#ellen rimbauer
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helena-thessa · 4 months ago
TLDR; Representation of all different kinds is so fucking important and it's especially important for kids.
Rather niche post, considering the mini-series couldn't be found on streaming for years and years, but here goes.
I watched Stephen King's Rose Red several times as a kid and early teenager, but just watched it for the first time as an adult. I don't remember thinking of Joyce as an antagonist or someone capable of harm. I think, due to gendered norms and most media representation of women, I saw her doting over Annie as her nurturing tendencies and interpreted them as genuine care. When Joyce later becomes wild and explicitly violent, I think I understood that as her falling victim to the house.
She was always that way, though. Right under the surface. Watching as an adult now it's clearly obvious from the beginning that Joyce is obsessive, selfish, and reckless. She snaps at the student who approaches her outside of office hours. She clearly doesn't give two fucks about Steve as a significant other. She dismisses everyone else's contributions during the orientation even though they're the ones with lived experience. She smears blood on her colleague in front of an audience in broad daylight without thinking twice (unrelated: hands-down one of the greatest demonstrations and dialogue about the paranormal ever written, and also a fantastic reaction of female rage). She often gets that bright-eyed spark of a mad scientist in her eyes before masking or turning away.
Women can be cruel and mean and selfish. Not all women are maternal figures. Didn't really know that until much later in life though, did I? Gillian Flynn had to hammer the point home.
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Also, even more egregious, certainly in part due to the heteronormative culture forced onto us: I totally missed that Ellen Rimbauer and Sukeena were evidently romantic companions.
I don't know the point of this post other than, man. How terrible is it that representation was so sparse back then that you couldn't see it when you did have it? How is it fair to raise kids in a world that hides reality? It's so shaming and unnecessary. I know there's a lot of backlash against more diverse representation, we need to keep shutting that shit down.
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SUMMARY: The wife of an oil tycoon becomes engrossed in the sinister evil residing within her Seattle mansion home
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thatwritererinoriordan · 1 year ago
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docholligay · 2 months ago
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again we're going off track of what I intended to talk about today, but this is quite literally what you signed up for, you all know what I am like about this show, sorry about it.
So, I like all three 'versions" of this story.
I love the Shirley Jackson novel, from which this line is directly taken. I still remember the first time I read it, I was 14 and the librarian had to go down to the stacks where it was held. It had a yellow and black cover, from the 70s, and it smelled peppery and aged. I was just getting into reading classic horror. Anyway, you don't care about that. But the novel is a very different beast, to the point that, in the novel, it's an open question as to whether or not the house is actually haunted. It's about the people in the house.
There is a Stephen King miniseries, Rose Red*, that has its problems, but of which I am VERY fond, which is less based on Hill House than this show is--or actually, Stephen King managed to break it down more to the base components of "team recruited to investigate haunting" and "some places are born bad." This is a King fixation anyhow (and me too girl. I am obsessed with the idea of place as a form of haunting, though you and I feel some kinds of different about it) so I wouldn't fight anyone who said it was unfair to call Rose Red an adaptation of Hill House. It was directly inspired by King visiting the Winchester mansion and the other elements may just be that King is a huge admitted Jackson fan (who isn't)
And then we have this, which, it's always been interesting to me that, to my mind, this show is zero percent fucking based on The Haunting of Hill House, other than flanagan clearly wanted to directly lift lines from Jackson's work. What an interesting choice to make. I love the show, so I'm obviously fine with it, but I can't think of any media I care to interact with in that particular way. Where I don't actually want anything from it except particular lines, which I'm going to put in one of my characters' mouth. It's just a fascinating choice to me, and knowing how Flanagan loves King (though, I was very very unimpressed with Doctor Sleep, and feel like it missed the basic core thesis of Doctor Sleep, and the way it was in conversation with Shining) I wonder if this isn't just more of him reflecting the ways in which KING reflects Jackson.
*He actually wrote a book after this, for the miniseries called The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer, which like, fine. I have a lot of tolerance for King's nonsense, to be frank.
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it-begins-with-rain · 1 year ago
Halloween Recommendation: Stephen King's Rose Red
** This one can be tricky to find. It was originally released as a 3 night mini-series in 2002, but then re-released as a motion picture. Apparently Hulu has it?
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In 1906, oil barron John Rimbauer built a veritable palace overlooking Seattle. It was his young bride, Ellen, who would give the house it's name: Rose Red.
