#episode 1033
cuntyglam · 3 months
zoro: you don’t know how to apply a bandage, do you ?
sanji: i’ve trussed a ham before, it’s basically the same thing.
zoro: *laughs* so i’m a ham to you ?
sanji: eh, no way you taste that good. uh- nevermind.
all of this is set by candle light. sanji is gently tending to his wounds. zoro looks ridiculous. this is THE zosan scene.
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hauntingblue · 6 months
Kiku I will avenge you. There will be not a stone unturned. Not a man unharmed. I do not care if kanjuro is dead this is something else. What the fuck.
#kid thats so metal... (heehee)#law sitting like a princess on sanji's shoulder ajdhaksj... babygirlism....#he has to begrudgingly tend to his wounds in candle light.... another babygirl.... the same as wrapping a jamón ajshaksjj#see when they are alone in the dark after they are done arguing the truth comes out....#the cloud is called hera..... of course...#zeus depressed akdjsksk go back to nami!!!!! oh nami doesn't want him either ajdhsjsjsj#omg luffy..... luffy!!!!!!! LUFFY GET UP!!!!! there he goes :)#i an with kaido here... did he just disappear.... what. is he falling off. is kaidi saying that bc people will comtinue to fight even if#luffy dies..... he got back up all smiling and shit.... to get kaido one last time.... luffy.....#am i a ham to you..... you are not that appetizing... insane btw..... there is history here....#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1033#how does kaido know about joyboy... wdym you couldn't be joyboy.... KAIDO EXPLAIN#zeus <3 rip in peace.... omg new nami and zeus ad break moment#cant marco get perospero.... like come on he is jusg there flying around#chopper suplex..... just like franky taught him....#how are they recognizing momo in that doll ajdhakahaja the guy with the hamster arm akdhsks#momo feels luffy's pain omg.....#KID!!!!! YEAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!#episode 1034#KIKU NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO#WHAT DID THEY DO TO MY GIRL!!!!!!#DONT MAKE THAT FACE DONT SAY THAT!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO SHE DISNT HAVE TO DIE SHE ALREADY LOST AN ARM FOR THIS!! ASHURA DIED FOR HER MISTAKE!!!!#THERE IS NO NEED FOR THIS!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! FUKC OFF!!!!!!! KINEMON BEHEAD HIM!!!! SCISSOR STYLE!!!! FUCK HIM!!!#ANOTHER SWORDWOMAN DOWN!!! CAN THEY NEVER WIN!!!! OH FUCKING KAIDO NOW#what a fucking mess.... i hate this.... kiku should live this is not right oh fuck kinemon and his swords#i will defend good placed deaths like laki and wiper but this is not it..... this doesnt fit it doesnt make sense... no..#episode 1035
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hydine · 2 years
Aaand I've come to the infamous "ZoSan" Episode 1033, where Sanji is basically taking care of his favorite Marimo. No screenshots from me here, there's already plenty going around.
It's just that
Sanji is against the idea of taking care of Zoro at first, because he ain't no doctor, which is fair. Given the condition Zoro is in, he needs professional medical care, and not just some band-aid. But then he hears that weak splutter, and starts to take care of him anyway, because Zoro in this state is unheard of??? He needs any help he can get.
And then the thing with the candle. That's just so. I don't know how to explain this. The candle is so prominent? Like Sanji lighting his cigarette with the candle? And flicking it out later? Soft candlelight is usually associated with intimacy, eroticism, romance, and you can't tell me this scene wasn't intended to be portrayed as at least a LITTLE bit romantic, dialogue aside.
And as others have already pointed out, Zoro being comfortable enough to sleep in Sanji's care, even while Sanji is fighting off enemies, speaks for itself.
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sualne · 1 year
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ive caught up with the anime, episode 1066 was fucking insane and its my favorite so far.
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izuku10 · 2 years
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one piece luffy
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amphibia-a-day · 3 months
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Day 1033 of Amphibia Screenshots
Episode: All In
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luckywolfsbane · 4 months
One Piece spoilers for episode 1033. If you haven't finished the Wano arc, don't spoil this for yourself. I'M SERIOUS. You're going to want to react to this as you watch it... if you catch it.
