#episode 618
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lover-of-mine · 16 days ago
I'm gonna piggyback on Lizzie's article to say something. The thing about buddie canon now, or like, soon, is actually about the way that s4 happened, and the shooting created a setup that never went anywhere and then s6 happened and added a lot of space between Buck and Eddie. So they had a chance to do something, fox didn't let them, and up until s6, it seemed hopeless, like it was never gonna happen, that they were gonna permanently separate the two. Like, the s6-7 hiatus was rough on that front because realistically with what we were left with during 618, going canon was a distance fantasy. BUT s7 looked at the space they had forced between them and said "Space? There's no space here? What do you mean space?" and just completely ignored that to get them, in the words of Ryan Guzman, "closer than ever". I know I made posts about this before (read more on their screentime and my thoughts on that, including some graphs I made based on my supercuts here here and here), but the fact that we got at least one little moment every episode they were both in since the switch to abc is kind of insane considering they were actively separating them during s6. If the show wanted to keep them apart, s7 started on the perfect spot, but instead they smashed them closer together and made Buck bi. The whole thing here is that they tried to create a setup, weren't allowed to follow through, actively separated them, went on record on how that hurt the show, and now they are closer than ever before and in the perfect spot for them to get together. And it was intentional. Because if the goal was to make them best platonic buddies, they were in the perfect spot for that to happen. It would've been so easy to fully separate them during s7. But they didn't do it. Before 701 their average screentime per episode was 4:23. For season 7 and 8 it is 5:28*. It went up over a minute, which may not seem like a lot but considering that there are actually 3 episodes in 6a where there are less than a minute and 5 seconds of screentime (11 in the whole show all from 6a or before), this is massive. The show has 7 episodes where their screentime is over 10 minutes and 3 of them are in s8. The setup is there, the hype is there, the chemistry is there, the plot seems to be going that way, so seriously, what are they waiting for? The window to make it happen is now. And they made a conscious effort to set it up again.
*some individual episode stats for you to get the perspective of how insane that 5:28 average actually is: 305-06 combined have 6:07 (lawsuit arc), 210 has 5:13, 310 has 3:47, 510 has 4:04 (Christmas episodes), 511-13 combined have 5:18 (Eddie's breakdown), 610 has 5:23 (lightning).
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risequotes · 2 months ago
Daily Rise Quotes: DAY 618
Leo: Okay, that's enough! Time to chill, Shelldon, joke's over!
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(Season 1, Episode 12A - Smart Lair)
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buddiebeginz · 4 months ago
For everyone hoping and or expecting there to be something huge in the mid season finale on Thursday and who will feel let down and upset if there's not I wanted to point out some things.
First of all Tim just came back in s7 and it was a shortened season. I know we all had issues with how that season was handled but I also think Tim had a lot to figure out for having just come back to show. He was bringing 911 to a new network had only 10 eps to tell the entire seasons stories in. It was also a rather important season considering it was where they finally had Buck come out and where the pieces were finally being put into motion for Buddie to happen eventually (like in episode 704).
But I also think a lot of stuff Tim wanted to do in s7 he didn't get to and instead carried it over to s8 where he felt he had more time. The majority of 8a was spent closing out storylines that started in s7. What people have to realize is that a lot of this likely would have been the second half of season 7 had that been a full season. Now going into 8b I expect to see more focus put on Eddie's coming out and more movement towards Buddie happening.
None of this means that the mid season finale will necessarily be a huge ep or have a nde or have Eddie come out or Buddie kiss or anything like that. This ep may be pretty similar to the one we saw last week especially because like some have pointed out Tim and the others may have been expecting 809 to be the mid season finale not 808. And besides that 911's mid season finales have rarely been these huge events. Those were usually saved for other eps.
