#elizabeth the barbarian
terabyte-teddybear · 4 months
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the adventure zone vs. dracula: brother phileaux, crawford "mutt" muttner, and lady elizabeth godwin
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dire-kumori · 1 year
If the Afton kids played DnD, what characters would they make?
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moondustbooks · 1 year
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September JOMP Day 30 - Read in September
A cozy kind of month reading wise. ❤️
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maepolzine · 2 years
Looking Back at the Books I Read in February 2023
Sharing all the books I've read, started, and re-read during the month of February.
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threeravenspublishing · 4 months
The Best Fantasy/Sci-Fi Romance to Fill Your Day
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Be it known that we shall accept submissions of the hottest men OF THE PEOPLES’ CHOOSING from any live-action* TV or movie media property set between the years AD 500 – 1550 (Tudors WELCOME!!), and any fantasy properties which emulate said period!
KNOW ALSO that we, by the grace of this fine hellsite and with the counsel of the moste honorable and illustrious @hotvintagepoll (many thanks), have made
ANY HOT GUY who appears in any movie or TV show released in ANY YEAR, from ANY COUNTRY, shall be deemed eligible for entry. Below are listed examples of eligible properties. If YE BE NOT CERTAIN whether your hot guy is eligible, submit him anyway!
Examples of Eligible Properties: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-03), Game of Thrones (2011-19) House of the Dragon (2022), Wolf Hall (2015-2024), The Tudors (2007-2010), Ladyhawke (1985), The Princess Bride (1987), The White Queen (2013), Rise of Empires: Ottoman (2020-2022), Vikings (2013-2020), The Last Kingdom (2015-2022), Diriliş: Ertuğrul (2014), A Knight’s Tale (2001), BBC’s Robin Hood (2006-3009), The Last Duel (2021), The Story of Minglan (2018), The Borgias (2013), Robin Hood (1939), Outlaw King (2018), Pilgrimage (2017), Legend (1985), Braveheart (1995), The Green Knight (2021), Excalibur (1981), Beowulf & Grendel (2005), The Lion in Winter (1968), Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993), The Black Adder (Blackadder Series 1, 1982), Rashomon (1950)
Remember: This is just a list of examples—WOW ME!
These following titles are examples of properties that do not fall within or emulate the stated time period and therefore DO NOT QUALIFY: The Three Musketeers (Any Version), Pirates of the Caribbean (2004), Barbarians (2020), Gladiator (2000), Ben Hur (1959), Shogun (2024), Elizabeth (1999), 300 (2006), Troy (2004), Xena: Warrior Princess (1995-2001), Disney's Robin Hood (1973)**, Yojimbo (1961), Shakespeare in Love (1998), King Arthur (2004)***
For the purposes of this tournament, "Man" and "Guy" are defined as any bi-pedal humanoid male character played by a man. As such, characters belonging to non-human races such as Hobbits, Orcs, Elves, Demons, Fauns, Werewolves etc. ARE admissible, and, indeed, encouraged.
If you have propaganda you forgot to include in your submission, just hold onto it and send it in an ask after the Tournament begins.
You may submit as many hot men as you like but please submit only ONE ENTRANT per submission.
Do not hesitate to submit ANY hot guy you think may qualify, no matter how popular he is. There is no such thing as a shoo-in with these tournaments. If you think "Someone MUST have submitted him already!" Everyone else is probably thinking that too and then he may well NEVER get submitted and we don't want that.
Do not worry about how many submissions your hot guy might have had already--I need to get a sense of who the strongest contenders are in order to fairly seed the draws, and the best way to do that is volume of submissions.
We are voting on the hotness of the characters. While the actors who portray them are of course a major factor in this, we are not voting on the actors themselves, therefore propaganda pertaining to the actors real lives (aside from anecdotes relating to their portrayal of the character) is not admissible.
By that same token, in the case of historical figures (e.g. Henry VIII) we are judging hotness based on the fictionalized portrayals of them in these properties, not on historical fact.
Regarding immortal/time-travelling/dimension-hopping/extremely long-lived characters, regardless of when the character was born, the main action**** of the story must take place within the Medieval Period (see dates listed at the top of this post) or Medieval-esque fantasy fantasy realm in order for them to be eligible for submission. As such, characters like the Pevensie brothers (The Chronicles of Narnia) and Ash Williams (Army of Darkness) are admissible, but Asgardians (the MCU Thor films) are not.
