#emily prentiss-coded
Emily: I just bought a bottle of wine with my credit card, using a fake id, wearing my nametag from work. All three have different names on them… God I love my boobs
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wistfulwatcher · 2 months
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bau members + near death experiences
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cargopantsprentiss · 4 months
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More stuff from my AU where Emily is an unsub obsessed with JJ. Hoping to get more of that idea written soon ❤️
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HENRY: What’s that?
EMILY: *sipping an Oreo milkshake* It’s spicy, you won’t like it.
(From Twitter)
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isagrimorie · 1 month
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Criminal Minds Evolution 17x05 - Conspiracy vs Theory
People use covert/spy techniques and Emily Prentiss immediately notices. Parts 1, 2, 3 (Don't con a conman -- don't use covert tactics around a former spy)
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miax7535 · 2 months
The queercoding of Emily Prentiss’ clothing!
For many queer people dressing have been a way of communicating with each other and been vital for finding your people.
So let’s look at the queer coding within Prentiss’ fashion.
We find out through Garcia, that Emily dressed in the goth aesthetic in high school.
For a long time the goth image have been linked with the queer community since it doesn’t comply with the majority in terms of gender expression.
Emily being goth explains to the viewer that Emily probably shared views with the goth/emo/punk community since they are all linked.
In “uniform”:
When working for the FBI one have to dress a certain way, however rebellious people always seem to find a way to display their personality through small things they add to their uniform.
Once we meet Prentiss it doesn’t take long for her to express herself through among other things her makeup. Compared to the other women Emily’s makeup in the earlier season seem way darker. This can be a bit of crumbs from her goth youth.
Through out most seasons Emily is spotted wearing her belt pushed to her right side. This can be interpreted as a way of breaking the heteronormativity of the man dominated society that is the FBI.
If you really lean into the queerness of Prentiss you can add the flagging of carabiners to this. Since she is often in the field and therefore cannot risk hanging on to stuff a carabiner wouldn’t be suitable for her work, yet a belt buckle pushed to the side could be Emily’s way of flagging.
Emily is seen wearing cargo pants multiple times when in the field. And cargo pants have for a long time been used by people working in blue collar jobs, and of obvious reasons it has through time mostly been a pant used buy men and can therefore be seen as a more masculine piece along side the loose fit that can hide feminine curves.
With her cargo pants Emily always wears her black leather military boots. The shoe brand Doc Matins have for a long time been a must have in a queer wardrobe. The thick boot that Emily wears can therefore very easily be associated with the queer flagging of doc martins.
In the newest season in episode 6 (message in a bottle) we get to see Emily in her casual wear. A used fbi sweater and loose fitting jeans, taking a closer look upon the jeans we can easily see that her jeans are cuffed.
This is among queer people a stereotypical fashion statement of (mostly) bisexual people.
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entrop-y · 8 months
i know it was almost certainly unintentional, but watching season eleven, it really seems like reid just has devastatingly hopeless, unrequited feelings for morgan
the online discussion of ‘queer coding’ in criminal minds often leaves a lot to be desired (and often fundamentally misunderstands what queer coding is) so i am not even arguing that—especially by season eleven—reid is an explicitly/intentionally queer coded character, but the dynamic of their relationship (the specific dialogue, the body language, and how reid handles morgan’s departure) just accidentally, but so clearly, frame it that way
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frankiebirds · 3 months
genuinely struggling to read emily's expression here as anything other than jealousy
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sculien · 1 year
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the unnecessary closeness, the almost matching clothes, the walk........
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remember when cm implied that emily prentiss was going to hell
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codename-mom · 5 months
Cookie jar
Summary: The team is on the field without Hotch who's on a leave for some days, but they have to call him anyway. Suddenly, something happens and everybody worry about Jack.
Characters: BAU team and Jack Hotchner
Contents: TW a child is hurt (but everything is fine) and a tiny bit of angst because can't be anything else but anxious.
This is a text written for the KidFic CM challenge organized by @imagining-in-the-margins.
PS : English is not my mother language so they are necessarily mistakes. Sorry about that.
