#encanto candle
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gamerbearmira · 10 months ago
Y'all remember the OG mermaid AU? Where the grandkids were mermaids who grew their tails when they were in water and they kept it a secret from Abuela and when she found out called them sea devils so they disowned her and the candle turned into a glowing pearl in a shell? It feels like it's been forever since we got anything from that AU
Need to go back to roots the mermay, loved the og (not extra stuff LMAOOOO but I did love all the ideas <333) But yeah I remember❗❗
It's been a while, but uh. I really did like that au. It was actually originally only meant to be posted in may. But it got popular outside of that; and then that lead to other mer/underwater aus lol
I remember someone, pretty sure an anon, ended up suggesting the candle turn into a pearl??? Idk if I ever said it. But. I know I did mention Isabela was the one who stole it, and she wanted to get rid of it. And everyone knows that fire goes out in water (in most cases), so she thought that the best thing to do was to put it in water. Of course, it didn't go out. It just turned into a shell.
The candle fr:
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NO BUT SERIOUSLY. Ummm I've thought about if the candle can adapt to different environments. I mean it's confirmed that you can't like. Blow the candle out or anything, I mean it loses its magic when the family is beefing and stuff 😭 and by technical means in this au, the kids didn't have such distant relationships because they all had something to bond over, which was being mermaids 🙏🙏
Anyway, Isabela tried to take it out in the water, but it didn't work. Isabela didn't have ill intentions towards her family, or really even the candle, it was more of a spur of the moment action. It's not like it's first degree or anything, something happen that day to cause her to just randomly decide to take it out.
The candle just. Adapted to the water. And since Isabela was touching it, it turned into a shell. Opened it, boom, it's a magic pearl now 💀 Alma obviously sees it, but she thinks Mirabel did something to it cause at the time she say it, homegirl was holding it. Isabela came to her defense, obviously. Idk if I wanna make it to where they figure out that the candle would have done that if any of the kids held it.
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Honestly wanna do more for the original version of this au. Just gotta figure it out 😭 Will definitely be redrawing their designs 🌚🌚
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jacarandaaaas · 1 year ago
in this shot the candle is positioned higher up in the shot than mirabel, showcasing how she feels this candle is worth more than she is. This is also foreshadowing for the moment she quite literally values this candle more than her own life!
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chaos-clowns-collections · 25 days ago
Finally got some of the villain Mirabel brainrot out of my system, the follow up/sequel song has put me in a chokehold again
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deejayponethree · 1 year ago
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I still need to do color palettes but for now. Horse moment
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foggyfanfic · 8 months ago
Mirabel Thoughts
Writing from the perspective of a villager and trying to decide how the different Madrigals look from the outside, and Mirabel is the one I’m having a hard time pinning. As usual, putting the thoughts to screen helps.
So obviously Mirabel doesn’t receive the same level of admiration as Isabela or Abuela, and she doesn’t seem to be relied upon as heavily as Luisa and Julieta. The warm color branch of the family seems to be high charisma, so they’re probably popular in the more traditional sense. And of course we know that Bruno is the least liked Madrigal. So what social niche is Mirabel fulfilling?
She doesn’t seem to be disliked, although she is shown to be pitied by the villagers (the “not special” special), she’s probably looked down upon just a little. She probably had to deal with some bullying from other kids, but not Complete Social Pariah levels. The threat of being the next Bruno is looming over her head but she’s not quite there yet.
I think, since she must fall somewhere on the middle of Popular to Pariah scale, she’s the sort of person who gets voted Everybody’s Best Friend in school. Idk if you had any one like this at your school, but when I was fifteen I had a few people who I didn’t think of as popular because they weren’t endlessly charismatic, constantly the center of attention, or noticeably cooler than the rest of us. But looking back, everyone liked them because they were just so nice. I’m picturing the girl who eventually ended up being voted Homecoming Queen for my grade specifically. I’ll name drop because it wasn’t her legal name and it’s a very common one.
