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Requests are open, I am a 22 year old writer so drop some requests!Note:@krissyq is my co-writer. Give her credit too !🩉
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lonewolf4151 · 17 days ago
Syrens can’t speak on land.
Rain gets summoned and isn’t used to not being able to talk. He’s a deep-sea Ghoul, rarely breaking the surface of the water so he’s only ever gone short periods of times not being able to speak.
Water Ghouls have their own type of sign language so they can commune above water and even under the water if they’re hunting.
When Rain is summoned he is not only silenced due to the amount of time he has to spend above water, but because none of the other Ghouls know sign, and the sign the humans have is different and makes no sense to Rain.
Rain also can’t write been as water, paper and ink don’t exactly mix so he never learned.
He just resigns to nodding and shaking his head and trying to mime as best as he can.
That’s until one day when the Fire Ghoul that has a Water’s name sneaks into his room and raises his hands, making the familiar shapes of infernal sign.
“I’ll be your voice. The voice I never had when I was summoned.”
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lonewolf4151 · 1 month ago
Phantom’s leg kicking up is everything.
Swiss just grabbin’ ‘em for a smooch.
They’re sođŸ« đŸ« 
Found on Twitter
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lonewolf4151 · 4 months ago
"open the door or i'm gonna throw rocks at your window, you dumb whore"
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lonewolf4151 · 6 months ago
Papa introducing the Ghouls <3
I miss those old days
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lonewolf4151 · 6 months ago
That one Ghoul who 🧿👄🧿 into your soul
Big Earth bbg<3
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His eyes♄♄
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lonewolf4151 · 6 months ago
Oh, GO SOMEWHERE. I am SO sick of his ass.
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lonewolf4151 · 6 months ago
Meliora/Popestar Ghouls guide
I noticed some people still have trouble telling the Ghouls apart. Specifically Meliora era Ghouls. So i'll try to make things easier for all of you :)
WARNING: lots of text, my silly comments
Happy reading 😏
Learning which symbol/alchemic element (which was Martin Persner's/Omega's idea btw!) belongs to a certain Ghoul is essential:
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🜂- Fire, 🜄- Water, 🜁 - Air, 🜃 - Earth, 🜀 - Quintessence. The first Fire Ghoul was also called Alpha and the first Quintessence Ghoul - Omega. Why such names? Because Quintessence/Ether Ghoul had Ω sticker on his guitar and fans started calling him Omega and his counterpart - Alpha. These names just fit them perfectly. Meliora era was unique because neither of previous Papas, nor Cardinal/Papa 4 called Ghouls by their names/elements. Only Papa III did that.
There were few changes of lineups during Era 3 and some Ghouls were given different names by fans. Simply because naming their elements wasn't enough. Examples will be seen below.
Ways to tell them apart when they are on stage:
Their instruments and stickers.
They are placed in certain areas of the stage: Quintessence and Earth on Papa's right, Water in the middle, Air and Fire on Papa's left.
Different body types, eyes, rings, bracelets and tattoos.
The way they behave.
When they are off stage, on promo photos etc just take a look at their chests.
Even though every Ghoul has 5 elements embroidered on their suits, their respective element is highlighted.
HQ pictures are pretty helpful if y'all wanna find your favorite Ghoul.
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(from left to right: Air, Earth, Omega/Quintessence, Water and Alpha/Fire)
Also check this video of Papa III introducing Ghouls.
2015 lineup:
Air Ghoul #1. Simply Air. Joined Ghost in 2011. No tattoos, no rings. Usually quite calm on stage, favorite gesture isđŸ€˜ . Was the tallest Ghoul till 2017. Had cool keytar solo. Didn't move much.
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Pebble aka Earth Ghoul #2. Joined Ghost in June 2015. Smol (yes, smaller than Papa). Has intense stare. Literal beast when it comes to playing drums. Had a special way of throwing sticks to fans (literally footballed them into the crowd lol). Funny one.
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Quintessence Ghoul #1 aka Omega. Terzo's favorite Ghoul. His butt was smacked and grabbed by Papa countless times during Year Zero solo. Known for his stomping, graceful guitar playing style, has big silver rings on both hands and pretty eyes. Has the cutest laugh. Did lots of interviews when Special Ghoul wasn't around. Loves Abba. Has been in the band from 2010 till july 2016.
