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solartale-officiel · 5 months ago
SolarTale Character #3 : Solar!Papyrus
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Papyrus n'a jamais eu de parent, le seul membre de sa famille est son grand frère Sans, qu'il aime évidemment beaucoup. Sans s'est occupé de Papyrus pendant son enfance malgré ses nombreuses absences, effectivement, Sans est très pris par le travail, ce qui inquiète Papyrus. Le grand squelette a peur que son frère ne revienne pas pour une quelconque raison, c'est cette inquiétude et son engouement à faire le bien autour de lui qu'il a décidé d'entrer dans la garde royale pour ne plus être un frein pour son frère ainsi que pour faire ce qu'il aime, c'est à dire protéger et s'occuper des autres.
Papyrus possède une grande maîtrise de sa magie et un grand sens du devoir, c'est pour cela qu'Undyne l'a immédiatement appréciée dès le test d'admission à la garde royale que Papyrus a passé avec brio. En tant que garde royale, Papyrus reste proche d'Undyne étant donné qu'ils sont devenus amis et coéquipiers.
Le grand squelette reste généralement à Snowdin, son poste de garde, c'est pour cela que la population du petit village l'ont surnommé "Le héro de Snowdin" pour le remercier de tous les bienfaits qu'il a effectué pour Snowdin
Papyrus has never had any parents; the only member of his family is his older brother Sans, whom he obviously loves dearly. Sans looked after Papyrus when he was a child, despite his many absences. Sans is very busy at work, which worries Papyrus. The great skeleton is afraid that his brother won't come back for some reason, and it's this concern and his desire to do good around him that prompted him to join the Royal Guard, so that he can stop being a hindrance to his brother and do what he loves, which is to protect and care for others.
Papyrus has a great mastery of his magic and a strong sense of duty, which is why Undyne immediately took a liking to him as soon as Papyrus passed the Royal Guard entrance test with flying colours. As a Royal Guardsman, Papyrus remains close to Undyne as they have become friends and team-mates.
The great skeleton usually stays in Snowdin, his guard post, which is why the people of the small village have nicknamed him ‘The hero of Snowdin’ to thank him for all the good he has done for Snowdin.
Os : Papyrus a la capacité de faire apparaître des os sur n’importe quelle surface tout comme dans les airs. Avec ça, il a la possibilité de faire toute sorte d’attaque, ce qui le rend assez libre dans ses actions. Surtout qu’il en garde une très bonne maîtrise, lui permettant de faire toute sorte de figures.
Gaster Blaster : Le gaster blaster est un gros crâne qui ressemble à celui d’un dragon, il tire un rayon plus ou moins puissant selon la quantité de magie que Papyrus utilise.
Magie bleu : La magie bleu est une capacité qui permet à son utilisateur de modifier la gravité d’un objet ou de l’âme d’une personne. Avec ça, il peut faire flotter un objet ou une personne, modifier son champ de gravité pour qu’il puisse marcher sur les murs par exemple. Plus le poids qu’il fait léviter est élevé et plus il utilise de magie.
Bleu et orange : Papyrus a la capacité de changer la couleur de toutes ses attaques en bleu et orange. Lorsqu’une attaque est bleu alors il ne faut pas bouger pour ne pas prendre de dégâts et orange signifie qu’il faut bouger pour ne pas se prendre de dégâts.
Bad Time : Lorsque Papyrus entre en bad time, son œil brille intensément, augmentant la puissance de ses attaques. Ses os deviennent plus gros, Les tirs de ses Gaster Blaster sont beaucoup plus puissant etc... Cependant, ses réserves de magie baisse plus rapidement. Il utilise généralement cette phase uniquement quand il doit protéger des gens et qu'il n'est pas assez fort ou alors quand il est très énervé.
Magie verte : Papyrus possède le pouvoir de soigner ses alliés ainsi que lui-même, lui permettant de guérir de petites blessures comme de légères entailles, atténuer la douleur ou arrêter une hémorragie.
