#email marketing for doctors
Importance of Digital Marketing in Healthcare
Digital Marketing in Healthcare is a transformative strategy reshaping the industry's landscape. As the healthcare sector continues to embrace the digital age, the importance of Digital Marketing in Healthcare. For More Info Visit Our Website:https://digitalmarketingdoctors.in/
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bravelabs · 2 years
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Want to start an email marketing campaign for your hospital? Here are five strategies that you can use to get the maximum benefit from email marketing.
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scottrichmonder · 5 months
Email Marketing For Doctors: Top 6 Effective Strategies
Discover the top 6 effective email marketing strategies for doctors to enhance patient engagement and boost practice growth. https://www.flyingvgroup.com/email-marketing-for-doctors/
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bulkdatabaseindia · 11 days
Mobile Number Data base
Learn about Mobile Number Data base. Discover mobile number is a set of numbers that are different from one another and are given to a cell phone to make calls, send text messages, and use other mobile services.
The number of a cell phone or mobile line is a one-of-a-kind string of digits given to a mobile device. This enables the user to receive calls, make calls, send messages, and use multiple mobile services.
Every digit is associated with a certain mobile telecom service provider that routes calls and texts to the respective gadgets.In various digital services, mobile numbers are additionally usable for account validation and identity confirmation.
Mobile Number Data base
Mobile number Data base are gathered in a database that is widely used for various purposes, such as advertisement and market research. Businesses and organizations that make use of direct communication methods, like SMS promotions, customer outreach, and lead generation, find these databases to be very useful. Below is an in-depth examination of mobile number bases:
Types of Mobile Number Data base
1. Consumer Databases
These databases contain the phone numbers related to a single user. Usually, they are utilized by companies for marketing intent, including but not limited to dispatching advertisements or specials through SMS. Demographic factors, areas, or buying habits could break down consumer mobile number databases.
2. Business Databases
There are companies and business professionals’ contact details found in business mobile number databases. That is helpful for B2B marketing, sales outreach, and professional networking. A company’s name, the type of fields they deal with, as well as function in terms of services offered, could be what the database contains.
How Mobile Number Data base Is Used?
Here is a list of some points they utilized:
SMS Marketing: Text message marketing is one of the most popular applications for mobile number databases. To reach out to customers, companies send out texts with advertisements, invites, and other transactional messages that are received directly on their mobile phones.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM): To make customer communication more effective and efficient, companies integrate mobile number databases with their CRM systems. This enhances the overall customer experience and retention by providing customer support, gathering feedback, and individualized marketing.
Lead Generation: As for generating leads, mobile number databases are often used in situations where sales teams or marketers reach out to potential customers with offers or information about services or products.
Market Research and Surveys: Such databases are being used by businesses for carrying out market research or customer satisfaction surveys. Sending surveys via SMS can yield quick responses, giving businesses real-time insights into customer opinions and preferences.
Service Notifications: Organizational entities, particularly in finance and medical fields, utilize telephone directories of cell phones in dispatching/reminding their patrons on issues such as service changes. The banks may send alerts regarding transactions or updates that are related to the accounts.
Mobile Number Data base are crucial for how people communicate today, acting as an avenue for dialing up friends and relatives via voice calls or sending text messages or emails. In our lives today, they have become an essential part that guarantees connections of diverse types; this is evident in their various roles ranging from individual relationships through to safe e-commerce transactions.
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ennobletechnologies · 8 months
Revolutionizing Healthcare: Digital Marketing Solutions for Medical Professionals
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The healthcare industry has been experiencing a transformation, with digitalization becoming a pivotal aspect of healthcare delivery and patient engagement. In this era, where the internet has permeated every facet of our lives, it is imperative for medical professionals to leverage digital marketing solutions. This article delves into the dynamic world of healthcare digital marketing, offering insights into why it’s essential and how it can be harnessed effectively.
Understanding the Digital Age in Healthcare
The impact of digitalization in healthcare cannot be overstated. Patients are no longer solely reliant on their local physicians for medical information. They turn to the internet to research symptoms, seek treatment options, and even find healthcare providers. Understanding this shift is crucial for medical professionals.
The Changing Patient Journey in the Digital Age
The traditional patient journey, from symptom recognition to diagnosis and treatment, has evolved significantly. Patients now take an active role in their healthcare decisions, starting with online research. This shift necessitates a strong online presence for medical professionals.
Challenges in Healthcare Marketing
While the digital age offers numerous opportunities, it also presents challenges unique to the healthcare industry.
Regulatory Hurdles
The healthcare sector is subject to strict regulations, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Navigating these regulations while conducting digital marketing can be a complex task.
Competition in the Healthcare Sector
Competition among healthcare providers is fierce. Standing out in a crowded market requires a well-thought-out digital marketing strategy.
The Power of Online Presence
An online presence is the cornerstone of any digital marketing strategy for medical professionals.
Establishing a Professional Website
A professional website serves as a digital storefront, providing essential information about your practice, services, and expertise. It’s often the first point of contact for potential patients.
The Role of Social Media in Healthcare Marketing
Social media platforms offer an opportunity to engage with patients, share valuable healthcare information, and build a community. Utilizing these platforms effectively is key to success.
Continue Reading: https://ennobletechnologies.com/healthcare/healthcare-marketing-solutions/
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erodasfishtacos · 5 months
Boredom & Blind Dates [pt I]
summary: yn is a good friend, who's willing to go on a blind date so that her friend can try to pull the man of her dreams. the new bigshot doctor at the hospital she's works. the dinner isnt as charming as she hoped
word count: 5k
warnings: angst
author's note: hii! this was based off a request. the rest will be posted on patreon and there’s already another part up :)
You can subscribe for $3 USD a month here
Victoria was a friend that YN had made in college when they were both studying completely opposite majors but happened to be roomed in the same two-bed dorm.
They clicked instantly and just like their majors, they were also exact opposite in their personalities too but it somehow just meshed perfectly together.
Victoria was a social butterfly who did not have a fear of being the center of attention, going after whoever she wanted (and typically pulling them), and her confidence was impressive.
Despite how smart Victoria was, she had a tendency to come off a bit ditzy, and has been called an air-head more than twice in YN’s presence.
The boys in more prestigious majors like law and medicine usually didn’t find her carefree attitude as appealing.
While Tori snagged the frat boys, YN steered clear of them which worked because they had never once had a crush on the same man.
After graduation, it only made sense to move in together because Seattle was a ridiculously overpriced city but their job wages were competitive.
Victoria was a nurse, she worked on a surgery recovery wing, and complained about her job constantly because of the crabby patients and long hours.
YN worked behind a desk all day, very rarely having to interact with anyone but if she did - it was all virtual from home.
She was the head accountant for a social media marketing company which was a pretty high position for the few years of experience she had.
YN had always been serious, more mature for her age, and always excelled above everyone else in her grade.
It hadn’t been a surprise when she was valedictorian or made summa cum laude in her undergraduate and masters degree with ease.
YN didn’t party, didn’t love socializing out in clubs but would go when Victoria pressured her enough to do so, and it was fine.
YN had been so involved in establishing her career, creating a successful life, and making a name for herself that she didn’t have time for the things Victoria did.
Dating app hookups, one night stands from the bar, and casual flings that only lasted a few weeks was how Tori rolled.
Typically, at least once a month, she was bawling to YN about the latest dickhead who treated her like she was disposable but kept going for the same type.
YN had empathy to an extent, always uncorked the wine and half-listened to her rants about chivalry being dead while she was still thinking about an account she needed to work on because the deadline was coming up.
YN liked to think she lived vicariously through Victoria’s stories which worked for her because then she didn’t have to experience those things herself.
YN had been sitting on the couch, laptop balanced on the wide arm as she scrolled through work emails while catching up on her guilty pleasure reality show.
It was nearly ten at night but she was waiting for a reply from a customer with a time difference, work could sometimes be a whole day and night ordeal.
There was no question that YN was uptight, rarely - if ever relaxed, and did not have much time for anything other than what put a hefty sum in her bank account every two weeks.
Victoria tumbled through the front door in a way that is uniquely her - like a hurricane.
Her keys jingling, her water bottle bumping and sloshing water as she drops her purse on the floor unceremoniously with a chapstick rolling out.
She tosses all of her items in a messy pile on the ground with her bag, kicking off her tennis shoes, and nearly prances into the living room.
YN blinks over at her, the excitement of her arrival was a routine now, she no longer gets annoyed that her best friend makes an entrance like that each time.
“Babe, guess what,” Victoria squeals as she sits down right next to her on the couch, still in her magenta colored scrubs and her mascara smudged near her eyes.
“What?” YN replies as she mindlessly clicks refresh in her email, wishing for this message with the information she needs to appear.
“Our new Chief of Medicine started today! He was the head of neurology at another hospital. A literal brain surgeon which, of course I’ve met others but he’s like…the best of the best. They write news articles about him, his studies in medical journals, he’s a big deal,” Victoria is still excited as she nearly bounces in her spot, shaking YN’s laptop.
YN puts a hand up to make sure her computer doesn’t topple, still nonplussed as she looks at her friend, “What does this have to do with you? Is it just because he’s famous in the medical world?”
“No, he’s fucking gorgeous too. I didn’t think you were allowed to be as smart as he is while looking like he just walked off a runway during Paris Fashion Week,” Tori giggles as her cheeks go a bit pink, “He’s the hottest doctor I’ve ever seen.”
“Tori,” YN sighs, clicking her refresh again - nothing, “Again, what is this information leading to?”
“Well I bumped into him today, literally, in the hallway. We spoke briefly, he was polite but serious, and I felt like he was flirting with me. I feel like I have a chance with him,” Her roommate tells her, that same confidence present as ever that she can pull this big shot doctor.
“Good luck with that. I’m sure he’s married with kids,” YN replies somewhat dismissively, unamused that this is how her friend spends her time.
“Nope,” Tori quips back happily, “I googled him. He just made the New York Times list as one of the most eligible bachelors in medicine. Single as they come.”
“I thought you didn’t want to date someone who also worked in medicine,” YN reminds her, clicking refresh once again to no results.
“He’s the exception. If I could settle down with a fuckin neurosurgeon, chief medical officer like come on that would be my biggest achievement,” Victoria pulls out her cell phone, tapping across the screen.
And YN just…cannot relate.
YN only fell in love once.
Where she could fantasize about a life with that person, marriage, kids, a house but it was all fantasy as they were never official in that way.
It was crushed and YN made a promise to herself that she wouldn’t let herself dream like that again.
“Do you want to see a picture?” Victoria asks as she looks for an image to show.
As a stroke of luck, YN’s work phone starts buzzing, and it’s the client she was waiting for to email her, “I’m sure he’s as attractive as you say, Tor. I have to take this.”
Her friend mumbles something about her being in a relationship with work which is honestly not that far off at this point.
However, it gives her an excuse to lock herself in her office for a few hours to avoid the ideas of love, Victoria’s fantasy world, and think about nothing but numbers and percentages.
The next few weeks blend together for YN.
Every few days she actually catches up on her work.
Every few days Victoria recounts her very purposefully crafted run-ins with the chief medical officer to shoot her shot.
