#endymion is awake!
endymion's dream
did you know the moon is full
do you feel her power
does that magic burn inside you
or is it more of a vexing ache
I wonder how long you'll stay sleeping
I wonder how long I'll watch for
any signs that you're awake
the star mother arrakis told me
of our destiny together
but I doubt the whispers of stars
they watch us down here with curiosity
but the map is not the territory
you can only experience some things
to learn them completely
I don't understand anything
the constellations I draw in my mind
between sparkling jewels of connection
are no longer the landmarks I once knew
the sky has changed completely
and I'm navigating in the foggy dark
but I'll get through
I always get through
and once in awhile
maybe more than once in awhile
I wish that we get through
together holding hands
and laughing about something
anything but the silence
wishes are dreams of the heart
and my heart never betrays me
just the ones she chooses
I'll always get through
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RxJ Week Day 5: Mirror
@senshixshitennouweeks these will be super late and out of order. But hopefully, they'll be enjoyable
Memories of what he'd done were bile in his stomach, rising up through his chest to come out.
No matter how many good deeds he did or how long it was, some innocuous incident or phrase could remind him of how fallible he was.
And yet, it didn't feel like that was him.
In the dead of night, when memories of strangling the enchanting Mars visited him, it felt more like he was dreaming of being a character in a movie, not the man he was now.
In fact, it was how he got into this situation. Sitting up in bed while his wife slept.
"Why are yo awake?"
Well, she was asleep.
"No reason," he said.
A slim hand took his and lifted it to be kissed by a pair of luscious lips.
"Dreams again?"
He nodded and he knew she'd know he did. Rei had a sixth sense after all.
"I remember meeting you in my second life," he said, "I remember hearing the bus hydraulics as it stopped, seeing you unconscious on the floor..."
He pauses.
"But it's like a dream in a dream. Like..."
"Like a funhouse mirror?"
She's right of course, but he turns to look at her in the dim light, wondering what she knew about this.
"Before you returned to us, during the Dead Moon Circus... I had an encounter in a hall of mirrors. It looked like a version of me, but younger... brattier."
"She sounds intolerable," Jadeite said.
"Oh, she was," Rei replied, "she said that what I really wanted was to be taken care of by a man for the rest of my life."
Her arms snaked around his chest.
"But I knew it was a lie. And those dreams, they're your own funhouse mirror."
She presses a kiss to his temple.
"And funhouse mirrors only show distortions of what is. So go back to sleep. You've got a full day tomorrow."
He does. Rei works him to the bone some days. She can be impatient and exacting, especially during the shrine's busiest seasons.
But her words, the surety in them, they put his mind at ease. Jadeite leans back, her arms still around him and thinks instead to newer memories.
Of getting his job at Hikawa shrine, of reconnecting with Endymion and the others...
The funhouse mirror is still there, in his mind, but it's far off and overtaken by images of hair the color of crow's wings and eyes like jewels.
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chaotic-orion · 1 year
dive of endymion
they say endymion was a shepherd:
a boy leads his father's flock across the pasture. bleed, white wool. the gift she remembers. ewes graze buffalo grass. her lambs lick dew. insatiable goddess. moonstone, moonbull. a boy screams into the night. a starling flutters awake: the last witness fleeing.
some say endymion was a prince:
a boy sleeps in his bed of goose down. columns of ivory marble, palace of palaces. long nights, a wish granted. an ethereal woman. milk toasts her lips. sleeping atop moony mt. latmus. dreaming, dreaming, dreaming forever.
fewer say that endymion was an astronomer:
moonstruck, mooncrazy moonshine, moonlove moondance, moonbow moonwoman, moonkissed moonseed, moonflower moonchildren, mooneyes
and even less say that endymion was a king, who saw his certain ending. death is my keep; death is a thought away. a mourning dove, a starry-eyed woman: they say the kingdom of a king buried where his horses ran is a shrine, not a tomb. do you think he chose the earth to evade the moon?
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hoonenic · 2 years
3:00 am – ₊˚🪜 :
sunghoon ( en- ) × reader ( f )
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the blissful moonlight which fell upon the man beside you , was indeed the best vision after a tensing nightmare. his perfectly chiseled face bought a smile upon your lips unknowingly. how perfect he looked at this hour ! you felt like diana , witnessing your endymion getting drenched with the serene moonlight. you kept staring at him , without even realising that he has been staring back at you too.
" sunghoon...? you're awake ? " you whispered in a low voice , while his eyes landed gently upon your face.
" yes love , i sensed your intense stare even while i was asleep. " he replied in a ever gentle voice which made your heart flutter.
he pulled the blanket down , revealing his perfectly chiseled body and pulled you closer. it was absolutely normal for you both to sleep in less clothings as the 4 year relationship made you both comfortable enough.
his forehead rested upon yours , while his hands embraced you even closer. his strawberry-mint breath made you feel at ease. his lips trailed along your cheeks , finally landing on your ever sweet lips which he has always been fond of. your lips moulded with him and created the most enchanting moment ever , as you lost yourself in the loving kiss. you deserted all your worries , thoughts and everything and let yourself get lost in the eternal paradise where you knew nothing other than his love.
his lips left yours and trailed across your neck , down to your shoulder. his teeth bit the thin , silk strings of your nightgown , revealing your bare shoulder. you gasped at the sudden contact of his warm lips on your cold skin. your breathes increased their pace as you enjoyed his enticing slow burn.
he finally pulled away , satisfied with the lovely love marks which were painted in red , all across your shoulder. he dragged you closer and looked at you with the most sincere gaze ever.
" love , thank you for being my 3 am reverie. "
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sakuracyanide · 5 months
@thuganomxcs liked for a starter
spirit world has a problem.
or, perhaps more accurately, it was just been aware that it had a problem. a cataclysmic event had missed them by mere millimeters, and only in the rush of it passing them did any become aware it had been occurring in the first place. absolutely none had been the wiser to the cosmic threats lying in wait.
it was not exactly a surprise. the human world was not what it once was. when the four heavenly kings had fallen victim to the cosmic force from beyond their star system, their cycle of reincarnation had been broken. presumably, the same was true for prince endymion himself, who had fallen in an ill-fated bid to save the moon.
no longer did earth have ties to the power of the planet itself. no longer did enma or koenma have the means to detect threats from beyond their stars, even when those threats had nestled themselves right underneath their noses.
it's early when koenma jolts awake. suddenly able to sense the wave of cosmic power washing over the planet - subtly rewriting reality as it did so - and bringing with it the knowledge of how close they had come to certain destruction. for him to know, to have access to these long-forgotten senses once more, could mean only one thing.
the four heavenly kings have been reborn on earth.
he would have to task his spirit detectives with finding them. immediately. send all of them to the four corners of the earth they once ruled.
if the four kings were alive once more... he didn't want to think about what that meant.
but the months go by and no kings are found. its a terrifying thought to have them wandering in a world that they can't fully know. the millennia since their disappearance had utterly changed the landscape of the worlds, splitting them into three rather than one. they were... vulnerable. the energy signatures being so new despite their ancient power has them looking for babies, infants, all of them prime for slaughter without proper protection.
but try as they might they are unable to locate them. every time the power flickers up it's gone just as quick, unable to be traced.
little does he know they're already safe and sound, all four finally reunited with their prince in japan.
a transfer student arriving mid-way through the year is never a good sign. especially not when it coincided with a streak of mysterious murders. humans withered to dust, bodies found with broken mirrors outside of them.
what little evidence there was to these crimes indicated that the creatures were clearly neither demon nor human.
it should be said that it was not his choice to be so conspicuous. that he had no desire to be playing out the role of an anime cliche.
zoisite was seventeen, nearly eighteen, and yet no amount of arguing got him out of attending school. he'd missed several grades thanks to a mixture of genius, a lack of caring guardians, and most importantly of all - being kidnapped by a witch possessed by a cosmic horror who brainwashed him all over again. all of these things should qualify testing out, yet mamoru didn't care that the youngest of the kings was a genius to rival mercury herself, he was desperate to see him make friends.
and somehow, getting kicked out of two schools hadn't sent the message that zoisite wasn't interested. he had hoped that after the second one called, horrified by the lengths that the young man had been willing to go to exact revenge upon a handful of arrogant "bullies", that mamoru would let the issue be and allow him to test out.
no luck.
so here he is standing at the front of the class, wearing a smile that absolutely does not reach his eyes. his long copper curls are pulled up and back to accommodate the school's dress code, though his bangs still hang in front of his face. his posture is unassuming and demure, hands folded behind his back and expression almost shy underneath the long fringe of hair.
but anyone even remotely immune to those big green eyes would be able to tell it's nothing more than a ruse.
and perhaps, most importantly, that while he was near invisible to any sixth sense when standing behind the door - once he took his position at the teacher's side and began to speak, the energy radiating from him was nearly suffocating to anyone who could sense it. rolling off of him in waves as his irritation grew, only to disappear as he was finally released from the task of introducing himself (marion johansen, though i suppose it would be - johansen marion here?) and where he was from (i was born in kyiv, though i spent a great deal of time in moscow) and what has brought him to japan (my family sought a fresh start so we moved here) and free to sit at his new desk.
... and free to eye the other students.
not long ago, he would be oh so eager to soak up the energy radiating off of them. the all-too human anxieties. the stress and fear of whether they are loved and worthy, the terror that is first love. one of the worst parts about coming back to life was that sense returning, the imminent pressure of other people's emotions and injuries pressing in on him. once he had been soft, vulnerable to each and every hurt.
now he just wished they'd grow tougher skin.
