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dreadfuldevotee · 1 year ago
girl help shes put on the thasmin playlist- oh my god, theyre playing neptune by sleeping at last GIRL PLEASE!! THE CHORUS ANYTHING BUT THE CHOR-
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vlovelovette · 1 year ago
“What do you want to do? Like career wise”
Id like to wake up everyday without the empending pressure to waste hours of my labor and mind (priced at $20 an hour) 8 hours a day to afford either rent or groceries. I’d also like to be a creative. I’m doomed either way!
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googleeyed · 2 years ago
The Blackhole [A story HEAVILY Inspired by Minecrafts Blackhole mod, ft. Wilbur soot, tommyinnit, Slime cicle and Philza minecraft.
[Hello, my name is Professor Soot. or for my freinds Wilbur, Soot. im writing this very quickly to introduce myself, and to document my discoverys. its difficult due to the soon empending doom tho. anywho, i hope this will help me keep track of my findings.]
I woke up in the morning agrevated by wooshing. I adjusted my eyesight for a closer look, it seemed quite small, atleast for the time being, i got up out of bed and threw on my white lab coat calmly, right over my golden-yellow sweater. It was uncomfortable, but i didnt have time to change.
As i scampered out of bed, my coat started being pulled torwards the direction of the blackhole could feel it pulling on me, i ran as fast as i could to Doctor Sickles home, i bursted through the door of his adobe and shouted "DOCTOR WE HAVE A ISSUE!" As he snapped up from his bedside, wide awake due to my yelling, i saw the terror in his bloodshot eyes.
"Throw on ur labcoat, quickly!" He replied with a bit of a slur in his voice "wha.. man im trying to sleep.." As he rolled back over on his side, i looked out of his window only to see the blackhole again, but this time it had gotten larger. I tried to tell him urgently again, this time i shook the side of his back violently. The pure expression of anger on his face was upsetting, but i didnt have time to make him "breakfast in bed."
Doctor Sickle then finally got up, as he threw on his Labcoat over his usual T-shirt, i gripped his hand firmly, felt kinda.. wet actully, but anyways, we darted out the door of his home, off to hopefully go get our freinds Tommy and Phil. we ran across the grass, as we did we could hear the ruffle of the wind of the blackhole pulling us, aswell as anything behind us, when all of a sudden Doctor Sickle turned around and stared at the blackhole.
I was wondering what was wrong with him, at a time like THIS? When we were about to DIE. And at that thought, i looked at his face, of pure terror. i gripped his arm of his labcoat tightly and dragged him along as i ran. We Finally arrived at Tommy and Phils house, We didnt have time to knock, so naturally, we busted down their door. luckily, they were already awake. As the door hit the ground me and Doctor Sickle just stood there, now stuck in eyecontact with Phil, who at the time was prepparing a cup of coffee.
As we stood at the door tho, he appeared quite shocked, i mean i dont blame him, we were doused in sweat, and Doctor Sickles Terrified face didnt make it any better. I told Phil calmly that "We have to leave the area, due to the empending blackhole." Suprisingly, his eyes lit up, as if he was waiting for this moment, as he reached into his cloak and pulled out a few things, a iron sword and a few buckets. he yelled at Tommy across the room, who looked to be organizing some loot.
Tommy then was extremely Panicked, and even jumped a little bit, i saw the ground shake, or maybe that was the force of the blackhole.. Doesnt matter now, we all ran out the door in search of somewhere atleast decently away from the blackhole, however me and Doctor Sickle had other plans, we had expiriments to do. And so, while me and Doctor Sickle went off to experiment with the blackhole and its force of gravity, Tommy and Phil worked on getting prepared, planning even. but i dont care, thats not what was important to me.
Me and Doctor Sickle hung out in front of the blackhole for a bit, we were trying to get a pair of chickens to lay some eggs. So they didnt run away, we put them into a hole in the dirt. to see if it'd be effected by the gravity. As we struggled with harnassing the eggs, Doctor Sickle looked down at the chickens, supposively trying to "urge" them.
I joined in, in a last ditch effort we finally got some eggs. Two to be exact, the blackhole got closer, edging torwards the hole where the chickens were. Doctor Sickle quickly told me to grab a egg, make a hole in the ground and throw the egg in the air. And so, i did. I dug a semi-deep hole a decent space away from the blackhole. I could feel my hair being perpelled by the force, and so, i threw the egg into the air, Doctor Sickle then yelled "IT WORKED!!" i felt joy in my findings.
unforunitely, this wouldnt last long, im writing this before the blackhole is going to consume me, i dont know what will happen after but i hope that my findings are useful. [END LOG 1]
Where am i? Last thing i remember i was sucked into the blackhole. I cant really see at all, but theres nothing here but Pitch Black Darkness, so its bery hard for me tosee if im writing the rigjt letaters. i canf eelmy self staring to lacnk conciposunness, i candt breatheanysmor
im back in control, but im not sure for how long. i was sent back onto the surface, for some odd reason.. the black hole is increasing in size. i dont have much time to help the others anymore.