Victoria has always been forward, asking bluntly for what she wants but with such a seemingly intimidating man, she finally has met her match.
Her roommate deems the doctor as ‘playing hard to get’ but YN starts to wonder if she’s imagining the spark between them or if it’s truly there.
She talks about times where the doctor flat out ignores her in the hallway but brushes it off that he was extremely busy on a pressing issue.
But then there are times where he will pull her aside, gently by the wrist and ask her about how her day was going, and appear to be interested in her answers.
YN loved her friend but was wildly uninterested in these events, the only thing that kept her curiosity lingering was if she was actually going to snag the head of the biggest hospital in Seattle.
She doesn’t hear much for a week or two.
At least three months have passed since the doctor started.
And this finally appears to be a payoff when Victoria comes home with her usual hurricane routine of leaving a trail of her belongings as she comes through the front door.
“Oh my god, oh my god. Close your laptop and look at me!” Victoria announces dramatically as she rushes over to the couch, taking it upon herself to close the lid of YN’s work computer.
“Tori,” YN scolds with a grumble, she really didn’t appreciate it when her friend interrupted her work flow in the middle of her meticulously constructing a report.
“Hush,” She replies, brushing off her concerns, and patting YN’s thighs, “I need the absolute biggest, most massive favor from you ever. And I really need you to agree, I’ll owe you for eternity.”
This didn’t sound good.
YN blinks at her, expression still unamused as ever.
“Okay. I am going on a date with the chief,” Victoria squeals, high-pitched and loud, “But it’s a double-date, he was telling me he’s looking for a date for his friend. I offered you and he invited us all to dinner at The National.”
And YN tries to settle the itching annoyance at her friend offering her up without her approval but unfortunately it was a very Victoria-like thing to do.
Despite how uptight YN could be, she had a soft spot for her friend and would do anything within her to make her happy so instead of lecturing her about setting her up, YN agrees.
YN thinks about it as the days pass until the date, what’s stopping her from actually giving this a try?
The only information she received about her blind date was that he was also a doctor, orthopedics, and his name was Mitch.
YN dresses nicer than she had originally planned, in a form fitting black dress that shaped her chest phenomenally, making her smaller tits look full and lifted.
It also defined her backside well too, making it rounded and voluminous in a way that it normally didn’t look in her regular outfits.
YN hadn’t been with anyone in over a year, not even a casual hookup because she didn’t do those - she did commitment.
Maybe Mitch would be the one.
YN wasn’t one for magical thinking like her best friend but maybe this is what optimism was supposed to be like as opposed to her normal pessimist outlook.
Victoria dressed stunning as well, albeit a bit more revealing which was her go to, cut-outs along her ribs and the hem was nearly to her bum cheeks so she couldn’t bend over without revealing all of her bits and pieces.
YN was sure that the doctor she was pining after would take her home with her that night but she also knows Victoria is possibly looking at this to become serious.
It was all up in the air.
The National was a quiet restaurant, where business meetings were held and deals were made.
Everyone dressed in expensive outfits that made YN and Victoria’s seem a bit out of place but they blended in well enough.
Neither have been to the location before because it was reservation-only and you had to have enough of a name in Seattle to bother calling.
The fact that the chief was able to get them a table, at relatively short notice was flex in itself, showing off what clout he held in the community.
YN wasn’t impressed, per se, felt like it was a bit-show off but nevertheless it was a nice experience that she’d never likely have again after this night.
Victoria gives the hostess their name before they’re being guided towards the back of the restaurant, it lit dimly enough that it would be hard to see the menu.
As they arrive at the table, there’s two meticulous dressed men sit across from one another, both handsome in different ways.
However, one has a big smile and stands up whilst the other stays seated with a scowl that seems permanently etched on his face - light wrinkles to show for it.
The man who stands up reaches for YN’s hand, kissing the back of it, and introducing himself, “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ve been looking forward to it all week, darling. I’m Mitch.”
“YN,” She replies even though he already knows, allowing the kiss and giving him a polite smile back as he pulls out her chair for her.
Victoria walks around the table, somewhat awkward as her date doesn’t get up or offer to move her chair out, only a curt, “Hello, Victoria. You look nice.”
“Thanks,” Tori blushes easily, YN has to refrain from rolling her eyes at the interaction, she always fell for the rudest, douchey men on Earth.
This doctor was no different as he says back in his chair, shoulders broad, and back straight, head held high as he watches Mitch help YN in her seat.
“Thank you,” YN brushes her fingers against Mitch’s shoulder as he sits down, making eye contact with her date once again.
He had these sincere brown eyes, a shy smile, and his long hair was pulled back into a ponytail as he nods at her.
Mitch wasn’t her type, though she wasn’t picky, and was willing to give anyone a chance - he just wouldn’t be someone she would pick herself.
Maybe that’s a good thing.
“What’s good here?” YN asks Mitch as she opens her menu, it was a small list of entrees, most that YN had only seen on cooking shows or never even heard of.
“I haven’t been here. Styles here is a regular but that’s because he’s the big name ‘round here, well according to London Times - everywhere,” Mitch teases as he glances up at his friend.
Styles doesn’t even lift his lip in a half-smile, his eyes dart to YN before his friend, “The Steelhead Trout is good as is the Filet Migon.”
YN’s eyes trace back over the menu, heart seizing a bit as the numbers next to the entree - realizing that was the price was a bit of shell shock.
She knew that Mitch would pay for her but she felt guilty about ordering something that was well over a hundred and fifty dollars when she would never pay that for dinner herself.
“I think I’ll just get the thai salmon,” YN replies as she glances over, it was the cheapest option, not by much but still.
“There’s peanuts in the sauce,” The doctor tells her as he glances up from his own menu to look at YN.
YN brow furrows at him, lips turning down, and about to say something when he adds, “Victoria informed me that you have a severe peanut allergy and to choose a restaurant that could prepare your food properly.”
YN blinks to process before looking over to Victoria, “Thanks, Tor.”
“I’d rather not see freshman year thanksgiving happen again,” Victoria jokes but there is some real concern there from such a traumatic incident.
YN had accidentally come into contact with some type of nut that sent her into an anaphylactic shock.
They couldn’t find her epipen for a good two minutes until they did and were able to administer her medication until she could make it to the hospital.
Victoria had anxiety about food in their house for ages, paranoid about her own contact with the allergen, and always made sure everyone was aware of YN’s condition.
“I’ll get the filet then,” YN sighs, giving up on picking a cheap option as she closes her menu, and the waiter pours a red wine into her glass.
YN was not in the mood to drink, preferring to sip on her water instead as Victoria and Mitch emptied their first glass quickly.
Victoria’s date sipped more sophisticatedly on his, swirling it like a proper snob before taking a minuscule sip as if he was savoring it.
Mitch seemed very interested in YN, asking multiple questions about her work and personal life, he put an arm around the back of her chair which YN didn’t necessarily mind as they spoke.
From what YN could see, Victoria was not having as much luck with her date as their conversation appeared strained, her friend was doing ninety percent of the talking, and Harry was nodding with an expression of boredom.
After the soup and salads arrive, Mitch and Harry start to chat about something going on with the hospital protocols.
Victoria tries to add in, he doesn’t acknowledge her but Mitch does instead after an uncomfortable pause of silence between them.
YN stays quiet, unable to add anything, and after a moment, Mitch huffs out a laugh, “Enough work talk, we’re excluding YN.”
Harry raises his eyebrow at her, “Need to be the center of attention?”
“Hey,” Mitch frowns, rubbing at YN’s shoulder, “I didn’t mean for it to sound like that. I’m sorry if I just-“
“You’re fine,” YN waves her hand dismissively, giving her friend’s date a displeased glance that Harry returns the scowl just like he’d been doing all night.
Victoria is oblivious, as she tends to be, and is much too focused on keeping her date’s attention to worry about anything else.
“What do you do for work?” Harry asks her, randomly cutting off a story that Victoria was telling about a patient that eloped recently.
“I’m a head accountant for a social media marketing company. What about you?” YN returns the question with sickeningly sweet politeness.
She felt like Harry was a pompous prick, taking pride in his rankings, education, and had a better than attitude that YN really felt was unappealing.
To act like she didn’t know shit about him was the perfect way to irritate him apparently.
It works.
The way his teeth clench together as the wrinkle between his brow deepens further, he straightens his suit jacket before leaning forward to appear casual.
“I’m the Chief Medical Officer of The Hospital of Seattle, a neurosurgeon specializing in spinal cord injury as well as stroke and trauma, I own three outpatient medical practices, as well as instruct other neurosurgeons on new techniques and equipment,” Harry boasts, to be fair, it was extremely impressive.
There was no doubt that the man sitting across from her was extremely intelligent, she’s probably never been around anyone as smart as him but it didn’t excuse his attitude.
You can be intelligent and humble at the same time.
Apparently Doctor Styles did not get the memo.
“That’s nice,” YN replies as she takes a very small sip of wine, even though she was impressed, it didn’t reflect in her bored tone.
Harry scoffs, sitting back, and licking the front of his teeth.
His eyebrow was raised as he repeated in disbelief, “That’s nice? Nothing else, huh?”
Victoria’s eyes dart nervously between the two, she grips Harry’s bicep, “I think it’s the most impressive thing I’ve heard. Not to mention the medical journals you wrote for or the volunteer work.”
YN tucks her bottom lip between her teeth, tampering down a smile at getting a reaction out of her friend’s date, just as she had hoped.
“S’really not as impressive when the person needs to flaunt their accomplishments so extravagantly,” YN shrugs as she puts down her wine glass, nonchalant as ever, and acting as if she was being casual.
Tori delivers a kick to her shin underneath the table, along with a scolding look for her to drop the attitude with Harry because it was ruining their date.
YN pulls back because she did feel guilty at getting into it with this doctor who Tori was trying to pull and she wasn’t increasing the chances with the snide comments.
Harry is about to respond, his ringed fingers clenched on the table, and there were tattoos peeking out from the cuffs of his suit that were very undoctorlike, “You know what I think-?”
“Uhm,” Mitch coughs awkwardly to break up the tension that was getting thick and cloying between everyone at the table, “Victoria, where did you get your nursing degree from?”
The conversation breaks off, Victoria and Mitch start chatting as YN and Harry remain pretty much silent throughout the appetizers.
Victoria is forward, trying to touch her date when possible.
A brush of his hand here, a squeeze of his bulky bicep there.
Though Harry doesn’t shrug her off, he also doesn’t return the favor at all.
He is nearly statuesque, unmoving, and able to sit very still for long amounts of time.
Of course, maybe that is overly obvious because of how all over the place her friend was at all times, unable to sit still for more than a few minutes without needing to adjust the way she’s sitting or fiddle with something on the table.
YN wonders if this whole thing was set up for Mitch and Harry just settled for being on a date with Victoria to help his friend out.
The thought hurt her to think about because she wanted better for her friend.
YN enjoyed having a job that paid her well, more than most people her age were making but it didn’t define who she was.
Doctor Styles seemed to be his entire job as his personality.
How boring.
When Harry manages to get the topic back onto a work issue, YN cannot help but let out a yawn that she very half-heartedly tries to cover with her hand because she could only hear so much about a spinal surgery before she’s zoning out.
