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||Love Happens||
Summary: As the youngest daughter of the House of Rivendell, Annúneth has lived a sheltered life. Though that does not stop her from meeting the Prince of Greenwood. And though they start off on the wrong foot, there is one thing that neither of them can deny.
And that is sometimes, Love simply Happens.
Pairing: Legeloas x AnnúnethOC (Hobbit, LOTR)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. None
A/N: This is for @siriuslydestiny and @lovelyxkazuha Hope you enjoy your request! And this is for @entishramblings who hasn’t been feeling the best lately! Also this story takes place AGES before the events of the Hobbit. So Mirkwood is still called Greenwood! And Thranduil isn’t as uptight : P
It was not often that Lord Elrond lead a Hunting Party. But both his sons were away traveling, and he wanted to be sure that no lingering Orcs or Goblins would happen upon Rivendell by accident.
What he had not expected, on the journey home, was for his Hunting Party to instead become a Welcoming Party to the King of Greenwood himself.
“Thranduil, we did not expect you for another week.” Elrond called out as a way of greeting his old friend as he dismounted his horse. Thranduil offered a slight smile in return. “The weather was favorable, and the enemy few. I also wanted to put to rest the rumors of your hospitality as soon as possible. See for myself whether what I heard was truth or not.” The two Elven leaders gave a respectful tilt of the head before grasping each other’s forearms in a greeting one soldier gave another.
Elrond simply smiled in response. “You shall be the judge of that, melon nin. But for now, let us return to Rivendell together. I am sure both our arrivals are anticipated by our comrades.”
Quickly mounting their horses once more, the two Elven Leaders urged their mounts forward, their respective parties following after them.
“How fare your children Elrond? Is your youngest Arwen residing with you, or is she with her grand-sire in Lothlorien?”
Elrond gave a secret smile at the mention of Arwen being the youngest, but made no move to say anything. “She is indeed in Lothlorien, finishing the last of her studies with Galadriel. The twins are leading an expedition to the North. I have yet to hear from them, but last I received a letter, they were in high spirits.” Elrond turned his head towards Thranduil.
“And what of your son Legolas? I have not seen him yet. Did he not come with you?” A sigh fell from Thranduil’s lips, one that Elrond was all too familiar with. It was the sigh of a parent who was at their wit’s end with their child.
“He is here, but he insisted on taking the longer route. Some nonsense about seeing new sights and such.” Thranduil shook his head, not understanding the need his son had when it came to exploring. “He shall be joining us on a later day. Perhaps tomorrow.”
During their conversation, the Parties had reached Rivendell, blowing horns to announce their arrival as they did. It was truly a sight to behold, a marvel of elven architecture and design. Every aspect was flawless, the House built around nature, spacious windows and multiple rooms open to the elements.
As they crossed the bridge Thranduil could not help but comment. “Though I much prefer the Woods of my home, I must say Elrond, you have indeed taken care of your home all these years. It is just as when I first laid eyes upon it when I was an elfling.”
Elrond smiled in a polite manner. He knew Thranduil, knew that the King hardly gave compliments outright. This was to the best of his efforts. He did feel a sense of pride, as their horses cantered across the bridge and towards the main platform where several elves were already waiting to greet them. “I thank you for your kind words Thranduil.” He said as he dismounted. “But for now, let us change and reconvene for dinner. I am sure yo-”
The cry rang loud and clear from the top of the stairs, cutting off whatever else Elrond had to say. The assembled Elves spun towards the source of the sound. A figure revealed itself. The skirt of their dress lifted to their knees, pale legs and feet bared to those standing below, bright golden hair flowing behind her, unbraided and free. And even from afar one could see a simple silver circlet resting on her forehead.
Lord Elrond's entire demeanor changed from a reserved elf and leader to that of an overjoyed parent, as he held his arms open in greeting, a smile on his lips.
The elleth launched herself into her father's arms, holding him close, her face buried in his chest. Elrond returned the embrace just as lovingly as it was given. The Elves of Rivendell smiled fondly at the display of familial love. King Thranduil and the rest of his party looked on in slight surprise at the golden haired elleth who was now gazing up at her father, relief yet slight concern evident on her delicate features.
"You were not harmed, were you Ada?" She asked, her voice soft and light. The elves started to move, taking the horses to the stables while the guests stood where they were. Elrond shook his head, resting a hand atop the soft head of gold locks, so like her mother's.
"As you can see I am quite alright my dear Yelde. You need not worry about me." The elleth shook her head in response.
"I shall always worry when you leave Ada. As will Arwen, Elladen and Elrohir." Her gaze finally shifted from her father's familiar features to the newcomers. Elrond followed her line of sight. Keeping one arm around her shoulders he smiled at Thranduil.
“Thranduil, may I introduce you to my youngest, Annúneth.” He gently pushed his daughter towards the King. “Annúneth, this is Thranduil. He resides as King over Greenwood and is a dear friend.” The King towered over the elleth, but that did not deter her from meeting his graze briefly, before lowering into an elegant curtsy, her eyes dropping to the floor for a brief moment as she did.
“You honor us with your presence King Thranduil.” She said, her voice ever polite and ever gentle. The older elf tilted his head in return. “And you surprise us with yours, Lady Annúneth.” His gaze shifted towards his friend, who was trying his best to hide his mirth. “Considering we were not made aware of it.”
Annúneth glanced at her father. “I shall leave Ada to explain his reasoning for I am sure he has an extensive list.” She cleverly stated, stepping away from her father’s embrace. Her grey eyes shifted to the rest of the assembled elves of Greenwood Annúneth lifted her head, her shoulders back as she addressed them.
In the blink of an eye she had morphed from a loving daughter, to the Lady of the House. And with her Mother having sailed to Valinor, and sister presently absent, the task did fall to her.
“Brothers and Sisters.” A look of surprise passed each elven face when she spoke in the tongue of their forest, Silvan. “On behalf of my father, Lord Elrond, Protector of Rivendell, I, his daughter Annúneth, welcome you to our home. Please follow me so that I may guide you to your rooms where you can freshen up before we all sit down for dinner. Your horses will be taken care of.”
With that the golden haired elven maid turned. When before she had been racing down the stairs, this time she seemed to glide along, leading the eager elves to where they would be residing during their stay at Rivendell.
Leaving a proud father, and an elven King who was seldom surprised and impressed.
And for once, Thranduil wasn’t loathe to admit that he was both.
“Will you now reveal to me the secrecy behind your youngest daughter’s existence Elrond?”
The wine hadn’t even been poured, the doors barely shut when Thrandul had demanded answers. Despite years on Middle-Earth, it would seem patience was one virtue his friend had no desire to perfect.
Thank the Valar he had enough for the both of them.
Pouring the wine, Elrond held the delicately wrought cup towards his friend. “It is a rather long tale my friend.” He stated, gesturing towards a pair of high backed chairs where he would usually conduct lessons with Annúneth. Thranduil, having taken a sip, sat down, watching as Elrond sat next to him. There was a brief moment of silence, as Elrond drank his wine.
Then he spoke.
“Celebrían and I were blessed and content with our three children. We had thought surely Valar did not seek to bless us again. But then we were wrong.” Elrond smiled as thoughts of his youngest daughter filled his head and made his heart swell with fatherly affection and love. “We were blessed with Annúneth in late Autumn in the year 1805.”
Thranduil raised a brow. “That is quite a long time to conceal the birth of an elven child Elrond.” He said, to which his friend nodded. “I agree, but it was her grandmother who insisted that we keep knowledge of her existence a secret, and tell as few others as possible.”
A frown creased his forehead as he pursed his lips, hands clasped around the stem of his wine glass. “We were not aware of the reasoning behind Galadriel‘s decision, but we did not question it. The only people to know of her existence were our family, a few other elves and, of course, Gandalf. No one outside of Rivendell, save her grandparents and Gandalf even knew of her.”
Bringing the glass to his lips he took a sip, gathering strength for what was to come next. “Then Celebrían was captured by Orcs and held captive for days.” His heart hurt even after all these years. The horror his beloved had to endure, the torture those monsters and inflicted upon her. “It was Annúneth who found where she was. She too possesses the gift of Sight. Yet hers only works when she is asleep, and is more concerned with present events and what outcome they might have. Through her intervention, the twins were able to save their Mother from a truly gruesome death and return with her.”
Thranduil frowned. “But then why hide her away? Why not use her gift to change the future as we see fit?” He asked, leaning forward as he awaited Elrond’s answer. The Elf Lord raised his eyes to meet Thranduil’s and the latter was surprised to see the utter sorrow and despair that was clear within his grey eyes. “The dreams she sees, my friend, they cause her unbearable pain. The night she had the dream about her mother dying, Annúneth was near inconsolable. She could feel her mother’s pain. And not just the physical strain.”
His eyes widening in realization, Thranduil felt a strange feeling akin to protection rise within him as he thought of the young elleth experiencing something truly grotesque and unmentionable. “You hid her away.” He said, his voice low. “So she would not meet people, so that she wouldn’t dream about them.”
Elrond nodded. “That was my intention when she was younger. But now, under her grandmother’s guidance, Annúneth has truly gained control over her abilities and has come further then I could ever have hoped.” The pride was evident in his tone as he finished his wine and stood. He paused at the window, having spied a familiar golden head, so like her mother’s, drifting by. Sometimes, when he looked outside his window and saw her, he mistook her for her mother.
Out of all his children, Annúneth had inherited her mother’s beautiful golden hair. Perhaps the reason her grandparents doted upon her so was because she reminded them of their own daughter.
“And are you willing to share your daughter with the world?” Thranduil asked, as he came to stand beside his friend, looking down at the elleth as well. Elrond laughed softly. “If I had my way, I would keep her hidden away from the horrors of the world.” He said truthfully but then he shook his head.
“And yet, I cannot keep something beautiful from the rest of the world. That would be truly selfish of me.”
Perhaps preparing a basket for a picnic that would happen in the morning wasn’t the best of ideas. She could always do that tomorrow, yet Annúneth found herself too excited to sleep. Instead, she had made her way towards the kitchen and lined up several baskets along the shelf, to be filled with all manners of eatables to take for the picnic tomorrow.
Her father had permitted she show their guests the beauty of their home, and she had suggested the meadows nearby. It was Spring, and the flowers would be in bloom. And since she had never had the chance to share her home with anyone else, Annúneth was eager to show their guests everything. Already she knew them all by name and was on her way to making friends with most of them.
Humming a long forgotten lullaby under her breath, Annúneth sifted through the jars of honey, trying to get the biggest ones from the back, where she kept them hidden away from her brothers. They had a tendency to go through honey as if it would run out and they would be left barren. Shaking her head at her brother’s obvious gluttonous nature when it came to any sweet concoction, Annúneth continued her task.
However, a sudden noise had her stilling in her movements.
She had been rummaging through a shelf that was partially hidden from the rest of the kitchen, yet gave her a full view of the room. And since she did not light a candle, choosing to work under the light of the moon, Annúneth was completely hidden in the shadows.
The sight of a hooded figure moving about the kitchen had her drawing a silent gasp.
Not a guest, for why would they sneak about wearing a hood?
A thief perhaps?
The figure moved about, inspecting the basket before taking out one of the loaves of bread Annúneth had placed within a few moments ago. From a young age, her brothers had taught her to be wary, and though it did not deter her from being the open and friendly elleth that she was, it did help her in drawing on suspicion when the situation called for it.
And presently, it did.
Her eyes darted around, to see if she could use something as a weapon. Silver grey eyes landed on a heavy pan. As quietly as she was able to Annúneth took one off, gripping the heavy handle between delicate hands. She would’ve preferred her sword, but since she didn’t have it on her, using the pan as a weapon to defend herself, if need be, would have to do.
The figure’s back was turned to her, and she could make out the soft sound of chewing as they ate the bread.
