#enjoy the extra effort answer it's to make up for all the ''Yeah.'' of the past
myriadeyed · 2 months
ok question: as a bird do you ever see something on the ground you want to look at more closely and by impulse feel the urge to grab it with your foot (talon) to lift it and inspect it more closely before remembering that you cant do that bc human feet (esp when shoed) are not that dextrous??? I get this impulse regularly enough that i notice it and it's making me wonder if there's a Bit of Bird In Here Somewhere or if it's something else.
Not that specifically, but I definitely do constantly want to grab things with my feet. Usually not while I'm wearing shoes because I mean, my bird brain can tell I've got shoes on lol. I don't ever really want to lift things closer to my face to look at them better, I'm more likely to like. You know.
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Because not just bird going on in here. But I do pick things up with my feet when I feel like it. It doesn't bother me that I can't because I actually can usually lmao. After I got top surgery I was opening doors and turning the sink on and shit with my feet no problem so it's never been a dysphoria for me. It probably would be if I couldn't though if that helps you with the questioning. My dysphoria is less "can't use feet as hands" and more "why do I have hands AT ALL these appendages are fucked up"
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manikas-whims · 19 days
Skincare with the LADS Men
inspired by THIS recent text with Xavier where he said we left our pack of face masks in his fridge 🥺
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🐦‍⬛ He maintains good skincare and overall hygiene. He's the type who's like “if i’m going out to commit some illegal deeds or kill an enemy, might as well look good doing it. His healing ability helps maintain a better skin as well.
🐦‍⬛ When you find out, you're kind of surprised that he's so well-maintained. And he takes offense that you'd have such low opinion of him just because of his profession. He scoffs. “Your assumptions wound me, kitten. Even the leader of Onichynus cares a little for his appearances.”
🐦‍⬛ Luke and Keiran later on giggle and reveal to you how their boss makes an extra effort to look better whenever you are coming to see him.
❄️ There's a difference between hygiene and skincare. So just because he's a doctor, doesn't necessarily mean he's good at taking care of himself. Yeah he might take a bath and always put on clean suits but he doesn't really bother much with skincare itself.
❄️ It's not that he cannot do it but he simply doesn't have the time for it due to his packed schedule at the hospital. Almost twice or thrice when you surprise-visit him during his late night shifts, you've found him shaving his stubble at his office’s washroom lol. There are some faint cuts on his jaw and you fuss over them much to his delight.
❄️ His skin and body suffer mostly due to his eating habits. More often than not you've caught him sneaking way more macarons than good for his teeth. Not to mention, he doesn't eat proper meals due to his work.
❄️ “It’s not what it looks like. I'm a doctor. Obviously I know how to manage my health.” He laughs sheepishly because it's not often that he's on the receiving end of scolding, especially from you. You end up having to pay regular visits and watch over him for a while, bringing in full meals as is needed for him.
🌊 Thanks to him working at odd hours, eating at odd times, passing out on the couch every now and then that it's expected he'd be careless but he does in fact take proper care of his skin. And it's better than yours. (well ofc his Lemurian genes are partly to thank but he's a fish out of water so he does need to take care).
🌊 He knows his skin is amazing and he'll make a show of it in front of you. Not to make you jealous but because he wants you to praise him for it, call him pretty and handsome. “Come onnn!!” He drawls out. “Admit that I’m way prettier than those idols you're a fan of.”
🌊 Definitely enjoys doing skincare routines with you. Will indulge in manicures and pedicures if you ask, chatting with you all the while. Even recommends certain products that would benefit your skin. And offers to do your facial and massage.
⭐ Canonically isn't concerned with skincare. Even MC is shocked at the fact that his skin is doing so good despite any proper care. Probably the type who uses those “5 in 1” products 😭. Or grabs just any product without much care for the actual ingredients involved. How his skin and hair are doing alright? You have no idea..
⭐ You offer to do his skincare and he agrees because that just means he gets to spend more time with you. Enjoys the sensation of your hands on his face. Melts into a puddle if you wash his hair. You also try fixing some of his eating habits because alternating between cup noodles and meat ain't it. And though it takes a while, you figure out his skin type and help him get his own products.
⭐ You both develop a habit of putting on sheet masks while watching late night movies or playing video games. Sometimes you two just end up lazying around and talking about mundane stuff.
⭐ But even if you set up a whole routine for him, if he stays over at your place, then he's definitely using your shampoo. And if you ask him why, then he smiles innocently and answers, “Oh..it’s not that I am particularly biased to the product. It’s just that I like it when I smell like you.”
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irisintheafterglow · 11 months
if he's a ghost, then I can be a phantom
summary: the strawhats are summoned back to baratie so sanji can cook for a high-class diner. they can't figure out why zoro is so nervous. (opla!zoro x you)
wc: 2k
cw/tags: swearing, mentions of food and eating, established relationship, pet names (sweetheart, doll, lover, pretty), spoilers if you squint, sanji being himself and zoro having absolutely none of it
note: this was requested by an anon a few weeks ago and i finally got around to writing it!! every time i write for zoro, i have a new favorite fic i've made because he's just so fun to write for. hope you enjoy!!
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated <3
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“You know, they’re a lot hotter in person.”
“Shut your mouth, waiter, or I’ll skewer it closed,” he mutters with palpable distaste. Another swig of rum burns down his throat and, for the first time that the crew can remember, Zoro seemed nervous. It wasn’t obvious, but they’d sailed long enough to know that he never stopped surveying a room for threats, no matter how familiar he was with it. Today, though, the only thing that took his attention was the rim of his glass and he was subtly avoiding the eyes of the crew’s target. “This is the dumbest idea you’ve had in a long time.” 
“Thank you for your input, Zoro. I will, however, be belaying it,” his captain replies brightly, unfazed by the blank expression of his first mate. The uneasy faces of his crew only makes him beam more, giddily excited for the anticipated challenge. “C’mon, guys. We’ll be fine. They just need to see how awesome we are and they’ll totally give us a new sail!”
“Loud, loud, too loud,” Zoro warns in response to the increasing volume of Luffy’s voice. They were already causing enough of a scene, as is, and he damn sure didn’t want other guests looking in their direction. To make matters worse, the amount of alcohol in the table’s bottle was dwindling too quickly for comfort. 
“Hey, if we’re lucky,” Usopp offers, “we might just get a whole ship. You know, maybe one that Captain Usopp can command as the second ship in the Straw Hat fleet.”
“You think we’ll get a whole fleet?”
“Hell yeah. Maybe, we can all captain our own ships–”
“Alright, let’s get our heads out of the clouds,” Nami cuts in. “We still need to figure out how we’re going to get over there, in the first place. And just for the record, I’m with Zoro on this one.” 
“First time for everything,” he deadpans. She smartly elects to ignore his sarcasm and continues to argue why the plan is a bad idea. The call from Zeff came at an opportune time and during an unfortunate situation when the Merry sailed straight into a torrential thunderstorm that ripped the main sail clean down the middle. Despite their best efforts to patch it up, it was beyond repair; with the Marines constantly on their tail, having a working sail was a matter of survival. Zeff’s reluctant summons for Sanji to cook for a special guest provided a means to buy a new sail and have a little extra spending money. But, in his wildest dreams, Zoro could not have predicted that the special guest was you. The smug look on the chef’s face snaps him out of his thoughts. “Shouldn’t you be in the kitchen, waiter?”
“Shouldn’t you be downing the rest of this bottle, drunk?”
“I’ll smash this damn bottle on your head, I swear–”
“No, no. Zoro has a point,” Luffy agrees. Sanji gives him an odd look and he quickly realizes what his statement insinuated. “Not about smashing the bottle on your head. We need you to bring them your food so then I can go over and talk with them.”
“You don’t think I can charm them on my own?” 
“Don’t look so aghast, blondie,” Zoro answers and receives a knife-sharp glare in response. “This is not someone who will entertain your theatrics.”
“How would you know anything about them, hmm? I believe you’re a little too dead inside for their liking,” Sanji baits and Zoro’s on the verge of biting before Nami steps in again. 
“Sanji, get in the kitchen. Let’s just get the money and get out of here.” Zoro silently thanks her in his head for effectively ridding the chef of the table for the time being. His gratitude turns into a grimace when she turns to him expectantly. “You’re gonna hate me for asking–”
“Then don’t ask,” he finishes. She doesn’t relent. 
“How do you know them? It seems like you’re nervous about being here, but we’ve never met them before as a crew.” Hitting the damn nail on the head. “So, you must’ve met them when you were still hunting down pirates. Am I right?” He grumbles an unreadable response, but the slightly pink shade of his face tells the table everything they need to know. “You’re terrible at covering up secrets.”
“I don’t remember asking.”
“Ah, you’ve got him on the run, now. He’s deflecting,” Usopp chuckles, immediately shutting up when Zoro shoots him a deadly scowl. He hated that all of them were right and would never admit it to save his life. After all this time, seeing you still made his heart rate skyrocket and cause his hands to clam up with boyish nervousness. You were just as beautiful as the last time he saw you, instances that were too few and far between for his own liking. Your father would have a fit if he saw you in such an unregulated environment as Baratie, but he knew that you were safe. As long as you breathed the same oxygen, he vowed no harm would come to you. 
“I met them when I first started hunting,” he admits and the words felt wrong on his tongue. Every nerve in his body was telling him to stop revealing his relationship to you. It didn’t matter if he’d almost died surrounded by his crew; his connection to you was sacred and something he was going to take to his grave. It was mostly for your safety, the late-night sneaking out and stolen displays of affection. In another life, he wouldn’t have to hide you from other hunters that wanted to see him fall. “Their father is a captain in the Marines. When I first met them, they were training with Mihawk. Their father wanted them to be the most feared Marine in the seas.” The jaws of his friends fell to the table and he knew how wild it sounded, a legacy Marine trained by a pirate lord. “But, Mihawk taught them more tricks than just swordfighting and their father fired him on the spot.”
“He taught them sympathy for pirates,” Nami concludes and he nods. “Why are you so shifty around them?” He shrugs half-heartedly and tries to make it look like his face wasn’t on fire.
“Just haven’t seen them in a while,” he states, zeroing in on the blonde asshole waltzing to you with a plate. Your surrounding guards stiffen, hands flying to the weapons at their belts. You, however, roll your eyes and tell them to stand down. He knew you hated going out with security because they were always watching, watching, watching. “Eyes up. The waiter’s making a move.” 
A strange sense of nausea washes over him as he watches you smile politely at Sanji, laughing softly at his jokes and kindly nodding as he explains the dish to you. You trust them, Zoro keeps telling himself. That waiter doesn’t stand a fucking chance. All the reassurances don’t stop his gut from churning when Sanji does his signature lean-down-and-whisper-suggestively into your ear. To his surprise, however, you don’t immediately meet the chef’s eyes. Your attention flicks to Zoro, instead, with a look that he knows all too well. 
Please get me out of this. 
Despite the protests of the table, he’s standing in an instant and walking with his hands on his swords like your guards didn’t even exist. His sight becomes tunnel-vision on nothing but you and he bypasses your guards with ease. Your shoulders relax when he stations himself protectively behind you, much to the confusion of the chef in front of you. As subtle as he can, he rests his hand on the back of your chair, inching closer until he’s just barely touching your shoulder. It’s small, but speaks wonders for his presence. 
“Zoro,” you murmur without looking up, your fingertips brushing against his knuckles. Your touch on his skin after so much time away feels electric.
“Hey, sweetheart.” Sanji stiffens at the term of endearment so easily leaving Zoro’s mouth and you can sense the boost it does for his ego. “Whatcha got there?”
“My new friend was just telling me about the dish he made. He said he crafted it especially for me, with his own hands,” you inform him with a sly sparkle in your eye. His jaw clenches unconsciously. You knew exactly what was going on in Zoro’s mind and he knew it, too. “Apparently, he can work wonders with his hands,” you remark casually and you can hear the chair crack under the force of the swordsman’s hand gripping it. To your delight, Sanji’s face has also taken on a slightly darker shade of red at how crassly you echo his suggestion. And in front of his rival, no less.
“Was he, now?” His tone is lethal and it sends goosebumps up your arms. “Well, it best be time for him to get back in the kitchen, no?”
“Mmm, but he said he had a proposal for me–”
“I had one for you too, though I did ask you in a much finer establishment than this one.” You can’t help the smirk that spreads on your face and you have to look to the side to keep from laughing aloud. Zoro’s jealousy was rearing a very indignant head; you’d be lying if you said you didn’t find it a little hot. “Got that stone on your left hand to prove it.” Sanji’s eyes darted to the band wrapped around your finger, a ring that looked suspiciously like the one hanging from a chain around Zoro’s neck. “Give us some time alone, yeah?” His question becomes rhetorical as he pulls out a chair next to you and tugs your seat closer until you can cross your leg across his. His palm rests possessively over your thigh and the chef gapes for a few moments more before turning back to the kitchen. 
“That goes for all of you, please,” you order your guards without looking at them, absentmindedly tracing Zoro’s jawline with the back of your pointer finger. “Take my bag and buy however many drinks you want. I’m safe,” you state with absolute certainty. Once they’re gone, all you see, feel, and know is him.
“Hi,” he breathes.
“Hi,” you smile just as softly. “What’re you doing in a place like this?”
“I can ask you the same question, pretty.” His eyes shine with nothing but adoration. You forgot just how much you missed him.
“Took a detour to prolong my time at sea. I didn’t want to go home just yet.”
“Your old man’s being an ass again?”
“You know how he is,” you reply. “Why are you here?”
“Believe it or not, that blonde shithead is my crewmate. We’re here to get some extra Berry for a new sail.”
“Sail, hmm? I always knew you had a little pirate in you,” you tease and he sticks his tongue out immaturely. “Heard you fought my esteemed mentor. I don’t know what the hell you were thinking.”
“You don’t think I can beat him?”
“I don’t think I can fathom what will happen if you don’t,” you say quietly, swallowing a lump in your throat. “Don’t do any dumb shit, okay?”
“You’re acting as if I’m already leaving you again.” 
“Aren’t you?” Your smile is sad and it makes his chest ache. When he beat Mihawk and killed your bastard father, he was going to give you the life that you deserved. 
“Not yet,” he promises. “I don’t wanna go yet.”
“I don’t want you to go, either. How much do you need for that sail?” He gives you a number and you don’t even blink. You just nod and reach into your coin purse, fishing around and deciding to just give him the entire pouch. “Will that cover it?”
“It’s a yes or no question, husband,” you say with lighthearted sternness. He shakes his head in exasperation but can’t hide the grin painting his features. 
“Yes, lover. It’s more than enough.” He presses a kiss to your forehead and you hum in contentment. “Thank you, sweetheart.”
“Of course. D’you mind introducing me to the rest of your crew besides the flirty waiter?”
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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runningfrom2am · 5 months
cold nights // part thirty
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summary: you were back in the capitol, and you would be damned if you didn't try your hardest to make it worthwhile.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 3.4k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: tribute!reader and mentor!coriolanus, r is very sweet (too kind for this world. literally.), sunshine x grumpy trope kinda, he falls first, violence typical for the source material, depictions of mental illness, also she's is very smart (as she should), district twelve!reader.
a/n: guys i've been listening to this playlist again and it actually still tears me apart every time i think ab them. anyway lol enjoy!!
my asks are also open to talk about this series! (i do have emoji anons open now too!)
send me any and all of your thoughts! here!
series masterlist // playlist
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Coryo hadn't seen you in a while, he thought you would be back after going to get water but you never returned. He could only bear Livia and Festus for so long before he couldn't take it anymore, leaving to go look for you.
He's scanning the room for your white dress and your angel wings, the telltale tones of your hair, or any other sign of you when Sejanus walks up, standing next to him. "Looking for your girlfriend?" He asks, leaning close to him to make sure he could be heard in the loud room.
"Do you know where she is?" Coryo asks, not giving him another look.
"Yep." Sejanus nods, lips pressed together in a thin line. "She's in my bedroom bawling her eyes out."
Coryo's head swivels to look at him, eyes wide. "What? What happened?" He frowns, not waiting for Sejanus to answer before he begins striding toward the stairs. "Did someone say something to her?"
"Yeah, you did, actually." Sejanus replies as he follows after him, the bitterness in his tone suddenly obvious to his friend as he stops in his tracks.
"What? No, I-" Coryo stammers, looking down at your friend as he steps in front of him to block his path. "What... what did I do? Did she tell you?"
"Lyssie came and found me, and I went to talk to her. The gist of it is that she's suddenly realizing how you're embarrassed of her."
"What?" Coryo asks again, his anger and confusion shifting into sadness as his eyes soften.
Sejanus shrugs a bit. "That's just what I was told."
"No," Coryo insists. "That's not... That's not what it is, not at all."
"Isn't it?" Your friend asks, raising an eyebrow at him. "That you won't tell anyone, that you're keeping her a secret? That you told people she's nothing more than your tribute? After all this time? I can't think of another reason you would treat her like this."
"Of course you can't!" Coryo spits, anger suddenly returning. "You're so caught up in your rebellious bullshit that you can't think ahead, can you? Sejanus- if anyone finds out they'll crucify her! They'll do the same to me! Our lives will be ruined if that gets out at the wrong time!"
Sejanus rolls his eyes. "Her life, or yours?" He asks. "She'll be sent home. Everyone loves her too much to kill her. The worst case scenario for her is that she gets sent home to live her life as normal- with her family and friends. Happy, back in Twelve. The worst for you is that you'd have to decide whether or not you love her enough to go with her."
Coryo opens his mouth to speak, but quickly closes it when he finds he doesn't have an adequate response.
"You're taking every extra effort to turn her into everything you are. Forcing her to become me- a District kid who had to leave their life behind for nothing more than the money just so you can have her without people looking at you funny, but have you ever asked her what she actually wants? I didn't have a choice, but Y/N does. You just won't give it to her."
He has never seen Sejanus this angry before.
"You know she had to leave. She didn't have a choice." Coryo says through gritted teeth.
Sejanus shakes his head, laughing dryly. "It's not about that, Coriolanus. That didn't mean she had to pack up her life and never return- she never needed to change who she was, but look at her! She's doing everything she can to fit in with you and your life!"
"I did what we had to do because you never can! You only ever think of yourself! The world doesn't work the way you want it to, and you can't stand it. I get that, but we want the same thing. I just know how to get it. She needs people to listen to her- so we can actually stop the games, do you think they'll listen to her if she doesn't play pretend for a while?"
Sejanus huffs in frustration. "If you're not going to listen to me, fine, but don't do this to her." He shakes his head. "At the very least you could have explained why you were lying to her."
"I've never lied to her!" Her answers impulsively- he's sure he has, but not with the intention to hurt you. Never to hurt you. "Look at what happened when she found out, huh?" Coryo gestures vaguely up the hall. "I'm just trying to protect her. That's all I care about! That's it!"
