#elias goldstein imagine
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shall-we-imagine · 2 years ago
Been a while since I made one of these sooo...
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asl1eep · 3 years ago
oh kay this is extremely niche but I need help 😭😭
does anyone remember a fic with klaus goldstein from 2016 or smth where he’s like a demon king or something??? idk and he and elias went through this war a few centuries ago and someone ripped off one of elias’s wings? I LITERALLY HAVE HUNTED THIS FIC DOWN AND I CANT FIND IT I THINK KLAUS IS LUCIFER OR SOMETHING HELPP
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windlesslyre · 5 years ago
Main Pairing: Elias Goldstein x Reader
Story Rating: SFW
Genre: Fluff / Headcanons
Story Warnings: None
Elias is a very big tsundere, he will not admit his feeling unless you tell him you like him first. Being raised the way he was, he was taught to only work for his family so you need to tell him off and tell him to work for himself.
Once Elias knows you like him back he will visibly relax and look away for a moment, clearly shy and not knowing what to do next. But don’t think he’s going to reject you or anything because soon he will gain the confidence and softly grasp your face in his hands and slowly lean in for the cutest kiss ever,
After the initial shyness and nervousness of getting in this relationship he will cool down and become himself again, yet a bit more possessive and caring for you because he wants you to know he loves you, not use you as some sort of emotional punching bag.
Elias takes a while to open up, obviously he wants to get his work done and not have to deal with someone who doesn't take this seriously. Make sure you do your work and at least work for the things you want to do and he will fall for you in just a matter of weeks. He has a soft spot for kind people who work for things they want.
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incorrect-wizardessheart · 6 years ago
Walter: Liz, would you do me the honour of becoming my daughter-in-law?
Elias: Did you just propose to Liz for me?
Walter: Well Elias, someone had to.
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asunafairywizardessheart · 2 years ago
Silent Regret
Part 2: Reaching out
Walter’s chance to apologise to his son has finally come. How will Elias respond?
Mary’s words stayed ingrained within Walter’s mind. She had offered him a new perspective on the state of his relationship with his son, Elias. Walter was certain that his son hated him but Mary had convinced him that their son, despite being deeply hurt, loved and respected his father. Since that night, Walter was invigorated to right his wrongs.
He yearned for nothing more than for a chance to apologise to his son for all the hurtful things he had said and done which had shattered Elias’ heart and soul, leaving him in a sullen state of depression and anxiety as he desperately chased for his father’s love and acceptance.
Determined to say those words Elias had longed to hear, Walter cleaned himself up and incessantly rehearsed which words he would use to apologise to his son and clear up any misunderstanding Elias had about his father not loving him. Strongly motivated by his resolve, Walter vowed to finally reach out to Elias the next time his son came home.
  *****Two years later…..
  Time moved forward.
The house was still silent and the Goldstein family remained broken.
Mary still cried.
Alfonse was still missing, but Walter and Mary were positive he was alive and well as he explored this big world.
Klaus barely visited and when he did, he didn’t stay for long.
Elias hadn’t come home since he left for his new life at the academy.
Two years didn’t seem like a long time but for Walter it felt like a prison sentence.
He had come to loathe the sense of emptiness within his large home. The softest of noises which echoed through the marble walls and floors had an eeriness within them that Walter hated. The tapping of shoes walking the halls, the ticking of clocks from various rooms in the home and the quiet murmur of the staff, and other sounds alike, were all heard clearly. It felt as though the noises he could hear were tormenting him. Like the house itself was punishing him for his sins and failures as a husband and father.
Inside of his sanctuary that is his office, he occasionally turned to his decanter and glass filled with whiskey to help cope with the layer of anxiety that had welled on top of his guilt. As he brooded, he began to worry if he was ever going to get the chance to sincerely apologise to his son the longer he stayed away from home.  
Often, Elias mailed letters to his mother but they were more like notices to pacify his mother by letting her know that he was doing well and enjoying his life at the academy. Walter often thought about writing to his son but he couldn’t bring himself to say his apologies through a posted letter. This was something he needed to say to Elias in person.
It was nearly the end of another year and there was a change in the dismal tension that permeated throughout the Goldstein Estate. With the festive season looming, Walter noticed the usually silent mansion had suddenly become bustling with movement and noise with an imbued sense of excitement.  
Outside, the first snow of the season had fallen overnight. There was a light frost on the outside of the windows and the colourful garden beds and mowed green fields had been covered in a light blanket of white snow. A wintery cold snap lingered across the city with magical weather tellers officially recording the first snow of the season. It was tradition in the Goldstein family to begin redecorating the lavish halls of the home in the theme of Christmas when the first snow of the season fell.
Walter couldn’t imagine that this was the cause for the sudden mood change. Despite the fractured state of the family, the staff upheld this tradition annually. Often, tending to the task with gloominess in their hearts and minds. Walter and Mary never stopped the tradition and welcomed the scenery change.
With the absence of their sons during the holidays, Walter and Mary either hosted or attended formal Christmas parties, entertaining the high society of the wizarding world. After the formal parties were done, the couple would send their employees on paid leave to spend the holidays with their families. Eventually, they would either be alone or would go to another family’s home for Christmas.
They both found it difficult to fully embrace the festive season when they were to celebrate the holidays alone. They both shared the same view about the holidays – it was a celebration of family and togetherness. While there was some comfort in each other’s company, the fractured state of the family left an overwhelming sense of incompleteness lingering over the celebration.  
Walter had decided to investigate the cause of the sudden liveliness. Almost every staff member was helping to redecorate the home in the theme of Christmas. There was a bounce in their step, smiles adorned their faces and their eyes sparkled with excitement.
“Walter!” Mary bounded up to him.
Just like the staff, she was in quite the jovial mood that perplexed Walter.
“Did something good happen?” he asked.
Mary couldn’t contain her excitement, “I reached out to Klaus and Elias some months ago and begged them to come home for the holidays this year.”
“Oh?” Walter wasn’t aware of this, “And?”
Mary happily showed him two letters, each was an individual reply from both sons, “They have both agreed to come home and stay for the duration of the holidays.”
Unlike his wife, Walter never outwardly expressed his emotions but he was delighted to hear the good news. Finally, Elias was coming home and Walter had a chance to say his sincere apology at last.
“I did send a magic note to Alfonse,” Mary sadly said, “It was a long shot, but I hope he retrieved it. But, two out of three sons will be home again. It’s a start.”
Walter agreed and warmly smiled, “I’m sure our family will be together again one day.”
“I’m sure it will be too,” she positively agreed.
The sudden excitement that loomed in the atmosphere now made sense to him. Mary’s exuberance had infected the staff who were genuinely happy for the matriarch. With this new knowledge, Walter felt a surge of happiness mixed with excitement too but his attention focused on quelling the anxiety within and preparing his long-awaited apology that he hoped would be a step in the right direction in mending Elias’ broken heart.
One evening, Walter and Mary were sitting down to their usual evening meal. There were no parties on the agenda that evening and it would be another week before Klaus and Elias would arrive home for the holidays.
“One more week,” Mary announced, “Though, I may have gone overboard on the presents this year.”
Peering into the adjacent parlour room where they kept the large pine tree, there were so many presents under the tree. It had been a long time since Walter had seen so many placed under the tree.
“I agree,” Walter joked, “I am yet to add mine to the pile.”
As they engaged in small chit-chat, they were interrupted by their chief of staff and Elias’ personal butler, Gail. Whom decided he’d be happy to work over the holiday period since he needed the extra money. Both Walter and Mary had attempted to simply pay him whatever difference he needed if he had ran into financial difficulties, but he insisted on working instead.
“Ma’am,” Gail politely approached the table, “My apologies for interrupting. Master Elias has sent a letter with his personal stationery via owl. I assume it must be important if he had sent this communication in such urgency.”
Walter peered up at the man and the golden envelope he presented within his gloved hands. Walter suddenly became nervous to its contents. He didn’t show it, but so many thoughts ran through his mind. Was he not coming home now? Did something happen to him? Was he going to lose another chance to apologise to Elias? Did Elias not want to come to avoid him? He had so many questions and was desperate to know the contents of his letter. Alas, he remained calm and waited for Mary to reveal whatever Elias had to say.
Mary cleaned her hands with a dining cloth and graciously received the envelope from Gail’s grasp, “Thank you Gail,” Mary said.
Gail bowed and elegantly left the room.
Walter could tell that Mary was nervous too. She held the letter and closely looked over the envelope to confirm that this was really sent by Elias. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. There was a hint of anxiety etched upon her face as she mentally prepared herself to read his letter.
“Is he not coming?” Walter impatiently asked.
Mary didn’t know but she was nervous and assumed that was the purpose of this letter. She didn’t say it but they shared the same assumption.
“What else could it be?” she assumed, “I do hope that is not the case.”
Elegantly, Mary ripped at the fold of the paper. Reaching into the pocket, she pulled out a single piece of thin white paper and began to read the neat lines of Elias’ cursive handwriting etched in the middle.
Waiting impatiently, Walter attempted to read the underside but failed to clearly read whatever was written. Quietly, he observed Mary as she read the letter, her almond, dark-blue sapphire eyes skimming the words. After reading one specific line, her jaw dropped in shock, her eyes widened and shined with glee and her pink lips smiled from ear-to-ear.
“What is it?” Walter asked curiously.
“Oh my!” she gasped and became excited again, “Elias…he’s… oh my!”
Mary rose to her feet and dropped the letter to the table, “Gail! Oh, Gail!” she called for the butler as she ran from the room, not explaining anything to Walter. Her enthusiasm becoming a mystery.
Walter cocked an eye in bewilderment at her sudden behaviour. What did Elias say that made her behave so ecstatically all of a sudden? Incredibly interested to know, he leaned over and picked up the letter Mary had abandoned to the table in her pursuit to find Gail.
Walter handled the letter with great care for its thin density made it quite fragile. A bold golden border coloured the edges of the rectangular piece of paper. Followed by a white gap that was followed by another golden border that was much thinner. In the middle at the top of the page of that thin border were Elias’ initials, elegantly designed into monogram. Also coloured in gold, his initials were creatively drawn over the top of each other in a cursive style and placed inside a thin circle. Inside the borders and in the middle of the page was Elias’ neat, cursive handwriting.
It read,
Earlier this year, you requested that I come home for the festive holidays.
While I look forward to joining you this Christmas, I have one request that I hope both Father and you will grant on such short notice.
My request is to ask for the permission to invite home someone special to me to join our family for the duration of my stay?
I do hope the both of you will agree but I will understand if you do not. I will patiently await your reply.
Your son,
“Someone special?” Walter repeated those words out loud and tilted his head in confusion, “Who could that be?”
Is this why Mary had become excited? Was it Alfonse by any chance? Perhaps a friend he had met at the academy? Or, could it be a love interest? Walter concluded there were many different answers to the term ‘someone special’ but he couldn’t confirm any of them. He needed more context and hoped Mary would be able to provide that information.
Walter knew that Elias and Mary often exchanged letters and no doubt she communicated with Klaus regularly too. Did she know something that he didn’t know? While she would tell Walter the many subjects of her communication with Elias and Klaus, she had a habit of sometimes forgetting to tell him any new details about their lives. Walter found it an adorable part of her personality and never was upset when she failed to mention anything new or important things happening in their lives. He’d always find out eventually.
The longer she remained absent from the dining room, the more Walter wondered whether Mary was ever coming back to finish her meal. He had cast a heat spell over her plate to keep her food warm should she return.
