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Been a while since I made one of these sooo...

#shall we date#wizardess heart#shall we date wizardess heart#elias goldstein#wizardess heart elias#wizardess heart imagine#shall we date imagine#lucaxelias#luca orlem imagine#lucaorlem#wizardess heart luca#eliasgoldstein#elias goldstein imagine#lulias
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Too Hot for Clothes
Not smut but a little steamy ^^
Name of story: Too Hot for Clothes
Fandom: Wizardess Heart
Pairing: LucaXElias
Word count: 1169words
Description: its summer in Gedonelune and Elias is wearing his usual brown coat long sleeved button up. Since the heat is obviously getting to him Luca decides to try and help him out.
Luca was smart. Although he’d rather lounge around on a tree, or draw by the lake then go to class it was still undeniable that he was incredibly talented despite what little work he shows for it. Luca could decipher a spell without previously hearing it, Luca could make-up new ways to conjure a spell easily, he understood his way around the school, he understood his way around the ladies, the only thing he didn’t understand was why Elias was wearing that long damn coat and frilly shirt in summer.
Sure, the academy had a climate barrier surrounding it so the weather and heat would stay ideal all year round but sometimes Headmaster Randolph, changes it and decides that it would be a good experience for the students to go through the harsh temperatures when really, he just likes to fuck around with them on occasion.
Now Elias here was trying to put up with Headmaster Randolph’s shenanigans via studying however judging by the sweat collecting on his face and neck, his cheeks being tinted red and his overall irritation this didn’t seem to be working very well to Lucas humour. If it was anyone else other than Luca’s darling prince Elias he would have just waved them off calling them an idiot for willingly dressing so thickly during such a season, however in this case he couldn’t let him go without teasing him a little.
“What do we have here? The prince doesn’t seem to be doing so well.” Luca had plopped himself a top the desk Elias had occupied, Smirking down at the melting puddle of red and gold. Elias didn’t need to meet his gaze to know who it was, he didn’t need to take in that smirk to know it was there but honestly he had enough and stared up at Luca dazed, too out of it to make a remark or tell him to piss off. As Elias’ face became clearer to Luca he almost felt bad, almost. With Elias’ flushed face, pouting lips and short pants as he breathed, Luca felt a little too distracted to feel pity. Luca had raised his hand to hold onto Elias’ face as he wiped some sweat from his forehead, too tired to stop him Elias just leaned into the touch. Luca swallowed thickly, seeing his boyfriend so willing and cute was unfathomable to him and yet here he was.
“H-Hey, let’s go somewhere else, to uh… cool down.”
“…cool down?” Elias murmured, accepting the hand given to him mindlessly and it directs him to follow along unaware of where it may take him but not really caring at the same time. Confusion strikes as Elias does begin to recognise the way to the boy’s dorm, “Why the boys dorm, how will it help?” however Luca just continues to solider on, dragging Elias behind him. Soon enough they arrive to an empty room and Luca closes the door and let’s go of Elias.
“A spare room? Why are we in a spare room?”
“It’s my room.”
“Why is your room so empty?”
“Who knows? I can’t tell you something even I don’t know.” Luca move to sit on top the bed and refuses to turn to face Elias, “Ahh… You should take off your clothes.”
“Take off my clothes? What? Why?”
“…Because it’s hot and you’re dress ridiculously, don’t worry, I’m not looking, no one else is here either, you’ll cool down a lot if you do.” Elias pauses surveying the situation before slowly beginning to undo his coat and removing the rest of his clothing.
“This was seriously your idea of cooling down?”
“I thought of maybe throwing you into the lake but I figured you would like it.”
“Obviously.” Elias had finally undone all the intricacies of his clothing as Luca tried to block out the sound of material hitting the floor. As Elias stood in his underwear he let out a sigh of relief, with the suffocating clothing left behind him he wobbled over to Luca like a new born fawn, still exhausted and slumped over him dangling his arms around his neck. Luca stiffens and refuses to move at all, time passes as Elias stares at Luca and breaks the silence poking his cheek.
