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eric-sadahire · 1 year ago
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Christmas tip: Wrap empty boxes & every time your kids act up throw one out the window
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raindogmusic · 6 months ago
Empty Box: a song to deal with depression
My name is Raindog and I have suffered from depression. In the worst period of my life I felt like I was failing at everything. From the end of the relationship I was in, to being rejected by the school I really wanted to get into, to trying very hard and doing my best to be a good friend/daughter/sister (whatever it might be) but always ending up saying or doing the wrong thing. I had been low for a while but I reached my rock bottom when visiting some friends abroad. I remember waking up one morning on their couch in the semi-dark room and staring at the black TV screen for an hour, my mind completely blank and a sense of total void in my heart. Then there was absolute nothingness. Any task, even the most basic ones, required too much energy and will power, and I had neither. I felt completely alone and wasn’t able to ask for help, I was too ashamed and didn’t want to be a burden. But deep, deep down I had a tiny seed of hope, a part of me that really wanted to get better, to feel good again. That’s why I wrote Empty Box, pouring all of my sadness, fear and desperation into the lyrics, in the hopes that someone might understand what I was going through. No one heard or read the song until many years later, when I arranged it with some fellow musicians, and luckily by then I had already gotten out of my depression. But this song gave me words when I thought I had lost them all, it was an outlet for all of the pain. It’s the song I desperately needed to hear to feel understood, and especially to express what I couldn’t say. Many years later, I release it into the world, and if there is anyone out there who needs it as much as I needed it back then, then it’s yours too. You can have it. You can cling to it. You can let it go when you don’t need it anymore. If it can make even just one person feel a little less lonely and a little more understood, that’s enough for me. I hope it can carry the message that there will always be someone who has been there before us, we’re not as alone in our experiences as we think. Maybe they even got through it, maybe there is a happy ending. I am one of the lucky ones, and I hope with all of my heart that the light can find you too. If you want to, you can listen to Empty Box here:
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ozarkfleajunksales · 1 year ago
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syncoflove · 10 months ago
<#THESHOW 2024 상반기 성과 보고회>
더쇼 💚🩷
[성과 키워드]
#ATEEZ 에 대한 사랑을 증진했다‼️
#WORK 듣고 억만장자💵 됐다 ‼️
#EmptyBox 듣고 눈물 한 방울💧 훔쳤다‼️
우리티즈와 함께 GOLDEN HOUR⏱️ 보냈다‼️
우리 #에이티즈 ..
결재해 주시면 안 될까요 (・・。)ゞ
그럼 #더쇼 의 마음을 컨펌해 줄래요..?
<#THESHOW 2024 First Half Performance Report>
The Show 💚🩷
[Performance Keyword]
Promoted love for #ATEEZ‼️
After listening to #WORK, I became a billionaire💵 ‼️
Listening to #EmptyBox, I stole a tear💧‼️
Spent GOLDEN HOUR⏱️ with Wooritiz‼️
Our #ATEEZ..
Could you please pay for it (・・。)ゞ
You don't like it?
Then, can you confirm #TheShow’s feelings..?
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nomaishuttle · 2 years ago
like literally what js it abt chocolate teddy grams that makes me like go insane. i literally would be like ill judt have a small handful... teehee maybe a cute little bowl.. and then i wake up with bear skeletons all around me bear shaped crumbs around my mouth the emptybox torn to shreds in my hand.
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packagingbyfrescoes · 4 years ago
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Presentation Boxes Ideal for use withPinata Cake, biscuits, cookies, decorated confectionery and chocolates. Buy online now. Link in bio. #giftboxes #ecofriendly #hamper #packaging #shoponline #emptyboxes #retail #design #packagingdesign #homebakersindia #gifthampers #pinatacake #bakeryboxes #bakingsupplies #bakersofindia #kolkatabaker #cakeboxes #bakersofkerala #cupcake #womanownedbusiness #bakeryingredients #rakhigift #rakshabandhan https://www.instagram.com/p/CQc1pi5p5e5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cbdboxes · 4 years ago
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You can order empty cigarette box packaging in their required designs and shapes with the best quality from CBD-Boxes.
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thebutlerspottery · 4 years ago
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Time for a trip to my pottery store. Today I turned 4 cups and a berry bowl using the last of my white clay. I have one bag of brown clay left from the truck load of clay a retired potter gave me several years ago. Feels good to use up old stuff and have a fresh start. #morepottery #turnedcup #emptyboxes #cupsandbowls #berrybowl #thebutlerscreations #EtsyFind #etsymadeincanada #etsymudteam #muskokaartsandcrafts #artrailmuskoka #freshlymade (at The Butler's Pottery & Photography) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTNz1morLB6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bossbitchrecords · 4 years ago
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Take your empty boxes. I don’t need em. I wanna burn em… @tamarbraxton #emptyboxes #tamarbraxton #music #bluebirdofhappiness https://www.instagram.com/p/CRC-7kvhhc3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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resellerniche-blog · 4 years ago
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This empty box was in a lot of about 50 Enesco ornaments I got a few years back. I only have a few left, this one came empty. #emptyboxes #resellernichepodcast https://www.instagram.com/p/CImtehGlw2f/?igshid=16x8qzt52nlne
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thwaitesmarket · 5 years ago
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Show us your Saturday Comment👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻Below Let’s fill’em up!!! . . . . #pies #emptyboxes #endlessopportunities #showusyoursaturday https://www.instagram.com/p/B_-GOtOj6k7/?igshid=16bbonjgnpyu2
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fictionwriting2 · 8 years ago
If you share your life with one or more cats and throw an empty box on the floor, what have you just done? Have you just made a mess to clean up later? No, you’ve just given your cats a place to hide, a place to curl up and relax, a place to sleep.
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gadgettrish · 6 years ago
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#Minsgame for days 12-21 for this #springcleaning season. I didn’t have the energy to do separate post but it feels great to let go of #emptyboxes, #shoes, and many #randomthings. Saying goodbye to 165 items from my home. ============================= #Minimalism #minimalist #essentialism #livesimply #minimal #decluttering #intentionalliving #zen #downsizing #lessismore #downsize #shoebox #livingintentionally #minsgame2019 #declutter #emptybox #bags #brokenelectronics #randomtrash #Receipts #oldmail #plasticbags #wornshoes #unusedshoes #traderjoesbag #osterairfryer https://www.instagram.com/p/BvabV_sDMe3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12t7j4njrrw6b
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jkocsmiersky · 5 years ago
This is what I did for the @hitrecord empty box challenge...😄 #hitrecord #zappos #box #challenge #remix #emptybox #cardboardbox #stopmotion #digitalart #watercolor #creativity #artexperiment #illustration https://www.instagram.com/p/B3nTPMsHB4L/?igshid=jhooeg7t3olo
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qigong-life · 3 years ago
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Creative thinking doesn't come from outside the box. Because if you don't have a box, you won't have to worry whether it's full, or whether you need to dump it out, or when it's empty and you have to fill it up. You won't also feel the need to have multiple boxes of . Creativity comes naturally and in the flow. https://bit.ly/mind-creative
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londonmacpaul · 4 years ago
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#emptybox #primaryschoolageheadphones #comeandgetit #victimisemeyouidiots #stakeout5years #lutonboyz #plaistowboyz https://www.instagram.com/p/CRI_kWrFcgJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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