#elm i'll cry
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sherliammmm · 1 year ago
brutally judge me based off of my top kins in order
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jawdzzzz · 11 months ago
Emotions Legacy Challenge:
Dive deep into the world of feelings with The Sims 4 Emotions Legacy Challenge. In this unique and engaging gameplay, your task is to build a family legacy that explores the vast spectrum of human emotions across generations. Each generation focuses on a different emotion, challenging your Sims in unique and impactful ways that shape their lives and the lives of their descendants. Packs Required: Base Game Expansion Packs - Get To Work, Get Together, City Living, Cats & Dogs, Seasons, Get Famous, Island Living, Discover University, Eco Lifestyle, Snowy Escape, Cottage Living, High School Years, Growing Together, Horse Ranch, For Rent Game Packs - Outdoor Retreat, Spa Day, Vampires, Parenthood, Dream Home Decorater, My Wedding Stories Stuff Packs - Spooky Stuff, , Vintage Glamour, Moschino Stuff, Nifty Knitting, Rules: - Lifespan - Normal - Custom Content & Mods Allowed - No Money Cheats Allowed -You don't have to complete all tasks if you don't want to. Make it your own but it is highly advised you do all the tasks considering this is a challenge and you'll get the most out of it - Each heir including the founder must closely represent their assigned emotion as much as possible including the colors, house, appearance, etc - If you decide to do this challenge please use the #emotionslegacychallenge so i'll be able to see your founder and heirs' stories! - If you're planning on streaming or uploading videos of this challenge please promote me or give me a shoutout - Attributes help get your sim in their emotion or are special interactions you can do to make your sim feel like their emotion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gens: Gen One Happy: You're the founder of the legacy. You grew up in Pleasantview and you're looking forward to your life as an independant adult! You're a very positive, bubbly and happy person. You never go a day without smiling and laughing. You thrive for having that white picket house on elm street and living a normal happy life! You're seeking fun, a career in your passionate hobbie & settling down having children.
Colours - Green & Yellow Traits - Childish, Cheerful & Art Lover Aspiration - Painter Extraordinaire World - Willow Creek
Complete the Painter Extraordinaire Aspiration
Have the Homey, Natural Light & Sunny Aspect lot traits
Have the Simple Living lot challenge
Perform 20 gigs as an artist freelancer
As an adult quit and join the gardener, education or painter career
Achieve level 10 in the painting & parenting skills
Achieve at least level 5 in cooking & gardening
Live with a roomate for 2 sim weeks
Have a best friend & 3 good friends
Live in a starter home for your young adult life (as an adult till death live in a two story family home worth more than $75,000)
Always have and maintain a healthy garden
Fall in love & marry a homeless sim
Adopt a dog or rescue a stray dog
Volunteer & donate to charities once a week
Have three children, your second child is your gen two heir… Maintain a difficult relationship dynamic with your second born & a close relationship dynamic with your first & third born
Emotion Attributes:
Cheerful Vlog (The More Views Video Station)
Heartfelt Compliment
Brighten Day
Happy Text Another Sim
Cheer up at least 3 different sims from a sad mood
Maintain & have a healthy garden
Gen Two Sad: You're the second born and get constantly overshadowed by your older and younger siblings. Your parents love the rainbows and sunshine whilst you prefer the cold wet weather and getting your rainboots all wet and soggy. Crying is how you comfort yourself... Oh and music, you love music. Music is your escape from your reality and is what you most relate to Colours - Blue & Black Traits - Gloomy, Music Lover, Cat Lover Aspiration - Musical Genius World - Oasis Springs
Complete the musical genius aspiration
Reach level 10 in piano & violin
Reach level 5 of cross stitching & knitting
Have the Great Acoustics , Cat Friendly & Cat Hangout lot traits
Join the entertainer career (musician branch) reach level 10
Runaway from home as a teenager & move to an empty lot (off the grid)
Live in a trailer/caravan as a teen. Build a tiny home as a young adult when you own $10,000 or more
Rescue a stray cat and bring it home as a teenager
Busk for tips playing piano & violin your whole teen years
Find a penpal, later make them in CAS & fall in love with them
Own at least three cats & be close with all of them
Perform at all talent shows
Have one child only
Emotion Attributes: Sad Vlog (The More Views Video Station) Express Melancholy Thoughts (Private journal) Water Plant with Tears Play with Emotion (Violin) Call Sadness Hotline (Phone) Blog About Feelings (Computer) Give Yourself a Pep Talk (Mirror) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen Three Fear:
Your childhood upbringing was difficult, your gen sad parent was always spiraling in sad breakdowns & always being gloomy. You're a paranoid sim, just thinking about the littlest things in life you fear the present & future. Reading books would help distract your mind & sleeping with a night light on helped comfort you from the darkness of the world... You also fear of the monster hiding under your bed. You hope to one day be an inspiring author and protect other sims from the fear of... FEAR. Colours - Purple & Black Traits - Paranoid, Loner, Perfectionst Aspiration - Bestselling Author World - San Myshuno Goals:
Achieve level 10 in writing & logic skills
Complete the writer career Author Branch
Complete the bestselling author aspiration
Have at least 4 fears (you can choose whichever and to overcome whichever fear you want)
Have the Quake Zone lot challenge
Have the Good Schools, Science Lair & On Ley Line lot traits
Have a girlfriend/boyfriend in high school
Move out as a young adult with your high school sweetheart any apartment you can offord
Become pregnant and have twins
Have your high school sweetheart tragically die after 1 sim week of moving in (you choose the death)
After their death, change the lot type to needs tlc
Be a strict parent & set a curfew for your twins
Never fall in love again or go on dates as a young adult. Eventually find someone that opens yourself up to the potential of having another love as an adult (marriage is optional)
Write novel about losing your soulmate & finally let go
Emotion Attributes: As a child experience the monster being under your bed
Always sleep with a night light on
Experience paranormal activity at least once
Hide Under The Covers (bed)
Take a Panicked Poop (toilet)
Scream incoherently at other sims --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen Four Anger:
You grew up with only one parent, the one parent you were stuck with was always so paranoid and scared of the littlest of things. You never understood them, if anything just thinking about their choice of living makes you.... ANGRY. You growing up with only one parent makes you angry, your sibling makes you angry, your family home makes you angry, a fly buzzing at your face makes you angry. Anger is all you have, you don't envision yourself being anything without it, you would simply just float away. Working out & being a heavily opinionuated public speaker in debate is how you cope and manage your volcanic erruptions. Colours - Red, Orange & Black Traits - Active, Geek & Hot Headed Aspiration - Bodybuilder World - Evergreen Harbor Goals:
Master the fitness & Research and Debate skill
Complete the body builder aspiration
Achieve level 5 in mischief, charisma & video gaming
Have the Volcanic Activity lot challenge
Have the Bracing Breezes, Mean Vibe & Gnomes lot trait
Create a gym club & gather least once a week
Join the athlete career & get to level 10 in the bodybuilder branch
Join an after school activity in high school
Skip class and get detention at least once
Get into 5 physical fights & win
Go to university and graduate with a degree in Biology
Join the debate guild & win a debate
Juggle two different relationships in university and choose your one true love before graduating
Have 2 children
Emotion Attributes: Provoke Chew Out Insult Face Denounce Friendship Rant and Rave Vent Shout Forbidden Words Belittle Anger (Child and Teens only) Frenzied Kiss (resembles Passionate Kiss) Sarcastic Compliment Attempt To Flirt Belittle Anger
Angry Vlog (The More Views Video Station) Angry paint (easel) Rage-Fueled Run (treadmill) Angry Poop! (toilet) Enraged Reps (workout machine) Kick Down a Trash Can (trash can) Scribble Furiously as a Teen (Private Journal) Blow Off Some Steam (punching bag) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen Five Disgust: Low qualiy items Ughhhh.... Insects.... EWWW.... Townies fashion choices AHHHHHHH! You're gen five disgust and always are craving high quality, bougie outfits & compliments. You want to be an icon & live in the biggest, most fanciest & of course cleanist mansion in all of Del Sol Valley. You avoid getting poisoned socially & physically at all costs! You're out to shape shift society and smack down a celebrity plaque of your own with an iron fist Colours - Green, Purple & Brown Traits - Squeamish, Neat, Snob Aspiration - Mansion Baron World - Del Sol Valley
