#ellie williams my beloved
navluvr · 1 month
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pairing ellie williams x fem!reader (exes to lovers)
synopsis when you father hires your ex to be his farmhand, you're left with less and less self control as the days pass, always keeping an eye on the aurburn-haired girl that had stolen your heart years ago
warnings kinda shitty pacing bc i was rushing to get this out, ooc!ellie (maybe idk), not edited very well, heavy kissing, mentions of alcohol
wc 2.7k
note i've had this in the works for over a year now and was originally supposed to publish this on my old blog but oh well...anyway alexa play 'save a horse (ride a cowboy)' by big & rich
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the weather was unforgiving.
scorching sun rays beat down on the farm, baking the golden dead grass and drying out the small creek on the outskirts of the perimeter. it was rather unusual for a jackson summer. and it did nothing but inflate your attraction toward the woman who currently hauled large hay bales into the barn.
dressed in a pair of low-rise jorts, her typical high-top converse, and a cream wife-beater, ellie wiped sweat from her forehead with a scowl, face twisted in the bright light. the rise of her arm lifted her shirt, exposing a sliver of the toned abdomen she hid most days. as she caught your eye, spotting you peeking at her from behind the book you were trying to busy yourself with, she sent a cheeky smile, enjoying the way you scurried to cover your face with the novel.
you preoccupied yourself on the back porch, trying and failing to focus on the words that swam on the page of your book. the wicket lounge chair was stiff and the towel under you itched your back, rubbing against the skin that wasn’t covered by the skimpy bikini you had chosen to wear in favor of the hot weather. yet it wasn’t the weather that made you flush and squirm restlessly, your focus settled elsewhere.
“what’re you readin’?”
brows shooting to your hairline, you glanced up at ellie, who had approached without you realizing.
she licked her chapped lips in anticipation, silhouette blocking out the sun.
shaking your head, you sat up straight. “nothing good, to be honest,” you said, avoiding her heavy gaze by flipping the novel over and pretending to look over the back.
she nodded, peeling off the carhartt gloves she wore. reaching for the iced lemonade on the small table next to you, she said before drinking, “so then it’s not one of the smutty books that you enjoy. got it.”
you coughed at her words, choking on your own saliva with widened eyes. perhaps i misheard her, you thought immediately, swallowing down more sputters and croaking out a rough, “what?”
ellie peered at you with a look of amusement. she was certain she had been clear, but that didn’t stop her from repeating her point. “the books you like to read. they’re all just smut. is this one not?”
heart thumping against your ribcage, you gulped. “no.”
even to you it sounded like a shitty lie.
“‘no’…?” she drawled, eyebrows raising with skepticism.
“they’re not all smut, ellie,” you told her defensively, face scrunching as you stiffened on the chair.
the woman in front of you looked mildly unconvinced, but she shrugged regardless. “whatever you say, babe.” 
growing uninterested in the novel you were reading thanks to ellie, you set it on the small table beside the chair and watched the woman as she chugged the rest of her drink. “don’t you think it’s a little…inappropriate to call me that?”
ellie set down her glass, fisting her gloves in a hand before crossing her arms above her chest. for a split second you could see a glimpse of the woman you used to call your girlfriend. that is until she fucked you over and confessed that she thought she had feelings to dina. now look at her—single and working as a farmhand on your father’s farm. call it karma or fate, you didn’t know, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like her reappearance in your life.
“no,” she started, her eyes gleaming with defiance, “i don’t think it’s inappropriate. i call everyone that.”
there was no hiding the clear confusion on your face as you sat up and said, “no, you definitely don’t. pet names were never really your thing, els.”
“well, maybe i’ve changed. we haven’t seen each other in awhile, you know. a lot can happen.” her words sounded indolent, showing no effort to be convincing.
scoffing, you rolled your eyes and swung your legs over the edge of the chair. “whatever. i’m going inside, it’s too hot out here.”
“you going to the party tonight?” ellie asked abruptly, her indifferent facade shedding like old skin. “the one being held in the dancehall?”
you gripped the edge of the furniture, angling your head to look up at her. she wants me to go, you realized quickly. that desperate expression of hers made it quite obvious. “of course i’m going.”
it wasn’t a lie, but it also wasn’t the truth. you hadn’t intended on going until she said something.
at your response, she nodded, beginning to put her gloves back on. “i guess i’ll see you there then.”
“i suppose so.”
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she arrived at your door at 7 p.m. sharp.
and, hell, she looked sharp.
the way her brown button up-flannel molded perfectly with her lean figure, faded jeans accentuating the acute curve of her hips, the stressed ends brushing against the dark brown of her cowboy boots. you were practically drooling at her exposed forearms, long sleeves rolled to her elbows. and, of course, the cherry on top had to be the black cowboy hat decorating the crown of her head, shading her face from the sinking sun behind her.
you mentally cursed your father for hiring ellie williams. 
