#ellie tav
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thistleraven · 16 days ago
BG3 WIP Amnesty, Druid Tav/Gale
Remembered that I had started writing a Druid Tav/ Gale BG3 fic in 2023 and went back to look at it find I'd written early 20K of it.
I need to go back and play the game to finish it, but in the meantime, enjoy this bit from act 1, post tiefling camp fight:
Astarion signals her and she heads over, fully resigned to hear some clever back-handed compliment. Instead, she's presented with an increasingly drunk rant about the boredom of heroism.  
"I never thought of myself as a hero, you know," he complains. "It's awful, just like this swill. All I want is a bit of fun."
Ellie rolls her eyes and steals a sip of his wine. It's one of his bottles, which means it's perfectly fine.
Astarion is the only person she knows who can whine about being good, she thinks with exasperation. Still, she sees a thoughtful look in his eyes, and thinks, hmm. 
"Maybe I'm rubbing off on you," Ellie teases. She wants to hit herself because she sees it immediately backfire: the look in his eyes changes into something sharp, and his body language shifts into something…predatory. She braces herself for a biting insult. 
"You know, you and I could get to know each other a little better, rub off on each other," he purrs, which is so far from what she's expecting that Ellie chokes on her own spit. 
"What?" she sputters, too loud, and when she sees eyes on them she drops her voice and leans into hiss, "Are you talking about sex?" 
Astarion lifts his pale eyebrows at her and mocks her sotto voice.
"Obviously, darling."
It's not making sense. She can't help but squeak, "With me?"
Astarion laughs in her face and gives her a long, scorching look from her head to her feet that makes her flush. 
"You're not unattractive, you know. And I'm, well," he smirks, gleaming teeth and false modesty, "You know." 
Ellie is concerned she took a head wound at the Grove she didn't notice. The whole world seems tilted on its side. 
"Um," she says to this new world in which Astarion wants to sleep with her. "No thank you?" 
There's a split-second flash in his eyes that might be actual hurt, and it's such a rare genuine emotion on his proud face that Ellie finds herself grabbing his cool hand and babbling, "It's not—wait, hold on, it's not you, Astarion, I promise, you're a very handsome man, you have very nice hair and uh, face, and, well, sometimes you can be pleasant." 
Astarion looks down at their clasped hands with a moue of distaste, but she soldiers on, suddenly desperate to make her point before the moment is lost. 
"I do want to get to know you better," Ellie tells him honestly. "Just, um. Not like that."  
Astarion stares at her searchingly, and despite all the risks about vampires and eye contact, she holds his gaze and lets him look. Trust me, she thinks, and he drops his gaze, down and away from her. 
This might be her only chance to really connect to him without all his walls up, so she says, blushing, "Also, I just. Um. I really like Gale."  
Astarion snorts, and rolls his eyes. "Well that's obvious. I swear, watching you two try and flirt has been the most painful thing of my life." 
Ellie rolls her eyes back at him and he smirks at her. Then he brings her hand to his mouth, brushing a kiss over her battered knuckles. He only licks at the bloody skin a little—just a taste—which Ellie thinks is sweet. 
Her life has become very strange in the past week. 
"Well," Astarion says impatiently when he drops her hand. "What are you waiting around with me for? Go on." 
Ellie can take a cue when she's given one. She does a little mock curtsy, steals his wine for courage, and heads over to the other side of camp. 
It does…not go to plan.  
Later, after the party has died down, Ellie decides to drink enough to forget the conversation entirely or simply die of mortification, whichever comes first. 
Luckily, Shadowheart is willing to indulge her, out on a blanket away from the camp for privacy. 
They trade sips of wine with facts about their lives: what Shadowheart can remember, anyway, and Ellie's upbringing in Baldur's Gate and druid initiation.  
Finally, when Ellie’s drunk enough that the humiliation isn’t so sharp, she blurts,  "I tried to sleep with Gale."