I ran up to Ch- i mean, Doctor Sickle, he was yapping some nonsense about "Throwing Hoops" to Tommy, er.. playing basketball? i didnt care. i grabbed Doctor Sickle by his arm, angerly. We had somthing to take care of. Id built a small train track, along with a obsidian blockade so that Doctor Sickle wont get sucked into the Blackhole, i showed him it and his reaction was not what i was hoping for.
He yelled "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?" i replied, "i want you to observe the effect the Blackhole has on water, Doc." he looked back at me, almost furious, but i still managed to convince him, i told him that "Theres a button to ur right side that you can push to push the cart in this direction so that after viewing we can both live." He stared at me oddly, squinting. He seemed convinced enough.
All of a sudden i could feel it, gaining back control of me. I screamed to Doctor Sickle, "THE BLACKHOLE IS INSIDE OF MY BODY CHARLIE- I-I CANT CONTROL MYSELF DONT LISTEN TO ME DONT LI-" Doctor Sickle replied in confusion, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE BLACKHOLE IS INSIDE YOU? LIKE? POSSESSING YOU?" All of my body movement stopped. He gave me a weird, scared look but then sat down in the minecart, observing the water. At that moment, i didnt feel like myself anymore. i couldnt hold back the urge anymore. The blackhole inched closer to Doctor Sickles Position, but i couldnt find myself able to control myself, this was up to him. He attempted to escape the pull by forcing the cart in my direction, I felt somthing take over me in that moment, i could move. I walked forward and pushed the cart backwards. Leaving Doctor Sickle Helpless. I tried to scream out to him, im not quite sure if he heard me, i hope he did. I am once again slipping from my control. Maybe now he will understand my pain. He screamed so loud. i saw his glasses get ripped off of his eyes. in a way.. It was satisfying, the loud screams were soon silenced by the void. I have the urge to feed more people to it, i cant stop resisting the urge anymore. I shall start looking for more victims, besides, they wont have many places to hide afterall. [END LOG 2]
Ive found them, now i just have to put on the stupid act and fool them. i approach Phil With ease, he was under ground along with tommy, i hear his yelling echoing loudly in the caves, as i stared from them at the top of the opening of the hole, i had a sudden voice echo through my head, or maybe it was everywhere? It sounded like charlie, yapping on about somthing along the lines of "The Omlette of the beyond." ..whatever that means, but what really struct my fancy was when i heard "come take a bite, philllzaaaa~"
The voice faded, Finally. now that he was out of the way he had been handeld, now with a diffrent mindset of before, and foruntely, working perfectly with my plan. at this rate i cant tell who i am anymore. i just know who im supposed to be, and thats "ProfessorSoot." I was going to join them in the nether, after the portal was lit. But somthing changed my mind, i decided to sit down on the grass and await the void.
The INEVITABLE, void that we shall ALL FALL to. As i sat on the grass, i looked at my labcoat, which was now tainted with Doctor Sickles struggle, tho it was just a few patches of slime, along with a bit of blood. Nothing ive never seen before. I found myself staring into the blackhole as its everexpanding surface got larger and larger, i dont know how long ive been sitting here now, but i finally hear them coming back, i pick myself off the ground and rush to their underground base, falling through the hole, luckily i caught myself before being injured, thanks to some hanging cave vines.
Phil and Tommy Seemed to finally find some useful items, such as 8 enderpearls, some blazerods and alot of other self-defense loot, such as armor. i dropped down casully, and greeted them with "Joy" i was wondering what i could do to stop them, they seemed to be trying to escape, but i just found myself going along with them, for my own sake. I could hear it above us, when we finally found the ender-portal i felt.. A weird feeling, not like before. the need to be free, the need to get away from the impending doom, unlike before where i was allured to it, everything seemed to be okay with myself now.
Tho as i stood there on the side while Phil placed the ender eyes into the slots, i could feel two parts of me fighting, the one who wanted doom, and the one who truly just wanted to escape. Phil Finally Placed the last eyes into the slot, i could hear the blackhole wooshing through the wind, I closed my eyes and jumped through the portal. Finally, i actully felt free. Free of the urge, free of the impending doom. But i still found myself feeling empty.
Dispite my tryumphs i feel like shit. I wish i could've helped charlie while i could. i stare off into the pitch black bottom of the end, until tommy approaches me and right when i try to speak, SLAPS ME, and says, "SHUT THE FUCK UP, WHERE THE FUCK IS CHARLIE?!" I clear my voice, still having the sound of dissapointment in myself in my voice.
