#end paedophilia
awesomecooperlove · 1 month
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blindedguilt · 1 year
Can you kill God?
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"......" They don't know that, though. Nor are they supposed to.
Tagged by: @poppydedicant I tag: Whoever would like to do this splendid little meme :3< Goodnight <3
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On this day, 8 April 2013, former Conservative prime minister Margaret Thatcher died. Street parties broke out across the UK, particularly in working class areas and in former mining communities which were ravaged by her policies. Her legacy is best remembered for her destruction of the British workers' movement, after the defeat of the miners' strike of 1984-85. This enabled the drastic increase of economic inequality and unemployment in the 1980s. Her government also slashed social housing, helping to create the situation today where it is unavailable for most people, and private property prices are mostly unaffordable for the young. Thatcher also complained that children were "being cheated of a sound start in life" by being taught that "they have an inalienable right to be gay", so she introduced the vicious section 28 law prohibiting teaching of homosexuality as acceptable. Abroad, Thatcher was a powerful advocate for racism, advising the Australian foreign minister to beware of Asians, else his country would "end up like Fiji, where the Indian migrants have taken over". She hosted apartheid South Africa's head of state, while denouncing the African National Congress as a "typical terrorist organisation". Chilean dictator general Augusto Pinochet, responsible for the rape, murder and torture of tens of thousands of people, was a close personal friend. Back in Britain, she protected numerous politicians accused of paedophilia including Sir Peter Hayman, and MPs Peter Morrison and Cyril Smith. She also lobbied for her friend, serial child abuser Jimmy Savile, to be knighted despite being warned about his behaviour. Margaret Thatcher was eventually forced to step down after the defeat of her hated poll tax by a mass non-payment campaign. Pictured: Jimmy Savile welcoming Thatcher to hell, reportedly. Learn more about the great miners' strike of 1984-5 in our podcast series: https://workingclasshistory.com/tag/1984-5-miners-strike/ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=605239344982618&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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carlyraejepsans · 7 months
genuinely though liking age gaps and milfs ARE two separate things, I don't get why you're saying they're the same? like if you like Queen that's liking milfs, but liking Queen x Noelle that would be liking age gaps, and you specifically said age gaps, not milfs. it's kinda dodgy? can you explain why you think liking age gaps and milfs is the same thing, because I'm trying but I can't follow the logic.
i am going to explain this because you don't seem malignant and just genuinely confused, but i need you to understand that this is a you problem. and you accidentally chose the perfect example for that. queen x noelle is an age gap... sure.
queen x noelle is also yuri. it's f/f! that's all you need to fit the definition. doesn't say anything about age or (allegorical) family relation. speaking of: dess x noelle incest would ALSO be yuri. and yet when i said "this was originally a rocky mother-daughter relationship, but i decided to make them lesbians in the end", everyone CORRECTLY assumed that i meant they were no longer related.
what's happening here is that YOU arbitrarily decided that "age gap" is a bad word, regardless of context. sans and toriel have an age gap. it's not one that would foster an unhealthy power dynamic between them (which is what i beef with whenever people bring it up to discredit them), but it IS an age gap nonetheless. not only is it an age gap, that age gap is an inherent part of what i enjoy about their relationship. immortals don't exist IRL, so we don't really have an equivalent, but toriel is ANCIENT. even while interpreting her centuries in the RUINs as an allegory for the way trauma fucks with your ability to grow past it (like flowey and resetting), she has lived for so long that it does affect the way she experiences her life, a way that is both similar and immensely different from the way sans does as a mortal man.
in deltarune, too, where boss monsters likely don't exist and they both age similarly to humans. i LIKE seeing sans as younger, even more so than his undertale counterpart (theory reasons aside), because then what you have as a dynamic is a "mature" adult woman, a mother of two mostly grown up children, formerly a picture perfect wife who lived her life like a model both religiously and socially for the isolated, tight-knit community around her, suddenly separating from her husband and not coming to church and cracking that façade of white picket fenced perfection.... who proceeds to fall for a YOUNG, charming man from out of town who just moved into the place and doesn't have any attachments there yet. they're total opposites with completely different life experiences which is precisely what she needs as a character AND what makes the relationship compelling. Them having different lives due to their age is a crucial part of that.
that's an age gap ship! it doesn't make it not an age gap just because the term technically also includes paedophilia or unhealthy power disparities. if you can't fathom the fact that those statements are both true, that only speaks to your immaturity. it doesn't say a single thing about me.
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blingblong55 · 1 year
-`ღ´-Hello, welcome to my blog -`ღ´-
I am an 18+ blog so MDNI
Hi! I'm Kasper, I'm a 21-year-old fanfic writer for the COD fandom. You probably know me as blingblong55, so Hi!:)
Join my tag list
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I write for pretty much any COD character, with that said, I am a straight woman so I do apologise if any LGBTQ+ fanfic aren't so well written, (but I will try to make them as good as possible).
Also, I don't really ever check my grammar or how well I punctuate my stories, just had to make that clear:)
I write 18+ stuff so if you are a minor please do not interact with my blog. Thank you.
If you are a minor please be respectful of the MDNI tag I always leave on my NSFW stories. Now I know I can’t confirm if you are indeed a minor or not but be aware that the topics I write for can be unrealistic standards for sexual intercourse and they can/will ruin your own perception of such intimacy.
Rules for requests: -Themes that involve paedophilia will be deleted immediately. - I write on pretty much everything, from kinks, fluff, angst and incorrect quotes to any little drabble I can create from your ideas or mine. - will not write anything that has to do with the reader getting r**ed. -I can maybe...just maybe allow consensual non-consent (CNC), but those are very minimal, Dub-Con is acceptable but rare -will not write anything that has to do with racism, incest, or homophobiaಠ_ಠ -Full-on smut is an obvious yes. -I, at times do AUs so you are welcome to make a request about anything like that -if you want to make a request whether it be Male, Female or GN reader, let it be known or I will end up choosing the gender\pronouns.
Side note:
GN, M, F reader's call sign is 'Grim'.
Kasper Team/Squad is non-canon and has been created by me for my stories.