“Hey, aren’t you going to kiss me?” Luca snaps his head around, looking at Elias with wide eyes. Elias pushes him back onto the bed and crawls on top on him cuddling up to his chest. “Hey, you’re not acting like yourself, usually you would be trying to touch me but right now you won’t even look at me.” Luca reluctantly smooths his hand through Elias’ hair and snorts.
“I’m not acting like myself? What about you?”
“Shut-up I’m tired.” Elias pouts.
“Yeah I know, wouldn’t it be wrong to try and touch you when you’re so tired though? I wouldn’t mind usually, I wouldn’t mine at all.” Elias waits a moment before nuzzling up to Lucas neck.
“But… It’s ok if we touch only a little right?” Elias starts to pepper little kisses around his jaw line and Luca reaches his other arm around Elias’ waist, suddenly startled when his hand is met with skin.
“Wait, but won’t we get too hot being so close to each other?” Luca was obviously starting to enjoy the development but was still reluctant to go any further.
“Well then I suppose you could take off your clothes as well.” That’s all it took to have Luca circle his hands around Elias’ thighs to pull him up and capture his lips with his own, Elias slid his legs between Lucas and gripped his shoulders as he trying to press himself as close to Lucas body as he could possibly get. Suddenly feeling the pressure of Lucas groin didn’t catch Elias’ too off guard, he knew he didn’t need to mention it, he knew that Luca wouldn’t go too far. He trusted Luca, even if he annoyed him too no end, he truly did trust Luca. Hearing Elias’ small pants and whines were more than enough for Luca to gain confidence to softly grope Elias’ ass and push his tongue into his mouth. Elias slides his hand up through Lucas shirt needing more skin to feel satisfied. Through their activities Elias’ thigh keeps on softly bumping and sliding against Lucas hardening member. Becoming far too excited Lucas hold on Elias’ behind becomes rougher and begins to explore and wander between his cheeks; Elias’ lets out a little whine and pushes himself up from Luca, astonished. Luca quickly removes his hands holding them up like he was going to be arrested.
“Sorry, too far?” Elias’ stumbles and stutters trying to find the right words or perhaps even some coherent thoughts.
“I ah… n-no?”
“No?” Elias flops back down on Luca gingerly taking Lucas hand and placing them where they were previously before looking back at Lucas flushed expression that matched his own making sure that he could feel his breath on his lips.
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The odd one out. (Goldstein Brothers)
No, this isn't a foursome. Sorry to disappoint?

Requested: 32. "You didn't get in trouble for lying. You got in trouble for lying badly." + 52. "You're going to burn in a very special level of hell. A level they reserve for child molesters, animal abusers, and people who talk at the theatre." From the prompt list.
Genre: comedy mostly? I swear I wasn't high when I wrote this just read till the end before you come at me 😂
(Third Person Point of View)
"He's actually got a big heart; you just don't realize until you really know him." The eldest Goldstein chuckles.
"I don't know. For now, he just seems really loud." The youngest shakes his head.
The two had been walking around aimlessly, just enjoying each other's company. The topic had somehow switched to a discussion of a certain night class prefect. Anything they could talk about was good enough for them, though.
"Aye, my favourite bros!" A familiar voice beams, unnecessarily extending the first and last words. The intruder inserts himself between the two brothers, putting an arm on each one's shoulder.
"We're..you're only bros." Elias stares at the taller blond in the middle. Why Klaus was acting this way, Elias wasn't sure, but he didn't feel the need to point it out. Yet.
Klaus rolls his eyes, "Well, metaphorically, I have a lot of bros."
"Since when do you even use the word bros?" Alfonse questions with a raised brow.
Klaus groans, "Why are all Goldsteins so uptight?"
The eldest and youngest share a confused look. "Excuse me?" Elias raises an eyebrow.
"You're forgiven!" The older man cheers. "Now let's go have a guys' night out; we don't have much time to waste here!" Klaus ignores the but it's daytime?s and why do we not have time?s his brothers were throwing at him and proceeds to drag them into town with no explanation whatsoever.
"Klaus, where are we going?" Alfonse prays for a single, meaningful answer.