"If you had just told her that from the beginning she wouldn't be hurting like this. You know that, Coryo."
"Okay, and I'm going to explain right now. So leave me alone." He grumbles, moving to push past Sejanus, who quickly stops him, giving him a knowing look.
"Sejanus, get out of my way."
"No," Sejanus states. "Because you're not the only one who cares about her, and right now, I'm the one protecting her."
Coryo grits his teeth together, breathing heavily as he looks at your friend in the quiet hall, music echoing from seemingly everywhere else in the house. He hates considering that Sejanus could be right.
There's a warm breeze that's serving to keep you cool while you walk through the market, dripping wet from head to toe. Your hair is clinging to the skin of your neck and back, allowing you some freedom from the heat as you hold onto Coryo's hand.
With your clothes soaked and stuck to your skin, you could at least convince yourself that was why people were staring.
"So, how often do you do this?" Coryo asks, unable to help but to laugh as he looks down at you.
"Only during a heat wave." You shrug, already scanning the street for the shops you needed to stop at. You had offered to pick up groceries for your Ma, considering the heat and the walk would have made it difficult. At least you could make it fun, and you would have some company.
"Makes sense." He chuckles. He had to admit, the dampness of his clothes was helpful in keeping him cool. It almost made up for the lack of air conditioning in the District.
"The goal is to get home before we dry off." You explain. "Lennox and I play this game sometimes."
Before he can reply, you're dropping his hand and walking over to one of the stalls.
"Y/N, it's been a while." The woman working states, smiling at you somewhat nervously.
"Yes, well, I'm back to business as usual now." You smile, pulling the empty glass bottle from the bag at your side and holding it out to her. "Or at least tryin' my very best."
"I can see that." She chuckles, shaking her head as she takes the bottle. "No Lennox today?" She asks, preparing to fill it up with milk.
"No ma'am." You smile, shaking your head and digging in your pocket for the change you brought and placing it in front of her on the table. "He's off getting into some kind of trouble, I'm sure."
"Take good care of him, will ya? He's a good kid." She hands the now full bottle back to you with a sealed cap.
"Yes, ma'am." You nod, tucking it back into your bag. "Thank you."
She nods at you and you're on your way down again, Coryo allowing you to pull him along as you grab his hand.
You go stall to stall, picking up everything your mother asked for as your shoulder bag steadily fills and Coryo takes it from you to carry instead. He was much stronger now than he was when you first met him- the Plinth Prize had fed him well in every sense of the word.
You look up as you near the end of the street, surrounded by locals who are talking and shouting all the same. The market on a Saturday always was busy, and today was no exception.
"What is it?" Coryo asks, looking at you as you freeze in the street and a smile steadily grows on your face.
"Listen." You tell him, tuning in on the steady clapping coming from the end of the street. When he puts in a little bit of focus, he can just make out the music.
By the time he does, you're grabbing his hand again and pulling him toward the source of the familiar sounds.
The crowd parts around you when you get close enough, and by now Coryo recognizes the band playing as the Covey. There are people dancing in the street despite the heat, sweating and laughing and having fun. It takes a moment for him to notice you being pulled away by little Maude Ivory, who had set down her hip drum to come dance with you.
The smile on your face was simply unmatched, lighting up the shadows cast by the buildings where the sun couldn't quite reach. You hardly even seem to notice when the people dancing around you cleared away, and it was now just you and the little girl who Coryo speculates didn't even know where you had disappeared to for most of July.
You come to a slow stop as you look around, your smile fading as the music continues.
"Thinkin' you're so fine, thinkin' you could have mine..."
Coryo couldn't just watch this. He was far from a dancer himself, but he'd be damned if he let a bunch of idiots dampen your mood because of something you couldn't control.
"Thinkin' you're in control, thinkin' you'll change me, maybe rearrange me,"
You hardly hear your favourite part of the song you loved as you're focussed on Coryo taking the spot of Maude Ivory who's carrying your bag of shopping and placing it down next to their instrument cases and picking her drum back up.
"Think again if that's your goal!"
The extent of Coryo's dance experience was limited to ballroom, and that showed as he quickly raised your hand to spin you. The sunshine smile that finds its way back onto your face while you twirl around under his hand makes his fears of being a bad dancer disappear in an instant, and others must be feeling the same way as the crowd begins to clap and cheer for the two of you.
It was only another beat before others were dancing again, and someone had taken the liberty of breaking a nearby fire hydrant to spray everyone on the street. Now, your clothes were freshly wet and you didn't stand out so much anymore as Coriolanus took a hold of your waist and dipped you just as the music came to a halt.
He smiled as he looked down at you, frozen in the moment with your wet hair hanging down toward the street and your chest rising and falling quickly. Your eyes were closed, cheeks rosy and flushed, and Coriolanus Snow felt like he was on top of the world.
You wake up in Sejanus's bed in the morning, the satin dress that was part of your costume clinging uncomfortably to your skin under his blankets to accompany the horrible plague of sadness that didn't even give you a moment to breathe. Staring at the ceiling and processing your consciousness, you were disappointed with the memory that presented itself as a dream.
Disappointed in yourself for thinking you could have him, really have him, and foolish for thinking he was actually looking past where you were from. But you had made him a promise that was haunting you.
"Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love; and I'll no longer be a Capulet."
He would not give up who he was, but he claimed to love you. His stance was clear, and now it was your turn. Give up the District, or give up him.
When the buzzer rings signifying there is someone at the door in the afternoon, Coryo is flying to the receiver and praying it's you. "Hello?"
He's extremely disappointed when it's Sejanus Plinth's voice that he hears instead. "I'm here for the cat."
Coryo sighs, knocking the side of his fist against the wall as a quiet way to vent his frustration. "No."
"What do you mean, 'no'?" Sejanus spits, voice crackling through the speaker. "He's Y/N's cat-"
"I mean, no. I'm not giving you her cat. He lives here. She lives here. She'll come back." Coriolanus interrupts him, and he's met by deafening silence.
"Coryo-" He sighs, and the pity traveling with his tone up through the walls onto the twelfth floor is what sets him off.
"If she wants her damn cat she can come get him herself." The cat in question is purring and brushing up against his leg as he practically shouts into the wall, letting go of the button before scooping Tybalt up and walking back to his room.
He wasn't angry at you, he knew that much. He was angry at the world for forcing him to make the decisions he did- he was angry at Sejanus for not letting him speak to you last night, and more than anything, he was angry at himself.
Coriolanus Snow was never one to admit when he was feeling afraid. He had never been very good with feelings outside of the basics. He knew he loved Tigris, and now you, and he knew anger and frustration like the back of his hand, but fear- fear was a whole new beast. When it came to recognizing and acknowledging it, anyway.
When it came to you, you were everything to him. Since the moment Coryo first laid his eyes on you, you occupied every ounce of his thoughts. You and your astonishing mind, your body, your everything was like a chronic illness that he never wanted to be cured of, an illness that shamelessly followed him around- gnawing at any other area of his brain that wasn't you until you fully dominated his thoughts altogether. He had never craved anything more, no amount of power could ever make him as satisfied as he is when looking at you.
And that is what terrified him. That losing you meant so much more than losing his path to the presidency. As he places Tybalt on his bed and crawls back under the covers with your cat to rot in his own regrets, he realizes he doesn't give the slightest fuck about his future. Not if it doesn't include you.
So why had he done this at all?
You couldn't call home. You wanted to, you were supposed to, but you couldn't talk to your parents. Put on a smile and tell them everything is fine even when you were calling from the Plinth mansion and you hadn't been back at the Snow's in a day. God forbid this is the day Lennox decides to speak to you again- you couldn't lie to him, and he wouldn't be pleased.
When Sejanus comes back to the large homey mansion empty-handed, you couldn't say you were surprised.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. He's holding Tybs hostage." He tells you, attempting a lighthearted joke while he watches you clean up cups and decorations.
"That's alright." You reply quietly. "He's happy there, they're good friends."
"No, he's being childish. He can't leverage your cat against you."
"Well, it doesn't matter much. I will go back tonight." Sej's eyes go wide at your statement.
"You're kidding." Is all he can offer in response as you casually continue to take down decorations, piling them on the coffee table to dispose of all at once.
You shake your head, turning to look at him fully with a reassuring smile. "Yes, it is totally fine. I'll just help clean up before I go."
"No!" Your friend protests. "Are you not angry? He's been lying to you- he's embarrassed of us, is what it seems like to me. That's not fair to you. Not one bit, Y/N."
He had seen your pain last night. Felt it, even, and he knows that even a good night's sleep could not have solved that- but he also knew that you were a preacher of forgiveness and clung to it like a vice. You would forgive Coriolanus whether you really should or not.
"Never anger made good guard for itself."
"Y/N... Please." Sejanus replies, shaking his head at your saddened smile. "Stay here. Just for a couple of days. I am begging you to think about yourself and what you need for once."
You sigh, giving him a slight nod. If you were being totally honest, you did not want to go back yet. You just needed time.
It was such a relief to be able to finally relax, even if it was just for a few days. You lounged around in Sej's spare pyjamas, curled up in his Ma's library while she and her husband were back in District Two on some alleged business that your friend did not care to know much about. It was very much not your concern anyway.
The point of your couple days off was to not care about others, not care about the problems of the world and the mistakes you have made but instead to just enjoy the company of the books stacked high on shelves in the Plinth's mansion.
So far, a dusty book in surprisingly incredible condition had been keeping you company for the better part of the morning. Little Women. It was captivating- far from the love stories that typically drew your attention, but you couldn't tear your nose from between the pages.
You had to, eventually, when you heard your name being shouted by your best friend from downstairs. You tuck an envelope from the table next to you in between the pages and make your way down the long hall, already excited to tell him about what may very well be your new favourite book.
"Sej?" You call out, having lost track of where the voice had come from as you head for the front hall. You were aware he was leaving only to go pick up something for breakfast at a bakery he said was his favourite, one you had never been to, but that had been quite some time ago. As you walk toward the foyer assuming that's where you would find him, you guess there must have been a long lineup. "Sej, I have to tell you about the book I found!"
You couldn't keep your raving in as you round the corner, already flipping once more through the pages in preparation for citing to him some of your favourite parts while you ate breakfast.
You look up when you sense the shadow of more than one person at the door, expecting to see his parents, having returned early from their trip. Instead, your heart stops in your chest. It's Lennox. Rigid, nothing but a backpack slung over his shoulder as he stares at you. You hadn't heard from him in months, despite all your best efforts.
The book in your hand clatters to the floor and before you know it your arms are around your brother's neck, holding onto him for dear life. You hear his bag drop to the ground beside you before his arms are around your waist, firm as he pulls you as close as he possibly can.
"When I am from thee every place is distant..." You say into his shirt, gripping the back of it in your hands.
"I missed you too." Lennox mumbles.
"I'm sorry... I am so sorry." You tell him quietly and you feel him shake his head before he pulls back just to look at you.
"Don't you apologize to me." He says strictly. "Don't you dare." The tears pooling on his lash line make yours spill over again. "I'm sorry. I should be sorry."
You hug him again, and now it is your turn to shake your head. "Let's just agree to forgive each other so we can just be happy we're together..."
"Deal." He sniffs, patting your back before letting you go again to pick his bag up off the floor.
"What... what are you doing here?" You ask with a slight laugh, wiping your eyes quickly. "Howdid you get here?"
Your brother nods toward Sejanus, who you now realize was just forced to watch the whole exchange. "Sejanus called the house the other night." He explains. "Said you were havin' a real rough time, so I hopped on the freight car of the peacekeeper's train first thing in the morning."
Which means he would be here for the month- and immediately you couldn't be more relieved or excited.
"Thank you." You nod at him, turning now to give your best friend a hug. "Thank you for doing that..." You whisper and he nods, gently rubbing your back.
"Of course, Y/N/N."
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taglist: @soulessjourney , @that-veela-girl ,  @dreamyysouls, @rockstarbfs, @maysileeewrites , @baybieruth , @kitscutie,  @fratboyharrysgf0201 , @totallynotkaibiased , @stelleduarte , @secretsicanthideanymore , @bejeweledreverie , @drewsandsebastianswife , @niicole-87 , @queenofshinigamis , @innercreationflower , @nallasstuff , @iovemoonyy , @thatmarvelchick19 , @wearemadeofstardust0 , @regulusblackcore , @puredreamagination , @fantasticchaosthing , @becauseseaotters , @secretsicanthideanymore , @cascadingbliss
okay suddenly tumblr isn't letting me tag more people than this so i just made some cuts unfortunately :') i just left the max amount of people i could whose users i recognized and see in my notifs all the time :) if you're not on here and you should be i'm so sorry!
also this taglist is closed now!! if you’d like to get a notification when i update, turn on my post notifications!! i promise i won’t spam y'all :,)
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trexdrabbles · 20 days
I would absolutely die for a little Gambit drabble with #5 from that prompt list!
I have been absolutely dying to do one of these so thank you! (Fem reader since nothing was specified!)
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NSFT under the cut!
#5 - "Let me take care of you, yeah? I'll do the work."
It had been a long day. Long day, long week, long month. Work had been getting just uncomfortably busy as of late, and you just had to keep reminding yourself that every evening spent away from home and every weekend tacked on too was only adding to your bank account and the reserve of compensatory time off you had been saving up. A few more weeks of this and you'd finally be done with the worst of it all and swore you were going to take a whole month off, and sleep straight through the first week of it. Even with the finish line in sight though, you needed a break, and badly at that.
And you weren't the only one who seemed to think so.
Remy had been a little busier on his end of things too, but not enough so as to not notice how you practically dragged yourself through the door each day, or sounded absolutely dead when you were on call with him. Today had seemed particularly rough, coming home late on a Saturday evening, short pumps in your hand that you had taken off before even driving home and had just carried up the driveway with you. But with all that misery was the littlest glimmer of hope in the fact that you had the next day off. A lovely little blip in your hellish schedule and god did you intent to make the most of it.
Cuddling with your boyfriend had definitely been prominent on your mind as a good place to start and had honestly kept you going through the final half of your work day. Opening the door to confirm that he was actually, in fact, there had been quite the blessing too. Realistically you knew he wouldn't take off without at least a text shot your way at the bare minimum, but seeing him there with your own two eyes just cemented the knowledge that you were going to finally have a damn good day off.
"Lookin' good, but ain't lookin' too hot," he commented, glancing up from whatever he had been doing on his phone, looking you over with something close to sympathy that only grew closer when you answered him with an exceptionally eloquent groan that perfectly conveyed 'I almost wish I had just been hit by a car on the way home so I wouldn't have to deal with this anymore'.
"I feel like death," you announced, dropping your poor shoes unceremoniously right beside the door and then kicking them a little further away from the entry for good measure.
"Already got dinner goin'. Be done soon."
That was enough to lift a little extra weight off of your shoulders as well and you sighed for it.
"That's why I love you," you murmured, drawing close to press a small smattering of kisses to his lips and cheek before figuring you'd go and change before sitting down to eat.
"Love me for plenty a' reasons," Remy retorted between kisses, smile permanently affixed to his lips throughout.
"Mmm, no, just that one," you teased, laughing slightly when he caught you around the waist to keep you from wandering too far off.
"Just gotta remind you a' the rest, don't I?" You knew exactly where he was going with that and admittedly it sounded pretty damn good, but you were already struggling with wanting to stay awake as it was.
You leaned in to give him one more kiss before moving to step back again. "You can remind me tomorrow."
Your efforts to go and change clothes were once again thwarted by his grip tightening a touch more and when you glanced back at him, his smile had lost its teasing edge.
"C'mon chère; let Remy take care a' you, yeah? Been runnin' yourself down, let me do the work tonight."
Fuck, if that didn't get you.
Somehow dinner was enjoyed at a relatively normal pace before he was dragging you off to your room, dishes to be ignored until tomorrow. Remy kept up with his words too, hardly letting you lift a finger as he grabbed a change of sleep clothes for you and helped you out of your work clothes. You had thought just immediately crashing with your entire body tangled around him would be a perfect end for the night, and that was entirely off from what was happening now. Though admittedly, being stretched out on your bed, thighs locked around his head and fingers curled into his hair as his tongue pressed expertly into you, lapping up everything you had to give and then some was an even better option.
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aesethewitch · 11 months
Spirit Work: The Power of Hanging Out
Elaborate rituals, intense meditations, and huge gestures have their places in spirit work. There's value in putting a massive effort into something for the spirits you venerate or work with. And sometimes, you need to do these big things for a particular outcome or as part of your tradition.
I have a bias against big, elaborate rituals for this purpose, though. In my practice, it's just unnecessary. All of the relationships I have and maintain with spirits are, at their cores, friendships. They're not working relationships, they're not worshiper-worshiped relationships, they're not transactional relationships. My spirits are my friends.
So I approach working with them like friendship. I'll light a candle and set a cup of coffee or tea on their altar in the same way I'd offer a friend a cup of tea when they visit. If I'm working on something, I'm accustomed to body doubling as someone with ADHD, and I like to invite my friends to work alongside me. In the same way, I'll invite my spirit friends to participate or just hang around while I work.
Heck, they hang out while I write these posts sometimes!
Not everything in spirit work has to be intense and serious. Yes, you should be respectful -- in the same way that you should be respectful to your neighbors and your friends. And yeah, not all spirits can or should be treated this way.
But I would like to posit the humble power of Hanging Out.
What I Mean By That
Literally. Hanging out.
Whatever you normally do to "call" your spirit(s), do that. My method is lighting a candle of some sort. Sometimes, I'll choose a scented candle if I'm trying to lure a particular spirit to the area, but an unscented taper candle will do just fine.
And then, you hang out. That's it.
If you're watching YouTube, invite the spirit to watch with you. Ask their opinions on what to watch, if you have an easy way to communicate with them. (One of my spirits loves Ghost Hunting TV Shows. He thinks it's hilarious.)
If you're playing a video game, leave space on the couch for the spirit to settle next to you to watch.
Make dinner, chat about your days. Set aside a little plate for them if you want. Eat together.
The Value in Hanging Out
The idea here is that time is valuable​. Time spent with someone else is valuable on its own, even if that time is spent doing little to nothing "productive."
Think about your friends and the people you enjoy spending time with. It isn't always clubs, parties, exploring, hiking, running, traveling, or whatever else you do. Even if that's how you met or your main activity together, there are always casual moments. Easy breakfasts, simple conversations, sleepovers in your PJs, watching movies.
Quality time is powerful. Choosing to spend your time with someone sends a clear message: "I value your presence."
Not everything has to be an elaborate party. Sometimes, all you want is to sit down and hang out.
Why can't it be the same with spirits? The answer is that it can. In my practice, I rarely do anything that elaborate. I'll put extra effort in for special occasions like holidays, but usually, it's a simple act of lighting a candle, saying hello, and then sitting down with the spirit to just hang out.