After several minutes of waiting, Mary eventually returned to her seat at the dining table. Walter had finished his meal but was reading the newspaper while he waited to see if she was ever coming back to finish her food. As she sat down, her eyes still sparkled and her youthful face exuded the same cheerfulness she had when she received Elias’ letter.
“What kept you away so long?” Walter asked curiously.
“Oh Walter!” she smiled, “Did you read his letter?”
“I had to chase Gail to get the guest chambers organised and promptly replied to Elias’ request,” she answered.
Walter remained confused, “Did you grant his request?”
“Absolutely!” Mary responded cheerfully, “Oh, I can’t wait to finally meet her.”
Walter lowered his newspaper, “Her?” he asked, assuming “her” referred to his “someone special” and insinuated that this mystery person was a love interest.
“Walter!” Mary was amused by her husband’s obliviousness, “I imagine he’s asking to bring his girlfriend home so we can meet her.”
This was Walter’s first time hearing about Elias having a girlfriend in his life and found this news to be quite the bombshell. His usual expressionless face showed both his surprise and confusion.
“What girlfriend?” Walter asked puzzled, “This is the first time I have heard about this.”
Mary was certain she had mentioned it to Walter, “I told you about remember?”
“No,” Walter disagreed, “This is honestly the first time I have heard about Elias having a girlfriend.”
Mary observed Walter’s face. His usually unreadable face expressed his surprise and confusion confirming that he was telling the truth. He hadn’t heard about Elias having a girlfriend. Mary tried to recall telling him but nothing came to her memory. During Klaus’ last visit, he had revealed to his mother that Elias had been seeing someone at the academy and that they were quite  serious. Of course, Elias never told her about his relationship and she never brought it up with him either.
Embarrassed, Mary nervously giggled, “Sorry Walter,” she said, deeply apologetic, “I guess I did forget to mention this news to you. Please forgive me.”
Walter wasn’t upset with not being told about his son’s relationship. He was quite used to Mary forgetting to tell him important social news. Rather, he was too stunned to consider being upset or amused. The news that Elias — who had become incredibly withdrawn and unsociable in his pursuit of his father’s approval — had found someone preoccupied his mind. Walter had so many questions about this young lady.
Did she free Elias from his depression and loneliness? Did she make him happy? Did she bring back his smile? Did she bring back that brightness Walter has missed seeing from Elias’ amethyst eyes? If Klaus knew her and mentioned this to his mother, does that mean he thinks she’s worthy of Elias? Who is this mysterious woman that has him captivated?
“Who is she?” Walter asked interested.
Mary excitedly leaned forward to begin gossiping about this new lady in their son’s life, “I have not met her myself and all of my intelligence about her has come from Klaus,” she informed.
“She must be a student at the academy, correct?”
Mary nodded, “Yes,” and she continued on, “Klaus told me that they didn’t start out on the best of terms but they deeply love and respect each other.”
“Oh, quite a serious pair?”
“Indeed,” Mary nodded, “Klaus seems to approve of her and he did say that when I meet her that I will feel the same too.”
“I must admit,” Walter began, “I did not expect to hear that Elias had attached himself to someone. It’s quite a surprise.”
“It surprised me too,” Mary agreed.
Mary could see the smallest of smiles curling onto Walter’s face. He truly was happy that his son was happy but then that small smile began to fade as he thought deeply.
“What is it?” Mary asked.
“You were smiling just now,” Mary acknowledged, “Why are you sad now? Are you not excited to meet her?”
“That’s not it,” Walter said.
Walter was truly happy for his son and couldn’t wait to meet this young lady who had captured his heart. However, he felt his anxiety thumping within his chest. Was he going to ever get the chance to apologise to him? He didn’t want to embarrass his son in the presence of his girlfriend, especially if his apology wasn’t well received by Elias.
He sighed and began to tell her the truth about what was on his mind, “I don’t have the right to meet her when our relationship is still broken. Actually, I was going to use these holidays to finally reach out to him and apologise for everything I did to him all those years ago. I have found the courage and strength in my resolve to say the words I have waited so long to say and he’s waited to hear me say. I don’t want his forgiveness, but I want him to know how much I regret everything.”
Mary was pleased to hear that he was ready to finally talk to his son, “That’s great Walter,” she smiled warmly at him, “So, why is that making you sad?
Walter sighed, “If his girlfriend is joining us for the holidays, I feel it would be inappropriate to give him my sincere apology in her presence. I don’t know if she knows the circumstances of our relationship and I don’t want to ruin his relationship with her either, especially if she’s managed to undo all the heartache I caused him. I don’t want to make a negative impression.”
Mary understood his worry but she failed to see how their guest would prevent him from apologising to Elias, “Walter, you can still reach out to him, regardless of whether she is here or not,” Mary said, “Whether she knows or not doesn’t make any difference. I know how much you have waited for this chance to apologise to him. Don’t let this opportunity slip by using his girlfriend’s presence as an excuse not to do it. Besides, this is a large house and they are staying until they have to go back to the academy. You will have plenty of space and time to catch a quiet moment with him.”
There was a momentary silence as Walter processed her words. Mary was right. Walter couldn’t forfeit this opportunity after waiting two years for Elias to come home.
“You’re right,” Walter said, “I have waited for him to come home for so long. I need to see my resolve through to the end, especially for his sake.”
Walter had one other question about this mystery girlfriend. He hoped Mary would know and asked her, “This girlfriend of Elias’,” he said, “does she have a name?”
Mary had committed her name to memory the moment Klaus told her, “Miss Asana Way,” she answered without hesitation.
“Miss Asana Way,” Walter repeated her name, a small smile tugging at his lips once again as he committed her name to memory too.
Mary remembered something that Klaus had told her when he had told her about Elias’ new love, “When Klaus first told me that Elias had a girlfriend,” Mary said, “I did not believe him at first but then he kept telling me how much of an influence she has had on Elias. It may very well be that he is a lot happier since the last time we saw him.”
“That is good news,” Walter was delighted to hear that he was happy.
Mary finished eating her plate of food as they talked about this new lady in Elias’ life and couldn’t wait to finally meet her to see for themselves. However, Walter already liked her. If she had been able to undo the damage he had done to Elias’ heart, she automatically had his approval and was a worthy partner for his son.
Although he never showed it, he was counting down the days and was looking forward to these holidays. Alfonse finally returning home would fully complete their family these holidays but this would be enough for now.
While Walter was looking forward to welcoming his sons home and meeting Elias’ girlfriend, there was a pit of anxiety making him feel tight in the chest. Would Elias accept his apology? After concluding his evening meal with his wife, Walter went back to his office to begin rehearsing how he would approach Elias. He had one week left to perfect what he would say to him.
  ****A week later….
  Klaus and Elias, along with Asana, arrived at the home together.
Usually, they were met by a line of staff members welcoming them home. Walter and Mary had sent all their staff on paid leave over the holidays to spend time with their families. The only person who waited to greet the young masters and their newest guest was Gail.
“Pleasure to see the both of you again,” Gail greeted Klaus and Elias, “It is also my pleasure to welcome Miss Way to the estate,” he bowed to Asana who stayed very closely behind Elias.
“It’s good to see you again,” Elias kindly said, “You didn’t go home this year?”
“No sir,” Gail happily smiled, “I wished to welcome you home after being away for so long.”
Elias looked over at Asana who was beside him, “Asana, this is Gail,” he introduced Asana to his personal butler, “If you need anything and can’t find me, this is the man to see.”
“…O-Oh, okay,” Asana said nervously, “Nice to meet you,” she bowed to the man.
Gail bowed to the young lady in return, “It is an honour to meet you at last Miss Way,” he said, “Master Elias, I have prepared the guest chambers across from your chambers for the duration of Miss Way’s stay. Should anything need changing to suit her needs, I will see to it immediately.”
“Thank you Gail,” Elias genuinely appreciated the attentiveness of his butler, “I appreciate it.”
Gail was very loyal and had been serving the Goldstein family for many years. Elias appreciated his companionship and guidance as a confidant during those years he had endured his father’s abuse.
Gail opened the front door for the young masters and their esteemed guest. Though, before either of them had stepped a toe through the front door, Mary had rushed to welcome them home.
“Welcome home!” Mary shrieked, her cheerful voice echoing throughout the house as she was unable to restrain her joy and embraced both of them.
“Good evening Mother,” Klaus greeted her.
“Hello there Mother,” Elias greeted her next.
“Look at the both of you,” Mary took the opportunity to observe her two sons very closely.
They had grown up so much and looked incredibly handsome. Klaus and Elias looked quite similar in their features that they almost were identical. Except, their eyes were different and Klaus was more refined than his younger brother. Klaus had inherited his mother’s sapphire eyes and Elias inherited his father’s amethyst eyes but they were both as sharp as their father’s. Klaus was more broader and his muscles much more taut. Elias was definitely fit and strong but had a more slender build compared to Klaus’ broader build. Mary was definitely proud of the fine, healthy men she had raised.
Walter, who had been holed up in his office all day, had heard the jovial shrieks of his wife as the front door creaked upon being opened. He had incessantly rehearsed what he was going to say to Elias, but now that he was home and Walter had heard his voice, he found it difficult to move.
He didn’t show it but his heart thumped loudly within his chest, his palms were sweating despite the chilly climate and his chest felt tight. He had never experienced this feeling before and wondered why he had become so anxious. Committed to his resolve, Walter had to keep reminding himself that this was Elias, his son, and he had nothing to be nervous about. Drawing in a deep breath, Walter had to relax his mind and calm his nerves to stop this overwhelming sense of anxiety so he could properly apologise to him.
“Mother,” Elias had a smooth and silky voice as it echoed throughout the house, “Um��I would like to introduce… um… my g-girlfriend, Miss Asana Way,” he said nervously.
Walter scrambled to retrieve his wand that he kept on a stand to the right of his chair. Using magic, he quickly retrieved another two items from within his office. One item was a small, hand held mirror and the other was a small, vial sized lilac glass bottle with a corked lid. He undid the cork and poured a single drop of the vial’s contents onto the surface of the mirror. Closing the vial with the cork again, he set the bottle aside on the desk and picked up his wand preparing to cast a spell on the mirror.
“Wideo procle,” he chanted.
The mirror absorbed his magic and where Walter’s reflection should have been there was the image of the front door where Mary was greeting their two sons and meeting Elias’ girlfriend, Miss Asana Way, for the first time. While he watched, he cast another spell to clearly hear their conversation.
Nervously, the young lady curtsied to Mary, “Nice to meet you too Mrs Goldstein,” her voice was pleasant and soft, “Thank you for allowing me to join your family for the holidays.”
The image within the small mirror was unable to properly define all her features. Of what Walter could see, she appeared to an attractive young lady. Though, she was no daughter from the high society of the wizarding world but she appeared quite delicate and regal with her striking and exquisite features. Healthy, thick and long chestnut hair, round and large rose eyes, an adorable small nose and thin yet desirable lips which warmly curled into a smile. There was a radiant glow that emitted from her and infected the immediate space around her. Already, Walter became fond of her without having yet properly met her.
“We are happy to have you and finally get to meet you at last. Klaus has told me so much about you that I was very eager to finally lay my eyes upon you,” Mary smiled at her and faced Elias, “Did Gail tell you where her chambers are?”
“Yes,” Elias nodded, face beet red.