So, Mary had a lot in common with Mirabel. She was intelligent, easy to talk to, and always happy to help. I didn’t think of her as being glamorously beautiful the same way Mirabel isn’t designed to be the next Disney Princess, but she was pretty and Mirabel is too. I didn’t think of her as being cool or an A-list kid or anything because she sometimes said things in an awkward way, or embarrassed herself, like Mirabel falling over stuff in the movie. While there were people that felt “cool” and who I therefore wanted to impress, Mary was just plain old pleasant to be around, I wanted to talk to her because I felt comfortable around her and enjoyed our conversations. And I thought of her as a friend because she treated me like a friend, she treated everybody like a friend, even people I thought sucked. She was very much down to earth and probably a lot more mature than I was at the time. I remember being pleasantly surprised to see her name on the ballot for homecoming queen, and even more so when she beat out the girl who fell more in line with what TV told me popular looks like. It really reframed the way I saw people. While it’s true that snobs and bullies sometimes gain social currency by convincing people they’re at the top of the ladder, being a genuine friend gets you farther than you realize.
I doubt Mirabel is a one to one comparison to this real world person I knew in high school, but I figure she probably has similar social standing. She has the social currency of being a Madrigal, then add in the fact that she would seem so much more down to earth than the other Madrigals while still being friendly and helpful, and you end up with a Mary. People probably don’t flock to her, but if I were fifteen and in the Encanto you could bet your ass I’d be happy to sit with her at lunch or see her at a party. I’m sure impressionable young me would be just as star struck as the rest of the villagers when it comes to Camilo and Isabela, and wiser adult me would of course want to hang out with Bruno, but I would be pleasantly surprised to see Mirabel’s name on the ballot for Harvest Festival Queen or whatever, and I would vote for her because “that’s my friend”.
Furthermore, Mirabel reminds me of somebody who has some sorta neurodivergence but flies under the radar with it. Considering the Madrigals seem to have a family history of anxiety disorders, Mirabel could too, autism is also in the running since Bruno and Antonio both show signs of it. She does remind me of a guy I knew at college #2 who had an anxiety disorder that bordered on being a physical disability rather than straight neurodivergence. For the most part his anxiety didn’t bother him, then every once in a while his body would decide “Ok! It’s panic attack time!” and he would start experiencing all the physical symptoms of a panic attack with no warning. The first time it happened to him he straight up thought he was having a heart attack because it was so out of no where. He was also not cool, but very kind and friendly, so I’m going to choose to believe that’s what Mirabel has going on. This figures into the equation because I’ve noticed that neurodivergent folks that fly under the radar usually get labeled as “quirky” and it’s considered a good trait, a relatable trait, but not necessarily a cool trait.
Conclusion: I am now convinced that Mirabel is considered the least “popular” Madrigal, but everybody sees her as their friend. She probably has the most genuine connections with the other residents of Encanto, followed by Félix and Agustín, then Luisa and Pepa (who work with the villagers doing odd jobs or watering the crops), then Alma and Dolores (Alma having real friends from before she was A Big Deal, and Dolores having earned a few very loyal friends by keeping their secrets), then Camilo and Julieta each have one or two friends outside the family but are much beloved/admired in a more superficial way, then Isabela is the most popular but also technically the most lonely since not even her family gets hints at her real self until after the movie. Bruno is, of course, in a league of his own because he’s in the walls, so yeah. And Antonio is five, so it’s a little too soon to judge.
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disneywishrewrite · 5 months ago
Day of the Little Candles for EncantoVember 2024
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1, Day of the Little Candles
The first day of #encantovember2024 , I decided to go for Mirabel as she is the miracle of the family which she was determined to prove herself to be more than a magical gift that she didn’t gave because she was destined for greatness.
I remember when I first done Day of the Little Candles back in 2022 two years ago where everyone would celebrate the day by wearing white clothes with golden butterflies detailing as resembling the movie we all love. Hope you guys did the same for this day of EncantoVember 2024
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yellowcry · 1 year ago
What if Mirabel's gift is actually a lack of a gift?🤔
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wikluk · 10 months ago
HEADCANON: The Candle burns people who are not its Guardian, badly. Alma could touch it all she wanted because she was the Guardian of the Miracle. Then, since the day of her ceremony, Mirabel could too.
But the Candle didn't burn if the Guardian was still touching it upon the other's people touch (thus safe gift ceremonies) and when it was transferred directly from the hands of the Guardian to the hands of an other person.
When the Candle chose Mirabel as Alma's predecessor, during her gift ceremony she felt something no one else felt, aside from Alma. Mirabel felt certain connection and touching the Candle filled her with internal warmth. It only ever happened to Alma before. Also, the Candle was acting differently when held by the Guardian. The engravings moved, the flame burnt a little brighter.
