#emo wreck out here
imissthefire · 11 months
if stefan turns out to be, like, some level of not good, I'm gonna drop kick him into the fucking sun.
#i was dubious about him from the start tbh but he's grown on me a lot#but damn can that man annihilate a hoard of enemies like it's nothing#i send him over to a group of like 5 or 6 enemies and half of his hits are either crits or astra activations#he also is The Dodge Tank™ like holy shit bro#man will be getting swarmed yet dodges 9 out of 10 attacks at him#he's become part of my core four tbh#which is high praise bc the other three are characters i already knew about before i actually played the game#i knew very little abt steffy other than to be able to recruit him you have to meet the most specific and bizarre conditions ever#well i guess that's not quite the right wording but like why tf do i have to send one of the two furries to stand on one very specific tile#a tile that is lowkey very out of the way as well#i sent mordy and he was like ''why does it smell like somebody is buried in the sand here?'' and this green ass hippie wanders out#and he's all just suave and chill and kinda sexy but also why is he not wearing one of his sleeves of his coat? is the other dangling loose?#i do not know#and then fucker is like ''i will have 2 supports only. mordy bc he's curious and kind. and soren bc he's got issues up to here.''#i've only watched their c supports so like idk for sure but i'm 97% sure he's also Branded?? his and soren's support alluded to it#just drops in and gives soren a lil spook and is all ''dw i'm of your kind'' and thr lil emo just acts all aloof and tries to avoid it#idk i think it's sweet that stef wants to make it clear that there's silent solidarity between them given the way the Branded are treated#but of course no one knows abt soren other than the two of them and i'm pretty sure soren is still in denial abt it? idk but i blame nasir#fuck nasir me and my homies hate nasir#the minute he disappeared below deck with soren when we wrecked in goldoa i heard sirens going off in my head man#like okay mr dragon why do you hate dragons and feel like u gotta hide form them? is it bc they'll recognise u? bc ur wanted for crimes?#and idk man i doubt soren would've ditched ike when he decided he wanted to wander about and get off the ship cuz he was bored 😭#like. if soren were present i doubt ike would have even left the ship bc he is his impulse control and also probably knew it was a bad idea#but noooo he suddenly disappeared... hmmm....#anyway yeah fuck nasir but i do like stefan. he's just a silly lil guy (i hope) and is just here to vibe and obliterate bitches and be hot#and get absolutely dogshit levelups omfg he got three in a row that were just +1 luck and that was IT#regardless. love me that guy. that is all.#gabe plays#fe por#nqp
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murdrdocs · 1 year
What kind of girl would Hobie be into? Emo? Shy? Feminine? Punk? What about personality type?
i fully believe that hobie is just into people. that’s it.
personality doesn’t matter, aesthetic doesn’t matter. but what does matter is their beliefs. he cannot be with someone completely out of touch with reality (elitist, hoards money, etc) or someone that’s willingly ignorant to society around them. but other than that he doesn’t have many preferences.
maybe (maybe) he’ll say he won’t get with “a prissy girl” again, but then he meets this girl dressed in pink who’s so sweet and has just a little bite behind her that hobie is dying to have directed towards him and suddenly he’s swinging to the window next to hers, ditching his suit, and pretending to have just climbed up 8 stories.
he loves when someone matches his energy, even if it’s more of a joke rather than a reflection of their actual beliefs. like the time a car wreck happened in front of him, not big enough to cause spider-man to come out and help, and the two drivers suddenly started arguing about who was in the right and who wasn’t. he was immediately making a connection to a societal issue, something along the lines of “if the recession hadn’t happened, we would’nt’ve been here” and there’s someone next to him, sipping an iced beverage out of a plastic cup, nodding along. “what i’ve been saying the whole time” and hobie has just one (1) look and he’s gone.
his mates say he falls easily, he doesn’t believe them until some studious bloke comes into the pub they’re at, stumbles over their order, gives a shy look into hobies direction, and then hobie considers that maybe they’re right.
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darlingbabyboo · 1 year
"You're in my Jersey!"
♡ Haikyuu boys see you in their uniform! ♡
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He thought he wouldn't care (he cares very very much)
You never really went out of your way to go to Kenma's games, he always made sure that you knew it wasn't that big of a deal to him, you two get to hang out whenever you want. one game won't chanegg anything.
Kuroo (the little meddlers) can't let that slide
He's the one that proposed that you come to one of Nekoma's games, provideing you with one of Kenma's jersey's
Kenmas eyes went real wide when he saw you in the crowd 👀
You know how Nekomata usually subs him out for one of the sets- that's not gonna happen today
Everyone looking at him like 🤨🤔 and he mumbles the weakest shit about showing off his internal organs or whatever Yamamoto be talking about
Kuroo laughing in the background (with his ugly ass hyena laugh, baby I love you but why 💀)
He's gotta show off for his girl
Don't worry, she knows you got stamina
He's playing the best game of his life, demolishing the enemy
His team don't know what's going on but they enjoy this side of Kenma while they have the chance
After the game, he makes sure that you understand how much he appreciates you in his jersey
"I like this look on you." Kenma mumbles and plays with the bottom of the jersey that brushes against your thighs.
At his admission, you give a cheeky grin. "Look at that Kenny." You coo, "you like when I wear your clothes."
The tips of his ears start to turn pink, but he can't help nodding along when you wonder aloud if you should come to more of his games. A possessive side (that shocks him to the core) pops up at the idea of you wearing more of his clothes. For once, Kuroo's idea isn't a complete train wreck.
No way are you dating Bokuto and not coming to one of his games
Put on your clown shoes 🤡👞 because you gotta be one if you think that he would ever let that slide
You might possibly kill Akaashi because you've raised Bokuto's ego so much, but Bokuto looks at you with so much love in his eyes that it's hard to regret your decision (though, serious apologies Akaashi)
He's playing at his best with his baby in the crowd
There 👏🏾 are 👏🏾 no 👏🏾 emo 👏🏾 modes 👏🏾
The love of his life is in the crowd, you're delusional if you think anything can turn his frown upside down 😃
He probably broke some of the blockers arms with how hard he's hitting the ball
Not the only thing that's hard
Who cares about those blockers when his baby's here 😍
He barely makes it to the offical end of the game before he's rushing into the crowd to get you. As soon as he lays his eyes on your amazing figure in his jersey, he's grabbing you by the waist and spinning you in the air. "Baby!!! You gotta wear this more!!!" His eyes shine even brighter (which you thought was an impossible feat with how birght they already are.)
You snort, "like I don't wear this enough." You lay your hands on the sameside of his face and give him a gentle kiss on his nose, "I swear, you want this to be the only thing I wear."
He gives a toothy grin at that, "exactly!"
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twig-tea · 6 months
10[ish] BL Boys People I Want Carnally
Tagged by @bengiyo who knows I am bad at short lists but also went over 10 on his own list, so everyone should just...not count as you scroll lol. Also warning that in the spirit of this tag game I am probably thirstier here than I've ever been on this site so if that isn't your jam, just scroll along!
BL characters who I absolutely Would, if given a chance (no homewrecking, we're playing by the rules of no-strings-no-relationship-just-getting-wrecked).
Mawin (Ingredients the Series)
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Is it cheating to choose a character who basically is Jeff Satur? Maybe. But he's a musician with strong hands and emo hair and I am weak.
Dr. Jedi (Oxygen the Series)
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I know we all blocked the doctor subplot from our minds. But this man was quiet, caring, and thirsting for years, he's got some pent-up aggression to get out and I volunteer as tribute. Also he's both extremely competent and a sad boi, two qualities I find very attractive. And that spiky hair is begging to be pulled.
