#em babbles
as a girl with a ninja turtle tattoo, I MUST ask- do you really have a ninja turtle tattoo👁👁 and if so, handshakes you in solidarity
Yooooo! Twinsies!
I have a sleeve(unfinished), actually!
Hold on, lemme *shuffling noises*
My artist is Dave Sedano at Cobra Classic Tattoo, who is also a HUGE tmnt fan and a sweet heart
We’ll finish the sleeve at some point lol
Now I’m curious, what’s yours nonnie???
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eyeballmouth · 1 year
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God OK OK! Fiona and Cake only has two eps out and it's already so good? It's like a more grounded yet still surreal Bee and Puppycat (at least in the first ep). Background references are scattered everywhere and I love it. The art style is the same as Obsidian but they're playing around with texture more which is great.
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They got mother fucking Donald Glover back!!
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Fiona is very relatable in the worst way possible. What with the inability to keep a job and the constant wish for escapism. We get to witness Finn's absolute dog shit coping mechanism of adventuring til he drops like he talked about in Obsidian. And Simon continues to literally never be happy, slowly losing the mind he only recently regained.
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Even if the rest of the show trips and falls this setup alone is just so fun and I can't wait for more!
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When will this stop? Will it ever stop? Of all the things I’ve been through you’re the one that’s still bothering me, the one that my OCD has hold of. It’s been 3 and half years since I walked away because it got too much trying to hold the weight of your mental health and well being while mine got continuously pushed aside. I did nothing but try to help you, I cared about you way more than I should’ve and got nothing but abuse in return, abuse that you’ll never fully take responsibility and accountability for. You admitted and acknowledged on multiple occasions that you were aware of what you were doing and how you were treating and always went on about how it needed to change and how you were sorry and loved me but shitty cycle continued even when I told you if things didn’t change I’d have to walk away because I couldn’t keep going through it. I know you had mental health problems and problems going in your life but none of that was an excuse to treat me the way you did because most if not all of what you did was out of pure jealousy.
We met through Tom, he helped me massively in figuring out and coming to terms with my OCD and if not for him I wouldn’t be where am now being able to understand to extent what’s going on in my brain. You’re jealousy and spite ruined that for me, for a good while I couldn’t even look at him without seeing you. I know you said you had OCD too and you’d say it was Tom’s fault it was bad but I know that was your way of indirectly blaming me …and yes I know you blamed me completely for it when I cut you off! How were you able to sit there and easily blame me when we ended up in that situation because of your crappy behaviour? How could you blame me for your OCD when you knew I had OCD too? I never once blamed you for anything, never once treated you how you treated me, I did nothing but care for you and help you while my own mental health and well being was pushed aside and forgotten about and for the love of god please explain to me why you think you had the right to drag Tom into the middle of it and then moan when I asked to talk to him privately? You had no right, you were never the victim in any of this, it was your fault things went the way they did and you know that because I wasn’t the first person you treated that way I was the third not to mention you tried it again with two other people luckily the person after me saw straight through your crap but the last person I’m aware unfortunately didn’t not escape unharmed.
I made the tweets I made after I cut you off because despite walking away and blocking you on everything you still didn’t stop and you tried to make out like I was the bad guy. I had also realized after cutting you off and stepping back that you had orchestrated things on your twitter to make it look like we were in a relationship when we were most definitely not and were never gonna be, especially when I was in a relationship that ended briefly a few weeks before I walked away from you. You continued to spout crap and act like you were hard done by and the victim and at first I was just trying to clear myself and clear up the crap you had spouted but then you kept bitching about me, getting other people who didn’t even know me to send me messages to stop being the horrible when I was doing nothing but state the truth because you didn’t know when to stop. I know what you said, I know you said I was disgusting and a bully so what does that make you? Something I said might have been harsh and little over the top but you didn’t know when to stop and I got more and more upset. Even more so when despite all the shut you put me through, going as far as to convince me to put my job at risk so I could take you to meet Tom because you had made it seem like I was the only way you could meet him, you got exactly what you wanted despite having put me through shit for six months. Not only did you meet him but you gave him a letter about your twisted ‘I’m the victim’ version of what happened knowing that you were seeing him before me and I bet it made your day when the rest his tour got canceled because of covid and I ended up not being able to see him after everything that happened. Yes I got angry and made a few tweets but you can’t blame when you treated me like shit for 6 months, still got what you wanted and I had to miss out. Seeing Tom that night would’ve given me some kind of closure knowing that he would’ve known what actually happened and that he didn’t think of me any differently because of you! You went on about how Tom wouldn’t want to be involved in it and wouldn’t want to see it but it didn’t stop you messaging him seconds after I cut you off or giving him that letter did it? Yes I wanted to talk to him privately because I felt at that point he was my only option and he was the only that might’ve been able to make you sense but I’ve since realized that that’s exactly what you would’ve wanted. You were a hypocritical abusive awful person and you only acted the way you did to my tweets after I cut you off because you knew they were true and I was right.
