#energize gemstone
flowerbetweenfangs · 5 months
Marked By the Moon: Part One
CW: Dubcon due to heat/breeding. Originally posted on A03.
An oldie, but one of my favorites.
Buzzing shook the nightstand. Bluelight pierced through the blackness, making it impossible to ignore. 
Reaching forward, Carmen groped across the polished wood, then seized her phone. Sitting up on her bed, she pressed the glowing screen to her ear. Sleep clogged her throat and eyes as she grunted out a greeting. 
It was just after four in the morning. She knew better than to say “Someone better be dying”, because a call this early meant somebody probably was. 
“‘Lo?” She gurgled, blearily staring in the darkness. Sweat clung to her face and clothes in the summer heat. Her window was open, the breeze doing little to cool her off. 
“Carmen!” The voice on the other end was frantic. “You’re not going to believe this!” Several dogs barked and howled in the background. “I’m sorry for waking you up, but we’ve got an emergency surgery.” There were several grunts as her coworker pulled something. “I think some poachers got to him. It looks like he was torn open by a bear trap.” 
The words floated in the air, before bringing horrific images to mind. Carmen’s phone beeped, indicating there were messages sent, images attached to them. 
“I’ll be there soon,” Carmen was out of bed and throwing on her clothes. “Start prepping.” She pulled her dirty blonde hair back without brushing it, making sure it was secured in a knot at the back of her head. Squeezing into her jeans and a presentable shirt, she quickly grabbed her phone and quickly looked at the incoming messages. 
What followed were images of a male ginger wolf, with a large wound on his leg and shoulder. His fur was damp, having been cleaned up. There was a muzzle around his snout, but his eyes were open and alert. He looked directly at the camera with what could only be described as a lupine scowl. 
No matter how many injured animals she saw.  Carmen always sniffed and felt a pang of pity for them. From little Spot and Mittens getting into a spat to the various wildlife people brought in, every creature needed a caring touch. 
“He really tried to fight me when I put on the muzzle.”   Anna’s words read. “ But a good jab of sedatives has him going night night. He’ll be completely under when you get here.” 
“Sorry buddy,” Carmen said aloud to no one. “But your jaw could tear off our arms.” Shoving her phone back into her pocket, she started to psych herself up for the upcoming meeting with this new patient. There were several wolves in the area, but they tended to stay in the mountains and parks, away from the city. A local wildlife reserve rehabilitated them and worked closely with the clinic, taking on all sorts of feral creatures that didn’t belong in the city. 
The poor thing was probably all sorts of confused. 
Going to the bathroom, she splashed cold water on her face and sputtered, slapping her cheeks to wake herself up. Quickly, she brushed her teeth and let the rush of mint further energize her. This was going to be one for the books. 
Seizing a canned coffee from the fridge, Carmen grabbed her keys and stumbled out the door. Guzzling it down, she drove through the dark streets, slowing strategically at speed traps. The one good thing about her random late night trips, the normal people of the world were still asleep. Although it was nearing a full moon, so the crazies of the world would be out. 
Something dug into her hip. At first, she tried to ignore it, but it dug into the sensitive skin at every movement. It felt sharp. Adjusting how she sat, Carmen tried to keep her eyes on the road. She was waking up, but the risk wouldn’t be worth it. 
Once she pulled up to a stoplight, she looked down to see a flash of silver wrapped in a leather string. 
Reaching down, she fished it out and saw the trinket she’d bought a month ago, a piece of rose quartz with wire wrapped around it, a small crescent moon, tree, and wolf charm tied to the gemstone. It had been a weird impulse buy. She couldn’t help but think of how thematically appropriate it was. 
Ducking her head, Carmen slipped the leather over her head and tucked it under her shirt. The light turned green, and she floored it once she got on the highway. The night whipped by. Rolling down the windows, Carmen let out a scream to further wake herself up. It was going to be a long day. 
It was barely four thirty when she pulled into the animal hospital. 
Anna let her in before she reached for her badge. She looked frazzled, her eyes wide and bloodshot. There were small scratches covering her arms, but it was a side effect of the job they were more than used to. Passing off the coffee, Carmen took the clipboard and quickly skimmed the contents. They didn’t have a lot of time. 
“He’s completely out,” Anna said as they rushed to the surgery room. “I think he’s a juvenile. But it’s hard to tell.” 
“Then let’s make good use of the time,” Carmen stopped to wash her hands. Once she was certain they were sufficiently clean, she went through the door. 
On the metal table was the body of the wolf. His hind legs were being propped up by a stool. His paws and ears twitched in his sleep. Instead of chasing rabbits, he was probably thinking of chasing sheep. Or perhaps deer. Hell, he probably could take down a bear if he wanted to. 
“I knew wolves were massive, but this guy is just…” Carmen fanned herself with the clipboard, trying to wrap her head around the sight. 
“Huge?” Anna asked, arching a brow. “Even when I worked at the park as a teen, I don’t think the wolves there got this big.” She took a long drink from the coffee. “He’s bulky too. Nothing but muscle in there.” 
“Yeah.” Carmen rubbed her eyes. The sight of the patient had completely sobered her up and released sleep’s hold on her. “Alright. Let’s patch this guy up.” Approaching the table, she placed a hand on the wolf’s haunch. 
There was almost an audible snap as his jaw clenched, lips curling back to show his fangs. His whole body went rigid under her touch. Slowly, his upward eye opened and tracked, staring at her. 
Carmen’s stomach dropped and she sucked in a breath. His paw twitched, brushing against her thigh. His claws could easily tear open her clothing and skin if he so chose. Silvery drool dribbled from his mouth, hitting the floor with a wet smack. 
Blinking rapidly, Carmed put a hand to her chest and kept her breathing under control. The gemstone firm in her grip, she willed the wolf to go back under. Something tugged at her, and she smelled something… Musty. 
The wolf’s eye rolled back and slowly closed again, his body relaxing. The drooling stopped. When Carmed rubbed her eyes, the puddle of drool was gone.
She was more tired than she thought. But she needed to give this patient the best care. 
At least the sedatives were doing their work. Anna hadn’t seemed to notice the incident, having rushed to the front desk when the bell chimed, indicating they had another patient. No doubt this one would be making the rounds on social media, if not the local news. 
She washed off the wounds again, then made quick work of them. His skin and fur were so thick that her tools were warped and bent when she started. Putting away the tools, she went and found the newest set she’d managed to scrounge up the money for. 
 Sutures were simple. Once she’d pieced most of him together, she bandaged him up. It was almost comical to see an entire roll wrapped around his leg, tufts of fur peeking out between the cloth. His paw twitched when she touched it. 
Now she had to convince a wild animal to ignore his base instincts. With man’s best weapon. Painkillers and more sedatives. 
His eyes moved under the lid, his nostrils flaring and lips twitching. 
They didn’t have an Elizabethan collar big enough to put around his head. Carmen doubted it would stay on even if there was one. He would probably find some way to tear it off. 
Hurt, thrown into the hospital parking lot, muzzled, sedated, then probably going to wake up drugged out of his mind. 
“Don’t worry,” She said, patting the side of his head. “I’m sure the assholes who did this to you are going to get what’s coming to them.” His heartbeat thrummed under her fingers. Hands sinking into his fur, Carmen found it somewhat comforting. Warm. She found herself leaning down to rest her head on his side. Stopping herself, she pulled back. 
How tired was she? Maybe she should have drank the coffee instead of passing it off to Anna. 
Sighing, she rubbed her eyes. 
Then, there was a growl. 
Eyes opening, she saw the wolf staring at her again.
No, not staring. The light was gone from his eyes. His paws twitched, like he was running in place, but in his sleep. She debated on tying his paws, but knew the poor thing would only wake up more confused and scared. The sedatives would work on him for another couple hours. Moving the patient to another large kennel, she locked him inside. 
Exiting the room, Carmen went to the back room and sat down, curling up in a chair and closing her eyes. 
It felt like she’d only blinked when she opened them again. Her whole body was stiff and sore. Tilting her head back and forth, she heard her joints popping and cracking. Taking in a deep breath, she got up and went to check on the patient. 
He had been moved to the kennels, a private section to keep him away from the domestic pets. His head laid on a pillow, his whole body limp. The exhaustion came through the glass, his expression pitiful. 
“I called the Wildlife Reserve.” Anna said, coming in with a steaming mug. “They’ll be here to pick him up in half an hour. They had some… Colorful words for me when I told them we had already gone ahead and done surgery on him.” 
Carmen crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. “I still want to know who the hell did this to him? Who sees an animal and thinks “You know what, I should hurt him?””
“I dunno. Crazy.” A buzzing rang through the room. Sighing, Anna turned on her heel and went to greet the customer who had just walked in. 
Walking up the glass, Carmen put her hand on it. The wolf tilted his head to look up at her, eyes looking sorrowful. His sides heaved, the barrier muffling the whines. 
Then, his head snapped to the area behind her. Looking back, Carmen saw uniformed men with a large cage. They towered over Carmen, their bodies thick with muscle. Their uniforms had the logo of the local wildlife reserve. 
“Oh. I thought you wouldn’t be here for a while.” Carmen straightened. 
“When we heard about the wolf, we had to make quick time.” One said, offering his hand. “Especially knowing he was injured.” The gloves were thick, ready to take on any bite. He was maybe mid thirties, with salt and pepper hair and dark eyes. 
Carmen took the hand, shaking it. She wasn’t even sure if  his fingers could move within the fabric. 
“Well, he seems to be responding well to the medication. Here’s what we dosed him with.” She found the chart and passed it over to the agent as the other moved to the wolf’s room. He was younger, maybe in his early twenties with dark hair pulled back into a tail. 
“Good. Thanks for taking care of him. We’ll try to see if he belongs to a pack not too far from here. If he doesn’t, then we’ll make sure to release him somewhere safe.” The man handed her a card. “If you want to visit him.” 
“Of course,” Carmen heard the sounds of a struggle. Whirling around, she saw the wolf snarling and growling, lunging at the Agent despite the muzzle. They had him in a hold with a catch pole. He went to try and paw it off, before collapsing with a yelp when he put weight on his injured legs. 
“Stand back, ma’am. I have to go help him.” The agent rushed into the room as the wolf continued to pull and twist, trying to get himself free. 
When he opened the door, the wolf suddenly shot forward, knocking him aside and heading straight for Carmen. 
“Shit!” Carmen didn’t have time to move as the wolf barreled into her. When she hit the ground, the Agents managed to get hold of him again. 
Then, he lifted up a massive paw and raked it across her arm. Two long crimson lines formed across the skin. Blood welled up, dripping onto the floor. 
“Carmen!” Anna shrieked, rushing over. “Oh my god, are you okay?” 
“It’s fine.” Carmen insisted, getting to her feet. Drops of crimson fell on the floor. The skin was already red and puffy. “Jesus.” She struggled to draw in breath, her heart leaping into her throat. 
The wolf continued to pull and tug at the Agents, but the second wind seemed to have gone out of him. Once they got him into the cage, the fight completely went out of him. With a metallic WHUMP, he collapsed, staring at Carmen through the bars. 
“You need to go to the hospital.” Anna insisted. “That looks bad.” 
“ER visit is not in the cards.” Carmen argued. “Can’t afford that.” She winced and cradled her arm. “How far away is the closest urgent care?” 
Walking to the desk, she pulled out a first aid kit, popping it open with one hand. At least they had plenty to handle small incidents. No way was she going to walk through the front lobby while bleeding like a stuck pig. Pulling out disinfectant, she went to the bathroom and applied it. 
The burning sensation nearly made her black out from the pain. Her head hit the wall, and she barely registered what Anna was saying. The other Agents were apologizing, or at least Carmen hoped so. 
“- about ten minutes?” Anna frowned. “I’ll fill out the incident report.” She looked Carmen up and down. “You don’t look so good, you should take the rest of the day off to rest. I’ll call someone from the other clinic and see if they can cover the surgeries. Thank God those guys knew the nearest Clinic offhand.” 
“Probably go there all the time themselves." Carmen shrugged. Anna reached over and helped hold her arm still. 
"Thanks, Doll.” Carmed winced again, seizing a roll of bandages and binding her arm the best she could. The Agents were gone, with the cage loaded in a trailer. “I’m not even mad. Poor boy was probably scared out of his mind.” 
The Urgent Care had just opened when she pulled up. Once admitted, she sat in the room, still cradling her arm. She didn’t dare unwrap the wound to get a better look at it. 
When the door opened, Carmen jerked her head up to look. 
