#tlou finale
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orangechickenpillow · 2 years ago
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This is the face of a man who has completely disconnected from what is happening around him.
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And this is the face of a man who has absolutely no idea how he got here, but somehow he's got his little girl with him and that's all that matters.
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tempestandwhirlwinds · 2 years ago
From Neil: both Anna and Joel lied to save Ellie- Anna told Marlene that she cut the umbilical cord before she was bit, and Joel told Ellie that the Fireflies gave up their search for the cure. Both Marlene and Ellie CHOOSE to believe the lie.
God I can't fuckin do this anymore
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intooblivion-wego · 2 years ago
“she knows deep down that he’s not telling the truth. but she can’t let herself believe it because it’s too painful, and it’s too scary, the idea that her only purpose in life hasn’t been fulfilled. that that had been taken away from her by the person that she loves and trusts the most is too overwhelming, so she forces herself to believe joel.”
bella ramsey on “the last of us” inside episode 9
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pedro-pedrito-pascalito · 2 years ago
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that was so badass.
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goatfellaa · 2 years ago
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I loved this scene sm, you don’t understand.
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gorgeousgreymatter-x · 2 years ago
lol i’m obviously not going to be like Joel murdering those people for ellie was Good (tm) because i’m not a fucking idiot but every time i see some tag like “BUT HE KILLED INNOCENT PEOPLE”
okay but were any of those people innocent when they were all totally cool with drugging and killing a 14 year old girl without her consent. like, i'm not going to say going on a killing spree in that hospital was a moral win or anything but are we really pretending the fireflies are innocent lol
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the-geeky-fangirl · 2 years ago
liking marlene and not hating joel for killing her are things that can and should coexist actually
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boopernatural · 1 year ago
No matter how many times I watch it I still can’t get over how Joel only looks at Ellie when they’re feeding the giraffe in the show 😭😭 his face is just so warm and affectionate and it’s so clear that he’s zeroed in on her emotions and mental state and so so worried for her but that brief beat where she just giggles like an excited kid is like a salve on his heart and for those few breaths he feels RELIEF. Pedro acted this scene so incredibly he does sooo much with just his eyes IM SO FERAL FOR THM
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that-dumb-dinosaur · 2 years ago
so that's the most metal way to give birth
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ele-meno-p · 2 years ago
“I was the guy who missed.” - Joel Miller, TLOU 2023
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orangechickenpillow · 2 years ago
I keep seeing people talk about how hard Joel was trying to cheer Ellie up, and you're right, but can we also talk about how hard Ellie was trying to be her old self for him. How she was desperately trying to make herself sound happy, apologizing for being quiet, trying to smile for him even when she probably didn't think she could.
They were both just trying so hard for each other.
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lesbians4daenerys · 2 years ago
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niallsblckgirlfriend · 2 years ago
People that think Joel was wrong, or that Marleen was right/Ellie would have wanted to sacrifice herself = 🚩🚩🚩
1. Let’s tackle the issue of Ellie’s agency(a theme that we’ve seen in episode 8 as well). She is a passively suicidal child. Everyone who she’s ever cared about has died. Riley. Tess. Sam. Henry. She’s desperate to make her life worth something. And she’s given a “purpose” when she realizes she’s immune. But she’s FOURTEEN!! doesn’t matter if it’s the apocalypse, a child is simply not capable of making the choice to sacrifice herself!! So even if Marleen asked (which it’s implied she didn’t) and Ellie said yes, that’s irrelevant because again she’s a fucking kid.
2. In the same vain of her being desperate and her agency, SHE DIDN’T KNOW SHE WAS GONNA HAVE TO DIE?!!! With Sam and Henry she put her blood in his bite!!! she thought it was that simple BECAUSE SHES A KID!!! So she doesn’t even know what this all means truly.
3. Marleen being so quick to sacrifice Ellie that she’s known since she was born, for a vax that MAY NOT EVEN WORK?! Is literally insane, while Joel who has known her for what…a year? Is willing to murder a dozen plus people to save her life!!! Marleen didn’t give a shit!! About Ellie, and in my opinion doesn’t even care about a cure. She just wants FEDRA gone and to go back to “normal”!
4. Okay let’s say the vax worked? (Which I have many thoughts but fine) they kill Ellie. Make a vax. THEY ARE VIEWED AS TERRORIST!!!! They would never be able to actually help people and distribute it to QZ’s. FEDRA has been in power for two decades. They like how things are going. They like being ducking nazis! Do you really think…they’d just release a cure?? And why haven’t they been working on a vaccine?? Like??? It would just be used as a political tool and it would be a mess so she would die for nothing!!!!
5. More importantly….and on a human level. Ellie saved Joel more than once’s and in more ways than just physical. Joel admits it! That is his daughter now! If you wake up after being ambushed and find out your loved one is about to be murdered for a cure that may (or may not) work? What would you do?! ESPECIALLY WITHOUT SAYING GOODBYE? like let’s not pretend you’d let these random people kill the light of your life, and you’d just walk way??? No.
Joel couldn’t save Sarah, but he could save Ellie so he did! ARGUE WITH YOUR MOTHER!
Ps. Joel is also justified in killing Marlene because he was right. She would have just come after ellie. Like she’s just be a target! But he shouldn’t have lied to ellie about it. I understand why he did though.
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pedro-pedrito-pascalito · 2 years ago
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He'd do anything to keep his baby girl safe.
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nowkissmattfoggy · 2 years ago
TLOU game fans: on a scale from one to “holy fucking shit I can’t even concentrate on the scene”, how badly did Ashley Johnson’s voice and literally the exertion noises she made fuck you up watching the finale?
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geli10 · 2 years ago
“It wasn’t time that did it”
okay, and if I sob then what? how am I suppose to watch the rest of the episode?
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