S1 -
shortened season - no mid season finale
no real NDE's although you could say the plane disaster was one for Bobby
S2 -
210 - mid season finale - It's revealed that Chim's friend is Doug
211/212/213 - Chim begins/ Doug attacks Chim and takes Maddie
217 - Shannon dies car accident
218 - Buck NDE truck bombing
S3 -
302/303 - Buck and Chris NDE tsunami
308 - Hen NDE car accident (a few eps before mid season finale)
Bobby radiation exposure 309 (one ep before mid season finale)
310 - mid season ep - Michael cancer diagnosis
314 - dispatch center/Maddie held hostage
315 - Eddie NDE well
317 - Athena NDE r*pist
S4 -
shortened season because of Covid no mid season finale
405 - Buck NDE fire
409 - Albert NDE car accident
413/414 - Eddie NDE shooting
S5 -
506 - Buddie kidnapping
508 - Hospital (where David worked) fire
510 - mid season ep Eddie leaves the 118
513 - Eddie breakdown
516 - dispatch fire
517 - Hen/Chim - NDE - jonah
S6 -
Mid season ep - Bobby's sponsor dying
610/611 - Buck NDE lightning strike
618 - 118 NDE bridge collapse
S7 -
shortened season - no mid season finale
701-703 - Bathena NDE - cruise ship disaster
708-710 Bathena NDE - Cartel/Fire
S8 -
802/803 - Athena NDE plane emergency
805 - Denny NDE
Looking at the way 911 has structured it's seasons in the past it's far more likely that if we're going to get a nde for Buddie or one of them we're going to get it later in the season and not at the mid season. We could get a more surprising moment like we've seen in the past like with Eddie leaving the 118 but like I said before I think it's highly probable that 808 wasn't meant to even be the season finale so a more shocking or surprising moments might not even be until 809 when the show comes back.
I just really think we all need to take a look how the show operates and prepare ourselves so we're not too let down. Also as much as I love coming up with theories and love listening to theories everyone else comes up with I feel like it's become a habit lately in our fandom for some people to get everyone excited and expecting certain things from the show. Then when the show doesn't deliver every single episode people are left feeling angry. This isn't just the fault of the people talking about their theories it's a fandom issue in general I think. I wish our fandom would just be more realistic going into each ep and not so quick to turn on the show if expectations aren't met immediately.
I 100% believe Eddie is going to come out and Buddie is happening. I've been watching the show for years and things have never been as close to Buddie canon as they are now but that doesn't mean it will happen instantly. Everything that's being shown and said (in interviews) is telling us that the show is playing the long game. We have to be patient and wait for them to get there, which I know can be really frustrating, trust me I've been waiting for Buddie's love story to be canon for what feels like forever. I think we will see more movement in Eddie and Buddie's story this season but maybe not this episode coming.
I also think it's important that we show our love for the show and the people who work on it more. I feel like a lot of the stuff I see out of our fandom lately is pretty negative. I'm not saying it's not warranted or that I don't do my own share too (I was talking just the other day on twitter about my issues with Athena's storylines) but I also can't help to think of how Oliver and Ryan and the others must feel. Imagine working really hard on something and then going online to see how the audience feels about it and the predominate reaction is about how awful the episode was. I definitely believe it's possible to love 911 (and any media really) and still be critical of it at times but I also think sometimes our fandom focuses too much on what we're not getting from the show and less on what we are.
We are incredibly lucky to have two amazing actors who put such love and care into playing Buck and Eddie and who have always been supportive of our ship. We're lucky that pretty much everyone involved with 911 (minus maybe KR) seems to be supportive of Buddie happening because trust me that's not common among a lot of other non canon queer ships. We're lucky that Buck has finally come out and that all signs are pointing towards Eddie coming out too. We're lucky that the show is even still on the air because it was seriously on the brink of being canceled before abc picked it up. If it had been not only would we have no chance of Buddie but Buck would never have come out and both men would have ended their run on the show with those lackluster partners. And speaking of lackluster partners we're lucky that Tim got rid of Tommy. I know he could have done it sooner but he also could have kept him around longer. I think some of you need to realize that making Buddie a reality is still a risk for the show and for abc. Having another main come out is still risky but they seem ready to take the risk.