The man who came through was older, maybe mid to late 40s. His hair was completely white, small bits of stubble on his face. Tired brown eyes looked her over, dark circles under them. A fatigue they both seemed to recognize and share a sympathetic half smile over. 
“Alright, tell me what happened.” His voice rumbled, still raspy from sleep. He held up a clipboard, clicking a pen to take notes. Old fashioned, then. She caught the name on his nametag, Esau Remington . 
“So, I’m a vet,” Carmen began, unwrapping her arm as she recounted what she thought was needed. He paid attention, unblinking and nodding. 
By the end, his brow was furrowed, the pen’s clicker tapping against his lips. 
“Are you sure it was a wolf and not a really big dog like a shepherd or a husky?” 
Fishing her phone out, Carmen showed him the pictures that Anna had sent her. His frown deepened, his brows rising to meet his hairline, the pen twirling back and forth between his fingers. The corner of his lip twitched, and he sucked in a sharp breath. 
“Well, I’ll be damned,” His cheeks flushed and he gave a nervous chuckle. 
“Sorry about the language. It’s not every day you see a wolf.” Clenching his jaw, he looked at the wound on her arm. “Just the scratch? He didn’t bite you anywhere?” 
Carmen shook her head. “No. They had a muzzle on him.” She winced as he rolled her arm between his fingers to look the gash over, making sure there was nothing inside it. The skin was more swollen, the congealing scabs weeping with clear fluid. “I’m up to date on my rabies shots and the like, unless you think I should take a booster?” 
Shaking his head, Dr. Remington sighed. “No, I think you do need sutures though. He did a number on you.” 
The pen scribbled as he took down a few notes. “I’m going to write you a prescription for some antibiotics and steroids. Take them all , even if you feel better.” The tone did not offer an argument. “And I’m going to recommend you take the next few days off. If you have a wily patient, you’re going to rip the sutures back open.” 
Carmen let a groan slip past her lips. The Doctor seemed taken aback, pen pausing mid scribble. Brow cocked, he looked her over. 
“I’ve got a lot of patients I need to look after.” She complained. “The wolf was a wild card, normally I just handle check ups.” 
“I’m sure your patients would appreciate you in a healthy state.” Remington argued back gently. “Take some time off, don’t strain yourself.”
  He looked over his shoulder, then back to her. “I know when I have some days cleared in my schedule, I like to go camping with some of my friends. We go hiking, swimming, and get to see nature.” Looking pointedly at her wound, he shrugged. “Although it wouldn’t surprise me if you’re a little sick of nature right now.” 
With a sigh, he began to prep her arm. Another round of disinfectant, making her hiss with pain. 
“I don’t mind nature.” Carmen shrugged, wincing as he began to apply the first suture. “Just don’t know if it’s a good idea to make a spontaneous trip into the woods with a messed up arm.” She tried to force a smile, but hissed when he pinched her wound closed. 
Dr. Remington tilted his head to the side with a grunt of agreement. “True. But it was just a suggestion.” His Adam’s Apple bobbed and he swallowed hard, his lips moist. “Not to mention the meds you’re on… Probably will make you too woozy to do anything strenuous.” He chuckled. “I got a little ahead of myself, sorry.” 
Carmen shrugged. “I get it. A little early, trying to wake yourself up.” 
"I find it hard to sleep some nights. Especially around this time of the  month. Always finding people doing stupid things. Must be the full moon." 
Once he’d finished stitching her up, he presented her with a prescription and doctor’s note. After calling the clinic back, Carmen assured Anna that she would be back as soon as possible. 
At home, she popped the first round of pills and collapsed onto her bed. 
When Carmen woke up next, sweat soaked her sheets. Panting, she pulled herself from her blanket cocoon. The cool air of the night was like ice. Shivering, she popped another round of meds, then  got into the shower, letting the water pour over her. 
The sweat and grime from sleep rolling down into the tub made her feel a little more like a human. Her phone was blowing up with texts from Anna and other coworkers. Pushing her phone aside, Carmen collapsed onto her bed again, shivering and trying to cover herself up enough to combat the shivers, but not feel overheated. 
Shaking, she tried to claim sleep, but it refused to come. Getting up, she began to pace back and forth across the floor, feet slapping loudly across the hardwood. The walls around her seemed to close tighter. 
Opening her window, she popped out the screen and leaned out. A spell of dizziness hit her. Head swimming, she nearly fell forward. Holding tightly to the sill, she yanked herself back in, rear slamming hard against the floor. Leaning against her bed, she took a few shaky breaths. 
Closing her eyes, she drug the sweat soaked blanket down from her bed and wrapped it around herself, falling into a fitful sleep. 
When the first rays of sun pierced the open window, chilly winds of dawn rolled over Carmen and made her hair stand on end. The necklace pressed into her hip, leaving red indents over her skin. Fishing it out, she simply tossed it aside, watching it skitter across the floor and come to a rest against her dresser. 
Crawling to the window, she pulled it closed and then collapsed under it. Curling into the fetal position, Carmen fell into another fitful sleep. 
She found herself standing next to a woman made of stone. A crescent moon covered her eyes like a mask, her mouth open in a howl. A silver wolf draped itself across her lap, head thrown back to mimic hers. Cracks and chipped off pieces had worn it down, but it still held a beauty to it. 
The grass around it was green and lush. Thick trees grew around the statue, the song of the forest crying out. Animals, insects, bubbling streams, wind, all of it calling out to something in her. Taking a few steps forward, she looked at the wolf. Its stone eye seemed to move, looking right at her. Even though she was clothed, it made her feel naked and nervous. Stomach flipping, she took a few steps back. 
“Come to me, my child.” A woman’s voice whispered in the wind. 
The golden sun had become the silvery moon when Carmen opened her eyes again. Her whole body ached. A throbbing in her head and arm helped drag her away from the land of sleep. She saw the necklace tightly clutched in her grip, leaving an impression of the moon in her palm. 
Every muscle protested when Carmen drug herself off the floor and took the meds. They went down hard, nearly making her throw it back up. 
Filling up a tall drink of water, she guzzled it down to fill her stomach. Hunger gnawed at her, staving off sleep. Breathing hard, she took another shower and let the hot water soothe her muscles. 
The strange fever and fatigue had worn off, replaced with an energy that she hadn’t felt in years. Blood sang in her veins, wanting to run. Even in the shower, she found herself shifting from one foot to the other, eager to start… Something. 
Stepping out of the shower, she found herself dressing quickly. Hair still damp, she pulled it back and mapped out a potential run she could do. She just had to go outside. Get away from the walls of plaster and sheetrock. 
A smell made her pause. It was buried under her smell. But she could still pick it up. Pulling out her pants from the other day, she pulled out the business card and sniffed it. A small drop of blood was on the corner. Hers? No. The scent drove her wild. She held it close and inhaled deeply, before pulling it back. 
“What the hell am I doing?” Setting it back down, Carmen rubbed her face, sweat pouring down her brow. She stared at the address, the image of the wolf coming to her mind. 
He stared at her, looking pitiful. Then, his claws flashed and raked across her arm. When she fell to the ground, she saw the statue. 
“ Come to me, my child .” The woman’s voice whispered in the wind again. “ Join the hunt. ” 
Walking outside, Carmen let the night air roll over her and went to the car, heart thrumming. Pulling out her phone, she punched the address of the wildlife reserve and then prepared to travel. 
Her drive was a blur. Tunnel vision made her unaware of how fast she arrived, or even if she was driving safely. Static crackled in her ears, making her hair stand on end. 
The mechanical voice telling her she’d arrived at her destination was what brought her back. She stared at the spot illuminated by her headlights. A line of trees, then a chain link fence. More foliage behind that, but it was too thick to see past. 
Getting out of the car, Carmen slammed the door and began to take a few steps toward the fence. The wind shifted, blowing a scent toward her. Wrapping her fingers around the links, Carmen inhaled.
  Closing her eyes, she let the smell wash over her. It caressed her very being, tugging at something within her. Dropping to her knees in front of the fence, she clenched the links tight enough for her knuckles to turn white and her injured arm to throb. Metal warped under her grip, the coppery scent of blood following. 
Bringing her hands down, Carmen saw crimson pooling in her palm. A laugh escaped her and she sat with her back to the fence. Lapping at the wound, shook her head. 
“What on earth am I doing?” She started to stand. Her body protested at the movement. The soreness was back with a vengeance. Closing her eyes, she pressed her bandaged hand to her face, pulling it away to see it soaked with sweat and grime. 
Staggering to her feet, she ignored the tantalizing scent as she headed back to her car. When Carmen put her hand on the roof, the smell hit her like a load of bricks. Opening her eyes wide, she turned back around to look at the line of trees. The area around her was tinted with a silvery-blue hue, but it was almost as bright as day. 
This had to be a dream. None of this made sense. Leaning down, she touched her forehead to the warm metal of the car. 
“Just wake up.” She urged herself. “You’re having a bad reaction to the medicine.” 
Slowly, she raised her head. 
Time seemed to slow down. Turning back toward the fence, she felt her feet moving on their own, dragging across the asphalt. 
Something glistened on the links in the silvery light. Reaching out, she brushed her knuckle to it. Once she touched the metal, it sent a jolt through her.  
Then, she saw the small gap in the links. Someone had cut through it with bolt cutters. But they’d put it back to where it was almost invisible to anyone far enough away. No wonder she had been able to bend the metal so easily.
 Clenching the fence, she pulled it back and crawled through, metal raking across her back. Wincing, she dropped to her stomach and drug herself through, feeling more tugs at her clothing. 
Once she stood up, her arm was throbbing, the pain making her head spin. Staggering, she sniffed the air. The scent was stronger than before. Her whole body ached, but she had to follow it. Cradling her arm, she began a slow walk. 
Cicadas cried, a creek flowed, and the wind continued to blow, stirring a few stray wisps of her hair out of its knot at the back of her head. 
Then, she came to a break in the trees, showing a sheer drop. In the meadow, a group of wolves ran around, wrestling and snapping at one another. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw one stop, then stand up on its hind legs and sniff the air. It turned a massive head around to look right at her. 
“I knew you’d come.” A voice called behind her. It was gruff, like it wasn’t used to speaking. As it rumbled through her ears, Carmen’s hair stood on end. 
Slowly, Carmen turned to see a bipedal wolf looking at her, its hindleg bandaged and stiff. Its shoulder was also wrapped up. 
The wolf took a few shaking steps toward her. Then, it dropped down onto all fours. Even then, it still looked her in the eye. Drool glistened on its teeth as it licked its muzzle. Then, she saw the same eyes, in what she recognized as a lupine scowl. 
Her ginger wolf from the clinic. 
Now she knew she was dreaming.��
It took another step toward her. She backed away, stopping when she felt the give of the ground, warning her of the drop below. Heart hammering in her throat, she could only stare at the wolf as it took a few steps closer to her.
Her stomach fluttered. Fear? No. Something else she couldn’t identify. Head swimming, she tried to string thoughts together to make a plan of escape. However, her vision began to blur. Daring to blink, she took in a shaking breath. 
Something tore through the grass. But she didn’t dare take her eyes off the creature approaching her. Caught between a rock and a hard place, she focused on the visible threat. 
“The Goddess has blessed you. And you’ve been marked by her hounds.” Ginger grumbled, nose nearly touching her. The inhales were strong, almost like a human. 
“You’ve gone into heat.” His tongue lolled out of his mouth, hot breath rolling over her skin. Something about it made the ache worse, spreading it through Carmen so fast she nearly screamed. “You’ll send the rest of the pack into rut.” 
Then, a large silver wolf slammed into the ginger, swatting him with a human shaped front paw. The action was so quick, Carmen could only gape. Her knees nearly gave out, but she managed to keep herself upright. If she went over the cliff, she’d drop and probably break below. But if this was a dream… 
Ginger flew back, screaming in pain. The noise shook her thoughts loose and she gasped, reaching out for him. Crimson blossomed on the bandaged haunch and shoulder. His back legs gave out as he struggled to get on all fours again.
“You bastard!” He barked at the silver wolf. “You broke my leg!” Yelping, he looked at Carmen with pleading eyes. “Help me!” 
Carmen took a step forward, only to feel a hand clamp on her shoulder. Claws dug into her skin, making her stand still. Then, she was whirled around to face the silver wolf, who towered over her. 
“You shouldn’t be out here.” The voice rasped. “Not without being taken into the pack first.” His nostrils flared, his pupils blowing all the way out as he stared at her. Brown eyes, glinting with the want for a hunt. His scent overpowered Carmen. 
Squeezing her eyes shut, she whispered to wake up over and over again. 
