#email tags
samgiddings · 10 months
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@staff @support @engineering @music @books
Have you ever considered this is a really stupid layout to have when there’s no way to easily get your account back if you accidentally hit the wrong button???
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purlty23 · 2 months
Have you had Nazi propaganda blazed onto your dashboard? Me too.
Its no secret that Tumblr doesn't give a damn about its user base. It's been made abundantly clear to me that not only do they not care. Tumblr is allowing posts with direct links to nazi propaganda and chatroom sites to be blazed!
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The only reason I found this post? Because Tumblr put it in front of my face on my dashboard.
In the notes of this post there were dozens of reblogs with things like "is this an ARG?" "Oh whats this, save for later". One comment that said "tempting".
This is a neo nazi trying to recruit you.
Report this immediately. Do not click links. Email [email protected] telling them that you don't want neo nazis paying them to show us this garbage.
If you want to know how I figured out what this was in more detail, I'll put it under a read more so that everyone can be a little safer and a little smarter out there.
First: I went to the persons blog.
This one in particular is clever enough to have an ask about palestinian donations as their first post. The second is the one screenshot above.
I kept scrolling. Most are youtube links posted with 0 notes or interaction. This is another link to the same site here.
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If you scroll far enough, you'll see they've reblogged an original post.
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If you directly copy and paste this text into google, you'll find exactly one result. A PDF in Bulgarian hosted on a website named aobg.org.
Sounds legit, right?
Its the official website for the Bulgarian Society of Anthroposophy. A 'new age spiritual movement based on German idealism'. A cult.
As soon as I made the connection, I knew that clicking the original link would lead me to something similar. I felt confident enough to click it safely (DO NOT TRY AT HOME), and was launched into the shittiest little pro Nazi website with a live chatroom on the side.
There are always signs, always queues. Do not be stupid out there. These are NOT ARGs. If you aren't sure, block and move on.
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thebibliosphere · 15 days
The sheer number of neurological disorders I’ve acquired over the years is truly just like, the spiders George of neurological fuckery.
1. Chronic “normal” migraines (15-20 days a month)
2. Hemiplegic migraines (rarely. But terrifying when they happen.)
3. Cluster headaches (come and go in flares)
4. Trigmeral nueralgia
And the latest son of a bitch to the line up:
5. Occipital neuralgia
And that’s just the shit that affects my head. It doesn’t even account for everything the fuck else that is wrong with me and the stuff we just found out about my spine. Like Jesus Wept.
Like I dunno how we’re going to mindfulness our way out of this one girlypop but I’ll try.
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writeouswriter · 2 years
Thinking about the time I commented on a fanfic saying it was one of the most in character works I’d ever read and they replied back with a thank you telling me they never actually saw the show, fascinating interaction
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unbothered · 1 year
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jonahmagnus · 6 months
Subject line: HELPME
Dear Mr Bouchard,
I am writing to you today to inform you that I, once again, got beat up by a supernatural entity. Do you have ANY advice at all to stop this from happening in the future?
Well Wishes,
Subject line: blank
Dear Mr Sims,
You should be at the clubbbbbbbbbbbbbb
Kindest regards,
Elias Bouchard
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cubbihue · 6 days
Does Mr. Turner like rubbing his “son’s” successful career in Dinkleberg’s face??
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He does! He brags about Timmy's success to every person within the neighborhood's vicinity. Mr. Turner loves how successful his son is! It really secures his reputation at the neighborhood HOA meetings they host at their house.
Timmy's worked very hard to gain more successes than failures. The more successful he is, the greater his family's social standing!! And the less he gets to overhear his dad ranting to the neighborhood about his failures.
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egophiliac · 3 months
Are you okay with spam likes/reblogs or do you find them annoying?
honestly, seeing a solid row of likes/reblogs from the same person makes me imagine them going through my art like it's some kind of delectable buffet, holding a giant plate and going "hmm, yes, a little of this...some of that...ooh, and can't forget this..." except, you know, on the internet. with the feeling of that one Tom Hanks gif.
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(which is to say, of course it's fine! if it starts taking over my activity page I just use the filters, so no worries :D)
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petrii-dish · 2 months
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Snapped back to reality after 10 hours in a cold sweat. Mal Du Pays Banette
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divorcedwife · 4 months
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should I believe that I've been stricken?
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14dayswithyou · 7 months
*Sends a picture of an engagement ring to Ren*
About to propose, wish me luck! :D
Ren, already on his way to run over your fiancé-to-be: Good luck, they'll need it! ^^
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thebibliosphere · 24 days
I really hate whicever doctor put GAD back in my file after it took me a year to have it removed because I do not have generalized anxiety disorder. I have very specific anxiety based on traumatic medical events that almost killed me.
It’s the PTSD, babes.
Funny how that’s been removed from my file, though.
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knifegrrrl1312 · 1 month
collection of damning screenshots ive seen so far of prismatic-bell's racism and overall hatefulness; feel free to rb with more.
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local-cryptid · 5 months
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reposting this because it flopped hard last time and i was really pleased with how it came out
i also wanted to take a moment to lament for how much i loved this character and what he meant to me and so many others as we grieve for him once again
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monarchisms · 9 months
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itsukishup · 7 months
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jon can send email confirmed
original meme was by @cooltimesonline the lovely jon art is by my buddy @pointytooth on twitter
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