“Good,” Mary smiled and shifted herself further into the home to welcome them in, “Why don’t the three of you go get settled in and come back down later for dinner. Elias, would you be so kind to show Miss Way to her chambers and give her a tour of the house so she can find her way around?”
Elias nodded, “Of course.”
“Miss Way,” Mary focused her attention on their guest once again, “Should you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask.”
“Oh, thank you,” Asana warmly smiled.
“Klaus,” Mary then focused on her older son who tolerated being in the room but whose eyes were begging to leave for his chambers, “I’m glad to have you home too. I’m happy you have decided to stay for a longer period. I do wish to ask something of you later if you don’t mind.”
“Of course not,” Klaus said.
“Excellent,” Mary cheered, “Well, if you may excuse me I must go turn the roast. Please, go ahead and make yourselves comfortable.”
With those last words, she excused herself and quickly hurried away to the kitchen where she took it upon herself to cook a grand meal of roast and vegetables and a warm dessert pie to wash down the main course.
Klaus quickly left and scaled the stairs of the estate to the second floor leaving Elias and Asana to themselves by the front door. Walter’s image shifted to his son, Elias. Someone he had waited for so long to see. Walter didn’t really know what to expect to see. Did he still possess that sullen countenance? Or, was he happier now that he had found someone special? Anxiously, Walter leaned in closer to the image to take in as much detail as the image before him would allow.
Instantly, Walter could see how much he had grown since that day he left home for the academy. He was no longer the image of an adolescent child but a young man who had become quite handsome and had grown into his prince-like features. His thick head of golden locks covered his forehead and framed his chiselled cheekbones and strong neck, a sign that he had become quite fit and toned. His amethyst eyes inside of his eyes were sharp and bright. His flawless ivory skin had a visible softness that gentled his overall appearance. As Walter watched Elias extend his hand out to his girlfriend, Elias’ thin lips curled into a gentle and warm smile.
Walter couldn’t believe that this young man before him was Elias as his entire countenance had changed. He was no longer gloomy and sad rather he was content and placid. There was a liveliness and a brightness which sparkled within his eyes again and his thin smile had a warmth and happiness to it again that Walter had longed to see. Walter wondered if this had been her influence on him or had he simply matured?
Seeing that happiness reflected in Elias’ eyes and his smile sent a spread of calmness through Walter. An indescribable sense of pleasure and relief seemed to lift the anxiety he had felt moments ago. He wondered if she had managed to undo some of the damage he had caused to Elias and mended his broken heart. If so, she had his eternal gratitude and his instant acceptance as Elias’ partner should their relationship evolve beyond dating. Still, Walter needed to apologise to Elias and he was determined to do so these holidays. Walter closed the portal he had cast with magic and drew in a deep, satisfying breath.
Walter knew when he would apologise to his son and waited for that opportunity. He wanted to do it tonight before dinner commenced. He wanted to ensure the right atmosphere as they dined as a family for the first time in so long, of course with Alfonse deep in his thoughts.
Several minutes had passed and Walter didn’t move from his office just yet. Instead, he absorbed the fill of the lively noises and presence that filled his home. Having Klaus and Elias home filled an empty void Walter had come to loathe. He could hear the shuffling and thumping of footsteps coming from all directions – the kitchen where Mary was cooking a feast, Klaus organising his chambers to his liking and Elias and Asana taking a tour of the lavish home. He could hear Mary happily humming away as well as the young couple laughing and engaging in zealous conversation as they moved around. These sounds that reverberated throughout his home didn’t carry the eery undertones of the silence he had come to despise. Rather, they were pleasant sounds that he preferred.
Taking in the pleasant change within the atmosphere of his large home, Walter could hear the soft footsteps along the marble hallway just outside his office door.
Then, he heard Asana’s kind and pleasant voice just outside the door, “Oh my goodness!” there was a melodic tone to her voice when she regained her confidence, “Is this you as a child?”
Walter assumed her attention was captured by a small gallery of family portraits that he had hung on the walls of the hallway just outside of his office.
“…Y-Yeah…,” Elias stuttered, like he was overwhelmed by his embarrassment.
“You’re so adorable!” she said, good-humouredly.
While Walter didn’t intend to eavesdrop on their conversation, but it was impossible not to listen to their conversation due to the closeness and clarity of their voices nearby the door. What intrigued him more was  the amusement of hearing his son stutter with nervousness and being entertained be the lively energy that seemed to resonate from the young lady.
“Don’t look!” Elias begged, “…It was a long time ago.”
“No need to be embarrassed,” she giggled, “Who is this next you? Is that Klaus?”
Although he was embarrassed, Elias seemed to be able to overcome those emotions to kindly answer her questions, “Yeah,” he said, “That’s my eldest brother behind him.”
“Huh?” Asana expressed her shock, “There’s another brother?”
“…Yes,” Elias answered her but there was a sadness that overcame his tone, “…His name is Alfonse. He’s not home. In fact, no one knows where he is.”
“…Oh, I’m sorry,” Asana apologised.
She must have sensed the sad tone within his voice because she paused for a moment before changing the subject, “The man in the middle of this portrait must be your father, right?”
Walter’s ears perked up when he heard her mention him to Elias. How would Elias respond to him being mentioned by her? Does she know about their fractured relationship? It was a good opportunity to gather any knowledge that may answer those questions.
“…Yeah, that’s him,” Elias confirmed but still had that sad tone within his voice.
“Will he be here for the holidays?”
There was a slight pause before Elias answered her question, “…I don’t know. He is usually around here somewhere so I’m sure he’ll appear sooner or later. Unless…”
Elias trailed off.
“Unless, what?” Asana prompted.
Elias sighed, “…unless he doesn’t want to see me he may have picked up some work over the holidays.”
Upon hearing those words and hearing the sadness within Elias’ tone, a pain stung Walter’s heart. He had an urge to spring to his feet, swing open the door and let Elias know how much he regretted everything. He wanted to let Elias know how long he had waited for him to return home so that he could apologise for everything he had done. But, Walter couldn’t move. It wasn’t the right time for that conversation. He stayed seated by his desk and continued to listen to the young couple’s conversation.
After a short pause, Asana replied to Elias, “I know things are awkward between you two but I’m sure he wants to see you again,” she spoke with such positivity that reflected her spirited  nature.
“What makes you say that?” Elias asked.
“Nothing particularly,” Asana answered, “Just a feeling I have. He’ll also get to see how much you have grown as a person and as a wizard.”
“You sure sound sure of yourself,” Elias uttered his retort and then calmly and sadly responded, “I appreciate the positivity but I doubt anything has changed. I haven’t heard anything from him for so long. We stopped talking to each other so many years ago that I wonder if he even knows that I still exist.”
“Elias,” Asana sympathetically called his name but had nothing more to say.
Walter swallowed his emotions as he overheard Elias expressing his deepest feelings and thoughts to his girlfriend.
“Come on,” Elias said, changing the subject, “I have plenty more places to show you.”
Their footsteps echoed in the distance, leaving Walter’s mind to linger on those last words Elias had uttered. He knew it had been quite some time since they openly spoke within the walls of this home. Again, his anxiety crept up again and his heart began to pound with agony. Did Elias really feel as though he was now invisible to his father?
Some hour and a half later, dinner was almost ready to be served.
Walter had refreshed himself and regathered his courage and strength. He had decided to still see his resolve through. Should his apology result in Elias still being unreceptive toward him, he would accept that decision. Should his apology mark the beginning of them rebuilding their broken relationship, he would happily accept that too. Though, Walter wasn’t really expecting anything. All he wanted was for Elias to understand two important things. Firstly, he wanted Elias to know how much he regrets everything he had done and said to him that had broken his heart and caused him to painfully suffer. The other, was to let him know, although he had failed to show it, that he loved him deeply and unconditionally.
Walter left his office and began making his way down the stairs as he went to join his family for the usual evening meal. He was looking forward to his wife’s wonderful cooking. Though, most of all, he was excited to have two of three sons home and Miss Way’s company.
Descending the stairs, Walter fixed his cuff links to make himself appear proper and presentable. He swallowed any anxious emotions he could feel swelling in the pit of his stomach. He had waited for this moment for so long and hoped Elias would be nearby so that he could see and speak to him well before they dined at the table.
There was plenty of noise coming from the kitchen as Mary worked her way around the kitchen and had Gail’s assistance in setting up the dining table. Happily, Walter could also hear the light-hearted and jovial conversation coming from the parlour room. Peeking into the room, he could see Klaus, Elias and Asana gathered around the fireplace and the tree as they awaited an official announcement that dinner was ready.
Walter cautiously crept up to the open entry way that separated the stair case and foyer from the parlour room. His footsteps were quiet and inaudible as he quietly observed his sons and Miss Way. Elias and Asana both had their backs turned away from the entry way where Walter was standing. Klaus stood sideways from the entry way and was the first one to acknowledge Walter’s presence.
“Did you make this?” Asana happily asked Elias.
“Why did they put this on here?” Elias’ face turned red as they gazed at the directions on the tree.
Elias’ childhood bauble still remained a fixture on the tree, along with his brothers’ handmade decorations too. They exchanged a light-hearted raillery that made Walter smile too.
Feeling Klaus’ gaze upon him, Walter nodded to his son with a smile. It was a signal to Klaus not to make his presence known to the other two while he simply, yet happily, watched on. Klaus nodded in return and remained silent.
“But it’s adorable!” she said, taking in every detail of the handmade ornaments, “Oh, before I forget!” she said, as though a reminder popped into her mind.
Walter had become captivated by her energy. The radiance that emitted from within her certainly brightened the space her and her thin smile was simply innocent and genuine.
“I need to put the gifts I got for everyone under the tree,” she said.
“You didn’t need to get us anything,” Klaus said.
“I know but I would feel bad if I didn’t. It’s the least I can do for being allowed to join your family on such short notice,” she said, and spun around.
Immediately, her eyes widened and fell on Walter’s presence by the entry way. Walter noticed a small stack of gifts on a small table behind her and assumed these were her gifts that she had purchased. He looked away from the small stack of gifts to meet her gaze. Gently, he smiled at her.
From the corner of his eye, Elias noticed Asana hadn’t move to retrieve the stack of gifts she had brought down with her to place underneath the tree. Confused, he peered down at her face and saw her rose eyes widened and her face tinted with red. Her gaze focused in one direction, he followed them. Turning around, he saw his father gently smiling back at them.
Elias didn’t say anything and turned back around to avoid facing him. Suddenly, the jovial mood in the room shifted slightly with a sense of awkwardness and tension emitting from Walter and Elias being in the same room.
“Welcome to our home, Miss… Asana Way, is it?”
Asana curtsied, “Yes, sir. It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr Goldstein. Thank you for allowing me to be here.”
“You are quite welcome,” Walter said, “Please, no need to be so formal and make yourself comfortable during your stay with us.”
Asana straightened herself and awkwardly smiled back at the patriarch, “Thank you.”
Walter gazed at the back of Elias who had purposely avoided facing his direction, but Walter was able to see his features clearly. Now that he had a good view of the both of them, the image he had magically created in his office moments ago didn’t do any justice. Elias was taller than Walter had remembered and he definitely was as strong and handsome as any royal prince. Asana, although simple, was quite attractive and appeared more delicate than he could see within the image before.  
“Are your chambers to your liking Miss Way?” Walter asked.
“Yes, sir.”
“That’s good to hear,” Walter was genuinely happy that she was comfortable.
However, the conversation between them was feeding off the awkward tension between himself and his son. Walter was aware and decided to change the subject.