I, as the Administrator and Master of Revels of this tournament, am exercising discretion in the admittance of characters from works by Shakespeare, since many of them have no set date.
Re: characters adapted from books/written works - Book quotes by/ about your character are not admissible as Propaganda for their tv/ movie counterparts unless said quotes were also written into the show/movie.
Book illustrations and fanart are not admissible Propaganda
The Tourney shall begin at a date yet to be determined with the Melee (Qualifying Rounds), wherein the entrants with the fewest submissions and least propaganda will duke it out in a free for all brawl to determine who will enter the Lists.
-- Master of Revels
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*The "live-action" qualification does have a caveat: exception may be made for those CGI films which were all the rage in the mid-00's that used the motion-capture and likeness of the actors; for example characters from, Robert Zemeckis's Beowulf (2007) are admissible.
** this one doesn't qualify, not because it isn't the right time period, but because it falls solidly under the "Animated" category.
***Yes, sadly we are deprived of the beautiful countenances of Clive Owen, Mads Mikkelsen, Ioan Gruffudd et al because the producers of this film in their infinite wisdom and in an attempt to seem "more historically accurate" chose to set it during the Roman withdrawal from Britain, which occurred in the 5th Century (About a CENTURY earlier than Authurian tradition) and is generally agreed to have ended by AD 410. It therefore does not fall under the Medieval umbrella and is not eligible for submission.
**** "Main Action" here defined as "More than half an hour of a movie and more than two episodes of a series"
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I've been asked to weigh in.
No, Cleopatra wasn't black. She wasn't even African. Her family was Macedonian Greek, and they were infamously the most incestuous family in Egyptian history. No African DNA got in there. People who saw her while she was alive described her as having, "honey skin." She wasn't Elizabeth Taylor white, but she also wasn't what we'd call black.
That being said, there are PLENTY of Black figures in Egypt. The further back you go in Egyptian history, the less amount of trade routes with other nations, the more African they were. That means that the pyramid builders like Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure were all likely black. Hatshepsut, the first woman to rule in her own right who established highly successful trade routes with Punt, was likely black. Tutankhamun's grandmother Tiye has always been depicted with dark skin. Queen Ahmose Nefertari was depicted as this:
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Then there's the entire Kushite Dynasty from Sudan who were black. This was a non-issue for Egypt. The biggest issue was if you worshipped their gods and respected their ways. If you did, then you were in. Alexander the Great was received like a hero because of this while the Persians were hated because of their disrespect for Egyptian culture.
3. Egypt even had what historians considered to be Asian rulers. The Hyksos invaders who ruled Egypt were from West Asia and some historians have posited that they were from the Indian subcontinent. (This has not been confirmed.)
Egypt was a melting pot with people from all over because of the lucrative trade routes. They were ruled by Greeks, Romans, Persians, Assyrians, Kushites, Hyksos, Libyans, etc. They had a blended culture.
So, it is interesting to me that this documentary chose a woman who was very clearly documented to NOT be black when Egypt has no shortage of Black figures to choose from. You'd think you'd want to tie yourself to the great legacies like Hatshepsut who made Egypt wealthy and stable over Cleopatra who lost Egypt its independence.
4. The one thing I CAN say for certain is that the actual Egyptians were NOT white. When I hear conspiracy theories that Ramses II was white from Scotland because he had red hair, it makes me so angry. They were not. Great things can and did come for non-white nations. Writing, language, government, medicine, etc ALL came from non-white nations. Egyptians referred to the Celts as Barbarians for a reason. Cleopatra, while she ruled Egypt, was NOT Egyptian. And that always gets forgotten. She hailed from a conquerer's line, not Egypt itself.
The thing about Egypt was they realistically depicted skin-color in Egyptian art. Maybe one day we'll find something of Cleopatra that will put this to rest. All we know is that her coinage shows her with distinctive European features, like a long, narrow, hooked nose. She has her hair in the Greek style.
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sevendeadlyheadcanons · 5 months
I may get into the ask box or I may disappear for another 4 years.
but for now
The Seven Deadly Dungeons and Dragons
I don’t play DND but my girlfriend does and she’s sitting next to me so let’s go
-In this AU they’re all normal humans who just get together and play DND sometimes.
-Merlin is the DM.
-Merlin sits for hours writing all sorts of lore and intricate backstories only for them to commit their classic chaotic shenanigans and screw with all her plans. Luckily, she’s good at thinking on the fly.