First blood was drawn before the foundation was even laid. A foreman, murdered over a simple argument. Bizarre deaths and mysterious disappearances plagued Rose Red, swallowing up the Rimbauer family, their servants, friends, and anyone who dared enter.
Eventually, the grand estate fell into disrepair. Paranormal investigators descended upon the property, but none were ever able to solve the mystery, nor stop the deaths.
Now, more than 90 years after the first deaths at Rose Red, Steven Rimbauer, the last living descendant of John and Ellen Rimbauer, has been offered massive sums of money to sell Rose Red. It will be totally leveled, the land used for condos.
Before the house is destroyed, Steven agrees to let Dr. Joyce Reardon and a cobbled-together team of psychics, mediums, and other paranormal investigators do one final sweep of the house.
What evil lurks within Rose Red?
What horrors did John and Ellen Rimbauer summon in their palatial estate- or were they victims themselves?
Why does Rose Red kill the men, but swallow the souls of the women and force them to haunt it's halls?
How many of Dr. Joyce Reardon's team can escape with their lives?
*** Stephen King wrote the screenplay for this story, but there is no novel. Instead, as part of the publicity and hype leading up to the miniseries premiere, "The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer" was published, serving as a prequel. You can buy the novel on Kindle.
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readinthedarkpod · 2 years ago
This week's episode really exposes us as we discuss, in depth, healthy relationship dynamics... particularly when it revolves around kink. We also chat about bad magic systems, creepy old houses, and more! And if you really wanna know about us, we even talk about books that causes some... awakenings in us.
Books Discussed: Always Practice Safe Hex by Juliette Cross A Lesson in Thorns by Sierra Simone
Books Mentioned: The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater Twilight by Stephenie Meyer My Immortal by (allegedly) Tara Gillispie Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James A Ruin of Roses by K.F. Breene Priest by Sierra Simone Feed by Aveda Vice The Cruel Prince by Holly Black The Old Kingdom series by Garth Nix The Dark Queen by Susan Carroll Silent Move by Patric Senécal Outlander by Diana Gabaldon The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer by Joyce Reardon The Aeneid by Virgil You can follow the hosts at @adxmparriish @hazelsheartsworn @figonas @laequiem
Join our book club, WORNPAGELIBRARY!
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money-insider-1-blog · 2 years ago
Erfolgreiche Menschen lesen Bücher – warum Lesen der Schlüssel zum Erfolg ist
Erfolgreiche Menschen lesen Bücher und nicht gerade wenig, Elon Musk beispielsweise, liest mehr als 60 Bücher pro Monat, Warren Buffett empfiehlt 500 Seiten am Tag zu lesen und Bill Gates hat das Ritual, jeden Abend in Bücher zu lesen. Es gehört zu den Erfolgsgeheimnissen und Gewohnheiten von vieler Unternehmer, lesen in ihren Alltag zu integrieren.  Auch ich habe mit 17 begonnen, Bücher zu verschlingen. Damals war mein Laptop kaputt und ich hatte bis dato nur mein Lieblingsbuch das Tagebuch der Ellen Rimbauer gelesen. Es war ziemlich langweilig ohne Laptop und ich überlegte, was ich gerne tun würde und so kam mir die örtliche Bücherei in den Sinn, wo ich mir voranging Bücher über die Titanic auslieh.
So begann ich jeden Abend 10-20 Seiten zu lesen und habe es bis heute beibehalten, jeden Abend in Büchern zu schmökern. Wie stellen es viel beschäftigte Leute, wie Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg und Warren Buffet an viel zu lesen? Sie alle lesen viel und vor allem regelmäßig.  Zudem beherrschen viele erfolgreiche Menschen die Technik  des Speed-Readings. Sie können  während des Lesens sehr viele Informationen aufnehmen und machen sie Notizen zu dem Gelesen. Das ist auch mein Tipp, lege dir für jedes Thema ein Notizbuch an und arbeite mit Farben.
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cboeck-webdesign · 2 years ago
Successful people read books - reading as the key to success
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Successful people read books and not just a little, Elon Musk for example, reads more than 60 books a month, Warren Buffett recommends reading 500 pages a day, and Bill Gates has a ritual of reading books every night. It is one of the secrets of success and habits of many entrepreneurs to integrate reading into their daily routine. I also started devouring books when I was 17. At that time my laptop was broken and I had only my favorite book so far the diary of Ellen Rimbauer. It was pretty boring without a laptop and I thought about what I would like to do and so the local library came to my mind, where I borrowed books about the Titanic first. So I started reading 10-20 pages every evening and have kept it up to this day, browsing books every evening. How do busy people like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Warren Buffet manage to read a lot? They all read a lot and, above all, regularly. In addition, many successful people have mastered the technique of speed reading. They can absorb a lot of information while reading and they take notes on what they read. This is also my tip, create a notebook for each topic and work with colors.
