#elisabeth nietzsche
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the-chomsky-hash · 2 months ago
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yorgunherakles · 9 months ago
var olmak için kontrol edemediği bir sertlik göstermeye kendisini mecbur hisseder.
elisabeth roudinesco - her şeye ve herkese karşı lacan
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majestativa · 2 years ago
We emerge from our cells with terrible faces, our words and deeds are then explosions, and it is not beyond the verge of possibility that we perish through ourselves. Thus dangerously do I live!
Friedrich Nietzsche, from a letter to his sister, Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche, written c. January 22, 1875, featured in Selected Letters of Friedrich Nietzsche
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ocavalheirodatristefigura · 2 years ago
Teresa Alexandra Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche, a irmã de Friedrich Nietzsche, teve uma postura controversa em relação ao nazismo. Ela se casou com Bernhard Förster, que era um defensor do antissemitismo e da formação de uma colônia ariana na América do Sul. Ela também promoveu a obra de seu irmão após sua morte, mas de uma maneira que foi interpretada em algumas ocasiões como uma tentativa de vincular o pensamento de Nietzsche ao nazismo , o que é contestado por muitos estudiosos da obra do filósofo. De fato, Nietzsche nunca foi um defensor do antissemitismo e, em sua obra, frequentemente criticava a conformidade e a submissão à autoridade que eram características do pensamento que foi posteriormente adotado pelo movimento nazista.
Não há uma lista específica de livros que a irmã de Nietzsche, Elisabeth, usou para promover suas opiniões controversas e associar a obra de seu irmão ao nazismo. No entanto, Elisabeth Nietzsche foi responsável pela edição e publicação de muitos dos escritos de seu irmão após sua morte, e às vezes interpretava a obra dele e suas opiniões de uma maneira que favorecia suas próprias visões antissemitas e nacionalistas alemãs, o que foi posteriormente adotado e usado pelo movimento nazista. Muitos estudiosos contestam essa associação e afirmam que as interpretações de Elisabeth são tendenciosas e não representam as verdadeiras intenções ou ideias de seu irmão.
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verbotenlove33 · 2 months ago
Adi Pic of the Day 📸
Adolf HitIer visiting the Friedrich Nietzsche Archive in Weimar on 2 November 1933. HitIer developed a close friendship with Elisabeth Förster (Nietzsche's sister) who had inherited his estate and managed the archives, and she even gifted him her brother's walking stick in 1934.
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ursula8a · 6 months ago
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Friedrich Nietzsche es una pintura de Edvard Munch del 1906. Es un retrato del filósofo alemán que había muerto seis años antes. Por lo tanto, contrariamente a su forma habitual de trabajar, Munch tuvo que recurrir a fotografías del modelo para plasmarlo. La imagen se remonta a una sugerencia de Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche y fue un encargo del empresario y coleccionista de arte sueco Ernest Thiel. Hoy se exhibe en la galería Thielska de Estocolmo, al que él la donó. En el mismo año, Munch pintó un segundo retrato de Nietzsche más estrecho, que permaneció en su poder y se muestra en el Museo Munch de Oslo.
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pearlsofthec · 4 months ago
Cool people with whom I share a birthday
Oscar Wilde
Friedrich Nietzsche
Italo Calvino
Michel Foucault
Hubert Dreyfus
Elisabeth Therese of Lorraine
Princess Marie Of Prussia
Aleksey Koslovsky
Richard Carpenter
Lynn Lowry
Tanya Roberts
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joostjongepier · 5 months ago
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Wat?   Porträt Henry van de Velde (1913) door Georg Kolbe, Ein Damensalon für Editha Freifrau von Münchhausen, Ein Speisezimmer – Alfred und Hanna Wolf beide, Wintersonne ((1892), Teekleid (ca. 1896), Speizeservice (1903/1904) en Besteckserie Modell I (na 1902), Bucheinband Friedrich Nietzsche ‘Also sprach Zarathustra’(1914), Kompartiment aus dem Frisiersalon François Bary (ca. 1901) en Entwurf Grossherzogliches Museum für Kunst und Kunstgewerbe Weimar (1903/1904), alles ontworpen (en Wintersonne gemaakt) door Henry van de Velde (Teekleid samen met Maria van de Velde)
Waar?   Museum Neues Weimar, Weimar
Wanneer?   29 juli 2024
Met de komst van groothertog Wilhelm Ernst (1876-1923) ging er in Weimar een nieuwe wind waaien, niet in de laatste plaats waar het de kunst betrof. De nieuwe groothertog zette de deur open voor een beweging die trachtte Weimar een vernieuwende rol te geven in de kunsten, zoals in de tijden van Goethe en Liszt. Het initiatief werd genomen door een trio, bestaande uit Harry Graf Kessler, Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche en Henry van de Velde.
