#alfonse goldstein
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dark-wizardess · 3 months ago
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My version (first pic) Vs @ashiastraea 's version. (Second pic)
A while back I was attempting to draw a Lillias X Alfonse picture, after I finished the outline I sent it to my friend and we both did two different versions of the coloring.
(More versions with different backgrounds coming up)
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eye-cri · 8 months ago
Shout out to me and Aidma 🗣🗣❗️we got a birthday today 💯❗️
So I decided to bring back the birthday meme series in a different font 😁 enjoy (Part 1. There will be 2 other parts, all posted today, instead of waiting for another year for each. Lolzies!!)
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I love re-using this CG to always portray Vincent as a middle aged frat boy 😭😭 it's just so funny, like look at him every time I re-use the pic and try to tell me it doesn't get funnier every time.
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ind1exo · 5 months ago
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Leave it to Zeus to throw his hands on anyone... 🤦‍♀️
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Jokes on him that Gray is a ghost! 🤣 Hiro was about to bring that sword real quick. Alfonse's response. I can tell he likes scary things lol
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Gray's really vague, isn't he..? Haha, Luca loves the drama honestly. Elias on the other hand should be saying "yare yare daze" to this.
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mcl-mia · 1 year ago
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//zeus week day 7 - party
you're invited!!
aidma: @eye-cri
gladys: @gladdygirl18
wren: @demonidoodles
katia: @nitia95
xavier: @magikchicken
lillias: @dark-wizardess
this was also just an excuse to draw a lot of ocs LMAO i hope u all don't mind <3
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memoria-99 · 8 months ago
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shall-we-imagine · 1 year ago
Cookies and sleep (Klaus Goldstein AU)
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A/N: literally ever since I saw this ask I've been wanting to write it the feeling I get from it is just aahh 💞💞💞
Genre: ?
(Third person point of view)
8:04 AM
"Shit." The blond mutters, realizing he'd overslept. Yes, indeed, it is his day off, but that doesn't make it any less busy than a work day..
He practically falls off the bed in an attempt to sprint to the bathroom, silently cursing his phone for the missing alarm all the way.
He skips his morning shower, knowing he'll come back sweaty and gross in an hour or so after he goes running.
Yes, the perfect time for a run would've been around 6 am, but this damned phone decided it was okay to let Klaus have an extra two hours, which he probably needed after staying up late working on a PowerPoint, but still: Klaus wasn't very thankful. He now has to push all his plans 2 hours back.
Grabbing his phone and earphones along with his jacket, he runs into the street madman style. A very late madman.
The cold air stings his skin like a thousand invisible needles. "Fuck." He breathes out, attempting to wear his jacket without really slowing down, which he's almost sure looks absolutely ridiculous, but he doesn't have time to waste, so if he needs to make a fool out of himself to get things done then so be it.
He eventually reaches the park where he usually goes for a run; it had a huge running track surrounding it, making it both challenging and fun. However, at this moment, Klaus could only view it as challenging, seeing as he's already panting after all the rush he was in ever since he woke up.
"No time for breaks." He mutters, forcing himself to push through the exhaustion while continuing to pant like a dog on a hot day.
He passes by another runner who just gives Klaus a sympathetic smile, as she proceeds with her routine, keeping her breathing steady. Klaus wanted to yell that he wasn't normally this pitiful and that he's actually fairly athletic, but he didn't have it in him to even speak, so he just displays a pained smile on his face instead, letting the random stranger think of him as pitiable.
10:23 AM
Klaus sighs. He knows he shouldn't hold onto the clouds of gloom surrounding him ever since he woke up, but it was very unlike him to be late. In fact, he's scolded countless people for being late, assuring them this could never be him.
Life is funny like that.
"No one will know. We'll take it to the grave." He assures himself, as he reaches for his keys.
His keys.
His keys?
Where are his keys?!
Did he drop them while running? No way; he would've known!
Did he even grab them before leaving?
"Fuck me." Klaus curses.
There's simply no way for him to open his door from outside except with the keys. He basically locked himself outside.
Elias has a spare key, but calling him would expose an unorderly, late, uncomposed Klaus. A version of him that should never see the light of day.
