#ended up never finishing or entering but had fun with the prompt they were giving
arson-knight · 3 months
The Extramundane Office
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Finally I have a job. Took awhile, and the job market was pretty shit… but I got an office job, a plain old desk job. What do we do? Nobody knows, but we probably will sit at computers all day typing away and hitting that good old quota. Oh god I really hope I’m told what my job is… I think it’s marketing. But it also could just be general tech support… 
I take a deep breath walking into the large intimidating building, the rising sun glinting off of the metal work. The mirrored windows reflect the light back into the city. 
The front lobby is nice, not very interesting but nice enough as is. Flowers sit on the front desk, a bit wilted not that the front desk assistant cares. Slowly I walk over to him. 
The assistant at the front desk is wearing a brown argyle sweater vest with a horrifying blue button down underneath. 
“Hello,” I greeted just a tad too quietly, and yet he heard. 
“Hey! New here?” he greeted back in a chipper tone, but not the fake one I’ve come to expect from people like him. 
“Yeah… I am, how did you know?”
“Oh I can smell new blood from a mile away.” he laughed a bit waving his wrist dismissively at his own joke. 
“Interesting.” he was just a tad odd… but hopefully I won’t have to deal with him again, I’m not sure I could deal with the embarrassment knowing this first meeting will forever weigh down on my soul. But it would be fine, it’s cool… It’s a job…. It’s above minimum wage and I’m surprisingly making more than a McDonald's employee so it’s great. 
“Well!” The guy said holding out an orange envelope, “Here is your badge, papers, and a map. You’ll be on the fourth floor!”
I took the envelope carefully, “Thanks, well… I’ll be going now.”
“Yep! I hope to see you again soon!”
“Yeah…” I nodded, walking away, “I don’t hope to see you,” I mumbled mostly to myself when I was far enough. I found the elevators quickly enough and gladly on the 15 floor building it didn’t take long at all for the elevator to arrive. 
Just as I got in, some guy ran over, “Wait!” he called out. 
Reluctantly I put out an arm to stop the doors from shutting. Might as well make a good impression. 
The guy stepped in taking a deep breath, “Thanks!”
“Um… you’re welcome.” as I stared at the guy I noticed something, “You have leaves in your hair.”
“Oh really?” He laughed a bit, shaking them out of his hair, “Sorry ruff night,” he winked with a laugh.
Why the fuck did everyone here have to be so freaking weird. “Yeah… so what floor?” 
“Oh! The fifth! Thanks! So what could I call you?”
I pressed the buttons for floor four and five then looked at him, “Oh… oh yeah, my name-”
“No… what could I call you? It’s dangerous to just offer your name, you don’t know who could be around.”
“Um… ok… well you could call me Logan…”
“Awesome! You could call me Roy!” 
I nodded, the ding of an elevator stopping never sounded so good. “Well looks like this is my floor, I better get going now!” I got off the elevator quickly and started walking down the hall pulling out the map from my envelope to figure out where I was headed.
As I walked out onto the main floor I noticed, all those mirrored windows I noticed outside, yeah no you couldn’t see out of them because they put some dark tinted film over them inside, so it was so dark to the point you weren’t able to see out. Great… so the place has no natural light along with having several weirdos. 
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fluentmoviequoter · 11 months
CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR 100 FOLLOWERS!! You work is amazing <33
I would one of Dalton Lambert + prompt 22 if you like ✨️
Thank you so much!
I've been literally waiting for you to write a Dalton imagine like every day since i found your work <33
Thank you!!! I hope you've enjoyed the Dalton fics I've posted and thank you for all of your support and amazing requests! You were the first person to send me a request and one of the reasons I continued writing for Dalton, so I can't thank you enough! I've been hoping someone would request this prompt and had a blast writing it. I hope you enjoy reading it! :)
Warnings: fluff to the nth degree. 0.8k+ words
A/N: Fun fact, I went to a really small high school and was asked at least three times a day to braid someone's hair. However, I have thick and curly hair so no one could braid mine (luckily I can braid my own). For that reason, I let the reader have wet, freshly detangled hair in an attempt to include more hair types for anyone else with hair that's difficult to braid when dry!
Join the 100 Follower Celebration!
Prompt 22: Braiding each other's hair.
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“Yeah, Kali, I promise,” Dalton says into his phone. He looks up and waves as you enter his dorm, mouthing that he will be just a minute.
“Save the picture of the braid you want, and I’ll try my hardest… Yeah… I’ll call him later. Love you, Kali.”
“You can braid hair?” you ask as he ends the call and plugs his phone into the charger.
Dalton nods and beckons you closer, so you stand by his bed. “My little sister Kali loves braids and I learned when we were younger so I could braid her hair for her. My mom was busy, and dad was so forgetful after, you know. I just wanted to help her feel pretty, or whatever.”
As Dalton answers, you are in awe of his thoughtfulness and love for his siblings. He raises his hands to hold your waist and looks up at you.
“Why? Want me to braid yours?” Dalton asks, pinching your sides as he tries to eradicate the seriousness he created with his answer.
“Would you?”
You shrug as you point out, “You offered.”
Dalton laughs before he moves back on the bed and pats the spot he moved from. You thank him excitedly before sitting on the bed, giving him full access to your hair.
“I just washed it, so it should be detangled and ready,” you inform as he begins raking his fingers through.
“And wet,” Dalton murmurs.
“That a problem, Lambert? I thought you were a professional.”
“I am,” he answers proudly. “Even when my sister sends me double-knotted reverse Dutch fishtail braids and expects me to be able to do it on the first try.”
He leans closer to you and gathers a section of hair at the top of your head, asking if he can do a French braid.
“My hair is your canvas, my dear artist.”
Dalton says something under his breath before parting your hair and beginning to braid. You allow yourself to relax in the domesticity of it all, and the soothing feeling of Dalton’s fingers in your hair and his warmth against your back only add to the moment’s decompressing qualities.
“Do you have a hair tie?” Dalton asks, snapping you out of your reverie.
“Yes,” you answer, passing the one on your wrist over your shoulder.
Dalton’s fingers brush yours as he takes it, thanking you before he secures the braid. You grab his phone and use the camera to look at the finished braid.
“Dalton, that looks amazing! I can see why Kali keeps asking you to do her hair. It never looks that good when I do it.”
You snap a picture with him before he takes his phone back, rolling his eyes to distract from the smile forming at your praise.
“So, why don’t you ever braid your own hair?” you ask, shifting to face him.
“I can’t. Never learned to braid my own,” Dalton answers, leaning back against the wall.
“Unacceptable. Sit up.”
You stand on his bed and gesture with your hands until he moves forward. You sit behind him, brushing your fingers through his hair.
“What are you doing?” he asks.
“Braiding your hair.”
“Oh. Uh, thanks.” He hands you a pack of hair ties before returning to his position in front of you.
You hum as you part his hair, opting for two French braids, one on either side of his head. With each piece of hair you add to the braid, Dalton relaxes more. You secure the first braid and notice that Dalton is beginning to lean back involuntarily, and you smile at the thought of being the reason he finally relaxes and enjoys something. The second braid seems to go faster than the first, and soon, you tie it off.
“All done,” you announce quietly.
“Already?” Dalton asks, sounding too tired to speak.
You move out from behind him, opting to sit beside him. When Dalton sees you, he sits up straighter and faces you.
“Yeah. Do you understand the appeal of letting someone else braid your hair now?”
“Mmhmm. Maybe you should do my hair every day.”
“Only if you do mine.”
“I did do a pretty good job,” he says, brushing his fingers over your temple.
“And you look very handsome with braids,” you respond.
The door opens, and you both look over as Chris stands in the open doorway.
“Well, if you’re going to have hair braiding parties without me, I’ll just leave,” Chris says as she tosses something onto the desk and leaves again.
“What was that?” you ask with a laugh.
“Every time she sees a party invite, she brings it to me.”
“You should go and show off your braids.”
“Or I could let them accidentally fall out and we could continue our hair braiding party.”
“Trust me, Dalton, now that I know we can have braiding parties, we will be having them regularly. Besides, you have to learn how to do a double-knotted reverse Dutch fishtail braid before you visit Kali again.”
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t-nd-rfoot · 1 year
im not particularly sure this counts as a prompt so forgive me, but could i request something like… highschool sweethearts with bob (truly really has my brain in a loop all the time) or first date type jazz pretty please ! good wholesome Lt, Floyd 🫶🐓
YOUNG LOVE aka The First of Many 'I Love You's
Oh, to be young and in love.
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Pairing Bob Floyd x gn!Kazansky!reader, high school students AU
Theme pure Valentine's fluff
Warnings Ice being a cliche embarrassing dad; probably wrong timing of Ice's ranking? Just basing it off of some research 😭
Word Count 602
Note trying to have this last stretch of Valentine's drabbles out before the month ends! Also watched some '86 clips of Val recently so just wanted to sneak him into this story 😌 thank you so much for your patience and I hope you enjoy this, my love @roostersrooster 💗
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“I had a lot of fun tonight, Robby,” you smiled as you walked slowly to your front door, trying to make every second count before your curfew. He had gotten you home five minutes early, but you had no intention of walking in just yet.
He pulled away and looked at you incredulously with those bright eyes and squeezed your hand tighter in excitement. “Really?”
You nodded. “I always have fun with you, but tonight was really special.”
He stepped forward to give you a quick peck on the lips, but you leaned in further almost instantly, prolonging the kiss.
The two of you melted into each other with gentle touches. Just like every other kiss the two of you shared, it was slow, it was sweet, it was—
“So,” a loud voice interrupted as your front door opened suddenly, revealing your dad looming over you and your boyfriend, “you’re home early.”
You and Bob pulled apart just as quickly as your father appeared. Bob stepped a good two feet away from you just to be safe. Your father was generally nice towards him, but that didn’t stop from having his bit of fun scaring the boy. Even so, Bob always felt intimidated by him.
“Don’t mind me, just taking out the trash,” he said nonchalantly.
“Dad…” you grumbled.
He held up a poorly filled garbage bag. “What? I really am.” As he stepped out, he saw Bob standing beside him, and his face grew cold. “Robert.”
Bob tried to swallow down a gulp, “Captain Kazansky.” You swore you’ve never seen him turn red so fast.
Bob so desperately wanted to look away but he couldn’t bring himself to as the old man stared him down. After a couple of seconds, your dad burst out into a laugh. He patted Bob on the back—a little too hardly, if Bob would ever admit it out loud—before throwing the garbage bag away in the bin down the driveway. You mouthed a ‘sorry’ to your boyfriend while you waited for your dad to get back inside.
Just before Ice entered the house, he turned to Bob. “Thanks for bringing them home safely and on time, son.”
Bob nodded his head courteously, “Of course, Sir.”
“Well, you have a good night, Robert,” he said before gesturing for you to go inside with him, and the two of you waved your good nights to each other.
Bob waited for the front door to click shut before heading back to his car. He had just made it to the sidewalk when he heard the front door open and your voice calling out his name. Just as he turned around, you had bounded down the walkway to him and wrapped your arms around his neck as you finished the kiss you shared before.