Not every relationship requires constant, intense focus. Especially if you're looking to befriend​ your spirits, rather than just work with them, the Power of Hanging Out is a valuable asset to keep in mind.
It doesn't have to be every day, either. I have a sort of open, standing invitation for whichever spirits to hang out whenever they like. They're welcome to chill anytime, unless I ask to be left alone. Because of our relationship, they respect that. (Usually -- the only time they don't is if something urgent has come up or they need something.)
I developed the theory of Hanging Out years ago. Spirit work was where I started, and it's always been Home to me. But it's intense sometimes, and a lot of what I was doing was burning me out very, very fast. So I adapted on the fly, as one does, and it ended up working really well.
Now, Hanging Out is my primary method of doing spirit work. Even with spirits I don't know or in new locations, there's value in projecting an aura of "I'm just here to chill. Feel free to talk to me, or don't. It's cool." Spirits, shockingly, respond to that. I end up with a lot of interesting, casual conversations, light taps on the shoulder to let me know I've been acknowledged by something that doesn't want to talk, and various visual anomalies from shy critters in the shadows.
Think of it like slow blinking at a cat or offering the back of your hand to a dog. Approaching respectfully and calmly in a very casual way attracts things that otherwise wouldn't show themselves. The Power of Hanging Out is alluring to even the shyest spirits.
Again, obviously, this won't work for all spirits. Do what works for what you work with. I've found Hanging Out works best with ancestors, house spirits, land spirits, and assorted ghosties over the years. It's not so good with, say, the Good Neighbors. But hey, maybe your experience will differ.
Extra Benefits of Hanging Out
Aside from the relationship benefits of casually sitting and hanging out, there are even more practical benefits. As a side-effect of adapting spirit work in this way to work for me, my senses for spiritual energy shot through the roof.
I've always been pretty sensitive. I'm that weird kid at the next table over in the restaurant who clocked the spirit of your recently-deceased aunt who left you her necklace which you're wearing under your shirt and which I couldn't have possibly seen. But when I started Hanging Out and just existing in a space with spirits, everything sort of... exploded.
It's like recognizing your family's footsteps coming down the hallway. When I stopped trying to force myself to understand and recognize every scrap of energy, it all washed over me instead. And in the Energy Soup, I started to recognize more signs and signals without effort.
This is, in my opinion, the greatest benefit of Hanging Out, even for people who don't do spirit work at all. There's no meditative aspect to it, really (though you can certainly meditate to enhance it, if that's something you do). It's just sitting and being receptive.
I don't think this method will work for everyone. People who have zero sensitivity to spirits may not see any results. But I think it has value even for those people.
At its core, Hanging Out is a mindfulness exercise. If you can't be with spirits, be with yourself. Put the call out to whoever or whatever you work with, venerate, sense -- or things you'd like to get to know better. See what answers.
​Light a candle.
Say, "If you want to come sit with me and watch TV, feel free. I have popcorn."
Hang Out.
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Also, consider throwing a response at my Divination Theory Survey! This is an ongoing research project that needs all the help it can get. Thanks!
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a-simple-imagine · 9 months
That Warm Christmas Feeling
Synopsis: Your spending the holidays with Jordan but you wake up feeling hot…
Pairing: Jordan Li x fem!reader
Words: 1k+
A/N - Happy holidays my lovelies. I woke up feeling absolutely awful which sucks but here’s a little gift. It's short and messy but enjoy.
WARNINGS - swearing
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a blanket of white snow paved the way for joyful celebration and family festivities. the festive season had been deep in your bones since late November. the cheesy Christmas movies. the bright flashing lights. and jolly old men in beards. you never cared much for the festive season by any means, it almost seemed like too much but you were making a conscious effort to try and enjoy it. you want the first holiday season together to feel even just a little special. you had been dragging them along to all kinds of festive events. you had been ice skating and drank hot chocolate. Christmas shopping around the markets. it was all just fun and games. the main event was to take place at their home. your first time meeting their parents. it seemed like such a big step for a rather new relationship but you weren’t against the idea. it would be fun.
a loud groan forces its way past your lips as you roll onto your back. a dull ache settles deep in your bones. a thick fog invades your head as your brain throbs. a blocked, tickly nose. great. you’re sick. on Christmas day of all days. you pull the covers up over your head to escape the sun peaking through the windows. couldn’t have picked a worse day. “good morning,” whispered in your ear. there’s an edge of excitement to their voice. their hand comes up to remove the duvet and reveal your less-than-pleased expression. You move away from them, burying your fave deeper into the pillow. “You good? I thought you'd be more excited. My parents have a full day planned, you're gonna love it.”
A pit of guilt or nausea grows in your stomach. You really wanna get up and enjoy the day but you also just wanna go back to sleep. “Please don't be mad,” you mumble against the fabric of the pillow.
“Why would I be mad?”
“I feel like shit,” you admit. “I think I'm sick.”
“Oh,” there's a pause that almost allows you to drift off again. “That's shit.”
“I’m sorry,”
“no no don’t be,” they reassure you. “You should stay in bed if you're not feeling up to it.”
“is that okay?” you ask quietly.
“Sure, they’ll understand. go back to sleep and I’ll check on you in a little bit, okay?” your only answer is a slow nod that pushes the fabric of the pillow roughly across your cheek. The door clicks shut and you drift off into sweet, sweet unconsciousness.
The time is a mystery when your eyes flicker open next. The world doesn't feel real as your head hammers with an uncertain pain. You sniffle as you fall onto your back. That's when you spot Jordan approaching with a steaming hot beverage in their hand. “How you feeling?” you just groan extra loudly emphasising just how awful you felt about the entire situation. “so good then yeah,” the bed dips beside you and he reaches over with a free hand to check your head. you don’t feel particularly hot so it probably wasn’t a fever. “Mom made you some tea, said it’d fix you right up but don’t feel like you have to.”
pushing up into a seated position, Jordan hands over a mug decorated with little Christmas trees and snowflakes. a heavy sigh leaves your lips. it really did feel like more effort than it was worth just sitting up straight. you take a cautious sip and warmth spills through your veins. “I feel like I ruined today,” you mumble into your cup. staring down at the swirling liquid. “I should have mentioned earlier.”
“you didn’t ruin anything,” Jordan expresses, a calming hand placed on your leg over the covers. “it’s not your fault you got sick.”
“I haven’t really felt great the last couple days but I thought it’d just go away.” you shrug, taking a much larger sip. “I really wanted to do Christmasy things with you. your parents probably think I’m awful.”
“They don’t think that,” they chuckle softly. “just focus on getting better and we can do Christmasy things tomorrow. they won’t mind.”
“thank you for the tea,” you reply handing back the drink.
“and besides,” he takes the drink back. “you’re giving me an excuse to get away from them. I need a break every now and then.“are you hungry?” you shake your head slowly. falling back down against the bed.
they just chuckle. “I’m gonna sit here a moment longer before I brace my parents again. just ignore me.”
the room is shrouded in darkness when Jordan enters once more. a crack of light filtering through the door. you don’t bother acknowledging them; just pull the thick duvet closer to your chest. a heavy sigh fills the air but it doesn’t come from you. the bed dips beside you. “are you awake?” they ask but you don’t bother answering. a silence a silence falls over the room as they shuffle about doing god only knows what. “I’m sorry you got sick,” Jordan speaks aloud. “I wish you could have spent the day with us. my parents can be a lot but they do go all out for Christmas… and I was looking forward to giving you your present,” their voice is quiet and you’re not sure if you should admit to being awake now. “my parents would have loved it. they’re already obsessed with you and they’re so happy I finally brought someone home. and I was gonna tell you I love you” After a moment you know they’re climbing into bed with you. an arm around your waist. you roll over to face them. “maybe tomorrow.”
“you’re gonna get sick,” mumbled out.
“I don’t mind,”
“Are you sure?”
“mhmm,” hummed softly and you don’t bother arguing. you just snuggle closer to his chest. they feel safe and comforting. a welcomed addition to your cosy domain. “I’m glad you’re here,”
“I’m glad you’re here,” you repeat against their chest. “and for what it’s worth. I… love you too.”
“you heard all that,” you don’t respond just shuffle further into his embrace. falling asleep to the sound of their heartbeat as a gentle kiss is pressed against your head.
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lesson (still not) learned
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part one: lesson (not) learned *** read note below wc: 2k reader: afab (i don't think i used any pronouns so i don't think its femme? just warning you just in case!!) warnings: EXPLICIT SMUT MINORS DNI!!! (detailed warnings below cut) summary: hao convinces poly!reader to help him tie up dom!hanbin when he least expects it SO. this is PART TWO to lesson (not) learned. *** it got c*mm*n*ty l*b*led (lmao i don't want them to find this one) so PLEASE if you wanna go read that one just turn off/enable your l*b*ls on your account to read it. you can always change them back lol. i might repost a version with warnings under the cut since i was stupid and forgot to. oh well. also does this need a part 3 where hao and hanbin get their revenge?? lemme know. anyway i love this one ENJOY!!
SMUT UNDER CUT MINORS DNI!! you have been warned 🚨
warnings: established poly relationship, oral m!receiving, brief mxm (oral), handjob, pussyjob, p in v intercourse— riding, orgasm denial, hanbin and hao’s wrists are tied to the bed, brattysubbyswitch!hao that attempts to dom, switch!reader that doms towards the end, dom-leaningswitch!hanbin that “subs” for most, pet names (baby, angel, honey), they talk in the third person a lot bc they’re all horny messes, obviously swearing, this is not dubcon-- hanbin loves it he just has to keep up his dom persona… also unprotected sex (be smart, stay safe or whatever). i think that should cover it?
“i’d double-knot that if i were you, angel,” hanbin suggests; a broad, cocky smile now gracing his lips. you reluctantly obey— knowing he’s right. how hao had talked you into tricking hanbin, you had no idea.
sure, the idea of tying up hanbin and using him however you liked was incredibly intriguing, but you knew the punishment for it would be more intense than you’d yet to experienced it was both terrifying and thrilling. 
plus hao promised to do your laundry for a month if you helped him. so now, here you are— the element of surprise the only way you managed to secure both of hanbin’s wrists to slats in the headboard of the bed with two silk ties. you tuck the extra one you’d brought in case of an emergency under hanbin’s pillow, safely out of his reach.
“no talking,” hao barks, starting to unbutton hanbin’s jeans and pull down the zipper. you can tell that hao is doing his best to imitate how hanbin usually talks to the both if you. it’s cuter than he intended and, from the chuckle that escapes hanbin, you can tell he thinks the same.
“and no laughing,” you add, crawling over to help hao tug hanbin’s jeans down past his hips. “if binnie makes a sound, he’ll have to be punished.”
“yeah? and what will be binnie’s punishment?” hanbin asks curiously; smiling softly at you. 
“he’ll find out soon,” hao answers, shimmying hanbin’s jeans and underwear down his legs and discarding them carelessly on the floor, “since he just earned one.”
“ooooh,” hanbin mocks, eyebrows raised in a challenge. though he’s pretending to be annoyed by this stunt, his cock is already hard. “i’m very scared, hyungie.”
“and another,” hao replies before spitting in his hands and wrapping them around the base of hanbin’s length— starting to gently wring them as he takes the tip into his mouth.
hanbin doesn’t react at first, but the farther hao shoves his cock down his throat, the harder it is for him to continue maintaining his composure. once hao starts sucking, the older boy taps hanbin’s hips quickly to signal you to come help him hold them down. 
“don’t play with him though,” hao warns as he comes up for air. “binnie’s mine right now.”
you roll your eyes as you crawl back over, placing a hand over hanbin’s lower abdomen to keep him still for hao. the younger boy’s face is screwed up in pleasure— a rogue moan escaping him every now and then despite his best efforts to keep quiet. 
it’s not long before the sight has you rubbing your thighs together— the need for friction getting the better of you. hanbin eyes you tentatively, gazing at your core as you feel yourself starting to grind into the sheets.
it’s only another minute before hanbin is cursing— warning hao that he’s about to cum. “g’nna cum, don’t stop! g’nna— NO, NO FUCK!”
hanbin lets out a frustrated cry as hao removes his length from his mouth. hao kisses each of hanbin’s thighs, laughing meanly, “should’ve kept your mouth shut, huh, binnie?”
a particular grind of your pussy against the mattress causes you to moan and hao’s eyes dart to you. his attention falls to your core— practically sticking to the mattress from all of the juice pouring out of it. 
“did you like that, baby?” hao asks, lips parting as he continues to stare at your heat. “grinding your little pussy watching us?”
you bite your lip, nodding shyly as hanbin continues to seethe.
“well are you gonna keep it all to yourself or are you gonna share with the rest of us?” hao asks, prompting you to take your index and middle finger and swipe at your slick— starting to hold it out to hanbin.
“ah-ah,” hao shakes his head. “i taste first today, remember?”
you blink back at him, bringing your fingers up to hao’s lips. he takes them in his mouth; sucking them as he lets out a throaty moan. when he releases them, he licks his lips— praising, “taste so good, baby. now give hanbinnie a bite.”
you bring your fingers back to your core, coating them again and extending them to a slightly calmer hanbin. he doesn’t take them in his mouth, but he does lick them clean. “thank you, angel,” he says softly, clearly trying to get on your good side.
“my turn now?” you ask, turning to hao.
“i guess,” the older boy huffs reluctantly as you switch positions; throwing a leg around hanbin’s lap to straddle him. “gonna ride binnie?”
“i don’t think my angel is ready to take m—,” hanbin starts to tease when you hold his cock to your entrance, but as you sink down onto him, his sentence is cut short. “oh, fuuuck.”
letting yourself adjust to his size, you slowly start to bounce up and down— finding a good rhythm as hanbin’s eyes roll back at the feeling of your tight walls around him. hao strokes his cock as he watches the scene— tough guy act thrown out the window within minutes as you continue to ride hanbin.
“perfect,” hanbin pants, a light glisten of sweat starting to form on his skin. he’s getting close again as he’s already riled up from his first orgasm denial and you moan at his praise. “pussy s'perfect.”
“fuck, i wanna see binnie cum,” hao whines from beside you; his pumping of his cock getting sloppier. you shake your head at his infuriating need for constant attention. “baby, please— wanna watch binnie cum inside you.”
“are you kidding me!? this was all your idea,” you yell back at him. hanbin laughs under you and you squeeze your walls tightly to shut him up. he throws his head back in a strangled moan— tugging a little harder on his wrist constraints as his desire to get his hands on you grows even stronger.
“i know, but,” hao replies and a quick glance at him tells you he’s just as desperate as hanbin is for release. you should’ve figured hao would cave under the pressure. “binnie wants to cum so bad.”
you turn back to hanbin. he’s whimpering now; biting his lip hard to keep from coming undone. as his hips lazily trying to fuck up into you, you realize that hanbin must be enjoying this much more than he’s been letting on. 
“is it good, binnie?” you ask, running your hands up his chest. hanbin nods wildly; tugging against his restraints again. “does binnie wanna cum?”
hanbin nods again— pressing his lips together to keep from answering. you remember now that hao’s rule for hanbin had been not to talk. but now that you had obviously been handed the reins by your irritatingly needy partner in crime, you were suddenly excited to switch things up and play the game your own way.
you lean forward, pressing a messy kiss to hanbin’s lips. he accepts greedily; thrusting his hips harder as your tongues fight hungrily for dominance. before anyone can win, you pull back slightly. “you can trust me, binnie. i’ll let binnie cum if he tells me he wants to cum.”
hanbin searches your eyes; so overcome with desperation that he doesn’t care whether you’re telling the truth or not. “oh my god, yes— wanna cum inside you, angel.”
his cock twitches inside you and you whimper in response. reaching your left hand out now to cup hao’s jaw beside you, you run your thumb across his cheek soothingly. “does hao wanna cum, too?”
with wide eyes, hao nods— nuzzling his cheek into your touch. “please, baby!”
“come here, then,” you instruct as hao eagerly crawls towards you— positioning himself on his knees to bring his cock more level with your mouth. you wrap your hand around the shaft and bring the tip to your lips; lapping at the head as hao’s right hand caresses your cheek carefully. taking his full length in your mouth, hao gasps when he hits the back of your throat.
the sound makes you clench around hanbin, which causes the younger boy to inadvertently buck his hips up into you. you gag a bit as hanbin cries out pitifully— his abdomen shaking a bit from the pleasurable sensation. removing hao’s cock from your mouth, you continue to pump him.
“look at binnie, honey,” you say, watching as hao directs his attention to hanbin. “this is what you wanted, hmm? to see binnie all squirming and helpless like this?”
as hao reaches his hand towards hanbin’s face, hanbin quickly understands what the older boy is asking for— taking his middle and ring fingers into his mouth. a fresh flood of desire warms your core as hanbin swirls his tongue around hao’s fingers— sucking on them until hao’s jaw drops at the sight.
“mm, binnie’s so pretty sucking my fingers while you fuck him,” hao whimpers as you pick up the pace of your hand; continuing to fuck yourself on hanbin’s cock. the two boys in front of you are starting to get messy in their need to cum. “baby’s so nice to let binnie cum. w-wanna cum, too!”
“lie down, honey,” you suggest as you watch hao’s thighs start to shake— unable to stay propped on his knees as he gets closer to his high. with a mischievous look in your eyes, you continue, “hao can cum, too.”
“hyungie, i wouldn’t do that if i were— oh fuuuuck,” hanbin starts to warn, but you cut him off by milking his dick with your walls again; an absolutely pathetic moan escaping his throat. “do whatever you want, hyung— oh my god.”
hao must not hear any of what hanbin says over the throbbing of his cock, because he collapses on his back next to the younger boy almost immediately— nearly out of his mind as he looks up at you through dark, lust-filled eyes. 
“our hao doesn’t know what’s good for him, huh, angel?” hanbin whispers, smirking at you as if he thinks he’s on your team now. 
he’s not.
a hard smack to the side of his ass sends him reeling; crying out at the pain that’s followed quickly by pleasure. hanbin looks up at you; bottom lip tucked between his teeth as he mewls. smiling at him innocently, you reply, “neither does binnie.”
“touch hao’s cock!!” the older boy huffs; starting to throw a tantrum at the lack of attention on him. “been so good, just wanna cum.”
hanbin starts to laugh again, but his laugh turns to a yelp at the loss of contact as you lift up off of his length. “no, no, no, nooooo,” he whines, thrusting his hips up to try to find your entrance again but you’re already climbing off him and hooking a leg around the older boy to straddle him. 