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Water Ghoul #4 aka Delta. Slightly shorter than Papa III. Joined in 2015. Sometimes kicks air (literal air, not his fellow Ghoul) on stage, also filled in for Alpha (when he injured his shoulder) and Omega for a few shows. Played rhythm guitar after Omega left. Has no rings, no visible tattoos, but has mad skills. Allegedly he's the one who tried to kick the dude who got on stage and kissed Terzo lol
His regular bass Omega's guitar
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Fire Ghoul #1 aka Alpha. Popular among fans. Hangs out with every Ghoul on stage, especially with Water and Pebble. Loves cameras, does✌ a lot, humps his guitar sometimes. Enjoys attention, a bit horny:) Also did a few interviews (mostly with Omega), has strong accent, also speaks Italian. Has rings and tattoos on both hands (had none during era 1 and 2!). Taller than Papa. Joined in 2010, left in november 2016.
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Omega left in july, so Water took over rhythm guitar and the first Ghoulette of the Ghost, Mist, was introduced. This lineup toured till the end of the year and nobody returned for Popestar tour in 2017.
Quintessence Ghoul #2. Basically just Water, but with different guitar and highlighted QE symbol on his uniform.
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Mist Ghoulette aka Water#5. Tiny💜, unlike Copia's Ghoulettes she wore the same outfit and mask (that looked a bit too big for her) just like other Ghouls. Badass bass player, has a ring, a tattoo on her finger and painted nails. Veeeeery calm. Cute as hell. Alpha liked her a lot.
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Fire, Earth and Air Ghouls were same as in 2015:
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(from left to right on this picture: Mist, Quintessence #2 (aka Delta/Water Ghoul#4), Alpha/Fire, Earth/Pebble, Air)
All of the previous Ghouls left and the new pack replaced them. If you see Ghouls who are +- same height as Papa, that's them!
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(Dewdrop/Water #7, Aether/Quintessence #3, Zephyr/Air #2, Ifrit/Fire #2, Ivy/Earth #3)
Ifrit aka Fire Ghoul #2. Chaotic, hyperactive, Papa's hype man. Same height as Terzo, sweet bean, has wiiiide chest dorito shaped No tattoos, no rings. Spins, dances, jumps a lot. Gets "shot" during Ghuleh/Zombie Queen. No 🜂 sticker on his guitar. Only toured till 2018.
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Aether aka Quintessence Ghoul #3. Beefy, jumps a lot, has rings and a bracelet. Always looks friendly. Plain black guitar with no QE symbol. Also pretty active, especially with his pal Ifrit. A bit taller than Papa III. Ran after Terzo when he got gragged off the stage by Papa Nihil's people. Joined in 2017, left in 2022.
P.S. since he's not Omega, his butt was safe during Year Zero solo 🙃
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Dewdrop aka Water Ghoul #6 aka Sodo. Smaller than Terzo. Has an aggressive guitar playing style. A bit horny (it got worse). No visible tattoos. Proudly played bass with someone's panties. Syncs with Ifrit and Aether during Ghuleh/Zombie Queen outro. Became Fire Ghoul #3 in 2018. He's still in the Ghost (as of february 2024).
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Zephyr aka chAir Ghoul #2. Sits on chair, a lot :) Charming, more active than previous Air ghoul. Loses it during Monstrance Clock, Per Aspera Ad Inferi and Cirice. Could be a great DJ. Almost the same height as Papa. Has a ring. His Mummy Dust keytar solo -[X]. Only toured till 2018.
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Ivy aka Earth Ghoul #3. Underrated, many don't know much about him. Was present only during European leg of the Popestar tour (from march till july). Has brown eyes, a tattoo and bracelets. Same height as Ifrit. Wasn't around much, but still did a great job. Was later replaced by Mountain.
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Mountain aka Earth Ghoul #4. Joined Ghost in july 2017. The tallest Ghoul. Hates shoes. Has a tattoo on the finger of his right hand, but you won't see shit on photos from this era because he wasn't photographed much and drummers usually get less attention than others in general:/ Quite calm comparing to Pebble. He's still in the band (as of february 2024).