Choi Yu Na (Semantic Error)
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While the boys were running around being their messy selves, Yu Na was being a calm, competent, bisexual queen. The embodiment of "do I want to do her or be her", but in this case the answer is definitely both. Guh. I legitimately can't sentence when she's on the screen.
Gumpa (Not Me the series)
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This show is of course filled with attractive men. But only one of them has built a found family and resistance group in his garage and was the only one who knew White wasn't Black, and look we've already established that competence is a kink of mine.
Namo (Not Me the series)
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Ok but also Namo was smart enough to Not Get Involved, and she was artistic, and also gave off a kind of sad boi energy, and goddd her style in this. She wouldn't even need to do anything except let me worship her, I would do all the work.
Naruse Ryu (Ossan's Love: In the Sky)
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Controversial but NGL one of the troubles I had with this AU S2 was that Naruse was so attractive I just wanted him to get laid and be happy. He's a competent, beautiful, confident, slightly bratty sad boi who isn't afraid to put you where he wants you; we could have fun.
YoonWon (The Eighth Sense)
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This woman holds together the whole swim club, casually drinks everyone under the table, and gets her man, all while taking absolutely nothing seriously for most of the show. She can get me first.
Tua Phee (Dear Doctor, I'm Coming For Soul)
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Tall, brooding, competent, caring, sad boi....clearly I have a type. Plus, he literally disappears, guaranteeing no complications.
In (180 Degrees Longitude)
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OK YES I SEE A THEME [Note: Wang could also get it but I don't know if I could match his energy. In, on the other hand, this man looks like he jackhammers until you're done and then stares at a wall].
Yamato Kumai (Restart Tadaima no Ato De)
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Please, no wonder Mitsuomi saw him and immediately latched on like a limpet. He's just the right amount of listless that he'd be down for whatever, but not enough that he wouldn't get into it.
Maya (Laws of Attraction)
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The choice between Rose and Maya was EXCRUCIATING but while both could step on me, Maya would also let me step on them and I am nothing if not verse. Also the tattoos! And again do I need to repeat: Musicians have strong fingers.
Sunny (Our Dating Sim)
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Extremely queer-coded, quiet, competent, tall, sad boi energy, would definitely tell me what she wants and expect that I meet her standards.
Kim (Diary of Tootsies)
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NGL I love Natty in this show but she got elbowed out of the way by this man. We know from the show he has game, and we've already established I'm here for verse behaviour. Let's all ignore that he also has floppy hair.
Jay (Discipline Z: Vampire)
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This was a close call with Ji Han (tall, floppy dark hair, sad boi, competent, we all know the drill by now) but in my heart of hearts honesty, when I think of Jay in her giant boots and her hacking skills I drool a little.
Daisy (Secret Crush on You)
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I admit I don't usually prefer the 'innocence ready to be moulded' as a thing, but Daisy walks that confident/lack of confidence line so well that I think once they were comfortable we'd have fun and they could use me for practice all they want. [This is one in particular where I would 100% be down for a threesome. These two would not let you feel like a third wheel!]
Nawin (Laws of Attraction)
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This is the man who defies all my rules and in breaking them is extremely hot. He's unhinged. He's massively entitled. He's baby. He's exactly the type to get obsessed after a one night stand. He's not particularly effective. AND YET. When he runs on screen covered in blood, wearing bloody knuckles, with a massive dorky grin on his face? Everything in me said IN ME (at least he has floppy hair, I am still predictable in one way).
tagging @wen-kexing-apologist @sorry-bonebag; @sparklyeyedhimbo; @respectthepetty; @isaksbestpillow; @slayerkitty; @wanderlust-in-my-soul
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Episode thoughts under the cut
I loved Morty knowing Rick so well that he just straight up lies about the coffee lmao. Also the way he says 'hey buddy' like he's a dad entering his kid's room when they're in a depressive episode is so funny to me
Rick just literally saying 'family' to address the family
I thought the ghost/unfinished business joke was funny
I also love Rick being so petty (and Summer being petty back about the portal). It's so funny that he just calls the family 'stupids' as well. Devastating insult bro
Interesting that Gearhead was the first person he went to? He definitely needed someone to give him the courage to get the rest of his friends for an intervention (especially BP)
'Told you he wasn't dead' killed me
BIRDDAUGHTER. Funny name, love her being an emo teenage edgelord who just goes round killing Gromflomites. 'This is worse than prison'? Love it
Also I really liked that we got to see this side of BP's character this episode? He's so funny and I love getting to see him be a shit. Him trying to parent his daughter and just drinking wine? We love another alcoholic girldad
I really liked getting to see Rick/BP/Squanchy actually hanging out as well? I feel like it's a good insight into how they probably were back in the Flesh Curtains days
I like the 'birthday, birthday, birthday' gag
Also Rick immediately being like 'fuck this we're getting wrecked'
The honey scene was definitely for the Rickfuckers
Can we talk about the fact that Rick was definitely trying to impress BP by bringing up the fact that he hosted the Oscars? Which is definitely why he wanted that gig in the first place
Once again I love getting to see this side of Birdperson. Definitely makes sense why he and Rick get on so well
I liked the visual gag of Rick being high
Also BP and Squanchy playing the knife game lmao
Rick sits so fucking dramatically
Look at BP's face, he definitely wants to fuck that Predator guy
Son heist
I love that Rick can immediately identify Squanchy's shit based on the smell? Like he knows it's his and no one else's
(You know Rick is gonna be thinking about that forever)
I like the recurring Squanchy tooth thing
'Why is this my thing' lmao
Poor poopy child
Them all just chilling together waiting for their drunk food? love it
I love BP leaving to collect his daughter from attacking a Federation outpost with the exact same energy as a parent collecting their child from school after they got suspended. It's so funny to imagine the GF having the same sort of vibe as they do with Rick and just texting BP like 'yo we got your daughter here' (I know that's not what happened but it's a funny mental image)
Lmao Squanchy
I did like the fading pill bit
Poor Gene
Overall I liked getting to explore this aspect of the dynamic between Rick/BP/Squanchy/Gearhead (+ the others of course but they're the OGs yk?) and also the concept of intervention/alcoholism. I think it's interesting to see that Rick does want to help but his support system is so fucked that this ends up happening and it makes a lot of sense when it comes to his own issues. I really like the way they handle Rick trying to get better and do the right thing but struggling so much to break out of unhealthy behaviours/habits. He's painfully aware of how fucked up he is and how much of a bad influence he is but he doesn't know how to fix the issue/be a positive influence and he definitely views abandonment as a good thing because he's removing himself from the situation. Very interesting way to explore this aspect of his issues, especially since all his friends are also alcoholics with that level of denial/refusal to get better
I had this discussion with @hazelnut-u-out before the episode aired but I do like that they're showing Mr PB directly suffering as a result of Rick's actions in canon? Considering that he started as a joke/meta character it's very interesting to show him actually shifting to more of a serious character who appears in the actual show and experiences real issues, especially since the show becomes less and less sitcom-y as Rick becomes more aware of the reality of how fucked up all of these things are.
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roosterforme · 27 days
For your celebration I'm hoping to hear about coach and everett and piper. Please please please
Anything for you, nonny! Coach is my emo Bradley. Whenever his son is pitching a game, he's an absolute excited yet nervous wreck of a person. He has MLB network on his phone and in the house to he can watch Everett wherever he is. Before he retires, he and Kitten use all their vacation time traveling to different cities to see him play.
Everett tries to buy them a bigger house with his massive signing bonus, but when they insist they don't want to move, he pays off their mortgage instead.
It takes Everett a bit to pull himself together. I wrote about it here. More Ev and Piper below the cut.