My OCD was ok and it was managed but recently (probably since giving birth to my son) it’s gotten really bad again, I still have the same issues as back then but you’ve also become issue. Everyday, sometimes multiple times a day I have to carry out a ‘check’ on all your social medias even though I’ve blocked them and I can’t see anything just incase I suddenly can see and you’ve said something that could hurt me although it’s been 3 and half’s years and I probably don’t even cross your mind. I keep doing these checks and I know I’ll end up seeing something that will upset or trigger something in me. When I finally cut you off I saved as much of our conversations as I could incase you’d say something that wasn’t true and I’d need to prove it. I recently read through most of them (believe me I wish I hadn’t) and despite the evidence of your crappy behavior being right there in front of me, the voice in my head still made me believe that I had done something wrong at some point, that I maybe shouldn’t have said certain things but I know that I’m not responsible for your reactions.
You acted liked I didn’t care and that hated you but I cared about way more than I ever should have. If I didn’t care I wouldn’t have been about to leave work to get a train to find you, despite not knowing where you actually lived, the first time you threatened to take your life and I couldn’t get hold of you for two hours. I wouldn’t have spent most days and nights talking you through panic attacks and whenever you threatened to harm yourself or your life. I wouldn’t have made my absolute best effort to try and get time off work to take you to see Tom so you could meet him if I didn’t care. You did then and probably still would know blame everything that happened on your mental health. You said the night where you sent 100s of messages over the space of an hour and left angry terrifying voicemails trying to call me was you having a crisis but I know it was because I was with one of my longtime friends and not at home messaging you especially when you would have a crisis almost every night and it was always worse if I was with one of my friends. Did you know on that night while you were sending all the messages and nasty voicemails I was sat there staring at my phone shaking and terrified? There was only one other time I had felt that way and that was when my father was arrested for second time when I was a kid.
There’s so much more I could add into this but it would never otherwise. I know you do have problems to deal with and I never tried to tell you didn’t or make you feel like you didn’t, I never once ignored you or tried to direct the attention back on myself. You had my complete full attention and it was never enough. You wanted both mine and Tom’s attention but you didn’t want me to having anything with Tom, you wouldn’t have been happy until you had isolated me from my friends, my job, Tom, everything until you had me to yourself.
I never wanted things to go the way they did, I hope you have gotten the help you need and you’re doing better, I just wish it wasn’t at my expense. You post about mental health matters but you never cared about mine, it only matters when it’s yours. I’ve tried getting therapy a few months after this all happened but not a lot of places we’re taking new patients because the country was in lockdown and I just got sent it circles not to mention I wasn’t able to see my friends or my boyfriend for the first couple months after this happened so I’ve never really dealt or processed any of this. I’m also aware that I probably need to go back of my medication that I stopped taking last year when trying to get pregnant and also the pregnancy hormones that still haven’t fully left my body aren’t helping either.
I just wish I could back and stop past me from ever starting a conversation with you then none of this would’ve happened, things with Tom wouldn’t have been ruined for so long and maybe my OCD wouldn’t be as bad as it is right now and given that the compulsions and intrusive thoughts are bringing me to a certain point again I need to get help. Not to mention my other mental health issues and chronic illnesses.
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brionysea · 1 year
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this is my new favourite thing
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sandflakedraws · 6 months
May I prompt... more Floyd and Bitty B interactions? 🫣 Lots of untapped potential in their shared snarkiness...
(Also, hi! I've been a fan of your art for a long time and I've been so happy to see you posting Trolls art recently! You make them so Squish....)
