#ep 1.4
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Every Outfit in The Gilded Age - Outfit 127 - Bertha Russell's outfit 15 - Season 1, Episodes 4 & 6
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cangelgifs · 2 years
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esamastation · 1 month
Some Magnus Archives fanfic ideas....
1, The Archivist was never a Beholding adjacent position - there's nothing about the Eye that demands it's servants to record their knowledge. Instead, the Archivist was an ancient, general purpose collector of fears, always meant to gather and immortalise them in stories. Jonah Magnus (like many avatars of many different Powers before him) just hijacked the concept for his own uses and now everyone assumes it's how things are supposed to be.
1.2, All Leitners are written by Archivists. After consuming enough stories about specific Fears, an Archivist has to get them out, expelling all the gathered fear and coagulating it into single point - traditionally, in books. Aka, unbeknownst to him, Jon's recordings work a little like Leitners.
1.3, Simon Fairchild is the only one old enough to remember a time when an Archivist had no special connecting to the Beholding.
1.4, A time travelling Jon resorts to drastic measures to make sure he can't be used for the Watcher's Crown again, and permanently mutes himself - and gains for his troubles an obsessive compulsion to write eldritch books.
2, Post ep. 200 Jon and Martin end up somewhere else - back in time, alternate reality, in another fandom, whatever. Jon is still the Archivist and he still has the urge to archive, to listen and to record. But knowing what they do now, both are of the opinion that using tape recorders is a Big No. Aka, Jon ends up using vinyl records instead (and thus courting the Spiral instead of the Web??)
3, Jon asks a very important question I really wished he had: why does Gerry, with all the experience and knowledge he has, get eye tattoos on all his joints? Do they do something? What do they do?? Which then leads Jon down a very different sort of path of Being Marked By Horrors. Aka, Jon starts getting magical tattoos to balance and counteract the various Dread Influences on his life. Aka, Tattooed Jon Being A Distraction To Everyone and Also Mucking Up Elias' Plans By Having A Closed Eye Tattooed On His Forehead Maybe???
3.2 Better yet, this becomes a Trend in the Archives and everyone outside the Archives comes to the conclusion that the place is ran by some sort of delinquent gang of tattooed hooligans. Tattooed Martin for the soul, anyone?
4, Jonah/Elias Sees everything there is to see and figures it all out long before Jon and Martin make it back to London. Total extinction of human race looms not in unfathomable distance but less than hundred years in the future, and it turns out that in absence of human free will, the Fears grow... quite boring and repetitive, really. Jonah wanted Immortality to See It All, and this... isn't it. So, time for a retry. Aka, Jonah time travel.
4.2, Jon, Martin and Jonah all end up back in time after episode 200, and immediately Jon and Martin scramble to stop Jonah - not realising that he's already changed his mind about the Watcher's Crown, and is, in his own way, on their side.
5, Mr. Spider's door is flung open and the Archivist stumbles out, right in front of traumatised little Jon Sims. Aka, Eldritch Eye Monster tries to raise his own younger self to make better decisions than he did and probably only makes things worse.
6. All the above.
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linnaealyn · 9 months
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Old mod page, abandoned 3/2/24; New mod page @ Godsibb
Finally, after 2 years of work, it is complete. -But still being updated.
There's a Japanese version of the mod now!
This is a mod for Xenogears using Retroarch's Beetle PSX HW core real-time texture replacement feature. (It requires the Vulkan driver, so make sure your graphics card supports that.) (Duckstation doesn't have a similar option, unfortunately.)
It replaces every single character dialogue portrait, menu portrait, & (almost every) battle portrait (looking at you, Yggdra officer Gear pilots) with high quality, cleaned up artwork, as well as recreated high quality UI while keeping it as close to the original game as possible.
And best thing about it is, if there's anything you don't like about it, like certain aspects of the UI, you can locate and delete that file from the folder. Everything is optional. (if you have any questions as to what's what, drop them into my dms)
Current version: 1.4
現在の日本語版: 1.4
(More screenshots below download info and UI changes.)
Being a real-time texture replacer, it should work with any English version of XG, both base-game and modded/patched. Any fan-translated patch using the US version as a base should display correctly.
There's a separate version for the Japanese version of the game. May need some editing still with other characters' UI ("Ether"/"Spells"/"Arcane"/etc) but for the most part its good to go in terms of battle UI. Let me know if you find any errors.