“what’re you doing here?” you asked keenly, adjusting your stance in the doorway.
she looked at you as if you had said something in another language, trying (and failing) to not look down at the small top and pajama shorts you wore . “i’m here to pick you up. figured you wouldn’t want to go to the party alone.”
you stared at her for a moment. she was right, of course. parties had never really been your idea of fun. the only time you ever went was when one of your friends could talk you into going. “come in, then. i need to finish getting dressed; shouldn’t take too long.”
ellie stepped inside cautiously, gingerly removing her hat and placing it on a nearby hook, like she was waiting for you to change your mind about the whole thing. but you didn’t, only shutting the door behind her and gesturing for her to follow you up the steps and into your bedroom. somewhere she had been oh-so-many times before the breakup.
the arid air was filled with tension, so thick that a knife would have to roughly saw its way through just to slice it.
you played off your uncomfort by sitting at your vanity calmly (definitely not forgetting that ellie had built this piece of furniture for you as a present for a past birthday), and grabbed the already-open tinted lip balm. the tin was cool in your palm as you dipped your finger in and then applied the sweet salve to your puckered mouth.
ellie watched from afar, unsure of where she should be as she waited, not wanting to break a boundary. if there even were boundaries to be broken.
she watched you diligently, eyes never leaving your mouth. she couldn’t help but gulp when you turned to her expectantly, asking her, “do i look fine?”
“you look as party-ready as you’ll ever be.” what she really wanted to say was, you look better than ‘fine.’ you always have, though she held her tongue reluctantly.
you gave her a curt nod, somewhat disappointed by her dry-ass remark. whatever. you’d mess with her later, after you’ve had a few drinks perhaps.
so, dropping the lip product into a drawer, you stood, pushing the stool back under the vanity before walking over to your wardrobe. the faded red wood had once gleamed when golden hour would come around, but with time its shine had dulled and the cabinet doors squeaked.
with a heavy breath, you sighed and pulled the round handles, exposing a plethora of clothes. as your eyes scanned your dresses, an idea sparked in your mind. you looked over your shoulder, finding ellie’s neutral gaze. “come pick out something for me to wear.”
her eyebrows flickered upward, slightly startled by your request. “but wouldn’t that be-”
“be what?” you interrupted, feigning a confused expression. “i’m just asking you to pick out a dress for me.”
the corners of ellie’s mouth turned south, and you ignored her when she muttered, “you didn’t ask, you demanded.”
you stepped out of her way, giving her the space to go through her options. however you didn’t miss the way she licked her lips, once again glancing at your pajama-clad figure before turning her attention to the open wardrobe.
the room was quiet, energy shifting ever so slightly from awkward to familiar. tension changing into something a little more…enticing as you waited for her decision regarding your outfit.
there was no hiding your smile when she pulled out a plain black mini dress with thin spaghetti straps, its neckline low. ellie had fucked you in that dress way too many times to count; it aroused something low in your stomach.
“good choice,” you teased, grabbing the article of clothing from her.
her expression heeded no hint as to what she was feeling, but with many years spent by her side, you had some idea of her internal gay panic. she could only hide it so well around the people who knew her best.
you placed the dress on your bed before dropping your pajama shorts to the floor, provoking a sharp inhale from the auburn-haired woman behind you.
“what the hell?!” ellie immediately seethed, her eyes averting your body as she spun to face your wardrobe.
you scoffed before ridding yourself of your shirt as well, suddenly feeling even more pleased with yourself for not wearing a bralette. “oh please, you’ve seen my body too many times to count.” rolling your eyes, you grabbed the dress and slipped it on, thankful for the absent zipper that was often prominent in similar pieces.
ellie eventually gave in and turned around, vaguely relieved to see that you now had something covering your body. she was unsure of what she would have done had you stayed undressed for an extended amount of time, her hands itching to run their familiar course on your bare figure.
“are you done staring?” you asked her ardently, adjusting the fabric of the dress as you narrowed your gaze at her.
“yes.” her answer was clipped, yet you didn’t say anything further. she was determined to avoid your jarring gaze.
you raised your chin slightly, observing her for a split second. her hands fisted and flexed by her sides, although she was definitely trying to hide it. she was dying for makeup sex just as you were. however there was no way you were going to let her know that, at least not right now. you wanted to manage to get out of the house first: wanted to see if her nerves would die out and be replaced with the cockiness she sported like armor.
“let’s go then,” you finally said, “don’t want to keep people waiting.”
ellie nodded curtly, making no fuss as she followed you out of the room and down the flight of stairs, her boots clacking with each step.
when you reached the bottom, you reached for your own set of boots by the door, their cream color worn with each wear. you pulled them on as ellie grabbed her hat, opened the door for you, and dramatically held her arm out.
unable to hide an amused grin, you linked your elbow with hers, letting her guide you out of the house and to shimmer, who grazed on a plot of grass by the front porch. as ellie untied the reins and pulled herself up, you watched the way her body moved fluidly and adjusted her person on the western-style saddle.
she offered her hand, lips pulling into a charming smile. “come on, sweet girl.”
trying to suppress your grin, you grabbed her hand and placed your foot in a stirrup, a little too eager for the feel of ellie’s strong back against your front.