Victoria is hanging onto his every word, asking questions, and being overly interested in a lackluster story in his monotone, deep voice that could honestly lull her to sleep because of how bleak and morbid he sounded.
However, when she yawns, no one at the table notices but Harry.
His eyes have darted over to her a few times while he’s been talking, almost to gauge her level of interest, and when she yawns, he visibly huffs before continuing - his words a bit more harsh and a flutter of annoyance twisting into his cadence.
YN had neglected her date during this whole time, in full honesty.
Victoria and Mitch seemed to have a great conversation.
When YN talked to Mitch, he was nice enough and easy to have a conversation with but his boss across the table was distracting and apparently felt the need to constantly be the center of attention even though that’s what he called YN out for. 
It’s rude, YN knows it is when she excuses herself to the bathroom mid-story, placing her napkin on the table before swinging her purse over her shoulder, and navigating into the dimly-lit restaurant towards the back.
YN goes into one of the many stalls, a larger bathroom, and sits down.
She didn’t have to go to the bathroom but she had just needed a break because…
What the fuck.
What the actual fuck?
YN would be crawling out the bathroom window if Victoria wasn’t with her.
YN hears the door open and she just knows it’s Victoria.
She is definitely going to give YN a piece of her mind for her attitude at the table and she really can’t blame her because she was not being on her best behavior admittedly.
When YN pushes open the stall, already starting her speech, “Tor, I know you’re probably pissed but -”
However, YN stops mid-setence when she sees that it was not Victoria standing across from her.
No, instead it was Harry, leaning back against the sinks with his arms crossed and a scowl worse than anything that he had displayed at the table across his face.
“Already dating again?” He asks unhappily, the slight crack of his deep drawl gives away the jealously laying behind those words, “That’s pretty fuckin’ rich, innit?”
“Don’t you dare,” YN hisses back, defensive and straightening up, “You don’t have any room to talk.”
“I have plenty,” Harry grits out, his gaze unwavering, his hand twitching like he wants to reach out, “You fucked everything up, not me.”
The awful thing is that YN wants him too.
“That’s not true,” YN murmurs softer, trying to keep the feisty edge in her voice but struggling.
The emotions that she was attempting to hold in at the table were much harder to bottle up when they were standing face-to-face like this.
“You like Mitch?” Harry ignores her rebuttal, his knuckles were white where they were gripping the kitchen sink, “Think he’s nice? Boyfriend material?”
“It’s none of your fucking business,” YN snaps back, finding her bravado a bit more.
“Come here,” Harry orders, voice quiet but sharp, demanding, and it sends a chill down her spine.
“Harry-” YN begins to argue but finds herself walking forward, her heart pounding hard enough that it hurts and her hands were shaking as she clung the strap of her purse as a lifeline as her heels clicked against the tile.
“C’mon, dove,” His voice is sweeter, more goading until she’s close enough to touch.
Her lips parted in nerves, excitement, dread.
His hand reaches out to curl around the nape of her neck, fingers lightly pressing into the sides of her throat and though it was gentle, it was possessive - rooted in the jealousy of what was going on tonight with their dates.
Harry brings her towards him by the hold he has on her, until her hands are laid on his chest, and he’s leaning down as he tilts her head up.
He brushes their lips together, once, twice, and on the third time, YN pulls back and takes a few steps away from him.
“You can’t just do that,” YN huffs, grabbing a tissue from the counter and dabbing at the corners of her eyes to prevent the tears from falling and ruining her makeup, “I’m on a date. You’re on a date. It isn’t fair to either of them.”
Harry laughs unhappily, shaking his head as pushes away from the sink, heading towards the door but before he leaves, he bites back, “I don’t think you have room to be talking about fair. You obviously don’t fuckin’ understand the concept of it. Pull yourself together before you come back out.”
YN knows it immature, proves his point but gives him the middle finger before going back to dabbing at her eyes - fuck, she wishes she didn’t cry around him.
She wondered if it was worth sneaking out the window and facing the wrath of her friend later.
let me know your thoughts. this was difficult to write but im glad it turned out how i wanted it too! what do you predict?
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novaawayne · 2 years
Jealousy | Izuku Midoriya
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pairing: izuku Midoriya x fem reader
summary: Izuku was never a jealous man but when he starts to hear certain comments, he can't help that feeling that wells up from deep in his chest.
warnings: not sure, I'm more asleep than awake. Maybe a bit of Mirio yandere.
wc: +3.8k
a/n. English is not my first lenguage.
y/h/n: your hero name.
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You and Izuku started dating when you finished school. Both became professional heroes and their relationship flowed wonderfully.
Izuku would have loved for you to work at his agency but you mentioned that you didn't want the relationship to interfere with your work so somehow, you ended up working alongside Mirio Togata. Better known as Lemillion.
Deku was very happy for you. Mirio was a great hero and he trusted him to watch your back during missions.
It was like that for four years. Izuku had been thinking of proposing to you but he still couldn't find the perfect ring and he was so meticulous and perfectionist that he was also looking for the right place and time.
However, one day an email arrived on his laptop. It did not say who the sender was but the content of the email was a link to a blog.
He normally would ignore such emails but there was something that made him uneasy. Before the link there was a short message that said: it seems that very soon you could lose your girlfriend.
He started the blog, it was kind of like a superhero gossip page. Izuku had heard of that blog, although there were many, this one in particular was very famous.
Everyone knew that you and Deku were a couple and in a stable relationship. Even the Marketing guys loved their relationship. A single photo of the two of you generated many sales, not to mention the interviews.
But then, why was Mirio holding you by the waist like that while greeting the cameras with big smiles? Why did you hug the man's hip and rest your head on his chest with a big smile? Why?
He read the entire note. The blog mentioned something about how they had saved some children from an elementary school that was on fire.
It's true, they both looked tired and you seemed a bit more hurt than Mirio. Surely he was just holding you, but you didn't want to worry the children who admired you and that's why you smiled despite the pain.
But there was also another photo below. One where Mirio carried you in his arms and you hugged him by the neck.
At the end of the note it said something that he didn't like at all.
“We can see the two heroes very close, they even seem like a perfect couple. Could it be that the heroine y/h/n has left Deku to be with Lemillion? Please turn on page notifications to receive all our updates”
The note had been published a little less than half an hour ago.
Deku slammed his laptop shut with such force that he must have broken it. Immediately he took his phone and looked for your contact in the messages, but before he could send you the message, a call from you came in.
He answered immediately.
"Hello bunny" Deku greeted. He never minded showing affection to you in public and he knew that you had blushed. You always did.
“Hello honey” you sounded a bit strange “I'm sorry, I just wanted to let you know that I got hurt today and I'm in the hospital. But don't worry, the doctor will come in a moment and besides, I'm with Mirio"
He frowned. He was always going to worry about your health even if you only broke a nail.
“Was it because of the elementary school thing?” He asked you.
“Um… yes. The school was falling down and there were still children inside. I ran in to get a child out but a piece of roof hurt my leg. I guess I wasn't fast enough."
"I understand. I'll go right away"
"No!" Deku was confused by your sudden yell, he had already stood up but dropped into his seat. You've never yelled at him, not even when you were fighting, “I know you're busy, honey, and I don't want to bother you. How about you pick up some food on your way back home and the two of us have dinner together?”
He sighed in relief.
“Of course, bunny. I'll bring your favorite” he heard you release a giggle.
"Here you go, sweetheart" Deku heard on the other end of the line. Did he hear right? Mirio called you sweetheart? Since when did he do that and why hadn't you told him?
“Oh, thank you very much Mirio. It's just what I needed” you had answered. You had obviously moved the phone away a bit, but he heard clearly.
"Oh, is that Midoriya?" He heard him ask you, but his tone seemed displeased though he couldn't be sure. Maybe he was just tired.
"Say hello from me"
"Mirio says hello" Deku heard you again loud and clear on the speaker "so, I'll see you later. Okay?"
It took him a moment to react.
"Okay, bunny"
What the hell was that feeling that sprouted from her chest? He had never felt this way before. Something like anger and sadness combined.
He sighed tired. He had to return to his work to leave early and go get food for dinner. But right now he needed a new computer.
Deku discovered that you were doing great and that night you didn't seem to have any trouble walking. But what did bother him was that you mentioned that Mirio took you to the house. Not that he hadn't done it before, but this time he annoyed him a little.
He himself would have picked you up at the hospital but an emergency arose and he was unable to leave the office earlier than planned.
But that night you covered him with kisses and you fell asleep in his arms. Everything was fine, they were pure silly ideas that his mind created.
However, that little thorn did not disappear. He began to notice how close you and Mirio seemed to be. The way he made you laugh out of nowhere and how comfortable you seemed to be around him.
He also noticed that it was Mirio who was always approaching you. His big hands were looking for a way to be on your body. Touches here and there, barely noticeable to others. But there they were. Mirio even dared to tuck a lock of hair behind your ear from time to time.
He discovered that that feeling was jealousy. Iida and Uraraka had to explain it to him one afternoon when their paths crossed after a team mission. Deku told them a bit about how he had felt since that incident in elementary school and they did their best to advise his best friend.
“Don't worry Deku” Uraraka told him “y/n loves you very much and she wouldn't be able to do this to you. Maybe it's just a misunderstanding and you should talk to her about how you feel."
"I agree" continued Iida "besides, Togata is a good guy and he knows that you and he are a couple. They are just good friends, plus they work together. It's normal for them to be so close."
That lifted Izuku's spirits. It was true, there was no way you could fool him. Right?
Soon came December 24. They had organized a Christmas gala for all the professional heroes. And of course, the number one hero, Deku, could not be missing.
Normally they would spend Christmas with Izuku's mother and New Years with your family, but this year they decided to try something new and they both agreed to attend the gala.
But in the last week you've been acting really weird. You fell asleep before Izuku got home even though you always expected it. It took you a long time to answer his messages and when you did, they were curt responses.
Also, you no longer filled his face with kisses in the morning. He was trying to get closer to you, but you seemed to be getting further and further away.
What was happening? It wasn't very easy for Izuku to talk about his feelings, he felt that he was a burden to others and although you always listened to him, this time he couldn't find the right words.
"You help me?" Izuku snapped back to reality when he heard your sweet voice.
You were turning your back on him and he understood that you were asking for his help to zip up your dress. That dress made you look beautiful. The fabric adjusted perfectly to each one of your curves and highlighted that cute ass you had. I was dying for the whole world to see you holding his arm. He always liked to show you off and show everyone that you belonged only to him.
Izuku moved closer to you, placing his big hands on your waist and then leaned down a bit to place a kiss on your back. Then another kiss and one more.
"Izu, we'll be late" you reminded him. But the feel of his lips against your skin was just intoxicating.
“Maybe we shouldn't go” he broke away just a little “maybe we can stay here. You and me alone” he caressed your bare skin, you always liked his big warm hands.
You actually liked the idea, but there were a lot of people waiting for them at the gala. Mainly Deku. They had already announced his presence and many reporters would be disappointed if they didn't see him.
"Izu, you know they'll kill us if we don't go"
"Fine" he gave up sadly. Leaving a kiss on your neck.
He moved away from you a bit and zipped up, even though most of your back was visible. You turned around to face him.