Anon's can claim emojis!
I’m more of a angst writer than anything, so don’t be afraid to cry
(yes....I named a team after me...but you would too..so shhh)
Please remember that if I haven't done your requests it's either because I am busy or I am in the process of writing it. :)
Also, my inbox is always open for when you just need to rant or vent, just lmk if you wish to keep it only in my inbox lol
4.46k pookies and nasty whores (and counting)
Much love xx <3
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miralikestea · 4 months
Seriously wtf is wrong with the jjk fandom. Every couple of fanfics is either non-con or paedophilia. And the creators can't even be bothered to put those in tags, so you can't even filter that type of content. The least yall could do is tag your shit or add a trigger warning at the beginning. Some of yall put it at the end for some reason. Also, its not that hard to censor your work. It's not that hard to add a "read more" thingy (idk what it's called) so people don't actually see the content unless they want to.
Seriously people.
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(Problematic things Super Junior has done)
Problematic things they have done since pre-debut to 2024 (now).
Trigger warning: racism, misogyny, paedophilia, homophobia, Sulli's passing and other sensitive topics.
The whole group:
The main actress in Super Junior's "Devil" MV was only 14 years old. The main actress admitted her age on Instagram during the "Devil" era. She drove a car, kissed Siwon, seduced Kyuhyun, pointed a gun at Kangin, and flirted with Yesung.
Told Suzy to lose weight in front of Miss A members. Leeteuk said, "Suzy needs to lose weight first." After this statement, both Jia and Fei told Leeteuk to "knock it off". Kan Mi Yeon also disapproved of what Leeteuk said, and he quickly tried to move on with a smile after saying he was just joking.
Said "I really dislike fat girls. I don't think they take care of their bodies well."
Performed with Boom, who was doing blackface while performing (With Shindong and Eunhyuk).
Being creepy to Yeonwoo by trying to message her on Instagram but ended up messaging a fan account. He said "Yeonwoo-ya".
Being creepy to Yoona, Krystal, and Sooyoung when they were minors. Krystal and Leeteuk were on the same show in 2011. Leeteuk mentioned that he had asked Krystal to marry him back when they first met. Krystal joined SM when she was 11. Leeteuk met Krystal when she was 11 and he was 22/23. Yoona exposed Leeteuk for asking her to marry him when she was 13 and Leeteuk was 20. Leeteuk grabbed and hugged Sooyoung when he was excited because of a World Cup match in 2002. Leeteuk was 19 and Sooyoung was 12. SM's female and male trainees weren't allowed to hang out together anymore because of that incident. Sooyoung was Leeteuk's first love.
Forced Minah to kiss him for the “sake” of a prank. Minah was shaking her head and trying to send covert signals, but he just pressed on with it and kissed her on the lips, even though she had her mouth tightly shut and said “Do it on the forehead! On the forehead!” Leeteuk put her in an uncomfortable situation one that she did not consent to. He was asked about it later and gave a really… weak excuse to reason his kiss, which did not make him look good.
His top advice for dating women was to make sure they're young and keep serving them drinks.
Leeteuk asked the Korean government to ask Korean citizens to pay taxes so that celebrities could ride taxis using the citizens' money.
He and Shindong defended Kangin who has a history of crimes at Ryeowook's wedding. Leeteuk said people should support Kangin so that he can earn a living despite his crimes. Leeteuk said, "Everyone, you’re now seeing Kangin, whose self-reflection time is longer than promotion time. Please forgive Kangin now. Kangin, who’s reflecting for 15 years & promoted for 5 years". Leeteuk proceeded to say "On a happy & great day like this. Please hug/hold Kangin" and Shindong replied "Yes". Leeteuk also said, "Please give him love, so that Kangin will able to make a living" and Shindong replied, "Please help him a lot". Then, Leeteuk said, "(We) ask for everyone’s help".
Said, "When girls shed tears, it's just water coming out of their body, but when guys shed tears, it's their blood coming out of their hearts."
Wore cornrows.
Wore a headscarf in a similar way to a hijab in ‘A Style For You’ episode 4.
Had a crush on Sohee when she was 16 and said she was his ideal type. Sohee was 16 and Heechul was 25 in 2008. Heechul confessed his love for Sohee many times.
Japanese fetish. For instance, he referred to himself as "uncle" and then proceeded to ask Kazuha for her phone number. Kazuha was 19 and Heechul was 39. Heechul is known to love anime and anything Japanese including Japanese women. Heechul reacted creepily when Nako was asked to make an impression of Yazawa Nico. Heechul dated Momo (a Japanese woman). Heechul has a body pillow of a 14-year-old anime girl.
Discussed a woman-centred community online that was being sued by an incel YouTuber named Bokyeom. He proceeded to take the side of the incel YouTuber and called the women that were in the named community misogynistic slurs. He further mentions how he donates a lot of money as if that had anything to do with the issue.
Commented on the Japan-Korea-related boycott but since I'm not very educated on the topic aside from knowing the fact that Japan once violently colonized Korea. I will not comment on this issue.
When Sulli passed, there were lots of discussions on the misogynistic hate comments being possible reasons for her passing. Even though I disagree with speculating about the reasons for someone's passing, I do think it's important to highlight the unjust misogynistic hate she received. Heechul, however, felt the need to reduce these discussions to gender wars by saying that the hate Sulli received had nothing to do with gender issues and those discussions were just a way of pitting the genders against each other. He is ignoring the fact that Sulli was very outspoken about gender injustice against women. By writing these posts as her friend, he was dismissing the values she always stood up for.
Caught being subscribed to a channel that blamed the victims of the "Nth Room" incident. A lot of women were trafficked, threatened and trapped in online networking sites to perform sexual acts while people, mostly young men, recorded them and forced them to do things according to their disturbing fantasies.
Being rude to Ningning on Knowing Bros. Karina, Winter and Ningning appeared on Knowing Bros. He asked all three girls, "Do you look at a guy's looks or not?" and Ningning immediately responded, "I don't.". Everyone was doubtful of Ningning's answer and protested against her answer. That is when Heechul decided to speak up. He blurted, "Young Chul has the best personality among us," and implied to ask her if she would date him or not. Ningning responded with, "Oh really? And..." making everyone laugh. Ningning was 20 (born in 2002) and Young Chul was 48 (born in 1974).