"Oh?" Shadowheart says, her eyebrows climbing into her fringe. "When?" 
Ellie shrugs sheepishly. "At the party?"
Shadowheart squints at her. "This party? What did he say?"
Ellie's face and neck go hot, and she mutters, "He said I stink."
"He said you what?" She demands, and Ellie moans, covering her face with her hands. 
"He said I have a musk." The words are muffled through her hands. "I knew I should have cleaned up before the party, I just couldn't get away, everyone wanted to talk to me!"
"Fuck Gale," Shadowheart says decisively, and Ellie groans. 
"I tried," she complains, and she's momentarily broken from her misery when Shadowheart lets out a very un-Shadowheart snigger in return. 
They clink their bottles and drink. 
"He said he liked it," Ellie remembers suddenly. "I mean, maybe? I think he said he liked it, gosh, it's all running together in my head now." 
That was right before he turned her down for any strenuous activities, and Ellie had fled before she could render herself entirely pathetic and ask if a single kiss would be too strenuous. 
"He's just so confusing," Ellie complains, staring at her hands. "Sometimes I think he really likes me, and then sometimes I think he's still not over Mystra and never will be." 
"What a strange man," Shadowheart says without a hint of irony. She's being very nice right now though, so Ellie doesn't call her out for being a total hypocrite. 
Come think about it: they're all rather odd. A vampire, an amnesiac Shar worshipper, a githyanki warrior zealot, a folk hero-turned-devil, the wizard ex-boyfriend of a goddess with a bomb in his chest, a Hells soldier with a bomb in her chest, and a tiefling druid walk into a bar…
The thought makes her giggle. Shadowheart gives her a strange look, which sets Ellie off further. 
"Hey-o!” A voice comes from the direction of camp, and a warm glow announces Karlach's approach. "This where the party's at?" 
"We were just discussing Ellie propositioning Gale," Shadowheart says, because she's clearly over being nice. 
"Oh-ho-ho," Karlach leers.
 Ellie lays down on the rock with a quiet moan.
"Oh no," she amends, her tone going concerned. 
"He said she stinks," Shadowheart adds helpfully.
Karlach winces.
"He said I have a musk," Ellie corrects from the depths of her despair. 
"Oh," Karlach snorts dismissively. "That's different." 
Ellie sits up. "Is it?"
"Oh yeah," Karlach says, her eyes shining with amusement. "Musk is sexy."
She nudges Ellie with her shoulder.
"Chin up, soldier. Trust me, Gale's into you. As our camp's other walking bomb, he's just being cautious. He doesn't want to hurt you." 
"Really?" Ellie asks hopefully, because she's drunk and beyond pathetic. Karlach wraps a bit of the picnic blanket around her hand and then pats Ellie's hand. 
"Really, really."
Oh, Ellie thinks happily, and doesn't even mind when Karlach and Shadowheart both laugh at her. 
"What are you doing out here anyway?" Shadowheart asks Karlach. Her tone isn't entirely polite, and Ellie gives her a reproachful look. Shadowheart shrugs, but Karlach doesn't seem to notice. 
"Party wound down, and then Lae'zel asked Astarion to 'taste her moisture'. Wyll and Gale were nowhere to be found, and it felt weird to be the only one around. Decided to take a walk."
They all digest that for a second. 
"Ew," Shadowheart says repressively. 
Ellie hums thoughtfully. That's…certainly not a combination she would have expected. Astarion and Lae'zel are a pairing likely to end in bloodshed. Although…with those two…
Karlach catches her eye. "Weird, but not really, right? They're both pretty hot, in an aggressive, sharp kind of way."
Shadowheart rolls her eyes. "You've been trapped in the Hells surrounded by devils for a decade. You think everyone's hot."
"Yup," Karlach agrees easily. She winks at Ellie. "You know what I mean though, right?"
"Yeah," Ellie says slowly. "I just hope both of them survive it." 