During their "just friends" era, Piper accompanies Ev to an MLB event. He's still pining for her hard, but she's not into a lot of his lifestyle. At the formal event, she meets a player from another team, and he asks her out. Ev is jealous as hell, so of course his remedy is to sleep around more. Piper has been dating the other guy for a few months when Ev and the Phillies play his team (I'm saying he's on the Cleveland Guardians). When Everett catches Piper's boyfriend sneaking off with another girl, he completely loses his shit. Piper is his best friend, and he's not going to tolerate that. So he intentionally hits him with a 101 mph four-seam fastball during the game and shatters his elbow. Oops.
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hey!! i draw stuff (and write too. sometimes) :))
u can call me sunny if you like (and i’ll take requests//suggestions but only sfw pls :0)
also pls talk to me abt:
persona 3 and 4
ace attorney (!!!!)
animal crossing
tomodachi life (do ppl still play this)
the owl house
disastrous life of saiki k
deltarune (a little)
other stuff probably too idk what all of my interests have been ever
i put oc art under the tag #sunflowers and scales
if you want to draw them (pls i will love you forever) you can do the same :D
v oc info under here v
main oc intro stuff!! (feel free to skip this, but i draw them a lot so in case ur interested)
from left to right:
little sheltered rich kid boy & ambulatory wheelchair user. he lives in a big beige mini mansion on a coastal cliff and is perpetually bored until ian breaks into his home and drags him on an adventure. he’s also kind of part fish (though my ocs have an elemental system so i guess it’s “water element” technically lol)
he enjoys: rain, cats, his friends, the color blue, video games, alone time
he does not enjoy: the color beige, yelling, crowded public spaces, heat, sunburns
lives in an elemental village taken over by some guy named Duke who also married his mom. he doesn’t know it but he is NOT dukes kid lmao. he’s part plant element, part air element (harpy basically) (hence the shiny silly wings) and he gets kicked out for being the product of an affair whereupon he breaks into ryu’s home and is like “hey help me find my mom again pls”. he is the pathetic wet dog to ryu’s pathetic wet cat.
he enjoys: sunny days, light showers, his friends, sewing
he does not enjoy: fire, small enclosed spaces, extremely coarse dirt
is ian’s older half brother and is the more emo of the two. he’s part plant-element and part fire-element and can manipulate fire though cannot prevent burns like a typical fire element. he gets wrecked by duke on numerous occasions for trying to have an opinion and/or existing (todoroki/zuko dupe). dw they get him eventually. he’s also shorter than ian and mad about it.
he enjoys: green tea, the beach, studying biology, ample relaxation time
he does not enjoy: loud voices, being alone, not being able to swim, fire hazards
part of a second elemental village, this one ruled by her father (and ian’s father (gasP)) who’s an air element (so is she). in line to rule until ian shows up and her dad’s cringe so he gets the throne by default. he does not want it. also their dad gets burned to death three minutes later but that’s kinda irrelevant. she’s extremely well organized and tolerant but also has talons and knows how to use them.
she enjoys: archery, recreational diving, nighttime, quiet
she does not enjoy: cats, molting season, people who talk and/or chew too loud
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beelsjuicytitties · 9 months
Somewhere Only We Know
solomon x gn!reader
warnings/tags: slight angst, emotional hurt/comfort, reverse comfort, established relationship, partial solomon backstory spoilers?
summary: You hadn't heard from Solomon in weeks, and you were worried. So you go out in search of him.
AN: haha... its been a hot while since i posted my own writing here..... wrote this in like june when i was extra emo about solomon lol. title taken from Somewhere Only We Know by Keane. read on Ao3
You were worried. You haven't been able to get into contact with Solomon for weeks. It wasn't exactly unusual for him to be somewhere he had no reception, but he'd always let you know beforehand. Everyone you had asked simply apologized, saying they had no clue where he was. And so, you decided to go and look for him yourself, remembering all the different places he's shown you, or told you about. You brought some provisions along, unsure of how long it would take to find the witty sorcerer you loved so dearly. 
  You spent most of a day checking around the devildom, teleporting from place to place without any signs that Solomon had been there recently. Settling down onto a large stump with a sigh, you pull out some of the food you had brought. All the teleporting was starting to wear at you, but you couldn't possibly stop now. It took only a few minutes to finish the food, the taste barely registering. You quickly packed up your things and stood. There was no time to rest, there was still the human world to search. You steeled yourself, before teleporting once again.
  Solomon wandered through a quiet field. The clear air helped to sooth his wrecked thoughts, but not enough. The sadness and grief he usually held at bay had overwhelmed him once more. In times like these, he tended to isolate. To run away and keep everything hidden from those around him. He hated this part of himself. The part of him that was a sad, lonely little boy. A boy that had lost anyone dear to him. A boy who curled up in the corner of the dark basement he lived in. His face was tense as he walked a game train through the tall grasses around him. The trail led him to a small ruin. A fallen tree that once stood proud and tall, next to a crumbling stone wall. He ran his hand along the once familiar stones, a deep melancholy gripping his heart. He sat gently on the fallen tree, and gazed up to the endless sky. Dusk had begun to settle in, the clouds painted in dark blues and saturated oranges. His tears were silent, slipping down his face and dropping onto his clothes.
The sky was growing dark as you finally felt traces of Solomon. Even without casting anything, his magic tended to seep out and stick to his surroundings. You followed the trail you were sure he had walked, steps quickening as you felt him more and more. Finally, after searching hell and back, literally, you see him. There's barely any light now, but you could never mistake his frame. You broke into a run, a sound of relief bursting from you. He looked towards you at the sound, surprised. He was less alert in this state, less aware of everything around him. The moment you reach him, your arms are around him, holding him tight to your body as you fall to your knees in front of him. It took Solomon a moment to fully realize what was going on. He looked down at you, seeing the way you clung to him as though he was your lifeline. The way you pressed your face against his chest, quiet sobs shaking your shoulders. 
  "How.. How did you find me?" Solomon inwardly cringed at the way his voice wavered. 
  "I looked everywhere. Everywhere you've ever taken me, or told me about. I was so worried Sol, I was so, so worried." You pulled back, just enough to see his face. His eyes were red and puffy, tear stains evident on his cheeks. He looked like he hadn't slept the entire time he was gone. Knowing Solomon, it was entirely possible. You raised a shaky hand to his cheek, cradling his face softly as though he might break. "I couldn't get in contact with you, no one knew where you were, I thought.." You swallowed back your tears. "I thought something happened to you." 
  Solomon's eyes widened, how long had he been gone? Everything was one big blur as he tried to recall how many nights had passed. "You know nothing can happen to me, I've always survived any mess I get myself into." A defensive smile tried to make its way onto his face, but it looked more like a grimace. "I'm okay, you don't need to be so worried MC." 
  "Please Sol… Please don't lie to me." You raised up your torso, so you could press your forehead to his. "You're always there for me when I need you, let me return the favour." Solomon took a few shaky breaths, tears threatening to begin falling once more. He raised his arms to wrap around you, leaning against you. The two of you stay like this for a while, just holding each other and breathing. Your legs were straining to keep you up but you didn't even notice. All of you was completely focused on Solomon in this moment. Without realizing, you began to hum. A gentle, soothing tune that Solomon had hummed for you countless times when you were broken down. A soft, sad smile made its way onto his face. 
  "My mother used to hum that for me. During the cold dark nights, when I would cry, she'd come down and hold me. When I was a very young boy."  You cracked your eyes open, and looked at him through your eyelashes. 
  "Is it alright?" He gave an affirmative hum, and you continued the tune. Solomon shifted his head down, nuzzling into your shoulder. You leaned your head against his. You weren't too sure how much time had passed, before he pulled back. 
  "Why don't you come sit next to me?" His voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sure your knees would appreciate a rest." You nodded, finally noticing how stiff you had grown as you moved beside him. You laced your fingers with his, and leaned against him. "... I'm sorry. I never wanted to worry you so." He squeezed your hand. "Thank you.. For coming to find me." 