Sorry this post got so long. I just had a lot of thoughts with the new ep coming and seeing everyone already prepared to be upset about it. Let's just go into this ep with limited expectations and be happy we get to go into a hiatus for the first time in a while without b/t being a thing. Thanks if you taken the time to read all of this. ❤️
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widowshill · 1 year ago
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lot's of boys have dreams about me :)
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 months ago
Rating the recently revealed Miraculous ladybug season 6 names
601 - Climatiqueen- Sounds like Stormy weather upgrade. Hopefully no clipshow. 8/10
602 - Dessinatriste- Sounds like a depressed athlete. 5/10
603 - Sublimation- Rooster episode maybe? 3/10
604 - Daddycop- Either Roger cop 2, or a kink 5/10
605 -Papys Garous- Racist grandpa part 3 6/10
606 - Princesse Syren- Sounds Disney. 7/10
607 - El Toro De Piedra: I’m bullish on this one 8/10
608 - Vampigami- If Kagami doesn’t become a vampire we riot 10/10
609 - Monsieur Agreste- This better be Gabriel getting revealed as a monster and dying 5/10
610 - Le Château Noir Chat noir house party 8/10
611 - Revelator - Doofinshmirtz named this episode 6/10
612 - Psyconductrice- Idk a psychic chicken. 2/10
613 - Yaksi Gozen- Yakuza Mom! 10/10
614 - Couchorak - Sounds like a Rabbid couch 3/10
615 - La Redresseuse. Sounds fancy. 6/10
616 - Noe- No. 1/10
617 - La Fée De Beaux Rêves. Sounds like a Lila identity 4/10
618 - Les Crassetastrophes- I can smell the pun 8/10
619 - Riginarazione- sounds like an Italian chuck-e cheese. 3/10
620 - Renverse-cœurs- Reverse course? A bit lazy. 2/10
621 - Les Titans Chaînes- This sounds dope. 9/10
622 - Lady Chaos- THIS I LIKE 10/10
623 - Tristanansi- A sad spider? 4/10
624 - La Reine De Frayeurville- something about ruling and I’m bored 3/10
625 - Protocole Secret: Secret mission. 7/10
626 - Nemesis- a bit simple but neat. 6/10
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adoringjaredpadalecki · 4 months ago
Fire Country 4K Screen Captures
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Tag free screen captures of Jared from his first two episodes of Fire Country have now been added to the gallery. These are 4K UHD (3840x2160PX) . There are 869 captures from 3.05 ‘Edgewater’s About to Get Real Cozy & 618 captures from 3.06 ‘Not Without My Birds’. Love & Light - Saṃsāra xoxo
Link: Fire Country 4K Screen Captures
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atlaculture · 2 years ago
Hi, I love your work and was wondering if you've done a post breaking down Earth Kingdom clothing inspiration and what the pieces are called. I'm writing a fanfiction and having a hard time finding info. Thanks!
The thing about the Earth Kingdom is that it's the most populated and diverse of the four nations in-universe. Meaning that each area of the Earth Kingdom has its own unique flavor. Some places are based off of specific Chinese dynasties, others around the various ethnic minorities of China, and some are other Asian cultures entirely.
