#en garde team
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incorrectplanet · 2 years ago
hoetaek: where are junhyeon, gyuvin, seunghwan and gunwook?
hiroto: playing hide and seek.
hoetaek: where?
hiroto: i don’t think you understand how this game works.
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skeleton---arts · 9 months ago
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Doing artfight again this year! Let's go team seafoam 🌊
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aceacebabes · 8 months ago
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I'm doing artfight this year!! i can never escape its been 7 years send help
never made one of these card thingies before but decided this year was a good time to try it out! If you're looking for dudes to attack this fight my guys are very doodlable and revenge is my middle name ;) ;)
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yixiangs · 2 years ago
being a junrae stan is so stressful. junhyeon is just barely under the cusp of debuting and taerae seems like he can only go up the way hes been gaining popularity more and more every round but what am i supposed to do if junhyeon doesnt get enough singing lines again and his rank drops
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odi-et-amo85 · 2 years ago
This result was sponsored by my daily Ricky votes. 😎
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seokmatthewz · 2 years ago
i feel like this is the harshest set of mentors theyve had on any season djdkdbdk
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mayhemchicken-artblog · 9 months ago
Reading about that Varney family is so funny
Them: En Garde, villain! We shall defeat you in honourable duel. Pistols at dawn! One on one, for we are upstanding men with principles.
The Dracula team: Let's all break into his house ambush him and mug him with knives
the topical shitpost i had for this was so old i redrew it so i wouldn't have to look at henry's old hair
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but yes, it's extremely funny. at one point they are held up in their quest to Defeat The Vampire In Honorable Duel by the fact that varney, being new in the neighborhood and having no friends, has no one to appoint as a second, and OBVIOUSLY you can't fight the vampire who attacked your family if he doesn't have a SECOND. that simply is not done. so they appoint admiral bell as his second, which goes about as well as you can imagine
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yakool-foolio · 6 months ago
Alexa, play Only As Good As My God by Everything Everything. It's scenic for the downfall of Stronghart, as a song about police brutality also fits the mastermind behind the killing of many nobles and criminals who claims it's all in the name of justice. The horse imagery in this song aligns with Stronghart having unicorn motifs in his design. Funny how a symbol of purity and innocence is also a symbol of power and Stronghart took that from 0 to 100.
Van Zieks can you please roundhouse kick Stronghart for me? He's right next to you. Take the shot.
Sholmes: Well, back to my home planet. Beam me up, Iris!
The prosecutors have forgiven each other at last. Damn, Mikotoba saved the life of Klint's daughter, but the mother sadly passed. Van Zieks was completely left outta the know, but since the family name was tarnished, she was kept hidden for her safety.
Oh this is so funny to me cause I've been imagining Iris as Apollo's ancestor because of her deductive abilities taught by Sholmes (so Apollo would also technically be related to Sholmes teehee), but now that Klint is confirmed to be Iris' father... that would mean Apollo is distantly related to Edgeworth in my hypothetical family tree and that's wild.
Sholmes n Mikotoba are so fuckin' cute dude I love their dynamic so much. Ay we got the pocketwatch back for Gina! A perfect memento mori!
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This sentence aged like milk left out in the scorching sun before Gina even opened her mouth.
Iris is happy with her adoptive dad Sholmes, and him n Mikotoba continue to be extremely cute. All is right with the world.
Ryunosuke has made up his mind to return to Britain as a defense lawyer. I hope he'll visit his friends here when he can. SHOLMES N MIKOTOBA HAVE TO SEPARATE AGAIN NOOOOOOOOO
Aww yippee Susato's staying with Ryunosuke! Kazuma and Ryunosuke promise to duel each other in court someday! En garde!
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My babies <3
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And that concludes The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles! This was an incredible duology that will stick with me for a long time. As much as the first game's cases may not have been as much to my fancy, the characters immediately hooked me in and the second game made it all worthwhile. The pins were set and knocked down in a fantastical fashion! TGAA2 might've actually surpassed Dual Destinies as my favorite Ace game, which is a tough height to reach! The Phantom is still my favorite culprit though, so don't worry no one's gonna steal his title heheh.
And with the story of the ancestors at an end (for now, please Capcom make a Van Zieks Investigation game with Kazuma as his assistant I beg you it's what I crave), it's time to go investigate some men with Edgeworth! Starting tomorrow! Perhaps I could write up my live reactions for this newly remastered duology, too, hmm... I'll let future Neo decide!
(To The One Who Saw This Escapade Through To Its End, And Whom I Welcome All Ramblings From - @raymondshields)
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batlleonafc · 3 months ago
Ils n'ont pas un très beau jeu collectif au Fenerbahçe, tina est une très bonne tireuse mais garde trop souvent la balle et ne fait pas énormément de passes aux autres, Emma n'était pas en réussite de tir , mais ça arrive aux plus grands et gabby s'en est pal mal sortie avec 10 points, c'est compliqué pour elle dans cette équipe , elle est souvent bien placé pour aller au panier, mais à très peut de passe de ballons pour y aller et elle doit encore améliorer son tir .
Elle joue nettement mieux en équipe de France où elles sont solidaires les unes des autres et complémentaires c'est se qui fait leurs forces
I think the whole team wasn't locked in Gabby and Emma both haven't played in like two weeks they need to get back into their rhythm they both missed shots that they normally wouldn't miss.
I think this game was a great test before the game vs Valencia on Wednesday. They gonna have Nyara on the court which will be fun to see.
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satoshi-mochida · 2 years ago
‘Swashbuckler action game’ En Garde! announced for PC
Gematsu Source
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Fireplace Games has announced “swashbuckler action game” En Garde! for PC. It will launch via Steam in August. A demo is available now.
