the radar?
Still, it's probably a good sign for her, at least in the short term, to have so many people wanting to talk to her. I couldn't really pick one of these instances that seems more important than the others, so down here it goes.
Character Thoughts/Predictions
The only thing I really have left to do is run through the characters themselves and provide individual thoughts on how far I think they'll make it based on (mostly) their audition tapes). I'll try to keep each individual character's part fairly short and sweet, because... well, this post is long enough as is.
I'll go in order of the audition tapes' publication because why not. And I'll now feature the last names, so that I can try to internalize them before I presumably start tagging them all the time when I make my posts!
Anastasia Sizova
This girl has a name that's really similar to someone I went to college with. It's very distracting.
Distractions aside, I've seen people predict that Lynda, Amelie, or Isabel would be the main antagonist of the season, but honestly, I kind of get those vibes from Anastasia. She's not as obviously ~evil~ as the former two, which I think could help her make it deeper into the competition. Plus, with her not revealing why she moved to Australia, as well as having a stated goal outside of winning Disventure Camp, Anastasia feels pretty fleshed out. She's got secrets to share later down the line-- although, not necessarily as a villain like I predicted.
I definitely get late game vibes from her, and I think she'd at least make the merge. However, I don't think that Ice is a great tribe draw for her, as I don't see any clear allies for her there. Is "eliminated early, but returns via unannounced comeback challenge to slay" way too specific of a prediction? Yeah, definitely. So, I'll just stick with "late game and I like her" for now.
Ted Gordon
Many people have claimed that Ted has first boot energy, which I... sort of disagree with? Back at the time of Hannah's tape, at which point I was thinking that anyone with a profile rig would be making it decently far into the game, I could very easily see a future in which Ted made it deep into the game. Whether it was Ted actually delivering on the strategy he promised, or others finding his rough edges endearing, I could see him making it decently far into the game.
However, watching it back, I can also see why Ted would be a first boot. He's got a fairly abrasive personality, and his overconfidence could easily lead to overplaying. Personally, I see more of a mid-game exit from him, with maybe a slight bias for pre-merge as opposed to post merge. Let's hope the train can save him from an embarrassing early exit.
Hannah Roxas
Similarly-but-opposite to Ted, despite initially predicting that Hannah might win the entire season (very early, with only the Casting Call Club info), when I thought she was destined for pre-merge, I could easily see Hannah going out pre-merge. Her not knowing anything about Disventure Camp could easily lead to her being outplayed, and her revealing she's bi in her interview felt like something that ONC wanted the audience to know, but didn't have the time to explore in the series proper.
The trailers, however, started changing my mind back. Now, Hannah has something in the works with Benji, and seems to often be annoyed at Spencer. If the two of them are fighting, it could mean one of them is out of the game soon. Or, it could be DC's classic bickering duo and they could both totally make it far. I could definitely see Hannah as an Ashley-like "fuck all y'all villains"-type character, where her lack of knowledge of the game leads to her condemning those who are more into strategy than friendship.
Overall, I guess I'd place Hannah as a mid-gamer, more likely post-merge than pre-merge. But also, I think that early premerger is her cap-- I don't see her making it super late game.
Logan Bell
I remember who his voice reminds me of! It's Brett Hand from Inside Job. I love Inside Job...
In my mind, Logan has an easy ticket to the merge. As established, he has a clear ally in Richard, and his Olympic-level athleticism will surely make him a critical player for his team to keep around if they want to be winning challenges. However, athleticism is always a double-edged sword, as physical prowess can also make you a target once it's every man for himself.
I see like a final 7 or 8 placement for him? Little bit further if he does have the aforementioned romance plot with Spencer? He'll be #1 in everyone's rankings of their favorite himbo. Of this season. It'll take a lot to beat the collective love of Tom.
Zaid Hakim
I truly had no vibes on Zaid going into the audition tapes, and, even now, I still struggle with what to do with him. At least now I have a relationship with Ivy to go off of, as well as his care for his mom. That's cool!
Overall, Zaid seems like a really chill guy. If I knew him in real life, I'm sure I'd want to be his friend. However, average, cool guys are hard to place in a series like DC. Does his lack of exaggerated traits indicate that he might be easy weight to cut early in the game, or is his personality now simple to allow it to grow later in the season?
Due to the immense focus on him and Ivy hanging out early in the season, I'm sort of inclined to believe that it would be the former. Of the two, the Episode 1 trailer seems to indicate that Ivy has a bit more going on, so if this pair is to be separated partway through the game, I think it would be Zaid out first. And, they might be focusing a lot of Ivy and Zaid early because they don't get that long in the game together.
I have no oppositions to Zaid, but I guess I'm putting him premerge. I won't be at all upset if he makes it further, though.
Tristan Vik
Tristan actually had a shockingly low amount of content portrayed in both of the trailers, given the fan favorite I assume they'll be. It makes me worry that they might be an earlier boot than people expect.
That's compounded by the fact that I don't feel they have any natural allies on the Fire Team. Preseason, I had scoped out Natalia (trans handshake) or Alessio (artist handshake) as allies for them, but both of those two are on the Ice Team. I could see Tristan being friends with Hannah, as they're both friendly and about the same age? They were also shown in the trailer with Ivy and Zaid, so they could be a third cog of that relationship.
It is true that Tristan's perhaps overly jokey nature and apparent lack of strategy could cost them early on. I would have predicted a pretty late-game finish for them otherwise, but maybe the vibes are off? Or, maybe the lack of content is just indicative of them saving Tristan's content for later on in the season. With their spindly build and machinating lack, I can't see why anyone would really target them early on. At this point, I'm kinda thinking surprisingly early (premerge) boot for Tristan, but I could totally see it going the other way.
Marissa Xulu
I really want to know why Marissa's dressed so army-core when she isn't even enlisted in the army yet. That doesn't make sense to me. I guess she just comes from a super military family?