Klaus is not dramatic about this or anything.
10:37 AM
Klaus wonders if he needs a shower more or hisdignity and pride.
His stomach growls.
Klaus wonders if he needs a shower and food more or his dignity and pride.
He pushes himself off his front porch and circulates his house, sort of like a burglar tryna find his way in.
A miracle.
A thought shone through his misery, possibly saving the day.
Who would've known that delaying getting a window's broken lock fixed would bring such happiness to a perfectionist like him?
Klaus pushes the window open with one swift movement and kicks his leg up, hooking it on the window sill and pulling himself up.
The excitement had erased the dimensions of the window from Klaus's memory, but he was to be reminded immediately with a loud bang once his head collides with the top if the window.
He grumbles in pain and annoyance but pushes himself inside anyway.
He rubs his head and moans in pain, "Today's just not my day." he mumbles.
Klaus drags himself into the hot shower, relieved bythe only relaxing thing he's experienced this morning.
10:58 AM
Klaus isn't a fan of brunch, but he was too hungry to complain.
Hey, at least the waffles taste as good as they would've at 6 AM. He smiles to himself.
Klaus stiffens.
Would it be too farfetched to assume Elias came over with his kitten?
The source of the noise reveals itself. Lo and behold it is, in fact, not Elias's tiny black kitten. Instead, struts in a chubby orange cat that Klaus has never ever seen before.
"Rude." Klaus mumbles.
The cat meows back as if to object to his insult.
"Come on you invited yourself in! How did you even get in here?" His gaze pans over to the broken window. Aha.
"Well, whatever." He had no energy left to argue with the entitled feline. He wanted to eat his breakfast and relax.
11:14 AM
"You really shouldn't be eating so much; you're already a bit chubbier than you should be." His fingers lovingly rub the top of the stray's head, heavily contrasting his words. Thankfully, cats don't speak human.
Occupied with the tuna, Little Stalker -as Klaus called her- ignores Klaus's health advice and stuffs her face.
"Don't say I didn't warn you!" The blonde rolls his eyes, before proceeding to shower the cat with physical affection.
He almost melts when she purrs in response, but no, he must play hard to get.
12:03 PM
"Yes you're a good girl; you're the best girl! Good job!" He squeezes the towel-wrapped cat into his arms.
Hmm...how's 49 mins for hard to get?
At least he found it in him to force her into a bath, right?
The cat hisses at him, clearly unhappy with the progression of events, perhaps reconsidering its choices of houses to break into.
3:45 PM
Klaus groans at the doorbell, willing his sibling (probably) to go away. Not because he didn't miss him, but simply because he was comfortable in bed. So was Cookie, who'd gotten comfortable on his chest.
He admires his new furry friend, spotted with brown "chocolate chips" that inspired ber new more appropriate name. Alfonse or Elias better have have something worth moving the cat and getting up for.
He sighs and forces himself towards the noise of possibly the third or fourth round of knocks and bell rings.
"Why are you so persistent?" Klaus rolls his eyes.
"I missed you too, Klaus." Elias pushes past his older brother, tentatively followed by a giggly Alfonse.
Klaus glares at his older brother, scaring him into giving a better performance of totally not finding this funny.
Alfonse isn't very good at this role.
"W-when did you get a cat?" As confused as Elias is, that doesn't stop him from pulling the furball into his arms.
"Today. I also didn't get it; it sort of forced itself onto me, really." He shrugs.
"Explains a lot" The youngest retorts sarcastically but moves on nonetheless, practically adopting Cookie for the time being.
7:36 PM
"I told you I won't forget; now leave!"
"Okay, okay, you're so pushy, jeez."
Klaus practically shoves his younger brothers out the door.
"See you later; have a safe ride home; bye!" Door slam.
Klaus sigh, resting his back on the front door.
Cookie curiously approaches him, meowing in the process, earning herself a smile from the tall blond.
She rubs her head against his legs, so Klaus gives in and pulls her into his arms. "You're such a lil manipulator, y'know that?"
Klaus takes his new companion and goes back to his room.