The fear held fast to her, not allowing her to move a muscle in fear of both wolves tearing her to shreds. 
Then, the hand on her shoulder went to her waist, picking her up. Before she could scream, it squeezed tight enough to push the air from her lungs. Finally, she opened her eyes to see that she was moving. Well, the wolf was walking, simply carrying her like a ragdoll. His massive paws had wrapped around her, although he’d taken care to not scratch her further with his claws. 
Ginger flew at them with a snarl, his back leg suddenly seeming to work perfectly. 
Silver swatted at him, then heaved. The wolf flew through the air, screaming as he went down into the meadow below. When he hit the ground, the crunch echoed through the night. Carmen felt sick, her stomach heaving. Covering her mouth, she squeezed her eyes shut again. 
There was a grunt. Air whipped around Carmen, stirring the scents again. An impact jostled her, and she opened her eyes. They’d landed in the meadow, the other wolves approaching, much more cautious in their steps. A few sniffed, inching closer with flared nostrils, but never close enough to touch. 
The smell made her mind swim. Heat flushed in her cheeks, and she shivered. All the eyes on her were like hands, caressing her very being. Each one hungrily taking her in, assessing her. 
The ruined pile of fur and bone groaned. 
“Your brother decided to go against the rules and try to bring another member into our ranks. Without permission. Or consent, for that matter.” Silver growled. “So now, he must put himself at the mercy of Diana.” He set Carmen down, setting his massive hand on her shoulder so she couldn’t run. His touch froze her further. Not even a breath passed her lips. 
The wolves sat or laid down in the grass, staring at the pair. They knew who the one in charge was. 
“What’s going on?” Carmen choked out, eyes watering. “Please. Tell me or let me wake up.” She slapped her cheeks, stopping when Silver’s hand wrapped around her entire uninjured forearm. It was a gentle, but firm grip. 
“No one touches her.” Silver insisted, before forcing her to face him. His eyes seemed to stare into her very being. They looked alert, but so tired. More fluid dribbled onto her legs and shoes. But she didn’t dare break the gaze. To assert dominance with a canine, you couldn’t be the first to break eye contact. 
Hopefully the same rules applied to lupines. Alpha and Omega only applied to captive and family packs, but this was all she knew to work with. 
As they stared at one another, Carmen felt the fear and desire to know more about everything warring with one another. Part of her wanted to escape the dream no matter how, the other part wanted to stay and listen. Sit on her haunches like the other wolves, watching him speak. 
His eyes explored hers, flicking over her form to take her appearance in. The gleam only added to his dangerous look. His pupils were slightly dilated, his muzzle twitching. His tongue tasted the air around her. 
Silver broke away first. A sigh of relief escaped her, and she dropped to her knees. Silver’s grip on her arm didn’t release. Closing her eyes, she urged herself to wake up. 
Then, she was being pulled back to her feet. Arms cradled her, twisted and alien enough to make her uneasy, despite the strength behind them. She tried to not shake, but her body refused to listen. 
“What do we do?” One of the wolves asked. “Her scent is going to roll on the wind. If she’s changed, there might be others we don’t know about.” 
“Guard the entrances. Make sure no one else gets in.” Silver rumbled, before he started to walk, each step jostling Carmen enough to nearly make her cry out. 
Then, he took her away from the meadow. There was a hole on the side of the cliff. Bowing his head, Silver brought her inside. Only then did he set her down on the stone floor. Once he’d done that, he went to the mouth of the cave and sat down. 
“Can you please tell me what’s going on?” Carmen begged, not daring to move from her spot. “Did… Did you kill that wolf?” She’d have to call the Wildlife reserve when she woke up to check on him. 
“No. If Diana is merciful, he will be healed when the moon and sun switch.” Silver didn’t look at her. “You care about the one who did this to you? Was he your mate?” 
The question made Carmen blush. “N… No. I just…” Her brain felt addled. Why was she getting flustered over a wolf? “I took care of him. He was already hurt.” 
Silver snorted. “We’re sturdy. Don’t worry.” He slammed his paw on the ground. The open palm slapped hard, the noise amplified in the cave. Carmen resisted the urge to clap her hands over her ears. “As you saw, he wasn’t nearly as injured as he pretended to be.” 
Still, getting flung over the side of the cliff… 
Carmen shuddered. “I just… I want to go home. Or wake up.” She scratched at the side of her head. The blood on her palm smeared on her cheek. 
Silver turned to look at her sideways. “You think this is a dream?” 
“Talking wolves, seeing them walk upright, it’s like a werewolf movie.” Swallowing, Carmen flinched when she felt the sting of pain, more blood dripping on her clothing. 
Standing upright, Silver approached her, taking her hand in his massive paws. Rolling it back and forth, he stared at it. Then, he slowly leaned down and ran a large pink tongue over the wound. The sensation sent a shiver up Carmen’s spine. 
The wound slowly began to shrink, before sealing itself closed. Carmen stared at it in awe. She flexed her fingers and brushed them against the twisted digits that now clutched her hand. Silver’s fur suddenly bristled, and he dropped her hand, turning away from her again. 
“You are werewolves, aren’t you?” Swallowing hard, Carmen tried to calm the roaring in her ears. 
“Correct.” Silver sighed. “We don’t bring pack members in willy nilly. It was supposed to be a tight ring.” He scratched at the ground, his claws bringing up grains of stone. “And not without my permission. Every werewolf in this pack is under my protection. They abide by my rules. In exchange, they are given this area to run every cycle.” 
“Why haven’t I changed?” The words were hard to force out. 
“You’re refusing to.” Silver turned to face her fully. “You’ve surely felt the way your body is hurting? How you need to do something, but you’re not sure what?” His nostrils flared, his pupils nearly overtaking his iris. “The Goddess has touched you. But you’ve managed to keep control, I’m impressed.” 
His hands shook as he reached for her. Claws traced her cheeks, making her hair stand on end. The scent of him was overpowering, making her mouth almost water. Something in her ached. 
“You are safe now. If you give into the change, you will not harm yourself or others.” He assured her. “I will take you into the pack. Every moon, we will come here. Once you are recognized as a member, we’ll do what we can to make sure that this is as painless as possible.” 
His hands on her, the rumbling of his voice, his scent, the way the air tasted around him drove Carmen crazy. Trembling, she felt herself nearly falling again. Why was she so weak in the knees? 
Something in her finally let go. The world exploded in silvery blue, the scents, sounds, and feelings overpowering her. Gasping, she felt her back arch. 
She suddenly jolted forward, slipping from the grip of Silver. He stared at her with wide eyes, flinching when she touched him. Burying her hands into his fur, inhaled his scent, listening to the rapidly increasing beat of his heart. 
The touch seemed to awaken something in him, his rapidly growing erection brushed against her midriff, pushing the hem of her shirt up. 
“N-no.” He weakly tried to push her away, nearly tripping over his feet as he tried to get away from her. “You can’t.” 
A fire formed in Carmen’s belly. She felt the emptiness inside her clawing up into her womb, begging to be filled. Dropping to her knees, she panted, sweat trickling down her brow and upper lip. 
“Please.” She said, her mouth dry. “Please. Help me.” Her eyes widened and she felt heat flash through her. The scent rolling off her mingled with the air. It was hard to resist the urge to tear off her clothes and start plunging fingers inside herself. 
Silver’s erection grew, beads of precum dribbling from the tip as he inhaled her scent, tasting it in the air. Silvery saliva drooled out of his mouth, and he stared at her. But he didn’t dare move. His hand gripped the mouth of the cave, looking ready to rip it down rather than come near her. 
“You must have your first change,” He urged her. “Please. Let the Wolf inside come out.” He flexed his free hand. “My fangs and claws would rip you to shreds.” His voice was growing more raspy, each word a chore to push past his teeth. 
Carmen’s body twisted as she cried out with a need she’d never felt the intensity of before. Her throat felt raw from the primal screams escaping her. She tried to find the part of her mind and push for the change to occur. Begging the wolf to come out. 
The other wolves were making their way over. Their scent made Carmen launch herself, only for Silver to clothesline her. With a grace that suggested practice, he managed to push her back into the cave. With his hand still tight around her waist, he laid Carmen on the floor. 
“Diana, forgive me for what I’m about to do.” He muttered, holding her to the ground. “You can’t scream like that. You’ll make every wolf in the area come running.” His cock brushed against Carmen’s clothed groin, the sensation sending another blast of lust through her. 
“Please.” Carmen panted, unable to catch her breath. “Help me.” Eyes watering, she reached for the Wolf’s arm, gripping it tightly enough she thought she might burst her stitches. 
“I could rip you in half.” He shook his head. “You’re not changed. You’re not made for it.” His nostrils flared, his hands shaking and gripping her tighter. 
“Help me change.” She urged him. “Please.” Why was she in so much pain if it was a dream? There was no way she’d been this horny in real life. Sure, she’d wanted sex before, but never this bad.
Sighing, he looked over his shoulder to the entrance of the cave. It was empty. But each movement and second he made her wait was agonizing. 
Slowly, he took his hand off her. With considerably less grace and control, he tore off her pants and underwear. The full scent of her arousal hit him. His hand slammed the open area above her head, his cock dribbling onto her thighs. A few drops landed on her exposed groin. Crying out, she bucked her hips up, reminding him what needed to be filled. 
Leaning down, he nuzzled against her neck, his nose cold. Fangs traced over her skin, making her gasp. Warmth followed as his tongue went across her neck, trailing to the collar of her shirt, leaving a large wet spot. Tensing, he ran his hand up her stomach, slipping it under the fabric of her top. 
It rested there, his open palm’s warmth mingling with her own. Slowly, he slipped it off her, taking care to not tug on the bandages on her injured arm. His claws tore through the cheap fabric of her sports bra, but the loss wasn’t going to break her heart. 
His eyes rested on the necklace now laying against her chest. 
“Diana forgive me,” He said again, before pushing her legs apart. His fur tickled her bare skin. It was softer than she thought it would be. Lowering his head, he lapped at the wetness forming between her legs and spilling out into the floor. 
The touch of his tongue made her cry out. Her legs locked around Silver’s head, forcing him to inhale her scent and arousal completely. Whether the motion or her cries finally made him let go, it seemed to awaken something in him. 
Growling, he sent a rumble through her that shook her very being. Breath escaped her, and she fell back flat, drowning in the pleasure. 
Grabbing Carmen’s thigh, Silver plunged his tongue in deep, rolling his head with each lick. She thought she would scream, but all that came out were quiet moans of satisfaction. Her hands tried to grab at something, to distract her from the sensation long enough to hold her rapidly approaching climax. She settled on resting her hand on his head, pushing him in further. 
Her legs went slack, shaking with desire. He gave a few more licks, before pulling back and running his tongue over her clit. Each movement sent a wave of pleasure over Carmen, making her cry out and arch her back, wanting to be filled again. 
Then, he pulled back, fur slick with her arousal. Breathing heavy, the Wolf stared at her entrance, his warm breath tickling her wet folds. Leaning down, he licked the ground and lapped up every drop of her that had spilled out. 
He picked her up off the ground, pressing her to the wall. Carmen’s legs snaked around his waist, barely able to hold herself up. Rocking his hips, Silver, growled in her ear. The breath tickled the curve of her neck, making her shiver. 
“Tell me you want it.” He rasped, the tip prodding against her. She could feel their fluids mixing together, dirtying the cave floor. 
Wrapping her arms around his neck, Carmen nodded. 
“P-Please.” She begged. 
Then, he entered her. She was so slick it slid right in. Once she’d wrapped around him, he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her down. Rolling his hips, he thrust up into her. Arms wrapped around Carmen’s body, he kept her from scraping against the stone of the cave. Cradling her head, he had her look at him. 
“Your pupils are so wide, I can’t see your iris anymore.” He growled, each thrust sending pleasure through Carmen. “I didn’t think my cock would fit, but you’re taking it so well.” The words weren’t teasing or hurtful, he seemed just as surprised as her. “It’s like you were made for me. There’s a little bit of the wolf getting teased out.” 
Carmen couldn’t deny the pleasure sweeping through her. She wriggled her hips and took him to the base, gripping him tighter. The growl that escaped him was one of pleasure. His thrusts were strong, each one filling her with white hot heat. Every moan and gasp that escaped her echoed loudly in the cave, no doubt funneling into the meadow. 
“Hold me tightly.” He encouraged her. “Scratch, bite, yell, let yourself fall to your base instincts.” His thrusts became almost vicious, impaling Carmen and reaching deeper than she thought possible. 
