#ep. moebius
dr-futbol-blog · 5 months
Would the real Dr McKay please stand up?
While this is a record of John Sheppard's bisexuality, let's start from the beginning.
Rodney McKay was introduced in the main series, Stargate SG-1. In it, he is presented as a sexist and abrasive character who is later revealed to harbour a hurt little boy within. He claims to have a predilection for "dumb blondes", which is to say, beautiful and brilliant women way out of his league.
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He aggressively, blatantly hits on Samantha Carter. In fact, his behaviour is so over-the-top that one has to wonder whether it is (consciously or subconsciously) designed for failure. Hitting on women you know will turn you down, in a way that will inevitably lead to them turning you down, both protects one's ego and keeps one from winding up in an actual relationship with an actual human being.
That is, for reasons of inadequacy, poor self-esteem, repressed homosexuality, pick your poison, he a) approaches only women he knows he can't get, b) approaches them in a sleazy over-the-top way that will inevitably lead to him being turned down and c) he does all of this extremely publicly, not hiding and in fact encouraging his reputation was a womanizer. A+, very heterosexual.
Only, this is lampshaded in the two-part 8th season finale of SG-1, Moebius.
In the episode we are once more presented with an alternative reality. This is a divergence from our reality whose main difference is that the stargate was never found at Giza. In the episode, we follow Samantha Carter and Daniel Jackson who are essentially themselves but whose lives took different courses. That is, their characters were not changed, only their circumstances. And it follows that the same is true for all the other characters.
In this reality, Dr. Rodney McKay is the lead scientist at Cheyenne Mountain. The fact that he is similar to the Rodney in our reality is lampshaded later in the second part of the episode where McKay tells Gen. Hammond: "It's a ship that goes through the Gate -- it's a Gateship!"
This parallels his words in Rising (S01E01) where he says the same thing to Dr. Weir, defending his naming of the shuttle as Gateship: "It's a ship; it goes through the Gate, I, I… Fine -- Puddle Jumper, you are clear for launch."
We are meant to understand that this is the same Rodney, only that circumstances have altered the course of his life.
Why is this important?
His introduction in the episode is curious.
At the end of Moebius, we are shown a rare kiss between Carter and O'Neill who never get to consummate their unresolved sexual tension in the main text of the show. The kiss was preceded by Carter lying to O'Neill about his attraction to Daniel Jackson instead of O'Neill. Earlier on, O'Neill had wondered whether Carter and Jackson were in fact a couple -- which they both vehemently denied. Before their kiss, O'Neill tells Carter: "It's just, you know… first impressions, I kinda thought he was… Never mind."
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He waves his hand in the universal sign for "bent".
Jack O'Neill thought that Daniel Jackson was, upon first impression, a gay man. Even though he met him along with an attractive woman, the first impression one got from Daniel Jackson was that he was a gay man. This has nothing to do with what Daniel's orientation is or was, in this reality or the other, just that in this one he gave off the vibe that he was gay. At least on initial meeting, an impression that might later be rectified, Daniel Jackson came off as a gay man.
So why does this matter?
When we first meet Dr. Rodney McKay, it is also the first time he meets Daniel Jackson. He gets, that is, a first impression of Daniel. Rodney barges in with the very suggestive: "Don't touch anything, please! Leave the touching to the experts."
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McKay looks at Daniel from top to bottom, openly checking him out, gaze lingering on Daniel's dick. After this, he looks at Major Davis. To confirm the reading of his gaydar? To check whether the major noticed him checking the guy out? Acknowledging the hot officer in his personal space? Who can tell!
Turning his attention to Sam, McKay subsequently completely ignores Jackson to the point of rudeness.
Note that Major Davis is, in this reality, sporting the gayest moustache that ever moustached. He is ripped straight out of a Village People album cover. If we are meant to think that Daniel in this reality comes across as gay, what are we supposed to think regarding the man with the gayest moustache this side of Tom of Finland?
After McKay checks out Daniel, whose first impression is that he is a gay man, Rodney quickly glances at major Davis and then his entire demeanor changes. He is very curt towards the major. They continue their exchange, Rodney antagonistic toward Jackson and now aggressively hitting on Sam, even going so far as to obviously and crassly grab her ass:
McKay: I'm sorry -- what are your areas of expertise? Carter: Astrophysics. Jackson: Archaeology. McKay: And I would listen to you because…? Carter: We're on the tape. McKay: Now you -- you I would listen to if you were reading the phone book. You see, I love this whole sexy librarian thing. Look, why don't I take you to lunch, get you up to speed.