She politely ignores Shadowheart's mutter that it would be fine, actually, if only Astarion did. 
Karlach leans back on her elbows, and says, out of nowhere, "You know who I want to watch fuck? Halsin."
Ellie chokes. 
"Oh, that I agree with," Shadowheart nods, her hair swinging enthusiastically.  "That is one large man."
"Right? His legs? Those arms? Phwoar," Karlach says dreamily, and Ellie can't help but laugh. 
Karlach waggles her eyebrows at her. "Not everyday someone is bigger than me. And all that strength and intensity…damn." 
Ellie snorts. "I can't tell if you want to fight him or sleep with him."
Karlach grins at her. "Why not both? If Lae'zel and Astarion can make it work…"
It sends them all into helpless giggles, and when they finally stumble back to find their rest, it's to a (thankfully) quiet camp. 
And Ellie dreams—
—a warm and inviting library, vanilla-perfume of old tomes and parchment. Outside of glazed-glass windows, the sun sets over a beautiful, sparkling bay. The purr of a well-content cat. A cozy fireplace, crackling wood and dancing flames. In front of the fireplace, a couch where she dozes, safe and warm, as someone gently strokes her hair—
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redcapmcnasty · 3 months ago
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I’ve been inactive but I wanna start posting again.. here’s some Voss & Sabine I drew this week 💕
Sort of an AU pic cus I wanted to draw him in slutty Githyanki raider gear.
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marbirds · 9 months ago
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warlock moment!!
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love-toxin · 1 year ago
ellie i NEED to know your thoughts on halsin from bg3 like! i don't even go here, i haven't played it yet, but god damn 👀 i'd say i want to know him biblically but there's nothing holy about what's going to happen when i finally get the game and find his ass. alexa, play slut him out by baby tate
PFSHEBEUDDNNEEJ BABE WE R IN SYNC........tbh I've been workin on a halsin fic that one of my besties suggested but i keep getting so many ideas for it i haven't finished any of them LOL but u are so right.....it is a marathon to grasp the bear's heart but once u do its OVER for us hoes......
(cws: halsin sexy scenes spoilers, m on gn oral, size kink but make it a lil spicy)
Actually I'm glad you asked bc one thing I can't get off my mind is how he goes down on you so hard, like.....he's canonically packing and I can't think of anything but that Halsin's the type to eat you out every time because he's a horndog, but also because he doesn't want to hurt you and he wants to make sure you can take him 👉👈 he strikes me as the kind of guy to make time for it even if you're just sneaking away for a quickie or something like that, and while it seems like it's a (albeit very hot) cautionary measure, you very quickly find out that he's just in love with listening to you gasp, feeling your hands in his hair, your thighs squeezing round his head, and that the taste of you is like an addiction he can't just shake off. Besides, the first time he does it while you're standing over him, and the idea of him using his size to his advantage to just sit your whole weight on his face.........prrrrr. He can prop your back up against a tree and nuzzle his nose right up against your sweet spot, and when your toes frantically scrape the ground trying to lift some of your weight off, Halsin just grabs each thigh and raises you a little higher so you can't reach--you just sink further down on his tongue, exactly where he wants you to be. The only way you can move is to hump his face when you're just trying to shift your hips, but at the mercy of his strength keeping you off the ground everything you do just turns both of you on more. If he had a moment to speak he'd reassure you there's nothing to worry about, that he's not going to break his neck and there's no way you could hurt him.....but that would involve him stopping before he's finished his meal, and he can't help being ravenous around you.