En Garde! began as a student project back in 2018. The reception from the community led the team to establish itself as Fireplace Games and recreate En Garde! from the ground up as a full game experience.
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
From the forgotten pages of history, comes Adalia de Volador! Legendary swashbuckler. Dashing adventurer. Hero of the people.
Play as Adalia in her daring escapades full of sword-fighting, satire and shenanigans. Challenge the cruel Count-Duke and oppose tyranny with panache!
Beautifully painted locations, charismatic characters, and an astounding amount of battle banter will transport you to the golden age of swashbuckling comedy!
So, sharpen your sword, grab your boots and hat, and embark on a hilarious, action-packed spectacle!
Key Features
Fencing With Flair – Parry, riposte and lunge your way to victory! Fight with style to fill your Panache Meter and unlock special skills! But you’ll need more than your sword to win the day…
Adapt and Improvise – Challenging, ever-changing fights push you to rely on your cunning and acrobatics to disturb your enemies. Learn their weaknesses to toy with them and express your fighting style.
Experiment with the Environment – Combat areas are playgrounds full of opportunities to create mischief and gain the upper hand. Surprise, stun, or evade enemies with a variety of objects – from rolling barrels to falling chandeliers.
Arena Mode – Unlock zany game-changing modifiers and new fight situations in the arena mode. Play and replay randomized scenarios to test your skill against waves of enemies!
Theatrical Characters – A flamboyant cast dazzles the screen! Adalia and her rivals react to each of your actions, exchanging witty one-liners during the flow of the fight.
Story Episodes – Discover the tales of Adalia, with unique challenges to complete and secrets to uncover. Fight through marketplaces, dungeons and palaces: the world’s a stage for your epic duels!
Award-Winning Passion Project – The game was first prototyped as an award-winning and much-loved student project. The original team has reformed and expanded as Fireplace Games to increase the scope, sweep and grandeur of En Garde!
Watch the reveal trailer below.
Reveal Trailer
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solartale-officiel · 5 months ago
SolarTale Character #3 : Solar!Papyrus
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Papyrus n'a jamais eu de parent, le seul membre de sa famille est son grand frère Sans, qu'il aime évidemment beaucoup. Sans s'est occupé de Papyrus pendant son enfance malgré ses nombreuses absences, effectivement, Sans est très pris par le travail, ce qui inquiète Papyrus. Le grand squelette a peur que son frère ne revienne pas pour une quelconque raison, c'est cette inquiétude et son engouement à faire le bien autour de lui qu'il a décidé d'entrer dans la garde royale pour ne plus être un frein pour son frère ainsi que pour faire ce qu'il aime, c'est à dire protéger et s'occuper des autres.
Papyrus possède une grande maîtrise de sa magie et un grand sens du devoir, c'est pour cela qu'Undyne l'a immédiatement appréciée dès le test d'admission à la garde royale que Papyrus a passé avec brio. En tant que garde royale, Papyrus reste proche d'Undyne étant donné qu'ils sont devenus amis et coéquipiers.
Le grand squelette reste généralement à Snowdin, son poste de garde, c'est pour cela que la population du petit village l'ont surnommé "Le héro de Snowdin" pour le remercier de tous les bienfaits qu'il a effectué pour Snowdin
Papyrus has never had any parents; the only member of his family is his older brother Sans, whom he obviously loves dearly. Sans looked after Papyrus when he was a child, despite his many absences. Sans is very busy at work, which worries Papyrus. The great skeleton is afraid that his brother won't come back for some reason, and it's this concern and his desire to do good around him that prompted him to join the Royal Guard, so that he can stop being a hindrance to his brother and do what he loves, which is to protect and care for others.
Papyrus has a great mastery of his magic and a strong sense of duty, which is why Undyne immediately took a liking to him as soon as Papyrus passed the Royal Guard entrance test with flying colours. As a Royal Guardsman, Papyrus remains close to Undyne as they have become friends and team-mates.
The great skeleton usually stays in Snowdin, his guard post, which is why the people of the small village have nicknamed him ‘The hero of Snowdin’ to thank him for all the good he has done for Snowdin.
Os : Papyrus a la capacité de faire apparaître des os sur n’importe quelle surface tout comme dans les airs. Avec ça, il a la possibilité de faire toute sorte d’attaque, ce qui le rend assez libre dans ses actions. Surtout qu’il en garde une très bonne maîtrise, lui permettant de faire toute sorte de figures.
Gaster Blaster : Le gaster blaster est un gros crâne qui ressemble à celui d’un dragon, il tire un rayon plus ou moins puissant selon la quantité de magie que Papyrus utilise.
Magie bleu : La magie bleu est une capacité qui permet à son utilisateur de modifier la gravité d’un objet ou de l’âme d’une personne. Avec ça, il peut faire flotter un objet ou une personne, modifier son champ de gravité pour qu’il puisse marcher sur les murs par exemple. Plus le poids qu’il fait léviter est élevé et plus il utilise de magie.
Bleu et orange : Papyrus a la capacité de changer la couleur de toutes ses attaques en bleu et orange. Lorsqu’une attaque est bleu alors il ne faut pas bouger pour ne pas prendre de dégâts et orange signifie qu’il faut bouger pour ne pas se prendre de dégâts.
Bad Time : Lorsque Papyrus entre en bad time, son œil brille intensément, augmentant la puissance de ses attaques. Ses os deviennent plus gros, Les tirs de ses Gaster Blaster sont beaucoup plus puissant etc... Cependant, ses réserves de magie baisse plus rapidement. Il utilise généralement cette phase uniquement quand il doit protéger des gens et qu'il n'est pas assez fort ou alors quand il est très énervé.