  "Always, I will always come find you Sol." The promise warmed Solomon, helping him return to himself. "I love you Sol, I love you more than words could ever say." You turned to look at him, your eyes so full of love and care. Solomon had no clue what he had done to deserve you. His adorable little apprentice, who could calm his heart without even trying. Who warmed the forgotten parts of himself, that had been stuffed away by the years and years of pain and sadness. Who took the hand of that little boy, and brought him out into the warm sunlight. 
  "And I love you too, my Dear. more than I've ever loved anything. More than anything I've ever felt." He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "I'll try to rely on you more, I promise. There are things I still can't bring myself to talk about, but I hope I can one day." A tired loving smile found its place on your face. 
  "I will wait as long as you need." This time, he pressed a kiss to your lips. It was such a tender kiss, so full of yours and his love. It was then that Solomon's stomach let out a growl. Come to think of it, he can't remember the last time he ate. He gave a sheepish laugh, worried he had somehow ruined the moment. "I brought some food, we could eat together?"
  "That would be wonderful, my Dear." You started pulling things from your bag, the meal was rather simple, prepared in a rush. Then you pulled out the soft blanket you had brought in case you had to sleep outside. You spread the blanket out in front of the tree and sat down. Leaning slightly against the tree behind your back, you pat the space next to you. Solomon sat down, pressing into your side as you passed him some food. You ate together in a comfortable silence, staring up into the starry sky. Solomon's hand found your own once more, the warmth welcome in the chilly night air. You stayed there til morning, pointing out constellations and talking. Solomon told you a bit more about his childhood, and you shared a bit of your own, before you both fell asleep against each other. 
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justafriend-ql · 1 year
times never let me go said: happy pride! 🏳️‍🌈 (part 3)
final installment by popular request 3 people and my will to procrastinate (see part 1 and part 2)
narrow hallways - our community's biggest and most underappreciated ally
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2. nuengdiao ordering palm to be his friend right after insulting him this is the bitchy emo twink representation we deserve
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3. palm's brain fully shutting down when nueng brings his fingers to his neck
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4. (watching your father cut a man's finger off in your living room) yes, the horrors are indescribable, but you've got to serve
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5. have you ever been cockblocked by a roti sai mai seller
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6. the scene going a full 10 shades darker when nueng agrees to dance with ben we have entered the twilight zone
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7. nueng looking palm up and down not once, not twice, but three times
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8. photos taken seconds before disaster
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9. nueng vowing to strike fear into the hearts of homophobes everywhere
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10. mam's gaydar going off like crazy
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11. alexa play 'you're sexy, i'm sexy' by eric nam
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12. friendly reminder that at this point palm has seen nueng have several emotional breakdowns, willingly poison himself with alcohol, throw up off the side of a boat, and call palm his running dog like palm get upppp
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13. you heard it here first folks #bebravebeyou
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14. mam asking about how palm feels and him admitting that it felt good to kiss nueng I LOVE THIS SONG
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15. thank you for your service pond
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16. the face ben pulls when chopper says he's never been ben's type (he will ask chopper out in approx. 2 minutes)
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17. mam accepting nueng as her son-in-law 🥺
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18. "you can do it as much as you want" sir this is a public retail store have some decorum
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19. palm's face when nueng takes off his shirt so he can join him in the tub LMAO in the midst of his grief there was suddenly powerful lust
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20. spiderman pointing meme (gay cousin edition)
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21. stream 'smile please' by the cast of my school president for clear skin
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22. get fucking wrecked ben men aren't shit
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23. kiss. his. little. cheekie!!
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24. you are so stupid we are about to fuck in my office
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25. who's going to tell him
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26. chopper: "i think nueng will need a lot of energy for palm" ben's reaction to that information:
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27. people died
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28. historians will say they were very good friends
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29. established gays coaching the baby gay <3
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30. "you are two men dating each other. that's already hard enough. your love is impossible in this lifetime. you always have to hide your relationship. it's impossible for you to get married and start a family. you need to be reborn. things may be better at that time." and in palm and nueng's present lifetime it's the same DO YOU HEAR WHAT JOJO IS SAYING
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moldingtundra · 3 months
why sk8rclown (pilby x infected) is OTP 💥💥
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Sooo you read the title, so you know what this post is gonna be about!
P.S this is MY personal opinion and if you ship anything else that’s fine! But for the 0.5 percent of ppl who are here for the rare pair I present to you the ultimate explanation on why this ship works so so well
without further ado let’s discuss why the non-bi pan cattipillar and the emo chic dude form the 2010’s would totally kiss!
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Ok first of all; what is their dynamic and why does it work so well?
well that actually depends on how you see them, but in general, I think their base dynamic is the scared and soft introvert x outgoing extrovert, as clearly seen by their dialogue and personality documented in the wiki, it’s clear that this dynamic seems to fit best.
It even shows in their limited interactions with one another, yes, I know there’s only technically 3 interactions so far (subject to change in the future) BUT even then you can clearly see the chemistry that bounces off.
This and the other dynamic being old fashioned x high tech of some sorts, example:
Infected: "I c4nT wA1t tO r41Se My Fi5HinG Stat5!! B)"
"Golly.. fishing.. stat?
"That sounds confusing.."
Infected: "Th4t5 My aw3sOM3 Vid30 g4mE!!"
Infected: "I'm TrY1nG to G3t a G0lD3n TenCH!!"
"All those video games and whatnot has got me so confused.."
On top of that, their mindset is actually quite parallel with each other; infected is stuck in the 2010’s, while Pilby is stuck in their old fashioned ways (idk what time era though help)
plus, infected seems like the type of guy to really have a deep care for the ones he loves, with words of affirmation and physical presents and whatnot, and pilby, being a guy with little self esteem and belittles themselves, while also showing comfort in reassuring words, would definitely either get flustered at infecteds compliments or crash like a windows explorers page and go💥💥💥 /hj plus, I’d like to think that he’d get pilby flowers (despite his allergy) just to please them and see them smile super brightly (although pilby would immediately stare in horror at infecteds puffed up face (allergies ammiright)/jjjj
And then there’s my interpretations, obviously this ain’t gonna apply for everyone but I personally believe that infected is the type to show the most affection and also be the caring type while pilby is the two stud tall guy who is a nervous wreck and shrivels at the mention of going out to a party, LOL, ok but no seriously soft caring extrovert and scared little rat dynamic save me save me dynamic.
alright lh, that’s all I have for this section, onto the next!
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I think the reason why pilby x infected always stuck out to me is just the thought of it, like wow! A 2010s emo chick and a clown! Sounds like something random but trust me, it works, think of it like the emo and bright pink chic dynamic, just with a few tweaks.
this and also my interpretations of the characters (Alr explained in the previous section) it’s just such a unique take, and I’m a fucking sucker for unique ship types.
heck even their designs actually compliment each other, pilby is soft and round, and infected is bright and bold.
Anyways, more ramblings uhm, I feel like infected, despite being the caring one, would also be reckless, often time getting into scuffs, which worries pilby and brings out his more firm and true side, like a wife having to deal with their husbands shenanigans. I feel like because of that pilby can take the opportunity to show their more truer side, the side that’s not always sad and sighing about their mama, the side that is happy for the little things in life and always takes the time to admire the surroundings, something that infected takes for granted sometimes due to their hyperactive and fast nature, and that alone, would teach infected to slow down as well, to take in the scenery around him sometimes, the warm sun, the falling leaves, the chirps of the birds, flying high into the clouds, setting off on an adventure, it’s the little things that count the most.
and in return, pilby would learn that not everything is all rainy clouds, that they sometimes does need a few push’s outside of their comfort zone to enjoy a few things. Maybe a little skating wouldn’t hurt (or will, depends if pilby falls when infected let’s them go) or saying hi to split every once in a while can actually lead to some funny conversations and thereafter, thoughtful moments to cherish for years to come possibly.
it’s an effect, they rub off each other, they stuck together and learned new things about and for their life, even if it’s little or silly, it’s worth everything to them, and it’s worth it because they have each other. When pilby is with infected, there’s nothing to worry, and when infected is with pilby, he can relax for once and actually chill, seeing the comfort of being simplistic.