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Ba Sing Se's aesthetic is based off of the later years of China's Qing Dynasty (1636-1912):
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Ba Sing Se Queues (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Zuko's Teashop Outfit (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Ba Sing Se Headdresses (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: The Dai Li (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Royal Earthbender Guards (tumblr.com)
Toph's family and background are meant to appear refined and wealthy so their look is based off of the later years of China's opulent Tang Dynasty (618-907):
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Toph’s Fancy Dress (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Toph’s Sleepwear (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Toph’s Hairstyle (tumblr.com)
Bumi likes to wear Chinese opera clothing and his character is broadly inspired by Lu Bu of the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280):
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Bumi (tumblr.com)
Kyoshi Island is Heian & Edo period Japan mixed with Ainu culture:
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Kyoshi Headbands (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Kyoshi Makeup (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Kyoshi’s Hair & Clothes (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Kyoshi Warriors Uniform (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Kyoshi Islanders Fashion Pt. 1 -... (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Kyoshi Islanders Fashion Pt. 2 -... (tumblr.com)
When Zuko and Iroh are on the run in the EK, they encounter a Vietnamese town and a Korean village:
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Anatomy: “The Swamp” Episode (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Architecture: Song’s Village (tumblr.com)
The tribes of the Si Wong Desert are North African crossed with Mongolian:
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Sandbenders (tumblr.com)
Chong and Lily (Secret Tunnel Hippies) wear Tibetan and Hmong clothing, respectively:
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Chong (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Lily (tumblr.com)
The refugee family with the pregnant wife is inspired by Yi people:
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Serpent’s Pass Refugees Pt. 1 (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Serpent’s Pass Refugees Pt. 2 (tumblr.com)
And, with the exception of culturally isolated areas like Ba Sing Se/Si Wong Desert/Omashu/Kyoshi/Foggy Swamp, most men in the EK wear their hair in Taoist topknots:
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Earth Kingdom Top Knots (tumblr.com)
So the sort of clothing your characters will be wearing in the EK depends on where in the country they are or are from. If you plan on inventing a new setting that takes place in the Earth Kingdom, try to choose a culture and period that reflects the mood or theme you're trying to get across.
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laf-outloud · 1 year ago
Supernatural Netflix Viewing Numbers - Jan. 2023 - Jun. 2023
Thanks to anon on this ask, I was able to download Netflix' report with viewing hours from Jan. 2023 to June 2023. I thought I'd run some numbers for Supernatural.
Now, obviously, with these numbers, there are caveats in that we don't know if certain episodes are watched more than others, so the best I can do is an average of views per episode in a season. Some episodes in the same season may get fewer views while others get more (this is the only way it makes sense to me why Season 15 is watched more than Season 14, lol!)
Based on the math below the cut, here are the rankings of most-watched Supernatural seasons (# = average views per episode):
Season 3: 65,421
Season 1: 61,822
Season 2: 49,614
Season 4: 47,794
Season 5: 45,253
Season 6: 41,633
Season 7: 36,681
Season 8: 35,054
Season 9: 32,744
Season 10: 31,909
Season 11: 30,889
Season 15: 29,820
Season 14: 29,206
Season 12: 28,048
Season 13: 26,958
As you can see, Seasons 1-5 are expectedly at the top, with 1-3 taking the top three,
People can draw their own conclusions, but for me, it just proves that the general public watch Supernatural for Sam and Dean, and anyone planning a reboot, looking at these numbers, should know exactly what to put back on our screens.
Now, I'm no math major (I actually got a D- in math in 7th grade), so if I'm doing something wrong, someone please correct me! But, I believe by dividing the total number of minutes viewed by the total number of minutes in the season, we can calculate the number of separate views per season. Then, if you divide the views by episode count, you can get a decent average of how many people watched each episode in the first 6 months of this year.
Season 1; 22 episodes:
1.254 billion minutes/922 minutes = 1,360,087 views/22 = 61,822 avg. views per episode.