-Meliodas plays as a halfling paladin from a noble background. His character’s goal is to get information and find his brother.
-Diane plays as a half elf barbarian (my gf thinks this is contradictory but in a fun way) (“she’s too pretty to be a half orc 🥺”)
-Her goal is to find her sisters murderer and bring them to justice.
-Ban would play a tiefling rogue. His goal is to revive his dead lover (Elaine is alive but she thinks DND is ‘nerd shit’ so she just stays at their home. sometimes she’ll come and watch them though)
-King would play a gnome cleric. He is from the fae realm however it recently got raided and he is seeking revenge from the perpetrators.
-Gowther would play as an automaton wizard. His goal is to find out what happened to his creator and gain a heart.
-Escanor would play as a half orc barbarian (when he rages it’s like his daytime form when he’s normal it’s his nightform)
-His goal is simply to find friends who don’t think he’s strange and he simply goes along with the gang because he feels accepted.
-Elizabeth would play as a aasimar cleric. Her character writes stories and is going on the adventure simply to find inspiration.
-They all gather together and play in Escanor’s basement. He makes a little food spread. They don’t appreciate him enough honestly.
-Escanor and King are chronic note takers. They have notebooks full of the lore.
-Diane also writes notes but she writes them aesthetically like
Liones is the country we live in
and highlights it in pastel. She never writes down useful information and spells everything wrong. King usually helps her with his notes.
-Ban forgets everything lore wise and all of his abilities. He never knows when he can use sneak attack and keeps getting in trouble for trying to pick pocket his party.
-“I just think it’d be funny if he wasn’t actually a good rogue because he’s so big”
-Gowther would keep getting the party in trouble by using dunamancy on random NPCs. Merlin is sick of his shit and having to rewrite the plot of her campaigns.
-Meliodas always has weirdly good roles. They have investigated whether his dice are rigged and they’re not he’s just crazy lucky.
-Elizabeth would put a lot of thought into her characters backstory and motives. She would have a very thought out lore.
-Hawk is Escanor’s cat that they all loved so much that they put him in the game as a pig that can eat ranged attacks if a 20 is rolled and also is immune to poison
-Gowther tries to romance every npc. He rolls nat 20 for every persuasion check and Merlin has to let him have the most rizz in game.
-The party all met in the Boar Hat and decided to help each other reach their goals.
-In this canon the Boar Hat can also move. Meliodas has a spell that can create the Boar Hat to be constructed infront of him.
-They all met in real life because Merlin works with Escanor and they got talking about it and she was like “Hold up let me bring my friend Gowther” and then Gowther invited Meliodas who then invited his girlfriend Elizabeth and best friend Ban and then Ban was like “Hold up we need this dude too” and invited King and King’s girlfriend was like “Omg i wanna join” yeah
-King would paint a lot of miniatures
-Elizabeth would be a dice fiend. She would have so many dice and a cute bag for them.
-Meliodas and Ban both use the same pair of black dice that have chipped paint. They just pull these crusty dice from their pockets. The numbers are barely legible anymore.
-Merlin makes her own dice out of resin and sells them on etsy.
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sloanesmortuary · 1 year
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Art heavily referenced Daphnis and Chloe by Elizabeth Jane Gardner! First time pairing up some writing I did with an illustration :'3 Apologies if there are mistakes...I don't usually share my writings...I get embarrassed...Also the story is a lil spoilery
comm info
Greanthir always strived to please Gale. Loving the wizard was not an easy feat, yes, of course! That human had an omnipotent deity as an ex-lover! At times, the barbarian thought that he's not enough. He couldn't compare to the soft caress of a goddess Gale once indulged in. It also didn't help that Gale used to sing praises to her so awfully often, seeking her forgiveness to the point that he's keen to blow himself up to smithereens. That's absolutely outrageous, Greanthir thought. It's the same opinion as his other companions would have when Gale brought up the matter. Oh, how such devotion would make even the most intelligent of mortals turn into a goo with no way of thinking for themselves.
The tiefling never held a strong belief in a certain deity. He was completely aware that there is just no way and no end to pleasing a god. He kept telling Gale that he loves him as the man he is. For his wits, his looks, his heart, his laugh…for all of him and not simply because of his skill in harnessing the weave. Not just because he is useful and/or amusing to him. Gale, at some point believed him…but the sight of that crown sitting on the top of the Brain flipped a switch in his own brain. Afterwards, he strived for a better—no, perfect self.