On his initial meeting with Daniel Jackson, the man who comes off as gay, Dr. Rodney McKay reflexively checks him out and then starts immediately performing the most odious kind of heteronormative masculinity
We get another lampshade in his line to Carter: "I hear it's lemon chicken today -- it's my favourite, hmm?" This Rodney claims openly to like Lemon chicken which he is allergic to in our reality. There is something else he is performing here that he is allergic to in our reality: his preference for chicks.
In the Pegasus galaxy, McKay is either completely oblivious to the advances of women ("You don't know what to do?"), engages in performative over-the-top womanizing ("I disgust myself sometimes"), or uses women to perform masculinity and to make himself seem more desirable to other men ("They think I'm a shut-in. So I was thinking that if I was to, say, show up with a woman -- a beautiful woman -- that they would maybe not think that I was like, a complete loser"). He expresses jealousy when other men receive attention from beautiful women while seeming to have no interest whatsoever in these women themselves. Hot women are objects to him, he barely sees them as people (literally, in The Game).
This is textbook. This is a closet so deep in Narnia the audience gets second-hand frost bite.
Note that while in Moebius we are shown a superficial difference between this Rodney and our Rodney with regards to lemon, later on we are shown that they are essentially the same. The Rodney McKay of this reality is the epitome of a closeted gay man performing over-the-top heterosexuality in a military environment where, although as a Canadian civilian contractor he is not himself in jeopardy, he has to protect the identities of gay soldiers, like major Davis, whose careers are on the line.
Oblivious or not, Rodney McKay does not like women. He does not respect them, sees little use for them, can barely tolerate to have them around. This much seems to be true of him in every reality.
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mechaseraph · 1 year
DLed UltraNexus on a whim Now I need to remember which one of my 3 drives is for toku
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asianwhumpgalore · 5 months
Moebius: The Veil (뫼비우스: 검은 태양) | Kdrama | Whump List
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Genre: Action, Thriller, Mystery, Crime
Synopsis: The story of when Agent Seo Soo Yeon, who returns from China, gets involved in a dangerous deal with Agent Jang Chun Woo.
Length: 2 eps
Whump meter: ▲△△△△ 
✨ Prequel microdrama of The Veil... Was hoping for more whump (like the parent drama) but there unfortunately wasn't a whole lot. Still, very solid watch! ✨
⚠️Trigger Content: Usual crime/thriller cws (death, violence, etc) ⚠️⚠️Some SPOILERS will be found, proceed with caution⚠️⚠️
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Whumpee: Jang Chun Woo portrayed by Jung Moon Sung
Ep 1 | [16:35] Shot in the abdomen, stumbles back, nearly collapses on the ground, protected, escapes. Limping, clutching wound, labored breathing, held at gunpoint, sweaty, blood on his face, made to kneel, panting, betrayed, saved, in shock | Locked in the back of a truck.
Ep 2 | Cut in the upper back, nearly falls on the ground | [34:00] Friend dying in his arms, emotional, crying | Emotional, crying, shot in the shoulder suddenly, stumbles back and falls into the water.
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Whump List for The Veil by @whumpslist
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shaylurie · 1 year
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For the Beavis and Butt-head s2 “Abduction” episode, we did some predesign sketches for the board team, which really helped to solidify the direction of smart earth.  i would normally do really scrappy sketches first to loosen up some ideas then tie them down a little once we were confident in the direction.  We presented the concept sketches to Mike, Lew and Chris to get feedback, and pivot if there was some specific ideas they would suggest.  for example, the probe room, i thought it would be interesting if it were in the belly of the ship, however the EPs felt it stronger for us to redress the bridge to tie in to something familiar.  we incorporated a lot of curves and rounded corners into smart earth design, taking influence from artists like Moebius and a hint of Futurama.
