#embrace imperfections of the art of life
dark-wackademia · 4 months
Time to stop procrastinating. Here’s how.
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marshfeldman31 · 9 months
Drawing a Goblin
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If one were to venture into the frequently overlooked nooks of fantasy, beyond the valiant knights and damsels distressingly undistressed, one might stumble upon the goblin. Now, a goblin is not merely a subject for a sketch; it's a revelation in ridges, a symphony in scars, a cacophony of crooked crannies waiting to be explored by pencil and paper.
Drawing a goblin is like dancing to music that only you can hear, but the music is slightly off-key and the dance is more of a shuffle. It's a delightful divergence from the pristine and predictable. With each stroke, you're not just capturing a creature; you're delving into a personality, a story, a life less ordinary.
Their faces are landscapes of life's tumultuousness, each wrinkle a road traveled, each scar a battle braved, each crooked smile a tale in itself. Sketching a goblin allows the artist to tread the fine line between the grotesque and the endearing, to find beauty in the asymmetrical, the imperfect, the downright odd.
And let's not forget the humor in their haggardness, a subtle reminder that even in the realms of the imaginary, life is no less fraught with the absurdities that plague the human condition. The act of sketching a goblin is to embrace the chaos, to find the order in disorder, and perhaps, to see a bit of ourselves in those twisted visages – because, after all, who among us hasn't felt a little goblin-esque on a Monday morning?
So, wield your pencils as a goblin wields his cleverly procured trinkets - with a sense of purpose and a hint of mischief. Because to sketch a goblin is to sketch the heart of fantasy, a heart that beats not with the thundering drums of epic battles, but with the quiet determination of the overlooked, the underestimated, and the oddly charming.
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krawdad · 13 days
Universal rapidograph ink seems to be working in the brush pen plenty good. There are subtle differences but for how much money it saves I'm willing to call it identical enough.
Mostly getting the refill ink was about giving myself the freedom to just use up however much ink I needed in order to get better at using the brush. Make any marks at all. But I'm finding myself engaging more with trying out different traditional media than I have been with trying out different digital brush settings, for example.
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
Ways to Cultivate Self-Love
Practice self-compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, just as you would someone you love.
Practice self-care: Prioritize your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Take time for relaxation, get enough sleep, eat nutritious food, exercise, and pursuing hobbies or activities that make you happy.
Set healthy boundaries: Assert your needs, desires, and limits. Establish clear boundaries in your relationships and communicate them assertively. Saying no when necessary and honoring your boundaries helps protect your well-being.
Practice mindfulness: Be present in the current moment and non-judgmentally observe your thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness can help you develop self-awareness, reduce stress, and cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself.
Challenge self-limiting beliefs: Challenge negative thoughts and self-beliefs that hold you back from self-love and personal growth. Replace them with positive and empowering affirmations.
Surround yourself with positivity: Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you. Minimize contact with those who bring negativity or undermine your self-esteem.
Practice gratitude: Regularly express gratitude for the positive aspects of your life, as well as your own strengths and achievements. Keeping a gratitude journal can help shift your focus toward self-appreciation and increase your overall sense of well-being.
Celebrate your wins: Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. Recognize your efforts, progress, and achievements, and take pride in them. Doing this reinforces a positive self-image and boosts self-confidence.
Practice self-acceptance: Embrace and accept yourself fully, including your flaws, imperfections, and past mistakes. Realize that no one is perfect, and that self-love involves accepting and embracing your whole self, including both your strengths and areas for growth.
Focus on self-care rituals: Engage in regular self-care rituals that make you feel nurtured and valued. Take long baths, practice yoga or meditation, journaling, creative activities, or spending time in nature. Find what activities make you happy and make them a priority.
Embrace self-expression: Explore ways to express yourself authentically. This could be, engaging in creative activities like art, writing, music, or dance.
Practice forgiveness: Forgive yourself for past mistakes and let go of any self-blame or guilt that may be holding you back. Making mistakes is a part of being human, use these experiences as opportunities for growth and learning.
Celebrate self-care milestones: Celebrate the progress you make in your self-love journey. Set small achievable goals for self-improvement and celebrate when you reach them. This helps build self-confidence.
Surround yourself with positive influences: Surround yourself with people who inspire and uplift you. Invest in relationships that support your growth, well-being, and self-love. Distance yourself from individuals or environments that consistently bring you down or undermine your self-worth.
Practice self-empowerment: Take control of your life and make choices that align with your values, desires, and aspirations. Set goals and take steps towards achieving them.
Engage in self-reflection: Reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Incorporate journaling, meditation or mindfulness exercises. Self-reflection helps you gain insight into yourself, your patterns, and your needs, enabling you to make intentional choices aligned with self-love.
Be your own advocate: Stand up for yourself and your needs. Speak up assertively when you feel disrespected or when your boundaries are crossed. Express your opinions, asserting your rights, and asking for what you need in various areas of your life.
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crystalsenergy · 6 months
Healing for Chiron signs 💚✨
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Remember that healing is a lifelong journey, and it's okay to seek support from therapists, counselors, spiritual advisors along the way. Self-awareness, self-compassion, and a commitment to YOUR personal growth are essential for Chiron healing.
Chiron in Aries: Healing the wounds associated with Chiron in Aries starts with embracing your inner strength and self-assertion.
Tips: Cultivate self-confidence by setting and achieving personal goals that empower you. Face your fears head-on, and don't shy away from confrontations that help you express your needs. Explore physical activities like martial arts or competitive sports to build resilience. Learn to initiate and take action without the fear of rejection. Remember that your worth is not defined by external validation but by your self-acceptance.
Chiron in Taurus: Healing Chiron in Taurus involves nurturing self-worth and finding stability within.
Tips: Practice self-care routines that reconnect you with your senses and the physical world. Create a secure and comforting home environment. Work on building financial stability and managing resources wisely to boost your sense of self-reliance. Explore nature, gardening, or grounding practices to strengthen your connection to the Earth's energies. Understand that your true worth goes beyond material possessions.
Chiron in Gemini: Healing Chiron in Gemini requires addressing communication and mental challenges.
Tips: Understand that your curiosity and adaptability can be strengths once you embrace them. Develop effective communication skills by actively listening and expressing your thoughts clearly. Engage in activities that stimulate your mind and expand your knowledge, such as reading, writing, or learning a new language. Rebuild trust in your ability to connect with others by nurturing genuine, open conversations. Seek therapy or counseling to heal sibling relationships or childhood communication issues.