Season 2; 22 episodes:
978 million minutes/896 minutes = 1,091,518 views/22 = 49,614 avg. views per episode
Season 3; 16 episodes:
672 million minutes/642 minutes = 1,046,729 views/16 = 65,421 avg. views per episode
Season 4; 22 episodes:
960 million minutes/913 minutes = 1,051,479/22 = 47,794 avg. views per episode
Season 5; 22 episodes:
900 million minutes/904 minutes = 995,575/22 = 45,253 avg. views per episode
Season 6; 22 episodes:
828 million minutes/904 minutes = 915,929/22 = 41,633 avg. views per episode
Season 7; 23 episodes:
804 million minutes/953 minutes = 843,652/23 = 36,681 avg. views per episode
Season 8; 23 episodes:
774 million minutes/960 minutes = 806,250/23 = 35,054 avg. views per episode
Season 9; 23 episodes:
726 million minutes/964 minutes = 753,112/23 = 32,744 avg. views per episode
Season 10; 23 episodes:
684 million minutes/932 minutes = 733,906/23 = 31,909 avg. views per episode
Season 11; 23 episodes:
660 million minutes/929 minutes = 710,441/23 = 30,889 avg. views per episode
Season 12; 23 episodes:
618 million minutes/958 minutes = 645,094/23 = 28,048 avg. views per episode
Season 13; 23 episodes:
594 million minutes/958 minutes = 620,042/23 = 26,958 avg. views per episode
Season 14; 20 episodes:
486 million minutes/832 minutes = 584,135/20 = 29,206 avg. views per episode
Season 15; 20 episodes:
498 million minutes/835 minutes = 596,407/20 = 29,820 avg. views per episode
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poughkeepsies · 2 years ago
hey so um if we saw Eddie fall asleep on his couch in 609 and then Buck in 612 and Christopher in 615 and those are all 3 episodes apart and in 601 when the couch metaphor is established it took Buck 3 tries to get the lasagne right then what I'm hearing is 615+3=618 BUCKLEY-DIAZ FAMILY COUCH SCENE WHERE THEY FINALLY GET IT RIGHT THEY DON'T HAVE TO BE ALONE THAT COUCH IS HOME TO ALL OF THEM
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docwritesshit · 9 months ago
A Night to Remember
Blurb: Fluffy star gazing date with the sillies
Word count: 618
Fandom: Doctor Who
Ship: Ninerosejack
Authors note: I finished season one of nuwho with a friend and I am unwell. This was written as I was watching the last three episodes of the season as well so haha….. that was trip
Anyways, enjoy
To be entirely fair to the Doctor, traveling through space and time to deal with various world-ending threats did not leave a lot of room for a love life. And he didn't even mean to get one, he stumbled into it. Or fell into it. He wasn’t entirely sure how he managed to get one with these two but one he had. And love life meant dates.
He wished there was a sun blowing up right now. He would know what to do then at least.
“Oh Doctor, take a breath. It’s just us.” Jack tried to reassure him, patting him on the back. The Doc rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help the way his hands twitch and pick at his nails. The TARDIS was stationed, both Rose and Jack were by the door and all that was left was to walk through. And go on a date.
Was it too late to cause a nuclear war between planets-
The way Rose and Jack tugged on his hands and intertwined his fingers with theirs made it apparent it was, in fact, too late. But he let them lead him out the door.
He raised an eyebrow at the sight before him. He knew they were in charge of everything, but he did find it a bit odd that they chose somewhere in the middle of nowhere, and it was a bit more on the chilly side for his liking.
Rose led him to lay down on a ratty blanket, smiling sweetly as she sat next to him
”I know, seems a little basic for a group that can travel through space and time. But-“
Jack popped up from behind them both, brandishing a covered silver platter.
”Our life is anything but basic. So in a backwards sense, we thought it would be a bit more exciting”
Doc looked between the two with a small smile, shaking his head.
”Is that it? Can’t say I mind though.”
He looked up at the stars, smiling at the sight.
”I quite like the view of stars over most anything else.”
A wine glass appeared in his vision.
”Would some liquor of the gods make it better?”
Doc took the glass.
Rose chuckled at the sight, taking her own glass from Jack as he finally set the silver platter down. Doc scoffed at the spread his partner prepared.
”Did you really bring only drinks to this?” He inquired. Jack shrugged, taking a swig from his glass.
“Did not know what ya liked. So I thought a bit of everything was a safe bet.”
Doc smiled, taking a drink of his own wine and spitting it out immediately.