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taloqan · 9 months
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Toman VS Moebius fight beginning gif (Tokyo Revengers S1 - EP 9)
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nitewrighter · 11 months
Oh! Mun! If you have anymore hyperfixation space to spare I highly recommend Scavengers Reign in HBO MAX Im only at ep 2 but its been insanely good. Its really good scifi worldbuilding! :Dc
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I've been watching it! It's really good! Also I love how more and more you can tell that the different environments are similar to different body systems. Kamen's definitely in the brain. Azi was in the circulatory system, then she was in some kind of histamine response patch. And I LOVE all the Moebius vibes!!
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chipsncookies · 1 year
If you haven't watched the OG Ultraman or Shin Ultraman I highly recommend them. I finished watching og then watched shin with my brother today and they were so gooood.
Aughhh i really want to!!! 😭😭😭 Also, im gonna ramble bc i have a lot of thoughts about ultraman please excuse me
Recently i just got into ultraman again after leaving it so long ago (i think the last series i watched was cosmos?) and I've been so. Overwhelmed (in a good way) with how much there is to catch up!! I initially saw the new ultraman blazar series and I've been watching it alongside pokemon horizons since they're released so close in time, and really liking blazar (this is me with him👇)
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About Shin Ultraman, i was aware about its existence but i didn't really care for it before because i wasn't into ultraman back then.
I'm a pokemon fan first and foremost, but i didn't have nostalgia for it because i never played the games as a child, only watched some of the anime. But ultraman? As a kid I watched taro and 80 on my uncle's cd collection and i watched Tiga Dyna Gaia Max Cosmos on tv every weekend, I sang along to their opening and endings...
So rediscovering ultraman with my fully formed brain, coupled with childhood nostalgia, revisiting familiar and also new faces, watching the UGF series, finding out the lore and story of the ultras... My heart is full of appreciation for this series man
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^just recently found out that this gif is from ultraman moebius iirc, despite having seen it floating the internet (since deviantart iirc). What ppl say is true your childhood interests really come back to you 🥹
M87 (the shin ultraman song) makes me emotional even though I haven't even watched the movie, i still remember when i first listened to it last year (i follow the singer), I didn't really like it back then just confused, i also didn't care for shin ultraman because i was unfamiliar with the original series (im more of a TDG fan) but now, with rekindled interest and more knowledge, my chest almost burst just from listening to the song 😭
I feel like watching shin ultraman will destroy me emotionally and physically (i heard it's more serious and diverged from the main story?) Luckily i dont have nostalgia for it, if i did id probably explode
That said, I'm really considering watching it sometime, some of my (non ultra) friend also showed interest in it, i hope we'll be able to arrange a suitable time for it!!! 🥹🥹 I'm not sure if I'll pick up the original series tho because I'm currently in the process of (re)watching Gaia and eps where my old favs return. I recently watched the episode with Moebius and 80 and it freaking DESTROYED me, i cried like a little baby, they gave a proper ending to 80 and his students, even brought the actor back. Seeing him being old makes me cry, time has passed so much 😭😭😭
Sorry for the long rambling i have so much feelings about ultraman!!!
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Stuck — Freak Frequency (Born Yesterday)
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Freak Frequency by Stuck
Stuck, a post-hardcore four piece from Chicago, bristles with dissatisfaction. Dual guitars slash out hard, unornamented eighth note cadences, while bass lines bark staccato commands. Drums crack like rifle shot, and an angsty frontman, one Greg Obis, stutters and yelps about the contemporary state of things, which is…not very good.
The sound is tight and disciplined and full of agitated doom, not that far off from Protomartyr but spikier and more architectural. A band that got its start during the worst of COVID sees trouble everywhere, and keeps it at bay with relentless, four-four battery. If they just keep going, keep slamming, keep shouting, keep tangling desolate lyrics in pogo-ing ecstasies, it won’t happen again. Will it? “They’ve got good news,” Obis yowls in “The Punisher,” “There’s new life springing from a death cult.”
Stuck came, er, unstuck from Chicago’s feverish punk underground in late 2018 with a Three Song EP, which featured just three of the current line-up (Obis, drummer Tim Green and additional guitarist Donny Walsh). They emerged in their present form about a year later on the People Pleaser EP, adding David Algrim on bass, then started to really get some traction with the full-length Change Is Bad in early 2020 (which was, in retrospect, not the best time to be building up a head of steam). Freak Frequency is the second LP full-length, and holy moly, it’s a banger, a 37-minute continuous anxiety attack that makes you want to dance and break things. Possibly at the same time. Possibly not.