Providing Annúneth with the perfect opportunity to step out of her hiding spot, the frying pan swinging through the air.
He had not expected to return early.
Or rather so late.
It would seem everyone had retired for the night, and since Legolas and his few companions had not entered from the main entrance, their arrival went unannounced. Something that he preferred really, since he had no desire to make pleasantries.
At least not until he had eaten something.
While his companions took care of the horses and moved off to search for the rest of their party, Legolas made his way towards the kitchen. He knew Rivendell well enough to navigate his way through the dark and towards the empty kitchen. He kept his hood up, not wanting to be recognized by his hair. A rather unusual color even amongst elves.
Catching sight of the several baskets that were lined up neatly on the counter, the young Prince paused, a little curious at the arrangement. His growling stomach, however, didn’t give him much time to contemplate on it. Moving forward, he peered into one of the baskets, and seeing a loaf of bread within, pulled it out. Tearing off a piece he began to chew, enjoying the milky taste that was infused within the bread. Strange, yet not at all bad. Or perhaps he was simply too hungry to complain.
The unsuspecting elf was simply enjoying his meager, yet delicious, meal when the hairs at the back of his neck stood on end. His eyes widened, he dropped the half eaten bread he held. Pivoting on his feet, and seeing the descending pan aimed towards his head, the Prince threw his hand out, catching the hand that held the handle and stopping it midair.
And not a moment too soon, since the pan stopped just a few inches shy of his temple.
The two figures stood motionless, their gazes locked.
The sudden pivot of his head had the hood of Legolas’s cloak slipping from his head, allowing his assailant to meet his eyes without the shadow of it obscuring their vision.
Annúneth had to tilt her head back to meet the stranger’s gaze. She could feel her heart beating wildly in her chest as she allowed her eyes to take in the rest of the stranger’s features. Then again, she was not the only one occupied in such a manner. Perhaps it would not have been wise to think of the stranger as handsome, despite the dirt that marred his face, and yet, she found herself thinking along the words regardless. Though that did not mean her resolve to hit him, should he be a threat, lessened.
To say he was surprised at the ferocity his assailant seemed to exude would be an understatement. Legolas was taken aback by the strength he had to use, just to keep the elleth’s choice of weapon knocking him unconscious. She was strong, of that he had no doubt. And yet, the fierceness did not take away from the beauty that was her face. Not to mention her hair. A halo of pure light that seemed to cascade down her back in rivers of gold.
A twitch of her arm had him returning to this current predicament.
“Why do you attack me?” The stranger asked in her mother tongue, his grip on her wrist not loosening. A good thing, Annúneth supposed, since she would’ve hit him. A scowl creased her forehead as she responded. “Do I not have the right to defend my own home from a vagrant vagabond such as yourself?”
Blue eyes blinked. “Vagabond?” He repeated, and Annúneth could see that despite the wariness in his expression there was amusement there at her choice of word.
The both of them were still locked in position, with Annúneth’s arms raised above her head, fingers grasping the handle of the pan. However, both of her wrists were being kept in a firm grip by Legolas. Remembering what her brothers had taught her, Annúneth pivoted on her feet, throwing her shoulder out to try and knock the elf off his feet, or at least surprise him to let go of her wrists.
Which he did, allowing Annúneth to raise the pan in front of her as a makeshift weapon. “Make yourself known, lest you wish to be thrown out.” She stated, her voice firm and sure. Even as her grey eyes flickered to his hair. A color that looked vaguely familiar, yet somehow, she could not seem to place where she had seen it before.
Despite the weariness that wore down on him, and the fact that he should end the confrontation by simply telling her who he was, Legolas paused. Her referral to him as a Vagrant Vagabond had been amusing, and he wanted to hear what else she would say about him. “And if I wish to keep my identity a secret?” He asked, a smile pulling at the corner of his lips as he picked up the bread he had dropped and placed it behind him on the counter. “Will you truly throw me out in the cold? Come now, I had heard tales of the hospitality of the elves of Rivendell, was it all simply a myth?”
As he spoke, Legolas began to walk, prompting Annúneth to take a step as well, and without the either of them realizing, they began to trace a circle with each step they took. “We offer hospitality to those who use the front door like civilized beings, not steal in, in the dead of the night.” She responded, her words sharp and clear, grey eyes never wavering from the figure. It disconcerted her, how ill at ease he appeared to be. Perhaps he had been here before? But then she would’ve met him.
Legolas paused briefly to pick up a bushel of grapes from a fruit platter and began to eat it. “I am not civilized, is that what you mean?” He asked, speaking around a mouthful of grapes, and not bothering to wipe some of the juice that traced from the corner of his mouth to his jaw. A happy accident that only seemed to strengthen Annúneth’s opinion of him. “You look as if you took a tumble down a hill, straight into a river of mud, before purposefully step into every piece of dirt you could find.” She responded, prompting the stranger to glance down at himself.
“I do not look that bad.” He responded, looking a little put off, to which Annúneth smirked. “You have leaves in your hair.” She deadpanned.
Legolas ran a hand through his hair, and sure enough, a few wayward leaves fluttered to the floor. He grimaced. Perhaps her wording of him had been correct. “Since that is the case,” He muttered to himself, before pausing in his steps. Turning so he could look at the elleth, the young Prince tilted his head in a slight bow, a hand over his heart, his gaze trained to the ground. “Pray will you not show this Vagabond the kindness he does not deserve My Lady, and allow him a place to clean and rest.” His posture stayed the same, but his gaze lifted to meet her own from across the room.
She may be a wary young elf maiden, but she was not without compassion. His words, nay the honesty in his eyes, had her lowering her arms, the pan now hanging at her side. “And how can I be sure, that you are not here to hurt my family or my home?” She asked, unsure how he would reassure her of that.
Legolas straightened, hand hand still over his heart, and something deep within him compelled him to say the next few words. “You have my word, My Lady. While I walk these halls, no harm shall come to your home, your loved ones.”
His gaze held hers.
“Or you.”
Call her a naive fool, but she took his word to heart.
And had found herself leading him towards one of the empty rooms where the rest of the guests were staying. She was acutely aware of his presence beside her, as she navigated through the darkened hallway with ease. While Legolas had to force his eyes to stay straight ahead, since they seemed to have developed a habit of straying in Annúneth‘s direction every now and then.
Sooner then he would’ve liked, they came to a stop in front of a door, which she gestured for him to enter, with a delicate sweep of her hand. Legolas, stepped forward, his resting hand on the handle. But then he paused.
Annúneth, who had turned around without a word, intent on walking back to her own room, had paused as well.
Even now, as she walked to the private dining hall where breakfast was being served, Annúneth felt a strange tremble run through her body, as the memory of last night played in her mind.
They had both looked over their shoulders at one another, their gazes meeting and despite the late hour, Annúneth had never felt more awake then she did in that moment, standing there in the presence of the stranger. While Legolas found himself wanting to stay in her presence, despite the fact he did not even know her name.
And before he could even ask, she had walked away, leaving him alone with his thoughts.
“I see you have seen to grace us with your presence Sister.” Elladan called as Annúneth entered the room, closing the door behind her as she did. She smiled as she approached the table and took a seat beside her father. “Not all of us have the luxury to come straight down to breakfast as soon as they are awake Brother.” The younger elleth responded, quickly leaning forward and kissing her father in greeting.
Tilting her head in greeting in Thranduil’s direction, Annúneth turned to break her fast. As the siblings squabbled, teased and argued throughout the meal, Elrond barely batted an eye as he ate, his plate being filled at least twice by his daughter without his knowing, since he was busy speaking with Thranduil. The elf-king, however, noticed everything, his sharp eye and keen ears picking up on everything.
Noticing, in particular, the extra seat that had been placed beside him, that remained empty.
Clearly Legolas had slept in, tired from his late arrival.
Shame, he had wanted his son to make himself known to their hosts during his presence.
The picnic Annúneth had planned, set out once breakfast was over. It was only an hour’s ride to the flower meadows that was teeming with woodland creatures of all manner. The grass was tall, as were the flowers, the animals quite tame, used to the elves who would come to visit from time to time.
The place was something of a sanctuary for Annúneth, and she was more then happy to share it with her guests. They dismounted from their horses, set them loose to wander about and soon everyone began to do the same.
Fingers skimmed over flowers. Trees were climbed and branches used as perches. Deer were petted and stroked. Butterflies were chased and admired. Flutes were played, and harps were strung. Food was shared and eaten. A few voices rose in song, gentle and soothing.
And in the middle of it all, Annúneth sat alone amongst the tall stalks, with only the top of her golden head visible, with a pretty flower crown adorning her forehead, her hair unbound, her face aglow.
Her delicate fingers worked on making another flower crown. While her own was made using flowers of varying shades of yellow, the one she made presently comprised of flowers that nature had shaded with a certain blue hue.
A blue that reminded her of a certain stranger.
As was the norm, she was humming under her breath, sometimes singing along with the rest of her companions, content in her task.
That is until someone decided to join her.
“We meet again.” His voice came, familiar and yet unknown at the same time. Without looking up from her fingers as she twined the flower stalks, Annúneth responded. “You are within the vicinity of my home. It would’ve been strange if we did not meet again.”
He laughed. The sound strangely melodic, or at least to her ears. An odd comparison, yet it made sense. She still did not look at him. “Are you still going to treat me as the vagabond you believe I am?” He asked, to which she responded with a slight shrug of her shoulders. “If the shoe fits.” Humming in thought, as if contemplating on how to make her see that she was wrong, Legolas reached out to pick one of the blue flowers she would be using for her crown and twirled it between his fingers.
“I have done my best to appear presentable. Will you not look to see if it is so?” There was simply something about her, that prompted him to get a rise out of her somehow. Be it in a positive or negative light. It was rather unlike him, to be vying for the attention of an elleth in such a way. And yet, he found he could not help himself.
Setting the finished crown in her lap, Annúneth pursed her lips. Valar, he was being more persistent then her brothers. And that was saying something.
Still, she turned her head, a few wisps of her hair waving gently in the breeze, partially covering her lips and nose, though she made no attempt to push them back.
The previous night, when she had seen him, Annúneth had seen past the dirt and grime, and had seen the handsome face beneath. Somehow, his face appeared different then it was. The night before, he had appeared mysterious and alluring. Perhaps an effect of the moon? That must be it, for in the sunlight, he appeared calm, at ease and............free.
And just as handsome as he had the night before.
Perhaps he should have braced himself before he had asked her to look at him. Because while she was taken aback by him, he certainly felt his very heart stutter in his chest as those piercing grey eyes lifted to meet his gaze. While the moon had made her hair appear almost silvery last night, the morning sun showed its true golden beauty.
As the breeze blew, gentle and slow, the two elves found themselves simply sitting there, looking at one another. Caught in some spell that neither of them had cast. Or at least not consciously.
“Have I....passed your judgement?” He asked, his voice low, to which she responded with a slight tilt of her head, the action just barely noticeable. “It will take more then your charming attributes to earn my trust.”
Slowly, as if afraid that she were a dream that would fade should he startle either himself or her, his hand lifted, fingers curling along the soft strands of her hair. The tips of his fingers skimmed along the warm skin of her cheek, slowly tracing a path towards her ear, where he tucked the wayward wisps of hair.
All so he could see her face fully.
“Then perhaps I should strive harder to win it.” He said, and if anyone were to hear the conviction in his tone, they would have no doubt of his intention to do just that.
Annúneth felt her very breath stall, and had to force herself to keep her eyes from fluttering shut, just to savor the sensation of his touch against her skin. This was so strange. How could a complete stranger, one she deemed rude and a vagabond, have such an intense effect on her?
His blue eyes seemed to be speaking to the very depth of her being, and it did not make her feel vulnerable. On the contrary, she had never felt more.........safe. Which was a rather rare occurrence given her gifts.