And I think that’s fucking beautiful, I think that’s what struck me hard for this ship, it’s so loving and touching ai feel like I could cry just writing this. It’s truly the deep realizations that make these types of silly posts worth writing.
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lazyalani · 1 year
| Chapter 1
| Series Masterlist
| Nagi Seishiro × Mikage Reo × [F!Reader] × Chigiri Hyoma
| In which Oxy's Ethereal Squad finally meets Horizon's, their new ally's, Blue Lock Squad, but why are their rings glowing? Oh.
| soulmate au, alien invasion au, cursings, killings, dissection, murder, gore, polyamory
| slow updates cuz writer's block is in my blood and this story is not thoroughly planned at all
Next [In Progress]
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The car is shaking as it runs through the rocky, dirty road. Your eyes stare out the window, unbothered. These kinds of roads are already normalized since 2 years ago.
Two years ago, those motherfucking creatures from another planet, or maybe even world, invaded earth.
They started in Egypt, the people claiming to see some kind of black hole, a portal suddenly appear in the middle of the dessert, then strange, ugly, scary creatured came out and wrecked havoc. It started with one, then came another, then another and another, until they spread out to neighboring countries, and reached your homeland.
The whole world was in chaos. People started running from country to country, until there was nothing to run to, except Japan.
The advanced Japan, unlike other countried, managed to hold off the creatures until they developed equipments that could slowly, but surely damage them, until they developed tools that could kill them. But when time came that they could put those tools fully at use, the whole world was almost gone. The people left weren't enough to fill a whole country.
The remaining survivors created their own organizations and homes to survive. They used those organizations to steal documents from labs, information on those creatures, information on those tools, information to survive.
People learned to normalize things that wouldn't even be considered before, things were even meant to be illegal. Killings, murder, dissection, torture, it doesn't matter if it's one of the creatures or human. As long as it's in the way of an organization's goal, an enemy, a rebel, an execution will be conducted.
Two years ago, you would've been trembling from fear and disgust if someone told you you'd have to kill and torture, but who knew two years later you'd be too filled with anger to even care.
If the world was dark before, the world is in the darkest now.
The world is in the most advanced state right now, but at the same time, it's like back to square one. Empty and abandoned buildings and houses everywhere, bloody streets, everywhere is dirty. You would never survive if you're not in any organization. No food to steal from except the organzations itself, with the most advanced securities and all, how would one get in without being a member.
"You're spacing out again." A voice ripped you out of your thoughts.
You blinked and slowly turned to your friend. "Alexei..." She looked concerned, seemingly have just woken up.
Alexei sighed and removed her neck pillow from her neck. "We told you not to think too much, rememeber?"
"Yeah, 'cause it makes you turn emo." Another friend laughed.
You rolled your eyes and threw Alexei's pillow at her. "You turn emo whenever you read angst, Hana."
The redhead stuck out her tongue but was hit by another pillow coming from another redhead.
"You guys are so loud, I can hear you inside my earbuds." She took out one of your earbuds and rubbed her eyes.
Her twin sister smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, go back to sleep, Kana."
"Actually, don't. We're here." Jin, your squad's manager and the driver, smiled through the mirror and shaked his head at you guys.
The car neared a huge double gate, common for every organization's headquarters, and talked with the guard before driving inside.
"Where's my other shoe?!"
"Hana, stop stepping on my bag!"
"Alexei, have you seen my brush?"
"My phone's missing..." You're near crying because phone is everything.
Jin sighed frustratedly. "Girls, please, come on, we've been parked for 5 minutes and we haven't even stepped outside!"
You turned to him for help. "Jin... My phone..."
He groaned and huffed angrily. "Erind, raise all shoes, all bags, all brushes, and all phone!"
"Roger." A male robotic voice answered.
And so the command was done.
"Hey, my shoes!" You complained as it was raised along with the others.
"Oh, my shoe!"
"You flattened my bag, Hana!"
"Why does my brush have a bald spot now?!"
You looked around and saw your phone at the back, floating infront of Kana, and grabbed it. "How the hell did you even end up there..."
"Can we go now?" Jin looked so done.
"Hehe, sorry."
The huge building was shaped like a pentagon, colored in blue, black, and outlined with white lights that glowed in the night. A large sign that said 'Horizon' was displayed on the front and middle of the building.
You could see a silhouette of a woman and two men standing infront of the glass doors as you neared.
She gave a formal smile and bowed along with the uniformed guards beside her. "Goodevening, Ethereal. I am Terieri Anri, Horizon's President Jinpachi's secretary, I am instructed to guide you." She held out a hand.
Jin held a professional smile and shook Anri's hand. "Goodevening, Anri-san, thank you for having us. I'm Kinoshita Jin, Ethereal's Manager."
"Please follow me, we will be heading to the meeting room. Everyone is waiting, as well as your President." She led all of you to the hallways.
Right, you came here to establish alliances. And since Ethereal, your squad, is Oxy's, your organization's top squad, you're obliged to join the meeting to also establish cooperation with Horizon's top squad, Blue Lock.
Aside from how things are organized and the colors, everything is pretty much almost the same as Oxy and every other organizations, because that's how organizations are.
Every organizations' inventors and researchers often coordinate and cooperate with each other to create advanced technologies to help in achieving the same goal. From everyday use like more advanced phones, tvs, ipads, computers, holograms, robots, to weapons. Guns, swords, rapiers, katanas, shotguns, rifles, and all, everything is enhanced, fit to kill both humans and aliens.
This current world is beautifully more advanced, but dreadfully darker.
All of you stopped infront of a double door, the room's windows are glass but tinted, sounproof even, you guessed. Nothing can be seen or heard from the inside and outside.
Anri pressed a button inside the door, kind of like a doorbell, but no ding, only a robotic sound to inform everyone inside.
Only a second has passed and the lock of the doors audibly unlocked, Anri opening the doors and bowing slightly, gesturing for all of you to go inside.
"We are here, please enter."
The room wasn't bright, the lights were all off to better see the hologram being presented at the middle. The meeting room was definitely large, the chairs and table were circled, so many people.
The people present were three organizations Presidents, their top squads, important staffs, and guards.
Horizon, Oxy, and Create.
The three most powerful organizations. While Create leaned more on researching and inventing, their materials and inventories are to be feared.
The room's center of attention became your squad and Blue Lock.
You wondered for a second and immediately turned your head towards Alexei who gasped, looking at her ring finger, or more specifically, the glowing soulmark ring on her ring finger.
Your eyes widened in realization as you looked towards your other members who were also checking their marks, Alexei and Hana had their marks glowing, and noticed a glow on yours too.
Remembering how others looked at Blue Lock to, your gaze shifted to them. Some of their members also had glows.
Your face paled. Of all times, now?
You were sweating in nervousness as the whole room stayed silent, the glows illuminating the dark room along with the hologram.
Along with the arriving of the creatures came the soulmate marks.
Everyone suddenly had a tattoo kind of ring on their left hand's ring finger. When your soulmate is near, the mark will glow and the glow will slowly connect with the glow of your soulmate's mark, connecting you both.
However, it wasn't really common that one has two or more soulmates.