The title track is the best thing about it, all corrosive propulsion and sirening guitars, and, in the best part, Obis hurling the phrase “again and again and again and again” out into the void. It turns out that the “freak frequency” in question is a shepherd’s tone, a pair of sine waves separated by octaves. The tone operates as a sort of auditory moebius band; it seems to ascend along a scale, but somehow gets no higher or lower. (This will make more sense if you hear it.) The idea of continual motion with no actual progress can, of course, resonate in any number of ways, not least with this band’s furious flail against all aspects of being Stuck.
Jennifer Kelly
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curelore · 1 year
Fresh Precure! Episode 22 Thoughts
Wow, what an episode!! Clearly I missed a few in between now and my last thoughts post, but I got a bit sucked in and couldn't stop watching!!
Precure's emotional beats really hit hard for me, and Peach jumping over to Eas/Setsuna and hugging her to try and free her from certain death was so cool to watch, definitely my favorite moment from the show so far. Additionally the pain and almost shame on Setsuna's face when she switches over and shows Peach her true self adds such depth to her character and really shows how severe her internal battles are. Plus the flash to her shouting for Moebius among a sea of gray was chilling (;o;)
The build-up to this reveal feels very rewarding, especially considering that everyone in the show is convinced that Miyuki is the fourth Precure. This is gonna be quite the bombshell!!
Can't wait to see the appearance of Passion in ep 23!!!! I wanna know how Miki and Inori will react considering how they're not really close to Setsuna at all.
Also, off topic but the summer fits for Love, Miki, and Inori are so cute (*´∀`*)
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spectrumpulse · 2 years
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ancientbeast · 2 years
really loving how later eps of adventure time look so moebius-like
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chrisryanspeaks · 3 days
Justice Unveils Mesmerizing “Neverender” Video Ahead of Epic North American Tour
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Justice is back with a vengeance as they gear up for the North American leg of their highly anticipated Hyperdrama tour. Fresh off rave reviews, the French electronic duo has dropped a striking new video for their hit single, “Neverender (starring Tame Impala),” which continues its steady climb up the Alternative Radio charts. Directed by Masanobu Hiraoka and featuring creative minds like Kota Iguchi (Tokyo 2020 Olympics) and Armand Beraud, the video is a mesmerizing, phantasmagoric journey into the world of Hyperdrama. Its visual style blends the intricate elegance of Art Nouveau with the surreal, otherworldly charm of vintage Japanese anime, creating a feast for the eyes that feels both nostalgic and groundbreaking. Justice themselves describe the “Neverender” video as a fusion of their visual influences, channeled through Hiraoka’s unique lens. Drawing on the iconic title sequences of 1980s anime and their teenage obsessions with Moebius, psychedelic art, and graphic novels, the video feels like a kaleidoscope of past inspirations seamlessly woven together into something wholly new. It’s an animated world where reality bends, and Justice and Tame Impala navigate through a dreamscape as expansive and bold as the album that spawned it. In tandem with the video release, Justice also announced a Neverender Remixes EP, featuring two new edits of the track by the duo themselves, as well as reworks by Kaytranada and Keinemusik’s Rampa. The EP opens with the original version of “Neverender,” before diving into Justice’s radio edit and a hypnotic extended mix, offering alternate takes that highlight the song’s sonic allure. Kaytranada’s remix turns the track into a minimalist, spaced-out journey, rich with swung rhythms and blissed-out harmonies, while Rampa’s remix transforms it into a steady, uplifting groove, designed to keep listeners moving. As Justice prepares to embark on their biggest U.S. headlining tour to date, including a long-sold-out performance at the