Chiron in Cancer: Healing Chiron in Cancer begins with nurturing and emotional self-care.
Tips: Create a safe and loving home environment that provides emotional security and comfort. Explore your emotional depths through self-reflection, journaling, or seeking therapy. Reconnect with your inner life and work on healing any childhood wounds or family dynamics that have left scars. Embrace your nurturing side and allow vulnerability to become a source of strength and connection. Understand that emotional healing is a process that takes time and self-compassion.
Chiron in Leo: To heal Chiron in Leo wounds, you have to take care of your level of self-confidence and self-expression.
Tips: Engage in creative activities that allow your unique talents and personality to shine. Embrace opportunities to showcase your skills and receive positive feedback. Cultivate self-love and self-validation, reducing the need for external recognition. Understand that true leadership comes from the heart and from authenticity, not just the ego. Recognize your innate ability to inspire and uplift others with your warmth and charisma.
Chiron in Virgo: Healing Chiron in Virgo involves addressing perfectionism and self-criticism.
Tips: Practice self-compassion by accepting your imperfections and embracing self-love. Engage in self-care routines that prioritize physical and mental well-being. Develop your skills in service to others, recognizing that your healing journey is deeply intertwined with helping others. Seek guidance from holistic or alternative health practices, and remember that healing often comes through a focus on holistic well-being, not just one way of take care of yourself.
Chiron in Libra: Healing Chiron in Libra involves addressing wounds related to relationships and balance.
Tips: Seek harmony in your human connections by practicing effective communication and conflict resolution. Cultivate self-love and self-acceptance, recognizing that your worth doesn't depend on external opinions or partnerships. Work on healing any past relationship wounds through therapy, self-reflection... Embrace your ability to bring people together and find beauty in the balance between giving and receiving.
Chiron in Scorpio: Healing Chiron in Scorpio requires facing deep emotional wounds and transformation.
Tips: Explore your emotional depths through therapy, journaling, or spiritual practices. Allow yourself to confront and release past traumas and fears. Embrace vulnerability and trust in your ability to regenerate and transform. Seek to heal trust issues by practicing forgiveness and rebuilding trust in yourself and others. Understand that your intensity and depth can be sources of strength and healing.
Chiron in Sagittarius: Healing Chiron in Sagittarius begins with a quest for higher meaning and wisdom.
Tips: Explore different belief systems and philosophies to find your own truth. Engage in adventures and expand your horizons through travel or learning. Find meaning in life's challenges and recognize that they lead to growth. Seek spiritual guidance or practices that resonate with you. Embrace your adventurous spirit and optimism as sources of healing and personal expansion.
Chiron in Capricorn: Healing Chiron in Capricorn involves addressing wounds related to ambition and responsibility.
Tips: Build self-confidence and overcome fears of inadequacy by setting achievable goals. Take charge of your life and career path, recognizing that you have the ability to succeed. Embrace your responsibilities and understand that they lead to personal growth and empowerment. Seek to heal any issues related to authority figures through therapy or self-reflection. Understand that your determination and work ethic can lead to significant achievements and healing.
Chiron in Aquarius: Healing Chiron in Aquarius requires embracing your uniqueness and ideals.
Tips: Celebrate your individuality and connect with like-minded individuals who share your values. Engage in humanitarian efforts or seek out causes that align with your beliefs. Challenge convention and explore innovative paths for personal growth and healing. Embrace your innovative and unconventional side, recognizing that it can lead to positive change. Find meaning in your friendships and connections with a community that supports your growth.
Chiron in Pisces: To heal Chiron in Pisces wounds, it's necessary to connect with your spirituality and explore mindfulness practices.
Tips: Use creative outlets like art, music, or writing as a means of self-expression and emotional healing. Set and maintain healthy emotional boundaries to protect your energy and well-being. Seek therapy or counseling to address any issues related to addiction or escapism. Explore your empathetic nature and use it as a source of healing and connection with others. Understand that your sensitivity and compassion can be strengths once you embrace them.
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breezeoow · 2 months
Seventeen as Japanese Philosophy-
1.Choi Seungcheol;
Scoups as Mamori Tai: “I will always protect you”
Mamori Tai is a heartfelt sentiment which is typically reserved for when expressing feelings to a loved one, be it a family member, close friend, or romantic partner. It conveys a strong personal wish or intention to safeguard or preserve something of significance. Mamori Tai signifies an emotional or philosophical commitment to safeguarding something that holds particular value or importance. It expresses a desire to preserve or guard something valuable or cherished. It reflects a deep sense of responsibility or attachment to something that is considered important.
2.Yoon Jeonghan;
Jeonghan as Yugen: “Profound awareness and mysterious beauty”
Yugen is used in the context of a deep emotional response to a piece of art, like a Jackson Pollock painting, or nature. Yugen deals with the depth of meaning we find in the world through our imaginative perception of the universe and its wonders. Our perception triggers an emotional response that cannot be explained, for it is much bigger than us alone, and yet we are part of it.
3.Hong Jisoo;
Joshua as Ikigai: “A reason for being”
Ikigai describes our reason for being, the reason we get up in the morning. Be it a family member, hobby, pet, or profession, Ikigai is how we would describe the thing that keeps us going through our ups and downs, and motivates us to move forward in life. Ikigai is about finding true happiness. Ikigai serves as a useful tool to discover dream career, or to find out what one may enjoy doing in life. Ikigai has four primary elements: what you love (your passion), what the world needs (your mission), what you are good at (your vocation), and what you can get paid for (your profession).We all have an Ikigai, it’s just a matter of finding it.
4.Wen Junhui;
Jun as Kintsugi: “The art of broken things”
Kintsugi is used in the context of a broken object, like pottery, repaired with (traditionally) gold lacquer.It’s a practice that was developed 15th century Japan that sought to create beauty out of what would have been considered worthless. Kintsugi teaches us that in life we can turn adversity into something that is beautiful and resilient. Kintsugi shows us that in time, we can heal from our wounds, embrace our imperfections, and become stronger.