You feel your heart beat fast when you saw two guys' glow from Blue Lock connect with each other before forming one glow and connecting with Alexei, the same slowly happening to Hana.
Your heart beats faster as you held your breath, seeing three guys' glow from Blue Lock connecting with each other before connecting with yours.
As the glows connect with other, your eyes connected with the first guy you saw, he was already looking at you. You felt something lock inside you as you stared at the white haired man with grey, droopy, but sharp and attentive eyes. The lock felt relieving, as if it was something you've been waiting for.
And as much as you wanted to stay focused on your duties, it was. It was something you've been waiting for.
But really, not in a situation like this.
You looked at the two other guys connected with yours, one purple and one red, before looking away in embarassment.
Everyone was fucking looking at you guys, this is so awkward and it makes you want to be dramatic and run away.
Create's President suddenly let out a chuckle, breaking the silence in the room. "Oh, your top squads are special, alright."
What a dramatic, unexpected twist of events.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
So, Gordon basically going from :
"Yep, the kid can come out whenever he wants" to a "Who's that home-wrecking keeping you away from me?"
After the whole time he and Bruce were living together.
He becomes suspicious when the orange marmalade starts to run out (Bruce always makes a sandwich for Selina, so he can catch up on all his cats' names) too quickly, when there's mascara on Bruce's shirts (Bruce is learning to do his eyelashes with a new kind of mascara) and he smells different (He got distracted on patrol and fell into a perfume window).
He doesn't know how to complain to him, or if he should complain to him after the (obvious accidental)kissing incident they shared.
But it's the same thing, you know?
That home-wrecker may can stole his marmalade, but not his emo meow meow!!
Not on his watch!
(While all this is going on in Gordon's head, Selina just laughs eating her marmalade sandwich, while Bruce tries not to stammer about how Jim looks manly in that police T-shirt and drinking coffee from a movie promo cup. God, that orange marmalade is so good, now she's going to ask Bruce to make her an extra sandwich.)
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GODDD THIS IS FEEDING ME. SO GODDAM WELL. here's the thing; I'm pathetically weak for Bruce coming home, -- to the apartment, -- And he expected Gordon to do what he always does; Stay at the office so he won't have to stay with him.
But no. There's a whole man In his face, almost burning Bruce with chocholate liquor eyes set aflame with anger, " where the fuck were you?"
" I -- I was, -- that's none of your business," He's so braven, so ballsy, held together by a quivering spine as the other man looks down at him.
Bruce's eyes landing on elegant, bow shaped lips, romantic and kissable. He composes himself quickly. Any later and he'd kiss him,
" Boy, I know you like actin' stupid, but sometimes I feel like you ain't acting. You understand how this whole witness protection thing work, or I gotta draw it? You don't leave my sight. Point blank period."
" You didn't care until now,"
" If you knew what I cared for, you wouldn't just abandon me in the middle of the night, you, --" Jim won't lose his temper; it was the homicide to his first marriage, and he doesn't need it. Not with Bruce. " Just. Don't go again."
"...You can't bully me into agreeing with you."
" If that's how I came across, I'm sorry. Look, let's just talk about this later. You're fucking freezing. Where were you?"
Fighting Killer Croc in the sewers so you don't have to. " With...A friend."
And here's the thing; Bruce absolutely gets jealous and possessive too! Have we not seen this little bitch throw a fit bc he thought Selina was Falcone's date?
Let's imagine for a moment that Jim's ex wife drops Barb off at Jim's because it's his week. He's awkward around new people, but there's a layer of hostility to it.
Something made of nasty things whenever Jim and her smile at eachother or share an inside joke, or grab eachother things, or talk with a mere smirk or brow tug.
Bruce being such a brat. Jim wants to introduce her to him while he colors with Barb, painting a pretty mermaid for her, or cropping small stickers to put on her wheelchair, and Bruce totally ignores her. "Mhm."
" You, uh... You alright?"
" I'm busy."
"...Alright," Bruce swallows down on a lump of tension watering his mouth. Maybe she knows Jim, but so does Bruce, and he knows when the man is pissed.
And if he shivers when Jim blows smoke in his face and slaps him gently for how he acted when Barb is sleeping, protected by the privacy of a bedroom they rarely share,...That's for him to know
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amazingmsme · 6 months
how do you think the npmd nerds/whatever hatchetfield characters you’re in the mood to write for, try to like (subtly or not to subtly) hint at wanting tickles 👀
Oh I’m about to go HAM with this one! Buckle in cause I got a feeling it’s gonna be long, but imma try to be succinct. Also: FIRST ASK OF THE YEAR
Grace: will straight up go ask one of her friends to tickle her, the absolute mad woman
Ruth: she’s so damn touch starved so she’s in a lee mood more often than not. She gets more whiny & clingy with her friends & blushes a lot easier than normal
Richie: he cranks up the annoying friend routine up to an 11, teasing Pete & Ruth & cracking stupid jokes. His leg shakes a lot when he’s in a lee mood because he’s got a lot of pent up energy
Peter: stutters a lot & tends to stare at people’s hands a lot. He stretches a lot when he’s in a lee mood. I’m talkin’ arms all the way over his head, back arched, & he makes a high pitched groaning noise just to make sure he gets someone’s attention
Bonus Round! aka everyone else I feel like writing
Max: gets a lot more hyper & rowdy with his friends & tickles them in hopes they’ll get him back
Alice: suffers in silence & acts all grumpy until Deb catches on
Lex: gets real cuddly & clingy with Ethan & not so subtly tries to move his hands to her tickle spots so he’ll “accidentally” brush against a sensitive spot
Ethan: purposefully makes himself all mopey & emo to entice Lex to wreck his shit. Puppy eyes to the max
Paul: clams up, stutters a lot more than usual & jumps at pretty much any sudden movement in his direction & generally is much gigglier than normal
Bill: drops what he thinks are subtle hints & is a lot more affectionate with his coworkers. A hug to Paul or Charlotte, an arm around Ted’s shoulders, ruffles their hair. Is overall very smiley & playful
Charlotte: gets really cuddly & giggly. Usually it’s whenever she’s alone with Ted so she’ll lay in positions where her tickle spots are stretched out & vulnerable & calls his name over & over. Or if he’s really oblivious she gives up & starts a tickle fight
Ted: ASSHOLE TO THE MAX!!! Seriously, when Ted Spankoffski’s in a lee mood, everyone knows about it because he makes it everyone’s problem. He can never bring himself to ask for it, he can’t even admit it to himself that he likes it, so he just becomes So Insufferable until someone decides to do something about it
Tom: doesn’t even realize that’s what he’s been wanting until Becky gently grabs his arm & asks “want me to tickle you?” (He’s been silently staring at the ground and rubbing his neck/scratching his beard for the past 10 minutes)
Becky: she shyly will bring up a memory from high school with Tom & mentions how he used to tickle her. Not near as subtle as she thinks she is, but hey, it always works
Linda: will walk right up to her husband or whoever she’s having an affair with & loudly proclaim “what does a woman have to do around here to be appreciated?” & basically lays on the guilt trip. But what did you expect from miss gaslight gatekeep girlboss herself?
Dan Reynolds: sneak attacks the news crew to be funny but really he just wants someone to return the favor but no one ever does because he’s THE Dan Reynolds!
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shibascrem · 1 month
Monster Hunter x Splatoon: What weapons would the characters use?
I keep forgetting I can just post whatever I want. I'm going to make no sense if no one plays monster hunter on here. Iceborne specific because that's the one I'm most familiar with (with exceptions). I do miss unga bunga MH4 charge blade.
Callie - A hammer main no question, unga bunga, ledge crits, sliding sonic spins, just here for a good time.