Anyways, copy and paste Logan's curse of athleticism bit here. Kinda wild that the two of them are on the same team, actually? I guess whoever in the (in-universe) DC staffing department wasn't too concerned with balancing strength, because they seem like the two biggest athletes here.
I feel like Marissa will also be a mid-game, probably post-merge boot? But I also feel like I keep saying that for everyone. Hopefully that'll change as we move further on the list.
Amelie Pierre
You can see it throughout this post-- Amelie seems like she's at risk for not having any natural allies on her team, she doesn't seem to appear in much of the challenge footage, and I (personally) have claimed that she seems like too obvious of a villain to be the true main villain of the seasons. With those aspects combined, it's not hard to predict that I personally think that Amelie is at risk of being the first boot, or at least the first boot off of the Fire Team. There's a very easy path to nobody liking her (due to her clearly not helping out with whatever log moving the team is doing in Episode 1) leading to everyone voting her out first as a consensus pick of an unfriendly and strategically dangerous player.
I do really like her vibes and backstory, though-- making a character like this a wedding planner feels like a match made in heaven, yet somehow not too much of a stereotype. Amelie's continued presence wouldn't be a problem, but she is probably my best pick for first boot at the moment.
Benji Hattori
Do you guys think Benji will be eliminated early--
Repeat from Hannah's section; I could very easily see a Benji-less future for S4 when I thought it was "foreshadowed" that would be the case. And, even now, he's not giving me a ton of hope. Both his Casting Call lines and his audition tape are giving big clowned upon energy, and in the hunting clowns challenge (where he literally is a clown), we see Spencer getting mad at him before he gets hit by an arrow. At least we know he won't be eliminated as a challenge threat...!
His friendship with Hannah might buy him a bit of time, but I could still totally see Benji being the second or third boot off of the Fire Tribe, pre-merge. If, for instance, Spencer is the one to orchestrate his removal, it could further the rivalry between him and Hannah. There's also a future where Benji makes it surprisingly deep as a non-threatening comic relief character, but I'm definitely leaning towards a quick exit.
Natalia Baez
I can tell they're gonna have fun with Natalia. All of her dialogue in her audition tape feels to me like the writers have a great understanding of her character, which is great to see. And, damn, why is she so strong?!
Outside of being excited for a potential relationship with Isabel, I don't really have much to say about Natalia, other than that I like her. I imagine she's probably going to make it decently far, as another fan favorite-looking type...? Really, that's it, though.
Lynda Anderson
Even preseason, I felt like Lynda was way too obvious of a villain to make it far. I know that she says she's going to be behind the scenes and under the radar, but the woman just oozes evil vibes. Like, these people have all seen Fiore compete in S1, right? They should be able to spot this "innocent" act from a mile away!
My best guess is that Lynda will attempt to play the under the radar game, but get ratted out by her team pretty early. That could be as early as the first Ice boot, as the footage seems to suggest, or maybe more of a second or third Ice boot.
However, I could be overthinking it as well. A lot of people seem to want to talk to her, which could indicate that she's assimilating well. Of course, one of those people is Ted, who probably wouldn't want to align with the "innocent house wife," so it could also go to show that her act isn't working.
Lynda is one of those characters who's either getting cut really early or making it super close to the end, but will most likely not get eliminated in the middle of the game. I guess I'll call it a "high variance character" for lack of a better name. Lynda could get kicked out for scheming early, or place, like, third as the main villain. As I said, I'm predicting the former, but if Lynda makes it to the merge, she could go super deep.
Isabel Carboni
Isabel... confuses me. Like, she's super cool, but I have no idea what to do with her. There just aren't many characters like her out there to compare tropes against, y'know?
I do think that the Lord has big plans for Sister Isabel in the sense that the DC writers are the gods of the DC universe, and I don't know why they'd create a character like Isabel if they didn't have plans of what to do with her. There's a slim chance that she was just added to DC4 as an early flame-out character, but I definitely get the sense that there's more to her beneath the hood than that.
I don't think she'll be a villain, though, despite her hinting at it in her audition tape. I think she might make, some kinda mean moves, but I don't think she's going to be an all-out "religion is bad" kind of character. Even if she is the main antagonist, I believe it'd be in a way that's divorced from her faith. I also don't really think Isabel's going to win, but, maybe a losing finalist...? That might be pushing it a bit too far, though. Given how popular Isabel seems to be, I bet ONC is wishing that Isadore has a late game placement, at least.
Is anyone else worried about the 999 (upside down 666) on her name tag...?
Spencer Lawrence
Spencer is perhaps the highest variance character in this cast. He's either getting voted out, like, literally first as a consequence of his hubris, or he's going to character arc his way into being the winner or something. Personally, I'm sticking with my prediction that he could be the winner.
If he does win, though, he's got a long road to get there. His audition tape is basically screaming for him to get proven wrong one way or another, whether that means getting voted out or just coming close. For a highly specific prediction, my vibes say that the first Fire vote will come down to which the Fire team dislikes more: Spencer or Amelie. Diego, seeing potential in Spencer, will pull some strings to make Amelie the boot instead, and then Spencer will be forced to play the game from the bottom instead of being the dominant force that he planned.
The fact that Spencer is seen so often throughout the trailer (in all three of the challenge locations, even) definitely bolsters my opinion. I'm probably reading into his interactions more because I thought he might win, but he seems to have something cooking with Diego, Hannah, and Benji already. It's main character energy! ... Or "gotta show the early boot before they leave" energy. Like I said, high variance.
He literally has the vibes of Jake combined with Alec, people. And you know who various groups wanted to win DCAS? Jake and/or Alec. Boom, I rest my case. (/j)
Richard Miller
You keep slaying, Richard. You keep slaying...