5.Kwon Soonyoung;
Hoshi as Kanbina: “A word that sounds sweet and pleasant to the ear”
Kanbina is an expression used when a word is so beautiful to hear – and the Japanese language is full of such words. It might be the way the word rolls off the tongue, the shape of the sounds, the letters it contains, the places it is used, or the meaning behind it that makes it sweet and pleasant to the ear. It can also be used to compliment someone, when they first tell us their name.
6.Jeon Wonwoo;
Wonwoo as Ma: “An efficient pause in time”
Ma is the time and space life needs to breath, to feel and connect. If we have no time, if our space is restricted, we cannot grow. Ma is the pure, and indeed essential, void between all things.Ma is about nuance. Ma describes the space in between. Ma celebrates emptiness as form. Ma is the silences, the pauses, the gaps. Ma is the empty space in a painting. Ma is the pause between music notes. Ma is the silence in between conversations.
7.Lee Jihoon;
Woozi as Furusato: “One’s hometown”
Furusato normally describes as a hometown, at its core, the word refers to the place that we feel our heart belongs. This place may not be where we were born or where we find ourselves in the present, but it’s where we feel most at home and hold in our heart. Where can rest, relax, smile, breathe and gaze upon stars comfortably. Furusato is where everything becomes gentler.
8.Xu Minghao;
The8 as Shibumi: “Effortless perfection”
Shibumi is about beauty of understanding. Direct and simple way, without being flashy. It is about a sense of effortless elegance and simplicity. It's about complete harmony, tranquility, and balance. It is "eloquent silence" and "understanding", rather than knowledge. It depicts the ability to achieve the maximum effect with the minimum means. Shibumi is a holistic approach to living that emphasises balance, and refinement. A livelihood where eloquence, silence and simplicity take precedence.
9.Kim Mingyu;
Mingyu as Koi No Yokan: “A premonition of love”
Koi No Yokan is different than love at first sight. Koi no yokan occurs when you first meet someone and know that you'll be in love later on. Although you may not be in love with them at first sight, you will be in the near future. It's a tender feeling that passes through our heart and mind after meeting someone for the first time. A feeling of "I think I've known you and I'm going to fall in love with you soon" passing us.
10.Lee Seokmin;
DK as Komorebi: “Dappled sunlight filtered through tree leaves”
Komorebi is walking through a wooded area on a sunny summer’s day and seeing beams of light shining through the canopy and the dappled effect of those beams on the forest floor. Komorebi is also the feeling of longing to be near someone who is too far away for us to visit, and missing their presence and all that it brings.
11.Boo Seungkwan;
Seungkwan as Hanagasumi: “A mist of flowers”
Hanagasumi is about the sight in springtime across Japan when it is a flurry of cherry blossom petals on the wind, so many that it appears like a haze of white and pink. Hanagasumi is the feeling and essence of spring, breathing new hopes fully, inhaling the spreading mist, leaving emptiness behind.
12.Chwe Hansol;
Vernon as Shinrin Yoku : “Forest bathing”
Shinrin Yoku is the feeling of walking among trees and nature inducing an inner sense of balance, lowering blood pressure and cortisol levels. Shinrin Yoku describes that experience, but in more spiritual terms, referring to the calm that washes over us when immersed in a forest as a return to our natural essence.
13.Lee Chan;
Dino as Ukiyo: “Floating world”
Ukiyo is a state of mind, emphasising being present in the moment and detaching one’s self from the stress and difficulties of life in order to truly live. It implies a dreamlike quality to the district, where nothing is as it seems. Ukiyo came to symbolize the Buddhist idea that life was transient, the endless cycle of rebirth, life, suffering, death, and rebirth. Ukiyo is about surviving mentally, physically, spiritually by getting detachment from the bothers of life.
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kleopatra45 · 2 months
Neptune in the Signs
Neptune in astrology symbolizes intuition, dreams, and spirituality. It governs imagination, illusion, and the subconscious. Often associated with compassion and empathy, it can also bring confusion and deception. Its influence encourages transcendence and connection to the divine, making it a planet of mysticism and idealism.
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Neptune in Aries
When Neptune is in Aries, there's a drive to pioneer new spiritual and imaginative frontiers. Individuals may feel a strong desire to initiate change and bring their dreams to reality. However, this placement can also lead to impulsive decisions and unrealistic expectations. The challenge lies in balancing inspiration with practical action.
Neptune in Taurus
Neptune in Taurus blends spirituality with a love for beauty and material comforts. There is a deep appreciation for art, nature, and physical pleasures, which can foster creativity. However, this can also lead to overindulgence or escapism through materialism. The lesson here is to find spiritual fulfillment in the physical world without becoming overly attached.
Neptune in Gemini
In Gemini, Neptune influences communication, learning, and social interactions. People with this placement often have a vivid imagination and can excel in writing, speaking, or teaching. They may struggle with scattered thoughts or unrealistic ideas, making it essential to ground their mental energy and focus on clear, truthful communication.
Neptune in Cancer
Neptune in Cancer heightens emotional sensitivity and empathy, fostering a nurturing and compassionate nature. There is a strong connection to family and home, with a desire to create a harmonious and supportive environment. However, this can also lead to emotional dependency or escapism through domestic comfort. Balancing emotional needs with realistic boundaries is crucial.
Neptune in Leo
With Neptune in Leo, creativity and self-expression are infused with a touch of the mystical. Individuals may pursue artistic or dramatic endeavors with a visionary flair. This placement encourages a romantic and idealistic approach to love and life but can also lead to self-deception or a need for validation. Finding authentic self-expression is key.
Neptune in Virgo
Neptune in Virgo merges practicality with spirituality, inspiring a desire to serve and heal. This placement often brings a keen intuition for health and wellness, making individuals drawn to holistic practices. However, they may struggle with perfectionism or a tendency to be overly critical. Learning to embrace imperfection and trust their inner guidance is essential.
Neptune in Libra
In Libra, Neptune enhances the longing for harmonious relationships and aesthetic beauty. There is a dreamy quality to partnerships, with a focus on ideal love and balance. This can lead to unrealistic expectations in relationships or a tendency to avoid conflict. Developing clear boundaries and realistic perspectives in partnerships is vital.
Neptune in Scorpio
Neptune in Scorpio delves into the depths of the psyche, exploring themes of transformation, power, and the occult. There is a profound capacity for healing and regeneration, but also a risk of getting lost in obsession or secrecy. Embracing the transformative power of vulnerability and facing inner shadows can lead to profound spiritual growth.