“didn’t binnie hear? hao wants to cum,” you say to hanbin, nearly giggling at how angry and wet you’ve left his cock. you’re surprised when you see hanbin’s eyes water in frustration. he had apparently been holding it together on the outside this whole time far better than he was on the inside. “and hao’s been so good.”
hao hums; biting his lip in a sweet smile as you lower yourself down towards his crotch. grinding your warm, slick folds on hao’s shaft— both hanbin and hao moan at the contact. “s'amazing, baby. love it s’much, thank you."
taking each of hao’s hands in one of yours, you gently pin them above his head— holding both of his wrists in your left hand as you stealthily reach for the extra silk tie under the pillow that hanbin is resting on. 
“could you cum like this, honey?” you ask hao, trying your best to keep your poker face as the veins running up his shaft tease your clit while you grind against him. 
hao nods; his eyes closing from the pleasure. “please keep going, baby,” he begs as you wrap the tie around his wrists— taking advantage of his state of blissed-out state of distraction. “g’nna cum if you keep going.”
securing hao’s wrists to a slat in the headboard; you tie the second knot on the far side so its out of reach of his fingers. sitting back up straight, you continue to grind on hao’s cock; reaching over and taking hanbin’s in your hand as well.
hanbin sighs in relief, meeting your gaze. “my angel’s so smart, huh?”
you nod as your hand works the same rhythm as your core. hao hasn’t noticed the constraint on his wrists as his moaning grows even more uncontrollable. the twitching of hanbin’s cock against your palm alerts you that he, too, is dangerously close.
“fuck, g’nna cum, baby,” hao cries, only now attempting to move his arms. his brow furrows confusedly amidst the pleasure as he tugs at the silk tie holding his hands to the headboard. “what the—... mm, when did—… NO, PLEASE! BABY, PLEASE!”
just as hao is about to cum, you pull off of him and crawl back over to hanbin. he immediately begins to cry; babbling absolute nonsense in a hopeless plea to make you come back and finish him off. hanbin is concerningly silent, lips pressed together and brows knitted-- seemingly praying that he’s been nice enough to you tonight to avoid meeting the same fate as hao.
you continue to pump hanbin’s cock; speeding up the pace as he stifles his moaning.
“THIS ISN’T FUCKING FAIR!” hao wails next to hanbin—hiccupping through his tears. “this was my idea!”
“shouldn’t have pussied out so early then,” you reply with a glare, sticking your tongue out at him childishly. brushing hanbin’s bangs out of his face, you tell him sweetly, “don’t worry. binnie gets to cum.”
the younger boy’s face lights up at your words as he melts into your touch like the prettiest puppy— hao still throwing a fit to your left.
“but not yet,” you say with a wicked smile; removing your hand from around hanbin’s cock and quickly hopping off of the bed.
hanbin yelps angrily; thrashing at his wrist restraints— definitely wishing now that he hadn’t reminded you to tie a double-knot. menacingly, he growls, “get your ass back here right now.”
from the doorway, you giggle. “it’s okay— i’ll be back in a little bit! and then whoever can last the longest inside of me can go free.”
running out of the room before the boys can protest further, hanbin and hao are left lying next to each other on the bed— wrists tied up behind them to the headboard.
“you’re a fucking idiot,” hanbin huffs, kicking hao’s shin with his foot.
the older boy pouts, mumbling as the tip of his cock leaks sorrily onto his stomach: 
“takes one to know one.”
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babytarttdoodoo · 1 year
Can you write one of Jamie showing up to training sick and the team has to convince him to go home? Then someone takes him home (I want it to be Roy even though Roy probably shouldn't leave training when he's in charge for Roy/Jamie shipping reasons, but all the lads wanting to care of him would also be nice)
Who needs realism when we can have fluff? I went a bit off script but I hope you still enjoy it.
Thank you for the prompt!
(Prompt Fill Masterpost)
Isaac was generally the first player to arrive for training at Nelson Road. He tried to set a good example, being captain and all that.
Jamie, despite living closer to the grounds than most, usually strolled in with less than 10 minutes left to get changed and out on the field.
It used to annoy members of the team, Isaac included. These days, he knew that Jamie and Roy had extra early workout sessions together and that Jamie was just genuinely awful at managing his time in the mornings. It was fine - he never held anyone else up.
But it was therefore extremely surprising to find him in the locker room a full hour before training was due to start, dressed to play and slumped halfway into his cubby.
“Alright, bruv?” Isaac gave him a cautious nod and dropped his stuff at his section of the bench. “What are you doing here?”
Jamie was slow to answer, blinking bleary eyes at Isaac and apparently needing a minute to take in the question.
He sniffed. “... training, innit?”
“Yeah…” Isaac affirmed, frowning at his rough voice and general dishevelled state. “Don’t normally see you this early, though.”
Jamie hummed and nodded like that was a fair observation.
“Couldn’t sleep.”
Well, that probably went some way to explaining the state of him. There were dark smudges under Jamie’s eyes and his hair, rather than carefully styled in the swept-back quiff he’d taken to lately, hung limp and unkempt over his forehead.
He looked kind of terrible, actually.
Roy wouldn’t have let him come in if there was anything seriously wrong, though. That much, Isaac was sure of.
He hadn’t been overly surprised when the pair had told the team they were together. There had always been a weird level of intensity between the two and more than one person over the years had quietly speculated that at least some of it was down to sexual tension.
Any worries about how it would affect team dynamics had simmered down quick enough, too. If anything, they both seemed to overcompensate at work to make sure they couldn’t be accused of dropping the ball, so to speak.
But they did obviously spend their mornings together, training or otherwise, even if they arrived on different schedules. And though Roy was still hard on Jamie as a coach, he was also exceedingly protective as a boyfriend.
If something more than a bad night’s sleep were at play, he would have insisted Jamie stayed home.
Still, Isaac kept a careful eye and ear out while he went through his routine of getting ready. It probably wouldn’t be the worst thing for Jamie to fall asleep where he sat and get a quick nap in, but it was best to be ready to catch him if he toppled off the bench in the process.
Dani was the next to arrive, far too perky for the early hour and seemingly not phased by Jamie’s presence. His smile did dim at the lack of response to his bright greeting but Isaac caught his eye and gestured for him to keep it down a bit.
The message was received and passed on through silent glances and elaborate head tilts as more players filtered in, a collective effort to let Jamie close his eyes and snooze overriding the usual rambunctious atmosphere. Isaac was very proud.
Nate was the first of the coaching staff to arrive. He looked confused at the lack of rabble in the room and his gaze followed everyone else’s to see Jamie snoring softly. They all shushed him frantically when he opened his mouth to clearly try and rouse him.
Isaac, Sam and Colin beckoned him over to the other side of the room.
“What’s up with Jamie?” he asked quietly, looking between them.
“Just said he didn’t sleep well.” Isaac shrugged. “He was in before me. Seemed kind of out of it.”
“He doesn’t look alright.” Colin put in, frowning over at their pale and sleeping teammate.
“Have you heard from Roy today?” Sam asked Nate, worry pinching the corners of his eyes. “He must know if something is wrong.”
“I haven’t.” Nate checked his phone but shook his head. “No, nothing. They don’t always come in together, though.”
“But they train in the mornings.” Dani whisper-shouted from his end of the bench, clearly listening in and echoing Isaac’s own thought processes from earlier.
“It could be that Jamie did not sleep because they had a fight…?” Richard ventured reluctantly, holding up his hands in defence when the room hissed at him in disgust. “Just a suggestion!”
“If Jamie were angry or upset, he would be running laps or sulking, not sleeping.” Sam pointed out.
“And they wouldn’t bring that shit into work.” Isaac stated with surety.
Nate looked back at Jamie and checked the time on his watch.
“We’ll need to wake him up soon and make sure he’s okay. He can’t just sleep in here all day.” He peered over into the coaches’ office and looked relieved to see movement. “I think Beard’s arrived - I’ll go see if he’s got any ideas.”
The air of respectful quiet had shifted to uncertain worry as everyone started to question, internally or amongst themselves, exactly why Jamie was so exhausted. He didn’t have the best track record with open communication when something was wrong.
Could there be something up between him and Roy?
As if on cue, their manager stalked into the locker room and was immediately taken aback by the subdued environment. He stopped dead in the doorway and scowled.
“What the fuck’s up with you lot?”
“Roy?” Jamie stirred and opened his eyes to a squint in search of the familiar voice. Roy’s head immediately snapped to the side and took in Jamie’s half-reclined form.
“You look like shit.” Only years of experience let Isaac pick up on the surprise and concern in Roy’s voice. Vague worries about trouble in paradise dissipated immediately.
Jamie - predictably - pouted up at him. “‘S not nice.”
The slurred speech sent Roy’s eyebrows flying up in alarm and his emotions suddenly became a lot more visible to the untrained eye. He quickly pressed the back of his hand against Jamie’s forehead, cursing quietly at whatever he felt there.
“Fucking hell, Jamie. You could have called me.”
“Were you not together?” Sam asked, now also clearly edging back towards distress. Nate and Beard emerged from the office at the new wave of commotion.
Roy shook his head. “No. Phoebe’s been staying at mine while she’s off school with the flu. Told this idiot to go home last night and get some proper sleep.”
He sighed and, despite his harsh words, gently smoothed back Jamie’s hair.
“You’re supposed to tell someone when you catch the plague, you muppet.”
Jamie just whined pitifully and leaned into the contact so hard he almost slumped right off the bench. Half the team jolted in place with aborted attempts to catch him.
Roy was right there, though, and easily tipped him back to a safe sitting position, grip steady.
“Alright, prima donna. Let’s get you home.” He looked over to Nate and Beard. “You two good to get things started? I can be back in an hour or two.”
“Take your time.” Beard gave him a firm nod and Nate mumbled his agreement, brow furrowed at the scene. “We got this.”
Declan swept in to help pack up Jamie’s things as Roy cajoled him to his feet and slid an arm around his waist to keep him upright. He accepted the duffle bag with a grateful grunt and started shuffling his boyfriend towards the exit.
“Let us know if you need anything, yeah?” Isaac demanded when they were finally underway.
Roy looked back over his shoulder and half-smiled at the room of worried eyes staring back at him. “Will do, captain. Keep an eye on the rest of them for me.”
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blueaetherr · 2 years
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFgcfHSF/ with bellingham?😚
popcorn falling everywhere
pairing: jude bellingham x gn!reader [they/them]
warning(s): mentions of horror movies?
summary: the one where they pull the speaker prank on jude
author's note: considering it's basically the same concept, i'm making this the part 2 to this imagine.
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Having a little day for themselves, Y/N and Jude chose to do nothing but the bare minimum with their time. They woke up in the afternoon, perhaps fully awake and conscious by 1pm. They took their respective showers and baths, both separately and together with no rush to any of it. They ate their breakfast (lunch), a bit of talk and gossip to ease the mood. Finally, they made their way upstairs and fell right back into bed, one too comfortable and began their movie marathon.
When the credits for The Conjuring came on, Y/N sighed softly as they laid further back in bed. "Wow, that was a good movie, wasn't it?" They asked, turning to Jude. He seemed to be in his own world, his gaze, quite troubled and worried, still not having left the projector ahead. Y/N had to hold back their feeling of amusement; even though their question was rhetorical, his stiff posture was enough to retrieve an answer.
They had to nudge Jude to catch his attention. He jumped but quickly gathered himself. "Yeah, yeah, sure," he said, nodding as he loosened his grip on his pillow. Despite his efforts, Y/N still knew well that he was still spooked out from watching the horror movie.
From the beginning of the relationship, from the time when things were still untouched between the two, Jude quickly expressed—perhaps stressed even—that he wasn't all for horror movies. Not because he found them boring or they weren't his kind of movies, but because he was scared of them; they got to him in every way possible. From the small jump scares to the abrupt, maniac screaming that reached your ears and the sight of possessed kids, it all moved him in ways that he didn't like and would never find himself enjoying.
Scared, however, was never how he described it. (I mean, how could he have mentioned that during their first date)? From his rants regarding horror movies, never understanding how anyone got joy from a film fuelled by fear, to skipping out on hangouts when his friends chose to watch horror movies, he never really had to verbalise his discontent for such movies. Over time, Y/N simply just learned to know.
But, of course, because of Jude's kind soul, because he barely had the heart to say no to Y/N, because he just enjoyed his partner's company even in the most uncomfortable situations, watching horror movies wasn't an uncommon practice in their shared home. It proved to be a hard task for Jude, sure, but always did he muster up the courage to watch them. There would always be a little scream or stunned silence from Jude, but he nearly finished the movies almost every time and that's all that mattered.
A smirk appeared across their lips. "You sure about that? You a little, you know--" they jerked forward, causing Jude to stiffen. They let their head fall back from their laughter as they noticed Jude holding his hand over his heart. "--see!"
"I'm fine! I'm very good, actually," Jude cleared his throat, straightening himself up. He began to get up from the bed, making sure to keep his blanket around his body. "It's just cold in here. I need to turn the heating on."
"Well since you're going to do that," Y/N held up the empty popcorn bowl, "you want to—"
He grabbed the bowl from them. "Extra butter?" The expression on Jude's face remained deadpanned yet timid. He was tired of their antics towards him, but he couldn't express it to the fullest because the movie was still on his mind, especially with the credits music still playing loud in the room. 
"You know me so well," they blew him a kiss before waving, "Thank you."
A flourishing smile, quite shy in appearance, was displayed by Jude. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever," he mumbled. Despite his annoyance at their antics, at the end of the day, he knew it was only harmless jokes. Either way, that wouldn't stop him from continuing the gestures that came with the relationship. So he caught their kiss before leaving the room, his blanket trailing across the room. 
Waiting for Jude to reach the bottom of the stairs, they let out a small laugh to themself as they trailed far behind him.
After posting the last prank they had pulled on Jude, from the views and commentary, it was evident that everyone wanted Y/N to pull another one of him. And they wanted to, too, but Jude didn't make it easier for them. He had been moving with caution and on his toes, questioning his partner every time they had their phone out, always expecting something to happen or pop up out of nowhere; he was not about to get clowned for a second time.
And Y/N respected that, they would have done the same. But like Jude, they had been more cautious and on their toes, already having set up a speaker hidden in the kitchen and connected to their phone sometime before. And considering all that's been watched during the day was horror films, they were still in his head and would only add to his reaction to everything.
Walking through the house, and passing by all the lights Jude had turned on, Y/N made their way to the kitchen. They lingered by the door and took notice of Jude. He was very much in his space—the kitchen being dimly lit set the calm mood as he watched over the popcorn cooking on the stove, humming his favourite song, dancing around to warm himself up, letting out a quiet yay when the popcorn was finished. Y/N loved that for Jude, they really did. That little bubble of his, however, could only last for so long.
About to turn around and head out, Y/N let a voice (from the speaker) boom around the kitchen. At the sound of this booming sound, Jude yelped as the popcorn bowl slipped from his grasp, popcorn dropping everywhere on the floor. He tried to quickly turn around but the mixture of the popcorn on the floor and his blanket trailing around him caused him to trip and end up on the floor, too. There was a struggle but soon Jude got up, holding up the (empty) popcorn bowl in front of him almost like a shield, constantly looking around his surroundings.
It was then that Y/N could no longer hide their amusement.
"Jude, relax, relax!" they said, full of laughter, as they got out of their hiding place. It was his defensive stance that was getting to them. "It's okay."
Jude's stance fell when he heard Y/N's laughter echoing around the kitchen. "Wait, what? No, no, no, no, no. Seriously, again?" he whined, placing the popcorn bowl on the kitchen island. He pouted at the sight of the popcorn all over the floor. "Look at what you did!"
"I'm just having a bit of fun," Y/N reasoned as they approached Jude. Their laughter was still prominent from his reaction to everything.
"Of course, you're having a laugh with it," Jude mimicked their laughter before shaking his head and rolling his eyes. "I want to say I hate you or something for this, but I know I wouldn't mean it," he leaned against the kitchen island and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he clutched his shirt tightly. "But that's not nice, you know! You're gonna give me a heart attack one day."
"If it makes you feel better," they started, placing their arm around his waist, "you can choose the next movie."
Slowly, he opened his eyes, glancing at them with furrowed brows. He wasn't sure if they were being serious or not. "So we don't have to watch another horror movie tonight?"
"No, we don't," they reassured him with a kind smile, rubbing his arm.
Jude closed his eyes once again, exhaling a shallow breath. He felt like he should be annoyed at his partner, for their antics, for the prank they managed to pull, for retrieving a grande reaction from him that would fit perfectly in any horror movie. 
Despite this, he kept his calm. Like he said, he couldn't even imagine saying I hate you; he didn't have it in him to be mad or annoyed at Y/N for their little prank. Sure, that annoyance was there for a moment, but that moment passed fast and he saw no point in holding a grudge. Besides, he no longer had to watch horror movies for the rest of the night. How could he approach such an ultimatum with complaints?
He leaned his head against their own. "All is forgiven."
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ciaossu-imagines · 7 days
How do you think the Nekoma boys would deal with their manager suffering from period cramps and being more emotional because of their period?
This was an interesting one and, in a funny coincidence, I’m answering it on the day I started my own hellish monthly cycle! Honestly, I’m just super happy for the chance to write for this fandom, since it’s taken over my brain a little bit recently! Thank you for sending this in, my dear, and I hope you’ll enjoy these headcanons, though I feel they got super repetitive, sorry!
Nekomata is an old guy. He’s been around long enough that things like periods don’t faze him at all. I personally headcanon him as someone who has daughters, so I think he’s actually really used to menstruation, able to just casually accept it for what it is – something that happens to a percentage of the population every month. He’s also pretty quick to realize the signs that are common for people on their periods and he kind of picks up on the fact that the team’s manager is on their period. He does absolutely nothing to call any attention to this, though, because he’d really hate to embarrass the poor kid. Most people are going to feel embarrassed about this huge team of boys all knowing they’re on their period. However, he does everything he can to take it a bit easier on the manager. He encourages them to do just what they can at the moment, tries to pick up the harder jobs from them, However, because he’s so soft as to be like ‘yeah, just take a couple days off’, he is still going to expect them to show up and perform their duties. Because he notices how emotional they’re getting throughout their period, he does try to make a point of giving them more compliments than he normally would though.
Naoi’s not quite as used to periods as his other coach is. In fact, he’s a little uncomfortable around the whole topic. He’s not quick to catch onto what’s going on with their manager, other than they’re acting a bit off. He’ll only realize that the manager is on their period if someone else tells him that’s what is going on. When he realizes that, he blushes and stammers out an apology, because he really has been just kind of encouraging them to give all their effort to their duties this whole time. Of course, if their manager completely breaks down emotionally, or seems really sick, he does let them know that he’ll pick up any extra slack if they need to go home, but he does it mostly because he assumes that they’re sick.