Richard also has decent longevity to me because of how strongly I believe he's going to have some sort of emotional arc with Logan. Other than that... yeah, I dunno, chief.
I certainly don't think that Richard is winner material, especially in a world where Miriam already won the first season. I think he'll likely be eliminated before Logan; it's just a question of when. Do I mark him down as another vaguely early post-merge boot? Yeah, probably. I could also see him as, like, the last pre-merge Ice boot, to force Logan to play for himself going into the merge. It's something like that.
Ivy Berki
I didn't really get much from Ivy preseason, but now that we've seen more of her, I really like her! Her combined aspects of a relationship with Zaid, an actress' redemption, and a potential nepo baby backstory(?) give her the legs to make it really far in the competition, honestly. Plus, she has a good tribe draw-- she's near the middle of the pack age-wise, and on top of foreshadowed relationships with Zaid and Tristan, I could totally see her being friends with Hannah and/or Benji due to their similarly bubbly personalities.
Given that Riya just won last season, I really doubt that Ivy would win this one here. However, it would be pretty funny if she came in third place, so that actresses would have taken up the first, second, and third slots collectively. Otherwise, she could also go out in more of the Final 5-6 zone, potentially. Or, earlier than that, obviously. But I definitely get the vibes that, out of her and Zaid, she'll be the one that makes it longer in the competition.
Jade Tanko
I know a lot of people think Jade has super late-game energy, but I... don't...? Not really, at least.
I just feel like we don't know a lot about her. We know that she has vitiligo, and that her parents are from Nigeria, and that she likes marine biology, and she wants to "change the way that this game is played." That's cool, but, like, what's her personality? "Chill"? Without any obvious allies, is that enough to carry her to the endgame?
I'd very much like to see whatever game-changing strategies Jade has in store, but I don't know if I believe it. She could be the sort of "kind yet under-focused" early boot trope that Lill, Dan, or Maggy fell into. But, in their fourth season, I sort of hope that wouldn't be the case, and I also don't know why they'd have her claim that she was going to shake up the game if that wasn't untrue.
I genuinely have no clue what to do with Jade. Maybe I should just call her fifth place as some sort of consensus. Personally, I'd lean more midgame. But I could just be missing that special something that everyone else can apparently see.
Diego Olivo
Diego's initial lack of a voice actor troubled me, but I don't actually think that situation was under "his" control. Now that he does have one, I think he could do fine! ... Probably!
His potential for romance with Spencer is really what's saving his chances with me. Spencer had better not get voted out early, lol.
Don't get me wrong, Diego seems like a sweetheart! He's another person that I'd love to know irl. And, most likely, he'll make it pretty deep due to his friendly personality and probable physical strength. Between him and Spencer, I still lean Spencer, but it could be Diego! Who can say? I was also willing to believe that his no-profile-having-ass could have been kicked immediately. Let's dub him fourth or whatever and call it a day.
Alessio Castelli
I want Alessio to kick ass in the competition because I think he's cool, but... I fear the first boot allegations may be tolling for him. If Lynda isn't the first Ice boot, I think it's basically over for Alessio due to the footage. And because I don't know what allies he'd have on that team. He's shown with Logan in the trailers, I guess...?
Although having a spotlighted presence in the Episode 1 trailer is ostensibly good, for Alessio, I can't help but read it negatively. "I don't care about early bonding; I care about the deconstruction of civilization" sounds all well and good. But, it could also easily be a confessional illustrating how his lack of game awareness will be his quick undoing. The main point I've seen in favor of Alessio is that his character intro says, "Will Disventure Camp 4: Carnival of Chaos inspire him to find his artistic spark again?" as opposed to just "will Alessio win" or "have fun watching Alessio!," which could indicate a longer run for him in which that question is answered. However, it could also be answered with a resounding "no" as he's eliminated first. It could even be that he figures it out in the Loser's Motel or at the finale or whatever.
Even if Lynda is the first Ice boot and Alessio survives, I don't think he'd make it too much further. Early merge boot is my latest forecast for him.
Finally done! This post is way too long. Excited to see the season on the 30th, and get proven totally wrong in subsequent episodes 😎 Thanks for reading!
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suckishima · 4 months ago
haikyuu rewatch s01e01
i've been itching to rewatch the series lately and a few years ago i did something similar for miraculous ladybug where i wrote up like a stream of consciousness/commentary post and made a gifset for each episode and i wanna try to do it again for haikyuu?? we'll see if i stay committed or not lol—gifsets per ep probably a lot more likely to continue than commentaries tbh, these things are long and not thought out so,
anyway let's start with episode 1, who wants to take bets on how many times i get teary-eyed?
ughhhhh how did i not know IMMEDIATELY my first time watching what a fucking banger of a show this would be. this opening scene is sooo aah. the voice over with the sounds of the balls and shoes, the actual content of the 'a tall tall wall' monologue, and then the visuals of just hinatas shoes stepping up to the line and then 'it was a view i could never see on my own' and the rest of the teams shoes step in??? FUCK
holyyyyy and bc im obsessed i know who is who based on their shoes in that lineup and after thir 'onigaishimasu' and they run onto the court they all run in at different speeds?? and like tanaka goes quick and kageyama bounces on his toes and tsukki is all like unenthusiastic?? what the fuCK bro
its been literally 40 seconds and im in awe aaah
oh.. oh no it's the intro. i was joking before about getting teary-eyed but uhhh
how long has it been since i watched season 1 omgg 😭😭😭
gOD the opening is so good, not just imagination but the visuals rrr the practicing shots and the animation on all the volleyball looks so great wowow
one of the less talked about of the many crimes of getting movies instead of a 5th season is definitely the loss of another amazing opening and ending
damn did i really never realize that karasuno of the little giant's time didnt JUST go to nationals but theyre playing on center court when hinata catches them on tv? meaning its either the semi finals or finals, damn lol
hmmmm i am already conflicted about whether or not i wanna talk about manga spoilers in these writeups lmao. tumblr blockout spoiler text WHEN
anywayyyy manga readers hinata on his bike watching little giant on tv iykyk (and if you know me lol) right
rrrr the imagery of the crow flying into hinata from the screen with still the sounds of the balls and whistles aaah what a cool way to show inspiriation
huh, the libero is no.2 not no.4 is that manga accurate from just before furudate decided that it was a Thing for karasuno or did the animation not check?
