#elie thinks many thoughts
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authorics · 9 days ago
Make it make sense: to make an appointment at a clinic specialised in dysautonomia, I need a referral from a neurologist. I can’t get an appointment with a neurologist because nobody in my area takes on new patients. Therefore I can’t get a referral and can’t go to the dysautonomia specialist. There’s a couple more leads I have but if none of them pan out I will cost my parents even more money because my only option will be paying out of pocket for private healthcare that’s not covered by my insurance. For some reason, appointments are always available for privately insured patients and people who pay for themselves, but people with public insurance have to wait months or even years to get an appointment.
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authorics · 7 months ago
One of the many reasons why I enjoy reading classics is because I don’t have to be afraid of randomly coming across the word “cock” on a page. So many books I would love to read plot wise are ruined for me because of “spice”. To be clear, I don’t have anything against books that include very explicit sexual content, but as an aspec person with sexual trauma who’s generally rather sex repulsed unless it’s in my own relationship, it’s not something I enjoy or feel comfortable engaging with.
If this isn’t a joke, someone asking whether Dostoevsky books are explicitly sexual is hilarious though.
still reeling from this gem
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literally screaming.
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grahhams · 2 months ago
i know dave k said to not read into the song choices in the playlists BUT HE PUT ÁGUAS DE MARÇO IN THE HODGSON PLAYLIST SO I’M GONNA READ A LITTLE INTO IT
anyway, águas de março in the hodgson playlist. why am i freaking out? besides that fact that it’s a brazil mention, of course. well, you see, águas de março (waters of march, as translated by tom jobim himself) is a song from the point of view of someone tired, hopeful about what’s to come.
the lyricism is very calm and repetitive, overall, but most of all, it is filled with mentions of things at their ends, the rest, death. until you get to the chorus, where there’s hope, hope that this will end and good things are coming.
in the og/port version, it’s about the waters of march ending summer (‘são as águas de março fechando o verão’, or ‘it’s the waters of march closing the summer’, literal translation), and in the translated/english version, it’s about talks of the waters of march (‘and the riverbank talks of the waters of march’), but in both versions these lines are followed by hope of good things to come (‘é a promessa de vida no teu coração’ in the og, and ‘it's the promise of life, it's the joy in your heart’ in the translation, almost identical). (side note, tom jobim wrote a portuguese and english version of águas de março, so if you’d like to listen to it, there’s many english covers and they’re all very good, so highly recommend it!)
what you get is (sorry for being a broken record, but this is what the song is about!) a tired man hoping for better times. which, great description of the franklin expedition, stuck in arctic, hoping for better times.
but what really gets me going is that waters of march is in hodgson’s playlist. i keep thinking about hodgson’s ‘i’m hungry and i want to live’, and recontextualizing the song to that line, to hodgson’s persoective, and reviewing hodgson’s words with what i know of the song.
at the end, it leads me to see hodgson, his words and his acts, especially when in the mutiny camp, as (once again, with feeling) a tired but somehow still hopeful man. this is horrible, actual hell, but maybe, if he survives this, things will get better. it’s the promise of life, in your heart. i’m hungry and i want to live.
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authorics · 10 days ago
It seems that wearing compression socks while and after eating prevents the intense nausea I usually get immediately after a meal. This is the first time in weeks that eating hasn’t made me miserable for a couple hours afterwards. It might be a fluke and I don’t know how it’s connected if it’s not, but this is the first real relief I’ve had in a while. I actually am able to spend the evening doing something instead of lying on the couch trying not to faint or vomit.
Edit: it’s almost funny how happy I am right now, really shows me how much I’ve been struggling when something as simple as not feeling nauseated makes me this happy.
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alien-mil · 6 months ago
I feel like I should make this clear.
Yes Junjie was the dark slinger for 20 years old making him in years being Alive 36
And Eli being 16 means I shouldn’t be shipping them.
But how I perceive it. Junjie didn’t age mentally or physically and the Goon controlled him for those 20 years. Junjie showed no way of fight to gain control (unlike Eli) so I believe he was in a limbo state. Not aging.
So to me Junjie is still a child. I get why people don’t ship it especially because Junjie seems more “mature” (main reasoning) but have a look at Junjie‘s culture growing up. He was destined and trained since he was young to be the Eastern Champion taking on the trope of “growing up to fast” and not really getting to be a child
“He’s a mentor to Eli, it’s predatory”
I get where some of you interpret this idea, but Junjie at 16 (before the attack on the eastern caverns) he was a mentor towards the younger kids of the east, as he matured faster then the rest of the gang would of have to. Taking on more responsibilities when Eli had only been living in Slugterra for a year.
I’m not saying you don’t have to change your view, but look at it from a different angle
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authorics · 8 months ago
The poll is done but I like this question because I don’t immediately know the answer. I‘d say the little things. Autistic joy. But most of all because I’m used to it. I keep going because I do things the same every day. I keep going because that’s what I always do. Because it’s routine. It doesn’t matter that I don’t feel excited about life most days because my obsessive compulsive tendencies and autism make me stick to my routines. It’s not really a choice I guess. I mean partly it is, I enjoy my routines because they make me feel in control and make life predictable and I like that. But I don’t really have something that drives me except for this. So maybe I’d say addiction because that’s the closest thing to obsessively sticking to routines without really having a say in it.