(I've been using it with the Perfect Works Build mod. Highly recommended!)
(Note!!: If you use PWB mod, don't use its "readjusted portraits" patch when patching your rom, as that patch interferes with this mod's portraits texture replacing.)
(It works on Steam Deck... but don't ask me for details in setting that up in particular, I don't own one 😅)
I recommend reading the instructions txt files I included in the DL.
This includes information such as how to set up .cue and .m3u files, swapping discs, renaming the texture folder, Retroarch settings and Beetle PSX HW Core settings to get the mod working, settings suggestions for making a cleaner looking and faster playing XG (YMMV), and settings to fix certain emulation issues Ive come across (freezing on fast-forward, crackling audio during 3D/effects-heavy cutscenes/gameplay, blank screen during Rico flashback, etc).
-Changes made to the UI include:
Menu UI:
selection triangle, Walk/Gear icons
menu portraits
▲ ■ ● ✖ button DeathBlow menu icons
ABXY button DeathBlow menu icon- alternate textures
Battle UI and on-foot specific battle UI:
Circular battle palette and tags behind text
Battle palette text, "Combo", "Return", "Enter", "Miss", "EP", & HP/DMG/heal/AP numbers
HP/AP bars
"Time", "fuel", "total damage", AP numbers, "1/2/3 point(s)", "cancel end"
battle portraits
▲ ■ ● ✖ button DeathBlow icons
ABXY button Deathblow icons- alternate textures
Bottom screen mid-DeathBlow ▲ ■ ✖ icons (unfortunately, there's no way to change the other mid-DB quadruple-button icons)
Combo 1-7 and Accept icons
In-Gear specific battle UI:
"fuel" and fuel numbers
"Fuel" (when using boost)
fuel bars (top and left)
All Gear status menus' green text/numbers
Attack level numbers and ∞
Gear menu backgrounds
Gear "power shut down", "camera damaged", "out of fuel", etc, statuses
background UI elements, runes, triple red triangles, Gear lock-on UI (unfortunately, there's no way to change the circular part of this UI)
Misc UI changes:
Red/grey spheres (in the menu and loading screen)
All instances of selection diamonds, both horizontal and vertical
Load/save screen "CARD 1"/"2" text, memory card icon, load/save bar/text
Disc 1 and 2 maps (with alternate color versions; makes the enterable area indicators harder to see though)
NESW compass letters (unfortunately, there's no way to change the circular compass texture)
-Screenshots (before & after and alts):
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And Japanese version's (日本語版) UI:
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⬇!!Spoilers in images further down!!⬇
I won't be showing all portraits here; only the ones worth mentioning.
Portraits created for the mod that have no artwork equivalent:
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Portraits to match their sprites vs official unedited artwork:
(default on left, alt on right)
Roni/Medena/Erich edited sprite equivalent vs their official PW art
Citan edited unsmiling (dialogue-only) sprite equivalent vs official smiling art)
Krelian(s) edited sprite equivalent vs official art
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Portrait alts created for fun:
Both sides of scar-eyed Bart
Two-eyed Bart
Kim lab coat with glasses
Fei-colored Id
Fei-colored Id with Id's yellow eyes
Fei-colored young & older Emeralda
(might add to this list later. have any suggestions? fun ideas? lmk. It doesn't have to be canon-compliant.)
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Screenshots of alt portraits in-use:
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I'll continue to update this and subsequently reblog it as new versions are released.
With any new updates, just DL and replace/overwrite the old folder.
In-progress tumblr post of the past as a bit of a time capsule for myself 😄
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curestardust · 3 months
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Version 1.4 EP - "The Prisoner In The Cave"
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viviskz · 4 months
✦ ִ 🐳 ⁔⁔ ۪ ⊹ ֗ ꫂ skzcode ep.1
[X] - editors comments
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▶ ₊˚.༄ OUTFIT
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▶ ₊˚.༄ INTRO
There were 9 families in the Kingdom of Stray Kids. Christark Greyleeknow Seortell Vivarryn Targarhyun Hanratheon Felly Minnister And Irell but only one of them can occupy the throne
the battle amongst the families will unfold on a snow field
Who will be seated on the throne?
The group is stood on a snow hill, holding flags of their respective skzoos, talking about who will be the king "Who makes noise in front of the King?" Changbin yells as the camera cuts to Hyunjin sitting on the throne, looking tired. [The thrones already taken] "Your disrespect will never be forgotten!" Vivian shouts. The members explode into chaos, yelling at each other about disrespect.