Despite all that, the barbarian was a hypocrite. There is no end to worshiping a god, yes, but the wizard was his god. Oh, how he loved him. When Gale took him to the illusion of The Outer Planes and asked him…pleaded with him…to take the Crown of Karsus for themselves and ascend so that there will never be a need for a god ever again…Greanthir said yes. Yes, he loves Gale as he is, but no, he can never refuse the man who holds his scarred hands so gently…the man who stares so lovingly into his infernal eyes, soothing any flames that burn in them. Greanthir had tolerated his ramblings about the crown, he even hesitated, but in the end...he gave in to his lover. But he could not say it. It felt wrong to agree to this. "I'll accept a kiss," Gale said, so Greanthir kissed him. If there's anything to learn from this long, laborious journey, it is that there is nothing good to come out of usurping powers meant for a god. Maybe Gale was desperate. Tired of being used and thrown away. Similar to Astarion—or most if not all of their companions that is—but Greanthir had prevented Astarion from being like Cazador...why couldn't he turn down Gale's request? A request that if agreed to might only end with bards singing about Gale's Folly. Karsus's no more.
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georgie-weasley · 1 year
Hyperfixations I had that I think the marauders would have:
Remus would love book binding. he could make journals or novels or poetry and then compile all those together into a book with a cover he designed. he even totally debated taking all his school notes and trying to make them into a book with a really intricate cover that he spent days making. Remus would have these plans to even get into making his own paper for his books as well but he only ever got as far as trying to stitch the pages together and because he wasn’t an expert at it right away, he got frustrated and gave up
James was a hard one honestly. after much debating I think it’s learning to play an instrument. he’d try a few that he’s interested in like the piano or guitar but he’d settle on the bass. he’d spend so much money getting everything he needs and James would think he’d look so cool with his electric bass and it sounds awesome so he’d love it but it wouldn’t take long for him to realize he doesn’t have a musical bone in his body. now it just sits in his room or his dorm and he only mentions it to impress people until they ask him to play something and he comes up with an excuse not to
I firmly believe that Sirius would be obsessed with the Pirates of the Caribbean film series. he would love the idea of pirates because they can just go off and do whatever they want with no one to stop them and no obligations. he would love how they’re obsessed with treasure and their ships and though he loves the romance between Will and Elizabeth you wouldn’t ever get him to admit it. he also just loves it because Captain Jack Sparrow is dramatic and really hot his role model
At first I was going to say Peter would enjoy true crime but that just felt mean but I actually think it would be dungeons and dragons. we know Peter was kinda the black sheep out of the marauders and despite being their friend he wasn’t on the same level as the other three (sorry dude) so I think the idea of playing a game where he could be anyone, sign him up. his favorite class would be a fighter or barbarian because they’re pretty different than who he is. this game is his chance to be strong and run headfirst into danger and lead a group when usually he’s just a follower
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hypnostouched · 10 months
My brain rot combines everything i touch so uhhhh dark rise dnd au
Will is a 'human' Bard Sorcerer multiclass. He is Collage of Whispers Bard, and Shadows Sorcerer and he tells people he is only a Collage of Eloquence Bard. Will isn't overly athletic but he is quick and dexterous and very charismatic so the charisma classes suit him well imo, especially as Bard focuses on both rallying allies and crowd control.
James is a High Elf Sorcerer, Aberrant Mind. You could also give him a couple levels in Fighter considering his Steward Background but since he rarely uses his Steward training in the books, we'll just go with Sorc. Again, a charisma build suits James wonderfully.
Violet I think would be mechanically a Leonin but visually human; I was also considering a Beasthide Shifter but I think the Leonin suits better. She would be a Totem Warrior Barbarian with the Bear stats reskinned as a lion. You'd want to do some homebrew to make her shield into a weapon, or just give her some form of bludgeoning weapon and flavour it so her shield functions as both a shield and the weapon. Overall she is a Strength and Con build, an absolute tank.
Now the Stewards I see as a Paladin order but I think taking your whites would be the equivalent of taking your oath, so Cyrpian would be a Half Elf Champion Fighter. He would have intended to multiclass into Paladin. He might also suit Battle Master but I think the overall concept of Champion Fighter, trained perfection and control, suits Cyprian. Despite aiming to be Paladin, he would have shitty Charisma. I love Cyprian.