Kuroo is rather observant and he notices when the team’s manager starts acting weird. Their expression is one of pain sometimes, even if they quickly try to hide it. They’re more tired than normal. They were tearing up at a video-game cutscene compilation earlier for a game Kuroo and them play together. He’s pretty quick to put two and two together. He’s got an older sister who, while not super open about her body, also doesn’t hide the fact that she gets a period. His sister’s periods tend to make her super emotional though, mostly angry, but Kuroo is pretty quick to understand that that is likely what is happening. Knowing that there’s really nothing he can do to help their manager, he mostly just focuses on keeping their spirits up. Of course, this being Kuroo, he does it by teasing them more than normal. Normally, they’ll joke around, tease him back, banter back and forth with him, but this time, they just end up tearing up. He sees the first tear roll down their face and he knows he done fucked up, but also at the same time, it kind of pisses him off a little. He’s feeling like garbage because he made them cry, but why should he? It was just a harmless joke, something he’s teased them about before and had them laugh about. Why should he feel like a bad guy? I think for at least the rest of that week, Kuroo is walking on eggshells around the team’s manager and the two of them really have to have one of those awkward moments where they both apologize to each other because they were both kind of crappy and then they’re friends again. Moving forward, Kuroo’s pretty good about seeing those warning signs and just cutting back on the week of his friend’s period.
Nobuyuki is someone who is pretty able to roll with just about anything. Like most of the rest of the boys, if his manager is honestly acting really off, not just having subtle little moments, he’s obviously going to notice it. He won’t call their manager out or anything, but he’s going to be quietly supportive. He’ll help out with some of their duties if he can, he’s being extra-encouraging towards them because they’re obviously having a rough time. He is one of the ones who will likely bring snacks or their favourite drink to surprise them with. When they have really bad mood swings, he steps in to help them calm down – he’s a pretty calming presence and is one of the best at calming them down.
Yaku tries to be supportive when he realizes that their manager is acting weird. He tells them that he’s there for them if they want to talk or need anything. He makes jokes to lighten up their mood if they’re upset or sad. He really tries, especially after he finds out it’s their period. However, he only puts up with so much of their behaviour. If they start getting snappy and cranky with the team, he’s shutting that shit down real quick. Their period is not an excuse to be rude to any of the team (except for maybe Lev, who Yaku yells at when Lev ends up embarrassing their manager) and he won’t tolerate too much of their mood swings. Hormones are a real thing, yeah, but he expects their manager to be able to control themselves. If they do, Yaku remains a very supportive friend during that time period, one who will cheer them up with good conversations and encouragement, who will take them out for food or will carry pain relief pills for them. If not…well, those around him don’t call him ‘scary’ for no reason.
Taketora is really not good with periods. Yeah, he knows they happen. Yeah, he knows they’re natural and something that people deal with, but he doesn’t really get them and they kind of make him uncomfortable. As a man, he doesn’t really have to deal with them and he doesn’t really understand the struggles people can face while on their periods – moods that are all over the place, cramps or body pains, fatigue, period poops, etc. He’s going to be a little angry over the whole topic, honestly. He’s not angry at all with the manager, he just doesn’t want to confront this topic, and honestly, he’s not entirely sure why they can’t just suck it up and behave like they normally do. This ends up happening every month, after all, shouldn’t they be used to it? It can’t be that bad, can it?
Kenma is incredibly observant, especially when it regards the people he cares about. And he does care about their manager, whose always so kind to him and genuinely makes efforts to befriend him. He’s really quick to notice their changes in behaviour, even when the changes are really small – he’s probably noticing on the days leading up to their period that they seem off, even before they suffer any noticeable mood swings or pain. He’s worried about them but he doesn’t really know what he should do. He doesn’t know if he should ask them about it. After all, if there really is something going on with them and he’s not just imagining it, wouldn’t they talk to him about it? That’s what friends do, right? He kind of just lets things continue on as they are, though when things start to get more noticeable, as he becomes more sure that something is going on, he’s making subtle little conversational starters, trying to let them know he’s safe to confide in. As an only child, whose mother is really conservative about her period, Kenma’s a little flustered when he finds out that’s the reason his friend is acting so weird. He doesn’t really know how to handle it but he does do some research and combines it with his knowledge of them. By the time their next period comes, he has Midol, their favourite snack, and an extra tampon that he carries in his bag, in a little black pouch that doesn’t look like anything someone would snoop through, in his backpack. He also sends them a lot of funny memes and challenges them to video games he knows they enjoy while they’re on their period, hoping to give them more fun things to focus on instead of just what’s going on with their body.
Fukunaga is pretty chill about the whole thing. Sure, he’s concerned when their manager appears off, but he figures if they wanted him to know what’s going on with them, they’d tell him. He won’t pry into what’s going on with them…he’s just not that kind of guy, plus he really is more on the quiet side. It’s not so much that he’s shy, it’s just that he doesn’t really see the point of needless chatter. However, jokes don’t seem like needless chatter, especially when their mood seems to be down and he takes the extra effort to tell them more jokes than he normally would, trying to brighten their day up.
Inuoka tries so hard to be a good friend when he notices that their manager is struggling. They seem more tired than normal, they get expressions on their face that make it look like they’re in pain, they teared up once when Kuroo was teasing them. They’re just not acting like themselves and he’s worried about them. Add to this the fact that Inuoka comes across, to me, like someone who would develop a crush on the team’s manager, especially if the manager is someone who kind of takes care of all the boys or dotes on them a little, and the boy is stressed, wondering what’s wrong. The second he saw them tear up at Kuroo’s teasing, he was rushing to their defense, yelling at Kuroo and scolding him. The situation de-escalated quickly enough but still happened. When he sees those expressions of pain on the manager’s face, he’s right there, asking them if they’re okay, are they sure? They look like they’re in pain. Is it an ouchy kind of pain or more an AUGH type of pain? Boy’s just trying so hard to be helpful and protective of his friend/crush. When either the manager or one of the other team members just kind of pulls him aside and lets him in on the fact that they’re just on their period, no need to get so worked up about it, Inuoka’s face just kind of goes blank, goes red, then screws itself up into one hell of an expression of ‘wait…what?’ He kind of breaks for a second…he doesn’t really think about periods ever and now he’s sitting and contemplating them and oh god, their manager is really bleeding…wait, they bleed for days on end? DAYS!?! That can’t be healthy…oh my god, what are you even supposed to do for someone on their period. He’s not sure, but he’s going to learn for the next time this happens.
Teshiro is among the first to realize that the team’s manager is acting oddly. They seem more on edge, things that wouldn’t normally bother them seem to make them angry or bring them to the verge of tears, even if they try so hard to hide it. They wince when they move certain ways. He’s not really sure what’s going on, and he’s a little shy about it, but he lets them know that if something is wrong, if something is bothering them or they’re sick, that he and the other guys are there to help them out, whatever they need. When he eventually finds out it’s because of their period, he really is fazed and there’s the briefest of moments, there’s this weird expression on his face that just screams that he doesn’t know what to say or do, but he adapts pretty quickly. While he’s caught off guard and absolutely has no clue what to do, he tries really hard to be cool about it all.
Lev is actually the one who would be most likely, other than Kuroo, to guess that their manager is on their period, though he’s likely to use slang terms to describe it. They’re exhibiting a lot of the same behaviours and such that his sister does when she’s got her time of the month. He’s not someone shy or at all flustered about things like periods. It’s like…they happen, he can’t do anything about it, the person with the period can’t do anything about it. That doesn’t keep him from being a little obnoxious about it though because he will definitely call out the fact that they’re on their period in front of others. Whether or not that would embarrass them isn’t really something he thinks about at all. His sister never seemed too embarrassed about hers, after all. He’s kind of sweet about it though, which makes it easier to forgive him, because he’ll show up with chocolate or suggest a great heating pad his sister uses or just bring a bottle of Midol with him that he stole from his sister’s stuff. That’s typically when he says that he’s doing so because he figures it will make their period easier for them, loud enough that the whole team hears because Lev has volume issues, but his heart is in the right place.
Shibayama has zero experience with periods either. He’s easily embarrassed by the topic, blushing and stuttering. It’s just not something that’s meant to be talked about, in his mind. So, when someone mentions that the manager is on their period, and it’s why they’re acting so weird, Shibayama can’t really handle that. I think that, though he’s really worried about the manager, because he genuinely likes them and doesn’t like to see them in pain or emotionally worked up like they have been, he avoids them as much as possible for about a good week.
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burnthoneydrops · 7 months
Luckiest Man on the Planet (g.d. x fem!reader)
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pairing: graham dunne x fem!reader
word count: 2.9k (whoops, had fun with this one haha)
warnings: talk of having children, use of "she/her" pronouns, Billy (if he counts as his own warning)
a/n: I miss when djats was popular on here so I decided to hopefully help the revival by adding the to the graham fic collection! hope everyone enjoys, this one's just cute. also REQUESTS ARE OPEN
You wanted-no needed- this moment to be perfect. You were not going to be happy if the money you had spent on plane tickets was going towards a ruined surprise, so you absolutely needed this to be perfect. It felt weird complaining about your long distance relationship when it wasn’t long distance all of the time and you knew other couples had it worse, but you’d be damned if your heart didn’t sink a little every time you thought about how far away Graham was, and would continue to be, for the next few months. That distance wouldn’t last forever though, thank the universe, as the people at the gate’s front desk were announcing that your flight to New York would start boarding shortly. 
“Ok, they’re about to start boarding, but I’ll call you when I land ok?” You hugged the phone to your ear, peering over your shoulder to make sure you weren’t missing anything and twisting the spiral cord with your finger. 
“Yeah, sounds good. I told Rod that we’d need an extra car to be sent to the airport so you won’t need a cab or anything,” Eddie replied through the phone. 
“Oh, you didn’t need to do that,” you laughed, flattered by the effort. 
“Oh yes I did. I-We’re not having you come all the way out here just to get stuck in New York traffic”. 
“Anything that gets me to Graham faster. And you guys of course,” you quickly added before saying your goodbyes, noticing the boarding line was getting smaller. 
The plane was incredibly boring, and the baby two rows behind you did not shut up the entire time, but you realised you managed to make that about Graham too, wondering how you two would handle it differently if it was your child screaming in a crowded plane. Luckily you had brought a book with you to zone in on, but nothing holds more power than the lungs of an upset child. You couldn’t stop your knee from bouncing, meaning you accidentally bumped too hard and kicked the seat of the person in front of you, earning some not so polite stares from the elderly man who sat there. Relief flooded over you when you heard the pilot announce that you would soon be landing, so much so that you kicked the seat once again, gaining another dirty look. 
As you stood up to exit your row, you looked across the plane, making eye contact with the previously screaming child. The little girl stopped wriggling around in her mother’s arms, staring at nothing but you as you gave her a little wave with the hand not holding your carry on. You smiled before the man behind you got impatient and cleared his throat as an indication that he wanted to move forward, so you only widened your smile with one last wave before hearing the baby laugh as you left the area. You and Graham hadn’t even had the talk about whether you wanted kids, not to mention how you would raise them or what kind of life they would lead. You had no doubt he would be a great father, but with the band already raising Julia, you figured you could push that thought out of your head for a little longer. 
When you were able to escape the gaggle of people who were standing in the boarding area you had just entered, you visually located the nearest phone, putting your backpack and suitcase aside to call Eddie. You glanced at the hotel’s phone number you had scribbled on the back of your boarding pass when you called from L.A., and started tapping your foot once again as the phone rang aggressively in your ear. 
“Hey, you made it,” you sighed in relief when Eddie answered the phone. 
“The most boring cross country flight of my life, but yes I made it,” you chuckled. 
“The only cross country flight of your life if I’m not mistaken. You rode in the van with us from Pittsburg, remember?” 
“How could I forget the bumpy roads and almost running out of gas in the middle of nowhere Missouri?” 
“But it was more enjoyable than what you just went through?” 
“Well yeah. Anytime with you is more enjoyable than by myself,” you glanced out the window at the line of planes waiting to take off as there’s an awkward pause on the line. “I mean, the band makes everything more fun,” you continued, hoping the conversation hadn’t died. 
“Right, yeah for sure,” Eddie came back to life, informing you soon after that there’d be a taxi driver waiting for you. He shouldn’t be hard to spot, you had been promised, and with how much you just wanted to run into Graham’s arms right now, you hoped for everyone’s sake that that was true. The taxi driver was easy enough to spot, holding a white sign with your name scribbled on it and an uncomfortable look on his face in the crowded area. He reached out his arm to you, which made you chuckle in response before shaking his hand, trying to keep your backpack atop your shoulder. 
“Your bag, miss,” he gestured to the suitcase you currently were wheeling behind you, and you realised that he really didn’t want to shake your hand and now his sweaty palm was awkwardly entangled in yours. You quickly let go before clearing your throat in embarrassment and handing him your bag, after which he quickly made his way to the exit doors so you two could finish this journey as quickly as possible. You used the time in the taxi to take in all the sites of New York. You had been as a kid, but it felt different now, like there was something new in the air. The hotel crept into view as the traffic was touch and go, but soon enough you were informing the lady working the front desk that you had a reservation and picked up a spare key to Graham’s room. You and Eddie agreed that you could use the time the band would be soundchecking at the venue to settle into Graham’s room for after the surprise, and you had thanked him again profusely when you heard Billy yelling down the hallway that they were all going to be late. Billy’s yelling was not something you missed while they were on tour, but if it came as a side effect of being in Graham’s arms again, you would listen to it again and again. 
The buzz in the venue was palpable when you walked in through the side entrance, trying to keep yourself hidden as much as possible given your mission. The bar at the back of the venue seemed like a great place to hide, and you kept yourself occupied by browsing the alcohol choices and chatting with the bartender until you heard three familiar voices making their way over. Warren, Eddie and Graham had decided to come up to the bar and you quickly ducked down under the bar, hoping the bartender wouldn’t expose you while they were there. You kept your back against the main island, facing the wall of bottles and mirrors, just being able to see the top of the familiar head of curls from your angle. The thin bottles distorted him a little bit, but your heart swelled at the sight of Graham just as it did every other time. 
“Tonight’s gonna be great man,” Warren commented, the bartender sliding a glass over to him. 
“Yeah, the fans aren’t even outside yet and the energy is killer,” Eddie replied, and you thought of the line of people you had passed out front on your way around the building. Thankfully no one had recognized you, and it only filled you with pride to see everyone who was there to support them. 
“Yeah,” Graham nodded, sounding more sullen than usual. 
“Come on man, lighten up. You’ve been acting weird since we got in the van this morning,” Warren nudged him, and you heard a leg kick the supporting wall of the island. 
“He’s just upset that his usual good luck call didn’t go through,” Eddie added. 
Graham got in the habit of calling you before every show as a nervous tendency, as the sound of your voice usually calmed him down better than whatever cheesy peptalk Billy wanted to give. 
Warren whistled when Graham didn’t reply, and you figured he made a face of some kind, exposing that Eddie was right. “Man, she has got you hooked, lined and sinkered”. 
“And what if she does? She always answers, so I feel out of sorts I guess. When you guys find people to love, you’ll understand,” Graham replied, trying to keep it light hearted at the end. 
“Hey, that was personal”. 
“Woah dude, what was that for?” He had set the boys in a defensive spiral. 
“We get it, you think she’s the one or whatever,” Warren teased. 
Your cheeks heated up, and it took all of you to stay in your crouched position, hoping nothing was going to squeak or hiss and give you away. The boys finally decided to walk away when Karen called them, saying they had to clear out before they opened the doors. You let out a loud sigh of relief when the bartender gave you a thumbs up to say they were gone, as being able to move your legs from their cramped position was a god send. 
“That kid seems to really love you,” the bartender commented as he gave you his hand to help you up. 
“Yeah well, I really love him too,” you said, not looking at him but at the stage where your boyfriend and his band would soon be standing. 
As the crowd shuffled in, you tried to stay relatively in the middle, hoping that whatever part of the stage Graham stood on he would be able to see you eventually. There was a hushed sensation in the crowd as people chatted and got drinks, but as the lights dimmed, the excitement grew, and a few people started whooping and cheering prematurely. Pretty soon the band was running on stage to an enormous eruption of applause, and the smile on each of their faces made you smile even bigger. From Chuck’s garage in Pittsburg to selling out venues across the country, you could not be more proud of the people in front of you, and you hoped all your efforts today proved that. 
“Well hello there everybody,” the familiar redhead greeted the audience, gaining even more shouts and cheers of joy from the people in front of her. “We’ve got a very special performance for you tonight, so we hope you’re ready to rock just as much as we are. How’s everybody feeling tonight?!” She yelled into the microphone as people clapped and hollered back. “Alright well, let’s see what you’ve got!” She smiled as Warren counted everybody off from his spot on the back of the stage and it was like the gates were opened at the Kentucky Derby. The energy radiating off of the band members and the audience was infectious, but you had your sights set on one person. Graham always did look his happiest on stage, getting to do what he loved with people he loved, and you were always excited when you got to witness that pure, unbridled joy on his face. 
A few songs in, you noticed Karen scanning the crowd, and as she landed on your section, you gave her a small wave. Your hopes that she noticed you were answered as a large smile broke out on her face, glancing back at the keyboard in shock before looking back to make sure it was really you. You laughed and gave her a big thumbs up in confirmation, and she was quick to call Billy’s name, nodding her head in your direction. The second band member to notice you, Billy’s eyebrows went up in shock when he spotted you, a smirk and an eye roll being his secondary reaction before he turned back to the microphone. After you had confirmation that at least half of the stage knew you were there, you kept your attention on the other half, staring at Graham as he shredded the guitar. A light sheen of sweat had gathered on his forehead, and as he wiped his curls back with his sleeve, Billy took a few steps back to get his attention. You saw him whisper something in Graham’s ear before his eyes went manic, scanning the audience with intense feverency.
Once his eyes landed on yours, everything stopped. The people around you seemed to be dancing in slow motion, and the music sounded like blurred-together lines of nothing as you saw the biggest smile form on your boyfriend’s face. Everything might have stopped a little too abruptly, as you saw Daisy look back at him in confusion when there was suddenly no guitar part being played. He shook his head and started playing again, quickly making eye contact with you again; a state he would remain in the entire show. 
When the show was over, security scurried over to you as people filed out, informing you that you were to be taken backstage. You got a few odd looks from a couple of girls who had been standing around you during this invitation, but all you cared about was that the moment you had been waiting for was finally here. You followed behind them until you could see the group of familiar people chatting and packing up their equipment. Graham had his back turned to the door, but Eddie had spotted you first, shoving Graham’s shoulder and pointing to the door. It was then that you couldn’t contain your excitement anymore and you brushed past the security guards, breaking into a full sprint as Graham waited with open arms. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you jumped to wrap your legs around his, his grip tightening with every second as if you’d disappear when he’d let go. He laughed as he leaned his forehead on yours, the shock from your appearance having not quite worn off yet. 
“Oh my god I can’t believe you’re here,” he mutters, leaning his neck further back to actually see your whole face. 