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“just sit and look pretty, i’ll be right back.”
ellie had left to go grab drinks from the bar almost the second the two of you had entered the dancehall. and you were thankful, unsure that you’d be able to keep up your teasing facade without a little bit of something in your system.
when you spotted her, two red cups in hand, you exhaled heavily, muttering a ‘thanks’ and taking your drink. you didn’t waste any time before downing the brown liquid that burned all the way down your throat.
“hey, take it easy, baby,” ellie remarked, concern etching her features. she eased the cup from your hands, her eyebrows furrowed with faint worry. “there’s plenty of time to get drunk; no need to rush.”
as you swallowed the last bit of booze-flavored saliva on your tongue, you shifted ineptly. there went your attempt to spur your courage. great.
“ellie,” you said cautiously, eyes glued to the cluster of bodies on the dance floor and trying to ignore the way your breath was growing uneven. you toyed with the locket around your neck, mustering what bravery you had hidden.
“i think coming here, together, was a bad idea.”
your words had struck something in the woman next to you, and you watched from your peripheral as she tried to understand your statement. ellie looked wounded. a simple ‘why?’ was all she could manage to convene, the cups in her hands crinkling ever so slightly.
gaze finally sliding to meet hers, you said, “because all i’ve wanted to do since you showed up at my doorstep was kiss you.”
there was no telling where you had gotten the balls to say something so blunt, but boy did it feel good. you had missed ellie a lot, and you somehow managed to miss her even more the day your father had hired her as his farmhand. maybe it was because, while she had appeared in your life once more (after nearly a year of her staying in jackson), she wasn’t in your life; you were lucky if a conversation flowed between your awkward persons, still trying to make out what you were to one another. 
“fuck,” ellie drawled, turning her back to the crowd. she shoved the drinks onto a nearby table, her stature tense. “you can’t just say things like that.”
you bit the inside of your cheek, moving closer to her. “why not?” your voice was unintentionally low.
ellie’s eyes, blazing like green fire, found yours. she turned to face you, hot breath mingling with yours as you exhaled in anticipation of her words.
“because it makes me want to do more than just kiss you.”
without thinking, you grabbed the front two belt loops of her jeans, not wasting a moment to second guess anything, and pulled her front against yours, lips instantly crashing with hers. as you fervently kissed ellie, her hands settling on your love handles, you hummed in satisfaction. this is exactly what you wanted—and you had wanted it from the moment she started working on your family’s farm.
ellie’s mouth moved against yours, just as desperate as you felt. when she pulled away, her breath heavy, she muttered, “let’s take this somewhere else.”
you nodded, dazedly staring at her lips before she grabbed your hand and turned, leading you both through the maze of people. your thoughts were muddled in your mind, too entranced by the situation to notice that she had led you, hurriedly at that, to the bathroom. she pushed open the door, ushering you inside, with a hand on the curve of your spine.
before you could even utter a word, some chippy remark you’d already forgotten, ellie was on you.
“was this your plan all along?” she asked, her breath fanning over the skin of your jawline, body caging you against the counter of the sink. “to mess with me until i snapped and gave in?”
swallowing thickly, consumed by the feeling of ellie’s hands and mouth, you let out a strained whine. your fingers found the strands of hair at her nape, tugging as if to answer her question. yes, obviously.
a guttural sound left her throat at your wordless response, her fingers trailing down, searching for the place she knew you wanted her most. but just as she dipped her hand under the hem of your panties, your skin hot under her touch, she leaned in, lips ghosting the shell of your ear.
“you’re going to have to earn whatever it is you want.”
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© navluvr 2024 | do not repost, republish, steal, or translate !!
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messrmoonyy · 11 months
Met Bella Ramsey today lads 😭
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elliespeach · 10 months
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abbi and i were fucking around w the free cam and she snapped these and i genuinely am NOT okay cus first of all i need her carnally. second of all HER
@abbistfu @souleaterellie <333
^^^support her or die
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ladyblackbirdart · 5 months
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TLOU meets D&D 🌿🦋🧙‍♂️🐉…
I don’t question the weird art visions I get. So even though this is a little niche I know there’s a possibility that someone out there is gunna go “HEY THAT’S KINDA COOL” 😎 We have Ellie as a Half-Elf Rogue and Abby-kins as a Tiefling Barbarian.
