#emotional edging
plutonianplaything2 · 6 months
Hello! Here are some life updates!!
- We still don’t know if my foot is *actually* broken so I’m getting an MRI done 🤭
- I’m on crutches
- It’s the last month (ish) of my second to last semester of school and I am on the verge of a breakdown (Yay!!!)
- Someone who I thought I was over has been consuming my thoughts the last few days and all I want to do is cry (yes, it IS Z in case you were wondering)
- I’m in pain and over being human!!! I wish I was a rock.
-I really, really need a hug.
-I’ve been taking my antidepressants consistently so my libido is down to 0 and that’s why I haven’t been posting (sex is starting to turn me off lmfao)
Come say hi, please be nice, I am tired and fed up and just want to be babied.
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alteredsilicone · 7 months
have an idea for an art project (calling it a project since its smth i need to put effort in) but cant talk about it due to the "talking about your plans releases serotonin and you feel like you already did the thing you are planning to do"
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viscerast · 1 year
ill be like. almost crying then get a stress yawn and we always make stupid faces when we yawn so it makes me snicker this is awgful
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russell-crowe · 3 months
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S08E21: Holding On
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fae-bites · 2 months
One time Miss made me look into her eyes and repeat "I'm nothing, no one cares about me, I don't matter" while she edged me and if I stopped she would stop touching me. She made me cum like this.
Burying my face into her chest, shaking, cumming after being so desperate for release, and choking out "I don't matter" as I came???? Fundamentally changed me forever I think.
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f1-birb · 1 month
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maxfewtrell Special times with special people ❤️
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zytes · 1 month
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new sensation
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theperksofbeingstupid · 3 months
i can finally post cellbit falling off a cliff and dying
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socgf · 2 months
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he’s just a little guy that’s it😖😖💖💖
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holocrone · 4 months
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Band of Brothers | Part 2: Day of Days The Pacific | Part 5: Peleliu Landing
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royalarchivist · 7 months
I love the QSMP. Not only has it introduced me to many amazing international creators, it's also introduced me to the French and Brazilian community, who are so sweet, funny, and chaotic in their own unique ways. I love seeing fans sharing their culture and learning from one another, and I myself have learned a lot this past year. I think it's incredible how QSMP brings so many different people together – all of us united in our love and passion for this project and its goals.
But passion can often evoke strong emotions, and these strong emotions aren't always positive.
The past few months, I have seen multiple waves of hate, bad-faith generalizations of communities, and racist remarks directed at fellow fans – especially those who are part of the French / Brazilian community. This kind of behavior is inexcusable, and is in direct conflict with the mission of QSMP, which is to break language barriers and unite communities.
We are a global community with a variety of people from different backgrounds. Miscommunications may occasionally occur because of cultural differences and/or language barriers, but we should use these moments as opportunities to learn and engage with other people rather than assuming the worst about them and starting fights.
Although certain issues can be resolved with communication, sometimes it’s better to block and move on. Avoid spreading negativity or hate, and save yourself the headache of interacting with people who are just looking for someone to argue with.
No matter what community we're a part of or what languages we speak, we're all here to have fun. Please remember to be kind to each other. We have more in common than we have in conflict.
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andi-o-geyser · 2 years
I hear your “I’m so excited for tlovm season 2! It’s going to be so fun!” and I raise you “The central theme of this season is bone-deep crushing guilt and grief”
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fishlegsnoname · 2 years
Just In Case
I have this head cannon that Snotlout makes sure his friends are safe and ok in different ways, like…
When Stoick is mad at the riders, stepping in front of Hiccup to block him from Stoicks view because what if he’s just a bit more like Spitelout than he lets on.
Saying the food in the great hall is “so gross” and passing his plate over to Astrid, who’s been training too hard again and sometimes forgets to eat enough.
Making sure Fishlegs knows he’s appreciated by saying stuff like “Why do you even read, you already know everything!”
Walking Ruff and Tuff to the door when it’s curfew, just because they’re lonely in the house with a mother, quieter than she was before her husband was taken by dragons
Checking Gustav for bruises by patting him on the back, because what kind of parents sell their kid and don’t notice when they go missing? The kind he grew up with and he would do anything to help Gustav if he was in the same situation
Looking after his friends in ways so small they don’t even notice. Just in case.
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david-talks-sw · 1 year
I think it's interesting that - in order to make his "free-thinking Jedi" characters hold any semblance of rationality in their arguments - Dave Filoni needs to resort to artificially dehumanizing the other Jedi and painting them all with the same "we dogmatically worship protocol" brush.