Magie verte : Papyrus possède le pouvoir de soigner ses alliés ainsi que lui-même, lui permettant de guérir de petites blessures comme de légères entailles, atténuer la douleur ou arrêter une hémorragie.
Bones: Papyrus has the ability to make bones appear on any surface, as well as in the air. With this, he can perform all kinds of attacks, giving him a great deal of freedom in his actions. Especially as he retains a very good command of it, allowing him to perform all sorts of tricks.
Gaster Blaster: The gaster blaster is a large skull that looks like a dragon's. It shoots a more or less powerful beam depending on the amount of magic Papyrus uses.
Blue magic: Blue magic is an ability that allows the user to change the gravity of an object or a person's soul. With it, he can make an object or a person float, or modify its gravitational field so that it can walk on walls, for example. The more weight he levitates, the more magic he uses.
Blue and orange: Papyrus has the ability to change the colour of all his attacks to blue and orange. When an attack is blue, you mustn't move to avoid taking damage, and orange means you must move to avoid taking damage.
Bad Time: When Papyrus goes into bad time, his eyes glow intensely, increasing the power of his attacks. His bones get bigger, his Gaster Blaster shots are much more powerful etc… However, his magic reserves drop more quickly. He generally only uses this phase when he has to protect people and he's not strong enough, or when he's very angry.
Green magic: Papyrus has the power to heal his allies as well as himself, allowing him to heal small wounds such as minor cuts, reduce pain or stop bleeding.
Papyrus est un monstre avec un grand sens du devoir, effectivement, il a décidé d’entrer dans la garde royale car depuis tout petit, il aime protéger les autres et faire le bien autour de lui. Il est quelqu’un de bon, sympathique et cherche toujours à rendre ses amis heureux.
Mis à part ça, il sait quand il faut être sérieux, notamment en combat, car une erreur de sa part peut mettre en danger des gens. À l'instar de son homologue classique, Papyrus n’hésite pas à se battre contre ses adversaires même s’il évite de les tuer.
Même si son devoir de garde royale l'oblige parfois à recourir à la violence, il retient toujours ses coups pour éviter de trop blesser ses adversaire. C'est pour cela qu'il utilise très rarement ses Gaster Blaster.
Papyrus is a monster with a strong sense of duty. He decided to join the Royal Guard because, ever since he was a child, he has loved protecting others and doing good. He's a kind, sympathetic person who always tries to make his friends happy.
Apart from that, he knows when to be serious, especially in combat, where a mistake on his part could put people in danger. Like his classic counterpart, Papyrus doesn't hesitate to fight his opponents, even if he avoids killing them.
Even though his duty as a royal guard sometimes requires him to resort to violence, he always restrains his blows to avoid injuring his opponents too much. That's why he very rarely uses his Gaster Blaster.
Papyrus est un grand squelette, il possède des os de couleur blanche. il n’a pas de pupilles, seulement deux grands trous au niveau des yeux. Il a aussi une grande mâchoire qui laisse voir deux rangés de dents. Papyrus porte toujours son armure sur lui, elle est de couleur bleu foncé avec des zones de couleur violette. Cette armure représente beaucoup pour lui car c’est son frère qui lui a offert pour fêter son entrée dans la garde royale. Même si son armure a beaucoup été abîmée, il prend toujours soin de la rafistoler comme il peut. Par dessus son armure, il porte généralement un sweet noir avec de la fourrure au niveau du col pour ressembler à son grand frère qu’il prend comme modèle à suivre. Pour finir, Papyrus garde en permanence son écharpe rouge.
Papyrus is a large skeleton with white bones. It has no pupils, just two large eyeholes. He also has a large jaw, revealing two rows of teeth. Papyrus always wears his dark blue armour with purple patches. This armour means a lot to him, as his brother gave it to him to celebrate his entry into the royal guard. Even though his armour has been badly damaged, he always takes care to patch it up as best he can. Over his armour, he usually wears a black sweater with fur around the collar to look like his big brother, whom he takes as a role model. Finally, Papyrus always wears his red scarf.
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jebewonmorelike · 2 years ago
Gummy Worms
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wc: 2.3k pronouns: none used; n/a -- reader is a trainee at boys planet, but it's just a story so you can pretend any gender is allowed to compete; it doesn't affect the story! warnings: light swears; some mean!junhyeon but fluffy ending; gunwook and gyuvin being absolutely on one summary: junhyeon has really messed up by using an immature method to get rivaltrainee!reader's perpetual attention; can the en garde team convince him to turn it around? ~bp masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ guys i just know gyuvin and gunwook are actually like this. this is basically just as much about the rest of dog union as it is about junhyeon so it's slightly insane in the best way. somebody save hao from all those nutcases in zb1 LMAO. had a bunch of requests for junhyeon, because he's the best. so i just compiled a couple of them into this baby. :)
"I can fit ten gummy worms in my mouth," Gyuvin brags, smiling smugly at his friends as he stuffs one, two, five, ten gummy worms into his cheeks.
"That's so gross," Gunwook replies, his face twisting up in fascinated disgust. "But I bet I can fit twenty."
The tall boy is just about to shove a gummy worm in his mouth when the door to the En Garde practice room opens. Hoetaek, Seunghwan and Hiroto come rushing in, joining the three members of the Dog Union where they're sitting on the floor.
As Seunghwan plops himself down, his face contorts. "Gyuvin, what the hell is in your mouth?"