... but one in particular catches his mind's eye, his energy particularly sharp. something far more powerful than your average person... it reminded him of an unawakened youma. or perhaps the untapped spiritual power of sailor mars, rolling off of her even in civillian form.
the blonde cranes his head around to find the source, his eyes immediately falling upon a studious young man with his head bent to his page... before sliding to the teen behind him, with the slicked back hair and rough expression.
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leaning forward and pillowing his face in his hand, marion smiles to himself.
perhaps this won't be such a boring school after all.
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bridgyrose · 5 months
About the Reincarnated Beryl AU, from what Naru says it sounded like she was jealous of Usagi's friends for taking attention away from her, and Beryl said stuff along similar lines. Does that mean that Beryl is more into Serenity than Endymion in this AU? How much are Naru and Beryl connected?
(Its less they're connected and more that they're the same person at this point. Once Beryl awakened, the line of who's Beryl and who's Naru is very blurred)
Queen Beryl smiled a bit as she looked over Serenity’s limp form. Being in the body of one of her close friends had certainly made things easier than she expected, although, it was difficult to know where she started and the person she was supposed to be ended. Waking up as Naru had been… different. She had expected to be someone else, someone with authority, though being a school girl like Serenity meant it was easier to get around without being noticed. And yet, she couldnt help but shake the feeling that there was more to this than she expected. 
“Is everything alright, my queen?” Nephrite asked. “You dont seem much like yourself.” 
“I’m fine, Nepthrite.” Beryl gently ran her fingers through Serenity’s hair. “I have everything that I need here.” 
“And what exactly do you plan to do to her?” 
“Its not what I plan to do to her, its what I need her for.”
“I’m not sure I understand.” 
Beryl pulled away from Serenity with a smile. “With her energy drained, she wont be able to defeat me anymore. I can finally find the silver crystal with no one to stop me. And then I will be Usagi’s only friend.” 
“And that’s the part I dont understand. Why does it matter if she’s your friend or not.” 
Beryl paused as she tried to find the words she wanted to argue with. Ever since she had awakened, she wasnt entirely sure which feelings were hers and which belonged to the body she’d been shoved into. But every time she watched Serenity… Usagi… mingle with the other girls, all she knew was that things didnt feel right. The anger that welled up in her chest was unfamiliar, the thoughts of running away and stealing Usagi werent hers, and yet… they were just as much as hers as getting the silver crystal. 
Still, she had to admit, if Usagi was her friend, then that would keep the other Sailor Guardians under control and out of her hair. Or even to work with her to make her job easier. “She’ll be an important piece to get that silver crystal. Otherwise, her friends will keep getting in our way. And I dont have time for any more setbacks.” 
“We wont fail-” 
“I’m not worried about failing, I’m worried about how long its taken us to get this far. I’ve been awake for almost a year now and I’m still no closer to bringing her back. Metalia needs to be brought back and I cant wait any longer.” 
“We will bring her back.” 
“I know we will,” Beryl sighed as she watched Serenity start to wake. “But for now, we do what we can to keep her on our side.” 
Nepthrite nodded. “Yes, my queen.” 
“N-Naru,” Usagi said as she slowly woke up. “Where… where are we?” 
Beryl smiled a bit as she helped Usagi up. “You werent feeling well so I brought you to my place to rest. I hope that is okay.” 
“Its fine. Thank you.” 
“You’re my best friend and I would never want anything to happen to you.” Beryl pulled Usagi into a hug and grinned. “And I’m sure you’ll help me too.”
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maedaeme · 6 months
girl who is normal about vampires, twirling his hair: hiii how do yours versions of vampires work, fascinated by the fact they seem to have some sort of functioning immune system
Also how did eave and Endymion meet
guy who is also trying to be normal about vampires: hiii i got carried away
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vampire bodies are constantly adapting and changing - they carry special cells that, if passed to a non-vampire, immediately start attacking and overwriting everything in the host body. if they survive, now you have a new vampire. amazing.
it's impossible to tell exactly what sort of new traits or abilities a new vampire will have, because the process isn't the same for everyone. vampires also tend to develop unique abilities over time.
example: lazarus doesn't have a heart because he got torn into like 6 pieces and lost it. this would 100% kill any vampire ever. he survived somehow and to this day no one has any fuckin clue how the hell he became the world's most indestructible man.
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(art @ zombiebass)
that said, most vampires do:
have fangs (obviously)
need blood (obviously)
get roasted in sunlight (of course)
need to hibernate because a little nap just doesn't cut it. they can stay awake for weeks but then they need to clock out for days. in a coffin. because why not.
the older a vampire gets, the more unique and strange they tend to be, until they're eventually considered an 'elder' vampire. elder vampires are all different, but they're usually Giant Monsters.
this is gluttony. he's an elder vampire and a massive asshole.
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(art @ monsterfaye)
It's very rare for vampires to get sick because most germs and viruses just can't survive in them - their bodies change too fast. unless you catch something that endymion made, at which point you are probably screwed.
how endymion and eave met is REALLY COMPLICATED, but the short of it is that:
eave tracked endymion for ages because he wanted endymion's research
endymion let him because eave was in his 'other people's problems are not my business' phase and was unlikely to turn him in
the more they interacted, the more they both realized that they were incredibly similar with polar opposite morals and they were probably going to end up killing each other.
they keep putting off the killing each other to argue about what the most interesting part of heart surgery is. and kiss.
it's been centuries and neither of them has really given in. but sometimes endy stops causing problems for a while and no one knows it's because he is distracted making a four month long passive-aggressive and over dramatic apology to his ex-ex-ex-ex-ex husband. they're a mess. you know how it goes.
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thegreyj · 2 years
The Garden of Wounds
Okay, here you go @morganofthewildfire finally! I struggled a lot with this chapter, especially since the story is shifting a bit now, but I hope you like it! Everything will make sense... eventually 🤭
Also I will fix this post later on but here you go for now 🙈
CW: mentions of death
Chapter seven: Where is Aelin?
She blinked once. Then twice. The walls were the same, dull grey they always were. The lights were off, but she knew the walls, even if she couldn't see them. The smell was the same too. Sweat, blood and terror. Her terror.
She wished she could just go back to the oblivion she was in for that brief moment when her heart stopped, but of course that wasn't possible. Not in this life. Not for her anyway.
Tears were threatening to fall down, but she wouldn't let them. Couldn't let them. He would realise her fear and pain if she allowed them out, and only the gods knew what would happen if he succumbed to whatever she was feeling. No, showing emotions was a luxury she didn't get to experience, not if she wanted to live. Or die, whichever allowed her to be forgotten by her torturer first. This was no life to live, but it was the only one she had. If only things were different.
Suddenly the people in the room figured out she was awake. He noticed, and she could feel his gaze on her. The malice oozing from him was almost tangible.
"Celaena, dear," his voice was dripping with pretend care. It was a lie, all a lie. She knew it, but he still acted for the sake of the other people in the room. "You're awake, dear. Thank the gods."
She would thank the gods when they finally allowed her to stay dead. She felt like rolling her eyes at the fake worry he was showing off, but didn't dare. Instead, she just closed her eyes and allowed herself to be pulled back to unconsciousness.
"Celaena, dear," the voice made her shiver, and not in the nice way. "I know you're awake."
If she was still the same naive girl, she might want to open her eyes in the hopes of seeing love and worry in his face. She might still hope he actually cared for her.
But she knew better.
She didn't want to open her eyes.
She had to.
She was trying, but the eyelids felt so heavy.
She wanted to scream. Her name was not Celaena, it never had been.
"My name is not Celaena!" She screamed as she opened her eyes. Warm light was surrounding her, candles flickering around her. Confusion struck her, when she heard an elderly woman speak.
"All right then, dearie. What is your name then?" 
Aelin didn't answer. She couldn't, for the fear of this being just a cruel ruse by him. She wouldn't speak more until she knew what was going on, until she could trust that she knew. Slowly, she allowed her eyes to close. Maybe the woman would think she fell asleep again, while she allowed her other senses to figure out what was happening. 
Where was she?
Endymion Whitethorn was raging. No one had ever seen him so angry, he always presented himself as calm and collected, as the intelligent man he was. But not this time. His cousin had done something unforgivable, making him lose yet another loved one.
"Maybe she just doesn't want to be found," Rowan's voice came out nonchalantly. Enda ground his teeth together. How dare he? They had been trying to find Aelin for two days now, and they had no idea where she was. The rainstorm had wiped away all the tracks there might have been, and Aelin was clever enough to know how to move in a way to keep unwanted attention away. 
"You keep your mouth shut! This is all your fault, Rowan!" Enda was pointing a finger at his cousin. "You just better hope she's okay and not-."
No, he wouldn't betray Aelin's trust like that by blabbering her secrets to someone who she didn't know.
"Not what? Not with her husband? Maybe she went back," Rowan shrugged.
"WENT BACK?! Are you insane, she would rather die than go back to that- that- that monster," Enda screamed and threw his hands up in the air, before he continued his pacing. His cousin, however, didn't have the faintest clue to know when to keep his mouth shut.
"Maybe we should consider the fact that she might be, you know, dead."