(Justice would have been a Half Elf Champion Fighter/Oath of the Ancients Paladin)
Kathrine and Elizabeth would be functionally Aasimar but neither would have a class. They'd probably suit Scourge Aasimar since Radiant Consumption most reflects the power of the Lady
And Visander would have been High Elf Oath of Devotion Paladin, and Battle Master Fighter but as of his death has changed oaths and now exists in Kathrine's body so he is an Aasimar Oath of Vengeance Paladin, Battle Master Fighter. Though you could also definitely argue Cavalier Fighter as well.
Sarcean, Anharion and the Lady I'm a lot less sure about since we don't know their vibes super well but Sarcean still feels like a Shadow Sorcerer, but also probably a Necromancer Wizard. Anharion as the Betrayer has very Oathbreaker Paladin energy, and was probably formally Oath of Devotion like Visander. The Lady probably best suits Divine Soul Sorcerer, which is a nice fit with Sarcean and would be part of why her descendants are aasimar.
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dettan-arts · 10 months
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. ⭒ ☆ 𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ𝔾𝔸ℤ𝔼ℝ𝕊 𝟚 ☆ ⭒ .
A poster to commemorate the end of the second arc of our DnD campaign (I DM).
It was the party; the Stargazers;
⭒ Andromeda Ephemerides - Aasimar Stars Druid ⭒ Sir Zircon Faust - Warforged Cavalier Fighter ⭒ Jamba Duubii Walkin - Goliath Evocation Wizard ⭒ Tansy Abatina - Satyr Fey Wanderer Ranger ⭒ Avalanche - Centaur Barbarian/Rogue ⭒ And Treamonte - Yuan-ti NPC friend.
VS. the elegant Lady Elizabeth Crawrow ~
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Terrible Fic Ideas #33: Winter Roses, but make it Jon/Rhaenys
I've seen more than a few fics where Stannis manages to capture baby Daenerys on Dragonstone and Robert, seeking to dishonor her line, betroths her to baby Jon Snow. I adore them, as Robert inadvertently being the best thing to ever happen to House Targaryen is one of my greatest weaknesses.
But I've never seen a fic where it's Rhaenys that is captured and betrothed, unknowingly, to her half-brother. So I thought, what would it take?
Aka: The Aegon the Unyielding Fic
Just imagine it:
Queen Rhaella takes her granddaughter with her to Dragonstone. Elia and her Aegon still die in The Sack and Rhaella dies giving birth to Daenerys. Viserys and his infant sister are able to escape to Esso... but Rhaenys is lost in the chaos of storm and battle and is captured by Stannis' forces.
Stannis delivers the princess to the Red Keep on the same day Ned returns from rescuing his sister in Dorne. Robert initially wants to kill Rhaenys, then alights upon the idea of betrothing her to his eventual heir.
Surprisingly, it's Tywin that argues hardest against this, citing 1) Aerys' madness, 2) the fact Robert isn't married yet and may have several daughters before a son is born, and 3) having a half-Targaryen grandson on the throne would be akin to having the Targaryens win. It's eventually decided to betroth the girl to and raise her with Ned's bastard son instead, to 1) dishonor her line, 2) keep her far from court, Dorne, and the public eye, and 3) keep her under Ned's loyal and honorable eye.
And so Princess Rhaenys is betrothed to her half-brother Aegon, the hidden and legitimate heir to the Iron Throne by the man that stole it from him.
Rhaenys' first few years in Winterfell are... fraught. At 3, she's just old enough to realize that everything has changed for the worse and young enough not to be able to deal with it in any meaningful way. Catelyn doesn't help, resenting the granddaughter of the man that had Brandon killed being raised in her home and, somewhat contradictorily, hating that the bastard gets to marry the princess.
Rhaenys resents Jon too - at first. (Think Princess Mary being made her half-sister Elizabeth's lady-in-waiting after Henry VIII's remarriage.) All she understands is that he is responsible for her being in this cold place away from what family she has left. But her feelings eventually soften towards him, especially after she takes it upon herself to take care of the boy, because gods know Catelyn only allows the maids to do the bare minimum.
Jon and Rhaenys grow up close. Not quite codependent, but they are each other's closest friend and only confidant. Like her namesake, Rhaenys grows up kindhearted, graceful, playful, curious, impulsive, and given to flights of fancy - but with a sharp tongue she unleashes on any and all who insult her or her betrothed. Like his own namesake, Jon grows up charismatic and commanding when he needs be, but more than happy to let Rhaenys take the lead.