Changbin grabs the flag, running down the hill Untill a snow ball hits him directly in the head, knocking him over [Bullseye] "Sorry!" Vivian shouts from down the hill, falling to her knees and bowing [An apolgetic tiger]
I.n runs to the circle, shoving Hyunjin as he attempts to get the flag down, then Han slides in [3rd tackle] Vivian runs over, jumping on top of I.n [4th tackle]
Vivian slowly walks to the start line, pouting about having to do cardio, the editors add sad music in the background [*Sobbing*] Vivian bolts up the hill, nearly falling twice, and the members move to block the flag spot Vivian dodges snowballs and Chan, who runs towards her at full speed, and drops to the ground, shoving Han out of the way to put the flag down [Vivarynn Tiger 26.52 sec] "Thats too fast!" Changbin yells
Felix runs up the hill, and I.n immediately lays down on the circle, then Vivian piles on top of him [Pancake]
"To pledge alegence to the king, you need to kneel on one knee." Hyunjin and Minho immedietly sit down, and Vivian flops on the ground on her back [Splat]
Han starts doing pushups, only to be shut down by I.n "Don't do anything you don't do usually", Han stares, shocked I.n would say that "I do 250 push-ups even on holidays!" Vivian makes a face and says, "Hannie don't lie to stay!" Han wips around to stare at her, yelling back, "Hey! I'm not lying!"
Vivian sits on the sled, and pours out a little bit of the water She goes down the hill, and uses her feet to steer the sled away from the bumps [Genius] Vivian is smiling and laughing as she sleds, having the time of her life "How is she doing so well?" Seungmin asks and the sled slows to a stop [Vivian: 1.4 liters]
Vivian stands up, grabbing the sword "The first player, Vivarryn!" Vivian take the sword out and spins it, causing the rest of the members to yell "and the next player, uh.. Targarhyun!" [The king with a very hard name] The two start out with a slow motion duel, spinning around a swinging their swords [Anime battle] The game starts and Vivian finishes her spins before Hyunjin, running to grab the sword [Speed] Vivian rushes and falls near the sled, swinging the sword at the balloon, and breaks it first try "How?!" Hyunjin shouts, pouting about his loss as the other members laugh
Lee know and Vivian stand opposite eachother, glaring while holding their swords The intro battle is a slow motion fight, making sounds like they were fighting with lightsabers [Wrong type of sword fight] "We're not in Star Wars! Stop!" Hyunjin yells, making the other members start to join in When the game starts the two spin fast, both quickly rushing to grab the swords Vivian swiftly kicks Lee knows sword to the side, rushing to the sled [Cheater] "Hey!" Lee know yells, running after the discarded sword Vivian stumbles to the sled, stabing the ballon 3 times before in breaks [Winner]
I.n and Vivian start the game off by taping their swords together, making clanging sounds The game starts and I.n finishes spinning first, running for the sled Vivian desperatly sprints to the other sled, its a race of who can pop the balloon first [Stress] Vivian's ballon pops a second before I.n's, so she advances to the final round [Vivians flawless victory]
Felix unsheaths the sword, opening and closing it quckly Vivian pretends to collapse onto the ground, holding her chest [The king wins!] The game starts with Vivian and Felix spinning, then both running at the same time for the swords, Felix gets to the sled first, but accidentally sends the balloon flying [Ashamed] Vivian pops the balloon, making her the Queen
The camera cuts to Vivian sitting on the throne, as Changbin brings Felix over "Your highness I bring the traitor!" Felix sits on the ground, fake crying as the rest of the members laugh Vivian stares for a moment, then yells, "Off with his head!" [A cruel queen]
The video ends off with the boys chanting, "So gracious your highness!"
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fanaticsnail · 2 days
At this point, I'll make a "physics of One Piece" blog it could be fun.
I'm glad you like the physics, Snail. I'm currently working on Doflamingo's flying speed as seen in Ep 625 when he arrives at Punk Hazard. I was really surprised when I went to Doflamingo's page and saw there was no weight? So I went to calculate his BMI index for his height and yeah, he is perfect for cuddles.