Achieve level 10 in the wellness & charisma skill
Complete the mansion baron aspiration
Complete the style influencer career (any branch)
Have the Creepy Crawlies lot challenge
Have the Celebrity Home, Convival & Romantic Aura lot traits
Create at least 3 fashion looks on Trendi as a teen
Own a fashion boutique & get it to 5 stars
Give at least 5 sims a makeover at the styling station
Become best friends with a celebrity & enemies with a celebrity
Become friends with 5 celebrities
Go for a manicure and pedicure at least once a week
Have two or more outfits for each clothing category *
Maintain a healthy lifestyle (eat healthy & exercise)
Have a house of staff (either butler, maid, gardener, chef or all) to maintain your house to perfection so it's neat and tidy
Reach at least 1 million simstagram followers
Become a 5 star celebrity & place your celebrity tile at Starlight Boulevar Love Story (Young Adult): You applied and won to be the next bachelorette
Live in a manor with 7 men, women or a mix of both for 7 sim days
Connect and speak to all 7 sims, go on group dates, speed dates or 1 on 1 inclusive dates
After 7 sim days choose the 3 sims you have the closest relationship with either friendship or romance
Go on vacation with those 3 sims and dedicate 1 day to each of the 3 sims
After the third day make your choice of who you want as your lover
Move in together, get married & have 4 children --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen Six Envy: You're heavily inspired by your parents lifestyle, you crave the attention they receive, you crave their hair, you crave their wealth, you crave... Being them... wanting to be them... No wait.... BEING BETTER! You're wanting to be... BETTER! You're jealous & insecure of your parents success and want a lavish lifestlye of your own starting from the ground up. You want a penthouse uptown and to become known for not being the offspring of a celebrity.... But being your own celebrtiy
Colours - Celeste & White Traits - Ambitious, Materialistic, Jealous Aspiration - Fabulously Wealthy World - San Myshuno Goals:
Live in the fashion district as a young adult
After aging to an Adult move to an uptown penthouse
Become a Freelance Fashion Photographer & complete 10 gigs
Hire a professional photographer and do modelling at least once
Join the acting career and reach level 10
Complete the Fabulously Weather Aspiration (without using parents money)
Have the Pricy, Penny Pixies & Natural Light lot traits
Have a close relationship with gen 5 disgust
Master the media production, acting & photography skill
Become a 5-star celebrity & place your celebrity tile in Starlight Boulevard
Become friends with 2 celebrities before becoming a celebrity
Get in a relationship with a celebrity before becoming a celebrity
Have 4 children like your gen disgust parent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen Seven - Embarassed You tried living up to your grandparents and parents reputation and celebrity status but you struggled.... Struggled hard. No matter what you do you always seem to do it wrong or get judged. You're the blacksheep and misfit. You slip up quite a lot so you distance yourself from your immediate families lifestyle and look elsewhere... Or should i say hide elsewhere.
Colours - Pink & Yellow Traits - Clumsy, Socially Awkward, Cringe Aspiration - Master Mixologist World - Brindleton Bay Goals:
Master mixology, pet training and bowling skills
Reach level 5 of handiness & woodworking
Master the Culinary Mixologist Branch
Have a difficult relationship with your gen six Envy & siblings
As a teenager create a bowling club & go bowling with your friends
Have all friends have a cringe or socially awkward sim trait
Adopt or rescue a dog & cat
Have the Homey, Training Ground & Peace and Quiet lot trait
Have the Gremlins lot challenge
Complete at least 5 of these:
Walk into someone having woohoo
Get reject to prom
Have a dance battle
Pee yourself at least once
Sing karaoke poorly once
Get rejected from proposing
Walk into someone whilst they're peeing
Create 5 embarrassed vlogs
Emotion Attributes: Ask for reassurance Self-deprecating joke Share insecurities Have a cry (children and teens only) Laugh at Embarrassment (children, teens and unfeeling sims only.) Activities Hide from everyone (bed) Give yourself a pep talk (mirror) Tell self-deprecating jokes (social interaction) Hide in the trash can (children only) Confess Embarrassing Moments (private journal—children and teens only) Discuss Embarrassing Mood Embarassed Vlog (The More Views Video Station) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen Eight Bored (Ennui) You're easily bored... You think life is boring and you're boring. Everything is boring. You succome to boredom and get consumed by boredom. You're always contemplating what to do and before you know it it's 5pm and you haven't done any chores or maintained yourself... Video games take up too much of your time, you're a gamer who has more interest in the games they play rather than their own life the SCI-FI genre has consumed you... Until one day.... You seek adventure like your favorite video gaming characters and crave the impossible!
Colours - Grey, Dark Blue & Black Traits - Lazy, Slob, Glutton Aspiration - Computer Whiz World - Windenburg Goals:
Reach level 10 in programming, video gaming & rocket science skill
Build a rocket and travel to sixam
Complete the computer whiz aspiration
Reach level 10 in the Scientist Career
Have the Filthy lot challenge
Build an underground secret headquarters
Live in a rundown filthy house as a Young Adult (grow a trash plant and have a cowplant as a pet)
Make your house modern as an Adult
Go on vacation at all possible destination worlds you have
Go to all the festivals in San Myshuno
Have a pet raccoon
Marry & have 3 children with an Alien
Have Gen Nine as a science baby
Emotion Attributes: Suggest fun activities Complain about boredom Discuss Bored Mood --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen Nine Surprise THERES A PARTY.... WHERE? AT MY HOUSE! YOU'RE ALL INVITED..... WHERE? AT MY HOUSE! Party party party! You love to party. You're a bull of energetic energy. Your parents life was always so boring at first, you don't want a waste a single minute of life... You want to have fun, fun & more fun. You hope to live your life to the fullest and enjoy different elements! Turn up the volume to 100 and lets get cracking! Colours - Yellow & White Traits - Goofball, Dance Machine, Insider Aspiration - Party Animal World - Chestnut Ridge Goals:
Have the Party Place & Clothing Optional lot trait
Sneek out of your family home at least once as a teenager
Throw a teen party (try not to get caught by your parents)
Own a pet horse and become best friends
Master the comedy, dancing & dj mixing skills
Play guitar as a hobbie
Make your earnings by doing comedy at longues or dj mixing at dance clubs for your whole sim life
Get gold in every party event that is visible (not including the wedding party events)
Woohoo at every possible woohoo location
Create a club gathering with your siblings & friends and go clubbing at least twice a week
Have 2 children --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen Ten Guilt: Your parents were too busy partying and living their life to the fullest that they unintentionally didn't spend enough time with you. Without learning morals, boundaries, rights & wrongs you decide to make a go of it yourself. You think "why settle for less"... "why only have one thing when you can have both". No matter how many excuses you end up giving yourself though, you can't help but feel guilty.... Colours - Orange & Brown Traits - Kleptomaniac, Hates Children, Noncommittal Aspiration - Serial Romantic World - San Sequoia Goals:
Acheive level 10 in Law Career - Judge Branch
Complete the Serical Romantic Aspiration
Master the mischef, charisma & singing skills
Have the Cursed lot challenge
Purchase the street gallery, make paintings and mark up the price to 300% to scam townies least once
Take a selfie before breaking up with every relationship & display the selfies on the wall
Serenade all your relationships at least once
Live in a rental containing at least 4 units
Steal an item from each unit
Earsdrop, Snoop for Secrets and break into each unit least once
Blackmail a sim at least once
Get married to a sim that lives in the same rental
Have a one time secret affair after getting married
Have 2 children, 1 with your secret affair being a spellcaster --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen Eleven - Hate What is there to love? Your parent has destroyed the normal family dynamic. Love at times can entrance but it doesn't stand a chance. It only leaves to heartbreak. Your heart is broken. You were never shown love, except for it to be used and taken away from you. All you have is hatered... Hate for everything and anything. You relate to your sibling with you both being pulled into a dark void, you've both reached the precipice of darkness and have been consumed. If you both couldn't have love than why should others, it's time to destory happy endings together as a dynamic duo.... Did someone say two heirs in one?