"Only ten gummy worms," Gunwook answers for Gyuvin, who is trying to chew the gelatinous mountain of candy in vain. "Wanna see me fit twenty?"
Seunghwan shakes his head. "No, I do not."
Junhyeon sighs audibly. It's only now that the other three boys notice that the loudest trainee has yet to say a word.
"Is something wrong, Junhyeon?" Hiroto asks politely.
Junhyeon sighs again; even deeper this time for dramatic effect as he bemoans, "No."
Hoetaek snorts. "You clearly want us to know something is wrong, so please just get on with it already."
"Geez, tough crowd," Junhyeon relents, leaning back on his hands.
"ISJ COAUGE YARNOIME ISJN HIUA YIH!" Gyuvin tries to say through the gummy worms in his mouth.
"What?" Seunghwan asks, eyes filled with judgment as he stares at the younger boy.
"He said it's cause (Y/N) isn't here yet," Gunwook clarifies, popping a gummy worm into his own mouth.
Hoetaek's brow furrows in confusion. "Why would you be upset about that, Junhyeon? I mean, you've been pretty vocal about your dislike for (Y/N)."
"ISJ AHR OM OCK!" Gyuvin attempts to contribute again.
The other boys look to Gunwook expectantly for a translation.
"He said it's all an act," Gunwook relays, whipping his hair from his eyes and throwing another gummy worm onto his tongue.
"What? What do you mean its all an act?" Hiroto asks.
"That's it," Hoe Taek reprimands sternly, pointing to the garbage can in the corner of the room. "Go spit all of that out right now!"
Gyuvin pouts, chipmunk cheeks still stuffed full of gummy worms as he stands up and walks over to the garbage can sadly.
"And Junhyeon-- just speak for yourself, please," Hoe Taek adds.
Junhyeon nods slowly, chewing his bottom lip. "I actually--."
"HIJ OCKSHOOIRE EEN LUBBIT YERUNOIWE!" Gunwook jumbles, mouth now full to the brim with gummy worms as the rest of the boys turn to look at him. He holds up two fingers and three fingers on either hand respectively to indicate the number of gummy worms he was able to stuff in his cheeks.
The other three boys groan exasperatedly as Gunwook hops up and skips over to the trash can next to Gyuvin.
"That was awesome, buddy," Gyuvin praises with a grin, giving his younger friend a high-five on his way back to the circle. As he sits down, he adds, "Oh, and he said it's cause Junhyeon's actually in love with (Y/N)."
Junhyeon's eyes widen in panic as he hits Gyuvin's arm. "That's--... That's not--... I wasn't gonna say all that, you idiot!"
"Ow," the taller boy whines, rubbing the spot where Junhyeon had hit him. "And I didn't say it-- I was just translating for Wook, remember?"
"Wait," Hoetaek interjects, eyes filled with confusion. "Is that true, Hyeonni? Then why do you fight with (Y/N) pretty much every chance you get?"
"Uh," Junhyeon stammers, wincing as he gives his answer. "Because that's the only way I could get (Y/N) to talk to me..."
"WHAT!?" Seunghwan exclaims, turning his head to glare at Gunwook and Gyuvin who have resumed eating gummy worms. "And you two knew about this? Why didn't you stop him!?"
"We tried to tell him it would be better to just be himself," Gunwook attempts to defend. "But he said he wouldn't take advice from us even if we paid him to."
The other three boys stare at Gunwook and Gyuvin for a moment, remnants of gummy worm mush still on their baby faces. Finally, they all nod in agreement.
"Yeah, no, that makes sense," Hiroto concurs.
"Can't blame him for that," Seunghwan chimes.
Junhyeon sighs. "What am I gonna do now? If I keep picking on (Y/N), then I'm hated. But if I stop, I go back to basically not existing."
"You could just be honest, Junhyeon," Hoetaek advises, eyes softening at the much younger boy in front of him. "The next time you see (Y/N), you can just tell the truth about why you've been acting so mean and you can drop this--."
In the middle of Hoetaek's pep talk, the door to the practice room flies open as you quickly run in and sit down in the circle; completely out of breath.
"Stop panting so hard-- I can smell your breath from here," Junhyeon jabs immediately.
"Oh god," Hoetaek mumbles, head falling to his hands hopelessly.
"You should hold your breath then," you reply with a sneer. "Forever."
Junhyeon glares, jaw setting irritatedly. "Why were you so late anyway?"
You nod to Hoetaek and the others apologetically. "I'm so sorry, I had to take an urgent call. It won't happen again."
"No worries," Hoetaek forgives with a smile. "I think we should probably start this afternoon by solidifying our parts now that we're down a few team members. Should we begin with the Killing Part?"
Everyone nods, preparing themselves for another mini audition.
"Wookie has it now, of course, but I think you'll find it hard not to give it to the handsomest member of the team," Junhyeon jokes, pointing to himself and smizing.
The rest of the boys laugh, but you just roll your eyes. “You might have a shot if you miraculously develop some talent to match those looks.”
Seunghwan and Hoetaek glance at each other nervously as Hiroto looks down awkwardly at his lap.
Gunwook's eyes widen in bewilderment. "Wait, did (Y/N) just inadvertently agree that Junhyeon’s handsome?"
Gyuvin reaches his hand into the bag of gummy worms beside him, eyes locked on the scene playing out in front of them. "Ssssh," he hisses, shoveling the handful of candy into his mouth and chewing loudly. "It's getting good."
"Well, you might have a better chance at the killing part if you had any looks to back up that talent..." Junhyeon counters.
You laugh at his comeback. “At least I can meaningfully contribute to my team’s performance.”