Harry Graf Kessler (1868-1937) was een metropoliet en een veelzijdig man met een grote voorliefde voor kunst.  Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche (1846-1935) was de zus van filosoof Friedrich Nietzsche, wiens werk ze na zijn geestelijke ineenstorting zou uitgeven. Daarbij aarzelde ze niet de tekst hier en daar aan te passen aan de antisemitische denkbeelden die ze deelde met haar man. De Belg Henry van de Velde (1863-1957) tenslotte was architect, ontwerper, vormgever en schilder. Hij verzette zich tegen het kopiëren van historische stijlen en liet zich inspireren door de Engelse Arts and Crafts-beweging. Hij verhuisde in 1899 naar Duitsland. Samen met Kessler werd hij grondlegger van de Kunstgewerbeschule in Weimar, de voorloper van het Bauhaus.
Ik ken Henry van de Velde met name als ontwerper van meubelen. In Museée d’Orsay in Parijs staat bijvoorbeeld een prachtig halfrond bureau dat door hem is ontworpen. Dat Van de Velde aanzienlijk veelzijdiger is dan alleen meubelontwerper wordt duidelijk in dit museum in Weimar. Ook hier volop meubelen die door hem zijn ontworpen. Naast individuele meubelen toont het museum ook de inrichting van een damessalon voor Editha Freifrau von Münchhausen en van een eetkamer voor Alfred en Hanna Wolff. Maar er hangt ook een pointillistisch schilderij van zijn hand (Wintersonne), er is een jurk te zien die door hem is ontworpen, er is door hem ontworpen servies en bestek en er is een boekomslag voor Nietzsche’s Also sprach Zarathustra dat door Van de Velde werd ontworpen. En dan is er nog een werkelijk prachtig compartiment met kappersstoel uit de kapsalon van François Haby in Berlijn.
Van de Velde was ook actief als architect. Hij ontwierp enkele tientallen gebouwen in Weimar waaronder het museum waar ik al het zojuist genoemde bewonder: het Grossherzogliche Museum, tegenwoordig het Museum Neues Weimar.
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betshy · 5 months ago
How Nietzsche Influenced the Nazi Holocaust
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Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher known for his existentialist ideas and critiques of traditional morality, has often been associated with the rise of Nazism and the atrocities committed during the Holocaust. While Nietzsche himself did not endorse the genocide and antisemitism of the Nazis, his ideas were misinterpreted and distorted by the regime to justify their brutal actions. Nietzsche's concept of the "will to power" and his rejection of Christian morality were seized upon by Nazi leaders such as Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels to promote their ideology of racial superiority and the domination of weaker nations. The Nazis believed in the idea of a superior Aryan race that was destined to rule over others, a concept that was influenced by Nietzsche's ideas of the Ubermensch, or "superman", who transcends traditional values and creates his own morality. Furthermore, Nietzsche's emphasis on the importance of individualism and the pursuit of personal greatness was twisted by the Nazis into a justification for their ruthless pursuit of power and control. They saw themselves as the embodiment of Nietzsche's ideal of the strong and independent individual who is above conventional morality and able to shape their own destiny. However, it is important to note that Nietzsche himself was critical of nationalism, anti-Semitism, and the idea of a master race. He saw these beliefs as signs of societal decay and a threat to human progress. In fact, Nietzsche's sister, Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche, who had control over his writings after his death, twisted his ideas to further her own antisemitic and nationalist beliefs, which were then adopted by the Nazis. In conclusion, while Friedrich Nietzsche's ideas did play a role in shaping the intellectual climate that led to the rise of Nazism, it is crucial to understand that his philosophy was not intended to promote violence, hatred, and discrimination. The Nazi regime deliberately distorted and misused his ideas to justify their crimes against humanity, and it is important to remember the true intent behind Nietzsche's work to avoid such misinterpretations in the future. Read the full article
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the-chomsky-hash · 1 month ago
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At her request, Hitler had a small bag of German soil sent to Paraguay for Förster's grave in the jungle cemetery. (Wikipedia)
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yorgunherakles · 8 months ago
eski imgelerin anısından bir türlü kurtulamaz insan, bu nedenle de bu anıyı anlamsız bir yük gibi taşır durur.