Successful people read a lot
Billionaires like Elon Musk and Warren Buffet read several hours a day. Steve Jobs has read books on technology his entire life and Bill Gates has a ritual of reading reference books and biographies before bed. On average, successful people read more than 50 books a year. When Elon Musk was asked where he got his knowledge of rocket technology, he replied I read a lot. His reading didn't just include technical books, however, but also novels such as Lord of the Rings, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Benjamin Franklin - An American Life, among others.   Take notes while reading and work with several notebooks in parallel.
  What is the 5-hour rule?
A rule that is over 300 years old comes from Benjamin Franklin. It simply states that you should devote 1 hour per day to reading and continuing your education. For those who don't know, Benjamin Franklin was a co-founder of the United States. Billionaires like Bill Gates and Elon Musk adhere to this rule. Even Warren Buffett is said to read up to six hours a day. That's extreme, of course, and many people often don't find the time or the inclination to do so in their daily lives. It's enough to set a small goal for yourself when reading. You don't have to be Bill Gates or Elon Musk to benefit from this strategy. The important thing is to plan exactly what you want to read, set goals, and put together a reading list.  
What are the benefits of reading?
1. reading trains our brain and motivates it to perform at its best With a good book we train our soft skills and communication. Reading can even strengthen empathy and help us to empathize with the other person.  
2. reading gives you new ideas
And reading gives you new ideas and makes you creative. When I read a good book, I'm usually bursting with ideas for new blog articles or videos. That's how I got the idea to write my own book, that's also how I got inspired for my first novel.  
3. reading can enrich your life
Under According to a study by Yale University even prolong. According to this study, the lifespan of people who read a lot is 17% longer. Reading gives you the great advantage of expanding your knowledge and educating yourself in any field. For example, you can also improve your lifestyle through health books.      
4. reading reduces stress
  Reading stimulates the imagination and exercises the power of imagination. Under the right conditions, reading can reduce stress and be relaxing. However, I have found that reading too much can make you lose interest or, in the worst case, make you not want to read at all. And of course it depends on what you read, a horror novel or a book about esotericism is probably less relaxing than a romance novel. A technical book is of course more exhausting to read than fiction.  
5. the best investment in your own education
By reading guidebooks and non-fiction books, you can educate yourself cheaply and easily. Thus, the investment in books is one of the best ever. You invest in yourself and your continuing education. This is not only useful for your soft skills, but can also be good for your career. In addition, you promote your general education and learn to understand the world better. Especially through biographies and novels you can better put yourself in the shoes of others. And of course you have so also interesting conversation material and show that you something. The knowledge can also help you to have interesting conversation material in small talk.   My tip: use audiobooks apps like Bookbeats My tip for those who don't like to read, take a closer look at the app Audible and Bookbeats. Especially Bookbeat offers you the possibility to choose from a variety of audiobooks and listen to them for free. For €9.99 per month, you can enjoy audiobooks from all subject areas. I think this is a great addition to books, but I still remain loyal to the books. Of course, you can still order classic audio books on Amazon and listen to them via MP3 and CD player. It's definitely entertaining and something different than a TV evening.   Summary - Successful people read books Successful people read books and acquire much of their knowledge through books. Reading educates, trains your imagination and can even help you relax. Investing in books is one of the best investments you can make in yourself. I love to educate myself through books, good novels are for entertainment of course and if you are not a bookworm, you should definitely try audiobooks. Successful people apply the 5 hour rule when reading, which simply states that they invest 1 hour in their education and reading and this can have a positive impact on your life too, try it out.   Follow me on Instagram Follow me on Twitter Follow me on LinkedIn Exclusive content only on Snapchat Subscribe to my newsletter Read the full article
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stevie-evans · 9 months ago
You have no idea how much I relate to what you said. I kept waiting for a cold, rainy day to read it, preferably in October due to autumn. Year after year there been countless perfect moments, as describe, yet I place it on the back burner in favor of other books such as Rebecca and The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer: My Life at Rose Red . What I will say is the book lives up to the hype.