Bones: Papyrus has the ability to make bones appear on any surface, as well as in the air. With this, he can perform all kinds of attacks, giving him a great deal of freedom in his actions. Especially as he retains a very good command of it, allowing him to perform all sorts of tricks.
Gaster Blaster: The gaster blaster is a large skull that looks like a dragon's. It shoots a more or less powerful beam depending on the amount of magic Papyrus uses.
Blue magic: Blue magic is an ability that allows the user to change the gravity of an object or a person's soul. With it, he can make an object or a person float, or modify its gravitational field so that it can walk on walls, for example. The more weight he levitates, the more magic he uses.
Blue and orange: Papyrus has the ability to change the colour of all his attacks to blue and orange. When an attack is blue, you mustn't move to avoid taking damage, and orange means you must move to avoid taking damage.
Bad Time: When Papyrus goes into bad time, his eyes glow intensely, increasing the power of his attacks. His bones get bigger, his Gaster Blaster shots are much more powerful etc… However, his magic reserves drop more quickly. He generally only uses this phase when he has to protect people and he's not strong enough, or when he's very angry.
Green magic: Papyrus has the power to heal his allies as well as himself, allowing him to heal small wounds such as minor cuts, reduce pain or stop bleeding.
Papyrus est un monstre avec un grand sens du devoir, effectivement, il a décidé d’entrer dans la garde royale car depuis tout petit, il aime protéger les autres et faire le bien autour de lui. Il est quelqu’un de bon, sympathique et cherche toujours à rendre ses amis heureux.
Mis à part ça, il sait quand il faut être sérieux, notamment en combat, car une erreur de sa part peut mettre en danger des gens. À l'instar de son homologue classique, Papyrus n’hésite pas à se battre contre ses adversaires même s’il évite de les tuer.
Même si son devoir de garde royale l'oblige parfois à recourir à la violence, il retient toujours ses coups pour éviter de trop blesser ses adversaire. C'est pour cela qu'il utilise très rarement ses Gaster Blaster.
Papyrus is a monster with a strong sense of duty. He decided to join the Royal Guard because, ever since he was a child, he has loved protecting others and doing good. He's a kind, sympathetic person who always tries to make his friends happy.
Apart from that, he knows when to be serious, especially in combat, where a mistake on his part could put people in danger. Like his classic counterpart, Papyrus doesn't hesitate to fight his opponents, even if he avoids killing them.
Even though his duty as a royal guard sometimes requires him to resort to violence, he always restrains his blows to avoid injuring his opponents too much. That's why he very rarely uses his Gaster Blaster.
Papyrus est un grand squelette, il possède des os de couleur blanche. il n’a pas de pupilles, seulement deux grands trous au niveau des yeux. Il a aussi une grande mâchoire qui laisse voir deux rangés de dents. Papyrus porte toujours son armure sur lui, elle est de couleur bleu foncé avec des zones de couleur violette. Cette armure représente beaucoup pour lui car c’est son frère qui lui a offert pour fêter son entrée dans la garde royale. Même si son armure a beaucoup été abîmée, il prend toujours soin de la rafistoler comme il peut. Par dessus son armure, il porte généralement un sweet noir avec de la fourrure au niveau du col pour ressembler à son grand frère qu’il prend comme modèle à suivre. Pour finir, Papyrus garde en permanence son écharpe rouge.
Papyrus is a large skeleton with white bones. It has no pupils, just two large eyeholes. He also has a large jaw, revealing two rows of teeth. Papyrus always wears his dark blue armour with purple patches. This armour means a lot to him, as his brother gave it to him to celebrate his entry into the royal guard. Even though his armour has been badly damaged, he always takes care to patch it up as best he can. Over his armour, he usually wears a black sweater with fur around the collar to look like his big brother, whom he takes as a role model. Finally, Papyrus always wears his red scarf.
