#elise s3
untouchvbles · 3 months
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Lotus Exige at Waukesha Cars & Coffee (2024) - Meet 1 in Waukesha, WI.
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elise-the-potato · 7 days
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Silly s3 screenshot redraw
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smallsimmer · 3 months
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bonus: Bennett in a hot dog costume under the cut
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rolanslide · 9 months
The fact that this is the very last shot of Dan Vs. makes me want to explode /pos
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This show was so weird and over the top, and it ends so simply like this. Quietly. Three friends, fondly reminiscing. God
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mediareccs · 2 months
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title: i stole the first rankers soul
type: webcomic/webnovel
genre: action, dungeon crawling, typical hunter bullshit, romance
content warnings: violence, blood, unrealistic insects (many of the monsters she fights are monstrous bugs. they are exaggerated but could be offputting to some. mod has a bug phobia but is fine with the monsters)
description (via webtoon): Moa Son, an ordinary office worker, wakes up in a dungeon in the middle of the night and awakens as a collecting hunter. After barely making it out alive, she falls into the same dungeon but gets rescued by the first-ranked hunter, Jihan Seo, and becomes bound up with him. Now he’s offering to make her strong on this one condition -- "Promise me you will do your best to kill the bosses of all the dungeons that exist in the world.”
why: finally a dungeon hunter story with a bamf female lead. kind of like solo leveling but actually good with a compelling story. moa is a fantastic protagonist, and her antics with her boytoy jihan are so silly. if you like hunter genre stories, youll love this one.
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celiaelise · 4 months
I'm watching s3 of Elementary!
First of all, even though I knew this didn't happen bc it came out 10 years ago, I thought it was very funny how they set up episode 1 of season 3 like they had "House of Cards"d Sherlock, and the show was just about Joan now. And, honestly? I'd keep watching!
Secondly, I'm watching episode 5 now, and I had to STOP WATCHING and text someone to complain bc I'm so annoyed at this plot point!! And then also write this post!
Someone RIPPED a man's HAND OFF to get to a briefcase that he had handcuffed himself to? Sherlock is looking for a weight lifter as the culprit bc of how much force that would take, but? Wouldn't you just have to dislocate the thumb??? Maybe crush some of the metacarpals or something, but removing the entire hand?
How would you even hold the hand and arm to do that??? And how would the hand not be totally crushed or mangled afterward? The episode starts with someone finding the removed hand, and they don't mention there being any injuries, besides the obvious one, which separated it from its body. It just doesn't make any sense!!!
In other news, I like how Marcus seems to be becoming friendlier with Sherlock, it's cute. I'm... still on the fence about Kitty. I don't hate her or anything, but I also feel like she doesn't add a lot to the show for me, personally. (Though i feel bad saying it because i should be glad for another woman main character!)
I am absolutely NOT interested in whatever this plotline is about Captain Gregson and his daughter. Cops are violent, you say? Groundbreaking. Headline news. Anyway.
It's very silly, but a little endearing, when the show writers try to be on the cutting edge of technological topics like AI. Amusing to watch from my vantage point ten years in the future! I'm like, "evryone knows that's not how you talk to a digital assistant?" Though Sherlock WAS correct, and remains so, about "true" machine sentience being unachieved. Also in reality i think he would be a little more worried about the surveillance issue! Surveillance is one of his main interests!!
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i-like-media · 1 year
S3 - E5 - The High School Reunion
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Nahhh you see, I'm not buying the episode's ending narrative of Dan always having been liked. Not with both Chris and Dan talking about them getting bullied/ridiculed. As someone who grew up with undiagnosed ADHD/Autism, my ignorance has always been exploited to be the butt of the joke. And I don't think the ending is any different from that. (strap in, it's a long one)
In this episode we learn Dan bullied Chris back then too, but we ALL know Dan is a very reactionary guy who acts largely on "setting things straight". It's not that outlandish to think Dan either acted his frustrations from getting bullied out on Chris OR Chris being caught in the crossfires of Dan getting back on someone.
And Chris honestly had it Terrible... Just look at how much he's been with his class and done for them, and how little they remember him.
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Elise wants Chris to have a good time and reunite with old friends (to get rid of Dan), so when Dan shows up she locks him in a locker... And he responds like this:
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He's BEEN in those lockers before. His classmates PUT him there.
