neptunoblogger · 1 year
“Una maricada suya weon y dicen toda la tribu y es un weon comiendo empanada de niño muerto en las zonas sur de Bogotá”
(Juanpis Gonzales, 2023)
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princesssoyeon · 4 months
Yves (이브)
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kaiswifeblog · 4 months
Hii! Could you write a one shot where reader is also representing their country in Eurovision and in the carpet she has a little wardrobe malfunction, nothing major but Joost goes running to help? Sorry, English is not my first language. Thnx!! 💕💕
this is such a cute concept being a k-pop Stan I saw many wardrobe malfunctions so.. I hope you enjoy!!
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The Eurovision started a week ago and then came the moment you dreaded the most, the carpet walk.
You were always scared because you weren't a model so you couldn't walk like them and you were scared of having wardrobe malfunctions.
Thank God that you had Joost comforting you, he had you and you had him, one of the best relationship you have ever had.
He was respectful and interested in the things you had to say.
As you were thinking you heard a staff member shout that everything was ready.
You look at your outfit one last time its not that revealing so, from you point of view its okay.
as you stepped into the carpet your eyes immediately for one person and one person only, well not really because you were also searching for the reporters.
lets just say you were on edge and aware of your surroundings too much that you didn't see nor hear one of the straps of your shirt breaking.
Which caused one side of the shirt to start sliding down your chest, the reporter didn't tell because also he was busy talking to all of the other guests.
That is until Joost ran up to you and took the two halves of the string tying them back up over you shoulder together.
"here you go!" He said as he ran away at an immense speed.
"o-oh thank you Joost!" You said blushing while turning back to the camera
After the enterview you went to Joost to thank him again for what he did.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 9 months
Job Requirements to future employees of the Magnus Archives (and tips to nail your interview):
- Be part of the LGBTQIA+ comunity.
- Be neurodivergent
- Have personal trauma (a little bit of trauma is enough but the more trauma the best)
- Have a small or even better non-existent support group outside of maybe other Institute Employes if and when Elias sees fit (he will break your friendship and you won't even notice).
- Better yet just make very clear that the chances of someone noticing your sudden disapearance is something between "almost none" and "zero", same for looking for you if they somehow notice.
- Be extremely nervous and specifically afraid of Elias during your enterview. (Yes, the Head of the Instute does all the job interviews personally, no it's not for quality test he's just hungy and really enjoys the fear of being known and truly seen that comes from job enterviews in specific).
- Deep wish for knowledge
- Opticional: Have a college diploma and some high academic credenciais. Don't worry you can straight up lie, Elias will know but he will hire you for the lols (and because your anxiety of if someone noticed and when everyone will know you're an impostor is a really fun snack).
- Have no idea how to run an archive
- Cassete Tape Expertise
- Some level of distrust that will ruin your friendships (Martin is the exception because the lie anxiety was a rly good snack and Elias subestimated him).
* Specifically for the Head rchivist position we also recomend you have previous supernatural trauma to pair with your normal trauma, be hard to kill but easy to hurt and be incrledibly easy to kidnapp.
- Have cold grey eyes (alternativally have no one that really rembers your eye color all that well).
- Jonah Magnus considers you to be actractive and healty.
- Answer the question: what the people around you would think if your personality suddently changed with "preffer it" or "they wouldn' notice" or even better some mix of both.
+ Bônus: DON'T try to enter to or act as someone from HR, the HR people are either not real or just Peter Lukas dressed as a slutty secretary after he lost a bet. He hates it. You hate it (you better do or the Fog will get you). Everyone hates it (except Elias because of fucking course Elias is fine). If you try or even if you just do something that looks a bit like HR's job you will be the one testig whatever it is they're testing in artefact storage right now.
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the-old-mayhem · 9 months
I do not know if I can ask this but will you do like an enterview to Anders? How did you two agreed with him to meet?
It all depends on how the meeting and the conversation will go. The reason he offered to meet me is because I did something important connected to Pelle that he is grateful about, but I can't speak about it publicly. So, I don't wanna approach him with like, "Hey it would be nice if you gave me an interview". Maybe he wants the conversation to remain private and I intend to respect it.
