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jossarisfoto · 5 months ago
Brabants Wateravontuur | Boottocht van 's-Hertogenbosch naar Heusden
Vrijdag, 11 oktober 2024 | Vandaag genieten we van een prachtige boottocht van ‘s-Hertogenbosch naar het pittoreske vestingstadje Heusden. Deze dag, gevuld met geschiedenis, natuur en gezelligheid, belooft een onvergetelijke ervaring te worden. Het Begin van ons Avontuur In het bruisende hart van ‘s-Hertogenbosch, een stad rijk aan leven en historie, begon onze reis. Aan boord van een…
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natracha · 11 months ago
Engel Michael
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doldriest · 1 year ago
Met haar neus tegen de ruit gedrukt, zo dicht bij het glas dat ze bijna niets meer zag door haar eigen adem, keek het meisje naar buiten. Het was een beetje mistig. Flarden wolken trokken voorbij en dompelden de wereld in een waas van wit licht. Wanneer komen ze nou, oma? De vrouw zuchtte, iedere dag weer die zelfde vraag. Ze ging bij haar kleinkind staan en streek haar door de krullen. Toen…
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Engelen te hulp vragen:
open je handen, zeg (of denk): 'Engelen, Engelen, Engelen dank u dat u …
… In Liefde en Licht, In Liefde en Licht, In Liefde en Licht.'
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warhead · 5 months ago
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vansfriend · 8 months ago
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shibuyatokyo · 1 year ago
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MAYA Engelen
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hislittleraincloud · 9 months ago
DirecTor: *sweat-drenched and sore, tries to sneak in as quietly as he can*
AB Wednesday: *turns on the light with a click*
DirecTor: *jumps* Heeey. There. Kiddo. How goes it?
ABW: Hey there, author. It goes quite fine. *takes out her phone, taps the screen, turns it to me* But care to explain to me what I'm seeing here?
DirecTor: *squints* That's uh...that's the Lords of Acid.
ABW: ...I know. I'm asking about the scene behind Gigi. *taps her little black-nailed fingertip on the screen over my disabled Weeble ass gesturing to the crowd to show me their pussies*
DirecTor: Well uh...see...uh — I was...there.
ABW: ...I know. But how did that happen?
DirecTor: *swallows* Well. I was seated sort of off to the side near the stage entrance and when Gigi called for people to come up on stage for 'Pussy (Round)', the dancer pointed to me. Probably because of my shirt.
ABW: *purses lips, and I can't tell if it's out of anger or irritance* Well, it is an attention-grabber.
DirecTor: Yeah, tell me about it. I got a lot of grins and comments on the way to the venue and then at the venue. I'm on a shitload of peoples' clouds. How'd you get that video anyway?
ABW: *clicks it off after she sees Praga Khan giving me a hug at the end of the song* I have my sources.
DirecTor: ...
ABW: ...
DirecTor: It was Fester, wasn't it.
ABW: ...Perhaps.
So...somewhere in this world more than a few people have pics and video of my thicc ass embarrassing myself behind Gigi Ricci (the current vocalist for the Lords). Face reveal!:
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This is actually a screencap from a video I took of myself listening to the White Girl Drama next to me before the shows started. I wanted to stick an icepick into my brain to escape her blathering. She was with her friend and they were both dressed as Coop Voodoo U devil women, full-on red body paint and all. But because of their drama, they left before the Lords even got to 'Voodoo U' (and it was on the set list). Like...the yappy one had fallen asleep at her table at one point and her friend looked a little concerned. I asked her if she was okay and she said yes, but...she didn't look ok 😬
I'm so tired. I'm too old for this shit, but it was worth it because it seems that every time I go out and do something like this, people gravitate towards me. I got to shake Praga Khan's hand (he turned to me before the song and shook my hand after I climbed the short stairs w my cane...I was shocked to have even been invited onto the stage by his dancer ETA: WIFE, I learned it was Inja, Praga Khan's wife 💀), and then he hugged me after the song was done. He's so little and frail 😳 But very sweet. I haven't let anyone touch me bc of COVID, but he was the exception. The man is a legend, and the Lords still have it.