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And he desperately wants Chris to see nothing's changed.
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But Chris only remembers High School positively on his end... (even though he got wedgied too) So what gives?
It's because Chris stayed ignorant, but Dan didn't. Dan likely used to be just as ignorant as Chris, trusted people, and got hurt because of it. He learned not to trust people and to assume everyone's out to get him, because it's easier than getting humiliated or tricked, again. Chris never did! He always assumed it was just his friends goofing off, even though he got hurt in the process. And we can feel that in a later scene too.
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Yes, Dan could be saying this because he genuinely thinks the costume is dumb, but if they both were getting bullied, Chris would very likely have been ridiculed for wearing it! So in his messed up Dan way, he DID try to save Chris, because HE'S learned to not trust any smiling faces.
Which is very apparent in the next scene, where he's strung up from the ceiling after he'd fallen.
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If you watch the episode, "BACK OFF" doesn't sound like his usual overly confident and aggressive tone. For a second, he sounds a bit frightened. He's constantly struggling to get out and doesn't say anything besides threatening people to leave him alone. People start listing all the ways he's taken revenge on them..... and then start cheering. Now, usually in a show like this, the main character would stop struggling and be baffled by the positive reception of his appearance.... but not Dan. He keeps warning people to stay away and keeps struggling.
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People are laughing and cheering as they try to get him down, and he starts panicking. some tense music picks up as he flails, music usually used (in other cartoons too) when a character is in a scary situation.
He falls to the ground, looks up at everyone laughing
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And runs. He doesn't try to fight anyone, he just runs.
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And Elise and Chris respond with this:
"So your classmates actually LIKED Dan?"
"High school was somehow not as I remembered..."
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So what happened here? Well, that's how they got bullied. That's how it started. And that's often how autistic people get bullied, too. They pretend to be nice to gain your trust, and then exploit that trust to belittle you, bully you and put you into humiliating situations. All while keeping up the "nice" act to make said autistic person doubt themself about whether or not the hurt they feel is warranted or not.
Chris isn't remembering High School wrong... Dan was right. They haven't changed. Even though they remember Dan fondly, he was never their friend. He was their play thing. Their personal jester to poke at and make fun of BECAUSE he reacted and lashed out. Chris never did, which is why he was never deemed "interesting" enough by his peers to be remembered.
Dan even says it himself in the scene after, trying to explain to Chris why it's all fake, but after all these years, Chris is still too ignorant to see it.
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Dan is explaining to Chris as clearly as he can, how these people used and bullied them. They took advantage of their struggle to read social cues and used them both for entertainment.
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At the end of the day, they exploit Dan's struggles with social cues again to convince him they all genuinely liked him for who he is (conveniently leaving out all the times they pushed him in lockers)... While in reality, he was only ever good for bringing entertainment. What's even sadder, is that Chris envies him. He still can't see the full picture and wishes he could be in that spotlight.
Showing that ultimately it's not JUST the classmates that haven't changed, but Dan and Chris haven't either.
And it's another reason as to why they're still together after all these years. The only real friends they HAD were each other.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
hi !! i know you've touched on food + succession before so i was wondering if u had any thoughts on why roman seems to be eating for almost all of the shots he's in with mencken in what it takes? (s3 ep6) the cokes been picked apart beautifully but ive never seen anyone mention him nibbling all the way through the party
honestly, i hadn't noticed him nibbling any more than usual in that episode. that's pretty typical to how roman eats i think—most often we see him do it with fruit (medieval fasting girl ass), but there's also the cake he takes a bite of at connor's bachelor party, whatever he's eating in the beginning of 'dundee,' etc. it's pretty common for him to graze like this.
in 'what it takes' in particular, though, i think you could read the food, similarly to the coke, as signalling the relationship between waystar and american politics, and between logan and specific politicians as a consequence of that. acting as a representative of waystar and an emissary for logan, roman is flirting with mencken, and eating the rich people party nibbles is part of that. additionally, the entire event is playing with the tension of being simultaneously the very highest echelons of corporate and political power, & yet at the same time being something that has to be kept somewhat discreet, on account of the subversion of liberal democratic ideals. eating the food can thus be indicative of roman's overall willingness to buy into the whole arrangement, and to take in mencken's verbal bullshit as he takes in the bullshit food—again, roman's body as a site of waste and a means of clinching a deal. of course, the 'waste' is powerful political rhetoric and catered food, because in truth the event is not a deviation from capitalist democracy but its normal mode of functioning. finally, because of the implications that mencken is also catholic, you could read roman's eating as echoing taking communion, an act that plays into some of the homoerotic tension between them, roman's view of sex and intimacy as cannibalistic, and the show's running elision of the father, ceo, dictator, and god figures.