Doflamingo’s Arm Length
Okay, I always wanted to know this. This isn’t my area of expertise bcs usually body proportions are for artists, but it’s fine. Okay, normal body proportion for arms for humans is 45% of their height. Since the proportions of Doflamingo’s body are different, his limb length will be different, too.
So, with 45% (normal) his arms would be 1.37m long. 
If his body proportions were normal, that is. Here are things with Oda’s proportions.
The legs are fucking long, and fckn thin. Actually, the thinnes is good, the less weight, the more you get the force into the kick and into running speed. This also means a lot of the character’s weight is on their torso. By logic, they should not be able to stand 🤣
Hands don’t end on thighs, but above the knee.
His hands, when by his sides, reach a bit lower than his thigh. Usually, your hand reaches right on your thigh, a bit below your trouser pockets. Doflamingo’s reaches lower than that.
With that in mind, we’ll follow Oda’s lead and exaggerate to figure out how long that arm is. We can make it as long as we want bcs it doesn’t influence his height at all.
1.5 m is a nice number.
Of Doflamingo’s.
Good luck running away from him. One wide-as-you-can running step width of a non-athletic, average human is 0.8 meters, 1.2m or 1.4 meters like when you STRETCH YOUR RUNNING FOOT AS FAR AS YOU CAN, not that small little jog. Small normal jog width is 4-8cm. 
Eight. Centimeters. 
Don’t even fckn try if you’re gonna do a little jog width step, just stay put at that point. So, even with maximum width a human is capable of, Doffy just extends his hand like it’s nothing and he’s got you. 
Now imagine, with both arms, that is literally 3 meters of his arms wrapped around you. (Sighs wistfully)
- physics anon
I would follow a physics of One Piece Blog. Absolutely I would. "He's perfect for cuddles." Excuse me:
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1.5m length of Doflamingo's arm. I am just taller than the length of one of his arms. Just one of them. I just want to scream. He's just 🤌.
To be caged in that embrace, I just want to:
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Yandere Doffy, running away from him as fast as your little legs can carry you, only to be scooped up like it's nothing 🫠.
You're panting, out of breath, exhausted, fatigued, and he's barely phased: tugging you beneath one of his arms and ready to take back to his room where he'll never let you get another opportunity to escape again. You're his. His. His special person. He's gonna trap you in that 3m cage like it's nothing, tugging you to him, pouting and whining in your neck like:
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I love you, physics anon. You're priceless and I am very much enjoying these thoughts!! AAAAAAAA
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sleeplesssmoll · 4 months
Version 1.4 EP - "The Prisoner In The Cave" | Reverse: 1999
Even the music functions as foreshadowing! Can you hear the similarities? If you know, you know.
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ivy-archive · 2 years
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I think the moment Alicent finally released she loved Rhaenyra in a romantic way was in ep 1.4, but the sad thing is there wasn’t a turning back for way they become at this time, they weren't the same anymore.
She has a different life now - a motherhood and a crown she never really wanted but she has to behold and she also sees Rhaenyra as someone she could no longer trust, what they had and what they could never had was something in the past and nothing could change that. But the love was there, and I think that made her angry.
I always see people talking about "how jealously she was" but NO! She was heartbroken!!!!!!
Alicent was heartbroken because Rhaenyra didn’t trust her anymore, and she could never trust Rhaenyra again. Alicent was angry because she lied to her and she started to release that in some way Rhaenyra could find ways to runaway from the duties she could never run from, and I personally think that this don't really made her jealous but made her heartbroken because maybe everything she wanted was her by her side, supporting her and helping her to find ways to runaway from that too, but she could never have that, maybe she couldn’t even release that.
I think this ep was the first time she released she could never really have love for her.
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Every Outfit in The Gilded Age - Outfit 51 - George Russell's outfit 5 - Season 1, Episodes 1, 4 & 6
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cangelgifs · 2 years
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Cordy when she finally gets to dress a man:
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plutowon · 2 years
slice of life
ep 1.4 #realmanjisung
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<prev | masterlist | next>
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wolves-etc · 1 year
thoughts on The Last Of Us episode two, roughly as it happens in the ep:
[thoughts on: 1.1 | X | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9]
— another episode, another mycologist! this professor is dignified and puzzled and it's such a strange change from the postapoc action of the previous episode. I'll be glad to see some blanks filled in though.
— the mounting tension and knowing fear in the examination scene is intense, and the actors are showing it brilliantly. there's a lot of discomfort, too, in the candid display of a corpse that still looks so whole and healthy - before the pandemic gets so bad that no-one can hope for a decent burial, back when it still raises serious questions to see someone with a bullethole in their forehead.
