#envy is just the group little sister
floofle-universe · 3 months
could you draw Envy with Ennui?
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The sillies!!
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vhagarys · 28 days
Issa Ānogar {My Blood}
pt. 1
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targaryen!siblings x reader, brother!aemond x reader, brother!aegon x reader, sister!helaena x reader
summary: drunken words are sober thoughts. you confess your desire for your siblings and come to find such affections are more than reciprocated.
warnings: canon-typical incest, brother x sister, slight voyeurism, eventual smut, groping, horny reader!, sexual harassment, possessive!targ!siblings
The queen dowager requested her children along with some of the Hightower’s closest allies to join in a banquet to celebrate their victory over team black.
Rows and rows of the finest meats and cheese, as well as decadent cakes and pastries were prepared. Servants floated around the room with goblets of wine and small delicacies.
Much to their displeasure, Aegon, Aemond, and Helaena arrived and greeted their mother.
Their mother excused herself from the small group of riverlords and kissed each of her children.
“You all are dressed nicely, where may i ask is your sister?” Alicent questioned.
Immediately, they turned to scan the room in search of you, their little sister usually always punctual with such events.
“Perhaps she’s still in her chambers dressing? she did ride on dragonback this morning,” Helaena offered.
Aegon scoffed, “I believe sister had the right idea in not attending such a mundane affair. I’ve no desire to sip wine with these leeches of the crown”.
Alicent gave her son a disapproving look. “Your presence is required at this ‘mundane affair” my king. I’m sure helping yourself to the refreshments won’t prove too burdensome.” With that, she began to venture back into the crowd to greet their guests.
Meanwhile, you had just returned from a visit with some friends of yours.
What started off as a quaint lunch in the garden, soon turned south as the wine began to flow. It was as if your glass would magically refill itself as soon as you emptied it.
Now, you were positively intoxicated. You were escorted back to your chambers, although proved quite the challenge as you made a point to run and hide from the guards.
Everyone in this blessed castle have sticks up their arse, you rolled your eyes.
After arriving to your chambers, your servants immediately approached you. “Princess Y/N, you’re supposed to be at the banquet your mother is hosting,” one of them clicked their tongue disapprovingly.
You turned to her and pulled her into an embrace and pulled away to gaze upon her face.
“You have the most lovely eyes i’ve ever seen,” you lightly squeezed her cheek.
“W-why thank you my lady. now which dress do you wish to wear tonight?” She went to grab a modest green gown. dull, drab, with its neckline reaching up over your collarbones.
“The queen dowager requests you wear this tonight princess, I believe you’ll look positively beautiful.”
Scanning over the dress, you shook your head in disapproval, marching towards your dresser.
“That will just not do. i am a woman grown and should be dressed as such,” your hazy mind drifted, and an idea soon popped into your head.
You always envied the dresses made for your older sister Helaena, crafted to show off her womanly figure and all her newly presented curves.
Stumbling towards the door, you offered no more than a quick, “one moment!” and dashed down the hall to your sisters chambers.
Rummaging through her closet, your eyes met the perfect dress for tonights affairs.
A rich, emerald gown with a plunging neckline, adorned with a thin belt around the waist area made of small golden coins. There were specks of gold on the sleeves and the back of the dress dipped down to your hips.
Clutching the dress in hand, you all but threw the dress in the air toward your servants.
“This will suffice”, you were giddy with the notion you’d finally a how off your womanly figure.
It was tiresome upkeeping the virtuous position of the youngest targaryen daughter. You’d grown tired of people treating you as if you were a fragile doll on the verge of cracking.
As a women of ten and 9, you wished for people to look at you with the desire and lust they did for other ladies of court.
Before your servants had time to properly fix your hair, you ducked under their busying hands and and out the door.
The copious amount of wine buzzed through your veins. Any thoughts of prudishness or doubt drowned with each sip.
With a small nod, the guards at the door opened the doors to the banquet, you could barely hide the satisfied grin etched on your face.
As you made your way into the hall, voices seized and heads swiveled to gaze at the culprit to arrive at such tardy hour.
Your newfound confidence allowed you to meet their gazes and grin at their stunned faces as you walk threw the crowds of lords and ladies.
At the sound of the door opening, your siblings turned to see you waltzing in, a bit clumsily to say the least.
The three of them were fixated on their dear sister, noting the stark contrast in her usual attire. They scanned over your exposed breasts and back, the dress leaving little to their imagination as it clung to every crevice of your body.
Aemond tried his best to remain composed as he watched you make your way around to all the lords in attendance, fluttering your eyelashes and reaching out to greet them.
“Well well, our sister sure knows how to make an entrance.” Aegon admired the way your breasts practically spilled out of your dress. He felt his pants tighten and reached down to adjust himself.
“I believe our sister borrowed one of my gowns this evening,” Helaena chuckled. She couldn’t help but admire you, she always held such a fondness for you that was beyond sisterly affection.
It was quite common for the pair of you to change in front of each other, sometimes even bathe together. She knew her eyes always lingered a bit too long on your bare form.
Sometimes she would fantasize of her mouth between your legs, indulging in the taste of your juicy cunt like a man starved.
The siblings were broken out of their train of thought when your voice broke through the conversations being made.
You climbed up to the top of the steps at the royals table and cleared your throat.
“A toast!” you declared with a shit eating grin. You turned to look at your brother, the king adorning his valyrian steel crown.
You bowed, knowing you gave him the perfect view of your breasts and smirked, “to my brother, king Aegon, for his bravery on the battlefield and for leading us to victory!”
Aegon shamelessly bit his lip and matched your smirk, “Anything for family dōna haedar (sweet sister).
You then turned to Aemond, excited at the prospect of making your older brother blush.
“To my brother Aemond, who fearlessly rode his dragon vhagar and defeated our enemies in the sky!”
You took a sip of your wine as Aemond shifted in his seat and cleared his throat, nodding at you quickly before looking down at his plate.
You then turned and stalked toward your elder sister, confusion evident on her face as you stood in front of her.
You stared into her eyes, “ to my dear sister Helaena, for protecting me from harm whilst the battle raged on. For keeping me company during the day and in the nights when i couldn’t sleep,” Helaena sat impeccably still as you bent down and kissed her on the cheek. A pink hue immediately consuming her face as she stared back at you.
Your mother and Otto exchanged a glance, baffled by your odd behavior.
You nearly tripped as you climbed up to stand on the table and face the crowd. “Let us drain our cups to celebrate our newfound freedom. Kostagon īlva ērinnon maghagon zūgagon isse lī qilōni nykeōragon gōvilagon īlva,” a few drops spilled down you chin as you drained the last of your wine. (May our victory bring fear in those who stand against us).
The crowd applaused and lifted their cups to meet your toast, your mother urging the guards to remove you from such a compromising predicament.
Suddenly, a presence behind scooped you up under your knees, making you yelp in suprise.
“How much have you drunk sister?” Aemond murmured in your ear as he brought you back to the royal table.
Aegon couldn’t contain his laugh at his sisters outburst.
You wound your arms tightly around Aemond’s neck as he attempted to set you down.
Finally, you conceded and plopped into your chair next to your king brother.
“Little sister, you are too far gone,” Aegon tucked a piece of your silver hair behind your ear.
Reveling in the attention, you giggled, “ Whatever do you mean, dear brother. i am just delighted with our families victory!” You proceeded to gulp down the goblet of wine in front of you and pop a lemon cake into your mouth.
“Perhaps you should retire for the night sister, until you’re clear of mind,” Helaena suggested. her hand absentmindedly reached out for yours.
You looked at her for a moment, before a mischievous smile grew on your face.
“Mandia, do you like my gown?” you asked, hoping she knew where you procured it from. (older sister)
Helaena lightly chuckled, “MY gown looks even better on you, you look beautiful.”
You turned to your king brother, “What do you think, lekia? does it look nice on me?” (brother) you had taken the time while speaking to Helaena to slightly pull down the bodice of your dress, leaving your cleavage even more on display.
“Ravishing, I’d be wise to command all the lords here to steer clear of you. Wouldn’t want my dear sister caught up in these men’s affections-” he shamelessly stared down at your breasts and pursed his lips. “could we, hm?”
You could just make out the darkening in your brothers eyes, and when you turned to Aemond you could see him wearing a similar expression.
“Oh brother, you needn’t worry about other suitors”, your eyes twinkled as the wine coursed through your veins.
You slowly leaned over to whisper in his ear, “Because i only want the three of you,” you boldly kissed the outside the kings ear.
Helaena and Aemond were frozen at their sisters revelation. you pouted, “You do not want me? I thought we were meant to have each other, body and soul?”
The words tumbled out of you mouth without a second thought, “It’s family tradition to claim each other, is it not? I’ve preserved my maidenhood just for you issa ānogar” (my blood)
You leaned in once more to daringly grip Aemond’s cock through his riding leathers. “I can feel your desire for me lekia, do you deny it?,” you pouted.
aemond promptly gripped your arm and yanked your hand away.
“Sister, there are prying eyes everywhere,” he hissed as he look at you disapprovingly.
The taste of rejection settled on your tongue. You couldn’t see the turmoil coursing through your siblings, all three so close to admitting their shared desires for you.
You huffed and pushed out your chair. “I suppose, then, i shall have to find a suitable lord to satisfy my needs. I’m sure any man here will delight in claiming my innocence, filling me with their seed. perhaps lord strong-“
Aemond forced you back into your chair and loomed over you, gripping your face just hard enough to silence you.
“Nyke dōrī knew īlva mandia istan mirrī līve,” he chuckled cruelly. (I never knew our baby sister was such a little whore).
His eyes traveled down to your exposed breasts and softly hummed.
Your eyes widened at the filthy words.
Knowing no one else at the table could understand them, Aegon added, “Skorkydoso bē nyke obūljagon ao toliot bisa qurdon se leghagon ao rūsīr issa nūmo, ao raqagon bona?” (how about i bend you over this table and fill you with my seed, would you like that?). Your small clothes began to dampen with arousal.
To onlookers, it simply appeared as your brothers doting on you, as Aegon lightly traced circles on the small of your back.
Helaena’s eyes began to cloud with lust as she saw her brothers words effect on you. You rubbed your legs together at your brothers depraved words.
“Please”, was all you could muster as you looked over at your sister. Here you were, doe eyes begging her siblings to defile, corrupt as they please.
Soon, she leaned over and whispered in your ear, “Gūrogon aōla se jikagon naejot aōha”. (excuse yourself and go to your chambers).
Your mind was hazy with desire for your siblings, fantasizing about this day for years. A part of you knew you would end up with them, as it was Targaryen tradition. The wanton lust you carried for each of them only the cherry on top.
Scanning the room, you spotted your mother and beelined over to her.
“Dear mother, i’m afraid i need to retire to my chambers. I feel i need to lie down” your mother caressed your face.
“Have you fallen ill, dear? Your cheeks are quite flushed.”
You could feel their gaze on you. Stumbling over your words, you chuckled nervously, “I-I think I outdid myself with the refreshments”.
Your mother clicker her tongue critically, “You certainly made a spectacle of yourself tonight. I hope you’ve learned from this.” you nodded.
With a final scan over your form, Alicent bid you good night and kissed your forehead.
Your mind swirled with the possibilities of what they would do to you. You felt slick running down your legs at the unspoken promise in your sisters words. Soon, i will have them.
The door was in your sights as a hand reached out to stop you in your tracks.
“I must say, princess you look absolutely divine this evening,” lord Bronn Lannister brought your hand to his lips and smiled at you.
You could smell the wine on his breath, just as he probably could with you. You took a slight step back and curtsied, “You are most kind, my lord. if you’ll excuse me-”
“And where could such a lovely lady be running off to, the party is far from over,” he yanked you back into his space. He twirled a lock of your hair between his fingers, pressing himself disgustingly close.
“If you are in need of entertaining, I’d be happy to oblige,” his eyes shamelessly raking over your form.
Bile began to rise at your throat. The panic at his bold behavior surged through you, and you tried to pull away to no avail.
“Let me go, you’re hurting me-”
“Quite the gentleman, lord lannister. you’ve certainly outdone yourself tonight. Do you have such little regard for your life that you’d dare touch the princess?” your brother Aemond yanked him back by his collar.
A hand from behind slithered up to squeeze his shoulders. “I could have your hand chopped off for laying a hand on my sister. even better, i could have you hanged at this very party,” Aegon whispered behind him, delighting in watching lord lannisters skin crawl.
“Forgive me, my king. I-I meant no offense-“
“It’s not them you should be apologizing too,” your older sister pulled you into her embrace. You buried your face in your neck to calm yourself, overwhelmed with what had just transpired.
“Sister, he frightened me,” you whimpered into her neck, her hand reaching up to stroke at your hair.
Aegon and Aemond fumed at seeing their sister in such distress.
“sir criston!” Aegon roared, “Perhaps Lord Lannister needs a refresher in banquet etiquette. why don’t you escort him down to a cell,” he took one of the lannisters cheeks in his hand and smiled sinisterly. Then, he wound his arm back and struck him with such force his stumbled to the ground.
The crowd stilled as the scene unfolded. Lord lannister was then unceremoniously dragged through the doors and down towards the cells.
Aemond once again took you in his arms and walked out of the banquet hall. As you did earlier that night evening, you tightly wound your arms around his neck for fear of losing him.
The three of you silently walked back to your chambers, Aemond keeping you his arms as he sat you both on the bed.
After a few minutes of silence, you mustered, “K am sorry for my outburst and the events that followed. I admit i have had my share of wine tonight, i just wanted to-“
Aegon took your chin in his hand and stared deeply into your eyes, “Dear sister, you have no reason to apologize. I will have that cunts throat for putting his dirty hands on you.”
The idea of your brother executing lord lannister made a bolt of desire spark through you. Knowing your brother possessed such power and would wield it to protect you made you rub your thighs. Aemond felt every ounce of it.
A yawn soon broke the silence. Aemond began to lay you back on your bed until you softly whined, “Brother i cannot sleep in such a contraption, can you unlace the corset?”
He was surprisingly deft at weaving through the bindings of your dress. Soon, you were left in a small cream colored shift, leaving nothing to the imagination.
Helaena tried not to stare, although proved futile as you reached over to kiss her on the cheek. “Sister, you look very beautiful tonight as well. the gods have blessed me with such a ravishing sister ,” the last bit of wine in you spoke as you pulled the shift over your head, leaving you bare for your siblings.
Aegon shamelessly looked over your body. He saw the way your nipples perked from the breeze, He had to contain his groan.
Moving down past your perfectly sculpted birthing hips, he ogled at his sisters plump, juicy cunt. Oh, how easy it would be to spread your thighs have a taste.
Perhaps he’d indulge in your cunt whilst you slept the wine away. He knew he could bring you to peak on his tongue, even in sleep.
Knowing you were on the brink of sleep, Aemond refrained from lingering on your form too long. Already feeling the effect of seeing your naked body in his riding leathers, he reached for the blanket to cover you.
Your head hit the pillows. and as your mind was pulled closer to the realm of sleep, you muttered, “I do want you, all three of you. issa ānogar.” (my blood)
A subtle glance was exchanged between the three of them before Helaena kissed you sweetly on the forehead. “Sleep well little sister.”
The doors to your chambers closed behind them and Aegon chucked,” How am i to sleep when our sister practically begged for me to spear my cock inside her”.
“Hush,” Aemond hissed, knowing there were likely guards lurking about.
“We will speak of this on the morrow. perhaps it was only the wine talking, she seemed quite out her wits,” Helaena suggested with the slightest tone of disappointment.
“She wants it. She craves it,” Aegon made to walk back into your chambers. Aemond snorted and abruptly stopped him with a shove to the chest.
At the sound of steps drawing closer, the three of them separated to their respective chambers.
The ache between your legs only worsened as the night grew later. You were enraptured in the most depraved of dreams. Imagery of your brothers impaling you on their cocks and filling you to the brim with their seed, all while getting lost in the taste of your sister’s cunt swirled through your mind.
You would soon wake with an inescapable hunger that only they could satiate.
— PART 2
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i hope you enjoyed! planning on doing a part two so comment if you’d like to be added to the tag list! ♥︎
- alice 𓆩𓆪
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chuluoyi · 11 months
Could you do a brother’s best friend!Megumi x reader?
like her brother being overprotective, but being oblivious of his best friend’s crush on her sister?
(not the) best kept secret
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- fushiguro megumi x reader
cool, brooding and handsome. your crush on your brother's best friend is a secret you only keep to yourself. little do you know, he too feels the same. and so, your love story—and the trials and tribulations that come with it—begins.
genre/warnings: college au, reader being yuji's little sister and him and your family being protective, fluff, mutual pining, tiny weeny angst if you squint? with happy ending ofc!
notes: awww anon, this ask is so cute and so hidden love-coded! did you watch hidden love too? because this piece draws inspiration from that ehe. and uh it turned out longer than i expected and i haven't proofread it but pls enjoy!
general masterlist
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You have had a crush on your brother’s best friend, Megumi, for a while now.
Actually, scratch that. For a long time now, since you were in middle school, in fact.
In your eyes, he was really cool. He was reserved and not very talkative, which was a stark contrast to your brother Yuji, who could talk a mile a minute every day. It always baffled you why the two could be bosom friends.
And he treated you well. Megumi may have bonked Yuji’s head at any given chance, but with you, he was different. He was gentler, kinder, and overall just considerate. Sometimes he would even pick you up in your brother’s place, and your heart would beat out of your chest from sheer giddiness.
Little did you know, he too didn’t quite see you as a mere sister of his friend.
It started with head pats. You heart would flutter and he would be more conscious of his actions. Yuji had furrowed an righteous eyebrow at the sight.
“Oi, Fushiguro, that’s some favoritism there!” he whined. “I helped you with homework and what did I get—”
“Shut up, Itadori.”
And then the text messages. You didn’t know how or why you ended up texting him on daily basis. He was the one who texted you first a few months ago, having obtained your number from a mutual friend in your circle to ask about the best gift for Yuji’s birthday. And somehow up until now, you found yourselves telling him how your day went, and he the same.
you: i've just finished my class today. so tired megumi: oh? mine is still in session. quite boring you: i see. well, ganbatte!
Those little interactions made your day, and for now, you were quite satisfied with them. But when your phone buzzed once again, signaling a new text, you couldn't resist the urge to swiftly open the messaging app to expect the expected.
megumi: wanna grab lunch later?
It was so incredibly childish, but you felt like winning.
Lunch invitations were often. You spent the whole duration of lunch with him almost every day at this point. The two of you talked about many mundane things, and he would have this small smile whenever you griped about your hard tests or annoying classmates.
Head pats. Texts. Lunches.
And then there was Nobara.
Now, don't get me wrong. You adored her—she was a fun person, pretty and you even looked up to her as your role model at some point. If Yuji somehow ended up with her, you were sure to give them 200% of your blessings.
But seeing her with Megumi was another story. Sometimes you envied your brother's close knit group of three. They had been friends since middle school, and it was granted that Nobara would spend a whole load of time with both your brother and Megumi. With Yuji, she was harsher and didn't take him seriously, but you couldn't deny what your peers had been whispering and what you yourself found very plausible—she and Megumi would make a fine match.
It wasn't your intention at all, but ever since you saw him and Nobara at the toy shop together, pulling for popular merchandises in gacha box, you started losing confidence in yourself and inadvertently put this distance between you and him.
At first it was subtle, Megumi didn't even realize it. But when your replies were few and far in between, he decided it was time to address the problem.
"You don't answer my texts," he stated one day, barely catching you at campus during the lunchtime. Now that he thought about it, you kept denying his lunch invitations too. "Are you avoiding me?"
"I, um," you stuttered. You didn't anticipate running into him, to be honest, and so you were at loss of words. "It isn't like that..."
Megumi figured that he had done something to make you feel like you should avoid him, but he didn't want the two of you to be in this awkward situation any longer, so he led you away from the crowd to your usual place of hanging out after lunch—the rooftop.
"Have I done something?" he asked warily. "It's okay, you can tell me."
"No, Megumi, I—"
"I don't want us to be like—this," Megumi said, his face contorting with a deep frown. "I don't like it at all."
Typically, he regarded friendships as a pain, but not with you. Not with the girl he had been pining over for who knows how long now.
Yuji's sister. He had to remind himself of that fact so many times and yet his heart didn't seem to get it. You were his best friend's dearest sister, and yet he fell for you regardless. If Yuji knew, he would definitely had some opinions on this.
And so for the last few months, he kept it hidden under his sleeves. He approached you, befriended you, took you out on lunch dates—acting on his growing feelings for you and yet he didn't have the courage to confess still.
But enough was enough. If not confessing meant losing you altogether, then he was willing to take the risk. At the very least, if you did reject him, he would have gone down with a fight.
"Y/N, I don't know if you're already aware of this or not, but..." he gulped. Apparently this wasn't as easy as he thought, especially when you met his gaze with your cutely confused ones.
"I have feelings for you. I... like you, quite much."
His voice was clear, without any hint of doubt. You were taken aback and widened your eyes out of surprise.
"You do...?" you shyly asked him back, finding it hard to believe. Fushiguro Megumi, the boy you've been crushing on since you were 15, when you were only able to hide behind Yuji and saw him from afar. The boy who once was indifferent to you, was now confessing his feelings for you? He liked you back in the same way you liked him?
"I do," he replied with clarity, and then a smile. That small smile that always made your insides do somersaults. "I want to ask you out for a while now, but since well... you know... out of consideration for your brother, I felt like I couldn't simply whisk you away."
To his surprise, you laughed, and Megumi found himself breathless. The way you laugh was so mesmerizing in his eyes, reminding him why he could fall in love with you in the first place.
"I like you too, Megumi."
And that was all he needed. Apparently that confirmation was enough to forget that you were the sister of his long-time friend, and that it was fine even if you were. After all, since when was it a crime to romance your best friend's sister?
Still, you two decided to keep it under the wraps first. Springing this on Yuji would startle him, you reasoned, and he agreed. It was more convenient this way anyways.
Your relationship with Megumi was a happy one. He was curt, but never failed to look out for you. He remembered things you liked, and would take you out on places you wanted to go. Arguments were there—granted, sometimes he was just too stubborn, so you may have a clash of opinions—but in the end, the two of you always managed to work it out.
But there was always something melancholic in Megumi that you weren't sure you could touch at all. Perhaps it was due to his upbringing—his incomplete family. You tried to fill that gap, giving him many fun and happy memories, hoping it would replace his sad ones. He was grateful for that.