I see Tommys eyes try to resist tears, He just runs away, off to where Phil is, as Phil is already getting ready to fight the enderdragon. I walk over depressivly, armed with nothing. Only my own words, if i die by this dragon, god knows i deserve it, maybe ill see charlie again then. I screamed words i didnt even understand at the dragon, tho i imagine they must've been pretty offensive. Tommy had taken care of the End-crystals, all we had to do was kill it now. Phil ran in with a glimmering diamond sword, and stabbed it in the chest. Exp went everywhere, little green-yellow balls of power. and with that, we finally did it. we were finally done. Me, Tommy and Phil looked at eachother, took a deep breath then dived into the unknown void-portal that was there after defeating the dragon. we were ok. ..at least we thought we were, we are being teleported into the void, where it all started, hopefully ill have written some more logs, if not, im sorry Charlie. im sorry Phil and Tommy aswell. I should've just helped you all from the start, i can hear the wooshing getting louder and the force PULLING on me now, u7il next ti~=e. [EnD LOg]
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boneshakerbike · 1 year ago
Long dark climb. Ugh, me and procrastination, it’s a never-ending love-hate story. Tonight? Small core workout, easy peasy, enough time to pack for Missoula like a boss. Guess what? Nope. Fast forward to me face-planting on the couch, napping harder than a koala after a eucalyptus binge, and Craig Ferguson cackling on repeat on the TV. Whoops. But hey, sometimes even unplanned naps work their…
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3katanas · 1 year ago
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The sound of Chopper's cry nearly stopped his own heart. The near-calm numbness he'd fallen into shattered as he came to an abrupt stop, gaze dropping down to find the small doctor pressing down on Harry's chest. The next moment the crack of his ribs breaking from the compressions echoed through the suddenly silent world. It was the sound that almost broke him. Reverberating through him even as he forced his legs to keep moving. To quicken the pace.
Time seemed to slow. Silent tears tracked down his cheeks as the trembling fear within him blossomed into full horror. He was dead. Even as Chopper tried to revive him before him, even as he carried him to the ship, prayed he'd live....he was dead.
In that moment the world ended.
A crack echoed through his own chest. Mirroring his lover's ribs as his heart broke. A fissure appeared down the middle and tore it so violently that he wasn't sure he'd ever recover. The loss of Kuina was nothing compared to this. Nothing compared to this empending emptiness even as a flicker of hope tried to remain kindled within him.
Each step was agony as his body somehow seemed to continue moving. Even as he saw Chopper bending over to push air into Harry's lungs. Even as he continued to pray for the sound of a heartbeat in the echoing silence.
Luffy lifted the front of the board up, keeping Gil and Sanji available to fight without risking dropping Harry should anyone try to get the drop on them while they were entirely focused on the boy on the board behind him. He knew that Nami expected to leave the island within a day or two, but there was no way that he was risking Harry's health, he was sure their Navigator would agree to hang around until Harry woke up; she liked the Hook heir as much as everyone else.
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As they headed through the town, they all ignored the villagers looking on in worry or confusion as they power-walked through the streets with a bloody teenager on the board between them.
"Harry!" Chopper cried out in fear and worry, the moment he heard Harry's heart stutter before it stopped, the little doctor immediately climbed onto Harry's chest properly so that he could start pressing down on Harry's heart "We need to hurry" he cried out urgently, tear-filled eyes locking onto Zoro as he continued CPR, he knew that there was a possibility that this would happen, but he had hoped that it was closer to the ship or when they were actually on the ship.
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cmykool · 6 years ago
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▶ En cmykool diseñamos el manual de identidad para su compañía, con el cual unifica la comunicación corporativa de su empresa, ahorra tiempo y dinero.
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dantonpantoja · 5 years ago
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🚀⁣Trata-se de uma ferramenta que permite criar um ChatBot no Facebook Messenger. ⁣🚀Mas por quê logo no Messenger? Por quê não criar um chatbot em seu site, por exemplo? ⁣🚀Bem, a resposta é simples: Aproveitar o tráfego gigantesco do Facebook Messenger para lançar campanhas automatizadas de envio de mensagens. 😱 Uma estratégia que funciona muito é fazer campanhas para pessoas irem no messenger, já consegui pegar leds por 30 centavos ⁣🚀 E não se esqueça: os usuários do Facebook Messenger têm perfis bastante detalhados com seus nomes, profissão, cidade onde moram, estado civil e muito mais, ⁣🚀 Isso facilita muito a segmentação e pode trazer excelentes resultados. ⁣ 😎🤔Eu já configurei o meu manychat para nicho de marketing digital e maquiagem, e vocês já configuraram o de vocês? #dinheironobolso #dinheiroonline #ganhardinheiro #umbocadinhodeideias #dinheiroextra⠀ #emprendedor #emprendedorismo #emprendedores #emprendimento #empender #dinheirolucrativo⠀ #poupardimheiro #vdbakah3 (em Jd. América, São José Dos Campos-Sp) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEaXnY_B4Ju/?igshid=g44dsurqqoir
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gabs-mk · 5 years ago
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Trabajar desde casa 🏠, o desde el celular🤳, o como tu quieras👩‍💼, los más bonito de mi negocio es su flexibilidad y todas las posibilidades, sin descuidar a mis chaparritos o a mi Flaquito 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💞. #mividamarykay #unamujerpuede #siloquierespuedes #negociopropio #empender #independencia https://www.instagram.com/p/CBE2XJunCU4/?igshid=5smlbm9e0utu
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redheadspark · 2 years ago
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Summary: Azriel has doubt of his empending fatherhood, given what his rough childhood was like. His mate, however, gives him some light and hope.