“You didn’t think I’d miss seeing my favourite guitarist did you?” 
“I thought that was me?” Eddie teased from his spot against the wall, which earned him a slap on the bicep from Karen and a strict instruction to shut up. 
“How did you even? What? How are you-?” 
“Eddie and I arranged it all. I missed you too much to be stuck in L.A. all by myself”. 
“Oh my god, I’m so in love with you it’s not even funny,” Graham let out a breathy laugh and your heart almost stopped. Even though you two had been dating for a while, you had said that you wanted to take things slow, given that your last relationship didn’t end so well. This meant that even though you and Graham were both in agreement that you loved each other, this agreement had been almost exclusively nonverbal. Neither of you had said anything yet, partially in fear that you’d take things too quickly and someone would feel pressure (at least that’s what you felt when your ex wanted to take things at what felt like a million miles an hour). So, in an effort to keep things calm and relaxed, neither of you had said anything close to the L word, and this moment took you by surprise. 
Silence fell between the two of you, as Graham was waiting for you to say something and you were frozen. As if just realising what he said, Graham’s face fell into one of panic as he gingerly placed you down on the ground. “Oh no, I didn’t mean-. Please don’t take that to mean you have to say anything back I just-” 
“Graham?” You stopped him rambling as you saw Karen and Daisy corralling the boys out of the room. 
“I love you,” you said without looking at him, mostly because you were scared he would bolt the other direction and you would fly back to L.A. in tears. 
You felt two fingers gently grab your chin, and Graham tilted your head up to look at him. “You sure? Cause I don’t want you to say it just because I said something”. 
You nodded, “I’m sure”. 
He smiled and let out another airy chuckle as he leaned down, grabbing both sides of your face before capturing your lips with his. The electricity between you started buzzing as it always did in moments like these, and he was quick to tap his fingers on your lower back, signalling you to jump up and wrap around him like you had previously. The two of you laughed in between kisses until you heard a gagging sound from down the hall. 
“Get a room!” Eddie yelled. 
“Where do you think we’re going?” Graham yelled back, causing you to laugh in embarrassment and bury your head in his shoulder. 
“I love you Graham,” you commented, though muffled from his shirt fabric. 
“What was that?” He teased. You knew damn well he heard you the first time. 
“I love you,” you said a bit louder, still in his shirt. 
“I’m sorry, one more time. I couldn’t hear you”. 
“God damn it Graham, I love you,” you finally lifted your head and said it while looking directly in his eyes. 
“I love you too, I just wanted to hear you say it again,” he laughed. “I’m the luckiest man on the planet!” He yelled for everyone to hear, gaining groans and yells of embarrassment and annoyance from his bandmates. Not that he cared though, he was just telling the truth.
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thelittlestspider · 2 months
Mr. Brightside
ships: Matt/Peter (one-sided), Matt/Foggy (one-sided), Peter/MJ, Matt/Glorianna
Summary: Peter sets out to befriend Matt and unexpectedly falls for him. Unfortunately, Matt loves someone else.
Chapter one
Peter doesn’t know when it starts exactly. This crush he has on Matt Murdock. Aka Daredevil.
He thinks maybe it starts because Matt is nice to him (despite Peter making an ass of himself). At first he’s just this stoic badass Peter runs into sometimes out on patrol. Then Peter finds out his secret identity and well, it piques his interest. So he starts hanging around, tries to make an effort to get to know him better.
At first Matt hides from him. Probably trying to shake off what he feels is an annoying kid tailing him. So Peter parks it on a rooftop with some food and talks to Matt. He figures worst case scenario Matt ignores him or tells him to shut up; best case scenario he eats with Peter. It gets his attention either way.
It takes a while. Long enough for Peter to wonder if Matt really just doesn’t like him at all and wants him to go away. Then finally after two weeks, Matt shows up. He melts out of the darkness like a red shadow, looming over Peter with an annoyed look on his face. Peter’s spider sense is quiet.
“Who are you talking to?” Matt demands, frowning. He crosses his arms, glaring down in Peter’s general direction.
“You,” Peter answers, grabbing a chip out of the bag, scooping some guac and shoving it in his mouth. He makes sure to chew extra obnoxiously. Matt’s face twitches, frowning deeper.
“Well, I was hoping to find someone to share this with…” Peter rattles the bag of chips. “But if you’re not interested…”
Matt plops down next to him, snatching the bag away. He takes a glove off and digs around in the bag, looking for the perfect chip. Then upon finding the perfect one, scoops up a big bite of guacamole with tomato and onion, shoving it into his mouth. He chews aggressively like he’s determined not to enjoy it. Then lets out an annoyed breath through his nose.
“That’s really fucking good,” he says.
“See D? That wasn’t so bad.” Peter bumps Matt with his elbow. “Sometimes it’s good to have friends.”
Matt gets a funny look on his face then. Like he isn’t used to people wanting to be his friend. Which is kind of sad. Peter had seen Matt in his fancy suit with his fancy lawyer job, and assumed Matt had people falling over themselves to get to him.
“Is that what we are?” asks Matt.
Peter smiles.
“If you want to be.”
Matt’s quiet then. As if he’s listing the pros and cons of being Peter’s friend. If it was anyone else Peter might have been a little offended. But he figures this is Matt’s way of processing things; he has to carefully consider things, weighing them like a baby bird cupped in his hands.
Then a quiet “Okay.”
Peter can’t stop grinning.
Peter’s mission to befriend Matt is slow going, but successful. Matt lets slip little things from his personal life: stuff that happens at work, people he hangs out with, goons he fights. Peter gets the impression Matt is kind of a lonely guy. He thinks maybe that’s part of what drew him to Matt in the first place; the fact they’re both loners. Weird guys who don’t really fit in. (Not that the vigilantism helps with that).
The only civilian friend Peter hears about is Foggy. The rest are either dates or coworkers. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but...it sounds awful lonely.
They’re stopping a robbery when Peter finally gets the nerve to ask Matt to hang in their civvies.
“Hey D,” Peter dodges a hit from Dickhead #1 while Matt roughs up Dickhead #2. “You wanna hang out sometime?”
Matt grunts. “Don’t we already do that?”
“Well, I mean yeah.” Peter webs up Dickhead #1, then jumps feet first onto Dickhead #3 before he can draw his gun. “But I was thinking we could hang outside of work? You, me, a pizza, pack of beers. It could be fun.”
They take care of the rest of the goon squad and Peter leaves them webbed up. He doesn’t really care what happens when he’s not there. Either the cops will get them or the victims will beat the shit out of them. Whatever.
“So,” Matt starts. “Beer and pizza, huh?”
They’re swinging fifty feet in the air, giddy with the relief of stopping people dying. Laughing and whooping as they race each other through the city to Peter’s apartment. Matt wins.
Matt laughs.
“Sore loser.”
The two of them start play fighting after they slip through Peter’s window into his bedroom. Somehow they end up wrestling on the bed and Peter lets Matt pin him, the two of them laughing.
"C'mon, you're not even trying!" Matt laughs, holding Peter's wrists.
Peter smirks.
"Oh no, whatever will I do," he deadpans. Matt shoves at his face and Peter laughs, shoving him back. He lets his head rest on the bed, looking up at Matt. He's a good looking guy, Peter notes, obvious even under the mask. Square jaw. Generous lips. Straight nose. He looks like he could be a movie star. Or an angel.
There’s something about Matt that draws him in. At first he thought it was just him thinking Matt was cool. The need to get closer to him, impress him, make him laugh. But then he started looking at him too close, noticing things about him. The freckles on his face. The fullness of his lips. His muscles and the way his suit clings to them.
Peter wonders how soft his lips are. What sounds he makes when he comes.
It's so quiet. The air feels thick in the silence. Matt is a warm weight on top of him. Peter's hands rest on Matt's thighs, thick with muscle. Matt seems to realize then what a compromising position they're in and clears his throat.
"Well, I um. I better get going."
He gets off of Peter and makes for the window, trying to escape this awkward situation as fast as possible. Peter listens to him climb down the fire escape, then puts his hands over his face.
I'm in trouble, Peter thinks.
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beomgyuslilracha · 2 years
you don't go to parties ☆.* 3
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⊹ pairing: choi yeonjun x f! reader
⊹ genre: exes to ... complicated
⊹ warnings: none, tbh? i don't believe there's any
⊹ wc: 5.3k
summary: back in your college days, you were living at the prime of your life alongside your boyfriend, yeonjun. you couldn't remember most of it, though, considering it was a blur consisting of mostly parties and many drunken nights. eventually, you reached your limit, and you and yeonjun no longer saw eye-to-eye. after many fights and endless tears, you disappeared for good and left that life and your boyfriend behind. but, five years later, yeonjun was still waiting for you at every party.
that night, the ride home was a surprisingly silent one. the only noise to be heard was the soft noise emitting from the cab's front stereo.
kai still held your hand with his, his thumb caressing the back of yours every now and then, whereas beomgyu had opted to mindlessly play with your fingers for the duration of the trip.
you knew that the three of you had developed a close relationship while working together, but you couldn't help but smile shyly to yourself anyway. you would have never imagined a situation before where either of them would have made such efforts to comfort you, much less both of them.
before long, the drive ended just outside your apartment building. in which case, you were rather taken aback when you watched both doors of the cab suddenly open, allowing both boys to exit and wait for you to follow.
your head was tilted curiously, watching as beomgyu then paid the driver for the ride.
were they not planning to take a cab home?
"hey, you're coming up, aren't you?" kai questioned teasingly, earning your attention to see him leaning down to gaze at your dumbfounded expression still sat in the cab.
"uh, yeah.. right," you eventually spoke, scooting across the seat to exit out the door he held open for you.
beomgyu walked up a second later, his lopsided smile spreading widely across his face when he, too, noticed how confused you were. you were beginning to feel as if you were being left out of some joke that only they knew about.
"no offense, but ... what are you guys doing?" you asked nervously, hoping not to upset either of them for being confused.
"we're having a sleepover at your place!" kai answered cheerfully, his warm smile making it impossible for you not to reciprocate. he even made it all too easy for you not to realize when he had planned such an event in the first place.
even with a smile now present on your face, you still looked between both of their faces in surprise. "oh, that's so sweet," you uttered simply, your lips then forming into a tiny, quivering pout.
just when you thought that you couldn't cry anymore, you just couldn't stop yourself from growing emotional at their kindness.
as thankful and appreciative as you were, you still wanted to assure them that you were fine and that they really didn't have to - though, you silently hoped that they wouldn't listen to you.
luckily, kai and beomgyu knew better, and they practically lead you by the wrist towards your own home while laughing at you.
once inside, the two of them headed straight for your linen closet to pull out spare mats, pillows, and blankets in order to create makeshift beds for themselves on the floor of your living room. after they were done, you were sure to remind them of the extra pajama sets you had purchased for them — an investment of yours way back when kai had first started to stay over often.
eventually, you were sat in the middle of their bedding, in a bundle of blankets that beomgyu had force-wrapped you in, as the two raided your kitchen to make snacks and drinks to enjoy.
despite your insistence that you merely just wanted to sleep the rest of the night away, kai had suggested putting on your favorite comfort movie first to make you feel better before the night was over.
"guys, you really don't have to do this." you reminded them, though sounding very unconvincing as you spoke with tears welling up in your eyes once again.
only this time, they were out of love for your adorable friends.
kai, who had trailed over to set the bowl of popcorn on the ground, wrapped his arms around you for about the umpteenth time that night. "we know we don't have to, but we want to."
beomgyu came over from the kitchen with a single steaming mug in his hands, carefully kneeling down on the floor in front of you. "here, y/nie, i made you hot chocolate!"
you could feel your bottom lip quivering yet again as you accepted the mug, though you were too emotional to help yourself. looking at the way they were trying their best to take care of you almost made you forget that you were their manager in the first place and not their little sister.
"thank you, beoms." you kissed the air in his direction, causing the boy to blush profusely at your affection.
after the rest of the drinks were made, the two settled in beside you on the floor and turned on the movie.
from the second you left the cursed party to then being sat in between your friends on the floor, you were relatively surprised that both boys had yet to ask you about what happened.
in fact, you most expected it from kai, but he seemed to be the most adamant about keeping your mind distracted. he was the one who suggested the sleepover and brought up the movie, after all, and he was even trying his hardest to make lame jokes in between to make you laugh.
nothing he did went unnoticed, and you appreciated him all the more for the effort he was putting in to make sure you were okay.
once the movie was over, you had to meekly remind the two that they still had schedules to attend the next day. despite their reluctance, they eventually agreed to get some sleep - more so for your benefit than their own.
you were originally planning to sleep on the floor mat beside them, but beomgyu was quick to deny you the opportunity. he didn't want to risk you sleeping uncomfortably, so he made a bed for you on the soft-cushioned sofa instead.
ignoring their groans, you decided to set a reasonably late alarm to wake the three of you in the morning - just late enough to give you plenty of time to sleep, but still early enough to have spare time to get ready in the morning. once that was done, you finally bid both boys a goodnight.
of course, it was nearly impossible for you to sleep.
once absolute silence had filled the room, other than the shallow breathing emitting from the other two, you were left to wallow in your own thoughts.
as much as you didn't want to, you thought about yeonjun.
you could remember the face he was making just before you left; you could clearly picture the pain that he was in from your words. a twinge in your chest almost convinced you to feel guilty, but you knew better.
in any case, regardless of the fact that he deserved it, you still couldn't help but want to wish him the best.
as the hot, silent tears cascaded down the sides of your face, you still hoped that yeonjun would be okay anyway. regardless of the hurt that he had caused you, you still cared so much for him. he was everything to you for so many years of your life, it was all too difficult to hate him ... even if you wanted to.
if nothing else, you hoped that your past relationship would teach him to be a better person. if it couldn't be you, no matter how much it hurt to think about, you still prayed that he treated his next relationship better.
kai's soft voice broke through the silence, succeeding in drawing you away from the depths of your wandering thoughts of despair.
"yes?" you asked him simply, copying his whispered tone so as not to accidentally cause beomgyu to stir and wake up.
"do you want to talk about it?"
you remained quiet for a minute, staring up at the darkened ceiling and wondering for only a second if kai could hear just how loud your heart was pounding through the silence.
.. did you want to talk about it?
a part of you was desperate to confide in your friend, but another part merely wanted that chapter of your life to officially be over. besides, you felt it was too long of a story for you to delve into detail now - especially when imagining the amount of sleep you would be forcing the poor boy to miss.
as you thought it over, kai continued to wait patiently for your response. he laid still, his breathing calm, and simply waited.
finally releasing a heavy sigh, you shook your head to yourself. "not today," you whispered vaguely.
you would tell him eventually, there was no doubt about that, but tonight wasn't the night for it. you would wait again for when the time was right.
"i'll be here whenever you're ready," kai answered you softly, causing your heart to instantaneously swell with adoration.
at the sound of slight rustling, you stole a brief glance toward where he lay to notice the small movement of his hand slowly reaching toward you. a small smile gracing your lips, you outstretched your own hand to lightly grasp his.
no other words were exchanged after that. the two of you were able to sleep soundly, with both your hands entwined.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
the following morning, just past all the trash scattered on every inch of the tiled flooring, a lone figure could be found huddled underneath layers of blankets in his bedroom.
with a silent chuckle to themself, the new presence placed the iced americano on the bedside table before lowering their head to hover just above the sleeping figure.
somehow, the name of endearment had yeonjun sitting up faster than he ever had in his life, drowsily searching around for the source of the voice. "y/n??"
"y/n?" the normal tone of the voice returned as they spoke questioningly. "who's y/n?"
rubbing his half-lidded eyes to fully regain his senses, yeonjun turned to his right to spot his friend, taehyun, standing just beside the bed with a mischievous grin dancing on his lips.
yeonjun rolled his eyes at the realization, groaning and turning his entire body to shove his face back into the pillows. "what're you doing here?"
"i told you i was going to stop by," taehyun answered nonchalantly, drinking from his own caramel macchiato in hand - a treat he picked up on his way over.
yeonjun lifted his head to glare annoyingly at his younger friend, allowing the smell of coffee to finally grace his senses. "yeah, but the party was last night."
smiling in amusement, as if he had been planning this response for years, taehyun said, "i just told you i was stopping by, i never said when."
if his eyes could roll out of his head, they surely would have from that response. to be perfectly honest, yeonjun wasn't even the least bit surprised at the way taehyun 'outsmarted' him - it was not the first time, nor would it ever be the last - he was just annoyed with him.
reaching for the americano waiting for him, yeonjun chose to simply tune taehyun out after that. he didn't care enough to bother asking anymore questions about his presence, thus opting to pretend that he wasn't even there to begin with.
once taehyun caught on to this behavior for himself as well, he continued anyway to regain his attention. "so who's y/n?"
the question had yeonjun choking on his sip, causing him to cough and sputter in surprise. he had entirely forgotten that he had called for you at first, so he wasn't the least bit prepared to hear your name again.
"ooh, that bad, huh?" taehyun questioned, taking yeonjun's surprised reaction as a response in itself.
taehyun had known yeonjun ever since they were both trainees, and not once did he ever hear the name 'y/n' slip from the boy's tongue, so he assumed it to merely be a recent pursuit of his that had ultimately rejected him.
... i mean, i guess he wasn't entirely wrong.
yeonjun quickly shook his head after his coughing fit had faded. "she's no one," he grumbled, though feeling a faint sharp pain in his heart from his own words.
after you had left last night, yeonjun didn't bother to leave his room after that. he couldn't remember how long he had stood frozen in place, almost convinced that multiple days had passed, but he had eventually dragged himself to the bed and went to sleep.
if he were to move the sheets over slightly now, he would then find that same labros shirt bundled up beside him. it no longer smelled of you the way that it used to, but it still held every memory of you regardless.
observing his friend's reaction, taehyun was inclined to believe that there was something deeper to whoever you were. he had seen yeonjun come across many girls for as long as he had known him, and he had never seen him look so distressed from any mere rejection.
"what happened?" taehyun asked simply, his tone stern and heavily indicating that there was no getting around it.
if his friend was this distressed, then taehyun refused to overlook it.
yeonjun was torn. on one hand, he refused to think of you again in order to avoid the pain it caused him to do so, but, on the other hand, he wondered if it would help to talk it out with a friend of his.
glancing up at taehyun briefly, yeonjun also realized that he had no intention of letting the topic go either.
taking another sip of coffee, yeonjun gave in.
he told taehyun who you were, how long you had dated, and when you first broke up. after receiving a nod to continue, yeonjun then explained all of last night's events - though maybe twisting the story only slightly when it came to his own behavior.
kai could be found sneezing back at +U entertainment, unknowing of the negative light his name was being painted under by a certain someone.
once he had finished his story, yeonjun was then left staring at taehyun expectantly. after a second too long of no response, he scoffed. "well?!"
taehyun blinked, confused. "well, what?"
yeonjun threw his hands up in disbelief. "this is where you come in with advice on how to win her back," he yelled at him, gripping his own hair in frustration.