The team had gathered in the room the police had assigned them – a cubbyhole, so to speak, cluttered with cardboard boxes and mops – and Derek dialed Hotch's cell phone number. The latter was on leave for a few days. His men were reluctant to call him when he did, so that he could enjoy his time away from Quantico to the full, but they had no choice. The first clues found in the field echoed those of an old case the director and Jason Gideon had worked on in the past. As the latter had vanished into thin air, they could only contact the former.
He picked up after several rings.
“One moment, he stopped him on the spot. Jack, I said no. I’m coming back.”
Morgan had put his phone on speaker so that everyone could follow the conversation, and so they all heard the TV gradually fading away, until it was almost muffled. They imagined he must have gone to his bedroom, or some other room where he could close the door behind him.
“What's the matter?” he asked, in an annoyed tone.
“Sorry to bother you,” apologized Emily, trying to appease him.
It wasn't certain that this impromptu call was the cause of his irritation, but if in doubt, it was best to try and smooth things over.
“Tell me,” he ordered, his intonation unchanged.
“We've potentially got a resurrected serial killer,” the ex-policeman attested.
“If I tell you: branding on the shoulder, chains on the ankles and whipping. Does it speak to you?” went on Dave, next to him.
A silence passed, during which he had to return to his memories.
“… Yes, but the culprit was sentenced to life.”
“Actually, he passed away last month, Derek clarified. But the last victim was killed on Monday.”
“His accomplice was released for good behavior last year, but his file disappeared, Prentiss explained from across the table. Can you remember his name?”
“I imagine you've already searched the digital archives for this information.”
“Affirmative, confirmed Penelope, who had come with them for the occasion. And there’s nothing. The guy just disappeared.”
The agency manager fell silent again. For a long time. The profilers stared at each other, tense.
“Hotch?” impatiently asked Morgan.
“Just a moment, I'm trying to remember, thundered his superior. His name was… De…”
A loud crash and a breaking glass could be heard in the background, and everyone froze as the giant shouted:
A door opened and footsteps moved away from the handset. Clearly, the giant had left his phone behind. Tension gripped the whole group, their senses on the alert and their hearts pounding against their ribs. 
“Did we kill tiny-Hotch?” moaned Garcia, on the verge of tears.
In the distance, the voice of the father calling his son made them fear the worst. Then the little boy started screaming at the top of his lungs, and everyone shuddered.
“Apparently not,” ironized Emily, who wasn't putting up much more of a fight than her colleagues.
“What do I do? wondered Derek, unsettled by the situation. I hang up?”
“Maybe he'll come back to us,” Spencer stated uncomfortably.
“I don't think so,” objected JJ, listening intently to the distant din.
“This is clearly the cry of a child in real pain.”
As the only mother in the unit, they trusted her judgment without a hesitation.
“Well, maybe I'll hang up now,” voiced Morgan, ready to press the button.
“Wait,” advised Rossi.
Jack was still crying loudly, perhaps a little quieter than a few moments earlier, but more importantly, they noticed that the sound was now moving. And he grew weaker and weaker until he disappeared completely.
“It sounded a lot like a door slamming,” Prentiss claimed, her eyebrows furrowing.
“You can hang up now,” Dave confirmed.
Derek obeyed sighing. He hadn't expected such a turn of events and now felt guilty about what had just happened. He knew the kid a little and he was always delighted to see him, his eyes shining with admiration every time. Like his counterparts, he didn't know what had occurred, but feared that something grave had happened, which would leave neither the child nor its progenitor unscathed.
“It could have been worse,” pointed out JJ.
Everyone looked at her, bewildered.
“Are you kidding? Retorted the brunette. I don't know what’s going on, but it's serious enough that Hotch left with him.”
“Yes, but Jack was crying.”
“So what?” inquired Morgan, confused.
“That means he was conscious,” Reid attested confidently.