Warnings: Just a mix of Angst and Fluff
A/N: Another oneshot with our batboy and his thoughts of being a dad!
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You never knew your baby shower was going to be as joyful as it was.
The sun rays were pouring into the small little apartment that warm summer afternoon, yet the cool Velaris breeze was making the heat less painful as your apartment was filled with the members of the Inner Circle and some of your closer friends.  Various balloons of all shapes and sizes and in shades of greens and golds, bountiful snacks and food were present along the long dining table that also had endless flowing glasses of wine and champagne.  Laughter and light conversation was heard throughout your home as you were perched at your own armchair, one hand holding a cup of ice cold water and the other resting on the top of your 7 month pregnant belly.
Watching your own baby shower unfold in front of you.
Both High Lord Rhysand and High Lady Feyre wanted to throw the shower at The River House, but you persuaded them to have it at your own home since only the Inner Circle and a few others would be in attendance.  They then opted to have the entire party planned without either you or your mate contributing.  Elaine brought all the flower arrangements and pastries as her gift, the whole home filled the scents of wildflower and daffodils, which blended in with the aroma of pastries and cookies that were to die for. Nesta and her mate Cassian helped rearrange the home for the party, Nesta making sure you always had water close by and not walking around too much since you were now waddling this late in your pregnancy. 
She literally ran the entire shower, being your best friend and the Godmother of your future child. 
Going into the third hour of the party, you were spent and perched in your armchair as Elaine walked over to give you a warm smile and one of her cookies on a plate.  You were in a light green dress, showing your belly perfectly with the silhouette and your hair in a high messy bun, light make up was worn and your wedding ring glistened on your left ring finger.
“I came to check on the lady of the hour,” She explained, you smiling at her as you took a long drink from yoru water, “How are you feeling?”
“Happy,” You replied in a shrug, “A bit tired since my little one is already making me sit more than walk, but I’m happy.  You all did so much for us, I can’t ever thank you all enough,”
“It’s our honor,” Elaine replied in her dream-like tone, patting your arm gently with her nimble fingers as she gestured to the others in the room whom were chatting with one another, “We’re all glad for you and your family,”
Rhysand was talking with Feryre, of course smiling at her as if she hung the moon with her own kind eyes.  Feyre was grinning widely, laughing at something her husband and mate said as he grinned back just from making her smile.  Armen was nibbling a bit at the snacks not he dining room table, golden her own glass tightly in her grip but looking content.  Nesta and Cassian were chatting with little Nyx, Cassian hoisted him on his shoulders and was making him giggle in delight as Nesta was grinning with a smirk, seeing that twinkling in his eyes as Nyx was pulling at Cassian's medium length hair.  
But there was one person missing, and you just noticed not too long ago.
“Where is your husband?” Elaine asked, making you look around as well with the same question in your own head. It made your worry, scanning the room and not seeing any signs of him.  He was there when the party started, just as excited as you were when the others showed up at your doorsteps with presents and other decorations.   But as the party went on, you lost track of him.  You didn’t mean to, the ladies were all coddling over you and they were doting on your every beck and call. Yet now….now he was nowhere to be soon. 
“Perhaps it was all too much for him, you know how he is,” Elaine tried to reason with you since she saw the look of concern on your face, “We can be a rambunctious bunch and…..what are you doing?”
“I’m going to walk around for a bit,” You said as you hosted herself up on your feet, letting yourself being centered from your gravity already being altered thanks to your belly.  Elaine shot up, thinking she was going to help you, but you caught yourself and gave her a small smile, “Some fresh air will do me some good.  I’ll only be a moment,”
“Alright, just don’t be too long since we’re going to open presents soon,” Elaine explained as you walked away from her, mostly waddled.  You had some inkling as to where he would be, yet you said nothing as you moved out of the living room and into the calmer hallway.  The others weren’t paying attention, which was perfect since the last thing you wanted was them to fuss over you.  You would rather find your mate, your bond softly calling to you giving you the sense of worry.
Not from you, from him.
You walked to the end of the hallway, seeing one door open slightly and a small hint of light coming from inside.  Pausing, you looked back one more time to make sure no one was following you. Moving with your hand, you pushed open the door into the dimly lit room, peering inside and feeling your heart sweet from the sight in front of you.
It was the nursery, already made up and ready for the baby.  You remembered finishing it one week ago, getting the right color for the wall and the perfect furniture that would be used completely.  The light brown wood on the dresser and on the crib, the crisp white linen of the blankets and sheets, and even some smaller wooden toys that were gifts already packed away in a wooden box box and ready for your little one to indulge in. But it was the being the was perched over the crib, reaching down to take a small stuffed teddy bear that was perched in the corner of the crib. 
You knew this being far too well, not just from the massive wings that were tucked behind him and his dark locks, but the strong arms that would hold you close and yet be gentle, his scarred hands that held so much grief from his past but only  brought joy to you, and the stiff stance that was always present whether he was on the job or not.