Neptune in Sagittarius
With Neptune in Sagittarius, there is an expansive quest for truth, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment. Individuals are drawn to philosophy, travel, and higher learning, seeking a deeper understanding of the world. However, they may struggle with disillusionment or escapism through idealistic pursuits. Grounding their vision in practical experience is important.
Neptune in Capricorn
Neptune in Capricorn blends dreams with discipline, inspiring the pursuit of spiritual goals with practical strategies. There is a focus on achieving long-term visions and bringing spiritual ideals into tangible form. However, this can also lead to rigid thinking or overemphasis on material success. Balancing ambition with spiritual values is crucial.
Neptune in Aquarius
In Aquarius, Neptune fosters a visionary and humanitarian spirit, with a focus on collective ideals and innovation. Individuals may be drawn to progressive causes, technology, and unconventional ideas. However, they can also become detached or overly idealistic. Integrating their vision with emotional intelligence and empathy enhances their ability to effect positive change.
Neptune in Pisces
Neptune in its home sign of Pisces amplifies intuition, compassion, and spiritual connection. There is a natural affinity for the mystical and artistic realms, with a deep sense of empathy for others. However, this placement can also lead to escapism or confusion. Grounding their spiritual insights in reality and setting healthy boundaries is key.
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mysticraven20 · 5 months
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Chapter 24: First Kiss
Artwork by the amazing @verabraun-art
Marinette watched as Adrien rounded the corner, leaving her life once again. She had wanted to take it slow, but everything about this evening had proven he most certainly did not — he was doing this for her. The kind, caring boy she’d grown up loving had once again pushed his own feelings aside and allowed her to take the lead.
But it was about time she took the lead herself, and going for what she wanted!
Her heart started a rhythmic command to get moving, to go find him and stop this stupid game once and for all.
She hastily seized the nearest pair of shoes, her father’s cherished boots, slipping her feet into them despite their vast size. Ignoring the discomfort, her heart pounded with urgency as she rushed out into the street, desperate to find Adrien. She couldn’t bear the thought of him leaving again. After New York and then London (twice), she was determined to make him stay this time. He belonged with his family, his friends, and most of all, with her—the love of his life.
Yet, doubts gnawed at her insides. What if their love wasn’t enough to anchor him here?
But she pushed those thoughts aside, clinging to hope as she sprinted down the familiar streets, her heart racing with both anticipation and fear. Catching up with him, she saw him turn to face her, a questioning smile on his perfect, kissable lips.
“Marinette?” he questioned. His eyes glistened and glowed underneath the moonlight. Or was it the lamppost? This was the exact spot he’d proposed to her a couple of weeks ago. A proposal that, regardless of its validity, she’d accepted.
She stared up at him, summoning the courage to speak. “I know they say if you love someone, you should let them go. Well, I did that once and, believe me, there’s no way I’m strong enough to do it again.”
His eyes flickered across her face. “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying, I don’t want to take this slow. Not anymore.”
His mouth opened, before closing again, his eyes burning into hers.
They stood bathed in the soft glow of the light, accentuating every imperfection and detail as they locked eyes. His velvety, green gaze delved into her deep oceans of blue. Silence enveloped them, each absorbed in the weight of what this moment could signify for their relationship.
Amidst the quiet tension, she felt a surge of readiness and determination. She wanted this, despite the uncertainty. Her heart swelled with love for him, and in that intense gaze, she found the courage to embrace whatever changes lay ahead. She bit down on her bottom lip and his gaze moved to focus on her mouth.
“Do you love me?” she asked with all the confidence she didn’t know she possessed.
Her pulse quickened as she locked eyes with him again, feeling the searing heat radiating from his intense, emerald gaze.
They stood motionless, the weight of the unspoken answer heavy in the air. Her heart threatened to burst from her chest, each beat echoing in her ears. Goosebumps raced across her skin, every nerve alive with tingling anticipation, as their eyes remained fixed on each other, conveying a torrent of unspoken emotions.
“Do you love me?” Her voice trembled, as the raw emotion broke through. Why wasn’t he answering?
Her heart raced in anticipation of his answer, breath caught in her chest. With deliberate steps, he moved closer, closing the distance between them, his hand rising to tenderly cup her cheek. Her eyes fluttered closed instinctively, savouring the intimacy of his touch and surrendering to the tender caress.
She watched him wet his lips with a nervous flick, before leaning in to whisper the words she had been yearning for. “Yes…I love you!” The breath of his voice against her ear sent a shiver down her spine, his warm breath mingling with her own, creating an intimate moment filled with longing and desire.
Her throat tightened as she watched him retreat, his eyes searching hers with a silent invitation to reconsider. He had an uncanny ability to read her thoughts.
As her eyes met his, she was mesmerised by the intensity of his gaze. It had turned to molten heat, a fire that burned only for her. And in that moment, she felt like the most cherished person in the world – not some distant ideal of beauty, but Marinette Dupain-Cheng, baker’s daughter and retired superhero.
His eyes bore into hers with an insatiable hunger, as though she were the sole craving of his existence. It was a look that conveyed a depth of longing and desire that superseded any other want or need.
She no longer allowed her doubts to resurface. She didn’t stop to question it, to question him or to question herself.
Marinette allowed her instincts to guide her, her hands reaching out and grabbing him by the shirt, twisting the fabric in her grip as she closed the distance between them. Lifting her head, she watched him bite his lower lip, his eyes continuing to blaze in the same way her core was. He kept his eyes trained on her, darkened, his pupils dilating into the green of his irises in a way that made her gulp for breath.
The tension between them was like a tightly wound band on the brink of snapping, the impending release promising a cataclysmic explosion of emotion, reminiscent of a supernova.
“Hey,” he greeted, his voice deep and gravelly.
As if on cue, the tension that had been holding them apart released its grip, and Marinette felt herself drawn irresistibly closer to him. Their lips met in a long-awaited kiss that spoke volumes of unspoken desire and heartfelt connection. She could feel the weight of anticipation lift, replaced by the warmth of his touch and sweetness of their lips.
At that moment, he was everything.
The kiss started slow and controlled, slightly tentative, and Marinette could sense the underlying tension and desire building between them. She felt his possessive growl reverberate in the back of his throat, a primal sound that stirred something deep within her.