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It's an email. You go to the site, enter your email, and an entry is sent to you. What's fascinating with this concept is the entries are for that particular day. Such as today I received a short entry from Jonathan's journal dated May 19th. It's pretty cool! There's a podcast however I can't comment much on it because I haven't listened. Not yet.
Surprisingly, no, actually. Not from a lack of trying, though. Every time I think I'm in the right kind of mindset or headspace to read it, my brain just...fizzles out and I get bored or restless. I've heard it's incredible, though, so maybe one day I'll lock myself in a dark room and force myself to finish it.
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I can't believe there's such thing as Dracula Daily. Is that a podcast? Newsletter?
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haveyouseenthishorrormovie · 11 months ago
Stats from Movies 1001-1100
Top 10 Movies - Highest Number of Votes
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Pet Sematary (1989) had the most votes with 921 votes. I Know What You Need (2023) had the least votes with 310 votes.
The 10 Most Watched Films by Percentage
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Sleepy Hollow (1999) was the most watched film with 56.4% of voters out of 424 saying they had seen it. Saint Drogo (2023) had the least "Yes" votes with 0.2% of voters out of 495.
The 10 Least Watched Films by Percentage
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They/Them (2022) was the least watched film with 62.8% of voters out of 682 saying they hadn’t seen it. I Know What You Need (2023) had the least "No" votes with 5,2% of voters out of 310.
The 10 Most Known Films by Percentage
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Pet Sematary (1989) was the best known film, 3,8% of voters out of 921 saying they’d never heard of it.
The 10 Least Known Films by Percentage
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I Know What You Need (2023) was the least known film, 94.2% of voters out of 310 saying they’d never heard of it.
The movies part of the statistic count and their polls below the cut.
What Josiah Saw (2021) It Comes at Night (2017) Something in the Dirt (2022) Lisa Frankenstein (2024) The Toxic Slime Creature (1982) The House of the Devil (2009) The Dark and the Wicked (2020) Shin Godzilla (2016) Run (2020) Nine Dead (2009)
The Addiction (1995) The Guardian (1990) Open 24 Hours (2018) Here Comes Hell (2019) Sweet Home (2015) Like Dogs (2021) The Stylist (2020) Saint Drogo (2023) Girl on the Third Floor (2019) Evil Bong (2006)
The Hunger (1983) Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama (1988) Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama 2 (2022) Bed Rest (2022) Witchhammer (1970) Leonor (1975) Cold Skin (2017) The Vourdalak (2023) Blood for Dracula (1974) Flesh for Frankenstein (1973)
The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer (2003) The Dirties (2013) The Vigil (2019) Storm of the Century (1999) Infinity Pool (2023) The Final Wish (2018) Devil (2010) Uzumaki (2000) Horror in the High Desert 2: Minerva (2023) Blood Red Sky (2021)
The Finale (2023) The People Under the Stairs (1991) Eli (2019) Autopsy (2008) Sleepy Hollow (1999) The Gay Bed and Breakfast of Terror (2007) I Walked with a Zombie (1943) Paganini Horror (1988) Titane (2021) Burying the Ex (2014)
They Remain (2018) Vicious Fun (2020) Vivarium (2019) Hell House LLC II: The Abaddon Hotel (2018) Hell House LLC III: Lake of Fire (2019) Summer of '84 (2018) A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985) Sweet Sixteen (1983) Popcorn (1991) April Fool's Day (1986)
Eerie (2018) Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989) Greener Grass (2019) The Innocents (2021) Dark Harvest (2023) Häxan (1922) Dark Light (2019) Arthur, Malédiction (2022) Polaroid (2019) Antisocial (2013)
Headless Horseman (2007) Radius (2017) Goblin (2020) Havenhurst (2016) The ABCs of Death (2012) Abandoned Dead (2015) Pet Sematary (1989) Dark Water (2005) Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor (2023) Witches Straight From Hell (2023)
Belzebuth (2017) Fade to Black (1980) Scanners (1981) Blood Punch (2013) Cannibals and Carpet Fitters (2017) Split (2016) Game of Death (2017) Paperhouse (1988) The Baby (1973) Splatter: Naked Blood (1996)
A Perfect Child of Satan (2012) Blair Witch (2016) Night of the Devils (1972) I Know What You Need (2023) Midnight Son (2011) Slaxx (2020) They/Them (2022) The Darkness (2016) Wind Chill (2007) Crypt of the Vampire (1964)
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randombookreadersworld · 3 years ago
The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer
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author: Ridley Pearson # pages: 277 #chapters: 51 start date: December 27 finish date: December 30 rating: 3/5 review: okay, so I absolutely love Rose Red, one of my favorite mini-series (movie if you will) this gives more insight into the dynamic between Ellen and John and Ellen and Sukeena
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Stephen King’s miniseries Rose Red was in fact based on a true story. Rose Red tells the story of  Ellen Rimbauer and a haunted mansion given to her as a wedding gift from her husband. Ellen learns, from a medium, that she will die if she ever stops building Rose Red.  Over the years twenty-three people either vanished or murder in its walls, including Ellen. Leaving the victims of Rose Red trapped inside its walls, as long as the house remains.