"Thank you, honey" you left a quick kiss on his lips before continuing to fix yourself.
Two hours later, they were both at the party. There were quite a few heroes everywhere and a lot of photographers and reporters trying to get an interview or a good photo.
You were hugging Izuku's arm as they walked down the pretty red carpet that would lead them to the building. As soon as they noticed the presence of the number one hero, the cameras turned to you urgently.
Many yelled at them to turn around. Photographers and reporters wanted more of Izuku's attention.
"Hero, Deku" a reporter called out to him and you and Izuku approached her. He was supposed to be nice and give some interviews. Also, that girl was small and seemed very nervous. She was probably new to this whole interview thing.
Izuku was always very nice and it was very rare for him to refuse a photo, an autograph or an interview. Only if he was someone trying to be rude, would he refuse. Otherwise, he would spend hours pleasing his fans.
Fortunately, it was only ten minutes and they both kept walking. Stopping from time to time to have some photos taken. The flash started to hurt your eyes and Deku noticed it immediately so he hurried inside the building where there were no more photographers to bother you.
You smiled at him in thanks as you placed a kiss on his cheeks.
Izuku kept one of his hands in his pants pocket, right where he kept the box that contained the engagement ring that he wanted to give you. He had been carrying it for two weeks. His other hand clung tightly to your waist as they walk across the room and greet his acquaintances.
Only fifteen minutes have passed when Izuku feels you separate from him. You've never done it before, you always tell him first if you want to go to the bathroom or want a new drink, you don't walk away and that's it.
Then he saw that Mirio was coming towards you. Izuku noticed the way your face lit up for a moment when you saw it. He felt his heart break very slowly and painfully.
“Hello guys” greeted Mirio with a beaming smile “wow, y/n, you look gorgeous. And look, your dress is the same color as my tie. As if we were combined” Mirio's voice is enthusiastic. Izuku saw his own tie, it was also the same color as your dress, you yourself had given him that tie for that day.
Deku gagged but tried to smile instead. It was a very awkward smile though.
"Hey, Togata" Izuku calls him "can we talk for a moment alone?"
You looked at your boyfriend curiously.
"Of course, Midoriya" Mirio hugs him by the shoulders.
“I'll be near the snack table,” you advise as both men walk away.
Once Izuku and Mirio are out of the room in a lonely hallway with no prying eyes, Izuku gathers the courage he needs to face Mirio.
"I... I've noticed lately that you and y/n seem much closer."
"Well, I guess" Mirio let out a giggle "we're co-workers and we're also friends"
"The problem" Izuku almost yelled "is that I think… I would like to know. Are you in love with her?"
He was direct but his eyes remained squeezed shut as he clenched his fists.
"Yes" he clearly heard the man's answer "I'm in love with her and I'm also trying to take her away from you"
Izuku's eyes widened in surprise. He noticed that Mirio's eyes seemed darker and scarier. He had never seen it that way.
"What? Why?"
“Well… it's simple if you think about it. You always get everything you want, Midoriya. Everything. And I'm jealous. You stole my number one spot, I was meant to be number one, not you” he was silent for a moment before continuing “y/n is pretty, kind, smart, strong and you don't deserve her. She needs someone better. To someone like me. I want her"
Deku was in complete shock. He really didn't expect such sincerity.
Mirio turned to leave, Izuku unable to move for a long moment. Staring at the ground and clenching his fists tightly from the fury that flooded his veins.
Although in feeling he was rather similar to sadness.
With firm steps he returned to the party where he searched for you with his eyes and quickly found you next to Mirio. The blond man was very close, flirting with you very shamelessly. Although in the eyes of others, Mirio was just being nice. As always.
Izuku moved to your side, sliding a hand down your back and then down your waist to pull you to him. You looked at him curiously.
"Is everything alright, Izu?"
“Perfect, bunny. Can you come with me for a moment?"
"Of course, honey"
You quickly looked at Mirio with a smile to say goodbye to him. Mirio smiled at you too but as soon as you turned around, he tried to kill Izuku with his eyes. However, he preferred not to interfere at that moment, he knew perfectly well that now he had you around his little finger and as soon as he asked you to leave Izuku, that's what you would do.
For years he was brainwashing you, praising you and casting doubt on your relationship. He discovered everything you liked and everything you didn't. What made you happy and what made you sad. He knew all your friends and the names of all your relatives. There was nothing Mirio didn't know about you. He showered you with gifts and small things. He would bring you your favorite coffee every morning and to your favorite restaurant for dinner.
Everything was going as planned. He even tracked down that girl who posted hero gossip and paid her a generous amount of money to start the rumor that you and him were having an affair.
It was only a matter of time before things between you and Deku ended. And so Mirio would have you for himself.
Izuku took you to a clear corridor, the building was quite big so it wasn't difficult to find a solitary and beautiful place. The green haired man took your hands in his very gently, as if he was afraid of hurting you in some way. Although he had never done it.
It might look like a pretty funny and adorable scene, Izuku was probably the strongest man in the world but he treated you with such finesse it was almost unreal. But also very cute.
He looked sad and confused, you didn't understand what was wrong but it was clear something was wrong from the way he frowned at him very deeply.
"Izu?" You called out to him and he looked at you with teary eyes.
"You still love me?" he asked suddenly. You didn't understand where that question was coming from but it was obvious that someone had said something to him to make him feel insecure.
Or was it something you said yourself?
You approached him, letting go of his hands and instead of him you gently took his cheeks. He appreciated the gesture.
"What is that question about?"
He shook his head, he didn't want to say what he thought but at this point, being honest was probably his best option.
“I've noticed… I've noticed that you're closer to Togata. I know they are very good friends but I don't really like how close they have become. I feel like you've left me aside and maybe... maybe you don't want to be with me anymore. I would understand perfectly… well, not really. But I want you to always be very happy and if that means you don't want to be by my side…” you silenced him with a kiss.
"I love you more than anything in the world, Izuku" you told him with total sincerity "I don't love anyone but you. Also… I know I've been a bit distant lately but it's because… well…” you looked at the ground.
"What is it, bunny?" He encouraged you to continue and they exchanged positions, this time it was Izuku who held your cheeks and your hands remained on his hips.
“I had been having some ailments” you explained “and at first I thought maybe it was a cold or something related to some mission but a few days ago I went to the doctor because I felt very dizzy. And well… she said that I’m pregnant” your cheeks turned red. You were very happy but you couldn't be sure if Izuku would be too.
They had never had a serious conversation about having children. Deku was at the height of his career and maybe having children wasn't part of his plans right now. You did want it, no matter what. Even if Izuku didn't want it, you would have your baby.
But something happened that you wouldn't have expected in a million years.
Izuku knelt down and showed you a beautiful ring. His eyes shone with tears and something else. Something akin to happiness and longing.
"Marry me please"
You looked at him stunned. Was this real? Was Izuku really asking you to marry him? Tears welled up in your eyes, you couldn't describe the happiness that was suddenly surrounding you. Maybe it was the pregnant woman who gave you strong emotions.
"Of course I do" you finally answered.
Izuku smirked and slid the ring onto your finger. Immediately he stood up to kiss your lips and give you a hug. He would have loved to press you hard against his body but he had to be very careful from now on. Even more careful than he already was.
It was after forty minutes (when Izuku stopped crying with happiness), that they both held hands and returned to the party.
The photographers found you in less than a minute, they had been looking for Izuku and no one missed his big dazzling smile and slightly puffy eyes.
In the same way, he did not separate his hand from your waist at any time and you very covertly showed your engagement ring. At that moment no one noticed but you knew that the next day the world would be in chaos when someone noticed the ring around your finger that was not there at the beginning of the night.
Izuku's fans were quite intense and used to notice the little details of the number one hero. What included you. Of course you also had your fans but they were few compared to Izuku's.
The rest of the party was very easy going and fun. Mirio didn't approach you but he saw him talking with Tamaki and Kirishima.
At half past four in the morning, the two were in Izuku's car heading to his home. They both put on their pijamas and prepare to sleep.
They both lay on the bed and you settled into Izuku's chest while he caressed your skin. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep but Izuku kept his eyes open while continuing to make those soft caresses.
He heard his phone ring and, very careful not to disturb you, he reached over to take it. He smiled a little noting that there were a bunch of fan page notifications of him breaking the news or rather, speculating about your engagement ring.
At the beginning of the night you were not wearing it and there were thousands of photos focusing on your hands. Then there were thousands of other photos of your hand with that pretty ring on your ring finger.
One of the pages even showed the price of the ring, which in fact cost a fortune. But that didn't matter to Izuku. He loved to spend his little fortune on you.
There were many pages and photos that were already beginning to talk about the possible marriage between you and Izuku. And they were anxious for an official announcement.
Izuku opened his Instagram and quickly posted a picture of you, showing off the ring on your ring finger. The description said: she said yes.
Izuku turned off his phone so he wouldn't hear the notifications for the rest of the morning and left it on the nightstand. Right away he left a kiss on your head and caressed your cheek.
“Now you will never leave me” he murmured in the dark “you are mine and mine alone. And no one can ever separate us” he placed another kiss on your forehead and finally closed his eyes.
Of course. Getting you pregnant was his first plan, but since you hadn't given him any news and you didn't seem to have normal pregnancy changes, he decided to advance his marriage proposal. But he was pleasantly surprised when you finally told him you were expecting a baby. Everything was going according to plan. Even better.
He could only imagine how upset Mirio would be at that moment. He could never take you away from him.
You belonged to Izuku and no one else.
↬ written by Novaawayne
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palestinegenocide · 4 months
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274 Palestinian lives don’t matter to the Biden administration
This week provided further evidence – if any were lacking — that anti-Palestinian bias is simply a rule of American politics, and today maybe the leading rule.
Yesterday Israel killed 274 Palestinians and wounded hundreds more in Gaza’s Nuseirat refugee camp while freeing four Israeli hostages, and the U.S. promptly hailed the “rescue”. It is beyond question that this was an indiscriminate massacre, but Joe Biden saluted the Israeli action, and so did Secretary of State, without a mention of Palestinian lives.
“As if we needed more proof of how little this administration values Palestinian lives,” Khaled Elgindy wrote.
Mainstream reporters are horrified, but politely. After the last outrage earlier this week, when Israel killed dozens of Palestinians in a school, a reporter asked at the State Department: “People might find it very puzzling that you have the leverage of $3.8 billion of defense supplied to the Israelis per year, and you cannot compel this situation to change.”
The State Department said the U.S. has prodded Israel, and there’s been progress. “We have seen them [the Israelis] take improvements over time.”
So the U.S. keeps pouring money and weapons into Israel, and the Democratic base believes overwhelmingly that it’s a genocide, and Biden keeps saying he wants a ceasefire, but won’t apply any pressure to achieve it.
Republicans are at least more honest about their policy. Nikki Haley—a possible running mate for Trump —visited Israel at the end of May and wrote “Finish them” on an Israeli shell. Even as the death count in Gaza crossed 36,000.
This disdain for Palestinian life is consistent throughout the American establishment. Variety reported this week that a Hollywood marketing guru warned her employees that they should hit “pause on working with any celebrity or influencer or tastemaker posting against Israel.”