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missathlete31 · 7 months
Where did you see that Glen's new films is being shot in South Africa?/ They said it on one of the enterviews he did at the Saga Awards carpet
THANK YOU ANON! I was going crazy over here trying to find where my brain came up with South Africa lol 🙈🙈🙈
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nextonormal · 11 months
watching an enterview and seeing Ramin Karimloo standing beside Hadley Fraser and saying "we love each other" in the year of our lord 2023 omfg
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The first toxic person in this series is Tim himself, he can't provoke the fans and then get angry because there are reprisals, it was he who recovered Tommy, not create a new and unique character for Buck, no, Tommy, a character who was mean to Hen and Chim, but it seems they have already forgotten that. I want to believe that he is just trying to deceive us, because obviously he is not going to say what he has in mind, because any article or enterview from BT ends up having Buddie as the protagonist, but his plan to do so is being disastrous and cruel because now it seems that the true evils of the show are Buddie shippers when they are the ones who are being mistreated. On the other hand, at the beginning of the season he said that there was going to be more Buddie than ever and it comes with this ambiguous content, first the Vertigo poster, now a video saying that Tommy is Buck's perfect match???? C'mon.
❤️🤡👏 exactly anon.
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cmuventure16 · 7 months
CMUAN Cycle Venture
The enterviews were conducted in Central Mindanao University and the target were the students of this university that would use this kind of application that we called “ CMUAN cycle venture”. The goal of this interview using social media is to confirmed the hypothesis made by the team and to gather more extra information that connected to our venture. The hypothesis is “if this venture can benefit the target users and to address the problem encountered by the cmuan , and the majority of the interviewed potential give an positive outlook about the future of this venture.
TEST AND RESULTS OF HYPOTHESIS As a group we interviewed 24 cmuan through online by asking them. We noticed that some of their answer majority are facing issues and financial issues and financial constraints that led us to focus about on transportation challenges. The hypothesis tested the viability of introducing bike rental services for students and aimed to gather insights into their suggestions and problems faced at school. Additionally, through inquiries about school-related issues, students highlighted various challenges such as limited parking, lengthy commutes, and environmental concerns. Their suggestions included improving bike infrastructure, increasing shuttle services, and implementing sustainability initiatives. These findings underscore the importance of addressing transportation needs and enhancing campus amenities to improve student satisfaction and overall well-being.
KEY SURVEY Our online survey about our bike rentals venture aimed to understand students' perspectives and address their concerns. We asked about their experiences with bike rentals and any issues they faced related to transportation. Additionally, we inquired about their school-related problems or suggestions for improvement. By gathering this information, we aimed to tailor our services to better meet students' needs and enhance their overall experience. The survey was designed to be concise and easy to complete, ensuring maximum participation. Through this key survey, we aimed to gather valuable insights that would inform our business strategies and help us provide a more efficient and satisfactory service to our target audience.
•Solo Biking
•Schedule Pick- up
The results of the study were used to address the problems expressed by the respondents and to determine whether the rental product through mobile app ride-booking would be convenient for the intended users. The survey revealed that, the majority of students experienced financial difficulties. Since its beyond our limitations, we opted to focus on the second problem that the majority of students encountered, which was transportation. The respondents found it difficult to go from the main gate to their intended classroom, especially in the forestry area, which is located quite a distance away. Furthermore, waiting for tricycles is inconvenient, especially when time is limited.
In conclusion, the suggested rental product via mobile app ride booking was able to evaluate the target customers, ease their worries about finding a solution to their issues, and improve the convenience of their lives. We understand that not all students will find it convenient or suitable. Additionally, even students who disagree with us on this matter are nevertheless interested and supportive of the suggested rental bike product.
Interviewing students about bike rentals taught us the importance of teamwork. Clear communication ensured everyone knew their roles, preventing duplication of work. Collaboration let us use each person's strengths, making our interviews better. Brainstorming as a group sparked creativity and new ideas, improving our approach. Adapting to challenges taught us flexibility and kept us focused on our goals. Together, we achieved more efficiently, innovated, and gained valuable insights.