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solartale-official-en · 5 months ago
SolarTale Arc 1 - Chapter 3 : Meeting in the snow
Following the short time she spent unconscious, Chara eventually woke up, however, she later noticed that she was moving, she wondered how because her legs were not moving, she rubbed her eyes to open them and sees that it was carried by someone.
? : Hey, you're awake! Aren't you too cold ?
She didn't recognize this voice and strangely she wasn't cold, she noticed that she had winter clothes on.
? : I took care to dress you so you wouldn’t get sick. By the way, it’s Papyrus !
Indeed she doesn't know him but he seemed very nice and like someone you could trust.
Chara : Mhh thank you, Papyrus.
The person was a tall skeleton looking happy and innocent.
Papyrus : Oh you spoke, I was afraid you weren't feeling well !
Papyrus seemed really concerned about the young human's state of health, he continued to walk under the snow with Chara on his back.
Chara : Yes I'm fine thanks to you, where are we ?
Papyrus : Well we are in Snowdin Forest, we will soon arrive at the village.
Chara ends up remembering what happened the day before, the little skeleton that attacked them and the flower that protected her
Chara : By the way, do you know where Flowey is ?
Papyrus : Flowey ? I don't know sorry.
Papyrus did not know the living golden flower, he then looked sad at not being able to help the human.
Chara : Hey, it doesn't matter, I'll investigate !
Papyrus : You will have my support in your research !
Chara and Papyrus eventually arrive at the warm village of Snowdin. Papyrus gave Chara a complete tour of the village, happy to help her. They stop in front of Papyrus' house.
Papyrus : And there you have it, this is my house! I live here with my brother and you are welcome !
Chara : Well thank you Papyrus and do you have a brother ?
Papyrus : Yes, but he's always out and about, too busy with work. Chara: I see, you two should spend more time together, I'm sure you need it.
She gives Papyrus a little smile to reassure him because he seemed sad that his brother was not very interested in him.
Chara : Papyrus pull yourself together and talk to him! You are a brother after all, he will listen to you. Papyrus : You're probably right, we'll have a little discussion !
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capricioussun · 10 months ago
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A comm for @gemknightau of their fell gem knight Papyrus Sharp! Grabbing him in my minds eye like a squeaky toy
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zec-the-crazy-cartoonest · 10 months ago
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*Let's try this one more time
Welcome to my blog uhh name is Zec I am bad at this stuff so anyways this is the list of things that give me dopamine
Five nights at freddys
Dayshift at freddy's
Bendy and the ink machine
Bendy and the dark revival
The sun and moon show
Sun and moon straight up :)
The amazing digital circus
Andys apple farm
Indigo park
Steam powered giraffe
Tally hall
Will wood
Buddy simulator 1984
Sam and max (maybe)
Darly boxman/pink city
About me!
A young artist who is normally making fanart when they get the courage to.Im still learning to use digital art without messing up, so traditional art has been the way to go.has ADHD too. no need for context .
I have lot of oc's along with au's that I still have yet to show but idk when I will release them into the wild yet with my artstyle being...complicated.anyways that's it for now ask me anything yall would like (keep it appropriate)👍
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nixii-sabre · 1 year ago
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All of my comfort characters ive had through the years!!