“What does it matter when no one wants you on their team to begin with!?”
"Oh shit," Gyuvin whispers.
"This is bad," Gunwook agrees, shoveling a handful of gummy worms into his own mouth now. "This is really bad."
You can’t help the way your face suddenly falls.
“You’re only on this team in the first place because your fans voted you in,” Junhyeon digs in further. “And you’re only still on it because Park Hanbin self-sacrificed.”
“Junhyeon—,” Hoetaek attempts to mediate, but it’s too late.
“What are you trying to say?" You ask, a lump forming in your throat.
"That literally nobody here likes you!"
The room is silent as your eyes begin to sting. You fruitlessly try to blink away the unexpected tears welling up in them.
"Junhyeon," Hoetaek scolds, frowning at the younger boy.
“What!?” Junhyeon’s eyebrows raise incredulously. “(Y/N)'s the one who called me untalented!”
As you look around, you now notice that all of your teammates are staring directly at you. Was Junhyeon telling the truth? Did nobody here like you?
You’re not sure why, but you’re becoming a bit overwhelmed. You didn’t sign up for this stupid show to be part of some bullshit rivalry with a boy you had once thought was really nice. Why had Junhyeon decided to pick on you that day? And why had you played along?
Embarrassed, you stand up from the circle and rush out of the practice room. You can hear Hoetaek call your name, but you just don't want to talk right now as you find your way to an empty practice room down the hall and step inside. Wiping your tears, you wonder why the boy that told you he liked your shoes on the first day had become such an affliction to your journey here.
Suddenly, the door bursts open and you're shocked to see Junhyeon standing in front of you looking quite distressed.
"(Y/N), I--," he starts, but you cut him off.
"Save it, Junhyeon. I'm just… I’m just gonna go home."
His eyebrows raise in shock. "What!? Why would you do that?"
“You said it yourself, Junhyeon,” you spit angrily, but your trembling bottom lip gives you away. “Nobody here likes me.”
"You--..." The boy in front of you swallows hard before softly shaking his head. “That’s not true.”
“Yes, it is,” you counter. “I know I can be too much of a perfectionist and it comes off harshly. I know I’m not great at making conversation— especially when there are so many extroverts here. And I know that I—.”
“I like you.”
You stare back at Junhyeon unblinkingly. “What?”
“It can’t be true that nobody likes you,” he explains, biting his bottom lip anxiously. “Because I like you.”
You’re not exactly sure what it is that Junhyeon is trying to confess. You study him, waiting for his expression to give away his intentions.
"I--... Ugh," he groans exasperatedly, leaning against the wall and sinking down to the floor. Head in his hands, he rubs his forehead as if he's relieving some tension before finally looking back up at you. "I'm sorry I've been so mean to you. But you wouldn't pay attention to me any other way. You just saw me as a nuisance then."
"I never stopped seeing you as a nuisance," you respond quietly.
"No, I became more than a nuisance. I'm a plague," he replies, nodding at you slowly. "Your own personal plague. And I'd do it all again if it meant you'd keep saying more than two words to me every day."
You suddenly feel entirely breathless as you process his words. Junhyeon's eyes are wide and earnest, lips parted as he seems to grapple with the confession himself. He looks innocent... almost cute like this, you catch yourself thinking. Just like you had thought he looked that first week. But as the shock fades, an immediate anger takes its place.
"Oh my god," you whisper, shaking your head in disbelief at the absolute idiot sitting in front of you with his knees hugged to his chest. "Where are we-- ... A playground? Are you five freaking years old!?"
Junhyeon starts to pout, raising his hand up to give you his signature aegyo but you swat it down before he can extend his five fingers.
"Don't you dare," you warn, narrowing your eyes as you frown at him in disapproval. Junhyeon sighs, pout remaining on his lips as he averts your gaze. "You must've talked to Gyuvin and Gunwook about this. Didn't either of them tell you that you were being a childish jerk!?"
Junhyeon nods sadly. "Yes. Many times."
"And you just decided not to believe them or?"
"Don't act like you don't know that Gyuvin, Gunwook and I share exactly one braincell. And if you'd experienced that braincell first hand, you wouldn't trust anything they say either!"
You tilt your head slightly as you consider it. "Okay, that is a valid point actually."
Junhyeon stands up now, taking a deep breath as he steadies himself on his feet. "I'm really sorry, (Y/N). None of what I said earlier was true. You're a bit intimidating, but it's just because you're so good at everything. Everybody thinks you're really cool-- including me. And..."
Your eyebrows raise expectantly as Junhyeon gives you a sheepish smile.
"And you're definitely not ugly either. Like, not at all. You're like... You're, like, really attractive," Junhyeon confesses clumsily. "And your breath actually smells really good, like, always. You smell really good in general. And sometimes you act really cute, too-- like when you think nobody's looking."
Your bottom lip tucks between your teeth involuntarily as the boy who's given you hell for the past month rambles quite passionately about how eye-catching he thinks you are.
"But I'm always looking," he finishes; throwing up his hands in defense as he reconsiders his words. "Not like in a creepy way though! I just meant, like--."
"Thanks," you say simply. "That's... thank you."
He nods quickly. "Yeah. You're welcome."
An uncomfortably awkward silence falls over both of you as you stare at each other. Finally, you gesture to the door.
"Uh, I guess we can probably--," you start to motion.
"Oh, yeah, for sure," Junhyeon agrees, walking to the door with you. You can't help but notice how glum the usually hyperactive boy looks now. And you also can’t lie that his rambling confession had sort of really made your heart flutter.