She screamed, tearing at his fur. The cries encouraged him further, and he bucked his hips hard, slamming into her. Bareback scraping against the wall, Carmen took it all in, pleasure building in her stomach and bringing her closer. 
There was no way she should have been able to take his cock. It was too big. The thought of it entering would have made her scoff, but now she was drawing it into her like it had always belonged. 
Then, she grew uncomfortably tight. Wincing, she dug her nails into his thick fur. Part of her was tempted to bite down on his shoulder, but the sensation would probably shock him into letting go of her. 
She grew more slick, wanting to take him all the way in, thicker cock be damned. It needed to be all the way inside when he came. Rolling her hips, she tried to press herself down against him when he thrust up. 
“Fuck… The knot.” Silver panted. “I’m about to-” 
He winced when she wrapped her legs tighter around him. “Wait, I’m going to-” His eyes were clouded with lust, his tongue lapping her neck. Words became grunts and growls 
Carmen’s body tensed. Throwing her head back, she nearly slammed it against the wall of the cave as the orgasm ripped through her. She clenched down onto the cock inside her. 
The pressure made Silver howl, and he erupted. Thick ropes of fluid filled Carmen, then dripped onto the floor. Two more aftershocks followed, although they paled in comparison to the first, merely spilling more onto the stone and Silver’s feet. 
Panting, Silver brought her down, collapsing onto the cave floor. His rapidly shrinking and softening cock was still slick with Carmen’s wetness. 
Carmen crawled over to him, falling onto his chest. His rapidly beating heart gradually slowed, his shallow breaths becoming deeper. Within moments, he was snoring. 
Closing her eyes, Carmen laid against his sleeping form. Even though he was a beast, it felt safe. His clawed hand rested against her thigh, the other encircling her chest and pulling her to him. 
Slants of light fell on Carmen. Groaning, she tried to move. Soreness filled her body, her joints and muscles straining against the movement as she tried to rouse herself. The floor underneath her was cold and hard. Hadn’t she closed the window last night? 
Looking down, she saw her naked body. Bruises traced up and down her hips and thighs. Stone was beneath her, scents of sex and animal mixing with her nose. 
Warm hands clutched her close. A half hard cock rubbed against her leg. 
“Mmm…” The person holding her groaned, pulling her back down to the ground. Stubble scraped against her bare shoulder, followed by a kiss. Squirming, she resisted the urge to twist away. 
“Morning.” The grogginess was clear in the voice. 
Carmen felt a familiar soreness between her legs. Panic seized her when she realized what had happened wasn’t a dream. 
Slowly, she turned to look down at her partner. 
And into the half asleep face of Doctor Remington. 
Next part here!
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luckshmi · 7 months
Exploring Mars in the 12 Houses
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Mars, the red planet, holds a prominent position in Vedic astrology. Known as Mangal or Kuja in Sanskrit, Mars is revered as the planet of action, energy, and vitality. Its dynamic and assertive nature imparts a fiery intensity to our lives, shaping our ambitions, desires, and endeavors.
It signifies courage, strength, and determination, urging us to rise above challenges and pursue our goals with unwavering resolve. Mars inspires us to embrace our inner warrior, empowering us to confront obstacles head-on and emerge victorious in the battlefield of life.
Mars governs various aspects of our existence, from our physical vitality and sexual prowess to our ability to assert ourselves and take decisive action. It rules over attributes like ambition, passion, and competitiveness, fueling our drive for success and achievement.
Mars, with its fiery temperament, resonates with the color red, symbolizing passion, power, and vitality. Its corresponding gemstone, the red coral, is believed to enhance Mars' positive influences and mitigate its malefic effects.
Mars is associated with the divine archetype of Kartikeya, the courageous and valorous son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Kartikeya embodies the martial spirit and represents the triumph of righteousness over evil, serving as a potent symbol of courage, leadership, and protection.
1/ Mars in the 1st House: Mars in the 1st house embodies dynamic energy. Individuals are natural leaders, exuding confidence and assertiveness. Devotion is expressed through self-expression, taking bold initiatives, and leading with passion.
2/ Mars in the 2nd House: Mars in the 2nd house infuses vigor into financial matters. Individuals express devotion by actively managing resources, taking action to secure financial stability, and asserting themselves in matters of values and possessions.
3/ Mars in the 3rd House: Mars in the 3rd house fuels communicative prowess. Devotion is shown through assertive communication, taking initiative in relationships with siblings, and being proactive in intellectual pursuits.
4/ Mars in the 4th House: Mars in the 4th house brings dynamism to the home. Devotion is expressed through protective instincts, taking action to create a secure home environment, and passionately caring for family matters.
5/ Mars in the 5th House: Mars in the 5th house ignites creative pursuits. Devotion is shown through passionate self-expression, taking risks in artistic endeavors, and actively engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment.
6/ Mars in the 6th House: Mars in the 6th house channels energy into service. Devotion is expressed through taking action to help others, actively participating in routines, and asserting oneself to overcome challenges.
7/ Mars in the 7th House: Mars in the 7th house emphasizes relationship dynamics. Devotion is shown through assertiveness in partnerships, taking initiative to maintain balance, and actively working together to achieve shared goals.
8/ Mars in the 8th House: Mars in the 8th house dives into transformative experiences. Devotion is expressed through deep emotional connections, taking action to explore the mysteries of life, and facing challenges with courage.
9/ Mars in the 9th House: Mars in the 9th house fuels adventurous pursuits. Devotion is shown through taking action in spiritual exploration, passionately pursuing higher knowledge, and actively participating in philosophical discussions.
10/ Mars in the 10th House: Mars in the 10th house energizes career endeavors. Devotion is expressed through ambitious pursuits, taking bold steps in the professional realm, and asserting oneself to achieve recognition and success.
11/ Mars in the 11th House: Mars in the 11th house energizes social connections. Devotion is shown through actively participating in group activities, taking action to achieve shared objectives, and passionately supporting friends.
12/ Mars in the 12th House: Mars in the 12th house navigates spiritual realms. Devotion is expressed through inner strength, taking action in solitary pursuits, and actively engaging in practices that foster spiritual growth.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
I like u couple is so cute!!! Has mc met any of jk's exes? Like maybe even saw them around randomly? How did that go? Really curious how jk became the way he was at the start of their relationship
A/N: Warnings for potentially triggering content. Mentions of suicidal thoughts (VERY brief mention), PTSD.
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"Oh, Jungkook?" A voice asks, and he wants to just get swallowed by the ground below. He really doesn't want to deal with her right now or ever- but mostly because he's not sure if he's capable of really dealing with it yet.
If he will ever be able to.
"Oh it is you! My god-" his ex smiles, visibly stunned by his appearance in the store. "-You.. wow. You changed a lot. How are you?" She asks, and and Jungkook can't help but let his tongue run over his piercings. They're new- she's never seen any of the by now two of them. Neither has she ever seen his new tattoos, now all colored and bold, and neither has he ever been this good in shape.
"I'm good." He nods, a bit tense, and she nods, her eyes familiar but also terrifying to him. He's scared of her. Not because she could physically hurt him right now or ever-
But because she hurt him emotionally, and he knows that's something she's probably still capable of, if he lets her.
"Listen.. I know we kind of ended on a bad note, and I'd.. I felt bad ever since." She apologizes, biting her lip, before she pulls out her phone. "Can we maybe talk? I want to at least.. I don't know, explain myself to you. Explain why you.. kind of made me feel like I had to break up, you know?" She says, and he feels his throat clog up as if he's having a panic attack.
He can't bring himself to tell her no. He's never been able to.
"And hey, it probably was good to take a break- I mean look at you!" She giggles almost excitedly. "You look like you finally grew up to be a man!" She laughs, and he's hurting again.
It's always been like that, even back then. Whenever she was happy, he wasn't. It was as if only his misery brought her joy.
"Still quiet though.." she teases, leaning in to catch his gaze as he's looking down. Maybe it's the fact she's older than him. Maybe she's always been intimidating to him. Or maybe he just felt like prey in her claws, her personality leaving him no breathing room. She's confident after all-
Wait. You're confident too. Why are you never making him feel like that?
You're just as bold, just as loud, just as confident. And yet, he never feels so suffocated like he does right now with her. You never make him feel pressured, or caged in, or as if he's cornered.
He feels free with you. He feels at ease. Soft. Alive.
When everything she's ever made him feel was the wish to be dead.
He takes a step back, breathes in, finally finds her gaze. "I don't want to." He says, and it's visible in her entire posture and face that she's taken aback. "And yeah- the breakup.. was good for me. It.. gave me time to heal." He nods to himself, as if he has to hype himself up to keep going.
Her brows lower. Her eyes become serious. He feels his confidence crumble.
"Kookie! I finally found one that fits-" you chirp, stopping for a second, sensing the tension. "Oh." You say.
"Oh." She says at the same time, clearly surprised.
It's now that Jungkook realizes the difference between you and her. You're colorful, vibrant, sparkling like a gemstone, happy and most of all-
Honest. In every word you say, everything you do.
"Awesome. Let's go pay for it and then get something to eat." He tells you, suddenly feeling energized again, as if your presence suddenly put armor on him. You're here. She can't hurt him if you're here.
"I see." She says, chuckles to herself as she looks you up and down. "Interesting choice." She bites. You laugh.
"Could say the same. You sure that top fits?" You giggle, before you take Jungkook's hand, making him grin, dimples showing.
And right there, between cheap jewelry and discount clothing is where he leaves her, his past, and his fears.
Walking out the store.
Together with you.
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chilapis · 8 months
edit: refined/updated version of the content below -> here.
I am. deeply struggling to word my thoughts but I’ve been thinking about Childe and Garnets since morning.
Did you know garnets are gemstones generally known for their gorgeous blood-red hues (though like most other gems, they do come in other colours as well)? Did you know their name actually comes from the Latin word for pomegranate because of the similarity in colours?
Did you know that because of that similarity, garnets have been seen as a symbol reflecting the affection shared between Persephone and Hades? Did you know that the gemstone actually developed an association with Persephone, the Greek goddess known for her duality? The goddess of spring, and fertility but also queen of the underworld?
A duality finding balance of gentle innocence and growth, and death, reincarnation; even referred to as a protector(ess) in reference to the latter?
And on the topic of protection, did you know it was used by travellers journeying far from home so popularly that it’s sometimes referred to as the Traveller’s stone? It was seen as a bringer of good fortune and protection for those travelling; it was thought that it would bring them back to their homeland safely. It was actually given to loved ones embarking on faraway journeys quite commonly, with the hope that this stone would guide them home safe and sound. It has also been noted to be a popular gift among lovers to symbolise their affection but its most popular tradition (at-least in the past) remains that of it being gifted with the hope of being reunited, of having this person who means so much to you, finally come back home to you. And whether or not you believe in stone-related superstitions and myths, is there not sweetness to be found in the desperate human impulse to find comfort? Even if you view the belief to be silly, the fact that to console the anxiety and fear rooted in that separation, the people from those times dedicated these feelings and warmth to this stone, isn’t that special?
That said though, this stone also stands to represent passion, strength, vigour and life. It’s recommended for those who feel fatigued because it’s said to energize the wearer’s mind and body alike, while granting protection and strength alongside. This strength is generally seen to be mental but some might even argue it to be physical due to the belief that it promotes health of the heart and bones; and in association with the heart, promotes recovery from disorders or deficiencies regarding the blood. This stone protects, strengthens, energises, protects, and impassions.
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I mean, I don’t know, the idea of a blood-red stone related with life, passion and strength that also has a history of being given to loved ones journeying away from their homelands to protect them and bring them home in one piece while also standing to represent the goddess, the protector, that balances both the gentle spring and the depths of the lower world just sounds strangely suitable for a certain someone.
+TL;DR: [desperately trying to flirt] wow handsome, you are so. rock
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reixuuu · 1 year
꒰ 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖 ✩࿐
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pairing: baizhu x reader
content: fluff, you help baizhu collect herbs, just pure wholesomeness tbh, w rizz, flirting
summary: early mornings with him are as soft and sweet as ever
a/n: gift for @floraldresvi for mika’s gift exchange event! this is long overdue, so i apologize for the long wait <//3 btw this is rei! i’m posting this here though hehe because although it says baizhu x reader, it wasn’t really meant to appeal to a wider audience. also, i’m sorry if i didn’t nail his characterization </3 tbh i don’t know how to write baizhu that well
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“My angel,” Baizhu’s voice rings out clearly amidst sounds of an awakening world, intertwining itself with the peaceful songs of dawn fauna and rustling leaves to weave an intricate symphony. “Thank you for accompanying me here so early in the morning.”
