#so far i have:
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curryaboo · 1 year ago
if anyone knows any bollywood songs that are influenced or sampled from western songs pls let me knowww 🥹🥹 i’m making a wee playlist rn bc i keep seeing loads of the inverse (western songs sampled from bolly music) & thought it’d be cool to do the opposite :D
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royaibrainrot · 2 years ago
Writing Royai/Fullmetal Alchemist fanfiction is just constantly googling “was ______ invented yet in the 1900’s??”
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crows-of-buckets · 1 year ago
Guys I'm doing another diluc comic and I need ideas for small segments of diluc's life that would be impactful. They can be more mundane moments or really big ones (Im already including the ragbros fight and crepus's death) but I need more ideas<//3
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tawnyevergreen · 10 months ago
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Doodle <3
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mmyrrhh · 1 year ago
I misspelled his name in the tags once and now
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this pops up as the first option. Every. Single. Time.💀
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sapnapsimparc · 11 months ago
hi im doing a presentation about indigenous traditions in latin america (in the 19th century but thats not that important) and i was wondering if i have any followers from latin america and if you have any pointers for me,
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amberpriceenthusiast · 5 months ago
I love making Pinterest boards for characters I relate to!!!
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justaballoffluff · 1 year ago
my brain has been almost entirely consumed by knitting and crochet the past few weeks and I don't really know what to do about it. plus I've been working on my term paper for Ancient Egypt, which has taken up a lot of my brain space as of late
went to the Museum of Natural History today and I got a mammoth plush!
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her name's Lana since it means "down, soft fleece, wool". plus it follows Tullia the Leopard Shark that I got last year for my birthday
#Ryn rambles#she's so soft I love her so much!!!#just stick my face in her head and neck fluff when I'm upset#or pet her ears because WOW both are SO SOFT#if you don't wanna hear me ramble about my plushies that's fine just ignore the rest of the tags#I just love them all very much okay#so far I have:#Bruna the sea otter (meaning 'brown')#Inverness the African wild dog and her pup Princess (named for a documentary I saw on them when I was in high school)#Tullia the Leopard Shark (because I think it's funny to name her after Cicero's daughter given their territory includes Cataline Harbor)#Nebula and Strawberry the dragons (it's just their appearances)#the lung dragon my mom got me from Vegas is probably gonna end up as Ch'en because I need at least one plush named after Arknights#Aurelia the bald eagle (Aquilla is a bit too on the nose for me)#a tiger I just realized doesn't have a name whoops I should fix that#and now Lana the mammoth!#oh! almost forget William who's a replica of the famous faience hippo on display at the MET#technically there's also Rainbow the build-a-bear rabbit; Marie from Aristocats; a special edition Winnie the Pooh#a bear named Snowflake and a knock off Jiji plush#but they're up on top of my bookcase so I don't count them as being fully accessible#I've got a whole box full of plushies in my closet including: a Colonial Williamsburg dress up doll; a Angelina Ballerina; a buffalo#Kanga and Roo; a whole bunch of Beanie Babies (plus one my mom needs to give me but that's not the point)#and an assortment of random plushies like Bijou and Hamtaro#I know I have a mini neopets plush I got from McDonalds in elementary school in my bag at all times#and a little cream and pink bunny named Marshmallow
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mokeonn · 8 months ago
Currently I have so many bg3 saves bc I refuse to delete my old ones that will likely never be finished (first ever gameplays, not optimized, everytime I open one I get overwhelmed and stop), but also because I keep making new games with the specific purpose of romancing a certain companion, seeing special dialog, doing a specific style of run, or getting an achievement on steam.