Although to be honest, even though Halsin genuinely doesn't want to hurt you and loves the act of preparation, I don't think he'd necessarily be opposed to it. There might be a point where there's just nothing more you can do; you might be a virgin, or inexperienced, or just too tight that he knows it's going to hurt at least a little bit when he slides in. Not that he'd want to break you, and in fact I think he would dial up the gentleness and reassurances by 100% if you were truly anxious over it. But there's part of him that likes knowing he's making his mark on you. It turns him on when you look up at him knowing you're going to be left walking with a limp, and yet encourage him to make it a noticeable one as you wiggle down on his lap with fervor in your eyes. He's a druid, he knows how to heal, so he can smooth over those small injuries with relative ease if they do pose a problem--but how hot would it be to watch you struggle to take him, your breathing hot and laboured yet determined as you pull him closer? The clawing down his back as you whine about him stretching you out, making it burn, but you won't let him pull out more than an inch? How you hiss and grunt each time that protruding, prominent vein down his shaft catches when he thrusts back in, only to clench down on it hard when he warns you he's about to cum? Halsin doesn't mind you having a quiet vendetta against his cock for ruining you, especially not since you'll let his tongue make it up for all that abuse on your poor, soft holes. The tears and your smeared makeup will make way for kisses soon enough, and he'll wash you clean in the cold river until the water runs clear, and you'll be working from a fresh slate. And he can do it alllllll over again, again, again, until either one of you taps out--or you have to pause your adventure for a day or two of bed rest, of course.
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k3n-dyll · 1 year ago
𝔦𝔣 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔪𝔢 𝔨𝔢𝔢𝔭 𝔦𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔣
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kennie, black, twenty-one, southern femme lesbian, tlou + arcane writer/artist, any pronouns, atheist with a lot of religious trauma, 8teen+ interactions only
Requests: Open!
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   𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒:         The Last of Us      -       Arcane
   𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐒:          I. Rule book         II. Taglist       III. Palestine         IV. Don't buy TLOU
Sevika with Children | Headcanons Wild West!Abby x Reader Infidelity
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©️ken-dyll, 2025 ☆ Reblogs are welcome and appreciated, but you do not have my permission to repost/claim my works/art anywhere at any point for any reason
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melhyan · 1 month ago
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Quick flat color sketch of my Triton girlie Ellie Tideseeker and boy Rolan (Baldur's Gate) I did during a short break. Could it be better? yes. Do I care? No cause I needed to get it out and I'm cramming for my exams X'D
I'll probs render it when I have time later!
If you want to commission me, you can find my commission sheet here!!!
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eepyghost · 1 year ago
*aside from jrwi riptide, ofc. out of pure curiousity
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definitellie · 1 year ago
give me artist tav who creates a likeness of astarion so he can see himself again
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subtlybrilliant · 10 months ago
The Ellie Playthru continues! Managed to find her some better looking armor today; I like the gold embellishment on this one for her
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Also met Karlach, and her expression was 🤌
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Also got SUPER angry with Aradin (the dude from the first Grove fight)
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And some more assorted expressions, just for funsies
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hawkepockets · 2 years ago
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Jove they/any 🌩️ blue dragonborn 🌩️ paladin 🌩️ guild artisan
🌩️ multiclass: bard
Jove’s Oath of Ancients is a sacred commitment to affirm life, foster joy, be excellent to each other, and PARTY ON, DUDES!! A literally sworn optimist, they can come across as risk-happy, blasé, even callous in their dismissal of danger and negativity, but it’s also easy to get swept up in their huge dragonborn muscles and +9 rizz modifier and believe them when they say it’ll all be okay.
They used to be a gifted artisan, but don’t talk about their career or how it ended. Now they’re a paladin errant, wielding their giant glaive and ferocious positivity against the agents of despair. After losing an eye, breaking their wrist and their oath, Jove’s optimism has grown back harder and more gnarled than before, and they tend to defer to their companions for major decisions, not trusting their own judgment anymore.
Romancing Shadowheart Lae’zel. Best friends with Gale. Healer tank.
My first solo playthrough PC, abandoned at Moonrise Towers (for now).