“I hear you are a student at the same academy as Klaus and Elias?”
“I am,” Asana answered but she was quite stiff, “…Though, I have only been studying there for nearly over a year and a half. Not quite as long as these two.”
“Well, good luck with your studies,” Walter said.
The awkward tension only intensified as they struggled to maintain a flowing conversation with the nature of Walter and Elias’ relationship being the biggest issue in the room. Walter gazed over at Elias who still had been facing away from his father’s gaze.
Walter assumed now was a better time than never to finally reach out to his son. After rehearsing everything he wanted to say, this was the perfect opportunity to say those words he had been waiting for so long to say.
“…I’m glad to see you are doing well, Elias,” Walter began.
Elias didn’t reply nor turn around, but Walter expected as much.
“Actually, I’m quite pleased to have you and your brother home for the holidays, and having Miss Way here is a pleasure,” he continued, “News of the two of you returning home injected a good dose of excitement through the staff and, of course, your mother and I. Even though Alfonse isn’t here with us yet, I’m sure our thoughts are reaching him and that he is doing well.”
Klaus watched on as his father attempted to speak with Elias. Asana was too nervous to even move. Mary’s footsteps grew quieter as she entered the room with intentions of inviting them all in to the dining room and taking their places as dinner was almost served but she read the mood. She stayed quiet and remained in the room to see how this event would unfold. Still, Elias refused to turn around as Walter began reaching out to him.
“…I am really happy that you are home, Elias,” Walter said, sincerely, “Truly, I am. It’s been very… quiet…without you and brothers.”
On hearing those words, Elias’ head shifted slightly like he was finally going to face his father. Though, it stopped but Walter could see his amethyst eyes peering at him from the corner of their eyes. They looked Walter up and down. It was like they were searching for something in Walter’s body language.
Mary, Klaus and Asana had no choice but to stay motionless and watch whatever this was unfolding before them. Each of them hoping for a pleasant ending.
Walter’s words were so sudden and unexpected that Elias didn’t really know how to feel or respond. He certainly was surprised but he was too afraid to turn around and face his father. Was this some kind of a trap? He had thoughts about saying something in his head but he couldn’t utter anything.
“…This may be quite unexpected,” Walter acknowledged the suddenness of his actions but was committed to doing this, “…However, I didn’t want to begin these holidays without first speaking to you.”
Elias didn’t expect this at all. He hadn’t uttered a private word with his father since the day they had that traumatic falling out. While he had heard his father’s voice during public events, this was the first time Elias heard his voice in the two years he had stayed away from home. There was no contempt, anger or animosity within his father’s tone rather it was gentle, warm and sincere. Without even realising it, Elias had finally turned around and faced his father. Elias maintained a good gap away from his father and crossed his arms over his body.
Walter waited to see if Elias was going to say anything but seeing him turn around and face him was progress, “…No, this isn’t even about the holidays. Honestly, I just wanted to speak with you. I’m just using the holidays as an excuse to do so.”
Elias’ face expressed his confusion as he couldn’t understand his father’s intentions. Elias didn’t look directly into his father’s gaze but could feel his father’s eyes upon him. He mustered up the courage to speak but could only say one word, “…W-Why?” he asked, nervously.
Mary latched onto Klaus arm, delighted that Elias responded.
“Ouch!” Klaus whispered across to her, “Let go.”
“Hush,” Mary admonished.
Walter ignored the gasps and whispers from the others on the opposite side of the room. Even though it was a simple word, hearing Elias’ voice again delighted Walter. Usually, his attempts at small chatter within these walls were ignored and Walter was left to feel as though he was invisible to his son.
“…We both know why,” Walter answered kindly, “…I… I realised that I should have done this many, many years ago.”
Walter paused to regather himself to remember everything that he wanted to say to Elias. He had rehearsed this so many times that he wanted to say this right the first chance he had. Walter worried about how Elias would receive his apology but he was committed to his resolve.
“I am the one who allowed our relationship to end up like this, Elias,” Walter said, “I am solely to blame for all the pain and suffering you have had to endure for so long.”
Elias knew where this was going. His eyes shifted ever so slightly to peer at his father’s body language and facial expression. Their eyes met. Elias could see the sincerity burning within his father’s eyes. His usually unreadable face expressed the honesty within his tone.
Walter looked directly into his son’s eyes and continued, “Elias, I was the fool who failed as a father and a husband. Not only did I hurt you and sever our bond, I also hurt this family. I drove Alfonse away, burdened Klaus with too much responsibility and broke your mother’s heart,” he paused, taking a deep breath.
After a moment, he continued to speak again, “…I was so obsessed with our family’s pride and public image that I caused everyone to suffer. Especially, you. Yes, I wanted to make you a stronger person but not for our family’s name. I wanted you to be stronger so you could stand on your own when I was no longer around. But, I went about it the wrong way. In the end, my abuse… broke you. And, that’s not what a father is meant to do to his child. As your father, I’m supposed to support you and accept you as you are, and I failed to do that.”
“…Walter,” Mary whispered his name and started to shed a couple of tears.
Walter’s eyes remained fixed on Elias’ and Elias listened carefully to every word that came out of his father’s mouth. Was he dreaming this or was Walter really saying these words?
“…There are so many memories I have where I hurt you and should have reached out to you back then. I should have apologised. I should have made sure that you were alright. Those memories play over and over in my head. Including that day, the day we fell out. You know, I’ve watched you grow up over the years without me and over those years, I watched you cast aside all your interests and your happiness for magic in pursuit of my approval. Worse, I made you feel as if I don’t love you or know that you still exist. But, that’s not true.”
Elias felt a sudden surge of emotion well within him as he listened closely to his father’s words. Walter too, felt a surge of emotion but he took a deep breath to control his emotions.
“…I never hated you Elias,” Walter confessed, “Honestly, it’s been too hard for me to say these words to you.”
Elias didn’t understand why, “…W-why?” he choked up with emotion.
“…Because…” Walter began to confess, “I didn’t have the right to do so because I hurt you so much. But, I realised the longer that I didn’t say something the more suffering it caused to you and the longer you would think that I don’t love you. However, I can still apologise to you and say that I love you without asking for your forgiveness.”
Walter paused again, “So,” Walter took another deep breath, “Elias, my dearest son, I regret everything I have ever done or said to you which hurt you so deeply. If I had the capability of time magic, I wish I could take it all back and never cause you so much pain. You are an important member of the Haus of Goldstein and I want nothing more than for you, and your brothers, to be yourselves and to be happy. Elias, I love you and I never once stopped loving you. I regret that I never expressed my love for you and your brothers more often.”
Elias didn’t know what to say as an uncontrollable tear strayed from his eye.
“Huh, Elias?” Asana worried about him after seeing his lone tear fall.
Mary and Klaus were worried that he wasn’t going to accept his father’s apology.
Walter panicked that he had hurt his son again, “Elias, I—.”
“D-Do you really… mean it?” Elias cut him off, “…I’m not all that strong yet or anything…so I…I’m not worthy of anything like your love or… my name.”
Walter felt a strong sense of guilt in the pit of his stomach when Elias still found himself unworthy of his father’s praise. Was this the extent of the damage he had done to his son that he would still think of himself unworthy.
“Elias,” Walter shook his head, “I mean every word I just said. Please, you don’t need to prove anything to me. I just want you to be yourself.”
“Yes,” Walter smiled gently at him, “I just want you to be happy.”
Elias had waited so long to hear those words from his father. He quickly wiped away the tears that threatened to spill out of his eyes and regathered his poise.
Walter remembered Mary and his colleagues at the Ministry saying something about his efforts at the academy and brought it up with Elias now.
“Besides, I heard that you foiled a robbery at the Tower of Sorrow. Is that true?” Walter asked, “I heard you had a magic duel and you beat the person who you were fighting. That’s not all. You’re the top in your class and even have a similar aptitude for magical tools like myself.”
“…How did you know?” Elias wondered.
“Let’s just say that word travels quite well,” Walter gently smiled at him.
Elias processed the words his father was saying and a calmness overcame his mind, heart and soul. He had waited for so long to hear these words and finally, after so many years, he was hearing them. Asana had helped Elias heal over the past year and a half and had decided if his father ever apologised that he wanted nothing more than to move forward. Was this that moment?
“I’m very proud of you Elias,” Walter confessed, “After hearing about all your exploits, I can tell you that you will grow into your own person and wizard.”
Elias turned red and sheepishly scratched at his cheek.
Mary and Klaus couldn’t help but smile that Walter had finally reached out to Elias.
Asana too felt very happy for him too, “Hear that Elias,” she said to him, “I told you I had a good feeling.”
Elias agreed, “Yes, I know.”
Elias had waited so long to hear those words come from his father’s mouth that he felt a huge weight lifting off of his shoulders. He didn’t say it, but he was relieved to finally here those words after all these years.
Walter gazed over to Asana, “I must apologise to you Miss Way.”
“For what?” she asked confused.
“I was unsure if you knew about the state of our relationship,” Walter said, “I do apologise that I have had to make the mood awkward in your presence.”
“Not at all,” Asana didn’t mind, “I was aware that there was some tension. You needn’t apologise to me.”
Elias’ eyes looked like they were sparkling with glee after he completely processed Walter’s apology. His lips curled into a small smile and he was preparing to response.
Mary and Klaus waited to hear what Elias had to say.
“…I’ve been waiting forever to hear you say sorry,” Elias said.
“I know,” Walter confirmed, “I should have said it many years ago.”
“To be honest,” Elias began to make a confession, “I had given up chasing you and my brothers some time ago.”
While Klaus had already known this by observing the changes within Elias while they attended the academy and taught many of his classes, Walter and Mary were surprised to hear the confession.
“What do you mean?” Walter asked.
Elias gazed over at Asana and took her hand into his own, “You can thank her,” Elias admitted, “Asana helped me to realise that the only way I was going to grow stronger as a person and as a wizard was to stop obsessing over trying to emulate you and my brothers.”
“It is true that there was a time where I was chasing after you and my older brothers to become a strong person and wizard in way that was befitting my name, but she helped me to change my perspective. I can only be proud of the person and wizard that I choose to become.”
It had been such a long time since Walter had heard him speak but the maturity contained within his tone and words made him especially pleased.
“I am pursuing magical tools as my area of interest,” Elias admitted, “While I am inspired by you, it’s not for you or the family. I simply enjoy making them and I want to make magical tools that everyone, even those without magic, can use to improve their quality of life. That’s my goal.”
Walter was happy to hear it, “That pleases me greatly.”
Another pause ensued between them but Elias thought about his own interests. He didn’t want him and his father to continue being strangers to each other. With confidence, Elias decided to share with his father how he truly felt.
“…I don’t want us to continue being silent to each other,” Elias suddenly admitted.
“I don’t want that either Elias,” Walter agreed.
While the pain was still there, Elias wanted nothing more than to rebuild his relationship with his father and hoped this was a step in the right direction.
“…I want to forgive you,” Elias said.
Walter didn’t expect Elias to express his desire to forgive his father. But, despite all Walter had done to him Elias never hated him either. He had been hurt deeply but his love and respect for his father outweighed all his other emotions.
“What?” Walter asked, surprised, “…I said you didn’t have to.”
Elias genuinely wanted to, “…But I want to,” Elias declared, “Despite everything you did, I still love and respect you. Otherwise, why else would I have chased after your approval for so long. I’ve wanted nothing more than to be your son again and I don’t want us to continue on like we have been. It’s done no good for anyone and I just want us to be a family again. So, I want to forgive you. Will you let me do that?”