In an email, Ashlee Margolis said, “Anyone saying Israel is committing a ‘genocide’ is someone we will pause on working with, as that is simply not true…. While Jews are devastated by the loss of innocent lives in Gaza, we are feeling immense fear over the rising Jew Hatred all over the world.”
So again, Palestinian lives just don’t matter, next to Jewish fears.
This special degraded status for Palestinians has become an area of study for Palestinian intellectuals. Rabea Eghbariah, a human rights lawyer and doctoral student at Harvard, wrote a lengthy legal argument for a new term for the Palestinian condition.
“The law does not possess the language that we desperately need to accurately capture the totality of the Palestinian condition. From occupation to apartheid and genocide, the most commonly applied legal concepts rely on abstraction and analogy to reveal particular facets of subordination,” Eghbariah wrote –and offered the idea of “Nakba” as a legal concept to encompass that subordination.
But Eghbariah’s argument was censored, first by the Harvard Law Review, in “an unprecedented” move against a fully-edited essay, as the Intercept reported. Then, in an even more unprecedented fashion, by the Columbia Law Review this week, whose board of directors, which includes alumni with ties to the Biden administration, actually shut down the entire website when Eghbariah’s piece went up. (In the ensuing controversy, they have now restored the site).
In the eyes of the world, Palestinians only count when they are dying. That is what Qassam Muaddi wrote at our site this week, in an essay titled, “Against a world without Palestinians.”
Over the years, learning our Palestinian history, I began to notice that in order to be acknowledged by the rest of the world, we Palestinians always had to die…. It is as if in order to exist without justification, Palestinians had to intimately deal with death — they could master it, put up the best show of it, but they always had to die.
Qassam went on to explain that all that builds Palestinian character, including culture and stories, has no place in the world as it is. It must always be dismissed as terrorism or something less than human.
He actually ends that essay with hope, that the global discourse of Palestine is finally changing.
And the next day, another 274 Palestinians were killed, with full U.S. support. And Democrats wonder why democracy is in crisis.
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andreafmn · 11 months
Kinktober ⛓️ Day 12
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Word Count: 2.4K Paring:  Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader Prompt @kinktober2023: Costumes WARNINGS: SMUT 18+ (minors DNI), oral (female receving), dom/sub subtext, p-in-v sex
Summary: Spencer's love for Halloween knows no bounds. He plans his costume weeks in advance, he hosts parties at his apartment, and decorates everything, even his desk at work. (Y/N), on the other hand, couldn't care less. But for Spencer, she'd do anything. Even if he goes incommunicado during a case.
A/N: I'm trying my best to get back on track, but life... this past weekend really killed all my writing inspo. Food poisoning is no joke.
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All Hallows Eve was a day that Spencer Reid enjoyed to no end. A day when anyone could be whatever they wanted, hiding behind masks and costumes. There was a thrill to seeing people let out a side they normally would keep hidden. Between the spooky decorations, the scary movies, and all the terrifying marketing surrounding the holiday, Spencer couldn’t think what the best part was. 
Unfortunately for the young doctor, no one in his close circle shared his love for Halloween. Not even his girlfriend, (Y/N). Having grown up in a very religious family, she missed out on all the fun of being a child during the holiday and had found it too much work for one day in her adult years. Meeting Spencer had only made her excited about movies and candy, but her enjoyment never reached Reid level. 
After two years of relationship, though, (Y/N) thought it was time to put in a little effort for her boyfriend’s favorite holiday. While he was away on a case, she decked out their apartment with cobwebs, skeletons, and anything else she could find. She changed lights to colored lightbulbs, changed beddings and decor pillows, and even went as far as to buy a costume. It wasn’t clever or scary, but she had to admit, it made her look unbelievably good.
It had been a week since she had decorated the apartment, and Spencer still wasn’t back. And with Halloween day approaching, she was growing discouraged at all her work. So much invested for no one to enjoy it, she thought.
At least she had somewhere to wear her costume to. Her coworkers had invited her out to a bar on the eve of Halloween where they would give out a round of free drinks to anyone who came in costume, and maybe she had never gotten the chance to go trick or treating, but she didn’t mind free drinks. Maybe Spencer wasn’t home yet, but there was no reason she couldn’t have some fun. 
She had slipped on her green vine short dress, accompanied by a red wig and knee-high boots, and her Poison Ivy costume was complete. With her friends, she danced and drank, ate and sang, pushing her worries and concerns to the deepest corners of her mind. If Spencer didn’t feel the need to call, she didn’t feel the need to leave another single voicemail. (Y/N) would have fun and forget that it had been three days since her boyfriend had felt the need to check in. 
Hours passed, and finally, she felt the urge to go home. She was already sobering up, and the loud music and chattering were getting to her. Her costume gripped at her sweat-covered body, and her wig made her scalp itch. It all made her wonder how people could endure being dressed that way for more than a night. 
With sleep heavy in her bones, (Y/N) turned the key to her apartment’s door. Her cold and lonely bed was calling for her, and she would answer. 
“Spence,” she gasped as she noticed the figure standing in the middle of the dimly lit living room. “You’re back.”
“I am,” he chuckled softly. “And I owe you an apology. I didn’t have cell reception those last couple of days, and I didn’t get a chance to send an email, baby. I know it’s no excuse, but I did try to call you as soon as we landed, but you weren’t answering.” 
“My phone died. I was out,” she said matter-of-factly. “Some friends invited me out for drinks.”
“And you went out in costume?” he smirked. 
“Costumes got us a couple of free rounds,” she shrugged. “It was supposed to be a surprise for you. I went through all the effort of decorating the apartment and inviting our friends over for tomorrow night. But I was mad you weren’t answering, so I decided to use my costume tonight.”
“I really am sorry,” Spencer said, slowly closing the distance between them. “And for the record, you look ravishing as Poison Ivy.”
“I looked better a couple of hours ago,” she pouted, crossing her arms around his neck as he snaked his onto her waist. “Now I’m all sweaty and tired. But I am relieved that you’re finally home.”
“I’m home, and I’m really, really sorry,” he smirked, kissing her softly before whispering in her ear, “and you are making me very hard.”
“Are you serious, Reid?” (Y/N) chuckled. “The only reason I didn’t think you were dead was because no agents had come to our door yet. And I find you here, after days of no communication, and you’re telling me you’re turned on?”
“What can I say, baby?” he grinned mischievously. “Something about you in this costume is doing things to me.”
“So a cheap wig and a green dress is all it takes to get you in the mood, huh?” she snickered. “That’s good to know, baby.”
“With or without a costume, you can get me hard in a second, (Y/N).”
“Doctor,” she gasped as he kneaded the skin of her ass. “You’re being quite riské.” 
“I am in my home. With my beautiful girlfriend. Surrounded by amazing Halloween decorations. And an erection that is making these pants more uncomfortable than normal.”
“You’re so dirty when no one can see you,” she teased, kissing him and taking his bottom lip between her teeth. “What do you think your coworkers would think if they knew their resident boy-wonder was a dirty, dirty boy in private?” 
“They don’t need to know,” Spencer smirked, his hands running up and down her body, feeling her curves under her dress. “There is only one person that I care about who knows how I am in the privacy of my home, and she already does.”
“You’re right about that,” (Y/N) sighed contentedly. “But I’m tired tonight. I was thinking of heading into bed.”
“And waste this masterpiece you have on?” 
“Well, it was supposed to be a surprise for my boyfriend, but he kind of wasn’t returning my calls, so I spent all my energy tonight,” she sighed. (Y/N) wanted to tease him, though. If he wanted to take her to bed that night, she would make him work for it. She ran her hand across his bulge, squeezing his length. “I went out dancing and drinking, so many Batmans and Robins trying to get handsy with me. Even a few Harleys tried it.” 
“And why didn’t you go home with any of them?” Spencer asked, his voice strangled as she continued her strokes. “I’m sure they would have definitely answered your calls. Not like that dumb boyfriend of yours.” 
“Mmm, well, he’s good where I need him to be,” she grinned, nibbling on his ear until he winced. “Although, I do agree that with how he acted this week, he should be punished.”
“He should,” he panted. “He really should.” 
With a devilish grin on her face, (Y/N) pushed Spencer’s body down to the ground so his face was directly in front of her weeping cunt. She spread her legs far enough to fit him between them and pushed his mouth onto her aching bud. 
Spencer knew exactly what he had to do after he slid her panties down her legs. As soon as his face was buried between her folds, he stuck out his tongue and got to work. He traveled across her entrance, separating her labia, and landed on her clit. He sucked and lapped, he circled and pulled, all in an effort to hear the enchanting mewls that left her mouth.
One of her hands snaked into his hair, taking a handful of curls tightly between her digits. She pushed his head further into her, cutting off his air, just like he liked. Only when she came around his mouth would he be able to come up. 
“Oh, baby, keep going,” she moaned, her grip tightening around his hair. “I’m so fucking close.” 
Spencer hummed in approval against her, the vibrations sending shivers through her body. His mouth worked on her as adeptly as always, finding just the right spots to make her quiver under his touch. He could feel his mind growing hazy from the lack of oxygen, but it was only her pleasure that mattered. He has messed up, and he’d do anything to show her how sorry he was. 
In moments like those, he was thankful for his training. He could last minutes without his breath. And for her, he would last hours if necessary. He knew (Y/N) would keep him there until she thought it was right; she would go without her climax until she decided his penance was enough. 
And minutes that felt like hours were time enough for (Y/N). As Spencer’s jaw grew tight and sore, the woman above him finally let herself unfurl on his tongue, wailing out his name as she came. 
“Good boy,” (Y/N) panted, using a finger under his chin to bring him back up to her face. “At least I know you’re good at doing as you’re told. Now, let’s go to the bed. I think you might deserve a treat this Halloween.”
“Will you keep the costume on?” Spencer asked, trailing along behind (Y/N) like a lost puppy. “Please, will you keep it on?” 
“It wouldn’t be a treat if I didn’t,” she smirked. “As much as I would love to take this off, I love what it’s doing to you so much more.” 
(Y/N) pulled Spencer to their room, letting go of his hand as she laid her body across the bed. After she rested her head on her pillow, she would not move another muscle. Spencer knew that. He knew it was his job to bring her to absolute pleasure. And only when she allowed him to would he join her in the bliss of his climax. 
The woman spread her legs just enough to fit her boyfriend between them. Sluggishness was rapidly taking over her, but she fought against the grasp of sleep. It had been a week without him, and she wanted to enjoy every second awake. Well, for as long as her mind would let her. 
Although, it wasn’t like Spencer was about to take his time. 
With his eyes firmly set on her, Spencer removed his clothing quickly, layer after layer. He didn’t care where they landed. All he cared about was the quickness of his moves. There was a tiredness they both shared, exhaustion from an already long day. But one climax was all he wanted. It was all he needed. 
Spencer crawled up her body, careful not to disturb a single leaf on her dress. Once at sue level, he cradled her cheek softly and pressed his lips to hers. He savored the taste of cheap alcohol and mixer with the cherry taste of her lip gloss.  
“Baby, hurry up,” (Y/N) muttered against his lips. “I’m not gonna last much longer awake.” 
“Your wish is my command,” he chuckled before kissing her again. “I’m close to passing out, too.”