Danced to "Tunak Tunak" in a stereotypical/mocking way along with Blackpink on Knowing Bros.
Used an Native American headdress filter on Instagram.
Defended his former teammate Kangin, who had a history of drunk driving and scandals, and used strong language during discussions related to school violence and a specific online community. He appeared on a live broadcast for Afreeca TV with BJ Choi. During the broadcast, he got seemingly very drunk and gained a lot of negative attention for his comments on topics. During the broadcast, while talking about his former bandmate Kangin and him being a fighter, ASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo was suddenly mentioned. Heechul explained how close he is to the singer, adding, “I’m so close with Eunwoo. He’s so handsome, but he’s such a manly man (literally translated as alpha male)”. The term “alpha male” can be interpreted negatively as some of the traits can be seen as toxic. Although Heechul seemingly meant to praise Eunwoo, his following statements gained attention as he related it to the rising topic of “school bullying”. Heechul said, "If you talk to him about school bullying, he would have cussed more than me". Heechul seemed to paint Eunwoo as someone violent and aggressive when Heechul started explaining how he thought Eunwoo would act upon hearing about a bully. Heechul said "I understand why he is popular, of course. He has an image on TV, but if he heard about a school bully, he would be like, ‘Hyungnim, bring that f**ker here,’ and would have slapped him. He’s such a manly man (Alpha male) who likes to exercise…".
Defended "Idol School" after it was accused of sexualizing children (young girls as young as 13 were made to dance with wet white tops) by K-feminists. Heechul was a judge on "Idol School" and then became a mentor for fromis_9 after their debut.
When Red Velvet appeared on Knowings Bros, Irene was asked to wear acupressure slippers. It's hard to wear acupressure slippers while standing, let alone jump with them if you're not used to them. Irene was skipping while wearing acupressure slippers. The jumping rope hitted her head. Heechul asked her if she was in pain because of those slippers. Irene replied it was just the rope hitting her, but Heechul insisted that it was the slippers that hurt her. Irene got angry and said it was the jumping rope again, not the slippers.
Wore a Native American headband.
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Did blackface to cosplay as Nick Fury and reposted his blackface photos 3 times after being called out.
Said "I think obese people are lazy".
Said that fat girls cannot wear mini-skirts. When asked, "What's the most unattractive image when a woman wears a mini-skirt?", Yesung chose "women who have fat legs." The other answers were, "women who have hairy legs" and "women who open their legs when sitting.".
Choreographed and participated in a racist dance to mock Indians and portray them as "snake charmers" (With Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Ryeowook, and Kyuhyun). Yesung put a snake prop/fake snake around his neck and it looked like he used his hands to charm the snake.
DUI hit-and-run. On October 16, 2009, around 3 AM, Kangin collided with two parked taxis and left the scene of the hit-and-run incident. The occupants of the two vehicles, including the drivers and two passengers, were reportedly uninjured. Five hours later, Kangin turned himself into the police. He was recorded to have a blood alcohol content of 0.082% when he arrived at the station. He then failed to show up at the Seoul Gangnam Police Station at 2 PM on the same day for further investigation and had to be called in the following day.
Second DUI hit-and-run. On May 24, 2016, Kangin was involved in another DUI hit-and-run incident, where he turned himself in after a few hours. He was then found with a blood alcohol content of 0.05%. SM Entertainment has issued a statement, stating his future activities were cancelled while he reflects on his actions. He entered the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office on June 15, 2016, to face questioning over causing a traffic collision while under the influence of alcohol. Prosecutors summarily indicted him on July 7. On September 7, 2016, Kangin was sentenced to pay a ₩7 million ($6,420) fine.
Reportedly assaulted his ex-girlfriend. On November 17, 2017, police responded after receiving a call that Kangin was drunk and assaulting a woman at an escort bar in the Nonhyeon neighbourhood of Seoul. Upon investigation, police described it as “a minor dispute, and the parties reconciled at the scene and took measures to return home.” with no injuries, and no parties wished for charges to be pressed, Kangin was sent off with a warning and not formally booked on any charges.
Called VIXX's N "fucking trash".
Made fun of f(x) Amber for being masculine by calling her a "man". Kangin said, “This is unfair we have 3 guys,” when everyone else said Amber’s a woman and scolded him.
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Told Lovelyz to lose weight. He said “We can’t play this game because these girls are making a come back and they need to stick to their diets. They need to lose weight.”
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Wore a Native American headdress.
Did blackface to imitate Oprah.
Made fun of Shuhua's Korean language skills.
Accused BTS of copying EXO.
Said "If someone had to lose weight, I would tell that person to lose weight. Lose some weight, why can't you take care of yourself? When I say this, the person might think, 'Look who's talking,' but I would reply, 'I'm a boy and you're a girl.'".
To this, both Kim Shin Young and announcer Gu Eun Young retorted, "Why does gender matter in this situation? So girls have to be skinny and boys can be..." Taken aback by their remarks, Shindong quickly explained, "I'm just saying. Honestly, I would want the person that I love to be more pretty or more handsome."
Performed with Boom, who was doing blackface while performing (With Leeteuk and Eunhyuk).
Choreographed and participated in a racist dance to mock Indians and portray them as "snake charmers" (With Yesung, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Ryeowook, and Kyuhyun). Shindong dressed up as an Indian girl and used a Sari.
Took photos of TVXQ's Yunho without his permission when he (Shindong) was a trainee and Yunho already debuted as an idol.