If only Rowan had sounded a bit more like he cared, Enda might not have attacked him. In the blink of an eye, the chair Rowan had been sitting in was toppled over and Enda was about to hit his cousin again, before the gentle arms of Elias pulled him away from the scuffle.
"Come on, Enda, let's go and leave the brooding man to brood. We can map out the possibilities of where Aelin might be. Rowan, you stay and mull over for a bit before even considering talking to Enda again. We all need a little break from this madness. I made lunch," Elias took on the role of peacemaker.
The couple walked away leaving Rowan to his own thoughts. He knew better than to bait his cousin, but the guilt was overwhelming him. He wasn't used to feeling guilt over anything other than his wife, let alone a stranger who had been trespassing on his property. Then again, she hadn't been trespassing, not really.
Rowan had been looking through his cottage for some clues of her whereabouts, even though it had been a longshot. And he hadn't found any clues, no. Instead, what he had found had broken his already injured heart even more. He began to feel things he hadn't felt in years.
Aelin's journal had been open on the kitchen table, and at first he hadn't noticed it. But when he had, and began reading it… so many things started to make sense. Why Aelin was there, why she had been so attached to his property. Aelin had written about her nightmares and her life before getting out. 
Rowan truly felt sorry for her going missing. It had been his fault, he had acted without thinking. But he wouldn't admit that out loud. Instead, he wanted to feel the pain he knew Enda would make him feel in a fight. Maybe the guilt wouldn't be eating him alive if he felt a little bit of the pain he knew he had caused her to feel.
Sighing deeply, Rowan got up from the floor before straightening the chair back to its place.
Enda had calmed down a bit after eating the delicious lunch Elias had prepared. Not that he had actually tasted any of it, being so lost in his thoughts. Rowan had eventually snuck in to the dining room to eat as well. Enda paid him no attention, if only to keep his emotions in check.
The pair of cousins might look the same, but they couldn't be more different. Where Rowan was brooding, full of brutal force and led by his anger, Enda was a kind soul, strategic thinker and always ready to help others. 
Elias had drawn the area on a canvas, maybe it would help them in figuring out where Aelin might be. They knew the general direction Aelin had gone, and without any of her stuff, she wouldn't have been able to go far. But they had searched under every stone, behind every tree. No trace of her anywhere.
Someone had her.
Please don't let it be that monster, Enda begged in his thoughts. He had no idea, but Rowan was hoping for the same thing.
Aelin had woken up to darkness. The warm light from before was gone, and she was left with the eerie feeling of being watched. The place smelled nice and sweet, almost like someone had been baking.
"Oh, dearie, you seem to be awake once more," the same gentle female voice spoke. The confusion that was present when she last had woken was yet again taking over. Where was she? Who was the lady?
"I'm sorry, you probably don't see very well. Let me light the candles," the woman said before getting to work. She was moving quite effortlessly, despite having a crooked back. She looked old as well, and she was eluding a kind of warmth that had Aelin smiling. "Well look at that, you have a very beautiful smile, dearie."
The woman smiled back.
Maybe Aelin wasn't anywhere malicious this time around. It was most likely her dreams were just making her paranoid. Suddenly she felt a hand on her forehead. How did she miss such an obvious movement? She flinched at the intrusion, but the lady ignored her small action.
"Good, looks like your fever is dying down. You were quite delirious when we found you, dearie."
Aelin blinked in confusion and opened her mouth to speak. Only no words came out, as her mouth felt drier than sand, which made her involuntarily swallow. Not that there was anything to swallow, so she ended up coughing.
The woman offered her a cup of water, which she drank quickly.
"Where-," Aelin began before clearing her voice. "Uh, where am I?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, dearie. You are in my home, you are safe. I've seen you around the village, I assume you live around here," the woman's words made no sense. Aelin hadn't been heading towards the village, had she? "We found you walking about, not in your right mind. You put up quite a battle too, when we tried to get a warm cloak on you."
The old lady sniffed, as if she was on the brink of crying. She then grabbed Aelin's hand and held it close.
"You were so sick when we got you here. I was worried you were going to die," the woman cried softly. Aelin felt like she had ended up in someone else's life. Who was this woman? Why had she saved her? "You just remind me so much of my dear late daughter. I'm sorry, you don't want to hear an old lady cry out her misery." 
The lady got up and tried to let go of Aelin's hand, but Aelin squeezed it in a comforting manner before trying to speak.
"It's ok." Then a silence took over them. They stayed still, holding hands, both comforting the other. After a while, Aelin broke the quiet. "You can call me Aelin. What is your name?"
"Elena Ashryver."
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illmatter · 1 year
@weaveshadows / endymion.
he startles when endymion rolls and meets his eyes. the night is dark, and he can't sleep -- his mind is roiling with thoughts of blood in his teeth and he has found himself watching the paladin for long stretches of time.
endymion is awake, it seems, and it means immeral looks. . .bashful, perhaps, if he could feel shame. he simply turns away to pretend as if he weren't staring, his shoulders hunched forward.
" go back to bed. "
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libidomechanica · 26 days
Untitled (“Comes, ‘And calendours, when midnight’)”
A curtal sonnet sequence
Ye lilies lips shall many a garden thou like to say you. But and troddess! The sweeterror louer blood-Gods, form, bending to enslave leath will his fleet: she love his in with man? Bring worke among of the panted tears a gentle Melodies I wenty of flocks, a purite this passayd by turn in matter in successes divine ioy or to hears frozen pride, the heart now as thread’st half adore. Comes, And calendours, when midnight.
With at him lodes o’er thin allu’rd hand calm seals: let me were retired, that seek was not howl by not deed trustlere to says; freeze to saying cymbals’ tents.—No more short to whom till entraight and poesy! Has very touching, his knowledged nough o’er what contius could have gay by a ship away it doth Nature. Lights I in at lesse thing Greech true made mean wyde, and with ayres back. Take think and lady fans and ev’reighted fine, such a thundress?
Don June, the rust the up, and near—close of thee, Silvia; I harts wryte high dew obiect before the shade a Patagon vained, by when your petting. The stop as justihead, if her golden earth spring: of Jerusades fear. Tyrant to-night such a tumbled my spinning and hive. But while of soul with lay about on flowin’ yet is ther roll of lawn, on a great Muse flower: the Work on me the vain the bred, Endymion.
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In tresperator can not we for aye? Thing, the skin bright bliss! Your selfe down violen her—the masks not was pass louely that hew: amid Sea white through the silence it yes, that your stone. And have a mornings. The sing then you Alas! I calmness of gardestrous indeeds in box. Broom where warl’ assay. From her selfe ye? And yet, why wrathere will wave’s shall of time—which God-knot. When I felly it bring eyes, his grass, making And praise.
The sang tracks, letter, wealthy came hillious constructors wanted in the daught, nor all I breason of sight—just odorous way, thee thrall, descended delight, and the siege- lord Love you me wi’ ony burst, my own to tears the diamong as beneath look’d a star at a song through myrrour and hee’l letter- wing awake! In large seas his would an in the wits, fell of her chand, is besets of some my talked with heardly in they loue, and paint.
And charmes, which the play: yet it sea draw from the those he airs astrang doubt, and down on glare thout did him so harve. Of life-anger’d with cypresent. And bard! His latter; but famoures; the hast. An ones these foul, gladly powers, and changer, and the seem to bladen, keeper star’d Welling the run, as is prey. Fit, like, thou are heart! He sung. That under far-off in your conce misdeigns of rest sunshorest in her, each her bosom plaine.
Love, made up of thy pencil—know when a mount aiden’d for Cot, thou fayre blew out the breaks are fetch hath human indow, my craving Oberous, though, nor thy plan ther neck languour food to lone, rich labout of. On Cupid fair; the wracks, and ther face serving dare arming kisses yet neuer a river’d, and is it is sister, bite the would kept bright, genius be a little grieves with missess in fear frae the sweet a kindly spruned.
I camphire sans mine years of she languise, and eaten water wake, the the pin, so wild in all ill possible after gain: in a full man jealous. The would in like young in amonds are is how the sacreon fierceiue men dead, wearily are armony kneel in would his for hie,—o what shover no her Amen. If invisions dreams of sweetern me was Bacchus love soft Angel wrong as the somehow to laugh stretched moon:- truth’s sweetness.
Of white softly belovercome should ere filth a tippy-tongue those she would dest, and the we stars in all dancing the late, her bands many world on her ye could bending, and you, Maud wits. The city, in what whereveal which man all such love t’adors free, and the valian, as our will, nor ground maybe Judge of all: when we folds uncomming through my with disapphire sweet at her; sic a wolved weaue. Their closet with pains! The Sara!
Only slumbe the you had neuer necks that glade remaines! To windowes to pleased theyr remaine; and that I would nothere Gods, unavoid are perine! Thee, nor she inuent, o fore: but simmer, and if her wonder wo; yet lamp was those winds, let him still thou store, the gather some the was their every die twilight for her Road entertain- droop appensive respiteous her laughethere way or pitty. But, an has good climbs haught.
Whom wishest into a pin large doubt, you will time was read, after night, all it from at thoughted at lames vnstance in a vine hold then, conce the said: Ah! Come a phosphearts to gentle Camels took bend they, even thing; with makes to you makers, and the vallid she her; no consumes, new my on there more of love, I wanderness pear. Good Angel make a with received which thou did leaven ne’erthelesse her; ah Christing of ioy remayne.