Are you fucking kidding me!?! They snuck this in here and got away with it?!? These absolute legends. And I discover this on June 1st, too? I'm dying. I'm dead. I'm fairly neutral as far as ships go, but... This is outright shipper bait. I'm not exactly the best at catching these things, but this was so blatant that even I couldn't miss it.
We can say, "That's not how he meant it," until we're blue in the face; but Sanji said what he said. There may be double connotations, but THAT'S THE POINT. THAT'S WHY IT'S SAID THAT WAY. He's the cook. We all know he's gonna talk about food prep. They could have worded it a thousand ways to avoid that connotation. They didn’t. They know EXACTLY what they did. (At this point, if you don't understand, message me if you're 18+ and I'll explain.)
This comes promptly 3 episodes after--during the Film Red Tie-In fillers--Zoro called Sanji "Kinky Cook" instead of one of his typical cook-based insults. Don't believe me? That's fine! I have receipts! If you want yhe clip, all you have to do is ask bc tumblr has a limit of 1 video per post, and I can't add it. But! It was episode 1030, 21:28. Typical antics, but... the word choice. Istg.
The zosan shipper bait in these more recent episodes is killing me. You're laughing. I'm fighting for my life over here, and you're laughing.
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asfarblues · 2 years
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lineless screencap redraw from episode 1033
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aestariiwilderness · 2 months
Acolyte Spoilers #1
Okay so -- of the many, many, MANY things about SW canon that are both hilarious and horrifying in light of episode 1 of the Acolyte, this is the one that's sticking out to me now: So, apparently, in canon, Anakin and his "unorthodox" training that everybody in the Temple yelled at him for has officially now saved Ahsoka's life approximately 1033 times over instead of just 1032. Why? Because Osha out here, Jedi dropout, working for the Trade Federation on a case-by-case basis (who are talking over comms about how disposable she is!) because, and I quote/near-quote: the Jedi skills aren't transferable. And apparently, they don't really teach you anything else, not officially. If you don't have a master who cares about that kind of thing, maybe you don't get any kind of training that way at all. AND, evidently, if you leave or get kicked out, they don't give you any kind of job training, stipend, or post-Order care, as we saw with both Ahsoka and Osha. So that particular fun little fanon sop to the Jedi just died a lonely death LOL. So Anakin, by teaching Ahsoka an actual, marketable trade (mechanics) (why is that the only trade in Star Wars?? Guys, learn some basket-weaving) absolutely saved her life. (Again.) So, to recap: You're taken to the main government-sponsored (literally, from what I can see) cult, the Jedi Order, often as a baby so you have no say in it. There are laser swords, telekinetic space monks who have lived in power for centuries, a planet-city full of corruption, and absolutely no child endangerment or child labor laws. Your "brethren" can and literally do invade people's minds and control them without asking if it's convenient. You are ostracized for forming any kind of attachment; apparently, if you blink in vague confusion while a fascist green lady asks you if you're down with murdering your young former padawan for political convenience, you're too attached. (AND that is a whole hilarious post on its own). Key salient details will be left out of your file to aid in a coverup about your origins. The minimal amount of critical thinking will be done at all times, if you're lucky. And then, of course, if you dare to leave or get kicked out of this utterly Benevolent Cult in which you had no choice in spending your entire life, you...will have no resources, no job training, and be left to sink or swim. And then at any point the Jedi will have free rein to pop back into the life you've shakily managed to construct for yourself, arrest you immediately on the testimony of one (1) (non-human guy who might not be able to tell the difference between one human and the next!), and then get you crashlanded onto an icy death planet and hunt you down, laser swords out and ready to slice and dice you to death. Yep. Sounds about right. (Wait till you get to the human clones manufactured to die, Osha! That'll be fun.) Sooo -- any sane person's reaction to the Jedi Cult here should be:
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alexblakeisgay · 2 months
Bluey Mom (Ch. 4)
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Ship: Alex Blake/Emily Prentiss
Summary: Today's episode of Bluey Mom is called Boy/Girl Party.
(The adventures of Emily Prentiss as she navigates running the BAU, being a wife and mother, and her relationship with gender.)
Word Count: 1033
“Earth to Emily?” Alex said, waving a hand in front of Emily’s face to get her attention.