TAG: #oc: jove
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Estis she/her 🌞 gold dwarf 🌞 dream guardian
Ritika Estis was the master metallurgist who taught Jove to work with molten materials, despite their misgivings about being a blue dragonborn without fire breath or resistance. She passed away some years ago in Baldur’s Gate, but Jove’s dream guardian takes her form—whether as a cheap ploy to gain Jove’s trust, or as a genuine echo of their old mentor, they can’t be sure.
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Auntie she/her ◾️ githyanki ���️wild magic barbarian◾️ The Dark Urge
▪️ multiclass: storm sorcerer
This gith knows nothing about her life before the nautiloid, but since Lae’zel addressed her (and mocked her) like an elder relative she answers to “Auntie.” Lonely, curious, reactive. Center of a Venn diagram between “cigarette mom” and “Frankenstein’s monster.” Looks and fights like a gith, but lacks any cultural context or instincts that would make her feel like one.
Romancing Gale & Minthara.
Second playthrough, the only one I’ve completed.
TAGS: #oc: auntie, #ellie’s fucked up playthrough
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Deadeye & Singer she/her 🏹 human 🏹 rogue/ranger she/her 🪕 halfling 🪕 bard
Auntie’s 2 hirelings. Deadeye was a young hunter, blinded in an accident and then given her sight back by a True Soul… just so she could watch her entire village burn, then have—her killers thought—her eyes put out and closed forever. Singer was a halfling traveling apothecary, killed for refusing to tend to Absolutists and sing for them after the massacre.
Though both women’s presences are cold and diminished and they can only speak with Withers’s vocabulary, traces of their personality remain. Deadeye was playful once, and still has the light step, deft hand, and trace of a wicked smile to prove it. Astarion swears he’s heard her coo and giggle faintly while playing with Scratch at night, long after the party’s living members are asleep. Singer was stern, matronly, and humorless with others, her face only relaxing when she was absorbed in her herbcraft or music making. Auntie gifted her Lihala’s lute, though it hurts to see a bard outlined against the campfire again, quietly picking out the notes of “The Power,” just feet away from the shadow of Alfira’s bloodstain.
Auntie doesn’t know she is a Bhaalspawn, but she feels instinctively that it’s her duty to care for murdered bodies and souls. She knows the names these revanants bore in life (Maddala and Brenna), but doesn’t use them, out of respect for these women’s vengeful echoes being different from the women themselves, and she’s as protective of them as she is of her “real” companions.
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Terpsichore 🐏 she/her 🐏 satyr 🐏 rogue
She sings! She dances! She rams you with her horns!
Like Shadowheart, Terpsichore is on a holy mission for her patron goddess, armed only with her wits, blades, and the memories that her enclave—her Selûnite enclave—considered necessary for her to complete the task she’s been set: a pilgrimage to Moonrise Towers to assassinate an agent of Shar.
One second, she was crossing the Tower’s threshold (or windowsill, in the adept rogue’s case)��the next that she knew, she was being sealed in a pod aboard the nautiloid for processing. Failed. Abandoned. Godless. For now. If she doesn’t salvage this.
Terpsichore was told she’d know her target on sight, but she can’t be sure it isn’t Shadowheart—after all, while wrestling for the chance to kill each other they saw flashes of their own memories in each other’s minds, and Terpsichore feels… a lot… when she lays eyes on this particular enemy. ;-)
Romance: 3 guesses
TAG: #oc: terpsichore
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pricemarshfield · 1 year ago
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got tagged by @gwynbleidd to do this picrew which i LOVEDDD this is definitely the closest picrew i’ve gotten to how i picture rine and isabella :’)
i tag whoever’d like to do it and also i put each oc/what they’re from under the cut so as not to spam because i love infodumping about my girls ♥️
hojo rine aka wreck — from wreck runner, a random venture run from six to start that i fixated on truly out of nowhere Twice. sad butch lesbian of my heart one day i will relearn to draw for you
isabella ellis aka hellborn — dc oc, varies wildly depending on which source i’m playing with at that time but GENERALLY: kind and sweet and helpful and also from hell and i like the intersection of all those qualities a lot. she is also a lesbian i just didn’t want to put a pin on her skin and forgot you could move it
tav khoury — baldur’s gate 3, tempest cleric of talos and college of lore bard multiclass, sage background, human, goes from neutral evil to true neutral over the course of the game. romances astarion, weird dynamic with raphael that does not! stop her from killing him. you understand.