Her lips set in a gentle smile that was just barely there. “I look forward to seeing you put in the effort Vagabond.” The elleth lifted the flower crown she had finished, and carefully set it around his head, admiring how the blue petals matched his eyes perfectly.
Her fingers accidentally grazed his temple as she pulled back. Legolas stilled, his eyes widening a fraction as a warmth raced through his body. One that engulfed his entire heart and simmered just there under his skin, a pleasant sensation that he would be reliving for the rest of the day.
Annúneth felt the shift in the air between them, prompting her to return her hands to her lap, lest she find herself unconsciously tracing his features, an urge she felt rise within her the more they sat there, looking at one another. Truly whatever spell had been cast was quite a powerful one, for the only way it was broken, was a voice calling out to Annúneth.
Breaking away from his gaze, Annúneth called back to whoever had said her name.
“Annúneth.” She heard him say, startling her into realizing that it was the first time her name was uttered in his presence. “Is that your name?” He asked, to which she raised an eyebrow. “Considering I responded to it, it would not take a particularly sharp mind to realize that it was.”
Unlike before, there was no sharpness behind her words. Just a simple, playful teasing lilt of her voice that had him smiling at her. “And now that you know my name.” She continued, oblivious to the way he was smiling at her. “It is only right that I should know yours.”
She glanced over her shoulder, waving at whoever had called her, informing them that she would be with them momentarily. “Legolas.” He said, once she had returned her gaze to his.
Unbidden, his name rose to her lips. “Legolas.” Rising to her feet, Annúneth tilted her head at him playfully, the flower crown still adorning her head. “I hope your stay at Rivendell will be a pleasant one.”
With that she turned and walked away, leaving him, and missing the words he whispered. Words that were lost to the wind. “I believe it already is.”
“Elrond, I have been patient enough and I believe it is time I tell you my true reason for coming here.”
Having been expecting such a conversation to come up soon, Elrond responded with a nod and a gesture for Thranduil to take a seat beside him. He was in his study, going over a manuscript Gandalf had brought him while passing through Rivendell. “I believe I am aware of what you speak of.” He said, shutting the leather bound book and setting it aside. Thranduil raised an eyebrow.
“So you have seen it I presume.”
It was more of a statement then an inquiry, but Elrond still nodded.
Since he possessed the gift of foresight, it was not surprising one of his children should inherit a semblance of it in some way. Though while Annúneth shared all that she would see in her dreams with her father, Elrond did not share much. At least not when his visions pertained to his children.
And he had had one such vision. Of Annúneth. His beloved sunshine.
“As a father I have been dreading this day.” He spoke, looking towards the wall where several portraits hung. One of each of his children. His gaze was focused on the elleth with golden hair and expressive grey eyes. “But I know as well as anyone, that no matter what, we cannot change what is predestined.”
Thranduil too followed Elrond’s line of sight. For a moment a stab of pain echoed through his very soul, as he was reminded of the Queen he had lost so long ago. His beloved.
“No, we cannot.” He muttered, thinking of all the ways he had tried to save her from her gruesome fate but had failed. “But I give you my word Elrond.” The two elven patriarchs turned their heads, knowing a solemn vow was to take place.
“I shall take care of her, as if she were my own.” Thranduil vowed.
If Elrond was willing to agree to it, then surely his own son would have no qualms about the arrangement. After all, Elrond would not send his beloved daughter to a place where she would not be loved.
“It would seem the joining of our two houses has been inevitable.” Elrond said with a sad smile. “I wish I could say that I was happy about it, but in truth, my heart is torn, for one day Annúneth will leave Rivendell. Leave me.”
The Elven King shook his head. “I have no desire to take her away from you anytime soon Elrond. What the both of us have spoken of, I have no intention of speaking to my son about it for a while.” Though he had a reputation of being cold and heartless, Thranduil did have a soft spot for his only child.
And now, it would seem, Annúneth was beginning to make room in his heart as well.
“I was gifted the chance to find love, as were you.” Glancing in the direction of Annúneth‘s portrait, Thranduil continued. “I want to give our children that same gift.”
Smiling, Elrond nodded sagely. “I will have to write Galadriel and Celeborn of your intention, but I agree. Let us see what fate has in store for our children. I believe there was a rather interesting interaction between them only a few nights ago.”
Thranduil raised an eyebrow, curious to know what had occurred. Elrond smiled.
“They are not aware of who the other is, and I intend to keep it that way for as long as I am able.”
It was rare for the Elven King to laugh out of amusement, for he rarely found reasons to be happy. And yet in that moment, the sheer absurdity of what had occurred as Elrond recounted it, had him throwing his head back and laughing.
Annúneth had never been one to shy away from people.
Even when she was younger, and barely had any grasp on her abilities, she would still wish to sit amongst others and converse, or sometimes just sit and listen.
The occasions where she wished to be by herself were rare.
But then sometimes, there were nights of dreams and nightmares that would weigh heavy on her mind. So many fates of so many people morphing together and overwhelming her, body and soul.
And this was one of those nights.
She sat awake on her bed, arms resting atop her knees where she had pulled her legs to her chest, her gaze listless as she stared at the open windows in front of her, the soft gossamer curtains fluttering gently. No matter how hard she tried, the visions would not leave her alone. For years she had trained with her grandmother as well as her father, to try and contain her abilities.
Not suppress them. They could never be suppressed. The visions she had of all those she met was just as involuntary to her as breathing. Sometimes, she would get visions that would show her the joy that particular being was feeling in that moment. But then there were times when all she experienced was heartache, pain and fear.
And this was one of those nights.
It would seem a few elves she had met a decade or so ago were to be slaughtered by a band of Orcs. Yes, she could send out a raven to warn them, but what if it was already happening. What if she were too late?
Hence the reason for her being awake so late at night, with her heart heavy and her mind made up to avoid company for a day or so.
For reasons unknown to her, her mind conjured the image of a certain vagabond. And that image only solidified in her mind’s eye, chasing away the remaining clouds of despair of the visions she had just seen. She frowned, biting her lower lip as she slid out of bed. Quickly changing into a simple dress and, as was the norm for her, choosing to be barefoot, the elf-maiden stepped out of her room, into the empty hallway, and made her way towards her sanctuary.
The thought of Legolas keeping her company.
He could not find her anywhere.
Legolas had walked the entirety of Rivendell and had been unable to locate Annúneth. Worry was beginning to gnaw at his chest. He knew she was not out riding for her beloved horse was in the stables. And there was no hunting party or picnic planned that she could have gone to.
It was rather the norm, for him to run into her at some point during the day. Most of the time they only nodded at one another in passing, though he always turned to look at her as she would continue on her way. Since their shared time together in the meadow, fate had not given them the chance to be in one another’s presence for longer then a few minutes.
And Legolas quickly found that despite knowing nearly nothing of the elleth, he missed her company. And he wanted to remedy the fact that he barely knew anything about her by, well, getting to know her more.
Hence his current mission: to locate Annúneth.
Opening the door to the armory, he was surprised to see his father and Elrond standing together and having a rather animated discussion with a swordsmith. Normally he would’ve joined them, but right then he was starting to get a little anxious since he couldn’t find Annúneth.
He had hoped to turn away unnoticed, but his father always had a habit of knowing when he was near. “Legolas, what brings you here?” The Elven King asked as the swordsmith walked away to whatever task he had been appointed. “I am looking for someone.” He responded, to which both Lords glanced at one another, a look passing between them that had the Prince raising his brows in silent question. Elrond smiled as he turned his attention back to Legolas. “And who is it that you are looking for?” He asked. As Lord of Rivendell, he would know where Annúneth was, wouldn’t he?
Stepping forward eagerly he voiced. “I am looking for an elleth by the name of Annúneth. Perhaps you know her?” Mirth shone in the elder elf’s eyes. Even his father looked amused, and that hardly ever happened, which only served to confuse him even more.
“I do know her. And if you cannot find her anywhere, she has probably retreated to her garden. There is a tapestry, in the Western Wing, that depicts the first meeting of Beren and Lúthien. You will find a door behind it.” He had barely finished speaking before Legolas had quickly bowed and made his retreat.
“Beren and Lúthien?” Thranduil asked, appearing just as amused as before.
Elrond smiled. “Annúneth’s favorite tale.” He said as a way of explanation before they both turned their attention to the daggers that had been in the works.
Just as Elrond had told him, the door was behind the tapestry. And beyond it was a garden unlike any he had seen before.
It was by no means a large garden, but was comfortably sized and circular in shape, with a tree in the center, its branches laden with white flowers. Beds of flowers dotted the landscape, and a small fountain fixed into one of the walls trickled merrily into a white marble basin.
And while the garden demanded to be explored, it was the figure that lay upon the ground just under the tree that grabbed his attention. As he approached, Annúneth sat up, the surprise clear on her face as she blinked at him. There was grass in her hair, and white petals from where the wind was blowing them to the ground.
They both blinked at one another in surprise.
Annúneth at seeing him there, in her sanctuary that only a few people knew of, and Legolas at the realization that he had been distraught over not knowing where she was all day. But then, he suddenly realized, perhaps he hadn’t seen her because she didn’t want to be seen. Perhaps she had wanted to be left alone. Unsure whether Annúneth wanted him there or not, the Prince was quick to try and retreat.
“Forgive me, My Lady. I did not wish to intrude.” He bowed before walking back towards the door.
Her gentle implore had him stopping in his tracks, his hand grazing the bronze of the handle, ready to push it down. “You are not intruding.” Her voice, gentle and kind was low. “Though I am curious as to how you found me here.” Turning, Legolas found her standing underneath the tree, her gaze fixed on him. “Lord Elrond.” He responded, his voice slightly hoarse. He paused, cleared his throat. “Lord Elrond told me where I’d be able to find you.” The Prince admitted, which had Annúneth shaking her head, a fond smile on her face.
Sighing, she raised her arms on either side as a gesture of welcome. “Well since you are already here, why not explore? It would be a shame for you to not be aware of the hidden beauty Rivendell has to offer.”
Gaining some of the confidence he seemed to have lost at the sight of her so carefree and unbound as she appeared to be in the beauty of the Garden, Legolas smiled. “That would be a false claim, My Lady, since I have seen all the beauty Rivendell has to offer.”
His intense gaze never once wavered from her face.
Her mouth opened, as if she were ready to dismiss what he said and prove him wrong, but then she stopped. Realization dawned across her features, which was immediately followed by her cheeks glowing with a hint of rosiness that was so unlike her. Not to mention the way in which her heart thumped in her chest, and pleasure swirled through her very being at the compliment he had given her.
This would not be the first occasion her beauty had been mentioned, though it was always secondary compared to her far lovelier older sister Arwen. Not that Annúneth held any contempt for her sister because it was the truth. Arwen was beautiful.
And yet, at that moment, having Legolas say those words to her, she couldn’t help but feel as if she truly were the most beautiful being on Middle-Earth. And with the way he was looking at her, any on-looker would truly believe it as well.
Legolas was able to see the physical effects of his word, and though it may have pleased any other elf that his words had been the result of it, the young Prince found himself thinking of other way to make her smile as she was right then.
Or more specifically, smile at him that way.
Silence followed his words, though not an awkward one. On the contrary, it felt strange. Legolas felt as he did before he would face an opponent. Charged and slightly anxious, eager to see what the next few moments would bring, and anticipating the outcome of it as well.
Unable to withstand the silence, or rather his gaze, any longer, Annúneth turned her head to gaze around the circular room. “This was my Mother’s garden. She would come here to clear her mind whenever she would feel distressed over something.” The elleth said, smiling at the sight of a bird that was nesting in a bush nearby. Stepping away from the door, Legolas too looked around, unable to help but admire the natural beauty that surrounded them.