The man who had taken over the leadership of the team when Aaron was absent took a long breath and ordered his peers to get back to work in spite of everything. They worked with this question in the back of their minds: how was Jack doing? Based on the thin clue left by their superior, they searched, groped, and modified their profile until they found a certain Denis Porter, who turned out to be their unsub. All this in record time. Since they were in the neighboring state, they returned to the Quantico offices while it was still daylight. Immediately, the worry that had been nagging them all came back to mind, and synchronously, they looked at their phones. None of them had received a message, which didn't reassure them at all.
“Penelope, do you have any way of knowing which hospital he was admitted to?” inquired JJ.
“Why do you ask? teased her colleague, who immediately took to her keyboard. I'll do it right away, my little ones.”
She typed the toddler's first and last names into her search engine and the result appeared almost instantly on her screen. All gathered around the analyst in her colorful lair, they read the information at the same time.
“Let's go,” commanded Emily, leading the way.
A few minutes later, they jumped in two Bureau SUVs and headed for downtown Washington DC, following the itinerary on their GPS. They parked quickly and hurried to the reception desk. The nurse behind the counter was somewhat surprised to see the herd arrive, armed and determined, but was reassured to see Derek's warm smile. She directed them to the pediatric emergency room on the other side of the building. Together, they made their way through the corridors until they reached another admissions department, where they were given the room number.
They shared a similar fear at this moment. They dreaded discovering the state of the youngster and prayed the titan wasn’t ready to drop again. He'd already suffered enough; he didn't deserve to be in even worse shape. Morgan didn't have the courage to knock on the door, which was ajar but not wide enough for them to see what was going on inside. Rossi did it for him.
“Knock, knock!”
“Come in,” Hotch reacted, in his usual tone.
They took a few steps and saw the boy lying on a bed, in a hospital gown, his head turbaned, but grinning from ear to ear. His father was sitting in a chair on the other side of the bed, and a brief chuckle lifted the corner of his lips. Relieved, all the agents took Jack in their arms one after the other – except Spencer, who simply banged his fist against his. The girls added a kiss on his cheek and told him he was very brave. The effusive reunion over, Aaron declared:
“Denis Porter.”
“Yes, we found him,” Dave replied, squeezing his shoulder.
He didn't have the expression of someone satisfied with their work. He still looked distressed.
“What happened?” said JJ, asking aloud the question they'd all been asking themselves.
“Mister wanted a cookie. I pointed out to him that it wasn't the right time, but he waited until my back was turned to take one.”
“And?” bounced Prentiss.
“Well, he had his cookie. A lot of cookies. And the jar itself.”
The adults' gaze swiveled towards the injured boy, who gave them his best little rascal smile. He had no regrets about what he'd done. Some of the visitors felt sorry for him, once again showering him with hugs, while the others shook their heads in disappointment.
“Concussion?” continued JJ.
“It’s what we’re waiting to see. He has been under observation since 3:30 p.m.”
They reflexively glanced at their watches. He had been here for almost three hours.
“He looks okay, Derek remarked as he sat down on the bed next to him. Right, buddy?”
“Tomorrow you'll be a hero at school,” affirmed Rossi, leaning against the bedposts.
“Yeah!” exulted Jack, proudly.
“Because he took a cookie jar to the forehead?” judged Emily, eyebrows furrowed.
“Scars,” Reid whispered, in a tone of obviousness.
“… Guys...” sighed the three women in unison, as they saw the same victorious expression on the faces of their male comrades.
Someone knocked on the door and a nurse entered, a little disconcerted to see so many people in the room.
“Mr. Hotchner?”
“Yes,” responded the interested party, rising to his feet.
“Can you come with me for a moment?”
Instinctively, he turned to his offspring and met his irises.
“We'll look after him, Hotch, Penelope reassured him, having grasped the source of his apprehension. Go.”
His teammates nodded in support, and Aaron very gently kissed his son on his bandaged forehead before leaving the room. Without them needing to ask, the hero of the day began to tell them all about his adventures, dwelling on unimportant details, forgetting the end of some of his sentences to go back and move on to something else, and surely exaggerating certain facts. All this with boundless energy and plenty of grand gestures that definitely appeased them about his state of health.