As the kiss intensified, she sensed his urgency, the fiery passion igniting between them, a mutual need for more, for deeper connection and exploration. In that moment, amidst the heat of their embrace, her thoughts raced with longing and anticipation, her heart pounding with the realisation that this was just the beginning of something electric and profound.
His hands slid up her arms, fingertips skating across her collarbones and along her throat before cupping around her face almost desperately.
She felt something ignite in her body, and her hands moved up to grab his hair. A match lit inside her, and she was teetering on the edge of an inferno.
She suddenly remembered a quote from a book, where the character asked another what drowning felt like. The response was…not everything feels like something else.
Like falling in love.
Like having your heart broken.
Like kissing Adrien Agreste.
She could never have felt anything as jubilant as this. It wasn’t a tentative first kiss like when they were 14, breaking spells and defeating Akumas. This was a full kiss where she finally knew what Adrien tasted like — a flavour she’d desired for over a decade.
Her thoughts flew further, imagining what he would sound like as his hands moved over her body, adding in her own whimpers for more as he touched her. Her fantasies could never fully capture the unadulterated bliss of this moment, the sounds of his pulse quickening, or his breath catching as he finally relaxed and relinquished control to her.
They couldn’t go back to their normal dynamic now. This kiss was more than she ever could have imagined and everywhere he touched it felt like an electrical storm cracking.
He was more than just looks and a name to her. He was her Kitty, her Adrien. And as she remained in Adrien’s arms, breathless and not nearly satisfied, she understood how a simple kiss could bring two grown people to their knees, her own legs barely keeping her standing.
“Nice boots,” he said before stroking his thumbs over her cheek bones and moving forward again, this kiss just as heated and intense as the last one.
She wanted to experience everything with him because she loved him and she was sure now that he loved her. She never had to do anything to make him see her, because this kiss told her he’d been watching for a long, long time.
If this was what drowning felt like, she would be happy to drown forever.
Read the whole story here
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mercurianchild · 4 months
Venus in the 5th house
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✨Venus in the 5th house: Embracing the Romance and Creativity of Life✨
Venus in the 5th house is like a brush dipped in stardust, painting your life with romance, creativity and an eye for all things beautiful. This placement transforms you into a beacon of charm and artistic flair, drawing love and joy into your orbit. It’s not just about the art you create but the artful way you live your life.
Creativity flows through you effortlessly. Whether you’re drawn to painting, music, dance, or drama, your artistic expressions are infused with a unique, magnetic energy. But it’s more than just traditional art forms—you have a gift for turning everyday experiences into something extraordinary. Your creative spirit isn’t confined; it spills over into your approach to problem-solving and your ability to make life itself a work of art.
Romance with Venus in the 5th house is a series of passionate chapters filled with grand gestures and intimate moments. You’re a true romantic, seeing love not just as a part of life but as a vital, enriching experience. Your charm and magnetism make you irresistible, drawing admirers like moths to a flame. You revel in the highs of love, and even the lows become poetic in your eyes.
Life’s pleasures are your playground. You approach social gatherings with a sense of fun and playfulness that’s infectious. You’re often the heart of the party, your laughter and zest lighting up the room. Your positive energy not only uplifts you but also those around you, making every social interaction a memorable celebration.
Children hold a special place in your heart. Whether you’re a parent, an aunt, or simply someone who loves the innocence and creativity of kids, you connect with them effortlessly. Raising children or engaging with them brings out your best qualities, filling your life with joy and fulfillment.
Yet, this placement isn’t without its shadows. Venus in the 5th house can lead to overindulgence. You might find yourself chasing pleasures to excess, whether it’s spending too much on entertainment, indulging in romantic escapades, or savoring one too many decadent treats. Balance is crucial to avoid the pitfalls of excess.
Your romantic idealism can sometimes lead to heartache. You might idealize your partners, crafting perfect fantasies that reality struggles to meet. When reality falls short, disappointment can hit hard. It’s essential to remember that real love involves effort, compromise, and finding beauty in imperfections. Attention-seeking can also be a challenge. You thrive in the spotlight and might feel unfulfilled without it. This need for recognition can strain relationships if not kept in check. Staying grounded and valuing mutual respect and understanding is key.
The fun loving nature of Venus in the 5th house can also lead to risky behavior. Whether it’s gambling, impulsive decisions, or diving into whirlwind romances, your desire for excitement can sometimes cloud your judgment.
There are subtle nuances to this placement that often get overlooked. The creativity you possess isn’t just about making beautiful things; it’s a powerful tool for healing. Artistic pursuits can help you process emotions, heal old wounds, and create a harmonious inner world. Engaging in these activities is like therapy for your soul, providing solace and clarity.
In our fast-paced, achievement-oriented world, the importance of play is often underestimated. Venus in the 5th house reminds you that playfulness and joy are essential for a balanced, happy life. Embracing play through hobbies, sports, or simply enjoying time with friends can rejuvenate your spirit and bring deeper fulfillment. This placement also blesses you with deep empathy and an ability to connect emotionally with others. You have a knack for making people feel seen, appreciated, and loved. This talent can be a powerful asset in both personal and professional relationships, fostering genuine connections and mutual understanding.
Venus in the 5th house is a gift, filling your life with joy, creativity, and love. By acknowledging and balancing the challenges, such as overindulgence and romantic idealism, you can harness its full potential.
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jojo-schmo · 11 months
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Brushed the dust off my markers and did a bit of traditional art for Kirbtober 2023! This was a much needed exercise as I’m quite rusty!
As you may have been able to tell, October has been a super busy month in both my personal and work life!! All is well but I’ll only get to a select few prompts!
When making these I tried to embrace the imperfections and commitment that comes with traditional art. Which was a good challenge. These aren’t perfect, but I’m glad I made them. :)
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melvolkman · 1 year
Happy September 🍂
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It feels as though an eternity has passed since my last post.. I'm overjoyed to announce that after a very long search, I've finally found a place where my heart can rest and my soul can thrive. Last week we closed on a c. 1800 antique colonial lovingly preserved in idyllic mid-coast Maine amidst picturesque mountain views, forests, and wildflower fields. We even have a small, centuries-old apple orchard to explore and care for 🥹
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From the moment I arrived, I knew I had discovered my sanctuary 🕯️ Antique homes have always held a special place in my soul and now I find myself living out the dream that has danced in my imagination for years.