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aceantarctic · 1 year ago
The Pink Clawed Eclipse
You know, in all the storyshift takes, versions and whatnot, I NEVER see anything done with Mad Mew Mew, which is weird considering her direct connections to MTT and Blooky in canon, you'd think she'd have a more prominent role cause of that. This led me to havin' an idea for what MMM could be like in Storyshift, involving a small bit of reboot's lore and acknowledging some of her subtler connections in Undertale Mew Mew didn't have much to do in her free time, most of the time she just sat in waterfall, pondering and grieving... not like she had anyone to go back to, everyone was either dead or... well the one who was around had better people to talk to than her. They probably don't even remember her for the better honestly But, sometimes she'd venture on down to Snowdin, and at the very end of the forest, there was a door. And a "Overly loud rattling voice" behind it, but that wasn't so bad, not that she finally had someone to talk to... to accept her. And he enjoyed her too! They had so many conversations together Eventually, she noticed that he seemed, quieter than usual, so she asked what was wrong "TELL ME, HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT HUMANS?" ... this wasn't a question she was expecting. She wasn't exactly a fan of them but... she didn't hate them either. Human's couldn't of been that bad her cousins were able to befriend one... "Well, they're alright I guess, why you asking?" And so Papyrus explained the events that had transpired to the friend he trusted ...turns out, a group dubbing themselves the "Solar Warriors" had killed a human he'd adopted after they were moved to be with Sans to be protected She was appalled to hear this, someone had killed the princes child.. who CARES with they were human it... WHO DOES THAT?!? And was... No one going to object to their actions? To call them OUT for murder?!? Even if it was a human, surely breaking into the THRONE ROOM is against some sort of law, right? Just cause they're part of a little group shouldn't absolve them of any crimes... ...well, even if others are just willing to ignore that for "the sake of freedom", she isn't. She's getting answers. It didn't take long to find out who was involved or where they where situated (pretty easy to look up articles on the Undernet about what happened.. at least once you know it did) and soon enough, she confronted them at waterfall She was furious and god was she letting it be known, how AWFUL and REVOLTING they were When she asked the warriors why they killed a human despite the fact that both Royals had given her the a-okay to live, she was met with "IT'S FOR THE GOOD OF THE KINGDOM" "IT'S FOR OUR FREEDOM!" "WE'VE WAITED FOR SO LONG!" "IT'S WHAT THE GHOSTS WOULD'VE WANTED!" "YEAH, WE DID IT FOR THEM!" Hearing them say something so WRONG about both the royals AND her cousins... it sent her over the edge These... "warriors" weren't seeking justice or freedom, and this wasn't even about revenge. They just wanted a reason to kill humans, and were willing to use ANYTHING to excuse either actions ...even lying to someone's FACE about what their family would've wanted... And she. wasn't. having. it These people want to act like they're above consequences do they? Well two can play at that game... And she is MUCH better at it than they are Countless screams. Boundless dust. All washed away by the stream of murky water And yet. She couldn't care. Why should she care about a bunch of "no name" liers and murders? She could go back to doing...whatever it was she used to do... ...but what if it happened again? What if they tried to kill another innocent under these hallow excuses? Who would hold them accountable then? ... Guess she just found something else to do in her freetime... and something that'd finally let her atone for failing her family before...
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...and there's a certain human in Snowdin who very much does appreciate the "pink clawed eclipse"'s vigilantism.
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daily-solar · 10 months ago
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Day 18
Solar When The Horrors™:
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warverse · 2 years ago
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Designed a fell variant of Solar (WarOuter!Paps)
I blame June, she got me to make variants again XD
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counting-the-sleepy-sheep · 2 years ago
✨️ An Encounter in a Marketplace ✨️
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It was meant to be a test of how my comic would look, but I ended up making it an actual piece.. BUT I DO NOT REGRET IT BC LOOK AT EM, THEYRE SO SILLY !!
Context behind this is that Dusk eventually makes his way to the Omega Timeline, where Ark was, and they met in the marketplace at Ark's small shop that he set up there!!
After realizing that Ark can see the creatures too, Dusk started asking a lot of questions and eventually got Ark to agree to help him in the search for his brother!! :Dc 🎉💫 [very short explanation]
[I like to believe there's a huge marketplace in the Omega Timeline that has a whole range of items and foods from different AUS, which I love to explore the idea of !! ]
All the sillies in this image belong to me [Ark, Dusk, Solar, and Eclipse] !! 🎉💫🌿🌤
Anywhoot, I hope yall have a lovely dayyy/nighttt!! 😋🎶🌤🎉💫
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rainbowninja00 · 2 years ago
next chapter's here! get it while it's hot and fresh!