Though what she said, did give him pause. “Is that why you are here. Something distresses you?” He asked, his voice gentle as he came to stand in front of her, just a foot or so away. Annúneth sighed, but nodded. “Will you tell me what it is? If it will ease your mind?” The Prince continued, not wanting to see the glint of worry in her eyes as he was right then.
Her Father had told her never to speak of her Gift to anyone, unless she trusted them completely. She had only met him a few weeks ago, and yet..............
Annúneth knew that she could trust Legolas with her life if it ever came to that.
Sighing, the elleth closed her eyes briefly. “Then perhaps it is best that we sit for this conversation.” So saying, she glided to the ground, settling on the soft grass and looked up, waiting for him to do the same. Annúneth sit closer to the tree trunk so they would have a place to rest their backs against. Once sitting beside her, and mirroring her posture so that they were both leaning against the tree.
He turned his head towards her, waiting patiently as she inhaled deeply before exhaling. “I suppose it all started when my Mother was taken by the Orcs.”
“It must’ve been hard. Seeing your Mother like that.”
It was, but Ada was always by my side. As were my brothers and sister.”
“You are fortunate to have so many people who care for you.”
“I know.”
“So you thought it was a good idea to steal your Father’s sword?”
“I was only an elfling! I was I to know it would be too heavy to lift.”
“Did you wake up the Master of Arms because you dropped it?”
“Yes, and was branded a would-be-thief by the entire Greenwood.”
“I have taken up painting for that very reason.”
“I could help you if you’d like. Mother was an avid painter, and I would sit with her in front of my own canvas with an easel to try and paint. Of course I could hardly sit still for long then ten minutes.”
“You sound as if you were quite a handful.”
“There is no doubt that I was. Even now.
“I have tried my best, but I will never get used to how sour grapes taste for me.”
“But if you sprinkle them with some sugar, does it not improve them?”
“The juice inside makes my cheeks ache. And it causes me to tear up.”
“And that is bad?”
“Do you miss your Mother?”
“I do, but I know I shall see her when it is my time to sail. Though I am sorry about your Mother.”
“She died an honorable death, fighting for her people.”
“I’m sure her reason to fight was to make sure you lived in a safer world.”
“That is a nice thought. Thank you.”
“I believe that the Valar created our Fëa because we each have a purpose here on Middle-Earth. It may not be big, but perhaps it is significant.”
“I suppose one need not change the world to have an impact. One only needs to have impact on another being.”
Time lost all meaning.
How long did they sit there?
How long did they speak?
How much did she tell him about her Gift?
How much did he tell her about his Burdens?
Did she truly manage to keep the names of her family a secret?
Did he truly manage to keep the names of his parents veiled?
By the time they ran out of words to say, their postures had shifted without their knowing.
Annúneth had her head resting on his shoulder, while Legolas had one of her hand gently gripped in between both of his own. His own head was leaning on top of her own. They found themselves drawing comfort from the other’s presence.
The last time Legolas remembered taking comfort from another had been when his Mother had been alive. It felt strange to rely on someone for something as simple as comfort, and yet, he doubted he would feel at peace with anyone else as he did with Annúneth. Legolas had no idea what it was about her that had him feeling this way. But what he was aware of, was that since that night, when Annúneth had called him a Vagabond and had nearly knocked him out with a frying pan, his life had changed completely.
As the youngest in the family, Annúneth had never had any want for comfort. So then, why was it that with Legolas so near her, with his warmth, his voice and his presence surrounding her, had the elleth feeling as if she had never truly experienced comfort before as she did right then. Sure her Father’s embraces, and her sibling’s comforting words were no comparison. But with Legolas? She felt as if her very Fëa was at peace. Where moments ago her mind had been fluttering in the breeze, like a leaf caught in a disturbing wind, now she felt grounded. Almost as if, someone had taken her hand and pulled her back down before she floated too far out of reach.
If she were to touch the stars, she found herself thinking, she wanted to do so with him.
A bright smile on her lips, she stood, pulling Legolas up with her as she did. The Prince looked at her, slightly confused. Slipping her hand out of his, albeit reluctantly, and stepping towards the lowest branch, Annúneth jumped, catching the strong arm of the tree between her soft palms and hoisting herself up. Once she was sitting atop, she looked down at him, that smile still present on her lips.
Understanding her silent inquiry, Legolas gripped another branch and climbed up as well. Satisfied he would follow her, Annúneth began to climb higher.
Where they had been talking for hours only moments before, their ascent was in complete silence. Every now and then, they would pause, the leaves of the tree allowing them to view one another through the foliage. Their eyes would meet, playful smiles on their lips before they would continue.
Sometimes they would grab for the same branch, and their hands would touch. Giving them both pause as they would try to comprehend what that feeling was that shot through their very being and settled into the deepest recesses of their hearts.
Steady and sure, they both emerged at the top. The tree was high enough to surpass the circular walls of the Garden. Looking around, one could see the entirety of the valley Annúneth called home. It was a view she had seen before, and yet it never ceased to take her breath away. As someone who had never experienced the vision before him, Legolas could not help but stare, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.
“Even after all the years I’ve lived, I am glad that there are still surprises waiting for me to discover them.” He admitted, finally tearing his eyes away from the view to glance at the elleth next to him. Yet she had her gaze trained towards the night sky.
When had the hour grown so late, neither of them knew.
The stars shone where they always had, since before the Awakening of the Elves, while the moon gleamed where she had been hung in the sky so long ago, with the last flower of Teleprion, the silver tree of Valinor, encased within.
“Have you heard of the tale of how the moon got her dark spots?” She asked, her grey eyes appearing silver under the shine of the full moon. “Yes.” Legolas responded, before adding. “Though I would like to hear it once more, if you were willing to refresh my memory with the tale.”
She rolled her eyes at his obvious teasing, but indulged in his request. “It is said that the moon was once unblemished and crystal clear as an orb, shining down upon Middle-Earth in all her glory. Tilion, the Maia who would guide the moon through the night sky was proud to hear praise of the moon’s beauty and reveled in the task he had been giving, which he did so diligently.” Her hand came to rest atop a branch that Legolas was gripping to keep her balance. Unbeknownst to them, their fingers began to inch closer.
Shifting slightly, which had him leaning closer towards Annúneth to keep his balance, Legolas spoke. “That is until he caught sight of Arien, the Maia who guided the sun across the sky, and fell in love with her.” Smiling softly, Annúneth nodded. “He was so taken by her beauty, they say, the way her golden hair seemed to shine just as bright as the sun. Her kind smile that held the very warmth of the sun. And the joy in her eyes, that seemed to never dim of the laughter that he would hear the moment she would take to the sky.”
Legolas’s gaze found the several dark spots that marred the once clear surface of the silvery orb. “His love for her had him wandering too close to the sun, and the moon was burned.” The Prince whispered, not realizing how the tips of his fingers were now intertwined with Annúneth’s.
The elleth nodded. “So now, he has to keep his distance and love and admire her from afar, though some stories say that he would love nothing more then to be in her presence, just once, even if it would burn him. Which is why, even now, sometimes the Sun and Moon appear in the sky at the same time. Because Tilion wishes nothing more then to catch a glimpse of Arien. Although,” Here her voice took on a slightly dismal tone, as if her very heart was burdened by what happened next. “He learned that he had to keep his distance after an error on his part.”
Her story had him frowning slightly. “Was there a reason behind the story My Lady?” He asked, to which she sighed and turned her gaze to look at him. “Or are you simply referring to the fact that I might burn, should I get too close to you?”
Her gaze snapped towards him, more then a little surprised at how quickly he had picked up on what she’d been trying to say. The wind blew softly, the leaves rustling around them breaking the temporary silence as they continued to look upon one another.
Blue on grey.
Grey on blue.
“A little too late for that.” He finally said, his voice barely above a whisper as his gaze turned tender and soft. Grasping her fingers completely, he raised the hand he’d been touching to his lips, and placed a gentle kiss atop her knuckles. “For I believe I was burned the moment I laid eyes on you.”
Silence followed his confession, and Legolas’s heart sang with joy for having spoken what it had been carrying within it for so long.
“Annúneth.” She said, prompting him to tilt his head at her curiously. “I have burned you.” The elleth explained. “The least I can do is ask you to call me by my name.” Laughing softly to himself, the elf nodded. “Only if you were to call me by mine.” He offered, to which she hummed. “Truth be told, I prefer Vagabond, over Legolas.”
The Prince smiled, turning his body so that he would face her fully. “I do not mind in the slightest.” A mischievous glint lit in his blue eyes, putting Annúneth a little on edge because she knew he loved to tease. “Although I am a little curious as to why you would assume that you are the sun and I, the moon?”
The golden haired elleth lifted her shoulders in a shrug. “Well mostly because everyone say that I have a sunny disposition.” The corner of her mouth lifted in a smirk. “While your disposition has been whispered to be as mysterious as the moon.” Nodding in slight approval, with a look of satisfaction on his face, Legolas hummed under his breath. “And acceptable explanation.” He mused, before continuing. “Though I assume it had nothing to do with the fact that you have golden hair and mine is lighter?”
Pursing her lips to keep from giggling at his obvious vexation that the explanation was, in reality, much more simpler then what she had already offered, Annúneth spoke. “That would be a little too obvious. I was simply trying to help your image by comparing you to the moon. Was it not to your satisfaction?” She asked, unknowingly gravitating towards him, her body leaning closer with each whisper of word.
Letting out a sigh that sounded so wounded, Legolas nodded. “Well I suppose I shall accept it.” He said, barely able to get the words out given the smile on his lips. “Albeit reluctantly.” He added in jest. The hand that did not rest atop her own on the branch had lifted up to cup the side of her face, his thumb brushing across her rosy cheek in a gentle caress. Her heart leaped in her chest at the loving touch, while his heart stalled when she consciously tilted her head against his touch.
“The smile on your lips says otherwise.” Annúneth challenged, still leaning closer, barely aware that Legolas was mirroring her movement, the distance between them getting smaller and smaller.
“What smile?” The words were barely out of his mouth when her lips found his, and everything else, even their conversation, became inconsequential.
For truly nothing was of more consequence, then having Annúneth press her lips against his, shy and timid, and yet, sure, certain and unwavering at the same time. Legolas, on his part, returned the sweet gesture with a firm press of his own lips. He was a warrior, and the word gentle had never been one to be associated with him, and yet, in that moment, he was the very epitome of gentleness and tenderness.
The kiss lasted for only a few moments, a simple brush of lips, tentative and cautious.
Just as any new love would be.
And yet they both knew that for them, nothing would ever be the same.
There was quite the surprise waiting for them once they descended the tree. Annúneth jumped down from the last branch, right into Legolas’s waiting arms. A joyful laugh echoed in the otherwise silent Garden, which had one of the newcomers smiling to themselves as he watched the two elves simply revel in one another’s presence.
His friend who stood next to him, had finally run out of patience.
“I do not believe it is courteous of a guest to disappear for an entire day without warning.” Thranduil spoke, the amusement in his tone betraying him as to how he truly felt about the situation.
Both Legolas and Annúneth stopped dead in their tracks. Their surprise had more to do with the knowledge that they had been together for an entire day and had not noticed the time passing. “Forgive us, My Lords.” Legolas said, his tone apologetic as he bowed. “Annúneth and I lost track of time as we spoke.” He admitted, though the use of her name had Annúneth smiling softly at him.
A development which did not go unnoticed by the two older Elves.
She turned to her father and smiled apologetically. “I am sorry if I worried you Ada.” No sooner had the words left her mouth when Legolas turned to look at her, utter surprise on his face as he repeated the last word she had spoken. “Ada?” He turned so he could look at her fully. “Lord Elrond is your father?” He asked, which had Annúneth frowning in confusion. “Did you not know?” She asked, to which he quickly shook his head.