carl jung - dört arketip
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philosophenstreik · 7 months ago
roman von carlos fonseca
erschienen 2024
im verlag klaus wagenbach
isbn: 978-3-8031-3366-3
(von tobias bruns)
julio ist professor für literatur an einer uni in den usa. vor langer zeit ist er aus costa rica ausgewandert, um ein besseres leben in nordamerika zu führen. er ist nicht gerade glücklich, als er die nachricht bekommt über das schicksal des letzten buches von aliza abravanel zu entscheiden. die bekannte schriftstellerin und julios ex-freundln hatte dies als letzten wunsch. glücklich über diese abwechslung macht er sich auf den weg durch süd- und mittelamerika auf den spuren dieses romans und des lebens der schriftstellerin - beides hängt eng zusammen. die faszination der europäer in all ihren unterschiedlichsten und absurdesten facetten sind teil seiner reise zum beispiel nach nueva germania, einer deutschen, aber völkischen kolonie, die von friedrich nietzsches schwester elisabeth förster-nietzsche gegründet wurde. recht erfolglos und ohne den erhofften anschluss an das bahnnetz paraguays. eine kolonie, in die viele jähre später der vater der verstorbenen autorin kam, um eine indigene sprache zu retten - auch wiederum ohne erfolg...
es wundert nicht ob der reise des protagonisten in den süden des amerikanischen doppelkontinents, das austral ganz einfach "südlich" bedeutet, den dort spielt die geschichte seines schicksals und das der autorin, deren schicksal er folgt. trotzdem der protagonist und der autor selbst aus costa rica stammt, spielen hier die europäischen begehrlichkeiten die hauptrolle. die begehrlichkeit diesen kontinenten nach eigenem willen zu formen, die indigene bevölkerung dabei vollkommen zu missachten. und doch auch wiederum diese zu bewahren, den versuch zu unternehmen eine sprache zu retten - überhaupt die tiefe bedeutung von sprache für den menschen und sein zusammenleben wird hier thematisiert. die gründung nueva germanias durch nietzsches schwester wäre an sich schon ein roman, aber so wie es hier ist, werden so viele wichtige momente thematisiert, die schon für sich genommen ein ganzes buch rechtfertigten und so dann insgesamt alles dann doch recht oberflächlich daherkommt. es ist eine leicht verpasste chance mit so vielen möglichkeiten... auch das spiel mit kunst im fließenden roman ist wunderbar. doch nicht ausgereizt. das spiel mit sprache... klar wird aber diese historische faszination der europäer mit dem kontinenten als bühne verschiedenster lebensuto- oder dystopien....
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ocavalheirodatristefigura · 2 years ago
Aqui estão alguns autores que foram acusados ​​de abrigar crenças racistas ou fazer comentários racialmente insensíveis no contexto de suas obras literárias:
Monteiro Lobato: Um autor brasileiro que escreveu no início do século 20, Lobato foi acusado de expressar opiniões racistas em seus livros, particularmente em sua representação da personagem negra Tia Nastácia.
H.P. Lovecraft: Um autor americano que escreveu horror e ficção científica no início do século 20, Lovecraft era conhecido por suas crenças xenófobas e raciais, que se refletiam em suas obras.
Rudyard Kipling: Um autor inglês que escreveu no final do século 19 e início do século 20, Kipling foi criticado por retratar pessoas de países colonizados e por perpetuar atitudes imperialistas em sua escrita.
Joseph Conrad: Um autor polonês-britânico que escreveu no final do século 19 e início do século 20, Conrad foi acusado de atitudes racistas e colonialistas em sua representação de personagens não-brancos em suas obras.
Vale a pena notar que as acusações de racismo podem ser controversas e sujeitas a debate, e que as opiniões expressas por esses autores podem não ser representativas de todo o seu corpo de trabalho ou crenças pessoais.
Nietzsche e sua irmã:
Com base nos resultados da pesquisa, parece que a irmã de Nietzsche, Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche, tinha crenças racistas. Há algum debate em torno de quanto impacto ela teve nas próprias visões de Nietzsche, já que alguns argumentam que ela pode ter distorcido seu trabalho após sua morte. No entanto, deve-se notar que as crenças e atitudes pessoais de Nietzsche são complexas e têm sido objeto de extenso debate acadêmico. Embora algumas de suas ideias tenham sido criticadas por conter elementos de racismo e anti-semitismo, outras argumentam que seu trabalho contém uma crítica de tais atitudes e um apelo por uma sociedade mais inclusiva e tolerante. É importante abordar esse tópico com cuidado e estar atento aos complexos contextos históricos e culturais em que essas ideias surgiram.