Walter didn’t expect this straight away and was quite dumbfounded by his sudden forgiveness. Both Mary and himself expected that Elias would eventually come to forgive him but over a period of time. Instantly receiving his forgiveness was unexpected for the patriarch. While he was confused, he also felt relieved. Already, Walter could feel the layers of his regret crumbling away. Walter made the right decision to apologise to his son. At last, they could begin rebuilding their relationship.
Walter smiled at him, “…If that’s what you want to do, I will not stop you,” Walter accepted his forgiveness.
Walter approached his son and, uncharacteristically, embraced his son in a quick hug. Klaus and Asana were not as surprised by Elias’ sudden forgiveness. Mary was surprised and her eyes were wet with tears of joy.
Some minutes passed by before Walter released his son from his embrace.
Mary didn’t forget the purpose of her coming into the parlour room, “Shall we dine for dinner?” Mary asked, the brightest smile on her face.
“Yes,” Walter agreed with a good spirit, “Your roast has had me hungry all afternoon. And, this is the perfect opportunity for us to get to know Miss Way more.”
For the first time in many years, the Goldstein family sat down for a meal together. The awkward tension that had been in the atmosphere disappeared and was replaced with a sense of peace. There was only one member still missing from the family but Mary and Walter remained hopeful that Alfonse would return home soon.
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em-jplaysotome · 7 years ago
Playing through Yukiya's route again, and now I can't stop laughing thinking about the utter confusion Elias must have felt after meeting Liz, soaking wet, who was like "I fell in the lake, it's a long story", only to return to his own dorm to presumably find Yukiya, also soaked through, who'd just be like "I fell in the lake."
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shall-we-imagine · 7 years ago
Okay something a little different! Send me a number or numbers + a character and I'll write a one shot about it! ^-^
Angst/fluff Prompt List
Please don’t repost (stealing isn’t cool, but reblog if you wish) <3 <3
“I love you, please don’t go.”
“Stay here tonight.”
“Please don’t walk out of that door.”
“I thought things were going great.”
“Don’t you love me?”
“You make every day worth living.”
“I’ll keep you warm.”
“I’m never letting you go.”
“You meant too much to me.”
“I won’t let you.”
“How could you ask me that?”
“Don’t you trust me?”
“I won’t let anyone hurt you, you’re safe with me.”
“You look amazing tonight.”
“Shouldn’t you be with him/her?”
“I’ve got you.”
“I can’t sleep, can I stay here?”
“It’s late.  Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“How are you feeling today?”
“You look amazing tonight.”
“We’ll figure this out.”
“This isn’t goodbye.”
“What’s cookin’ good lookin’?”
“Wanna go grab a drink?”
“What the hell were you thinking?!”
“Here, let me help you.”
“Kiss me.”
“I care about you.”
“You could have warned me!”
“That was unexpected.”
“You haven’t lost me.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Don’t cry.”
“Please don’t do this.”
“You make me feel safe.”
“You’ve shown me what love can feel like.”
“Thank you, for everything.”
“All I wanted was for you to be happy.”
“I can’t do this on my own.”
“I wasn’t lying when I said that I loved you.”
“Don’t be afraid.”
“You’re always on my mind.”
“You have no idea how much I want you right now.”
“You’ve always felt like home.”
“I can’t imagine this world without you.”
“Dance with me.”
“Trust me.”
“Why are you crying?”
“Who hurt you?”
“Nothing is wrong with you.”
“You make me feel alive.”
“I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
“Who cares about what they think?”
“Let’s go.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Tell me what’s wrong.”
“You’ve always got me.”
“I’ve waited for this moment for a long time.”
“Is this okay?”
“You look like you could use a hug.”
“Did you need something?”
“Do you have a ride home?”
“I am home.”
“What happened back there?”
“That’s not gonna happen.”
“Why me?”
“I’m right where I belong.”
“What do you want me to say?”
“After everything we’ve been through, you still don’t think that I love you?”
“You’ve been drinking tonight, haven’t you?”
“You need sleep.”
“Excuse me?”
“What are you doing?”
“What did you expect?”
“You’re not alone.”
“We’re meant for each other.”
“You’re worth it.”
“I don’t care what anyone else thinks.”
“I’ve always been honest with you.”
“It’s cold, you should take my jacket.”
“Just breathe, okay?”
“When I’m with you, I’m happy.”
“Going somewhere?”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“Don’t be scared, I’m right here.”
“You’re so adorable.”
“I’m better, now that you’re here.”
“I could never forget you.”
“Forget it.”
“That’s in the past.”
“You make me happy.”
“You’re more than that.”
“I won’t lose you too.”
“Come cuddle.”
“Can’t you stay a little longer?”
“It’s not that easy.”
“I’ve had enough.”
“I fell in love with you, not them.”
“You’re the only one I wanna wake up next to.”
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leonthecardboardunicorn · 5 years ago
The Ruined King, Chapter 1
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Pairing: Felix x Liz
Summary: Hawkeye is once again moving through Gedonelune, and it looks like their aim is on the heart of the Dragonkin Ruins. It looks like we’ll need the help of the three Reciters to solve this mystery!
Contains spoilers for the Melody of Awakening spinoff!
I would like to thank @ghostnightbride​, @zigackly​, @explosiveglitterqueen​, and @nadia-the-wizardess​ for their endless help and support on this. From helping with artwork, listening to me ramble, and just overall support, thank you~
The oppressive darkness had been cleared away; now, sunlight poured through the trees, casting the forest in a warm glow. You could be forgiven for thinking it was a different place all together. But the tower, a familiar sight to all in Gedonelune, still remained, forever hovering in the distance.
Shu and I had just finished our duties for the day, so I thought it would be nice to go for a stroll before we met the others.
'So much has happened over these years,' I thought. I giggled as I heard Shu chirping just ahead of me, basking in the sunlight. Who would've thought a clumsy wizardess like me would end up here, walking through the once frightening forest with my dragon?
Someone caught my eye. A woman stood on the path ahead of me, gazing up at the tower. She was dressed all in black, but a silver gem glimmered around her neck.
"Ma'm," I called out, "are you lost?"
Her gaze fixed on me. "You're the girl with the dragon.”
"Have we met before?" I didn't recognize her face.
"No, of course not. But you knew a friend of mine; you.. and that wretched golden boy," she said, drawing closer to me, "destroyed him."
I took a step back. Golden boy? And who was this friend she was talking about? "What are you talking about?"
With a wave of her hand, I was flung back. Pale magic crackled in her hand as she approached me, never losing her smile.
"I thought you might cause problems for us again. So now, I need for you to get out of our way!"
Her magic swept towards me-
'I have to do something!'
-And suddenly, he was before me, a black shield rising before us.
"Felix.." What was he doing here? Was he saving me?
"Pay attention," he said, keeping his gaze on the woman.
"Right!" Now wasn't the time to get distracted; I whipped out my wand. She sent another wave of magic at us, but I was ready this time. "Saggita Lumen!" Felix's dark magic joined mine, aiming for her-
But the woman smoothly dodged, as graceful as if she was dancing. Where had I seen that before?
She never took her eyes off of him. "Who are you? Your magic is.."
"Stay away," he said, raising his hand again.
"You are.." Her smile sent shivers down my spine. "This may be a complication." Before I could move, she was gone.
All was still- and then I heard a familiar chirp. Shu flew into my arms. "Mama!"
"I'm okay, Shu, we're okay," I reassured him, petting his scales. "Thank you, Felix."
And only now did I realize I was face to face with Felix. At this distance, his eyes sparkled like jewels. I gulped without meaning to. 'He really is beautiful.'
"I wanted to ask.." I started to say, but he turned away. "Wait..!" And suddenly he was gone, as quick as he came, as though he had never been there at all.
I sighed. 'I guess it was just by chance. Well, whatever. I have other things to focus on.' I looked back to the forest. 'Who was that woman?'
A few hours later, my friends and I gathered in the Night Cafe, but I still couldn't get the incident out of my mind.
"You were attacked?"
"I've already reported the incident to Headmaster Schuyler," I said, settling at the table, "but I wanted to see what you guys thought of it."
"What could they have meant by you and the 'golden boy'?" Caesar said, leaning against the table. "It must have been somebody that you've faced before."
"Then it could have been one of us," Alfonse said. "Golden could be referring to the Goldsteins."
"That's true, but in that case.." I could think of only one person who fit the bill. Elias gave me a hesitant glance; I could tell he was thinking the same thing.
"She would've been talking about Drago." Elias and I had faced him before. "But that would make her a member of Hawkeye."
Hawkeye. The memory sent chills down my spine. Drago's death had been a blow to them, but I knew that they were still out there. Former Headmaster Randolph was still out hunting for them.
"But I have to admit, I'm curious, you took her on all alone?" Alfonse asked.
"No. Actually, Felix saved me," I admitted. "He just showed up out of nowhere; I don't know what I would have done if he wasn't there."
"Felix saved you?" Zeus was gaping. "Well, I suppose that he does live near the area.."
It still took some getting used to. It hadn't been that long since Lacan's revival, since we had come to a tentative trust with Felix and the three Reciters had been reunited. Now, Felix and Lacan had moved into Liz Village.
“I keep meaning to go and pay them a visit,” Alfonse said cheerfully. “It would be nice to see how they're settling in.”
"Well, you'd know best of us, Hugo," Caesar said with a laugh. "What is it like having three Dragonkins as a neighbor?"
"We tend to keep to ourselves,” Hugo said. “Every time I've looked over, it seems they're hanging over at Willem's.”
"Willem sure seems happier though," Mischa said with a smile.
"Then maybe I should go and visit them this weekend!" I said. "I'd like to thank Felix for helping me anyway, and I can ask him about the incident."
The next morning, Shu and I set out bright and early for Liz Village.
Stepping through the forest, a sea of flowers greeted us. The wind carried the sweet smile of the flowers across the village- and booming voices.
"Go easy on me, will you? I'll never beat you, at this rate!"
Warm laughter, as clear as a bell. "That's the idea!"
"Willem, can you help me out here? He keeps throwing my pieces off!"
"I'll be there in a minute!"
I gathered Shu in my arms, knocking on Willem's door.
A new face answered the door. Long, silver hair falling down his back, curled blue horns, and emerald eyes. Someone I never thought I'd see in person, and here he was.
"Hello, Lacan."
"Oh! It's you!" he said with a warm smile. "I wanted to see you again, Miss..." He stopped, fumbling for words.
I just laughed. A lot had happened then, and we'd only really seen each other in passing. It was understandable he'd forget some things. "My name is-"
"Don't tell me, I know this one!"
I heard a voice from behind him. "For goodness sake, Lacan," Felix said. "Her name is Liz."
My gaze fell on Felix. He was sitting at a table before a sprawling board game; his hood had been pulled back, revealing golden hair and curly horns.
"Right, Liz!" Lacan said cheerily. "I knew that."
Felix rolled his eyes; but when he caught my look, he turned away. "I'm.. going to go help Willem in the kitchen," he said, walking away.
"I wanted to thank you, Liz," Lacan said with a sweet smile. "It's thanks to you and your little dragon friend that I was awakened, and I was able to reunited with my family. So thank you."
I smiled. After so long, the three were finally together again. That made everything worth it. "Not a problem."
"Oh, Liz, you're here!" Willem stepped out of the kitchen.
"I hope you don't mind. I thought I'd stop by and see how you were settling in."