As you grab the handle, you pause for a moment and turn back to Junhyeon. "I'm sorry you felt like I thought you were a nuisance that first week. That wasn't my intention."
"Oh, it's okay--," he starts to brush off your apology humbly, but you interject quickly.
"I just had such a big crush on you that I could never figure out what to say," you finish, turning away immediately as you push the door open and step out into the hallway.
As expected, you don't hear footsteps behind you as you exit the room. What you do hear is the door to the practice room clicking closed, followed by the only slightly muffled sonic boom of Junhyeon shouting:
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cumulo-stratus · 2 years ago
Spencer Reid x fencer!Reader
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Male!reader
Description: reader is a fencer and is competing in the 2023 mens saber nationals and spencer invites the team to cheer on his boyfriend. (Could be read as ftm) (Also spencer is like low key autistic in this)
CW: slight swearing
A/N: i am a saber fencer, and i have been for years lol, so dont worry abt any mistakes in technique although its not gonna be accurate of an official tournament because it just makes more sense for the plot. (but if yall have any questions feel free to ask in the comments!), and tbh this fic is completely self indulgent lol, bc i couldn’t find anything like this so i decided to make my own :)
3rd person POV:
The days was finally here, after months of training and practicing for hours every week. There were so many nights Spencer had seen you walk through the door so tired and sore that you coud barely stand too many times to count. But it was all worth it, because today, Y/N Y/L/N was competing for wold champion.
Spencer decided to surprise his boyfriend by showing up with the whole team, decked out in French flags, showing their pride for him and his team. Y/Ns first semi-final bout was starting soon, and spencer was bouncing on the balls of his feet as he and his friends filed into the reserved seats for people related to the fencers. Spencer starts rocking in his seat and Derek looks over at him and says “hey pretty boy, you seem pretty excited, but you’re gonna fall out of your seat if you keep rocking like that!” With a wink. Spencer looks down shyly and says “Sorry, im just excited for his first bout.”
“Dont worry about it genius, im just teasing.” Derek responds. Then Rossi speaks up with “Am I the only one who’s confused as hell on what a bout is?” Small laughs erupted from the team at Rossis comment. Spencers eyes light up as he gets ready to tell him all about what he learned in his research of fencing. “A bout is combat between two fencers in competition. When score is not kept, friendly combat between two fencers is referred to as an assault. A single bout can go to 5, or 15 depending on the situation.” Spencer stated as if he was citing a book, because he probably was.
Finally the lights over the audience dimmed and the lights come over the strip. And then the 4 fencers came out of the back in their whites with blades and masks raised in the air. When Y/N finally comes out last, the entire team cheers and yells and whistles at the top of their lungs, even though the team got a few weird looks for their enthusiasm they didn’t care. And when Spencer and Y/N made eye contact Y/N blew him a little kiss, and spencer practically melted. “Ooh! Looks like pretty boy over here's got heart eyes for his little boyfriend!” Said Derek teasingly and spencer gets even more flustered. But theyre conversation is cut off as the first 2 fencers come out onto the strip, and the team got excited looking for your French flag patch and imposing Ukrainian coach who they’d heard a lot about from Spencer, (who’d in turn heard from you) but failed to find it, and they realized since there was 4 semi finalists there would be at least 1 bout without you in it. But the profilers still watched the bout intently, amazed at the ref calling points for seemingly simultaneous touches, with spencer explaining what the refs thought processes most likely was as they watched. And finally the bout came to a close with the Hungarian Aron Szilagyi losing 15-12. And then came out Y/N, ready for his first bout of the day. He was facing Ziad El-Sissy from Egypt. After about 10 minutes of hard fencing the score was 14-14. And after a small break and talking to his coach, Y/N walked back up to his en garde line and shook his arms out and took a deep breath in before going to en garde position. "En garde! Prêt! Allé!" And you burst forward convincing your opponent that your were going to attack, so in return they lunged forward with a double advance lunge. But you knew that's what he was going to do, so you made him fall short with a couple retreats before pushing him to end of the strip and striking with a quick and strong lunge to the chest. The crowd went wild at your attack and the referee called the point, " attack touché, point!" With their left arm raised towards you. You had won the bout and you were so happy. After meeting with your coach taking a water break and watching the next bout, it was your turn again. This was your chance to win, and become the national champion. The team went wild when they recognized the familiar patch on the young mans knickers and the imposing Ukrainian man standing off to the side. Y/N was facing Sandro Bazadze from Georgia. At first he was losing, bad. You could see spencer and the rest of the team sitting quietly watching in the hopes that the score would improve. It was currently 10-4 and you were down, but slowly you started gaining back points. A feint attack here, a quick sharp attack in the middle, a long attack down the strip with a sharp lunge to finish it off. And suddenly the score was 13-12, you. And with every point you won, spencer and his friends cheered louder.
The score was 14-13 and you just needed one more point, the audience fell silent as the ref called, “en garde, prêt, Allé!” And you sped forward with your arm starting to extend, and then you pounced into a lunge and the referee called halt, to the crowd it looked like a Simultaneous. But as soon as you heard the word you stopped and immediately came closer to the edge of the raised strip where the referee was standing slightly below you, your mask off to the side, discarded and forgotten in anticipation for the call. And as you and your opponent discussed with he referee, spencer began to wring his fingers so tight it was hard to tell if any blood was getting to them, he seemed more nervous than you. But finally the referee took a step back and announced “attack, touche, point!” With their arm raised above their head to their left. That was your side, it was your point. Spencer jumped up and start he’d cheering loudly with the rest of the crowd as you jumped and started crying tears of joy as you hugged your opponent who you’d known from your old days at junior Olympics. Spencer could believe it, he was so happy for you that the muscles in his jaw hurt from smiling so big.