Both of you were out of breath as you pulled away ever so slightly.
“I love you,” you echoed his words from earlier tonight. It felt different—being the one to say it first this time—but in a good way. You were sure that you would never get tired of saying it to or hearing it from him.
“I love you, too,” he smiled against your lips.
He pecked you one last time for the night, and you ran back inside and he drove home.
As you lay in bed that night, you couldn’t go to sleep at the thought of him. Even though it’s only been a few months since you and Bob started dating, you were sure that this Valentine’s Day was just the first of many.
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Tag List @roostersrooster @rosesvioletshardy @bonitanightmxres @avaleineandafryingpan @bradshawseresinbabe @hangmanbrainrot @babyonboardfloyd @demxters @footprintsinthesxnd
Add yourself to my tag list!
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Disclaimer I do not own Top Gun: Maverick or any of its characters. Please do not copy my work or translate without my permission.
Edit Added title (Apr 1 2023)
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leegemma · 1 year
i love your fics so so so much! could you do lee!hyunjin and ler!minho with prompts 3, 8, 40, and 59?
Thank you for your request, I'm sorry if it turned out a little messy, I wrote this one really late at night haha. I really didn't know how to finish this one but I Hope you like it!
Enjoy :)
3 - aww, you're blushing!
8 -  “can you stop laughing? i’m trying to talk to you. how rude!”
40 -  “come on, quit being stubborn and admit it!”
59 -  “you’ll never live this down.”
-------------------------------------------------------When stray kids were invited to do the famous lie detector test, Hyunjin thought it would be fun and interesting. He definitely didn't think it would end like it did.
"And lastly we have a question for our Hyunjin! Do you actually hate it when we give you physical touch?" Chan read up the last question from the little cards he had.
Hyunjin looked confused. "I mean, what kind of physical touch?"
"Just like, when we hug you I guess." Chan shrugged.
"Or I hold your hand randomly." Felix suggested.
"Or when I just stick to you~" Changbin joined in.
"Or when I hold you down and tickle you." Lee know shrugged, trying to bite back a smirk.
Hyunjin froze, he was hoping somone else will jump in now. He almost sighed in relief when Han opened his mouth, until-
"Wait that one is actually interesting."
Oh good god.
"Uhm... which one?" please not minho's. Please not minho's. Please not minh-
"Minho hyung's."
The members all looked at Hyunjin in anticipation,  and so he had no choice but to answer the question...
"I- uhm... no, i- I hate it." Hyunjin crossed his arms protectively,  trying to cheat the lie detector by attempting to trick his brain. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.
"Lie." The guy checking his results (no idea what to call him.) Yelled out.
All the members were clapping and cooing excitedly. Hyunjin looked down shyly, hiding his face in his hands. When he felt brave enough, Hyunjin took one look at Lee know and then looked away again when he found the older one smirking at him.
The members finished off the interview by saying their goodbyes getting up and getting ready to leave. Hyunjin was still extremely embarrassed,  now not only his memebrs would know, but so would the entire world in just a few hours! It didn't really help when Han came up to him.
With a laugh, the younger boy said. “You’ll never live this down.”
Hyunjin growled something back at him and left with the rest of the members, making sure to sit as far away from the members (especially lee know) as he could when they entered the van driving them home.
Lee know noticed how hard Hyunjin was trying to avoid him, but only smiled at the effort, knowing he'll find the right time to torture Hyunjin with this new found information.
As the boys got back to the dorm Hyunjin was the first to leave the van, and the first to go into the dorm. He went to his room and closed the door, laying down on his bed, face burried in his pillows. The other members went to shower, eat, or just straight up crashed on their beds.
After a while of being alone in his room, Hyunjin heard a knock on the door. 'Here we go...'  He thought.
"Yah, it's me. Open up!"
Of course it had to be Lee know. "What do you want?"
"Just let me in!"
Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "The door is open."
Lee know threw the door open and walked over to Hyunjin's bed. He saw the boy sitting with his face burried in the pillows and sat right next to him on the bed.
"Oh come on, don't be so dramatic."
"I'm not!" Hyunjin complained.
"Oh of course you're not, my bad." Lee know teased, frowning when Hyunjin didn't even chuckle. "Hyunjin."
No answer.
"HYUNJIN!" Lee know yelled with a poke to the younger boy's side.
A flinch.
"Ah, so you are alive after all. I was really starting to doubt that." Hyunjin kept throwing random pokes while speaking.
"H-hey! Sthahap..." Hyunjin broke into giggles.
"Are you mad?" Lee know questioned.
"I dohohont knhohow..." And it was true. Hyunjin was still trying to figure that out for himself.
"You don't know? Maybe I should help you understand what happened today better. See..." Lee know flipped Hyunjin around so that he lays on his back, and then brought his arms up next to his head. Telling him to keep them up only using his eyes. Lee know then lifted Hyunjin's shirt a bit, tracing slow circles around his belly button, the circles getting smaller and smaller. "By telling us how you feel today... now we all know that you like it, and we won't be afraid to do it to you even more than we already do~"
Hyunjin blushed. That did sound awsome, and also extremely terrifying. "But it's not just you guys! It's also stays... and everyone else, they will think it's so weird... and so do you guys..."
Lee know rolled his eyes. "Will you stop that? I can promise you nobody thinks its weird. Its adorable." He shrugged, starting on his circles again after hearing what Hyunjin had to say, causing the younger to jumped and almost bring his hands down.
"Dohohont- sthahap lyhihing!" Hyunjin fought himself to keep his hands up.
"I'm not lying! And also, you know you're happy it's out!"
It was as if Lee know could read his mind. "Ihihm nohohot!"
"Are too~" Lee know dipped his finger into Hyunjin's belly button,  causing the other to squeal and put his hands over Lee know's as an instinct.
Lee know glared at him. "You being those arms down one more time, see what happens."
Hyunjin was laughing too hard to even answer, as Lee know was now kneading his sides.
"STAHAHAP!" Or don't Hyunjin begged.
"I'll stop when you admit you're happy your secret is out."
"I DOHOHONT LIHEHE" more like, 'I don't want you to stop.'
Lee know chuckled. "Your choice." He started going around Hyunjin's neck and ears lightly, causing cute hiccups and giggles from the younger boy.
"I caahhant!"
"Oh have some faith in yourself. You can do anything." Lee know encouraged as he moved down to Hyunjin's hips, getting bored of playing nice.
"G- GAHAHAHAHAHAH! NOOOOOOHOHOHO" Hyunjin brought his arms down, shrieking in surprise when Lee know immediately brought them up again quickly, then repositioned himself so that he was now sitting on Hyunjin's wrists.
“come on, quit being stubborn and admit it!” Lee know laughed along with him.
Hyunjin let out a particularly cute squeal when Lee know dug into his armpits. "NAHAHAHAHA"
"You're so adorable!" Lee know grinned.
Hyunjin turned as red a tomato. "THHIHIHIS IS WEHIHRD"
"aww, you're blushing!" Lee know giggled, then turned serious. "This is not weird. I'm telling you Hyunjin, we all think it's adorable."
"YOUHU- LIAR!" Hyunjin accused.
Lee know rolled his eyes again. "Just listen to me for a second, but prepare yourself because it's gonna be sappy. We all love you anyways Hyunjin, and we couldn't find this weird even if we tried. The same thing about our fan's and everyone else you're worried about. This really isn't such a big deal."
"HAHAHAHAHAHAH" Was Hyunjin's answer.
“can you stop laughing? i’m trying to talk to you. how rude!” Lee know scolded, shaking his hands into Hyunjin' ribs.
"IHIHIM SOHOHORRY!!!" The boy was in hysterics.
"That's not what u want to hear~" The older taunted.
"Really? So glad to hear that! Why are you happy?" Lee know brought one hand all the way down to Hyunjin's thigh, the other managing to stay on his ribs. All the while still sitting behind Hyunjin' head.
Lee know stopped his torture and moved up to awkwardly pet Hyunjin's hair. "Are you okay?"
Hyunjin looked away. "More than okay..."
Lee know smiled, pulling out his phone to look at when ot kept vibrating with notifications. His smile only widened as he kept scrolling on his phone.
"What?" Hyunjin asked curiositly.
Lee know turned the phone down to where Hyunjin was still laying and kept scrolling down. "The video just came out, look at the comments."
'Best part of the video is Hyunjin liking physical touch. He's so 😫'
'just when you think Hyunjin couldn't get any more adorable...'
'The glances between Lee know and Hyunjin, I just know Feret boy got wrecked when they got home 😭💚'
The comments just kept going, Hyunjin smile turned into a grin as he kept reading through them. When he was finally done he turned the phone back to Lee know. "Maybe it is okay."
"Of course it is." Lee know huffed and ruffled Hyunjin's hair affectionately.
Just then, the door opened up to reveal all the other members, who looked as shocked as Lee know and Hyunjin.
"Felix you were supposed to hold the door closed!" Seungmin scolded.
"It wasn't me! Jeongin slipped!" Felix pointed at I.N, who growled.
"Oh right. Blame the youngest! So fair!"
As they all continued to argue, Hyunjin cleared his throat loudly, making them all turn around to him. "Right... what are you all doing here?"
"We came to see if you were okay because you were quiet on the rode home, but then we heard you laughing and we heard Lee know hyung's voice. So we just decided to wait so we can also come be with you." Felix explained as he ran up to hug Hyunjin. The other members following closely, pulling the two boy's into a group hug on the bed.
"You know we don't think it's weird at all, right?" Chan made sure.
"Yeah... thank you." Hyunjin nodded.
"Of course. It's really not a big deal, okay?" Changbin nodded back.
"Yeah I see that now." Hyunjin replied,  melting to the feeling of the group hug.
"Should we stay like that-" felix started.
"No." Lee know cut him off, leaving the hug.
"Get back in there." Han commanded. "You love physical touch just as much as Hyunjin does."
"HANNIE!" talk about betrayal.
All heads slowly turned to look at Lee know.
"Ohhh... you guys didn't know? Lee know lovesss tickles..."
Hyunjin raised his eyebrows at Lee know. " I did wonder why you brought it up in the first place..."
Lee know crossed his arms, deciding to just accept his fate.
"Say Hyunjin... how would you feel about some revenge?" Chan questioned.
"Why I would love that!" Hyunjin answered excitedly.
And there they go right back to where they started...
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nejigirl5 · 2 years
|Halloween! HCs | - Konoha Boys Edition
Since I couldn't finish the Kankuro piece (I severely underestimated the amount of time I would have today)... I figured I would write some headcanons about the holiday!
[]Neji Hyuga []Sai []Shino Aburame []Choji Akimichi [] x GN! (You) Reader
Prompt: You ask him to enter a couples costume contest with you.
(Alternates from Modern AU to Naruto Universe)
A/N: I was going to do something a lot more complex and long for this, but I really loved the plots so I will just save them for next year and write full length pieces.
Neji Hyuga:
You want HIM to enter a contest with you? Absolutely not.
Unless you really, really, really want him too... Maybe he'll make an exception. You never really know with this guy.