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There’s a sense of timelessness that lingers in the air.. The walls adorned with stories of days long gone. The wavy panes of the window glass, gently distorting the world beyond. The large fireplaces bearing witness to the warmth and laughter that once graced these rooms. The worn wide wood floors, aged with a beautiful patina — a testament to centuries of lives and dreams that have unfolded here.
Every crack and creak an invitation to embrace the imperfections of life.
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I can't begin to express the depth of gratitude that fills my heart as I embark on this new chapter. I’m excited to share with you the beauty that surrounds me in this special place, and I’m eager to dive back into photography and the studio — to paint and create once again.
This week, we began clearing out what will soon become my art studio, housed in the barn converted workshop that was built c. 1800 and is situated just beyond a majestic weeping willow.
To those who have stuck with me throughout this journey, your support means the world to me, and I am forever grateful for your continued encouragement.
So here we are, at the beginning of a new chapter. This is my return, and I can't wait to share more with you 🤎
Instagram — @melvolkman
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lol-jackles · 5 months
Walker episode 3 review
Making space. For past lost love, for current love, for children’s independence.
The episode starts with Liam foreshadowing the state of Cordell and Geri relationship when he explains the Japanese art of kintsugi, putting broken pottery pieces back together by using gold as glue, a metaphor for embracing flaws and imperfections and creating another piece of art.  Cordell and Geri’s relationship is complicated by the tragic deaths of their respective partners within 2 years of each other and the four of them were friends since high school.  
Trey and Liam tease Cordell for not telling Geri that he loves her, and Trey advises the classic “give her a drawer” at his place to show commitment. Liam talks about Stella to Cordell, but he rather trusts Stella to come to him as he's giving his adult child space. Then Cordell follows Trey's advice on giving Geri space in his wardrobe in an awkward but sweet scene.  Cordell and Geri were monogamous with their respective late partners for 20 years, so they're inexperienced when it comes to new relationships. 
Like father like daughter, the Rawlings are bad influences on the fiery member of the Walker clan.  Sadie Rawlings had convinced Stella to pretend not to have met Witt before the break-in because Stella is about to go to college and Sadie has a record.  In a panic, Stella went along.  I think ever since she spent a night in jail for something she didn’t do but because she hadn’t earned her father's trust due to her lack of credibility weighs on Stella's fear.  
Like father and daughter, Stella investigates off-the-books (i.e. not telling adults) on who is targeting her with threatening messages and leaving her car smelling like gasoline, a matchbook, and Witt’s picture.  Wait, I didn’t know Witt’s body was burned in a fiery car crash.  Was this the first time they said this or was it mentioned in an earlier episode?   
Liam's default state is to help people, but Stella shuts him out and Cordell isn't biting, so he's helping Cassie clear out her storage unit of sentimental items.  Meanwhile, Cordell looks for a shirt that Emily gave him, which Geri had accidentally donated when she made room for her things.  This upsets Cordell who assumed because Geri was present when Emily gave him the shirt 20 years ago, that she would know how much it means to him.  Half of Cassie’s sentimental collections aren’t even stuff she partook in but will once she slows down in some unscheduled point in the future.  Cordell looks to the past while Cassie looks to the future, neither are in the present. 
Alan Alda once said, “Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.” Liam and Abilene respectively encourage Cassie and Cordell to start anew by not making assumptions and being active in the present. Liam gives Cassie tickets to a robot fight event and she in turns gives him a personalized key chain that he wanted all his life but never purchased for himself because Cordell couldn't have one due to how unusual his name is.
Side note: I really need a backstory on why Bonham and Abeline saddled their first born with such an unusual name.
Side note 2: Cassie couldn't have a personalized key chain either because there isn't enough Cassandras in the world. The Greek myth origin of Cassandra was a priestess who could see the future but was never believed. Hence Cassie living up to her namesake ever since she arrived in the scene.
Turns out Geri hadn't been so great with communicating to Cordell either when he had accidentally broke Hoyt’s mug but Geri didn’t mention it.  They promised to try to communicate better and they finally said their “I love you” for the first time after 3 years of slow burn and misfires.  These two don’t have a traditional “getting together” as they are widower and widow, even though Geri and Hoyt were never married their on-off-again relationship did last 20 years.  While Cordell couldn’t get his Emily-gave-me-shirt back, he glued Hoyt’s mug back together, a callback to Liam's kintsugi talk at the start of the episode.
August first day at preparation boot camp led him to make the same mistakes that many young soldiers make ahead of their first deployment, they sell all their belongings but then they have nothing to come back to upon their return home. They made too much space but fortunately Trey mentors August towards a more balanced head space and he decides to keep his vinyl collection just like Cassie keeping her dvd collections. 
While on night duty at the Ranger HQ, Cassie asks Cordell and Trey to catch her up while she was gone for 5 months; jokingly including hackers and serial killers.  Seeing Trey's and Cordell's silent facial communication, Cassie turns on her inner Sam Winchester excitement over a real serial killer on the loose and offers up her FBI connections to help with the off-the-book investigation.
The episode ends Stella and Sadie are coming up with dead ends in their off-the-book investigation when a very much alive and not-burned Witt forces Stella to drive him to an undisclosed location.
Speculation  #3!  After hearing that Stella had visited his memorial, Witt decided Stella is the one whom he can trust to get him out of whatever predicament he's in.
Score: 8.9 out of 10.  A good bottle episode focusing on character studies and development before next week's episode's deeper dive into case of the serial killer Jackal.
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mimiii-3 · 1 year
Twst boys react to a romantic reader
Note/reaction: gn reader, fluff
. . .
You: I love you more than life itself.
• melts on the spot
• he’s never heard such loving words before so he can’t help but feel overwhelmed
• doesn’t say anything and just pulls you into his loving embrace
• you hold each other in silence, swaying against the soft breeze
• he tilts his head and kisses you on the cheek
• the smile on his face is infectious and you can’t help but smile too
“I love you so much. So, so much.”
You: I will stay by your side for the rest of my life. Through thick and thin, I’m yours.