Thranduil sighed, knowing exactly how the rest of the conversation would play out. “It is rather unbecoming of a Prince to not know a Lady’s father Legolas. I thought I had taught you better.”
The word Prince seemed to have the effect on Annúneth the same way the Ada had had on Legolas. “Prince?” Her voice echoed against the Garden wall. Having recovered, only barely, from the new information he had been exposed to, Legolas couldn’t help but repeat the words she had spoken to him.
“Did you not know?” He asked, to which Annúneth hit him on the shoulder, though there was no malice behind her act. “Of course not! I would never have called you a Vagabond if I had known.” She paused. “Then again, perhaps I still would have. No I am sure I would have.” A nod of affirmation had her reaffirming her statement.
Elrond chuckled, delighted to see his daughter seemed to take the news in a stride. And yet he was not unaware of the change he could see in his daughter. There seemed to be a glow about her, one that he was sure, she herself was unaware of, for she shared it with Legolas. “It would be best if we were to continue this discussion in my study. Perhaps over some breakfast?” He suggested, already steering Thranduil through the door.
Wordlessly glancing at one another, the two elves, feeling as if they were young elflings once again, about to be chastised, followed after their respective fathers.
“I hear you are to leave tomorrow.”
The sound of her voice had him lifting his head from where he had been putting the last of his essentials in his bag. Annúneth stood there in his doorway, dressed in a blue gown. A blue that seemed rather familiar, yet he could not place it. He nodded, the very gesture reluctant as he picked up the belt that held held hid dagger. “As soon as the sun rises, we will be off.” He said, his voice sounding hard even to his own ears.
He felt her walk towards him, his eyes still glued to his best which he was fiddling with more out of the purpose of doing something. “I had hoped that you would stay a little longer, but it is not to be.”
She was standing in front of him now, and her presence was what urged him to lift his head and gaze upon her lovely face.
A sad smiled played across her lips as she held out a bag he didn’t realize she’d been holding. “Just something I thought would help you on your journey.” Opening the bag, he took note of the several items of food nestled within, carefully packed for his use for as long as they would last on the journey back home. He smiled. “Thank you for your kindness, Annúneth.” He said, setting the bag aside. “I shall surely miss it when I return home.”
Annúneth smiled. “Well I should hope so. I would be greatly offended if you did not for then I would have wasted my hours while entertaining you Prince Legolas.” She teased, though he could see that her heart wasn’t truly in it. But he indulged her nonetheless with a smirk on his lips.
“Oh? Was it out of kindness that you would spend your time with me, My Lady?” He returned, raising an eyebrow at her even as she lifted a shoulder in a shrug. “Perhaps I simply took pity on you for your lack of friends. You did seem rather lonely when you stole into the kitchen Vagabond.” The Vagabond chuckled at her words as the both of them lapsed into silence.
Inhaling deeply, Annúneth cast her eyes towards the bed where his bags were ready to be saddled for the morning. “You really are leaving.” She muttered, as if the words were only just beginning to make sense to her. Legolas nodded, reaching out to guide her face back to him with a tender stroke of her cheek. “Yes, but I do not wish our last night to be full of sorrow. If you are willing, shall we return to the Garden for one last night of escape before I am to depart?” He asked, offering his arm to her.
Smiling, Annúneth wrapped her hands around his elbow.
“It shall be your honor to escort me Legolas.”
“You had best get off the high horse Annúneth. It wouldn’t do lest you fall.”
“I do not fear the fall, for I know you will be there to catch me. Will you not?”
They were to leave.
They were to return to Greenwood that day.
And Annúneth could not bring herself to smile and wish them farewell on their journey.
Because she did not want to be parted from her Prince, just as he had no desire to part from his Lady.
But they had to.
He had to return to his Kingdom, and she had to stay with her family in Rivendell where she belonged.
She watched from the window as the line of riders departed, with Thranduil in the lead. Legolas should be beside him and yet, she could not see him there. That is until she spied him at the very end of the procession, his mount halted as the Prince looked up towards the window where she perched.
Even from afar, Annúneth could see the devastation in his blue eyes for they mirrored her own. Her hand lifted from the stone railing, to rest atop the gift he had given her.
Finally, Legolas’s horse turned and galloped after the disappearing procession. As she watched him disappear from her sight, Annúneth whispered a soft prayer to the Valar.
That no matter how long they would be apart, they would meet again.
Unknown to her, secured with a pretty ribbon was a letter hanging from the branch of the tree they had sat underneath just the night before.
The words within, read thus.
My dear Annúneth,
It is truly with a heavy heart that I say my final words of farewell to you through this letter. I could not say these words in your presence for I was sure, that if I were to speak to you on the day of our departure, then I would not want to leave.
I am sorry to have not made my true feelings to you known, but I promise you, when next we meet, I will not hesitate to show you the true extent of my affections for you. Though that will not stop me from telling you just how much your presence in my life, for the past few months has changed me.
Annúneth, my beloved, even when I tried to stay away, my gaze would remained fixed upon you for I was mesmerized by your beauty and your kind and gentle heart. My heart was full of joy for the simply pleasure of being by your side. Perhaps that is why I did not tell you of my true feelings.
Not a day will go by when I will not think of you. I will dream of the day we would sit by the lake as we had planned, lost in one another, and let the rest of the world disappear around us.
Your name shall be a prayer upon my lips, and each night I will ask the Valar to grant me my wish, and have you by my side soon. That is the only prayer I shall live by until the next time I am your presence.
And like the moon and the sun in the sky, we shall remain by each other's side.
I was, am, and forever will be,
Unknown to him, hidden between the loaves of bread in the bag she had given him, was a letter that she had written for him.
The words within, read thus.
My beloved Legolas,
How can I put into words what my heart has been bursting to say. To shout from the very treetops of my true feelings for you and how they have been imprinted within me for all eternity. You have not yet departed as I write this letter, and already my heart aches for it is aware of the impending absence.
I have lived a sheltered life, unaware of the world beyond my home, yet you have opened my eyes to a world that lies beyond home, and I pray that I will be able to explore all of it with you by my side. For there is no one else I would have as my guide in this world then you Legolas.
I hope you will not think of me too bold when I say, that it matters not what I may see in my visions, for your soul, your Fëa, is my shelter. I have no desire to be away from you for longer then necessary. When next we meet, I hope you will make me yours, as I hope to make you mine forevermore.
Not a day will go by when I shall not think of you, for my reason in this world is now you. Legolas you are within me, my heart, my mind, and my Fëa until the end of days. Should the world end, I shall be content if I were in your embrace.
I trust you to keep my heart safe my Vagabond. For my heart cannot find peace without you. May the Valar keep you safe on your travels. Be safe My Prince.
I hope like the moon and sun in the sky, we shall soon be by each other's side.
I was, am, and forever will be,
#legolas x oc#legolas x reader#legolas x y/n#lotr#lord of the rings imagine#lotr imagine#lord of the rings#the hobbit#thranduil#elrond#arwen#elrohir#elladen
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Consumed with thoughts on Earendil, Elwing and their relationship with their sons and grandchildren.
Like… you lose your children. At first you think they are dead, that they have been murdered in cold blood, slaughtered by monsters like so many innocent children before them. You agonise over it, imagining there last moments, if they knew what was happening, how scared they were, if they thought nanna and ada would save them. You grieve and you mourn, you rage at the injustice and rally against it, you tear down one of the evils that loomed of your children their entire life and wish you could take vengeance on the other.
You think that if your children do meet the fate of elves and you pray that they do, you will see them reborn into a world that is safe for them, devoid of hunger and fear and lurking monsters.
But then your children are alive. They survived. They lived as prisoners, hostages and if rumours are to be believed as the adoptive sons of their captors. All this time you thought they were dead not knowing they were waiting on you to rescue them. You did not know that the monsters had kept them and you do not know what the monsters did to them while they had them.
When you learnt this it felt like the world had stopped that you have been left to hold your breath in anticipation for what is to come. You wait by the docks and you listen to the rumours and messengers that pass through them. You fill your tower with all of the things you knew they loved. You paint their walls with murals and make sure their beds are always prepared. In the end though, the seats you prepared for them at your dinner table remain empty for millennia. That is how long it takes for your child to return to you.
Child singular because though both of your children managed to make it through the horrors that formed their lives, only one chose to continue surviving. The news of this hurts, hurts so deeply you think it might never stop hurting. You have felt this pain before but it has not dulled since then, perhaps it has worsened.Once you had a child that you knew like the back of your hand, then he became an adult that you didn’t know, and the he became nothing but memory and history books. You will never get to relearn him personally, that chance is beyond you now by your child’s own choosing. You wonder if he thought of you when he made that choice, whether he knew how much it would hurt. Still, he made the decision he thought best for himself and for that you are proud even in your pain.
The child that returns to you, that beautiful precious child that you could not protect, returns to you as an adult. Like with his brother you missed every moment of his life. You missed his first love, his coming of age, his marriage, the birth of his children. He comes to you almost a stranger.
You can still see who you knew him to be, you see the curiosity of a child that liked to stick his head in books and ask a thousand questions and you see the kindness and empathy of a little boy who wept endlessly at broken winged birds, taking them in his small hands and singing sweet little tunes until they were healed. Now though he seems to be broken winged bird in his own right. The years and all of their burdens have weighed heavy on him, his face may be ever youthful but his fea seems ancient and most of his early time in Aman is spent resting and recovering. He does not know you either, he is unfamiliar with you and though sociable and friendly he seems just as lost as you.
He comes without his daughter. It is a strange thought on its own for your baby to have hits own baby but to know that his own child has been lost to him and you is a pain all too familiar. Here is another granddaughter you will never know to go with all of your dead son’s long dead children. Your grandsons do at least come home eventually but it makes your heart twist uncontrollably to look at them, to see two identical faces and not want to weep for what you have lost.
It does get better eventually. Your son heals, the weight on his shoulders lightens and he walks and dances and sings in merriment once more. You memorise his favourite foods and when you cook them for him and he receives these meals with fondness in his eyes. He tells you of his life, all of the awful parts but all of the good parts too and by the end you think you know him again. You no longer flinch when you look at your grandsons and they are no longer so uncomfortable around you. When you tell your own memories they mock your age but listen wide eyed. Your dinner table is occupied and noisy for the first time in its existence. You sit on the golden beaches outside your home watching your son throw his own sons around in the ocean while they all laugh endlessly and the world seems to be colourful again. You think this must be what it is to be content.
#silmarillion#silm#the silm#the silmarillion#silm writing#earendil#elwing#elros tar minyatur#elros#elrond#elrond peredhel#arwen undomiel#arwen#elrohir#elladen
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Can you do a Aragorn x Female Reader where she’s from earth not middle earth? Like the modern reader in middle earth trope? Reader dies in an accident of some sort and wakes up in a field in Rivendell. It’s right before everyone is gathering for the Council of Elrond. Maybe reader is found by Elladen and/or Elrohir who immediately take you to Elrond after you’re asking for weird earth things (like your phone or where you’re from?). You kind of freak out when you realize that he and his sons actually are elves, and you are not on earth anymore. He summons Gandalf who is equally as shocked as Elrond and the twins. Reader has vague remembrance of the story but is kind of useless as her earth memories are fading quick. After her conversation she realizes she’s trapped and useless so who knows what her fate would be. She spends a lot of time in the garden as her memories of her family and friends fade. Aragorn stumbles upon this girl crying in the garden one night and has to ask if she’s alright. The two bonds over their shared sadness (maybe Arwen sailed away instead of stayed?). Reader gives him the hope that Arwen was meant to in the short two weeks they were in Rivendell. Super fluffy and you can end it how you want! ty!