Nonetheless, the reality persisted that your brother, Yuji, remained completely oblivious to all of this. Yuji still thought that you were his innocent younger sister, and Megumi was his best bro. Sometimes you felt bad to do all this behind his back, and yet you made no move to rectify it.
“Hey, let’s ask Fushiguro to join too!” Yuji would say, and you would agree. And then, in front of him, you and Megumi would refrain from being too friendly, and he would be none the wiser.
All things have karma. You have built your karma too, for deceiving your kind and sweet brother.
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"Fushiguro! How could you?!"
When Yuji's fist collided with his jaw, honestly Megumi had given up on fighting back, because one, there was no chance of winning against him, and two, your scream pierced the air, filled with worry for him.
You two just had to be found out in the worst way possible—while making out. It was wrong in so many levels in the first place. Why and how did you even initiate making out in your house that you shared with your brother?
"It could've been anyone," Yuji fumed with anger, his teeth clenching. "Anyone at all! And yet it has to be Y/N—my own sister! Fushiguro, have you ever considered the magnitude of betrayal this is to me?"
"Yuji! Please stop!" you tried to intervene. "He's not at wrong—it was me who—"
"No, you don't get any say in this!" for the first time, you saw your kind brother got angry and it made you quiver in fear. Yuji had never been angry, not to you. "You too, Y/N. How could do this behind my back? The least you could do is telling me!"
"I'm an adult!" you stressed, now irritated at this display of protectiveness from him. "I can date whoever I want and you can't just punch the man who happens to be my boyfriend!"
Honestly, if asked, Yuji wasn’t like 100% against your relationship with Megumi. He and Megumi practically grew up together, he knew the best and worst parts of him, and overall he still considered him decent.
But what made it hurt was that the two of you decided to leave him out. It made him doubt everything he knew about his best friend. How could he trust his sister to someone he found hard to trust?
He turned to Megumi, who was still slumped on the floors of his garage. “No. If he really likes you that much, then he will willingly accept this.”
Megumi understood, if his own sister was dating… let’s say, someone like Gojo, whom he trusted but not at the same time, he too would definitely beat the crap out of him.
And so he willingly endured all the blows. Yuji had to let off steam, and this pain was worth everything if it meant he would give his blessing for you.
Yuji was taken aback that his friend actually let him do this. When Megumi got thrown one last time and almost passed out, Yuji finally decided that it was the end.
His best friend and his sister… it was almost laughable if he didn’t feel like the biggest fool between the two of you.
He saw how you immediately sauntered towards him with tears in your eyes, muttering several apologies. Yuji wanted to snort, but then Megumi took a hold of your hand that was on his bruised cheek, and smiled, saying that it was okay.
And despite himself, his heart felt warm. Seeing the usual gruff and cold Megumi be this… soft with you seemed to open his eyes to something more.
Looking back, he could’ve had realized it when Megumi started to get touchy with you. He completely missed that the head pats were actually his subtle way of expressing his fondness for you.
Yuji decided to leave you be. At least he had made his point across, and he hated to say it outright, but perhaps, it was okay after all for you to be with him.
Okay didn’t mean you two had obtained his full blessing, though. But another event soon changed his perspective.
“Itadori,” Megumi’s ragged breaths was what he registered first through the sudden phone call. “Please come here—Y/N—she was—”
It was Yuji’s first time to witness pure panic from Megumi. He proceeded to tell him how you had been in pain and then collapsed, and that he had brought you to the hospital.
When Yuji arrived at the hospital, he once again saw how restless his friend was over your wellbeing. He could no longer deny it—the sight moved him.
“Hey, you awake?” Megumi’s face was the first you saw when you awoke at the hospital bed. He looked so concerned, a frown creased deep in his face. “Are you not in pain anymore?”
No, not quite much anymore, you wanted to say, but your throat felt so dry and you only managed to shake your head lightly.
“That’s good,” he let out a relieved sigh, and that was when you notice your brother at the corner of the room, looking at you two with a somewhat exasperated expression, but then he smiled.
Who knew a severe case of appendicitis would lead to Yuji giving his complete approval for you to date his best friend, huh?
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But life is nothing if not full of obstacles. The next obstacle you faced after Yuji’s finding out was your parents.
“Look Y/N, we know. Megumi is a good guy,” you mother started. “We've known him for a long time, of course, personality-wise, we have nothing against him.”
You bit your lower lip in frustration. Beside you at the dinner table, Yuji kept his silence, but listened attentively too.
“It’s just… the matters of his family,” your father added, carefully choosing his words.
“His father is never in the picture, is he? And there are also rather unsettling news about him too.” Your mother was always the one being more straightforward.
Both you and Yuji knew it already. As of now, Megumi only had his stepsister, and last you heard, his father was gambling somewhere and then became a convict. Megumi said he had cut ties with him, but there was no such thing as an ex-father. Until forevermore, Fushiguro Toji, a criminal, was his biological father.
“Mom, I know your concern,” Yuji had finally decided to step up, and you were grateful for that. “Fushiguro won’t end up—”
“Yes, we know,” your mother emphasized, letting out a sigh. “But we are your parents, Yuji, Y/N. If there’s even the slightest chance, we worry. We want the best for you. Always.”
You were at a loss.
You were young, and yet you already saw him in your distant future. Being with Megumi felt so right and comfortable. He was your safe space as you were his.
But you also understood where your parents’ concerns came from, or at least tried to. At least until you found out how your father approached Megumi to talk him into thinking your relationship over.
"How could you, Dad?" you asked, aghast. "You're... practically intimidating him into breaking up with me!"
"Y/N, listen—I never meant it like that," your father tried to explain himself, and yet you were already too heartbroken to hear him, and so you shut the door to your room, not giving him any chance.
Why did your relationship suddenly become everyone's business? Why couldn't they just let you be an adult?
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Megumi could still hear your father's words rang in his ears.
"Y/N... we raised her with love and care," your father said with a forlorn expression. By all means, Megumi knew that he meant well. "She's always spoiled, my only daughter... Megumi-kun, you must understand, it's not easy for us too."
He knew that his rather colorful past would get in the way one way or another, and he had come to accept it. But it still stung, because of course, he wanted full blessings from the family of the girl he fell in love with.
You were like a ray of sunshine in his dreary life. Like Yuji, your presence had made an impact on him. Your cute smiles, pouts and vulnerability around him... he loved them all.
He would get upset when you looked sad, just as you were now.
"It's really okay... Y/N." He swiftly wiped your tears with his thumb, as you sniffled. "I didn't take it to heart. Your father is just worried about you... I can understand that."
"But still—h-he shouldn't do that," you replied amidst your small sobs. Above all, you didn't want your father to have spooked him. "Megumi... I don't want to break up with you."
And honestly he didn't expect that. You were afraid of him... leaving you?
He, who did everything he could, just to have you to be by his side?
"Sir, I know where you are coming from. As of now, I don't have much. But I can say this with confidence—I... love your daughter very much, and I will do everything in my power to make sure that she is happy."
"Stupid," he huffed, putting a hand on your head, before messing up your hair. And gosh, you were so cute, glaring at him through your lashes.
"I won't. I've told your father that too actually."
"Just give me two years," Megumi added with unwavering voice, staring at your father earnestly. "After graduation, I'm getting my life in order. I'll secure a stable job and do my best. I'm... going to prove it to you, and you can be the judge if I can finally deserve Y/N or not."
He was 16 when he knew you, seeing you as nothing but a little girl too timid to approach him. And he was 19 when he realized that you were everything he wanted in a girl of his dreams.
At one point in his life, Megumi thought it was okay to be alone. But ever since getting to know you, he realized that loving and being loved by you were the greatest happiness of existence.
"Thank you," he muttered afterwards, as you were still starstruck that he apparently had the balls to declare something like that before your father.
"Thank you for giving me so much love. Because of you, I realized that I too deserve to be loved."
You could feel tears glassing your eyes once again. “You are. I’m glad that you finally think so.”
And that was it—your love story. Something that had started when you were 15, and ended ten years later when you were 25, with swearing your love for each other in front of the sacred altar before your closest family and friends, and Megumi by your side.
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corruptedcaps · 2 months
Glow Up
Bree adjusted her glasses, squinting against the bright sunlight that streamed down on the bustling beach. She sighed, feeling the weight of her oversized sun hat as she trudged through the sand. Her step-sister, Gina, strutted ahead, laughing with her gaggle of friends. Bree couldn’t help but notice the way people seemed to part for Gina, her golden hair catching the light, her tan skin glowing. Everything about Gina screamed confidence and popularity, traits that Bree lacked and, if she was honest, secretly envied.
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“Just stay out of our way, Bree.” Gina had hissed earlier, rolling her eyes as their mother insisted Bree join the outing. Now, as Gina and her friends spread their towels and settled into a sunbathing session, Bree found a spot far enough away to avoid their cruel comments.
She unfurled her large parasol, casting a welcome shadow over her pale skin. Settling into her spot, she pulled out a well-worn book, hoping to lose herself in its pages. But her eyes kept drifting to Gina and her friends. Their laughter, their ease, it was a stark contrast to Bree's lonely corner. A pang of jealousy hit her, sharp and unexpected.
Sometime later, Gina sauntered over, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Hey want to ditch this place and join us?" She said, her voice overly sweet.
Bree's heart skipped a beat. She looked up, surprised. "Um, sure." She said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Gina's smile turned wicked. "Not you loser, I was talking to your umbrella." She said yanking the umbrella out of the sand and walked away with it back to her friends who were watching with glee.
Bree's cheeks burned, and she ducked her head back into her book, trying to ignore the tears pricking at her eyes. She glanced up just in time to see Gina whisper something to the group. They all turned to look at Bree and burst into laughter. Her embarrassment deepened, and she tried to focus on her book, but the words blurred on the page from the tears in her eyes.
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The sun beat down on her, and she felt her skin begin to heat up. She cursed herself for not bringing sunscreen, her fair skin already starting to sizzle. She watched as Gina and her friends stood up and headed towards the ocean. Her eyes drifted over to their encampment, wondering if any of them had brought sunscreen.
Bree glanced back over at Gina and her friends splashing in the sea. She looked at her skin quickly turning red and bit her lip, making a snap decision. Rising, she tiptoed towards their area, her heart pounding in her chest. She felt a rush of adrenaline as she reached Gina’s beach bag and rummaged through it.
Her fingers closed around a sleek bottle labeled “Bitchiglow.” She hesitated, then shrugged. “Sunscreen is sunscreen.” She muttered to herself. Squeezing a generous amount onto her hand, she started to rub it into her arms and legs.
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The lotion tingled pleasantly, and Bree couldn't get enough. She applied more, the cool sensation spreading across her skin, soothing and delightful. She couldn’t remember the last time she had felt anything like it.
She continued to slather it on, losing herself in the sensation. It felt so good that she kept applying more, even though her skin was already covered. She didn’t notice the subtle shimmer that began to coat her arms and legs.
Bree closed the bottle and slipped it back into Gina’s bag, her skin tingling all over. She hurried back to her spot, trying to act natural, but she couldn’t help but feel a little victorious. Maybe this day wouldn’t be so terrible after all.
As the sun continued to bear down, Bree decided to put down her well worn book. She usually loved to read it but the rays felt warm and inviting, and for once, she wanted to soak them in. Never much of a sun tanner, she found herself unexpectedly enjoying the sensation.
She stretched out on her towel, closing her eyes, letting the sun's warmth envelop her. As she did, her body began to undergo a remarkable transformation. Slowly, her tits started to swell, becoming perfectly rounded, a shape she had only ever dreamed of having.
Her nails grew from short, plain, and bitten to long elegant painted talons. Bree's lips, thin and chapped, began to plump, turning a lush, inviting shade of pink. Her ass, usually small and flat, filled out into a firm, shapely curve that would turn heads.
Her hair, a mousy brown, lightened to a stunning golden blonde. It grew thicker and longer, cascading in waves around her shoulders. The transformation was mesmerizing, her hair glistening like spun gold in the sunlight.
Her fair skin, always prone to burning, started to tan evenly, taking on a beautiful, sun-kissed glow. It was a rich, golden bronze, that erased every blemish, scar and pimple she had giving her smooth, flawless skin. Bree had never looked so good, but she remained blissfully unaware of the dramatic changes taking place.
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As her physical transformation completed her mental changes were only beginning. The shy, reserved girl who had walked onto the beach started to fade away, replaced by a growing sense of confidence.
Her thoughts, once kind and considerate, began to turn selfish and vain. Bree started to wonder why she had ever cared about the opinions of others, especially those who didn’t appreciate her. The jealousy she once felt towards Gina and her friends morphed into a sense of superiority. She deserved to be admired, adored, and envied.
Her values, which had been grounded in humility and empathy, twisted into something darker. Bree found herself relishing the idea of attention, of being the center of every social circle. The quiet girl who used to avoid conflict now reveled in the idea of confrontation, enjoying the thought of putting others in their place.
She felt powerful, untouchable. Her mind continued to warp, embracing these new, corrupted values. The desire to be kind and understanding evaporated, replaced by a hunger for dominance and admiration.
Bree sat up, feeling an unexpected surge of energy coursing through her limbs. She stretched out, marvelling at the newfound flexibility and grace in her movements. As she glanced down, her eyes widened in shock. Her skin was a flawless, sun-kissed bronze. Her nails, long and perfectly manicured, caught the light with a subtle shimmer. Her gaze unable to miss her now impressive boobs.
She eyes locked onto Gina and her friends still frolicking in the water and then over to their beach area and she quickly put two and two together. The Bitchiglow. It had to be responsible for this incredible change in her but also very likely in Gina and her friends. A small, frightened part of her wanted to reverse the transformation, to return to her old self. But her new arrogant superiority silenced that thought, dismissing it as weak and pathetic. She was done being that person.
Rising to her feet, she strutted over to Gina’s area, her every step exuding a newfound haughtiness causing her head to be held high and her chest to stick out in front of her. Without a second thought, Bree snatched the Bitchiglow from Gina’s bag, a wicked smile spreading across her lips.
Bree sauntered back to her spot on the beach, feeling triumphant. She laid down with a smug smile, basking in her victory as she waited for the inevitable. Her eyes followed Gina and her friends as they finished their time in the water and strutted back to their area.
It didn't take long. Moments later, Bree heard a commotion and loud voices coming from Gina's group. She smirked to herself, satisfied. The inevitable confrontation was unfolding just as she had expected. Gina and her friends, looking increasingly frantic, trudged over to her, anger etched across their faces.
Gina reached Bree first, her eyes blazing. "Give me back the sunscreen!" She demanded, her voice shaking with fury.
Bree ignored her, adjusting her position slightly. "Get out of my light, you'll ruin my tan." She said coolly, her voice dripping with disdain.
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Gina's face reddened with anger. "You better give it back, or else—"
Bree laughed, a harsh, mocking sound as she stood, her full height and new figure radiating confidence as she towered over the others. "Or what? The water has started to wipe the Bitchiglow off you, all of you. You're turning back into the losers you used to be." She said as she watched with satisfaction as Gina and her friends began to transform back to their ordinary selves.
Gina's friends gasped, looking at their fading tans and less-than-perfect features. The truth of Bree's words sank in, and her confidence evaporated. Bree's smile widened as she watched them. She had all the power now, and it felt intoxicating.
Gina's face twisted with rage. “Come on girls. We outnumber her. Lets take it from her.” She threatened, but there was a tremor in her voice.
Bree giggled, a sound both sweet and menacing. “Try me, bitch. Without the Bitchiglow, I could take you all without breaking a sweat.”
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Gina’s bravado faltered, fear creeping into her eyes. She and the rest of her girls knew Bree was right. They felt ten times weaker now that they lost their shine. Bree reveled in the shift of power dynamics. She turned her gaze to the other girls, who looked both scared and hopeful.
“Now of course you girls can join me and become beautiful again or you can stay with this loser and be outcasts. You're choice.” Bree said, holding up the Bitchiglow bottle proudly.
The girls exchanged uncertain glances, the siren song of the Bitchiglow battling with their loyalty to Gina. Finally, one of them stepped forward, her hand outstretched.
“Tiffany, don’t!” Gina yelled, desperation creeping into her voice. But the girl ignored her, eyes fixed on the Bitchiglow.
Bree smiled, squeezing a generous amount of lotion onto Tiffany’s hand. Tiffany rubbed it into her skin eagerly, her transformation almost instantaneous. Her tan deepened, her hair regained its lustrous shine, and her tits grew big and bouncy. She smirked evilly, the confidence of being a bitchy babe once more radiating from her. She moved to stand alongside Bree, her new leader, casting a disdainful glance at Gina.
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“Anyone else?” Bree asked, holding up the bottle.
The remaining girls, driven by the desire to regain their beauty, quickly lined up with their hands outstretched. In their haste, they pushed Gina to the ground. She landed with a thud, looking up in disbelief as her friends abandoned her.
Bree squeezed the Bitchiglow into their waiting hands, watching with satisfaction as each girl transformed back into her beautiful, confident self. They all stood beside Bree, their expressions mirroring her superior smirk.
Gina looked up at the group, her face a mix of anger and fear. Bree looked down at her with a triumphant smile. “Looks like you’re the one outnumbered now, Gina.” she said coldly.
The newly transformed girls giggled and whispered amongst themselves, their loyalty now firmly shifted to Bree. They followed their new alpha over to Gina's old spot and took up their positions as her sycophants. Gina’s reign was over, and Bree's was just beginning.
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shadow0214 · 2 months
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I've been reading some fanfics with Noa and I love them, so I thought I'd give it a go. It's my first time writing so...don't judge me to hard.
Noa × human OC
Always the same thing around the 'bunker', no one told you the things that were happening, you hated that. You felt like they still treated you like a little child even though you were in your twenties already.
"Yes, didn't you know? We're going on an excursion." Samantha said to me while I was drying the dishes after dinner.
"Of course, I didn't, nobody tells me anything around here. It's annoying" You muttered
You were the best tracker they had, you loved being outside, learning the ways of nature, and still nobody ever took you into account when expeditions like this happened.
"Hey, that's enough Sam." A voice said entering the kitchen. "Don't listen to her, she's just trying to get on your nerves"
You looked back and smiled at the comment. Lila always knew how to calm things down.
"Why don't you speak with Anna? Maybe she'll let you go this time." Lila said
"Yes, like every other time I asked her" You scoffed and shook your head.
"C'mon, I'll go with you." Lila pushed
"I don't even own a horse yet." You said
"Well...that's your own fault, Envy could've been yours, you just gave her away to Kiara". Lila reminded you.
Kiara, the daughter of a couple that was part of the council, the leaders of your group. She was like a little sister to you ever since you met her. You had no family, your dad died on an expedition, most say apes killed him, and your mother died soon after she gave birth to you. Medicine was scarce and trying to make it from scratch was hard, not impossible since you had a lab in the facility but still, sometimes the main components were just to available.
Most expeditions could last for months, trying to find more humans, more medicine, or even mark places where apes had their homes so no one would go near. You had the firearms, but not the manpower to fight them alone.
You never understood the hate your kind had towards the apes, yes, they were now more and had claimed a lot of the land humans once ruled, but they had also healed the land. No humans meant trees and animals were free to repossess what was once theirs, and apes were not using human machines that harm the earth, so everything had regained its balance in a way. Since you were little, you went out of the bunker with a horse, you learned how to fish, how to hunt, how to track and look for things outside, you never understood why you felt more connected to nature than to your own people. 'They never understood' you'd think. ‘They will never see the world as I see it'.
Anyway, all of that wasn't going to change, so you had to take what was given to you and make the most out of it. Lila and you went to Ana, she was distracted with the preparations for the expedition. This time, from what Lila had told you, they were going to look for more survivors and other bunkers to see if those had more medicine.
"Ana, mind if we talk to you for a moment?" Lila asked
"What? Yeah, sure. What's up?" Ana said absent-mindedly while she tripled checked the supplies. It looked like they were going for some months at least.
Lila looked at you and pushed you softly, and nodded at you when you looked back. You took a deep breath and spoke.
"So...Ana, I heard about the expedition and I wanted to know why you hadn’t called for me? You know I'm one of the best people to take in things like that. I can survive pretty well on my own while I'm outside."
Ana sighed and stopped what she was doing.
"Y/N, you know the reason, I need you here, protecting everyone else" She said while putting her hands on your shoulders
"No one ever comes close to this place since we put the electric fence around! Let me go!"
"Y/N" Lila spat at me. "Careful with your words!"
I just stared at her with anger.
"You have absolutely no good reason to not let me go. Please, I can really help if something goes wrong!"
Ana didn't have a comeback for that, she knew what you were saying was right, she knew how helpfull you could be, and still the promise she had made to your mother drilled into her head could not allow you to go with them. You were already in your twenties, now there was no good excuse to tell you to stay and Ana knew this. She sighed again and with a very sad tone agreed to your request. You were going with them, and that was that.
-The next morning-
Ana and Aaron, parents of Kiara, were the ones in charge of this expedition. Samantha, Lila, Carlos, Seth (Samantha's uncle), and you were the rest of the group.
You went to get your stuff ready on Envy, the mare that was meant to be yours, but for some reason you had decided to give her to Kiara, still, she thought of Envy as a shared horse more than her own. Kiar knew how much you loved her, and she didn't mind giving her to you in times like this.
"Take care of each other, ride safely." Kiara said with a smile on her face while petting the side of the mare.
"We will, sis, we'll be back before you know it. Anything special you want me to look for?"
Kiara shook her head. " I just need you to come back to me, that's it."
"Aaww dear, of course I will." You said hugging little Kiara.
You loved her, she was the only one that understood you and never judged you. One day you were going to take her exploring with you, so you could show her everything you loved.
Two weeks passed. Everyone was a little on edge since the news of contact had gotten to you. Apparently, a week ago the satellites started working again and your walkie-talkies that you carried mostly just to feel like you were connected somehow started working again. The people on the bunker told Ana and Aaron that a girl, similar age to you and Lila, had found the missing piece to get satellite connection back on. We knew about the bunker on the east but we had little contact with them and the nomads that were looking for ways to communicate with each other had been murder by a big group of apes, but apparently one of the girls of the nomad group had survived and, with the help of some apes, was able to get to where the main computers where locked and retrieve de disc.
This news had everyone in our group freaked out, it had been a long time since we had been able to communicate over long distances. Some were happy about it, they were thinking that this way we were going to able to rebuilt what was ours, but others were weary of what other humans wanted. 'Humans are selfish and will do anything to get power' Others thought.