Of course he envisions something with some level of class, possibly inspired by European fashion in the 1700s or something.
But when you suggest your own idea... a feeling of regret already washes over him.
Two peas in a pod? Wearing full, head to toe green... He just can't.
"Apologies, Y/n... I just doubt that even we could pull it off." Truth be told, when you made him try the outfit, he really did want to pull it off. In the literal sense.
"Hyuga's should display class, Y/n. Really, I must insist we refrain from participating in this event. Unless... you want to get a different partner, that is." He smirked, knowing full well that you would never. He is your husband, after all.
You realize it really might be for the best, and why wear costumes when you could just sit at home and watch movies? A place where the world wouldn't be watching and he could be himself.
If it's something that you want to do, he's immediately in. No matter how stupid he looks in the costume.
Actually he's rather a fashion critique himself, and had many interesting comments to give to the other couples. "A fisherman and his catch of the day? Do you want to brutally murder her for profit? Nonsensical."
"You don't want to win first place?" He kind of goes overboard, almost forgetting about you with his preparations. "So I was thinking... we should do a dance. Something that symbolizes a bee flying around a flower and collecting its nectar?" You two might have to enroll in an interpretive dance class afterwards.
After being near you for so long, it was easy to tell if you were bothered by anything. "Y/n... you seem distant. Is there something wrong?" He asked, though usually quite emotionless in public, around others.
"I just thought this would be more of a fun activity for us... not a huge competition." He seemed to get the hint.
In the end you both enjoy it, regardless of if you win or lose.
Choji Akimichi:
When you brought it up over dinner one night, it seemed you both saw the same poster hanging up at Ichiraku. He was going to ask you as well.
His love of potato chips has never faded since he was a child, so it wasn't much of a surprise when he brought them up as a costume idea. And asked if you could pick some up from the store for 'research purposes'.
It turned out to be quite a cute costume, and with Choji's pure passion being shown for the design, you obviously won. Whether said passion was for you or for the chips, no one will really know. "I mean... why can't it be both?".
"I really didn't think we would win against Kiba and Akamaru... It must've been pretty good luck." He smiled greatly, looking at the trophy in your hand. "They were disqualified! Akamaru wasn't even wearing a costume." You frowned at him. "Well everyone loves dogs!" He chuckled, walking into the kitchen.
It was somewhat refreshing to see a new trophy after so many from food eating competitions. "It really is good to mix it up a little..." You muttered, setting it down on the mantle.
Shino Aburame:
"It's a contest?" He asked, shifting his gaze from the flyer to you. "Yes! Isn't it wonderful? All the other couples are going..." You added, trying to be convincing, though to no avail. "And... it will be a great way to spread the word about insect awareness, being filmed and shown on television." He breathed in loudly, contemplating his predicament. "Fine... for the insects."
The next week was spent painting the large shells that would go on your backs. He made a dark, monochromatic one, made to look like his own.
"Too bad we lost." He laughed, surprising you. Your husband never laughed. "Are you feeling alright, Shino?" You asked, resting your hand on his forehead to feel his temperature. "It was... more fun than I was expecting. It was nice to spend some time with you." You looked away with a slight blush covering your face. "I don't say this nearly enough, but I love you Y/n." You both smiled at the sentiment.
Little did he know, that little conversation was also broadcast live on TV. "I didn't know Shino had such a soft side..." Hinata mumbled, a mix of confusion and fear coating her face as she sat on the couch. She could almost hear the loud bursts of laughter that came from Kiba blocks away.
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soft-bellied-tannies · 9 months
Chubtober Day 3
Today’s Chubtober prompt comes from @softievante’s ten day list! Day 3 is mutual gaining so enjoy this not so little draft of a Sopemin idea that I love.
Chubby feedee Yoongi asked his dom feeder Jimin to do a switch-style role-play session where Yoongi feeds Jimin instead. While he was hesitant, Jimin also agreed that it would be fun to try so he allowed Yoongi to plan the entire night.
Yoongi ended up getting all of Jimin’s favorite foods and they were both impressed by the amount Jimin was able to eat, considering his typical small appetite.
Jimin had never been overly strict with his diet, but he was intentional with his food choices. He rarely ate more than regular meals and wasn’t one to indulge in snacks or sweets unless he was a little stressed or Yoongi offered to share with him.
Jimin would also admit how nice it was to let Yoongi feed and praise him for an entire evening which was a surprise since Jimin was quite vocal about how much he liked being in control.
After the “scene” was finished, Yoongi was doing aftercare, and Jimin said, “You know, I get it, this feels really good”.
Yoongi asked if Jimin would want to do it again sometime, to which Jimin said maybe, taking time to think about it.
That response was enough for Yoongi, who figured that Jimin would have safeworded out the scene before they could finish - he was happy to have gotten such a positive response at all.
A month later, Jimin could not hold out any longer and asked for a repeat of that night. He was nervous to approach the topic with Yoongi, thinking it was wrong to shift the dynamic away from how well it worked now.
Much to Jimin’s surprise, Yoongi was completely on board - telling Jimin he had a great time with their roleplay attempt too. He also expressed how sometimes it’s nice to share a big meal with Jimin rather than eat it all by himself.
It slowly became a pattern that Yoongi would feed Jimin maybe once a month when he finally spoke up about it.
Then, once a month became a few times a month until Jimin decided that they should both eat together on Saturday nights, their chosen night to always plan a big meal for Yoongi.
Jimin started taking bites from what he fed Yoongi, needing to order more than their already large typical orders.
Jimin started to gain here and there, slow progress considering his intake was still much smaller than Yoongi’s but much more than his previous eating habits.
As his gain becomes a little more noticeable, Yoongi starts referring to Jimin as his chubby feeder or his soft boyfriend which has Jimin flustered and shy but happier than he ever expected at the same time.
Once they realize that they may be missing out on both reaching their limit, one always sacrificing to take the other farther, they discuss adding a third.
It was an easier discussion as they had already discussed polyamory in the past and their close friend, Hoseok, had always been the one on their radar to ask.
Hoseok was aware of their relationship dynamics and had even taught Jimin a few things about being a dom since Hoseok was previously a member of a well-known BDSM club.
Hoseok immediately agrees to at least enter the relationship as a stand-in dom on the nights that Jimin wants to fully participate along with Yoongi.
They tried a full session together without Jimin having to maintain feeder responsibilities and Hoseok in full control. It was obvious after one night that Hoseok was the perfect third, all three enjoying themselves more than ever.
After that night and asking Hoseok to fully join their relationship, Jimin fully becomes a switch and finds himself eating more which then leads to filling out more.
He never wanted to give up those nights when he took control because Jimin loved his dynamic with Yoongi, but he would admit that getting to give up all responsibility and let Hoseok feed him was just as fun.
Hoseok became the perfect encourager to both of them - Yoongi wanted a rough dom who pushed his limits, while Jimin needed gentle praise and soft encouragement.
Yoongi and Jimin also took turns encouraging each other while Hoseok maintained both roles perfectly.
Jimin had more limits and needed recovery periods, while Yoongi was all in most of the time, but neither ever wanted to disappoint Hoseok. He could be intimate yet demanding, but he also gave them perfect aftercare and knew all of their limits.
Jimin continued gaining but never got close to Yoongi’s impressive gain that had started nearly two years before he even brought up the idea of Jimin eating instead.
The more progressive gain and switching roles allowed Jimin to be more intentional with his gain while Yoongi ate what they put in front of him, unbothered by how much or where he continued gaining weight.
Eventually, Yoongi tried the same thing with Hobi, asking for a switch scene, which Hobi turned down, saying it was not for him and that he was strictly a feeder.
Yoongi smirked and gestured to Jimin, who was eating out the tub of cheese balls in his lap with a shirt that hugged his little potbelly and said, “Yeah, Minnie said the same thing in the beginning, babe. We’ll see about that.”
Hoseok kept thinking about Yoongi’s words and would look back on pictures of boyfriends in college, realizing how much bigger both of them are now.
It was always so shocking to him to see how much smaller both used to be, especially Jimin who looked absolutely tiny in his early college years.
Hoseok finally asked Jimin about it, wanting to know what changed his entire personal dynamic with gaining, and was shocked by Jimin’s simple answer.
“Yoonie wanted to try it, so I said yes, and it felt great, so I wanted to try again. Now we’re here.”
Hoseok then asked Jimin if he was happy about the choice to give in or even happy about the relationship as a whole, always wondering if Jimin ever felt coerced. Jimin was almost confused by Hoseok’s questions before giving his response.
“Hobi, of course, I’m happy. I love you both, and I get to have all the parts I enjoy now. I love the experience of being a dom and I get to have that with Yoongi. I have realized that I also love giving over my control sometimes and I get to have that with you. Also, I love food and I mean, I think it’s obvious I love being praised, so…it’s honestly perfect.”
After hearing Jimin answer it so easily, Hobi finally decides to give it a try. Yoongi and Jimin made him promise to be honest after the experience, even taking time to think it over if he needed to. They tried it out and Hoseok did take the time they gave him to think it over and found that it just wasn’t for him.
He didn’t enjoy it nearly as much as Jimin to start gaining regularly or become a switch, and he honestly couldn’t comprehend Yoongi’s ability to just completely give up all control, but Hoseok did relax his eating habits after and stopped fixating as much on his intentional diet, recognizing that Jimin was completely right in his point to actually start enjoying his food.
Those choices would lead to small weight gain, but nothing close to his actively gaining partners.
A trickle-down of clothes would happen over time throughout this journey of mutual gain. Yoongi would have always given Jimin clothes that he grew out of that were too big on Jimin.
Once he starts gaining too, Jimin would have old clothes to give to Hoseok. It would eventually reach a point where Jimin would give Hoseok shirts that were getting a little too small on him that once belonged to Yoongi.
Jimin and Hoseok would have much different transitions in their food acceptance. Jimin would obviously have insecurities, but he also was the one more into it.
He understood and experienced the enjoyment of it outweighing the shame - cherishing the fact that he had the support and love of his partners to pursue something he was once adamantly against.
Hoseok’s gain would be small in the big picture, but still more than he ever expected himself to gain - relationship weight or otherwise. He would have hardcore denial, saying he was bloated until Yoongi called him out on it.
Jimin and Yoongi would be adamant that it was natural and attractive, that they loved everything about him, and that the concept of their dynamic was an obvious factor in gaining weight unintentionally.
Once the acceptance came for Hoseok, he would be much more vocal about his own gain. He would express his jealousy of Jimin’s ass, having the complete opposite body type to his other boyfriend, and discuss his appreciation for Yoongi’s pride and confidence in his own body and desires.
Yoongi never would have imagined that a single ask for a silly role reversal between him and Jimin would lead to the best possible relationship he could have dreamt up.
The happiness that had come from their one decision brought them a new dynamic, a beloved partner, and a lot of weight between all three of them.