Ouhhh I like this one! I've always loved reader the modern reader in middle earth stories and this is a fun take on it! Kinda sad but can be made really sweet! Thank you for the amazing requests as always :)
#aragorn x female reader#aragorn x reader#aragorn x you#aragorn x y/n#aragorn fanfiction#aragorn fluff#aragorn au#aragorn angst#aragorn blub#aragorn imagine#aragorn one shot#aragorn oneshot#aragorn#lord of the rings#aragorn son of arathorn#aragorn elessar#aragorn lotr#gandalf#gimli#legolas#strider x y/n#strider x you#strider x reader#strider fluff#strider angst#strider au#strider imagine#strider blurb#strider oneshot#strider one shot
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Elaaden (gotta show the sweet armor i finally crafted because i refused to change from the white AI one during the main game. yep.)
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Long time fan of your elrond and celebrian! Love them to bits! Please draw Elladan and Elrohir - modern or traditional!

Thanks so much you two for this request!
Info Post about Sketch Requests
#Elladan#Elrohir#Lotr#Lord of the rings#Lotr fanart#lotr art#My art#:D I messed up the proportions of their hands but *shrugs*#it's pretty close to how I imagine them#I'll try to find the picture of the model I based their look on#but it was years ago that I saw those photos and I can't for the life of me find it D:#it was one of those moments where you see someone and you're like#*finger snapping* that's so-and-so's face cast hands down#tyasante#belekoroz#the hair might change I'm not sure what style I want them to have#Also I used to read fics with Elladen and Elrohir as the main characters alll the time when I was a teenager :)#So a lot of my headcanons about them kind of come from fanfiction haha
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‘Gods this one again,’ Gimli huffs as he camps out near Gríma. ‘Aragorn has five songs he tends to cycle through. This one has been on repeat since Boromir left.’
Legolas hollers from the other side of the boat, ‘Pick a new song, Aragorn.’ Elrohir and Elladen laugh in response. Gríma twists about to catch Aragorn shooting Legolas a wounded look.
But, the ranger does pick a new song. Though, it is equally mournful and about another pair of doomed lovers.
‘Cheerful,’ Gríma says.
Aragorn exists to be roasted by this crew, I swear. Poor man.
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2018 Cultural Diversity in the Arts and Edmonton Artists’ Trust Fund Award Recipients
On Monday, February 11, 2019 the Edmonton Arts Council (EAC) announced the recipients of the 2018 Cultural Diversity in the Arts project grants and 2018 Edmonton Artists’ Trust Fund awards at the annual Winter Social.
From the EAC Board of Directors, Pat Darbasie hosted the evening while Councillor Scott McKeen presented greetings on behalf of the City of Edmonton and announced the recipients of the Cultural Diversity in the Arts grants. Noel Xavier of the Edmonton Community Foundation announced the recipients of the Edmonton Artists’ Trust Fund awards and introduced a new award seal, designed by Vikki Wiercinski, for EATF award recipients. 2017 Cultural Diversity in the Arts recipient Cheyenne Rae performed as Miss Rae and the Midnight Ramblers, and short films of the recipients by Cineflair Productions were screened.
We are looking forward to seeing what these talented artists continue to achieve in the Edmonton arts community! Click here for more information on applying to the 2019 Cultural Diversity in the Arts or 2019 Edmonton Artists’ Trust Fund programs.

Photo by Shirley Tse
Recipients of the 2018 Cultural Diversity in the Arts project grants:
Adam Bentley is a filmmaker and screenwriter who will develop his screenplay For Rose, a feature film about a Holocaust story with an Edmonton connection.
Adnan Elladen is a visual artist developing an exhibit comprised of installation pieces that combines architecture, automotive, and engineering designs.
Chris Chang-Yen Phillips is writing and illustrating a graphic novel about evolution.
Elsa Robinson is creating an interactive, mixed-media art installation that will explore the idea of cultural inheritance and knowledge.
Heather Hatch is a filmmaker creating a short documentary and animated film about her relatives in Haida Gwaii.
Hunter Cardinal wrote and performed the play Lake of the Strangers, based on a Cree story.
Ibrahim Cin, together with Beth Wishart MacKenzie, is creating a short film, The Final Exam, based on an experience in Turkey.
Kaleb Belcourt is a musician creating a seven-song EP that will combine jazz, electronic, and Indigenous elements.
Kathryn Gwun-Yeen Lennon is writing a book of poetry in English and Chinese, and illustrating the poetry with block prints.
Lana Whiskeyjack is a visual artist creating a series of oil paintings called “wawihisiyhiho,” or “present your best self.”
Liz Pomeroy is a musician, performing as 0Stella, creating an EP with songs that blend alt-rock and Irish traditional music.
Maryam Zarei is a filmmaker who created a short film, Mag-Ralen, that will have its premiere at Berlinale 2019, the Berlin International Film Festival.
Mehdi Rezania is recording an album of gushes, melodic units in Iranian traditional music.
Mohamed Ali is developing a comedy performance about his experience as a refugee for the Edmonton International Fringe Festival.
Morteza Abedinifard is a musician creating an album of polyphonic compositions based on Persian classical music.
Yang Lim is curating a visual art exhibition about Asian identities in Canada, comprised of artwork from eight artists.

Photo by Shirley Tse
Recipients of the 2018 Edmonton Artists’ Trust Fund awards:
Allison Tunis is a contemporary visual artist and is currently the Artist in Residence for Harcourt House Artist-Run Centre, where she is developing mixed-media paintings for an interactive installation that will deconstruct the language around “fat” bodies.
Andrea House is a singer-songwriter that blends folk, jazz, pop, and R and B, and is working on a number of collaborations, a new album, and song writing.
Anna Marie Sewell was Edmonton’s fourth Poet Laureate and is the co-creator of Reconciling Edmonton, a multi-media installation that honours the seven generations since the signing of Treaty 6.
Karimah is a singer and songwriter who collaborates with other artists to create immersive, multi-disciplinary performances that address mental health, abuse, and human rights.
Chris Szott is a foley artist who creates and re-produces sounds for movies, television shows, and live theatre. Szott received an Edmonton Music Award in 2014.
Dana Wylie is a singer-songwriter and musician who has been performing for over 20 year and is exploring music-theatre hybrid performances.
Darrin Hagen is a writer and playwright whose work addresses justice and equality for the LGBTQ community. Hagen was Edmonton Public Library’s Writer-in-Residence in 2018.
Nisha Patel is a spoken-word poet working on her debut book of poetry. Nisha was Artist-in-Residence at The Nook Café in 2018 and is the Producer of Edmonton Poetry Festival.
Sebastian Barrera is a multi-disciplinary artist who runs CreArt Edmonton, a group that provides free art activities, mentorship, and programming to communities in Edmonton.
Yong Fei Guan is a visual artist and illustrator who explores multi-cultural identity, politics and their relationship to the environment in her work.
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Unadulterated Crack Part 5
pairings: Thorin Oakenshield X reader
warnings: fluff?
word count: 3,959
Author’s note: dedicated to @savvythedork here is something to help you recover from your surgery!
--- Part 1 --- Part 2 --- Part 3 --- Part 4 --- Part 5 --- Part 6 --- Part 7 --- Part 8 ---
based off imagine and imagine
As the Elvish warriors circled the company, Thorin grabbed you and pulled you behind him in a protective manner. You dramatically rolled your eyes, and patted him on the head, and said, “He means us no harm Schatz.”
When Elrond offered the Dwarves food, and they accepted, you tapped your temple at Thorin. You thought, ’Five gold coins says I can make Elrond choke on something.’
Thorin smirked, and mused, ’I’ll take that bet, just because I’d like to see that.’
Thorin and your rooms were next to each other, in fact your bathrooms had those open windows, that would allow you two to speak to each other. The two of you agreed to take a bath before having a nap before bed. Unlike Thorin, there were she-elves waiting on you which made you very uncomfortable, because they were in the bath with you, physically touching your naked body. As the she elf, who said her name was Silima, touched your still dry hair and exclaimed,“Your hair is soft!”
Caunwen, who was washing your arm, said, “Let me see.” Touching your hair. She went silent, you sensed something was going to happen. The other five She-Elves in the room touched your hair as well. They looked at each other in silence for a minute before going back to what they were doing. You mentally reached out to Thorin, who grumbled, ’I was wondering when you were going to open up to me. I was starting to give up hope.’
You asked, ’These lady Elves are making me uncomfortable.’
He snorted, ’They wanted to bathe me too, but I told them to get away from me.’`
’They seem to really like my hair, should I be concerned?’ you mumbled.
He sighed, ’Maybe, you never know with Elves.’
You looked at the Elf called, Miriel, and said, “um, can I bathe myself?”
They were reluctant to leave, but after firmly stating you wanted to be alone they left. Once they were gone you said, ’They’re gone, I am certainly not used to people insisting on bathing me.’
Thorin shrugged, ’I was raised in Erebor as their prince, so I am used to it. I am also not afraid to tell them to, as you say, ‘Fuck off’’.’
You grumbled, ’I often forget you were a prince, I am not used to that either.’
’Why are you not accustomed to me being a prince?’ He inquired.
‘My country doesn’t have royalty at all, so that is why I don’t really acknowledge titles like, Prince, King, Queen, Lord, or things like that. I usually ignore those titles, and treat them like I would anyone else because I don’t really know how I should act around them. I have some idea of how I should, but I refuse to kiss someone’s ass like that. I’ll be polite, but I’m not going to restrain myself just because someone thinks they’re above me.’ You explained.
’Then who runs your country?’ he asked.
’We, the people elect officials to represent us, and they vote on it.’ You sighed relaxing in the warm water.
After the bath and the nap, the Elves returned with a dress, and insisted you where it. You refused to wear it since it had a corset, and was a color you despised. They insisted you wear a dress to dine with 'Lord’ Elrond. You instead summoned a dress that you liked, and compromised to wear it instead. You curled your hair, and put on a matching jewelry set of diamonds and sapphires set in white gold. When you met up with Thorin he gawked, and stammered, “Why are you w -wearing that?“
You shrugged, "Those Elves were downright insistent I wear a dress, and the one they brought me was not to my liking. So I compromised to wear a dress as long as it was one of mine.”
He muttered, “You look lovely."
You chuckled, "Thank you, I feel very flattered. Now, we need to meet up with the others, do we not?” hooking your arm in his, and snuggly pressing your side against his. He merely nodded his head and led you to where the company waited. When they set eyes on you, jaws dropped, and some gasped audibly. You raised your eyebrow and inquired, “Something wrong?"
Gloin was the first to speak, he said, "You look like a goddess (Y/N).”
You smiled and laughed, “Thank you.” nodding appreciatively.
During the dinner with Elrond you sat beside Thorin, and waited for the perfect time to win the bet with Thorin. As Elrond lifted his goblet to his lips you said, “So Elrond, how is Aragon?” Not only did the elf lord choke, he did a spit take. You grinned in Thorin’s direction, as Elrond coughed into a napkin. When he was able to speak, he rasped, “How do you know about him, let alone his true name?”
Gandalf sighed, “She’s from another world, she knows just about everything that is going on in this one. You get used to it after a while."
Elrond frowned and said, "We call him Estel, and he is fine, happy and curious as any child should be."
Thorin thought, ’Who is Aragorn?’ ’
Isildur’s heir, although he doesn’t know it yet.’ you replied, 'Shall we exchange the gold now, or later?’ smugly. He rolled his eyes in response. After dinner Elrond hunted you down and asked you if you would like to meet Estel. You told him you were very tired, but tomorrow you would indeed like to meet him.
The next morning you woke up to find Thorin sitting beside you on your bed, leaning against the headboard. He was biting his thumb nail which he only did when he was angry. You groggily looked up at him and grumbled, "Good morning…Not that I mind, but why are you in here might I ask?"
He growled, "I caught those blasted She-Elves conspiring to cut off some of your hair in your sleep.”