Marie - Heavy Bow Gun, specifically with a Wyvern Snipe and pierce setup, although she is not averse to using stickies and clusters, whatever gets the job done fastest. One of those players who never lets the monster get up.
Pearl - Dual Blades, obviously. She loves doing the Attack on Titan spin and the evade shot. Somehow really good at tail cuts.
Marina - Lance when playing just with Pearl, Hunting Horn in a bigger group. Best weapons for best girl. JK, I just think she'd get a kick out of counters and memorizing HH song combos. She has stuck with HH through all its changes and will continue to in the future. Really aggressive as Lance, health augment is her friend.
Big Man - Great Sword. He's the type to have a monster's moveset memorized and capitalize damage to the nth degree. Almost no whiffs and has amazing positioning except when playing in groups, but there's no helping that.
Frye - I feel like Insect Glaive is a good weapon for her, she vibes with the flowy moveset and LOVES the insect customization. Names her bugs after her eels. Regularly competes with Pearl about who can cut the tail first.
Shiver - Bow, what else. Wannabe speedrunner, so many armor sets, and extremely customized radial menu. Cannot stand playing in groups because it messes with their flow, but will do it for Deep Cut while looking like this:
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NSS kids:
Captain 3 - Longsword. Weeaboo emo roots run deep okay. Prefers Sunbreak's iteration of Longsword because SO. MANY. COUNTERS. but will make do with Iceborne. Does the weapon pose after every hunt.
Four - Sword and Shield or Light Bowgun. Versatility is the name of the game and Four is winning it. Will wreck house with status builds, traps, and well-placed barrel bombs.
Eight - Charge blade. Obsesses over Guard Points and has the know how to perform them regularly, even the savage axe guard point. Loves the technicality of the weapon.
Neo 3 - Switch Axe. Took one look at this goofy ass weapon and fell in love. Also prefers Sunbreak's iteration because more mobility options, but Iceborne just has that explosion oomph.
Lil Buddy - Gunlance. Blast dash and Wyvern's Fire. No further explanation needed.
*Sidenote: I am a Lance main and, while I love the Clutch Claw Counter in Iceborne, Sunbreak's Lance is just *chef's kiss*.
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mysteriouslee · 1 year
*sees no ler!Jessica Drew*
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lee!Gwen ler!Jessica
"WAITWAITWAITWAIT"yelled Gwen while running.
"Gwendolyn Stacy, if you dont get yo emo elsa lookin ass back here"said an angry Jessica.
Gwen pushed the wrong buttons and it has now got out of hand.
Jessica tackled her and pinned her to the floor.
"wahahait noho"Gwen was nervous giggling.
"Gwen, I haven't even started and your giggling" said Jessica who was chuckling at Gwen's state.
Jessica scribbled and pinched on Gwen's back. Gwen tensed and held her breath.
"It's ok Gwen I know you want to laugh" teased Jess.
Gwen shook her head but broke when Jessica tickled on her spine area.
Gwen squeaked and let out a hoarde of giggles.
Jessica kept poking and prodding up her back and Gwen twitched and covered her mouth the hide her laugh.
Jessica trailed to her neck and her fingers went to her neck then her shoulders.
Gwen giggled more frsntically and she started trying to kick Jessica off.
Jessica flipped Gwen on her back.
"I was gong easy on you" said Jessica
"Pleahahase Im sorehehe" giggled Gwen
Jessica dug into Gwen's ribs and Gwen jumped at the sudden contact.
"JEHEHSS"Gwen began to squirm and thrash harder for this was one of the bad spots.
"Hey, Gwen how many ribs do you have?" asked Jess who suddenyl stopped
"Dohohont pleahaese"pleaded Gwen
Jessica counted each rib and nibbled on each one. Gwen covered her red face, she started to attract attention by her high pitched giggles.
"Aww that's adorable" said Pavitr and Miles
"What she do this time"asked Hobie
"I feel like she bothers me on purpose just to get tickled" says Jessics.
Gwen groaned in between her laughter, knowing Jessica was right.
Jessica stopped her assault on Gwen's ribs and scribbled her nails in Gwen's arm pits (aka her worst spot)
"AHAHASTAHAHAP *snort* AHAHA"shrieked Gwen
Gwen is practically throwing her voice out, her hands left her face and grabbed onto Jessica's arms and attempted to push them out (it wasnt working).
"Omg she snorts" said Pavitr.
"She looks like a bloody tomato" said Hobie
"You mean you didnt know, it gets worse when you-" said Margo but was cut off.
"DOHONNT YOUHUHU DAHAHRE"screeched Gwen, it took all her might to get thst sentence out.
" Its gets worse when you simultaneously blow raspberries on her stomach" said Margo as she scurries off.
Jessica took the advice and Gwen at this point was just screaming.
Other spiders passing by would either coo or smile cuz watching a spiderman get wrecked at headdquaters wasnt unantural, heck they literally saw Pavitr get wrecked by Miguel two days ago.
Jessica noticed Gwen looking worn out and let up.
Gwen curled up on the floor and that's when Peter walked in.
"Is there a mouse spiderman or something cuz what's with the commotion" said Peter who then noticed Gwen.
"You alive there Gwen?"asked Miles who received a giggly groan.
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rindouscumbucket · 1 year
Emotional Wreck!!(Bonten Mikey x Fem!reader smut)
Authors Note:this was my first smut ever so I kept procrastinating on this story. I soon forgot about this fic so here it is after 9 months😭
Warnings: cheating, cussing, toxic relationship, Mikey(his emo ass😒), smut, baby trapping, not proof read
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Tears gathered in your eyes as you drive home, trying your best not to cry and sob from the sight you just saw. How could he so this to you..to his wife. Was your love not enough to satisfy him or did he just see you as a toy and nothing more.
You are the wife of Manjiro Sano the leader of criminal organization Bonten. You knew he was dangerous..you knew he killed people…you knew he didn’t care about you but that didn’t stop you from loving him and you hated that shit. You pull up to the garage of the mansion Mikey owned. Just coming from the strip club you were invited to by Mikey.
Flashback Back at the strip club**
As you had entered the strip club you told them you had reservations under the name Haitani. You can smell the strong alcohol and see all the people watch the strippers practically drooling. You walk towards the vip room where the executives waited. When you enter all the executives were sitting down on a black leather couch while they were getting a lap dances “ahhh (y/n) we all thought you weren’t gonna show up, your late” the older Haitani exclaimed. “Well I had a few errands to run ” you nervously said, you never really held a conversation with one of the executives but Ran he always seemed to try to hold a conversation with you. “Oh by the way wheres Mikey?”.
After you asked the question the tension in the room quickly thickened all the executives were avoiding eye contact with you. “Well.. Im not sure” Ran glanced at Sanzu . “Huh? That makes no sense usually has one of his men with him or Sanzu.”
You knew right off the bat he was lying to you Sanzu then got up and walked towards you “The boss is in the other vip room he thought you weren’t gonna come here tonight” Sanzu hesitantly said. “Ok I’ll go get him” you said walking out the the vip room closing the door behind you. “Hmm.. poor girl she’s just gonna get her feelings hurt” Takemoi said while lightning his cigarette
“Sanzu you weren’t supposed to say anything we all know you don’t like (y/n) but she’s Mikey’s wife” Rindou added. “Great…so we’re all gonna get in trouble because Sanzu loves to run his big mouth and his school girl crush on Mikey” Ran said with a smug look on his face as he stared at Sanzu. “Do you want to FIGHT” Sanzu snapped back.
“Will the two of you shut the hell up? I’m trying to count these funds from this club owner by the end of tonight dammit!!!”
You made it to the second vip room you knocked but no one answered. “Mikey are you in there?” You hoped someone herd you but still no response “I’m coming in” as reach for the door knob you stop. You hear moaning from the other side of the door you started banging really hard on the door yet no answer.