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smoothriverrocksrock · 12 hours ago
Papyrus is like Sherlock Holmes to me. He knows a bunch of random ass information and can put it all together for effective problem solving, but he also purposely forgets shit he considers useless. Papyrus was able to paint a whole rock formation so that it looked like a bridge, but didn’t know the word “Hotel”
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solartale-officiel · 5 months ago
SolarTale Arc 1 - Chapter 5 : Train with Papyrus
(English part below in the post)
Chara se réveille très tôt pour une fois, voulant en savoir plus sur sa magie avec impatience, celle qui lui a permis de se défendre face aux créatures de la veille. Elle sort de la maison de Papyrus pour traverser le village de Snowdin encore endormi pour se diriger vers la forêt enneigée. 
Après un petit moment à marcher sur la neige, elle arrive au cœur de la forêt, dans un endroit tranquille et elle commence son entraînement. Au début, aucune magie ne faisait son apparition mais au fil du temps, elle se faisait remarquer de plus en plus tandis que le soleil se levait, il n'y a pour l'instant qu'une infime lueur. 
Soudain, un tremblement dans la forêt se fait entendre et Chara stoppe son entraînement immédiatement pour se mettre en garde, le même tremblement qu'hier. Des créatures apparaissent en une flaque puis se forme en slime noirâtre s'approchant de Chara. 
Elle se défend en faisant apparaître des couteaux qui s'abattent sur les créatures pour les détruire mais il y en a trop. Les créatures l'encercle, la privant d'un moyen d'échappatoire. C’est alors qu’une idée traverse l’esprit de Chara qui n’avait presque plus de solution.
Chara : Et si je concentre ma magie pour la faire sortir d'un seul coup autour de moi ? 
Effectivement, Chara eu une idée et l'applique, elle concentre sa magie puis la fait ressortir d'un coup laissant un souffle d'explosion rougeâtre qui détruit les créatures se trouvant autour d'elle. Elle s'échappe ensuite par le chemin auquel elle était arrivée pour retourner au village et semer les créatures qui la suivaient mais qui ne sont pas assez rapides pour ne serait-ce la suivre. 
Chara court dans la forêt pour ensuite enfin arriver au village et rentre dans la maison de Papyrus pour remarquer qu'il était éveillé et debout mais toujours un peu endormi. 
Papyrus : Chara ? Tu es partie quelque part ? 
Chara : Ho Heu Paps.. Et bien je suis allée faire un petit tour hehe.. 
Papyrus ne doute pas de la parole de Chara et la croit même si ses paroles étaient un peu suspicieuses.
Papyrus : On ira s'entraîner comme tu le voulait dans la forêt pas loin du village
Chara : Dakodak, je te suis !
Les deux partirent à la forêt enneigée, là où Chara s’était déjà battue juste avant. Arrivées là-bas, les créatures n’y étaient plus ce qui soulage Chara. Papyrus s‘éloigne un peu d’elle et invoque un os qu’il prend dans sa main.
Papyrus : Tu es prête ?
Chara se met alors en garde elle aussi en faisant apparaître un couteau dans sa main.
Chara : Oui !
Chara fait apparaître d’autres couteaux rougeâtres en l’air qui foncent sur Papyrus mais celui-ci les détruit tous avec l’os qu’il a dans sa main, Chara bondit sur lui pour lui porter des coups avec le couteau qui est dans sa main. Papyrus les pare tous avec son os et donne un violent coup dans le couteau de Chara pour la désarmer et lui faire perdre l’équilibre tandis qu’il fait apparaître de nombreux os qui sortent du sol. 
Chara saute haut dans les airs pour les esquiver et envoie depuis la paume de sa main, un rayon d’énergie rouge. Papyrus fait sortir du sol de nombreux os pour intercepter le rayon et l’arrêter, les os se détruisent ensuite et Papyrus fait sortir un grand os du sol devant Chara qui la percute brusquement et la propulse contre un arbre. 