Shindong decided to react to Taemin's music video for 'Advice' which brought about a backlash from Taemin's fans. Like any other reaction video, Shindong sat down and gave his opinionated remarks while watching the video. As soon as the video started, Shindong gave a reaction of being impressed by Taemin's dancing. He said, "Every time I see Taemin's dance, it's just very...it feels like it's fast-forwarded. Oh this MV is amazing." Throughout the video, Shindong didn't hold back his praise. However, some fans took issue with one remark by Shindong. In the middle of the reaction video, Shindong said, "He's got this pretty visual so even when he is with female dancers, he goes nicely with them" and praised Taemin's advantages of having an androgynous look. He continued to say, "It's hard to tell if he's a guy or a girl..." which is the sentence that backfired on Shindong despite him saying it as praise and compliment. Quickly, many Taemin fans took to social media to criticize Shindong as they said his remarks were unnecessary. There were some even taking out their anger against Shindong and saying profanities against him.
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He and Leeteuk defended Kangin who has a history of crimes at Ryeowook's wedding and agreed with Leeteuk's comments to support Kangin so that he can earn a living despite his crimes.
Asking Leeteuk for marriage acceptance even though he was going through a very big family loss.
Scheduled the wedding to take place during Super Junior's scheduled performances.
Choreographed and participated in a racist dance to mock Indians and portray them as "snake charmers" (With Yesung, Shindong, Eunhyuk, Ryeowook, and Kyuhyun). Sungmin and Eunhyuk used flutes to look like they hypnotize a snake.
Wore a Native American headband.
Wore side braids.
Made a girl cry on "We Got Married". On "We Got Married", the “Fighting Juniors,” which consists of Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae and Kyuhyun have been helping Leeteuk and Kang Sora in their “We Got Married” episodes, and they recently finished their first dates with the actresses Lee Sena, Shin Soo Yol, Son Eun Seo and Jung Yeon Ju. However, in the short duration of time that has passed, there have seemed to be changes in their opinions and thoughts. Before, Eunhyuk had chosen Lee Sena as his favourite, but later on changed his mind to Son Eun Seo, causing Lee Sena to cry in the final choices.
(Allegedly) dated IU when she was 19 and he was 26.
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Misogynistic title track controversy (GGB scandal with Donghae). Korean fans have brought up the misogynistic connotations behind the word, accusing Super Junior D&E of not being mindful. The title of the song (GGB) is a phrase used when calling a woman, but it is a derogatory one. It is not completely a curse word, and there are instances where it is used amongst girls themselves or mother-daughters in a joking way, but it is similar to when some words can be used jokingly amongst the same race, but are considered racist for others to use. [Jijibae (GGB)] is a word that modern women are averse to, and it is especially unpleasant when it is used by a man. 10 to 15 years ago, it was more commonly used with the meaning of “bad woman,”. The word “jijibae” in Korean originates from the word “gyejibae,” which loosely translates to “wench.” While it can be used to refer to a woman or girl, it holds derogatory meaning and disrespect. This mistake can easily be avoided. They could've chosen another title for the song. It's not that hard to choose another title for the song.
Performed with Boom, who was doing blackface while performing (With Leeteuk and Shindong).
Choreographed and participated in a racist dance to mock Indians and portray them as "snake charmers" (With Yesung, Shindong, Sungmin, Ryeowook, and Kyuhyun).
Wore dreadlocks.
Wore a Native American headband.
Wore a dreadlocks wig in a performance (With Donghae).
Did too many homophobic things (×100).
Retweeted a homophobic tweet.
Posted a transphobic meme on Bubble.
Said "I do not wish to acknowledge homosexuals".
Dog biting incident. His French bulldog had a history of biting people. For instance, Leeteuk said Siwon's dog tried to bite him. Siwon and his family had a habit of not putting their dog on a leash despite the dog being aggressive. His dog bit an old lady and the lady died.
Openly supports Israel. In an interview, a reporter asked which city he would like to go and he answered "Jerusalem, Israel". Siwon said he wanted to go to Israel with one of his friends. He took photos with Israeli diplomats and had political summits/meetings with them. He said "Israel Elf", interacted with an Israeli fan, and acknowledged Israel as a country, etc.
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Posted a photo of him drinking Starbucks during the boycott.
Fan of Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. Both of these presidents were/are horrible people.
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Wore a Native American headband.
Zhoumi laughed about the earthquake of 6.8 magnitude that hit Taiwan saying “When the earthquake struck just then, it was just like playing.” Moreover, Zhou Mi even used last year’s Si Chuan earthquake as a comparison, saying: “Last year, when we were promoting in China, we also met an earthquake, and it was pretty happy.” And Han Geng who was beside him immediately rushed forward to clarify: “He (Zhou Mi) doesn’t mean happy.” However, it was too late, as everything was already recorded by the media.
Supported China's movement of claiming territories in the South China Sea. He took to his Sina Weibo account to repost a nationalistic poster from the Chinese newspaper "People's Daily". It shows a map of China and the "nine-dash line" that covers most of the South China Sea. Accompanied by the caption: "This is China, not one bit less".
Wore a dreadlocks wig in a performance (with Siwon).
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Eunhyuk said every time they have a comeback, Donghae suggests hair for him and tries to get him to do dreadlocks for a D&E comeback.
Wore braids in the House Party MV. He chose to do the hairstyle himself.
Wore an Elsa dress and a keffiyeh to be "Rich Elsa" and threw fake money to portray Arabs as "oil money rich people".
Was aggressive and tried to raise his hand against Irene after he lost a game. Irene got scared. Yesung got mad at him by saying "Why are you acting like a gangster?". In the episode, he was so mad every time he lost a point to Irene and said the game was a lie.
Donghae participated in the same performance as Xuan Yi who did the Bharatanatyam dance mockingly while wearing a Charlie Chaplin moustache and approved her of doing the Bharatanatyam dance. On a Super TV episode, Super Junior invited girl groups to their show. In that episode, each Super Junior member had to team up with a girl group to make a performance. Donghae teamed up with WJSN. Donghae chose Tunak Tunak as their song for their performance because he thought it was an exciting song. Both WJSN and Donghae choreographed, practised and participated in the performance. Each team had to get a prop/instrument to perform with, Donghae and WJSN got the Sogo. At the beginning of the performance, Xuan Yi did the Bharatanatyam dance mockingly while wearing a Charlie Chaplin moustache and did head bobbling movements. Then, the other girls and Donghae came behind her. After that, the other girls did head bobbling movements and then Donghae started dancing with them. It was WJSN's idea to make Xuan Yi do the Bharatanatyam dance. However, Donghae was the team captain and WJSN's senior. He fully had control of their performance. Plus, it was Super Junior's show. Even if he didn't do the Bharatanatyam dance or come up with the idea of Xuan Yi doing it, he was also guilty of approving Xuan Yi of doing the Bharatanatyam dance mockingly with a Charlie Chaplin moustache, didn't hold her and the other girls accountable and participating in the same performance as Xuan Yi.