Colours - Black, Purple & Red Traits - Mean, Evil, Unflirty Aspiration - Villainous Valentine World - Forgotten Hollow or Glimmerbrook Goals:
Have one Join the criminal & the other the secret agent career
Have the Vampire master Pipe Oragan & Vampire Lore & the Spellcaster master the Medium skill
Have one complete the Villainous Valentine Aspiration & one complete the Public Enemy
Have the On a Dark Ley Line, Registered Vampire Lair & Vampire Nexus lot traits
Have the Cursed lot challenge
Have both sims fail in one relationship each
Breakup with a sim on love day
Convince a sim to breakup with another sim
Have a total of 10 enemies (5 for each)
Have an Atrocious reputation & throw a Lampoon Party
Have one turned into a Vampire & earn the master vampire title and have the other turned into a Spellcaster & earn the Rank 6 - Virtuoso After they both reach their mastered title choose 1 twin to be the center lead
Turn a townie into a Vampire or Spellcaster (depending on which sibling) & move them into your household
Form an Enemies to Lovers relationship with them --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen Twelve - Love You're the last heir. The last of a family lineage of a variety of different emotions. You're the final straw... The last page of the book. Love is the most powerful thing in the world. You think to yourself "how does someone evil create something so good... unless". You believe in self love and for everyone to have the ability to love and find redemption. You seek to have that classic fairytale and live happily ever after with your soulmate.
Colours - Pink, Red & White Traits - Romantic, Generous, Loyal Aspiration - Soulmate World - Tartosa & Henford-on-Bagley Goals:
Complete the Interior Decorator Career
Master the flower arranging skill
Complete the Soulmate aspiration
Have the Romantic Aura, Child's Play & Great Soil
Have a close relationship with all of your siblings
Have a childhood crush & seperate best friend
Always celebrate love day
Have one pet mate & have a puppy/kitten
Attend the wedding of at least one sibling
Attend the wedding of your childhood best friend
Get engaged to your childhood crush at the romance festival
Throw all wedding party events
Go on a honeymoon with lover
Have 5 Children As an Elder:
Master either cross stiching or knitting
Move to Henfod-on-Bagley and build a Cottage Home
Befriend a wild rabbit & fox
Have chickens, sheep, goat, cow & ilama live on your lot
Grow a money tree
Have at least one grandchild and be close with them
Bond with siblings & rekindle with your gen dark parent
Die peacefully as an elder
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There you have it, Congratulations! You have completed my emotions legacy challenge. I created this legacy challenge all by myself so i hope that this challenge has given you all motivation, satisifcation & enjoyment. This challenge was inspired by inside out which is one of my favorite disney pixar films. Please let me know how you found playing this challenge and give me any feedback you may have for ways i can improve or if there is something i need to fix!
Feel free to find my socials: Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/jawdzzz
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjBjFUvYYlD4pSMRCSdDi5A Twitter - https://twitter.com/Jawdzzzz Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jawdzzzzy/?hl=en Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@jawdzzzz #sims4 #thesims4 #sims4legacychallenge #jawdzzz #sims410genlegacychallenge #the sims legacy #challenge #twitch #ts4 #ts4legacy
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weirdly-specific-but-ok · 1 year ago
read more of the good omens book. i am in love with crowley. go away.
This is exactly why I was petrified of the bloody book. It's going to make the brainrot irredeemably deep. Entire bodyrot, in fact. Even Tommy (yes I named my haematoma Tommy, and he's trans, so he's a he/himatoma) will succumb to the rot.
Aziraphale, you silly, silly, adorable little prissy motherfucker. What a bastard.
Sister Mary Loquacious making up her mind to have an orgasm gives a whole new subtext to my thirst for her during the rewatch of episode one.
Anathema carries a foot-long bread knife with her. Queen shit.
Warlock's birthday party omg. Aziraphale looking at Crowley desperately for help and Crowley pointedly refusing to meet his gaze because he's cringing from second-hand embarrassment and staring out of the window. I read that bit when I got out of the X-ray for Tommy and it made me smile on a very shit day.
Right mumbled Crowley suddenly feeling very alone.
Okay but ngl Crowley was entirely right? He turned the paintball guns to real guns, but the humans continued to shoot each other even after they realised the switch. Not his fault.
Oh Lord, heal this bike. So it was from the book, too.
Aziraphale being like let's get the fuck outta here before the police come coz I'll morally have to assist them with enquiries is so babygirl of him for real. You little bastard, you.
I love Aziraphale. Crowley makes a man faint from fear and Aziraphale isn't all that pissed because he's salty about the man ruining his expensive shirt. Oh, Aziraphale.
So attracted to War in an awful way. It makes so much sense how attractive in an awful way she is.
Pouring one out for Mr and Mrs Threlfall of 9, The Elms, Paignton.
"Right," mumbled Crowley, suddenly feeling very alone.
Slightly desperate italics is a phrase I didn't know I needed in my life but during my inevitable next war with fucking typefaces, I will definitely use. Fuck I had design work to do for my mum. AH WELL, CROWLEY, CROWLEY, CROWLEY.
In response to watch out for that pedestrian, Crowley says It's on the street, it knows the risks it's taking! Crowley supports it/its pronouns, pass it on.
Where do you live my dear? Aziraphale oozed. OOZED. OMG.
Everyday, my-homoerotic-tension-and-love-hate-relationship-with-my-copy-of-this-book's a-getting stronger... WHY MUST THAT LINE HURT ME SO MUCH.