He reached a hand between their legs, grabbing his cock and lining himself up with her entrance before sinking into her warmth. Spencer sighed as he felt her walls hugging him, welcoming his length like he belonged there. 
His hips moved slowly into her, calculated and angled. He knew exactly what she needed to reach completion as quickly as possible. On any other night, Spencer would have been striving for longevity. Calculating the best way to make their time last. But at that moment, they wanted good, quick, and easy. 
It wasn’t long until they were both panting, the tempo of his thrusts slowly increasing as the minutes passed. A thin sheet of sweat had formed on their skin, glimmering under the soft light of their bedroom lamps. Their breaths and their hearts were synchronized, the moment unifying theme as one. 
“You’re close, baby,” (Y/N) chuckled softly. “The vein in your forehead is pulsing.” 
“That’s because I’m focused on one thing,” he responded. “And you always make it hard on me.” 
“Well, you can always do what you want,” she smirked. “But you know you’ll be punished later.” 
“And that’s supposed to be a bad thing, right?” 
“It can be.” 
“That still sounds good to me.” 
“That’s because you’re a sucker for pain, my darling,” (Y/N) snickered. “Now, hurry up and make me cum. Because you can’t until I do.” 
With a focused stare sewn into his face, Spencer moved even more determinedly. He propped his body up with one of his arms, using the other to find (Y/N)’s clit, maneuvering the swollen bus until the moans that left her throat were strangled and consistent. He knew every part of her body, and it was impossible for him to forget how to work around them. 
Spencer continued his attack, using only some of his strength to hold off the explosion that wanted to exit him. All he needed were a few more thrusts and a few more circlings of his fingers to have her come undone around him. 
“Oh, fuck, Spence,” she cried as her back arched away from the bed, her nails digging into the soft skin of his arms. “You can come,” (Y/N) panted. “Go ahead, baby. You can come.” 
It was just the instruction he needed to paint her walls white, shooting strand after strand of his seed deep inside her. “I love you, (Y/N),” he panted as he restated his forehead against her. “And I really am sorry for not calling sooner.” 
“It’s okay, Spencer,” she smiled softly. One of her hands raised to caress his cheek, pressing her lips tenderly on his. “You made up for it. But the next time, I won’t be so… giving.” 
“I would never dare,” he grinned. “Or maybe I would. It’s not like I don’t enjoy my punishments.” 
“Oh, you kinky doctor,” she chuckled as she played with a curl that had fallen over his eyes. “Now, help me get out of this costume. It should be illegal to sell something so itchy.”
“But you’ll still wear it tomorrow, right? I mean, it is Halloween day.” 
“You and your Halloween fever,” she laughed. “Fine. But you’re gonna clean up the apartment after. November first is officially Christmas.” 
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AITA for blackmailing someone and then snitching to the feds anyway? Okay, so I work for a contract medical research lab generating quantitative image data, working closely with veterinary pathologists who provide the qualitative data. Together, we put together a report like "okay, here's what the medicine/medical device did and here's why we think it happened", and that report usually gets sent to the FDA if it looks promising enough that the sponsor wants to push for clinical trials and eventual market release. So we get a study in and we've got (fake numbers here) 400 sections, but the quote says they only want 300 measurements done. I'm confused and go "wait, which 300 out of the 400? which 100 should I ignore?" and go to the pathologist. She also thinks it's weird and reaches out to the client, hoping it's a typo and we're about to get paid for the bonus 100. Nope! He pressures us for it to be a phone call (no paper trail) and then not-so-subtly hints that he wants the... uglier-looking sections dropped. In other words, he wants to cherry-pick data that makes him look good. This is not only dangerous but The Most Illegal Shit. People's lives hang in the balance and they have to be able to trust the research that tells them medicines and medical devices are safe. We take that responsibility seriously. So the pathologist gathers data and emails him like "I'm taking a REPRESENTATIVE 300 samples for analysis, my report will include scoring of the ones that make you look bad, and if I find out you doctored the reports behind my back, I'm sending everything I have directly to the FDA." (this is not how data is normally submitted in the industry. normally the report is commissioned, and then all dealings with the FDA are done by the client) He grouses, but agrees. And then says "if the FDA reaches out to you, don't respond." .....What? But that's already industry standard? Why would he say that? Why would he expect the FDA to reach out to us? Anyway the pathologist and I discuss it, and both assume he's definitely about to doctor these reports behind our back once it's submitted. So at my suggestion... the pathologist sends the communications to the FDA anyway. Here's the thing: we don't actually know that this guy meant to do some ethics violations. We just assumed he was suspicious without real proof. Even unproven accusations in this industry can get you blacklisted for life, if not facing criminal charges. Did we risk destroying some random guy's life over bad vibes and nothing else?
What are these acronyms?
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bravelabs · 2 years
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Doctors and healthcare professionals can use email marketing to grow and expand. Here are the best practices they should keep in mind.
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hoedamn-eron · 8 months
baby, please - part 21
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It's time.
Warnings: Long, (looooong) chapter. Labour (all labour is different for each person!). Hospitals, doctors. Medical jargon again, I researched as much as I could and from what I remember from my own birth experience, but may be inaccurate (I am from the UK, so it will probably be different than the US). A little angsty, but it's fine. Reader calls her friends 'guys' but it's used in a group setting. Not proofread at all, because it was huge, so there will be mistakes. Some swearing. Word count: 5,414 F!Reader, no use of Y/N.
Part 20 ● Series Masterlist ● Part 22
Apologies again that this is 1 whole day late!
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You’d been…busy.
You had needed to keep your mind off of Santiago, because if not, you would just sit and cry all day (which made you feel extra pathetic, and you were not pathetic). So you had dived headfirst into finishing decorating, and unpacking, your house, and getting it ready for your babies.
And even though you had taken some paid PTO to get a head start on your maternity leave, you’d found yourself checking your emails (again, just for something to do). You’d somehow managed to get involved in some feedback for the most recent marketing launch, signing off on some final designs and helping out the team with some final bits and pieces.
Your friends (and one surprising day, Emily) have turned up at your house under the guise of helping you out with the house and shower you and your babies with more gifts.
But you know they were there to check on you and make sure you hadn’t had a breakdown.
So yes…you’d been busy. And you should probably start taking it easy, since you’ve started cramping for a few days. Although now they’re starting to hurt.
Jennifer and Dr Montgomery had both said that you were carrying two babies that were very quickly going to run out of room, and with your placenta issue, you were bound to feel aches and pains, so it wasn’t abnormal. Uncomfortable, yes, but not unusual. You just needed to relax, and you will. Eventually, but today wasn’t the day, because your new mirror had just been delivered and you’d roped your friends into helping you lug it up your stairs.
“Why did you get one so big?” Beth asked, huffing as she and Courtney took a break just outside the nursery.
“It was cute,” you say. “And the frame is nice. It adds to the blank wall in my bedroom.”
“It’s not a hanging mirror, is it?” Courtney asked, just as out of breath as Beth.
You shake your head. “No, it’s a standing mirror, it leans.”
“Oh good, I was debating having to call Andy.”
“Do you guys want takeout?” Gabrielle asked, suddenly appearing behind you all. She was looking at her phone, typing away. “I’ve managed to convince Matthew to watch the kids a little longer.”
“Sure,” you reply.
“Let’s just get this mirror in here first,” said Beth, before counting down again for her and Courtney to heave the mirror into your bedroom.
After a few more choice words thrown at each other, and the mirror finally in place in your bedroom (not smashed to smithereens, no matter how many times Beth threatened to demolish it), you all decide on Chinese for takeout. Once the food arrives, you settle at your dining table, dividing the food between the four of you.
You wince again as another twinge in your abdomen causes another wave of pain flows through you. You take a few deep breathes until it passes, and you turn back to your food. Your friends haven’t noticed, their conversation flowing as if nothing had happened.
Until Courtney asked how you were doing.
You shrug, digging around your food. “So-so.”
“Have you heard nothing from him? At all?” Beth asks.
You shake your head, not looking up from pushing your food around with your fork. “Nope. I don’t really think I want to, either.”
There’s a moment of heavy silence before Gabrielle bites her lip, then clears her throat lightly. “I uh…I heard from Ben that he’s leaving for South America in a few days.”
You look up at her, not sure how to feel, or what to say. You settle on an, “Oh.”
“Ben didn’t say where, he was messaging to check up on you, mostly,” Gabrielle says.
You shake your head, suddenly not feeling so hungry. You place your food on the table. “He can do what he wants, he made it perfectly clear what he wanted out of this.”
“I’m sorry this has happened to you,” said Beth, reaching over to give your hand a squeeze.
You give her a sad smile. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay,” replied Courtney firmly. “It was a shitty thing for him to do to you.”
You give her a small grin. “I mean, yeah, it was a shitty thing, but he’s entitled to his own opinion. I’m not going to force him to do something he doesn’t want to.”
Your friends go quiet at they merely stare at you, mixture of sadness and anger on their faces. You feel a warmth flow through you at your friends. You appreciated them so much, how protective they were of you, how you know that you wouldn’t be truly alone in this, that they were your chosen family, and they were your chosen family for a reason.
“I’ll be fine,” you say, giving Beth’s hand a squeeze back before pulling away. “Really. I’ll be the best mom these babies deserve.”
“And they’ll have the best aunties,” said Gabrielle, giving you a smile.
“She’s right,” said Courtney, pointing at Gabrielle then at yourself, giving you a look.
“We know what you’re like, and we don’t want you to think that you’re bothering us if you ask for help,” said Beth. “Or call us if you just need to have a talk. Or a meltdown. Or anything.”
“And one of us will take you to the hospital next week,” said Courtney firmly. “Don’t you worry about it.”
“And we’ll be there with you when your babies come into the world,” said Gabrielle.
Beth nodded in agreement. You sucked in your lips as you felt the tears flood your eyes, and you nod, looking down. You hear the shuffle of chairs and then you’re suddenly surrounded by a warm hug from your friends, and you grip onto them tightly, the warm feeling of love and companionship continuing to flow through you.
You give a small laugh before pushing them away. “Come on, you guys. You know everything is making me cry nowadays, don’t become another reason.”
They adhere to you eventually, and you continue to eat your takeout together. They offer to help clean up, but you usher them out the door, since it was getting late, and they had to leave you alone at some point. With a few good-natured grumbles, your friends eventually leave, with promises to check up on you again tomorrow. You roll your eyes but wave at them from your front door as they drive away.
You go into your house and close the door behind you, sighing as you lean against it. You stroke your bump, smiling at the swift kick you receive to the palm of your hand. It’s as if they knew exactly where you were. You make your way to your kitchen-dining room, and clear up the takeout containers, putting the leftovers in the fridge. You wash the plates, and when you put the last plate in your draining board, you let out a sharp gasp as another cramp hits you.
You lean against the counter, taking a few deep breaths to steady yourself.
“Okay,” you say after the pain subsides. You rub at your bump, feeling how tense it was. “I hear you. I’ll take it easy. I’ll go to bed.”