Our group tried to maintain calm during all this, we still had to find supplies and medicine that was not going to arrive even if we had connection with other humans. More people meant more food, more space needed and more medicine that we did not have to spare.
At night everyone was silently eating what you had hunted for the day. You were pretty good at using different weapons, but your favorite was the bow and arrow, you almost never missed unless you wanted to. The others had guns, and some knives with them, but most of them knew that using guns out hear meant that everything in a 1km radius or more could hear and pinpoint our location.
"We could've been eating earlier if we had used my gun, I never miss" Samantha spoke showing a cocky grin to you.
You just rolled your eyes at her.
"If we had done your way, every single ape around here would've come looking for us." Seth said calmingly.
Samantha hated it when he agreed with your methods, and you knew it; in a way, it made you proud when he did. He would always be om Samantha's side and agree with her, he never liked agreeing with you, but sometimes he just had to.
"You should be thanking Y/N for her quick thinking. Otherwise, we would've had to eat the dried-up food we brought, and I don't think anybody wanted more of that" Ana said laughing at the end. The rest of the group followed making faces of disgust and laughing at the comment of our leader.
"How long until we get to the big buildings?" Lila asked when everyone had calmed down
"Sadly, I think we'll have to go back. Ana and I have been thinking about it and it's better to be with everyone else at the moment." Aaron answered
"Uncertain times call for unity." Ana added
Seth nodded and kept eating.
You were thinking. The group needed medicine, and other things...maybe a tiny group could keep pushing forward while the adults went back.
"And what if some of us stayed? You said it yourself Aaron, we are a week away from the buildings and we need everything we can find over there. A small group will not be noticed as easily as all of us" you said.
You had a point, and they knew it. After some discussion, the leaders agreed, Lila and you could keep going, the rest was to go back with them. Samantha was going to disagree, but she knew better than to stay with you two. Lila and you were inseparable, and Samantha would only be outnumbered in any decision you made.
The next morning everyone gave you half of their rations for food since you two were going to need them more than them, and then they set off for the bunker.
Lila and you waved at them, and then kept going.
For some time, it was quiet between you two, but Lila was not going to let that be.
"Sooo, wanna race?" Lila said with a sparkle in her eyes.
You knew what that meant. The idea was in her mind, now you could only accept the challenge.
"I mean...It's kind of unfair. Char is not meant for sprinting" you said with a grin.
"And Envy is?" Lila replied
"Oh, I know she's faster that Char." You said, knowing full well that she was fast in short distances and Lila was thinking more of a long-distance race.
"Well, then start! See you at the end!" Lila said kicking softly the side of her mare that sprinted away.
"Hey no fair!" You yelled doing the same with Envy.
You passed trees and creeks so fast you felt like you were going to fall off the horse. Impressively you were just behind Lila and Char, who was galloping with all her might.
You were so enthralled by how fast Char was going that you barely missed a branch that could've hit you down.
Eventually Lila made Char stop. You kept going, but Lila screamed at you to stop.
"What? I thought we were going to end?" You said out of breath riding back to where they were.
"Look up" She said, almost like a whisper.
You did and saw tall buildings in front of you all covered in vines and trees. The trees had broken some of the sediments of the building but were also holding them up. Most of them were broken, and some had collapsed, probably by the sheer size of them.
"Wow, they are amazing" Lila said.
There were rows of them, all conquered back by nature itself. It was beautiful to see how two completely opposite things could come together to create art. All green and grey together forming structures that you had never seen before.
You were both still gawking at the immensity of the buildings when you heard a noise up in the sky. Eagles, huge and magnificent eagles. You had seen some flying around on your own little excursions, but now they were closer than ever.
"Should we follow them?" Lila whispered, this was unknown territory to her, this was more your area of interest.
"Mmm maybe for a while just to see where they take us." You said firmly. " We can also walk and get in some of these buildings to see if we find something" You added.
Lila nodded and dismounted Char, you followed suit. Both of you took the reins of each mare and pulled gently so they kept up with the pace you set.
Three days you walked and searched for supplies with no luck. You tried entering every building you could, but some of them where to destroy to even walk on the floor. Others had entrances that were too high for either of you to climb, and if you did climb the hard part later was going down.
"Thank goodness you came prepared, Y/N." Lila said, struggling while climbing down a rope.
"Don't mention it, just keep going we're almost at the bottom" You said short of breath. You were no stranger to climbing but doing it almost every day for 3 days was taking its toll on you.
Lila let go of the rope and landed on the ground huffing.
"We can't keep doing this, Y/N. It's too tiring. We aren't apes to be climbing around without a care in the world!"
"I know I know, but we've found some good stuff nonetheless" You said as you stretched out after jumping off the rope, you went back and pulled the rope 2 times so it could fall off the makeshift hook you had made to tie it up.
"Some expired painkillers and a bunch of gardening tools is NOT good stuff!"
Lila sighed, even though you’d a nice time sharing this little adventure together you were starting to feel hopeless. Maybe it was time to go back, maybe the others had gotten supplies from the other camp, and you were doing nothing out here but waste time.
"Lila…you can go you know?" You said softly cleaning some arrows that you had used to hunt rabbits earlier.
"What? And leave you here?? Are you insane?!"
"No… I just feel like my time here is not over yet. Yours though…"
"Nu uh, I'm not leaving you alone, we don't even know where exactly we are."
"It's my decision Lila"
"Bullshit! I know you love nature and such, but everyone is waiting for us!"
"Everyone?" You said lowering your head.
Lila didn't answer, she knew that most of the people treated you like an outsider. No one ever told her why, the only reason she could think of wad that you had no family left alive, but that was a cruel way of treating your own kind.
"Fine, I'll take what we found back. What do you expect me to say to the rest when you don't arrive with me huh?" Lila asked
"You tell them half the truth, that I simply didn't want to come back"
"That's the 'half-truth' to you?"
"Ok ok," you said rolling your eyes. " Tell them you begged me to go back, and I said I would keep looking for stuff for a couple more days, then you never met again with me"
"Mmm, alright. So, you got killed?"
"What?! No! Idiot" You said pushing her playfully. Lila just chuckled.
"I'm gonna miss you (Y/nickname)." Lila sniffled while hugging you.
You hugged her back with some tears in your eyes.
"I'll be back before you know it, I promise"
Lila waved goodbye to you while riding Char out of the jungle of buildings, you waved back until you couldn't see her anymore.
After that you kept searching for anything really for a couple of days, until one day the promises you had made to Lila and Kiara were going to be broken.
One day while you were scavenging around in a building you heard noises, noises you hadn't heard before. You took Envy and hid her next to some bushes at the side of a building and tried to keep her relaxed.
As the noise came closer it became clearer: apes.
You never really had contact with them since you were always cradled inside the bunker. The only experience you had was the stories people would tell you, but once you started growing up you stopped believing everything the adults told you.
You were a little apprehensive about the situation at hand but as long as Envy obeyed you, you were sure the apes would pass as quickly as they came.
"You only try to show off when climbing, the other things you just avoid!" A female voice said
"Not true! Anaya never avoids challenges, right Noa?" A male voiced reply
'Anaya and Noa' you made a mental note of the names, not sure why. You heard them walking away so you went out of your hiding place little by little, looking around you just in case you needed to hide from them.
From where you were you could see 3 apes; one had an armband different than the other two. You felt bad spying on them, but your curiosity got the best of you. You kept listening in the conversation, but you also noticed they would sign sometimes and that got lost in translation. The only signs you knew were tactical warfare signs that Aaron had thaught you when you were learning about weapons with Lila and Samantha.
"Soona is right, Anaya always showing off then running away when something goes wrong" The third one spoke, another male. After that the three started making a noise that you could only compare to laugh.
"I'll show you, climb to top to see sunset. First one wins!" The other male said running in all fours and starting to climb the building in front of you with ease.
"Anaya wait!" The female voice shouted but followed right behind him.
The other male chuckled and followed his friends up the building.
You were mesmerized by how athletic and big they were, but something inside you also wanted to follow them so you could see at least one sunset. The past days you've had missed all of them because of the tall canopy, but not today. The renewed strength gave you confidence that you could climb to the top of the building you were hiding behind.
You took your trusty rope and, your bow and some arrows just in case they attacked you and started climbing up. The building that you had chosen was in pretty good state, it still had most of its stairs and you didn't have to jump too far from one part of some broken stairs to another, which would also be handy when climbing down.
About 3 floors from getting to the top, you encountered the biggest problem: no more stairs. They were all broken or looked very unstable, your best option to climb up was the outside of the building. The design made it look like a stair, and if you went a little bit over the edge that was keeping you from falling you could see a metal hook thingy in which you could tie a rope to climb down.
First you made a knot at the end of the rope with just enough space to insert it in the hook, after that you threw that end of the rope with just enough strength to get it to where you needed it. It took you 3 attempts, but eventually you made it and started climbing the rope. Your hands were already tired from days before, but the view would make it all worth it.
Eventually when you were halfway through something made a weird noise. At first you didn't pay much attention to it but then y sounded again and this time you felt the rope moving. The hook couldn't withstand your weight anymore, and you could feel it just pulling down.
You tried to keep taking deep breaths but that was not working, they were faster than before.
You looked up and saw the rope sliding off the hook even farther than before, that was when you started panicking. Your breathing wasn't steady anymore and now you were seconds away from falling from the almost top of the building.
A piece of the building where the hook was gave up and you let go of the rope for milliseconds and eventually grabbed the rope but it burned because of the friction, and you screamed in pain.
Noa and his friends, who were happily watching the sunset, looked at each other when you screamed. The three of them looked around for the thing that had made such a horrible sound but couldn't see anything.
You tried climbing up again, but now your hands were bloody from the fall, and you were slipping from the rope. You were in agony.
"Please, not like this, I can't die like this" You said to yourself trying to reassure yourself that you were not going to die.
That's when Noa heard you and looked over the building, he signaled his friends to jump to the other building.
"She will die if we don't help," Soona said with worry.
" What do we do?" Anaya asked Noa.
Noa went to were the rope was tied.
"Please don't kill me!" You shouted, looking up seeing one of the apes.
Noa frowned his face but kept trying to pull you up.
You understood then he was trying to help, but you knew the extra weight on the now unstable floor was not going to help.
"No, let go! You'll make it worse!" You tried to explain with tears rolling down your face. You couldn't stand the pain anymore.
Eventually the rope itself started tearing up, you were about 15 meters from the ground, you knew it was unlikely to survive that fall, your only hope was now with the 3 apes that were trying to help.
You saw the male ape trying, again, to pull you up, but it was useless with the rope tearing, and that's when it happened.
The rope tore apart, and you started to fall, your only hope for surviving was the trees below you would cushion your fall enough for you not to die. The only thing you were able to come up with was using your left arm to cover your neck as best you could.
Silence. Silence followed after your fall. Anaya was the first one to get to you and he poked you with a stick.
Soona quickly took the stick from him and went to check if you were still alive. She saw that you were still breathing thankfully. But your left forearm was completely broken.
"What happens now?" Soona asked Noa.
Noa was not sure what to do, his instincts told him to leave you there to die, after all, you were Echo. You would only mean problems to the clan, but there was another part of him that felt responsible for you and wanted to help you out.
"We take her home, help her wounds. After that, she has to leave." Noa said to Soona.
Soona nodded and took your frail body, and the three friends started their journey back home, back to Eagle Clan.
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ladykailitha · 7 months
The Harrington Pattern Part 7
Hello! It's Tuesday and that means more Steve and Eddie. And it's looking like the story will end in chapter 12. It might take one more than that, but it's definitely almost done.
So what will that mean? Well, I'll start working on working on another story to bring it back up to two, but will still only work on the others on WIP Wednesday because I'm trying to get down the amount of WIPs I have running. I have far too many.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Day two of the Fair. Will sees Steve and Steve reveals a little trick. And Steve has to be stern mom again.
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @redfreckledwolf @emly03 @itsall-taken
Steve picked up his usual set and went to the Renaissance Fair. This time they were the first to arrive and they stood there waiting for the rest of them to show up.
He had left the spirit gum with Mrs Sinclair and she was able to do an even better job then he had yesterday putting the ears back on.
The bow and quiver had been left behind today because sadly the poor bow had been a mangled, tangled mess by the time they left the fair yesterday.
Max and Robin’s cutlasses had fared better because they never left their sides, but even slung over Lucas’s shoulder, the poor aluminum just couldn’t bare the brunt of the crowds. And today was going to be even busier.
Steve looked at his watch and then back at the growing crowd waiting in line.
He tapped his foot nervously when he saw the familiar van pull into the lot. And the merry band of fellows hopped out, wearing the outfits they had yesterday. The ones that made Steve green with envy on how well they were put together.
It was like they had just walked off the set of a Hollywood movie.
He was good with a needle and thread, but whoever made their costumes should be making money off it, they were that talented.
Jeff came around to the other side of the van where Steve could see him and his ears looked great too.
“Looking good, Lawrence,” Steve whistled. “The ears are vastly improved.”
Jeff bowed dramatically. “Why thank you, my liege! I had my sister help me pick out the right color and type I needed and then I did it myself.”
Gareth snorted. “After practicing all night.”
Brian elbowed their youngest member. “It’s just like trying to get a beat right, you have to practice. Don’t give him shit for that.”
Gareth grumbled, but muttered a half-hearted apology to Jeff. The older teen just grinned at his friend.
Which after how crazy yesterday was, Steve wasn’t looking forward to a repeat if Jeff took offense to Gareth’s comment.
Eddie had been unusually quiet during this conversation, so while they milled around waiting for the remaining third of their group, Steve came up to him.
“Hey, you okay?” he asked, leaning down and forward to get a better look at the metalhead.
Eddie pursed his lips, but he nodded.
“You know, I have been dying to ask...”
Eddie smiled softly. “Who’s my tailor?”
Steve cackled. “Yeah, that. God, I would gleefully sacrifice one of the teenagers for the material alone, let alone the thread.”
“Which one?” Eddie asked, coming a little bit more out of his shell.
Steve reared back his head. “What?”
“Which one of the teenagers you would sacrifice?” Eddie asked again.
“Dustin,” Steve said without hesitation. “I figure virgin,” he counted on his fingers, “check, most annoying, check, and the one who would be the biggest... ‘value’ as it were, double check.”
Eddie laughed outright. “You don’t have to sacrifice any of them. Brian’s sister works at a big theater, the kind that do plays, as their costumer.”
Steve sighed and rubbed a bit of the black velvet between his thumb and forefinger. “You guys are so lucky.”
Eddie laughed again. “Trust me, even Bri had to pay for the privilege.”
Steve’s eyes lit up. “Oh?”
“Yup!” Eddie said, rocking back on his heels. “We had to pay for all the material and patterns ourselves, plus at least twenty-five percent of labor. These duds may be pretty, but lo they be also pricey.”
“Well, it was certainly worth it,” Steve murmured. “You guys look fantastic.”
Eddie’s cheeks colored a pretty pink. “Thanks. Um...mine is actually based on a character from a short story. Brian’s mom is Polish, but she loves sc-fi and fantasy so she gets this magazine, right?” Steve nodded. “So, anyway she’ll translate into English for Brian to read. It’s about this male witch and he has this minstrel friend named Jeskier...” he pronounced it strange, like yes-keer. “I’m probably pronouncing it wrong. But he’s so cool.”
“So you’re this minstrel guy?” Steve asked, suddenly understanding.
Eddie hummed excitedly. “Brian even went as one of the male witches. Not the main one though. But it’s still fun, you know?”
Steve smiled back. “Yeah. I never would have thought about going as a specific character before. Maybe we can plan something for next year.”
Whatever cloud leftover that was lingering over Eddie vanished in the light of Steve’s bright smile.
Eddie bumped his shoulder into Steve’s. “What’s on the docket today, pretty boy?”
Steve blushed bright red, but before he could answer, Claudia’s station wagon pulled up next to them. The four kids piled out, happily chatting and laughing. Well all but Mike.
Mike had always been a reserved kid, but as he got older, the more withdrawn he seemed to get. Will seemed to do the opposite. The kid was really coming out of his shell and into himself. And maybe that was the reason for Mike’s shrinking back.
Steve just shook his head and turned to Will. “Still no Jonathan?” he teased.
Will rolled his eyes. “He said and I quote ‘I’ll see about maybe Saturday’.”
Steve winced. He couldn’t make Jonathan come, but he could see how much Jonathan coming would mean so much to Will and it made his heart hurt just a little.
“Can’t force someone to have fun,” he said with a shrug. “It really is his loss.”
Will nodded sagely, like the mature person he was forced to become far too soon. “But! He did give me the ten dollars I needed for the staff to make up for it.”
Steve smiled. All right, maybe Steve didn’t have to stop by and give the elder Byers boy a piece of his mind.
He turned to Eddie. “Hey, you want to traverse the fields of commerce with me and Will to go get his staff?”
Eddie grinned. “Hell yeah! I didn’t get to go yesterday.”
Will grinned back. He turned to El and Mike. “You going to come with me. right?”
Mike shook his head. “El wanted to see the weavers this morning, but no one else wanted to go with her and with Steve’s dumb rule...”
“It’s not dumb,” Steve said. “Just because the Upside Down is gone, doesn’t mean there aren’t things that can hurt you.”
“We’re fifteen,” Mike protested. “I think that’s old enough to go by ourselves.”
Steve looked around at the other kids and they were all looking everywhere but at him. “May I remind you that we are literally standing on the ground where human monsters were trying to open a gate? Bad guys come in all shapes and sizes and even if you think you’re safe, is El? Or Will?”
The kids looked down at their feet and mumbled their apologies.
“I just want everyone safe and having a good time,” Steve finished. “You guys can do whatever you want, but do you know who your parents would blame if something happened to you?”
Dustin raised his head sharply. “But there are other adults here, why would they blame you?”
Steve barked out a bitter laugh. “Because I’m the fucking babysitter.” He walked off to get in line and everyone just followed behind quietly, suddenly somber.
Robin fell in step next to Steve and wrapped her arm around his shoulder. “Hey, dingus.”
Steve just ducked his head.
“It’s just a tricky age. You remember what it was like at their age,” she murmured.
“I was getting drunk every weekend, smoking, and having sex,” Steve grumbled. “I don’t want that for them.”
Robin kissed his cheek. “You’re sweet. But they’re going to have to figure it out on their own.”
Steve’s shoulders rounded. “I just want to them to have fun and we keep having knock out drag out fights before we go in and I–” he left out a deep sigh.
“You can’t be held responsible for what they do,” she said.
He snorted. “Tell that to Joyce or Claudia. Just because I’m the oldest.”
She hugged him tightly. “You’re not anymore and you know Eddie would do anything for those kids, too. Plus, this is exactly why you told them to find any adult. Let all of us help shoulder the load, too.”
Steve let out a low shuddering breath. “I’ll try. I just keep butting heads with Mike. Always Mike. And I don’t know what to do, he’s just so prickly and even outright hostile.”
“So don’t do anything,” Robin suggested.
He frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Let Eddie handle it,” she said. “He did a fine job yesterday. So let him do it again.”
Steve pressed his lips together and then nodded. “Okay.”
She kissed his cheek again and went back to talk to Eddie. Steve paid again for the tickets. Well, not all of them. Thankfully Eddie and his friends were paying their own way.
He turned to Will. “You ready to go get your staff?” He smiled broadly to hide the hurt of Mike’s rebellion.
Will smiled back. “Hell yeah!”
Eddie came bounding up to them. “I’ll meet you at the shop, there’s something I need to do really quick about tomorrow. They’ve messed up the schedule and me and Jeff have to go see someone about it.”
Steve nodded. “Yeah, just ask Jeff where the shop is, he should remember which one.”
Eddie smiled again. “You betcha, big boy.” He flounced back to Jeff and Steve watched him walk away.
When he turned back to Will, the young man was looking at him with curiosity.
“What’s up?”
Will furrowed his brows. “I’m trying to decide if you know about...” he pursed his lips trying to find a way to say what he meant without outing Steve in public. “What you feel about a certain someone?”
Steve looked back at where Eddie had melted into the crowd and then back at this all too perceptive boy. He put his arm around Will and started them walking toward the shop.
“If you’re asking what I think you’re asking,” Steve started slowly, “I’ve known I like both for awhile now. It was just easier to focus on the one. The one that was socially acceptable, you know?”
Will nodded. “I can see that. And then he came barreling into our lives and a good kind of upside down happened?”
Steve smiled fondly. “Yeah. He is so sweet. He’s everything I thought I wanted in Nancy.”
Will grinned. “You do have a type.”
He scuffed Will’s hair a bit. “Yeah, yeah.”
They walked in silence for awhile before Steve spoke up again.
“I feel I should give you a heads up before we get to the shop,” he said with a wince.
Will looked over at him in confusion.
“I may have talked the merchant in to holding it for you by giving them a ten dollar deposit to hold it.”
Will’s jaw dropped. “You can do that?”
Steve laughed. “No, not really. By I can be persuasive and he was willing to do me the favor.”
“Thanks, Steve,” Will murmured. “You’ve done so much for us, I think we take you for granted sometimes.”
Steve half shrugged. “My parents suck and while some of you have actually decent parents and older siblings, I don’t mind being the babysitter the one you guys look up to and come to for advice.”
Will smiled. “Any tips on how to tell your best friend you have a crush on them?”
Steve threw back his head and laughed. “Look, the one time I did that I was drugged up on truth serum and literally couldn’t lie. I don’t think that’s going to help you.”
“Too bad Robin bats for the other team,” he said with a smile.
Steve smiled back. “Nah, I think her telling me that is what made it easier for me to realize that having those feelings can’t make you a bad person. Not when she was so amazing.”
Will cocked his head to the side. “That’s fair.”
“Come on you,” Steve said, “let’s go get you this wizard staff.”
Will stopped in his tracks. “You said it right. You never say the DnD terms right.”
Steve raised a finger up to his lips and winked. “I do it because it drives Dustin up the wall and Eddie just loves explaining it to me, so I kill two birds with one stone.”
Will laughed. “Yeah, okay.”
As they wove their way through the crowd, Will smiled to himself. Steve and Eddie both liked boys, knew they liked boys, and were still unapologetically themselves. And maybe he could be too.
But first, he was going to get that wicked staff he saw yesterday because he had two brothers looking out for him. His biological one and Steve. Someone who cared so deeply that even when he should have walked away, he stayed.