(too bad the Candle didn't come with instructions, so that they all would realise that Mirabel had a gift all along. Now, I blame Casita for that. Girl, where's the MAGICAL ROOM?!)
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statementofjoespookie · 2 years ago
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john mulaney encanto 1
part 2
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If Encanto was a horror movie and what if Agustin Madrigal finally snapped along with unleashing his ‘gift’
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greenvillainredemption · 9 months ago
@jacarandaaaas Mirabel pop star AU reminded me of this incredibly Encanto-coded song from Just Dance.
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gamerbearmira · 1 year ago
This just came to mind and I wrote it. And the drawing came after the story. I have mother way to explain this besides Alma being corrupted by the candle and the candle being evil.
Julieta was with Agustín, gently rubbing Mirabel's back. She still by everyone's shock, in the nursery. The sweet girl's 6th birthday was coming up in just a few days. Since her ceremony, she had been sad, and it was worse now that her next birthday was coming up.
"Miraboo, baby, you don't have to be sad," Agustín said, pulling her into his lap and kissing her forehead. "We're gonna have a big party, just for you, just like last year."
Mirabel nodded gently, clutching Agustín's vest. She seemed to be deep in thought, and Julieta could tell something was on her mind.
"Mirabel? What's wrong? You can tell us?" Julieta asked and Mirabel hesitated but was encouraged by Agustín with a gentle squeeze.
"Mamá, do you...like...the candle?" Mirabel asked, looking up at her mother with large innocent eyes. Julieta's eyes widened, and she laughed nervously.
"What do you mean mija?" Julieta asked and Mirabel looked up at her with glassy eyes. And that just broke Julieta's heart.
"The candle," Mirabel paused, looking towards the door before leaning in, and Julieta leaned forward too. "The candle is mean. Casita says that it can understand the candle. It said the candle does mean things."
Julieta's gentle smile faltered as she glanced at Agustín. The man seemed just as confused, his eyebrows betraying said confusion. He shrugged as Julieta looked back at Mirabel. "C- Can you explain Mirabel?"
Mirabel continued to whisper. "Casita says that it tries to stop the candle, but it can't. The candle tells Abuela to say mean things and do stuff that makes the family sad."
"Mirabel, does the candle...have anything to do with how Abuela acts after your ceremony?" Agustín asked his youngest and she nodded slowly.
"Sí. Casita said that when Abuela goes to the candle room it tells her to do mean stuff," Mirabel mumbled. Julieta strained to hear her and frowned.
"Like what?" Agustín asked. Mirabel stopped, looking down at her fingers for a moment. Her parents waited patiently before the girl spoke up again.
"Casita said that...that the candle told Abuela Tío Bruno's gift was a mistake. So it scared tío Bruno away," Mirabel mumbled softly, the tears in her eyes falling. Julieta's breath was knocked out of her chest, and Agustín looked at Julieta with wide eyes. It was a mystery why Bruno suddenly disappeared, and an even bigger mystery why Alma hadn't done much about it or opposed it. Just banned his name. Made it taboo.
It always confused Julieta the most. Her mamá used to be so caring towards all of them, especially with Bruno. When they were kids, she used to defend him. But not anymore. And she wondered why.
Maybe this was the answer.
Julieta snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Mirabel sniffling, cuddling close to Agustín. "Why do you have to whisper hija?"
"Um," Mirabel shifted. She looked towards the floorboards, and Casita seemed to give her a positive response to the silent question. Mirabel leaned closer, going to Julieta's ear. "The candle is listening," she whispered. Julieta felt her heart skip a beat, out of fear. She glanced towards Mirabel, who genuinely looked terrified. "The candle always listens. It uses Casita even though Casita doesn't like it. And when it hears stuff that it doesn't like, it tells Abuela, a-and she gets mad, and makes the family sadder and-"
Mirabel was cut off as Agustín pulled her closed, her soft sobs muffled by her vest. The girl couldn't even continue the conversation and took the blue couple a minute to calm her down. Julieta sighed deeply, deciding to change the subject.
"Mirabel, you still didn't tell us what you want to do for your birthday. Anything in particular?" Julieta asked gently and Mirabel rubbed her eyes, sniffling. She looked up at her mamá before hopping off the bed and to the desk in the corner of the room. She rummaged through some pieces of paper before grabbing a few and handing them to her parents.