More colors below the cut because I’m indecisive ⬇️
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r3starttt · 8 months
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gamer gf! Ellie who’s money goes almost completely to anything that helps to improve her setup. She’ll also somehow buy the most expensive versions of everything and keeps on buying lots of lightning products even though she only uses her leds.
gamer gf! Ellie who stays awake super late just to buy things online (mostly unnecessary shit that only she uses or would only use once)
gamer gf! Ellie who’s of course a streamer and somehow has the most nice fandom ever. But also full of people that writes the most feral things/compliments about her everywhere and adores you sm even though they didn’t even know you in the beginning.
gamer gf! Ellie who’s fans fully her for having you as her girlfriend, reminding her all the time how she’s super loser coded and how you’re the total opposite.
gamer gf! Ellie who got viral not for her gameplay but for doing a review of some random product she bought because she almost revealed her face and also because people kept saying how hot her hands were. There were tons of edits and clips about both, the small piece of face she showed and her hands, and she wouldn’t stop showing you all of them.
gamer gf! Ellie who eventually made a face reveal because somehow people were already recognizing her on public and there were pictures of her all over twitter so there was no point on being “all mysterious” (she never was)
gamer gf! Ellie who plays everything (and sucks most times) but definitely loves Minecraft the most just because she gets to play with you.
gamer gf! Ellie who has a huge world with you where she insists you should do the house and decorating all super pretty while she goes in the caves and does the “hard stuff” (she panics whenever those random sounds appear and always gets killed in the most stupid ways)
gamer gf! Ellie who begs you to do streams with her, playing with her (using her fans as an excuse bcs they genuinely ask for it) or just staying by her side (ofc you have to be there if she’s playing some horror game)
gamer gf! Ellie who’s super loud and screams a lot. Who also loves insulting everyone, specially kids.
gamer gf! Ellie who also adores fortnite and GTA (online’s her favorite ofc) just for the kids that she gets to insult and scare.
gamer gf! Ellie who only uses Instagram to let people know she’ll start streaming and overuses twitter (somehow hasn’t got canceled)
gamer gf! Ellie who reads fics of her and sees all the edits and fanart people do (exposes everyone and can’t hold her laugh if the drawing sucks)
gamer gf! Ellie who’s love language would be dedicate you every win she made (would fail most times but the effort matters more than the result ig)
gamer gf! Ellie who loves shit post duh (fills her ig stories with an exaggerated amount of it)
gamer gf! Ellie who also loves animal crossing and the sims (secretly) and does the most creepy shit
gamer gf! Ellie who also installs everything for free if she can because she refuses to spend that much money in games (she still does but whatever)
gamer gf! Ellie who’s phone never has battery and has the most broken screen ever
gamer gf! Ellie who makes a lot of random quizzes and got a high result on the iq ones while streaming (got really exited even though she’s genuinely smart)
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kibby-reaper · 1 month
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the victor at mcdonald's saga continues
- mod kibby
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tamarydraws · 1 year
save a horse ride a cowboy they say… 💞😵‍💫
(no color | color ver. )
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western!abby AU 🌿
I’m planning some other works with my own TLOU OC…we’ll see if I post it, I don’t know if any of you would be interested in that!
for now here’s the hot babe 🧎🏻‍♀️
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“Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time I had somebody I cared about. It was a partner. Somebody I had to look after. And in this world that sort of shit is good for one thing…
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… gettin’ ya’ killed… You keep babysitting long enough and eventually it’s gonna blow up in your face.” ~ Bill
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esmecarmona · 1 year
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THE LAST OF US | 1.06 "Kin"
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ranna-alga · 10 months
No but real talk here- one of my favourite little details that were included in the HBO adaptation of TLOU that I noticed is that you can literally see Joel's hair growth from ep 1 to ep 9...
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Like I'm sure I'm not the first person to realise this and maybe it sounds super trivial to get giddy over but I can't help it!!! The details!!!
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unicornprintzz · 2 years
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Dealer! Ellie x fem! reader
Warnings! Smut!(it's fucking filthy) Use of drugs! Slight Degradation! praising! Pet names! Strap on use! Thigh riding! MDNI!
Top! Ellie, sub! Reader, (both receiving) fingering! (R! Receiving)
A/n- Enjoy my horny loves! Sorry for the wait I hope it's worth it♡ (reminder I haven't written full smut in years so uh let's see how this goes) I recommend reading the first part btw if you haven't read it!
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You and Ellie finished eating awhile ago and now you guys are just sitting in her car.
Making out
You’re sitting on Ellie's lap like last time, this time you won't let the car horn interrupt you guys this time. “Y’know Y/n I’ve been wanting to this for so long.” Ellie whispered, kissing your neck, slowly going down to your boobs. You let out a breathy moan in response. “Let’s go to my place, how does that sound pretty girl?” Ellie gripped your thighs and butt. You nodded, continuing to give her butterfly kisses all over her face. She chuckled, “Alright well I’d love to have you on my lap the whole time beautiful, but I won’t be able to drive, wouldn’t want you to get hurt hm?” “you're right.” you get off her lap and sit in the passenger seat.