#racismo #xenophobia #xebofobia #literature #literatura #nietzsche #hplovecraft #monteirolobato
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crazy-so-na-sega · 2 years ago
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Lou von Salomé:  la grande rivoluzione russa nella vita di Nietzsche.
Dopo la morte di Nietzsche, le prime due donne che pubblicarono una biografia su di lui furono la sorella del filosofo, Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche, e Lou. Nel 1882 Friedrich Nietzsche, trentottenne, conobbe Lou von Salomè, che all'epoca aveva solo 21 anni, e le propose immediatamente di costruire una piccola comune intellettuale, una specie di "trinità" filosofica tra lei, Nietzsche e l'amico d'entrambi Paul Rée, di 32 anni. Nietzsche, innamorato della "giovane e affascinante russa", la chiese in sposa, ma lei rifiutò. Per molto la frequentò e reiterò le proposte, e questo rapporto resta praticamente l'unica relazione sentimentale con una donna della vita di Nietzsche. Deluso nelle sue aspettative, ed entrato in una grande crisi depressiva, Nietzsche scrisse la prima parte del libro Così parlò Zarathustra e poi le successive. Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche era gelosa di lei ma al contempo non tollerava che a volte ignorasse il fratello preferendo Ree, in tal modo aumentandone l'instabilità psichica. Inoltre Lou suscitò le attenzioni di Bernhard Förster, marito di Elisabeth, fanatico nazionalista antisemita, che sia Nietzsche che la cosmopolita Salomé detestavano, ma ciò aumentò una nuova e infondata gelosia nella sorella del filosofo. Anche la madre di Lou e quella di Nietzsche, Franziska, non vedevano di buon'occhio un'eventuale unione. Alcuni chiamarono Lou la grande rivoluzione russa nella vita di Nietzsche.
«All'osservatore frettoloso la sua figura non presentava nulla che desse nell'occhio: l'uomo di media statura, dagli abiti estremamente semplici, ma anche estremamente curati, dai tratti distesi e dai capelli castani pettinati all'indietro, poteva facilmente passare inosservato. Il contorno della bocca, sottile e quanto mai espressivo, veniva quasi interamente nascosto dai grossi baffi pettinati in avanti, aveva una risata sommessa, un modo di parlare senza fragore, un'andatura cauta e meditabonda con le spalle che un po' s'incurvavano; era difficile immaginare un uomo del genere in mezzo a una folla: portava su di sé il segno di chi resta in disparte, di chi sta da solo. D'incomparabile bellezza e di tale nobiltà di forma da attirare involontariamente lo sguardo erano invece le mani… Il contegno suscitava l'impressione di segretezza e di riservatezza. Nella vita di ogni giorno era di una grande cortesia e di una mitezza quasi femminile.»
-(Lou von Salomé, Nietzsche. Una biografia intellettuale)
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misomythus · 2 years ago
Just found out about the existence of My Sister and I, a first-person Nietzsche fanfic, allegedly written at the end of Nietzsche's life and translated by a prominent Nietzsche scholar, but not published until everyone involved was conveniently dead. The fraud was identified immediately and no real attempt was made to make it stick (e.g. there was a convoluted story about Nietzsche sneaking the manuscript out of the asylum where he was living, but no actual manuscript was produced).
The book describes an incestuous relationship that Nietzsche had with his sister, beginning in childhood:
I both loved and resented that wealth of warmth which Elisabeth brought to me in those unexpected hours of the night. I was usually in the midst of a sound sleep when she got into my bed, and thrilling as I found the ministrations of her fat little fingers, it also meant my being kept awake for hours and hours. Besides, though in my conscious nature I knew nothing about what was going on, I must have had a feeling that my sister was bringing into my life as accomplished facts sensations whose real value to a boy was in their being discovered as part of the experience of growing up. She was presenting me with triumphs I should by right attain only by my own efforts in a much more restricted world…
Much of it is written in an implausible but quite wonderful imitation of Nietzsche's aphoristic style:
If you have never walked side-by-side with yourself on a mountain-path while the sun rose slowly over the woods of another horizon you have not yet found a scene fit for your rebirth as an individual soul.
If the gods did not weep in floods of rain, how would the soul of man have learned how to be sad?
Truth is still elusive. However, she is no longer a young girl but an old bitch with all of her front teeth missing.
I'd like to read the rest of this, because from what I've seen it looks better than When Nietzsche Wept, and a good fictional Nietzsche is always interesting.
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shahranmorshed · 2 years ago
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Friedrich Nietzsche with his sister, Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche, 1899
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