Hollywood Bowl, the excitement surrounding the duo’s new album Hyperdrama only intensifies. Having wowed audiences with a jaw-dropping live set at Coachella earlier this year, the band’s 18-month production process has paid off, drawing universal acclaim and a five-star review from Rolling Stone for their Glastonbury performance. Hyperdrama, their first album in eight years, showcases Justice’s evolution while staying true to their electronic roots. Featuring standout collaborations with the likes of Kevin Parker (Tame Impala), Thundercat, Miguel, and Connan Mockasin, the album is a sonic exploration that promises to resonate with longtime fans and newcomers alike. "Neverender" is just the beginning of what promises to be a triumphant new chapter for one of electronic music's most revered acts. https://youtu.be/E7FU_mqhFGk?si=uO0DGC1n42JzXT_1 Read the full article
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fulcrvm · 3 months
grabs you. did you watch scavengers reign 👁️👁️
i saw the first ep and half of ep two a week or so ago!! it's super super fun, i just haven't had much time recently to watch anything new lol. also it does historically take me up to a year to finish single seasons of shows, so it might be a while until i get to watch the rest :') love love love the art direction, its very reminiscent of moebius and nausicaä of the valley of the wind (which is funny bc those two things were also inspired by each other)!! i'll fall in love with any animation with a ligne claire art style very easily
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rockhyrax · 8 months
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Spectacle Radio ep.111 :: 02.15.24 :: A car needs hormones
Sergey Kuryokhin - Nemoj (Mister Designer, dir. Oleg Teptsov, 1987) Orbital - Concludiato (The Pentaverate) Victor Mate - Rosszkor szóltak rám (Memory of the Summer of ’74, dir. György Kovásznai, 1974) The Francies - Nightmare (dir. Al Columbia, 201X?) Yeule - Frozen Arrow (The Overture of Prototype, dir. 00 Zhang, 2023) Lydia Lunch & Clint Ruin - Stinkfist (Red Spirit Lake, dir. Charles Pinion, 1993) Nimrod Workman (Appalachian Journey, dir. Mike Dibb, Mark Kidel, & Alan Lomax, 1990) This Mortal Coil - Meniscus (Totally Fucked Up, dir. Greg Araki, 1993) The Time of Moulting (dir. Sabrina Mertens, 2020) Orbital - The Box (Untitled 2) (Wasted, dir. Aryan Kaganof, 2006) Al Columbia - Black Death and the Plague Dead Can Dance - Moon Child End Theme (dir. Agustí Villaronga, 1989) Dieter Moebius - Hoffnungsschimmer (Blue Moon, dir. Karsten Wichniarz, 1986) Jacques Higelin - Jolie Môme (Paprika, dir. Tinto Brass, 1991) … Thomas Brinkman - Olga (John and Jane, dir. Ashim Ahluwalia, 2005) Junk - Wildfire (Rave Macbeth, dir. Klaus Knoesel, 2001) Lliso & Suzo Saiz - El Arte de Morir (Álvaro Fernández Armero, 2000) Sergey Kuryokhin - Sorvalas (Mister Designer) Black Britain - Real Life (Hiding Out, dir. Bob Giraldi, 1987) Marianne Faithful - Broken English (Anybody’s Woman, dir. Bette Gordon, 1981) 808 State - In Yer Face (The Myth of the Liberal Media, dir. Sut Jhally, 1998) Jennifer Warnes - Nights Are Forever (The Twilight Zone) Veronika Fischer - Sehnsucht nach Wärme Chris Petke - Diablo (Rave Macbeth) Roberto de Simone & Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare - secondo coro delle lavandaie (La gatta Cenerentola, 1976) Denis Mpunga & Paul K. - Intermezzo II Pierre Desprats - Irrealta (Conann, Bertrand Mandico, 2023) Dieter Moebius - Kriminelle Energie (Blue Moon) Health - Blue Monday (Atomic Blonde) Alex McGowan - Guru Flute (Rave Macbeth) Otomo Yoshihide - Bath Cream 2 (Tokyo Elegy, dir. Aryan Kaganof, 1999) … Robert Ashley - The Park (Privacy Rules) (Perfect Lives, dir. John Sanborn, 1984) Piero Milesi & Daniel Bacalov - La Camera Astratta
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agendaculturaldelima · 8 months
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#FeriasyFestivales #SinMusicaNoExisto
💥 Disfruten de una delirante noche bailando hasta el amanecer con la música Darkwave, NewWave, EBM, Synthpop, Darkdisco, Rock 80s & 90s, Italo y Dance.🎉🥳🍻
👕 🎁🎊🎉 Feria / Expo Arte / Visuales: @magicbrownieskenny @edgarpoedemarionette @xickath13xic @motava.parfum @hazelsgarden.pe @hidromielancestro.