Ellie had her tattooed hand holding your thigh while the other was on the steering wheel. “Ellie.” “hm?” Ellie glanced at you for a second but looked back at the road. “I was just wondering what happened between you and Cat, I don’t wanna sound nosey it’s just— you guys argued right in front of me, so I just got curious.” You started fidgeting with your fingers. “We were good, but it just didn’t work out.” You nodded. “She just— fuck I can’t deal with her anymore,” “why not?” “We started to get into stupid petty arguments everyday, she got jealous when I got too close to other girls.” “Is that all?” “No, I’m gonna sound like an ass when I say this— but I ended it completely when I met you.” You widened your eyes at this.
“I know I know I’m a dick but I couldn’t keep my eyes off you.” you just quietly listened to her. “If I knew you were into me sooner I would have kissed you so long ago.” “I’m glad you kissed me Ellie, I would have been too scared to make the first move.” Ellie chuckled at this. “Well we’re here c’mon.” You both got out of the car and followed her inside. You looked around and smiled. She’s such a space nerd. “Ellie I knew you were into space but wow you’re really into it.” You smiled looking at her. Ellie scratched the back of her neck, “uh yeah I guess it’s something that never left me.” You walked up to her space figures and admired them.
Ellie came up behind you and hugged your waist. You jumped a little at the sudden touch. Ellie started swaying your body with hers. “Y’know baby I wanted to finish what we started earlier.” “I do too,” you shyly put your hands on top of Ellie’s. “This is sudden- but I feel gross right now, do you mind if I take a shower first? I feel gross and sticky.” Ellie chuckled at your shyness, “yeah of course, I actually wanted to shower too.”
Does she want to shower together? Or does she want to shower after me? Ellie led you to her bathroom. You walked in and closed the door. Out of stupidity you forgot to lock the door. You got the shower ready and started to get undressed. You got in the shower and felt all the stress and worries wash away from you. You just finished showering, but oh you forgot one minor thing. A towel. “Oh shit” do I scream her name? Do I walk out butt naked and grab a towel? I’m not putting my dirty clothes on the floor. You stood in the shower completely paralyzed, you don’t know what to do.
You decided to just shower a little longer and maybe just maybe Ellie would knock on the door and somehow know you need a towel. She didn’t. Wow, you sighed and decided to scream Ellie’s name. You covered your face in embarrassment. “YEAH!” Ellie screamed back. “UH I FORGOT A TOWEL CAN U GET ME ONE PLEASE!” “OKAY,” Ellie screamed back, you relaxed a little knowing you were finally getting a towel. You were expecting her to knock on the door to tell you that she’ll leave the towel in front of the door, but again you forgot you didn’t lock the door.
You were washing your hair for the 2nd time and you heard the door open. Your head snapped to the mist shower door blocking your line sight of view of Ellie just casually walking in like you guys were married. “Got your towel, I was wondering when you were gonna ask for one.” You furrowed your eyes brows, “wait, you knew!” Ellie chuckled, “Yup, I was wondering what you were gonna do, I was hoping you would walk out butt naked and grab a towel, but instead you just screamed my name, I’m a little disappointed,” “pervert, you could have just gotten me one before I even got in the shower.” “What’s the fun in that?” Ellie chuckled. “Well uh you can go now,” “hm I don’t think I will.” “Wha—” before you can react Ellie slides the mist glass door. Your hands immediately go to your boobs and you shut your eyes.
You expected Ellie to just grab you and kiss you, but instead she softly grabbed your shoulders and pulled you out of the shower. You looked at her confused. “What? It’s my job to take care of my girl.” You felt your heart quicken again. Ellie slowly grabbed your hands and pulled them away from your breast.
You looked away embarrassed, “so beautiful.” you heard Ellie whisper. Ellie’s hands started roaming all over your body, your waist, your butt, literally everywhere. You lightly whimpered, out of impatience, you grabbed her hand, placing them on your boobs. “Please Ellie..” “what is it angel? Use your big words.” Ellie lightly squeezed your right boob.
“Ellie.. I want you please.” Ellie smirked, “Mhm that’s what I thought.” Ellie picked you up and walked to her couch.
She pulled your waist and kissed you deeply. You started grinding on her thigh. “Look at you, all desperate.” Ellie stopped you, you started whining and bouncing out of frustration. “Sh sh sh calm down, if you keep acting like a brat you won’t get anything.” Ellie’s hand on your waist tightened. You stopped immediately and stayed quiet.
“Atta girl, you’re such a good girl.” Ellie patted your ass, her fingers slowly went down to your pussy, you gripped Ellie’s shoulders harder and let out a moan. “E-Ellie please.” “Mhm I know baby I know.” Ellie’s fingers teased your folds, you were a moaning mess already.