Papyrus arrête donc le combat, voyant Chara blessée et lui tend sa main pour l’aider à se relever. 
Papyrus : Tu es déjà forte ! Continue tes efforts et tu intégrera vite la garde royale !
Chara prend la main de Papyrus et se relève, ses blessures guérissent petit à petit grâce à sa magie.
Chara : Super, je travaillerais dur pour pouvoir atteindre ton niveau !
Chara wakes up very early for once, eager to learn more about her magic, the magic that enabled her to defend herself against the creatures of the previous day. She leaves Papyrus's house to walk through the still-sleeping village of Snowdin towards the snow-covered forest.
After a short while walking through the snow, she reached a quiet spot in the heart of the forest and began her training. At first, no magic appeared, but as time went by, it became more and more noticeable as the sun rose, and for the moment there was only a tiny glimmer.
Suddenly, there was a tremor in the forest and Chara stopped her training immediately to brace herself, the same tremor as yesterday. Creatures appear in a puddle, then form a blackish slime approaching Chara.
She defends herself by conjuring up knives that descend on the creatures to destroy them, but there are too many of them. The creatures surround her, depriving her of a means of escape. It was then that an idea crossed Chara's mind, as she was almost out of options.
Chara : What if I concentrated my magic and made it come out all at once around me?
Indeed, Chara had an idea and put it into practice, concentrating her magic and then letting it out all at once, leaving a reddish blast that destroyed the creatures around her. She then escapes along the path she came to, heading back to the village to lose the creatures that were following her but were not fast enough to even follow her.
Chara runs through the forest before finally arriving in the village and entering Papyrus's house to find that he was awake and on his feet but still a little asleep.
Papyrus : Chara? Have you gone somewhere? Chara : Eh Paps. Well, I went for a little walk, hehe.
Papyrus doesn't doubt Chara's word and believes her, even if her words were a little suspicious.
Papyrus : We'll go and train like you wanted in the forest not far from the village. Chara : Dakodak, I'm with you!
The two set off for the snowy forest, where Chara had fought just before. When they got there, the creatures were no longer there, which relieved Chara. Papyrus moved away from her and summoned a bone, which he took in his hand.
Papyrus : Are you ready?
Chara then put herself on guard too, conjuring up a knife in her hand.
Chara : Yes!
Chara makes other reddish knives appear in the air and charge at Papyrus, but he destroys them all with the bone in his hand, and Chara leaps at him to strike with the knife in her hand. Papyrus parries them all with his bone and gives a violent blow to Chara's knife to disarm her and make her lose her balance, while he makes many bones appear from the ground.
Chara jumps high into the air to dodge them and sends out a beam of red energy from the palm of her hand. Papyrus causes a number of bones to emerge from the ground to intercept the beam and stop it, the bones then destroy each other and Papyrus causes a large bone to emerge from the ground in front of Chara, which hits her hard and propels her against a tree.
Papyrus stops the fight, seeing Chara injured, and offers her his hand to help her up.
Papyrus: You're already strong! Keep up your efforts and you'll be in the Royal Guard in no time! Chara takes Papyrus's hand and stands up, her wounds gradually healing thanks to his magic.
Chara : Great, I'll work hard to reach your level!
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solartale-official-en · 3 months ago
SolarTale Arc 1 - Chapter 6: The Origin of Negativity
For several weeks, Chara has been training with Papyrus to improve her powers. Every day she trains hard so that she can strike a blow at the great skeleton, while creatures of negativity appear more and more frequently, but Chara and Papyrus always manage to counter their attacks brilliantly.
The origin of these creatures is still unknown, as are their abilities, but they are becoming more powerful by the day, which worries our two protagonists until the famous day arrives.
