17 posts
me when gaymers are real
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pr0j3ct-3t3rn1ty · 1 year ago
adding more soon but heres the higher quality pic of the ref sheet!!
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pr0j3ct-3t3rn1ty · 1 year ago
argos character ref woohoo :D
also my shading marker wouldnt work properly but uh. yea
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if this doesnt end up as a game (due to permission issues), ill keep this as an au cuz uh. it is kinda based off my au......... so yea
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pr0j3ct-3t3rn1ty · 1 year ago
argos character ref woohoo :D
also my shading marker wouldnt work properly but uh. yea
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if this doesnt end up as a game (due to permission issues), ill keep this as an au cuz uh. it is kinda based off my au......... so yea
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pr0j3ct-3t3rn1ty · 1 year ago
hihi ignore my post on main this is now the project eternity blog :3
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pr0j3ct-3t3rn1ty · 1 year ago
✨reblog if you're accepting anonymous asks about anything✨
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pr0j3ct-3t3rn1ty · 1 year ago
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pr0j3ct-3t3rn1ty · 1 year ago
I told my gf that I was having an episode earlier and she replied "is it the beach episode" and it shocked me so much that it grounded me immediately
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pr0j3ct-3t3rn1ty · 1 year ago
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feeling called out today
credit: _ADWills
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pr0j3ct-3t3rn1ty · 1 year ago
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pr0j3ct-3t3rn1ty · 1 year ago
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pr0j3ct-3t3rn1ty · 1 year ago
Just finished the movie and him and I are wondering when Markiplier is going to show up in the movie
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pr0j3ct-3t3rn1ty · 1 year ago
While im in the mood to ramble some more
Headcannon time: Starting with fluffier/lighter stuff and working our way down to darker stuff as we progress. Once again, kinda long so like, uh, yeah.
I've seen some people say that Argos can't cook or something to that effect. Which is funny to think about, I'll admit. But ALSO, I do think since Argos is an adult who has lived on his own for x number of years, he can fend for himself just fine. Like, he can cook, it's just hard. And I think it's similar for Mr. Plant. I'm going to take this moment to freely project my issues onto Argos for this. He forgets shit all the time when it comes to cooking. If he has something on the stove and he has to leave the kitchen for even the briefest of moments, the instant he passes the threshold of the kitchen doorway, he can forget in a split second what it was he was even doing. (I've boiled water to nothing and left water running for hours at a time on numerous occasions doing this. orz) This, obviously, leads to things burning. BUT, when he can buckle down and focus, he absolutely knocks it out of the park with the dishes he makes. Since Argos is someone who likes to keep his hands busy, I think cooking could definitely be one of those things he likes to indulge in from time to time. It's just harder for him cause his thoughts are all over the place most of the time. Probably mostly on Mr. Plant if we're being honest.
What Argos INSTEAD likes to do, is create premade meals for himself. Things he can freeze or store for long periods of time. Pizzas, soup, stews, pierogies. Whatever you can make then shove in the freezer/fridge to cook/heat at a later date. That way if he fucks up another attempt because he forgot something in the oven or on the stove, he always has something to fall back on. Because he knows he's a kitchen hazard.
I think Argos grows a lot of his own food. Meat from the meat plants, fruit from the cry fruit and various other vegetation he has. I can only imagine the kinds of exotic void fruits and veggies he has in his garden. What would a salad look like in the Void? I'm sure there are salads familiar to the human senses. And then I'm sure there are salads that are unique to the Void and it's citizens too! Bizarre and unheard of herbs and spices that will activate taste buds you didn't even know you had! Yummy! Maybe.
I also think you'll find all sorts of plants in Argos' garden that can do you great harm when ingested. And Argos puts these to use too. So if he ever invites you over for lunch or tea or he's bringing you a batch of his cookies, stop and think before you accept that invite or offer. Have you been rude to him lately? The answer to that question could save you from a very very bad tummy ache! Or death.
I think Argos is therefore, not only familiar with various poisons and how to mix and dilute, but also with helpful home remedies. While not a replacement for a medical professional and over the counter medications when you are very very sick, it can help ease milder symptoms. (I don't see him being the crystals and essential oils only type or anything.) Light headaches, a touch of nausea, minor burns. Maybe he even makes his own teas! Be wary of those too though. Again, just ask yourself, what has your relationship with him been like in recent days? And have you checked in with him lately or said sorry for that silly thing you said that one time? No? You better. Otherwise, go ahead and indulge in his various concoctions.
I think for Mr. Plant, he's also pretty good at cooking. He just, never really has the energy or motivation to do it. He can get fancy with it when he can bring himself to invest energy in the endeavour. The way I see it is though, most days it's shredded cheese out of the bag, a full carton of blueberries or a jar of peanut butter and some crackers for dinner. Which is fine with him. Whether he's getting a fully rounded meal or ingesting one orange in a frying pan, it doesn't really matter to him, as long as he eats at all... and gets to watch tv while he does it. He doesn't give a shit.
Argos keeps an eye on Mr. Plant's eating- and general health habits. "Did you ingest something other than caffeine today? Let me make you something." "Have you been watching tv all day again? Let's go for a walk." "Are you having trouble sleeping again? I have a tea for that!"