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zendoe · 1 year
Tag ppl you wanna know betteeer
Tagged by: @missmassacre (thank u btw i am ALSO a sucker for these, they remind me of being a teenager)
Last song: Peace Out by Jay Som, and also just incidentally I've been listening to a lot of Esperanza Spalding recently.
Favorite Color: Teal or Lavender
Currently Watching: Going through One Piece with two friends separately. I'm caught up on the manga, but they're both first timers. In Marineford with one and Dressrosa with the other. Also been watching Star Trek Lower Decks with one of them as it comes out, and I may be getting into Initial D with another friend sometime soon? Also at some point I need to get back to Succession, which I was recently watching for the first time but I lost my momentum in S3.
Last Movie: Uncle Boonmee who Can Recall His Past Lives, dir. Achipatpong Weerasethakul. One of my absolute favorites, incredibly beautiful, lyrical, meditative, politically radical, quiet, dreamlike. I really want to watch more of Weerasethakul's stuff, but haven't gotten around to it yet.
Currently Reading: I am unfortunately not reading anything, despite having a pretty sizable stack of books checked out from the library I work at. Top priorities are Flawless by Elise Hu, Notes of a Crocodile by Qiu Miaojin, a book of interviews with Nobuhiko Obayashi (director of Hausu), and an anthology of Le Guin stories a friend gave me.
Sweet/spicy/savory: Savory
Relationship status: Groovy
Current Obsessions: No particularly strong obsessions rn, but I've been spending a lot of my time studying anatomy for drawing and playing guitar.
Last googled: "Federal holidays" (was discussing with a friend which ones my job does and does not give us off)
Currently working on: A lot! Like I said above drawing and guitar, but also I've been trying to sit zazen everyday and get into doing some at-home yoga for exercise. I also will likely need to move apartments soon so trying to sort that out.
I've got a couple of new mutuals so I'm going to tag @catgirlsriseup and @somaisbatman, but please feel free to just ignore if you're not interested lol.
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untouchvbles · 11 hours
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Lotus Elise at Waukesha Cars & Coffee (2024) - Meet 4 in Waukesha, WI.
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burningexeter · 1 year
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Here's an entire pitch that I came up with for a spin-off video game called "A Tale Of Darkness" that brings together Tangled and Frozen in an unconventional way.
It's a dark fantasy action adventure video game that is a Tangled/Frozen female-led crossover in a different continuity, has Devil May Cry-influenced gameplay and has a mixture of high-quality computer animated cutscenes that advance the story in their own different and unique ways.
"A Tale Of Darkness" tells the story of Anna, the sweet and kind-hearted but klutzy and socially awkward young peasant woman who is too clumsy for her own good, always leaving a mess of a trail behind much to her frustration and is seen as an outcast. It's then on one night after humiliating herself at the "Fall Harvest" due to an incident with a pig that her life is turned completely upside-down when living shadows abduct her mother and 10-year-old sister and take them into the deepest and darkest part of the forest.
There, Anna finds herself in a hidden but deadly magical world right under our noses in an attempt to rescue them against all the odds as she now has a hardened armor attached to her body that gives her pale white skin and incredible fighting skills which she now has to use in order to survive and save her mother and sister.
Along the way not only must Anna overcome the highest stakes possible ranging from the numerous macabre creatures to this hidden world's leader whose responsible for everything occurring to said leader's female soldiers with the same armor, pale skin and skills but also find it in herself the courage, maturity and strength she never knew she had.
However in doing so, Anna ends up unintentionally attracting the attention of a certain soldier by the name of Elsa who later towards the final act offers to team up with Anna after not only being impressed with her skills especially in their previous encounters but also finding out her leader's true intentions.
• The gameplay will be heavily influenced by a lot of the free-world and combat of the first Devil May Cry game and even The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge while at the same time taking what made those gameplays distinctive and making it all its own.... and also fixing all of the problems RebelTaxi had with Oogie's Revenge in his review.
