#episode 12 spoilers
total-drama-shark · 1 year
I love the scene were Priya reads Millie’s notebook so much. The total lack of background music just letting the sound of the cicadas be the only background noise, it’s all so silent which let’s Priyas anger just sound so much more impactful. The slow zoom out, revealing Bowie to have been eagerly hearing them the entire time. Bowie’s sassy-ass “oh, did I do that?” And the pure joy of his backstab.
MY GOD this scene was so well executed that the drama that seeped from it
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handkinkbis · 1 year
The way Aengcho was crying in that scene 😭 The way Mujin was crying holding her 😭 The wayyy I was crying with them 😭😭😭
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somecallmekay · 7 months
Light spoilers for episode 12 of Dungeon Meshi btw
People said this is the part when the show will start to get WEIRD. But it didn't. And like... a show doesn't get a reputation like that for nothing, so I bet the weird stuff hasn't started yet, but it just feels like...quiet before the storm. Can't wait for shit to go sideways, but I kinda expected SOMETHING out of this episode...
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orpheusfumi · 2 years
Shit hit the fan in gwitch 😭
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someinstant · 2 years
So I had to watch the last two episodes of ANDOR on my phone because first I was taking a bunch of teenagers on a trip to DC, and then I was in a cabin with my family on the edge of a swamp and my sister is only up to episode four and no one else has watched the show. Thus, last night I was able to finally sit down and watch episodes 11 and 12 on a television, and now I have a few Thoughts I would like to share:
Remember how in episode 8 Bix and Brasso are talking about Maarva's decline, and Bix says she fell? Brasso asks how, and Bix says she was trying to see if the drainage grate on Rix Road was open-- because she wanted the Rebellion to be able to go into the hotel and take on the Empire. And she says it with that sad little smile, like, We know all know she's imagining things, she's on her way out, but wouldn't that be nice?
When Cass stops by his adoptive father's funerary stone (and gives that sweet, sad half-smile that Diego Luna can just break me with), his fingers and hand are all bloody, and I couldn't figure out why-- and then I remembered he'd been bare rock climbing with Melshi to escape patrols on Narkina 5 in the previous episode, and I wanted to kiss the continuity supervisors for this show on the mouth, because actions have weight and consequences, and injuries take time to heal, and of COURSE Cassian is marked by Narkina 5. Of course it bit into his body the same way it bit into his soul.
The folks over on the A MORE CIVILIZED AGE podcast are absolutely right: Cassian is a water-type Pokémon. The man is always in association with water: breaking out of a dam-slash-base that holds back a sacred river on Aldhani, hiding his money and weapons in a shower in the hotel and then arrested by the sea when he tries to run away to Niamos, marooned in a prison surrounded by water, caught (like a fish in a net! LIKE MEERO'S 'ARE YOU A FISH' SPEECH WITH BIX!) by fishermen by a lake on Narkina 5, finding out Maarva has died while the waves crash on Niamos, listening to Nemik's manifesto as the rainstorm comes down on Ferrix, wading through the water of the Rix Road drain to get to the hotel to liberate Bix-- the water imagery is just there.
And you know why? DO YOU KNOW WHY? It's because water is fucking impossible to pin down. It flows. It shifts. It can freeze solid, become a vapor, bring life, drown the unwary-- it's necessary to life, and antithetical to it. It takes the shape it's forced into. You want an elemental association for a spy? It's fucking water.
The only good news is now I have about eighteen months to write an ABSURD amount of fic to fill the void Wednesdays will now represent.
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desiredcaramellatte · 2 years
May I ask Hollyberry x royal!gender neutral reader? Like gender neutral reader is the spouse of the Ancient Hero Hollyberry, they heard the terrible news about their wife was defeated by Dark Enchantress Cookie during the Dark Flour War and also they are miserable during the Princess Contest because they doesn’t want to replace their granddaughter with another princess. But then in ep 12, they sees a familiar cookie that enter the palace and finally recognize their wife.
Hollyberry hsbdiwbdiebf
Contains some big spoilers for episode 12!
Hollyberry x royal reader
~| Hollyberry’s disappearance haunted you. She had been gone for days when the news of the ancient’s defeat finally reached the Hollyberry Kingdom.