'Now, where did Shu run off?' Walking outside after breakfast, humming drifted through the air. 'That must be his song.'
I followed the trail of his sound to Willem's porch, but something stopped me. Felix was sitting with him, scratching under his chin. He seemed.. relaxed; there was an unusual gentleness in his eyes.
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'Willem always said he loved magical creatures,' I thought. 'It makes sense that he would be drawn to Shu.' I shook my head. 'This looks like a private moment. I should leave him alone.'
He looked up sharply. "Who's there?" He relaxed as he saw me. "Oh, it's you."
Well, I suppose no harm in coming out now. I walked closer to him, scooping up Shu in my arms. "Shu seems to really like you," I told him, petting Shu. He let out small, happy chirps. He seemed to relax around Felix too.
“I knew a Ratatoskr before. I doubt I'll ever forget that song of his.” He stood up, coming over to me. "I came out here to thank him.. and you."
"Despite everything I tried, I couldn't do much on my own." He faced me, meeting my eyes. "But thanks to the two of you, Lacan came back to us peacefully, and I was reunited with my family." He smiled, giving a small bow. "So thank you."
"O-of course." I blurted out without thinking, "I wanted to help you." Was I just imagining the surprise flickering across his face? But it disappeared. "But.." I had so much that I wanted to ask him, but the words wouldn't come. "Was that the reason that you saved me yesterday? To pay me back."
He tilted his head. "...I'm not sure."
"You wanted to see us?"
The Prefects had been called to the Headmaster's office. But I stopped short as I saw a familiar face standing there.
"Head.." I caught myself quickly, running into the room, "Randolph! What are you doing here?"
"I thought that you were supposed to be in Queensblade," Elias said.
"It's good to see you again," he said with his usual warm smile. "But I'm afraid there's another reason I'm here."
"I called him here," Headmaster Schuyler said. "I thought that he would have more information on the woman who attacked you."
My heart sank. 'If even Randolph had to come here..' Maybe our assumptions weren't that far off after all.
He took out a picture from his pocket. "Tell me, Liz.." When he laid the picture down, I saw an all too familiar face, a silver necklace glinting around her neck, "is this the woman that you saw?"
Alfonse: You faced a member of Hawkeye all by yourself? That's so brave of you.
Elias: Well, not just by ourselves. We had our friends helping us.
Alfonse: I can't believe that I missed out on it.
Elias: Don't worry, we handled it. We had lots of adventures like that. There was the Tower of Sorrow, the fairy flower incident.. don't even get me started on the Sol Maiden-
Alfonse: Ah, I can't believe I missed so much!
Elias: Don't worry, we have plenty of time to make up for it.
Alfonse: Next time, 'Hawkeye'.
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shall-we-imagine · 1 year ago
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yeetmeintothe-abyss · 5 years ago
The Kiss That Did Them Both In Part I
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Summary: What if Elias and MC’s first kiss had continued? Warnings: Slight NSFW 18+
The girl kneeled there, frozen in the grass and her hand resting on the golden-haired boy in front of her. She vaguely felt his own larger hand caressing her elbow but was too enraptured by Elias’s violet eyes blown wide with surprise that she barely noticed, too focused on that darker emotion dancing with the surprise, something else that she couldn’t quite place. The many shades of purple were swirling around pinpoint pupils, the whites of his eyes so sharply contrasting the different hues in his irises and giving him an exotic look.
She had always thought he looked far different from the rest of the boys of the academy. Exotic in his features, royal in his movements and sharp mind. Ethereal in the soft soul hidden underneath a sharp bite of menace that he only pretended at. She hadn’t allowed herself to delve too deeply into these thoughts, these imaginations of her mind. Until now. When he was on his knees in front of her with scarlet on his cheeks, his silken hair disheveled and eyes large and gazing upon her face with wonder. Their noses were brushing with their closeness and she could almost imagine the taste of his mouth as his breath hit her lips in soft pants. Could still feel the piglets slightly wet snout beneath her lips when she had kissed him to break the spell.
I want to kiss him again, she thought wildly and before she could allow a rational thought to stop her, she was closing that small space between them and slanting her mouth over Elias’s gently. He stiffened beneath her, hand tightening on her elbow with one hand and gripping the grass beneath them in the other. She briefly thought with panic that he was going to shove her away, he just sat frozen beneath her kiss and she quickly began to pull back with hot embarrassment.
Only to find his hand at the back of her neck and holding her in place as his lips softened beneath hers. She sucked in a sharp breath. Surprise was an understatement. She expected him to rip away from her and shout insults at her withered form cowering in the grass. His mouth was velvet against hers, moving with a delicate unsureness that sent butterflies tingling through her stomach. Their noses brushed together once more as Elias tilted his head slightly, trying a different angle to deepen the kiss. The girl could feel her breath quicken, chest rising more rapidly as the kiss went on, blooming into something more than the tentative meeting of lips that she had started.
She felt Elias’s hand leave her neck and slide down to her back before he applied strength to his touch and she felt him pulling her down with him onto their sides in the grass. Their mouths never disconnected, breaths coming quickly through their noses and she tangled her nimble fingers in his hair. She wanted him closer, wanted to mold her body to his. Elias had apparently the same thought in mind as he rose up on one elbow beneath him and hovered over her smaller form, his other hand sliding down her waist. Heat slammed through her veins and she gasped against his mouth, breaking the long kiss momentarily.
Elias moved his lips to her jaw, pressing firm kisses there as his hand fisted in her uniform at her side. The press of his mouth moving ever-slowly down only added to that delicious fire in her core, her eyes rolling back to gaze at the bright sky above them. He was sucking lightly at her pulse point now, tongue lapping almost shyly against the delicate skin of her throat. Her hand tightened in his hair and he groaned against her flesh, his kisses turning harder in an instant.
“Oh,” she gasped as his teeth grazed against her collar bone. His hand had drifted down to her hip and grasped her tightly. His hot breath on her ear made her light-headed. She couldn’t form a coherent thought. Not about the fact that they were on the academy’s lawn, in the open and vulnerable to wandering eyes. Or the fact that Carbuncle was only feet away from her, it’s squeals going completely unnoticed.
Elias’s tongue was on the shell of her ear and she was grasping at his shoulders with her free hand, moaning loudly into the still air as his lips closer over her earlobe to suckle lightly on. Goosebumps exploded over her skin at his hot breath on the sensitive flesh of her ear and neck. Her leg had moved on it’s own accord and was hitched over his hip, trying to gain enough traction to move against his body. His arm wrapped around her briefly and flung her over top him as he laid back and gazed up at her.
Her breath was stolen from her at the sight beneath her.
Elias Goldstein. The Elias Goldstein was heaving for breath, trapped underneath her by her knees placed on either side of his hips. His hands caressed her thighs with such care, thumbs slipping beneath her stockings at the edge of her skirt to rub at her skin. He was gazing up at her with something akin to wonder. Violet eyes dark with desire and fingers trembling against her legs. His sharp cheekbones had the most handsome scarlet adorning them. Lips flushed with their kissing. His heart was pounding beneath her palm.
How could this immovable of a man be quaking beneath her like this? The one that admonished her the most, that was the first to snap insults against her already smarting ego was staring at her with the most beautiful of looks. A look that any girl would go to war to have.
He looked absolutely regal.
And she wanted burn it into her memory forever. Before he came to his senses and realized that he was rolling around in the grass with the Buddy that he despised with all of his being. So she lunged forward and captured his mouth once more and he grunted into the kiss, one hand reaching up to cup her jaw and the other pulling her stocking down to gain more access to the soft skin of her thigh.
He was so warm beneath her hands and she could feel her own body beginning to burn with something foreign, something that was working out of her stomach and spreading lower and lower until-
His tongue brushed the front of her teeth and she moaned longingly, hips grinding down against his without her consent. And met his growing hardness with her core. Heat washed over her like a scorching wind and she found she was shaking. His chest vibrated with another tantalizing groan and his blunt nails bit into her thigh. She thought for one moment that she was going to explode. The heat becoming almost unbearable as she ground her hips down once more, her cry being swallowed by his sweet tasting lips and tongue. She pressed closer to him and opened her mouth wider and then-
“Now what do we have here?” A familiar voice cut through their haze, wrenching Elias and her apart. The girl stumbled off of him and onto her bottom in her haste to separate from Elias and she quickly looked to see who had interrupted them.
Luca stood with his hands on his hips and was grinning widely. Elias groaned and his head fell back onto the lawn in frustration.
“What a sight to wander upon!” Luca declared with glee. Elias glared hotly at the boy and got to his feet, straightening his uniform. He glanced back at the girl, embarrassment chasing away all of the lovely desire on his face. He didn’t even offer a hand to help her up. She shoved herself to her feet, shame coating her throat and causing a wetness to fill her eyes. She should have known the moment that their little charade ended that he would go back to despising her. All of those noises of want that he made, the way he had held her seemed meaningless now.
Stupid, she chastised herself as she adjusted her skirt and avoided looking at either of them. An angry blush was scalding her face and she brushed blades of grass from her clothes harshly. Luca laughed loudly and the delightful warmth that had flooded her stomach before was now a cold stone of dread weighing her down. The tears that pricked her eyes were nearly cresting her lower lids, threatening to fall.
“What you thought you saw was nothing,” Elias’s sharp voice sank deeply into her aching skin. Luca chuckled once more.
“Oh, is that so?” He eyed the couple in front of him, still catching their breath from their tumble in the grass. “It didn’t look like nothing.” The girl wouldn’t look at him. She kept her bright eyes firmly on the ground.
“Well it was nothing,” spat Elias and he shouldered past Luca in his haste to be away from the awkward situation. The air was too thick for him to think properly and he still hadn’t processed just what exactly had happened. He didn’t spare his Buddy a look. He didn’t dare. His erection was still fighting his trousers and his belly was tight with unreleased desire. He strode away from his laughing classmate and the silent girl he had just been kissing, desperately putting the whole thing behind him. He would never speak of it again, he told himself as he practically ran to his dorm.
Meanwhile, Luca fixed the girl with his amused stare and she found that she couldn’t say a word besides a forced,
“Don’t,” and she hurriedly scooped up a protesting Carbuncle and her bag and rushed in the opposite direction as Elias. Her tears cooling her heated face and blinding her path back to her room where she would fall upon her bed and sob quietly.
“Well,” Luca said to the empty air and stroked his chin as he looked down at the flattened grass at his feet. “Tomorrow shall be interesting.” He smirked and with his hands in his pockets, continued on his way to the forest.
To be continued…
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pos-sam · 8 years ago
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I dunno, seeing this new wave of activity in the fandom kinda got me excited, so I did some quick doodles to celebrate~ Gosh, I haven’t drawn in forever (my wrist hurts after 30 minutes!). I hope these are okay. @-@
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nitia95 · 6 years ago
✪ - Alfonse, please?
"Hisoka says we look alike." ~Elias Goldstein.
I don't know if it's enough hateful (because I can't imagine Alfonse with such an expression!)
Hope you like it anyway!
(my sister saw this and thought he looked like Phoenix of Saint Seiya... Definitely not at all!)
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swordsmanofsweets · 6 years ago
Lol in all my excitement I forgot to post these 😅 Hot damn these boys all looking fine!
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//here comes some special boys!!!!
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asunafairywizardessheart · 3 years ago
Nine Months Series Part 3: Due Date
Warning: Details of child birth.