molly drew — project zomboid, specifically the serious vanilla roleplay server. burglar, thin-skinned, cowardly, fear of blood, eagle-eyed, fit, weak stomach. i miss her i gotta hop back on PZ
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beansprouts · 1 year ago
mini screenshot dump of Elly because she's hot
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redcapmcnasty · 3 months ago
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Silly thing with Sabine and Voss ✨
Just a little comic paneling practice
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marbirds · 9 months ago
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he cut his hair right after getting off the ship because he got brain juice in it
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youllbeinmywake · 13 days ago
❛  i know you probably won't believe me, but i truly am sorry.  ❜
❛  will you ever be able to forgive me?  ❜ @lituusapollinis from x | accepting
this isn't real. that's his first thought, staring in the wake of disbelief so disarming there's no space for anger to raise up beside it. this can't be real. octavian standing in front of him alive and in one piece when everyone saw when ellis saw
oh gods.
" you're alive? " the words sound fake still, hollow in ellis's head. like speaking in a dream and being unable to tell if it's pleasant or turning into a nightmare. but he doesn't have dreams like that. nightmares, of days past sometimes, but never anything like this. dreams aren't his job or his wheelhouse though, they're octavian's. and the disgraced former augur isn't giving him any lead or advice now. he's waiting for an answer, not from apollo or one of the other gods, but ellis.
he knows what he SHOULD say and do. he should be calling the other a traitor, disgraced, an enemy of new rome. he should, at the least, have drawn his weapon. but ellis had spent so long arguing with almost everyone against that, clinging to the tattered shreds of reputation and failing to protect them. failing to protect his friend in what they had all thought was death. he'd been one of frustratingly few to do so, remaining the loudest, the angriest, that everyone tried to blame everything that happened on octavian as if there hadn't been more at work the whole time. like the augur hadn't acted in new rome's interests and honor. the blond had never turned on them, and so many had so easily turned their backs on him in return.
" you're ALIVE, " ellis repeats, and despite every instinct of tradition yelling at him for it, the younger demigod can't help surging forward for a tight embrace. the movement is enough to break through the shock that had initially frozen him, and he can feel the heat of rage at feeling abandoned start to claw at the back of his mind, but ellis just clings more tightly like it might ward the feeling off.
he realizes none of this is technically an answer to the question that still hangs in the air, but maybe it's because he doesn't know how to answer. yet. but the hug is a start, whether the other wants to return it or not.
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sunsetsoft · 2 months ago
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📩 ❛ i'm here for business — not pleasure. ❜ from minthara for your bg3 verse! @likemosaic 🔆 assorted dialogue – accepting!
ellie nodded solemnly. solemnity has been what he's decided is the best way to interact with minthara. not because he wants to limit their conversations, but because minthara intimidated the hells out of her, and something told the cleric that revealing any amount of the sympathy she felt for the paladin would not be taken as the attempt at connection elinor desperately wanted. they, undeniably, had different methods, different attitudes (you couldn't pay elinor to consume those tadpoles, regardless of the power they promised). but they were allies. and elinor did care for her, whether minthara liked it or not. 
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"i think the same can be said for most of us." it's not dismissive, meant to confirm minthara's approach. after all, wouldn't everyone here rather be elsewhere? despite ellie's resolve, and her own words testifying the same, that business was business, he couldn't help a curiousity that washed over him. it might be better not to ask, but the worst that could happen would be that minthara would use all her noble poise to tell her to fuck off. and elinor had faced worse. 
"what... what is your idea of pleasure? i mean, what are you going to do, after we deal with the absolute?"
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