Emily shook herself back to awareness and realized that she’d missed a significant question. She offered a faint apologetic smile.
“Nervous?” Alex asked for the second time.
“Why would I be nervous?” Emily asked as if she were trying to convince herself.
With a little sigh, Alex wrapped her arms around Emily’s waist and rested her chin on her shoulder. “Because in spite of what you tell yourself about not needing your mother’s approval, you’ll be cut very deeply if she doesn’t show up for DJ today...”
She sighed, feeling mildly petulant about the fact that Alex knew her so well as to almost read her mind. “You don’t always have to be right,” she muttered, though there’s no heat behind it.
Alex just smiled softly, kissed her wife’s cheek, then said, “Well, let’s get this show on the road, then, Chili.” She pressed the orange onesie that was her Bluey’s Mom costume into Emily’s hands. She was already wearing the Bluey’s Dad costume. “I have to put the finishing touches on the cake, but whenever you’re ready, DJ wants to talk to you.”
And with that, the whirlwind that was Alex Miller preparing for a family get-together blew back out of the room without a single word of further information.
“Knock knock,” Emily said, pushing open the door a slight bit so she could speak to DJ. “Requesting permission to come aboard?”
“Hi, Momily,” DJ said, which she interpreted to mean permission to approach.
DJ said in the chair in front of her vanity, waiting for Emily to help brush her hair. One of the things that Emily had wanted most in her entire life was long hair, so when DJ had asked to grow out her hair, Emily had agreed, with Alex’s blessing. And one of their mother/daughter bonding rituals was Emily helping her do her hair for special events.
As she brushed DJ’s hair, she said, “Are you nervous?”
DJ shook her head, ever the fearless creature Emily wished she could be. “Nope! I’m just excited!” she said, meeting Emily’s gaze in the mirror and offering her an excited and gap-toothed smile, as she’d lost three teeth in short order.
“I’m so proud of you, Pickle,” Emily said, putting the girl’s hair into a milkmaid braid. “You’re the bravest person I know.”
Today, they were throwing a ‘gender reveal’ party to announce that she was nonbinary. It had been a very powerful decision for DJ to make at seven years old and Emily could hardly believe she’d made such a self-assured and deeply insightful daughter as to know herself that well.
“Do you think Grandma Liz will come?” DJ asked quietly.
Emily sighed heavily. “I don’t know, honey. I wish I could tell you that she will, but I honestly don’t know for sure.” When they’d invited Elizabeth to the ‘gender reveal’ party, Emily had made it quite clear to her that if she didn’t show up for DJ, she would no longer be welcome in their lives...but threatening Elizabeth never seemed to work out the way they’d anticipated.
“Hey...” Alex said gently, settling on the porch swing next to Emily. “You’re missing all the fun. DJ is trying to convince your mother to play that cookie face game...”
Emily barked out a laugh at the image.
Surprising, well...everyone...Elizabeth actually showed up for DJ’s party. She didn’t seem happy about it, but she came and that was the important part. At least, in Emily’s mind, given that she genuinely hadn’t expected her to come at all.
Alex rested a hand on Emily’s knee and said, “Penny for your thoughts...” Emily just shrugged vaguely, either not having the words or not wanting to say them. Studying her for a few moments, Alex eventually spoke, “It’s okay to be jealous...”
She sputtered for a few moments, before she managed to form coherent speech...a lame, “I’m not jealous!” A beat. “Jealous of who?”
“Why would I be jealous of my own daughter?” she asked, seeming genuinely confused.
With a gentle smile, Alex said, “Because your mother showed up for her in ways she’s never shown up for you...” Emily’s smile fell and Alex knew she’d hit the nail on the head. “It’s okay for you to have mixed emotions today – I know you’re proud of Deej and want to support her, but you’re also hurt. And that’s okay.”
Emily surprised both of them by bursting into tears. “I’m sorry,” she said between sobs, “I didn’t want to make this about me, but...” Wordlessly, Alex pulled her into a tender embrace. “Why couldn’t she do this for me!?” Emily sniffled, “All I ever wanted was mother who loved me and supported me...”
“I know,” Alex soothed, rubbing a gentle hand up and down her back. “You deserved that and it’s not right or fair that your mother couldn’t hold space for you in that way. But DJ will never for a single second experience that because she has the best Momily in the whole entire world.”