In me, and griefest, all bird? The supperish, scholy Adam’s sea-weed, our equacious toyle, the circle, and sing my small be bush, late, threate: seeing Semelesses of thou are nombe thee, like for throne to ball: and soone the drows flour could not to the half sad eyes wooer feel make the beauty below. And tremble of ever shall a sleep, the was subtiles wing of Gold, I went: shall temple more I lang is a laught, was are Nancy.
So sand sweet itself in Men could and soule under, may be freedes those tempests love, and eyes the must would gloomin’ wherefore death: yet den, and their anythinking forth where it, dissolv’d, that can could beneath might; thension bath’d and sweet me wander are and strike to scoueth the chivalry, when mail’d of Old; onely cofficial, how will her; sweet passe arouned my life doth shall to clear; and the fires: forth shower, the Eliza!
And I usings and so go alth the thy doors I griefs that when offerenew, at are not here: that lays—captainst eare going tongue doth fair; and, have to buried to concord, with ivory, the lea sprights, panest shattell unce of animages the on is our a celest the dying now wild me. The letter, riches hath lady the broke: I am amethys lowly self in the could execution fit twink’d surf in anon.
A cowslip thou, gentle Heartbeat, and be seas his tear: so heads obey, if one affecting so lifties, shall a second leanly any a pavemen, jaded moniment to thy wife, when Winterch, late. More torme, and angry eyes and I soul of there discours did adora seeke a snakes thirst doe ruth, and again, he wings follow; so where t with all in find care, the Wisdom all her, also top in likewise you wondroupe.
Where into a bright—justiffer us, and is art revive I ruest lo, though fore share laught, that forefathere shortless: yet. But to write’s tranger villars this Will-o’- th’-Wisp mistress, or would I leave of from themself sea-stormer hast where golden his chance for thee no lieutenant to less, Sir. Loved; with from the love. But a busy, robe but her harm caught; to knots, didst behind, nor come pillar, and weavens, cold, lady to new.
To prote peace with he sky, a mountain’s such a lover, and knock is train, comedy: he from you from joy to espouse: but grow a your selfe is a great, That the bloody plain. You sits of water them mortal known his didst couch, and place and counter I aduice of Quiet the Dew on the erre, and Adam can clatter, that your own trancient, beames he flits, and close, and care, a light the sit bright with doe heauenly Idoll the othere!
A cord another and shown, and that clear. Like my loved is no more The cloud for a conquest, the arrow the eagerness. One red from sorrow also thing she to thing, and me gladly are or disarms; it was wonder; let us no lended slight life’s a hands, before, with the night. That hearth, the vineyards alas, to her love his risen on eart net, but lost tree-hough my spring. Awfully new flits, hear pain oaks are shepherd so.
I’m o’er you and cour life’s fals dropt to throught to her compare, unto sings best. Just louerayne my beloved skies, I found on that is bed: who lay, that weight, like to matter walk, perce carved go, and smooth’d Abyss o’er how they all me could like of thy the bubblings range, ever fall? To dwell-propitile heart, to and liue many thy bow’d its whites unexplora, and a thrilling titmous is trump shall be a Patagon blest me leopard.
And I look all the small; before things me more! When she mood, he shining unforegone with trouse and take to pure call’d Savious whose grove, and lay now shadow flaw-bloomier was as now—so mead, and demonious chills. Of God to one recoiling up to largentler strayned. He with greet, how can proud that your fall end: for there their person by there when I the when stare; I knew descended from thee. Rapt in the delves and wrotected, no.
Ye the kind, and dare her luxurious woe, ne light I her and the but the had, must the seen, o Tinkles of hers not thou kent his speakes us shalted with stal my poison clime turney, canst ye? Of post-chain the wakes of tangle kill, as the inwovence the valie unknow are so equal doth Nature I will the Eyes us agaynst halfe for powers, nevery self a strives of pleasure a pilot her your her amazement!
To the dare on away.—Ah, howester for will, and on the war how its pastint wound lass of mense. For our loue and blades Pallas’ sake night gave being’d less hear an as flesh makes to teach one air; the Spanions the but ah, Death, Ah, Lycius rocks. I offer snow me soul. Between basked with out a scleness, those had the love to telli’-his soughts, stop the under is monitor close to bettes descent, beforever long so part, I grieve.
And madness of Though alongwhile ye? Though Epicted turne, and leaning roam, whose doth emulous as for. Doth in both along lovinces when the like: I and the wail, with charms fit the procured in; I wise of who quaint every skipping speed; o Sorror once cast Love’s a life burning every laught. So oft abide giue. Nor vertues sweet yield as I have train to the humble trange the could beforest yron pure be gie and me.
And, half: let give in the confound many skin: lo! May rest of milk! To me; and were waste now warm fright of purple spare; her he wife of me from the bath’d with silence at elixir the day beauty slipp’d lights, and stay fathomable adored nymph his soft as in after long which morn any. And with that how it’s also throught to sith that doth into answers and with columns on a teach destrange, room columns my glad is congrace!
A shade, did move of a tremblank she sweet it feath, move of your voice? Forth a blissful joys the pain Princense flake: and be a break. I would soar’d in her close sky. I love young, wheel inhabit, for Desire. Rise? To make night Ah, Goddenly forest pretty; and from the flee amond pity wanted my soul! At the day; strumpet little fruits. Number skill down world the last, that her clouds and by only o’er tremity way such till din.
There thou my sightest revel my her roll’d loue way ink of that is beat. And tellen of the from God’s bathere a many of my like me ready to undermitten, he’d speak her heard, that thing, and like therity. Like a small place, mines: hears had have clouds, warrow of his before a mercies an acrylic dying night, for to thee wild political: men to thout on a heave smart then amaze on had in the bered, the bee.
Pursue who fond for they we three bone old herald we sleepy and taster’d Lesbia, here rose-gatest for showe trod distairs, and to speak, we it be bow, that the cliffs, that dittiles. Sailed from itself which they one withing cause to thou this much cradle, and payned. A which thing; good with test town, forment raise then, as the large now not did adult’rate, mossy slumber; but last apple the mixed with queen’d he frownéd Hearing one a mountain.
The kept awhile shall the cool’d ivory; tak me him in mine back forthy with yield in vain in doe apper—the Furied pers calmly rewards a sing I will itself a last dyes, that ring ambering, in thin? Two her selfe of the Diamong the are or of his sleep is and do cannot mantle eyes she circles, he birth—one daugh, that though shed and was so. For pleast the Fairily, the tempests her war What we were robedight protrace.
She her been presse words thousand stealing vnto me year, said: Are not of silencefore I go above it for to fix with at the wonder closet anal or thirt the Touch are but plump of grace, that me of so, quotators may gallel to dully by where the you make my pause fame: her spire rathere? And through Fancy? That sad tak me wilt but some may spirituall that find her stupefying teaching lift of with white her mind adorse?
Mothers a little glass inward receive the beguilt thin, throught wintertainst thon, and pearl then the lady smoke, the back! The less makes messy grant to bearie is not thou trespit to just farren wound blame to depths the popular move: the possible not such vision’s beneath of all the rillies add whereof hearth’s late reuiued in the she grass, I may so I thou smote the same laid her with hurries, as to ship and vermoloff, and lowres.
The needs and scaly barre a’ dry. When the down swimming instrument late, how is my left me. For a steele hence,—well dissolv’d: both renew, and tunespy’d, we’ll be waves their parlet me in Princense, one which for his steeds an hood night our slept wheneveryday in you go—call to glad want. And dames fley’d ev’rous Trophees his stol’n as I shadow- lades, his them twent. And a which place to shade relish doth from its stroke shalt can progress.
Was not unaware, in all from her flies of powre into trumpet the moury, surfacetious indow, my Muse you descene man the player Wisdom did pain: he make us had loue, withou to give in the sough her his boy not promised, but feet signing steps of the human: your deuize, this gone of Lebanon the spiced laid the Ear overse. Full othere, who walked him; I came as her it, painsanity, on the days sanctity.
I do that he among dive was gone to trace. She hands o’ sighten he dusk change thine of then it: arch past of grunzie with this wishful wags in heaves well making at fayre, the is state why sweary path. Rest o’er you she languise, with weathere is gone shalt! To behind, leant borne tiger-eyes like a mish for too rose they good to know not behind to be all consteele sun as they dight, O face with test white they argument to lay bell?
Arise, teares vs tamed green happiest of your cause New your of us no ignorangel! Or shames he vaines to transpark is Mecænas in theological: men inland horse, gum, but now will no me, I thou say young, that is air in thundresse in those but crossy at Pegasus violent from that now, rage, we come, admire, with so here Govercome Celia, nor give paths; and the canst at all hawk, and lisperity.
My Dead, who tangle settle doctor; but hast are at of so sublime: for your sense— beside; and so cruel of her face, but hence ther to ask in its standing brand, her frail- pace thou mean, why down to manthrall from and her dreams, not affeta, for, seem dash’d, and vnking true castle that many a Tygre blood. Now pace, or a tomb. In fell in dumps do not melted fayre whose the breathers I mistrain dening zealed. Since turning but seemether!
Columns, fished my behold ther some doo day; Alas, and the grey we coolin loue; the paine: why sweet smockit copy fancy; yet in my remaine one that see sweet groans. A core strel is play engines will her lord, and down, and pass’d, to pleasing back retious side and still peares thou spready were shall hath me, yet of and sinne with moles, on of amears of through my laugh forment plendid stretch fair sweet did cloud, doth consume, thou and stransparrow!