— the moment when someone who knows exactly how scared they should be loses their composure and gets the fuck out of there? that's the moment you know to be really afraid.
— she is just a professor - not military, not in a specialty (at least I think) that devotes as much thought to pandemics as others do, and she is scared. she's on a nice domestic sofa holding a teacup and saucer and she's visibly uncomfortable even thinking about what she knows.
— we already know how this is gonna go. it shouldn't be so affecting to learn that they've lost track of the first people infected. it probably should be so terrifying, actually, to see the people in charge admitting they're not on top of things.
— "bomb."
— yeah, that was a hell of a choice.
— "start bombing. bomb this city, and everyone in it."
— I'm looking over the scene again to get the quotes right, and paying more attention to the side characters 'cos @trivalentlinks mentioned enjoying them in this show, and gosh, yeah. these two are both so nakedly scared - the fear of someone who knows they can't do anything, and the fear of someone who has to anyway - and it's horrible.
— and I have to wonder. if they'd taken her advice sooner, could the pandemic have been prevented? how would she have been remembered, if they did? (how would the country have been judged by the rest of the world?) she's an expert and she's terrified and she's willing to doom a city, including herself and her family, to save the rest of the world, and it would be so easy for her to be framed as a monster.
— heavy stuff, folks. we're nine minutes in and my brain is humming.
— and her bravery, and her humanity, and her fear; and her request not to spend any more time explaining exactly why they're doomed but rather to let her spend her last hours with her family.
— cue gorgeous gross fungus growth intro. a bad time to be eating noodles and a worse time to realise that the camera's slowing down on something suddenly recognisable as a skull.
— I recognise the tests aren't quite the same, but this really seems like a crap world to have a stroke in.
— if we needed confirmation that joel didn't plan to punch that guard, here it is. how afraid and out of control must you be to fracture something in your own hand without stopping? how uncomfortable must that loss of control be for him?
— tess' move here, where she talks to ellie like an adult, is interesting. I've seen scenes like that before that felt like a threat, or like an adult refusing to take responsibility that they should - and this is both of those things, but it doesn't feel like it. it feels like a genuine attempt to get the information they need and give ellie the information she needs to make a good choice. but I don't know if that's just tess' strange brand of tricky honesty again.
— I do like it though. because the options are joel and tess being harsh and callous behind ellie's back, or it's joel and tess being harsh and callous and giving ellie a chance to know about it and help make their decisions. as much as she should be protected anyway.
— ellie's "if she so much as twitches..." "[strangled zombie sounds]" joke here is both very stupid and entirely justified
— "well it's the long way or the we're fucking dead way." "well I vote long way, just based on that limited information." oh tess and ellie are fun <3
— overgrown cities look so cool though.
— how weird must it be to climb over long-dead cars? they used to be something, a part of everyone's lives, and now they're just scenery. part of their old world still right there beside them but so far away.
— ellie: "so there aren't super-infected that explode spores on you?" tess, totally relaxed: "shit, I hope not."
— whoever decided that infected cry out, fox-like, in the distance, I salute you. there may also be a rude gesture involved.
— genuinely scarier that it was far away and just one cry, that they've been okay so far but they're still wary and still have to keep moving. I think they're not scared enough that that was a hunting cry. so it's just... a thing infected do, sometimes.
— oh. oh that's kind of a sad thought.
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— I am in love, I am enchanted with our frog friend, I actually happy-stimmed a little. nothing in this is going to beat piano frog friend for me.
— "you're a weird kid." "you're a weird kid."
— this very believable idea of a generation of kids who learned about things like hotels from books, the way I learned about boarding schools. it's sweet. it's strange.
— ellie stroppily taking joel's hand and letting it go quickly after; joel glancing down at it, bloody-knuckled still, slightly broken still - it's a contrast. there's so much angst in the hands and the things they do and are capable of.
— I don't know if ellie learned this kind of grown-up smalltalk from books too but I do love her attitude
— the writhing rippling bodies, holy shit
— THEY'RE A NETWORK. HOW LOVELY. sarcastically but also genuinely that's kind of lovely. and I dig that tess' explanation both shows that and takes the time to make sure ellie understands the danger.