Your mate.  The Spymaster himself: Azriel.
“Hello you,” You said in a soft tone.  Azriel moving so quick his shadows had to catch up behind him.  He held the bear in one of his hands, the scars along his skin being a contrast to the soft texture of the bear’s fur.  Even in the more casual attire he wanted to wear to the party with his hair pushed to the side to show his eyes, you could see he wasn’t himself.  That he was lost in his own mind, making you walk into the room and close it behind you.  The noises of the party drifted away as Azriel looked at you then in concern, placing the bear back in the crib before making his way over to you.
“Are you alright?  Is it the baby?  Come, come sit—“ he started to rambling, reaching to take your hand in his.  The rocking chair, a gift from Mor, was perched in the corner next to the crib, Azriel was attempting to take you over there.  But you stood your grounded shook your head, lacing your fingers together and kissing the back of it as you locked eyes with Azriel.
“I’m perfectly fine,” You hummed in reply, “But I fear as though my own mate is not,”
Azriel said nothing as you walked over a bit more, scanning his eyes as you reached up with your other hand to cup his cheek.  You didn’t want to say it, but you sensed it already from the moment you walked into the room.  Long before you two were married, you and Azriel grew to know each other very well from the inside out. You both were friends long before you fell in love, let alone realizing you were mates.  He considered you his better half, the half that was missing most of his life.  Up until you came into the picture, Azriel mostly had to rely on his own, sometimes he would rely on Cassian and Rhysand.  But most of the time, he was a solo Spymaster.
That changed when you stumbled into his life and shook it up.
“What’s going on, honey?” You asked calmly, feeling him taking in a slow exhale as you both reached each other eyes, “Is it the party?”
“Not at all,” he answered, giving you a reassuring grin, “I quite enjoyed the party,”
“It seems that way, that’s why you’re hiding out here in our baby’s nursery,” You teased lightly, seeing him give a small chuckle and look down at your belly that is between the pair of you.  You watched him, not wishing to take your eyes off of him for a moment.  He moved your laced hands, taking his hand from yours to place on top of your belly to feel your tight yet soft skin under the dress you were wearing.  HIs hand nearly covered the while belly, almost in a protective manner while he was thinking of what to tell you.
“Az, it’s just me,” You reminded him gently, seeing his eyes on your belly with his hand there as you took another step towards him, “Nothing else matters to me than you and what’s going on in that brilliant head of yours,”
He bit his lower lip for a moment, you could see and almost feel those inner walls that were up starting to fall.  You could wait all day if you could just to hear what was on his heart, you were one of the fear few that have the privilege of see all of Azriel, both the good and the bad.  Cassian and Rhysand were the firsts since they grew up together, then it was Mor because they were close.
The last one was you.
“I know we are prepared to have our child within a month’s time,” Azriel explained his voice sounding so soft as he was expressing this to you, “And I can’t wait to have our child here.  My own thoughts, however, are occupied with the notion of me….not being a good enough father.”
Perhaps he heard your heart breaking within your bound, not to mention how big your eyes got as you stood so still in front of him.  To think of Axriel having doubts of being a father, even before your child was born, it made your feel so sad and almost broken from the inside and out.  You always saw the best within him, even in the moments when he had doubt or negative thoughts that would fester his mind.  Yet you saw the goodness and the gift of pure light inside of him, long before you two first got together as a couple and as mates.  Bringing him out of that shell that you knew he had over him was hard at time, but it was all worth it to see all the side of Azriel open and free.
“Azriel,” You said in a low tone, moving your other hand to cradle his face to have him look at him as he was still shifting a bit on his feet, “Please look at me, please?”
He poured his eyes into you, having you give him a small smile as you touched the back of his neck near the small hairs there, a gesture of comfort you loved to give him.
“You are going to be an amazing father,” You promised him as his hands rested on your hips, “I know deep down you will be.  Our baby is already beyond lucky to have you as father,…but it saddens me to think that—“
“Wait,” He said, seeing you getting a bit worked up from hearing this from him.  He moved you, carefully and softly, over to the rocking chair as you kept your eyes on him, “Come sit before you get worked up, honey,”
You moved, feeling him lower you to the chair as he sighed and knelt down in front of you, searching your eyes to see you give him a stare of disbelief and pain.  He kissed both of your hands carefully and with love, keeping your laced hands on your lap as he gazed lovingly and longingly at his mate.
“Don’t think for one moment I’m not excited for our child,” He said to you calmly, you sniffing and nodding your head, “I am beyond excited.  Ever since you told me you were with child, it’s been the main subject on my mind for months.  This is good, and this is what I’ve wanted with you, especially with you,” 
“Okay,” You hummed, showing you were following.