Klaus pauses to look around the stores, "I'm sure it was somewhere around here.." he mumbles to himself, paying no mind to his older brother.
"What is?" Elias didn't enjoy being dragged around, unaware of where they're headed to; he was slowly losing his patience.
"Chill; it's a nice place, I've heard." Klaus dismisses the question again and proceeds forward.
"A strip club?!" Elias shrieks in horror at their destination.
"Dude, you're gonna get us kicked out before we even get inside." Klaus brings his index finger to his lips, motioning for Elias to keep quiet.
"Klaus, what are you thinking?! Are you feeling okay?" Alfonse eyes his younger brother.
Klaus sighs. "Okay, yes, it's weird to go to a strip club in broad daylight, but this place offers a 24-hour service! And you don't even have to worry about Elias being a little younger than the age required to enter; if we're smooth enough, he'll be fine!"
"Out of all these explanations, nothing was even related to our actual issue!" Elias flings his arms upwards in a mixture of disbelief and frustration.
"You're a Goldstein; that's how you're planning to spend your evening?!" The eldest begins scolding Klaus.
Klaus raises his hands in defence. "I've never been here before; I just thought we could try it out together. Come on." It didn't seem like he was taking his brothers seriously for their outbursts, which in turn pissed them off even more.
"I'm not stepping foot into this place!" Elias crosses his arms, looking away in disgust.
"Is it because you're scared your boyfriend will figure it out?" Klaus wiggles his eyebrow at his younger brother.
Elias's cheeks heat up at the unexpected question. "What boyfriend?! You know I don't have a boyfriend!"
"Oh, come on!" Klaus whines, in a not-so-Klaus-like-manner. "I know you're in love with Luca; it's so obvious in the way you stare at him! You don't need to hide anything from me!" He places his arms around Elias and hugs him tightly. (Actually, scratch that. He suffocates him.)
"You know you can tell me anything!" He squeezes Elias even more, if that was even possible. "I'm your owder bwother that woves you!" Klaus uses what could best be described as the voice you use when talking to a baby; he even begins to make kissy faces at Elias, in an attempt to kiss his cheek.
By now, Elias didn't know if he was more embarrassed or scared. He felt awfully mortified, but he also knew that this was not the usual Klaus. At all. Maybe his brother had been possessed, replaced by a clone, or under a spell, but there was no way this was the normal Klaus he knew. And one glance at an (almost) equally horrified Alfonse assured Elias he wasn't crazy for thinking that.
Elias pushes his older brother away. "I'm not in love with Luca, and I certainly don't need you to baby me!" Out of habit, the blond spoke the name with disgust, like he'd just seen the troublemaker cause a mess in the classroom.
"Well, why else would you not agree to join me and Alfonse?" Klaus raises an eyebrow.
"I actually never said I was-"
"Alfonse! You can't just interrupt Elias because he's the youngest!"
"He wasn't even-"
"You're doing it again, Alfonse!" Overshadowed by confusion, the eldest Goldstein stopped protesting, as Klaus interrogates their younger brother. "So? Elias? We're still waiting for an answer, you know."
"It has nothing to do with Luca!"
"Prove it, then." Eyes glinting with mischief, Klaus smirks at his younger sibling.
"What do you mean?" Elias wasn't a coward. However, when your older brother who's normally so stern and composed just took you to a strip club and started babying you, yeah, you might get a bit nervous about having to do what he suggests next.
"I just want you to enter the place on your own, spend 10 minutes inside, then come out, and we'll do whatever you want for the rest of the day." Klaus shrugs, "Bonus points if you get one of the dancers' number."
"Klaus, what in the world-" Was it interrupt Alfonse day? Cuz he sure felt like it was.
"It's okay, Al. I'll do it; at least then we'll be able to put an end to this strange trip." Elias states with determination.
"Ah, yeah, that look in your eyes! Love it!" Klaus rewards him with an applause, as if he'd just watched a scene out of a play.
Elias gives him a look but stays silent. He'd given up on understanding what was up with his brother; he just wanted to go back to his dorm and rest.