When you look over at Baizhu, you notice a soft smile painted across his features. It’s contagious because mere seconds later, you feel the corners of your lips dancing up in a grin as well. He looks absolutely ethereal under the ephemeral morning light. Glints of topaz dazzle within the depths of golden eyes, catching the light of the illustrious sunbeams filtering through the canopy of viridescent foliage overhead.
There’s nowhere else you’d rather be.
“There’s no need to thank me,” you tell Baizhu. “I enjoy going out with you.”
Baizhu sighs, content permeating his breath.
“I’m glad my sentiments are reciprocated,” he says, the grin on his face somehow softening even more.
Gently, he intertwines his fingers with yours, his skin brushing against yours in a manner that feels comforting. Although it’s still early in the morning, you feel more energized than ever. But it’s always like this when you’re with Baizhu. You feel like you can do anything when your lover is by your side. For a while, the two of you simply stroll, taking in the scenery. Fragmented gold tints everything a warm shade, and the cerulean hues of the river bordering the path you’re currently walking glisten as if studded by diamond shards.
Soon enough, you reach your destination: a clearing amidst a thick grove of bamboo. Various herbs are hidden within the vegetation. Although they’d be nothing more than simple plants to most, to you and your lover, they hold a value rivaling that of the most precious gemstones. To the two of you, they are opulence in the ordinary.
“Will you be alright if we split up?” you ask Baizhu. Originally, you had planned to look for herbs in separate areas. However, now that the time has come to part ways, you’re beginning to feel nervous. It will only be for a little while, and the two of you won’t be too far away from each other either. Besides, you know he’s more than competent, but you can’t help but worry about him due to his illness. Perhaps it’s because he’s worth more to you than he’ll ever know, or perhaps it’s because he loves you unconditionally, but you can’t bear the thought of harm befalling him.
“You’re concerned about me?” Baizhu chuckles, letting go of your hand to caress your cheek softly. “How endearing,” he remarks, “but you need not worry. I’ll be just fine on my own.”
Although you’re worried, you decide to trust Baizhu. His reassurance is enough for you to believe that he’ll return to you safe and sound, so you go your separate ways.
Time ticks slowly. Seconds are eons when you’re away from your lover, even when you’re preoccupying yourself by sorting through the various herbs strewn across the forest floor. You pick nothing but the best ones, recalling the knowledge you had obtained throughout various short expeditions with Baizhu.
And eventually, you find that the midday sun has graced the world, shining with an opal-tinted glow that indicates it’s time for you to meet back up with Baizhu. You head back to the spot where your paths first diverged, and sure enough, he’s there waiting for you.
“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for long,” you say, a grin involuntarily rising to your face as you’re faced with your lover once more.
“You didn’t,” Baizhu states, his tone reminiscent of ocean-like meadows swaying in a light summer breeze. “Although I must say, I was terribly lonely without you by my side.”
You giggle. “I felt the exact same.”
Baizhu takes a step towards you. For a second, you watch him intently, curious as to what he’s about to do. However, you have your answer soon enough. From the bouquet of verdant plants he’s holding, Baizhu pulls out a flower — pure white, each petal reminiscent of the snowflakes that adorn the winter wonderlands off in Dragonspine. With tender movements, he hands you the floret.
“For you,” he whispers.
Your smile widens, and you take a second to simply admire the flower. It’s flawless — in nothing short of pristine condition. There’s no way Baizhu accidentally picked this one. It must have taken him quite some time to find, and upon realizing that, your heart melts.
“Thank you,” you say. “It’s beautiful.”
“Is that so?” he asks. You nod.
“No wonder it reminded me of you.”
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Hey, I loved your workshop for creating magical crystals-post! One of my worldbuilding project has magic crystals as an important part of the world, and I was wondering if I could pick your brain on how to give them colour.
These crystals are magic batteries, and rarer variants can hold more magic. Their rarity is indicated by their colour, going from yellow, least rare, to magenta, to deep blue, to viridian and eventually to a silvery grey, the rarest.
The problem I'm running into is that I'm finding that a lot of these colours are often caused by metal impurities, but I've established a rule in this world that metal hinders magic. I especially can't use iron because it doesn't occur naturally in this world.
I think this is a really interesting concept for a magic system and I think the perfect answer you are looking for is the concept of 'color-centers'!
A color center is when there is an unpaired electron that is within the crystal lattice of a mineral. When this electron is exposed to light, it becomes energized, and produces a color we can visually see.
There is a lot more that goes into this, but that is the most basic version of it.
In a magic system, however, you can just replace the idea of an electron with magic, and, to explain the variation in color, you can employ an explanation like "the more magic present in the crystal lattice distorts the absorption of light into the gemstone changing the color." Effectively with this explanation you can create a way to determine how charged the gemstone is based off its color after using, and provide an explanation of why the color was present in the first place.
In the real world this is something that kind of happens too, fluorite is a mineral that can be colored from a color center, and when left in sunlight too long it will actually lose color.
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tactician · 9 months
OCS + Associations
thank you bree @sangre for the tag :3 hugging hugging hugging
im gonna do this for reides, my dnd oc!
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seahorses! symbolically, they are linked to balance and adaptability, which i see a lot with reides in regards to how he navigates both the lands and seas. they're also associated with freedom and creativity, which are major themes to reides' character as a whole. plus they're so cute and reides is cute, too. teehee.
blues, silvers, light purples! and, of course, green... his older brother calls him seaweed-head, so there's gotta be a green association in there... DFJKDJG
january! the first month of the year; cold, but in a renewing and refreshing sort of way. a new beginning!!! a new experience!!! and so many new possibilities existing in front of you!!! the level of expectations placed on january also aligns with the sort of burdens that reides had placed on him as well.
chasing kites - ​iamamiwhoami! over the ocean outcast, with nowhere to go / a brighter forecast, new winds will blow / the storm that's drawing near / it calms and the air is cleared. i have a huge playlist for reides which can be found here too.
16! he was born on firstlight 16 so that might be where i get that association from lmao.
lotus flowers! i think lotus flowers really suit reides. even the way that they grow - rising out of water to bloom; existing in that beautiful margin between the aquatic and the earthen - is so... him. they also symbolize rebirth, which i think is very much aligned with the sort of stuff that reides went through when he initially ventured to the surface world (and kind of ties into the stuff i talked about for the month portion of this too!)
i'm aware that it's a slight cop-out to say the ocean, but, like, heres the thing: the ocean! LMAO. that salty sort of kick is super reides; the scent of the sea at dawn, that crispness, not dainty or elegant but effortlessly evocative... yeah. that's reides. he usually smells like that naturally. like the sea, plain soap, and ink.
larimar, pietersite and pearls as well! also, i know they're not gems per se, but i also associate sea glass with reides a whole lot. they're gems to ME!!!
time of day
dawn! the very moment that the sun starts rising; when stars and maybe even the moon are still visible in the sky. as you can see, i really like associating reides with existing in between or on the border of various things fdkjdljg. i also think reides stays up really late typically so he's no stranger to being awake at this time LMAO
winter! ok im a little weird with this one so bear with me...... i really enjoy associating reides with coldness since he's such a sweet, passionate person and i like the idea of his optimism existing alongside the cold; i like the idea of the cold being a comfort instead of depressing or stoic or serious. bc for reides, the cold IS a comfort!!!! it gives him clarity and energizes him. it reminds him of his home seas and it empowers him.
on the beach, skipping alongside the waves; laughing, with a book clutched to his side; fingers stained with ink and hair windswept from the briny breeze!
oysters, mussels, all of that sort of thing - juicy seafood that tastes best when you eat it with your bare hands. salty, rich flavours!
a nice rum with lime mixed in... that's reides right there. blue daiquiris are these things and also, as the name suggests, blue - and that's fun and would delight reides, so i think if he was a cocktail he'd be that. as for his taste in drinks... reides loves sweet ones the very most - rip currant wine from his home seas is his fav - but he has a soft spot for firewhiskey, too!
WATER, BABY!!!!!!! i dont think lightning technically counts as an element but that as well!
i think this ties into the time of day prompty really well so i'm pointing up there again hehe.
stormy weather! >:) he is the storm prince, after all... for all his kindness, he is tumultuous and brings change. there's a lot of power to be found in storms, and that power is something that reides is learning to embrace. when he hatched, it was during a crazy storm that really wracked his home seas - and, sometimes, the people there maintain a superstition that baby-reides actually absorbed that storm's power. it's simply wack poetry stuff (that, frankly, used to freak reides out as a kid lmao) but what if they're right. what then.
magical powers
reides is a wizard who specializes in evocation magic, so you know he loves to harness da power of da elements... he especially loves ice and lightning magic. again, if something sounds stormy, he is probably tapping into that power and trying his best to let it surge through him.
reides' weapon is... the power he extracts from the weave teehee. he has a purple conch shell from home that serves as his arcane focus for all that! but, his magic aside, reides also has a dagger that was fashioned from the pelagic ore of his home seas and a crossbow that he named 'harpoon.'
it's gotta be salt water taffy! reides' fav candy as well as the candy that embodies his nature the absolute best :3
methods of long-distance travel
reides loves boats so much. big ships fascinate him endlessly. he wants to go on them all the time. he fantasizes about being at sea with aske (his boyfriend who is also a sailor / fisherman) all the time.
to let down his people and be an outcast amongst them; to prove that all the people who pelted him with insults were right; to lose his home; to lose his freedom
mythological creature
merfolk is a laughably easy answer I KNOWWW so i will choose something else even if they're by far the first thing my mind leaps to for reidesy DFLDKGDKFH i think selkies are cool too given the nature of their shapechanging o: reides' identity both above and below the seas is something that is fun with me thematically and i think selkies kind of offer a physical representation of that
piece of stationary
a page of a sturdy tome that has notes written all over it!!! and doodles!!! and some of the ink on it has been smudged too!!! yay research!!!
three emojis
celestial body
reides is definitely a star! shining resolutely through the darkness of night... ✰ i also associate him with the star tarot, so that ties in nicely.
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minijenn · 1 month
Okay so, one idea I should mention is that my original plan for the Beach Pines equivalent to "The Cool Kids" was to replace the convenience store with a wrecked yacht (which is still haunted), and the alien moss with an abandoned Homeworld experiment where the Diamonds tried to bring Ice to life.
Namely, it was abandoned because their Gemstones would melt before they could get anything done, which had the unfortunate affect of creating puddles that are neither dead nor alive, and basically freeze over into something akin to the forced fusions when the sun sets.
It would've also served to set up Dipper's insecurities, with his ice powers only making the Ice Phantoms stronger and more monstrous, while Mable's fire would be able to melt the Ice and evaporate the Water to free the spirits of the Undead Gems.
Part of my idea was having Rose's healing tears be what "wakes up" the haunted water, energizing the undead/haunted puddle to the point that it's able to revive/refreeze at sundown and invade the haunted yacht in an attempt to hide from the sun and also smash any heat sources that might try and melt it.
Since then, though, I think I want to replace it with a somewhat original chapter (blending elements of two different Steven Universe episodes that got skipped over), and save the Cool Kids' introduction for a later point.
Mostly so I can figure out who should have the healing powers when the Healing Tears were intended to be foreshadowing for Rose Quartz being Pink Diamond. Because I do kinda want to have one of the Crystal Twins crack their Gem at one point.
Interesting ideas! Though I should point out, at least in my take of the swap AU that Roes Quartz is an actual Rose Quartz and not Pink Diamond, so I'm not sure if she'd have healing poers.
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industrynews10 · 3 months
What are some popular gemstone varieties available on Kishore Motiwala's website, and what are their unique properties?
Kishore Motiwala's website offers a wide range of popular gemstone varieties, each with unique properties that appeal to different tastes and purposes. Here are some of the prominent gemstones available:
1. Ruby
Color: Vivid red to purplish-red.
Properties: Known as the "king of gemstones," rubies are highly prized for their exceptional hardness (second only to diamonds) and vibrant color. They symbolize passion, protection, and prosperity.
2. Sapphire
Color: Available in various colors, with blue being the most popular.
Properties: Sapphires are renowned for their durability and beauty. Blue sapphires are associated with wisdom, loyalty, and nobility, while other colored sapphires, known as "fancies," have their unique significances.
3. Emerald
Color: Rich green.
Properties: Emeralds are cherished for their lush green color and rarity. They are believed to bring harmony, growth, and foresight. Due to their inclusions, known as "jardin," they have a distinct charm.
4. Diamond
Color: Typically colorless, but available in a range of colors.