“I’m merely worried about how good of a father I will be, if I’ll do a good enough job as a father,” Azriel explained, his eyes looking down at your belly again to make you see the wheels turning in his mind, “If I’ll be anything like…”
You knew who he was talking about.  His own childhood was cruel and vicious: his step mother and step brothers were nothing but horrible to him and kept him away from his mother.  HIs father was not as much help to the torment he went through, including his step brother giving him the scars along his hands.  Thankfully, after being dumbed as a Illryian training camp when he was still a boy, Rhysand, his mother, and Cassian took him and brought him some love that he missed.  Yet that childhood was a scar along his backside, deep and jarring like a dull pain he would feel every once in awhile.  Maybe he was thinking he would never let that be shown with you when you two became mates.
And now, with a baby on the way.
“Like your father,” You ended for him, seeing him nod his head slowly as you grimaced, “I can tell you for certain you are not like your father.  There is so much goodness in you, it outweighs all that you went through as a child.  When I see you with Nyx, I see someone who is happy, beyond happy, and someone who loves his nephew with all his heart and soul.  I know deep down you’ll be the very same with our own child,” 
Azriel was drinking in all you were telling him, still looking a bit unconvinced for a moment as you both were watching one another while the party was still going on without the guests of honor.  
“You can’t let the past keep haunting you, Az.  Not when I know your future is so bright and waiting for you,” You reminded him, seeing him give you a reassuring smile, “I know the past can hurt, especially yours that brought you nothing but pain and darkness.  But I don’t see pain and darkness with the Illryian in front of me, with my best friend and mate.  You know what I see?”
He watched, waiting on bated breath for you as you grinned widely, not even hiding the singular tear down your cheek from the emotional wave of love that came in you.
“I see hope,” you whispered with confidence, “Hope that anyone can conquer the tallest of mountains and the deepest of raveens, and you have done that.  Your family can see that, I see that, and our little one is going to see and learn what it means to have hope.  Okay?”
Azriel nodded, leaning up to kiss you and melt into your arms.  You hummed against his lips, arms around his neck while his own arms were around your hips and along your stomach.  He was your safe space, from the moment you two met and became close you found peace in his presence.  It took you some time to figure out that you were his, seeing his calm demeanor come out when you two spoke or were around one another.  He felt at ease with you, something he confessed he never had with another for centuries.  
So for you two to bringing a child into the world seemed like the last piece you both needed to be feel full and connected as one.  There was no doubt in your mind that Azriel was going to be an excellent father to this child, or any others you might have in the future.  Maybe you would have one more, or perhaps two to three.  But for now, your one child was all you both could ever dream or wish for.
“Of all the beings to be mated to, to have a child with, I am profoundly lucky to have you to share my life with,” Azriel hummed against your lips, making you grin as he kept talking, “And our daughter is lucky too,”
You chuckled as you pulled away from his chasing lips, raising an eyebrow at him, “You’re still convinced we’re having a girl?”
“I know we are,” He replied in confident, rubbing the top of your belly with his fingertips.  As if on contact and on cue, the baby kicked hard against his touch.  You both looked in shock, Azriel grinned widely and pointing to the same spot where your baby kicked, “Our daughter agrees.”
The nursery door knocked, you both looked to see it was Elaine poking her head in.  She was grinning from the site, You perched at the rocking chair and Azriel kneeling in front of you with his hands caressing your stomach.
“I thought I would find the pair of you in here!” She said in a light manner, “Am I interrupting?”
“Not at all,” Azriel replied to her calmly, his smile was back on his face and the feelings of fear and hesitance were gone now, “We just needed a break together.”
“That’s what I told the others!” Elaine hummed in agreement, “But Mor wants to have you two open the presents.  Maybe.... maybe we can do it in here since you’re already sitting and comfortable,” 
Before you could protest, Azriel got up from his spot in front of you, smoothing out his shirt and pants, “That’s a wonderful idea, Elaine.  Let’s get the boys to bring the presents in here, and some water for my mate, if you don’t mind please,” 
“Already on it!” Elaine was already out the door before you could protest.  Azriel beamed at you when it was just the pair of you again, leaning over to kiss your cheek and run his fingers over your belly one more time.  You felt it though his bond that all was well again, that his mind was back to the present and not with uneasiness or uncertainty.  
“You just sit here and look ravishing as I get the presents,” He hummed against your cheek, you nuzzling into him for a brief moment before he looked at you in the eyes again.  You even saw the change in his hazel eyes, the look of love and happiness was back as they should be, and your heart was full to see Azriel back to his normal self again.  
“I love you,” you said to him in breath.
“I love you more,” he vowed, kissing your head and moving out of the room within moment.  You leaned back in your chair, letting the moment of love and peace fill the room one again.  Drinking in the notion that your family will grow from two to three within a month, the moments of having Azriel all to yourself would be out the window.  But that didn’t feel you with dread, mostly with joy and the never ending sensation of hope that your family will always be filled with what Azriel never had.
Pure love.
And two months later, Azriel was perched in the very rocking chair with your infant daughter named Hope swaddled in his arms. He sang her an old lullaby, her dark hair seen and her nose from her father evident against the green blanket.  Azriel’s heart was beyond full and overflowing, never seeing anything else just as beautiful apart from his mate.  