okay i checked and you literally can only see the little giant in the manga and none of the rest of the team so im calling it an oversight on the animation side lol (understandable, tbh when youre just making people up to fill in the shot, you arent thinking about jersey lore)
no one cares but my japanese is surprisingly better than when i first watched (at which time i knew nothing) and i can actually understand a few bits here and there without the subs
reading the occasional katakana in the background is fun too. mmmm i should try looking at og scans of the manga to see how the sound effects are intended to be read, ive heard the way furudate incorporates the characters into the action as the sound itself is really well done
air salonpas!
oooo one of the teams practicing spikes had one guy hit left handed, thats a fun detail!
dude hinatas friends are such homies i swearrrr
'whats our opponent kitagawa daiichi even like' 'idk! but we're gonna win!' lmaooo hinata you coulda done SOME research
ooo the shot of kitagawa walking in and looming above hinata is so well done, they look huuuge. i know factually that kindaichi and kunimi are tall but i tend to forget, kunimi especially, hes got short energy to me 😅
yessss and the shot of kagyama walking by and just like his Aura is enough for hinata to pick up on the king vibes yooo its so goood
kitagawa daiichi banner is just 'victory' lol okay
i could use some of hinatas blind confidence in my life lmao
oh jk its bathroom tummy ache time
man the set up for kageyama as like powerful early on is SO good, weve only seen him twice so far and both times it all above the king cape, which im pretty sure is also supposed to represent how hinata sees him which rrrr what a great way to set up their dynamic knowing everything that's to come. greatest opponent to greatest ally etc etc
also thinking about how this IS basically all hinatas POV (including the quote i just referenced) and what kageyamas POV of hinata is when he looks back on it all 👀
kageyama telling hinata he shouldnt talk big bc he isnt even physically ready (referencing tummy ache), and hinata right off the bat telling kageyama 'the six of us go all the way' and kageyama responds 'i will win every game' oooo yep they both got some things to learn from each otherr
seriously how is hinata like the friendliest person on the planet. his team is SO bad and all he cares about is that he's finally on the court, he's so positive and determined even when they're doing terribly and his friends dont know wtf is going on
🥺🥺🥺 he's so happy seeing his palm all red after spiking the ball successfully the first time waaah
sjkhdk i always laugh at 'well there IS a foxy senpai on the girls team' lmaoo like he could have just ignored that part of the question, and who translated it to 'foxy' anyway lmaoo
koji, soccer friend, coming in for a foot receive! he missed lol but for real hinatas friends are so cool showing up for him like this
i mean, they are also avoiding him when he tries to practice throughout middle school, but they showed up here when it counts
love that you can see the 'mild internal bleeding,' as kuroo would call it, on izumi's arms when he tells hinata that his arms hurt lol
akjhsakjsasj they hype hinatas jumping skills, the music swells, you think hes got it, aaaand then immediately triple blocked and the music cuts back out lmaoo. honestly, love how haikyu always plays with expectations like that
half time serve routines my beloved.... i miss you..
'we keep trying.. because we havent lost yet' <333
but also kunimi, what a mood lmao
the animation on hinatas slide hit after the toss missss aaaah, and kageyamas bangs like whipping in the wind before he reaches as far as he can aah god this whole sequence is so beautiful
kageyama after knowing hinata for roughly 30 minutes: "this guy overwhelms me" skagsajsa
he has every quality to be someone even better but—WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING THESE PAST 3 YEARS?? 😭😭😭😭
karasuno senpai in the crowd!! related dumb question time, why isnt tanakas hair blond here? he should be a first year atm, and the beginning of the ep said this match is about 3 years and 3 months after little giants nationals (which is in january, although iirc the month changed sometime around those years so possibly it was in march during his time—hence why call 'spring tournament') but either way if hinata and kageyama are still middle school third years then tanaka should be a first year and thats when his hair was blonde. likely in universe answer i guess is just that this tournament is after the practice match where karasuno loses badly and gets made fun of which makes tanaka respect his senpai more and shave his head lol. which also, if hes here with them at this middle school tournament also makes sense with that so. question answered i guess
'if you want to be the last one standing then become strong' waaah
awwww the first years that he recruited to fill out his team stayed with him to practice with the middle school girls team!! they caught the volleyball bug <3
not me pausing to try and see which one of them is the foxy senpai..
lmaoooo the "old ladies team" that hinata practices with are called the yukigoaka beauties lol nice
yoooo hinatas running toward the gym for the first time and a crow flys away and a feather crossed in front of hinata niiiiice
let me tell you i had relatively low expectations for haikyu my very first time. i just wanted something easy to watch while i ate my lunch during the day, and i thought it would just be a predictable underdog story where hinata gets revenge for middle school. and i wasnt against that, i was relatively entertained this whole episode, then it gets to the end and reveals that kageyama has to be his teammate and i was like OH this is gonna be GOOD good. immediately have me hope and reassurance that the show knew what it was doing and wasnt gonna just be typical cliches etc
fuck i wish i could watch again for the first time
i warned you this would be long lol, honestly these writeups are more for me in the future to like remember my thoughts etc and like i said we'll see if i keep it up lol
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lesbiandanhowell · 1 year ago
Special episode of Sam reacts!