Properties: Diamonds are celebrated for their unmatched brilliance and hardness. They symbolize purity, strength, and eternal love, making them a popular choice for engagement rings and fine jewelry.
5. Pearl
Color: White, cream, pink, silver, black, and more.
Properties: Pearls are unique among gemstones as they are organic. They are valued for their lustrous, soft glow and symbolize purity, elegance, and femininity. They are often associated with the moon and water elements.
6. Amethyst
Color: Deep purple to light lavender.
Properties: Amethysts are a type of quartz known for their calming and spiritual properties. They are believed to promote clarity of mind, emotional balance, and protection against negative energies.
7. Topaz
Color: Comes in various colors, with golden yellow and blue being most popular.
Properties: Topaz is known for its clarity and range of colors. It is associated with calmness, healing, and fortune. Blue topaz, in particular, is often linked with communication and self-expression.
8. Garnet
Color: Red, green, orange, pink, and more.
Properties: Garnets are known for their revitalizing and energizing properties. They are believed to inspire love, passion, and creativity. The rich variety of colors allows for versatile use in jewelry.
9. Aquamarine
Color: Pale blue to blue-green.
Properties: Aquamarines are prized for their serene color and clarity. They are thought to embody the essence of the sea, promoting tranquility, courage, and clear communication.
10. Citrine
Color: Yellow to golden brown.
Properties: Citrine is known as the "success stone" for its believed ability to attract wealth and prosperity. It is also associated with positivity, energy, and creativity.
Kishore Motiwala's collection offers these gemstones in various cuts, settings, and designs, catering to diverse aesthetic preferences and symbolic meanings.
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davidporterjewelry · 3 months
Ruby: The July Birthstone
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Ruby is the July birthstone. The gemstone's name comes from the Latin word "ruber," which means red. Quality rubies are rarer than diamonds with the finest stones found in Burma (Myanmar). However, they are also mined in Afghanistan, Australia, Cambodia, India, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Vietnam, and the US.
Ruby Stone Healing Properties
Ruby gemstones are renowned for their fiery red hues and powerful energy that ignites passion, vitality, and courage within the wearer. As a stone of vitality and strength, rubies stimulate the root chakra, promoting a sense of vitality and grounding while energizing the body and mind.  In addition to their physical benefits, rubies are believed to bolster emotional resilience, courage, and determination. They inspire confidence, enthusiasm, and a zest for life, empowering individuals to pursue their passions and overcome obstacles with grace and resilience.
Continue reading here.
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astroscience · 10 months
Ward Off Evil with Powerful Nazar Dosh Remedies: Your Ultimate Guide to Protection
Are you feeling the negative effects of the evil eye? Nazar Dosh, also known as the evil eye, is a common belief across cultures, signifying the harmful impact of jealousy and negative energy. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of Nazar Dosh and provide you with effective remedies to shield yourself and your loved ones. Read on to discover the secrets to safeguarding your well-being and prosperity.
Understanding Nazar Dosh:
Nazar Dosh, often referred to as the malevolent gaze, is a powerful concept deeply rooted in ancient traditions. It is believed that when someone harbors envy or jealousy towards you, their negative energy can cause harm to your health, happiness, and success. Recognizing the symptoms of Nazar Dosh is crucial for taking preventive measures.
Common symptoms of Nazar Dosh include: 1. Unexplained health issues 2. Frequent financial setbacks 3. Strained relationships 4. Lack of mental peace and clarity
Nazar Dosh Remedies: Banishing Negativity with Positive Energy
1. **Nazar Dosh Yantra:** — The Nazar Dosh Yantra is a potent tool for deflecting negative energy. Place this sacred geometrical symbol in your home or office to create a protective shield against the evil eye. — Regularly energize the yantra by offering prayers and positive affirmations.
2. **Protective Crystals and Gemstones:** — Harness the energy of protective crystals like black tourmaline, obsidian, or blue sapphire to create a shield against negative influences. — Wear these crystals as jewelry or place them strategically in your living spaces.
3. **Nazar Dosh Removal Mantras:** — Chanting powerful mantras like the “Nazar Dosh Nivaran Mantra” can help dispel negative energy. — Consult with a spiritual guide or priest to learn the correct pronunciation and frequency of these mantras.
4. **Lemon and Chili:** — The combination of lemon and chili is a traditional Nazar Dosh remedy. Hang strung lemons and red chilies at the entrance of your home to absorb and ward off negative energy. — Replace them regularly to maintain their effectiveness.
5. **Salt Cleansing Ritual:** — Take a bath with salt water to cleanse yourself of negative energy. — Sprinkle salt in the corners of your home and sweep it away after some time, absorbing the negativity.
6. **Burning Camphor:** — Burning camphor in your living spaces purifies the air and dispels negative energy. — Perform this ritual regularly, especially after encounters with potentially envious individuals.
Online Selling of Nazar Dosh Remedies:
As the world embraces digital platforms for shopping, finding authentic Nazar Dosh remedies online has become easier than ever. Numerous e-commerce platforms offer a wide range of products designed to protect you from the evil eye. Here’s what to look for when buying Nazar Dosh remedies online:
1. **Authenticity and Source:** — Choose products from reputable sellers or websites specializing in spiritual and holistic products. — Read customer reviews to ensure the effectiveness of the Nazar Dosh remedies.
2. **Customized Solutions:** — Look for online stores that provide personalized Nazar Dosh remedy kits based on your specific needs. — Consultation services with spiritual experts can add value to your online shopping experience.
3. **Educational Resources:** — Opt for platforms that offer informative content about Nazar Dosh, its remedies, and the proper usage of protective tools. — Knowledgeable sellers can guide you in selecting the most suitable remedies for your situation.
Protecting yourself from the malevolent effects of the evil eye is a timeless practice rooted in centuries-old wisdom. By incorporating these Nazar Dosh remedies into your life, you can create a shield of positivity and repel negativity. Whether you choose traditional methods or explore the convenience of online shopping, remember that the key lies in your belief and commitment to maintaining a harmonious and protected life. Embrace the power of these remedies, and let the positive energy flow!
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kumamoto-division · 1 year
"It is sometimes an appropiate response to reality to go insane"
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Kururi Yamamura is the biological younger sister of Aoba Yamamura the leader of Kumamoto's division team strange magic
A highschool student and DJ aspirant with a great passion for theater and art he look like someone cheerful and eccentric (especially in things referent to her art) she is well know for carry with her a antique doll with who talk (and sometimes her doll talk for her)
looking at first glance not so smart than her brother she is more smart and manipulative than he look,having a indentity as the serial killer "Saika" her alter-ego is infamous by her sadism and brutality even called and considerer "the second coming of the sweetheart killer"
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Kururi is a short girl with blue hair long to his upper back with asymetrical bang and and a purple lock,his eyes are yellow with a childish glow
In the school she wear a seifuku with her own modifications, black leggins under the blue skirt and two socks of different colors, (one purple and other blue) with victorian black boots to the knee,a black corse with grey laces and a white shirt and a black jacket
Out of school she wear a sleeveless mini black dress with a aspect similar to a nightgown over a long sleeve purple shirt and black ripped jeand with combat boots and a black headband
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As Saika Kururi wear a long black wig with purple tips and a bang that cover one of her eyes and (like Aoba) a black lace mask but her have little pink gemstones
She also wear clothes type "goth victorian", a black long sleeve shirt with gray stripes and a black corset with a black mini blazer,her lower half is covered with tigh black pants and victorian black boots,her accesories are a black fingerless glove on the left hand,a black choker with metalic detailes and different earrings
Ruri (by Ryu, Kunio,Natsume)
Rui (by Aoba)
My apprentice (by Kunio)
"Saika" (serial killer name)
"Hellfire" (alternate alias as "Bluefire's partner in crime")
Valkirye (artistic name)
The puppeter and artist (by herself)
Mademoiselle (second personality)
Biographical info
Birthday-september 21
Hair color-blue (natural) black with purple reflects (wig)
Eye color-yellow
Height-163 cm/ 5'4
Star sign-virgo
Piercings-lobes, tongue
Markings-stab scar in the torso,scars of needle in the fingers
Mother (desceased)
Father (desceased)
Older brother
Younger half-brother
Voiced by-Mayaa Uchida (rapping and singing)
At first glance eccentric,passionate and joy Kururi seems the complete opposite of her melancholy,earnest and calm (at first glance) brother and she is, she's consider herself an artist over all and have fascination for anything (or anyone) she found "beautiful" although her passion is centred on theater, music and marionettes She's know in highschool for being someone eccentric but nice (only with certain people) but some students are scare of her because Kururi is also energic and unpredictable (like the time when she attacked a classmate only for boredom or when she bombed the locker of a bullying with ice explosives )
She is smart like Aoba but instead of his knowledge Kururi is more centred on analyzing people and discover all of them (and their secrets) she can make it very fast (she consider pshychoanalyzing people as a habit of her) enoughly to notice that her brother have a bipolar disorder before anyone else
Her passion for art exteneds even as Saika, talking abou it as Saika Kururi is not very different but she's more sadic and brutal but also a bit more childish,her passion for beauty things and art is presents even on her murders,she let the bodies cut or mutilated in specific forms using their own organs,clothes or accesories as "materials" of a "piece of art" and she also hangs then with threads like marionettes,for Kururi the people who she killer not are different to a paint cans or canvas
Even with all it she's nice with peope important to her, Kururi admire and respect Natsume and Kunio as people and "artists partners" and was overjoyed when Kunio proclamed her as his "apprentice" and with Aoba She's very protective despite being the younger beetwen both and she's worry for him only wishing Aoba could be happy again and if anyone try anything againt her or them Kururi would be more than happy of turning them a work of art
Kururi have a strange friendship with Touya Kisaragi of Katsushika that started when he catched her as Saika in meedle of one of her "pieces of art"
Her alternate personality mademoiselle is a mix of her pain for not noticed Aoba's sorrow on it moment,the memories she have about her father and her hidden wish for a mother
Kururi go to highschool but she leave early due her job in the theater
Kururi was the first who notice Aoba's bipolar disorder
Strangely, Kururi feel affect for Kanon hojo of shizuoka 'cause she reminds her to Aoba
The doll with she express her second personality "Mademoiselle" was a gift from Aoba
Kururi have a personality disorder but contrary to Aoba's bipolar disorder she have TID
Kururi call her teammates and friends "her marionettes"
She's the leader of Kumamoto's secret secondary team. "Double Face ace"
Kururi have a rivalry with the scorpion den member trickster due his fascination for Bluefire. But the truth is that she have feelings for him
Kururi is the only person who can calm Aoba when he suffer a maniac or psychotic episode
She is the creator/writer of a supernatural yaoi manga/light novel serie named "Blue:TOUCHSTARVED"
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cornus27florida · 1 year
Gemstones in CPC (other than becoming the CPC universe's currency 'money')
..is to becoming engagement ring.. Yup wanna talk about it!
(Also my coping mechanisms as how things happened to these 5 ships so far in the CPC story), as after this I make a long post about Plaid Royals men hahaha :")
Before going deeper, take precaution!
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BTW if one's forget, I feel the 'money currency' in CPC
world / universe is 'gems' which kinda inconvenient and too varies but well we get what we could, how to pay like this :
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^ unless the economy expert, Prez, decline this motion then I guess the 'money currency' in CPC world is 'gems' and unknown what exactly the stone is but colored as light blue
Nell's engagement ring from Jolie
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Which have close up of the ring, from the colour it could also be light blue diamond or sapphire or aquamarine but I take Sapphire for the chance as it's precious stone that could take color of anything - including the light blue
Sapphire is said to be the wisdom stone, stimulating concentration, enhancing creativity and promoting purity and depth of thought. It is believed to focus and calm the mind as well as remove unwanted thoughts, depression and mental tension. It is known as the stone of new love and commitment and is claimed to be useful in encouraging faithfulness and loyalty. Sapphire is thought to bring peace of mind, serenity and prosperity.
Maria's engagement ring from Blaine
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Aquamarine (don't confuse it with Aquamarine Hoshino btw)
Maria ring stone likely a Aquamarine, March’s birthstone, have reputation for protecting one’s well-being. The aquamarine birthstone evokes the colors of the sea. From deep green-blue to light, slightly greenish blue hues, faceted aquamarines are often free from inclusions and as clear as water, symbolizing purity of spirit and soul.
Aquamarine is often used as a "good luck" stone, thought to bring feelings of peace, love, joy and happiness to those who wear it. There is an energizing quality to aquamarine that provides harmony and balance. If you dream of aquamarine, it is said that you will make new friends, and wearing earrings of aquamarine are thought to bring love and affection into your life.