The End.
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emprendersinlimites · 4 years ago
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¿Has pensado en estudiar marketing de afiliados y sientes que es algo muy difícil o lejano? 🤔 El síndrome del impostor es algo más común de lo que nos imaginamos. Cuando dudamos de nuestras habilidades o no sentimos la seguridad y no nos atrevemos a hacer las cosas es cuando este síndrome toma más protagonismo del que debería 🚫 Cuando tengas dudas sobre emprender un nuevo camino o reto es el momento para que dejemos de sentir miedo por ese siguiente paso 💪🏼 Atreverse a hacer algo que nunca imaginaste es la forma de vencerlo y fracasar es parte del proceso para aprender cosas nuevas. Equivócate, aprende 🚀 COMIENZA HOY!! https://bit.ly/encuesta-gratuita . . #emprendedoras #emprendedorenlinea #negociosonline #negociosdigitales #crecimientopersonal #caminoalexito #crecimientoprofesional #programadeafiliados #ideasparaemprender #ideasdenegocios #marketingdeafiliados #monetizacion #monetiza #instagram #monetizainstagram #creenti #negocio #negocios #negociosenlinea #empende #emprendedores #oportunidad #oportunidades #negocioreal (en Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIp_IvhjwIW/?igshid=4wizgwxukgd1
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boom-baebee · 5 years ago
I need a job ...
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lonewolf4151 · 4 years ago
Bucky x Steve x Reader
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You , Steve and Bucky were on a mission. It was supposed to be easy, dropping in, killing the assigned targets, grabbing the vile and getting the hell out of there. That was the plan, and it was. You dropped in killing off the targets as you heard your boys grunting and groaning trying to break the case apart to grab the vile containing the mysterious substance that you didn't know the contents of. Walking around the corner you roll your eyes at their unsuccessful attempts, bending over you grab an obnoxiously large key off of one of the guards you had previously killed unaware of your empending danger. Turning around with a smug smirk accross your lips you open your mouth ready to throw some smart comment towards the boys when you felt a hot breath on your neck. The horrific look on their faces is the last thing you see before you feel a hot searing pain and your vision starts to blurr. A gun shot rings out accross the cavernous building, you hear a large thud simultaneously feeling the knife drag down your back as you collapse to the floor on your knees. "Y/N/N!" two sets of hands are on your before you can fully register what has just happened. "You're gonna be okay.." Bucky whispers into your ear. Grabbing you and setting you in-between his legs he reaches behind him an pulls Steve in front of you. Taking your face into his hands Steve makes eye contact with you," He's going to have to get it out, Y/N/N." nodding you slowly start to fade out of reality.
Steve's POV
Guiding her head to my chest I look back at Buck making intense eye contact. The look on his face was exactly what I didn't want to see... it had hit an artery. "Buck." my voice breaks, "we can't." I say in a whisper. "Just pull the damn thing out, Bucky." she forces out. Looking down into her beautiful Y/C eyes, mine begin to swell with tears. "Don't be such a puss, Stevie. Its going be fine." I let out a teary chuckle. "Everything is going to be okay we promise." Bucky forces out. Rolling her eyes she tries to sit up, her body shaking uncontrolably. "Y'all have never lied to me. Please don't start now, I know what is happening. We've lived through it enough to know." taking one of my hands and bringing it up to her face she stares me dead in the eyes. "Steven Grant Rodgers," she says with as much force as she can muster. "Do not, and I repeat do not, let him go back to what he used to be. You two fight everyday to put a smile on eachothers face." a tear slipping down her cheek I choke back a sob my hand slipping from her face as she reaches for Buck's sleeve pulling him around to face her. " James Buchannan Barnes, I have your next mission." he rolls his eyes and lets out a tear filled chuckle. "What's that, Angel?" grabbing his steel hand she laces their fingers together. "Give this world a chance. For me, please." her breathing slows as she chokes out her last breath and her eyes roll back. I look to Buck as a look of realization comes over his face. "What is it?" I ask shakily. Laying her against my chest he grabs the key from her cold, blood soaked hand and walks over to the glass case where the vile is locked iside. "Buck, what is it?" shoving the key into the lock he grabs the vile showing me the dark blue contents. "Is that what I think it is?" I ask tightening my hold on our girl. He nods his head solemnly. "Do it." my voice echos throughout the room. " Stevie, I don't know. You and I both know what it's like going through the change." tightening my hold on Y/N I look at him. "I said do it. I've gone through this once with Peggy, and with you.. I can't do it again. I won't let myself loose someone else that I love." Rolling the vile around his fingers he reaches into the case pulling out the syringe that was laying beside it. Sliding it into the syringe he closes the gap between the three of us. Falling to his knees beside our girl he grabs the knife and slowly eases it from her spine throwing it across the room. Bringing the syringe to her chest he presses it into her heart and smashes the plunger. Letting it fall to the ground he wraps his arms around the both of us. The seconds pass, turning into minutes witch turns into an hour before Bucky leans back. "I don't think it's going to work Stevie, she had too much damage." grabbing her tighter I drop my head to lay on her chest. "It has to Buck, it just has to." I say between sobs. He starts pacing the room," Steve I-" he's cut off by the sound of a heartbeat. Lifting my head I look down at her blood smeared face as her beautiful Y/C eyes pop open and scan the room frantically before they hone in on the two of us.