Sam reacts to: We're All Doomed Movie
Since this is long, little summary of thoughts at the beginning. I didn't love the editing at the beginning, because it felt too fast paced/ too jumpy? But it changed in the second half and seeing the contrast in the editing of it being much slower during the emotional bit, it does make sense. I think the movie for sure did the performance justice and showing the audience interactions added a lot for me.
Also this show is so important on every level and I adore Dan so much for making it and being so proud of it.
- Immediately started looking for myself but I don't think you can see us, cause we sat on the balcony. I have however already spotted @energeticwarrior and @danrifics like less than a minute in lmao
- I love seeing how many of the camera positions I identified correctly.
- I wish they would let shots linger more, the cuts are quite jumpy.
- Oh this brings me back so much. Hearing the audience laugh at certain moments I remember laughing in that moment. I get the same excitement and urge to clap and cheer.
- I love seeing his expressions, cause I didn't get to see those up from the balcony!
- The person with the boob hair sweater in the first row, I love you!
- "Believably sad, lonely and horny. Dan Howell!"
- Okay they somehow really managed to capture the energy of the room which I was worried about. The sound leveling between audience and Dan is really well matched imo.
- He is SO SWEATY what the fuck how stressed was he because the venue really wasn't too hot honestly.
- My attention span is so much worse than when I was there in person holy shit.
- "After the show talking about what a good time you've had" and none of us have been able to shut up about just how much we loved it since 🥹
- The overalls are so bad for Dan, he has like no ass in them.
- Okay admission that @personthattoleratesme made fun of me for: during the YouTube swipe Montage I didn't realize all the other like Crafting, Baking, Shipping Container YouTubers was Dan the first time I saw the show...
- I am SO GLAD Froot Loops Tucan made it and the persons reaction and confidence is incredible.
- Dan's ability to go between talking about wanting to fuxk the Duolingo owl to the very real danger of social media influencing political elections is unparalleled.
- "Human communication. We want to come together with real people. Share stories, move each other emotionally with our words about depression and pensis."
- Imagine Dan Howell calling you hoe...
- Something about Dan calling himself a ditzy bitch gets me so bad every time.
- "Miscellaneous mentally ill nerds of London" best title I have ever been given.
- I liked Sundays madlips better :(( But wasn't faggots Sunday I am so confused now
- The screams for every Phil mention, we love him so much.
- I love Blame Game so much, some of my favourite parts from the whole show because the energy is unmatched. The fact that JKR gets a more severe reaction than Musk is actually so funny.
- Sunday crowd was the best, you can so clearly hear that the majority of people is calling freedom for Dan at the end aww.
- I need more bravery to fuck shit up, to not be so agreeable and complacent and be more disruptive honestly.
- After the calender bit his voice is so shakey and broken, I didn't hear that at all in person but fuck that just broke me.
- Yeah the last few minutes always get me so not much of a reaction to those other than I cried, again.
- What I found interesting was the parts that were left out? Cause I definitely noticed a few moments that didn't make the cut which I find surprising! Moments I noticed were the first mention of him only using two emojis, that's referenced again with the cowboy hat emoji and also he didn't include the iconic "Because time changes everything".
- I am so glad they managed to get All Star because it is simply part of the experience honestly. Nothing hit's quite like sobbing and then being hit with that song.
- I remembered something else I really loved: the music, I really think they choose such a good score, made such good little sound effects and the reaction I had to hearing it all live was amazing.
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chicago-pd-is-weird · 5 months ago
12x01 spoilers
Also are we going to gloss over that Dante got hit by a car and just kept running? I mean, I know it wasn’t hard but damn that shit looked like it hurt. Like my reaction was “oh shit Voight’s gonna feel so guilty” and then Dante kept running and I was like “DAMN DANTE” like man is a beast.
And all that and he still didn’t catch the guy 😭
Then we had to have that entire scene with Ruzek and the lady (idk her name but I guess it doesn’t particularly matter now). And it was a good scene but Adam just standing there with a gun to his head was so stressful.
Like this episode was just… so stressful.
I don’t think I’ve been stressed and anxious like that since literally middle/high school when my anxiety was at its worst. Like that… that was something else, man.
And then the ending. Emojis cannot describe the state of my face when that happened. I mean, my jaw hit the ground so hard it got bruised. I had to crank it closed after a solid 45 seconds of catching flies. I couldn’t move. I was so shocked that she just… died on the spot. I had flashbacks to Jules. I liked both of them and now they’re just dead. First episode they appear. And I loved them both.
I don’t think Adam was actually there for Jules being shot (that’s why they brought him in?) but I’m sure he heard about it at some point from someone in the unit. (Especially when Toni was fighting over who gets to be at Jules’s desk.) But I’m sure he’s like “damn this is how it felt” in his head, because he seemed to be relatively close with this girl and now she’s just… gone. In an instant. A whole era of his life gone. That’s what happens when we lose people. We lose that era of our lives.
Suffice to say, that sucked. I mean, let me be the first to say, it was cinematically excellent. Gripping and intense. Made me feel things. Not boring (I found Med and Fire to be relatively boring last night). Had some very cool camerawork, lighting work, and other scenes. Showing Hank’s PTSD is excellent. Everything was really great cinematically.
Plot wise?
1. Why are we confiding in Nina Chapman??
2. Why did we kill the new detective, I liked her?? 😭 Why did she pull a Jules??
3. It makes me wonder if everything is somehow coming full circle. They used parallels they haven’t used since the early seasons (like Jules being shot and this lady being shot, but also the cinematic rear-view mirror shot, even though it wasn’t exactly the same because Hank was in front, it made me think of Hank beating guys up).
4. Either it’s coming full circle for Hank and we will “start over” with a new Sergeant (please be Adam) , or it feels like it’s ending altogether. Both make me nervous for Hank’s fate, because only way he stops work is if he’s dead frfr.