And Will always could use more people that just...stayed.
Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
For those that don't know "The Witcher" was an original short story in a Polish sci-fi/magazine in 1985. I couldn't figure out if Jeskier was in the original tale, so shush if he isn't.
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @thespaceantwhowrites @paintgonewrong @mogami13 @beelze-the-bubkiss @croatoan-like-its-hot @retro-vagabond @sani-86 @pansexuality-activated @y4r3luv @dauntlessdiva @vampire-eddie-brain-rot
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bumblesimagines · 9 months
this doesn't mean anything.
- Sarah Cameron
this doesn't mean anything.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
Got carried away with this one
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In the world of the Outer Banks, Kooks were seen as untouchable. They were the stuck-up, spoiled, privileged kids who could do, say, or buy anything they wanted as long as they had daddy or mommy's credit card in their back pocket. They puffed out their chests, turned up their nose, and spat venom just because they knew they could. Their parents would flock and point fingers if any harm came to them, demanding Sherriff Peterkin and Deputy Shoupe do something about the 'dirty Pogues targeting their poor babies' as if Peterkin and Shoupe could do anything more than let them off with a warning or a brief night in a cell.
While they were utterly pathetic and useless, (Y/N) found them incredibly amusing. Nothing was better than watching the smugness get knocked right out of a Kook. Tears would immediately spring in their eyes and their perfect skin would stain with purple and red coloring that'd stay no matter how many ice packs they put to it. The Kooks that talked the biggest game were often the ones that squealed first in fights. Their scratchy, obnoxious voices would plead for mercy, shouting empty promises of staying away and never bothering them again. Rafe Cameron was the only one who could handle a little pain, but even then, the boy was as boring as watching paint dry. One look from his daddy dearest and he went away with his tail tucked between his legs. 
His sister, as (Y/N) came to learn, was a lot more fun.
"Remember the rules, guys. No hardcore drugs, don't get blackout drunk, and don't start anything without me." (Y/N) called out after his younger brother and his group of friends. He was certain the nerd would keep them out of trouble, as he always did when they hung out, but a reminder never hurt anybody. The four of them scampered further down the beach, kicking up sand in their wake and disappearing amongst the other teenagers. They weren't much younger than him, only a year or two below him in school, but they were as annoying as children and attracted trouble wherever they went.
Fishing his cigarette pack out of his jacket pocket and sticking one between his lips, he allowed his gaze to drift over the party-goers present. Pogues, Kooks, and a few tourists who appeared wildly out of place with their big sun hats blocking half their vision. He recognized Rafe and his posse of coked-up boys lingering near the water and Barry making use of eager Kooks and their heavy pockets. His attention dropped down to his lighter and he grunted when it refused to light for longer than a second.
"Maybe it's a sign you should quit." A feathery voice piped up behind him and he turned around to find the treasured princess of Figure Eight.
Everyone knew Sarah Cameron. She was the beloved daughter of Ward Cameron, the pride and joy of Figure Eight, and the most envied and desired girl in Kildare. Everyone tripped over themselves trying to be in her good graces, trying to get a taste of the Cameron wealth and status. Ever since she entered high school, he'd heard all about her numerous relationships. She lept from boy to boy and left a trail of broken, jealous hearts in her path. Her most recent boy toy had been Topper Thornton, the son of the renowned Doctor Thornton and grandson of Judge Holden. JJ had left enough bruises on him for (Y/N) to know him well. (Y/N) thought they looked more like siblings than lovers.
"Nobody ever taught you not to talk to strangers, princess?" 
"I would hardly call you a stranger." She said and lifted the mai tai in hand up to her pink-colored lips. Her eyes twinkled with the setting sun, lightening the deep shade of brown. "Everyone knows the Maybanks."
"And nobody likes them. You might have to forfeit your Kook card if you get caught talking to me, Miss Cameron." He cooed teasingly and she smiled despite herself, rolling her pretty eyes and brushing her hair away from her face when the wind gently tousled it. His eyes drifted down to the dark knee-length sundress she wore decorated in orange and yellow flowers. It looked better than what most of the girls from the Cut wore to fancy events.
"I don't care about my Kook card, (Y/N). I think this whole... Pogue vs Kook thing is so stupid. We're all living on the same island. Why should we be giving each other shit for where we were born?" 
"I'm sure you'll be a just and fair ruler, princess." His words made her roll her eyes again and she laughed quietly into her can. Even her drink of choice screamed rich. Everyone else stuck to cheap beer or half-filled bottles they stole from the kitchen cabinet when their parents weren't home. Sarah twirled a piece of her hair around her finger, glancing away from him and toward her friends. They hadn't noticed her yet and for a moment, (Y/N) expected her to call out to them and walk away. But she looked back at him with a familiar coy smile. 
"Wanna talk somewhere more... private?"
He wondered how annoyed John B would be when he learned he'd taken Figure Eight's princess back to his place. It'd been closer than the Maybank residence and had less chance of a drunken and drugged Luke staggering through the front door ready to ruin (Y/N)'s night. Kiara would certainly throw a tantrum about him sleeping with her ex-best friend and if Kiara got upset, Pope would quickly follow in defense of his crush. Annoying little shits but they made JJ happy and that was enough for (Y/N) to tolerate their shenanigans. 
Tugging up his pants and zipping them back up, he gazed at the dozing Kook. Her long blonde hair had been sprawled out over the dark pillowcase and she'd buried half her face in the pillow, her parted lips forming a small spot of drool. As content and comfortable as she looked, he needed her back home before she chose to overstay her welcome under false assumptions. 
"Hey, princess." (Y/N) reached down to move some strands of hair away from her face and shook her shoulder. She whined quietly and squeezed her eyes before rolling fully onto her stomach and burying her face further in the pillow defiantly. "You need to get going before Ward calls the cops 'cause his precious girl didn't come home."
Tiredly lifting her head, she squinted at him through the sunlight. "Are you worried about Ward or worried about what your friends will say?" 
"My friends won't give a shit about me taking the Kook princess's virginity, sweets." Her face reddened considerably and he smirked. "My brother's friends might get pissed if they see a Kook on our turf. And I don't want problems with Carrera. She makes good food."
Sarah finally sat up and raked her fingers through her hair to detangle the knots as she searched the floor for her belongings. Her eyes finally settled on her underwear and she pursed her lips, the tips of her ears turning a soft red. "You ripped them." She murmured and her fingers began to toy with the ends of her hair. 
"You didn't complain when I did it." (Y/N) scooped the sundress up from the floor and tossed it in her direction, arms folding over his chest while he watched her get dressed and rise from the bed. She awkwardly tugged at the dress and retrieved her torn underwear from the floor before shoving it into her purse and turning to face him. 
"I can drop you off at Word for Word. It's the closest store to Figure Eight so one of your little friends should be able to pick you up. I'd drive you home but I've got work and Barry will kill me if I'm late again." (Y/N) explained quickly and slipped his shirt back on, snatching his keys from the nightstand and jerking his head toward the door when Sarah remained rooted in her spot. 
"That's it? You're just going to... ditch me in the middle of nowhere?" She stared at him in a mixture of surprise and irritation, and (Y/N) sighed, preparing the speech he often found himself telling those who couldn't catch a hint. He was a Maybank, for Christ's sake. Nothing about the men in his family screamed commitment. His father could hardly hold down a job and JJ was as much of a playboy as the next guy.
"Sarah, baby, this doesn't mean anything. I'm sorry if your feelings are hurt but I asked if you were sure and offered to drive you back like five times last night. If you wanted your first time to be with your soulmate, you should've let me know and I would've taken you back to your boyfriend. Now, unless you want to get into a screaming match with Kiara, I suggest you start figuring out who's taking you the rest of the way."
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i-am-baechu · 11 months
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♡ Summary: Yoongi is the famous cold bad boy of the campus. All the girls liked him and all the boys envied him. Y/N was just another girl with a case of social anxiety, why would Yoongi even look at her?  
♡ Pairing: Crush situation: Non idol! Yoongi x Reader 
♡ Rating: Pg - 14 
♡ Genre: Fluff, romance, and angst
Y/N walked across the campus with her headphones and her head looking down at the cement beneath her. She just got out of her class and was now heading to another one when she saw the popular people hanging out at the back of the building. She looked up and her eyes landed on the one and only, Min Yoongi. It was crazy because she has known Yoongi since grade school but she knew he had no idea who she was. They only talked three times and all those times were because they were in small groups for class. Other than that, they never interacted. They didn’t have a reason for it. She was just the younger junior who had a crush on her senior. 
She looked away and shook her head when she saw Mina hugging his arm. It was annoying to watch but she had no right to feel upset. He wasn’t hers and never will be. She continued her way until she felt an arm around her shoulder. She pushed down her headphones and saw Umji giving her a frown “You didn’t text me last night! Y/N, I was worried.” 
Y/N let out a small laugh, “I fell asleep last night. I was so tired from work.”
Umji nodded her head and removed her arm, “Okay, I’ll allow it.”
“Umji, leave her alone. She needs sleep and not you annoying her.”
Y/N turned her head and saw Chang-kyun giving her a teasing smirk, “Oppa, where were you? You missed out on the quiz.”
Chang-kyun gave her a small shrug and chuckled, “I had to help Shownu with moving. I already told the professor, don’t worry about me Y/N.” 
Umji looked Chang-kyun up and down with a small smirk, “You helped him? You're built like a pole.” 
Chang-kyun rolled his eyes and flicked her forehead, “Shut up. Don’t you have math?”
“Yes....I’ll see you guys after class? We’re meeting in the lunchroom, right?” 
Y/N nodded her head and gave her a smile, “Good luck on your test.”
“I need all the luck, bye~.” 
Y/N and Chang-kyun waved goodbye to Umji (who was running to her class now). Y/N turned towards Chang-kyun and smiled, “How was moving?” 
“Shownu has a lot of things. It’s going to be two days at least until he's moved fully and that’s me being positive.” 
“Oppa, I can always ask my brother to help you. He comes back tomorrow”
“Nah, I don’t want to bother him. Let’s go to class before we’re late at being early.” 
Y/N pouted at this, “Don’t make fun of me. I just like being early.” 
“I know you do.” 
The two continued to walk but Y/N glanced over her shoulder to see Yoongi smoking with his friends. He was chuckling at something and she wondered what his real laugh sounded like. She bet it sounded sweet. She quickly looked away when she saw him turning his head in her direction. That would be embarrassing if she was caught looking at him. 
They sat in the middle of the classroom and Y/N took out all her supplies for the class. She took her Liberal Arts class very seriously, it was her major after all. Chang-kyun on the other hand didn’t really care for the class but needed it for his general education. Chang-kyun and Y/N have known each other since they were in diapers. He saw her as his little sister whom he had protected because of how quiet she was. Y/N saw him as a person she admired and could count on no matter what. They were always together, no matter what. 
Professor Kwon entered the room and smiled at Y/N, “Y/N, you're always here before me. One of these days I’m going to ask you to be late.” 
Y/N let out a small laugh as she felt her face get warm, “I just like being early, professor.” 
“I’m glad you're so dedicated. Chang-kyun, you should learn from her.” 
Chang-kyun rolled his eyes and locked his phone, “I’m here early too. That shows I’m dedicated to some degree.” 
“Sure. Y/N, can you take these papers to Professor Jun.”
Y/N glanced at Chang-kyun who just nodded his head at her, “Uh, sure. It’s room 345 A?” 
“Yes, his class ended ten minutes ago. You should be fine.”
She nodded her head and wiped her hands on her jeans. Chang-kyun gave her an encouraging smile and she walked to the front to get the papers. Walking in the halls felt like a headache after a long day. Each time her shoe hit the floor, the sound of her heel was amplified in her ears and it made her feel sick. It was as if the hallway was longer and narrower than what she remembered. Her cream sweater can’t give her comfort at this moment. She stood in front of the door and took a deep breath before gently knocking on the dark wood. 
The door opened and she looked up with her eyes wide. Standing in front of her was Yoongi looking down at her with a raised eyebrow, “What?” 
She swallowed some spit and looked down from his stare, “I-I have some papers for Professor Jun...it's from Professor Kwon.” She didn’t hear anything and she thought Yoongi had left, so she looked up. She saw Yoongi staring at her with an expression that she couldn’t make out. She felt her face get warm and handed him the papers, “Thank you...please make sure he gets it...umm...have a good day. Bye.” 
She heard a chuckle and she brought the papers back to her with her shaky hands. Yoongi leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed, “If you want the papers delivered then you should do it.”
She nodded her head and continued to look down at the floor, “Can I come in?” 
“I guess.”
With that, Yoongi moved away from the door and Y/N felt her heartbeat restored. She watched him go back to the front with his other friends and she realized that the class was not over. She swallowed spit again and entered the class. She bowed at the people seated at the front as she avoided Yoongi’s stare. 
Professor Jun smiled at her, “Ah, Y/N. Is that from Professor Kwon?”
Y/N's head snapped at the older man and nodded her head, “Yes, it is. I’m sorry for disturbing your class, Professor.”
“Nonsense, you can never disturb me. Thank you for the papers, tell your brother I say hi.” 
Y/N handed the papers and nodded her head, “Will do, Professor.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
Y/N nodded her head and walked away as fast as she could. She turned around to close the door and she saw Yoongi looking at her. Her eyes widened and she closed the door as fast as she could. She leaned against the wood and clenched her chest, her heart was beating faster and she hated that. She didn’t dare to check her Apple watch. She smacked her cheeks and nodded her head. She walked away with hands clawing at her sweater to hide her shaky hands. She felt like she was practically running back to her room. 
When she came back Professor Kwon wasn’t in the room and Chang-kyun was on his phone. She ran back to her seat causing him to look up with a worried look, “Is everything okay?”
“How long was I gone?”
Chang-kyun raised his eyebrow and glanced at his phone, “It was like eight minutes, why?”
Her eyes widened and she slumped in her seat, “It felt like it was longer...like an hour.” 
Chang-kyun rolled his eyes and put his phone in his pocket, “Why? What happened?” 
“Professor Jun’s class wasn’t over...Yoongi was there. It was awkward and I hated it.”
Chang-kyun nodded his head at this and rubbed her shoulders gently, “It’s over now. Next time, I’ll deliver the papers to him. Okay?”
“Okay...” Why was Yoongi staring at me? Was it because my sweater had flowers in different colors? Was my hair too messy? I shouldn’t be thinking this...Mina was sitting next to him and it's obvious they're together.
“Y/N? You good?” 
Y/N shook her head and looked at Chang-kyun with a small smile, “Yea-Yeah. I was just thinking of today’s lesson.” 
໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১
Y/N tied her apron and looked at herself in the mirror with a small smile. After hanging out with Chang-kyun and Umji, Y/N had a shift at My Dear Cafe. Her sister-in-law, Irene, owned the cafe and Y/N wanted to help out whenever she could. Plus, she needed the money. She tightened her ponytail and headed out to the front to see Irene looking at the computer.
“Hi, unnie.” 
Irene looked up from the screen and gave her a smile, “Ah, Y/N. I’m sorry to put you in this position but I have a new person coming in. Can you train them?” 
Y/N blinked her eyes and slowly nodded her head, “I-I’ll do my best.” 
Irene smiled at this and nodded her head, “I have to do paperwork for the employee and then I have a conference meeting at four. Again, I'm sorry.” 
Y/N shook her head and gave her a reassuring smile, “It’s okay...you overwork yourself, unnie.” 
Irene let out a laugh and rubbed the back of her neck, “Tonight, I want us to have dinner with Henry.”
“Oppa? He’s back from his trip?”
Irene frowned at this and crossed her arms over her chest, “Did he not text you? You're his little sister and he didn’t tell you!?” 
“It’s okay unnie, he probably fell asleep when he came home.”
“Don't excuse him. I’ll scold him, don't worry.” Before Y/N said something, the door opened. She turned towards the door and she saw Yoongi with his hands in his pocket. Y/N felt frozen in her spot as she stared at him with nerves and confusion. Why was he here? “Ah, Yoongi. Thank you for coming in early. This is Y/N, she will be your trainer.” 
Y/N looked at Irene with wide eyes and then back at Yoongi who was looking at her with a blank expression. She had to train Yoongi, alone. How was she going to talk to him? She could barely look him in his eyes. She wished Chang-kyun or Umji was here to comfort her or take care of the training instead. 
Y/N wanted to run to the back and clock out but her feet were frozen to the tile below her. Yoongi cracked his neck and looked at Irene, “Do you want me to change?” 
“You can head towards the back and on the right side is for the men. For now, just put it in any locker, we’ll assign you one later.”
Yoongi nodded his head and looked at Y/N, “Bye, teacher.”
He walked away with a chuckle that lingered in the air. Y/N’s face felt warm and she fell to the floor with her face on her knees, “Y/N? Is everything okay? Do you want me to train him instead, I don’t want you uncomfortable.” 
“No...I can do it. I just wasn’t expecting him.”
Irene placed the papers on the counter and went to Y/N’s level rubbing her back gently, “Who was that?”
Y/N looked up at her and frowned, “He’s my senior...”
Irene nodded her head at this and sighed, “Do you like him?
“I-I...I mean...he’s not bad-looking?”
Irene let out a small laugh and helped Y/N up, “You got this, Y/N. Just be your amazing self, okay?”
“I’m not that amazing...I’m just me.”
Irene rolled her eyes and gently hit her shoulder, “Which is amazing. Are you sure you want to train him? I can put off the paperwork for tonight.”
Y/N shook her head at this, “I can do it. Don’t worry.” 
“Where do I clock in?”
Y/N turned to see Yoongi leaning against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest (which seems like his normal stance). Y/N swallowed some spit and gave him a small smile (the best she could make), “I can show you...” 
Y/N walked past him not making eye contact and headed towards the back. She wasn’t even sure if he was behind her. She glanced over her shoulder to see him walking with his hands in his pocket. He looked so uninterested in everything. She stood in front of the computer and moved to the side so he could see the screen, “You're going to use your Employee ID...”
Yoongi nodded his head and moved forward with his cologne entering her nose. He smelled like old books and firewood, it was comforting, “Now what?” 
She shook her head and looked at the screen, “You're going to check if the date is right and then just click shift start.” 
He did what she said and turned towards her, “My name is Yoongi.”
Y/N nodded her head. I knew he wouldn’t remember me... “I-I’m Y/N.”
Training Yoongi wasn’t hard, it was clear that he had worked in a cafe before. He knew how to make almost all the drinks and the only thing he didn’t know how to do was register. Which was fair because every store is different. Yoongi wasn’t much of a talker nor was Y/N. The atmosphere around them was silent but it was still comforting somehow. 
Y/N reached out for a glass but didn’t see Yoongi’s hand. She touched his knuckles and looked up with an embarrassed look, “So-Sorry. I didn’t see you.”
“It’s fine. By the way, did you do Professor Kwon's homework?”
Y/N washed a dirty glass and looked at him, “Oh, yeah. I already finished it, why?”
“Are you a Liberal Arts major?”
Y/N nodded her head and turned her attention to the sink, “Yes...why?”
“That’s my major too.” 
“O-Oh that’s cool.” Why did I say that?
Before Yoongi could say another, the door opened. She looked up to see the rest of Yoongi’s friends talking loudly. Her eyes landed on Mina and she bit her lip.
“Yoongi, you look so cute in your apron.”
Yoongi scoffed as Y/N watched from the sidelines, “Shut it Tae, what do you guys want?”
Mina leaned forward placing her hand on top of his, “You know what I like, Yoon.”
Y/N looked away and opened the fridge to let the cold air touch her face. Maybe if her face was frozen she couldn’t cry, “Y/N?”
She turned around and saw Jungkook giving her a small smile. Jungkook was nice and she hung out with him a couple of times. Chang-kyun was more of his friend but she still saw him as a friend still, “Oh, Kook? It’s been a while.” 
Jungkook let out a small laugh and nodded his head, “Yeah, sorry I’ve been busy. How are you doing?”
“You know Y/N, Jungkook?”
Y/N looked at Yoongi and saw him looking at Jungkook with a raised eyebrow, “Of course I do, hyung. Chang-kyun is her best friend.” 
“You never told me that.”
“You never asked. Neh, noona, can I have banana milk?” 
She glanced at Yoongi and then gave her full attention to Jungkook, “Of course you can. Chang-kyun mentioned that you had a soccer game last week, how was that?”
“We won, noona, you should come to one.” 
Y/N let out a nervous laugh and shook her head, “I-I don’t do good with other people.”
“So you're a loner.” 
Her laughing stopped and she looked at Mina who was sending her a small smirk. She felt her face turn red and she turned around to get Jungkook’s banana milk. She wasn’t sure how to answer or if should’ve answered. She just wanted out of the situation. She placed the banana milk on the counter, “That will be ₩3,272, Kook.”
He took out the money and gave her a small smile, “Thank you noona. Maybe I'll see you at Chang-kyun’s tomorrow, maybe?”
Y/N shrugged her shoulders and gave him the change. She didn’t say anything but turned away and went towards the bathroom. When she was a few feet away she heard Mina say, “Jungkook, why are you friends with her?” 
She shook her head and rushed to the bathroom. She slammed the stall and brought her knees to her chest. She knew she should’ve clocked out or had Irene on the floor instead. She sighed to herself and left the stall. She splashed water on her face and glanced at herself in the mirror. She wished the water made her feel better. She walked out of the bathroom to see it empty again and it made her feel better. 
She started to refill everything that needed ignoring Yoongi’s stare. He let out a small cough and she glanced at him, “I’m sorry about her. She can be a bitch sometimes.”
Y/N shrugged her shoulders, “It’s fine.”
“It’s not fine. She shouldn’t talk to you like that, Y/N. I’m saying sorry because I know she won’t.” 
Y/N saw the intensity in his eyes and nodded her head, “Okay...you don’t normally talk that much...”
Yoongi shrugged his shoulders, “If something is wrong then it’s wrong. I’ll speak up.” 
Y/N nodded her head, “That’s a good trait.” 
Yoongi handed her a glass filled with a mystery drink. She glanced at the glass and then at him, “It’s a special drink. Drink it because it won’t happen again.” 
She nodded her head and took a sip. She immediately smiled at the taste, “It’s good.”
“Cherish it because I won’t do it again.” 
And she would cherish it. Even though it was a small thing, it made her feel seen. 
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“Umji, are you sure this is okay?”
“Y/N, it's going to be okay. You deserve a break from school. Plus, Chang-kyun is going to be there. You have no worries.” 