However, Morgan saw the nurse pass by again in the other direction out of the corner of his eye and was puzzled not to see Hotch reappear immediately afterwards. He waited a little longer, in vain. He apologized to his fellows and returned to the corridor. He discovered the giant a few yards away, leaning against the wall, a document in his hand. His pupils turned towards the ground, he seemed lost. Derek felt a vise tighten around his throat. What if…?
“What? gasped the manager, rudely jolted from his thoughts. No. This is the exit voucher. Everything is fine.”
The former policeman relaxed.
“So why the long face?”
The agency head lowered his nose, dodging his gaze, before sighing. Then he lifted his chin and turned his dark irises on him.
“… How did your mother do it?”
“To what?” he reacted, taken aback by this private question.
“To raise three children on her own into perfect adults.”
He couldn't help but burst out laughing, even though his interlocutor had spoken very seriously. At least he understood why he looked so downcast when all the indicators were green. As usual, the ex-prosecutor scourged himself for not having been able to protect a loved one, when there was no reason to do so.
“I'm not sure she'd say that,” he joked to lighten the mood.
“You arrest serial killers and, from what I've seen, your sisters don't seem to be into organized crime.”
Seen like that, indeed, his mother had done a very good job of keeping them on the straight and narrow. But that didn't mean the road wasn't full of bumps.
“Hotch, what happened was an accident, as it happens in every family in the world. I did the same stunt when I was a kid and, obviously, I'm fine.”
It was the truth. He himself had taken a tin of candy on the corner of his skull when he was a little older than the director's son. He had climbed onto a chair and then onto the kitchen counter before stretching out to grab the object of his desire, which his mother had placed as high up in the room as possible. In the end, he found himself in the emergency room with a huge lump on his forehead. The images were no longer so clear in his mind, but he still remembered his mother's concern as she brought him unconscious to the hospital. The same expression of anguish and guilt appeared on his neighbor's face.
“Hotch, Jack's moving, he's talking, and he's got clearance to get out of here. So, everything is okay.”
“Then why do I feel like the worst father in the world?” he retorted, not daring to look up.
He almost replied that it was because he had very low self-esteem, but restrained himself to give him a more consensual, but no less correct answer.
“You were scared for him, it’s normal.”
“But it's not just that, he despaired, peeling himself away from the wall to walk down the corridor. I constantly asking for help. To Jessica, to Haley’s mother, to my own mother… even JJ. I’m incapable of taking care of him all by myself.”
Morgan was touched despite himself by the disarray of his opposite, who was still struggling to adapt to his new life as a single father. Not being in his situation, he couldn't really give him advice, but could always try to make him see reason.
“Hotch, I think all parents ask other people for help. My mother would ask other women in the neighborhood for advice, and some of them would even babysit us. Your mother must have done the same thing, JJ does and I'm pretty sure Haley did too. You're no more incapable than anyone else.”
He and his sisters had spent entire afternoons and weekends at their aunts' so that their mother could work or simply have time for herself, and none of her children had had the audacity to reproach her in any way.
“… I wish I could be as sure as you are.”
Derek rolled his eyes and held back from kicking his butt. His propensity for only seeing the glass as half empty annoyed him to no end, but he tempered his urge to strangle him by reminding himself that the context wasn't helping either. So, he chose a gentler method.
“Does Jack smile?”
“What?” exclaimed Aaron, raising his nose.
“Do you see Jack smiling?”
“Does he tell you he loves you? Without you having to tell him beforehand or giving him something he wanted?”
“So, everything is good.”
The giant analyzed the exchange they had just had, and his subordinate saw his features gradually relax. He fixed his gaze in his again and, with a pale smile, said:
“… Thank you.”
Morgan's lips stretched warmly, and he laid a hand on his shoulder in return. The two men then went to the little boy's room, where his father told him the good news.
This idea jumped in my head after my first watch of season 5 and this dialogue between Derek and Hotch, where Derek has decided to write his own report to leave more free time for him to take care of Jack (because he knows what it is to be a single parent).