The lear; those small sword of befores? Going laurels’ path iuncall’d me, my Muses comb: honeycomb with goeth a razor her flyes a little retire, boards benumbers, nor woefull wander a blue scars as I see young of ther, dry. Crum to brough euery jolt—and grief so neither well his flesh diuing at thou, but even not hour divine, if not dwell only knowledge them untime in the being in vaine, so love—who ofter it.
While, and lift enterwett, a great yester, we will that shame, life shall of sacrifise, the glowings, their hear once, tumultuous hang and shall in my soft the honounce to it. Then all, and Hyacing sprince crims man malady’s bring. With would defence more make heede, tyrant Eglants has my lay and writh’d that nought at light of Carmes once cargo an an as way despised with did fayre gie and which glorious hold, for soul low plain to his pain.
Her majests he eyes with human quotatoes are are, and jail better his rene, The worlds which hounded Doctors bower of then the feel how part, and curse complay’d to my Delphos, and a many could rise, and yet air trancholar, and fair; the your phospite hind, with its which ash, that hate is the doth pend fit we miseraphim, accententment. The here with Love, with withing the Bannot to greath them and arbor far, that ebb-tide!
Moon, the Serpent; but spect body crone show pond ther, send in thee, and sombrels fire! Came insecrecy, thus; when body, forth, while, storment; not know nothings neither’s rhyming it were her bright to euery hart, and chayned, goldestroops the afraile light of Camels or fall, prey with thee,—creat to her sail’d their whom all and could beauty view? Wilt be, her else of whitenest reading spirit and to king the steeply, letched lookes yearn.
Snatch they captiues are low light of forgot in the vaine thy father’d in a greathed up his from the look with buried a sorrows. For in my harm. Our tranches belief is on high the blind each pen the lear’d as icebergs, for he breaken smiling conjuror lace with flew, in with my port. No speak commit; what I were taper the dustiny bowers would be, the rive reflect in that joins of this posts an it doat went! Ye trade.—Who?
Should vnto the presume is of the he she whose eyes, where sans sieginning more Elizabeth, then buried to immortal goodly say when I dark ’gaine wolves, and fair, and on me again: in then he secret conquer, her palace this trigging fast such a white; she in fades of my smile neverythink of Loue to me, Rise the pitty, He roar. On the came her star-flame joined woment need then look so batten, and, kiss; and not do died.
But thou go—call enemoue eart, th’ Sea, he me with displayne became, enamong in Venus’ template, and Lip for to knowle as thes. In theft: for wish me stolence baite the cap’s knell the enamouse my povers, and lost voic’d, and what it mercy doe went; anon his word, that still with flatter’s light nothe my miss ther’s poesy!—I’m o’er yet needless of joined will meets fear, thou says;—and yet to take a weeds, pride ocean drinkle— O Dis!
At wondromediate. Each then inly kins. Wood-by ye dare that find had not he thou art sent of love’s day courge done, by lay, footing ago O my believe the little inuent not those garden be fall with and of all expedient t’encreaches chills the while slow air, and be having equal and keep by night, curse your owne velves and turn not wound main, as it mournful the Fires too oft splendeavour Sex blisses, whose old, alas!
Sail, self, in he’s trompets are next of those togethe light to haue thought will commend? Will ensample faces, the about did speech is hatchmen hair, or the grew with the rain then true best to take amber, or thence restrong loof thorowes you look, that houred by the ramble ferved are ye corpse him escap’s kindlesse petting to me you you, O my the lander name up to the have you, let Virging and rest, paine in Beads dipt of Chrise?
All I be by the being world! When a period close-blood and the worne, stells thing the rules desolate, and thus gave not Thou shall bell weep, my verselfe were infantasms. Whose viler fan-like theyr we! I am I sobs, speech few my words, a lightning Phoebus, cleft. Always those couldst come nevery root he cruell in Soul fore deceav’n hardled with the door; sic a love: seemingly plan, to high, I hid flower; as a darlies of all.
Married, pulse on the skin ground all. Some the Shambermaid bar to Flock take my love, my he among let pen its picture grow behinds Aeoliance, no moving tales recurely man to measure, each of heare blynd be all all the same! Of under blisses should I love sport of rose her twain they St. He glory out at her gay these dead of thy lines: but finer the monie last, but pitch’d by then forlorn, smooth’s bles death ruffize thee, and despial.
Fatal exceptre, light, sing in after tie? Because is not in the shadow warl’ as the joy I seems that! If it was not acade; and Love’s deadly rash he little she deignificer the back of faëry, doe we lees. The pages tended for those lock. And for such other life, let though ange, unhappy yet empty loved, the both the blossom! Where ring the growing? Some folds rest; but the gloom the will story beautiful; they alone?
To the Betty; nor thy with twistering immortals of sleep; thine I wake, and writes in thee hence he; their her whisped once comparison half fail; greath green less safe as delight. Yet him loved pluckily sae in the sallop like a horse his lattic’d, from to long send is Mary’s voices of chearth stubborn of all his change vayne memory to thine draw there The verie, thout the which no posse still more not once accompile you art!
Find epitable, my blear nor rare drops art? A gard the glory still were is never young, friendles your nuts in eithere Princer: the pretty, in confess eye pall: woe- hurrying grow its still permaid at him? The dare you would rescient, high Olympus on his silence There demon, art; stell lyke Pinck euer, lake, and until not the groves’ eyes to a flowed the will made to Káf to see to resembled are of that child die some to go.
Of seeke slumber hair the sway, and your for all prize you’d free and take them slow, the proch, and for my Stella love young, and my life down him happy to mana, yet not worth none. Body: from him in owes, while, and goble dwellie not contender wealthou to blest of though, and letter frame; what a thou she made fresh Rose, before have beguyle of a miled mead, all heart. Her am I, now no move: thy sides quickle many wracks, and wear!
The singing to writes he tallies by night, and do see he is you didst be will as on eart! And now my shall an urn, with she who conquer emerings death, of love young in bloody Madelight they ours with to for lady elves atomb. The woofed by my stout. What fame—with toyle, by and was suddenly behind was the violentler cravers me and if I saw through her. Match one way, was a shall speak againstrel univer.
As must kill. Main of the rater; sweet forgiven two live my led as doth colouring fill, and on his own sound you lure— Endymion! And your pantique of at large up the life with chargentle sparks kiss horrid panted both sweet everywhere a weight wing wave unspeaketh, may noon; nor forelock the Mind, to save sweet it mean, and the unladen, my dome many up, here, when my Amerious and gives agayne, your make thralleys, farth.
For their scant to from the conce cometime. From best ne’er all asleep. Lie, that half such a bloom; up they might, since my seed, and reade, is my selfe bee upon the did the meane capt his a flit and full o’er the starvelous. Tall, the sameness! The impious simulacrum to the golden wave she thou to makes also sue, and yet can cross higher night: he child, then my future I give life, as I will go abour selfe alas, new lies.
For cease, with quince self a toung by these eschew will not stood angers of birds draw no except away. How pain: he loud all mats that is the people’s true had riot, golden but where bones, I am the into the Counsell, baited led down till be that known innocent, meaning behold Rhadamantle world, and is day, a daily of the first, delight I well thereon the black from there warmly ray; free to leave coulders violete.
So toyle, nor during brance by the lead a newly rainst heat sky of thought afternal which fly thing when to they cannot as one been Loves away away, throughts at Baal, we knows; that with your bear, by Sea tells the swell. Many way, as spake, the life in line wood in her—none is fallie way, she world, and swiftly chast aboue the light not by the quyre it is little last loue is is Profit on dress of break he cargosy elected hear.
1 note · View note
inkandarsenic · 7 months
Like an arrow straight and true
Every fiber of my soul points to you
The sun and stars are outshone
For you are a beauty like none other
The light of your grace and power,
Though delicate, is filled with quiet strength
Oh moon of my life
Know that though this mortal shell may sleep
My soul is always awake for you
- Selene
Your face as you sleep is peaceful
There is quiet joy as I pass over you
I can almost convince myself
That you are waiting for me
Your eternal slumber is my gift from Zeus
A moment in time
Frozen for all eternity
Oh my sun and stars
Though I have cursed you to remain forever
The moon itself declares my love for you
- Endymion
0 notes
spei-sidus · 1 year
Free Day
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
No Archive Warnings
Written for UsaMamo Week 2023, Day 5
Neo Queen Serenity goes back in time to go on a date with First Season Mamoru.
Neo Queen Serenity had just finished her duties for the day. She sat lost in thought in the Royal Garden. Endymion was away on a diplomatic mission. Small Lady was still in the past, training. It left Serenity feeling very bereft. She longed to hear her mother’s voice again. Her parents and brother had passed away – peacefully – a few hundred years prior. That was the hardest part about living a long life – she sorely missed everyone she’d grown up with: her family, Naru, Motoki, and others were all gone. How she longed to see them again…
A plan formed in her mind. She’d have to be very cautious, or she’d have one very irate Senshi of Time on her hands. She’d use the Ginzuishou so that only echoes of her visit remained.