You check again that your windows and doors are locked before you turn your lights off and make your way upstairs. You walk into your bedroom and into your en suite bathroom, before washing your face and brushing your teeth. You change into your comfiest pyjamas and settle into your bed, sighing in bliss at the feeling of the fresh sheets you’d placed on that afternoon. You stroke at your bump again, wishing your twins a goodnight, before you turn off the bedside light.
You’re exhausted, and the last week was catching up with you. It doesn’t take you long to fall asleep.
However, you wake up suddenly, groaning in pain, not feeling at all rested. You immediately curl in on yourself, your hands wrapping around your bump as the pain spreads through to your back. You try and breathe through it, but you find yourself gritting your teeth and cursing loudly. You shake your head, tears filling your eyes and threatening to spill over.
You couldn’t ignore the pains now, you needed to go to the hospital. You wait a few moments, the pain calming again as you slowly sit up, trying to gather your thoughts. You take a look at your phone, seeing that it was nearly 4am. You stand, a little wobbly on your feet, and turn on your lamp. You make your way to your bathroom again, throwing some cold water onto your face.
You look at yourself in the mirror as you pat your face dry with a hand towel. You look a little flushed. And...your bump has dropped. It's definitely dropped.
Holy shit. Maybe they weren’t just cramps from overdoing it.
You practically run to your phone as you call the hospital, then asking to be put through to labour and delivery.
“Hi, yes,” you say as a man picks up, and you quickly introduce yourself. “I’m...I’ve been booked in for a C-section next week but...but I think I've started labour.”
You let him know how Dr Montgomery had diagnosed you with placenta previa, and how for the past few days you’d been feeling tightenings, and that the cramps had gotten worse. You were advised to come in as soon as possible. You swallow back the urge to burst into tears as you thank the man over the phone before you hang up. You stare at your phone for a moment, your breathing a little strained as you try to process what was happening.
You might be in labour. Your babies might be here in the next day.
You feel sick. What do you do now? Were you even ready for this?
You mentally slap yourself. It’s a bit too late for that. You have to be ready!
You take a few steadying breaths, before making a note of the time you woke up as you make your way back into the bathroom. You make yourself look somewhat presentable and you go to change into some comfortable, all the while keeping an eye on the time in case another contraction (because they must be contractions) comes along.
You’d already packed your hospital bags in preparation for next week and you thank whatever Gods are looking down on you for having them ready for now.
You call a cab and wait patiently (or impatiently) for it to arrive. You can’t call your friends now, it’s far too early in the morning, and you’ve been relying on them for a while, no matter how many times they tell you that they’re happy to help. You'll update them once you’re in the hospital and settled in.
You go over your things one final time, making sure you haven’t forgotten anything as your Uber turns up. After explaining to your driver, he helps you with your hospital bags as you climb into the car, another contraction (because really, that’s what they are, you have to accept it now) overcomes you. You check the time on your phone as you breathe through it.
Fifteen minutes had passed since your last contraction.
That was a very short amount of time.
You time it as your driver pulls away, making the journey to the hospital. It wasn’t a long contraction, around thirty seconds, so you make a note of it for when you arrived at the hospital (which, by the speed you were going at, won’t take too long – the driver must be scared you’ll give birth in the back of your car).
You make it to the hospital, where the driver very kindly takes you and your bags to check in, where a nurse quickly prompts you into a wheelchair. You thank your driver again before he leaves, fully intending to give him a great tip.
You rattle off your timings for contractions to the nurse pushing your wheelchair, where she said she would make a note of it on your chart for Dr Montgomery. You thanked her, before she brought you to your room, getting you all set up.
After being examined by more doctors, and meeting the labour team, you were informed that it might be best to settle you in for monitoring and have Dr Montgomery talk you through the next steps. You were settled into your room and strapped up to all sorts of machines when Dr Montgomery came in, a clipboard in her hand. She grins at you from your place in the bed. “Couldn’t wait until next week, huh?”
You give a laugh. “Well, I could, but my kids had other ideas.”
“Well, you’re all checked out, and we think it’s best that we move your C-section forward, so we can see if we can organise one for you today. Since you’re not at 37 weeks, your babies may need to stay in the NICU for a few days, but we’ll monitor them, see how they do.” She looks at your chart before glancing around the room. “Santiago not joining us?”
You tense at her question, before awkwardly clearing your throat. “Uh…no. No, he won’t be.” You give a light shrug. “It didn’t work out…for him.”
“Oh,” said Dr Montgomery, before she gives you a sympathetic smile. “Well, these things happen. You won’t be the first single mother to come here, I can assure you.”
You feel a pain in your chest, and your throat close up as tears flood your eyes. You don’t know what to say, so you nod at her.
After she checks over your monitors, she tells you that she’ll go and get you booked in for your C-section as soon as possible, and gives you some drugs to slow down your contractions, in case she couldn’t get you sorted for another day. She gives you some words of encouragement and recommended you try and get some more sleep before she leaves your room.
There was a fat chance of you getting back to sleep after all of this.
You had packed a book that you had had for well over a year that you had every intention to read. There was no time like the present, since most of your time now would be taken up by two newborns.
And you eventually need to tell your friends that you were, in face, in labour.
You grab your phone, sending a quick message to your group chat. They wouldn’t see it until they woke up anyway, and it’s barely 5:30am.
Hey all. Just to let you all know, I’m in the hospital. Don’t worry about me, I’m fine! My C-section may be moved forward for today because the twins decided that it was time to make an appearance.
Your eyes widen as Courtney’s messages come flooding in.
Why are you awake!?
C: THAT’S NOT IMPORTANT C: ARE YOU OKAY? C: I AM SO EXCITED C: DO YOU NEED ME THERE? C: I don’t care what you say I’m coming anyway.
You laugh at her, telling her that she really didn’t need to, but she was already on the way. You send her your room details, before settling down to read your book, reading Courtney’s updates as she sends them over to you. You’re about half an hour into your book when Courtney shows up, bursting into your room, breathless, with her own overnight bag in her hands.
“How fast did you drive?” you ask her, raising an eyebrow at her.
“I slowed down for speed cameras,” she replied. Immediately making her way over to you and checking you over. “How are you? Are you okay? Are you in any pain?”
“They’ve given me some drugs to slow down my labour,” you reply. “Contractions are less painful now, and a little more spaced, so it’s definitely done the job.”
“Have you…have you contacted…”
You give her a look. “No, I haven’t.”
Courtney nods. “And your parents?”
You snort. “Same story.”
She gives another nod, more firm. “Okay. Just you and me then.”
It was nice, to have Courtney around. She took a few selfies with you and sent them into the group chat, and when Beth and Gabrielle finally saw the messages. You were immediately bombarded with questions of your wellbeing, when your C-section was planned for (that was still to be confirmed, but Dr Montgomery had been checking in with you throughout the day and your labour hadn’t progressed much further), and that they could be with you if you needed it.
But you were fine. Your nerves had settled, you were now even excited to meet your babies. Everything was running smoothly, and Dr Montgomery was due back in the hour to let you know if your C-section was happening tonight. You are a warrior, a fighter, and nothing will break your spirit. Whatever the outcome, you know that you will face it with courage and grace, for you are a woman, fierce and resilient, ready to conquer whatever lies ahead.
Courtney had stepped out to call Andy about half an hour ago, and was going to grab some food from the cafeteria. You had almost finished your book when the door to your room opened.
“Did you get lost coming back?” you joked, not looking up from your book.
With no answer, your brow furrows. You look up with the intention of asking Courtney if everything was okay, but your breathing stopped as you looked into the soulful and intense eyes of Santiago Garcia.
You slowly close your book, letting it fall to the bed. You had to be dreaming. You’ve fallen asleep reading your book, there was no way he was here. Not after your conversation last week, where he told you he didn’t want to be a dad, that he had no intention of being involved, how meeting you was practically a mistake.
“Hi,” he says, almost breathlessly.
You don’t know how to respond. Your mouth suddenly feels dry. You're sitting there, in the sterile scent of the hospital room, looking at the reason you’d been so damn miserable this last week. Your heart pounds like a drum against your ribcage, each beat echoing the anticipation that fills the room. Your hands, all of a sudden clammy and trembling, clutch onto the medical standard bed sheets draped over you.
The minutes stretch into eternity as you stare at him, your mind a whirlwind of emotions. Fear and rapid anger grip you like a vice, squeezing your chest with each passing second.
Finally, you ask, “What the fuck are you doing here?”
Santiago holds his hands up in surrender. “I know, I’m an asshole and you probably don’t want me here – “
“Damn right I don’t want you here,” you snap at him, eyes glowering. “I’m in the right mind to call security!”
“I know, I know,” he hurriedly says, taking a step towards the bed. “Just please, please, hear me out for a second.”
“I heard you out last week and you told me – “
“I know what I said last week,” Santiago said quickly, finally lowering his hands. “And…I was an idiot. I am an idiot.”
“How did you even know I was here?” you demanded.
“Benny told me,” Santiago replied.
You don’t ask how Benny knew (because honestly, you had a clue, and you’ll be having some choice words with a certain someone). You merely stare at him before shaking your head at him. “If you’ve come to tell me you’re leaving for South America, I already know, you didn’t – “
“I cancelled it,” he said, giving you an intense stare. “I needed to be here. With you.”
“No, no, you don’t,” you reply, already shaking your head. “I have Courtney, Courtney’s here with me.”
He flinches at your words, the guilt flickering across his features like a shadow. “I couldn't live with the regret of not being there for you, for them,” he says. “Knowing you were going through this...I couldn't stay away. I have to be here.”
You don’t say anything, merely stare at him and let him continue.
“I know I said I didn't want to be involved,” he begins, his voice quiet but filled with sincerity. "But...I made a mistake. I got scared, scared of messing up, of not being enough for them and for you and I thought…I thought leaving would fix it, but it hasn’t.”
“You’ve realised this now?” you ask him, tears in your eyes. “You…you left me alone, and worried about the future with my kids, and we had an amazing few months together…”
Santiago shakes his head at you, tears in his own eyes. “I’m sorry. I know I can't change the past. But I'm here now, and I want to make things right. I want to be here for you, for our kids.”
You study him for a moment, still gripping the hospital sheets tightly. The tears start to fall as the moments stretch into a long silence, your mind a whirlwind of emotions. You try to push away the thoughts of what could go wrong, but they linger, hovering at the edges of your consciousness like unwanted guests.
“Just because you cancel your trip – “ you cut yourself off, before you finally let out a sob, looking at him. “I don't know if I can forgive you.”
His shoulders deflate as he slowly nods at you. “I understand, corazón, I do, but please...let me be here for you now. Let me make things right. I miss you,” he says.
You open your mouth to reply but you’re interrupted by Courtney, making her way in with a brown paper bag.
“The line was huge at the cafeteria, so I went to Walmart down the street…” she goes quiet as her gaze lands on Santiago, before her jaw sets and her eyes harden. “What are you doing here?”
“I just came to apologise – “
“Yeah, well, she doesn’t need it,” Courtney snaps. “She’s fine. She’s been fine without you, and she can raise these kids herself. She doesn’t need you.”
Santiago turns to look back at you, but you can’t find the words to say. You want to believe him, to let go of the hurt and anger that have consumed you for the past week. But the wounds run deep, carved into the very fabric of your being. You meet his gaze, searching for any trace of sincerity amidst the turmoil of emotions that swirls between you.