5. Where was Trudy? Like she was there but why was her only line “I don’t have any new cases for you, enjoy the quiet,” like why was Hank confiding in Chapman? I hate that. Trudy and him have been friends 30 something years. Maybe he’s trying to protect himself and/or her by keeping her at arms length, idk, but it’s BS that he confided in Nina and not Trudy or Adam (who has become the new Al). I just can’t understand it and I don’t like Nina at all. She comes off very mouthy when Hank is trying to tell her about his trauma. She thinks she knows everything about him and she knows next to nothing. She hasn’t been here that long. Trudy knows Hank 100x more, which is why I’m wondering why Trudy didn’t do anything to reach out to Hank during this time instead. :/
6. The last thing I’ll say on plot is it moved so quick. And I am wondering if this entire season will feel like a rush. I wonder what is in store and what will happen to our beloved officers and sergeants (we need more Trudy screen time!!).
I’m sure I’ll have more thoughts later, but just thinking about it this morning is like… ugh. I’ll re-watch it later.
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karizard-ao3 · 11 months ago
My reactions to the End of Evangelion
First, I know I have some asks about romcom Shinji waiting for me, but I felt I must watch this first because I am a little bit freaked out about what's going to happen and I need to just face it and get it out of the way. Also, I have a feeling I'm going to want to think about cute romcom Shinji afterward to aid my recovery. I have been led to believe it's pretty intense.
I am literally sitting here with the remote, avoiding pressing play.
Okay. I did it. It's starting.
I wonder if this is with the new VAs. Did they redub this as well? I'll find out soon.
The world is flooded, it looks like.
Shinji visiting Asuka and asking for help.
This is the new dub.
Ope, he accidentally made her naked.
Jesus Christ, Shinji.
Confirmed that their intent is to force humanity to evolve. They wanted to use Lilith but instead will have to use Unit 1, its only offspring, since the Spear of Longinus is lost.
Yui chose to stay in the Eva. "The human condition lies in how it struggles for survival".
There's Rei.
She finally broke the glasses.
Shinji's music player ran out of battery. He's just been laying there thinking about what a creep he is.
Misato found the real truth behind the second impact. Should I go back and pause to read the page?
Seele's trying to hack NERV HQ.
So was Unit 0 made from Adam, then?
Wait. So, Seele wants to do the forced evolution, yes? What is Gendo's motive in all this?
They're hiding the kids in their Evas. Rei is missing.
Shinji is hiding. Is he jerking off again?
These guys are going through and very efficiently killing everyone in NERV.
No, Shinji is just feeling depressed and hopeless and probably hating himself.
How does Rei feel about all her destroyed bodies?
They were about to kill Shinji and he was going to let them, but here comes Misato to save the day!
"Help, Asuka. Help me." Suicidal Shinji.
Humanity caused the second impact by trying to revert Adam to an egg state before he could awaken any more angels. Humanity came from Lilith and is the 18th Angel. I was not expecting that.
The other Angels were humanity how it could have been.
Shinji needs to destroy the Evas to prevent the third impact and save mankind.
Okay, so the human instrjmentality project is Gendo ans that's the forced evolution. Third impact is Seele's goal. I think.
Asuka has woken up.
They're bombing outside her capsule.
Does that let her sync?
Did she see her mom because she died? Oh no.
Oh, wait, it was the first thing.
The AT field was her mother protecting her? Is her mom also in the Eva? Are they really just farming people's mothers to make Evas?
Go, girl! Kick ass, Asuka.
She's so happy to realize her mother loves her.
There's the other Evas. Are they also crafted from mothers?
It's nice to see Asuka with her confidence back.
Which one got shot?
I thought probably given ep. 25 (was it?)
Shinji does bad things to other people to hurt himself.
That's a good message from Misato.
And then she went and did that. Ugh. Misato, I knew you were going to do some shit like this. And promising him the rest when he gets back. What a weirdo. But I guess she's dead now? That's too bad.
Ritsuko is sabotaging Gendo.
But she failed.
The spear of longinus is back and it got her!
I was wondering if they would stay down. She probably has to destroy the S2 drive.
Do these ones have pilots?
Oh, they're eating her. And she is connected by nerve link.
Ohhhhhh no. Asuka...
He couldn't go to the Eva so the Eva is coming to him.
He saw what happened to Asuka and absolutely lost his shit.
Should I take a break to discuss this half of the movie since it's split into episodes, or should I wait? Umm.... I have until the end of this song to decide, I think. Uh... I think I'll just wait until the very end.
Rei's arm fell off.
Gendo wants to reunite with Yui, which is something I had kind of toyed with as an idea because he talks about her a lot and is very partial to everything that relates to Yui except for Shinji (maybe sees too much of himself in the boy), but I hadn't really spent a lot of time thinking about it because I hate Gendo and he keeps hooking up with other scientists.
He has become one with Adam somehow. He needs to unite Adam and Lilith to commence the human instrumentality project and then go to where Yui is (the quantum plane, perhaps?)
Quite honestly, I'm still not completely clear on what Seele wants versus what Gendo wants.
He stuck his whole hand inside her.
Rei senses Shinji screaming.
Were there two spears of Longinus?
Oh, they made a replica.
They are rerutning man and Evas to their true forms.
Several replicas.
They're going to use Unit 1 and therefore Shinji as a sacrifice.
This is the lead up to the third impact.
There is a huge explosion.
Looks like an eye.
They're returning earth to its true form?
Rei decides not to help Gendo. And she regrew her hands. She's going up to help Shinji by going in Lilith.
And with that, Lilith is fixed, with her legs not weird anymore.
That is Lilith, right? That's what Kaworu said?
A giant incorporeal Rei to the rescue!
Shinji screaming at the sight of Rei.
They're syncing with Rei. Once again, that's a lot of fucking Reis.