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queer-enderdragon · 5 months ago
dear lord, okie.
rewatched both eps out so far, like just to have everything fresh in mind, and i got two things to share. first one is more music analysis from a music enthusiast who might or might not read a lot between lines, and second, a Thought i had that... well, maybe will be relevant, maybe not
so... the music,
if we take in the fact that ivory has been working on this project for at least 2 years and maybe some, and that instead of using music done by others she is doing these herself... well, wp!ivory Is the quiet type, definitely a nervous type too as it shows with her speech going a little out of her control when shes anxious, and the story itself is quiet in many aspects, including the hemlocke family trying to keep the press silent about whitepine's tragedy
but what it isn't quiet is the music
and i cant really explain what i mean unless you see what i'm talking about, so bear with me
starting with the end song of ep 2, larch. like... end songs for the episode to me now are like the silent moments we are given but the inverse. moments that tell us to listen, so that we may know more about the things unsaid, and this song... this song specifically speaks to me of something about tension. a soft kind of tension, one barely building up, a string that is slowly being pulled... because so far this is not really—or at least fully—a murder mystery, because the focus of the narrative is not yet of whoever killed mysti, of finding out who did it
is about grief, and how things just... keep moving, maybe too fast. there hasnt even been a Funeral, the servants were barely given a single day to rest, and her place as a personal maid has been filled in already with ivory. things are moving on, even if an investigation is already going on the back now
which leads me to wych elm. that is Exactly what im talking about here
the music starting sober, slow, then going into a crescendo and for a moment i thought i was maybe reading too much into it, but when i saw even the comments under the video of the song were talking about how this song sounded like grief and overstimulation...
in the scene this song plays, the camera is first on ivory, then a very fast paced cooking scene, but then starts jumping all over the manor. closed doors, parts of the outside, maids and butlers making sure everything is in shape and clean like it has always been. things Keep Happening, two days pass like a flash, the sense of normalcy tinted by how people still feeling the injury of the lost, but the world keeps moving. the signing in the song almost feels like a quiet cry. one you have to just let yourself be even for a moment, because the next you need to go back to work. the world keeps turning and is not going to wait for you and let you grieve. and then the song cuts the moment we are back with the hemlocke.
now the last new song, lacebark pine, at the start of the episode after the interrogations...
besides the sad tone, call me insane, but to me it feels like... longing,
and with how ivory just stares at the forest, where is said many "have gone missing", and how she Immediately goes there the moment no one is looking, even when told not to. how she says she was found in the woods,
this goes well with the last thought i had actually, that i've already been seeing people on youtube making videos of how they "solved" the murder of mysti
and i say to them. maybe you're focusing in the wrong things right now, or maybe, dare i say, you're falling for the distraction of the magician while she hides your card. because if you're focused enough on one thing, maybe something else might slip right behind you without anyone noticing
there's many odd things going on with the whitepine manor, it's history, the people in it, including the servants, the surroundings and ivory. the murder happening there might just be the last drop to finally set things into motion.
tho of course, i'll wait until at least a good 5 eps are out to start trying to see where this is going better, because again, ivory is making a wonderful job setting the tone of whitepine so far, but she herself did say she wanted to take this story slow instead of a more fast paced narrative like how her past videos used to be. so meanwhile, let's just set the table and get ready to eat
let her cook <3
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semiweirdshipper · 20 days ago
Since you write about slashers, I've been curious if you like horror films? If you do, what are your favorites? And what was the last horror film you seen?
I love horror movies! The last two i watched were longlegs and Cuckoo. Both strange films, but I really liked them.
If you don't like horror movies or movies, that's cool too 😅
I like a few horror movies. I'll admit I'm not that big on them because of the violence, but there are some I enjoy.
Scream was the first horror movie I watched. I was six years old and remember I had a crush on Stu, and when I found out he was Ghostface I started crying in frustration. Lol, such simple times. (wait, that means Stu Macher was my first slasher crush...)
A Nightmare on Elm Street, the first one, is the film that got me into slashers a few years ago. I enjoy it and I love Freddy.
Freddy vs Jason is just... Gay... And I love it.
I love the Chucky movies and the TV series.
Hellraiser was very enjoyable and made me fall in love with Pinhead.
I will never understand the order or layout of the Friday the 13th movies, but I love Jason.
IT was exciting. Pennywise needs to be higher up on my writing list.
And that's about it, slasher wise. Thank you for the question! It was fun sharing ❤️ What are your favorites?
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nicomaxx13 · 4 months ago
Hello! My name is Nico. I'm 23 years old at the time this post is posted, birthday being on November 14th. I'm genderfluid and go by any pronouns. I'm an occasional artist, drawing mostly original characters I create. I will be obnoxiously posting them here and writing little stories about them. I'll make a list for each character. I also write fanfics, although I'm new to it. I don't know if there will be much x reader fics, as I like to insert original characters into my stuff hehe.
Fandoms I will write for:
Anything horror related, such as Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Saw, DBD, and others
The Marvel Universe, mostly the Avengers and those movies
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit (Some of my ocs reside in that type of fantasy)
Final Fantasy
Devil May Cry
Pirates of the Carribean
Disney (all fics in this will be sfw)
Resident Evil
Red Dead Redemption
Homophobes, racists, minors, anything hateful related
What I Will Write:
NSFW? (I've always been picky with it)
Full on Fics
Little Stories
What I Will NOT Write:
Incest, Pedophilia, underage
Original Characters
Tumblr media
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oattoast · 3 months ago
another long night of me worrying and crying about my sickly old lady cat (18-year old Greasy, who I love incredibly much and who has been going through a rough couple of months to the point the vet didn't think she'd make it through september). cw vomiting and pet illness. discussions of medicines and treatments. mostly me gathering my thoughts and making plans.
my tiny old lady cat Greasy has the pukes. since Sunday at 6am, she's been throwing up 10-20 minutes after eating. She didn't throw up all Sunday afternoon but resumed Sunday night and Monday morning. a couple of times I have found very small hairballs in the food/vomit. and a couple times it's just been clear with white foam (classic kidney disease symptom; she's stage 2 at last check and acid has thus far been controlled with 2.5mg pepcid once daily in the evenings).
she's hungry, so she keeps eating and drinking water. I think it's a good sign she still has an appetite even though she's feeling awful. I heard her eat at maybe 1:45am, so I'm waiting up to catch her vomit on some grocery circulars and tissues so I don't have to wash my blanket again twice in two days (I don't have a dryer, it takes all day to dry and there's not much sun this time of year). It is 2am.
last week (the night of Dec. 5th/morning of the 6th) we went to the emergency vet because Greasy had a UTI. for 10 days I was giving a lot of different medicines and supplements 6-7 times a day, so I stopped giving her slippery elm bark (herbal remedy for nausea/gastro issues) to try to lighten the load on me and reduce stress on her. she's been on 1/8tsp powder (mixed with 1ml water, syringed into mouth cheek pocket) daily for months, but I didn't know if it was actually doing much of anything to reduce nausea/soothe gastro issues. besides vomiting on the 6th from straining, she was doing fine. well. she was probably doing fine because of it. maybe a little less than a week later, she has the pukes now. I feel guilty, like I was being lazy trying to cut things out when I was overwhelmed trying to manage all of Greasy's meds and treatments. have an alarm set to call the vet at 7am (in 5 hours...) to see if we can get a cerenia shot (anti emetic) and some cerenia pills to get us through until her lab draws on the 26th.
it might not be the slippery elm bark stopping that caused this. after all, she finished up a round of antibiotics today and she's been under a lot of stress. it could be other stuff going on like worsening kidney disease or pancreatitis. she hasn't had a proper urine culture, so it may be that the antibiotic didn't work and the uti traveled up to her kidney or is getting worse (she hasnt had any more UTI symptoms though so I think/hope this isn't the case). the timing of stopping the herbal remedy for gastro issues and nausea and within the week her starting to vomit might explain things. If it *is* the slippery elm bark, i had not realized it was doing so much heavy lifting. I resumed it Sunday afternoon. The dose range for that is 1/8-1/4 tsp, so maybe I'll give her 1/4 tsp tomorrow and reduce it if symptoms improve.