Tonight, Jungkook invited Chang-kyun to a small party. Umji was excited because she desperately needed a break but for Y/N, she didn’t care. She was better off being at home by herself with her music playing as she cleaned. She was dressed in a white long sleeve with a mini black dress on top. It was simple and that’s all she needed. She could easily blend in the background. 
Y/N nodded her head, “I suppose. Don’t get too drunk.”
Umji rolled her eyes and slapped her shoulder, “Let me have fun. I don’t go out that much.”
“I know you don’t but I can’t help but worry for you.”
Umji smiled at this and kissed Y/N’s cheek, “I know, thanks for always caring.” 
The two headed towards Jungkook’s dorm with Y/N rubbed her arms in a nervous manner. When they entered, it wasn’t a lot of people but there were new faces. Faces that belonged in magazines. Umji intertwined their fingers together and gave her a small smile, “It’s going to be okay, unnie.” 
Y/N nodded her head and her eyes landed on Chang-kyun who was talking with Jungkook. She smiled and Umji went straight to him, “Oppa, I want vodka.”
Chang-kyun raised his eyebrow at Umji and shook his head, “You and vodka don’t mix well. Remember what happened last year?”
Umji pouted at this and shook her head, “I’ve gotten better. I’m only having one drink.” 
Chang-kyun rolled his eyes and nodded his head, “Fine.” 
Umji smiled at this and looked at Y/N, “I won.”
Y/N shook her head and bowed her head at Jungkook, “Hi, Kook.”
“Hey, noona. I’m surprised to see you here.” 
Y/N let out a nervous laugh and nodded her head, “I’m shocked to be here too...”
Chang-kyun handed her a bottle of water and ruffled her hair, “The balcony is that way. I might get shit-faced but if you need somewhere to escape just head towards there. Okay?” 
Y/N tried her best to stand with everyone else but it was doing much for her. She stood up from the couch and let the laughter of everyone be her background music. She opened the sliding door and closed it shut. She sat on the black chair to stare at the stars with a small sigh escaping. 
“Hello again.”
She turned her head and saw Yoongi smirking at her with smoke escaping his lips. She didn’t even know he was here but thinking about why wouldn’t he. He’s one of Jungkook’s close friends. She waved at him and looked back at the sky, “Hello...” 
Yoongi stared at her and sighed, “You know I remembered you.”
Y/N looked at him with a confused look, “What?”
“I only wanted to introduce myself because I thought you wouldn’t remember me.” 
Y/N shook her head and turned towards him, “N-No, how could I forget you?” 
Yoongi raised his eyebrow at this and leaned towards her, “What does that mean?”
Y/N’s face felt warm and she looked away, “That I couldn’t forget you...I was so sure you would have forgotten me.”
“How could I forget about the girl that saved me in Literature?” 
“What are you talking about?” 
Y/N was always ahead with her studies. She was a freshman in a senior class, and every teacher was always impressed with her. She sat at the table with Yoongi and she couldn’t help her heart beat faster than usual. If Chang-kyun saw her now, he would make fun of her. The book they were reading was Pride and Prejudice and the teacher put them in small groups, hence why she was with Yoongi. 
Yoongi was too busy talking to his friends to notice the teacher glaring at him, “Mr. Min since you're in a talking mood. Why is Mr. Darcy infatuated with Elizabeth?” 
Yoongi cursed under his breath and looked at his paper as if they had an answer. Y/N saw him struggling and grabbed a sticky note without the teacher noticing. She placed it on his lap without looking at him and Yoongi glanced at her. He looked down to make it seem like he was looking at his paper, “Elizabeth was a breath of fresh air. Mr. Darcy was used to getting things he wanted and women only saw him for his fortune. When he met Elizabeth it was different. She fought back against him and it made him realize that’s what he wanted in a wife.” 
The teacher nodded her head at this and moved on. Y/N looked away and didn’t realize Yoongi was looking at her with a smile. 
“You remember that?” 
Yoongi nodded his head, “Of course, I remember. I saw you as Mr. Darcy.”
Y/N raised her eyebrow at this, “Why?”
“You're intelligent and you always got things because of it. I saw myself as Elizabeth, the breath of fresh air.”
Y/N’s face felt hotter and she stared at him with shock, “Wh-What?” 
“I think you know what that means.” 
She continued to stare at him and looked down, “What about Mina?” 
Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed at this and looked at her with confusion, “What about her?”
“She likes you...and I thought you liked her...”
Yoongi scoffed at this and pulled his chair closer to her. She heard this and turned her head to see him so close to her. His nose touching hers, “Mina has nothing to do with us right now. I’m only focused on you.” 
She glanced at his lips and then back to his dark brown eyes, “O-On me?” 
“Always on you...Always on you, Y/N.” He leaned forward and placed his lips on hers. Her eyes widened at the action but they quickly closed as she returned the kiss. The kiss was quick and when they leaned away he placed his forehead against hers, “It’s always been you.” 
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willowed-wisp · 3 months
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| Ser Harwin Strong x female!OC/reader insert
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WARNINGS: violence, swearing, abuse
She had forgotten about Rhaenyra's fly about- it was Harwin Strong's fault, lecturing her about not angering her father. Putting aside her unattainable ambitions- at least he possessed the balls to properly counsel her, hence she chose him of all people.
Not a lot had happened in those two days, though her father was more emotionally challenged.
Apparently Prince Daemon with the City Watch had mutilated and murdered petty criminals.
Elspeth had never had too many dealings with the dark horse of the Targaryens but had enough to distance herself from the rogue.
The woman had also had no interaction with Ser Harwin Strong. She didn't know how to feel about that- having an innate desire to search among a sea of faces hoping that she'd see his. Elspeth shrugged that off as an aversion technique, but the anguish when she didn't find him spoke otherwise.
She had always envied Rhaenyra for the primary reason that she could ride dragons- be in the wilds if she wished. Just as she held hatred of man's freedom to fulfil any role they desired while women were made to battle in bed chambers and birthing chairs.
The woman felt more kin towards the Targaryens than her own. She loved seeing her princess in the clouds - what a rush that would be. It wasn't foretold for Elspeth, thankful she hadn't been roasted alive by
Having missed Syrax's flying session, she was glad a tourney was taking place- maybe it could provide the rush always wanting in her veins, "I missed you at the Dragonpit," proper and upfront- that's why they got on so well. Rhaenyra stood in a blood-coloured frilled gown- exiting the carriage.
"What was keeping you?" Elspeth had to stifle her amusement. Not that Rhaenyra looked ridiculous.
"Did King Viserys pick this out for you?" Brow quirked, lips in a smirk. Her best friend returned the sentiment.
"What made it obvious? The frills or the patterns?" Bunching it up by the mid hem.
Rhaenyra eyed what the Hightower wore. "Are you sure you don't have dragon blood?" Referring to the black and gold gilded gown the woman wore. Its neckline was high and crossed, sleeves short- nothing too fancy. She needn't impress the councillors nor onlookers.
Elspeth tutted, "None hold more disappointment than I, Princess," they walked- the older assumed she would receive an earful from her father for being late. "You should have a sibling by the end of events." Rhaenyra smiled, it was a momentous occasion for her. She seemed excited for the company of a brother or sister- Rhaenyra convinced it will be a little girl called 'Visenya".
"Yes Visenya is on her way. I can't imagine going through labours- I’m not in a hurry," Elspeth nodded, her younger siblings provided a strong deterrent to following her 'wifely duties. Others seemed to enjoy the deed committed to be with child, not that the girl of nineteen knew personally. "So... what kept you from the Dragonpit? Syrax missed you- she's quite fond of your presence. Soon she'll be able to bear two riders..."
A purse of her lips, "I fear the dragoness would send me to my death if I saddled her. I don't possess your lineage, Rhaenyra, and Hightowers would make the worst dragon riders. You and I both know that." They started to ascend the steps, up to the entrance and where the most powerful people in Westeros watched the events.
Their laughs quieted down, hushed by the cheers from around- only the king audible and able to translate.
"I know many of you travelled long leagues to be at these games. But I promise, you will not be disappointed. When I look at the fine knights in these lists. I see a group without equal in our histories. And this great day has been made more auspicious by the news... that I am happy to share: Queen Aemma has begun her labours!"
They had sneaked to their seats- sat either side of Alicent in the front row. Rightful cheers ensued-Elspeth one of thousands in attendance. She knew Rhaenyra never wanted the fate of the kingdoms in her hands - she wanted to fly around on Syrax for the remainder of her days. A male heir would make sure that happened. "May the luck of the Seven shine upon all combatants!" An eruption of applause. She found herself politely clapping.
"Who's first?" Directed at no one in particular.
Calculating by sigils on armour.
Somebody beat them to the punch, "Opening this wondrous tournament. Ser Casten Tully," a streak of blue and silver, "His opponent- the strongest knight in the Seven Kingdoms, Ser Harwin Strong!" Something leapt inside of her- head perking. Navy, forest and carmine flashed and glimmered with armour.
In a blink of an eye, Ser Casten was in a bundle on the floor- his beige steed a few feet away.
Cradling his shoulder, a broken collarbone maybe.
Her focus on the man was short lived. Ser Harwin trotted over on horseback- helmet lifted and his eyes were straight on her, "Lady Elspeth Hightower, I stayed true to my word." Eyes not daring to roll, as she stood from the stool.
She draped her hands over the boundary- elbows rested on stone. "I'm afraid I haven't made a wreathe," Elspeth was dismissive. Stifling that guilt deep down in her chest.
"You could give him your necklace..." Fucking Rhaenyra. What was she playing at?
Oh, he looked oh-so amused with himself. "Are you going to deny a knight his favour?" He was lucky he was handsome. Fingers fiddled to undo the clasp of her golden chained, emerald encrusted piece of jewellery. Sliding it down his lance. "No kind words?"
"Don't push it, Strong," she spoke through gritted teeth. Gods above she was in trouble. Especially when he wore the necklace- smuggled with his chainmail and chest plate.
Then he was gone.
She returned to her seat. Alicent and Rhaenyra sharing looks of amusement, “Was that why you were absent from the Dragonpit?” The answer as clear as her silence was loud. Chin up and observing the next rounds of the joist. Gwayne was on the lists, but Ser Criston Cole was the cream of the crop. Fairly unknown but his reputation from the Stormlands had preceded himself. And he didn’t disappoint, she overhead Westerling’s information as he spoke to the Princess.
For every other knight she didn’t pay attention. “Ser Harwin Strong!” But him, eyes trained on him while he took a lap around the list field. He seemed to notice, bowing on his horse at her- that smile prominent under the helmet. Alicent gasped as Rhaenyra laughed in a quiet manner. Elspeth didn’t know how that made her feel, although her cheeks felt warm.
The woman maintained her composure. “His opponent, Ser Gwayne Hightower!” Her arm was touched by a concerned Alicent. Harwin had a reputation for near killing his competitors- it was a worry. Not that she had control over the events.
“Gwayne will be fine.”
Elspeth was pissed off. So much so she had left the royal balcony, storming down to the knights’ village. Finding exactly who she was looking for, “You let him unhorse you,” the dishevelled hair didn’t help her unexplainable infatuation. While he stood there, unlinking his armour.
“Your Lord brother was better than me, that can be changed with more training,” He remained so calm and gentle. As he always had and she presumed would continue to be; riling her up even more.
She paced ever so close to the man, chin up attempting to look more foreboding, “Why did you let Gwayne beat you?”
“Ser Gwayne is a fine knight.”
“He may be a fine knight but he can’t unhorse you,” her chest met his; heart skipping, maybe that wasn’t hers. He hadn’t looked away- staring into Elspeth’s eyes as she did his.
That harsh edge to her melted as he dipped his head down, “Did you want me to win, my Lady?” Ending at the shell of her ear, Elspeth sucked in a breath.
The woman sought to maintain her composure, “I trusted you wouldn’t sully my honour, Ser Strong,” faces mere inches away, “But I’m sure you won’t repeat that mistake next time…” She took a few steps back- aware of prying eyes of tourney goers and those of knights.
Nothing could hide his look of bemusement, “You wish to give me your honour again?” The woman nodded.
“You are the strongest knight, in the Seven Kingdoms. You’re one of the best there is.” A wave of pride on his face but something waged sincerity.
“I didn’t know you to be capable of such flattery, my Lady.” He was too happy with himself.
“Don’t push it, Strong.” Deja vu as she walked away- turning back to witness that intent look on Harwin’s face, “Never forfeit another tourney.”
“Don’t you want your necklace back?”
She waved him off, “For next time. Don’t want you forgetting about me,” maybe she winked, maybe she didn’t. Elspeth was not ready to admit she winked at Harwin Strong. Or that she had given him her most treasured possession.
Those eyes of blue watched the girl, “Are you sure, Elspeth?” She was weak at her knees. Yet she held it- a weak, timid nod. How had they gotten so close again? Whatever the reason, Elspeth just wanted him to disappear and let her thoughts remain pure and allow for her to go about her usual day.
Not constantly think about him.
The woman just couldn’t figure the knight out. She couldn’t fathom why in the Known World would he align himself with her? The eldest daughter to the Hand of the King and the most outspoken Lady that the court had known.
Murmurs fluttered the air, a blur of orange came into view. “Ser Harwin,” The unmistakable voice of her brother. He had to look twice at his sister being in the knight’s village, “Sister, I think you need to return to your Princess.”
“Does being a stickler ever get old, brother?” Unamused and unyielding. Until that look emerged on his face. “Gwayne, what’s wrong?” Wide green eyes met his calmed blue.
“The Queen is dead.” Drums thundered around her- only a figment of her imagination but they pounded stronger than her own heart.
Fuck. “Rhaenyra. I’ve got to go.”
Without a second word, she found her best friend and held her tight despite declaring she ‘didn’t need’ Elspeth’s sympathies. That didn’t prevent the Princess from melting to the floor in the Hightowers’ arms. Both Elspeth and Alicent cradled her that day. Not speaking a single phrase, just sharing each others’ despair.
Queen Aemma was the perfect mother to them all. Never thinking herself to be above any subject. She was a true Queen. And a true Targaryen.
What was the Seven Kingdoms to do without her by Viserys’ side?
And her death was in vain- Prince Baelon only saw the living world for a mere few hours. Elspeth didn’t need a lesson from her father to understand what this meant. The succession of Viserys’ throne was in question. Unless he remarried and produced a male heir or two.
It also meant her father would be in a more ridiculous mood- which meant more suitors in the coming days.
The days went fast and her sanity broke at a quicker rate. She felt Rhaenyra’s pain- that agony. The Princess was there for both the sisters when their Lady mother passed, and now they would return the favour. Though, Alicent had been stealing her and their mother’s clothes as of late. And had been around the Kings chambers. The woman just hoped Alicent wasn’t being forced to play an adult game at the age of fifteen.
But knowing Otto Hightower and his schemes- that most certainly was the truth. And it made her blood boil.
A crash of doors, “What is the meaning of this?”
“Are you so power famished that you’re going to exploit your youngest child? Your daughter?” She sat on the desk he was working on- closing the book that kept his focus even while she spoke. Her stare was that of rages- not surprise, “You’re rotten at your very core, that throne... Please don’t drag Alicent into your games!”
“Well you certainly won’t do what’s best for this family… Alicent has a keen mind for the way things work in this world.”
“She’s a fucking child who has a misguided idolisation for her father! Mother would never forgive you for this…” Her breath taken as the man she called ‘father’ had his fingers wrapped around her throat. Nails digging further- a crushinh hold. It wasn’t fear running through her. It was pure hatred. “Do it. Kill me. Show them the monster you’ve always been.” It was a struggle worth the pain- he released her from his grip.
Elspeth didn't know what lurked behind those eyes before. Now she did. A coward and a kingmaker. Her throat felt the construction still, coughing to realign any part of her windpipe as soon as slumped outside of the door- not caring what the Kingsguard stationed outside thought. Before their worried faces asked, she had charged halfway down the corridor- passing by with steeled manner.
“Lady Elspeth, whatever is the matter?” The master of laws, Ser Lyonel Strong. One of her father’s peers that made sense, she was quite fond of the man. He often checked in with the woman, almost like an actual father would. Not that she would know.
She shook her head- politely, “Ser Lyonel, you are in good health?”
“Child, I have known you since you were knee high,” Arms crossed, “Your Lord father?”
She nodded, “I have to attend, her grace. I will see you in court, Ser.” Elspeth had been wholly unaware of the bruises circling her throat- however, the master of laws had not been so ignorant.
Lady Elspeth had not gone to Rhaenyra- a blatant lie so she could venture down and out of the castle. Kings Landing was a much better crowd than Oldtown ever had been.
The woman found herself on the bar counter - wooden and bulking - singing her tunes as somebody tickled the ivories and picked at the strings. A tankard of ale raised in her hand, that would be her fifth. Not that she paid for any of them. She knew Bert the owner, but vagrants had been stockpiling her in alcohol since she strutted in.
She was among the clouds- unaware if it were the ale or the brute slinging her over his shoulder. Not that the girl argued, she was too far gone to walk- it was nice being carried around.
Until her back crashed into a wall, “You are foolish for coming here, my Lady,” so polite yet so gruff at the same time. It ignited something in her.
Anger… lust… Elspeth couldn’t rightly say which, “Ugh, not you, Ser Breakybones…” Eyes rolled, taking a step she wasn’t ready to take in that condition- falling into his arms. And she felt safe, secure. The woman found herself in the clouds again. So she giggled, looking into his stern face. “I’ve always fancied you…” his hand swept away the hair, unable to resist sweeping in behind her neck. She couldn’t help but wince.
She felt this man of all men tremble, “Who did this? Was it one of those pigs inside?” He let her go for a moment- about to absolute havoc to the patrons until they gave him answers. But a hand on the side of his face stopped him- everything in the man. Eyes widened as if his own heart ceased to beat when he saw her composure unravel and the tears break down Elspeth’s soft skin.
All but shattering. He held her snug while she bawled. Elspeth barely noticed when he carried her, all the way to the Red Keep. She’d have appreciated that in consciousness or told him to fuck off.
41 notes · View notes
illiicits · 1 year
Everything will be okay
Hi everyone!
I would like to start by saying this was very quickly read through and I wrote this while I was at work lol. So I’m sorry if it makes no sense or there are really bad mistakes. I’ll try to come back and fix them. Thank you for reading it and I hope you like it!
Warnings: Azriel x Female reader, some slight dirty talk (not that much), sexual scenes 18+, some cuteness between Az and reader, use of Y/N.
Word count: 5060
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You couldn’t help but envy the beautiful Acheron sister’s. In your opinion Feyre was enough. The Acheron female had infested your beautiful home with something you couldn’t quite understand. You got along just fine with the women, Often hanging out and lending your time to entertain her when she calls. Close friends is what you’d say you are with feyre though mostly one sided at times, on your part.
When the inner circle went to hybron everything went down hill. Chaos was the only word you could describe the event with.
Utter chaos.
Nothing went the way anyone thought it would; especially when evil human queens decided to play with life all for nothing. When two more Acheron sisters showed up out of nowhere you didn’t think much of the effect either of the two newly added children would bring to the inner circle.
When Hybren pulled his stupid little cauldron stunt you were at a disbelief that two arguably already pretty girls turn into stunning gorgeous women.
Watching both the girls stand soaking wet amazed you. The whole experience was a sight to see.
You didn’t not envy the two newly fae women. While beautiful and elegant looking none of the fae could come close to comparing to your kind.
You, yourself, are of rare beauty and pure power. Something the creatures of the world wouldn’t understand if you explained in detail.
You watched sweet little Elain find her mate right away. You watched the fire, hatred filled Acheron sister find her lover too. You couldn’t help the displeased look cross your face at that time. You couldn’t help but to slightly hate the two young sisters who suddenly became so in your face, much like Feyre. You had set aside and locked away your possessive side for Feyre regarding Rhys.
You never had any romantic relationship or feelings towards the high lord. He simply became family after he saved you years ago. You were possessive of all the inner circle, Rhys, Mor, Amren, Cassian, and Azriel. They all were Your family. People you loved and people who returned the love back.
You got along with all of them. Bickering with Cassian, and Mor. Shopping with Amren at times when she could handle socializing with the group, and bringing her food supply when needed.
Azriel though, was a whole other level. We sat in silence in the library, we bickered , we fought and argued. We dance in Rita's, something the shadow singer is not fond of doing and he’d sing with me, though very rarely during the dead of night. When we both happened to meet on a balcony or rooftop of the home.
We’d sneak glances and run off to hide away from the world for a little when things got boring or too intense at times.
His shadows grew fond of you, often eloping you in them and seeking you out when you’re close enough to the shadowsinger. Sometimes, you swear you could hear them whispering the faintest of words to you. Nothing you can fully make out but by the way they were acting you could guess good things.
During Ameranthas rule Az’s demeanor changed. Always brooding, always grumpy, always looking for work; for ways to rescue Rhys. Trying to find a way to sneak in and get him out, maybe even burn the whole damn mountain too. It had killed him during the first couple years the high lord was gone. It took little piece from Azriel.
But somewhere in the last 50 years your relationship flipped. Not somewhere, you remember the night you had crossed the border of friendship into something more. When your whole life changed.
It started in the first few years Rhys was under the mountain. During Starfall.
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“Azriel! Azriel!” You shouted down the hall trying to keep up the pace of one foot in front of the other. It was proving difficult to do in your lilac floral covered gown. One you had gotten just to impress the damn man, one you had gotten just for this star fall.
“Azriel, you big Illyrian baby! Stop running away.” You called to the shadowsinger, a tall frame descending down the hall. A door joining the hallway had slammed shut, you knew it was his bedroom. The only time you went in it was when he had invited you, so you both could share the silence. When he did invite you into his room you’d both more times than not just sit reading out on his balcony or watch the stars shine over the city.
Coming to a halt at the dark wooden door, you stood there hand on the handle catching your breath. You damned your shoes in your head reaching down your leg to your ankle where the straps of your heels sat. Unbuckling them you gathered the pair in your hands and swung open the door.
Az hadn’t turned the lights on yet leaving you slightly blinded by the darkness that engulfed his living quarters. You knew the layout well enough and with the faint glow of the stars leaving traces of light flowing through the arches dividing the bedroom and the balcony, you made your way towards the handsome man.
You sucked in a little breath of cold air, cooling the slight burning sensation you had endure running to catch up. Stopping for a second to take the sight in, you watched Azriel wings flutter with irritation, watched how his back rose and fell with each heavy huff of cold air he let through to his lungs. His back was facing you, top half of his body leaning over the railing his forearm most definitely crossed. He lifted his head and stared at the sky for a couple moments.