Elias and Asana were due to leave the Goldstein Estate well after the New Year’s Ball they were scheduled to attend alongside his esteemed family. Being a Goldstein certainly had its obligations and responsibilities in the public eye.
However, it was well after that ball. Walter, Klaus and Alfonse had returned to their work now that the formalities of the festive season were over. Winter was starting to leave for another year bringing forth a blooming spring but Elias and Asana were still at the Goldstein manor after agreeing to attend more Goldstein functions delaying their return home until February.
Days ago Klaus had come to the manor bearing bad news.
“What?” Asana was bewildered by the news he shared with them in the study room.
“Are you kidding?” Elias wondered.
Klaus shook his head, “Would I joke about something this serious?”
“Well, how long until they fix it?” Asana asked him.
“Probably months.” Klaus answered her question, “Even with the use of magic to restore the damage, it will still likely take some months for it to be operable again.”
The only route to their home in the countryside had been completely destroyed by dark wizards. A bridge that provided train access to the countryside had been completely demolished leaving massive eighty kilometre gap in the tracks.
Being heavily pregnant, air travel was out.
“We can’t even get their by carriage?” Asana asked.
“That would take a couple of days and I don’t want you to risk going into labour on some random road ages away from help,” Klaus rejected her idea, “I think it’s best if you stay here.”
Elias and Asana panicked as nothing had been prepared for the baby’s arrival at the Goldstein estate.
“What? The baby is due any day now and there is nothing prepared here if I give birth here,” Asana stressed, “Even everything that I need is all prepared at home.”
Regardless of their arguments, Klaus strongly suggested that they remain at the manor until the bridge was repaired, “I know how you feel but as a doctor you would agree that travelling for days in a carriage could be a risk if you were to go into labour. If you give birth many hours away from the nearest town and something goes wrong during the birth, what would you do?”
As a doctor, she couldn’t argue with his logic there. While there was as much a chance of her surviving the journey home without going into labour, it was the same chance of her going into labour too. He was right, it was too much of a gamble.
She looked to Elias, “We can’t possibly impose on your parents like this.”
Mary had overheard the news too and approached the couple, “Don’t worry about that Asana.”
“Mother,” Elias turned to her voice.
Standing by her son she smiled at them, “ I would rather the three of you be safe here and I certainly don’t want to risk the health of my granddaughter and her mother by sending them home.”
“But, everything is prepared at home,” she argued.
“We will prepare swiftly for baby’s arrival here too,” Mary pinched both their cheeks, “We are family, right?”
That pinching twist they knew all too well along with that motherly tongue. They had no room to argue with her and she had already ordered a nursery to be prepared next to their chambers. It wasn’t what they had really expected or imagined.
“I know this is not what you wanted,” Klaus read their minds clearly, “But, it also can’t be helped. What difference is this home to your cottage in the village? You’ll get there again one day, just not in the next few months while the bridge is being repaired.”
He was right and they knew that he was too.
“Now Asana,” Mary gave her undivided attention to her daughter-in-law with a self-writing notepad hovering in the air next to her, “Tell me what you need and I will procure those items for you.”
“…Wait, what?” she didn’t want to use their money.
“Tell me what you need?” Mary quizzed again, “Any maternity clothes you may need? Bottles? Baby clothes?”
Since they weren’t expecting to give birth to their daughter in the capital they had thought to bring anything baby related with them. Which meant that everything had to be purchased once more, “No,” Asana refused her offer, “I can’t have you and Father foot the bill.”
“It’s no trouble. Besides, we are partially to blame for delaying your return home too.”
“But, I’d feel bad.”
Walter and Mary had already made plans to add a nursery next to Elias and Asana’s usual chambers. They had in mind the times they would come to visit the family during the festive seasons and for other celebrations that required them to come home. The base plans were already decided and the builders were already booked in to start construction.
“We were going to build a nursery anyway for when the three of you came home in the future. Now is a better time than never given the circumstances,” Mary refused to accept her daughter’s refusal, “I already called in the builders to start construction early. They are on their way as we speak.”
Klaus was impressed by her swift decision making and turned to his brother while Mary whisked Asana away from them, “As quick as ever,” he commented, “You can’t win against Mom when she’s like this.”
Elias agreed, “Yes. Did you end up catching the people responsible for the destruction?”
Klaus shook his head, “They are powerful and smart.”
“I appreciate you taking time to tell us,” Elias bowed to him gesturing his gratitude.
“I must go back to the investigation now,” Klaus reached for his coat he left on the rack near the entrance of the house and put it on before glancing back at his brother again, “Tell Asana not to stress too much. It’s not good for Charlotte.”
“Are you still confident that you have correctly guessed what her name will be?” Elias smirked at him.
“Am I wrong?” Klaus smirked confidently.
Walking him out onto the marble portico Elias warned him, “Just don’t tell anyone else until we have.”
Broom in hand Klaus was ready to depart the property, “I won’t,” he said mounting his transportation and hovering in the air, “I don’t want to miss Alfonse’s reaction.”
With that last remark, he flew off into the sky his magic power kicking up a gust of wind.
Asana meanwhile, lost the fight to Mary. She had given in to her mother-in-law to buy what they needed under the circumstances since they couldn’t return home in time for the arrival of their daughter. Elias had caught up to them as Asana reluctantly listed everything she needed verbally. The quill catching every word onto a notepad.
“That should be all I need,” Asana finished.
“Excellent,” Mary ripped the paper from the notepad.
Neatly folding the paper into a rectangular shape she tucked it inside her purse. Collecting her handbag she headed for the front door just as a carriage pulled up outside. She turned to face them, “I will be home after I have done shopping for everything.”
“Wait?” Asana couldn’t comprehend her urgency, “You’re going now?”
“Yes,” Mary answered her feet trudging to the door, “Time is of the essence and we don’t hold the clock to control it. Baby Goldstein does.”
Before any more protests could be made, Mary was out the door and the carriage transporting her pulled forward following the looping pebble path toward the street.
“She’s so fast,“ Asana amused.
Unbeknown to Elias and Asana, it was a stroke of luck that Klaus had so strongly rejected them travelling by carriage in order to get home to their mountainside cottage. Another stroke of luck that Mary had organised a nursery to be assembled so quickly. Because time was not on their side.
It had been a day since Klaus had told them about the bridge and how a couple hours on the express train home would be impossible.
Elias accompanied his father to the workshop where the family’s prized magical tools were produced. Mary went to a luncheon with a bunch of wives of ministers. Klaus decided to finish his investigation reports in the comfort and privacy of the manor. Alfonse deciding to procrastinate in the study on the second floor. Asana finding herself suddenly alone in the big mansion.
When she was with others it never seemed so grand. Although an accepted member of the family, she still felt weird walking around alone. It felt like she was always sneaking around. For the next couple of months Asana would be nursing her newly born daughter within these walls. It wasn’t how she had imagined but the manor was still a home for them and would be for their daughter too.
Feet padded in slippers and a robe hugging her body, Asana wasn’t aware Klaus and Alfonse were home but tucked away in different areas of the house. She stretched for body as she made her way to the kitchen downstairs for her back had started to throb since late afternoon yesterday.
She had nothing particular planned today since both parents and Elias put her under strict instructions to take it easy while they were out. Her back pain was noticeably worse this morning than it was yesterday but she thought nothing of it. She did happen to be in the mood for baking and hoped the exercise would help soothe her back pain.
An enormous kitchen fit for the finest chefs was cleaned spotlessly. Right now, it was empty and provided her with the perfect opportunity to make something easy and quickly. She just had to decide what to make with the ingredients on hand.
“Let’s see,” she studied the contents inside the pantry, “There’s flour, baking soda, cocoa. I’m pretty sure I saw eggs and milk in the fridge too. Oh, vanilla extract too. Cupcakes it is!”
As she moved around the kitchen, her back pain only worsened and she could swear the pain had spread around to her belly as well. “O-Ouch,” she grimaced as an almost unbearable ache travelled along her nerves.
She took a deep breath to desensitise the aching. Taking a moment to gather herself she went ahead to open a small bag a flour. As she reached for the measuring cup and sifter, the discomfort returned. The sensation was dull but enough to immobilise her movements, “O-O-Ouch,” she wore a painful expression.
The aching felt like it had drained her strength that she used the sturdiness of the kitchen island to support her body as she sank to the floor. Her desire to bake cupcakes was forgotten as this never-felt-before pain became relentless. Tears began spilling from her eyes from the pain she was experiencing.
“…Wand?” she murmured to herself, “Where did I put it?”
She wanted it but remembered she had left it upstairs in their chambers. That realisation only made her tears multiply and stream down her cheeks to hang and fall from her chin. All she could do was wait until someone came home.
“Elias!” she called for him over and over again through breathlessness and teary eyes, “I need you to come home now,” she hoped somehow he’d telepathically hear her.
Upstairs Alfonse decided to bother his brother, “Working from home today?”
“Yes. Go away,” Klaus shooed him.
“Don’t be like that,” Alfonse refused to leave, “I came by to ask if you wanted something to eat from the kitchen.”
“Not hungry,” Klaus replied.
“Alright then,” Alfonse now took his leave, “You sure?”
“Go away.”
“Going!” his voice drifted down the hallway leaving the door to the office wide open.
“Close the door!” Klaus scoffed.
Asana heard their loud voices from the kitchen, “Alfonse! Klaus! Is that you!?”
Hearing their names being called and sensing the distress in her voice they hurried downstairs.
“Where are you Asana?” Alfonse called out to her from the second floor.
“…K-Kitchen!” she almost screamed back as another uncomfortable ache spread through her body.
Sweat glistened across her face as she endured the intense pain she was feeling. While she waited for them to reach her, she felt a new sensation different from the dull and unbearable aching waving through her body. “…N-Not yet…,” she breathlessly begged. This new sensation felt like a slight pressure being released from within her body. The source of the strange pressure was now visible as a gush of fluid trickle from her onto the marble floor beneath her.
Running down the stairs they hurried to her side in the kitchen. As they came closer they could see flour strewn across the surface of the kitchen bench but couldn’t see her. “Asana, did you fall?” Klaus asked as both brothers suspected she was behind the middle island where she had laid out ingredients on the bench.
Without an answer to his question, she cried with a small scream passing through her lips as another ache, more intense from the dull pain she felt previously, sent waves through her nerves, “…C-Call… Elias please,” she cried.
They found her sweating across her face with eyes wet and streaks of hundreds of tears leaving a mark on her cheeks. “Klaus,” Alfonse pointed to the fluid beneath her, “I think she’s in labour.”
“Call Elias and a doctor” he instructed.
“What will you do?” he asked.
��Make her more comfortable,” Klaus placed her arm across his shoulder while Alfonse hurried off to the magic phone inside the house.
Carefully lifting her body into his arms he carried her to an unused bedroom inside the manor. Her entire body was damp with water from her sweat and tears and from the fluid of her water breaking. Being lifted into the air and moved from her position on the kitchen floor didn’t do anything to stop the pain.
Writhing and wiggling in her arms Klaus found it hard to carry her, “Hey, stop squirming.”
“Shut up!” she snapped at him, “This hurts!”
Never hearing her snap like that before Klaus was stopped in his tracks for a moment but resumed walking to the bed. He didn’t hold it personally against her since she was in labour, “I’ll forgive that one,” he chuckled, “Aren’t you happy you’re not travelling home right now like you wanted to yesterday?”
“W…Where’s E-Elias?” she demanded, disregarding Klaus’ question.
“Alfonse is contacting him,” Klaus assured her, “He’ll be here soon. Take some deep breaths.”