• he rolls his eyes at you and lightly shakes his head
• he pretends to find your declaration cheesy but is collapsing on the inside
• he’s always craved a stable support system from his family
• what he failed to realize is that you’re his family too
• he hasn’t felt this emotional in a long while
• has to clear his throat so you won’t hear the frog in his throat
• reaches over and takes your hand in his
“It’s good that you want to stay with me since I never planned on letting you go.”
You: I love you just the way you are. Every imperfection is a work of art to me.
• one of the few times this man has been rendered speechless
• he’s usually a master of keeping up his facade but not with you, not now
• the arm that had previously been holding his phone up for a selfie, falls limp to his side
• has this wide-eyed, love-struck look on his face
• shuffles over to you and rests his forehead against yours
• he licks his lips and lets out a shaky sigh
“I can’t even think of a good one-liner right now. Thank you for loving me, despite all my flaws. I love you too. More than you know.”
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zhongrin · 2 years
i store the memories of you in a locked box
◇ characters ◇ zhongli, xiao, kazuha, al haitham
◇ tags ◇ word vomit, very abstract
◇ a/n ◇ literally me keeping a note and just jotting down what reminded me of them.
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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reading books with rain pitter-pattering outside. hand kisses before you leave the house. petrichor and licorice. stopping by to listen to an erhu performance on a bustling subway station. the soft tinkling of gemstones against each other. clean pressed laundry. glittering topaz. a beautiful bird’s feather. a crowded cafe and yet nobody exists but you two as you give each other your undivided attention. freshly brewed osmathus tea. “dearest, i ran you a bath.”. waking up at dawn. low humming of an old nostalgic song. the sound of liquid trickling into a teacup. gold and amber. golden rings. reading glasses. the slow taps of fingertip against a desk. comfy leather armchairs. long strolls along the night beach. relaxed walk within the city in daytime. a lover’s embrace. walking arm-in-arm. gentle hand tucking stray hair to its rightful place. low chuckles. controlled, amused laughter hidden behind gloved hand. ‘disappointed but not surprised’ stare. polished shoes and immaculately pressed suits. hidden tattoos. sincere and straightforward declaration of love. “thank you for coming into my life.”
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forehead kisses. the howling wind in a thunderstorm. the chilling breeze after the rain. bright moon in the starless night sky. the smell of hair dye. the sound of flute in the distance. the tick-tocks of an analog watch. cracked and imperfect jades. two sides of the same coin. “how are you this cute?”. exasperated sighs. amused chuckles. the embarrassment that hits after a particularly unexpected snort. dark undereye circles. sleeping until noon. taking catnaps throughout the day. forgetting to eat for 8 hours. watching over each other. silent footsteps around the house. piggyback carries. fuzzy blankets. pretending to not notice the other is crying and lending a shoulder to cry. the slowly rising steam of a hot drink. restless nights. lazy mornings. lazy afternoons. when it’s sunny out but cool inside as the sunlight filters in through the glass onto the spot you’re cuddling on. secretly exchanged looks. jade bracelets. field of flowers. “you are my sun.”
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morning breeze coming in through the open window. the orange hue of sunset. whistling a tune. raspy good mornings. a stretch of a grassy field. jasmine flowers. soft laughs. falling asleep against each other on airport lounges. subtly exchanged knowing glances and smiles. the sound of paper turning. kissing each other’s scars. temple kisses. a relaxing bubble bath. making your own bath bombs. aimless strolls. hiking the small hill behind your house. camping. forest. stargazing. fingers intertwined around each other. well-used and tattered sneakers. “will you grant this humble servant the honor of escorting you, my liege?”. surprise kisses. soft lips on the back of your palms. packing a suitcase. spontaneous adventures. the smell of a new city. the art of reading analog maps. drunken confessions. finding new selfies of each other on your phones. beachside walks. “in you, i found my home.”
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smell of parchment. yellowed pages of a book. dewdrops. “i’m glad we ran into each other.” quill pen against paper. morning sun touching the blades of swaying grass. warmth of fire against the cool night air. the various textures of leaves. black coffee. coffee stains. aromatic spices. crisp colognes. ocean breeze. the glint of a blade. sound of water rippling. hidden ravines and waterfalls. muffled music through headphones. reading books while holding hands. reading the same book while cuddling. wordlessly flipping to the next page because you know he’s finished reading. relaxed sighs. exasperated sighs. tree branches crunching under your feet. piggyback rides. forehead flicks. a steadily growing collection of plants. silently watching cityscape at night. sound of campfire. “you’re a book i never want to finish reading.”
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© zhongrin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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ps. if you want to be removed/added from the taglist, just send an ask!
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cherrygirlystuff · 1 month
Welcome to Messy Mornings: A Chronicle of the Chaotic, Carefree Lifestyle of the Indie Sleaze Scene
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Hey babe! 🌸 If you’ve ever woken up with yesterday’s eyeliner still smudged under your eyes, your hair in a perfectly imperfect mess, and the vibe of last night’s music still echoing in your head, then you’re in the right place. Welcome to Messy Mornings, where we celebrate the beautifully chaotic and effortlessly cool lifestyle that defined the indie sleaze scene. This isn’t about being polished or perfect – it’s about embracing the wild, carefree energy that made the indie sleaze era so unforgettable. So, grab your coffee (or let’s be real, your morning-after drink of choice), and let’s dive into the messy, magical world of indie mornings! 🎧✨
The Chaotic Charm of Indie Sleaze Mornings 🌟
Let’s be honest – mornings during the indie sleaze era weren’t about green juices and yoga mats. They were more like stumbling out of bed, throwing on whatever clothes were on the floor, and somehow managing to look effortlessly cool despite the chaos. The indie sleaze lifestyle was all about embracing that “I just rolled out of bed” look – because, honestly, you probably did. And guess what? That’s what made it so iconic.
1. The Art of the Perfectly Imperfect Morning 🕶️
Indie sleaze mornings were anything but ordinary. Maybe you were crashing on a friend’s couch after a night out, or maybe you woke up with the sun streaming through your bedroom window, surrounded by vinyl records and band posters. The key to capturing that indie vibe? Don’t overthink it. Messy hair, smudged eyeliner, and yesterday’s outfit are all part of the charm. It’s about capturing the moment – the vibe – rather than worrying about looking picture-perfect.