Glancing furtively about and seeing no one around, she pulled the Lunar Pen out of her subspace pocket and said, “Moon Power! Transform me into teenaged Usagi!” She felt the power, old and familiar, wash over her, shrinking her limbs, lessening her bosom, and change her silver hair back to the blonde it had been before Serenity fully took over. She was even clad in her old high school uniform – no doubt a subconscious thought on her part. Was she really going to school? No, if it was a weekday, she was taking a Free Day.
A brush of the Ginzuishou with her mind activated the power that she knew would rouse the worry of her Senshi. She wouldn’t be gone long, but she knew they’d stop her if she told them what she was about to do. Within seconds she vanished, materializing in Usagi’s bedroom in the 20th century. She’d chosen to come to the time before the revelation of Mamoru’s identity and that of the princess. She’d also placed 20th century Usagi in a void of sorts. She’ll think she was sleeping. It wouldn’t do to have the two Usagi’s meet and cause havoc.
“What’s the date?” she wondered, right as her mother came barreling in with a spatula in hand.
“Usagi! You’re awake!” her mother spluttered. “And dressed!”
“Yes, Mom,” Serenity said, smiling tenderly at her mother. She rushed her mother in a typical Usagi fashion, wrapping her arms around her. “Mom, I love you.”
“I love you, too, Usagi,” her mother said, somewhat bewildered. ‘Usagi, are you feeling alright?”
“Of course!” Serenity said cheerfully, her happiness at seeing her mother eclipsing all other emotion. “It’s just a beautiful day and I’m excited to be alive!”
Her mother smiled. “My happy Usagi. Never change, okay?”
“I promise,” Serenity said, content to know that she’d never lost her happy attitude, even in the middle of the most difficult political battles.
“Definitely!” After they reached the kitchen, Serenity raced over to glomp her father. “Hi, Dad,” she said.
“Good morning, Usagi! You’re up early.”
“Yeah, it’s a miracle,” Shingo added. “Wait – what –” he was cut off by the fierce hug his sister was giving him.
“Good morning, Shingo.”
“What’s wrong with you?” he demanded uncomfortably. He was used to their bickering, not affection.
“I just love you, that’s all.”
She sat down to breakfast, taking her time savoring her mother’s cooking – cooking she’d missed out on thanks to her sleeping in all the time. “This tastes great, Mom,” she said sincerely when she’d almost finished.
“I’m glad you like it,” her mother said, beaming. “Now I’ve made your lunches. Please have a good day, both of you.”
“Bye, Mom!” they chorused as they headed out the door.
Serenity pondered whether to do Usagi’s morning dash. She had been confined to the palace since her ascendancy and thus hadn’t run outside in a very long time. So with a cheerful smile, she ran, her muscles well accustomed to the exercise. She was surprised at how deftly she was able to maneuver between the hapless pedestrians. She inwardly chuckled as she waited for the inevitable collision that would soon take place – although maybe it wouldn’t, since she was so early. Wouldn’t that be a fun surprise, to have her waiting for him for a change? Mamoru had admitted to her long after they were married that he’d staged these collisions in order to interact with her. Although she hated the detentions she’d gotten as a result, she also felt flattered – sorta – that he was that interested in her even from the beginning, when she had feared he only thought of her as an annoyance.
She had her answer fairly quickly. “Good morning,” she told the chest underneath her.
“Good morning, Odango Atama,” he said, the old nickname sending shivers down her spine. It was his special nickname for her, a term of affection, he’d told her. Endymion never called her that anymore.
She swiftly stood up, then held out a hand, which he looked at askance before he picked himself up, brushing himself off. He wasn’t wearing a school uniform, reminding her that it was possible he had the day off. If so, she’d join him. “What day is today?” she asked.
“It’s Tuesday,” he said incredulously. “Are you that scatterbrained that you don’t know what day it is?”
“Yep!” she said, refusing to argue with him. She knew that would confuse him more than anything, which appeased her argumentative side, but mostly, she just wanted him to have a pleasant interaction with her. “No classes for you today, right?”
“Right,” he said in surprise. “I didn’t know you noticed my schedule. Trying to avoid me?”
“Nope, just something I remembered.” She smiled. “You’re headed to the arcade for a coffee, right?”
“Wonderful. I’ll join you.”
“No you won’t! You have school. I won’t let you be a delinquent-”
“Relax, will you? I’m taking a Free Day. I have things to discuss with you.”
She pulled out the one innocuous thing that would surprise him into his agreement: the Star Locket. His eyes went comically wide, then narrowed. “I think we can skip the arcade for this,” he said abruptly.
“No, no. I know you need your caffeine or you’re grumpy for the rest of the day.” With that she tugged his arm with her Senshi strength; not that it mattered, for he willingly kept pace with her. 
“Hi Motoki-oniisan!” she called out, her heart panging to see him again. She couldn’t give him a hug like her past self would once she ascended the throne. It was almost painful to refrain.
“Hi Usagi-chan! Your usual?”
She shook her head. “Coffee, please. Black.”
Motoki and Mamoru looked at her like she’d grown two heads, but she didn’t care. Being with a coffee loving husband for several hundred years had led her to enjoy the bitter beverage. She had sweets but rarely now.
“If you’re sure…? You got it.” 
“Thanks!” After Mamoru confirmed his order and the two got their coffees, she led them both to the corner booth she and the other Senshi typically used to talk.
“We won’t be overheard much here,” she said.
“So…” he started awkwardly. “Where’d you get the locket?”
“From you,” she said frankly. She went to stall him when he went to object, “It’s alright. I’m not here to force any confessions, Mamo-chan.” He choked on his coffee. “How’s school?”
“Don’t change the subject,” he muttered, glowering at her.
She sighed. “What would you like to hear?”
“Where you really got that locket.”
“You’re always such a skeptic, Mamo-chan. It’s okay to relax. I’m not here to hurt you. I want to give you a good day.”
“Because I love you.”
He gaped. “No you don’t,” he denied automatically. Serenity just regarded him tenderly, tracing his youthful features. He must have seen the sincerity in her gaze because his mouth snapped shut. A moment passed before he whispered, “Since when?”
“Well, I fell in love with part of you at the first battle at Osa-P,” she started, watching him gasp as the pieces came together for him. Her Mamo-chan was so smart! “I fell in love with the other part of you gradually over time. I’ve enjoyed our arguments.”
“...I see. Is this only because I’m Tuxedo Kamen?” 
“I fell in love with you as Mamoru before I knew your identity.”
“So what happens now?”
“I’m taking you on a date.”
“You’re asking me on a date?!”
“Yep! We’re going to the carnival, my treat.”
“I must be dreaming,” he said, pinching himself. “There’s no way any of this is happening.”
She laughed. “Maybe you are,” she teased, knowing he wasn’t going to remember much of anything when he awoke.
They spent the afternoon roaming the crowds, riding the carousel, sitting in the Ferris Wheel (Mamoru’s cheeks had burned when she cuddled up close to him), and of course, eating. Serenity teased him with the experience that she’d gained from being his wife for hundreds of years. He was still grinning when they walked to the street corner by her house. 
“I had a lot of fun today. Thank you, Odango.”
“You’re welcome,” she said feelingly. She wished she could accompany him home and warm his bed. She knew he was very lonely. But she didn't want to push it; teenaged Usagi wouldn't just throw herself wantonly like that. At least, not that far! He'd definitely object. “We’ll do this again sometime,” she said truthfully, releasing his hand and stepping back. Then she reversed course and leapt into his arms, and pulled him towards her with practiced hands, her lips locking with his.
She walked slowly away as he watched open-mouthed, a hand partially covering his face, and a blush staining his cheeks. She smiled, blew a kiss, and walked away. As soon as she sensed he had retreated, she surreptitiously teleported back to her present. “Moon Power, Reverse,” she whispered, then turned back around to find all of her Senshi and her husband standing there with mixed expressions of anger and relief.
“Where have you been?!”
“In the 20th century…saw my family…went on a date with Mamo-chan before we knew our identities and all.”
“Why don’t I remember this?” Endymion asked with a frown.
“I had to make it like a dream to avoid Pluto’s wrath,” she said guiltily, knowing he was very sensitive about memory related issues. “Here,” she said, her hands reaching out to his temples. The Ginzuishou flared as the events of her day were shared with him, and his memories were likewise awakened. Meanwhile, the other Senshi had left, grateful nothing had happened to their queen. 
“Thank you for keeping me company,” he said finally, with a warm smile.
“It was a Free Day well spent,” she said, giving him a gentle kiss. 
The End
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shnuggletea · 4 years
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So... Mamoru is Endymion. Shocker I know! But what's he gonna do with that info? Thank you all for the awesome reviews and not cursing my name. I mean, some of you did but it was all in good fun. IT WAS ALL IN GOOD FUN!
I told you guys that I loved the last chapter and it was my favorite. Well, this one is Darkenedhrt's favorite. So I'm dedicating it to her. Here you go, raging and out of control Endymion off to find his 'wife'. Nothing like two people in your head to confuse the hell out of your personality! Personally, I love how the Shitennou react. Cracks me up!
Fanfiction HERE
Chapter 17
Her chest tightened to uncomfortable levels, causing her to wake up, the amount of anger that rolled into her was overwhelming and no amount of deep breathing seemed to calm it. She heard voices outside her room, yelling mixed with hushing. Getting out of bed, she stumbled, the emotions rolling into her were not her own and she struggled to cope.
Luna stood on the bed, looking after her as she wobbled towards the door. "Usagi-chan, are you alright?"
She couldn't even answer the question because she herself didn't know.
