#ella's ask and tell!
apicelladonna · 4 months
Some your middle-aged married Albus&Gellert headcanons?
Where to begin!? These are general musings whether they stayed together in another lifetime or met in secrets during the war.
Albus-Gellert middle aged married fellas let's go
Beverage of choice: Tea and black coffee (Gellert swears that he saw Albus dump a whole sugar bowl into his tea but still frowned and say it wasn't sweet enough for his liking)
Mornings: Albus is a early riser because of his morning classes while you couldn't wake Gellert (night owl) even if it there was a raid unless a necessity.
Bookmarks: Leaf pressed personalized bookmark gift from Elphias- Doesn't or it will crease the binds so he just remembers the page.
When mad: Cold silent anger - passive aggressive temper
Perspective roles: The Sword & The Pen
Love language: Acts of service - Words of encouragement
Favorite body part of their partner:
(Albus: Gellert's hands when they swing animatedly when he is very vocal with his afternoon rants. Or choke him)
(Gellert: Albus' blue eyes that sucked him deep into its trenches and he gladly drowned in them. Albus' plump bottoms/thy lovely peaches to behold)
(Albus to Gellert): 'Dear boy', 'Darling' 'My Cherished Stars',
(Gellert to Albus): 'Schatz' 'Sonnenschein', Any of the languages he can speak that has the endearment close to 'Precious Treasure' he's said it-
Blood troth: Albus kisses Gellert's lips first then the troth, Gellert kisses the scar on Albus' hand first then their troth.
Public Displays of Affection (Albus): Discreet pinky finger holding, the shit you see in Bridgerton and more, says I love you to Gellert with his eyebrow scrunch-
PDA (Gellert): He is a damn peacock with what we've seen in the Lestrange Mausoleum rally where he just shines their blood troth for all to see that he's taken. Basically: This is my husband, have you read his research article regarding the advantages of not eight but twelve properties of Dragon blood? Astounding man he is. Too humble for himself. Here have a copy-
Bedroom intimacies: gone were the days of fiery passion of their youth, when they are in their own little world, when they are alone in their bedroom, a hotel room in europe or where ever Gellert's rallies or Albus' conference were, it was selfishness of the two combined to think they had the time to map out each other's skin, scars, freckles, and marks..
There is no urgency to reach a state of euphoria, each kiss and touch was already bliss in borrowed time.
They will argue for hours end about the most mundane things.
Gellert: Does Albus like me?
Vinda: You do know you are married to him?
Gellert: I know but does he LIKE me?
One time, both were dead tired from their perspective ordeals that they just collapsed on their bed still wearing their coats and shoes.
Clothes: Simple sweaters - vain bastard, only the best silk shirts (Gellert gets colorbinded the minute Albus' wardrobe turned into a variety of bright plum, yellow, and blue. What a way to go-)
Pastime : Discovered a fondness for knitting - Catch up on the books he bought years ago from various old libraries he'd been to in Europe
Godric's Hollow: Will always visit Bathilda for tea if they are in the area and then end their day by visiting and cleaning up Ariana's gravestone.
Favorite color:
(Albus) Gold
(Gellert) Blue
Feel free to add your own takes! Thank you again for this question! I'm sorry it took me long but I wanted to give it my all. Cheers!
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morningstargirl666 · 2 months
hi! do you have any long canon klaroline fic recommendations?
i’m missing klaroline and actual canon isn’t gonna cut it
I'm going to assume by long fics you mean multichaps? I've always found this fandom seems to be lacking in them, and I'm not talking about the 5-10 chapter fics --- I mean the long ass, epic-length fics that transport you to another dimension and rob you of nine hours of your life in a back-alley because you couldn't close the ao3 page at 1am. Other fandoms seem to have dozens of them but klaroline? Not so much. Writers here seem to prefer the 50k one-shots or playing with a different AU altogether, which is fantastic of course, but sometimes you crave something different, you know? Something you can lose youself in. It's what made me write TBBW, initially. However, that doesn't mean the fandom doesn't have some canon-divergent gems.