2. The Morning After: A Photo Series 📸
If you’re looking for some visual inspo, Messy Mornings has got you covered with a curated photo series that captures the essence of those chaotic indie mornings. Think candid shots of tangled bed sheets, half-empty coffee cups, and sun-drenched rooms filled with the remnants of the night before. These images aren’t staged or filtered – they’re raw, real, and totally unfiltered, just like the indie sleaze scene itself. Whether it’s a Polaroid snapped at sunrise or a grainy digital photo that captures the morning light just right, these photos are all about telling the story of the morning after.
Morning Routines: The Indie Sleaze Way 🌅
Forget about strict schedules and to-do lists – the indie sleaze morning routine was all about going with the flow and embracing whatever the day threw your way. Here’s a little glimpse into what a typical indie sleaze morning might have looked like:
1. Wake Up Whenever 🌞
There’s no alarm clock here – you wake up when your body (or the sunlight streaming through the curtains) tells you to. Whether it’s 7 AM or noon, it doesn’t really matter. The vibe is all about taking your time and easing into the day.
2. Coffee, Please (But Make It Strong) ☕
The first order of business? Coffee. Strong, black, and preferably served in a chipped mug that’s seen better days. This isn’t about fancy lattes or frappuccinos – it’s about the kind of coffee that gets you going after a long night out. Bonus points if you’re drinking it while listening to last night’s playlist on repeat.
3. Throw on Yesterday’s Clothes (Or Something Close) 👗
Forget about planning your outfit – just grab whatever’s on the floor or hanging on the back of a chair. Mismatched? Perfect. Wrinkled? Even better. The indie sleaze aesthetic is all about looking like you didn’t try too hard, even if you secretly did. Add some chunky boots or sneakers, and you’re good to go.
4. Playlist on Repeat 🎧
Music is the soundtrack to your life, so naturally, it’s playing in the background as you get ready. Whether it’s The Strokes, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, or a grungy mixtape you made last night, the right tunes set the tone for your day. Bonus points if you’re still humming a song from the concert or party you went to the night before.
Aesthetic Inspo: Capturing the Messy Morning Vibe 🖼️
If you’re looking to channel that indie sleaze morning vibe into your own life, here’s some aesthetic inspo to get you started:
1. Polaroids and Disposable Cameras 📷
Capture those unfiltered morning moments with a Polaroid camera or a disposable one. The beauty of these photos is in their imperfections – the overexposure, the grain, the unexpected moments that only a film camera can capture. Stick them on your wall or tuck them into a journal for the ultimate indie sleaze photo album.
2. Vintage Decor Vibes 🕯️
Your space should feel as effortlessly cool as you do. Think mismatched furniture, vintage band posters, string lights, and a record player spinning in the corner. Add a few plants that may or may not need watering, and you’ve got the perfect indie sleaze morning setting.
3. The Playlist You Need 🎶
No indie sleaze morning is complete without the right playlist. Curate a mix of your favorite indie tracks, throw in some lo-fi beats, and don’t forget those nostalgic hits that take you back to the mid-2000s. It’s all about setting the mood and getting lost in the music as you go about your day.
Final Thoughts, Gorgeous: Embrace the Chaos, Live the Vibe 🌟
So, there you have it – a peek into the chaotic, carefree world of Messy Mornings, where the indie sleaze aesthetic is alive and well. Whether you’re reminiscing about your wild nights and lazy mornings or just looking to channel that vibe into your everyday life, remember: it’s all about embracing the mess, living in the moment, and not worrying too much about the details.
In the world of indie sleaze, perfection is overrated. It’s the imperfections, the spontaneity, and the unexpected moments that make life so much more interesting. So next time you wake up with your hair a mess and your eyeliner smudged, don’t stress – just grab your coffee, throw on some tunes, and let the day unfold however it wants to.
Ready to embrace the messy morning vibes? Let’s chat in the comments about your favorite indie sleaze moments, morning routines, and everything else that makes this chaotic, carefree lifestyle so irresistible! 💕
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howlingday · 7 months
Teachings of Ren
Jaune: Ren, I... I don't know what to do. I feel like nothing I do is right, and I just... I don't know, do you have any advice for me?
Ren: Hm, I might. There are a few concepts that I was taught when I was younger that didn't make sense when I heard then, but make more sense now that I'm older.
Jaune: If it'll help me make sense of my life, I'll take anything.
Ren: Very well. First, there is ikigai, the reason for being. It's the intersection of what you love, what you're skilled in, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. Finding your ikigai is finding your purpose in this life.
Jaune: Huh...
Ren: Then, there's kintsugi, the art of "precious scars". When one of my mother's ceramics were damaged, she would repair them with a beautiful paste that shone like gold. She told me that things like being broken and being repaired are all part of life, and these only make us more beautiful, and we should embrace our imperfections.
Jaune: Mhm...
Ren: Nora's favorite to hear is wabisabi,
Nora: (Giggles)
Ren: Which is the beauty of imperfections. Nothing in this world is perfect, and we should find the beauty in the imperfections of both life and decay.
Nora: Wabisabi~.
Ren: There's also mono no aware; the beauty of transience. Nothing lasts forever in this world, and though there is a sadness to this fact, there is also a lesson in cherishing each and every moment because they will never happen again.
Jaune: Ah...
Ren: Then there is kaizen, which my father explained as "the principle of continuous improvement". You make small, but still improving steps of progress, whether it's with your family or with your work.
Jaune: Hm...
Ren: Another of Nora's favorites is kokoro, the concept the heart, mind, and spirit are all deeply connected and there must be a harmony between all three for overall well-being.
Nora: Mm...
Ren: One you may have heard is, "ganbaru".
Jaune: Doing your best?
Ren: Exactly. You should always be pushing yourself forward and never giving up, no matter what.
Ren: Kizuna, "bonds of the heart", teaches that the deep, interpersonal connections held between us help us in times of strife and turmoil.
Jaune: Like trusting your friends.
Ren: Mhm. Next, shogunai, is another way of saying, "it can't be helped". It's a form of acceptance and resilience in the face of life's adversities. (Looks at scroll) I have somewhere to be, but I have time to explain one more. Mottainai, a sense of regret towards waste. It's another way of saying, "reduce, reuse, recycle".
Jaune: I guess your family was big on being eco-friendly, huh?
Ren: Well, us and the rest of the village. (Stands up) Now, if you'll excuse me.
Jaune: Oh, uh, Ren? Thanks, for sharing that with me.
Ren: Any time, Jaune.
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