He takes your silence as a rejection. He gives a sad sigh before nodding. “Okay. I understand.”
Courtney steps out of the way, motioning to the door.
“I'm sorry,” he whispers to you, his voice barely audible. “I was wrong. I’ll go. But I just want you know that I’ll be there for you, and for them, whenever you need. I’ll come to every doctor’s appointment and every school play, or sports game, and I’ll take them overnight whenever you need. I’ll help out with anything. Okay? I want to be their dad.” he gives you a look of longing and love before he turns to leave.
As you watch him leave your life again, you feel the panic overtake you. Your breathing quickens as you follow him with wide eyes. And in that moment, you realise that despite everything, despite the pain and the hurt, a part of you still longs for the connection you once shared. And your children deserve to have a father, whether you’re together or not. “Wait, wait!”
Santiago pauses, just as he gets to the door and looks back at you, his eyes wide. Even Courtney was looking at you with confusion.
“You can stay,” you say, nodding quickly. “I want you to stay. But we’re going to have a damn long talk after this.”
Santi’s shoulders sag again, this time in relief. He quickly makes his way over to you, and you throw the covers from you and swing your legs over the bed. With a quick order from him to not even think about getting out of the bed, he envelopes you in his arms. You feel a sense of warmth and security envelope you, all that matters is the connection between the two of you.
Your arms wrap around each other, pulling each other in tightly, as if trying to bridge the gap of all the time you've been apart. You can feel his heartbeat against yours, a steady rhythm that reassures you that he is real, he is here. In that moment, all your worries melt away, and you are left with nothing but the simple joy of being together again.
Courtney clears her throat awkwardly, causing the two of you to pull apart. “I can go home, if you need me to.”
“I don’t want you to,” you say. “I have a feeling that Beth and Gabs might show up and I need you to keep them tethered.”
“Good news!” Dr Montgomery called as she walked into the room, faltering slightly before smiling widely at the sight of Santi. “Good to see you, Santiago, I’m glad you could join us. I was just about to let you all know that your C-section will be in an hour.”
Your heart skips a beat as you look at her. “I’m sorry, I think I just blacked out for a second. Did you say an hour?”
She smiles at you again as she nods. “Yes. In one hour, you two will be parents.”
You look at Santi, who was looking at you with an equally nervous look on his face. You bite your lip before smiling and looking back at Dr Montgomery. “Okay. One hour.”
“Santiago, we’ll get you scrubbed up just before you all go in,” said Dr Montgomery, checking your chart and noting your current heart rate and the babies’. “Will you be staying?” she asks Courtney.
You answer before Courtney could get a word in. “Yes, she will be. She might be with some other friends of ours though, in the waiting room.”
“The guys are here, actually, I better tell them to wait up,” said Santi. He looks back to you. “I’ll come back.”
You nod at him as he leaves. Courtney watches him and turns to you as the door clothes. “Are you sure about this?”
You take a breath before sighing. “Yes. I am. If not for me, then for our kids. We don’t have to be together as long as he’s there for them.”
“And if he decides again that he doesn’t want to be their dad?”
You want to snap at her, to tell her to have some faith, but she was right, it might be a possibility. What if he does change his mind when the twins get here, when they’re out in the big wide world, and need all the protection they could get? What if in a few years he does find a girlfriend who wants a family with him, and he prioritises them over your kids?
You shake your head. You can’t think that now. Santi’s a good man. He doesn’t make the same mistake twice. “I trust him.” You say to Courtney.
Courtney gives a sigh before nodding. “Okay. And I trust you.”
You nod before looking back to Dr Montgomery, giving a nervous smile. “So, what now?”
You’re prepped for surgery, Courtney on the phone with Beth as she keeps her and Georgia in the loop. Gabrielle had to stay at home with the kids, but planned to FaceTime when Beth finally made it to the hospital.
“Traffic is horrendous,” Beth snapped down the phone.
You faintly heard Georgia screaming in general at the traffic, causing you to laugh. They had time, it was fine. And Santi was pacing your hospital room, on the phone with one of his sisters. You could hear here reprimanding him about something or other in Spanish, and you grinned in amusement.
In no time at all, you were being wheeled out of your room, Courtney giving you a hug and a kiss on the cheek, wishing you good luck, and that she will be in the waiting room with Beth and Georgia (and from what Santi said, Frankie, Benny, and Will too).
You nod at her and give her a teary smile and you and Santi are led into the theatre. You take a deep breath, looking around at the doctors and at Santi, who was already staring at you, giving you a gentle smile. You give him a small laugh. “The scrubs suit you; you should study to be a doctor.”
“Can’t stand for long hours with my bad knees,” he teases back.
You give a small laugh before you turn to look at him. “Dr Mongomery said they might need to go to the NICU for monitoring.”
Santi inhales sharply for a moment before nodding. “Okay. I’m sure they’ll be fine.”
“Do you have an overnight bag?” you ask him, eyes wide with concern. “It’s an hour back home, I don’t want you going back and forth all the time.”
“I do have a bag,” he says, grinning. “I left it in my car.”
You freeze, your eyes widening at you look at him. “In your car?”
“In my car,” he replied, giving you a pointed look. “Went to a dealership this afternoon.”
Your eyes filled with tears as you looked at him. “Really?”
“I still have my truck,” he said, giving a small laugh. “Might give it to Benny. His truck is always breaking down and he relies on Will to take him everywhere.”
You could cry. You were crying. You were ugly sobbing as you laugh at yourself. “Couldn’t truly part with it?”
“At least it’ll be going to good hands,” said Santi as you’re finally brought to your operating room.
Dr Montgomery explains to you the procedure, and the risks it may come with as the other surgeons set up the partition and prep you for surgery. You nod along with Dr Montgomery, and you’re thankful when Santi places his own hand into your shaking one. You grip him tightly as Dr Montgomery smiles at you.
“You’re in good hands. The best hands,” she says, before she disappears to prepare herself.
You take a shaky breath before looking at Santi. He takes a seat and sits by your head as you hear the doctors talk about your epidural. He leans down and starts stroking your hair.
“Everything’ll be okay,” he said, the repetitive movements of his hand soothing you.
You nod at him, trying to calm your thundering heart. You don’t take your eyes from Santi’s as he squeezes your hand, smiling at you. You give him a nervous smile back. Santi lifts your hand to his lips and kisses the back of it, trying to calm your nerves.
You think back to yourself not even a year ago, finding out you were pregnant by a complete stranger, and going through the journey together; through the ups and downs of accepting the pregnancy, and having to rearrange your lives to begin this new chapter, and dealing with the loss scare, and Santi’s uncertainty. You want to tell him how much he means to you, how much you love him, how happy you were that he was here, now.
You open your mouth to tell him, but you’re interrupted by Dr Montgomery.
“Are you ready?” she asks from over the screen.
You pause for a moment, just staring at Santi who gives your hand another reassuring squeeze. You take a deep breath and sigh it out before looking away from him and staring up at the ceiling. You give a nod. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m ready.”
“Then let’s get started,” Dr Montgomery replies, smiling before disappearing behind the partition.
It was an odd feeling, having the doctors rummage around in you. You tried to focus on anything; the feeling of Santi’s hand in yours, what Dr Montgomery was saying to her team, but the blood rushing in your ears drowned out anything and everything around you. You bite your lip, feeling your chin quiver with unshed tears and your grip on Santi’s hand tightens, threatening to never let go.
Your eyes flutter closed at you concentrate on your breathing…
Until your eyes snap open at the sudden, high-pitched sound of a baby crying fills the room.
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Tagged - @khonsulockley, @superficialfeelings, @othersideoftheparadise, @beezusvreeland, @itsmytimetoodream
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bulkdatabaseindia · 19 days
Bulk WhatsApp Web Panel
Learn about Bulk WhatsApp Web Panel. Discover the Bulk WhatsApp Web Panel, a powerful tool for managing and sending large volumes of WhatsApp messages efficiently.
A bulk WhatsApp web panel is a solution that enables the management and dissemination of mass texts via WhatsApp in a seamless manner. Such tools are essential for companies, institutions, and advertisers as they enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of reaching out to several people at once.
Bulk WhatsApp Web Panel
A bulk WhatsApp web panel is a special work of art meant to control and transmit enormous amounts of messages on the WhatsApp platform using a digital platform. The bulk WhatsApp web panel helps businesses and organizations communicate with many people at once; hence, it is a very important tool in marketing, customer care, as well as other types of communication.
Applications of Bulk WhatsApp Web Panel
A panel for sending bulk messages on WhatsApp web is a multi-purpose tool that has different uses and can greatly improve communication plans in many industries. Here are some of the main uses:
Marketing and advertising
Promotional Campaigns: Bulk WhatsApp Web Panels are commonly used for running ads. This allows businesses to deliver messages on new product launches, special offers, or discount codes to many contacts at once. Consequently, this promotional method helps to get the advertisements across a wide spectrum quickly, thereby increasing possibilities of interaction and purchasing decisions.
Product Announcements: In case a firm unveils a fresh commodity or service, a Bulk WhatsApp Web Panel can broadcast the declaration efficiently to already established clients and possible leads. This instant communication creates hype and arouses curiosity.
Customer Segmentation: Based on various criteria, such as purchase history or similar interests, etc., businesses can make use of the panel in segmenting their customer lists. The more targeted and effective promotional messages are directed to specific groups informed by this segmentation addition.
Benefits of Using Bulk WhatsApp Web Panel
The following are some advantages of using a bulk WhatsApp web panel:
Efficiency in Communication: Automate communication using bulk WhatsApp web panels and don’t waste your time. With these tools, you can send messages to several contacts simultaneously, thereby saving you time that would have otherwise been wasted sending individual messages manually.
Cost-Effectiveness: In terms of old systems such as SMS or email marketing, bulk WhatsApp Web Panels are cheaper. They provide a higher return on investment by reaching many people for less money.
Enhanced Customer Engagement: Messages that are personalized and real-time increase the interaction of customers and their satisfaction levels. Engagement is also encouraged by using interactive features such as polls and feedback forms while simultaneously providing useful information.
Improved Message Management: It becomes easier to manage and track messages with centralized control, advanced analytics, and automated responses. This helps with customer queries efficiently, while at the same time supporting data-driven decision-making.
Enhanced Security: To protect sensitive information as well as ensure compliance with personal data laws, there exist strong preventive measures such as using cryptography or restricting who can view the information.
Flexibility and Customization: Templates that can be customized and incorporated with other applications permit coherent branding and fast communication control. Furthermore, multi-user accessibility fosters teamwork. Such advantages render Bulk WhatsApp Web Panels an efficient medium through which improving operational effectiveness and communication tactics are achieved.
The Bulk WhatsApp Web Panel is a strong tool for businesses that want to improve their communication strategies. By being able to send multiple messages, automatically respond, and give useful information, it becomes an important component in various types of communication meant to enhance productivity as well as increase customer interaction.
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ennobletechnologies · 8 months
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Revolutionize healthcare marketing with digital solutions for medical professionals. Enhance your online presence and engage patients effectively. Explore now!
Do Read: https://ennobletechnologies.com/healthcare/healthcare-marketing-solutions/
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