The miniseries was inspired by the real life of Sarah Winchester. Sarah believed her family was curse and sought help from a medium. The medium told her she was cursed by all the people who died at the hands of the Winchester rifle. In order to end the curse she would have to build a house for her and the many spirits, and if she ever stopped building she would die.
Sarah took this serious and began the building of the Winchester Mystery house, but in the end she died of tuberculosis in 1881.
(If you have not seen this miniseries, you are missing out. It is a great example of Mr. Stephen King’s talent)
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lilitblaukatz · 2 years ago
At Stephen King's we have a house that was a person once even :) (among his other creepy houses), and that damn Red Rose... Maybe it is not about the Dark Tower! Maybe it is the Rose Red mansion of Ellen Rimbauer's!!! We want you to build! (c) Ellen R. to her grandson.
Mini theory: was the library important to young Henry?
The library was the Demogorgon’s lair. The tunnels under it is where many animals became incubators for the demodogs, and where Henry!MF!Will sent the soldiers to die. And the library, not the Creel House, is the converge point of the gates in S4.
It seems that it all began with the Demogorgon in S1, right? But if it was connected to Henry, maybe the library was its lair for a reason.
So I thought, Dustin looked for books on reptiles, after he found D’Art. 
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Henry found the black widows. 
Maybe he also went to the library to find books on spiders. He was a lonely kid who felt different and deeply misunderstood. He didn’t fit with the other kids. 
A place where you can read books on the things you love, can become very special to you. So maybe Dustin at the library in S2 is a parallel with Henry that we will see in S5.
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Also. Dustin placed D’Art in his tortoise’s tank
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Henry kept his spiders in jars
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And speaking of libraries, this could also be a parallel with Ben in IT (especially the book)
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I know many people are fans of the movie. I like it too, but IT has been one of my favorite books for so many years, so I tend to think about it more than the movie. And the Duffers love it too (I love the parts with Ben at the library so much!)
Anyway. Ben is a lonely kid too, who feels different and loves reading. The library is his safe place. So maybe this is a Dustin-Henry-Ben parallel. Oh, and Mike Hanlon is Derry’s librarian! Yes, it’s always the library!
But there could be another, more sinister parallel
Dustin found a creature from the UD. Henry found the spiders under the floor. These animals are dangerous but not evil. Seems another connection. So it is possible that the “to my surprise, our new house provided a discovery…” means that the black widows Henry found were also connected to the UD, because it wasn’t a coincidence that he found them. The house made him find them. 
Maybe there was really something weird going on in that house. And it wasn’t just Henry, or Henry’s mother, or even Brenner messing with them. It was the house. Aka, something on the other side, in the UD, that Henry could sense and that could sense him. We’ll see!
And of course, IF the library is where Henry learned about spiders, how they live and reproduce, it makes sense that the Demogorgon’s lair, the nest, is there. 
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mbunni-archive · 7 years ago
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Sukeena from Rose Red (Stephen King)
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oocstephenkingtv · 3 years ago
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The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer (2003)
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ariana-maryse · 5 years ago
As the person that's seen Rose Red, I actually used to have it on DVD and I first watched it with my mom. I've also seen the Diary of Ellen Rimbauer
Ooh, that’s what’s up. I watched it for the first time at a friend’s house on her birthday. She got it as a gift so at her party, we watched it. I found the first DVD set fairly easily but then it wore out, as they do, and I had a time trying to find it again. 
I haven’t seen The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer, though! It looks great. I’m adding it to the watch list because hell yeah. How did the actress do as Ellen? I see that they cast someone else in it. 
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