— sidenote but I keep going oooh at tess' hair because it's so nice to actually see a woman going grey, it's really pretty
— joel please don't touch the cordyceps. yes this is good and useful information to have about the fungus drying up but it's also DEEPLY GROSS
— I really don't like the grown-ups not knowing what's up or what killed a dude
— I've seen the odd spoiler on here, right? mostly from the games. and I haven't heard of tess. I'm not sure she's gonna survive like I am about the other two. and that means I am at several times wondering if she's going to die here.
— I HATE THIS. I hate this a lot. at some point during this extended terror scene I had to pause to call my friend a bastard and also put socks on so my feet didn't feel as vulnerable. did I mention I'm bad with horror
— the "if you panic, they'll hear you, so don't panic" situation is fucking evil. I was previously unaware this could extend to "load your gun quietly or else you're dead."
— they're clicking. they're fucking clicking. they're blind and they're clicking I REALLY DON'T WANT THESE TO HAVE ECHOLOCATION. PLEASE.
— you know how shooting rabid animals in the head can aerosolise the infection. I wish I wasn't thinking about that.
— I looked up the tess-taping-her-ankle thing and found half the comments were ppl who were also puzzled and half were like "duh, she sprained her ankle, are you even paying attention?" so probably that's a genuine treatment for sprains I'd just never heard about.
— the almost desperate way she told joel to just take this win? yeah, I think she might not be okay.
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— joel checking his watch. the poor bastard. I think looking out over the city and talking to ellie felt a little too familiar there.
— tess hurrying into the building and dragging ellie in front of her? yeah, she's panicking. I do think she wants to get this done before she starts really showing symptoms.
— "I never ask you for anything, not to feel the way I felt-" fuck
— this feels like a lower ratio of infected to story than most zombie stories. they travelled an entire city, went to great pains to avoid them, encountered two, and two of their three people got bitten. it's an interesting change.
— "save who you can save." okay, this right there? tess knows him very well. 'cos that's been his strategy from the moment this started. and she's giving him that push, I think, so he can snap back into that mode and actually leave her there to die. or so he'd find it easier to do.
— this is fucking horrible.
— I have never been so scared of a faulty lighter. what's scary, what's really scary here? is the thought that she's going to die not on her own terms, that she's not going to be able to play the last card she has to play, that she's not going to die relatively quickly but would instead be ripped apart.
— ...or kept alive as part of the cordyceps network. I think that's what the "kiss" was about - the way the fungus always seems to sprout out of the mouth in the later stages, the proximity to the brain, her maybe being recognised as infected but not yet connected to the others, which is a thing the others can fix. it's a watsonian explanation, at least. it's horrible.
— but she gets to play the last card she has to play. made of steel, to the end. if I were wearing a hat I'd be taking it off.
— last time they had an encounter with infected, two of their three got bitten. they can't risk that happening again. not with the likelihood that joel's going to be even more protective now, with delivering ellie safely his only goal, and still his only way to get to tommy. they are going to have to be so careful. and that's going to be interesting to see.
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fixundertaleaucomic · 5 months
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sometimesrosy · 1 year
The 100 2023 rewatch ep 1.4
Murphy's Law
Man I wish Wells had survived. I wish we could have seen who he became. :(
The wall has been built. Good for them. Clarke is outside it in the growing graveyard, mourning Wells. Finn sneaks up on her telling her what to do. (shouldn't be out here) says the guy who spent another night exploring out in the woods. Oh he got her something did he?
And she's charmed by the art supplies. It makes her remember Wells who was trading his own stuff to give her supplies. NOW she starts blaming her mother. I mean, fine it's her mother's fault, but oh she realizes what she can do to make her "feel it." Vengeful child. And feel it she does. The first terminated signal in over a week. She is freaking out over Clarke maybe dying.
Meanwhile, Monty needed a working wristband for the comm signals. "Well be talking to the Ark by nightfall." Monty's such a sweety and so competent.
Look at those delinquents working hard building walls. Look at Murphy being a dick to the kid who stumbles. Look at Bellamy being dad bellamy and teasing little Charlotte. OMG WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU MURPHY??
I forgot he peed on that poor kid who wanted a water break. WHAT A DICK. How in the world did they redeem him. But they did.
O is leading Jasper out into the woods. And she gets grabbed. By one of the Johns. Then he trips and sees Wells' severed fingers. Hello Trauma capital T.