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tessa-liam · 2 years
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All is Fair in Love & War
Book: TRR, The Royal Heir Book 2 AU 
Summary: The King and Queen of Cordonia VS The King and Queen of Auvernal, battle for dominance in Tango 
Song Inspiration: King of My Heart, T. Swift 
Video Inspiration: Tango for Two, L. Tarantino & G. Cocomero 
Visual Commission: Liam & Riley @artbyainna 
Dance Tutorial: Argentine Tango by Diego Blanco & Ana Padron 
Pairing: Liam Rys x F!MC Riley Brooks-Rys, OTP (LiRi) 
All characters belong to Pixelberry, except Daniella, who belongs to me. 
A/N1: This is my submission for week #8 @choicesflashfics, Prompt #3 “I’ve never done something like this before.” 
A/N2: This story has not been Beta'd, please excuse all errors. 
Rating: A, 18+, adult conversation 
Word Count: 1663 
Riley's POV 
As Dr. Ramirez gently places the baby on my chest, I am overwhelmed with emotion, at finally holding our beautiful baby. Gazing upon her for the very first time, I forget about all the pains of childbirth and all the fears I had dissipated. 
“She’s perfect, Riley.” Liam says with tears in his eyes. 
“I can’t believe that just happened! This moment...It’s just so amazing. I’m just so happy to be here with you right now...and with our baby!” Riley tearfully confesses. 
“A little girl...It’s been a long time since we had a princess running around the palace. I’m going to give you the world, my little princess.” Liam emotionally whispers to Eleanor, taking Riley’s hand in his. 
Liam’s POV 
It feels like yesterday since our baby was born. From that birthday on my primary focus is, and always will be, Riley and my children. 
Their happiness and security are my highest duty; as a husband, as a father and as the King of Cordonia. 
 I refuse to waste my time dwelling on the problems with Auvernal.  Their attempts at coercion to force a betrothal will not succeed. Thus, I delegated the mundane task of dealing with those issues to my Royal Council. 
It’s Monday morning, and I have my usual morning conference with my advisers scheduled to begin in 20 minutes. 
While taking a sip of my coffee, I touch Riley’s number on my cell, knowing that she is in the palace gymnasium. 
“Hi Liam, how is everything?” Riley answers breathlessly on speaker. 
“Riley, you're not overdoing it with these exercises, are you?” 
Maxwell interrupts by saying, “Li, don’t worry, we are fusing dance with the exercises. I will make sure it’s a relaxing and fun experience.” 
“Thank you, Max. I’ll hold you to it. Riley, I will come down after my meeting to take you to lunch.” 
The call is interrupted by a knock on the door, and Liam ends the call and directs his advisors to enter. 
“Your majesty, good morning.” Rashad, Olivia, Bertrand, Kiara, Hana, Drake and Bastien step into his office, each taking seats at the boardroom table. 
Rashad, acting as Liam’s chief legal counsel, begins the meeting with an overview of the challenges caused by the Auvernese leaders.  
After listening intently to each presentation by each council member, Liam states, “whatever actions we decide upon today, always remember, to keep your friends close, your enemies closer.” 
Liam goes on, “One of the greatest books on war strategies, was written by Sun-tzu, a Chinese general and military strategist, ‘The Art of War’. This dispute is not about military force; it is psychological warfare.  
At the end of the productive meeting, a practical action plan was devised. Liam left the meeting with the direction for the council to plan the implementation. 
Riley and Maxwell had finished their workout and were chatting and enjoying a light snack of fresh fruit and infused water on the patio outside the gym. 
Feeling energized, Riley spotted Liam walking towards her carrying Eleanor in his arms and got up to dance her way to him. 
Liam burst into laughter watching his wife sashay towards him. 
“Hello, my love,” Liam bends down to reward his wife with a kiss. I see all this exercise hasn’t worn you out.” 
“Never! Max is teaching me how to tango,” Riley animatedly exclaims while gently lifting Ellie from Liam’s arms. 
“I wouldn’t say I am an expert...but...tango dancing is a great cardio workout and body toner,” Maxwell states. 
Liam nods in agreement, “tango is a ballroom dance. I learned the Argentine tango as part of my Royal training, as a matter of fact. 
I will arrange for that instructor to join the two of you tomorrow morning. 
...and I will join you as well.” 
“Really? You will work out with us tomorrow?” 
Liam wrapped his arm around Riley, “let’s go for lunch. Max, you are more than welcome to join us.” 
“I have an idea that I want to run past you, Riley.” Liam sits back on his chair at the dining table, cradling Ellie at lunch. 
“...and you as well, Max.” 
Riley smiles, “you’ve got my attention.” 
“Mine as well,” Maxwell responds. 
Liam moves the baby to rest on his chest, holding her close with one hand. 
“How would you feel about dancing with me at the military charity ball being held in Auvernal later this month? An Argentine tango?” 
Riley’s expression turns inquisitive.  
“I’ve never done something like this before.” 
Maxwell smiles wide and exclaims musically, “that would be awesome! You are so ready to handle this, little blossom. And with Liam leading you? Wow, this will be epic!” 
In the royal gymnasium the next morning, Liam and Riley arrive early to warm up for their first joint dance lesson. 
As the dance instructor enters, followed by Maxwell, 
Liam teasingly calls to Riley, “Okay, your majesty, get into position.” 
“You are so bossy this morning!” Riley saucily responds back, bending down to adjust her shoe strap. 
Liam smirks, tempted to smack her behind, but he has to show decorum. They were in public. So, instead he murmurs in her ear, “just wait till later!” 
Riley stands and straightens, standing beside her husband. Her smirk quickly changing into a smile as they stepped forward to greet their instructor. 
After pleasantries are exchanged, Daniella, the instructor begins, 
“The Argentine tango is a passionate ballroom dance that is great for expressing love between two partners.” 
Riley bashfully smiles lowering her gaze to the floor. Liam gives her hand a squeeze, winking at her when she looks up at him. 
“Tango dancing involves quick, graceful, and playful movements with plenty of room for improvisation. These fun moves create a simple, yet elegant dance that consists of eight steps taken across eight counts.” 
Daniella turns to Maxwell, “we will partner to demonstrate each step.” The grin that formed on Maxwell’s face was enormous.  
“The tango is a fairly straightforward walking dance that just requires precise footwork. It is relatively easy to perform once you master the eight basic steps and understand how the count works.” 
These dance lessons continued daily for the next 3 weeks. 
Military Charity Ball, Auvernese Royal Palace, Auvernal 
Arriving at the palace in Auvernal, Liam and Riley, along with their Royal council, are ushered to the ballroom. 
Rashad, Bertrand, Kiara and Hana enter the ballroom, while Isabella and Bradshaw meet with Liam and Riley before being heralded into the Ball. 
Olivia, Drake and Bastien stealthily went up the stairs to meet with their contacts on the viewing balcony above the ballroom. Leo stood with Queen Amalas with wide grins as they held up the folder with the birth records for the twins 
As Liam and Riley were learning the tango, the Royal council learned that the children claimed to be royal blood by the King and Queen of Auvernal were illegitimate. Bradshaw’s lover was pregnant with twins. Isabella needed an heir, arranging for the affair to continue if she could falsely claim parentage. Since Leo was courting Queen Amalas in Monterisso, he volunteered to bring the proof with him to the ball, along with Amalas. 
“King Liam and Queen Riley, welcome to our beautiful country,” Bradshaw pretentiously croons. 
Isabella meanwhile studies her queen rival with a jealous eye. 
Riley, after all the dance practices over the past three weeks, was down to her pre-baby weight with added curves that Liam adored. Her shimmering gold cocktail dress hugged her curves perfectly. 
Her dress didn’t go unnoticed by Bradshaw and noticing his lustful gaze, Isabella was shooting seething glares at him. 
Liam’s facial expression remained neutral as he took notice of the unwelcome gawking by his rival towards his wife. He does, however, protectively wrap his arm around Riley snugly, barely keeping the distance required for proper decorum. 
“Yes, thank you for hosting this charity event.  I am sure the military paraphernalia will be well received,” he conceals his contempt for the pair knowing that they now have legal documentation that annuls the betrothal agreement. 
As the evening moves forward, the orchestra begins the first notes of the Argentine tango.  
“Are you ready for this?” Liam questions Riley. “Oh yes, let's bring it on.” Riley answers enthusiastically. 
Liam leads her to center of the dance floor, and once there, he moves his body close to Riley. He extends his left hand forward to capture Riley’s upward flexed right hand. Liam places his right hand on Riley’s back moving her flush to him. Riley places her left hand on Liam’s shoulder. 
Liam nods to the maestro to begin the music, and he takes the first step of the tango. 
All the practice they had dancing allowed them to perform the steps flawlessly. They ended the dance provocatively as she ran her leg up the side of Liam’s leg to his waist. Riley then wrapped her hand around his neck and Liam returned her affection with a passionate kiss. 
The applause was deafening, as they bowed to the audience. 
Isabella was livid. As she began her dance with Bradshaw, she angrily moved around the ballroom like a ‘bull in a China shop’. Bradshaw looked so uncomfortable and he stopped dancing. 
Kiara and Hana, watching them, couldn’t believe the spectacle they were witnessing. Rashad and Bertrand and members of the Cordonian Royal guard encircled Liam and Riley, as Bradshaw and Isabella stormed out of the ballroom. Olivia, Drake, Leo and Amalas intercepted them to confront them. 
 Returning back to Cordonia at once after the ball ended abruptly, Liam glances down to Ellie sleeping peacefully and securely in her crib. Riley wraps her arms around him and smiles down at their baby, knowing that all is good in their kingdom. 
@txemrn @bebepac @ao719 @peonierose @phoenixrising0308 @queenmiarys @karahalloway @twinkleallnight @703cowbarn @mom2000aggie @malblk21 @queenrileyrose @indiana-jr @winkyluxhumanoid @rubiwalker @harleybeaumont @kingliam2019 @marietrinmimi @imashybish @angelasscribbles @isha26 @sfb123 @tinkie1973 @belencha77 @honey358luv @jared2612 @urfaveaesthetic101 @xpandass420x @kyra75 @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed.
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lilyoffandoms · 1 year
WTD Drabble - Troy x Saeed
For @moodmusicmonday’s Luck of the Draw. My draw was Because You Loved Me by Celine Dion.
Warnings & A/N: Didn’t got too literal with this song prompt but love the idea that my Saeed would find stupid and not so stupid things for Troy when out scouting because gift giving is his love language and he would definitely want to do this because Troy surprisingly chooses to love him each and every day. Anyway, I’ve not finished WTD yet as I just picked it up again and I’m only on chapter six, so forgive any errors in canon compliance.
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He looked out over the gardens, thriving in the late summer light, and counted the garden gnomes that dotted the rows of vegetables. Silly little things that brought a smile to his face each time he discovered a new one.
It had been a joke between them at first. Saeed asking Troy about them when he saw a faded and torn ad for them in an old gardening magazine. And Troy telling a story with a fond smile on his face about his neighbor maybe having some from back before. Slowly, week by week, and month by month Saeed found new ones to joined the ranks among their garden at Olympus.
Anything to see you smile, Saeed had said to Troy.