Ellie’s fingers slipped inside, “Fuck Ellie please keep going.” Ellie’s started going a bit faster now. “How’s this angel?” “Mhm keep going Ellie..” you leaned in to Ellie’s neck, moaning louder than you already were. “That’s it baby, let me take care of you.” Ellie’s free fingers started teasing your clit. She smirking knowing you can’t take it anymore.
You started biting into Ellie’s shoulder. You were about to cum and Ellie knew it. You started bouncing on Ellie’s fingers, “Ellie Ellie I can’t take it anymore.” You moaned out. “Yes you can, just hold on a little more.” Ellie’s fingers moved faster while you were bouncing on them, it was too much.
“Ellie I’m about to come I can’t I can’t—” you came all over Ellie’s fingers. Ellie’s free hands patted your ass again, letting you finish. “There you go, good girl.” Ellie whispered in your ear. She pulled out her fingers and you winced feeling empty now. “Ellie?” “Hm?” You looked at Ellie and she started licking her fingers tasting you. “Mm you taste so good baby.” Ellie licked her lips and began sucking on your tits. You moaned suddenly and gripped her hair. You were tired but you want to keep going.
“Ellie?” You pulled Ellie away from your chest. She looked at you confused, “what is it?” You looked down feeling your confidence wash away. “Can I.. go down on you please?” You looked at her with doe eyes hoping she would say yes. Ellie looked a little shocked at this. She grabbed your face and pulled you closer. “You’re so fucking cute Y/n.” You smiled shyly. “I don’t usually say yes to these things but how can I say no to you?” You smiled wider trying to look more cute for her. “Alright go ahead love.” You nodded having her consent.
You went down on your knees and started unbuttoning her jeans, you pulled them down and her boxers as well. You looked up her her shyly feeling nervous now. Ellie looked down at you and smirked, she had one hand behind her head and the other was on her knee. “What’s wrong cutie? Nervous now?” “Ellie— I don’t know how to do this..” you whispered. Ellie grinned at you. “It’s okay baby let me help you. Ellie’s hands went behind your head and pulled you down on her. “Let’s see what your cute ass can do Y/n”
You started feeling more confident. You started licking slowly. “Oh.. fuck” Ellie groaned. Oh now you feel your confidence coming. You licked up and down slowly earning a moan from Ellie. “Oh shit Y/n you’re doing so good..” Ellie groaned out the last part. She pulled your head harder on her. You started going faster feeling Ellie tense up more.
“That’s it, you’re doing amazing,” Ellie let out a breathy moan, she started gripping your hair, pushing you more on her. You kept doing what she told you to do. Licking her clit, kissing her folds. “Oh fuck, fuck.” Ellie was getting closer. “That’s it y/n you’re such a good girl mhm.” You started eating her more intensely.
You began shaking your ass to tease her, “you little fucking tease, you’re gonna regret tha— fuck!” You licked her clit again. Ellie finally came all over your face. Ellie lifted her head up, “oh fuck.” She looked down at you and smirked. “You dirty little girl, look at you, looking so innocent when you have all my come all over your face.” You giggled at her. Ellie grabbed you and pulled you in for any other kiss. “You do so good baby, I’m so proud of you.” You smiled knowing you did good.
“But we’re not done.” Ellie’s eyes darkened and you looked at her confused. “Wha?” Ellie sat up and went to her room. You sat there patiently waiting for her.
Ellie came back with a strap on. You looked at her and widened your eyes. Ellie looked at you and smirked. “What’s wrong pretty girl? Can’t take this?” You shook your head, “N-no! I can!” You whined out. “Okay then.” Ellie sat on the couch and patted her thigh signaling you to sit on her lap. Ellie’s hands guided you on her strap, you hesitated. “Ellie! That’s too big I don’t know if I ca—” Ellie cut you off, “Yes you can baby, here let me help you.” Ellie’s hands on your butt guided you to her strap touching your folds. You moaned lightly. “You can take this love.” You slowly sat down on Ellie’s strap, you moaned loudly covering your mouth. You felt tears running down your face.
“That’s it baby take it.” Ellie hands started moving you up and down. “Ellie Ellie Ellie it’s too much..” you moaned loudly again. “You can y/n let me take care of you.” Ellie held your ass again and moved you again. The tears kept rolling down your face from how good it felt. You grabbed onto her shoulders, you finally got the energy to move by yourself. “Oh.. Ellie you feel so good.” “Mm that’s it baby take all of me.”
You started getting tired and Ellie took notice. Ellie stopped you, she stood up with you still around her. “Ellie please..” you started moving on her again. Ellie stopped you again, you whined loudly. “Stop that now y/n or you’re not fucking getting anything.” You stopped at her sudden changed of tone. “Lean against that y/n” you listened and bend over the counter.