---------------------------------------------------------------Lorena's engagement ring from Lance
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Light purple Amethyst
-> The light purple birthstone is often associated with qualities such as peace, tranquility, and balance. It is believed to have a calming effect (could reduce stress level) on the mind and is often used to aid in meditation and spiritual practices. Amethyst is also associated with intuition and spiritual awareness, making it a popular stone for those seeking to connect with their higher selves.
Gwendolyn's engagement ring from Frederick
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Peridot is a variety of olivine. It is part of the orthorhombic crystal system and has a vitreous luster. Peridot is rich in magnesium and has an iron content that gives the gem its green coloring. The shades of Peridot range from yellow-green to olive green and dark green. The meaning of Peridot is purpose and focus
-> Peridot is a prized gemstone known for its summer spirit, its good-luck vibes, and its uncanny ability to keep you calm and feeling safe no matter what is going on around you.
This gift from the heart of Mother Nature comes with a ton of healing properties. Deep-set calm, good health, restful slumbering, and restoring balance and harmony to the body, mind and soul are just a handful of things you can expect when you say yes to Peridot.
+ possible engagement ring for Jamie from Leopold
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Many people search for the beauty of Pink Diamonds. It's an incredibly rare diamond mostly found in the Argyle Mine of Australia. -> Interesting to know that Argyle irl is a site in Australia that have the diamond in Jamie's color: pink. That ring honestly so pretty, but just let know that diamond is a diamond - a gem based solely on carbon but got prssures to becomed hardened. Diamond is the strongest gem in Moch scale (value=10) and even making an idiom of "diamond cuts diamond" to refers only the strongest that able to fights the fellow strongest.
-> Diamonds are associated with strength, love and health. As we have uncovered, throughout history, diamonds have been worn by leaders or power figures to symbolise strength and invincibility. Diamonds have also been associated with good health and represent long life and good heart health.
Conclusion: So those 5 engagement rings, all speculatives regarding the kind of them gemstones - while 4 indeed real rings in the CPC story while another 1 is speculative based on 'meme' - 1 still canon (NelLie), 1 is uncertain with so many complications (GwenDerick/FredDolyn, 1 is growing (LeoMie) but 2 are ykwim (Blaine/Maria + Lance/Lorena)
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Wedding March
Summery: A series of vignettes about Morgen and Josele preparing for their marriage. Part of it is inspired by "Monster's March" by Kenshi Yonezu. Genre: romance Word count: ~3800
There were times in one’s life when all things seemed brighter. When one was all too eager to rise from their bed and face the world. When one’s heart felt lighter than a feather and their smile couldn’t be hidden. In some cases, those high moods came with no prompting, they simply happened to a person. That itself was a joy.
But for Josele, she knew what it was that made her heart race in recent days.
She stared at the ring, at the polished gold and sparkling brown gemstone, that Morgen had presented to her and put on her finger only a couple weeks ago.
Each time Josele looked at her ring, it appeared more lovely than the last time she saw it. It wasn’t just the jewelry’s physical beauty either. What the ring represented, the hope for the future that was Josele and Morgen’s union, became more wonderful too.
Josele was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of a familiar voice.
“Whoa there, Jo! You looking to blind someone this morning?” Yami asked with a chortle as he stopped in front of Josele.
“Huh?” Josele blinked then quickly examined herself. Had she been using Shining Joy by accident? But seeing no glow of Light Magic around her body, she gave Yami a shake of the head. “Very funny, Yami.”
“I know I am.” Yami patted Josele’s back and they started to walk together towards the mess hall. “So how long are you gonna go around with that dopey grin on your face?”
Scoffing, Josele smacked Yami’s shoulder. “It’s not dopey. It’s lovestruck.” She held her left hand to her chest then sighed, “And I don’t know when I’ll stop smiling, if ever.”
“Your face is gonna start hurting then,” said Yami.
“I don’t mind. I don’t think Morgen would either,” Josele remarked with a light shrug. “Better that I smile all the time instead of frown, yeah?”
“I think both would get creepy after a while, but I’d also prefer a smile.” Yami ruffled Josele’s hair before she swatted his hand away. “A smile’s a good look on you anyway.”
“Y-you think?” Josele blushed and grinned even wider.
“Yeah. Even if it’s dopey.” Yami caught Josele’s hand before she could punch him for his comment. “I know I said it before, but congratulations.”
Yami, a rough guy who caused as many problems as he solved, maybe more in reality. Rarely did he act like he took anything seriously. Yet in that moment, his words were spoken with a plainness. His eyes held a softness that gave away the truth in his heart.
It made Josele feel all the more confident in the joy she felt about herself and Morgen.
Morgen stretched his arms over his head and let out a groan as he did. His limbs felt sore and heavy but Morgen found that he didn’t mind. Satisfaction was at the front of his thoughts instead as he and his teammates had successfully completed another mission. The ache was a sign of a job well done.
“You look oddly energized after all that work.” Morgen turned and smiled sympathetically at William as the younger Deer approached. “Or did you perhaps loaf around when we weren’t looking?”
“Certainly not. You saw me fighting on the front lines, William,” Morgen laughed as he answered. “But you’re right.” Morgen touched a hand to his cheek. “I wonder if my energy is perhaps…” His heart performed a quick flutter and he grinned knowing who it was for. “Perhaps it’s due to the anticipation of seeing Josele again.”
At that, William let out a guffaw. “Incredible! You really are in love!” He patted Morgen’s shoulder and they started to walk together. “Some might even say ‘besotted’!”
“W-well I do love Josele!” Morgen stammered. “And you say it like it’s a bad thing!”
“It’s more amazement, my friend. But I admit…” William’s voice grew quiet and he leaned closer to Morgen as he continued, “I think you might want to restrain your passion a bit unless you wish to earn the ire of those who don’t happen to have a girlfriend.”
“Well I don’t have a girlfriend either. Josele is my fiance,” Morgen whispered back in jest. “But! I understand.” Morgen looked up at the sky. “I’ve gotten so caught up in my feelings for Josele lately that I forget how to act properly.”
While Morgen could certainly conform to the sophisticated practices that came with his class and upbringing, he never favored having to act in those ways. He didn’t outright hate them—at least in most cases he didn’t—but he didn’t exactly like them either. And Josele, being with her, made him forget the need to mind his manners. She freed him to be whomever he pleased. Which included being a man hopelessly in love with her.
“Even the simple change from girlfriend to fiance has made Josele so much more loveable that I can’t help myself,” Morgen mused. “That feeling will surely increase once I call her my wife.”
“And when that day comes, you can gush about her until your voice is hoarse,” William said before he started to walk ahead. “Although, don’t expect me to listen to your whole soliloquy.”
Morgen let out another laugh before hurrying after his teammate. He was a fool in love for all to see, but he didn’t mind.
The smell of chocolate and caramel filled Morgen and Josele’s nostrils as they stepped into Driftwood Desserts.
“Welcome! Welcome in, my favorite customers!” The elderly owner of the store, Gladis, walked around the front counter and towards the couple. She stopped just in front of Morgen and Josele, placing a hand on their faces, caressing their smiles. “Let me get a look at you… My, you’re absolutely glowing today!”
“Thanks!” Morgen replied. He took a step closer and fully embraced the old woman. “And you look to be in great health as well.”
Gladis waved a hand in the air and laughed, “Thank you, thank you. And I think you know as well as I do that the secret to it is living happily.”
Josele and Morgen looked at each other before nodding in agreement.
“So, shall I get you two the usual for today?” Gladis asked while moving to return behind the counter.
“A-actually.” Josele stepped forward, causing Gladis to pause. “Morgen and I want to make a special order today,” she said as her grin spread on her face.
“Oh, does your captain want another sugar sculpture for your squad?” Gladis beamed with pride. She was far along in life yet her enthusiasm was as boundless as a child’s. “I’ve been itching for a bigger project lately, you know!”
“Well…” Josele giggled into her hand. “It’s a big project. Just… a little more personal.” She turned her hand to give a better view of her ring. “There was no other option when it came to where we’d get a wedding cake from.”
Gladis’ jaw dropped.  Her head flicked back and forth between Josele and Morgen, who silently nodded to confirm. Then, her face lit up with the largest grin imaginable.
“Oh my goodness!” Gladis gasped and put a hand to her heart. “I’d be a fool to turn down the chance. And the money!” She walked back over to the young adults and grasped one of their hands each. “You two’ve always been so good to each other so you better keep that up. And while you still get to be yourselves, your lives are really shared once you’re married, understand me?”
Morgen and Josele quietly nodded. With that Gladis brought Morgen and Josele’s hands together.
The pair looked at their joined hands then into each other’s eyes. They more than understood the commitment they were making. It was part of why they were making it in the first place.
For no rhyme or reason, Morgen felt a surge of adoration for Josele. He leaned over and kissed her forehead. Josele let out a squeak but smiled up at Morgen once he pulled back.
“Sweetheart,” he mumbled, again for no reason.
Though maybe the only reason he needed was his love for her.
“Want to discuss the details of the cake then?” Gladis asked, watching the couple with an amused grin.
“Yes, let’s,” Morgen answered.
It was the quiet afternoon of a day off.
Morgen sat at his desk, looking down at a list of names. The guest list for his and Josele’s wedding. He’d done his best to cap the list to one hundred individuals as Josele had agreed to a larger ceremony but insisted that it not be “too big.” It wasn’t a serious loss at least. Because for those who didn’t attend, Morgen could take joy in being able to introduce Josele to them as his wife the next time they met. Josele, too, would begin introducing Morgen as her husband.
Thinking of that scenario brought a smile to Morgen’s lips.
There was so much to anticipate. The wedding itself and even thereafter.
Having finished reviewing the guests, Morgen rose from his seat and went to where Josele was, laying on their loveseat and looking over a different paper. Morgen silently touched Josele’s shoulder and in response, she started to sit up. Once there was room to do so, Morgen sat down. Then, he guided Josele back down so her head laid in his lap.
“What’s on your mind, my heart?” Morgen asked while combing his fingers through Josele’s hair.
“Well at first I was thinking about floral arrangements…” Josele muttered, gesturing to her paper and the various sketches of possible bouquets on it. “But then I was thinking about children.” She gazed up at Morgen with wide eyes. “I’m not thinking too far ahead, am I?”
“Not at all,” Morgen replied with a grin. “I’m glad I’m not the only one.” He used his free hand to hold one of Josele’s. Their fingers intertwined, like second nature to them. “To be honest, I can't wait to be a parent.” Morgen closed his eyes and began to rock side-to-side, letting himself get lost in thought. “I’d want a large family, where the children play together and learn from one another. I’d like for them all to be friends or at least care for each other.”
“Lots of kids sounds good,” Josele mused aloud, closing her eyes as well. “All that love, increasing with every child we have.”
Morgen hummed.
To be married wasn’t the end goal for him or Josele. It was but one step in a longer, grander journey that they called life. The wedding was certainly an important moment—it would be like a stepping stone made of diamonds in a garden path if Morgen were to compare it to anything—but there was more to come after it. And that more was a family.
“So how many would you like, my dear? I’d like… four maybe?”
“Is ten too many?”
Morgen threw his head back as he laughed. “Are you sure you want to put yourself through all that?” He smiled down at Josele and was met with her wide grin. “We could start our own squad with that many.”
“I like kids, okay?” Josele muttered, turning her face into Morgen’s stomach.
“More than okay, it’s wonderful.” Morgen silently stroked Josele’s hair for a moment longer. “I’d like for our children to resemble you. With pretty brown eyes and hair… Your warm smile… Everything that I love about you, I want our kids to have. So that they can be loved for those same things.”
Josele faced up to Morgen again, blushing bright pink.
“Oh Momo!” she cooed while sitting upright. She turned to face Morgen, crouched on all fours, and leaned in until their noses touched. “Well I hope the kids look like you. At least one should have your eyes which are clearer and bluer than the sky. And if they could be people with brave, kind hearts too, that’d make me happy.”
Drawn to each other, Morgen and Josele shared a feather light kiss. Then, Josele moved back to sit more normally.
“But… The children will also be their own people, huh?” Josele said. “I’d like for them to resemble us, but I’d love to see how they’re different from us.”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
If they were different, then Morgen would take it as a sign that their kids were raised without the same difficulties that he and Josele lived with. Being an only child. Or growing distant with a sibling. Losing a parent. Or having parents that hardly cared. Growing up too quick or having one’s passion suffocated by duty.