He glanced at the book in his hands, flipping it over and chuckling at the cover. A cheesy sci-fi series that was missing books two and five with the most gaudy cover on it that looked little like what the pages contained, but that he enjoyed nevertheless.
Book one had been his father’s from before the end of the world. It was the only thing he had of his family any longer. Books three, four, six, and seven were lined up in the bookshelves of their bedroom.
A fond chuckle escaped him as he thought about the little inscription Saeed had placed in each and everyone them upon giving them to Troy.
Anything to see you smile, Saeed had said.
So many little gifts that meant so much to Troy. If they talked about something from back then, Saeed made sure to find it or at least have one of the other scavenger teams keep a look out for it.
Hand held video games that didn’t work anymore, and he would never be able to play but in his imagination as he mimicked what he had read they sounded like. A fun game of make believe. Fashion magazines that meant little to him, but whose glossy pictures of people in absurd clothing and ridiculous looking hair and makeup in the most unnatural of colors, fascinated him. Comic books, crosswords, word searches that once would have been used to pass the time on road trips now found their place in a large basket in the corner of their room for this lazy rainy nights spent before the fire.
What must the world have been like back then? they would always ask each other and imagine.
Rather dull without your smile, Saeed always concluded.
The sun dipped below the tree line as he looked out at the perimeter patrols, barely visible in the growing dark.
They should have been back by now, he worried the corner of his lip. His mind wandered to places he knew he shouldn’t let it. But the past always seems to come haunt you in those moments of weakness. He didn’t understand why Saeed was insisting on going along on more of those scavenger excursions and that too worried him.
He shook his head free of those nightmares and climbed into bed with his book, reading until the light faded along with the words.
It was later than they had planned on returning but the chance for those farm tools had been worth the risk, Saeed sighed as he entered the still room.
He took the book from Troy’s hands and set it on the nightstand and pulling another two from his pack, placed them atop his father’s copy. He climbed into their bed, lying on his side, head resting on his arm, as close as he could get without jostling Troy so he could watch him sleeping.
Softly he caressed one of his exposed shoulders, tracing random curves on Troy’s skin in a gentle attempt to let him know he was back.
“You’re late,” Troy mumbled.
“Yeah,” Saeed smiled. “Took a bit of a detour on the way back from the city, but it was worth it.”
Troy opened his eyes.
“And before you ask, yes, everyone is safe and sound back here.”
“Good,” Troy replied with a yawn. “What was so important?”
“Farm equipment we can put to use. Some spare parts. Good stuff. Now go back to sleep,” he whispered and placed a soft kiss to Troy’s head.
“Did you get everything we needed from the city?”
It had been a dangerous trip venturing into territory that was as infested as cities tended to be, but the supply list was desperately needed.
“Yeah, we did. Even got a surprise for you too,” Saeed grinned.
“You need to stop risking that,” Troy scolded but smiled at the possibilities.
“Never!” Saeed scoffed. “It’s worth it to see you smile.”
“Don’t be stupid. My smile isn’t that great,” Troy said and flashed him a devastatingly perfect smile.
“Don’t give me that. You know exactly what that smile does to me. And you know I can’t actually see you smiling right now, right?” Saeed laughed.
“Ah but I know you are remembering just how perfect a smile it is,” Troy said and Saeed could hear the pleased smirk.
“Go to sleep.”
“Only if you give me a kiss,” Troy said.
After fumbling and laughing in their blind attempts to find the others lips, they settled into each others arms. Saeed listening to Troy’s even breaths as he feel back to sleep.
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t risk for you,” he whispered.
All Choices Tag: @storyofmychoices @peonierose @aallotarenunelma @inlocusmads
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wandering-words · 1 year
prompt 36 for avanine :)
(I've learned from writing a few scenes that full-on smut isn't really my thing, but I hope you enjoy what I did come up with!)
36 - giggling during sex
Janine’s relationship with Ava came completely out of nowhere. 
After breaking up with Tariq, Janine had been feeling tears prick at the corners of her eyes all day. That night, hating to see her friend under such stress, Erika had dragged Janine to the club to have some fun. 
By “fun,” it ended with Erika re-seducing her ex and Janine nursing a screwdriver at the bar, an uncomfortable feeling pooling in her stomach that felt a lot like failure. Not even the tang of the orange juice and the slight burn of the vodka could coax the feeling brewing in her body. 
Of course, with Janine’s luck, she felt a presence next to her and felt a waft of Fenty perfume enter her nose. Janine wanted to sink further into her chair, sink so far that she disappeared. She knew it was Ava without having to turn to her. 
The last thing she expected was for both of them to get so drunk that they slept together. 
Janine only remembered very specific flashes of that night, a night which impacted more than she was willing to admit. 
The tightness of Ava’s fingers gripping her waist, Ava’s warm, alcohol-soaked breath as she whispered in Janine’s ear, the way they fumbled, getting each other’s clothes off as quickly as they could, the way Janine… giggled? 
Janine hadn’t been vocal in her sexual relationship with Tariq at all. She felt like a vessel for his pleasure, never as someone with wants, needs, desires, or anything. She wished he’d communicated more, that she felt more than the uncomfortable, sweaty warmth of his skin and heard more than his breath on her skin as he panted against her. 
She was embarrassed of the giggle, even in her intoxicated state, but Ava had shushed her with a soft kiss to the shorter woman’s lips. 
“No need to be embarrassed,” Ava murmured, placing another kiss at the hollow of Janine’s throat before sucking on the skin lightly. “It’s cute.” 
Ava’s hands on Janine weren’t possessive, weren’t hard and rough, they were soft, mapping out Janine’s skin and leaving trails of fire in their wake. When she reached the apex of Janine’s thighs, looking up at Janine through her lashes, Janine giggled again, not realizing how nervous she was until Ava kissed the soft skin of Janine’s inner thigh. 
Then Ava proceeded to give Janine one of the best nights of her life. 
Janine wished she remembered more of that night. Sometimes those same flashes of those memories came to her in dreams, leaving her feeling desperately unfulfilled in the morning, but Janine still didn’t remember much of the night at all. 
All she remembered with full clarity was waking up in the morning, seeing her naked body next to Ava’s, and almost having a full-on panic attack. 
Ava looked so peaceful, her hair fanned out on the pillow haphazardly, and Janine realized that the two of them likely passed out right after they’d finished. Janine hadn’t remembered much of their encounter in the early hours of the morning, too focused on the way the sunlight draped itself over Ava’s skin, making it glow almost bronze. 
It also made her horribly insecure, an anxious feeling making its way through her veins and body until Janine started feeling nauseous from the stress. 
Reluctantly, Janine had gotten out of Ava’s bed, feeling the warmth leave almost immediately. Then she’d gone on a search for her clothes, which had been discarded throughout Ava’s house as the night progressed. 
Janine winced as she slipped on her black heels, her feet sore from the night before, before slipping back into the tight black dress Erika had picked out for her. She also checked her phone to see about 20 missed calls and 50 texts from Erika, half apologetic and the other half frantic, wondering where she was. 
“Hi Erika,” Janine said softly, careful not to be too loud and wake the taller woman. She wasn’t sure how Ava would react to seeing Janine in her apartment, and Janine wasn’t willing to take her chances of Ava saying something that was mindlessly cruel or conniving. 
“Janine! Where the hell are you, I’ve been worried sick!” Erika practically shouted, and Janine winced at the loud volume of her friend’s voice, turning down the volume on her phone reflexively. 
“You’re not going to believe where I am right now,” Janine said, grabbing her purse from Ava’s kitchen counter and heading out the door. 
As she talked to Erika, she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. Janine knew she couldn’t avoid Ava forever, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to avoid Ava forever. 
Ava made her feel more comfortable during sex than Janine had ever been, more cared for than Janine had ever been, and she wasn’t going to let it slip away so easily. 
But for now, both of them needed space. 
They always had time to figure it out.
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Imagine Learning to Scuba Dive
“How did it go?” Neal asked as soon as you entered the door. The man’s face was lit up with secondhand excitement, even as he carefully slid his fingers down from the knife and julienned a bell pepper.
“It was great!” You chirped happily, immediately unzipping your windbreaker. Your skintight one-piece bathing suit was still damp against your body, but most of the water had dried out during the commute back home. “Kind of weird, though. But I signed up for the full certification course!”
“That’s great, Y/N,” Neal said, smiling and sweeping his chopped vegetables into a sautee pan. He turned the burner on low and came over to you to wrap his arms around you, not seeming to care that you were still wet with pool water. He very sweetly ducked his head down to press his nose against yours. “My very own sexy mermaid.”
“Oh, no, mermaid swimming is a whole specialty, but I appreciate what you’re going for,” you said, shutting your eyes contently to hold him close. Something was already in the oven, and it smelled tasty – doubly so, because you’d worked up a hell of an appetite. “I wish you could do it with me,” you added wistfully.
Neal nodded, his nose rubbing softly on yours. He was also deeply curious about the underwater world, but scuba diving was simply out of his reach for as long as he was on his anklet. “Me, too. Maybe you can teach me next year,” he agreed teasingly. “Did you learn how to breathe underwater?”
You nodded proudly. It was still saddening to talk about it knowing he couldn’t experience it with you, and you almost wanted to wait until he could. In fact, you’d intended to do exactly that, but Neal had gently pushed you to start now, as you had the desire, the time, and the money to spare. Scuba was an inherently social activity. Although communication underwater was limited, every diver had at least one dive buddy to stay safe in case of an emergency, and instead of buddying up with your partner, you’d have to pair with strangers until he could join you with swimming fins.
Thinking about this took your mind off the question, but Neal prompted you back to it as if to prove he really didn’t mind being left out of this particular adventure. “How deep did you get?”
“Only to the bottom of the pool,” you said, putting a hand above your head and making a grasping motion. “Even standing, I was a few feet under the surface in the deep end, though. You know, they make you learn how to remove your regulator while underwater?” Vehemently, you shook your head. “I needed a couple minutes to build up my nerve.”
The artist’s laugh was light and low. “I bet. I’m glad you had fun.” He gave you a soft kiss right on the forehead. “You know, I did think of a way to share this while you were out.”
“Oh?” You asked curiously, and then excitedly remembered June’s pool. It wasn’t open water, but it would still be fun to play together.
“You could take reference pictures for me.” Neal suggested, grinning at the idea, swaying you a bit as his arms moved a little lower down your sides. “I’ve never drawn any underwater scenes before.”
He didn’t even finish talking before you were nodding eagerly. Why hadn’t that occurred to you? Sure, it was small, but it still included him in your new hobby in some way. “Soon enough you’ll be seeing your references yourself,” you reminded him encouragingly, giving his hips a little squeeze.
“And soon enough, you really will be my sexy mermaid,” Neal replied mischievously. “I really want to see that.”
~~~ ~~~ A/N: My parents started diving last year and have been urging me to try it ever since. I had my first class today! Needless to say, I've been quite distracted by my own excitement.
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Could It Be More?