You looked behind you and Ellie was lining up her strap on your pussy. Ellie pushed in fast and started moving rapidly. You moaned loudly, covering your mouth. “This is what you wanted right? You’re such a dirty girl.” You tried talking but your moaning didn’t let you. “Look at you, so fucking pathetic, you said you couldn’t take it? Look at you now.” You regretted being kind of a brat to her. “Mhm good fucking girl, take all of me.” “E-Ellie please don’t stop! I need you.” You moaned out loudly.
You were about to come again. Ellie noticed and slapped your ass. “That’s it Y/n come for me.” You came hard, but Ellie didn’t stop. She was having fun seeing you all desperate. She let out a few more hard snaps, you couldn’t hold on anymore, you were shaking. Ellie finally stopped and pulled out painfully slow.
You moaned softly at this, you felt empty again. Ellie leaned on you. “Not so innocent are we?” Ellie kissed your neck, giving you hickeys. “Ellie.. I’m really tired..” “I know y/n, let’s go lay down yeah?” You nodded. Ellie carried you to her bed. You laid your head on her shoulder, you felt your eyes get heavy, you closed your eyes and fell asleep.
You opened your eyes, the room was still a bit dark, but the tv lit the room. You scrunched your nose smelling smoke. You looked up and saw Ellie with a joint between her lips. “Morning beautiful.” You shifted a little feeling uncomfortable. “What time is it?” You looked around trying to find your phone. “It’s 6:15” you looked at her concerned, “Ellie did you not sleep at all?” Ellie laughed at you, “babe we had sex at 3am, it’s only been 3 hours,” “oh” you leaned your head on her shoulder again. “I’ve just been watching tv to pass the time.”
You hummed in response, “I’m gonna have to leave soon.” Ellie looked at you disappointed, “why?” “I have morning classes.” Ellie gave you a look, “oh you’re one of those.” You looked up at her furrowing your eyebrows. “What do you mean?” “You have morning classes? Who the fuck does morning classes?” Ellie said while blowing smoke in the air. “Well I do, plus I get to have the afternoons to myself.” “Okay whatever,” Ellie scoffed.
“Says the one smoking weed at 6 in the morning,” you scrunched your nose again. “Stress reliever.” Ellie responded fast to you. “Mhm” you said not amused.
“Since you have classes in the morning like a idiot—” “hey!” You smacked her arm playfully. Ellie laugh at you. “I’m joking I’m joking, like I was saying you should sleep more, you only got 3 hours of sleep.” “I guess you’re right,” you leaned on Ellie’s shoulder again. Closing your eyes. Ellie kissed your forehead, “sleep tight beautiful.” You smiled in response.
A/n: I can’t tell if I like this or hate it. Also for plot reasons Reader had to be dumb and not lock the door. I wouldn’t lock the door if I was at Ellie’s house<3
If there is any spelling errors I apologize, I’m not reading this again bc I’m embarrassed to reread it.
Anyways last night I had a Bella Ramsey dream and it was amazing!🎀💋🖤
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counterspelling · 2 years
I think for my interpretation of why this means so much to you [Ashley Johnson], and why it means so much to me for you to be a part of this is, is cause Ellie IS you in so many ways. Like, we wrote that game kind of live, organically, like we had some ideas of where the story was going but then you were cast. And you helped shape that character SIGNIFICANTLY. One of the first scenes we shot is the truck ambush, and in the game, you get pulled out of the truck and you’re kind of like, wrestling with this guy until Joel comes and saves you. And you pulled me aside when we were working on that scene and were like, “I feel like I would fight back more. I’d be more active here.” And that was the first like moment where the character started shifting toward becoming much more capable, and I think interesting because of that. And that was just one of many changes that over the years that we had talked about and you contributed. And we talked about this in the previous episode, like Ellie’s love of space, is you. That wouldn’t be there if weren’t for you
Neil Druckmann, Episode 9 - "Look For The Light" | The Last of Us Podcast | HBO Max
“I don’t believe we wrote ‘Aw, you’re so tough.’ That was just you!“ - Craig Mazin
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messrmoonyy · 3 months
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Ellie Williams | The Seraphites
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the-geeky-fangirl · 2 years
no because listen LISTEN everyone in tlou makes selfish decisions for love EVERYONE bill hoarded his supplies he only wanted the town for himself and frank so they would be safe so they would be happy henry sold out the rebellion in exchange for sam's life anna lied to marlene about cutting the umbilical cord before getting bit so ellie could live EVERYONE IS SELFISH WHEN IT COMES TO LOVE!!!! joel slaughtered an entire hospital and what a horrible thing to do and he's a morally condemned man but i fucking love him he's so based for that
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skoulsons · 1 year
“Ah! The newbies! Tommy said his brother was in town! What’s the name?”
Joel’s mouth turned into half a smirk at the elation in the voice of the man welcoming them to the Tipsy Bison. “Joel.” He said, motioning his hand that was not occupied with Ellie’s in her direction, “this is Ellie.”
“Joel and Ellie Miller. Nice to meet you folks!”