He does this with Huyang in the recent Ahsoka episode.
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"Lolz he's so narrow-minded, preachy and by-the-book, unable to think outside the box, just like the Jedi in the Prequels."
My first reaction was being amused at the fact that Filoni had to resort to making the Jedi Order's ideals and rules be embodied by a literal machine for his anti-Jedi headcanon to start making sense.
But then I remembered: Huyang isn't just any droid.
In The Clone Wars, he had a sassy personality, he had a pep in his step, he had a sense of humor...
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This character was human in his behavior, he was fun and whimsical.
But now he's been reduced to, I dunno, "Jedi C-3PO"? Basically?
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"Ha! He's blunt and unsympathetic because he's a droid, but it's funny because the Jedi were the same, they were training themselves to be tactless, emotionless droids."
And Filoni does this with Mace Windu too, in Tales of the Jedi.
Mace, who brought a lightsaber to the throat of a planetary leader to defend the endangered Zillo Beast...
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... and who went waaay past his mandate by mischievously sneaking around Bardottan authorities and breaking into the Queen's quarters because he felt something bad was afoot...
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... was reduced to being an almost droid-like, rule-parotting, protocol purist who sticks to his instructions (and is implied to be willing to let a murder go unsolved so he can get a promotion).
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I mentioned this at the end of my first post on Luke in The Last Jedi... while changes in personality do happen overtime and can be explained in-universe... if you don't show us that progression and evolution and just leave us without that context, that'll break the suspension of disbelief, for your audience.
Here, we have two characters with a different (almost caricatural) personality than the one they were originally shown to have.
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Now... we could resort to headcanons, to make it all fit together.
We could justify Huyang's tone shift 'cause "Order 66 changed him". And we could make explanations about TotJ's Mace:
Being younger and thus more ambitious and a stickler for the rules, and only really becoming more flexible after getting his seat on the Council and gaining more maturity.
Being such a teacher's pet in the episode because we're seeing him through the eyes of a notorious unreliable narrator, Dooku.
There'd be nothing wrong with opting to go with either of those headcanons to cope with this. After all, Star Wars is meant to help you get creative.
But the problem I encounter is that:
Filoni has an anti-Jedi bias, so the above headcanons clearly wouldn't really track with his intended narrative.
We'd be jumping through hoops to extrapolate and fill in what is, essentially, inconsistent characterization, manufactured to make Ahsoka and Dooku shine under a better light.
And that sours whatever headcanon I come up with.
Edit: Also, yeah, as folks have been saying in the tags... wtf is "Jedi protocol"? The term isn't ever mentioned in the movies, I skimmed through dialog transcripts of TCW, never saw it there.
So it's almost as if - if Filoni wasn't draining characters like Mace and Huyang of all humanity and nuance - his point about "the Jedi were too detached and lost their way, but not free-thinkers like Qui-Gon, Dooku and Ahsoka" wouldn't really hold much water.
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bartholomew-junior · 7 months
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wooooo revived!clover! i have so many thoughts abt this au and they cannot all fit here so take some doodles
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cocoa-rococo · 3 months
"i'm TIRED, my friend!"
no joke? this line grabbed me by the throat more than any other in "mutiny". holy shit.
eurylochus sounds exhausted. he's been through literal hell and back after facing a war, a cyclops, a god, and a witch, and not a few hours before, JUST saw the captain of his ship, and one of his closest friends, let six of their friends die and did nothing.
after the mutiny, eurylochus speaks like he's dazed, and rightly so. it's that thousand-yard-stare, slow-walking, disassociated headspace that comes with seeing atrocities and not being able to do anything about them. it's that hypnotic influence stemming from seeing something so wonderful you almost can't fathom it, and it's within arm's reach, it's tangible.
all while odysseus is pleading with him not to make a bad decision (after so many of his own), begging him not to go for the feast that's right there, (the wind bag that's right there), even when he's so hungry, he can feel the hollow of his stomach and the stabbing of the emptiness.
but that line? that outburst?
that's real, aching exhaustion, raw and tearful and helpless, the kind you get when you're so fed up and upset at the world for being the way it is you don't want to do anything but collapse on a bed and sleep. you can almost see the way his face is pinched and he's this close to crying from hunger, betrayal, pain, from finally buckling under the weight of their actions.
he's seen so much, gone through so much, lost so much, and now he's being pled with to consider a being who would look at him like an ant for the sake of sparing a perfectly fine cow, and goddammit all, he is TIRED. he wants to eat something real. he wants to sleep. he wants to go home.
"i'm just a man" indeed. and who could blame him for craving something human.
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