9:49 PM
Cookie buries her face in the crook of a sleeping Klaus's neck, not very keen on making sure he doesn't wake up.
Alas, the blond was too far gone to be woken up by the furball.
After all, he'd had a pretty long day.
And even though he'd swear to never be able to sleep except in complete darkness, Klaus was now in deep sleep while the light from the tv screen illuminates his sharp features.
Well, not like that was the only out of character thing to happen today, huh?
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mrsalfonsegoldstein · 2 years ago
Alfonse: Klaus gave me a get better soon card. Sigurd: Aww, that's sweet! Alfonse: But I wasn't sick. He just thought I could do better.
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el-y30plus · 2 years ago
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sigurd doesn't have the goldstein name on him but he's part of the family fr fr
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smash-or-pass-otome · 1 year ago
Alfonse Goldstein from Wizardess Heart
Alfonse Goldstein
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ness-plays-wizards · 2 years ago
Lucious Route Chapter 3 (1-5)
Last time on the Lucious route, Liz ends up agreeing to come into the Labyrinth to give Lucious food because the magic in the Labyrinth is on the fritz and Zeus can’t do it because he’s been suckered into the worst thing that will ever happen in this route: a family get-together.
So Amelia meets Liz in the kitchen while she’s cooking food for Lucious.
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I’m really glad no one in the writer’s room knew about a/b/o while writing this..
On her way to the Labyrinth, Liz runs into Alfonse and Caesar.
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Since Zeus and Hiro are going home together and Alfonse and Caesar are spending time in the town together, this holiday weekend said gay rights.
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Are we finally getting the explanation at to how you’re still alive? I’m actually more excited for this than the rest of the plot, so naturally, I don’t get The Fucking Explanation. But Alfonse and Caesar decide to tag along to visit Lucious so. Maybe soon.
They meet in the Illusion Station, and Lucious throws a tantrum instead of explaining how he broke Caesar’s goddamn curse-
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Just... how did he do it without a fucking kiss of true love?? The curse to me seemed very specific about it! Who provided the kiss of true love in this version of the timeline? Was it Alfonse??? Who fucking gave it??
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So they all eat the food, and Lucious gets a chance to show off more of his... wonderful personality /s.
Liz gets up and discovers that an invisible wall popped up around them, while Lucious is unfazed, but states that it’s never happened in the castle before.
Queued for August 31
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ceragondubs · 1 month ago
Wizardess Heart Smash or Pass
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dark-wizardess · 4 months ago
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Working on something after so long~
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eye-cri · 2 years ago
Queen's battery acid is the equivalent of Alfonse's red drunkard (or was it drunktard? Either way point still stands)
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ind1exo · 4 months ago
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Alfonse is such a savage sometimes. The dude is unfazed. 😶
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Ooo. Gray showed him, the Emperor. Good on you, Gray! You broke the Emperor Klaus! 🙌🙌🙌
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Aww, Elias' little brother energy broke Klaus too. Right on that one, Luca!
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 4 months ago
🧙‍♂️Wizardess Heart🧙‍♂️
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Albert Auburn ➳
Alfonse Goldstein ➳
Augustus Cole ➳
Azusa Kuze ➳
Caesar Raphael ➳
Cerim Leiado ➳
Clive Lagrene ➳
Elias Goldstein ➳
Florin Arden ➳
Glenn Qing ➳
Gray ➳
Guy Brighton ➳
Hiro Tachibana ➳
Hisoka Hagakure ➳
Hugo Peers ➳
Joel Crawford ➳
Klaus Goldstein ➳
Lars Lagrene ➳
Leon ➳
Leslie Roseblade ➳
Light Fildora ➳
Luca Orlem ➳
Lucious Duller ➳
Mel Glover ➳
Nox Noir ➳
Randy March ➳
Rex Blanc ➳
Scarlett Quinn ➳
Sigurd Curtis ➳
Ted ➳
Vincent Knight ➳
Willem V. Rembrandt ➳
Yukiya Reizen ➳
Zeus Brundle ➳
Back to the Masterlist Hub?
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memoria-99 · 8 months ago
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Eldest brothers surely have something in common
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