Simultaneously, I think Mr. Plant looks out for Argos in a similar fashion. He's just not always as obvious about it. But he notices certain things. I think it's common for Argos to overwork himself. And since Mr. Plant is the master of doing fuck all all day, he'll force Argos to take days off to catch up on sleep and just generally unwind for a bit. It can be tough on Argos who is used to being on the go or doing something to stay busy, but he enjoys the time spent with Mr. Plant.
While I do think these two genuinely care for each other and do the best they can for one another, I think that it's also so so messy. So very very messy. Obsession, jealousy, deep seated insecurities. Violent tendencies, lack of communication, being generally kind of distant. We've already seen how it affects Argos.
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But while I think the relationship can be rocky, I really think they're trying to claw their way out of their bad habits for each other.
It's just gonna be a while. And I don't think every bad habit can and will be kicked. At least not completely. I think some things are just apart of their core personalities. But I think whatever they have going on works for them just fine. For the most part.
We've seen how Argos can be if things aren't going well. And I like to think things can get even more severe at times. Constant monitoring, questioning, mood swings even. Maybe even fixating on and blackmailing people he thinks are just a little too close for comfort to Mr. Plant. And maybe even- oops! One or two tragic "accidents". Rest in piece to those people. Wonder what happened there.
For Mr. Plant, on the other hand, we know he'll never open up or truly indicate how he's really feeling about anything. He spent an entire episode panicking over Argos' sudden absence and then just shrugged about it when asked. Classic. But I truly think he'd also kill specifically for Argos. Whether it's also because Mr. Plant doesn't trust the intentions of someone when it comes to his boyfriend or because they're just being a general dick to Argos.
(Rip tomato head man. You were very good soup.)
Because of this, I think if Argos had a lot of other friends, they'd only be semi safe from Mr. Plant. I think Mr. Plant knows his extrovert boyfriend needs to be out and about and socializing, so if Argos has other close relationships that's fine with Mr. Plant. He doesn't give a shit for the most part. But just like how Argos is about Mr. Plant, if Mr. Plant sees someone getting a little too close, then it could be lights out for good. So, just make sure your intentions are clear. And don't make Argos uncomfortable or upset. Argos always appreciates the gesture from Mr. Plant. Even if it is violent and messy... but also hot too ngl.
That's it from me for now. No thoughts only twomp.
My brain is mushy blue and green goo shaped like eyeballs and petals.
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pr0j3ct-3t3rn1ty · 1 year ago
Shitpost go brrrr
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pr0j3ct-3t3rn1ty · 1 year ago
he's going to the land of unfinished drawings, thats why he's crying
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pr0j3ct-3t3rn1ty · 1 year ago
i love my friends </3
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end result:
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pr0j3ct-3t3rn1ty · 1 year ago
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“We know there are voices across the world calling for a ceasefire, but what everyone needs to understand is that the only people who stand to gain from halting the bombing campaign are people who deeply value human life,” President Biden said in an Oval Office address, adding that if Israel was not given time to collectively punish all 2.3 million people who live in Gaza, it would be a great victory for anyone who believes civilians are entitled to basic dignity and security for themselves and their families. 
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pr0j3ct-3t3rn1ty · 1 year ago
twomp headcanons :3
hii stupids /lh :3 first post on one of my sideblogs so uh yea :D
this is mercury btw
making this my main twomp acc
ANYGAYS here are some headcanons for you all :3
long paragraphs ahead
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☆ argos REALLY loves stars, whenever they're visible mr plant takes him to the park to see them
☆ whenever argos sees a really pretty flower small enough, he puts it in his hair to remind him of mr plant (and ofc, none of the pretty flowers could compare to his beloved bf <3)
☆ like some plants on earth, mr plant bleeds red sap (cuz its the closest resemblance to blood) i was originally gonna do white sap but i slowly realised how bad that would look if he bled.. cuz sap is sticky too.. EUGHH ANYWAYS
☆ mr plant has separation anxiety. whenever argos has to go to work his petals go stiff and he has a panic attack. if argos has to stay the whole night babysitting mr plant gets really bad nightmares. ofc when argos gets home he makes sure to try his best to calm mr plant down. it usually doesnt take much, just his presence. sometimes it gets so bad that he cant even sleep w/out argos. sometimes not even the sound of argos's voice is enough. he got super scared when he lost argos in "mr plant sees the stars".
☆ mr plant will always let argos ramble about his new plants to him- obv, the babbling flower did it for him.. big meanie. mr plant enjoys listening to argos get so happy about his plants.
☆ argos got rid of the spore mushroom. just an obvious one here.
☆ most of the time when argos murders, he doesnt even realise he's doing it. once he's done and he regains his thoughts, he gets super upset about it. he goes to mr plants void and explains it to him. mr plant always helps argos clean up the mess.
☆ mr plant can almost never control his violent urges. argos usually calms them down, and when he doesnt its abt mr flower.
☆ whenever mr plant doesnt kill anyone for a day, argos gives him a sticker for good job. he adds it to his sticker collection. he's saving them so he can wear them all at once.
☆ mr plant doesnt hate touch, at times he enjoys it, and at others he doesnt. you can never tell. unless hes js had/in the middle of a panic attack. then he needs it.
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