Spencer's POV:
I had watched the medal ceremony and I couldn't wait to see Y/N. I decided to meet him in the locker room area before he went out and got crowded by people. I just wanted a moment alone with him and I was gonna get it.
when I walked into the room y/ns back was turned to me while he took off his lemme (pronounced le-may) and all that remained where his whites. I walked up behind him quietly and hugged his waist while snuggling my head into his neck despite his sweatiness
y/ns POV:
I felt arms snake around my waist and immediately knew it was Spencer. "Bonjour mon Cherie. Qu'est ce que tu fais ici? Tu n'as pas besoin de m'embrasser au fait, je suis très en sueur Chérie." (Hello my darling, what are you doing here? You don't have to hug me by the way, I'm very sweaty.) I said with a smile in my mother tongue as I was to tired to remember speak in English. But Spencer didn't mind, he knew French anyways. "Ça c'est bon mon amour, Tu as fait un incroyable, et tu mérites un câlin" (it's okay my love, you did amazing and you deserve a hug) Spencer responded while turning me around and unzipping my jacket for me. I kissed him and mumbled a "merci" as he pulled it off my shoulders and folded it up to put in my bag. After placing down the carefully folded jacket he lifted his head and placed his lips on mine. I could smell the faint scent of coffee and the paint he had used to draw the flag on his face. I licked his bottom lip asking for entrance as our lips danced together in sync as our tongues danced to their own tune, we were making out.
(Back with the team)
"What is taking them so loong?! I have a figurine of them fencing I had specially made!" Complained Garcia as she held up the figurine that had yet to be given to y/n. "mama it's a couple in a locker room what do you think they were doing?" Derek said with a sly smirk. "Ughhh I don't need that image in my head right now!" Replied the technical analyst just as y/n and Spencer walked up to them continuing their conversation in french forgetting about the language barrier between them and the rest of the team. "Ce dernier point était incroyable cependant!"(that last point was incredible though!) spencer said. "Je sais! Je pensais que j'allais le perdre!" (I know! I thought that I was going to lose it!) you responded. Hotch cleared his throat loudly and looked at the young pair. You both looked at each other looking like they just been caught. “Déso- sorry!” (Sor-) you apologize. Morgan just shakes his head and chuckles. Finally Rossi speaks up, “well it seams like congratulations are in order.” And starts to make his way over to Y/N for a hug but gets stopped partway there. Y/N put his hands out in the universal signal for stop, and said “thanks for the congratulations but i think everyone should stay at least a couple feet away cus i am stinky! I dont wanna kill anyone’s noses”
“That didnt seem to stop pretty boy over here” said Derek with a smirk gesturing to his mussed up hair and smudged face paint. Both spencers and Y/Ns face turned bright red as the rest of the team laughed at the teasing.
(Small time skip)
After lots of congratulations, good jobs, high fives, and handshakes from the team The group started walking out to their cars after deciding to meet up at a pizza place for celebratory dinner afterwards and Y/N decided to lean on his boyfriends shoulder after his knees buckled multiple times in just a few minutes (istg this happens to me all time after fencing and especially after tournaments). When they got to the car and sat down with he bag in the back, Y/N fell asleep almost as soon as he sat down. Spencer looked over at his boyfriend and admired him in his candid state. “World champion…” mumbled spencer to himself with a small smile, he was just so proud of y/n. And spencer thought about that the whole ride back to the hotel.
The end… :)
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bp-zb1fics · 2 years ago
which zb1 member would be which Disney prince,, I'm curious 🎤
Not cherrie giving me the best questions to answer 💜💜💜 when it’s literally 6am and my insomnia won’t leave me alone 😭
On principle, I find Disney’s portrayal of the princes as very shallow and gender-norm enforcing (i’m sorry I feel very strongly abt this😅) we are not fans so instead I’d probably go for what Disney princess movie fits the vibe of which member when I assign them to princes. I’m also going to be rewriting that movie as I go, sorry in advance to the purists
Pls note I’ve not great at headcanons and indecisive as hell so here we go ~
Jiwoong: The Beast/Prince Adam
If this man could play a Prince in a drama, this is the kind of content I’d pay for
Just like my hogwarts headcanon, man probably invited the sorceress to dinner and asked to be turned into a beast because everyone just liked his face
And he thought he’d be better off if someone liked his personality
Yes he asks for his servants to be turned into furniture for shit and giggles but not like permanently, maybe they all go back to normal at night
reader wonders why he always insist not that they don’t go to the west wing at night. It’s not just the rose but that’s where he and the servants go to like chill and be their human selves (this is getting a little Cupid and psyche lol)
Hao: Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid)
Just the scene of him playing his violin and mer reader listening from a distance
Sometimes they sing along while Hao is playing and Hao is like woah who dat
They probably met as kids and he gave mer reader his old violin because they were curious
Definitely have it displayed in the center of their collection
Wants to be human to hear Hao play more
Hanbin: Prince Charming (Cinderella)
If this man isn’t Prince Charming, idk who is, do not argue with me
Does not have a shoe fetish
Definitely remembers reader’s face, he just wants to return their shoe bruh
And maybe ask reader out idk, not marry them right away
Just imagine dancing with Hanbin to “So this is love” and tell me u aren’t soft
Matthew: Aladdin
For the record, the genie in that lamp would probably be Keita bc he’s been training for 10,000 years (jk)
Watch me cast the whole KTL team (except Hao idk unless we want crossover)
There’s Matthew and there’s Seok Woohyun, don’t tell me he doesn’t think those are two diff people
Just…Matthew singing a Whole New World is a song cover I didn’t think I needed until now pls and thanks
Taerae: Snow White’s Prince
For all the OG Disney fans, you know that one scene where Snow White’s singing by the well and the Prince fucking jump scares her by singing back
Yes that’s Taerae, man will take the opportunity and he has a guitar
yes he will bring the guitar
Once again watch me cast all the Wake One trainees (K+ G) and Junhyeon as the seven dwarves friends who help reader out
Ricky: Prince Naveen (Princess and the Frog)
I’m sorry my eternal headcanon is spoiled Prince Ricky and reader who puts him in his place
Would probably be a bit more sus of this voodoo man turning him into a frog
It’s probably not even a villain, it’s one of the Yuehuaz who happens to know voodoo being like oh you know what would be rlly fucking funny
He gets his whole character development arc and becomes a better young and rich, tall and handsome Prince that’s totally down bad for reader
Gyuvin: Flynn Rider (Rapunzel’s Tangled)
This man steals hearts everywhere he goes (I mean he won every challenge yo)
A lot goofy like they told him during the sleepover, he’s lucky he’s got a nice face
I haven’t got that much for this one
But energy is the same
Gunwook: Captain Shang (Mulan)
He is a leader (class pres/vice pres every year anyone?)