He looked transcendent under the starlight. His shadows circling around his shoulders, across his wings, his back, sneaking around his ankles and legs.
Your Eyes narrowed in on the winged Illyrian. You stomped your way over to the tall form. Halfway there you threw one shoe at his back. “What the hell was that Azriel?” You question throwing the next shoe right after. They hit him with a thump and then fall to the ground with a clack.
“I can’t believe you did that!” You yelled in disbelief. “On all the nights, you decided to get moody and be a jerk, you had to pick His favorite holiday, you had to pick the one night we celebrate regardless of him being gone” your frustration rang out into the night stars.
You stopped behind him. Expecting him to hold out longer, but his voice filled the air. “Go away.” Az’s voice felt like it fluttered out into the night air. “No, I’m not leaving, you’re acting like a brat!” You voiced. “ a- a dick! You could easily have ruined the entire night for everyone.” You argued back letting a huff of air leave your lips at the end.
“For fuck’s sake Y/N” he spat out turning around qucikly to face you. “Learn to quit, learn- learn to stop being so goddamn stubborn and pushy!” He yelled back frustrated, running his hand through his hair.
You stood there searching his anger filled eyes. Looking at a man so clearly broken, looking at someone who his whole life hid his pain and suffering from the rest of the world, the rest of the inner circle.
You watched him suck in air and blow it out quickly. His chest rising and falling each time he took a deep breath. Your eyes softened at the sight.
You reached out slowly grabbing a scared hand in yours, “Az, I know it's hard. I know you wish you could do something, anything at all to save him, to - to bring him home.” You spoke softly, barely a whisper afraid the shadowsinger would bolt if you decided to speak full volume again.
“You-” a sigh left your glossed lips. “You need to let go sometimes Az”.
“I don’t.” He replied harshly. “It’s my JOB to be aware, to- to protect everyone.” He ripped his hand from yours stalking towards a lounger.
“I have to keep searching for a way. It shouldn’t be taking me this long to find a way to save him Y/N.” Azriel plopped down on the edge of the lounger. "I'm trying and I’m failing.” He admitted placing his arms on his knees and his head between them.
Your heart ached seeing this warrior so wounded. After fighting battles and doing some of the hardest spying, seeing some of the worst things, hell experiencing the worst. He still feels that everyone else’s trauma is bigger than his.
Walking towards the warrior you reached out and grabbed his hands again. Holding both of them to your chest. “Azriel listen to me.” You spoke trying to comfort your favorite shadowsinger. “You need to let go, you need to learn to live your life sometimes.” You pleaded softly. “I know, trust me, I know that it’s killing you not being able to save him, we all feel like that Az.” You admitted squeezing his hands a little. “We just- we just, I don’t know, we still live. It’s hard and we all are still trying to figure out a way, but azriel you’re not doing anything to help yourself. You stress and stress with no way of lightening the load, or- or even to just relax for a little bit.” You claimed staring down at the beautiful man.
Azriel looked up at you staring into your eyes. He searched your beautiful face. Debating on if he should continue with his delightful thoughts that somehow snuck into his mind. Even though just moments ago he was upset and angry with himself. When you bent down to meet his eyes he caught a glimpse of your cleavage being shown off, more so tonight in the dress you wore than other outfits.
You wanted him to let go and to relax for tonight he could do that. He already knew what he wanted, and has wanted for a little while. He just never wanted to cross that boundary with you. He never wanted to keep something so safe yet completely corrupt in his life. And maybe it was the way you cared for him or maybe it was finally the realization that Rhys may never come home and he should just go for it because he no longer knows if you could disappear next, Or maybe, just maybe it was the tasty fairie wine he consumed earlier that he finally let go of his worries.
“Ok” Azirel's deep voice reached your ears.
“Okay what?” You questioned back. Running your fingers over is his hands you hold in yours. Small delicate fingers tracing rough scarred skin. Azriel even in your heels, that lay by the fence where he stood before, towered over you. The man very much was a giant which worked well for his job for the night court.
Anyone in their right mind should be scared in general of the warrior that sat before you, but you never once had experienced that terrifying feeling people claim they give him. You’ve never once felt like azriel would hurt you. You knew no matter what that him and his shadows would do everything in their power to keep you safe. You don’t know why you felt like that with him. More so than anyone else. You always passed it off as a gut feeling, or being extremely well in tune and good friends.
His voice cut through the small gap of silence that fell between you two. “Ok” he’s hands pulled out of yours.
His hands he had just removed from yours slowly moved to grab the sides of your hips. Bunching the lilac covered dress. You sucked a sharp breath in, air filling your lungs as you looked down at the godlike man with a questionable look casted in your eyes. Hazel eyes filled with lust looked over your face glancing down to your chest that looked bustier than you normally do, then they trailed back up to meet yours.
Heat quickly traveled across your body and up to your cheeks tainting them a light pink. Az hummed, a deep dark sound of approval when he looked at you.
“Will you help me relax tonight Y/N?” He questioned pulling on your hips; bringing you between his knees. His scarred hands lowered to rub the sides of your thighs. Heat began to pull between your thighs as you breathlessly responded to him. “Az? What are you- what are you doing?” Your hands moved to sit on his shoulder bracing yourself from the tug.
“You’ve taken up more of my thoughts than you should Y/N, more than any other woman has before.” His deep voice spoke. “You frustrate me to no end. I watch you smile and laugh and it makes my day so much better. You ease my worries and to help dim the pain and stress I have.” Az stated. “You make me happy and I have fought and fought and fought myself over and over again. Because I’m scared that I’ll end up ruining you with my issues. That you’ll end up being burned and scared.” He continued. “I’ll chase you away.” He choked back a noise in his throat threatening to escape.
Silence filled the air as you tried to understand what he said. Finally you said “you’d never be able to scare me off.” You confirmed. “Nothing would ever force me to stop being here for you, nothing ever.” You exclaimed. “You worry over silly things sometimes.” You remarked with a light smile on your lips.
He leaned forward and kissed your hip over the fabric of your dress. “You don’t know how many dirty thoughts have crossed my mind tonight”. “Watching your lips wrap around the rim of a glass, watching your tongue darting out to lick the frosting left over on your lips.” He looked up. “I’d love to have that pretty mouth wrapped around me.” Azriel said, a smirk starting to make an appearance on his face. His admission sent a shiver through your body and heat building between your thighs under your gown.
You’ve thought about the shadow singer on nights where it was hard to fall asleep. Other times when you’ve had too much to drink at Rita’s, you’ve always been a shamelessly flirty drinker. Often during those nights you’d be dancing with the spymaster after you begged and begged for him to dance with you, something he never usually indulged in, but he could never bring himself to refuse you especially when once he said yes you’d grab his hand with a giggle and the biggest smile would be plastered on your face for the rest of the night.
Most times, you’d end up going home leaning on the tall muscled man talking his ear off as his shadows danced around you. Azriel would drop you off at your bedroom door and bid you a goodnight. Those nights you’d always end up tossing and turning in your sleep so you’d always end up in the dead of night with your hand between your thighs whispering his name.
You breathlessly let his name fall from your lips.
“Yes Y/N?” He questioned back.
His hands slowly lifted the sides of the dress up the pads of his fingers dragging across your smooth skin. Goosebumps raised across your arms and legs. Something so delicious about his scarred hands against the silk of your leg made a small sound escape from your throat. Azriel cupped the back of your knees dragging you forward guiding each leg to sit on the sides of his pure muscle thighs.
You sat on Azirels lap. Breathing heavy and clenching your thighs. Not believing that this situation was in fact real. You begged yourself to wake up from this dream.
Scarred hands stayed under your dress slowly moving them from behind your knees to the sides of your thighs. You felt like you were burning from his touch. That if you looked down under your pretty lilac dress you wore just for this man, the one you're sitting on top of thighs on either side of, that you’d find your flesh melted away, right there where his hands gripped your thighs so tightly it stung.
His hands traveled up higher to your hips. Placing both hands in a tight grip and slowly moving you; once, twice, three times. He slowly guided you to roll your hips with his hands.
Your eyes slowly fluttered shut at the euphoric sensation that started thrumming in your body. Radiating from his hands to your hips then through your body, down your legs, up the sides of your torso to your heart.
“Did you wear this just for me Y/N?” He questioned.
“Did you wear this lilac flower dress that fits you so well to show off those perfect round tits and your silky legs just for me?” He questioned with a deep growl while he fingered the slit open exposing my skin to the cool air.
“Hm, Y/N? Did you dress up just for the terrifying shadowsinger? To get his attention, to please him?” He spoke again.
Not liking that you weren’t looking at him,or replying to him when he questioned you he roughly grabbed your throat, fingers splayed around your neck and on top of your jaw. You not responding irked the spy. He would never let his questions go unanswered in such a serious situation, this was a very very serious situation, so he’d get the answer out of you.
His eyes narrowed on your face watching the pure bliss and lust fall over your pretty features as you rolled your hips on your own. He jerked your jaw down using the fingers that stayed slightly over your jaw.
“Open your eyes Y/N. Open those pretty sparkly eyes for me and you are to not close them again.” He commanded. “You hear me Y/N?” Azriel’s firm voice shook slightly, something you definitely didn’t notice yourself but he felt it. Your eyes fluttered open slowly, you stared down at Az with sparkling lust filled eyes. A small sound emitted from your throat when he squeezed it slightly, trying to get you to answer his questions, to follow his commands.
“Yes, I did.” You gasp out while you slowly roll your hips every so often, begging and commanding for something more. “I wore it just for you, I wanted you to look at me; see that I dressed up for you, I got dolled up for you.” You confirmed. You gasped out when you rolled your hood just right hitting a sweet spot ober and over again. “Hoping, no- no praying you’d notice how I wore one of your favorite colors. Just for you, Az.” You continued staring into his eyes watching them deepen with want and some sort of dark twisted need.
You swing your arms over his shoulders, one hand going into his hair at the nape of his neck, tugging softly at the silky back hair. Az let go of your throat moving his hand to cup one of your breasts over the sweetheart neckline of the dress.
He moved closer to your body. Scarred hands squeezing your hip in one and your breast in the other. He leans forward his lips making contact with the top of your smooth mound. You sucked in a sharp breath, your body is in overdrive. You felt his mouth kissing over your mounds giving each one the same amount of attention. Licking, and kissing, sucking the top each sending heat waves everytime he did. He finally let up his assault on your chest with a quick pop and a slight jiggle of your breast.
Azriel moved to fully sit back in the lounge. His movement fixed the location of how high you sat on top of him. You felt his warmth beneath you; right under your own. You bucked your hips once, twice enjoying the feeling of him pressed into you. Azriel watched as you slowly built your arousal, his rough skin rested on the silky thighs rubbing them- squeezing them. He reached behind you tugging on the lace of the corset that held your dress up.
“Az” you moaned out so softly; barely audible his eyes snapped back up to yours as the top of the dress fell down exposing two very nicely rounded breast. Your Nipples harded from the cold chilly air hitting the warm sensitive beads. Azriel’s eyes darkened watching your chest rise and fall, he swallowed, enchanted at your beautiful body. He always knew you were wonderful. He knew something delicious always sat under your clothes.
He breathed out a breath just anticipating see you all fully under him one day. Cause after he’s had you once there’s no way in hell he’d let another touch you how he will tonight. No one else will ever again get to hear your soft moans and gasp.
Grabbing the sides of his face making him look up into your eyes. You spoke softly “kiss me Azriel. I need- I need you to kiss me.” Az didn’t bother responding to the request verbally as he felt the uncontrollable urge to just have you and need to consume your breath. He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you. Lips wrapping together, tugging and nipping each other. His tongue graced your bottom lip and you instantly opened slightly to allow his tongue to dart into your mouth to dance with your own. Kissing for minutes only taking breaks to catch your breath then you got right back into it.
Az’s hands went down to your ass gripping it to guide you to rock back and forth on his clothed cock. Tired of not having enough to feel, you reached down between your thighs to the buckles that kept Azriel tucked away. Pulling at them you finally got them free. Azriel helped you out by pulling his hardened cock out the confinement of his pants.
You looked down between the two of you. Watching as Azriel’s hand that’s wrapped around his length moves up and down. Watching as his head slightly starts glistening with pre cum.
“Such a dirty girl.” Az’s voice cut through the air. Azriel was watching you as you stared at what his hand was doing. “You like watching me touch myself princess?” Az questioned you. You hummed in response, briefly looking up to meet his eyes before they returned back to the show.
Azriel was a big man who was very cocky in his fitness and abilities. You’ve heard the rumors and giggles of the girls talking about the three winged men and their size correspondence of wings. You couldn’t help but giggle slightly at the thought that all the girls were in fact telling the truth when they’d whisper to each other about what possibly hid underneath these warriors' leathers.
“Be a good girl and touch yourself for me” Az stated. You didn’t listen as you moved your hips instead. Back and forth trying to get some sort of friction to help soothe the growing heat and need that was building even faster now.
Azriel let out a lightly growl of frustration when he suddenly took hold of your wrist. “Be a good girl y/n and touch yourself, like I asked.” He angrily said, taking the wrist he was holding with a firm grip as he moved it to the spot between your legs.
Your delicate fingers met with the heat and wetness that had been building that had soaked into your lacy fabric. You slowly took your fingers and ran them over your heat quickly before settling your middle finger over your clit. Light and airy moans escaped you as rubbed clockwise circle movements on the small sensitive bud.
“Just like that baby, you’re doing so good for me” his gruff voice praised. Your eyes fluttered shut as you worked yourself up to a blissful state. You completely disregarded his earlier command of keep your eyes open and he didn’t seem to mind either. “Az!” You moaned out breathlessly going faster.
“Fuck Azriel, oh Az” you cried out throwing your head back.
Azriel aggressively removed your hand from yourself taking quick actions to quickly remove your lace thong. As soon as it was off he quickly continued your earlier actions with his own. Scarred rough fingers met smooth delicate skin as he used his thumb to continue the torture on your sensitive clit. “So fucking pretty, you’re so pretty gods.” Azriel praised. Causing you to grab his wrist between your thighs as your hips started following the movement. Trying to build the sensation of flutters and bliss more.
“ I need mo- more” you whined out in the night air. Bringing your eyes to look at the shadowsinger below you. “You need more, what babygirl?” He questioned eyes darting between his hand touching your wetness then back to your eyes. “Come on love, use those words otherwise I won’t know what you want.” He teased.
“I need you.” You whispered out.
“What’s the magic word princess?” He taunted. “You know I’m not giving you it until you say it, so what do we say love”
“Please Az, I need more” you spoke looking into his eyes. “I need you, please, I want you, oh gods please Az please. You begged breathlessly pushing his hand down and away from you as you lifted your hips up.
“Fuck baby girl, you sound so fucking desperate for me.” He moaned.
Azriel moved to wrap his arm around your middle pulling your bodies closer. He used his other hand to pump himself a few times before running the tip of his cock through your wetness back and forth. Holding you tightly to him, azirel turned his head to kiss from your shoulder to the dip in your neck, up to your jaw and to your plump lips. He claimed your mouth with his as your arms came to rest on his muscled shoulders.
Azriel pulled away, breaking your intense kiss. He rested his forehead against yours as he softly spoke “ if it hurts, or if you want to stop at any time tell me.” He kissed the side of your cheek. “Okay? y/n” he questioned.
You smiled at the man before you “okay Az”. You gave him the green light. He gave you one last kiss before pulling back resting on a hand on your hip while the other held him at your entrance. He slowly helped you sink down onto him.
“Fuck!” He cussed. “You’re so fucking wet for me” he hummed. Moving his other hand that had helped guided him into you, to your sides. He gripped the flesh tightly causing you to cry out.
You felt yourself stretching around his cock as you slowly guided yourself further down until you had his whole length filling you up. You looked down between your bodies catching a glance at his cock disappearing into you as you slowly started bouncing up and down. Your walls gripping him tightly.
“Oh gods Az. Fuck, baby” you moaned to him.
The sound of the two of you filled the air around you. Deep grunts and breathless Moans circled into the night. The cool crisp air helped cool the both of you as sweat started building across your skins.
You kissed Az as you picked up the pace. Bring the both of you closer to your ecstasy. He wrapped both of his arms around your torso giving him leverage to relentlessly meet each one of your downwards movements with a forceful thrust of his own causing him to hit that little sweet spot inside of you.
“Cum for me.” He commanded between his moans and cussing.
And you did.
You cried out in pleasure as he finally pushed you over the edge. A blissful and content feeling finally settling over you as you road out your high waiting for the shadowsinger to find his release too.
When he did he pulled your body closer to him wrapping his muscled arms around your body. Hugging you close, with his head in your neck. He kissed your neck a few times as his pace started to slow. You listened to his ragged breathing that was fanning over your skin causing goosebumps to raise across the entirety of your body.
Azriel kissed up your neck and finally claimed your soft lips with his. Kissing you sweetly and passionately, he slowly brought both of his rough scarred hands to rest on your sides. His thumbs rubbing soothing circles on your soft skin. You both didn’t say anything, too high from the release you both very much needed.
Suddenly the sky lit up bright and you looked up. Azriel stayed staring at his beautiful lover. Watching as the bright spirits reflected a soft glow off her eyes. A smile graced his lips as he watched her own grin start taking over her face. He felt something tug deep within him. Some undeniable force connecting the two of you together.
Suddenly something smacked the side of her cheek. There sat upon her rose tinted skin sat the spirit’s glow. when her eyes met hazel ones she giggled. A wondrous sound Azriel deemed to hear for the rest of his life. More spirits passed them, some flying past without a care for the two, while others when they passed by showered the two with their glowing light.
Soon the two lovers were covered with a star-like glow. Staring into eachother eyes they laughed, with bright big smiles.
You leaned forward lining your face to meet Az’s. “Everything will be okay.” You whispered softly to him.
“Everything will be just fine” Az replied as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him sweetly.
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184 notes · View notes
toudencestyay · 1 month
Re: Falin's perception of Laios.....Yeah Falin has always seen Laios as "cool big brother" but there's something eyebrow raising about seeing him as a grossly handsome cool-guy so far removed from everyone else's take on him. Kui is several paces away from making a Falin brocon joke.
On that note, I wonder how Laios sees Falin... his image of Marcille focused on how she looked resurrecting Falin, so I wonder if his childhood memories, or other thoughts about her, might frame his perception of her.
I think laios has more questions to answer about his sister complex. Her chimera form definitely made him feel some type of way. Kabru knows.
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For what it is of his perception of falin, I believe his feelings are quite complex. I can't help but wonder if there's some kind of envy that he feels towards her alongside his adoration. Despite having arguably suffered from much more discrimination than laios, she maintains an absolute unconditional love for humanity. She ended up making a home at the academy she was sent off to when he couldn't fit in at the army - something he chose to do for her sake mind you -. Maybe "inferiority complex" is a better way to put it. His visions when he was attacked by the dungeon ghosts imply that he doesn't think his friends would bother fighting for him if he was eaten. I believe that the man he idolize disliking him and being in love with her only twist the knife further. Alongside with this feeling of inferiority, there's definitely dependance. It is very clear that at the start of the story, falin as a sort of glue between laios and the rest of the group. And without her, it becomes clear that the group aren't very tolerant of his antics. As much as it hurt, I don't think falin need laios quite as much as he need her. As showcased by this page.
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Laios said so himself. Falin's disappearance forced him to make decisions that he would never have made.
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His relationships with his group also improve dramatically over the course of the story. In all honesty, if laios was never forced to live without falin for a while, we might have ended up with a more unhealthy and codependent dynamic between the two.
To finally return to falin, I can't lie that I don't think as much about her perspective because it's just isn't as developed as much in the story. Though I think it's worth noting that she share laios's enthusiasm for monster food. A side of her that marcille, and you can assume shuros, doesn't really like about her. So I think there's this little weird side of her that she can only comfortably express with her brother. It's also interesting, the way she abandon school the moment that she sees laios in his sorry state. Was it the longing for her brother or the urge to take care of him that motivated her?
To end this, I want to add that despite seeing laios at his most pathetic and nagging him about his hygiene and appearance, there's a sense that falin's esteem of him never flinched. She's still in awe when he brag about the monsters he slayed. She still call him a genius without any hint of irony.
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So there's definitely still a lot of the adoring little sister that cling to laios's arm inside our current falin.
Sorry for such a long answer. It probably didn't really answer your question but this ask made the gear in my brain spin and I couldn't stop xd I hope you enjoyed reading this at least.
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temis-de-leon · 19 days
The Seven Siblings
Chapter 1 - The Eldest Brother
Main Masterlist
Summary: It's a normal morning, dull even, when Lucifer finds himself waiting for the train with his brothers. The air is cold and threatens to bore them all and just before he thinks there would be nothing more than sitting straight for hours while looking at the human scenery through the window, a surprising coincidence calls for his attention.
A/N: can you tell how little I care for the future posts list's order? Jk, jk... I wrote this in one day when I couldn't get it out of my mind and I hate spending too much time without posting, so bear with me, please :) And enjoy!
It had been a long time since Lucifer stopped caring about the beauty of the Human Realm. It was lacklustre compared to the magic of the Devildom and the perfection of the Celestial Realm; sure, the human’s free will had a certain splendour, but was it not modelled under his Father’s guidance?
Perhaps he needed new eyes to experience everything for the first time; without having been there since its creation.
The sun wasn’t out yet, but the blue above them all was clear and bright. He looked up to the skies not expecting anything to show up, but a couple of pigeons flew over his head and landed on the train rails to search for food in the gravel. An elderly woman waiting on the platform scowled in disgust, furiously clapping to scare the birds away and then mindlessly kicking when one of them dared to stop at her feet and pecked the hem of her skirt.
People around her only turned away from their phones for a second before going back to their businesses. They were tired, silently fighting to keep their eyes open and not lose their train, and Lucifer felt a bizarre pang of understanding that faded faster than it came.
Loud voices, or at least louder than the general silence of the station, brought everyone’s attention to the tourniquet. Four adults, two of them in their twenties, leading a group of three teenagers; all of them babbling between each other like they were going out for lunch after class. One of the adults, a man with dark hair and a scarred face, softly shushed the younger members until they fell silent; the other, the eldest one, continued walking without a word until reaching the platform Lucifer and his brothers were on.