Epic-Length Wonders:
Red Queen by KS_Caster / @ks-caster
3-Part Series, Over 200k+ words. Season 4 Canon-Divergent. The last part is a WIP. I absolutely adored this fic when I first read it and I still adore it now. Klaus puts Caroline first and continues to put her first during the search for Silas' cure and it is fucking amazing. The werewolf/hybrid world building in the second fic inspired me to write more fics like it. It's not had as much attention since it was moved to AO3, but trust me, this fic is a hidden gem.
Wicked Schemes by willowaus / @willowaus
30 Chapters, 260k+ words. Season 1 TO Canon-Divergent. Ignores the baby plot. Caroline inherits the powers of a harbringer and the way its weaved into the fic so flawlessly makes you question if it wasn't just canon to begin with. Honestly epic world building. Wolf!Klaus also makes an appearance! A true klaroline classic.
make them bow. by for_darkness_shows_the_stars / @stars-and-darkness
35 Chapters, 220k+ words. Season 1 Canon-Divergent. Klaus is dropped into season one while Caroline is still human. Klefan bromance. Damon retribution. Forbes family dynamics. Klaus covered in blood. Council Members and Founding Family warfare. There's a reason this is the most commented-on fic in the entire fandom even though it's barely been out a year.
Binge-In-One-Sitting Multichaps:
Til I Tasted You by KiryTheStitchWitch / @kirythestitchwitch
4 Chapters, 22k. Canon Divergent/Soulmate AU. Will ruin you with single most devastating declaration of love in existence, forewarning you now.
throw roses into the abyss by marxandangels / @marxandangels
7 Chapters, 99k+. WIP. Technically Season 6 Canon-Divergent (after Liz dies) but ignores canon for the most part, especially TO wise. Explores the concept of humanity-less vampires so well, with a dash of world building on the side. Klaus and Caroline's relationship is also explored with such nuance --- like these two aren't just attracted to each other but entwined by their very souls, kind of nuanced. Oh, and the bloodsharing scene drawn by here by @stardust414 lives rent-free in my mind.
Someone's First Choice by unpublishednovelist
10 Chapters, 29k+. Post-Canon. This one's a WIP but I'm keeping my eye on it because it's good. Like hella good. Caroline decides to say fuck it and goes with some college friends to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, accomadation covered by our favourite Original hybrid. She breaks up with Tyler over voicemail. Queen shit.
All I Need by emeraldvixen
14 Chapters, 60k, E rated. Canon-Divergent/Wolf Mate AU. In the mood for some hot and steamy smut? Emeraldvixen's got you covered.
the fate makes for a lousy poet by for_darkness_shows_the_stars / @stars-and-darkness
7 Chapters, 50k+. Season 3 Canon-Divergent/Soulmate AU. The Originals in pajamas. Need I say more?
Who put Bella down the Wynch Elm? by for_darkness_shows_the_stars / @stars-and-darkness
7 Chapters, 60k+. Post-Canon. A murder mystery whodunnit with original side characters and Caroline in all her bad ass glory, after she's left Mystic Falls and its hellmouth-worthy shenanigans. Just - for a minute - imagine canon expanded on the tvd universe and revisted the fact the Originals are little more than nightmarish stories in the supernatural world, or that Stefan is the most infamous mass murderer on the east coast and maybe you'll understand how amazing this fic is.
Important to note these were all specifically Canon-Divergent multichaps. There's plenty more gems out there, just for different AUs and lengths. I also only looked at my ao3 bookmarks for this, so like, I'm probably forgetting several.
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thehumanbeans · 1 month
goyim look up what zionism means challenge level: impossible
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raspberrysmoon · 8 months
hey you remember that post i made five hours ago? yeah i finished (mostly) (sorry for the tags but !! you asked for this by interacting w that post shrugs)
the two that arent here are in progress !! i swear!!!
SO! all images are uncolored sorry <3
@pastriibunz - youre a red pseudo tabby (which means you have fake stripes- youre not technically a tabby but you look like one)!! very fluffy :] i hope this can make you smile!