”Yeah, good plan. Could I have that martini instead?”
With a new beverage in hand, Jack landed right next to The Doctor, shamelessly wrapping an arm around his shoulder and pulling him in closer. Rose sighed and followed suit, snuggling into Doc’s other side with her head on his shoulder, sipping her own wine.
Doc tried to relax. He felt Rose take his hand again, Jack kissing the side of his head. He heard the sound of crickets in the background, felt the blanket underneath him. He was right here.
Jack nudged him, grinning before glancing back up to the sky. Doc followed his gaze and blinked, chuckling again. Rose smiled, looking up herself.
”Well, it couldn’t be all that basic, now could it?” Jack pointed out. Doc laughed, leaning more into him.
”No, not with you lot.”
They all smiled as they witnessed the night sky light up in a small rainbow of colors, the rays streaking through the night. Doc held both of his companions tighter.
”Though I never am basic either.”
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911bts · 2 years ago
6x18 "Pay It Forward" Synopsis
A series of freeway car accidents leads to a catastrophic overpass collapse that endangers the lives of civilians and members of the 118 in the all-new "Pay It Forward" sixth season finale episode of 9-1-1 airing Monday, May 15 (8:00-9:01 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (NIN-618) (TV-14 D, L, S, V)
Cast: Angela Bassett as Athena Grant; Peter Krause as Bobby Nash; Jennifer Love Hewitt as Maddie Buckley; Oliver Stark as Evan "Buck" Buckley; Kenneth Choi as Howie "Chimney" Han; Aisha Hinds as Henrietta "Hen" Wilson; Ryan Guzman as Eddie Diaz; Corinne Massiah as May Grant; Gavin McHugh as Christopher Diaz
Guest Cast: Tracie Thoms as Karen Wilson; Anirudh Pisharody as Ravi Panikkar; Bryan Safi as Josh Russo; Chiquita Fuller as Linda Bates; Annelise Capero as Natalia Dollenmeyer; Chelsea Kane as Kameron; Colin McCalla as Connoir; Edy Ganem as Marisol; Freda Foh Shen as Anne Lee; Kelvin Han Yee as John Lee; Hailey & Bailey Leung as Jee-Yun; Declan Pratt as Denny Wilson
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friendshiptothemax · 2 years ago
hi i bet you get this all the time and you dont have to answer if you dont want to BUT what was your journey to being an Actual Tv Writer like? im looking into becoming a writer but im so out of my depth on how to do it
My journey to being a TV writer is incredibly regular -- it's kind of the template of how it should work. That being said not everyone goes this route, and not everyone who tries it is as lucky as I was! But it's kind of the most "basic" method.
I moved out to LA in 2011 to go to grad school. I don't think grad school is necessary for everyone -- the two biggest things I got out of it were time to write and a close group of friends, so if you can obtain that in other ways you might as well save yourself the $$. While I was in grad school, I worked a little in the industry, freelancing as a script supervisor on a number of student films, vanity projects, webseries, and commercials. I also worked at a couple of internships, where I met more people than just my classmates.
Once I graduated, I kept doing the un/underemployed thing (I read and reviewed self-published novels for rent money) until I was lucky enough to get a job as a production office production assistant on an NBC show called Aquarius. I spent a season getting lunches and running copies for the production office (which includes the accountants, art department, locations, and general office staff). I did that on two more shows before I got hired as the writer's production assistant for The Blacklist. I was still getting lunches and running copies, but for the writers! Woohoo!
After two years of that, there was an opening in the writer's room for script coordinator. The script coordinator is kind of between assistant and writer. I read every script about 1,000 times, proofreading, looking for continuity errors, and keeping up the entire writer's room, cast, and crew all on what was the most current copy of the script. It was an amazing job that was hard as fuck but I really enjoyed because I got to really get into the heads of my bosses. In my second year of that, they told me I could pitch them ideas, and I pitched an idea that became episode 618. I wrote it and it went really well, I think in part because I was so familiar with their voice. After that, they brought me on as a writer full time for season 7, and I was a writer there for the next four years.