#simon says#currently the 4 that I have right now are fun but I wanna do a new one bc I like making characters and being silly#so far I have:#sad bardlock that was originally going to be a no-romance 'everyone's worst ending' run but then I finally decided to romance shadowheart#since the two of them absolutely give off sad lesbian vibes and just seem to make eachother better#because a doom and gloom bardlock constantly saying 'that sounds lovely :)' to anything shar related quickly made Shadowheart happy#next up is big hulking non-lolthsworn drow who is a cleric of Mystra#because I want to see how a cleric of mystra works with Gale and so far it has SUCH fun interactions#... Jak'ith. my gith jack-of-all-trades romancing Lae'zel#i would be a liar if I didn't say doing a legit jack of all trades run as a gith romancing Lae'zel wasn't the most fun out of all my saves#the interactions are so fucking funny I love it#like I highly recommend a gith lae'zel romance because it's so much fun just bouncing back and forth in dialog#and I got REALLY into stealing after playing Jak'ith so I made a duegar thief who is gonna eventually be a druid#and im gonna make her an exclusively Halsin romance bc I saw some of the duegar dialog options with him and I thought it would be funny#since my last Wyll romance went south (i had hubris in honor mode and lost it all) and I have still yet to romance Karlach or Minthara#those 3 are on my list for characters to make and play bc I haven't explored those routes yet#i also want to try doing a true goody two shoes durge run and a true evil durge run#obviously the evil run will probably be the Minthara romance#also on this list I am ignoring Astarion bc I have romanced him twice now in my two old durge runs so unless I can think of something unique#then im not doing anything with him for a while#well except playing as him#i got an old playthrough with him I should continue bc I wanted to see what his origin stuff would be like in act 3#at some point I do want to origin run all the origin characters bc it sounds really cool#but I want to get a good idea of their character arcs before I do#also for the achievements:#Jak'ith is the jack of all trades no Withers help achievement#My bardlock is the busking 100 gold one#and I want to do a punch drunk build at some point#which would probably be a monk bc of the drunken master robes you can get#but yeah I will probably end up with like 8 or more saves in the end
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mxxnmxxn9875 · 8 months ago
Hello! I’m currently here for @whumperless-whump-event and am SEVERELY behind. I probably won’t finish the prompts I want to do by like September, but I am determined!
I’m working on day one and five at the moment, and forgot that it’s a whump event so I’m reworking them from a completely stupid perspective, but that’s the thing about my writing, the POV isn’t supposed to make sense.
Sorry in advance for what I’m about to write (zephyrmoon on ao3).
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jnstudios2 · 2 years ago
Nicktoons unite the animated series episodes ( so far)
Ep 1 the adventure begins
The nicktoons unite go on a mission in Orlando to stop the syndicate bots from destroying the city. The team then faces a figure named chosen warrior who has a mysterious past That’s angering them.
Ep 2 return of the syndicate
The syndicate has returned and needs supplies to begin their conquest of ruling the universe. The team splits up to send our heroic team into a wild goose chase while they work on assembling their robotic army in California to prepare for their true plans. Will they succeed?
Ep3 wishing away the problems
Timmy has been using his fairies to wish away all his problems at dimsdale. however, it seems he has gone too far with his wishes that the team gets reports of his wishes affecting the universe in some way
Ep4 the ringmaster of terror
A familiar evil clown to Danny has returned thanks to the syndicate and is giving the team a horrific circus show of doom to celebrate his return by playing with reality and his ghost controlling staff spreading his wicked show in amity park.
Ep5 me and my shadow
Shadow vlad is up to no good while the nicktoons unite are busy stopping the syndicate from another evil plan. He begins to put his sweet revenge plots on jack Fenton into motion and forcing jordan to help him make progress on his sweet revenge.
Ep6 fire and ice
Blue fire has been spreading the universe scaring nick characters and people. It’s up to the nicktoons unite to find out who’s been causing this blue fire madness and freeze them in their place
Ep 7
Chaotic fair
The nicktoons unite are enjoying their day off until they spot the figure who attacked them on their first mission and go into a chase finding the figure throughout the fair and see what their hiding underneath.
Ep 8 the new recruits
The nicktoons unite are in deep trouble and it’s up to the new members of the team to find where they are and rescue them before things gets even worse. Will they find them in Time? Or will it be too late.
( got any ideas for an episode? Feel free to comment below and explain your ideas for an episode!)
(Want to help out writing? Feel free to ask me)
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still-nix-d-goffic · 1 year ago
Any song recommendations about building your own wo/man creature/robot and being somewhat horny about it?
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anachr0nismm · 1 year ago
I really need to make covers for all my character playlists
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rhysintherain · 2 years ago
The medical aspects of vampirism only show up in like 2 scenes in Saints and Zealots, but that won't stop me from spending hours reading about aplastic anemia and blood transfusions and hammering out every detail until my google thinks I have a rare chronic bone marrow condition.
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catherinerabbit · 2 years ago
im going to start a collection of weekday posts so i can spam my friends every day <3
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depressedlochnessmess · 6 months ago
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im sure this has been done already but uh mimiku
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