Writer’s Iron Chef #5 
A/N: After listening to the song for this prompt until I had tears in my eyes, I landed on Frankie (again). This is not exactly how I hoped this would turn out, but I ran with it anyway because that’s what this challenge is all about. This sort of relates to the pieces I’ve already written for Frankie, though it absolutely can be read as a stand alone. *Thank you to @littleferal​ for hosting this event/challenge!!* 
Word Count: 1k 
Warnings: discussion of PTSD, violence, depression, this one is very angsty but with a little twist of hope
Prompt: Devil That I Know by Jacob Banks  “And oh, what a way to die Standing eye to eye, Pretending we’re alive as we grow colder
And oh, the devil that I know, Is better than the devil that I don’t”
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It was supposed to be the golden ticket. The one way trip. The escape rope to pull them out of the sinkhole their lives had become since leaving the service. That one last job that was going to set them up for life. 
And we all fucking bought into it. 
Frankie lifted his beer and took a long pull, letting the cold liquid slide down his throat. He’d lost track of how many he’d drained and how long ago they lost their taste. It didn’t matter. He wasn’t drinking for the flavor, or for fun. He was drinking to forget. To silence the swarm of regrets and doubts and questions. He was drinking to numb his brain - if he could still think, it was a problem. 
Because now that the job was done there was nothing on the horizon to treat as a checkpoint or a goal. No distractions, no imminent danger to escape or mission to complete. It was back to life as he knew it. Only we’re all worse off than we were before. 
He didn’t blame Pope for what happened, though. None of us do. None of them had been doing well before the man’s texts about Lorea and the intel he’d collected. He himself had never come home - and not just in the metaphorical sense, not the way some people say that soldiers never leave the battlefield. He had opted to stay in South America, working on his own to complete missions they’d collectively failed to finish while wearing the stars and stripes on their shoulders. He’d gone radio silent for so long that the rest of the group - though they’d never say it out loud - assumed that he was dead, the jungle claiming another lost soul. 
Tom’s family life had suffered irreparable damage, because he did come home, but he came home different - angry and distant. His marriage ended as a result and his relationship with his daughter turned sour in the aftermath. 
Will was doing his best to put on a face that wasn’t his, giving speeches about how to handle PTSD and life after the service. He had always been good at public speaking, could always command an audience’s attention and convey the points he was meant to. But he didn’t truly believe in the things he said to the rooms full of men and women that he spoke in front of. He hoped he could help others - that maybe there were some vets out there that hadn’t fallen as deep into the funnel as he had. But he still had episodes of panic and rage. He still counted everything he came across and scanned every room he ever entered for exits and determined how he’d dispatch random strangers in the cereal aisle if it came to that. 
And Benny? Benny was never going to make it as a professional fighter. He’d given his prime years to the military, and while he was still young, his training pedigree just couldn’t compete with some of the guys he got into the ring with. He was good enough to score fights on a few cards here and there. Good enough to win a few of them, even. But in the long run all he was ever going to get out of his boxing career was CTE. 
So when they finally heard what their friend - the ghost who came back from the jungle - had to say, it was almost a guarantee that they’d be in. The chance to do something that they excelled at once more, the chance to get back to what they knew they were good at… it was just too appealing to pass up. A shiny lure that they all just had to follow, even though they knew. 
Deep down, they knew that it wouldn’t get them out. It would only pull them further in. 
In the locker room at Benny’s fight. At the bar when they got down to run their recon. In Lorea’s gasoline soaked house. Around the campfire in the mountains. They’d all looked death in the face plenty of times. But those times, they saw it reflected in each other’s faces, and they all dove in together anyway. 
Can’t fucking stay out of it if we tried. He took another long slug of something cold that tickled his brain. None of us wanted out, because none of us knew what to do with ourselves. That’s why we all jumped in so fast.
None of them were going to say no. Even when we all did say no we… He set the empty bottle down and shoved it across the bar. We didn’t mean it. 
Though he’d tried to do the right thing and stay out of it for Ollie’s sake - Tori had completely let him go by then and Frankie knew that she had every right to stop giving him chances - he still let himself get sucked in, dragged down, back to the place he tried to tell himself that he wanted to leave. 
But maybe there's no getting out for some guys. Maybe this is all there is for people like us…. Like me. 
Or like Benny - who went right back to the gym to train for a fight that he would be outmatched in. 
Or Will - who quit the speeches… and retreated even further into his own personal darkness. 
Or Pope - who disappeared again, this time chasing after Yovanna. But Frankie knew he was chasing what the woman knew just as much as he was chasing her. Maybe more so. 
But if that were the case then why did you give him the time of day? If he was a lost cause, why would you be trying to help him find his way? He was too drunk to consider it, and quite honestly he’d been that way for most of the time since they’d been home. But in the back of his mind, in that tiny sober corner that was still trying to get his attention, he couldn’t help but wonder… 
Could it be more? 
Thank you for reading! If you would like to be added to or removed from the taglist, please feel free to let me know or you can fill out the form on my masterlist.  
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oldflyingraven · 2 years
Day 7: The way you shake and shiver
Prompt: Silent panic attack
Grian is reminded of his past
Read it here or on AO3!
The portal to MCC was glittering a welcoming red and gold. Grian was the last of his team to enter through. The lobby greeted him warmly.
“Excited?” False asked.
“Terrified.” Grian responded, laughing nervously.
False laughed as well. “Same thing. Breathe, it’ll be fun!”
Grian nodded. The tournament did seem fun to him. It wasn’t high stakes, the winners would just get a fancy coin they could display. And the sever was safe. Xisuma had promised him that with all his heart before Grian left. Still, he kept his white wings pressed firmly against his back.
“Okay guys! We have about an hour before the event starts. Meet back here in like 45 minutes?” Pearl suggested.
Ren gave her a thumbs up. Grian tentatively agreed with the suggestion as well. After all, He’d never been here! There was so much to explore!
Grian was standing at the slushy stand when he felt the eyes on his back. He whipped around to find Philza looking at him. The look Phil was giving him unnerved him to no end. It reminded him of how Xisuma could look straight through him, or how- nope. Not going down that path.
“Uhm, hi?” Grian greeted him.
“Watcher.” Philza said, bowing his head in a greeting Grian recognised all too well.
His heart sank into his stomach. “Don't-” he swallowed against the rapidly rising panic, “don’t call me that. I’m not- no. Not anymore.”
Understanding seemed to flash over Phil’s face. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to scare you. You’re safe here from them.”
But Grian wasn’t listening anymore. He simply nodded when he thought Phil was finished and then walked away as quickly has he could.
The downside to being in a new area is that you don’t know any of the quiet spots. He wandered around aimlessly trying to find a place to hide. To calm down. His breaths were coming out in fast but quiet bursts. His whole body felt like it was shaking and his heart was trying to escape his chest. How had Philza recognised him? Xisuma had promised that it was safe here! Had he lied? What was Phil’s allegiance? Had he been a Watcher too? Or was he perhaps one of the other powerful beings that stood against the Watchers? Was he neutral? If he was allied to the Watchers or fully against them he would have simply grabbed him right?
“Oh! Hey Grian! I was looking for you. Everyone’s gathering since we’re going to start soon,” False paused, looking at him more intensely for the first time, “Are you alright?”
When had he run into her? It didn’t matter. He couldn’t let her know. Couldn’t possibly explain this to her without revealing himself as the monster he’d been made to be. So he quickly nodded.
False didn’t seem to believe him. But she nodded anyway and held on to his arm. He couldn’t tell if he appreciated her touching him or not. He let himself be dragged over to the staircase. Void, there were so many people around. He was getting dizzy. Ren bounced up to them, but his face fell slightly as soon as he saw Grian. Was it that obvious that he was freaking out? He hated this. He hated losing control over himself.
“Grian, you okay man?” he asked.
Grian nodded. “Yeah. Fine.” he breathed out.
“It’s gonna be okay! We’re going to have fun.” Ren said, trying to be encouraging.
Another nod. He couldn’t find the will to speak again. Digging his nails into his arm helped a little bit. He spotted black wings in the crowd, and moved to stand as far away from him as possible. He could do this. No, he needed to do this. He just needed to stay away from the man who had recognised him. His breathing was still unsteady and he was still shaking. But he had no choice. He just hoped his teammates would see this as him being nervous for the tournament.
Nobody could know. So he needed to do this.
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matsunosan · 2 years
Hi can i request facesitting with Ran?
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A/N: You have no idea what this man DOES TO ME OMG- I had so much fun with this. I hope you enjoy!! Leave more asks in the ask box loves!
Prompt: Facesitting with Ran!
Summary: You weren't exactly a fan of facesitting, anxious that you would hurt Ran in the process. However, after pushing his buttons, you don't have a choice.
WARNINGS: NSFW, facesitting, pet names, literally pure smut
Word Count: 1,140
Y/N = your name
Y/N/N = your nickname
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          The steam from the bathroom slowly crept into your and Ran’s shared bedroom. Your aching body opened the heavy door after a long day at work, deciding to strip yourself of your work clothes and join Ran in his shower for a nice surprise. You quickly unbuttoned your shirt, tossing it to the ground and kicking off your shoes as you made your way to the master bathroom. As you entered, the heat of the steam hit your face. Finally. You desperately wanted to relax, to unwind the tensity of every sore muscle in your body. You took off the last bits of clothing and without a second thought, stepped into the shower. 
          Ran was busy rinsing the soap out of his hair to hear you step in the shower behind him. You took this moment to admire his toned frame. The way that every muscle would flex as he ran his hands through his hair made heat pool down into the depths of your core. You needed him. And you needed him now. Deciding to scare him a bit, you reached a hand out to give Ran’s ass a gentle squeeze as he finished rinsing the suds out of his locks. Ran’s eyes immediately shot open as he whipped around to see who the culprit was. “Jesus Y/N,” he chuckled, letting out a breath. “Don’t scare me like that baby.” You giggled, wrapping your arms around his torso and hugging him close. “I missed you,” you whispered against his skin. “So much.” Ran smiled, knowing that you probably had a rough day at work. He returned the embrace and you took the chance to squeeze at his ass again. “Princess,” Ran used the name to scold you. “If you keep misbehaving, I’ll have to punish you.” So, you squeezed his ass again. 
          Ran told you that your punishment would come after the shower, but it felt like it had already begun. His long fingers traveled swiftly across your body as he washed every inch of your skin delicately. He massaged the knots in your back and shoulders, spending extra time on the spots that made you wince in pain. “My poor baby,” he cooed, hands burning fire through the flesh. “Work’s got you so wound up.” You sighed in response, wishing that the moment would never end. But to your dismay, Ran turned off the shower head once you were clean and stepped out of the shower. He handed you a clean towel to dry yourself off, and as you stepped your way back into the bedroom, he grabbed your wrist. “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked slyly, a mischievous grin on his face. “I was just going to grab something to wear,” you responded, tugging lightly at his grip. Ran tightened his hand around you, “Not so sure about that, doll.” You shot him a bratty look before being tugged into his arms. Ran’s chest was flush against your back as he leaned down to whisper in your ear, “I’m going to make that pretty face of yours beg for mercy.” And he did. 