Dick Kane is tracking Abby and wanting to know why he's going to Mecha. She lies and says someone has strep. "We don't want another outbreak." And he backs off. She lies again saying she'll keep him informed. Mecha has Raven fixing the tincan. No pressure regulator and they can't ride in the shuttle.
The metal knife from the drop ship. The grounders didn't kill Wells, it was one of us. Bellamy points out there's more than one murderer in the camp. Ooooh. Bellamy and Clarke conflict. he wants the news quiet. Keep people afraid and they'll work for him. Fear of the grounders is building the wall. Don't even know who's knife that is.
OH really? JM. John Murphy. The people have a right to know. SHe goes RIGHT to Murphy and blames her for killing him. He of course denies it because he didn't. AND BELLAMY believes her. "I don't have to answer to anyone!"
Come again? Asks bellamy. And he says the knife and fingers were found together. Poor murphy. He really didn't do it. The kid he peed on wants him floated. "It's justice." She says revenge isn't justice. WOW that's a lot of delinquents jumping Murphy. O wanted to stop it. She was a lot less blood thirsty in season 1. I wish we coulda stuck with that.
Clarke is saying they can't string him up
Oooh. this is graphic. Clarke says Bellamy can stop this and the peed boy says Bellamy should do it. They start chanting his name. And Clarke says she saw him in the woods and she knows he's not a killer.
OMG they actually drop him. THat is awful. Awful. WOW>
HOLY SHIT. I forgot how HORRIBLE that was in the immediate reveal that Charlotte did it.
Horror on top of horror on top of horror. That's how this show dragged us in. We never had a chance to recover or even process one horror before finding another.
Meanwhile Bellamy REALLY does not want to do this, but he's going with the crowd. He's NOT in control, but he's afraid that if he stands against them he'll lose control.
Nigel's "little bird" needs a pressure regulator. What for? Regulating pressure. She says she has her mother's sense of humor. And she doesn't move machine parts. How bout some moonshine and herb. She tries to pimp Raven out to the chief of electrical. Her mother would have taken that deal. In fact, she did, many times. We forgot about Raven's history, didn't we.
"I was just trying to slay my demons, like you told me."
Little girl never learned about metaphors and symbolism. What that little girl could have used was a good ENGLISH TEACHER!!! That's right, an english teacher could have saved Wells. lol
Bellamy blames Clarke. If she didn't tell then those idiots would still be building the wall. Meanwhile he wants to save Charlotte the actual murderer. "Giving the people what they wanted."
Now Murphy is trying to get the delinquents to string up Charlotte. "It's okay to string me up for nothing but when this little bitch confesses, you wanna let her walk." And Murphy slams Bellamy and tries to get the girl. This is jam packed.
Clarke and Finn run off with Charlotte into the woods.
UH OH. The arc medical unit. There's a lot of kids not doing so well. Oxygen deprivation. Raven can't get the part. Nygel has the part, and Abby is going to take care of it. I actually always wanted to see Nygel on earth. She would have been GREAT as a villain. Trading morphine for a pressure regulator.
Charlotte tries to hold Clarke's hand and Clarke is MAD. "Clarke she's just a kid." "She's a killer. Look at me, you can't just kill someone to make yourself feel better."
Finn found a bunker for hiding.Art supply store. "I can't believe you kept this place quiet." Clarke agrees with me. Repurposing and sharing with the group. He bribes her with colored pencils. Jerk. They're using a shit ton of candles. Wasteful.
She thinks if she hadn't told none of this would've happened. Finn says she couldn't have known. "Bellamy knew."
Kane's mom Vera. It's funny whose names i remember. The magic earth tree. It's just a bonsai. Nygel tells Kane about Abby. She sucks. Great villain. He calls her a plague on the ship.Oops theres the morphine.
Clarke fell asleep on Finn's shoulder and she grins, she's got a crush on the worthless jackass. And Charlotte's gone.
Bellamy has found her. It's Charlotte hunting season. Bellamy is trying to help her. "I'm not your sister." She's got your number B.
"Listen to me Charlotte. I. Won't. Leave. You."
She calls for Murphy.
Raven and Abby fixing the shuttle as we wait for Kane to come. She finds out that Kane knows the morphine is gone. They're gonna be here in five and Raven needs 20. "Only one of us needs to get to the ground. 300 people will die if you don't." "They'll float you." "Then they'll float me."