His hair was fairer and his skin smoother, but there was no mistake that both men were brothers. In fact, now that they were closer, Lucifer could see the resemblance among all of the group. The girl and the boy in their twenties looked like carbon copies of the older adults and the teens shared many features.
Seven siblings, then?
Lucifer discreetly turned around, hoping any of his brothers also saw the coincidence, but barely half of them were awake enough to even be aware of their surroundings. However, Satan was observing with curiosity, as always, and Asmodeus was shamelessly gawking at the boy in his twenties. He was handsome and restless and was staring at the demon with the same amount of interest.
“Can you not be a manwhore?” whispered his sister before Lucifer had any time to summon patience for the trip. “For once, please”
“I’m merely admiring the view” he said in return, not as low as her.
He could hear Asmo humming in appreciation at the words.
“Dear God…” muttered the girl and Lucifer almost shared the sentiment.
The blond man sighed quietly and his brother shushed once more, sending everyone back to silence. A sudden feeling of envy struck Lucifer. What wouldn’t he give for such obedience from his brothers?
He checked his DDD, content knowing that the train wouldn’t arrive for at least another five minutes, and clapped himself on the back once more for dragging his brothers out of their beds instead of letting them sleep a little longer. They could rest once they were sitting in their private compartment.
“I’m tired” whined someone.
He turned around again expecting to see Belphie’s unforgiving eyes but was surprised when he found him completely passed out on Beel’s shoulder.
“You can sleep on the train” answered a soft voice. The scarred man, who looked way more intimidating than he sounded.
One of the teenagers, the oldest one probably, swung his arms around his body careful not to hit any of his siblings. There were dark circles under his eyes, but, contrary to his words, he seemed entirely alert.
“I don’t want to sleep, I’m just tired” he shrugged, dropping his arms and then letting his whole body weight fall against his older brother, who caught him with no problem and kept him in place with a gentle hug.
More envy coated Lucifer’s mind.
No more than a couple of seconds passed before the kid talked again, his words muffled against the scarred man’s leather jacket.
“Is Arron okay?
“Me?” answered immediately the blond man, smiling at the concern with no joy in his eyes. “Don’t worry about me Gal, I’m just tired as well”
“But you are tired all the time, aren’t you?” intervened a younger girl.
And how sweet she looked, so innocent and sincere. It seemed Arron thought the same because he walked to his youngest sister and chastely kissed her on the forehead.
“Let’s talk about this later, okay?”
Lucifer half expected any of them to insist and prod at the ambiguous response; hell, he wanted someone, anyone, to show even the tiniest bit of dissatisfaction and urge for a juicier answer, but nothing came. An ugly feeling took root in his chest.
“Wish that was you, huh?” muttered a voice next to his ear.
He slowly turned his head, noticing the vein in his forehead preparing itself to make an appearance. Mammon looked as bewildered as him, surprised at the human interaction in front of them, but he didn’t seem to realize the weight of his words nor the effect they had on Lucifer’s conscience.
Silence slowly left the platform when more passengers hurried through the line of tourniquets to settle on the remaining benches and even sit cross-legged on the floor, nervously checking their phones and getting their tickets ready for the conductor. A female voice filled the empty corners of the station informing the time of departure and destination and, soon after, the long-awaited train appeared in the distance. Mammon sighed in relief before resting his forehead on the back of Lucifer’s neck.
For a short moment, he pondered shaking the weight away, but then he looked forward.
Gal, if he’d heard correctly, had stopped hugging the scarred man, but was still grabbing his arm. Next to them, both sisters were holding each other in a lazy hug. They looked nearly identical, although the age gap was noticeable, and while the younger girl had a naïve look to her, the other seemed completely irritated and unwilling to be there.
“They’re allowing the entry already”
Satan nudged him, lightly pushing him to start walking and leaving Mammon behind in the process. The sudden absence left Lucifer’s skin cold.
He watched as Arron led his younger siblings towards the doors, handing each of them their respective tickets while giving commands in a soft tone.
“Each compartment has four seats, so choose who you want to go with” he said to the teenagers.
“Are Mara and Megor going to be together?” asked the youngest one, who had been completely silent until now. They both shrugged in unison before the girl, Mara, lightly punched her brother’s arm.
“Of course” she said in feigned annoyance. “Like always”
“I want to go with Megor”
“And I want to go with Mara”
“I’m cool going with Arron and Owen” added quickly the oldest teen, Gal, but before anyone could say anything else he continued talking. “However, what if you go on one compartment and we…?”
“Absolutely not”
People around them were entering the train, slowly emptying the platform in hurried and exhausted movements. Someone said something behind Lucifer, but he couldn’t find himself able to pay attention. Almost all of the siblings had a name except for the youngest two and, even though Owen had stopped his brother’s question, not an ounce of hostility hanged inside the group. 
“Why, though?” intervened Megor, dropping his arm over Gal’s shoulders and bringing him closer. “You left Mar and me alone all the time when we were their age”
“Oh yeah, and you came out perfectly fine, didn’t you?”
There was a shared chuckle among them before Arron leaned over Owen to whisper in his ear. The younger siblings looked at each other with curiosity, unable to hear what they were saying, but Lucifer’s superior senses caught everything perfectly.
"Let them be" pleaded Arron.
“They are minors” protested his brother.
“We need to think about how we are going to tell them everything”
Their expressions became sombre and they further turned their heads to hide from the rest of their family, but not much more happened before a hand grabbed Lucifer’s elbow and pulled him with force.
Mammon stared at him in surprise, not bothering to hide his amusement. The rest of their brothers were also staring, still half-asleep and unsure of what was happening, waiting for him to move and enter the train with them.
“I didn’t have you for an eavesdropper” the younger demon said with a smug smile.
“I wasn’t eavesdropping” he immediately refuted, the frown on his forehead deep enough to give him a headache.
“Keep telling yourself that”
His airhead brother hid behind an annoyed Levi just in time to avoid Lucifer’s stern eyes, both of them disappearing amongst the sea of people on their way to the compartment. The twins went behind, soon followed by Satan and, falling behind, Asmo.
“I can’t blame you” he whispered in his direction while looking at himself in his heart-shaped pocket mirror to retouch his lip-gloss. “I’d stare at him for hours”
Lucifer followed his gaze and nearly hurt himself rolling his eyes to the back of his head. Megor’s back was facing them, his elegant figure and silky hair easily distinguishable in the remaining crowd.
“You are mistaking the situation” he harshly assured him. “I couldn’t care less about him”
“Oh! Better for me then…”
“Do not engage with any human, Asmo, that is not the purpose of this trip”
“Come on! Please? Let me have fun!”
His eyes were shining, hypnotizing, and Lucifer knew enough of his brother to turn his head around and ignore his honeyed pleas. His eyes found another pair then, a serious gaze, but not harsh.
Arron was looking right at him.
“Well, I hope you don’t engage with any of them either because you seemed really interested back there” continued complaining Asmo, ignorant to the staring match beside him, before finally walking away and leaving Lucifer and a mass of admiring humans behind.
It took a few seconds and Owen’s insistence to distract Arron and make him lose the subtle competition, but Lucifer could still feel the interrogation in his stare.
 “We shall see” he muttered to himself even though he was alone.
Then he followed his brothers’ path and finally blended into the crowd.
Taglist: @ilovecandys2010 @ollieoven @kingofspadesdelusion @whimsybloom
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tired-biscuit · 9 months
step bro kiba…jealous step bro…😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫im gnawing on my enclosure
18+ MDNI, fem!reader // cw: stepcest, alcohol
divider credit: @/benkeibear
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the most entertaining thing is that if you haven’t done anything before, he can’t even really show that he’s jealous without outing his attraction to his little sister?
but it’s kiba we’re talking about here, so of course he’s going to exhibit envy one way or another, even if it might come across as a little bit childish sometimes. so it’s all “do it yourself” and “why don’t you ask naruto to help ya out since he’s so perfect” and shoving you out of the way and out of his room and whatever the fuck, because the fact that you’re texting and possibly going out with his friend bothers him that much.
you try to go the rational route and take it that he’s upset because you’ve stolen his friend from him and are slowly forcing yourself even further into his life; even further into his friend group. and while that would be a completely plausible reason, it’s so far from the truth.
he shows you that when he comes back home completely wasted one late night. you’re awake because you’ve secretly been waiting for him to return; sitting on the couch in the living room and not really paying much attention to the TV show that’s been playing for the last hour or so.
you rush to greet him as soon as the door clicks shut like a good little sister, but rather than saying hello, you instead have to crouch down and help him untie his shoes — he’s so shit-faced that when he bends over to do so himself, he stumbles a bit and almost tips over once or twice.
you’re taken aback by the sight. it’s very, very, very rare to see kiba be this level of drunk — the last time it happened was on the day that hana, his actual sister, had gotten married. he’s a big man after all, he handles his liquor extremely well; always holding his posture straight and his movements fairly precise no matter the amount of drinks he’s consumed. but now he’s over here absolutely wasted, barely standing upright unless you help him out.
and you do help him out, of course you do, even if he doesn’t ask you to! there’s this crooked, almost infuriating half-grin sitting on his face the entire time you kneel before him and take care of his shoes for him, and he’s — much to your surprise — feeling awfully chatty all of a sudden, despite the fact that he still refused to talk to you before leaving the house just mere hours ago.
so you help him up the stairs, letting him rest most of his weight on you by draping his arm over your shoulders and by leaning into you even if you feel severely out of breath by the time you finally reach his bedroom and stumble through the door with him.
leaving the door wide open behind you, you’re thankful that your parents are out of town for the weekend because with the way he keeps on snickering and speaking in a tone of normal volume instead of a whisper, you’re sure he’d wake them up instantly.
his grin grows slightly bigger as you keep him standing and proceed to take his shirt off because you know that he sleeps without one — it’s knowledge that makes you feel kind of funny inside, being his stepsister and all that. by the time the shirt hits the floor and your fingers reach lower to unbuckle his belt so that you can help him out of his pants, he’s outright beaming with nothing short of arrogant delight as he straightens to his full height again.
truth be told, you don’t know why you continue to act so nice towards him when he’s been nothing but mean to you ever since you told him about the possibility of going out with his friend. he’s made it quite clear that he doesn’t approve of it and that he finds you responsible for the entire thing even if naruto had been the one to slide into your DMs first, not you. what’s even worse is that he simply refuses to change his mind about it and doesn’t even want to give you a chance.
and yet despite all of that, you keep being a sweetheart to your big brother because, well, he’s exactly that — your big brother. it’s the reason why you’ve somewhat expected him not to take the news all that well and for him to start acting overprotective over you and judgy over naruto. after all, it’s what a big brother does. right…?
what a big brother doesn’t do, however, is get all up into your personal space while tugging on the hem of your shirt, saying that it’s ‘your turn’ to take it off now. what he doesn’t do is smirk and laugh this quiet, rude snicker as you place your hands on his chest to lightly push him onto the bed when he gets too close for comfort. what he doesn’t do is grab you by the wrist and drag you into bed with him when you try to leave after tucking him in.
his skin is so hot that it makes you feel like you’re burning under the covers as he holds you close, too close. you’re chest to chest, his broad palm is on your back, fisting your t-shirt, and his legs are entangled with yours. he’s dressed in nothing else but his underwear and he keeps on talking nonsense; slurring on his words about something along the lines of how you shouldn’t leave him for ‘that stupid fuckin’ loser’ who wouldn’t even know how to properly take care of you, that you have everything you need right here — can’t you see that?
you don’t expect him to kiss you while he’s in the middle of telling you off, but it happens anyway. maybe it’s because you’re nose to nose, and the room is dark and the hour is late, and you’re looking at him with that innocently sweet look in your eyes that he’s always found so fucking hard to resist, but either way; it happens so out of the blue, the kiss.
does it, though…? no, not really, you suppose. you’ve both been acting quite improperly around each other for quite some time now, leaving little hints here and there and looking at each other for too long as you grow older, so it was bound to happen at one point or another. you’re just glad that it happened while the house was empty.
it’s why you let him continue… as well as for other reasons.
his lips are soft and warm against your own, just like they’ve always been whenever he’d kissed you on the cheek in the past. he pushes his tongue inside your mouth the second you let out a little gasp of surprise and you can immediately taste the liquor that laces his spit — it’s what’s to blame for why he’s kissing you in the first place.
eventually, you start to writhe against each other as things grow hotter and instinct takes over. he touches you all over and your heart is beating so fast the entire time that you feel like it’ll explode inside your chest at any given moment.
it practically starts to rattle behind your teeth by the time his hand slides into your panties. he’s so drunk that his movements are clumsy and sloppy as hell as he spreads your pussy lips apart slightly and smears your arousal all over, but you’re so thrilled by all the risk and by having his cock in your own hand, that you hardly even notice.
minutes pass, more clothes come off. before you know it, he’s somehow managed to get on top of you and is sucking on your tits and stuffing you full with his thick fingers. you’re so wet that he can barely hide his smile as his tongue circles your nipple and his teeth nip at your skin. his digits keep on sliding back in so fucking easy, causing your hole to flutter around them, and you’re whimpering and whining in response, voicing these cute little sounds that make his cock twitch.
you’re both so horny for one another that you feel like you’re going to drop dead. all these feelings that you’ve been repressing for each other are rushing to the surface now and neither of you knows how to tame them.
“see?” he keeps on saying, the drawl in his voice as prominent as ever because of the booze that’s still coursing in his system. “told ya i could handle you better, sis… doesn’t this feel so fuckin’ nice, mm?”
the jealousy makes him want to prove a point so bad — it licks his skin with white-hot fire. god, as he looks at you, breathing so hard and mewling for him like a little kitty, he wants to beat the crap out of anyone who’d try to steal you away from him. it’s just the guard dog in him. he’s as possessive as they get.
so he supports himself above you with the help of one arm so that he can look at you, and you don’t miss the way the muscle flexes with the action as his fingers dig into the pillow. don’t miss the way your big brother’s pretty brown eyes are so full of longing for you that it makes his pupils grow triple the size.
he’s looking at you like you’re his dream girl, not his sister. it’s the reason why he says,
“i can fuck you better too, if you’ll let me… c’mooon, don’t pretend like you don’t wanna sit on your big brother’s cock. it’ll be so much fun, i promise.”
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hotbellepepaz · 14 days
ok so… was on the bus today…all of a sudden…
da Inside out journalism/undercover au???
In this AU, Disgust and Envy are the stars of the show! They’re an aspiring journalist duo who hope they can get their big break with a hit story. Alongside their partner Anxiety, they have their watchful eyes on a criminal group, The Rainbow Renegades. Made up of 6 members, these guys are tough cookies to deal with, and so Disgust, Envy and Anxiety will have to use their smarts to get intel and bust these outlaws. However, the duo doesn’t know that they have a secret weapon that can help them bust the Renegades, but it won’t come out to them that easily…
The lead investigator. Loves dressing up and writing about gossip. She’s been doing it ever since high school. Runs a small newspaper/magazine with her sister Envy called HotGloss News. Having sewing and fashion design as a hobby, she uses this skill to her advantage and designs all sorts of disguises for the trio to use. Her biggest weakness? Bias.
Disgust’s little sister and partner. She aspires to be just like her sister when she grows up, and run her own newsletter! Despite only being 9 years old, she helps her sis in investigations and does it amazingly. I mean, nobody expects a child to be an undercover investigator! She has a blossoming friendship with Anxiety, and often wants to tag along with her when she goes out, even though she keeps insisting that she shouldn’t. Huh.
A friend of Disgust’s that took this job to aid the duo in getting intel. Also, it’s just fun to go undercover and spy on people. Anxiety says she’s also trying to escape something from weighing on her, but the “something” she mentions is unknown. She goes out often to run errands of her own, but always comes back out of breath, tired, and nervous. Sometimes she even seems to come back hurt in some way, which makes this habit sketchier. Little do Disgust and Envy know, she has something bigger hiding behind their back…
The Rainbow Renegades
Sunshine (Joy)
The leader of the Renegades. Always comes up with a devious plan to smash and grab. Her specialty being the “sunburst” in which she pulls out a gun and spins while pulling the trigger. Sounds cute, but it’s extremely deadly.
Flamethrower (Anger)
The Renegade best known for setting the ransacked place on fire. For some reason, it comes out of his head. (!?)
Greg (Fear)
Instead of having a super-cool alias like the other renegades, this guy just goes by “Greg”. But don’t let his vulnerable personality and look fool you, as he has strength at unbelievable levels.
Au_revoir46377 (Ennui)
The renegades’ in house hacker. Going by her online username, she finds places that got the goods they want, and locates them for the renegades to ransack. Also usually turns off all security cameras as well.
Smasher (Embarrassment)
On the same floor as Greg, but Smasher is a bit more shy to throw punches. He’d rather just take the stuff.
The most important character, out of all of them, is actually Anxiety, and for a special reason. Remember how I mentioned that she goes out fairly often, and comes back suspiciously exhausted every time? Well, that’s because she’s secretly part of the Rainbow Renegades.
Zap (Anxiety’s alter ego)
When Anxiety goes out to “run errands,” what she’s really saying is that she’s going to go meet up with her comrades, the Rainbow Renegades, and go break the law. Under the alias Zap, she is probably one of the greatest criminals the Renegades have ever had. She can pull off a heist that would usually take more than one person, all under one minute. In fact, Sunshine considers her the bestest friend and partner in crime she’s ever had! However, both sides don’t know about her identity on the other. Disgust and Envy don’t know about her criminal life as Zap. The Rainbow Renegades don’t know about her real and investigator life as Anxiety. Yet, she’s way too nervous to come out to both. She thinks she’ll either disappoint or enrage either of them. So for now, she’s just going to figure out how to live a double life.
dw guys the bakery au is still alive and well :> just gonna have my head on this one for a while… AND IM GONNA WRITE IT ON AO3-
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danceswithsporks · 6 months
Awake- Part 1
Crosshair X Innkeeper!reader
** Not Canon to Season 3 **
Part 3 of the Complete Series
Story summary: Crosshair has seen both sides of the board when it comes to finding his place in a changing galaxy. Now that he knows the truth and is a free man, will he be able to adjust? Or will he need the guiding light of an innkeeper?
Authors notes: Well here we are! Part 3 of the Complete Series! Excited and nervous to get into Crosshairs story during all of this! So sorry for the long wait between Calm and Awake, but I truly hope this was worth the wait and you all enjoy the story!!
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Awake, you loved being awake this early. The sun was just barely cresting above the horizon and coating the sea in a soft orange hue. The moon yos were still asleep as was the rest of the island. Your fingernails tapped against the ceramic of your mug filled with warm delicious caf as you watched fishermen leave their homes and make their way down the island to their boats. Your inn was currently empty, the Empire’s new rules and regulations making traveling more difficult for everyone. Once the sun came up you’d get a few islanders coming in for a meal but other than that it was just you in your big seven-room inn. 
One of those rooms was your private apartment, set up to have everything you’d need without having to go out into your inn. The other six rooms were basic and held the essentials. A bed, a desk and chair, a dresser and a lamp. You also had a dining room with four different tables, a common area that housed a warm fireplace, a kitchen in which you did all your group cooking, and the patio that you were currently standing on. Usually, you'd take your morning caf in your apartment but with no one around you’d decided to take the opportunity to just enjoy your inn to the fullest. 
You watched as one of the clones who’d taken up residence at the top of the island walked by you. Wrecker, that was his name. The fishermen loved having him around to help with the ships and the day's catch. Your friend, Stitches, simply loved him. Even if she wouldn’t admit it yet. Two others arrived with him, his brothers Tech and Hunter. Your other dear friend, Chai, had feelings for Tech. You envied both women, finally finding the ones that warmed their hearts. Tech had saved Chai’s life a few months prior when a tsunami had hit your island and in turn, a bond had been formed. From what she told you about the clone, he had some kind of feelings for her as well. Both of them couldn’t see it yet, but you could. As for Stitches and Wrecker, well some kind of interaction had happened between the two of them on the same night of the tsunami making the two of them develop feelings for one another. For both parties, it seemed things had only escalated since then. 
The leader of the group of clones, Hunter, nodded to you as he walked by your patio and down the path toward the docks. You didn’t know too much about him, only that he kept to himself for the most part. From what Stitches told you, he cared only for the safety of his brothers and their sister Omega.  Omega, an odd little girl with a heart of pure gold. She’d joined Stitches on one of her visits to your inn a few weeks ago. She’d been intensely interested in the ins and outs of an inn and how it all worked as well as the customers you’d had. Mainly if any bounty hunters had stayed with you. The truth was that you didn’t know if you’d had any bounty hunters as customers. You tended to avoid delving too deep into your customers' personal lives unless they became regular. Which was very far and few between. 
Stitches had mentioned to you that two other members of their group weren’t around, Crosshair and Echo. Both had left on their own and while Omega talked your ear off about Echo when she’d visited, she hadn’t mentioned Crosshair at all. You wondered what had happened there. The first foghorn of the morning rang out across the island as the first of the ships left the docks and the thoughts of the clone brothers and sister quickly left your mind. Soon your regulars from the island would be stopping in for breakfast, it was time to get to work. 
“CT- 9904 it is time to awaken.” Emerie stared into the cell of the clone who’d stunned her over a week ago. His mood had decreased exponentially after his escape attempt. No doubt a result of the neurotoxin Hemlock used. 
Crosshair reluctantly opened his eyes and stared at the bright light in his cell. “What now?”  He was tired of these constant tests. 
“Your message has been decoded. Doctor Hemlock has questions for you.” She tapped at her datapad a few times before nodding to the two guards with her. “Bring him to interrogation room eight.” 
A long sigh left Crosshair as he sat up and extended his wrists for the restraints that would be coming. “What, rooms one through seven are too busy?” 
Emerie ignored the snarky comment and turned to step out of the way of the guards. Crosshair reluctantly walked by her with his hands in front of him. The walk to the interrogation room was silent save for the sound of droids moving by them and the cries of the clones who’d lost their minds. Emerie found she held no sympathy for the clones in these cells. They were traitors to the Empire and thus would be treated as such.  If only they’d submit to the reprogramming that was offered to them, their lives would become so much easier. 
The door to the room opened with a hiss making the medical droid within turn towards them. It hovered with a tray of supplies momentarily before placing them down and moving to the side of the room. “On the table. Strap him down.” Her eyes never moved from her datapad as she spoke. 