~| She had put you in charge of the kingdom for the time she was gone, telling you not to worry and that she wouldn’t be gone long. Soon everything would go back to the way it was, with no Dark Enchantress threatening the kingdom’s safety, and you could all have a grand party with lots of juice!
~| Well, of course, that was not what had happened. You were distraught at the sudden loss of your wife, and thus your son (and next in line), Royalberry Cookie, took control over the Hollyberrian throne.
~| You were somewhat relieved that you didn’t have to work the throne in your wife’s stead, which left you time to think more about her and worry less about all the stresses of being a ruler.
~| It would be a long time before you saw your wife again. Maybe you finally accepted the fact she was gone, maybe you still believed she was somewhere, somehow, still alive. Years would have dragged on, with Princess Cookie being raised as the next heir to the Hollyberry throne.
~| Spending time with Princess Cookie would have been your favorite thing. She looks so much like her grandmother it’s scary, and she acts very similar as well. Princess reminds you so much of Hollyberry.
~| Which as why, when she went missing, you were completely freaked out. It was just like loosing Hollyberry, but for a second time. You had lost your wife and now your granddaughter- did the world have it out for you, or something!?
~| And then Royalberry and Jungleberry hosted the Princess Contest, much to your displeasure. You understood that there needed to be an heir, but so soon!?
~| You were so very relieved when Princess Cookie returned, and with a cookie that was eerily familiar. It took you a bit, but the voice, the pink appearance under the ragged hood, and the fierce personality of the unnamed huntress soon led you to think of your wife.
~| You would have been in denial. There was no way this could be Hollyberry, not after so long, returning with your granddaughter.
~| But after she revealed herself in the dragon fight, you were absolutely over the moon. When she finished pummeling Pitaya (pats the violent fire dwagon gently), the first thing she did was come over to you and shower you with huge, kisses, and affection.
~| You still remembered one thing about your wife, after all those years. You promised her the biggest party, with as much juice as she could possibly drink, that night.
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lilac-melody · 2 years
Wait a minute...
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I know I've seen them before...
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oh yeah
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revoleotion · 2 years
kajorn was going to be my blorbo of the month anyway, i love him so MUCH, but now i love him even more, you can expect so much fanfic from me now
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dismas-n-dismay · 7 months
I think the bath hand holding scene is much more intimate when you remember the attention to detail Marcille put into making sure that every bone in Falin’s hands and feet were correctly placed.
The interlacing of their fingers being perfect to show that Marcille strived as painstakingly as she could to make sure every bone was in proper place and it is. For a second you think you’ll look and one of the fingers will be disjointed or wrong or too long but they’re perfectly slotted into Marcille’s own.
She put every single piece of her back together lovingly and achingly, giving her own blood sweat and tears to craft Falin’s own.
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aediondraws · 1 month
tmagp comic bc I'm not normal about them!!
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ep 12
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livingfandomly · 8 months
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Walker? Sir? Mr. Actor?
Jokes aside. That look? That anger? Percy finally having enough and being pissed off with a God who doesn’t care about his children, insulted his friends, ruined their quest and wants to start an unnecessary war where he has nothing to lose? But most importantly… Percy literally QUAKING with unchecked rage for a God who came in the way of him saving his mom?
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pikechris · 4 months
yeah the doctor hasn't kissed a man since 2005 but they also haven't kissed anyone on screen since missy in 2014. ten actual years. do you understand the significance of this
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cirrus-grey · 6 months
Interesting detail: both Bonzo cases have been Category 1, Rank B. The only other CAT1RB case has been Needles.
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sparrowchute · 11 days
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chat how are we feeling
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nunafilms · 13 days
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The conflict coming down to Levi and Hollow is so perfect.
Levi is a creation of humanity altered by Vesta. Hollow is a creature of Vesta altered by humanity.
Levi alters Vesta in turn, giving rise to a new species. Hollow alters Kamen in turn, giving him visions and guiding him.
Levi becomes a part of Vesta's ecosystem through the white lilly fungus, helping it grow. Hollow is torn away from Vesta's ecosystem through Kamen, killing more and growing more than it should be able to.
Hollow destroys Levi, which is the catalyst for Levi's transformation, becoming more than they were before. Levi destroys what Hollow has become, freeing Hollow and Kamen from each other's influence.
Two perfect arcs, coming together beautifully in two perfect confrontations.
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