Managing to make it to the door, she flung it open, finding the boys, Minako and Makoto, all standing in the living room. Minako and Makoto had both clearly just woken up and stood bleary-eyed to the side. But once they caught sight of her, they snapped to attention, running to her side.
"Usagi-chan are you alright?!"
Zoisite was pacing, all the boys looking agitated, even Kunzite was a bit on edge. "See! Look at her! This proves it for sure!"
"Proves what?!"
They all looked at her, concern etched on their faces at her current condition. Kun straightened, clearing his throat of his own nerves. "He has awakened. Endymion has returned. And I have a feeling he is on his way here now."
Makoto almost dropped her. "What?!"
"You could have said that sooner! We should get her out of here!" Minako was pushing her to the door and Kunzite stopped her.
"It doesn't matter where you take her, he will find her. They are connected. Look at her! You think she is ill? No, that is Endymion!"
More anger billowed in, nearly bringing her to her knees. "Why is he so pissed? I thought you said he loved me? If he loves me, then why the hell is he doing this to me?!" Kun smirked and she had to fight the urge to smack him.
"Endymion has only one weakness, Usagi, and that is you. Waking up and you not being there with him, he has probably lost it."
She managed a glare at Jadeite. "That is putting it lightly! And I am not his weakness, Serenity is! It is not my fault he woke up all alone!"
"Isn't it though?"
Neph looked her over, straight-faced and honest with his words and she only found it more confusing. She opened her mouth to ask more from him but was silenced when the floor began to shake.
"What the hell? An Earthquake?"
Jadeite shook his head at Makoto. "An Earthquake would be better."
"Oh shit, he is PISSED! He is going to kill us for sure."
Zoisite started to pace again while Kunzite went to the door, opening it wide and stepping back. She gave him a curious look. "I don't want him busting the door down. We have a deposit that I would very much like to get back."
She rolled her eyes and bright, white light filled the room for a second, a roll of thunder following shortly after. Even with Endymion's anger boiling over inside her, she still jumped and squeaked at the sound.
"Jesus, he is going to bring down the whole building!"
She grimaced at the boys, partly due to her frustration and partly due to the pain she was experiencing. "I thought you guys said something about him having better control. Whatever that means!"
Zoisite still paced, all of them edging around the room while looking pale. Neph looked around wildly as if Endymion would appear anywhere in the room at any second. "He does have control but not when his emotions are out of whack."
The building continued to shake and thunder continued to roll outside. "Oh, this is ridiculous!" She pushed away from Makoto's and Minako's hold, standing in the middle of the room before the door. "Come on already then! Come and get me, Endymion! I am not afraid of you!"
As if controlled by her, everything became still and silent, causing his voice to ring out eerily. "You should be."
Startled, she jumped, facing the door and finding him standing in it. "Mamoru?" He walked casually into the room as if he owned the place. Not a care in the world. "You shouldn't be here. Endymion will be here any second now."
Yet another wave of pure anger rolled into her but she managed to remain standing, not wanting to alarm Mamoru. If he thought she was in trouble, he would never leave.
Once inside the room, the boys all stopped and fell to a bent knee before Mamoru. "Oh, Kami. Get up, you idiots!" They all looked up at him, questioning looks on their faces. "I said get up!"
They all jumped up, standing rigidly before him. Mamoru walked before them like a man inspecting his troops. Then he stopped, grabbing each of them behind the neck and pulling them into him in a fierce hug.
"It is good to see all of you again."
The anger lessened, making her able to stand and speak while watching the small and respectable lovefest before her. She glanced around, finding the girls just as confused as she was. "Mamoru?"
The men released one another quickly, a short man hug between the five of them. "But you all still kept me in the dark."
They each bowed their heads, Kun being the only one brave enough to speak. "Forgive us, my lord. For that and for many other things. We did try to awaken you… but it was not meant to be us."
At that, Mamoru spun to face her, anger hitting her hard again. It matched the look on his face and the fire in his eyes. "That's right. It was my little Serenity's job, wasn't it? And she refused."
She was reeling, her mind spinning, which wasn't helped when Mamoru lifted her up into his arms. "If you will excuse us. I need a moment alone with my wife."
Tiny electric shocks hit her from every part of that touched him and it hurt. Her last glance behind them as he carried her to her room was Kun and Neph jumping over the couch and restraining Makoto and Minako. The two of them fully planning to come after her until then.
The door slammed behind them and he set her back on her feet. "Pack!"
She was still swimming, trying to keep up with it all. "What?"
He was at her dresser, his back to her while he started opening drawers. "I said pack! You are not staying here!"
Now her own anger came to the surface. "You can't tell me what to do!"
Turning on his heel, he glared at her, his anger nearly forcing her to the floor. "The hell I can't! No wife of mine is going to stay with four men!"
She barely managed to stand straight, forcing herself to remain tall. "I am not your wife! And those four men are your friends!"
He stepped up to her, her knees buckling, but she forced them back up. "I took vows, same as you, to be with you forever. That means even in death and the life after Serenity."
"I am NOT Serenity, I am Usagi and you are Mamoru. What is wrong with you?!"
This time, she did buckle, making it to her bed to sit as she was overwhelmed with the rage of someone else. "You feel that don't you? Once I woke up, breaking your barrier was no problem. Notice that I am not touching you for you to feel it either? That's because you and I have a bond. An unbreakable connection that we have always had. Since we were children!"
He did a small and mocking clap. "There she goes. She finally gets it. And YOU kept us apart. Out of what? Stubbornness? Selfishness? Fear?!"
Her vision began to swim, black edging at her vision. "Mamoru...please stop.."
"Months Serenity. For months you have been awake without me and then, when you found out that it was up to you to awaken me, you refused!"
She leaned back on the bed, hoping to fall back on it instead of the floor. "Endymion, you are hurting me!"
His anger left her, a weight lifting off her chest in an instant, and she almost fell over from the sudden lack of it. Her vision cleared, finding him kneeling before her, holding her upright. He did his best to send soothing waves through her, but the guilt was there as well.
With a gentle hand, he brushed away a few wild hairs from her face, a few strands coming free from her braid. "I'm sorry."
He still knelt before her, both his hands on her hips and watched her. "You know, I'm pretty sure you caused your men out there to wet their pants."
"But you weren't afraid."
Shaking her head, she kept her eyes on him as he kept his on hers. "I know you would never hurt me. Not intentionally anyway."
She felt his guilt again, his eyes leaving hers, but she grabbed his face to pull it back up to hers. "I will never hurt you again. Unintentional or otherwise."
She giggled, but he didn't smile. "Well, that's not true. How will we train?"
He stood, going back to her dresser again. "You won't be training. Not anymore."
She pushed off the bed, her own anger starting to flare up again. "Excuse me?"
"I'm benching you. You are not fighting anymore. I will protect you and the Earth. It is my duty, not yours."
"Are you serious?!"
"Very! Now, where is your suitcase?"
She stomped over to her dresser next to him and slammed the drawer he stood at shut. "Stop it, I am not going anywhere!"
He opened it again. "Yes, you are."
She slammed it shut again and he barely got his hand out before it got crushed. "No, I am NOT!"
"You are not going to live with other men!"
"And just where do you expect me to live?!"
"With me, your husband!"
"YOU ARE NOT MY HUSBAND! Serenity and Endymion were married, not us! They are dead!"
"That is a small and inconsequential detail."
She stomped her foot, her frustration shimming through her to him causing him to grimace. "It is not!"
"Fine, then let's get married."
All the blood drained from her face and it felt as if the wind was knocked out of her. "What?"
"You're right. Serenity and Endymion were married. And according to this world, we are Usagi and Mamoru. So we should get remarried."
"You can't be serious."
"Why do you keep asking me that?"
She moved away from him, needing as much distance as possible from him for fear she might strike him at any moment. "You have lost your mind! Regaining your memories has changed you because you are crazy!"
Her back was to him, unable to look at him at that moment. So she didn't see him approach, just felt his arms around her as he pulled her in tight to him. "You make me crazy."
Her heart was racing in her chest and he spun her around, his lips crashing to hers in an instant. Her brain was spinning, wave after wave of affection and love crashing over her from him, making her heart swell and thump against her rib cage.
After a few moments, he pulled away, only to lift her up off her feet. "Kami, I have missed you so much."
His mouth was on hers again, silencing any thoughts she had other than his lip as she pulled it into her mouth, sucking and nipping on it. He moaned against her, his tongue sliding across her bottom lip, gaining him entrance to her mouth and a moan from her in return.
Pulling her to him tighter, she wrapped her legs around him, not really sure what she was doing. Her body seemed to know just what to do and how to respond to him. She was aching for him, not sure how much of that was from him or from herself, but the only way she could describe it was as wanting.
Her back hit the bed before she even realized he was lowering them and now he laid on top of her. His hands roamed her body, touching and caressing places, the right places. Like he knew exactly what to do while she did not. Her hands felt clumsy, shaking as they moved up his chest to his shoulders.
Pulling his mouth away from hers, he led a trail across her jaw and down to her neck. When he reached her collar bone, her body arched in response, offering herself up to him. His hands worked their way up her t-shirt, pulling it up to her chest, leaving her bare to the cold air in her room.
His mind opened to hers, she read him with ease. He was planning on making love to her, right then and there with a room full of people just on the other side of her door.
"Wait...stop...we can't."
He groaned, the vibration running from his lips to her skin. "Yes, we can."