          Your legs shook nervously as your slick hovered over Ran’s mouth, his hands clasped around your thighs. Ran knew how you felt about facesitting. He fucking knew. You were embarrassed, afraid of losing strength and crushing his handsome face. He would bring it up every now and then, telling you it was a fantasy of his. Ran was desperate to have you sit on his fucking face, and you were always too scared to let it happen. Now, you didn’t have a choice. He told you it was your punishment for misbehaving and you knew what would happen if you disobeyed any further. So here you were, a rambling mess as Ran smiled underneath you, his head resting on a pillow on your shared bed. ‘“R-Ran,” you whined. “Please.” “Please?” he smiled. “Please what? Use your words Y/N.” You didn’t want to give in. You wanted to stand your ground, but you wanted to feel him inside you so fucking bad. “Please let me s-sit on your face,” you said barely above a whisper. You knew that wasn’t good enough. Why in the hell would you even try? Ran loved hearing your sweet words and delicious moans. “Oh my,” Ran’s fingers slowly started to leave your thighs, their support quickly fading. “I couldn’t quite-” “Please let me sit on your face Ran!” you cried. “Now we’re talking.” 
       Ran had never seen you so vocal before. When you begged  him to sit on his face so loudly, he laid there in shock for a moment, his mouth hanging open. He loved having you at his mercy, and his cock twitched violently at the sight. You kneeled there, folds nice and wet from the shower and your slick. Your hair clung to the sides of your face from sweat and each breath shook in anticipation. You were so fucking beautiful. Ran didn’t waste anymore time as his hands returned to your thighs and he harshly brought you down to his mouth. “Fuck Ran,” you sobbed. He gave you no pity, his tongue working its way around your bud like a starved animal. Immediately, your face went numb and you began to lose control over your legs. Ran took note, not stopping his actions as he helped hold you above his head. “R-Ran,” you whined. “It’s too much!” Your shaky hands reached down over his own, holding him in place. As if your words were encouraging, he shifted his grip to replace his tongue with his thumb and his wet muscle switched to dive into your sticky hole. 
          Your breath became labored, the knot in your core tightening at a terrifying pace while Ran ate you out. The room around you spun, vision going blurry from pure pleasure. This man knew how to drive you absolutely insane. You’ve never come undone so fast. One moment Ran has you quivering in his hold, and then you’re screaming his name while your juices coat Ran’s chin. He licked up everything you gave him, not daring to waste a drop. “Look at you princess,” he smiled up at you, panting while he caught his breath. “So fucking gorgeous.” “That was amazing Ran,” you wheezed. “We should have done that sooner.” “I know love,” he replied, helping you down from your perch above his face. “You have no idea how fucking addicting your pussy is.” You blushed heavily at his words, as if you weren’t just getting the life sucked out of you moments before. Ran looked like he was in heaven, his hands at your waist while you sat there on his chest. “I hope you’ve got another round in you, doll,” Ran grinned from ear to ear. 
You were really in for it tonight.
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frogtanii · 3 years
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iwaizumi was... overwhelmed, to say the least.
the past few days had been such a whirlwind of change that hajime could barely properly process, much less appropriately react to it all, so he behaved much like a zombie, saying yes when prompted, signing papers when told, and packing up what was his entire life for the past 11 months.
wow. iwaizumi collapsed on his bed as he scanned his now barren bedroom. he’d been here for almost a year and yet, all his belongings were in boxes within a couple of days.
hajime couldn’t keep the disbelieving chuckle from escaping his chest as he leaned back on his bed, dark brown eyes trained on the ceiling.
it felt like he’d spent such a large chunk of his life trapped in this house, under the foot of the woman who he thought he’d marry but in reality, he’d been in little leagues longer than he’d been in love.
iwaizumi scoffed and rolled his eyes. yeah, “in love”. it’d been about a week since his whole life started to unravel and he had hardly seen, let alone spoken to meiko throughout that entire time.
over text, she’d sworn up and down that she loved and cared about him but as she passed by him packing his things a few days ago, she’d barely spared him a second glance.
hajime wasn’t going to lie. it hurt. he’d opened his heart up to her, something he didn’t do easily, and she’d taken his trust and used it to twist him into her weapon.
he always believed he was stronger than this — he’d never forget his mother telling him so when he was younger. he had fallen and scraped his knee yet he refused to cry to keep from upsetting his mom. iwaizumi existed to live up to what his mother thought of him but here he was, completely enveloped in meiko’s shit, doing her dirty work and following her bidding like some mutt.
god, toorū was right. he really was her bitch.
“i could hear you thinking from down the hall, iwa-chan.” speak of the devil...
oikawa stood at his doorway, leaning against the frame with a posture that seemed relaxed at first glance but if you looked a little closer, you’d notice the tenseness in his shoulders and the tightness of his smile.
hajime quickly sat up on his bed before motioning for his old friend to enter. “uh, yeah,” he began, his voice cracking a little from disuse, “i have a lot to think about.”
the light haired brunette let out an understanding hum before wandering into the room, sharp observant eyes darting to look at all the empty walls. “looks like you’re all packed.”
“pretty much,” iwaizumi nodded before the room fell into an awkward silence, the two childhood friends completely avoiding one another’s eyes.
“look, i-“
“iwa-chan, i’m-“
they both paused for a moment before bursting into laughter, the sound carrying into the hall and throughout the house.
hajime wiped a few stray tears from his eyes, shaking his head at their awkwardness. “you first, shittykawa.”
toorū gasped in halfhearted mock offense before quickly sobering up, training iwaizumi with a completely serious look. “i’m sorry and before you go on some bullshit, self sacrificing rant, you’re not the only one to blame for what happened to our friendship.”
he sighed while making his way to iwaizumi’s bed, sitting down gently beside him. “i should’ve known better, okay? i shouldn’t have let my jealousy and insecurities get in between us but i guess i got swept up in the attention, yknow? meiko is actually charming when she wants to be.”
iwaizumi nodded in agreement, knowing all too well how compelling meiko could be. the room fell into a more comfortable silence as both boys escaped into their thoughts, questions about the future of their friendship flitting throughout their minds.
“oh!” oikawa was pulled out of his own head at hajime’s exclamation, his eyes moving to observe his friend dig through his pockets to procure a thick white envelope. “here. i’d like you to give this yn.”
all toorū could do was nod, his brain short circuiting at the sight of iwaizumi’s apparent kindness to the woman he tormented for so long. “uh, what’s in it?” he ventured to ask, his soft hands toying with the sealed envelope flap.
a soft chuckle came from across the bed. “don’t be so nosy toorū, just give it to her, yeah?” oikawa rolled his eyes but obliged, the bed creaking as he stood to his feet.
“so... this is it, huh?” it was like the reality of the situation was just now sinking in — they hadn’t been close in a while but iwaizumi was still his best friend and he wasn’t quite ready to let him go.
they’d been through so much together, practically growing up together and now, they’d only see each other on holidays, if even then, and then he’d never be invited to hajime’s wedding as his best man as they’d planned and he also wouldn’t be the coolest uncle/godfather of iwa’s children and—
“fuck no,” hajime scoffed with a bright grin on his face. “thought you were gonna annoy me til the end of time shittykawa. don’t tell me you’re quitting your job now.”
the hidden meaning behind iwaizumi’s words brought tears to oikawa’s eyes and before he could stop himself, he launched his body into iwa’s arms. hajime hesitated, his hands stuttering at toorū’s sides as though he’d forgotten how to hug but the feeling passed, his arms winding around his friend’s lithe waist.
“‘m gonna miss you hajime,” oikawa’s voice came out as a broken whimper, his arms tightening around his shoulders.
iwaizumi hummed instead of responding, too afraid of his voice cracking under the weight of his emotions. they stood there for a moment but the honk of the moving truck outside signaled the both of them of their limited time.
hurriedly, oikawa wiped the tears off his cheeks before waving awkwardly at iwaizumi as he left the room with a friendly, “don’t be a stranger.”
and then he was gone.
toorū finally allowed himself to collapse into sobs on his best friends empty bed, his palms pressing into his eyes as he sat there and just let himself feel.
apparently, he wasn’t crying very quietly because it took only a few moments for you to find him, your soft footsteps alerting him to your presence. oikawa scrambled to wipe away what he knew was an unattractive mixture of tears and snot as you got closer.
you were one of the last people he wanted to see him like this.
“hey,” you whispered, standing a few feet away from him. “um, i know this is probably a bad time but i just wanted to thank you for apologizing? back at the awards show?”
toorū sniffed as he looked up at you with confusion written on his face. “what? you shouldn’t thank me for apologizing. ‘s common courtesy.”
you laughed softly, nodding in agreement. “well, not always. so, thank you.” finished with your piece and not too keen on lingering where you weren’t wanted, you moved towards the door but were swiftly stopped before you got there.
“um, here. it’s from iwa-chan.” you gaped at the thick envelope oikawa was handing you before taking it and opening it, a low curse falling from your lips.
inside the package was a dense wad of cash, more money than you’d seen in months. accompanied with it was a letter, written in beautifully loopy handwriting.
you shut it quickly before oikawa could see, stuffing the envelope deep within your pocket where you could access it alone in the depths of your room.
“do you wanna come eat? last i heard, bokuto and tsumu were doing a cooking competition and i’m sure it’ll be fun to watch.” you were severely thrown off by the money and letter but you were determined to show toorū that you’d accepted his apology and were on your way to making amends.
he gave you a shy nod and trailed behind you to the kitchen, the loud sounds of fire and screaming coming from down the hall. you wanted to focus on the fun and merriment but the envelope was practically burning a hole in your pocket.
later that night, you finally got the chance to open the letter and read it, your former manager’s words bringing tears to your eyes.
dear yn,
i’m probably the last person you expected to hear from. you probably didn’t want to hear from me at all if i’m being honest and i don’t blame you. i know there is nothing i can say that could make up for what i’ve done to you but i’d like to try.
i’m sorry. those words don’t nearly express in and of themselves how truly remorseful i am but they needed to be said. there’s no excuse for how i treated you — not meiko, not my stress, absolutely nothing.
you deserved my common decency and respect and i didn’t give that to you. instead, i abused my position and made your life hell. i’ll never forgive myself for that.
uh, i bet you’re wondering what the money is? i promise i’m not trying to pay you off, it’s just all the money i’ve denied you since you moved here. i have a lot of wrongs to right and this is one of them.
sorry, i’m not very good with words but i just wanted you to know that i’m very sorry for everything that i’ve done. and i’m in no place to make demands or anything but i just wanted to ask if you’d keep an eye on oikawa for me.
he’s strong but he’s also vulnerable. he might be a pain in my ass but he’s my best friend and since i can’t keep him from drowning, i was wondering if you’d do that - not for me but for him.
anyways, this letter is shit but i suppose you get the gist. use the money for whatever you want and if you’re as unselfish as i’ve heard, you don’t owe me anything. you don’t owe me money, kindness, or forgiveness.
take care of yourself,
iwaizumi hajime
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℗ poker face
so... this is it
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an - soooo m back :D hopefully this is the last of my mini hiatuses!! this chapter sucked to write but i’m not mad at how it turned out?? pls let me know how i did skjdkd don’t forget to feed me <3333
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sphaliro · 2 years
Here's a short story I drew for 2018's 'Adventure April' art challenge. I never finished it, but I had a lot of fun making up this weird world as it went on; dictated by the given prompts.