Dude literally takes forever to realize that reader isn’t supposed to be there (literally the en garde hidden cam)
Casting the three other Jellyfish trainees as the soldiers yo
He’s slay “Be a Man” even if I dislike the title of that song, it’s hella catchy
Yujin: Prince Philip (Sleeping Beauty)
He’s a baby YALL pls
Shy, literally just watching reader do their thing in the forest like how this boi literally watched taerae the whole signal song filming (pls see zb1’s bp commentary for red)
He’s not slaying dragons just yet but he be slaying my heart with Noona saranghaeyo
Gives reader an innocent lil peck and they wake up
Maybe it isn’t true loves kiss just yet, more like boy with pure intentions bc literally that’s equally hard to find
Ok thanks for coming to my TED talk and thanks cherrie for this very lovely question. Y’all need to keep asking me more stuff like that very much please and thanks in advance 💜💜💜
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maximumwobblerbanditdonut · 7 months ago
2024 Paralympics 🇫🇷 Versatility is the mantra of wheelchair fencing 🤺
Unlike their able-bodied counterparts, fencers at the Paralympic Games switch between weapons to compete in multiple disciplines, an aspect that presents various challenges. There are three different weapons used in fencing: the foil, épée and sabre - each of which has different compositions, techniques and scoring target areas. All weapons in general, are based on the same basic set of rules making it relatively easy to switch between foil, épée and sabre.
Why is everyone speaking French? 🇫🇷
Like its Olympic equivalent, the official language of wheelchair fencing is French. The referee will say “En garde” ( On Guard, come to the start line), “Prete”(or “Ready” if English), then “Allez” (literally “Go!”; or “Fence if English) to start bouts.🗡️ 🤺 ⚔️
The use of French dates back to the 19th century when Napoleon established fencing as a mandatory discipline in the military. Fencing grew in popularity in France and made its way to the first modern Olympic Games in 1896.
Wheelchair fencing was pioneered about half a century later by Ludwig Guttmann at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital in England UK 🇬🇧 after World War II as part of rehabilitation for patients with spinal cord injuries. It made its Paralympic debut at the inaugural Games in 1960.
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Historical, Stoke mandeville games, 1955 two female competitors in wheelchairs taking part in the fencing competition, Stoke Mandeville hospital, Aylesbury, Bucks, England, UK.
Sir Ludwig Guttmann CBE* FRS** (3 July 1899 – 18 March 1980) was a German-British neurologist who established the Stoke Mandeville Games. In September 1943, the British government asked Guttmann to establish the National Spinal Injuries Centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Buckinghamshire. The initiative came from the Royal Air Force (RAF) to ensure the treatment and rehabilitation of pilots with spine injuries, "who often crashed on approach with their bombers damaged".
When the centre opened on 1 February 1944, the United Kingdom's first specialist unit for treating spinal injuries, appointed Guttmann its director (a position he held until 1966). He believed that sport was an important method of therapy for the rehabilitation of injured military personnel, helping them build up physical strength and self-respect.
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Sir Ludwig Guttmann and the birth of the Paralympics.
An ever-present in the Paralympic sports programme since Rome 1960, wheelchair fencing is governed by the International Wheelchair & Amputee Sports Federation (IWAS).
The wheelchair fencing competition at the Paralympic Games is in full swing, taking place under the prestigious glass dome of the Grand Palais in the heart of Paris.
📹 Behind the scenes: the process of getting ready for wheelchair fencing 🤺 And yes, well done to the volunteers, well done to the technical Teams.
📹 Passage en coulisses: les détails de la préparation d'une compétition d'escrime fauteuil🤺 Et oui bravo aux Volontaires. Bravo aux Équipes techniques
*CBE Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE)
**FRS Fellowship of the Royal Society (FRS, ForMemRS and HonFRS) is an award granted by the Fellows of the Royal Society of London.
#Paris2024 #wheelchairfencing #Paralympics #escrimepourfauteuil #SirLudwigGuttmann #NationalSpinalInjuries #Buckinghamshire #CentreatStokeMandevilleHospital
Posted 6th September 2024
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i90skyu · 2 years ago
en garde - team [moodboard] (⁠^⁠.⁠_⁠.⁠^⁠)⁠ノ
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%*+%:% these boys--
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