• As for the aesthetic, like I said it will have the same quality of animation that the films, short and special all have with the cutscenes and aforementioned gameplay being done by WDAS. But at the same time, it will also have a gothic and macabre style to it that is almost Tim Burton-reminiscant especially with the backgrounds.
• Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Mandy Moore and Eden Espinosa will all reprise their roles of Anna, Elsa, Rapunzel and Cassandra. The latter three characters are now in this version or continuity part of the army of soldiers with Cass being a maniacal and manipulative one who later uses it for good, Rapunzel being the good-natured one who always gets pushed around quite literally but finally has enough and finds her own inner strength and Elsa being at first the loyal mook who follows any order that she's told and only breaks them when she feels or thinks it's for the better but then teams up with Anna when she finds out her leader's real plans.
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• Three new characters are three grey-skinned female vampires with their own bombastic and enjoyably twisted personalities - Cherry, Elise and Athena - that just like Elsa, Rapunzel and Cass will turn around to the good side through their own means. Influenced by the Brides from Van Helsing in their winged bat forms minus the wings and less over-the-top as they were.
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• Anna, Elsa, Rapunzel and Cass will have the same type of armor that Cass had in Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure S3 when she fused with the Moonstone, pale skin and all while at the same time keeping the colors of their hair so said color pops - Anna's hair is brown, Elsa's hair is white, Rapunzel's hair is golden blonde and Cassandra's hair is black. Meanwhile with their armor - Anna's armor is brown, Elsa's armor is white, Rapunzel's armor is purple and Cassandra's armor is black.
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• The game will have a dark and intense, scary edge to it that shows us the dangers and stakes that all of the characters, especially Anna, are in and to balance out the lighter aspects. For example, when Anna accidentally ends up falling on Elsa.... Elsa devours her whole. Only for Anna to blast her way out of Elsa's stomach using something she ate way earlier and for later, Elsa puts herself back together in one.
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• As for the villain of the video game, the leader that I've mentioned is named Eris and is a cunning, cold-hearted and ferocious master who is later on revealed to have a code she goes by when push comes to shove while at the same time never losing her menace.
• SPOILERS: How it ends is that after going through hell and back and a larger climax than you think, Anna is reunited with her mother and sister only to find out when they're asleep that she still has her armor and that Elsa, Rapunzel, Cassandra, Cherry, Elise and Athena all followed her into her world with Elsa proposing that they use their skills for good and that her and Anna become a couple. Without any other choice, Anna's forced to agree with Elsa embracing her.
Remember, different continuity. They are not related here as they honestly should've been from the getco.
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One final thing that should be interesting is without it being obvious is that every now and then there are a few easter eggs that heavily imply a retroactive shared universe and it could be in a shared universe. It's through objects that Eris collects.
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smallsimmer · 2 months
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Normal day in the youngest Richardson's household
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windshield91 · 2 years
Why the big deal of Missy Peregrym maternity leave but not Roxy sternberg or keisha Castle-Hughes? Bring replacement & Temporary exiting headlines.
FBI Most wanted has only 5 regular but didn't done any of these things.
Why bring replacement to Missy ?
- Despite FBI has 6 regular and 3 recurring Ian, kelly and Elise.
- Why not explore OA& Tiff& Scola more, Season 5 and still a lot to know.
- If this's about having female good at action and UC why not use Tiff the regular you have.
- we barely see Jubal & Isabel outside of the same lines every episode, They could've shifted things and give them more to do.
- Why Nina didn't have the same treatment as Emily (replaced Kristin S2) just balancing the team number and staying in the background?
- Why not give the recurring a little story? Elise story in s3 was enjoyable and well received.
-I feel Nina character was carefully crafted and well written even better than some regulars. It's like testing wanting her as a regular but needing a vacant.
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beevean · 2 years
Tfw you spend most of your life thinking Silver is the dumbest motherfucker alive but then here comes N!Hector forming a gravitational singularity with his negative IQ
Silver 🤝 N!Hector
Long, white haired boys with special superpowers and a tragic past that supposedly should explain why they fell for the manipulations of the most suspicious villains in the world. also, they both watch a woman they care about (and get shipped with frequently) die...? at least blaze's death didn't make me cheer
The hands separate when you realize that Silver was motivated by an earnest sense of justice, he eventually managed to turn on his one braincell and fix some of the damage he'd done, and oh yeah, he kicked Sonic's ass! And I don't mean this in a "only badass characters matter" way, I mean that he did something, we saw his impressive powers! Silver is a beast! He didn't exist to be enslaved!