Submitted by : PUTIAN , HAZEL A.
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thehumanooblec · 9 months
hi yes ranking again
so I saw this YouTube shorts video enterviewing these 2 Gen Alpha kids and it was silly and they unironically said “mad lit on god”
but all the comments were like “blah blah we’re old blah blah I hope global warming takes these kids yatayata humanity needs a reset”
and yeah…sure
but these kids were so adorable?? I’m sorry how could you hate these kids- like I get it coco melon brain rotten children suck but I mostly just feel sorry that we’ve done that to them but like…idk children are precious no matter what and I hope our mistakes don’t punish the innocent kids who we hand our planet off to (even if I know they will)
just my thoughts
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It’s all coming back to me now. 53 years ago, Jeannie asked me for a divorce. My foot started to shake and I was in shock. That night, there was a party, we went, and I still was in shock. I had never experienced anything like. We were leaving the next day to celebrate,berate Christmas with my family. None of it seemed real. My brother Frank picked us up and I told him. He wanted to know if I had another woman. It was the most awful Christmas. I was in a daze trying to keep it together. My brother and Liz were getting engaged. Our son was with us and I don’t know how I made it thru. I asked Jeannie to help me and she said no.We got back to Chicago and Jeannie said I don’t know what is wrong with me. I coot her to hospital where she was admired in the psych ward. I could not have any contact with and I took care of Bobby for 2 weeks.I enterviews
Child care workers and it was awful.I don’t remember much of those 2 weeks but they let Jeannie come home.I do remember sleeping in Bobby’s room and seeing the
ice on the window. The song I remember was the BeeGees, How do you mend a broken heart.and sobbing.
Then seemed to back to normal. It wasn’t, but it gave 3 years with my son when I knew it was over. We watched zig mar Bergman’’s The Perfect Marriage and I said to Jeannie, it’s over isn’t it?….and it was
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redappy · 10 months
I feel useless, saw today against my will, some high-school colleagues, and how they are doing and man... does it hurt to have sacrificed so much to have a career and see them doing better than me, some of them i have no comparison because they're born to rich families but the normal ones doing better hurts a bit, i tried so hard to become a good programmer and now I'm hopping from temp job to temp job just so i can pay the bills, don't really have anything against them I'm just mad at capitalism and this fake meritocracy bullshit they sold us as kids everybody told me that if i studied hard and worked hard i would make money but what i see is great professionals in my field staying out of a job because there's over saturation in the industry, I mean I'm no beginner and I always did my best and even with 5 years experience nobody even schedules an enterview with me.
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viscardiac · 11 months
honestly though is there something wrong with me? people like my resume, they like me in the enterviews, WHY DOES NO ONE HIRE ME
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javihsuarez · 1 year
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Fanzine about a travel in Ethiopia. In this travel we made an article about the musical scene in Addis Ababa during the 70´s and 80´s mostly recorded in casetes. We enterviewed and old school musician Dawit Yifru, a new generation one Ethiopian records, Tsige Belachew a producer and ownder of the shop Master Sound today reconverted in Bikeshop and the casete collector Adam Wole.
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fairly-pink · 2 years
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showmb · 2 years
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Welcome to ShowMB, @manuelgimenez_ ! Manuel is an influencer from Mar del Plata (Argentina) who shares amazing content about a lot of topics, specially Photography, Cinema and TV!
He can promote your brand by doing different publications showing your products in her daily live, including enterviews like this one (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nf9Er5Lq7qU) or learning pills like this one (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9ZU0bBummk).
Don't forget to follow him!
You can also get to know Manuel a little bit more by registering as a contractor and having a look at his ShowMB profile: https://www.showmb.com.ar/ar/es-ar/manuel-gimenez-manuel_gimenez/27905
#influencer #Argentina #MarDelPlata #Photography #TV #Cinema #enterview #LearningPill #ShowMB #InfluencerMarketing
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