He stayed by her side for almost twenty minutes before he heard hurried footsteps coming closer to the door. Klaus expected Alfonse to return but barging through the door was Mary followed by Alfonse, “I’ve called the doctor, he’ll be here soon,” he told her and turned to Asana, “Elias is coming too, okay.”
Mary stripped her jacket off and rolled up her sleeves, “Klaus, towels. Alfonse, go get a cold damp cloth,” she instructed her sons while she stayed be Asana’s side, “Asana. Take some deep breaths.”
Klaus returned with towels from the bathroom ensuite inside the bedroom.
“Do you know how long she has been like this for?”
“We only found her in the kitchen just now when she called out to us about twenty to twenty-five minutes ago.”
“Her water was already broken?” she asked him.
“Okay,” Mary heard her, “Where is Alfonse with the cloth?”
Klaus went to investigate but before he could put a step forward, Elias barged through to the room with a cold cloth in hand. Mary saw him with the cloth in hand, “She’s feeling hot put the cloth over her forehead,” she instructed.
As he did so her pink eyes and pink smile gazed at him.
“I’m sorry,” he apologised, “I shouldn’t have left you alone.”
“It’s…okay…,” she said reaching for his hand, “…You’re here now.”
Walter also returned home with Elias after he bolted without a word from the workshop, “How is she?” he enquired from the threshold of the door.
“Give her some privacy!” a familiar voice scolded from the hall with a black medical bag in hand, “Go on. All you men but the father may leave.”
Walter, Klaus and Alfonse were shooed from the room like flies with the door closed in their faces. Inside, Mary moved to the side and stepped in as a nurse while the doctor commanded the situation.
“Now then,” the doctor gloved up to inspect how dilated she had become, “We are not quite there yet. We’re only at four centimetres dilation.”
“What does that mean?” Elias asked.
“She has to be at ten centimetres dilation for the baby to be delivered,” the doctor explained, “She has many hours ahead of her yet.”
“Childbirth isn’t a quick walk in the park, son.”
“Just keep her calm and keep that cloth cold, okay,” Mary instructed him.
“You went through this three times Mom?”
She nodded, “The first is usually the longest. Took eleven hours before Alfonse was born compared to you. You were pretty much right out.”
Elias blushed bright red, “M-Mom, seriously?”
Time seemed to pass by for what felt like an eternity. From the fresh morning to the start beginning to retire for the day but there had been now news about the baby arriving just yet. Klaus had completed his investigation reports while keenly listening for any movement.
Joining his father and brother in the tea room, there still was no news. He glanced at the grandfather clock in the corner of the room the iron hands pointing at exactly four o’clock, “Nothing yet, huh?” he concluded.
“No,” Walter read the newspaper, “Babies take their time. She could be here now, she might be here tonight or tomorrow. It’s on their terms.”
Alfonse lounged lazily across the sofa abandoning a hot cup of tea on the coffee table. Klaus decided to brew a fresh pot to suit his taste. “I hope she’s here soon,” Klaus commented in the silence.
“Yes, I wish she’d hurry up,” Alfonse agreed, “Her poor mother.”
“I’m rather curious to know if Elias has made it through this,” Walter chuckled curiously.
Klaus waited for his tea to steep. Steam scented with the smell of assam only made him more impatient to drink the cup. He was quickly pulled from his daze when he heard the door to the birthing suite open. Exhaustion was evident on Mary’s face as she appeared in the tea room. There were hints of blood on her clothing.
“Well?” Walter enquired impatiently.
A tear fell from Mary’s eye, “She’s finally here. Mother and baby healthy and happy. Give them some time. Poor Asana is very tired.”
“You look tired too,” Walter stated.
“Oh, I am,” she laughed, “I’m going to clean myself up.”
Inside the birthing suite, Asana and Elias couldn’t tear their eyes away from their newly born daughter.
“She’s perfect,” Asana still cried, this time tears flowing with happiness.
A tiny human was enveloped within a warm blanket. Soundly sleeping. All cleaned up since being born and the umbilical cord severed.
“She has your nose,” Elias commented.
“You think?” Asana yawned, “She got nothing from me. She’s all you.”
Catching her yawn Elias swept strands of her hair from her face, “You did an amazing job bringing Charlotte into the world. You should rest.”
“I’m quite tired,” she admitted, “But, I’m sure your father and brothers are itching to meet her.”
Asana gently passed their daughter across into his arms and encouraged him to go show her off.
With careful steps Elias cradled his tiny daughter carrying her to the tea room where he could hear them chatting about nothing important. Alfonse saw him coming and bounced off the sofa. Walter restraining him.
“Quiet,” he scolded him, “She’s asleep.”
Standing before them Elias introduced his daughter to them, “Asana would love to join I’m sure but she’s sleeping right now. Everyone, meet the newest member of our family. Charlotte.”
“No, I was wrong,” Alfonse pouted.
Klaus chuckled proudly.
“How did you know?”
“Asana’s mother’s name was Charlotte. I had a feeling that’s what her name would be.”
Walter put a hand over his son’s shoulder, “Congratulations to the both of you. Welcome to the world little one.”
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em-jplaysotome · 6 years ago
There's so many possibilities with the Wizardess Heart buddy system that it's almost a shame that the only time we really see it is when Liz and her LI match with one another.
Imagine the potential drama that would come from having Liz having a different buddy to her LI; especially if you threw some unrequited love in there. What would happen if she matched with one of the Goldsteins, but fell for another? What if she was buddies with Joel, but in love with someone else? Would he still open up about their past? Would she get jealous if her LI had another buddy?
Imagine if they used it to showcase the importance of other kinds of relationships? If Liz and Amelia, or Elias and Yukiya, or Zeus and Hiro were buddies, because a close friendship can be just as important, if not more important than a romantic relationship? Or if we saw characters who were buddies, and also related? Because sometimes a familial bond can be strong and important.
"Having a good influence on each other" could mean a lot of things. Imagine the embarrassment of a student at the academy who matches with one of the teachers, because somewhere down the line, they're going to give a lecture that will change their life. Or the potential for buddies to be rivals, who end up becoming better people out of spite?
Idk man, I just think it could be something great.
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atopearth · 6 years ago
Shall we Date? Wizardess Heart Part 19 - Elias Goldstein Sequel
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Elias sequel! Trying to do all the sequels available right now before starting the next season XD Nice to see that the heroine and Elias are as cute as always, so sweet when they showed how well they connect together by being able to use their magic together to do a spell. Elias’ father looks cool~ Wonder why the other brother isn’t here for Klaus’ graduation though? Oooh, starting to really see the stark difference in art now though, but I guess I’ll slowly get used to it? Lol, kinda awkward to see previous characters with the current characters since they look so different, like they’re talking to each other from different worlds haha.
But it’s really cool to see everyone cooperating to make this magical appliance(?) alongside Elias. It’s nice to see him want to achieve something his ancestors didn’t have the chance to because technology was lacking, so it’s great that since he’s got the money and the knowledge that he can try his best to continue this research to help non-magic users be able to fly. I thought they finished it so fast lol, not surprised that it exploded and needs improvements. Nice to see Luca helping them out and having more screentime! Sooo cute when they got permission to keep experimenting there and Elias lent the heroine his hand to sleep on since the carpet isn’t soft, he’s so sweet! Can’t blame them for chasing their near perfect prototype into the East Forest since it went berserk, but going to confront the intruder when you’re just students, that’s very dangerous! Not a smart move!
No wonder why Augustus and Scarlett look so familiar! They had romance side/event stories with Amelia! Too bad I missed out and didn’t read them, no wonder they’re so protective over her haha. Anyway they’re lucky that Vincent and the headmaster came to their aid against Drago and thus making him run away, otherwise they really could have died. Okay, they know Drago is dangerous and that Vincent and them are trying to take care of him and they still go after him when they’re just students and Vincent is an experienced knight… That’s totally a great idea… They did well to work together and get whatever that egg was from Drago but they really don’t know what they’re getting themselves into…So…this hatched golem can spread a virus that can destroy the world and it kinda smacked Drago and has gone berserk, that’s cool…
Danggg, it’s the classic wet clothes scenario where they must strip and share the only blanket so they won’t get sick, it’s pretty cute haha. So glad they’re all getting lectured for ignoring warnings to go after Drago and breaking curfew since they stayed out. Not surprised that the golem can regenerate and is still alive after the heroine and Elias supposedly defeated it. I guess the cute thing is that the virus it spreads makes people small and now Elias has a mini heroine to take care of/play with🤣 Omgg, so glad Amelia has casual clothes now! I remember in the past routes, she only had her pajamas and her school uniform so it was awkward sometimes when she’s out somewhere in her PJs/uniform lol. It was so sweet when Elias answered her that if she were to stay this size forever, then he’ll become mini size too and they’ll have a doll castle and live there together forever haha. It’s so nice to see how the heroine (the ball of positivity) has made Elias a much happier person~ Well, he changed her back faster than I thought though.
I’m so happy that Vincent showed them the weakness in their link magic that they’re so proud of and think can beat the golem, when really, it’s a technique that takes too long to do and is easy to dodge. They’re really so…sigh. Maybe I’m just picky, but I honestly fail to see how magic dancing is the way to solve their weakness of just standing there, like regardless, how do they dodge proper attacks when dancing, I just find it rather ridiculous tbh, and they literally only practised dancing for 5 seconds and 3 of those was spent with the heroine stepping on Elias, and now suddenly they can challenge Vincent and even beat him😶 Like, I know the game isn’t very realistic in the first place but this is unrealistic to a new level imo and it’s killing any more feelings I have towards this route. And honestly it’s so ridiculous that only Elias and the heroine are capable in this link magic to defeat this golem that’s going to destroy the world, like uhh seriously? Link magic doesn’t even seem like some ancient forgotten magic, how could no one be capable in it with a partner they can trust? Zzzz🙄
And uhh, why are Yukiya, Luca and Joel okay to come along if Elias and the heroine had to prove themselves with link magic?? I thought they don’t want to involve students in this? Like, I wanna feel sorry for Drago and that he and the headmaster are after all pupil and teacher, so it’s saddening, but it just played out in such a boring way, like they just put it like that to make it seem sad, but because we barely see Drago, barely know what kind of person he was before or even now, know nothing about his motivations etc, it’s hard to feel anything for him. I feel like I’ve seen the golem more than him. Lol, well, anyway, I’m glad the whole Goldstein family approves of Elias with his accomplishments and loll, they even had to hold a meeting to approve of the heroine too! And then Elias proposed to her with a ring!😄
Overall, I’m actually pretty disappointed in this sequel. Initially, it was going okay with the making of the board and Elias and the heroine bonding, showing how much they’ve grown to rely and trust on each other and then boom! This random plot with the golem and Drago was just so…uncreative and shallow, felt nothing for Drago or the golem (lol), and the way they defeated it when it’s supposedly something endangering the world was just so silly. It felt like such a weak way to show that Elias and the heroine’s bonds are so strong that it can save the world or something, and then it’s like yay let’s get married because we defeated something that we endangered our lives and broke the rules for when their recklessness could have killed everyone, it’s like imagine if Drago’s egg was super dangerous and they went in there trying to catch a criminal to boost their credentials when it could have very well ended the world. Anyway, I found it very immature, silly and not very interesting at all, I did not like the sequel, I honestly prefer Elias’ route even though he was a jerk to her most of the route, at least I felt more emotions towards their relationship than in this route😣😴
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