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@androgynous-sack-of-flesh-3 - youre a serval!! not a domestic cat, but it was beamed into my mind as soon as you rbed the post. you always seem to be neutral-happy when i see you on my dash idk
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@paul-matthewsccrp23 - youre a sokoke cat! one of the rarest breeds in the world! the stripes called to me. the ref i used was a black tabby but i think youre more a blue! :) not that its easy to find a blue sokoke :(
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@noels--lament - youre a low-patterned dilute calico!! i know in my heart and soul that youre a cream and blue kitty and i couldnt deny myself that. also if i ever color these pls know that the circle is supposed to be the sun and you'd be backlit
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@starkidobsessedgiantgremlin (sorry for the tag ik we havent talked ever </3) - this is the only one im not super proud of you Will be getting a redo someday you deserve better than this. but its cute anyway. youre a red/brown tabby with medium-high white! i only say red/brown bc,,, i couldnt pick. kinda red but kinda brown ?? you get both :]
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and here are tentative color swatches so you can visualize them!! ignore my notes lmao
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meljwrites · 3 months
Hi, new Hollyoaks watcher here (thanks to Hayray and your and @harmonytheme lovely posts about it). I haven‘t really watched a lot of the pre-June episodes apart from the Hayray storyline so Cindy going off at Ste‘s party confused me quite a bit. From what I know she and Ella had sort of a mother daughter bond so I get that she is still grieving but I thought it was an accident and Ella had been wandering on the road drunk and therefore unnoticed by Ste? I am guessing I missed something because her telling Lucas and Leah and family and friends that Ste would be assaulted in prison seems very cruel to me (or does she have a grudge against Leah and wanted her to hurt as well?)
PS: is the discord open for anyone? I am not fully caught up on the whole backstory so I might just be a silent member 😅
Thank you for your posts they always brighten my day when I’m at work😊
I'm so glad we got you into it!!
Ah, I've not seen much more than you (unless you count 2012 episodes) - but from what I can gather Cindy's half brother (Tom)'s half sister is Ella's mum, and she considered herself her aunt and Ella lived with her for a bit. And I think the fact that it was a child that died and no one was around to see what happened means that Ste is fighting an uphill battle to try and convince people that it was completely an accident.
Also from what I have seen Cindy is a very passionate character and is easy to anger.
Yes, the discord is open!! Anyone can join :)
Thank you for the sweet message, I'm glad I could brighten your day!
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dxc-95 · 1 month
Tenshi: (to any love interest) ♪ Excuse me... ♪ ♪ You look like you love me... ♪ ♪ You look like you want me to want you to come on home. ♪ ♪ Baby, I don't get you... ♪ ♪ For looking me up and down across this room... ♪ ♪ I'm scarred and I look real mean... ♪ ♪... But you look like you love me. ♪
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lloydfrontera · 2 years
the webtoon may have left out a lot of things but they did yassify the orcs which is the funniest thing to me right now
*sigh* they did yassify the orcs <3
now i want to see what they'll do with the sirens and whether i should be excited or worried lmao
#hey i got an ask#Anonymous#the greatest estate developer#tged#also. can we talk about the elephant on the room.#listen i may be totally be wrong about this and i would love to hear you guys' thoughts about this but.#doesn't it feel a little. weird. this thing the webtoon has about making muscular women look overly scary or rough?#like i feel it's gone under the radar because most of us just went 'oh hell yeah muscular women that shit rules let's go!'#but..... i think that wasn't... actually what the artists had in mind when they did. that.#like for example mellica. she's great i love her top tier character design. but look at her. and tell me the way they presented her#doesn't look like a set up for the audience to go 'oh super muscular woman is scary ha ha'. be honest.#now to be fair! all the elves look buff! like they actually look like people who train and fight and do archery constantly! they look great#so i can pass it off as a maybe a little clumsy attempt to give us more buff female characters it's fine whatever#but then we get to the lady ella bit. and uh. well.#how do say this.. it feels. mean-spirited? sorta?? a little mean??#not even because i was really looking forward to this arc i'm a big girl i can swallow my disappointments like an adult and all that#but it feels like the joke there was 'ha ha man in a dress looks weird isn't that funny? ha ha men are attracted to him that's hilarious'#especially because they went out of their way to make javier look overly burly and buff while wearing the dress#i joked about it but doesn't it feel weird?? we know javier is a pretty guy he's muscular but he's also lean and almost... delicate looking#when wearing his normal clothes#he's a pretty guy! in the novel he could easily pass as girl with no issues!#and instead the webtoon decided to make him look so big and buff he was almost ripping the dress because of how burly he is?#like clearly the joke was 'this guy can't pass for a woman and it's funny that no one seems realize it and even think he's beautiful'#and they even went with the 'i respect your fetishes' joke which. oh boi.#so i'm worried about what kind of jokes they'll make when we get to the mermaids which are described as really big and muscular#even in the novel. in which there are some illustrations that i still haven't decided how much i like tbh#and maybe i'm exaggerating! maybe i'm being paranoid! maybe i'm making a big deal out of nothing and seeing mean jokes#out of a simple gag with no ill intentions behind it!#but i just. think it's weird. and not really all that funny. and i wanted to acknowledge it cause i felt uncomfortable not saying anything#so i'd like to know what you guys think. i think i need more perspectives on this before i say something dumb(er) lol
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andiwriteordie · 2 years
true test of mutual friendship (round 2): when i go to search for your name and instead of searching for our tumblr username, i accidentally search for your real name and get so confused when you don’t come up
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syndesinae · 6 months
what is actually wrong with you
oppositional-defiance flavored attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dissociative identity disorder, pathological demand avoidance autism profile, narcissistic personality disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder,
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apicelladonna · 4 months
Let me guess you like Mads Mikkelsen.