Shinji is losing his mind.
kaworu appears, coming out of Rei's body. But there's the spear. It's absorbed the spear. Now he's in the tree of life.
"Rei is in your heart. A perfect reflection of your wishes."
"What do you wish for?"
He's alone at the playground because the other kids went home with their mom and he doesn't have one.
His little Mary Janes.
Built the sand castle, knocked it down in a fit of rage, then started trying to put it back together and crying.
Did this stuff Shinji is seeing actually happen or is it happening in his head as part of human instrumentality?
Now he's choking her.
Seeing all the worst of humanity.
Shinji bouncing back and forth between everyone should die because they don't love me, and I should die because I don't matter to anyone.
Rei just sprouted from the atmosphere.
Everyone is truning to jelly. Primordial soup.
"I'd only hurt Shinji. That's why I left him alone." He's just like Shinji fr.
The Eva series are shoving the spears further in.
Rei is vacuuming something into her palms, it looks like. Is that souls?
The tree of life thing just went into the eye hole/ keyhole/ vag in her head.
Now we've got some actual footage from the real world.
"You made a convenient fantasy to get revenge on reality."
Rei and Shinji are kind of fused together. Everyone is merged into one, which is what Rei said Shinji wished for. But he realizes that's not really what he wanted.
AT fields are what keep us separate and cause our pain, but Shinji realizes that he wants to be with others again more than he wants to run away from the pain.
So now Rei is bringing everyone back, I think?
Yui wanted to make the Eva to be a testament that humanity existed even after the universe dies.
Shinji wakes up next to a red sea abd Asuka. Shinji sees Rei for just a moment, and then she'd gone. There is a red ring around the earth. He's trying to choke her and crying, then she touches his face softly and he stops. He cries. She calls him disgusting and the movie ends.
In Conclusion
Well, well, well.
First off: I am still confused because it seems like Seele and Gendo were trying for the same thing and I am really not sure of the difference. Maybe it was just a matter of how they wanted to carry it out. I feel like I must be dumb as a rock for not getting it, but also maybe it's just mental priorities. I spent more mental energy trying to figure out other stuff.
This movie leaves me with a lot to think about. I'm already googling things about it, but I'm going to stop for now. I want to let it percolate a bit more, I think. Also, I should watch my DVD extras! Probably not today, though. I need to spend some time with my kid.
It seems that the third impact still affected the planet, but Shinji elected to have everyone be individuals so it was an apocalypse but not one that turned everyone into a single, liquid consiousness.
I don't really think everyone's Eva is infused with their mother, but I'm a little perplexed by Asuka saying her mother is why she has an AT field. Maybe she just meant because of how her mother shaped her identity. Not really sure. I mean, I would understand if Shinji had that revelation but not sure on Asuka.
Yeah, this is another one that's going to have to sit for a while in my head, I think. There's a lot to sort through.
I do love that the connection between mother and child seems to be so important in this series. It's kind of sad because Shinji feels so alone and uncared for, but we can see that his mother is always watching him and protecting him, whether it's as Rei or as Unit 1 or as a metaphysical version of herself. But we also see Asuka dealing with a lack of love from her mother. That poor girl.
Also, can we really love anyone when they are mixed together in a soup with us? Shinji could be merged with everyone in the LCL sea but they were no longer separate people, so he still couldn't really be with them, because there was no longer a them to be with.
I do slightly wish the objectives between Seele and Gendo had been slightly clearer. I get that it's all secondary to the real message but I get hung up on this kind of stuff when it's not clicking.
Yeah, I don't think I've got anything really definitive to say right now. This is definitely another thinker and I need time to let my thoughts form.
I am left wanting more. Not of the story, but just of seeing the characters together. I wish we could get an Evangelion slice of life series and just see their day to day lives as Eva pilots with only a very loose plot to tie the series together. I want to see them all existing and coexisting and I think I could happily watch several seasons of that.
Okay, well, I have a couple people to text now that I've finished the movie and I need to sit and think some more. I want to look up more stuff but I feel like maybe I should wrap up this watching experience with a better conclusion post. I think I will try (only try, no promises-I've got a head full of questions) to hold off on looking anything up while I sort through things and maybe look at my notes and then attempt to gather together my thoughts and post them.
I will also think about those Shinji romcom asks.
This was a very good show. I will definitely be watching again, and quite possibly very soon. I confess that I put in a bid for a boxed set of the Perfect collection, which should have the original dub, so if I win it I'm going to buy it and then watch it with the original dub because I'm curious to see the difference.
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coffeelovesdramasalatte · 11 months ago
LITA Ep. 5 Rewatch Thoughts Part 1
(edit bc I started writing this post like 6 months ago - hi! I'm gonna finish going through the rest of the phayurain episodes of LITA finally! I've lost all sense of shame so these posts are just gonna be love letters to Eul, hope that's ok) Hi hi hi! I find it absolutely hilarious that the notes on the final part of my episode 4 rewatch post (which contains my best screenshots of That Scene) has like triple the notes of the rest of the parts. I love the thirsty LITA fam <3 I think I kept it mostly clean for the first 3 episodes but LITA brainrot is real and from here on out I'm putting down all my deranged thoughts into words so enjoy
Onwards to episode 5!! Ok so y'all should know by this point that BossNoeul sang the opening right? I added it on spotify and have listened to it on repeat so much over the last week that I could probs (badly, bc my singing voice leaves much to be desired but I can and will belt it at the top of my lungs) karaoke it now. If y'all haven't heard the full version check it out bc they rap a few bars and Noeul has this line "shake your bo- shake your bo- shake your body" that makes me lose it every time
The recap sees us revisiting some rather adorable moments from the previous episode including PhayuRain in the rain and tub. Imagine if they stuck the leg kiss in the recap >.<
We open to sunlight pouring in through the curtained windows on the morning after. I kind of wish the last episode had ended with this scene bc it would have been a soft transition after the intimacy PhayuRain shared rather than the abrupt cut to credits. But I digress.