“Ah, well thank you for guarding my hair from thieves Thorin.” You yawned, and rested your head on his lap. He looked down at you, and smiled softly as he said, “Well without that long hair of yours I wouldn’t have anywhere to put a courting braid when the time comes.” combing his thick fingers through your hair. “Indeed, that would be a~” You chuckled, when your stomach decided to interrupt you by growling loudly. You looked down at it and mumbled, “This is why we can’t have nice things."
Upon hearing this Thorin broke out laughing. His laugh was rich and boisterous, and loud, it was music to you. He said, "You better get dressed so we can go down to eat, I’ll be in the hall guarding the doors from thieves.” getting up, and leaving. You wore a dress again, because you had rather missed wearing dresses over the last couple of months.
After breakfast Thorin leaned over and said, “I have a task to do, do you think you’ll be fine on your own for a while?”
You nodded, he flashed you a brilliant smile that almost made you swoon, before getting up and leaving the table. Once he was gone, a young elf, who looked like a younger version of Elrond came up to you and said, “My father told me you wish to meet Estel, Lady (Y/N), and he has asked me to introduce you to him."
"Thank you very much, which one of his sons are you, Elladan or Elrohir?” you replied, standing up
. He smiled and answered, “I am Elrohir, it is a pleasure to meet you, Lady (Y/N)”
“The pleasure is all mine, and please call me (Y/N).” you stated. Elrohir led you to Elrond’s private family quarters, where you spotted a young boy running along the roof. Elrohir muttered, “He’s going to break his neck one of these days doing that.” in Elvish. He led you into the courtyard, and yelled, “Estel get down from there! You have a visitor!”
The boy poked his head over the edge and replied, “No!”
“Estel! I’m warning you! I will come up there if I have to!” Elrohir shouted. When the boy ignored him and disappeared from view, Elrohir sighed, “I will be right back, do not wander off please.” Then he scaled the building and disappeared from view as well.
A moment later an elf, who looked exactly like Elrohir showed up and asked, “What do we have here? A pretty young woman all by herself in my home?” reaching out to put his hand on your shoulder
“Touch me and I promise you will loose that arm, Elladen.” You warned.
You heard Elrohir yell, “She is one of Father’s guests, and she is here to see Estel!” from the rooftop. Which was shortly followed by Estel demanding to be released. Elrohir appeared with a squirming Estel over his shoulder, and be began to climb down from the roof. Once on solid ground Elrohir put Estel down and said, “(Y/N) has come a long way to see you, you will not deny her that.”
Estel looked at you and grumbled, “What did she come out here for, I’m just a dumb kid."
You said, "You are not just a dumb kid, you are Estel. There is no one else like you in the world. You have a bright future a head of you.” manifesting a stuffed horse and handing it to him.
As you were leaving Elladan and Elrohir asked to escort you back, and as you walked you talked with them. You and the twins ended up in the courtyard in the guest quarters joking about this and that. Little did you know Thorin lurked at the edge of the yard, holding two silver beads in his hand, with a grim look on his face.
During dinner you noticed Thorin blocking you out of his mind, and was avoiding you. He wouldn’t even look at you. After dinner you hunted him down, you caught him stomping down the hall. You called out, “Thorin! Wait up!” He ignored you and didn’t stop. You were starting to get annoyed, you ran to him and put your hand on his shoulder, and asked, “Thorin what is wrong?”
He knocked your hand off his shoulder, and sneered, “Nothing is wrong aren’t those Elves waiting for you?”
He was jealous of Elladan and Elrohir? You said, “Thorin what are you talking about?”
“Elrond’s sons, you seemed quiet chummy with them this afternoon. Laughing with them and letting them touch you.” Thorin spat.
You sighed, “Thorin, they left an hour after we spoke earlier today. You have no reason to be jealous of them, it is not them I want to be with Thorin. You are the one I want to be with, you stupid dwarf. If I wanted to love someone so hairless I would have a child of my own, not get with an elf. Why would you even think I would leave you so willy nilly?”
He mumbled, “I don’t know…You are a young, beautiful, smart, funny, and a wild young woman. And I…I am just an old, ugly, stupid, stern, and boring Dwarf. You need someone who can keep up with you, I am just too old to keep you happy for long."
You laughed, "You are none of those things Thorin.” kissing his nose.
Thorin frowned and asked, “What do you mean?”
You said, “You are ambitious and caring, and you might not be smart as I am, but you are still more clever than you give yourself credit for. You may not be book smart like me, but that can only get me so far in your world. You have skills that have real world applications, you can light a fire with just wood, and you can catch your own food, I can’t do any of that on my own. You are not old just yet Thorin, you have a lot more life experience in this world than I do. I need that, because I’m am young, and not from your world, I need someone to help guide me through the dangers of this world that are not present in my own. Also I am impulsive, I need someone stern to anchor me and be the voice of reason. You are also patient, I am not the easiest person to work with, not even people in my world like working with me. We balance each others out Thorin, you need someone to remind you to relax and have a good time, just as much as I need someone to keep me focused. I may have met people that are funnier than you, but I’m funny and charming enough for the both of us. And Thorin I’ve got news for you, you aren’t ugly, you’re actually very attractive, and anyone that says you are, is a racist jealous jack ass who isn’t worth the effort or energy to hate. Thorin, you are also not boring at all, you’re going on a quest to slay a dragon! A FREAKING DRAGON! You are also passionate, hardworking, focused, considerate, sweet, and so much more Thorin! If you still think you’re just some old stupid Dwarf, I’ve got news for you…You’re my old stupid Dwarf, and I wouldn’t have you any other way. I don’t tolerate other people talking about you like that, what the hell makes you think I’ll let you do it?”
He stared at you wide eyed, after a minute he mumbled, “I’m sorry I acted out.”
You pulled him into a hug and sighed, “Next time you feel threatened like you did, just don’t brood about it by yourself. Come over and tell me what is wrong, or something, so we can solve it together! Just don’t ignore me.”
He said, “I want to show you something,” slightly pulling away from you, but not letting you out of his arms. You smiled and nodded your head.
Thorin got lanterns from one of the elves, one for each of you, and he led you down a rocky out cropping. There was only like a foot and a half of walk way, and it was slippery and windy. The pitiful elvish paper lantern was ripped from your hands by the wind, which nearly blew you off the edge as well. Had you not been holding onto the rock wall to your right, you would have indeed fallen off. You cried, “Thorin! This might be a bad time to tell you this, but I’m terrified of heights!”
Being a solidly built dwarf, he was not in danger of being thrown off the edge by the gales of wind. He turned and shouted, “Where did your lantern go!”
You yelled, “It got blown away, and I almost did as well!”
He hollered, “Just grab on to me, I’ll guide you, and make sure you don’t fall!” You grabbed onto his shoulders, and he wrapped his free hand behind him and pressed you against his back.
When you reached the bottom of the cliff you saw that it was the bottom of one of the falls. You breathed, “it’s beautiful.”
“Thanks, but this is not what I wanted to show you, come on.” He said, taking your hand and pulling you behind the water fall. There was a cave, which made you nervous and reluctant to enter. You stopped walking, not wanting to go inside. Thorin stopped, looked back at you, and beckoned, “come on, we’re so close.” gently tugging and squeezing your hand.
You muttered, “I don’t know Thorin, caves make me a little bit nervous.” He assured, “It’s fine, I made sure it was stable, and not dangerous. I would not bring you to a dangerous place where I know you can get hurt. If it makes you nervous you can hold on to me.” You reluctantly allowed him to lead you into the cave. Only this time you hung onto his hand with both of yours and stuck to his side. The cave was damp, and slippery, and cold, and dark, The lantern barley lit anything up at all, you grumbled, “I can’t see very well in this light Thorin.” as he led you through the winding passages of the cave.
"I can see very well in this light, so don’t worry I will tell you if there is anything you should watch out for. Just trust me alright?“ Thorin said. You just grunted uncertainly in response. After about ten minutes Thorin asked, "Will you put this on?” pulling something out of his pocket. You could barely see it, but you think it was a scarf of some kind. You squinted and asked, “Why do you want me to put on a scarf?”
“I want you to wear it was a blindfold, just for like two or three minutes. I want this to be a surprise, please.” Thorin pleaded.
You groaned and took the scarf and tied it around your head over your eyes, and blindly groped for his hand to cling to. Instead he wrapped his arm around your hips and pulled you into his side.
When Thorin told you that you could remove the blindfold, you happily pulled it off and were greeted with the sight of a small moon lit crevasse willed with beautiful plants and trees. There was a small pond feed by a small water fall from the top of the crevasse. On a mossy spot by the pond, and under a tree there was a picnic blanket with a bright and sturdy lantern , and a basket. You looked over at him totally speechless, he bashfully mumbled, “I was planning to take you here for dinner, but I was being stupid as you know, but I thought we could at least eat the desert I prepared for us?”
You eagerly nodded your head, not trusting your voice not to squeal with delight. He led you over to the blanket and began to fish through the basket. He pulled out a bottle of wine, two wine glasses, plates, forks, and a small apple pie. Thorin muttered, “It’s been a while since I cooked anything myself, but I’ve never baked before. I had to have Bombur’s help, so you’ll have to forgive me if it’s not very good.”
You felt so happy that you felt you were going to explode, or cry. You started to feel the -familiar tingling sting in your nose that usually was followed by tears. You laughed, “I’m sure it’ll be delicious,” and sniffled a little bit.
Thorin looked up from his work, and asked, “What is wrong, why are you crying?”
You shook your head and said, “Nothing is wrong, this is perfect actually. I just wasn’t expecting it, and I’m just very happy.” wiping away the tears that were welling up in your eyes. You sighed, “You did all this planning, and I’m ruining it by crying.”
He chuckled, “If you are so happy by this small gesture, that you cry tears of joy, then I’ll take it that I did a good job.” slicing up the pie, and putting generous helpings on the two plates. He added, “Anyways I know that I do not exactly look like the romantic type, so no one would blame you for being shocked, let alone believe you if you told them that I did this. On top of that I can tell no has ever done this for you, so I thought that I ought to go all out.” As he poured the wine, then handed both the plate, and the glass to you. Thorin took the first bite of pie, he mumbled, “It’s not bad.” to himself.
You took your first bite, and chuckled, “For your first time baking it’s very good!”
After the both of you had had enough pie, you and Thorin leaned up against the tree, drinking the rest of the wine, and cuddling. Thorin was drinking more than you, his hand trembled slightly, and he was fidgeting nervously. After his seventh cup of wine, you put your hand on his, the one that held his glass. You purred, “Slow down, we have to climb up a rock face to get out of here, and doing it while intoxicated would be dangerous."
He horsely said, "Sorry, I am just nervous."
You leaned your head on his shoulder and asked, "About what?”
“Well now is a better time than any.” He sighed, pulling away from you and sat on his knees in front of you, his face was pink either from the wine, or his embarrassment. He took a deep breath in and said, “Can I braid your hair?” “Uh…Sure?” you replied with subtle uncertainty.
He clarified, “Allow me to rephrase, can I put a courting braid in your hair?” “OH! Of course!” You exclaimed.
Thorin visibly relaxed, scooted closer to you, and ran his fingers through your hair. He pulled most of it back and tied it with a ribbon. The sections he left hanging were in the same locations that his own braids were in. He spent a couple of minutes coaxing the hair to behave the way he wanted, and getting rid of a few split ends. Then he started to braid, and despite the size of his fingers, they nimbly and quickly braided the hair. When he was done he pulled out two silver beads and clipped them at the ends of the braids. He smiled at you, and asked, “Are they tight at all?”
You grinned as you shook your head, the braid swaying with your movement. He grinned back, and kissed one of them, and said, “Good.” You leaned in and kissed him briefly on the lips, and he leaned his forehead against yours, he chuckled, “I must admit, you look twice as good with my braids in your hair.” You snorted, “Of course you would say that, ya’ weeb.”