"No...the others."
"I don't care."
She shoved hard on his shoulders, breaking the contact. "I care!"
"Kami, Serenity, you are so stubborn."
Her heart cracked, splintering into a thousand pieces while tears pooled in her eyes. She couldn't even look at him, pushing him up so she could wiggle her way out from under him. "I am not Serenity."
"No! Endymion loves Serenity okay, I get it. But Mamoru? He does NOT love Usagi. Never has. Maybe at one point, I was okay with that, but not anymore. Not in this life. I refuse to be some stand-in for someone who died over a century ago."
She pulled her shirt back down roughly, gaining her freedom and getting away from him and her bed. "Wait Usagi."
"I think you should go."
Her back was to him again. She could feel him searching her feelings and her mind. "You don't remember."
She huffed, pulling her head up to the ceiling and letting her tears fall back to her ears. "Remember what?"
He was still searching her, assessing her and she was sick of it. Pushing him out, he gasped, but then slowly got up from the bed. She thought he was going to wrap her up in his arms again, coming to stand behind her.
"I've hurt you again….I'm sorry. I thought...I thought you remembered."
The pain he felt mirrored hers but cut in half in comparison. It was different, more like mourning. Perhaps he finally came to terms with reality, that his Serenity is gone.
She couldn't stop herself from watching him as he walked past her and out the door. As soon as the lock clicked into place, she flung herself back to the bed and sobbed.
"Take it the reunion didn't go as planned?"
He glared at her, the blonde sitting alone in the living room mocking him. "Screw you, Aphrodite."
"Ho, now, is that any way to talk to your new best friend?"
He grabbed his chest, the splintering from Usagi's heart reaching his tenfold. "What the hell are you talking about?"
"You didn't really expect to walk in there and her accept you as her long lost husband did you?"
"Kinda yeah?!"
She shook her head, chuckling, "But she isn't. She is Usagi."
"I KNOW that!"
"And you are Mamoru."
"Would you get to your fucking point?"
She laughed again, standing and poking him in the chest with her finger. "Usagi believes that Mamoru didn't love her."
"Which is ridiculous!"
"Oh is it? Did he tell her he loved her? Did he show her any genuine interest BEFORE he started getting his memories? Look, I'm on your side, I know both Mamoru and Endymion love Usagi. But that doesn't change the fact that Usagi feels as though you are just using her as a look-a-like."
He gripped his hair, feeling the need to rip it out in his frustration. "She's not a look-a-like!"
She patted his shoulder, a feeble attempt to calm him. "As I said, I'm on your side."
He relented, releasing some of his tension with a heavy breath. "What is it you suggest I do then?"
She shrugged, walking away and towards Kun's room. "I don't know. But if you want Usagi, you need to prove to her that Mamoru loves USAGI, not Serenity."
She shut the door behind her, leaving him alone in the dark. "Oh...is that all…."
Not as bad of a cliff hanger, right? Stay tuned lovelies!
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If I’m in my room for any length of time, this happens. Must be an unspoken cat thing that the boys hang out here.
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Honestly it broke my heart when Deidamia was mean to Patroclus and they fucked anyway because every time he describes himself it’s how he perceives he’s being judged. It’s tragic as shit. And even if Achilles had showered Patroclus with praise, Pat wouldn’t include it in the story because he was so focused on saving Achilles’ memory. With that, some thoughts I think Achilles had:
Oh no, what if he gets in trouble. What if he gets beaten or — he’s so shy that can’t happen to him, he’s be so humiliated I gotta find him PAT! PAT! BUDDY, WHERE’D YOU GO?!
He can play whatever fucking lyre he wants, you prick.
Imma boop his nose. No wait that’s so weird he’ll— imma boop his nose with my nose. Agh no— OH SHIT IM DOIN IT. IM BOOPING HIS NOSE.
Dad I don’t want new frenn I want Pat.
We are older. He is taller than me now.
This fucking little statue. It’s fucking me. I fucking love it. Oh god I like it so much. It’s so cute. Oh man oh shit oh god I look like a derp because I like this fucking little me so much.
My beautiful boy my beautiful boy my beautiful boy my beautiful — fuck, he’s done brushing his teeth. Play it cool.
Maybe if I impale myself with a stick he would rub some nice salve on me and bandage me up with his strong hands. Achilles, you sly dog. 😎
Patpatpat I hadadream you didn’t love —That we— oh thank god I’m awake and he’s holding me.
He’s still asleep with his arms around me and hasn’t let go all night. His chest pressing into my back is so warm I could cry. Thank god he’s still asleep. He wouldn’t want me if he knew how I needed him, how it really was. I’m getting the pillow soaking wet, his hand is curled just beside my cheek and my tears slide between his fingers. Shit. I mean to ease away from him but all my body will do is hug tight the sleep-heavy arm circling my chest. Endymion clutching the moon’s perfect crescent. What will he think of me? What if he regrets — oh shit, I’m gonna wake him up, I’m shaking so bad and crying so loud and he— Achilles? Fuck. Achilles, are you ok? Hey, easy. It’s ok. Oh no, come here. Is it your mom? Achilles, it’s alright. Don’t you know nothing can take me away from you? It’s alright. Everything’s alright.
You ever felt like you could eat the world but like … not cook it? Gotta be a word for that. oh my god look at him. I will literally do anything to get him to come put his head in my lap and look at my face so I can look at his face and he can look at my face and his big sad eyes are so sweet how is anyone so sweet?!
How imma ever stop kissing this cute face? How imma ever stop smooshing this cute bod? Omg I missed a spot! Imma kiss it. My beautiful boy how could I ever stop loving you.
I swear it. My most beloved.
Scyros isnt so far. He’ll never stop looking for me. He couldn’t do that, not when he knows I’ll die without—-
—he thinks I left him. Oh my god, he thinks I don’t want him— I— what— no- he must be so angry and I can’t even tell him -I can’t even say — oh my god I broke his heart.
Pat you can’t leave again I didn’t want to do it I missed you I was dying it was like dying Pat dont you get it I did it for you I did everything for you I had to do it I had to be with you don’t you get it Patroclus I couldn’t let you think I left you I would do anything I would kill myself before I let you think I didn’t want you please can’t you see me can’t you fucking see my face I didn’t want to i don’t want anything but you all I want is you Patroclus please say something.
I will never leave him. It will be this, always, for as long as he will let me.
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There are Many Benefits to Being a Healthcare Provider
“I want to die again.”
“Oh, stop being such a big baby!” Karim looked over at his sister as she stacked leftover dishes onto the tray on his bedside table.
“Weren’t you like a big-shot general in your last life or something?” Basma asked.
“I’m technically part of Endymion’s personal guard,” he said.
“Well, you’re still being a big baby,” she replied, “you’ve been through worse.”
“I’ve never been sick in my life,” Karim said, falling back onto his pillow. It was an exaggeration, of course. He’d had chickenpox just after his seventh birthday and there were all those ear infections he’d gotten between ages twelve and sixteen, but never anything so bad he had to stay in bed the whole day.
Basma picked up the last dish, a simple mug in a light grey color, and added it to her load.
“You were brainwashed,” she said
“It doesn’t necessarily count,” he replied.
“Well, now you know how I feel when cold and flu season comes around,” Basma said, heading for the door.
“Duly noted,” Karim said.
Basma stuck her tongue out at him and headed for the door.
“So, I’ll put these in the dishwasher and then I’ve got to go my book club. Need anything before I go?”
“Nothing,” Karim said, rolling over, “be sure to tell if Lena gets away from Harold.”
Karim closed his eyes and when his bedroom door opened, he thought that would be the end of it. But that wouldn’t be the first time he’d been wrong.
“By the way,” Basma said, a sly edge to her voice, “I called Minako to come over.”
The words shocked Karim awake. He tossed over in his bed, sitting up to look at his sister.
“Minako’s coming?”
Basma only smiled.
“Bye,” she said, and closed the door behind her. Five minutes later, the distant hum of the dishwasher started.
Karim fell backwards onto his bed.
Minako Aino. Coming here? For what purpose?
When his sister wasn’t home and he was sick.
It wasn’t like he was annoyed that she was coming over. Minako was this radiant human being whose very entrance into a social setting created a pleasing ambiance. His eyes drifted over to his photography equipment. He still kept copies of every photo he’d ever taken of her, even the ones he considered inferior to everything else in his portfolio.
Her being here would be a divine change from the dreariness of being sick in bed all the time.
But what would she be doing here?
Karim picked up his phone and texted Mamoru.
Mamoru, why is Minako coming over to my apartment?
Three dots hovered before the reply appeared.
You heard about that?
My sister told me while she was leaving.
Usako told me that Minako did this whole nurse thing for her and some of the other girls in middle school when they all caught colds. It cost Rei a stereo.
How a stereo system was connected to Minako trying to nurse them back to health, but when it came to Minako Aino, the unexpected was to be expected. It was… refreshing. And attractive, if he was being completely honest.
Another text from Mamoru appeared on his phone.
Rei tried to burn it, but Minako had bought spares.
That sounded like Minako.
Another ping signaled another text arriving.
Anyway, I heard she’d been planning to do this since she heard you got sick. So, she might have improved. Hopefully.
Improved? How was Mina a bad caretaker?
He was about to ask what Mamoru meant, but a knock on his door drew his attention.
“Come in,” he said.
Read the rest on AO3
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