I gave her another 2.5mg dose of pepcid Monday morning (she usually only gets one dose in the evening, but twice a day is within range the Dr said we could give her, max 5mg a day). It's only been 18 hours of 5mg pepcid instead of 2.5mg pepcid, and 2 doses of slippery elm bark 1/8tsp. I can go up on slippery elm bark to multiple times a day as well, just need to check the dose recommendations.
Greasy's regular vet doesn't work Tuesdays. Hopefully the pepcid and slippery elm bark combo build up tomorrow and she stabilizes enough to see him wednesday :( and also that's if they have any openings. Cerenia works very quickly and I'm sure she would be relieved not to be puking.
It's 2:05am. she drank water, used the litter box, and is drinking water again. Sometimes cats drink a bunch of water right before vomiting to dilute the acid as it comes back up. She did that twice late Monday evening.
Update 2:39 am. she didn't puke (!!). It's the first meal she's kept down today. It's been almost an hour since she ate and 35 minutes since she drank. I'm going to nap.
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canecorset · 7 months ago
Scream, The Witches, Hocus Pocus, Beetlejuice, It, Corpse Bride, Coraline, Gremlins, Goosebumps, Breaking Bad, Fallout, Air Buddies Spinoffs, Pup Star Movies + Puppy Star Christmas, Men In Black, Ghostbusters, Venom, Jumanji, Paddington, Beverly Hills Chihuahua, Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore, Vampire Dog, Supernatural, Zootopia, Any Monster High Media except the newer ones, Yo-Kai Watch, Back To The Future, Rick and Morty, Powerpuff Girls, The Matrix, Fight Club, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, The Ring, The Shining, Good Omens, Needy Steamer Overload, Sucker For Love, Class of '09, Any Chilla's Art game, Any Puppet Combo game, Genshin Impact ( i will give any natlan or sumeru character their melanin back ), Honkai Star Rail, Zenless Zone Zero, Pokémon, Kirby, Any Legend of Zelda game, Animal Crossing, Doki Doki Literature Club, Five Nights at Freddy's, Tuck Everlasting, The Outsiders, Lord of the Rings + The Hobbit, Pirates of the Caribbean, Doctor Who, MCU, DCU, My Little Pony, Frankenweenie, The Nightmare before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands, Alice in Wonderland, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, The Grinch, Phantom of the Opera, Disney ( i do not support the company, it is merely ingrained in my childhood and i enjoy the whimsical stories of old school Disney ), Smile, The Mandela Catalogue, Possibly in Michigan, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Hannibal, Vtubers ( no nijisanji ), OCs ( must provide artwork, if it was drawn by someone else, tell me who ), Demon Slayer, Jujustu Kaisen, Bungou Stray Dogs, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Sailor Moon, Death Note, Chainsaw Man, Reverse: 1999, Resident Evil, The Last Of Us, Call of Duty, Red Dead Redemption, God of War, Devil May Cry, Detroit: Become Human, Doom, Madoka Magica, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Nier: Automata, Spy x Family, Darling in the Franxx, Panty & Stocking, Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun, Overlord, Wuthering Waves, Dark Souls, Halo, Fundamental Paper Education, Final Fantasy, Vocaloid, A Land Mine Vampire's Overbearing Love, I Wanted to be Hurt by Love, Zom 100, The Case Study of Vanitas, Sanrio, Cherry Crush, Danganrompa, Mean Girls, The Walten Files, If It's Not On This List Or Blacklist, Ask First!
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley, Boyfriends Webtoon, Dori ( genshin ), Makima and Himeno ( chainsaw man ), Homestuck, South Park, Mori ( bungo stray dogs ), Anything Pedophilic, Incestuous, Abusive, etc. Anything With Toxic or Harmful Intentions ( stalker x victim, etc. )
greylist / restricted
Any non-SFW media but if i'm able to find some content that isn't explicit, i suppose i can edit it. I won't do ship or Hu Tao related content unless we are moots.
Basic DNI, anti-mspec / "contradictory labels", radqueer, safequeer, aggressive stans, misandrists, deny transandrophobia, "irl yanderes", demonize PDs or believe in narc abuse, etc. TERFs, if you're here to start discourse, ed / sh blogs, femcels and incels, NSFW blogs, nasty people.
Transmasc, Transsexual ( masc, male, etc. ), Sappillean, Gaybian, Boygirl, Demigirl, Black Exclusive Labels, Rabbit Hole Miku, Vampire Miku, Ghost, Fairy, Water, Dark, Fighting and Flying Type Miku, Indie Kid, Kidcore, Lovecore, Dark Academia, Weirdcore, Horror, Clowncore, Americana, Morute, Southern Gothic, Biblical Imagery, Vulture Culture, Cybercore, Scenecore, Nonhuman, Otherkin, Otherhearted, Bat Related, Bug Related, Monster Related, Loser Related, Freak Related, Mutt Related, Aro + Ace Related, Anything Cute, Aquatic or Fluffy, Mean Girls, Desaturated Colors, Occult, Cyber Y2K, Hippie / BoHo, Low Poly, Forensics Aesthetic, Feminine Masc, Austism Related, BPD or AVPD Related, 80s Aesthetics, Burlesque Aesthetics, Gender Non-Conforming, Drag, Deadpool, Wolverine, Batman, Moot Requests.
things i'll do
tumblr layouts, character pride icons, mogai flags, aesthetic carekits, dual flag + music suggestion, rentry graphics, dividers, blasian / darkskin edits upon request.
things i won't do
alt system terms, discord or twitter layouts, rentry directory graphics.