Phayu's hair looks glorious out and I wish we'd gotten to see it like this more. In fact I think we should've seen Rain push his hands through it and grip it during episode 6's NC scene. Also the definition of that bicep? Sir pls.
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I ADORE how sweet Phayu is towards Rain all the time, and this is yet another example. I love it when characters look fondly at their lover (I finally get to use that word for them!!), cover them with a blanket, and then give them a forehead kiss before sliding out of bed. SO FOND
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I just think it's really attractive when people do this. Rain was really missing out by snoozing.
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The state of Rain's neck and chest sends me into hysterical giggles every time. Phayu you did not have to go that hard with the marking bestie (let's be honest though, looking at the state of Phayu's neck post episode 6 they both have marking kinks) - everyone's gonna know Rain's officially yours soon enough. Also throwback to how like two months ago (or something like that idk the exact timeline) Rain was like hmph I never want anything to do with P' Phayu ever again. I didn't hear any complaining from you last night hmm??? Also I love how confident Rain was in his abilities to seduce Phayu, so true of him
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OK WAIT I think I finally get the whole yellow-blue thing. It literally is just that yellow is Rain's representative color and Phayu's is navy blue. So by making Rain put on Phayu's navy blue shirt for the "morning after" they're just reiterating that Rain belongs to Phayu now. Mystery solved :)
Obligatory shot bc he's worked hard for these gains and I think he deserves some appreciation ft. Rain who's making the same face as all of us. I think they spent like 30 whole seconds on Phayu's shoulders and that's so valid of them
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Sir, do you have a good reason for striding in here shirtless and sweaty to wake your new bf up? Methinks someone was hoping for round 2
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Ok, and we're back to Rain in a yellow t-shirt looking very feverish. He's holding his teal green phone (case) up though which is a combo of yellow and blue, isn't it? I'm sorry my color theory is lacking. His eyebrows look really nice here and I don't know why I noticed. I hope he has a good nap! But oops he misses calls from Phayu...
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This episode's title is "the Calm Before the Storm" which implies it's gonna be a mostly tooth-rotting fluff episode and that drama is on the way next week. I'm already smiling so wide my cheeks hurt so the title is apt.
Phayu (dressed in navy blue!) is here to make sure his precious Rain is ok and Mama is already planning the wedding in her head.
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The first three or four times I watched this, I was paying too much attention to their faces and probably missed a lot so let's break it down a bit. Phayu comes in, Rain's surprised and sits up, and Phayu sits down next to Rain on the bed but facing away. Phayu is slightly upset that Rain went away without saying anything and he was worried that since Rain was sick that him driving home alone was dangerous. The second Phayu sits down this way, Rain reaches out to grab his arm but Phayu pulls away. Compared to couples in other dramas, PhayuRain depend on touch a lot to communicate so obv the situation is quite serious plus Phayu is not immediately making eye contact with Rain.
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The next couple of shots are just back and forth where Phayu asks why Rain left and Rain tells him what happened and apologies for worrying him. He looks v v soft and fluffy here
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Gonna take a second to appreciate the background music bc it sounds so serious and doom-y right now but they're literally about to clear it all up so it was unnecessary to go that hard. Sound artist I love you
Throughout this conversation, Phayu starts far away (which for PhayuRain means there's like 1.5 meters of distance between their faces instead of 0.15 meters) but he moves closer and tilts his body more in Rain's direction as Rain gives each justification. He also lets Rain grab his arm. It's very subtle but I like the acting choices here.
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Phayu, Rain is sick. Can you pls stop staring at his lips bff give him some rest (spoiler alert I counted like 5 lip-looks in the next 10 seconds, Phayu didn't hear me)
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OK this hug. Exquisite. The gap has been bridged, all parties are happy again, and they both absolutely sink into each other.
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Boss' little shoulder rub here is so soft and gives us more PhayuRain believability. We can see how worried he was and how relieved he is now that Rain is safely in his arms again.
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Rain's cheek-smushed nod agreeing to never disappear from Phayu's side ever again is everything to me.
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I don't actually think this was what I was supposed to get out of this but there's something about the symmetry of this hug and them being in the shape of a triangle and how technically their first encounter as a couple involved Phayu's triangle tool etc. etc. etc. Also headpat alert!
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More subtle and soft gestures from Phayu. Rain is down bad.
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We really heard the MWAH here and I want to forehead kiss whoever placed the mics
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Everyone needs to observe Rain's expression right after Phayu asks this question bc it's very sus
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(I couldn't get it in motion but Rain straightens up a bit and raises his eyebrows. Someone thinks they're about to get spanked like before)
Except this is not that kind of punishment and I can't believe Phayu really brought along a rectal suppository. To his credit though, I believe they're supposed to be more immediately effective than oral medicines because they absorb more directly into the body so he just wants Rain to be healthy faster. Although I wish Phayu would've not proceeded to yank Rain's pants off without permission, it's fiction and I hope if Rain had shown signs of major discomfort he would've listened. I do have to wonder if Mama put on headphones though bc Rain was really loud with his protests. I also think this must've been funny to film bc if you look closely before it cuts to Rain's mom, Rain looks like he's holding back laughter.
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Uh-oh, Mama it's better if you walk away now
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This sequence was actually so adorable and funny. I love purrito!Rain and Phayu is looking way too smug. Mama Rain walked out of there trying to name all the yellow and blue flowers she could for the wedding centerpieces.
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omfg Phayu calling Rain's mom "Mama" is so friggin cute and I love how smoothly he just slid into son-in-law position
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Rain's like excuse me I'm sick I should NOT be slandered right now
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To part 2 with all the cute shots!!
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