"What? Can I not appreciate the fact that everyone will know you are with me, just by sight alone?“ He mused.
You snickered, "No, you can. It doesn’t make you and less of a nerd though. But that’s alright I kind of like it when you are dorky, it’s cute…Or should I say, A-dwarf-able!”
He rolled his eyes while grinning like a cat, he flopped down beside you, and pulled you into him by wrapping his arm around your waist. He grumbled, “It’s getting late, and these old bones are starting to hurt from the cold. When the wine wears off we should head back.”
You manifested a microfleece blanket, wrapped it around the two of you, and said, “Thank you Thorin."
"You’ll probably have to wait until we get to Erebor for more romantic gestures, we’ll be on the road and we probably won’t be able to stop now that we are hunted.” He said.
You yawned, “It’s fine, if you did stuff like this all of the time then they wouldn’t be so special anymore.” playing with his hand.
He hummed, “That’s true, that and it’d slow us down, and everyone would think I’ve gone crazy.”
“Or under some spell.” You chuckled, “So you’ll have plenty of time to plan and ponder what you’ll do next.”
He sighed, “True, that’s if we make it to Erebor."
"We will, have faith.” You mumbled.
"You don’t know that, (y/n).“ he grunted.
You said, "True, but when have I ever been wrong about this kind of thing?”
He huffed, “True, but as you have said, you are not omniscient.”
TAG LIST: @fictionalquintessence @life-is-righteous @life-is-righteous @wowjustwow002 @17baldwinn @jumpinmanatee @savvythedork @savvym0use @tschrist1 @imaginesreblogged @dracsgirl
A/N: Message me (not send an ask) if you want to be put in the tag list, please it lets me keep track of everyone better. Also the next chapter is a little NSFW just a heads up
--- Part 1 --- Part 2 --- Part 3 --- Part 4 --- Part 5 --- Part 6 (here) --- Part 7 --- Part 8 ---
#thorin#thorin x reader#thorin oakenshield#thorin oakenshield x reader#the hobbit#hobbit#unadulterated crack#part 5#tma original
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Personally: Princess/Queen DoB: 6/28/97 Age: 19 Height: 4'5 Weight:102 Relationship: Married Hobbies: Playing dress up and/or gardening. Favorite color: Hot pink Nickname: My lady - Hello, my name is Queen Caroline Rosa II. I was named after my great grandmother, she was a great and talented Queen of Elladen. Elladen is a small country that has a large number of population. It's hidden on the East side of France, no one knows about it much. - I'm not Funeila's, I just like to live with her. I'm married to Halizo (ID: MAHBLL) he is my king, but he calls himself and god. Whatever makes him happy, makes me happy. - I was always "the happy child". Whatever my parents did I'd laugh. I guess I was a easy child to take of. I was never picky. I wasn't the only child, I have 3 sisters and 1 brothers. ~Caroline - - If you want to know more about her then message me or comment your questions. I would like to share.
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Гостевой дом «EllaDen» в Ольгинке
Приглашаем вас посетить наш гостевой дом «EllaDen», расположенный в поселке Ольгинка. Мы рады видеть Вас у себя в гостях, и доставить Вам комфортное и приятное проведение отдыха. Наш гостевой дом расположен в 15 минутах ходьбы до моря. У нас Вы можете в теплый летний день пожарить различные блюда на мангале и отдохнуть в комфортной беседке на свежем воздухе.

Гостевой дом «EllaDen» в Ольгинке В гостевом доме «ЭллаДен» имеются следующие категории номеров: 1. Двухместные номера 2. Трехместные номера 3. Двухкомнатные номера люкс (рассчитан на 4−5 человек). Для удобства наших гостей мы постарались установить максимально оптимальные цены по соотношению цена/удобства.
Уверены, что по соотношению цена/удобства/расстояние до моря мы предложили лучшие (честные) цены для Вас. В стоимость проживания входит: — номер с балконом — безлимитный интернет доступ Wi-Fi — автостоянка на территории гостевого дома (по предварительному бронированию места на парковке) — пользование на территории беседкой, мангалом, — пользование кухней, посудой и принадлежностями

Гостевой дом «EllaDen» в Ольгинке Дети до 3 лет без дополнительного места размещаются бесплатно. Детям от 3 до 6 лет скидка 50% от стоимости проживания взрослого. Дети с 7 лет включительно и старше размещаются по полной стоимости.Дополнительное место стоит 300 руб. в сутки.Расчетный час: заезд в 14:00 выезд в 12:00.
Порядок бронирования номеров
Бронирование номеров осуществляется по предварительной оплате в размере 30% от стоимости проживания путем перевода, перечисления на карту Сбербанка (через сбербанк онлайн или удобным для Вас способом). Предоплата возвращается: — в размере 100% при отмене бронирования не менее чем за 30 календарных дней, — в размере 50% - при отмене не менее чем за 15 календарных дней, — НЕ ВОЗВРАЩАЕТСЯ — при отмене за 14 календарных дней и менее.

Гостевой дом «EllaDen» в Ольгинке ВАЖНО! Возврат предоплаты осуществляется на ту же карту (реквизиты) с которой производилась предоплата за номер.РЕКВИЗИТЫ ДЛЯ ВНЕСЕНИЯ ПРЕДОПЛАТЫ: Получатель: Туапсинское отделение Сбербанка № 1805 Банк получателя: Юго-Западный банк Сбербанка РФ г. Ростов-на-Дону Корр.Счет: 30 101 810 600 000 000 602 Расч.Счет: 47 422 810 530 059 900 001 БИК: 046 015 602 ИНН: 7 707 083 893 Лицевой счет: 40 817 810 830 053 005 515 Номер карты 4276 8300 3432 4052
Предоставляемые услуги
Автостоянка: Бесплатно, Прачечная: за дополнительную оплатуМагазин на территории: Аптека, супермаркет, Место для отдыха: деревянная беседка, мангалИнтернет в номерах: WI-FI зона, Детская площадка: рядом с гостевым домомМангал, Встреча на ж/д вокзале: Встреча на ж/д вокзале у самого вагона и трансфер до гостиницы - 1000р. (1500р. - с 00:00 до 06:00)Встреча в аэропорту: 5000-6000 рублей.Организация экскурсий, Можно с детьми с 3 лет: Дети до 5 лет без дополнительного места, размещаются бесплатно.Кухня: Имеется кухня вне номера для самостоятельного приготовления пищи. Работаем зимой

Гостевой дом «EllaDen» в Ольгинке
Ольгинка, ул. 1 микрорайон, д. 9+7 (918) 323-35-99 Эрнест Read the full article
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Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Legolas Greenleaf/Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Legolas Greenleaf, Aragorn | Estel, Gimli (Son of Glóin), Frodo Baggins, Sam Gamgee, Gandalf | Mithrandir, Merry Brandybuck, Pippin Took, Boromir, Elrond, Elladen, Elrohir (Tolkien), Arwen, Erestor (Tolkien), Lindir (Tolkien), Celeborn (Tolkien), Galadriel, Thranduil (Tolkien) Additional Tags: Elf Harry, Elf Harry Potter, Elfling Harry, Slash, Cliche, War Summary:
Harry Potter is given another chance at a life, one where he can be happy, and at peace... one in Middle Earth. (Elfling!Harry, SLASH)
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Waist-up coloured sketch commission for Queeninursouth of Elladen and Elrohir from Lord of the Rings!
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im going to fucking murder peachy
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I have a very strong addiction to all things middle earth...
Why didn't they put Elladen and Elrohir or Glorfindell in the lord of the rings or the hobbit. With about three hours per movie I think there would have been plenty of time to cut out a bit of fighting and add a little bit from the books.
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NewFamily by ~amiroprotein
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This is so wonderful and sweet 😍
||Love Happens||
Summary: As the youngest daughter of the House of Rivendell, Annúneth has lived a sheltered life. Though that does not stop her from meeting the Prince of Greenwood. And though they start off on the wrong foot, there is one thing that neither of them can deny.
And that is sometimes, Love simply Happens.
Pairing: Legeloas x AnnúnethOC (Hobbit, LOTR)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. None
A/N: This is for @siriuslydestiny and @lovelyxkazuha Hope you enjoy your request! And this is for @entishramblings who hasn’t been feeling the best lately! Also this story takes place AGES before the events of the Hobbit. So Mirkwood is still called Greenwood! And Thranduil isn’t as uptight : P
It was not often that Lord Elrond lead a Hunting Party. But both his sons were away traveling, and he wanted to be sure that no lingering Orcs or Goblins would happen upon Rivendell by accident.
What he had not expected, on the journey home, was for his Hunting Party to instead become a Welcoming Party to the King of Greenwood himself.
“Thranduil, we did not expect you for another week.” Elrond called out as a way of greeting his old friend as he dismounted his horse. Thranduil offered a slight smile in return. “The weather was favorable, and the enemy few. I also wanted to put to rest the rumors of your hospitality as soon as possible. See for myself whether what I heard was truth or not.” The two Elven leaders gave a respectful tilt of the head before grasping each other’s forearms in a greeting one soldier gave another.
Elrond simply smiled in response. “You shall be the judge of that, melon nin. But for now, let us return to Rivendell together. I am sure both our arrivals are anticipated by our comrades.”
Quickly mounting their horses once more, the two Elven Leaders urged their mounts forward, their respective parties following after them.
“How fare your children Elrond? Is your youngest Arwen residing with you, or is she with her grand-sire in Lothlorien?”
Elrond gave a secret smile at the mention of Arwen being the youngest, but made no move to say anything. “She is indeed in Lothlorien, finishing the last of her studies with Galadriel. The twins are leading an expedition to the North. I have yet to hear from them, but last I received a letter, they were in high spirits.” Elrond turned his head towards Thranduil.
“And what of your son Legolas? I have not seen him yet. Did he not come with you?” A sigh fell from Thranduil’s lips, one that Elrond was all too familiar with. It was the sigh of a parent who was at their wit’s end with their child.
“He is here, but he insisted on taking the longer route. Some nonsense about seeing new sights and such.” Thranduil shook his head, not understanding the need his son had when it came to exploring. “He shall be joining us on a later day. Perhaps tomorrow.”
During their conversation, the Parties had reached Rivendell, blowing horns to announce their arrival as they did. It was truly a sight to behold, a marvel of elven architecture and design. Every aspect was flawless, the House built around nature, spacious windows and multiple rooms open to the elements.
As they crossed the bridge Thranduil could not help but comment. “Though I much prefer the Woods of my home, I must say Elrond, you have indeed taken care of your home all these years. It is just as when I first laid eyes upon it when I was an elfling.”
Elrond smiled in a polite manner. He knew Thranduil, knew that the King hardly gave compliments outright. This was to the best of his efforts. He did feel a sense of pride, as their horses cantered across the bridge and towards the main platform where several elves were already waiting to greet them. “I thank you for your kind words Thranduil.” He said as he dismounted. “But for now, let us change and reconvene for dinner. I am sure yo-”
The cry rang loud and clear from the top of the stairs, cutting off whatever else Elrond had to say. The assembled Elves spun towards the source of the sound. A figure revealed itself. The skirt of their dress lifted to their knees, pale legs and feet bared to those standing below, bright golden hair flowing behind her, unbraided and free. And even from afar one could see a simple silver circlet resting on her forehead.
Lord Elrond’s entire demeanor changed from a reserved elf and leader to that of an overjoyed parent, as he held his arms open in greeting, a smile on his lips.
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#legolas x oc#legolas x reader#legolas x y/n#lotr#lord of the rings imagine#lotr imagine#lord of the rings#the hobbit#thranduil#elrond#arwen#elrohir#elladen
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