#emerging objects
limbics · 1 year
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Tea Party 2018 - 2021
oil on ceramic and glass
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petty-tears · 5 months
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I need serious help for things like basic needs and data so I can call to get a job and go to the doctor. I need this for food for me and my ten year old brother, to help my parents pay rent, buy gas, buy medicine, we're on our last legs. My priority is getting a job however I can't do that without the ability to call, I just need help.
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prep4tomoro · 11 months
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Couples Defense: Staying Safe Together:
Committing to help one another, as a couple, family or team of like-minded individuals to stay safe, gather supplies, plan and prepare physically and emotionally is a vital skill to learn.
Forget the chocolate and flowers! What better way to say I love you than to commit to staying safe with your partner by doing these things together: Plan Ahead Learn How to Defend Each Other Get in Shape, Stay in Shape and Eat Healthy Encourage One Another to Ditch Unhealthy and Wasteful Habits Prepare for Anything Know Basic First Aid and Build Your Prevention Medicine Cabinet Learn the Basics Together Include Pets in the Planning
[Reference Link]
RELATED RESOURCES: Why Plan for an Emergency Prepping Your Spouse for a Preparedness Lifestyle How to Prep When Your Significant Other or Family Objects The Best People to Be Friends with Before SHTF How to Find Survivalist Friends How your friends can influence your mood and behavior Helping Others Help Themselves Emergency Planning with Like-Minded Companions Why Join or Start a Survival Group? The Law of Attraction Importance of a Buddy System Personal Benefits of Volunteering Know Your Neighborhood - The Lay of the Land Emergency Prepping for Seniors and Mobility Challenged Animals for Emergency Companions and Defense Body Language: Reading Non-Verbal's and Building Trust No Sense of Community in Modern Society The Lone Wolf Prepper
[11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [Immediate Steps to Take When Disaster Strikes] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [P4T Main Menu]
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sonicchaoscontrol · 1 year
Hello, hello! If it’s alright for me to ask, what exactly did shadow mean when he said the emeralds’ SPARKS burned out??
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teamhawkeye · 4 months
spent from 10:30 PM to about 3:40 AM at the emergency vet last night with my brother's puppy, Snoop. she's okay, but she ate something that made her sick and I was super scared in light of Stringer's bloat so i wasn't taking chances and took her
she came home with me early this morning and we went back for a recheck around noon and she's gotten the all clear, so here's hoping all dogs stay healthy from here on out!
and no more emergency vet visits, please
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vaultsixtynine · 3 months
i lived bitch.
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thelikesofus · 2 years
I find it really interesting that we weren't introduced to the 'victims' at the lightning call. Like even before the well in Eddie Begins and before the shooting as well we went to the calls knowing the victims and the 'reason' for the call but this time all we get is a little bit of chitchat in the truck and Chim and Hen in the ambulance and then we just pull up on the scene and get right to evacuating a building full of faceless stranger. They have no side character narrative to focus on.
Buck is the entire focus of this call, this incident. The only focus is Buck and the reaction of the rest of the fire fam.
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librarycards · 1 year
As a type of discourse, science continues to dream of, indeed to strive toward, being a language that corresponds to reality—a language, in other words, that is somehow able to keep itself pure and free of the chaos, derangement, and ambiguity in which other forms of knowledge production increasingly find themselves. While also confronted with modernity’s language crisis, scientific discourse takes the form, or so according to Foucault’s description, of a mode of enunciation or signification whose most fundamental attribute is its aspiration to speak and write without words, without the metaphoric clutter, noise, and messiness of linguistic mediation. Scientific discourse rigorously adopts the ideal and practice of objectivity that, as Lorraine Daston and Peter Galison argue, arose in the mid–nineteenth century as a radical epistemological therapy against the fear of subjective errors, against the threat of subjectivity as errancy. “Objectivity is to epistemology what extreme asceticism is to morality,” they write.
Rey Chow, A Face Drawn in Sand: Humanistic Inquiry and Foucault in the Present [emphasis added]
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boltlightning · 7 months
r.ebirth is a bad game except for when it's not trying to be a good game. when it's trying to be a good game it sucks and when it's bad it's bad. but when it's not trying to be good it's so good
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all-pacas · 18 days
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artist-issues · 1 year
Is anyone else wondering under what context we would need an “emergency nationwide alert?”
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b-blushes · 1 year
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wasn't going to share these because i was too busy being overwhelmed by 'happy to be here!!!' to look cool or composed in photos, but after some consideration i decided that's not something i need to be ashamed about actually :P
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mxdae · 2 months
Having Trouble Deciding Who To Donate To?
It's overwhelming to see dozens of fundraisers and mutual aid posts, especially if you also have limited income and want to help every single person with their hat in their hand and struggling to get by. Well, why not do the Mutual Aid Lottery?
It's simple, really:
Generate a number between 1 and the highest number (current highest number is 20).
Go to the list and find the number.
Donate to the person in corresponding number.
Spread the word.
Column A is names, column B is needs, column C is reasons they can't pay by themselves, and column D is ways to donate.
Let's take the stress out of donating!
(I will add more mutual aid/donation requests to the list as I see them.)
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myrtaceaae · 9 months
People's reactions to significant phobias is so stupid "you just need to be a little bit brave" "don't you know that it isn't rational" "you can hold my hand" "don't make a fuss of yourself"
Babe. Do you even know what a phobia is , or are you just applying your distaste for spiders onto me, who has to be sedated when the object of my phobia is being forced on me
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fun fact: the action roguelite sequel named after the greek underworld is a setup.
your friends and acquaintances will say "hey did you see about the new supergiant studios game?"
and you reply "hades 2?"
and they say "haydeez 2 nuts" and a hay bale will slam down upon you from who knows where and it will have a scratchy texture that leaves a rash on your skin
and then your acquaintance will feel bad and will gently apply a salve to your skin, but your fingertips will bump against their wrist while they're applying the salve. and your eye contact will suddenly feel charged as you realize how close you are in that moment
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