Misogynistic title track controversy (GGB scandal with Eunhyuk). Korean fans have brought up the misogynistic connotations behind the word, accusing Super Junior D&E of not being mindful. The title of the song (GGB) is a phrase used when calling a woman, but it is a derogatory one. It is not completely a curse word, and there are instances where it is used amongst girls themselves or mother-daughters in a joking way, but it is similar to when some words can be used jokingly amongst the same race, but are considered racist for others to use. [Jijibae (GGB)] is a word that modern women are averse to, and it is especially unpleasant when it is used by a man. 10 to 15 years ago, it was more commonly used with the meaning of “bad woman,”. The word “jijibae” in Korean originates from the word “gyejibae,” which loosely translates to “wench.” While it can be used to refer to a woman or girl, it holds derogatory meaning and disrespect.
Made fun of VIXX's N skin colour.
Put Yesung's blackface photo as his Twitter profile picture and laughed at Yesung's blackface
Choreographed and participated in a racist dance to mock Indians and portray them as "snake charmers" (With Yesung, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, and Kyuhyun). Ryeowook did a dance move to look like a snake being hypnotized by Sungmin and Eunhyuk's flutes.
Wore a Native American headband.
Def Conn was talking about a trade he did with an African American regarding some Micheal Jordan shoes to which Kyuhyun retorted “That scenario must have looked like a drug deal.”.
Harassed Goo Hara and Jessica for dating on Radio Star. He called Goo Hara a "slut", and said that if she gets pregnant her career will be over and if he opens his mouth again her career will be over. He asked Jessica many inappropriate questions and made her and other SNSD members uncomfortable, especially Tiffany. Every time Kyuhyun said something bad about Jessica, Tiffany defended Jessica and scolded him.
Thought India was uncivilized. So, he brought a spoon to Indian because he thought there were no spoons in India.
Liked tweets that criticized Changmin and Chen's marriages.
Choreographed and participated in a racist dance to mock Indians and portray them as "snake charmers" (With Yesung, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, and Ryeowook).
Wore a Native American headband.
When Joohoney stereotypically imitated how black people talk on Radio Star, Kyuhyun laughed.
After news went out that Hangeng had filed for provisional disposition of the contract with SM Entertainment, Kyuhyun wrote on his CyWorld account on 21st December after the news about Hangeng came out, “Even a beast don’t bite the hand that feeds one…I can not understand” expressing his disappointment about it.
Kissed Yewon's thigh while carrying her on his shoulders on "We Got Married". This caused people to call him a pervert.
Revealed that when he first met his members, he thought all of them were gay and thought Heechul was trans and said those things worried him.
Persuaded Jackson (GOT7) to accompany him in going into the girl's room without permission and rifling through their stuff on episode 45 of SBS Roomate.
Used a stereotypical Indian accent to mock Indians, pretended to be Saruman, and thought Indian and Arab cultures were the same. A genie lamp was edited into the video.
Defended Yesung's blackface by commenting on Yesung's blackface post on Instagram. He commented, "If this is racist. then thor wearing the blonde wig is also racist. c o s p l a y .".
Henry and his crew culturally appropriated black hairstyles in his "I'm Good" MV.
Supported China's movement of claiming territories in the South China Sea (same with Zhoumi).
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flash-exchange · 4 months
In a Flash Creation Challenge
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Would you mind joining us for a little challenge?
What is In a Flash Creation Challenge?
In a Flash CC is an event we host along Ikemen Flash Exchange, to celebrate those idea flashes that speed through our minds.
We welcome any seasoned fandom veterans as well as all newly emerged creators! :) Make as many or as few things as you'd like, combine prompts, brainstorm with others -- the only limit is your imagination! There's something for everybody here.
How does it work?
In a Flash CC is hosted in IFE discord server. The event lasts from June 1st until the end of August.
The participants gain access to a channel containing all the relevant event information, a support chat, and a channel for sharing their creations.
Participants are not obliged to post their works to any social media. If you choose to do so, however, please let us know -- we'd like to shine the spotlight on them! :)
What about prompts?
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[Prompt teaser transcription below the cut.]
The last prompt drop may or may not give you some idea on what we're brewing for the next edition of Ikemen Flash Exchange. >:)
What sort of works can be submitted to the challenge?
Writing: 450-650 (+/- 50 words)
Art: anything that would count as lower effort than your usual work; colour is okay
We don't exclude the possibility of people creating moodboards, wallpapers, playlists, videos, etc. When in doubt, contact our staff.
Additionally, for legal adults only, we've prepared a space to create NSFW and suggestive works. That being said, we have chosen to blacklist certain themes (more details below the cut). We also reserve the right to refuse submissions.
How do I participate?
Ask for an invite link to our server. :) You must be off anon. Then, follow the steps written in #announcements channel.
We’ll be waiting for you! >:)
Got any questions? Do not hesitate to shoot us an ask!
Boosting would be appreciated! 🙏
Prompt Teaser - Transcript
Steaming Tea
One Thousand and One (Kinds of) Kisses
Inspiration Flash: Screenplay - Who said prose is the only way to go?
Works - Blacklist
Age play,
Consensual Non-consent, including rape play,
Dead Dove Do Not Eat,
Dub-con of any kind,
Non-con of any kind,
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The "public commentary" portion of a city council meeting in Leduc, Alta., ended abruptly Monday night when a woman insisted colours of the Progress Pride flag stand for bestiality, necrophilia and paedophilia.
The woman, who identified herself as Laurel, stood up to speak alongside a man who ranted for several minutes prior against Pride symbols, while also speaking about government-sprayed chemicals changing people's genders and claiming children are being "brainwashed" by Pride events.