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ahoyimlosingmymind · 7 months ago
"My doctor says he thinks I could be on the spectrum" - Hawk
and then they just never addressed that again, I guess
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selfspinninglies · 4 months ago
you are absolute right about the death note and vicious parallels. Another piece of media that goes right along with these two is nbc's Hannibal if you ever want to check it out. Also its just fascinating to wonder if light's deathnote works on eli. I think it wouldn't. Both eli and light have this specific flavor of 'perfect model student who has crafted a mask for society which hides their homicidal tendencies and god complexes' which is awesome.
I've heard that Hannibal fits well for both of them, I want to watch it eventually but I have to finish Vengeful first and also be in the headspace to start it because it's hard for me to start new things lolol. Also that's a super interesting idea, I don't think it would work because Eli's body would heal itself, but what if it would keep trying until he died? Because the Death Note is made to kill people, and he never dies, so what if he has the experience over and over again? Or maybe it would consider him to be dead already, because he's an EO? Much to think about with that. Light and Eli reminded me of eachother a lot because of what you said [an interesting contrast between them is that Light thinks he is the god and Eli thinks he is carrying out god's will] and because of L and Victor seeing through that facade and glaring at what's underneath, wanting to pick it apart and see it for themselves [also they want eachother dead]. They're so interesting and I am so normal about them.
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castlephantom · 4 months ago
I have a personal theory that Yenna (Eli's daughter) would probably be part of fourth gen then the third gen.
First is actualy her age. Right now, during the 2nd gen, she is 3 years old. In 3rd gen, she would be a teenager and there might be the beginning of her training, so in 4th gen she might actually being in that era.
Secondly, Yenna might starts to fight with other gangs in late 3rd gen and early 4th gen. Most likely she would be considered to be part of 3.5 gen (between 3rd and 4th gens).
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allthecastlesonclouds · 5 months ago
i've been thinking SO MUCH about hatchetfield!au and i've been debating buying Cinderella's Castle and i just. i had to mash the two up they're so so silly i had this aggressively strong vision of bill and fabian as roman and linda and it just. it spiraled
i've got so many thoughts about them and thank you so much for the art it's so so gooddddddd and you captured all of them!! so well!! the lil sandbox scene!! ahh!
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quasieli · 2 years ago
Anyone have any good horror youtubers who critically talk about horror media and use at least 2 brain cells when talking about harmful tropes in horror? I just started watching a new channel that seemed interesting but then one of the video shifted to "disabled bodies scary" and "addicts scary". It's esp pissing me off cause they even address that people have mentioned that, big shocker, disabled people are people and that their bodies aren't a horror to marvel at or be repulsed by. And then they just ignored that. I'd like to watch someone who knows what they're talking about with horror media and can approach it in constructive ways. Any type of horror content is fine, I'm open to exploring more genres and sub-genres.
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authorics · 6 months ago
Okay soooo fun and sex and crying and love and being nerdy? Kind of makes sense though the order is off. More like being nerdy, love, fun, crying and sex. That’s pretty much my life.
your first column of emojis describes your personality! what’s yours?
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spookyboywhump · 2 years ago
I imagine Eli did tell Zander his deadname at some point because Zander is one of the people he considers cool enough to know and not long afterwards he’d be like “hey Zander, what’s my deadname?” And Zander would just stare at him and Eli would think it’s funny at first and then he’d be like “Alright man it’s not a fucking slur, you can say it, you’ve already proved you’re a good ally and shit you don’t need to pretend you forgot” and Zander would just keep staring at him and Eli would realize oh he. Actually forgot it.
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h0undeye · 2 years ago
You know it Magnusson gets significantly more love than hate on that poll he doesn’t go to the next round right? Lol
this isnt about winning this about LOVING arne magnusson as he DESERVES #pridemonth
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authorics · 1 year ago
The fact that the richest 1% are responsible for such a massive amount of greenhouse emissions makes me so angry. How much of a selfish, careless, despicable human being does one have to be to literally actively support the extinction of (our) species and destruction of the planet. How can you look at yourself in the mirror? How can you look your children in the eyes?Have you no morals? Have you ever just for a single second thought about how maybe, just maybe, there are much more important things than yet another billion dollars made? The greed of the filthy rich is literally killing all of us.
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authorics · 7 months ago
Wait. Wait a second. That reply just gave me an aha-moment. I know it’s the autism but I always feel like small talk is just some annoying barrier to jump over when I want to make a friend, but it’s way too high and I don’t have legs. Never in my life would I have guessed that it has a function other than being this barrier to friendship I couldn’t get across. Comparing small talk to a dog wagging its tail is like the best thing I read this week. Mind blown. It actually makes some sense! Thank u for helping me understand a social convention I couldn’t wrap my head around.
I know this is the Anti Small Talk Website but small talk is one of the most effective social glues out there for getting to know people and forming friendships with them.
When I was just starting out at a job right after college I had a coworker who I thought was the nicest person alive and after a few weeks I realized this was just because she consistently asked other people things like, "How ya doing? Whatcha having for lunch? Got any weekend plans? Seen any good movies lately?" instead of politely ignoring everyone around her.
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