*If Manjiro is really in there what am I gonna do, how am I gonna react?*
This question keeps running in your head. Were you really ready to open this door. You finally hesitantly open the door.
You look around the dimmed red room to only find your beloved Mikey fingering some hoe on a couch. You let out a fake cough and say “you seem to be enjoying yourself, so caught up in the moment you didn’t hear me banging on the door” staring into Mikey’s black lifeless eyes. The girl quickly tries to gets up and put her clothes on but trips, instead of Mikey doing the same he just sits with a blank expression you hated the look so much it pissed you off it just makes you want to slap him.
“Woman don’t get dressed I wasn’t done with you” Mikey stared down the woman pointing at his lap causing her to freeze. That was it…you were seeing red the audacity he had to say this with no worry or care in his voice. The woman looks at you and says “how dare you barge in here and interrupt us” she speed walked towards you and raised her fist at you she was trying to punch you.
*A naked bitch is really trying to punch me. WTF.*
You weren’t having it you quickly moved out the way and slaps the lady, she dramatically fell to the floor and held here face while a fresh red mark appeared on here face. “where the hell is security this bitch just hit me help!!!” the woman yelled. The sight made you sick to your stomach.
Your pride wasn’t gonna let you cry, you were too stubborn but you still felt the warm tears gather in your eyes as you walked out the vip room, you were a Emotional Wreck like always.
Present time**
Two hours has past since you left the club and Mikey has yet to call or text you it makes you wonder if he really slept with that woman. You took off the white dress that Hugged your curves you had with matching heels and got in the shower. The fact you went all out for this man. The real reason you were late was because you were taking the time out to make sure your make up was perfect…only for it to not matter.
You got out and went to your bedroom to so you could put some pajamas. You slide a shirt over your head. You hear the door open. It was Mikey you didn’t bother to turn around and look at him because it’s Mikey…always him.
Mikey was waiting for you to say something to him so he walked behind you.
“Look at me (y/n)” you didn’t listen to him and walked past him “look (y/n) i’m not gonna repeat myself” his voice was stern you didn’t like when he talked to you like that. You couldn’t help yourself no more with Mikey also the whole situation, so you started to get pissed and his gaze softened.
“What do you want now you don’t care about me, why did you marry me…I bet that girl doesn’t love you the way I do, yet you treat me like shit like I’m nothing” you yelled while throwing the nearest object at him that by you, a shoe. Mikey sighed and pulled you into his arms “I’m sorry I really do love you (y/n)” you cut him off and pushed him of you “No you don’t Manjiro if you did you wouldn’t have fucked that hoe, how the hell are you gonna say that after basically showing me you don't care yo-you HAD the Fucking nerve the to try and continue to right in front of me”.
“I didn’t actually have sex with her she just worked at the club after you left I had my men kill that girl cause she almost got us caught by the police…” you clicked your tongue “ you were going to if I didn’t walk in plus it’s not my fault for you being irresponsible… what does that have to do with you fingering her.
So you’re jealous?
You started to walk off again but Mikey swiftly pinned you to the wall. “(y/n) listen to me..and stop crying” he was so close to you, his nose was touching yours.
“I only love you, your the only one I have left and I made a mistake you weren't giving me attention anymore so when I thought you wouldn't come tonight I couldn’t help myself anymore...I don’t like that Woman please don’t leave me” the first time in forever you seen worry and sorrow in Mikey’s eyes and. Mikey hugged you tightly.
There was a loud silence in your shared bedroom “dammit..Manjiro I still love you so much and it hurts I can’t stand the thought of you with somebody else I just want you to look at me and me only, you always gaslight me and try to make it seem like I’m the crazy one. I’m not fucking crazy you bastard”.
Mikey placed his hand on your cheek and leaned in to kiss you.
You were so weak
The kiss was gentle and no love in it just…
His lips were soft and gentle it made you want more….so much more.
is this right?
18+ Smut starts here minors do not interact
You both pulled away from the kiss. Mikey slowly kissed your jawline then your neck all the way down to your collarbone causing you to quietly sigh out of frustration.
"Let me show you how much I love you (y/n)" Mikey whisperd in your ear; his hot breath tickling you while carried you to your shared bed then the threw you down on it. He took off your shirt and threw it somewhere along with your pants his clothes too.
"No bra you we're just waiting for me weren't you" his voice cooed in your ear sending shivers down your spine. Mikey was only left in his briefs he stared down at you looking flawlessly hot, the way his pale white skin glowed from the moon which faintly illuminated. He slowly took your right nipple inside his mouth and sucked on it, messaging it gently.
All you could do was moan and blush as he did the same treatment to the other soft mount. You could feel the bulge in his briefs growing. There was no doubt he needed you. He kissed your breasts all the way down to your stomach "your so pretty just for me". Mikey's hand found it way between your legs rubbing your aching wet cunt through your drenched panties in a circular motion making rub your legs to get just a little somewhat of friction. "Manjiro plea- stop teasing!" you moaned out "have patience" he replied slowing down his hand movements in return you let out a whine. "Let's get these off you” He slowly slid off your panties staring at the prize waiting for him between your legs.
Mikey was such a tease in moments like these making you beg and whine for him. It was complete torture the way he talks the way he teases you. He made yearn for his touch and subconsciously rub your thighs together. You absolutely hate it and you always came right back to him just like he wanted you to.
Mikey hovered over your arousal and blew on it you bucked your hips upwards making him chuckle silently. He starts to suck on your clit making sure give attention to the little bundle of nerves while fingering you slowly. Your hands were tangled in his white hair, your head thrown back into the soft pillow as you desperately grind your self against Mikey’s wet muscle.
You felt pressure waiting to be released in your lower abdomen “M-Manjiro I’m gonna cum!!” Mikey hummed in response and added a third digit and fingered you faster, the coil in your stomach snapped as you let out a pleasured cry. Mikey licked your release off his fingers staring dead into your eyes while smiling.
Mikey got up and took of his briefs revealing his throbbing dick, the girth looked painful to take, the length was at least 8 inches long with a flushed pink tip dripping pre-cum…he was perfect you thought.
Mikey hovered over you positioning himself to your entrance. He looked up at your face. you nod slowly. He pushed himself inch by inch into you it was painful tears formed in your eyes, Mikey kissed away your tears and gently said “the pain will go away soon, take all of me you can do it”. Mikey had you wrapped around his finger.
His pace wasn’t slow nor fast. The perfect pace for you to moan his name just like he wanted. You felt so good and full, how could you hate this. His fat cock stretching you so perfectly. You were made for him from the start Mikey quoted. He wasn’t gonna stop any time soon. He was gonna keep fucking you dumb.
Mikey pulled your body towards him angling himself better hitting that perfect spot inside of you. Your face was buried in a pillow as you screamed out loud and moaned his name. Mikey’s free hand made its between your legs, pulling and pinching the poor swollen nub. Your back arched and your mind was all over the place. Tears started to form in your eyes.
“Are you gonna cum on this dick like always?”
Mikey said those words and something just snapped inside you. Your legs went numb and you saw stars. A wave of pleasure went through your body. You came undone right under him hard.
Mikey’s trust didn’t seem to slow down his thrusts actually had sped up making you moan loudly. Mikey was try to chase his own release.
“Fuck-…this pussy mine now”
Mikey thrusted once more and thick hot cum fill you too the brim. You felt so full that you couldn’t move, you were tired. Mikey pulled out and stared down at you with a smirk.
Mikey soon walked to the bathroom after he told you to wait for him to come back so he can “clean you up”. Mikey stared at himself in the mirror whispering…
“That’s right (Y/N), bare my child then you can never leave me”
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