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southwestchili · 2 years ago
↳ ❝ What’s your favorite scary movie?❞
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╰┈➤ ghostface! scaramouche x reader
genre: angst
tags: blood, killing, murder, graphic details, violence, stalking, scream au
A/n: this is going to be really similar to the opening scene from scream (1996)
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you have always loved horror and slasher films. you were about to watch a horror movie. you walk into your kitchen so you could make some popcorn. you put it on the stove and wait for the kernels to be fully popped and ready for you to eat. you were patiently waiting for the popcorn when the phone rang. "Hello?" you ask. "Hello." an unfamiliar voice says. "Who is this?" the voice asks. "You called me, you might have the wrong number." you speak. "Oh, why don't you talk with me for a while, I'm awfully bored you know?" he coos. "Well alright, it can't be for a while though I'm about to watch a movie." you say. "What movie?" " a scary movie." you say with a giggle. "Do you like scary movies?" the man asks." yeah I do!" " what's your favorite scary movie?" "Probably nightmare on elm street!" you say excitingly. "Ah yeah that one was scary" he says in response. "So, what's your name?" he asks. "Why do you want to know my name?" you retort. "I want to know who I'm looking at." "What?!" you say taken aback. "What? I just want to know who I'm talking to, what did you think I said?" he asks. "Um I'm starting to get scared, that isn't what you said..." you say with horror filling you. "Why are you scared, don't you have a boyfriend to protect you?" he speaks. "How did you know I have a boyfriend?" you say with pure terror in your shaking voice. "I'm hanging up I don't want to talk with you anymore..." you say, and you put the phone down. But before you fully hang up you hear his voice coming from the phone "Don't you fucking dare hang up on me you stupid bitch!" he yells now very angry. "What do you want?!" you say with tears starting to flow down your face. "Why are you crying S/o?" he asks. "Just stop please this isn't funny!" you plea. "You like horror, right? answer 3 questions' right and I'll let you live. how does that sound?" " your fucking psychotic! I called the police they will find you!" you scream. "Oh yeah? I'm shaking!" he mocks. "Question one. What day of the week does the movie Psycho start on?" "Uh....Friday?" you reply. "Good answer! Alright, question two killer in Friday the thirteenth?" he asks. "Jason! its Jason!" You say with hope in your voice. "I'm sorry, but that's wrong..." he says with a fake disappointed tone. "What?" you say as tears are running down your face. "I'm gonna have fun ripping you apart!" he says with a psychotic tone in his voice. the phone disconects and you hear a loud bang. it sounds as if someone just kicked a door down. then all of a sudden you see a black figure wearing a white mask running at you with a knife. you scream as the figure leaps at you. you roll over in time and the figure slides into your glass coffee table shattering it. He gets up quickly as runs at you. he tackles you and his knife grazes your arm as you struggle to fight him off. he's way stronger than you. but you get him off. you run towards the door but its locked. the killer dashes towards you and puts you into a choke hold. he pulls his knife out as stabs you but before he could bring the knife into your chest you kick him away. he tumbles to the ground with a loud thud. you run as fast as you could to the back door. it seems like the killer disappeared. you try to open the door, but it was locked. you tried to open it, but it needed a key. "Fuck!" you help. you feel your arm throbbing from the cut he gave you. you hear rustling behind you. you whip your head around to see what the noise was. you see the killer darting to you. you were to slow, and he pounced on you. He takes his mask off. "Hey babe." your boyfriend says. "What? scara?" you say with betrayal in your eyes. "I think you would look so much prettier covered in your own blood!" he says manically. He plunges the knife in and out of your heart. hearing your screams and your blood splattering on your forehead makes his heartbeat faster.
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bitchy-peachy · 4 months ago
Gonna rewatch every Candyman movie today and tomorrow Idk what franchise I'll rewatch.., I already did a Hellraiser one months ago as well as a Terrifier one... Hmmm... Nightmare on Elm's Street and Child's Play are out...
I think I've rewatched almost every franchise there is. Friday the 13th, Halloween... Ugh. I'm upset at myself, lol.
Might move to foreign franchises then... I know I binged One Last Call, Ringu, Ju-On, I haven't binged on Tag-Along and I heard of a new Train to Busan but the first movie made me cry so my sensitive ass can't handle familial love in movies.
I can only handle gore and blood. No sad shit.
Or... I could go to some really freaking old franchises... Shit like The Wishmaster or Scarecrow, or I can go for Children of the Corn or just any short movie collection based on King's short stories, like Night Flyer, Graveyard Shift and so on...
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edgessunflower · 1 year ago
Love this is one of your Halloween prompts for a Chyna x fem! Reader “I don’t like scary movies”- “I’ll keep you safe” I love you so much
I love you my dear! 😘
Movie night
Pairing: Chyna x Fem reader
Description: You and Chyna have a movie night in honor of the start of October
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Chyna smiles at you as you walk back in bringing drinks and snacks for the movie night as dinner finishes cooking. You set dinner on the table talking in between bites and sips of your drinks, the two of you decided since you both had the first night of October off to have a movie night at home with some horror movies but also thrillers in between to still as a spooky atmosphere, "I don't like scary movies baby" she looks at you as the two of you started watching the movie Ginger snaps "I'll keep you safe sweetie don't worry" you giggle as the two of you eat dinner getting through different movies slowly after ginger snaps, the two of you finished dinner while watching Final Destination washing the dishes as the credits played putting them up before starting Urban Legend and the snacks slowly came into play as you started Friday the 13th making sure to chew slowly as you felt each jumpscare or kill come up but you got through feeling your heart slow a bit as I know what you did last summer started laying your head on chyna's shoulders and only tucking close to her side as Candyman started playing feeling your nerves start to wear on you. You managed to keep yourself calm enough not to cry or even fall on the floor but you make sure to keep your hand intertwined with chyna's and yourself tucked in her side as IT played noticing the on edge look on chyna's face remembering that she had a slight fear of clowns both of you holding each other tightly even yelping and screaming a few times feeling relief wash over both of you as the movie ends but they kick back in when Nightmare on elm street starts taking turns going to the bathroom or just walking around the house as the movie plays just trying to make sure that neither of you got too scared since you both were terrified of the movie after one night a few years back when the two of you along with the corporation watched horror movies backstage leading to you locking yourself in the bathroom, chyna hiding behind the couch, Shane running out of the room, Kane punching a hole in the wall, Triple H throwing the tape of the film across the hall, and quite a few different reactions from your friends and other wrestlers backstage who witnessed half of all of the chaos of that late night in October, finally only a few minutes into Sleepaway camp the two of you called it quits and watched comedies which washed away the fear and worry before putting everything away and heading to bed holding each other as you both slowly fall asleep.
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onebloodsoakedlion · 7 months ago
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DISCLAIMER: This is a FAKE post that I made using Inspect Element. You will not find this on r/traumatizeThemBack. Also, u/GoldenFlame1999 is just a name I made up and if that's an actual user, please don't annoy them with this fake post.
This is about my Poképasta Lost and Stolen, so if you haven't read that, you may not understand. Gold is OP, Crystal is basically his sister and the edgy kid is... just some edgy nihilist that I made up on the spot.
Alt text under the cut:
Title: You insist on talking to me about death? I'll tell you about death!
Flair: [matched energy]
Body Text:
I just found this subreddit thanks to a friend of mine and I figured that this seems like the best place to share something that happened to me when I was 12 years old.
Prof. Elm had taken my sister and I to Sinnoh so we could catch some Pokémon for the National Dex. Not only did that mean new places to explore, but we weren't as well-known there - it would be nice to have a break from all the fame that came with beating the Indigo League.
As I had hoped, most of the people there were pretty chill. They weren't all over us like a pack of excited Growlithes. And the few that did know us didn't make a huge fuss about it.
But there just had to be this one person getting on my nerves. Some stupid edgy teenager with a team of spooky edgy Dark-Types challenged me to a battle. I wiped the floor with his Pokémon and got the prize money, so that should've been the end of it. But no, he asked me to hang around because he wanted to tell me something reeeeeeeeaaaaaaally important. Me: Sure, what is it? Him: Did you know that death is inevitable? Yeah, that's right - you're going to die. And eventually, every single achievement, no matter how noteworthy, will be forgotten. Me: Yeah, that's great, but can you please leave me alone?
But this bastard just does not stop and as I try to just walk away, he grabs me by the arm and pulls be back towads him. He tells me that he hasn't finished speaking and that he has so much more to tell me about the inevitability of death and the futility of my actions and that I should quit "chasing fame" because it will never be worth it in the end.
As you probably know, I'm actually no stranger to death. I am one of the victims of the Kanto-Johto Remake Incident, which had only been resolved mere months before the trip to Sinnoh happened. what happened to me during the incident was fresh on my mind and with some of the perpetrators still out there with the intention of killing me, I was on edge.
So I told this fuckass kid that I had something to say, too: "Did you know that when you die, you just go straight to Hell. There, a bunch of demonic Unown slowly tear your limbs off, drain the colour from your body and clothes, then leave you in a black void with nothing to do but relive twisted, nightmarish versions of your own memories. Wanna know how I know? Because I'm Pokémon Trainer Gold, one of the victims of the Kanto-Johto Remake Incident."