Morgen wanted none of that for any children of his. And with Josele at his side, he had hope that such pains would never find them.
Hand-in-hand, that’s how they always walked. Even while out on a patrol as Magic Knights, Morgen and Josele held onto one another. It only made sense to them.
At that moment, Morgen and Josele walked towards the meeting point where the Magic Knights for the evening patrol would take over. As the sun set over the town, signaling the end of their shift, the streets were bathed in a golden glow that made the mundane world seem breathtaking.
“Thank goodness for a peaceful day, right, Josie?” Morgen asked as he squeezed Josele’s hand.
Turning her head to Morgen, Josele nodded. She was always willing to fight if it meant protecting others, but Josele preferred not needing to do so in the first place. Dull circumstances were often safe ones, and Josele could live with that.
“Josele,” Morgen muttered as he came to a stop, “can you look at me for a moment?”
“Sure?” Josele faced her betrothed, smiling despite her confusion. “Something up, Momo?”
The sunset was at Morgen’s back, causing the sun’s light to envelop him and make it seem that he was the one glowing. It was a different sight compared to the usual silver halo that his Light Magic gave him. But it was no less handsome.
As Josele stared at Morgen, she realized that he was gazing back at her with the same adoration.
“Yup, I thought so, I still love your eyes the most…”
Josele blinked before letting out a quick laugh, “Oh you!” She tugged on Morgen’s hand. “C’mon, let’s get going.”
They started to walk again. After a few strides though, Morgen stepped in front of Josele, as if to face her, and lifted Josele’s open hand to his shoulder before putting his hand on her waist.
“M-Morgen?!” Josele, as shocked as she was, still naturally matched Morgen’s rhythm. “What’re you—?”
“Practicing our wedding dance of course,” Morgen answered whilst chuckling. “To hold you close and stare into your eyes like there’s no one else in the world… It feels quite nice.”
What truth Morgen spoke. Josele could’ve easily felt the gazes of strangers that were certainly on her and Morgen as they waltz in the street with no music. But she wasn’t going to pay them any mind.
“It feels good to be by your side in general, Josele. Being with you now… Sometimes, it feels like a miracle. I know it’s not so great a difference as, say, you being born in the Forsaken, but we were practically born in different worlds. And I think we were born apart in order to find each other.” As he spoke, Morgen continued to guide Josele’s steps, even getting her to twirl along the way. “Does that make sense?”
Humming softly, Josele considered Morgen’s words. It was true that there could’ve been a greater difference of status between them. But their lifestyles were still drastically dissimilar: her, a commoner who decided to work beginning at age four, and him, a noble who had enough luxury to be bored with it. And being born apart only to find each other…?
“Yeah, I get it, sunrise,” she finally replied. “After all, people go looking for things that are far from them, rather than near.”
If Josele had only known people like herself as a child, she wouldn’t have become who she was in the present. Meeting Morgen, who was different in some ways and similar in others, was what changed her.
So of course she would believe Morgen.
“I’m glad…” Morgen leaned in and nuzzled their foreheads. “To have met you at all and now to be close to marrying you… Gods, am I happy…”
“I know how you feel. And I can’t wait for what comes next for us.”
What was to come was sure to be beautiful.
Josele and Morgen decided to go about acquiring their wedding attire in an untraditional fashion.
The taboo was that the groom seeing the bride in her gown prior to the ceremony brought bad luck. But the couple agreed that they wanted to look matched for their wedding day. Not only that but they wanted to be the first ones to see each other in their chosen suit and gown.
And so they went shopping together.
It began with finding dresses similar to Josele’s favorite dresses: ones with voluminous skirts that used layers of light material such as lace or gossamer. Ruffles and beading were another thing Josele sought out, ruling out a selection of dresses. Narrowing it down further, Morgen suggested a dress with an off-the-shoulder necklace since he found the look alluring on Josele.
The couple then considered options for Morgen’s suit. Black was ruled out. Though neither understood why, Josele and Morgen both felt black didn’t complement Morgen’s appearance as it did for Nacht. Grey and navy were thus the top color choices. Josele insisted that Morgen look for embroidered jackets, so his outfit would have an elegance and flair to it.
The couple searched the boutique for what felt like hours. Then when it came to try out the options, that felt like an eternity.
“The skirt on this one is too poofy. It might be hard to dance in it.”
“Oh no, that pattern doesn’t work on you, Momo.”
“All the beading on this bodice, it’s not for you, my sweet.”
“Ah, I look terribly pallid in this suit.”
“This dress looks nice but I don’t think it’d look good next to any of the available suits.”
Soon, the fitting came to the final dress and suit the pair had picked out.
Morgen’s final suit was an unexpected pick from Josele. It was a white suit with golden embroidery along the front of the suit jacket, the cuffs, and hems. Morgen thought to wear the golden cuff links Josele had given him last year with the suit when he first saw it. Then, as he was putting it on, he realized that white was the perfect color for his suit.
He would wear white to match Josele’s dress but also as a symbol. Marriage was a new life, a clean slate of sorts, for both husband and wife. And so it was sensible for Josele as well as himself to don white as one. Or, well, white with golden embroidery for Morgen.
Josele, meanwhile, stepped into a dress picked out by Morgen. It had a little of everything they’d decided they wanted. It wasn’t entirely white as they’d initially imagined as the neckline and beads had a pearly, off-white color but they didn’t need it to be “pure” white.
When each half of the couple stepped out of the changing stall, they immediately stopped to stare at one another.
Their names were whispered. Maybe.
Neither Morgen nor Josele was sure if they’d really spoken the name of their lover or if they were so overwhelmed at the sight of one another that everything but the name of their beloved ceased to exist.
Never before had Josele seen Morgen look so bright. In the white and gold together, he looked like the shining prince she lovingly called him. He looked angelic even.
And though Josele would always be beautiful in Morgen’s eyes, the layers of lace and satin on Josele made her seem like the most divine of visions, an incomparable beauty.
Slowly, they walked up to each other.
“I think these are the ones,” Josele said as she stroked the golden thread that went up and down Morgen’s torso.
Morgen traced a finger along the neckline that outlined Josele’s sturdy shoulders. He then caressed Josele’s face in both hands and replied, “I think so too.”
“Morgen Faust, when we met all those years ago, I didn't think we’d ever become friends. Now that I’m here, about to become your wife, I’m forever grateful that I was brave enough to take a chance and open myself up to you and Nacht. You’ve brought so much to my life: happiness, peace, love. And I want to give you those same things too. You are my comfort and my hope, the light shining in my life. Through the good times and the bad, regardless of if we’re right or wrong, I want to be by your side. I vow to support you when you're strong and protect you when you're weak, to see and love every side of you. So long as it’s with you, I can confidently face the future, no matter what it holds.”
“Josele Canty, when we first met, I knew I was drawn to you but I never thought that I’d become your husband. There’s a lot I still don't know, but I do know that there’s nowhere else I’d rather be than right here, no one else that I’d rather be with than you. You, with your kindness, honesty, and straightforward love of the world which has captured my heart. Whether there be tears or laughter, I vow to love you, care for you, and fight alongside you. And I want to make more promises that only we’ll know of. I’m sure we’ll both change with time, but know that I’ll fall in love with every version of you, over and over. For right now though, I only want to take your hand, look into your eyes, and take our first step into a beautiful future together.”
Those were the words they had hoped to speak to one another. Their deepest, most honest feelings were wrapped up like gifts. For that’s what the words were. Presents of grand promises to one another.
Though nothing was set in stone. Though nothing could be guaranteed. Morgen and Josele still had hope for each other. For what was to come.
So they would go towards the future, towards light and color, and do so hand-in-hand.
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healthylineshop · 1 year
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💚Portable Devices: Energize on the go with heated gemstone, far-infrared and negative ion therapies. Boost your vitality, reduce stress, and support your body's natural healing processes. ⚡️🌿 #Infrared #NegtiveIon #Therapy #Gemstones #VitalityBoost #WellnessOnTheGo
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reyansh727 · 9 months
Gemstones for Prosperity, Success, and Wealth in Your Life
Gemstones are often regarded as powerful tools to counteract the negative, unfavorable planetary alignments in an individual's horoscope. In contemporary times, they are increasingly employed as astrological remedies to complement efforts aimed at enhancing health, accumulating wealth, and achieving success.
Each planet is associated with a specific precious gemstone, forming the Navratnas, or the nine gemstones for the nine planets. Wearing the gemstone linked to a particular planet is believed to amplify its positive impact or alleviate its negative effects on an individual's horoscope.
The efficacy of gemstones is attributed to a set of prescribed practices in Vedic astrology, including purification processes, mantras, auspicious timings, days, metals, and specific fingers and hands for wearing the gemstones. The weight of the gemstone varies for each person based on the desired outcome. Additionally, Vedic astrology recommends energizing and cleansing processes, along with daily recitation of mantras to enhance the gemstone's effects.
Navigating the Cosmic Landscape
The Radiant Sun and Ruby Step into the realm of fame, fortune, and authority with the radiant Ruby, a beacon for the Sun's energy. Worn on the right-hand ring finger in gold or copper, the Ruby holds the promise of amplified positive impact. The ritual purification process involves a soak in a concoction of milk, honey, and Ganga Jal, followed by the empowering mantra, "Om Suryaya Namah."
Moon's Tranquil Embrace with Pearl Embrace the calming influence of the Moon with the luminous Pearl, a gemstone renowned for balancing emotions and relationships. Worn on the little finger in silver, the Pearl undergoes a purifying soak in Ganga Jal and cow milk. Recite the mantra "Om Chandraya Namah" for daily empowerment.
Mars' Fierce Energy in Red Coral Harness the dynamic energy of Mars with the fiery Red Coral, symbolizing strength and courage. Worn on the ring finger in gold or copper, this gemstone alleviates the Manglik dosha. Immerse the Red Coral in a blend of Ganga Jal and raw milk for purification, and chant the mantra "Aum Bhaum Bhaumaye Namah" to awaken its power.
Mercury's Intellectual Spark in Emerald Embark on a journey of wisdom and intellect with the enchanting Emerald, Mercury's gemstone. Worn on the little finger in gold, this gem enhances communication skills and earning capabilities. Purify the Emerald in a mix of raw milk and Ganga Jal and infuse it with energy using the mantra "Om Budh Budhaya Namah."
Venus' Allure in the Diamond Experience the epitome of love and beauty with the majestic Diamond, representing Venus. Worn on the middle finger in gold, the Diamond enhances wealth and improves marital relations. Purify this gem in a blend of Ganga Jal, raw milk, and honey, and recite the mantra "Om Shukra Devaya Namah" for daily empowerment.
Jupiter's Abundance with Yellow Sapphire Jupiter, the harbinger of good fortune, is embodied in the Yellow Sapphire. Worn on the index finger in gold, this gemstone attracts recognition, fame, and vitality. Purify the Yellow Sapphire in a mix of honey, raw milk, and Ganga Jal, and recite the mantra "Om Brim Brihaspataaye Namah" for continuous empowerment.
Saturn's Command with Purple Sapphire Bow to the taskmaster, Saturn, with the regal Purple Sapphire. Worn on the middle finger in silver, this gemstone enhances positive results and brings wealth. Purify the Purple Sapphire in a blend of raw milk and Ganga Jal and chant the mantra "Om Sham Shanicharaya Namah" daily for empowerment.
Rahu's Enigma in Hessonite Navigate the mysterious Rahu with the protective Hessonite. Worn on the middle finger in silver, this gemstone guards against malefic influences. Purify the Hessonite in a mix of honey, raw milk, and Ganga Jal, and recite the mantra "Om Ram Rahave Namah" daily for energizing vibes.
Ketu's Shield in Cats Eye Stone Embrace the enigmatic Ketu with the protective Cats Eye Stone. Worn on the right-hand middle finger in a silver ring, this gemstone safeguards against loss and ill tidings. Purify the Cats Eye Stone in a blend of honey, raw milk, and Ganga Jal, and recite the mantra "Om Kem Ketave Namah" daily for purification and empowerment.
Conclusion: Nurturing Your Gemstone Allies
Remember, the key to unlocking the full potential of these gemstones lies not only in their mystical properties but in your commitment to personal growth. Get gemstone recommendations based on your kundli for improved luck and success. While gemstones pave the way for luck, success, and wealth, your efforts and initiatives play an integral role. Consult with an astrologer to embark on a personalized journey, unveiling the gemstone that aligns perfectly with your cosmic blueprint. As you wear these gems, cleanse and purify them weekly to ensure they radiate positive energy, guiding and supporting you on your path to prosperity.
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