A large skeleton with blackish matter like that which makes up the creatures was with them, tentacles were on its back, still blackish, while black liquid flowed from its eyes. This skeleton and the creatures of negativity were inevitably linked, and the fact that it was the source of the problem is more than likely. They attack the village of Snowdin again, while Chara and Papyrus neutralise the creatures one by one.
Chara suffers numerous injuries due to the number of creatures present and regenerates as best she can. The skeleton filled with negativity seems very powerful and destroys all those who oppose him. Papyrus is also badly hurt, then a teleportation noise is heard and a small skeleton with a broad smile on its face appears, bringing with it a huge gaster blaster that shoots, destroying many creatures.
Chara, on seeing him, remembers him immediately, he's the one who attacked her at the ruins but he seems to be saving them?
Sans : Well then, Gaster, are you attacking Snowdin?
The large skeleton controlling the creatures seems to be called Gaster and he answers with a voice that is unrecognisable, jerky and terrifying
Gaster : 𝕊𝕒𝕟𝕤, 𝕤𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦'𝕣𝕖 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖? 𝕎𝕖'𝕝𝕝 𝕓𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕤𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕠𝕗𝕗 𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕝𝕪…
One of the tentacles on Gaster's back rushes towards Sans but he is intercepted and pierced by a bone just before it reaches him. Sans snapped his fingers and a dozen blasters appeared, all firing at Gaster in a huge explosion. Chara could only stand back and watch as the sheer level of power chilled her blood.
Papyrus : Sans! You're here!
Papyrus was in a bad way but he was happy that his brother was there to save them, he knew that all the inhabitants were now safe.
Gaster had protected himself with his tentacles, which formed a sphere, but he had still taken a lot of damage, and the tentacles suddenly shot out, sending a shockwave through Solar that propelled him.
A gaster blaster appears behind him and catches him before firing at Gaster, who takes it head-on but his negativity increases, regenerating his wounds.
Sans : Come on Gaster, do you want to have a bad time?
Sans says this cheerfully, then his right eye glows, leaving a trail of several colours across his right eye, then blue bones pierce Gaster and Blasters appear all around him, firing at full power continuously for several long seconds.
Sharp, pointed bones appear en masse to pierce Gaster at the same time, who doesn't even have time to understand what's happening to him. After this phenomenal attack, Gaster is half disintegrated as his body gradually reforms with his negativity, but very slowly, and he uses his last strength to flee.
Sans approaches his brother, Papyrus and Chara.
Sans : Hey, are you all right, Paps? You're not hurt? What about you, kid?
Papyrus : Sans! You're here, I'm so happy to see you!
Even though the skeleton seemed friendly, Chara doesn't answer, remaining wary after what happened in the ruins.
Sans : That's good then, it's all over for a long time, Gaster shouldn't show up again for a long time
The village was thriving again, but for how long? Fate will tell soon enough, but first let's take advantage of this well-deserved rest and have a bite to eat at Grillby's!
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infinite-collisions-au · 3 months ago
sans the skeleton when papyrus goes missing bc hes on a dnd adventure but no one but god knows that
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apollopapyrus · 1 year ago
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egypt-museum · 4 months ago
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Serpentinite figure of a crocodile with the head of a falcon
Late period, c. 713–332 B.C.
"In this form, the crocodile god Sobek is probably merged with the sun god Re or Horus to attribute a solar reference to Sobek – ruler of the water and fertility god.
In the late Rattletic hymns on Sobek, the crocodile god is described in his capacity as a god of sun and heaven with a falcon head.
In addition, the appearance of Horus could be depicted as a "Horus, which is in Schenut" from the Late Period as a crocodile with a falcon head. From the time of the Ptolemaic period, the representations of Soknopaios, a local variant of the god Sobek in the Fayum, also show this iconography." - Tzu-i Liao, UCL Researcher
National Museums of Berlin, Egyptian Museum and Papyrus Collection. ÄM 20598
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