This boy goes completely pale and clammy and he backs off slowly, clutching his Gengar's Pokéball in his trembling hands, muttering something along the lines of "Gods, I forgot about that incident..." before curling into a ball and crying. Man it felt satisfying to see that brat get a taste of the trauma that he insisted on making me relive.
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homoquartz · 1 year ago
one of my favorite AUs is high school, not because of the usual reasons but because teenagers are very funny
anyway my point is teenage crowley asking aziraphale if he's seen the nightmare on elm street movies and aziraphale breaking a sweat like "my mom says if i watch an R rated movie, i'll make Jesus cry."
aziraphale: he's so cool mom he gave himself an ear piercing
god: i do not want that kid in my house
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captain-kraken · 1 year ago
Manuscript Search Tag
Thank you @outpost51 for the tag! See his post here.
I'll tag @writernopal @sam-glade @kittensartswriting and anyone else who wants to do it :)
Your words are: happy, hope, run, dance, cry
My words were: question, speed, effort, stress, waste
I rolled my eyes at him, still feeling awkward after the unexpected question. I had never really thought about the possibility of people questioning my friendship with Scavenger and I felt my face grow hot as I remembered Elm’s raised eyebrows at the word ‘assistant’.
Without speaking, I fell onto all fours and started running in the direction of the scent trail. I didn’t think about the others and how they’d be unable to keep up with my speed. I was too determined not to let whatever it was get away this time.
The group talked amongst themselves, including Scavenger in their conversation but making no effort with me. They tried to hide it, but I could smell their fear of me. A constant reminder of how different they perceived me to be.
nothing for stress! (surprisingly lol)
I did know why I was feeling like this though, and I hated myself for it. I already knew how this would end and it wouldn’t be with a happily-ever-after. Giving my heart to someone who didn’t have one was a waste. A lesson I should have learned from the last time.
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Elmer crying in the bathroom room at night so no one hears him. That is until finch gets up and walks in immediately looking upset. "Hey who I need to soak huh?"
"Its fine," Elmer tries to wave him off.
"This ain't fine. Tell me who the fuck hurt you bad enough that ya crying."
Elmer looked ashamed. "Its.. I'm not a baby," he protested as if thst was on finchs mind.
""Elm tell me what's up or im getting Jojo and race."
"No!" Elmer said, panicked.
"Hm.... it one of them?"
"No. It's stupid finch I'll be fine."
"That aint what I asked. Damn you're stubborn when you wanna be. Come on Elm I wanna help... please?"
"You can help by leaving me alone."
Finch was a little lost as to what to do. Elmer was a happy kid, and even when he was in a bad mood it was usually easy enough to cheer him up. He never usually clammed up like this, refusing to talk at all. "Elmer.. nobody who says they're fine is actually fine. Nobody who's 'fine' sits in the bathroom cryin' in the middle of the night. I'm worried about you."
Elmer gaze shot up from the floor to Finch. For a twelve year old, he could look pretty fierce when he wanted to.
"Y'don't need to worry 'bout me." He muttered coldly, "Run along now. You're pretty good at that."
Elmer's words felt like a slap in the face, but he didn't let it show. The younger boy was lashing out because he was upset. That wasn't an excuse to be cruel, though.
"We ain't talking about me, Elm. We're talkin' about you. D'you have another bad sellin' day or somethin'-?"
Finch couldn't ignore how rushed Elmer's response was. "If you won't talk to me, and you don't want me to get JoJo or Race, then I'm gettin' Jack. You've been off for days now, I ain't the only one who's noticed."
Elmer stood up, cheeks flushed and fists clenched. For a moment, Finch was scared he was going to hit him- but Elmer simply walked past him.
"I don't wanna talk, Finch. I can handle this myself."
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vifilms · 5 months ago
sorry it's taken me so long to get to this bub, my brain has been brain dead for the past few days. but dear god, this means the world to me. my favorite person writing fiction will always make me the most excited, i will die on this hill — there is not a soul on the planet doing it like you. there is just something so special about they way you write. speaking to tumblr chat reading this, y'all don't understand how much heart eren puts into this. all of their heart is in everything they write. the amount of dedication, effort, and love it takes to do this deserver all the appreciation the wolrd has to offer. there is quite literally not a single person i love more. maybe because this fic is tailored for me, hehe, but still. if y'all don't appreciate my bub, i will be out for blood. it's spooky season so i have the right to ♡
speaking of spooky season, this is my fav spooky fic thus far. m'down so bad for this idea. it's not a surpise, but i love love love love this. jennifer's body is iconic af, i have to watching it every sinle year without fail....it's like you knew this hm......strange. but honestly, i'm such a horror baddie, you ask me to watch a horror film and i'll be right there. don't let the sparkles and color themes sway you, m'wearing all black nearly every day of the week, as one should. GOD IM YAPPING AND IT NOT EVEN ABOUT THE FIC. BUB SHUT ME UP.
celebrating halloween with abby, and her heart is completely full that first night of october when you softly list every activity you want— need to do with her. at first it was the two page list of all the movies you wanted to watch, ranging from halloween, nightmare on elm street, to the nightmare before christmas, hocus pocus, jennifers body. abby couldn’t keep up because there were so many you had listed but she gladly accepted that movies, and the ones you wanted to see were a must this month.
you’re always listening to me when i’m yapping……..let’s makeout until i can’t breathe. #needthat. fr though, i haven’t seen much spooky fics, i really did need this so bad and who better to give me what i need then you, bub. i’m actually so obsessed. i need us to watch all of these, together, asapricky. it’s actually against the spooky law i say! abby being the forgetful one…..looks like me and abby twins. so rela honestly.
“were they the right ones? if not i can go back and—” you’re cutting her off by practically jumping onto her, wrapping your arms tightly around her neck, and kissing all over her face. a loving smile creeps up on abby’s lips and a blush flushes her cheeks. “m’guessing they are the right ones then, pretty girl?” she chuckled, wrapping her arms around your waist.
when i say i'm crying, actual tears streaming down my face. this actually me and u. pls. everything about this fic is just us :( this fic is so niche for erenray, you guys just don’t understand which is completely fine. you don’t have to because i get to experience this while i harbor all the love in the world for them. this is so perfect. i feel like this was written for me, the sweetest angel ever my bub is. everything you write pulls at the strings connected to my heart, each sentence pulling at it more than the last. the attention to detail is everything. when someone remembers the smallest, insignificant details, or you might think it is, but it’s really the small things. it’s always the smallest of things that lead to the most influential things in your life. okay, m’getting off track again. ray! focus! seriously, no one writes domesticated love like you. literally not a single soul. it feels like i’m there with you as you’re writing it, completely drowning in the world you’ve created. that’s everything to me. s’alwsus healing me in the most spectacular ways.
“i missed you too” abby mumbled into your neck and squeezed your body gently against hers. “m’gonna take a shower, then we can do the rest of the decorations and watch one of those movies, yeah?”  “jennifers body?”  “we can watch whatever you want, just let me shower real quick, okay?” “take your time.”
y’all don’t get the lore. it’s fine. it’s our lore and m’keeping to myself. just know im bawling my eyes out at this…..again.