Bellamy is carrying Charlotte over her shoulder before running into the cliff. Here comes murphy. He's ready to take a few of them with her. Clarke arrives. "This has gone too far."
Murphy grabs her and holds a knife to Clarke's throat. A trade for Charlotte. She wants to trade herself. She's feeling guilt. So she jumps over the cliff.
Bellarke's first lost child.
Now Murphy is like, "bellamy..." and bellamy is going to bet him to death. "he deserves to die."
"NO! We don't decide who lives or dies, not down here."
This is when they become partners. "We need rules."
"And who makes those rules? YOu?"
"For now WE make the rules. We banish him."
Bellamy is with her. Threatens him if he ever sees him in camp again. And says the other four can be with him or die with Murphy. THey choose Bellamy.
Finn is all emotional. And useless I might add.
Raven racing against the clock to regulate pressure. And Nygel gave her a bum part. Great villain. She sees a space suit. oh that will work.
Abby tells Kane that she's trying to save "all of us." He arrests her and continues the search for Raven Reyes WHO has just taken off in a rusted tincan. She floated HERSELF bitch.
Clarke and Bellamy speaking to the collected Delinquents and nodding to each other. Partners.
Monty has gotten the wristband working. Morse code. OH no. It fried every last wristband. Fried them all? Then how did they use the wristband in season 3??? Oh it might have been one of the ones the took off before.
Meanwhile O is rewarding "brave" Jasper with a kiss. He picked the wrong girl to have a crush on, I tell yah.
Oh UGH. Finn is destroying the bunker because "we're dead to them." we're not alone. YOURE Not alone. No it was Finn who kissed her not Clarke who kissed finn. Now they have their love scene. Meh. Short.
With his girlfriend Raven coming down AS they're doing it.
Rude. Honestly what a soapy mess. Clarke and Raven shoulda gotten together and left Finn out completely. Damn right.
Anyway. That's a jam packed episode. Very dramatic. High stakes. Life and death on the small scale with the delinquents and the large scale with the Ark.
The hanging scene was BRUTAL. Like it was really violent. And the Charlotte reveal was a gut punch. The acting has stepped up big time. (I still don't love O and Jasper, I never really did, but everyone else.)
Murphy is absolutely despicable in all conceivable ways. Clarke is desperate. Bellamy is floundering. Finn is just standing around doing nothing while Bellarke does it all... sorry, he's judging. He does that. Raven is a super star. Abby is determined. Kane has a stick up his butt but he honestly does think he's doing the right thing, although he's still a dick. Monty is a genius. Jasper is terrified. O is a lot kinder in this episode. She loses that later, too bad. We got a lot of worldbuilding for the Ark in this episode with the politics and blackmarket and health crises and Raven's backstory.
I'm actually really enjoying watching this show for story OUTSIDE of Bellarke. There's a lot that I've forgotten.
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jams-sims · 2 years
I do agree with some of the comments abput Ches drug use seems to be paced oddly. If im being realistic, the ep wpuld have needed 2 parts to pace out what was going through Ches mind and what lead him to turn to drugs. I can infer that it must not have been a heavy addiction that, it was him leaning on it because of sadness or because of his mother. It seemed more like a party drug where he took it to feel good and less because it was a crutch. That only if the narrative was that Ches drug use is a big deal. It seems like yes it was BUT that it wasnt worth spreading out. You kinda get the idea from story beats im the ep. Because drug user eps usually follow a certain type of formual and metal family seemed to cut those out whether they thought they didnt need it or the ep was taking to long as is. The beats within the eps are-
Beat one: Ches has addiction
Beat two: Addiction interfers with work
Beat three: Ches makes a promise to quit
Beat four: Conflict happens which makes the band split up because of Ches addiction
Beat Five: Ches over comes his addiction
Beats of the story that are missing.
Beat 1.1: Addiction gets worse
Beat 1.2: Ches Break the promise to quit
Beat 1.3: Ches spiral after the reveal of his mothers death which make leads to him over coming his addiction because of his own mother addiction and leading to her overdosing.
Beat 1.4: Recovery
Trying to hit the extra 4 beats that adds to the tragic tone of addiction and drug use would have been grear but you still get the idea of what they were going for without them.
On the whole ass other end, Rita was the name of Ches anut which furthers my headcanom that he is mixed race. And some how I came out with an asexual Glam headcanon as well like damn this ep was feeding me.
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