"but Hector also activates his one braincell in S4" 1) it's so out of nowhere that at this point it feels OOC, and I don't accept this half-assed meta apology; 2) Hector's plan was, again out of nowhere, to revive Dracula to atone for his stupidity, which doesn't happen because Big Good Isaac doesn't want it, and at the end of the day Hector's only accomplishment in the show was to allow Isaac to fight Carmilla, because fuck you Hector Isaac is the real protagonist of the show; 3) fuck S4 and how Hector still cares for his abuser instead of taking revenge against her like the finale of S3 implied
like. at least silver tries? Admittedly Silver doesn't do much compared to Shadow (still more important than Sonic though), but he starts to have doubts when Amy defends Sonic, he helps Shadow seal Mephiles inside the Scepter of Darkness in the past, he helps Sonic go back in time to save Elise, he fights Iblis himself, and he tries to seal it inside of him before discovering that he couldn't. It's not much, and normally I wouldn't bother to defend this writing, but there is the will to cooperate here! I'll take it over Hector being used as fetish material until the very end!
tl;dr: sonic 06 is still not going to win any awards for best story ever, but my god, as boring and messy as it is it didn't feel like a personal insult
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growling · 5 months
anyway. seaso- hold on bsd just called. apparently i gotta watch dead apple before s3......... sigh....................
anyway dead apple:
hello oda????
"give me back my friends" Chuuya has friends???? since when????? sorry .
fuck him up Chuuya!!!
I cheer and clap every time I see Chuuya in the intr- CHUUYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 SHE'S GOT AN ENTIRE SECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"was it someone you were in love with?" no he's too cishet for this. oda was not his past gay lover he was his dear platonic boybestie whom he kissed on the lips goodnight every time they slept together (with socks on) that is different
yesyesyesYES dazai kill yourself now spare me the suffering
rampo stop crunching or i will be forced to choke you out
rampo living that best life......
get the incest siblings out my screen
its the apple . roll credits
once again it's all dazai's fault
when in doubt im gonna just blame dazai on everything from now on
banger theme. also kyouka hiiiii
anyway took a break. im back
kyouka knows how to drive? isn't she like fourteen nvm good for her
hello ango
"im sure dazai-san would help us" dazai would sell you to satan for one corn chip
fyodor..... that's the guy i kept getting as results in the "which bungou stray dog r u" uquizes. what's up fyodor......... how are you........ i know literally almost nothing about u
demon snow :3 <-banger theme
i support akutagawa in his dazai-killing endeavors go shred him babygirl
dazai meowing is the most disturbing thing ive heard this year i feel sick
banger theme
everybody cheer and clap for akutagawa!!!!!!! woohooooo my boy did i- uh oh
inflation fetish joke
And good for the other guys I guess :33
CHUUYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH YOU'VE GOT THE NERVE HUH!!!!!!!
atsushi's going thru it rn- CHUUYA AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAZAI GOT STABBED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS DAZOVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE EVIL IS DEFEATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i like.......... fyodor............. also *waves at him* another slav :3
CHUUYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still don't really know what you're doing now but HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
his gloves....................... 30% of your sex appeal gone with the wind now. its okay i am deeply in gay love with you despite
she's so cool you guys. omg. guys....
THE JACKET!!!!! THAT'S 40% NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! unless it's a stripping game or smth in which case I do not object..
SHE'S SO COOOOL YOU GUYYYYYSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3333 <33 <3
hey but don't kill yourself..... hey babe haha nooo don't kill yourself you're so sexy haha BABE-
ok dazai you better revive just so you can get your chuuya. he is going a bit crazy over there he went full creature mode
the majesty........ the grace............
YES DAZAI'S HERE (never thought id say this. sigh)
gay (chuuya's mine though. dazai fuck off this instant she doesn't deserve you)
Chuuya's so cuteee when he's helpless and completely immobilized like that.......
oh hi fyodor
oh hi atsushi i forgot about you for a mome- THE FACE ANGL AGAIN STOPPPPP
hello akutagawa :)
what's up Mori-ohhh??? the daughter's your ability??