He was introduced as Bill McDavid and said he was a member of the "freedom movement."
McDavid’s first name is actually Phil, according to the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, which also stated he is the brother of Elliot McDavid, the man who made national headlines last summer when he confronted Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland in Grande Prairie. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada, @abpoli
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nightside-of-siberia · 3 months
Request Info
This'll be linked in my pinned, and updated as needed.
Who I Write For: - Agatha x Wanda; - Agatha x Reader (on request); - Agatha x Wanda x Reader (on request); - Wanda x Reader (on request);
- feel free to send me in an ask if there's someone else you want me to try writing for.
Who I Won't Write For: - Carol Danvers; - Natasha Romanov.
What I Will Write: - most things, to be honest.
What I Won't Write: - incest; - paedophilia.
Other Info: - I write requests in the order that I get them; - I will close my inbox once I've hit five requests (this is so I can work on getting the ones I already have out without having to worry about becoming overwhelmed by new ones coming in); - I try to have at least one chapter of a request out before moving on to the next one; - my pinned post will always have a counter on it recording how many requests are in my 'queue' - e.g., if the number is zero, then I'm not currently working on a request; if the number is one, I have one request that I'm working on, etc., etc.' - as a result, your position in the queue will affect how long it takes me to fill it (I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be mean or anything - I'm just one person, and your patience is appreciated); - if a request ends up being more than one chapter, it'll be moved from the 'requests' part of my pinned, down to the 'in progress' part of my pinned once the first chapter has gone live; - there will eventually be a master post of all of my 'x reader' fics, with links to both the Tumblr and AO3 versions.
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
wait so we're allowed to tag your posts font/cest and fra/ns?
...anon. baby. listen to me, i am holding your hand.
there's an unspoken rule of fandom etiquette that i always assumed everyone knew, where you don't tag something as a pairing unless the op 1) has tagged it as that pairing to begin with, or 2) has explicitly said they're cool with it somewhere else on their blog.
this goes for any ship, but ten times as much for stuff that includes incest/adultxminor/abuse and heavy topics like that, because they rightfully make people uncomfortable.
are you asking me if my art was drawn with those ships in mind? are you asking me if i am comfortable with people treating it as such? are you asking me if I'm gonna be happy to see that in my tags?
because then my answer is a solid and resounding "No."
but I can't stop you from tagging my art that any more than i can stop you from waltzing into my kitchen and taking a shit on my breakfast table... ok maybe that's not the best example, but you get what i mean. I shouldn't have to hang a sign outside my house to explicitly ban people from doing that, i assume they'd have enough salt in their skull to... not fucking do that in the first place???
that's why i think "don't tag as" and dnis are stupid. it's externalizing a boundary I'm supposed to enforce MYSELF to curate my fandom experience. by filtering, and blacklisting and blocking, blocking, blocking.
if someone tags my art as f/ntcest? all the better! i can block them and move on with my life without ever having to deal with them again, since they obviously don't care about respecting other people and keeping their dldr content where people can... actually not like it, and not read it. freedom to not engage. it all comes back to that.
but you know what the funniest thing is? i have NEVER had this problem with people who actually ship that stuff! (not on tumblr at least, twitter, however, is a hellscape). but do you know who's brought up incest and paedophilia completely unprompted time and time again in the tags of my posts?
those very "don't tag this as x" people. because nobody was thinking about that stuff until they came along. it's a non solution to a non problem (at least on my end). AND it's entitled as hell, since you're dictating what happens to someone else's work. so, once again: quit it.
aaaanyway, hope that answered your question, mwah mwah.
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billys-slutcherson · 4 months
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Hello, my name is Becca!! (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
I am 26 and recently converted to my unhinged era.
This means, minors PLEASE do to interact in any form with this blog, you will be swiftly blocked. There is no ifs or buts about it, and going against it just makes you a shitty person please don't interact with me. Please and THANK YOU.
───────────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────────────
I enjoy design, art, and most importantly right now, WRITING!
ironic this is the way I have decided to use the josh fixation
───────────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────────────
As of now I love to write:
❤ soft fluff & smut!
❤ one-shots
❤ requests!
❤ multi-chapters, maybe? (●'◡'●)
I will NOT write:
⊠ rape, paedophilia, incest or anything of these nature!
⊠ real people, including celebrities, online personalities etc.
As of now I am not sure if I will take requests, because I am still really new to writing fanfics. But! I don't mind trying out prompts, and providing the GOODIES!
MASTERLIST below the cut! ↘
✯¸.•´¨*•✿ •┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈• ✿•*¨`•.¸✯
✿ Billy (Burn) x F!Reader 'I Always Knew You Were Needy' (NSFW)
Billy finally succumbs to your convincing, letting you tease him for a change. Reluctant at first, but it doesn't take long for him to start begging... (2,140 Words)
✿ Mike Schmidt x F!Reader 'Nightshift Degeneracy P.T 1' (NSFW)
Slow security nights leave the mind to wander to more enticing places than where he is stuck. All alone, for once, Mike allows himself that indulgence. (978 Words)
✿ Mike Schmidt x F!Reader 'Nightshift Degeneracy P.T 2' (NSFW)
After his near miss of being caught up to no good on the nightshift, Mike thinks he might be in the clear. However, you relish in letting him know you caught him. Desperate to fulfil his urges completely. (3,041 Words)
✿ Mike Schmidt x Gen!Reader 'Pretty as a Vine'
Working as Abby's babysitter had grown on you, so much so that you let her mess up your face with an old lipstick she found. It became a game of chase, till you were both caught by Mike. Feeling like a scolded idiot, you turn your attention to how he might look wearing it. Much to his dismay. (805 Words)
✿ Mike Schmidt x Gen!Reader 'It's You I Hold On To'
Abby stubborn as she is just wants to go camping, which is a total no-go for Mike. But in the garden, under the stars with you there? He can't shake the idea. So movie night, and junk food huddled around a little DVD player, is worth it just to make both you and Abby smile. (2,826 Words)
✿ Mike Schmidt x Gen!Reader 'And I Saw Sparks' (NSFW)
Following the failed garden camping and being drenched by the storm, Mike just wanted you to stay. More than that, he wanted you, to kiss you. Begging for more, confessing all of his pent-up need for you and only you. NSFW follow-up to 'It's You I Hold Onto' (2,392 Words)
✿ Derek Danforth x F!Reader 'I'd Rather Stay Here' (NSFW)
Insatiable for you, Derek convinces you to ditch the party. Eager to have his way dominating you, away from prying eyes. Desperately, you wouldn't dream of passing up the chance… (3,589 Words)
✿ Derek Danforth x F!Reader 'Bathed in Wine' (NSFW)
You hated it, the façade. It bored you, but for Derek, you'd do anything just to be there to tease him. In the end, you get what you want, or better yet what you need. Even at the cost of making a slight fool of yourself. It was worth it to see him in ruins. (2,754 Words)
✿ Peeta Mellark x Gen!Reader 'Strawberries'
After it all, you are still you and he is still Peeta. He will always go above and beyond to see your smiles, always. (981 Words)
✿ Josh Futturman Cowboy AU x F!Reader 'The Moonlighting Cowboy' (NSFW)
Your day was about as average as they get out in the middle of the Wild West. Until the sweet silent peace is broken by a manic strange running for your stables, fleeing a gang of outlaws hunting him. Being the person you are you stupidly offered to help. Inevitably falling for his accidental charms... (8,695 Words)
Also, here is my AO3 - It is the same fics, but I know sometimes I prefer bookmarking there!