"What the hell did you do?....."
Thank you all for the love and support we couldn’t have done it without y’all!
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usafphantom2 · 3 years ago
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Russian Checkmate jet project explores the "weakness" of the Lockheed F-117A
Sukhoi company obtained this week the patent for the new single-engine Checkmate fighter
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 03/25/22 - 08:03 AM in Military
The Russian developers took into account the "weaknesses" of the predecessor of the US F-22 jet, the F-117A Nighthawk, when designing its new Checkmate single-engine fighter.
The information was revealed in a patent published by the Russian Federal Intellectual Property Service, the state news agency TASS reported. He compares the Checkmate with its American counterpart F-117A with low radar visibility. "This aircraft (F-117) has several disadvantages, such as poor takeoff and landing characteristics, as well as insufficient stability and controllability in flight," says the patent.
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"The start date of the patent is 07/19/2021 and the date of registration, 03/23/22. The field of invention is aviation, in particular, light tactical aircraft with low radar visibility," the document says.
The task of the developers of Checkmate was to eliminate the deficiencies of other known aircraft of this class. The Checkmate empend is V-shaped. The air intake is located at the bottom of the fuselage.
"The technical result of the invention was to obtain better stability and controllability of the aircraft without compromising the invisibility characteristics of the radar," the statement said.
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F-117 and F-22.
The F-117 is a single-seat subsonic tactical attack stealth aircraft built by Lockheed Martin. It was intended for secret penetration through the enemy's air defense systems and attacks on strategically important ground targets.
His first flight was on June 18, 1981. A total of 64 planes were built. The last standard aircraft was delivered to the USAF in 1990. The plane participated in five armed conflicts, including Operation Desert Storm in 1991. In 2008, all aircraft of this type were officially withdrawn from service for financial reasons. His successor was the F-22 Raptor.
The F-117 mainly owed its low visibility to the specific angular shape of the hull compound and radar absorbent materials and special coating.
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Su-57 and Su-75.
The Checkmate was developed by the Sukhoi Company, an affiliate of the Russian state-owned United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), and was first presented at the MAKS-2021 air show. The foreign presentation of the fighter took place at the Dubai Airshow 2021.
Checkmate will make its first flight and its serial production should begin in 2025.
This Russian jet supposedly features open architecture adjustable to customer requirements and artificial intelligence (AI) features. It has low visibility technologies and is equipped with a compartment in the fuselage for air-to-air and air-surface weapons. The payload of the jet exceeds 7 tons and can reach up to six targets at once. The speed of the single-engine aircraft is Mach 1.8 and the combat radius is 3,000 km.
Tags: Military AviationCheckmateLockheed F-117A NighthawkRussiaSu-75Sukhoi
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in a specialized aviation magazine in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation
Cavok Brasil - Digital Tchê Web Creation
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inkher0 · 3 years ago
So how is your Zombie game going? :3
I almost died getting a table for my house and I have seven trucks that I've driven into the same ambulance every single time I leave
So all in all, pretty great!
Yesterday though I realized how I wanted to start the new chapter, so I wrote a few pages. Might do the same today, if the empending doom of "you havent drawn anything in two weeks" doesn't kill me first xD
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27-umbrellas · 6 years ago
Wanna know my favorite Umbrella academy headcanon (a UA AU, if you will) The Hargreeves are demigods. My elementary schools self is so satisfied. People with unexplained godly powers and no set parents????? Empending celestial doom??? A prophecy with a timeline??? It’s chicken soup to my Greek mythology obsessed soul and if I don’t get a fic out of it where Klaus is best friends with Leo and Annabeth and Five chat about life I will end my exsistence
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leviathan-open-ur-eyes · 5 years ago
(Man I have a lot of questions) what’s your abilities/perks?
"So my perks are:
Is liomsa thú: i become obsessed with one survivor. Everytime that survivor unhooked someone I gain a token. At 5 i can kill them. If I hook them I lose 2 tokens and if I hit them I lose a token. Hide and seek: the thrill of the hunt gives me such a rush. With one survivor left alive I gain a sight increase letting blood stay longer and brighter as well as scratch marks. Hex: Fading hope: The entity whispers into my ear, the empending doom of what's to come if I fail. With 2 or less gens left the perk activates and I become feral destroying everything in my path. Gens are reduced by half of their progression if she hits them . The survivors are given a difficult skill check if they hit it the progression goes up 3/4/5% if they miss it no harm is done but it does not progress. As for my abilities I have my old axe guitar named diablo. He was my first guitar and I loved him dearly. We played so many good shows and man he never failed me then and he sure isn't gonna fail me now."
This is what her guitar looks like:
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I'll need to design it later but ye
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