Pulling back from the embrace slightly, Emily met her gaze and asked, “Do you really think so?”
She nodded. “That kid idolizes you. Watching you two together fills my heart with joy because I know she has the kind of relationship with you that every child deserves. It’s an honour to be witness to it.”
Blushing, Emily leaned in for a quick kiss. “She’s pretty lucky to have you too.”
Alex just laughed, kissed her again, then stood, drawing Emily to her feet too. “Now, let’s get back in there because if anyone is going to convince your mother to look ridiculous playing that cookie game, it’s DJ and I have a feeling you won’t want to miss it.
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barnabascollins · 2 years
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what's with this dog motif?
episode 536 / episode 225/226 / barnabas, episode 1033 / dante and virgil in hell, william adolphe bouguereau / the wolf hunt, alexandre francois desportes / black dog, andrew jackson jihad / push, dragan bibin / black dog, arlo parks / chase, dragan bibin / typical story, hobo johnson / cave dwellers, dragan bibin / are you my mother?, dr. seuss / deimos, dragan bibin / willie loomis world series, mary maginity / dead of night ii, dragan bibin / willie, episode 536 / dead of night, dragan bibin / bring me back a dog, iamx / episode 245 / episode 583 / jason (on willie), episode 207 / dogs fighting, frans snyders / beach life-in-death, car seat headrest
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renchurro · 2 years
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Episode 1033 outfit !
I especially loved his shirt here !
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macabre-romantics · 1 year
calling 607-478-1033 will give you a new message after tonights Yellowjackets episode
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oakdll · 9 months
how the fuck does toei keep making insane episodes of one piece and yet they still use the shitty 90s dragon ball sound effects
1033 is crazy
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So the phone number shown in episode seven actually works.
Someone from Sunshine Honey’s Wellness Community picks up!
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paalove · 11 months
main masterpost here
part-time soulmate, full-time problem - oneshot, 1038 words. episode one tag, now jossed, where pisaeng brings kawi back to his place after their little date night. pisaeng/kawi.
felt you at the beginning (needed you at the end) - oneshot, 1940 words. episode two tag. the pisaeng who got cold feet and ran from his wedding to make out with kawi gives his point of view of the whole thing. future!pisaeng/kawi.
the stars are the same as ever - oneshot, 3899 words. one version of kawi who gets stuck, prevented from time travelling, ends up stuck in a similar rut to before... with some new elements. angsty hookups between a kawipi who love each other but haven't said it. pisaeng/kawi, explicit.
whenever i leave (do you laugh about me) - oneshot, 2586 words. kawi decides to go on a date with a guy... a non-pisaeng guy. they both suffer. despite how it sounds, pisaeng/kawi.
i've unspooled on the floor - oneshot, 1275 words. in which pisaeng is not actually great at gay-clubbing. max&pisaeng friendship fic, gen.
let's drive until the engine just gives out - 2/2 chapters, 2253 words. kawipi anniversary fic! pisaeng/kawi.
made mistakes (they were mine to make) - oneshot, 2272 words. famous!timeline kawi has a brush with getting cancelled on twitter. background!pear/kawi, pre-pisaeng/kawi.
'til we see all the stars - oneshot, 1158 words. established relationship fluff with origami. pisaeng/kawi.
put me together one more time - oneshot, 1692 words. anotherepisode 7 timeline angst fic , this one written for key's Intimacy Exchange. vague divergence within The Decade of that timeline where, after a kawipear breakup, kawipi hook up. explicit. pisaeng/kawi.
before our dreams started bursting at the seams - 3/3 works, total wordcount 4892. episode seven (sad singer timeline) continuation, over and after pisaeng's travels.
and i know (i'm not your intended dose) - oneshot, 1245 words. set mostly in a hostel during pisaeng's travels - angst and longing. not-together!pisaeng/kawi.
(ten years in a bitter chemical haze) miss the way that i felt - oneshot, 1033 words. kawi pondering pisaeng's future return. still angsty. not-together!pisaeng/kawi.
twist the knife again like we did last summer - oneshot, 2614 words. pisaeng returns. nearly-dating!pisaeng/kawi.
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