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princessmisery666 · 1 year
Daily Mixes Challenge - 2K follower celebration
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I wasn't sure about doing a follower celebration as I'm quite sporadic with posting but I just surpassed 2K followers, I will be celebrating my birthday in May (the same day as Sam Winchester), and my blog will be turning 3 and I wanted to celebrate.
A multi-fandom challenge with no end date for sign ups or posting entries.
Music inspires me in my day to day life and as I have progressive hearing loss I listen to A LOT of music. I want to consume as much as I can before I can’t do it any more.
So my challenge is this: send me an ASK picking one of the below categories: 
Daily Mix 1
Daily Mix 2
Daily Mix 3
Daily Mix 4
Daily Mix 5
Daily Mix 6
Hip Hop
I will hit shuffle on the corresponding Spotify playlist and give you the first song that plays. You then have to write a fic or create a mood board, aesthetic or piece of art based on that song or the feelings it gives you.
More Info below the cut.
I will make sure no one gets the same song.
For anyone who doesn’t use Spotify, it creates “made for you” playlists that are personalised to your tastes and they change from day to day. It changes DAILY, so I don’t know what song you could get. I listen to anything from cheesy pop to hardcore rock.
Info & Guidelines - cause no one likes rules: 
Fandoms I’m interested in but you can write for any fandom you wish. Supernatural, Marvel, Top Gun: Maverick, DC, Shadow & Bone, The Witcher, Outer Banks, Yellowstone-verse, Sons Of Anarchy. And probably more feel free to ask. 
Bonus points for: Sam Winchester/Jared Padalecki, Sam Wilson/Anthony Mackie, Erik ‘Kilmonger’ Stevens/Michael B Jordan, and Geralt/Henry Cavill.
MARVEL NOTE: I won’t read Tony Stark fics. He can be a supporting character but I won’t read anything that is centred around him. Sorry. I have a reason for this that I’m happy to discuss but it’s a bit dark and this is supposed to be fun.😉
Feel free to combine this with any other bingos/challenges you are partaking in if they allow the same. 
Can be fluff, smut, angst, kinks, crack, A/B/O, AU’s whatever floats your boat. Dark themes welcome. 
Any and ALL trigger warnings must be highlighted. I’ll step out of my comfort zone and read anything - except Tony Stark, paedophilia, necrophilia and scat play (don’t look it up).
Any and all ships welcome.
Can be reader insert, 1st/3rd person, OC or character’s POV. Whatever you prefer.
Fics can be any length, but PLEASE use a ‘keep reading’ line for long posts or fics over 500 words.
If the song you get doesn’t spark any inspiration, there’s no pressure to do it, and feel free to ask for another.
Can request as many songs as you want. 
You don’t have to be following me.
No end date for requests
No due date for entries.
Use the tag #666DailyMix so I can find it and don’t forget to tag me in your work.
Would appreciate a reblog for a signal boost
I will reblog all entries
I will create a master list and update whenever there is a new submission
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jayfeefle · 4 months
Board AF Legacy Brain rot time. Here are some ship opinions on ships that were hinted or (the 1) actually happened :)
My blabbing under the cut
Ships I Love
Rory O’Brien x Belinda Poppy (BAFL1)
I loved the Rivals to almost lovers to enemies pipeline, you know with Rory flirting at the beginning and then killing her at the end. Quite symbolic, at least in my opinion.
Amadeus Whittmore x Cornelius Brawne Junior (BAFL2)
I loved the tension, Cornelius was so confused by the flirting but he was just rolling with it, I loved it. Amadeus was such a cunty bitch when he was young, it’s a shame he grew up to be an old paedophile.
Edwin O’Brien x Eleanor Poppy (BAFL7/8)
The only confirmed couple, I can't not love them. Eleanor learns about herself and Edwin just along for the ride. Eleanor clueless as to what flirting is and Edwin protective and jealous. It’s the best.
Ships I Like
Sandy O’Brien x Belinda Poppy Ⅱ (BAFL5)
Slightly unconventional age gap (i think), but you know what, it’s cute, i haven't seen an O’Brien being protected by a Poppy before, it’s usually the other way around, and i think it’s cute.
Ships I Hate
Simon Bootles x Phillip Whittmore (BAFL5)
Simon. Simon you are 124 years old. He’s in his 20’s. Why are you two doing a weird flirty thing? Stop it.
Abigail Whittmore x Clyde Brawne (BAFL6)
Unrequited thank fuck. Clyde is uninterested so no paedophilia. But Abigail, the daddy issues are too obvious. You gotta stop, I know your dad was in love with Clyde’s great-grandfather but this is so very illegal, you’re 15 years old.