That scene was so cute, that I needed to imagine another peaceful moments between the two of them. Because we all know that they appreciate each other more than they will confess it. Because boys are boys...
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wistfulwatcher · 2 months
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emily prentiss + leaving and coming back for her family
#criminal minds#criminalmindsedit#criminalmindsverse#proceduraledit#emily prentiss#emilyprentissedit#cmverseedit#tvedit#filmtvcentral#dailyflicks#femalecharacters#bitchys#mine#edit#*#category*#tag meta#forever thinking about emily prentiss as a yoyo falling away from her family and coming back when they tug#and that her motivation for back and forth is the same - it's always about what she thinks is best for her family in that moment#her choice is always to protect them and the fact that she leaves to protect them from HER? that she always sees herself as the problem??#(she ruined matthew she betrayed doyle she killed tsia)#BUT BUT BUT them needing her? hotch asking her to lead reid asking her to fight jj asking her to stay??? she always /always/ comes back#and i find it very interesting that this yoyoing usually runs parallel to her own moral reflection - she left the first time because she#both morally objected to strauss's political game and to protect the team as individuals. she came back in s7 because she wanted something#'clean.' and she considered leaving in s13 and s17 because she had broken her own moral code each time. and that's such a meaty facet#of emily as a character because her priority is ALWAYS her family and protecting them. but what that looks like changes and costs#and is never ever an easy choice for her. emily does what she needs to as a protector but she doesn't let herself off the hook. she thinks#DEEPLY about what she does and whether she's ok with her actions. which sends her toward distancing herself from her family#for their own protection (because she's the problem see above) and the whole cycle starts again!!#(someday i'll rant about how this all ties into her leaving in run - the one time it was about HER but also not - but i'm out of tag space)
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cargopantsprentiss · 11 months
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nanowrimo ‘23 mood board - jemily unsub au
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Bro, why is the entire BAU team literally in love with each other??? 😂 Subject to debate because people ship different characters, but: JJ is in love with Emily and Spencer and Will, Morgan and Penelope have their shenanigans, meanwhile Penelope is in love with Luke and Tyler, and I don’t even have the time to get into Demily, Hotchniss, Moreid etc.
No matter who you ship, I think most of us can agree that they’re just a bunch of confused gay idiots with guns, and I hope they never change.
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isagrimorie · 2 months
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Criminal Minds Evolution 17x05 - Conspiracy vs Theory
Luke: You gave a secret message to Damien right in front of us. Rebecca: How? Luke: That little tap-tap-tapping he was doing on the desk as they were talking was Morse code.
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miax7535 · 2 months
Emily’s queerness in her lines.
Emily Prentiss was written to be a lesbian but the idea was sacked by CBS, this is a known fact but let’s look at some obvious queer coding of Emily Prentiss in the actual text.
Season 2:
Honor among thieves
“Why do we always have to end up in an interrogation?”
Season 2:
No way out part 2: the evolution of Frank
“You don’t choose who you fall in love with”
Season 3:
JJ “all I remember is trying to figure out who I was”
Em “move around enough you get used to being who ever people want you to be”
Season 4:
“We moved around a lot when I was a kid, because of my mom’s postings. It was hard to get excepted. When you’re 15 that’s all you want, you’ll do almost anything!”
Honorable mentions
Season 4
“I’m not most people”
Season 4
52 pick up
*on the phone with Hotch*
Garcia “he ACTUALLY said that? …. To Prentiss”
Season 5
A thousand words
“Derek, I have tremendous amount of respect for you, but there are some questions, that if you have to ask them it means you probably couldn’t handle the answer.”
Derek: “there is a whole ‘nother side to that woman!”
Now all of these lines are from non explicit queer scenes and can therefore be interpreted differently, however the subtext of all of these lines is that she got used to being who people wanted her to be, so hiding her true self. And every time someone try to get to know her private side she avoids it, including her own mother. Seeing Cm through a queer perspective this paints a picture of a closeted Emily Prentiss who tries her hardest to let people she care about in, but still being afraid to be truly herself.
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