✔️ Degustación del Pisco por el dia del Pisco Sour
✔️ Premio al Mejor Outfit Dark/Fetish/ Gothic
✔️ Feria de Marcas independientes
✔️ 2 ambientes / Djs / Vinilos / clásicos y Vanguardia
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🎧🎹 Djs:
▶️ SALÓN 01: Ingreso, Barra & Feria:
👥 Rocio Industrial Delirium (Argentina) /  Linka / Fernando Arcos Darkothika /  JL Matias Kapvt (Vinil Session) / Hvgo Fventes (Vinil Session) / Iván Pacheco Lord Gotham (Dark Music Society) / Miguel Guerra (New Wave Transmission)
▶️ SALÓN 02: Oscure Dance Floor
👥 Odilon's Grip (Reino Unido) / Dj Darklands / Julián Discjektor / Diego Ep Electric Pony / Moebius / Seth Xanadu / Dj Asmodeus @Djdarklands @dj_discjektor
© Producción: Darklands y Fiesta Ritual
💪 Auspician: @vortex.rave @Nucleonx @Arte.misa.producciones @mundoxradio @Technooscure @limadenegro @darkmusicsociety @newwavetransmission @fiestafantasma
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📆 Sábado 03 de Febrero
🕙 10:00pm.
🏟 ArteMisa (Plaza Bolognesi 602 – Centro de Lima)
🎫 Entrada: S/.30
🖱 Reservas: https://www.passline.com/eventos/fiesta-ritual-odilons-grip-session
📱 Plin / Yape: https://wa.pe/fiesritual
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brookston · 8 months
Holidays 1.24
BCPB (Black & Can’t Play Basketball) Awareness Day
Bell Let’s Talk Day (Canada)
Bull Day (French Republic)
Change a Pet's Life Day
Colorist Appreciation Day
Economic Liberation Day (Togo)
Fiesta de Ekeko (Bolivia)
Foreign Intelligence Service Day (Ukraine)
Global Belly Laugh Day (at 1:24 pm local time)
Gold Rush Day
Heart to Heart Day
International Day of Education
International Day of the Endangered Lawyer
International Mobile Phone Recycling Day
Juan Pablo Duarte Day (Dominican Republic)
"Just Do It" Day
Macintosh Computer Day
Microwave Oven Day
Minimoog Day
Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day
National ALGS Awareness Day
National Compliment Day
National Girl Child Day (India)
National Heroes Day (Cayman Islands)
National Matthew Day
National Readathon Day
Paul Pitcher Day (UK)
Social Sipping and Nibbling Rehearsal Day
Square Dance Day [also 11.29]
Talk Like a Grizzled Prospector Day
Tax Ruled Unconstitutional Day
Tricknology Day
TV Game Show Day
Uttar Pradesh Day (India)
World Day for African and Afro-descendant Culture
Zaevion Dobson Day (Tennessee)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Beer Can Day (a.k.a. Beer Can Appreciation Day)
Eskimo Pie Day
National Hot Cereal Day
National Lobster Thermidor Day
National Peanut Butter Day
4th Wednesday in January
Library Shelfie Day [4th Wednesday]
Weedless Wednesday (Canada) [4th Wednesday]
Independence & Related Days
Ziua Unirii (Unification Day of the Romanian Principalities; Romania)
Festivals Beginning January 24, 2024
The Blues of Achilles: Homer Iliad [Annual Raglas Lecture] (San Diego, California)
Iowa Pork Congress (Des Moines, Iowa) [thru 1.25]
Sioux Falls Farm Show (Sioux Falls, Iowa) [thru 1.26]
Sustainable Foods Summit (San Francisco, California) [thru 1.25]
Temple Bar TradFest (Dublin, Ireland) [thru 1.28]
Feast Days
Alacitas (Aymara Indian Pot-Bellied God of Property; Everyday Wicca)
Babylas of Antioch (Christian; Martyr)
Cadoc Day (Wales)
Cat Sacrifice Day (Aix-En Province, France)
Ekeko Festival (God of Abundance; Bolivia) [Lasts 3 Weeks]
Exuperantius of Cingoli (Christian; Saint)
The Fairy-Four Paganalia (Shamanism)
Feast of Our Lady of Peace (Roman Catholic)
Feast of Seed-Time (Feati Sementini; Ancient Rome)
Felician of Foligno (Christian; Martyr)
Francis de Sales (Christian; Saint) [Journalists, Editors, Writers]
Gillis van Coninxloo (Artology)
Invent a God Day (Pastafarian)
John Belushi (Hedonism; Saint)
Jools Holland (Humanism)
Klaatu Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Konstantin Bogaevsky (Artology)
Macedonius of Syria (Christian; Saint)
Paganalia: Gaea’s Day (Celebration of the Country Farmer; Pagan)