They marry in 295, when Jon has just turned 12 and Rhaenys is still 14. With this comes Jon's legitimization, ennoblement as Lord of Queenscrown, and new name - House Frost.
Now, per Robert's order Ned has kept Rhaeny's Martell relations from visiting (and fomenting rebellion), though there have been letters. With Jon and Rhaenys now at the very edge of the kingdom, far from royal eyes, Oberyn finally takes his chance to visit his niece and the barbarian she is married to...
...only to arrive and think did they dye Aegon's hair?
Oberyn only has suspicions, but they're enough for him to start reevaluating his plots to restore the Targaryens to the throne. He visits as often as he can without being suspicious, and comes to love Jon as another nephew.
Meanwhile, Jon at Queenscrown is doing just as much - if not more - to protect the North from the Free Folk as the Night's Watch. Eventually he starts asking the Free Folk he finds on his lands why they're heading south in such numbers... and learns about the Others.
Jon crosses the Wall, learns about the coming War For The Dawn, bonds with Cannibal - who is a non-Targaryen species of dragon - and allows the Free Folk to settle on his lands. He gets Ned, the North, and Dorne to help in the fight, but he's the final - unyielding - line between humanity and the Others.
Meanwhile, the rest of Westeros has been falling apart in a civil war, as the Lannisters are understandably wroth with Bobby B for declaring Cersei's children bastards; executing her, her brother, and her children; and marrying Margery Tyrell before the Silent Sisters had even finished collecting their bones.
Once the War For The Dawn is over (without much of Westeros ever realizing it happened), the forces of Dorne and the North head south, mop up the various factions, and install Jon and Rhaenys on the Iron Throne together as Aegon VII the Unyielding and Rhaenys the Resolute.
Bonuses include: 1) Elia's son is called Aegon the Uncrowned, having technically been king for an hour or so before being killed; 2) Jon and Rhaenys being absolutely, ridiculously, sickeningly in love. Theirs should be raised up as the perfect marriage and the perfect court - the Camelot of their day - so much so that later historians will think much of it was propaganda and relief the wars were over. But no, contemporary documents show everyone who saw them knew them to be happy and in love as well as fair and just rulers; and 3) Daenerys returns to Westeros with her dragons, is named Lady Paramount of Storm's End after marrying one of Robert's legitimized bastards, and is more surprised than anyone to discover that her dragons are all female after a visit from Cannibal yields several eggs from each.
And that's all I have. As always, feel free to adopt this bun. Just link back if you do anything with it.
Other Jon Snow Headcanons: Aegon the Unyielding | Aemon the Adventurous | Baelor the Brave | Lady Arryn | Lady Baratheon | Lady Lannister | Lady Stark | Prince Consort | Prince of Summerhall | Queen Mother
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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moon-pepper · 1 year
It's kind of hard to take seriously things like "this celebrity did/said this awful thing so we don't support them" when the thing in question is like, extremely trendy front-page news that everyone's talking about. Like, there's a list going around right now naming and shaming famous people posting in support of Israel, and the thing is you just know 90% of these people have no fucking idea what they're talking about. They've never thought twice about Israel or Palestine except maybe in terms of booking a concert in Tel Aviv, they certainly don't know about the history, and there's a decent chance half of them don't even know what Palestine is. They just checked their phones one evening, saw a million news articles all unilaterally declaring that the gentle and innocent people of Israel were being randomly bombarded by the cruel, twisted barbarians of Palestine and didn't bother looking for context before hopping on Instagram to share the exact same post five thousand other celebrities were all sharing. Then they all went back to their days, not even glancing at the replies because they have managers for that (and realistically, their managers probably told them what to post in the first place too).
If it's something like Kanye randomly going neo-Nazi or Gal Gadot actively using her celebrity to promote the IDF or Depp publicly plotting to ruin his victim's life because she spoke against him, then yeah, hold that grudge, because those people are assholes entirely of their own volitions. But like, what's the point in moralizing things like "this artist is doing NFTs even though they destroy the environment" or "this influencer is mourning Queen Elizabeth despite her being a murderous colonizer" or "this actor is endorsing Amazon despite their monopolistic and abusive business practices"? None of these people know anything beyond what NBC tells them and very few of them would care if they did. They're literally just posting whatever will make them more popular, and unfortunately that usually involves godawful political stances.
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