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The adventure protagonist! A nun of unparalleled faith sent into the inferno to defeat a wicked queen before she tears down the barrier between her world, and Hell itself.
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Sister Cecelia-Marie, our heroine, is joined by a new traveling companion: The 1st hero sent into the inferno; Father Handsome. He's failed his mission & been punished with a new, fallen form. Lucky for Cecelia-Marie, he's been here long enough to be her guide!
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"Welcome to Dicc't Forest. The 'T' is silent. Everyone starts out here when they enter the inferno. Don't eat the mushrooms, Sister... That's how I ended up this way."
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"Careful, Sister... these creatures heads are too big to chase us far, but they're not afraid to grab anyone who gets too close." "...You mean like the one standing right behind us?" "..."
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"Thank you for chasing my meal out of the void for me" she growls. "But you'll never pierce anything with that man-made blade. Let me place a charm on it for you. This fire won't scald earthly flesh, but will aide your blade against the Hellish"
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When the cloaked solicitor in their path showed off his goods, our hero was shocked to see what else he was packing. Father Handsome reminded her that creatures of the inferno rarely cover themselves. She knew that. She just didn't expect it to be forked.
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Cecelia-Marie only had 1 healing potion, but she didn't hesitate to give it to the exhausted caterpillar. She couldn't allow her to die before finding the right tree to knit a cocoon in! No, not to become a butterfly. She'll become a demon.
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He said he had everything she'd ever need in the inferno, but all she saw were some weird jar-specimens & a litter of human-faced puppies. She already had a traveling companion without opposable thumbs, so she decided to save her gold for now.
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I Have Found You
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Aaron Hotchner Taglist - @braelyniskool, @canadailluminate, @filmsbyblair, @ready-4-spencie, @mrs-scottmccall, @j-cat, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29
Prompt - I have for the first time found what I can truly love. I have found you.
You and Aaron had had a long week at work, each on separate cases but both equally as drained as the other. Your job saw you travelling to and from New York each day, working for one of the states best law firms, it was hard working your way up but you did it and now you were dealing with high profile cases day in and day out.
This case was particularly gruelling but it was finally finished and you had won. It was a small victory for the family but it was a victory nonetheless.
Aaron was working on his own case, he had been in Las Vegas for the past four days dealing with a serial killer who was targeting families. The unsub was organised, too organised, and more families were killed before they finally caught a break. From there it had been a matter of hours before they caught the man and the team was back on the jet.
Aaron finished up on the phone before dropping down into his seat beside Rossi who raised an eyebrow at him.
“Short of an emergency we all have Friday and Monday off, I don’t want to see any of you for four days.” Aaron announced to the jet, smiling as it was filled with cheers and laughter.
“So, big plans?” Rossi asked, smirking at Aaron who just rolled his eyes.
“I plan on doing absolutely nothing.” Aaron replied with a smile, already thinking of how great it would be to spend a long weekend with you and Jack, it had been far too long. He had already spoken to you and upon hearing the good news of your case asked if you could get two days off and thanked god that you could.
“I hear you, man.” Derek spoke up from opposite Rossi. “Four whole days of nothing but me and my girl.”
“What about you, kid?” Rossi asked, looking at Spencer who sat opposite Aaron.
“There’s a film festival I really wanted to go to actually, it's showing a bunch of different films in their original language.” Spencer told him and the grin on his face was enough to stop any teasing.
“Have a good time, pretty boy.” Derek smiled back, ruffling the younger man's hair causing him to pout.
Aaron couldn’t help but smile at the scene but as much as he loved this family, he couldn’t wait to get back home to you and Jack.
“How hard can cupcakes be, right?” You asked Jack, who stood on a chair in front of the counter. The two of you were staring at the ingredients that were spread out, not knowing where to start. When you suggested Jack make something for Aaron you were thinking more along the lines of a picture but when the kid suggested cupcakes well…you really wanted cupcakes.
“Right.” Jack agreed, grinning up at you.
Turns out it was harder to make cupcakes than either of you thought.
Aaron walked into the house, smiling immediately as he heard Jack giggling madly. He was quick to follow the noise but stopped abruptly as he stared into the kitchen.
“Daddy!” Jack yelled, quickly scrambling off the chair and throwing himself at Aaron who caught him and lifted him with ease despite the cupcake mixture that stuck to his clothes, face and hair.
“Hey buddy,” He grinned, turning his attention to you. There you stood, cupcake mix splatter on your face, in your hair and on your shirt. You looked dejected as you held an electric mixer, clearly the culprit of the cupcake explosion. “It looks like you and Y/N are having fun.” He said with a laugh, watching how you pouted up at him.
“We were gonna make cupcakes for you, daddy, but Y/N put it on too high.” Jack informed Aaron, giggling madly as he did.
“I didn’t know!” You defended, there was a reason you weren’t trusted in the kitchen.
Aaron’s smile grew and he couldn’t wait any longer to move closer to you, the hand that didn’t hold Jack caressed your cheek and he brought you in for a soft kiss. It didn’t last long, how could it with Jack laughing and making kissing noises, but the two of you pulled away with matching, love struck smiles before you and Jack began laughing together at the cupcake batter that was now perched on Aaron’s nose.
He rolled his eyes but couldn’t fight back the smile.
“Alright, alright,” he said, gaining both of your attention, “how about you two get cleaned up and we can all go out for dinner and then get some cupcakes, hm? That sound good?” He asked Jack who nodded with a grin and squirmed for Aaron to put him down. Once he did, Jack shot off to his bedroom and Aaron turned his attention to you.
“You can’t of thought that was a good idea.” He said as he wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning in to steal another kiss.
“The kid said cupcakes, who was I to say no?” You responded when he pulled away, giggling as he trailed kisses to your jaw and then peppered them down your neck.
Your eyes closed as you tilted your head back, giving the man more access and you couldn’t help but whine as he pulled away. The whine quickly turned into a laugh as he leaned closer and licked a blob of batter that had stuck to your neck.
“Go clean up, baby.” He said before kissing your head and untangling himself from you.
You and Jack were quick to clean yourselves up and soon you were all out the door and heading to a restaurant that you often frequented when you had Jack.
It felt like forever since you had been out with the Hotchner boys and you enjoyed every minute of it, no annoying work calls pulling one of you away, no looming threat of Aaron being called to a different state. No, just you, Aaron and Jack going out together, eating good food, catching up with each other properly.
It was wonderful.
“Cupcakes now daddy?” Jack asked as the waitress cleared the plates.
“Yeah, cupcakes now daddy?” You echoed with a smirk watching as Aaron playfully glared at you.
“Sure thing buddy,” He said to Jack, causing you to let out a quiet laugh. “Pick which one you want.”
Aaron couldn’t tell you who smiled wider when dessert was brought out, you or Jack. Both of you tucked in with the same hunger and he just smiled at the scene.
When you and Aaron had first met, it was to do with a case he was working on. He never expected it to blossom into this. The friendship was unexpected but not unwelcome and then before either of you had realised it you had developed feelings for one another.
You were quite a bit younger than him and he was hesitant to bring the feelings up, not understanding what you could possibly see in an older, divorced, single father.
That was the other issue, sure you knew about Jack but there was a difference between knowing about him and wanting to be a part of his life and as much as Aaron had liked you he knew he couldn’t bring somebody into his life who couldn’t accept Jack.
So the pining went on for months as Aaron made the decision for you that you didn’t want to be burdened with a child that wasn’t yours. And when you finally pulled Aaron’s head out of his arse and made him talk about the feelings between you, you could have slapped him silly.
Sure kids weren’t exactly your forte but you’d at least have liked the chance to decide that. From there Aaron had introduced you to Jack after the two of you went on a few dates. The two of you decided the best place would be out in public, a little less daunting and that’s how you ended up at the zoo.
Jack had warmed up to you rather quickly and you surprised yourself with how good you were with him. Eventually it was Jack asking if you could have a sleepover at their house rather than Aaron trying to explain that you might be there in the morning sometimes.
Aaron was so glad you had talked him out of his own head way back when, and as he watched you with Jack, he knew, not that there was any doubt, that he’d made the right choice.
“Can we watch a movie?” Jack asked as the three of you entered the house.
“Buddy, it’s nearly bedtime.” Aaron reminded him as he took your coat from you before taking his own off.
“Please daddy,” Jack pleaded, turning on the puppy dog eyes, “I’ll brush my teeth and put my pyjamas on.”
He looked at you but you were looking down at Jack with a soft smile and he couldn’t say no if he wanted to.
“Deal, teeth and pyjamas, we’ll meet back here in five.” Aaron said and grinned as Jack took off running.
“C’mere baby,” He mumbled as he pulled you closer to him, wrapping you up in his arms. “I missed you so much.”
“Missed you too.” You confessed into his chest before titling your head up. Aaron was quick to turn his head, leaning down and capturing your lips in a soft, slow kiss. When he pulled away he didn’t go far, resting his head on your forehead.
“Can’t wait to have you all to myself these next few days.” He told you quietly, fingers brushing against your waist.
“Me neither, it’s going to be heaven.” You replied, matching both his tone and the smile on his face.
“Daddy,” Jack’s voice pulled you away from each other and you turned to see the kid grinning up at Aaron showing his freshly brushed teeth and proudly wearing his Captain America pyjamas. “You and Y/N/N need your pyjamas too.”
“Of course we do!” You exclaimed, taking Aaron’s hand in yours and pulling him towards the bedroom with instructions for Jack to put a movie on.
“Really can’t wait to have you all to myself.” Aaron said again as he watched you pull your shirt over your head.
“Down boy.” You laughed, throwing the shirt at him.
Watching you undress made Aaron long to touch you but seeing you dressed in his clothes, sweatpants that were way too big for you and a college shirt that drooped off your shoulders was somehow infinitely sweeter.
“I love you.” He told you, pulling you close to place a kiss on your exposed shoulder.
“I love you too.” You smiled before turning around and kissing him. “Get changed.” You ordered.
“Yes ma’am.” Aaron laughed but did as you said.
Aaron couldn’t help but smile as he held his family in his arms. Jack was half in your lap and half in Aarons and you were sat flushed against him, head resting on his shoulder and your hand holding Jack’s leg.
The movie was still playing but Jack was fast asleep against his chest and you were pretty close to following. Despite that though, Aaron couldn’t bring himself to move and send you both to bed. Instead he tightened his grip on both of you, smiling as you cuddled further into him.
This, this was all he needed, you and Jack by his side. His little family, both of whom had been through so much. All he wanted to do was protect both of you and he would, god would he do anything to protect the pair of you.
You were one of the best things that had happened to him, he had known it since the day he had met you and he had known it two weeks ago when the team finished a case in California and he walked into the jewellers to buy the ring and he knew it now, looking down at you holding onto him and Jack.
He knew you were the best thing to happen to him in a really long time and he would forever be thankful that he had found you.
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