I had a feeling they were gonna kill each other's abilities :>>
daughter elise-chan time :333
womp womp
tiger time
why are they always referring to fyodor as "the/that russian" that feels kinda that's kinda that's kinda....
maybe demon snow, too, is babygirl.
cheering clapping go atsushi go
though im curious. whenever they aren't calling him The Russian, they call him "demon fyodor"........ more than once or twice........... is he like. is he
CHUUYA AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aaand the end <33333
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conflagrate · 9 months
Winter 2024 Anime + TV Season
I can’t believe it’s another year, another season!
Thanks to the Hollywood strikes I watched a fair amount of anime this past autumn~
Top shows
1. Sousou no Frieren 2. Kusuriya no Hitorigoto 3. Atarashii Joshi wa Dotennen =. Seijo no Maryoku S2 5. Jujutsu Kaisen S2
Shows completed: 10 Continuing: 2
New year new season new batch of shows to bitch about-
Must Watch: Dungeon Meshi, Yojitsu S3, Hikari no O S2, Yami Shibai S12 [FOOOKK WHY!!!!] (4)
Sounds Interesting! Hope It Doesn’t Suck!: Pon no Michi, Yubisaki to Renren, Gekai Elise, Metallic Rouge, Snack Basue, Meiji Gekken:1874 (6)
3episode Taste Test Needed: Sasaki to Pi-chan, Momochi-san’chi no Ayakashi Oji, Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari, Dosanko Gal, 30sai made Dotei da, Gekkan Moso Kagaku, Bucchigiri, Ishura, Majo to Yaju, AraFou Onsen Mania (10)
Do I Have To…? (No I Don’t): Mato Seihei no Slave, Maho Shojo ni Akogarete, Kyujitsu no Warumono-san, Hime-sama, Fomon no Jikan desu, Oroka na Tenshi, Sengoku Yoko
Sequel/Spinoff Hell: Jaku Chara Tomozaki-kun S2, Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu S2, Mashle S2, Kingdom S5, Ao no Exorcist: Shimane Illuminati-hen, Shin no Nakama S2, HIGH CARD S2, Tsukimichi S2, Synduality Noir S2 (I give up I don’t wanna sit through another season of this tripe), Shaman King Flowers, Cardfight Vanguard Divinez
Light Novel/Isekai/Villainess/Mecha Hell: Isekai de Mofumofu, Sokushi Cheat, Chiyu Mahou, Ore dake Level Up na Ken, Saikyo Tank, Loop 7-kaime, Nozomanu Fushi no Bokensha, Akuyaku Reijo Level 99, Bang Bang Bravern, Saijaku Tamer
Idol/Vtuber/AI/Musical Hell: NONE! WOW! HALLELUJAH!
Continuing: Sousou no Frieren, Kusuriya no Hitorigoto
Expected Load: 8-9
Looks manageable!
TV & Streaming
I’ve actually been watching precious little TV over the quarter thanks to the strikes and the increased amount of palatable anime…and because I spent the last 3 months overly obssessed with PDJP3. MY HEART STILL HURTS COS MY OSHI DIDN’T DEBUT LEAVE ME ALONE
Disney+/Hulu: Loki S2, Culprits*, Murder At The End of The World* Netflix: Bodies Apple TV: Slow Horses S3, Lessons In Chemistry Amazon Prime: Reacher S2* BBC: Boiling Point, Time series 2, Vigil S2 Others: Kinou Nani Tabeta S2, The Irrational (NBC) Gameshows: Only Connect Reality: Produce 101 Japan The Girls
Total series completed: 9Full-length films watched: 18
Strike’s over and shows are cranking up production for a super-truncated half-order season so I’ll be there to check out my favourite shows as they return to air in Jan/Feb…
CBS: NCIS S21, NCIS: Hawai’i S3, Tracker? Netflix: The Brothers Sun?, The Tourist S2 [also BBC], 3 Body Problem?, The Gentlemen? Disney+/Hulu: Death and Other Details Apple TV:Criminal Record, Masters of the Air?, The New Look?, Constellation, Manhunt? Amazon Prime: Expats HBO: True Detective: Night Country?, The Regime? Others: The Irrational (NBC), Will Trent (ABC), Mr Bates vs the Post Office? (ITV), Truelove? (Channel 4), Sexy Beast? (Paramount+)
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