"win her back?!" taehyun echoed, now looking at yeonjun as if he were clinically insane. "what do you mean 'win her back'? you and i both know that it's-"
"don't .. don't say it," yeonjun immediately interrupted, knowing he would not be strong enough to bear it.
of course yeonjun knew it was over, he wasn't blind ... but it didn't mean he couldn't still try. if he couldn't win you back, then he was willing to do anything to at least have you back in his life. if nothing else, he just wanted to be able to see you again.
even if it meant you couldn't be his.
taehyun now sat silent, with nothing other than pure pity written in his features. shaking his head, he decided to push logic aside and support his poor friend in need. if it would help him to cope, and hopefully realize the truth later, then taehyun was willing to do what he could.
"well, how about this," he started, placing his drink on the nightstand and causing yeonjun's head to perk up eagerly. "have you tried just being a better person?"
"... what?" yeonjun's expression was quick to shift into that of confusion.
"you know, just being a decent human being?" taehyun clarified further, his deadpanned appearance making it difficult for yeonjun to understand if he was joking or not.
yeonjun could only stare at him with confused, narrowed eyes. he couldn't imagine that taehyun was being serious, but, at the same time, he genuinely appeared as if he were.
"you're not actually telling me you don't know what it means to be a decent person, are you?!" taehyun suddenly burst out laughing. he always knew that yeonjun wasn't exactly the greatest person alive, but this was just too much!
"obviously i know what it means!" yeonjun finally yelled, holding up a playfully threatening fist as if he were going to hit him. "i just think your suggestion was stupid."
taehyun rolled his eyes. he figured he was going to have to be much more specific in order to get his point across.
"okay, fine, have you apologized?"
the loudest silence imaginable filled the room.
this time, yeonjun was pretending to be quite focused on the straw of his drink – too embarrassed to admit that he hadn't.
"are you- choi yeonjun," taehyun scolded, standing up entirely from his place on the bed. "you haven't apologized to her ONCE in FIVE YEARS?!"
"i- well..," yeonjun began to stutter, still avoiding eye contact. "um, so.. not exactly?"
taehyun shook his head. he took back every pitied thought he ever had, now deeming yeonjun's problem a grave dug too far deep.
he grabbed his macchiato from the nightstand and began to storm out, not even finding his time there to be worth spending. the boy was hopeless.
"wait- taehyun!" yeonjun called after him in a panic, scrambling out of bed quickly in order to chase down the last sign of hope he had.
having to step across the disarray of mess that covered the ground, yeonjun eventually managed to grasp a hold of taehyun's shirt in order to stop him from leaving. this only prompted him to turn around and give a rightfully deserved lecture.
"five years, yeonjun, and you haven't apologized," taehyun repeated in disbelief, not even able to look at him as he spoke. "i know you're my friend and all, but i can't say i blame her now."
despite the sting it left in his chest, he couldn't even be mad. taehyun was right, and not even yeonjun could blame you for that either.
he knew you deserved an apology - a long overdue one, at that - but the words never seemed to want to come out. even when he was standing in front of you the night before, with the words practically readied and waiting on the tip of his tongue, he just couldn't bring himself to open his damn mouth.
"that's why i need to make her forgive me," yeonjun mumbled almost pathetically, dropping to his knees in defeat.
taehyun shook his head in disappointment yet again. "you can't forgive someone who was never sorry in the first place."
a minute of silence later, taehyun sighed. if he waited any longer, he was sure that yeonjun would melt into a sad little puddle on the ground.
"here, let's take a break and clean all this up," taehyun told him, gazing around the destroyed living area. "when we're done, then we can brainstorm how you're going to apologize."
he didn't leave any room for yeonjun to deny or negotiate the plan, having abandoned him on the floor to search for whatever cleaning supplies he could get his hands on.
by the time they rejoined in the kitchen, the house was almost unrecognizable from how it appeared in the morning.
thus, the brainstorm of ideas began. after about ten minutes, both of them were feeling very different emotions of distress.
"what if i buy her gifts? i can send her flowers or- or maybe sweets that i know she likes?" yeonjun was almost pleading, after having about twenty of his original ideas entirely rejected by taehyun for 'not being creative enough'.
yeonjun could probably agree with that when he suggested writing a letter, but he at least thought the other ideas weren't that bad.
"if she can't stand you, why would she accept any gifts from you?" taehyun questioned him, thoroughly annoyed by this point.
he had been forcing yeonjun to think of an apology entirely on his own, but, at the rate he was going, taehyun frustratingly believed that he was going to have to step in at some point.
"besides, do you even know anything about her now? how will you know where to send a gift?"
yeonjun opened his mouth only to shut it a second later, realizing that taehyun had a very unfortunate point. he knew absolutely nothing about you.
after you left all those years ago, you had deleted any and every trace of yourself from social media so as to start anew without any connections to him. yeonjun remembered trying to search for you, but he gave up entirely after a year when he continuously came up blank time and time again.
wherever you were, you truly had no intention of being found.
"wait a minute..." yeonjun suddenly mumbled out loud, though mainly to himself. "beomgyu!"
"beomgyu?" taehyun echoed in confusion, being left out completely from yeonjun's thought process.
yeonjun pulled out his phone in a hurry, tapping away maniacally to search for beomgyu's social media. seeing as he was an idol himself, he knew he would have to be a public account.
"y/n came to my party last night with beomgyu," yeonjun began to explain to taehyun, who had curiously leaned over in his seat to watch what he was doing. "if they're friends, that means i should be able to find her through him!"
taehyun was quick to remind yeonjun of the reality. "beomgyu wouldn't be following anyone he knew personally. the most you'll find is the company he works for."
"but she could be following him," yeonjun countered, already clicking on the thirteen million followers the dork had to his name.
his hands were practically shaking, and his heart was pounding far too loudly in his ears. with every letter he typed of your name, the numbers dropped down dramatically.
until there was no one left.
yeonjun's heart dropped along with his hands, leaving him to stare defeatedly into space. he didn't mean to get his hopes up at the idea of finding you again, but he couldn't help it.
the only connection he had, and it came to a dead end far sooner than he had imagined.
"she works as a manager at +U," taehyun's voice suddenly pierced through yeonjun's thoughts of hopelessness.
"what??" yeonjun perked up quickly, his brows furrowed in angered confusion. he couldn't possibly understand how taehyun would know that information - only up until he realized that his friend was scrolling through the same profile of yours that he had just failed at searching for. "how did you-?"
"i figured, if she was smart, she would've just blocked you," taehyun shrugged nonchalantly, wiggling his phone to reveal your account. "and turns out she is."
yeonjun didn't care enough to refute, only caring to yank the boy's phone from his hands so that he could see everything for himself.
and there it was.
years of your life that he missed, now in the palm of his hands. his heart still twisted painfully at the sight of your smile - only to hurt even more when it was paired alongside the same boys that you had showed up with before.
he hated that he couldn't be the source of your smile anymore. he hated that you could live your life happily without him, while he had spent every night of his desperately waiting for you.
yet, despite knowing that he should just move on and leave you be, he just couldn't let you go.
"come on, let's go," yeonjun announced out of nowhere, storming out of the kitchen to his bedroom in determination.
meanwhile, taehyun was left behind with no clue what was happening. "wait, where are we going?"
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
"i can't believe i let you drag me here," taehyun groaned in annoyance, gazing up at the large company building belonging to +U entertainment - their very own rival company to Star One.
yeonjun, dressed now in a trench coat, mask, and pitch black sunglasses with an arrangement of your favorite flowers in hand, was staring nervously at the revolving doorway of the building.
on the way over, he had planned out an entire scenario to hand deliver your favorite flowers and apologize to you face-to-face. now, knowing you were somewhere inside the very building he stood in front of, he was beginning to grow cold feet.
he turned around in embarrassment and shoved the flower arrangement into taehyun's unsuspecting hands. "i can't do it; you take them in for me."
"me?! this was your stupid idea," taehyun whisper-yelled at him, trying to shove the flowers back.
"please, taehyun, i'm begging you to do this for me," yeonjun cooed, faking tears as he grasped his hands together to plead his dear friend. "if she sees me, she might not accept them!"
"then why would you buy them in the first place??"
yeonjun didn't answer. instead, he pathetically dropped onto his knees and pressed his hands together in a praying motion. he figured if he didn't look around, he could pretend that no one on the sidewalk was staring at him.
taehyun, on the other hand, was very aware of the onlooking bystanders. seeing as he was the unfortunate one without a disguise, he found himself having to give in to yeonjun's pleading all too quickly just to save himself from anymore public embarrassment.
"okay, fine, i'll do it. just get the hell up already," taehyun grumbled, sending uncomfortable smiles to the strangers that were now very clearly pointing in their direction.
regretting every decision he made to visit yeonjun that morning, taehyun entered the company with the flowers in hand and headed straight for reception. he wanted desperately to be in and out as quick as he possibly could.
"good afternoon, how can i help you?" the sweet woman behind the desk asked him, her eyes full of curiosity as she glanced at the arrangement in his hands.
"yes," taehyun sighed, forcing a polite smile to hide the embarrassment he was in. "i'm here to drop these off for-"
"i'm sorry, sir. i'm afraid we are not allowed to accept any gifts for our company's idols," she interrupted him, still remaining as polite as possible.
"err- no, this isn't for an idol," taehyun reassured her, lifting the bouquet. "this is for l/n, y/n. she's a manager here, i believe."
at this news, the woman's demeanor perked up eagerly. she knew who you were, of course, and she never would have imagined that you'd have such a handsome boy come to deliver flowers for you.
"oh, i see! does she know you're coming? i can tell you what floor she's-"
"no!" taehyun was quick to stop the receptionist from continuing, now trying not to panic. it was bad enough that he was doing this favor for yeonjun - he did not want to get caught in between the two of you anymore than he already was. "i just want to drop these off here. it's, uh, supposed to be a surprise."
the woman began giggling mischievously, nodding her head excitedly as she accepted the flowers from taehyun's hands. "of course, of course! i'll let her know to come pick them up."
finally bidding a goodbye, taehyun couldn't have left that building any faster than he did. once he spotted yeonjun waiting for him - looking incredibly suspicious with his outfit ensemble - taehyun rushed over to punch him.
surprisingly, yeonjun laughed playfully and began to coo at his younger friend. "thank you, taehyunnie~!"
"i hope y/n spits on the card," taehyun grumbled, though obviously kidding, as the two walked off to head back to the bus stop.
"what card?"
his feet instantaneously froze on the sidewalk, causing yeonjun to have to double back when he realized taehyun had stopped following him.
he could only blink, staring absolutely dumbfounded up at yeonjun. "you're kidding, right? you left a card?"
sensing the absolute seriousness of the situation, yeonjun opted to remain quiet. truth be told, it hadn't dawned on him that he was supposed to.
taehyun began rubbing circles at his temples in frustration, unable to comprehend the mix of emotions he was going through in that moment. "so you bought her flowers ... and she's not even going to know they're from you?"
yeonjun squeezed his lips together awkwardly. he still had yet to say a word after having realized the mistake he had just made for himself.
"damn it, yeonjun. remind me to never help you again."
meanwhile, back at the company, you were rushing down to the lobby with beomgyu in order to meet the escort that would take you both to his next schedule.
that morning, when the two of you were momentarily alone while kai was in the shower, beomgyu had apologized over and over for ever inviting you to yeonjun's party to begin with. in which case, led him to promise you an entire month's worth of peace instead of the original scandal-free week.
of course, just on the one extra condition that you joined him during his schedules every now and then when he wanted company.
as the two of you were speed-walking out of the elevator, a sudden voice calling for your name drew both of your attention.
"miss y/n, hold on!" you turned to your right, spotting your sweet friend waving for you from behind the reception desk.
you turned to beomgyu and asked him to keep the driver waiting for you before parting ways. "hi, miss mina, is everything okay?" you questioned her with a kind smile after approaching the desk.
you were entirely caught off guard when she had suddenly grabbed a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers and handed it over to you. "everything's okay! i just wanted to let you know that these came for you."
you blinked, unsure of what to say. you could only stare at the beautiful floral arrangement in both shock and admiration.
scanning around the entire arrangement, you were left to be all the more confused when there was no note attached to let you know who it was from.
"are you sure these are for me? there's no card," you explained, though less surprised.
suddenly it made more sense for you to believe that it was simply a mistake on someone's behalf. without any mention of who it was for or from, perhaps the delivery misspoke and gave the wrong name.
miss mina giggled, waving her hands to deny the flowers you were trying to hand back to her. "i promise they're for you! he gave your entire name, after all."
"he?" you caught on, your gaze traveled back down to the flowers still in your hand. "did you see who he was?"
"yes, he was very handsome!" mina had pointed out first, thinking back to the boy who was here only a few minutes prior. "he didn't give his name, but i remember he had silver hair. he looked almost like an idol!"
you nodded slowly, processing the information she gave you.
silver hair? you couldn't recall a single artist at the company who had recently dyed their hair - nor did you know anyone personally with that peculiar color.
sensing your confusion, mina gasped quietly. "maybe you have a secret admirer!"
your cheeks were quickly covered in a light pink hue, unable to help but grow shy at the thought. a secret admirer? the idea felt as if it were near to impossible, but you didn't have any evidence to deny it.
once you eventually rejoined beomgyu, you had to shut down about a million questions he asked about the flowers - too embarrassed to voice the idea of a secret admirer for yourself.
you figured you would keep quiet about it for now. if no one came forward to you eventually, you would deem the entire situation a mistake and leave it at that.
although, a small part of you found it difficult to ignore.
how did they know your favorite flower?
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any time i mention their hair, it's bc i want to make it very clear what my favorite hair eras for all of tubatu is. shoutout to blonde soobin, wolfcut gyu, and now silver tyun <3 and i haven't mentioned it, but also blonde kai <3 and yeonjun with black hair has me weak - i will die on the hill he walks on.
anywayyy, i hope everyone enjoys pt. 3 !! i also really really really hope the little mix-up towards the end comes across okay 😭 a part of me feels like it's not as exciting as i wanted it to be, but oh well 🥹 other than that, i just want to say thank you to EVERYONE for all the support and encouragement <333 absolutely love and appreciate and adore EVERY single one of you !!!!!!! i hope this part comes out to your liking and everyone will continue to look forward to what i have in store :,)
series taglist:
@cookiehaos @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs @junzwrld @gyuuluvrs @goldennika @nobodyshallenter @lubtou @soobsfairy444 @2ynjns @cherriruto @baekberrie @youraggedybitch @eundiarys @jwicore @bokk-minnie @cha-raena @beachbabe4ever @sparkswhoz @wo-ai-ni-yong @strvlveera @ghostfacefricker6969 @blondsoobinenthusiast @whippedforbeomgyu @l0stindigo @angelbythewindow @hkplushier
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trektraveler · 2 years
My Hero
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Summary: Doctor Sam WInchester had fallen hard for the woman living just down the hall. She was easily the most adorable and the most accident-prone creature he had ever met! Yet for all the times he came to her rescue, he was too shy to make a move. Maybe he could work up his courage, if he got just one more chance...
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader, Sam x Reader, Doctor!Sam Winchester x You
Characters: Sam Winchester, Reader, Garth, Dean Winchester
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Sickfic, fluff
One Shot
Word Count: 3700
Author’s Notes: I swear, every time I get sick all I want is a Winchester to come and take care of me. Is that really so much to ask?? I think not! This is my very first Sam x Reader fic! I have a few more ideas rattling around for the youngest Winchester brother, but this is decent practice. For now. Enjoy!
     Bang.  Bang.  Bang.
     “Coming, coming!”  Sam pulled t-shirt over his head as he trotted to the front door.  He’d been getting ready for bed when the insistent knocking started.
     The door swung open to a very nervous young man in a Wong’s delivery uniform.  Sam recognized him from the few times he ordered from them. 
     “Hey, its Garth, right?”
     “Yeah,” he shifted on his feet, his eyes round with worry, “You’re a doctor, aren’t you?”
     Sam’s instantly shifted into his professional mode.  He was currently an attending at Lawrence General Hospital, having just moved back a year ago from L.A.  It had been an adjustment, but a welcome one.  Big city life didn’t suit Sam at all. 
     “I am.  What’s going on?’
     “I was dropping off an order down the hall to the lady in 302 and I heard this thud behind the door and now I can’t get her to answer.  I think something’s wrong.”
     Sam was already grabbing his medical bag, “Show me.”
     302.  He knew the woman who lived there.  More or less.  They kept running into each other.  He first discovered her fighting with the soap dispenser in the laundry room.  Then again when she locked herself out of the building during a thunderstorm.  And then last week when the elevator got stuck between floors.  He always seemed to be wandering by when she needed a rescue.  She was funny, smart, accident prone, and completely adorable. 
     Sam had been working up the courage to ask her out, but something always seemed to crop up.  An extra shift at the hospital or a birthday party for a colleague.  He knew it was an excuse.  For all of his professional success, Sam was, and always had been, extremely shy.
     “Y/N?”  He knocked loudly on the closed door, then tried the handle and found it locked. 
     “Alright, stand back,” he said to Garth.  In one powerful move, Sam kicked the door in, the heel of his foot landing in just the right spot to splinter the doorjamb. 
     “Damn,” Garth blew out an impressed breath, “You aren’t even wearing shoes.”
     You were laying in the foyer.  Curled on your side with your hair spread out like a halo.  A wallet sat a few inches away from outstretched fingers. 
     Sam was at your side in an instant, gingerly turning you over and searching for a pulse, “Y/N?  Can you hear me?”
     Garth hovered nearby, nerves in his voice, “Is she okay?”
     Sam ran a hand over your forehead, “She’s burning up.  Go see if you can find a washcloth and a glass of water.”
     His worry only grew when he carried you to the couch and you still didn’t come to.  He held your limp body up with one hand while he worked your hoodie off with the other, leaving you in a tank top and yoga pants.  He’d strip that off you too, if he had to.  Every inch of bare skin he touched felt like it was on fire! 
     “Why isn’t she waking up?”  Garth asked handing Sam a kitchen towel.
     “Dehydration.  With a fever this high, it can happen quick.”  Sam dipped the towel in the water filled coffee mug and bathed your face and neck.  Sure enough, his efforts were rewarded.
     You groaned, even that soft sound reverberated through your pounding head.  Everything hurt and all you wanted was to slip back into the blankness of sleep.   But it was so noisy!  Someone kept talking, like the parents in a Snoopy cartoon.  Unintelligible, insistent, and so annoying!
     Sam gently tapped your cheeks, “Y/N.  Come on, darlin.  Open your eyes for me.”