The two were shocked as she looked through the small pile of crude drawings. It was adorable, her attempts at trying to portray a story of some kind. But the meaning behind it was far more dark than they anticipated.
The first page was about her getting reprimanded by Alma and crying. Julieta and her husband would need to speak to her about that. The second page showed the candle, though Mirabel had put red lines and scribbled "bad" all over the page. The third page had her, at a party of some kind...blowing out the candle, which was on top of a large cake. Julieta stopped and stared at the page. She stared for a long, long time. Her face was unreadable. She seemed to be deep in thought before moving on to the last page. It was Mirabel, with the whole family, happy and smiling again. Alma was smiling, and even Bruni was there.
Julieta and Agustín set the papers down and looked at Mirabel. She was staring up at them, her wide, brown eyes reflecting off of her moonlit glasses. Agustín opened his mouth a few times, but nothing came out. He looked towards Julieta for help.
She took a deep breath before looking through the pages once more. She looked at Mirabel, who was shifting her weight on her feet again.
"Do you want a new dress? Like the one from your ceremony?" Julieta asked and Agustín raised his eyebrows in shock but didn't oppose what she was asking. He wanted to see if she was truly going to take it this far. Though, he wasn't exactly against it...frankly, much like Félix, he wasn't exactly the biggest fan of the candle.
Mirabel's face lit up, and she nodded. "Can I?" Julieta nodded her head yes.
"What kind of cake do you want?" Julieta asked, standing up from the bed.
Mirabel thought for a moment before smiling. "Can I have both chocolate and vanilla?" She asked and Julieta nodded. She picked Mirabel up, tucking her in, pressing a kiss to her forehead while Agustín did the same.
"Of course. Anything for your birthday," Julieta said softly. Just as the two adults were about to leave the room, Julieta turned back, looking towards Mirabel. "I promise you'll have the best birthday ever. The best party."
Again, not much on this au 😭😭 idk, I might expand. There was originally gonna be another part where Juliet’s and Agustin had a conversation after leaving the nursery where Agustin would ask what she was doing. She would then go off to explain that earlier in childhood, Alma was normal, a loving mother. Then later, the more gifts that came into the family, the more different she seemed.
Idk, I’m gonna write for the giant siren and vampire au tho, so keep an eye out for those,,,,,,
Some art 😮‍💨 Mirabel about to blow out her candles.
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jennrypan · 1 year ago
As someone with massive family issues
No I don't fucking care about your generational trauma why am I suffering for YOUR past. I get it, but that's no excuse. Go fuck yourself.
Yes this about that crunchy mf Abuela. IM UPSET.
"Forgiving is how you heal." Thats some bullshit people say so they can justify letting toxic people get away with it. Fuck OFF.
I'm still so annoyed--
Let's have a movie where the parents or something fuck up, and the child acknowledges that their past is why they're like that but STILL continue to go on their way cuz you can't just brush over what happened with some pretty damn words.
(I will NEVER support the 'I forgive my shitty family' plot. It's weak, it's terrible. The literal worst.)
Generational trauma is a SHITTY thing in POC households and it needs to stop being treated as a oh so this is why, that's okay then! NO FUCK YOU.
I'm bitter and I would sell my family to SPACE if it meant I could have peace without stress.
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spooky-spextre-arts · 1 year ago
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I love drawing my girl in some cozy winter clothes... (W.I.P.!) 🦋🌨️🦋🕯️
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Comment what scented candle you would like to have with it for this miracle candle that’s inspired by Encanto?
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disneywishrewrite · 5 months ago
Miracle Candle for EncantoVember 2024
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3, Miracle Candle
This candle has been the most important gift from the miracle that Alma Madrigal begged for safety in the family, but sure she lost sight of what the miracle was for as magic can be a beautiful thing but did comes a dark purpose without realising it.
My headcanon is that the miracle candle is a mystery rather it was a blessing or a curse, Agustín’s father Matre was already aware of that and he did helped his new family to adapt it but easing down when it was getting too strong; Like he cured Dolores hearing when she almost fell deaf to her ears, Luisa’s strength was easy to break things but he told her to relax, and comfort Isabela when Alma was too hard on her gift. He did protect the kids at all cost but knew the miracle will fall apart when the family was getting weakened by the year and he was ready for that…
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