Please I came from my Hannibal nbc phase- 😭 😭 😭 😭
I love one (1) Danish peepaw playing European villains with an obsession with a certain professor.
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littlechillis · 6 months
BOOP !!!!
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jnstudios2 · 1 year
Nicktoons unite the animated series episodes ( so far)
Ep 1 the adventure begins
The nicktoons unite go on a mission in Orlando to stop the syndicate bots from destroying the city. The team then faces a figure named chosen warrior who has a mysterious past That’s angering them.
Ep 2 return of the syndicate
The syndicate has returned and needs supplies to begin their conquest of ruling the universe. The team splits up to send our heroic team into a wild goose chase while they work on assembling their robotic army in California to prepare for their true plans. Will they succeed?
Ep3 wishing away the problems
Timmy has been using his fairies to wish away all his problems at dimsdale. however, it seems he has gone too far with his wishes that the team gets reports of his wishes affecting the universe in some way
Ep4 the ringmaster of terror
A familiar evil clown to Danny has returned thanks to the syndicate and is giving the team a horrific circus show of doom to celebrate his return by playing with reality and his ghost controlling staff spreading his wicked show in amity park.
Ep5 me and my shadow
Shadow vlad is up to no good while the nicktoons unite are busy stopping the syndicate from another evil plan. He begins to put his sweet revenge plots on jack Fenton into motion and forcing jordan to help him make progress on his sweet revenge.
Ep6 fire and ice
Blue fire has been spreading the universe scaring nick characters and people. It’s up to the nicktoons unite to find out who’s been causing this blue fire madness and freeze them in their place
Ep 7
Chaotic fair
The nicktoons unite are enjoying their day off until they spot the figure who attacked them on their first mission and go into a chase finding the figure throughout the fair and see what their hiding underneath.
Ep 8 the new recruits
The nicktoons unite are in deep trouble and it’s up to the new members of the team to find where they are and rescue them before things gets even worse. Will they find them in Time? Or will it be too late.
( got any ideas for an episode? Feel free to comment below and explain your ideas for an episode!)
(Want to help out writing? Feel free to ask me)
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stars-and-darkness · 11 months
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thedeadthree · 2 years
TAGGED BY my dearies @denerims, @echo3-1, @phillipsgraves, @jendoe, @chuckhansen and @adelaidedrubman to take this cutest uquiz for the loves! ty ty so much <3
TAGGING: @feystepped, @griffin-wood, @kingsroad, @marivenah, @50sjello, @risingsh0t, @queennymeria, @aartyom, @jackiesarch, @florbelles, @unholymilf, @leviiackrman, @confidentandgood, @pheedraws, @morvaris, @malefiicarum, @arklay, @fragilestorm, @impales, @jacobseed, @blissfulalchemist, @heroofpenamstan, @shadowglens, @shellibisshe, @aceghosts, @loriane-elmuerto, @belorage, @rosebarsoap, @lavinet and you!