     With a bit of coaxing, you did as he asked.  Everything around you swirled and slowly came into focus.  Your head felt heavy and fell to the side, Sam was there and smiled down at you.  As a reflex, you smiled back before your fevered brain could catch up and tell you who you were looking at.
     “Hey… it’s my hero.”
     Sam chuckled in relief, “Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty.”
     “You’re here.  That’s so nice… why are you here?”
     “You passed out,” he replied, pressing the cool cloth to your brow.  “Do you remember what happened?”
     You tried to search your memory, but everything was so fuzzy!  “Um, I came home from work… I was sick.  Felt really bad.  Everything hurt.  Achy and cold.  Headache.  Then I ordered soup from the place down on Main Street.  I dunno…I feel a little out of it.”
     There was a blood pressure cuff wrapped around your bicep that was inflating.  Where did that come from?  Sam was doing that doctor thing where they listen to you talk while taking vitals at the same time.   
     How did doctors do that?  Did they teach that in med school?  It seemed especially confusing to you as your thoughts kept skipping away and going down rabbit holes.
     Cool fingers felt under your jaw, pressing against swollen lymph nodes.  He always had such a gentleness about him.  Such grace.  Surprising for a man of his size, but he seemed to take such care with you.  Like you were the most rare, delicate creature in the world.
     Last week when you found yourself stuck in the elevator, it was Sam who answered your call.  He muscled open the doors single handed and lifted you up though the opening without breaking a sweat.  You were more than a little awe struck by his display of strength and chivalry.  If you’d had half a brain, you’d have invited him for coffee as a thank you.  As it was, you were preoccupied with being late to work.  A sadly missed opportunity with your handsome neighbor.
     “You came home from work, was that last night?”
     “Um, yeah.  Yes.  As if Mondays aren’t sucky enough.”
     Sam’s eyebrows rose, “That was two days ago.”
     “Today’s Wednesday.”
     That information had you on the move.  You sat straight up and instantly went white.  The room titled and if it weren’t for Sam’s hands steadying your shoulders, you probably would have slid right off the couch.
     “Whoa, whoa, whoa.  Not so fast,” Sam advised, forcing you to recline.
     “I gotta go call work… or… somebody.”
     “The only place you are going is to the E.R.”
     “No, I can’t go to the hospital.”
     “Y/N, listen to me.  You’re dehydrated to the point that you fainted.  Your fever is 103, that’s dangerous territory.” 
     Sam tried to be stern, but he just didn’t have it in him.  You looked so pitiful with your hair sticking to the sweat slick skin and the dark smudges under your eyes.  You were desperately sick and he wasn’t going to simply leave you without treatment.
     “I know a lot of people are scared of the doctor, but I promise I’ll be right there with you.”
     You swallowed, wincing at the feeling of knives in your throat.  “I’m not scared, I’m uninsured.  My job is new, benefits don’t kick in for thirty days.”
     Garth piped up, “You’re a doctor, can’t you just prescribe something and treat her here?”
     “It’s not that simple.  She needs to be admitted so they can get an I.V. going and get some fluids into her system.  And bring that fever under control.”
     He felt your head loll against him.  He looked down in alarm and found you’d lost consciousness again. 
     “Y/N?  Wake up, Y/N!” 
     This time no amount of effort would bring you around. 
     “Damn it,” Sam growled as he got to his feet.  He grabbed a notepad from your entry table and scribbled a list down.  “Do you know that walk-in clinic on 42nd street?”
     Garth followed him, “Yeah, I pass it on my way to work.”
     “Great.  My brother is on call there tonight, go in and ask for Dean.  Tell him it’s for me, he’ll help you.”  Sam tore off the list and thrust it into Garth’s hand, “Get everything and hurry!”
     Garth shoved the paper in his pocket, “What if they don’t believe me?  That clinic isn’t in the best part of town, junkies hassle them all the time.”
     “Dean will believe you but in case he doesn’t say Poughkeepsie.  It’s our go word, means drop everything.”
     “A secret code word, you guys must be brothers,” Garth muttered on his way out the door.
     You woke feeling warm.  Bundled up in something soft and secure.  Your eyes stayed closed as you enjoyed the luxurious feeling.  Most mornings you woke up stiff with your muscles complaining about the ancient futon you had yet to replace.  It was left over from college and the wood slats dug into your hips, but moving to a new town was expensive!  Anything like a proper mattress would have to wait until you had a few more paychecks under your belt.
     You stretched a bit, content to roll over and fall back into your dreams, but something tugged on your hand and pinched.  You frowned and tried again; it was like you were caught in a fishing net. 
     “What the hell…?”  You grumbled unhappily, determined to keep your eyes closed out of stubbornness.  You blindly felt around and found a tube and tape attached to your right hand.
     Your eyes popped open.  An I.V.?
     You weren’t in your bed.  You weren’t in your room!  Where the hell were you? 
     The dimensions matched your bedroom, but it wasn’t bare bones like yours.  This one was painted a lovely smoke grey.  Bookshelves lined one wall and a mahogany dresser matched it on the other.  The bed was the biggest you’d ever seen.  The headboard was massive and intricately carved.  The mattress was firm but yielding. 
     The bedside table housed bottles of medication, a stethoscope, a digital thermometer, and a glass of water.  You remembered being sick.  Sicker than you’d ever felt.  You remembered your boss sending you home then… nothing.  Just a blur. 
     You sat up slowly.  When the room didn’t spin, you decided to press your luck.  You pulled back the covers enough to dangle your feet over the edge.  Your toes found plush carpet.  You felt weak, but not dizzy.  And you were cold without the blankets.  Looking down you found bare legs.  You were wearing only your tank top and Wonder Woman underwear. 
     Fuck.  Where the hell are my clothes?!
     With a quick yank, you pulled the I.V. out and headed for the door. 
     “Yeah, Dean I know.  If I promise to wash and wax your car, will you get off my case?”
     “No way in hell you are waxing my Baby, do I need to remind you about Liza Raffaella in the eighth grade?”
     “Please don’t,” Sam groaned into the phone. 
     “It’s wax on, wax off.  Not wax on, go chat up a nerd girl for three hours while the wax bakes on in the sun!”
     Sam spun at the raspy voice behind him.  You were standing in the hall, your hand braced against the wall for balance.  You looked a little wobbly, but far better than you had in hours.
     “I gotta go,” he told his brother before ending the call.  “Y/N, hey.  How you feeling?”
     “Confused.  How did I get here and where are my clothes?”
     “Oh!”  Sam’s cheeks colored instantly as he grabbed a soft, woven throw from the back of an over-sized chair.  He draped it over your shoulders and ushered you to the sofa.
     “Sorry about that, your fever was sky high.  Needed to bring it down in a hurry.  Here, sit.”
     You sank down onto a couch that was just as comfortable as the bed you’d woken up in.  Sam disappeared into the kitchen then returned with a glass of ginger ale and some crackers.  He was rattling off something about Chinese takeout and your pants being in the laundry.  All the while he was fussing over you.  His long fingers found the pulse point on your wrist, and he produced a pen light from somewhere to check your pupils.
     After a few minutes, he realized you were staring at him, “Y/N?”
     “Sam, grateful that I am for your hospitality and bedside manner… I still don’t understand why I’m here.” 
     “Well, I figured it would be a better place for you to recover… with all the construction.”
     Now you were really confused, “Construction?”
     Sam rubbed the back of his neck and embarrassment turned his ears pink, “Yeah.  I ah… I kinda broke down your door.”
     “You weren’t answering!  I just had a really bad feeling, and I would never have forgiven myself if something happened to you.”
     His gaze traveled your face then locked on your eyes.  “I was worried about you.”
     You looked at him, really looked.  He was beautiful, as he always was, but there was an edge of exhaustion to his features.  His five o’clock shadow was darker than you’d ever seen it.  The fine lines around his eyes and lips were etched deeper and his hazel eyes were slightly red.  Even his enviable hair was disheveled. 
     “So, you committed destruction of property to save my life?”
     “I did.”  He gave a nod, his tone teasing, “You gonna turn me in?”
     A small smile played around your lips, “Nah.  I might need your services again.  I have a habit of getting into trouble.  Nice to know I’ve got my own personal hero on call.”
     “You call, I’ll come running.”
Two Years Later:
     “That was not our first date!”
     “We spent the entire weekend curled up in my bed, it counts.”
     “I was unconscious!”
     “Not the whole time,” Sam countered, threading his fingers through yours, “Sometimes you’d wake up.  Of course, you were delirious.  You did have some of the most creative fever dreams… what was that one about the Catholic church hiding the existence of extra-terrestrials by dressing them up like the clergy?”
     “They were hiding dinosaurs, not aliens.  Tiny dinosaurs under their creepy old lady robes.  And still, not a date.  I think you’ll find most dating experts would agree with me on this.”
    “Dating experts?”
     “Your brother.”
     Sam huffed out a laugh, “Don’t be fooled by the rumors, he’s not the Casanova everyone thinks he is.”
     “I dunno, guy gets a lot of dates.”
     “First dates.  Ask him about his batting average for second dates.”
     “Oh yeah?  Got him beat, do you?”
     “Hands down.”
     Sam curled a finger under your chin and brought his lips down to meet yours.  You hummed happily as an electric spark zinged all the way down to your toes.  It was crazy that even after two years he still managed to excite you with just a touch, or a look.  You never had to doubt his feelings for you, he wore them openly and proudly.  He never missed the opportunity to hold your hand in the grocery store or to wrap his arm around your shoulders at the movies.   A kiss to the temple, a hand at the small of your back.  Every touch was filled with the warmth of the sun on a summer’s day.  Every night was filled with the heat and passion of desire that could never be sated. 
     You leaned into Sam’s side as he guided the two of you down the winding path that cut through the willows.  “So, tell me Doctor Winchester, why haven’t I been to your family’s estate before?”
     “I wouldn’t call it an estate, it’s just a few acres.”
     “I don’t care if it’s a patch of dead grass… you have horses!  Horses, Sam!  I’ve wanted to go horseback riding since I was ten.”
     “We might be able to squeeze in a lesson for you before we head home.”
     “I’ll bet you’re a natural, you’re already an expert with a riding crop,” he whispered in your ear.
     “Sam!”  You admonished him, instantly turning red, “That was a one time!”
     “Best birthday ever.  And to answer your question; you haven’t been here before because I was waiting.”
     The path curved and opened up to a decent sized pond.  A dock jutted out onto the clear, still waters and ended in an elaborate gazebo.  Painted a picturesque white and topped with a copper finial, hundreds of tiny fairy lights hung from the rafters glittering with magic and romance. 
     “Oh wow,” you breathed, following Sam down the planks.  “This is like something out of a book.  God, it’s beautiful!”
     “My parents built this place from the ground up.  Mom had this vision in her head about a pond where she could come and watch ducks.  Teach her kids to swim and fish.  So, one summer, Dad started digging.  I don’t think he even had a plan, all the neighbors thought he was crazy!  But he was stubborn and determined.  And he loved my mom more than anything.”
     You walked out to the end of the platform and leaned out on the railing.  Dragonflies danced along the surface of the water as the sun began to set and the crickets started to sing.  “He did a great job.  Did he build the gazebo too?”
     “Anniversary present,” he confirmed, joining you by the railing.  “This was my favorite spot when I was a kid.  Dean loved the garage, hanging with Dad and tearing apart trucks with the radio blasting.  I couldn’t stand the noise, so I’d come out here.  Even in the winter.”
     Suddenly, a swan flew down and landed in the middle of the water.  Graceful and noble, it glided across the water sending the slightest of ripples out in its wake.  As it turned, you could see a single black feather against the white of its tail. 
     “Oh!  I’ve never seen a swan with one black feather.”
     “He’s always had it, never could figure out why.  He showed up when I was ten and just never left.  I call him Solomon.”
     “Is it just him?  I thought swans always paired up?”  
     “Well, that’s the thing, they do have mates for life, but he showed up alone.  And I know it sounds silly, but he was mopey.  He didn’t take a lot of interest in anything; he didn’t interact with the ducks or even pay any attention to me when I tried to feed him.  He was sad.  Some animals grieve and I think he was grieving for his lost mate.”
     “Poor guy,” you murmured, watching as Sam took a packet of birdseed from his pocket and tossed a bit out on the water. 
     “When I left for college, Solomon migrated and didn’t come back in the spring.  I thought I’d seen the last of him, but then I got a call from Mom this past summer.  He was back and he brought someone with him.”
     As if on cue, a second swan swooped down and landed beside Solomon.  Pure white and just as lovely.  They looked like a postcard, gliding on the sunlit water.
     “You’re kidding!  He found another mate?  I didn’t know swans would do that!”
     “Some do, special cases.  And Solomon’s no fool, he might have been content to be alone forever, but when that right one came along, he snapped her up.”
     “That’s amazing!”  You turned to Sam with a beaming grin, but stopped short when you realized he wasn’t standing there beside you.  He was kneeling. 
     He took both of your hands in his, tipping his face back to gaze up at you with such tenderness and devotion it made your breath catch.
     “I’ve been thinking about this moment for a long time.  I knew what I wanted to do and how I wanted it to look, but the words never came.  Everything I wrote seemed inadequate.  Even the word love falls short.  It’s not enough, it’s not big enough.  Being with you is a revelation, Y/N.  You call me your hero, but baby… it’s the other way around.  You rescued me.”
     Tears had already gathered in your eyes when he pulled out a blue velvet box.  A diamond solitaire sparkled inside like a star in the sky. 
     “I don’t know if I’ll ever have the words, but I swear to show you.  To treasure you, to make your happiness my mission.  To answer your call and to love you for all my days.”
     You dropped down to your knees and tackled him.  Your arms flung around his neck, nearly knocking him over in your enthusiasm.   He caught you with a laugh and kept the two of you from tumbling off into the water.  You kissed every square inch of the face you’d loved since he first rescued you.  And you laughed.  Joy bubbled up from your heart like effervescent Champagne.
     “You astonishing,” Kiss. “Brilliant,” kiss. “Romantic,” kiss, kiss. “Beautiful,” kiss, kiss, kiss.
     “Y/N… baby…”
     “Yes?” Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss.
     His hands wrapped around your shoulders and pulled you back slightly so he could look into your eyes.  He traced the curve of your face, fondly tucking your hair behind your ear.  You were always moving, always racing towards everything in life.  It was something he loved about you, your exuberance.  Your passion!  You burned so bright, his light even on the darkest days. 
     “Will you marry me?”
     Your brow creased in confusion before you realized, he didn’t actually say the words a moment ago.  You been so excited that he never got the chance. 
     “Yes,” you nodded, your forehead coming to rest against his. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”
     Sam slipped the ring onto your finger, “Will you look at that?  Perfect fit.”
     “Guess that means you’re stuck with me now.”  You shifted so that you were sitting in his lap, your hand cupped his jaw, “I should tell you up front that I tend to get into trouble, there’s a good chance that you’ll be required to rescue me from time to time.”
     “Good thing rescuing you is my second favorite activity.”
     “Second favorite?”
     “Yeah,” he murmured against the curve of your neck, “Let me show you the front runner.”
     Before long, Sam had swept you away in a haze with his deft fingers and clever tongue.  The title of Hero that you bestowed on him became a running joke through the years and then a loving nickname.  But that didn’t make it any less true.  He’d always been a hero, and now he was yours. TAGLIST @deans-baby-momma @muchamusedaboutnothing @peterpangirl21 @ficbreaks @teresa-67 @sacriceria @verytoadpapersoul @heartbreak-of-a-marauder @savspersonalproperty @deanwanddamons @jenwinchester40 @perpetualabsurdity @starryeyeseunbyul @sexyvixen7 @katsbratsupernaturalwhore @agirlwithdemonblood @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @imthedoctorlove @roonyxx @smellingofpoetryy @deanwinchesterswitch @thinkinghardhardlythinking @pink-sparkly-witchly-witch @barewithme02 @deadlynightshadeindustries @jc-winchester @mrswhozeewhatsis @kinderousmaster @lyarr24 @aphorism-001 @onlinecemetery @allonsy-yesiwill @myeagletoadmaker @panicking-outside-the-disco @haylie-spnfam4evr @lauraashley93 @foxyjwls007 @bluedragonflylady @foxyjwls007
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stupd000 · 7 months
All Better🤍
CW!:Mentions of injuries, blood, non-consensual turning, descriptions of blood, No Sam here💔
A very shitty drabble I thought of but couldn’t execute correctly, Enjoy!:)
Darlin lays on the ground. Bite marks, and cuts all over their body. Specifically, the one stretching across their back to the middle of their chest. They put their hands flat on the ground, attempting to push themselves up. blood drips from their soaked shirt before they cough, eventually vomiting up a mix of phlegm and blood, making them fall onto their forearm. Before they begin pushing themselves back up, they feel a hard, heavy boot on their back. They didn’t have to look. They know who this was. “Little cheap, don’t you think?” They try to let out a smug laugh before it falls into a cough. “Kicking a dog while it’s down?” They look over their shoulder. Jesus just the sight of him chilled them to the fucking bone. “Well, how else would it learn?” Quinn. Fucking. Fox.
He kicks them in the side. Remember that big cut that was mentioned earlier? Yeah. Right there. “Still can’t win a fair fight?”.
Darlin rolls over, trying to shift. Their body gets bigger but they’re too weak to complete the shift as they shrink back to their normal size. “Oh, I can. This is just much more fun…” He laughs. Darlin, albeit with much effort, wobbles onto their feet. Quinn walks towards them, slowly. At least it felt slow, every step he took felt like an extra heartbeat in their chest. Darlin tries to step forward, but fails. Catching themselves on their right foot. They don’t think they’ve ever been this angry. “Poor mutt. Still mad at me?” Darlin attempts to swing a punch at him, which he promptly dodges.
“So have you decided yet?” Quinn questions, that damned smirk still plastered on his chapped lips. “What..?” Darlin breathes out, still disoriented. “On if you’ll turn or not?” He asks innocently. Darlin doesn’t answer. They just stare. “I’ll take that as a no.” He deadpans. “Don’t worry.” Why can’t they move? “It won’t burden you for much longer.” He grabs hold of their chin. Why aren’t they fighting back? Why can’t they shift to bite or scratch….”I’m going to make it..all better, precious.” Quinn flashes his fangs before biting himself on the wrist, forcing it to Darlin’s mouth. They try to resist but all that comes out are grunts from behind their lips. “Blood for blood. Drink.” They do it. Why the hell are they doing it?! He laughs. He laughs. His fangs are white. Very white,that’s all they see before those fangs sink into their neck. White. They couldn’t hear, they couldn’t see, all they could do was taste their spit in their mouth, the taste of his bitter, thick blood haunting their tongue. Before they can fall into unconsciousness, they hear Quinn’s voice. “I do this because I care, dearest..”
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