Ellie’s eyes grew wide. Ellie Miller.
Williams? Miller. Miller? Ellie Williams… Ellie Miller.
The voices of the conversing men were drowned out now, Ellie taken completely captive by her thoughts. Joel’s last name. My last name. Our last name. But… we’re not family. We can’t, can we? It’s his name, it’s not mine. I shouldn’t be called that. I shouldn’t be but I… want to be? Do I? Fuck, of course I do. Official shit? I’d get to be a Miller? Joel’s…
She was back, her thoughts pushed somewhat back. “Hm?”
He faced her, her hand still in his. “Hey, you okay? You were out of it there for a minute,” he asked, voice unmistakably soft.
“Yup, perfect,” she said, trying to brush it off. It’s a name. Chill.
“Alright,” he said, not pushing it.
The chefs cooked up burgers for them that night and Joel nearly died and went to Heaven having a burger again. Ellie wasn’t as impressed, but seeing Joel eat with the biggest grin on his face and spew some pre-outbreak junk about how delicious a good homemade burger on the grill was made it worth it to her.
But even through dinner, the thoughts in Ellie’s head didn’t leave. They weren’t bad… just curious. Miller. Ellie Miller. It’s just a simple hope. It would never happen; stop making a big deal out of it.
Even after dinner and their walk home, Joel could feel a difference. Silent communication to feeling a difference in them through… the others scent? The way they walk? How their head hung? He couldn’t tell. But there was… something there that was different about her.
They both kicked off their shoes, Ellie moving to the couch immediately to plop into the weary leather.
He asked again. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Fine.”
He stood by the door, eyebrows raised and hands alarmingly close to sitting on his hips.
She sighed, throwing her head against the back of the couch. “Nothing bad, I swear. Just… some thoughts.”
“Baby, from what I’ve seen, majority of your thoughts are bad.”
“Wow, helpful,” she said, letting out an exasperated sigh. “But you’re right. But I swear, they’re not bad. Just dumb.”
Joel sat on the other end of the couch to face her. He didn’t speak, but he did want to hear from her. Poking and prodding about her dumb thoughts would shut her down. Her dumb thoughts would still overtake her in a number of ways and he wanted her to talk about them, no matter how dumb she said or thought they were.
He sat and waited patiently for her to start.
“What the guy said earlier at dinner.”
“What, specifically?”
She half groaned, annoyed with how such dumb thoughts were making her feel. “When we first got there. You introduced us and he said Joel and Ellie Miller…”
Joel turned his head to the side, a few lightbulbs going off.
“I just… didn’t know how to feel about it, I guess. But, it’s dumb. I’m sure sleeping on it will be fine.”
“Ellie,” he started, cautiously approaching the question, “what was your reaction to it? Did you hate it or was there…”
“Interest,” Ellie continued for him. “Interest, I think? I don’t know, it’s not like I go by Ellie Williams everywhere I go. But… Miller is your name. It’s Tommy’s, it’s Maria’s. It’s not… mine. But…” she trailed off slightly, pulling at her fingers as she glanced up at him. “I kept saying it as my last name in my head and it felt… good, almost. But I’m not a part of the family and using it as my last name seems really official and we’re not official and I’m not related to you guys so it feels wrong to want something when-“
“Hey,” he interrupted, grabbing her hand from across the couch. “My last name does not define whether you’re in the family or not, got it?”
Ellie sniffed and swallowed, forcing the lump in her throat down. “Still… it feels weird.”
“Tell you what,” he grabbed her hand with his other, holding it tight. “We try it on for size for a little while? If you want. There’s a lot of families we haven’t met. Plenty of kids your age, adults my age. They know I’m Tommy’s brother, so they’re going to assume you’re related, too. If you want, when introducing yourself, you can use Miller to see how it sounds.” He smiled at her. Ellie Miller. Fuck, he’d love it. “If you end up hatin’ it, you don’t have to use it. Okay?”
She nodded in agreement, “Okay.” She looked up at him again, noting those familiar creases at the corners of his eyes. “Do you… like how it sounds?”
His smile grew as he brought her enveloped hand up to his lips, adjusting his grip on her so he could kiss her knuckles briefly, the feel of his stubble causing her to reflexively flex her fingers at the feeling. “Course I do,” he said, grabbing hold of her hand again. “But I’m not gonna ask you to use it if you end up hating it.”
She smiled, nodding in understanding. She wouldn’t hate it. It’s his last name. If this is as official as they can get, she wants it.
They stayed on the couch, Ellie eventually changing positions to laying her head on his thigh as he told her Miller Family Stories, per her request. The majority of them were embarrassing stories of Tommy in his youth, stories Joel supposedly was made to swear would never leave the immediate family.
But Ellie was a part of the immediate family now, and she’s definitely going to use her newfound knowledge against her uncle.
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hgstuff · 2 years
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