“Do whatever you want. I have nothing to share with you.” He wouldn’t crack, he wouldn’t waiver. He’d tell them nothing even if it meant his death. Crosshair had made a lot of mistakes in the last year. Choosing not to completely rat his siblings out was not one of them. If the Empire knew even a fraction of what he knew when it came to clone force ninety-nine and how they worked then they’d have been found a lot sooner. But Crosshair was nothing if not loyal to his brothers at the end of the day. Sure. He’d hunted them down in the beginning to get the girl back but his eyes had been opened after Kamino. He only regretted that it took his mission with Mayday to fully see how worthless he was to the Empire. 
Mayday, the clone who didn’t deserve to die. Crosshair found himself thinking about him a lot these days. How he could have protected the man and saved him? How they could have survived that avalanche better and found help somewhere else. So many variables that he thought about constantly. The sound of the restraints on the table drew his attention as he was secured to the cold metal. Emerie moved next to him and stared for a moment. “What?” 
She didn’t care for this clone, he was a traitor, not her brother. A traitor. “Give us the information he requires and make this easier for yourself, CT-9904.” Make it easier on them both. “Where is the clone named Omega?” 
“I don’t know.” Hissed Crosshair while eyeing the large needle on the tray nearby. No doubt the same mixture from the last time he was here. Knowing Hemlock though, it was more potent. 
Glasses were adjusted as Emerie suppressed a sigh before continuing. “Ct-9904, you sent an encrypted message containing the phrase ‘Plan eighty-eight’. What does that mean?” 
Crosshair hissed as the needle punctured his neck and the solution was injected into him. The chemical burned in his veins. “You figure it out.” He wouldn’t give them up. No matter how much this hurts.
“How do you know how to contact them?” She tapped at her datapad and the restraints around his wrist began to hum as electricity prepared to course through them. “How do you contact the clone unit known as Clone Force ninety-nine?” 
The sting of the electricity around his wrists made Crosshair tense. He could survive this. This was nothing compared to the sting of betrayal if he gave up his brothers. “I. Don’t. Know.”  
This would be a long interrogation at this rate. Emerie sighed. “Think for yourself, CT-9904. You can stop all of this right now if you give me the information I want. To show she was serious, she reached to the table and held up a small vial. “I have the antidote to the neurotoxin racing through your veins.” She tapped her datapad and lowered the electricity power. “Take a moment to think, Crosshair.” 
His eyes shifted to stare at her as she used his name. It was the first time he’d heard it in months aside from hearing himself say it or in his dreams. It had to be a trick. What was her angle? She moved the vial of antidote side to side for him to see, the liquid within moving in unison and drawing him in. Relief was right there, all he had to do was answer a question.
“Crosshair, please.” Gentle hands cupped his face as pure eyes stared into his. “Open up to me? Let me know the real you.”
“You couldn’t begin to understand what I’ve been through.” Crosshair tried to pull away from the hands but found himself stopped.
“ Let me try, sniper. Let me be the one to listen to you and know you. Let me love you.” She cooed sweetly to him while stepping forward and pressing her body against his. “Let me be yours, Cross.”
Crosshair groggily opened his eyes and looked towards the sound of someone saying his name. His name? Looking at the door to his cell, he saw blonde locs and young brown eyes staring at him. No. Why was she here? “Kid?” He sat up quickly and moved to the door. 
“Crosshair. You’re ok!” She looked over her shoulder quickly before looking back to the clone. “I don’t have a lot of time. I’m just glad to see you’re ok.” 
“What are you doing here?” Were they here to rescue him? 
“Hemlock found us and threatened the others. I gave myself up to protect them.” She didn’t look at him as she spoke, instead opting to stare at her feet.
Now that she mentioned it, he could see the prisoner's uniform on her. “What!” He hissed loudly. Hemlock had found them? Had threatened Tech, Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo? A fury burned inside the sniper at her words. He’d strangle Hemlock the moment he could. But wait. “How are you here?” 
“Hemlock is letting Nala Se use me as an assistant like before.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a ration bar. Carefully she slid it through the slot designed for food on the door to the clone. “I heard they don’t feed you guys enough. Take mine.” She didn’t like the taste of rations anyway.
Crosshair carefully took the ration stick and placed it on the floor next to him. “You can’t come back here Omega. Ya need to think about yourself.” If they found her here talking to him. 
“Omega.” A familiar voice cut through the space. “You should not be down here.” 
Crosshair glared at Emerie as she walked down the hall to them both. “Leave her alone. She was just leaving.” 
“It is not wise for you to be down here. We must go before you are discovered.” Emerie placed her hand on the shoulder of Omega. She ignored Crosshair. 
“Wait. I need to tell him something.” Omega felt herself turned away from Crosshair and prepared to walk. She needed him to hear this from her and not someone else. 
Emerie looked down the hall for any sign of guards or Hemlock. “I will relay the message to you later. We must go.” 
“Go, Kid.” Why was Emerie being so protective over her? He thought back to the interrogation room two weeks prior. She was kind to him then as well. What was going on? 
Omega looked over her shoulder towards Crosshair and nodded. She trusted Emerie to tell Crosshair about Tech. Maybe she’d get lucky and run into him in the clinic and she could tell him then. It just needed to be her. She wiggled out of Emerie’s touch and ran to the cell door, her fingers gripping the metal. “I’ll be back.” 
Crosshair shook his head while Emerie watched them. He didn’t trust her. “Don’t come back.” He didn’t intend for the words to be so harsh but she needed to not come back here. She needed to focus on herself. Pulling his hands away from the door, he stood and walked to the bed. 
“Come, Omega. We must be going.” Emerie gestured for Omega to start walking and the girl finally obliged. She wondered what was so important for the child to tell CT-9904. Whatever it was she’d pass the information along. If only to help the girl trust her more. Out of all the people who deserved to be here, the child was not one of them. 
Nodding solemnly, Omega pulled away from the door and walked away from Crosshair. She wouldn’t listen to him, she’d come back and see him as often as she could. 
It would be nearly two weeks before Crosshair saw Omega again. Two long weeks of uncertainty and upset. It hadn’t been Emerie who’d told him about Tech. He hadn’t seen the woman in days. No, it had been Hemlock. The asshole had told him while getting ready to torture him again.
“I’ve heard your sister has been to see you. A good reunion?” Hemlock stepped around the table that Crosshair was strapped to. The doctor had taken a liking to testing his latest creations on the clone in hopes of breaking him finally.
Crosshair twitched on the table but continued his refusal to answer. “Where. Is. Omega?” He hadn’t seen her in four days since she’d first come to see him. In all honesty, he’d expected she wouldn’t have given up so easily when it came to seeing him. The fact it had been so long had surprised him.
”Omega is on restricted privileges right now. Far too many attempts to visit you and other clones.” Sighing, he walked around the table while tapping his fingers on the metal. “Nonetheless, she will acclimate to our ways here and be given back her privileges in time. That the ways of the Empire are here to help you. Not restrict you.” He stopped next to Crosshair's head and leaned down. “While there’s still hope for CT-9901 and CT-9903 to understand this I’m afraid CT-9902 will not be able to.” Crosshair's eyes shifted to him, catching the man’s attention. “Ah, you didn’t know? Omega failed to tell you?” Hemlock pulled away from Crosshair while clicking his tongue against his teeth a few times. “Tsk tsk tsk. She should have told her brother that his twin was dead.”
No. Tech couldn’t be dead. The batch was indestructible. They’d survived Kamino being destroyed with them inside of it. Surely Tech could have survived whatever Hemlock had done. His eyes stared daggers into Hemlock's skin. He didn’t believe him.
Hemlock chuckled deeply as he stepped over to the syringe waiting on the medical tray. “You don’t believe me? A shame. I have no reason to lie to you.” Holding the needle up, he tapped it a few times to remove the air bubbles before returning to Crosshair. “Help me find clone force ninety-nine and I’ll allow you to see Omega.”  He watched as Crosshair turned his head away from him and stared at the ceiling. “All I am trying to do is show them the benefits of working for the Empire rather than against it. With your help, you, your brothers, and your sister could earn the life you want. Instead of them being on the run.” The syringe was held up for the restricted clone to see. “So I’ll ask again, CT-9904. Where is Clone Force ninety-nine currently hiding?”
Letting them go so easily after taking Omega had been a mistake. He needed them and their desirable mutations when it came to his dark trooper program. But he was desperate for the young clone to be returned to get Nala Se to work. The Kaminoan had refused to do any work until the girl had been retrieved thus putting them behind schedule to an almost concerning point. It wasn’t until he returned and looked at the latest numbers in the program did he realize the abilities of Clone Force Ninety-Nine would be useful to him. He had CT-9904 and though he hadn’t turned yet, he would at some point. They all cracked eventually. When he did then Hemlock would be able to use his superior sniper skills to train his dark troopers. “Help me to help you.”
Crosshair could still remember the pain from that night. Hemlock's concoctions were becoming more potent. He shifted in his bed while wincing at the pain in his arm. The day prior another clone had tried to free the others and pull off a prison break. Crosshair had been foolish enough to try and join in an attempt to find Omega. The clone who’d led the prison break had been killed on sight and the rest of them punished. His punishment? His dominant arm was broken. 
The guard who’d broken his arm had spoken to him briefly while returning him to his cell. “Even if you did escape you’d be useless as a sniper now. Is there a reason for you to escape?” Those words had cut deep for the sniper.
His arm had been placed in a sling to slowly heal as opposed to him being placed in a bacta chamber. A feeling that Crosshair found painfully uncomfortable, a constant reminder of what happened when you tried to flee the mountain. No one left Tantis. Not alive at least. 
Omega’s voice surprised Crosshair and he visibly jumped. “Omega. What are you doing here?”  How did she get out of her cell?
“Nala Se let me out. Something is about to happen, I don’t have much time but be prepared.” Omega looked over her shoulder before looking back to Crosshair. Her eyes caught sight of the sling and she frowned. So he had been punished during the last prison break as well. 
“What are you talking about? No one would be foolish enough to try and break out after the last attempt.” It had just happened, no one would be dumb enough to try again. He didn’t bother moving from the bed this time, instead opting to lie down and simply listen to the girl. 
“Nala Se got a message out. Plan thirty-seven.” A noise behind her drew her attention for a moment. It wouldn’t be Emerie this time. Not after the clone had raised concerns about the amount of testing going on with Omega. Nor after Emerie tried to help Omega escape a week ago. Omega hadn’t seen Emerie since then and Hemlock told her she wouldn’t. Hemlock had Emerie disposed of after it was clear the woman was no longer under his control. It seemed he wouldn’t keep anything from the girl. “I can’t stay long.”
Plan thirty-seven. Coordinated attacks from both inside and outside with trust in the information. The only problem was that they didn’t know when it would happen. “This place is nearly impenetrable. Don’t be a fool and believe they’re coming, Omega.” 
She looked back at the defeated clone and shook her head quickly. “They’re coming. We just need to be ready.” The noise echoed through the halls once more and she moved away from the door. “I need to go. Be. Ready.” 
Before Crosshair could say anything back, she was gone. Crosshair let out a long sigh as he closed his eyes. The poor girl was about to have her heart broken. There was no way that the batch would be able to survive an assault on Tantis.
 It would be foolish to dream as such. 
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Sora Naegino, Sunny, Kaori Miyazono, Tamaki Suoh, Monika, Asuma Mutsumi as they are when they are jealous.
Jealousy Headcanons
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[ Sora, Sunny, Kaori, Tamaki, Monika, Mutsumi ]
[ Kaleido Star ] [ Omori ] [ Your lie in April ] [ Ouran High School Host Club ] [ Doki Doki Literature Club ] [ Kiss him not me ]
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My dear, half of the characters you chose aren't even jealous how im supouse to work with that? 😂 Anyways, I hope you enjoy it
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Sora Naegino
Sora is always so cheerful, she is totally the type to see the bright side of the things, it doesn't matter what problem she encounter she always try to find a solution with determination
However being in a relationship with you make her flustered and make her a little shy at first, but as more time you two pass together the more comfortable she gets and she doesn't get shy anymore
Sora isn't easy to get jealous, again if there is a problem she doesn't let herself get overwhelmed or exceeded for it, she has a lot of determination and that is why even if she start feeling jealous or nervous about you being with others she is quickly to reasure herself that is nothing to worry about
Although is more probably that she gets jealous over you at the start of the relasionship or even before that, when you two were just friends but she already liked you, is back then when she gets jealous whenever you were close or even touchy with someone, she felt jealous and a little bit of envy but she didn't really realice what she was feeling or why, so she tries to brush it off and just focus on her training, although it didn't always work because the image the you being affectionate with someone else doesn't leave her mind
As well, something that used to make her jealous is seeing you having fun with others, although this doesn't troubled her much because she goes to you and tries to enter in the conversation, not for being possessive nor intrusive, genuinely wanting to share it with all of you, and since Sora is really cheerful and little by little she were winning the care of everyone it won't be too much trouble for her
The main reason of why she got jealous is because she wanted to be the one you were sharing those moments, being the one you were affectionate to but at that moment she didn't realice it yet, she can have troubles understanding some things or can be oblivous sometimes so that is why it take her a while to comprehend her feelings (probably at the end were thanks to her friends' help that she finally understand), and after she realice that that is what she wants she doesn't really get jealous again because is so easy to go and ask for it (not directly, specially if you are shy, but she will find a way to express herself)
Also, once you two are on a relasionship is less probable that she gets jealous because being in a relationship give her that sense of security that if she want to spend time with you she just has to ask for it
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Sunny is someone who doesn't express much, just to those that are really close to him (mainly Basil and Mari), so even when you two are on a relasionship he still doesn't say much, he express himself by other ways that he let you know little by little, also once you win his fully trust he becomes pretty clingy to you
Sunny isn't someone who gets jealous, or at least no easily, however he has a little bit of bad self-steem since his sister is everything he isn't (and his perfeccionism doesn't help). He doesn't get jealous over other people trying to make a move on you, that just bother him and make him uncomfortable, as well when others get affectionate with you doesn't bother him either, he is used to his friends being that way from time to time (specially Kel and Hero), although if is someone outside of the group it could make him uncomfortable
What could make him jealous is if you talk about some else a lot or a little too excited, he tries to endure it but the more you talk the more he feels jealous, Sunny doesn't think much of himself and he can't help but compare himself to others from time to time, so you talking a lot of someone else it makes him feel bad. Even when it bothers him he doesn't want to interrupt you, but his body language talks for him with an annoyed expresion on his face and looking like his is trying to hide himself, even avoiding looking directly at you (depending in how jealous and uncomfortable he is)
Also, he won't admin it out loud but he is jealous of his sister, it isn't like he wants to be like her or that he is envious of her but he feels jealous when you pay a lot of attention to her, Mari is so charming and she naturaly drag attention to her, besides everyone likes her, he likes her too she is always so kind to him and is always supporting him but he can't help to feel jealous when you focus on her, is just that his sister is the complete opposite of him and it troubles him, he knows you loves him nonetheless but still. Whenever you are paying too much attention to Mari or she is too close to you he becomes a little possesive, like steping closer to you, holding your hand or even cuddle you if he can (depending in how jealous he is or on what your where doing and how much attention you put on her). Although, even when Sunny tries to don't show his jealousy Mari is smart and she knows her brother really well so she will understand and try to leave the two of you alone
The jealousy make Sunny feel frustrate but he will never take it against you, he tries to handle it by his own but still search for some comfort, he tries to spend some time with Basil or Mari (depending on what made him jealous), and he will crave your comfort too, again he won't say much but you can tell that he is feeling down, he wants to have your attention again and be in your arms so a big and tight hug can help, and if you decide to cuddle him it would be much better
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Kaori Miyazono
Kaori is always so carefree and cheerful, is difficult to see her being troubled by things like this, however Kaori knows herself pretty well so most of the time she know what she feels and why, is just that she doesn't like to show it to others too much
It would be more probable her past herself to get jealous since she used to be pretty introvert and didn't drag attention to herself, but now that she just let herself be free she doesn't have much problem with it
She isn't easy to get jealous, or at least not seriously because she could bring it in a joking manner, like tell your friends that she will get jealous if they continue taking your attention from her, but normally doesn't goes far from that
She doesn't really mind you going out with other people or if you are affectionate with others, she trust you and she knows you won't do something to betray her, however if you cross the line and get a little too affectionate with someone else she will force you to make it up for her
When she actually gets jealous is either when you had been apart from each other for a while because one of you were too busy or when she is feeling specially bad, either mentally or physical, and what could make her jealous is that you are paying a lot of attention to someone else, it make her jealous but gets a little troubled about taking your attention
She handles her jealousy in a peculiar way, first of all she gets a little mad and acts pretty childish while complaining about everything (not just about what made her jealous) and doesn't have to be directly towards you, she does it with her friends (mainly Kousei) and with you just if you directly talk to her, just before getting a little sad and more quiet about the whole thing, and is until then when she seriously confront you about it
She tries to cover up her jealous and make it seem like is something else, but once she calms down she talk to you more directly, she has problems to express herself but she still tries her best to do it
After she gets jealous she will crave for your company and comfort so being just the two of you and cuddling for a while will help her get back to her cheerful self again
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Tamaki Suoh
Tamaki is really open and loud with his love for you, he doesn't see why he will have to hide it and as long as you are okay with it or doesn't bother you he won't stop, so it will be difficult to anyone to don't notice that the two or you are together (or at least that he is interested in you)
Tamaki is really clingy, always wanting to be by your side and he gets really sad when you ask him to calm down or for time alone
Tamaki is pretty easy to get jealous, and even so he could be pretty oblivous of his own feelings too, he knows it upset him and he knows that the other person who is trying something with you (or that is what he thinks) is bothering him but if someone ask him he won't say that is jealousy
Since he is pretty clingy he likes to have your attention most of the time, so is when you are directly ignoring him and putting more attention to someone else, even if you didn't mean to ignore him or you are talking about something important he gets jealous
He will try to take back your attention to him by getting affectioned or saying that he has something to show you, sometimes even try to enter in the convesation or show that he can do whatever the other person is doing too, he will stop if you ask him to but will be really sad for a long time (until you talk to him and reasure him that you aren't mad)
Also, something that make him super jealous is when others are getting close and/or affectionate with you, he can totally understand if they are your family but when it comes to friend it bothers him a little, just because he wants to be the one reciving your love and not them but he tries to keep at minimun his comments because he doesn't want to make you upset (specially if you already had scold him for it) although he can't help but make a disgusted face. However if is someone he doesn't know or someone of the club (the twins probably) he will step in to directly confronting them while separate you from them
However, when it comes to someone flirting with you more than jealousy it bothers him and waste no time to going to your side and put his arm in your shoulders/waist and ask you who is the person you were talking with, acting just like he does it in the club
Also, he doesn't handle his jealousy too well since he handle it in a pretty childish way, complaining about whatever is making him jealous with Haruhi and Kyoya (because they are the only willing to hear him rant about it) and with you he will act like a kicked puppy and look at you with teary eyes and he won't stop until you comfort him
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Monika has problems interacting with others from time to time, being nervous of making a misstep specially for how perfeccionist she can get from time to time, but being in a relationship with you and knowing that you love her make har feel a lot better
Monika is not easy to get jealous and since you to are officialy together give her a sense of security, besides she thinks that if she gets jealous is like she were doubting you or that you will see it that way and she doesn't want to give that impression
It isn't probably that she will get jealous over the others girls of the club, after spending so much time all of them had shared a lot of themselfs so she is confident that they will respect her relasionship with you (although Sayori could be pretty clingy and affectionate so she is more probably to make Monika a little jealous)
Most of the time if she start to feel nervous about you being with other people she herself tries to reasure her that if you are spending time with other peolple doesn't mean that you will leave her, but when she is already nervous for something else it will be more difficult for her to calm down
She feels jealousy when you are spending a lot of time with others or talk much about someone else while being with her, she understand that you have your own friends or things to do, she sometimes can't be with you for the club too but when you spend more time paying attention to someone else it bother her, specially if is someone you admire
She can't help but curse under her breath whoever is taking your attention from her, she tries to endure it hoping that you will forget about that other person soon but if you don't stop at some point she will snap and demand your attention, she could be pretty intimidating or aggresive while doing it but she will apologize for it (she may or may not don't really mean that apology)
As well, if you tend to be affectionate with other people she will endure it to some extent, she isn't really shy and doesn't mind pda (physical affection even comfort her) but seeing you being affectionate with someone else it upset her a little, she doesn't mind if is with you family and with your closest friends she will learn to endure it, but aside from that it make her pretty jealous, she can take you giving small touches but not a hug, she won't like it and will confront you about it, making you make it up for her by giving her the doble of affection (she doesn't want to be mean with you, that is way she doesn't pry more)
Although, If is someone else is the culprit of her jealousy, like someone intensionally taking your attention or insisting on being affectionate with you she will not just get jealous but also mad, she still tries to endure it politely try to solve the problem but if that person end her patience Monika will be more agressive, she is really smart and knows how to take advantage of others weakness
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Asuma Mutsumi
Asuma is a rather calm person as well as really caring and loving, it took him a long time to understand his feeling for you but once he does he is really open with his love, he doesn't see why he should hide it (unless it make you uncomfortable)
Between being pretty oblivious most of the time and looking after your happines and well being he isn't easy to get jealous, he just doesn't really doubt you or your relasionship, besides knowing that you love him too is enough reasurance for him
Asuma isn't someone who gets jealous easily and if it happens it happen rarely, still he handle it pretty well and he doesn't really get carry away for his feelings
He doesn't get jealous over your friends, he will even get along with your friends pretty well, and if you are getting affectionate with others it doesn't affect him neither since he already knows about this affectionate part of you (he isn't really shy to physical affection or pda, and is always gently and sweetly)
If you, for some reason pay more attention to someone else he won't think much of it at first but if this persist it will start to affect him, first feeling a little lonely without you to pass to the jealousy, he doesn't want to confront you but at some point he will (still he will be pretty shy while doing it)
He doesn't want to make a big deal of it so he prefer to sit down and talk to you about it, he has a little problem with expressing himself for not wanting to say something that will upset you or make it a big problem, and he doesn't want to take away from you the opportunity to express yourself neither
At the end he wants your comfort, just give him your attention again for a while and he feel a lot better, passing more quality time with you it would help a lot
Although, Asuma could get pretty jealous of his brother since he could be pretty flirty and touchy with others as well as stubborn when it comes to get what he wants, besides Asuma is used to give what he had to his brother in order for him to be happy, but once he accepted his feelings and started relasionship with you he understand that his you is something he isn't willing to give up so easily
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