(hello!! glad to have u along for the ride ^^ the Beans are here to stay)
not so much snarky as sentimental with this one, but here u go. this is based on my experience of holding my newborn sister for the first time when i was five
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adoregojo · 6 months
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doodle17 · 1 month
Hi, I like your anthro Lili a lot so I drew her!
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LOOK AT HERR 🥺🥺🥺 she's so cute in your style I CANT
The little pic of her looking at the flowers, her foot thumping... THE TIPPYTOESSSS💜💜💜💜💜
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popponn · 7 months
there is something about how when anime official art gets yoichi right fashion wise it's always a comfy bf look like look at him
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very fluffy. very huggable. i want to poke and pinch his cheeks. also he often has those lil blushies when he eats and for some reason it's cute. the gap moe between on field and off field is still something else to see each time i remember it. i love it ofc 💚 but it's still something else
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bandtrees · 8 months
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this is still the peak of mp100 official art to me it was all downhill from here
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y-rhywbeth2 · 7 months
Act 3 is like everybody wants Durge to conform to their expectations
The party expects you to just... forget and discard your entire past and become they want you to be regardless of the threat to your wellbeing which they - except Jaheira, and sort of Astarion - seem to be either ignoring or naïve about (Even though the person they know is just a handful of memories and personality traits formed over a month or so, and even those new memories have giant holes "punched" through them).
Gortash wants you to be the person you were, and seems happy to try and push you into accepting that role by alienating you from your new companions by announcing what a horrible person you were in front of them while heaping praise upon you before leaving you to their anger, plus whatever other manipulation tactics he might have at hand.
Bhaal expects you to be exactly what he created you to be - or else.
And on top of all of that you have the Emperor in your brain nagging you about ceremorphosis in the clumsiest and most irritating attempts at manipulation possible.
Edit: And Raphael! Not as annoying, but he's there trying to pull your strings too.
Just... looking thoughtfully at the Netherstones like hmmm. But what if you betrayed them all and destroyed the entire world for some peace and quiet?
Or I guess you could just go for a solo ending like in VtMB where the ending cutscene is the protagonist walking out of the burning building that was the final level, walking straight past their potential "allies" trying to thank them and be friendly without looking at them, and flipping them off as they leave.
But the apocalypse sounds fun...
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eyeballmouth · 1 year
Everybody stfu new Madoka trailer just dropped!!!
As always, it looks so good. Shaft might save most of the cleanup for blue rays but everything in this trailer looks so clean. The insanely over-complicated environments and structures are as they should be The new outfits are quite nice, I'm very curious about Sayaka's bandages (with a cute bow tying it all together)
I was a bit confused about who was talking on the phone but judging by this new image on the official Twitter account (I'm never calling it the other thing)
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It seems there is OG Homura (with the Madoka ribbons that she's seen wearing at the end of the show) and the smug Devil Homura. I'm not sure how OG Homu got here but if the conflict is between these two fighting over Madoka that would be quite interesting.
As always I'm looking forward to more main series Madoka, whether it's contentious as Rebellion or not will be known soon enough.
I'm so excited we finally got more news AHHHHHHH!!! See you all again in Winter 2024 (which is the theatrical release in Japan)
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ratatatastic · 2 months
i did not expect forsy and bo to be the greatest comedy duo to grace this earth but despite my tenure here i am pleasantly surprised all the same
each addition to the "this is the best day of your life until—" hypothetical is another glimpse into how this man ranks his priorities which apparently least to most is:
marriage→kids→drafted by the nhl→first goal
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happy papa alert! happy papa alert!
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Forsy Cup Day | 8.2.24 (x)
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sandflakedraws · 1 year
Is there a full pic of your pfp?
ssssorta, in a way! my icon has been edited from this drawing:
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the mood of each is fairly different but i'm still fond of both
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ok ok, hear me out…
Vampire Caine
better yet…
Vampire Jax
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videogame-brainwyrms · 7 months
Yui Kimura is just an objectively pretty survivor like she’s beautiful
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bandtrees · 8 days
copper is already setting in as hymns for the roads' Ollie-Guy(tm) i like them so much
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(ft glass because this bit scared the shit outta me)
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