My advice to you is twofold --
Work on your writing. I really like Pam Douglas' book "Writing the TV Drama Series." There are some good podcasts, particularly by John August and Craig Mazin, though I'm sure there are others. Read as many scripts as you can. When you have a script, enter contests to get feedback. Here is a great list of the most reputable ones, so you can get feedback and hopefully a little credit to your name if you place highly in one.
Make friends. I find that "networking events" are stupid, but HAVING a network is invaluable. Every TV job I've ever gotten is because I knew someone already working there. Move to LA and start meeting people. For me, besides my grad school classmates, it was improv classes, D&D, and working on the low-budget sets as a script supervisor (different from script coordinator, I know it's confusing), but you can find your own thing. The more friends I made in the TV assistant world, the MORE friends I made. As they say, a rising tide raises all ships, and that has been very true for me. Be nice and cool to everyone -- you never know when that construction PA you worked with on one show might be the in to your next.
Good luck!! Let me know if you have any more questions! :)
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lover-of-mine · 1 month ago
Anna your post about Taylor's screen time with Buck before and during their relationship got me thinking... Natalia seemed to have a decent amount of screen time in her few episodes.... It felt like she had about as much if not more screen time in s6 as Tommy did in s7. Am i losing it?
Okay, so the illusion there is because Natalia's screentime is a lot more balanced, she has 3:10 in 615, 5:05 in 617, and 4:25 in 618, whereas Tommy has 10:16 in 704 alone, the first kiss scene has 4 minutes and 30 seconds, and he has 4 minutes in 7b as a whole. So there's a lot of Tommy in 704, and then he's barely in the rest of the season. Since, for example, the dinner in 710 is 57 seconds long, it doesn't seem like he's there all that much. But she does have less screentime, it's just about the way the show used both of them.
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stxrdust-widow · 2 months ago
The X-Files first watch: Season 6 (Finale)
Top episodes: 614, 615, 617, 618, 619, 620, 622
Character thoughts: I am slowly being killed by slow burn and denial.
Other thoughts: Scully’s black turtleneck. They’re taking turns getting shot I see. Undercover 😏😏 “Isn’t that right, honeybunch?” “Right, poopyhead.” PLS Mulder’s having too much fun. 616 jealous Scully returns. 618 was a trip bro. 619 opening/closing MSR scenes I’m SCREAMING 💥💥 giggly drugged Scully 😭😭
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rikeijo · 11 months ago
Today's translation #618
Newtype 01/2017, Otsuka Manabu interview
Part 2.
-- What do you think about Yamamoto Director and Kubo-sensei combo?
Otsuka: I think there are the best combo to create a story about figure skaters that there are. Both of them, as you'd expect, are people with a special talent and their love for figure skating is extraordinary. But working together, we also had a lot of troubles, especially with schedule. Because, they were so particular about everything. I thought that it was my job to do something with that, so I was desperately trying to get them under control.
-- What about Hiramatsu Tadashi-san, the person responsible for character design and the main Animation Director?
Otsuka: This show was the first opportunity for me to work with Hiramatsu-san. I think that people who watched episode 1. will agree, but I was so impressed by the his determination to make the viewers enjoy themselves that is present in every cut, like in how Minako acts when she brings Yuuri home and calls out that Yuuri is back, or Mum running towards them. He's one of these people that I'm so honored to be able to work with.
[Notes: He probably didn't really mean it to sound like that at all, but Hiramatsu-san (so a guy) is just kiss kiss, much respect✨and what you tell us about the women? - the reason for schedule delays, they are! Some people call him a liar, but I think he may actually be the too-honest type of person that has no filter 🤔]
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trektalking · 2 months ago
Clip from episode 618- Tim Russ talks single long handheld take on Voyager 🖖
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