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this one isn't that difficult to understand. you're extremely secretive, and you're afraid that if you open up you'll get hurt (again?). you probably raise suspicion against others and accuse them of something they never did. you let your anxiety and worry influence the way you view people which is never good.
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you're probably a passive aggressive person. you frequently lie, and gaslight to get your way. you never want to be held responsible for your actions so you avoid situations by either victimizing yourself, belittling others concerns, hiding the truth, and using threats to harm yourself or others
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when something makes you upset, it could even be the tiniest most petty reason ever, you yell, rage, and possibly throw stuff in anger. your actions think quicker than your mind, and it could probably not even be intentional but the next thing you'll realize is that you've hurt someone
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this one isn't that difficult to understand. you're extremely secretive, and you're afraid that if you open up you'll get hurt (again?). you probably raise suspicion against others and accuse them of something they never did. you let your anxiety and worry influence the way you view people which is never good.
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you don't recognize the opinions and beliefs of others, either that or you don't care about them. you stick strongly to what you were raised to doing, and don't realize that the world can change. you have extremely strong beliefs, and you think that if another's beliefs aren't the exact same as yours, they're wrong and you automatically hate them. you also might be political and close minded
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ateliaers · 1 year
the steel sang, the flint sparked, & the fire in the hearth roared quickly to life beneath her hands. despite all that had happened, all that had changed, they rose, still, to hover above the flames, & though she had found her glass gauntlets impenetrable so far, she imagined that she could feel her flesh begin to warm within them. silly, to think of how far she had come, & still find herself treading old ground in new places, but a habit was a hard thing to kill. she flexed her fingers once, twice, as she used to do in the early hours, chasing away the night’s chill, before she pulled away, & heaved herself up from the ground, feeding the fire another log, two, perfectly cut in this world as they never were in life.
❛ i was always desired. but now i am valued. & that is a different thing, i find. ❜ — @sentinaels, wolf hall.
❛ it’s a hard lesson, to learn the difference between the two, ❜ the armour clanked quietly as she moved from the fireplace to the bed, & lowered herself gently to take her place beside reverie’s princess. the fairies who blessed her, she couldn’t help but note, had truly outdone themselves. any prince who had survived the briars' onslaught, &, more to the point, managed to weather the endless climb to the castle’s tallest tower, would have been greeted with a vision of unparalleled beauty ; somewhere deep within, she felt a small, smug stab of satisfaction that she had succeeded where all others had failed, putting aside the reality that in the space between worlds, her progress had been all but unimpeded, the thorns nowhere to be found.
her eyes dropped, for a moment, to where rosamund’s hands lay upon the bedspread, & she imagined her skin to be as soft & smooth as the silk of her gown, delightfully idle during the short course of her life. it made her glad, as she reached out to take one in her own, that it would be the smooth, cool glass of her armour that rosamund would feel in turn, rather than the rough & scarred digits which rested within.
❛ a hard lesson, & i would that it had come to you another, gentler way. this awakening, these revelations … we bear them as best we can, but that doesn’t lessen their hurt. though, if you don’t mind me saying, you were lucky, to fall into company who came to treasure you so quickly. i thought … my prince, my — kit, he ... when the times of shadows first arrived, i thought, so long as we stay together, we can overcome this. i wanted, so badly, for us to be equals, to push back together … ❜ for a heartbeat, there was silence, as she swallowed down the hurt, her wound as frustratingly fresh then as it had been in those early days, when realization came to her, & her love began to fade. ❛ they think, princess, & put us on that pedestal, & would nail our feet down to the floor if it meant we could not move from it, ❜
❛ things will be different now, ❜ the squeeze she gave rosamund’s hand was as gentle as a spring breeze — she was all too aware that one wrong move would mean a bloodbath, the armour as deadly as it was beautiful, each corner a knife’s edge that she was well acquainted with, her hands cut to ribbons the first time she had tried to don it. ❛ you, & i, & snow white … we’re birds of a feather, all of us, but once we find you in the next world, & we’re able to come together, & fight this … i promise, no – one, be they prince, or fairy, or witch, is ever going to take us for granted again. rosamund, i can’t wait to truly meet you, ❜
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bensiskos · 11 months
I am so Patient and Able to Control my Hunger
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