Pendulum Dowsing to Find Lost Things (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
The Pendragon Legend, by Antal Szerb (Novel; 1934)
Pratulin Martyrs (Greek Catholic Church)
Robert Motherwell (Artology)
Sailing of Bast (Ancient Egypt)
Sementivae begins (Ancient Roman festival honoring Ceres (Goddess of Agriculture) and Tellus (Mother Earth)
Solomon (Positivist; Saint)
Stanley the Mouse (Muppetism)
Suranus of Umbria (Christian; Saint)
Timothy, disciple of St. Paul (Christian; Martyr)
Twrch Trwyth Day (Boar hunted by King Arthur; Celtic Book of Days)
Vasily Surikov (Artology)
Hebrew Calendar Holidays [Begins at Sundown]
Tu BiShvat [14-15 Shevat]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (���勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Alice Foils the Pirates (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
Amerika, by Franz Kafka (Novel; 1927)
Chicago (Film; 2003)
Clement Lorimer, by Angus Reach (Novel; 1848)
The Courier (Film; 2020)
Danse Macabre, by Camille Saint-Saëns (Tone Poem; 1874)
Farewell My Ugly or Knots to You (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 18; 1960)
Fierce Creatures (Film; 1997)
Go Ask Alice, by Beatrice Sparks (Novel; 1971)
Grand Hotel, by Vicki Baum (Novel; 1929)
The Grapes of Wrath (Film; 1940)
Hairless Hector (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1941)
A Hollywood Detour (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1942)
Ideas on the Aesthetics of Music, by Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubert (Essays; 1787)
Jirel of Joiry, by C.L. Moore (Novel; 1934)
Mickey’s Toontown (Disneyland Attraction; 1993)
Mouse-Placed Kitten (WB MM Cartoon; 1959)
My Chauffeur (Film; 1986)
The 19th Hole Club, featuring Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
Noah’s Outing, featuring Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
Pluto’s Playmate (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
Setting Free the Bears, by John Irving (Novel; 1968)
Shift: Third Shift — Pact, by Hugh Howey (Novel; 2013)
Skid Row, by Skid Row (Album; 1989)
Snake in the Gracias (Tijuana Toads Cartoon; 1971)
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (Film; 1948)
21, by Adele (Album; 2011)
Two for the Ripsaw or Goodbye Mr. Chips (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 17; 1960)
Waco (TV Mini-Series; 2018)
The Will to Meaning: Foundations and Applications of Logotherapy, by Viktor E. Frankl (Philosophy Book; 1969)
Today’s Name Days
Franz, Thurid, Vera (Austria)
Bogoslav, Felicijan, Franjo (Croatia)
Milena (Czech Republic)
Timotheus (Denmark)
Naima, Naimi (Estonia)
Senja (Finland)
François (France)
Bernd, Franz, Thurid, Vera (Germany)
Filon, Polyxene, Polyxeni, Xene, Xeni, Zosimas (Greece)
Timót (Hungary)
Francesco (Italy)
Eglons, Krišs, Ksenija (Latvia)
Artūras, Felicija, Gaivilė, Mažvydas, Šarūnas, Vilgaudas (Lithuania)
Jarl, Joar (Norway)
Chwalibóg, Felicja, Mirogniew, Rafaela, Rafał, Tymoteusz (Poland)
Xenia (Romania)
Timotej (Slovakia)
Francisco, Paz, Xenia (Spain)
Erika (Sweden)
Roxanna, Roxoliana (Ukraine)
Oral, Orel, Tim, Timmy, Timon, Timothy, Vera, Verena (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 24 of 2024; 342 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 4 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 4 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 14 (Ding-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 14 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 13 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 24 White; Threesday [24 of 30]
Julian: 11 January 2024
Moon: 99%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 24 Moses (1st Month) [Solomon]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 35 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 3 of 28)
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