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Honorable mentions:
Special Ghoul aka Phil. Has green eyes, speaks Swedish. Did lots of interviews, showed up to grab a few awards for Ghost, worships cats and loves Abba. Literally Papa in disguise (aka Fire Ghoul's uniform and mask). Has been in the shadows since 2017.
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Cowbell Ghoul. The myth, the legend. Played cowbell during "Ritual" and "If You Have Ghosts" a few times at the end of the Popestar tour in 2016. Tall, has a posture of a shrimp, always got shooed by Papa. Many want him back.
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Aaaand that's it. I hope it was helpful. Thanks for reading :)
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lonewolf4151 · 6 months ago
That one Ghoul who 🧿👄🧿 into your soul
Big Earth bbg<3
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His eyes♄♄
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lonewolf4151 · 6 months ago
"The confessions of a Nameless Ghoul" (AKA the wildest Ghost interview)
Metal Hammer (September 2016)
It must get hot under those cloaks. Do you ever feel like taking off your mask and revealing your identity? “Yes.” Who gets more chicks: Papas or Nameless Ghouls? “Papa definitely gets most Mamas.” So surely you must get jealous of Papa Emeritus. Do you ever think about overthrowing him and taking his spot in the band? “He’s the magnet of carnal pleasures, being the only one of us to get publicly recognised, and since that sod can’t handle all the birds coming his way, we are happy to get what’s coming to us for solace.” And what is your most memorable groupie experience? “Unfortunately, it’s a little bit like they say about having experienced the 60s. If you remember it, you weren’t really there.” So what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done on a date? “After mentioning how well-endowed Papa is, I had to spend the rest of the night telling the girl to snap out of it – she continuously seemed dreaming and drooling.” What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen while high? “After our latest performance, a few of us got an accidental glimpse of what our Papa hides underneath his cloak. It appeared to actually have rotating glands and was sort of vibrating by itself. I can’t tell if it was ‘the green’, but I can tell you that I turned green after that
” Have you got any phobias or irrational fears? “That a future Mrs Ghoul might be subjected to a display of Papa’s device.” What is the strangest thing a fan has ever given you? “Female underwear. It’s a very strange gift. I mean, don’t they understand that we are guys and we wear boxer shorts? It is very inconsiderate.” What was the moment you realised you’d made it as a rockstar? “When Papa II actually recognised my presence as OK on our last ministry meeting. It was definitely a sign that I was starting to make it!” With great stardom often comes great ego. Have you ever uttered the words: “But don’t you know who I am?!” “I have actually – several times in fact, but Papa II is just as inconsiderate as Papa I, and will hush you and then ask you to leave the backstage area.” What’s the worst fight you have ever been in? “When Papa II ordered the dogs to be unleashed on me. This happened right after he gave me the feeling of having made it.” What’s the worst thing you’ve ever been called? “Well, we just had to change our name to Ghost B.C. in the US.” What’s the worst enemy you’ve ever made? “It’s tough to say, there are a lot of them out there but Papa II is definitely a contender.”
Metal Hammer (September 2016)
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lonewolf4151 · 6 months ago
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I beg your pardon?! Not only are those some serious CLAWS but is Sister Imperator

.afraid of Terzo?!
Oh the implications!!!
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lonewolf4151 · 7 months ago
Just thinking about the ghoul who flashed us in Year Zero mv
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Lake ghoul♄
And the man behind the mask
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Rikard ottoson<3
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lonewolf4151 · 7 months ago
I have thoughts
and feelings about this clip đŸ« 
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lonewolf4151 · 7 months ago
Another video from Ghost's 2015 North American tour.
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lonewolf4151 · 7 months ago
Aether ripping his jacket open with one hand? The casual guitar toss? The belly patting? The leanback?
My feral level is through the roof
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lonewolf4151 · 8 months ago
Okay YES I screen recorded this from reels cuz idk how imma find it elsewhere
I ain't ever seen this lil ghoulie move fast in my life
and the fucking hand circle above his head ugh I love him
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lonewolf4151 · 8 months ago
Rain talking during the ghovie for 2 seconds
 I went feral
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lonewolf4151 · 8 months ago
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