Gigi was topless! She didn't have any X tape taped over her nips tonight, unlike during the Philly show (the vids I posted).
I did have to leave a little early (they weren't done yet) because I wanted to beat the crowd to BART and I didn't want to get stranded late in the damn Tenderloin. I made a friend...of course he is a cultured, older European (Dutch, LOL). He was sitting alone before everything started and looked a little lost (his friends didn't show up). He too needed to leave early bc he lives in San Jose and also had to catch BART back. We chatted quite a bit and stuck together during the show.
Anyway. I guess time will tell re: if I get sick. I shouldn't, bc I don't think my gear slipped and the venue was not packed...it was a comfortable half-packed hall, so people could actually socially distance themselves, or dance and move around. The crowd was pretty geriatric (like me), but there were quite a few younger Millennials there too. I really should have a headache from all the headbanging, but I don't (and interestingly enough, my voice isn't hoarse either, despite loads of screaming). My feet and legs are dead tho. I'll probably be bedridden for a couple of days.
ETA: The dogs were all asleep when I got back, and my old boy was fine. I love it when they're well behaved. Someone was trying to get their dog into the venue (when I arrived at the hall, there was a short line of people waiting to get in). I don't know if they succeeded, but I didn't see the dog in there, so. It was a small, white fluffy dog with a 'service dog' leash on it. Even if it was a real service dog (and I don't think it was), why would you bring the poor thing to a freaking Lords of Acid concert? It's not a goddamn orchestal symphony. The Lords are LOUD. I kept thinking how horrible it would be for my baby had I brought her. Too loud! She's used to loud Lords of Acid since I sometimes play the Afterburn soundtracks when we go out in her little front pack, but not THAT loud. Damn, people. That's just cruel.
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camillevanneerart · 10 months ago
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jan - graphite | 20 x 20
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miseryscrowned · 10 months ago
Everyone stop and tell me about the lyrics / songs that make you go feral about a ship / character
I’ll go first and i have a couple
Her hair I would long to adorn with glowing stars, her brow with shining sun
This song gives me major Woljif / Saga brainrot, it’s the yearning and the softness for me 😭
Statt upp kvinna för prövas nu du skall, inför häradsrätten slagen kallt i järn
Eder trolldom har vållat stort förfång, icke äro synden ringa att bliva Satans brud
This one is so perfect to describe Inys at the beginning of Inquisition as she’s still being blamed for the Conclave
I’ve felt the coldness of my winter, I never thought it would ever go
This is giving me Frans finally having his happy ending with Lorenz and I did put it at the end of Frantz’s playlist
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natracha · 11 months ago
Christelijke jaarfeesten
Ben je je bewust van de christelijke seizoenen? Pasen markeert het begin van de lente; het is onderhevig aan de invloeden van de Aartsengel Rafaël, die Mercurius vertegenwoordigt. Raphael – lucht – begin lente – aquarius – ZuidenSint-Jan markeert het begin van de zomer, waarvan de vuren worden bestuurd door de Aartsengel Ouriël, Saturnus Uriel – Aarde – begin Zomer – Torus-…
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wolves-in-a-lambs-coat · 1 year ago
Romance is out, slaying your enemies together and savoring the taste of their blood on your mouths is in. Bleeding for each other on the battlefield whilst covered in blood and bruises is in. A trust beyond human understanding is in. Animalistic and carnal desire is in. Do I have to say any more!
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colonellickburger · 2 years ago
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Lieven Engelen. Children of the Sea, Cape Coast, Ghana
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warhead · 6 months ago
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vansfriend · 2 months ago
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ronnydeschepper · 3 months ago
Vijftien jaar geleden zag ik "Ben X" (Nic Balthazar)
Op 19/12/2009 zag ik “Ben X” van Nic Balthazar uit 2007. Continue reading Vijftien jaar geleden zag ik “Ben X” (Nic Balthazar)
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