Will probs update later 👍
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flash-exchange · 1 year
In a Flash Creation Challenge
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This time we come to you with an invitation to a Challenge unlike any other. Strap in, because this is bound to be fun! >:)
What is the Challenge?
In a Flash CC is an event we host along the Ikemen Flash Exchange. Not all ideas can become gifts, however, they aren't any less worthy!
We aim to enable creativity, open up opportunities for collaborations, make obtaining support easier, and for everybody to simply enjoy themselves. The goal is the joy of creation!
We welcome any seasoned fandom veterans as well as all newly emerged creators! :) Make as many or as few things as you'd like, combine prompts, brainstorm with others -- sky is the limit! There's something for everybody here.
How does the Challenge work?
The In a Flash CC is hosted in IFE discord server. The event lasts from October 6th 2023 until the end of January 2024.
The participants gain access to a channel containing all the relevant event information, a support chat, and a channel for sharing their creations.
Participants are not obliged to post their works to any social media. If you choose to do so, however, please let us know -- we'd like to shine the spotlight on them! :)
What prompts can I expect to see?
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[Prompt teaser transcription below the cut.]
And many, many more ;) The prompts will be gradually revealed throughout the duration of the challenge -- expect to see all kinds of themes!
The last prompt drop may or may not give you some idea on what we're brewing for the next edition of the Exchange. >:)
What sort of works can be submitted to the Challenge?
Writing: 450-650 (+/- 50 words)
Art: anything that would count as lower effort than your usual work; colour is okay
We don't exclude the possibility of people creating moodboards, wallpapers, playlists, videos, etc. When in doubt, contact our staff.
Additionally, for legal adults only, we've prepared a space to create NSFW and suggestive works. That being said, we have chosen to blacklist certain themes (more details below the cut). We also reserve the right to refuse submissions.
How do I participate?
Ask for an invite link to our server. :) You must be off anon. Then, follow the steps written in #announcements channel.
We’ll be waiting for you! >:)
Got any questions? Do not hesitate to shoot us an ask!
Boosting would be appreciated! 🙏
Prompt teaser - transcript
Fae AU
Magic Apprenticeship
Inspiration Flash: Make a work inspired by a mythology / demonology of your choice
Mysterious Invitation
Mad(ness) Hats
All-Flavours-Of-The-World Cookies
Works - Blacklist
Age play,
Consensual Non-consent, including rape play,
Dead Dove Do Not Eat,
Dub-con of any kind,
Non-con of any kind,
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emerald-chan · 15 days
Hey Lynn!! I finished the message and sending it to you now for your thoughts before I send it to Dudley. I have been having internet problems so I hope this gets to you this time. Here it is:
Hey guys, Rascal here. This particular message is something that's been coming for a long time now. I know that when it comes to the affairs of discourse with certain members or addressing behavior or contoversy, usually the co-leaders address and handle it then tell me the results. But this time its a matter that's gotten to a point where I was alerted to intervene myself.
My friend @LynnMagne has alerted me several times that the behavior of certain Solar members has gotten to a point where its no longer civil when it comes to disagreements, or are placing blame on other members for their actions. I've even gotten word that they refuse to listen to reason despite multiple attempts to defuse the situation or explain why their actions/words were wrong. I was also sent evidence of these actions through screenshots of conversations.
This tab only allows up to five images, but I can post the other evidences in the next post if necessary.
Other rascals that have supported evidence are Davi Crossover, Dino/Mysticals and will post their responses/evidence and messages on their respective community tabs as well.
You're free to look at the below pictures that were sent as evidence of certain Solars actions. With that being said, we've come to a decided the only action that could fix this:
Banning Solar members who are also Rascals from the group and revoking their staff member status. Its not something I wanted to do, and I really hate losing people in the group, but I made the Rascals group so we could have fun together, not tear anyone apart.
There was an idea to monitor people, but this could require TONS of time and it would interfere with many regular members schedule. Not to mention that both sides would feel a lack of privacy as well. I don't mind when others want to have conversations or even disagreements, but when it escalates to a point they can't listen to reason, then we have to take action.
Sorry for the lengthy post, but its been something I've needed to address for a long time. I'm not personally mad at anyone, or holding a grudge. I'm just kind of disappointed in this coming to light. I can even understand if you're mad at me. I just want my friends to be safe as we work on what we love, either together or apart. We'll get back to the fun stuff (outside of new podcasts releasing) soon enough, we just need to get past this first.
Thanks for reading, and I'm sorry it took me a while to finally address this.
Sincerely, Rascal. 🐶
This draft does speak a lot about what I want to say. I know the Solars don't like Breindel for some things he did and they accuse Davi of paedophilia for being friends with him but just because you and Davi are friends with him doesn't make you two paedophiles. I have known you two long enough to know you two would never do such a thing. It is a serious accusation to make. I would suggest clarifying on that when revising the draft or maybe me, Dino, and Davi can clarify on that. The Solars often force Davi to not be friends with Breindel and Candler to not be friends with me due to these accusations. They shouldn't force others to end friendships. The accusations made also lead to them making dumb reasons to ban people like me, Davi, Dino, and Diego from the Solars. I might also make it clear in either your draft or my response/message that everyone has a right to tell problems regardless of age difference between members. I just want to make that point in regard to Arkys accusing me and Clover of trauma dumping and Nala calling us out on it because Nala defended Kris as a nice person who has been nothing but kind to me and Clover though it's not true and Arkys doesn't want to hear anything mean about Kris. Nala said I shouldn't tell Arkys about it since he is in high school and I am a college student. Kris might have done something to me if I didn't block him which Clover warned me on. If a Solar has their staff member status revoked in the Solars, Shadows, Outcasts, or Guardians, they can't be a staff member for other groups other Solars made like Shadows, Outcasts, or Guardians, be reselected to be a staff member, nor create another group. Well, a lot of the evidence proves that the Solars aren't as good as they present themselves as and I suggest they work on themselves before inducting anymore members into the group. There are a few nice Solars which are Sean, Mandy, Nuke, Sonic Past Cool, Art Dragon, Clover, and Daniela.
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