“you were so cute, clinging to me like your life depended on it, even though the ghost wasn’t real” she giggled and pressed a kiss on your forehead when you pouted up at her. “you know i love you though” “i love you”
oh, me, i’m such a clinger when i’m scared. abby, yeah, you will feel my iron grip. it’s just the way things go (not beabadobee’s version) JESUS 1AM RAY IS SPINKY RN ICL. perhaps it’s a good thing you’re sleeping rn :sideeye: enough of the nonsense…..i wear i’m not doing this on purpose…….OKAY NOW IM DONE LMFAOOOOOO. can you you tell im delirious as i’m typing this……are you giggling……laugh……i’m funny…..ray okay shut up 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ chat maybe this is where bub gets sick of me. stay tuned in roughly sick hours to see if they still love me. alright let me strap down and lock the fuck in. but anays yes the fuck i’m gripping onto my strong rock of a girlfriend at all given circumstance ???? abby you expect this?????? kinda crazy she doesn’t but we’ll work on that. but the love. the love. the love. i need fluff in my life every day, every second, every moment, take the angst gaygirlypop OUT OF ME. i want soft, unconditional love filling me up constantly. need it more than life itself. i fear i will have to wrap this up as im falling asleep typing this but i love you my erenboobear. i love you more than anyone has ever loved someone ever and feel more grateful for you every single day.
i love my bub 🩷
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celebrating halloween with abby, and her heart is completely full that first night of october when you softly list every activity you want— need to do with her. at first it was the two page list of all the movies you wanted to watch, ranging from halloween, nightmare on elm street, to the nightmare before christmas, hocus pocus, jennifers body. abby couldn’t keep up because there were so many you had listed but she gladly accepted that movies, and the ones you wanted to see were a must this month.
abby loved the idea of renting movies, there was something so nostalgic yet familiar with the feeling and memory that she refused to use any movie streaming sites for your movie night. she wanted the physical disc in her hands, and you just wanted to see the smile on her face. so it wasn’t that surprising to you when she got home from her long shift at work, dropped her bag— which sounded heavier than when she packed it this morning and looked at you with a mischievous grin on her face. instead of telling you, something she usually does, she simply pulls out a plastic bag, one from her favorite movie places, and passes it to you. that grin still resting on her lips.
“did you rent all of them?” you grumbled, almost dropping the heavy bag on the floor. sinking your teeth into your bottom lip as you slowly peek into the bag, you weren’t sure why you were acting like something was going to jump out at you, but your heart melted and a smile quickly made it’s way onto your face when you spotted all the movies you had told her about— all the ones wrote on your list, were inside the bag. “you rented all the ones i told you about?” you gasped, looking at her with wide eyes.
“were they the right ones? if not i can go back and—” you’re cutting her off by practically jumping onto her, wrapping your arms tightly around her neck, and kissing all over her face. a loving smile creeps up on abby’s lips and a blush flushes her cheeks. “m’guessing they are the right ones then, pretty girl?” she chuckled, wrapping her arms around your waist.
“yes, yes. they are the right ones, thank you. i love you”
“you’re welcome. i love you the most, sweet girl,” abby smiled and kissed your cheek. “what’s next?”
decorations. you can’t ever go wrong with them. abby figured it would simply be a couple of pieces here and there over the following few days. she expected to come to see a few halloween garlands on the wall, maybe a different mug, and maybe, just maybe a new movie addition. oh boy, how wrong she was. you’d completely removed the soft blue blankets and all of the cute pillows, that you had begged her to let you buy, and replaced them with brown pillows with white and creme blankets. maybe a few mint green pieces here and there. the fireplace was decorated with leaf garlands and candles scattered all over. the hallway coming in through the apartment door was more or less the scary part. the walls were completely decorated with fake webs, fake spiders, and some horror posters that you had both got together a few years ago. abby didn’t realize that you went all out for different holidays.
“did you do all of this today?” her tired voice rang out from behind you. your body quickly spun around and welcomed her with a soft smile. one that she truly misses when she’s not home and looks at her with a mischievous glint in your eyes. “oh, you look so cute in that sweater.” she chuckled at the ghostface sweater you had pulled out from the back of your closet. “very fitting for the occasion”
“why thank you” you giggled softly. “as for the decorations, yeah. when i got home i started, i was in the zone and i managed to do most of it in here. i left the bedroom and kitchen free because i wanted to do that with you. i know how much you complained about putting up christmas decorations in here last year” you trailed off, smirking behind your coffee mug when abby narrows her eyes at you. silently telling you to watch it. “do you like it? i didn’t want to put a lot of scary decorations in here knowing i might have a heart attack one night when i think the fake spider is going to kill me.”
“i love it,” abby nodded, stepping further into the living room and looking around. “it’s not too scary and it’s very cozy. is this the candle i bought you?” she mumbled leaning down and taking a small whiff of the pumpkin candle. “it is isn’t it?”
“yes, abs. it’s pumpkin. i like the smell of them, and what a perfect time to use the one you bought me?” you smiled and wrapped your arms around her neck when she just shook her head with a soft laugh and walked over to you. “missed you”
“i missed you too” abby mumbled into your neck and squeezed your body gently against hers. “m’gonna take a shower, then we can do the rest of the decorations and watch one of those movies, yeah?” 
“jennifers body?” 
“we can watch whatever you want, just let me shower real quick, okay?”
“take your time.”
abby wasn’t gone long, just like she promised, as she stumbled out of the bathroom not even 10 minutes, freshly cleaned, smelling like pinecone and coconut, changed into something more comfortable, and her hair wet when she found you unpacking the new pillows and blankets from one of the boxes she hasn’t seen since last halloween. “couldn’t wait, huh?” she smiled.
“no,” you cheekily smiled back at her, “the other box has all the decorations in if you wanted to pick the stuff you wanted to put up?” 
“i love putting the decorations up in here” the blonde admitted, picking up one of the pictures of the both of you from a previous date she had taken you on. “i remember we went to a haunted house at that one carnival once before we took this and you almost screamed my eardrum out when a ghost scared you.”
“i thought you weren’t going to bring that up again?!” you huffed softly. 
“you were so cute, clinging to me like your life depended on it, even though the ghost wasn’t real” she giggled and pressed a kiss on your forehead when you pouted up at her. “you know i love you though”
“i love you”
as the night moved on, both you and abby gradually put up some of the less scarier halloween deortations in your bedroom. each time she would move back towards the box, you found yourself happily watching her. watching how she had silent battles with herself on what she wanted to put up, and what to put away until it was over. your heart constantly melts when she simply pouts before throwing something on the floor and changing her mind. or how abby would catch you off guard when you were putting up something of your own, and she would creep up behind you and pick you up. the both of you falling into a fit of giggles and laughter.
not before long, your bedroom was looking more halloween ready, soft lights hung around the bedframe, fake cobwebs hanging over the bathroom door, some of those same horror posters that were in the hallway hanging up on the wall that was filled with photos and memories with you and abby. one of her ideas was putting fake blood all around some of the candles, which you happily agreed to. you loved when abby did her own little crafts.
“movie?” abby pouted, looking up from the box with a tired pout.
“yeah, baby. you pick the first one”
“i thought we were watching jennifers body?”
“you pick, i’ll pick the next one” you smiled, cupped her face between your hands and kissed her lips. “and while you do that, i’ll make hot chocolate and find some of the halloween candy i bought earlier”
“s’time to watch that movie you don’t— just kidding, baby” abby smiled mischeviously when she noticed your narrowed eyes. 
“do you want me to have nightmares?”
“i’ll protect you from your nightmares, always, baby”
“i love you.”
“i love you more, but m’gonna put on saw”
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