An excited Klaus and a worried Alfonse stood out of sight while Elias approaches the buff man guarding the entrance.
It couldn't have been longer than 2 minutes when they saw Elias come back to them sheepishly.
"Hey, the deal was 10 minutes." Klaus states.
"I didn't even get in! When I lied about my age, he asked where I worked. I panicked and blurted out the name of the academy.." Elias drifts off.
"So?" Klaus raises an eyebrow.
"Turns out he's friends with Vincent, and he knows the teaching staff there.." Elias hides his face in embarrassment.
"You got him in trouble for lying, and it's your fault!" Alfonse points an accusing finger at Klaus, who was trying not to burst into laughter.
"Well, technically, you didn't get in trouble for lying. You got in trouble for lying badly." Shrugging, Klaus blames Elias for the incident, and in turn, earning more looks of disbelief from his siblings.
"Okay, I'm done. I'm just gonna go back to the dorms." Elias shakes his head, unable to keep up with Klaus's madness. That was enough for today; the humiliation and irritation were eating him alive.
However, before any of them could say anything, an angry Luca ran up to them, which was a rare, terrifying view. Elias was sure nobody had seen Luca so angry. Or seen Luca angry at all for that matter. Yet there he was, pissed.
"I've been searching all over for you!" He yells at Klaus.
Elias waited for Klaus to scare the crap out of Luca and everyone within a 5 mile radius of this scene, but instead, Klaus just laughed. Ironically, that scared Elias more than anything Klaus could've done.
"Come on, Emperor; it wasn't so bad!" Klaus teases.
Wait, why was Klaus calling Luca that?
Alfonse's head was spinning in circles; he wasn't sure what was happening or when it happened, but he assumed magic was involved.
"The only thing that wouldn't make this so bad is if murder was legal!" Luca grabs Klaus's collar.
They seemed to both zone out for a few seconds before Klaus pushes Luca's hand away in anger. Klaus's previously calm expression was replaced with a furious one while Luca was back to his playful, carefree self.
"Um..what is happening?" Elias finally asked. He certainly wasn't in the mood for solving riddles today, especially not after everything that happened.
"This is what happened." Klaus reaches into Luca's pocket, pulling out a small, green orb.
Elias thought it looked strangely familiar. Then, it hit him. Alfonse took the words right out of his mouth, though.
"You switched bodies." He whispered.
Elias remembered learning about that green orb, yet it hadn't occurred to him that this could be the case here. He felt slightly dumb for it, but he threw the blame on Luca, considering it was his fault to begin with.
"You're going to burn in a very special level of hell. A level they reserve for child molesters, animal abusers, and people who talk at the theatre." Elias glares at the green-haired male.
"Elias snapped." Klaus chuckles, as if the fact that Elias was trying to be intimidating was enough to amuse him and make him forget about Luca's actions. As if.
"Well, it was fun hanging out with you guys! Now, I gotta go!" Luca attempts to escape, but Klaus knew better.
"Not so fast." The prefect grabs Luca by the back of his collar. "You're not going anywhere. You're coming with me." Klaus drags Luca along with him as he walks towards the academy, leaving both Elias and Alfonse fairly overwhelmed.
"That was...weird." Alfonse heaves a sigh.
"I mean, at least Klaus hadn't decided to suddenly change and become this weird person, I guess?"
"True." Alfonse agrees, letting out a little laugh.
It's worth mentioning that only later that day that Elias realized Luca was the one to hug him and baby him, not Klaus, and he wasn't sure which was worse. It made him wish there was some other type of orb that could make them all forget that specific moment ever happened.
Alas, for now, all he could do is bury his red face into his pillow, as Yukiya wonders what's wrong with him.
#shall we date#wizardess heart#shall we date wizardess heart#elias goldstein#klaus goldstein#luca orlem#wizardess heart klaus#wizardess heart elias#wizardess heart luca#wizardess heart yukiya#yukiya reizen#shall we date imagine#wizardess heart imagine#elias#luca#klaus#wizardess heart one shot#shall we date scenario#lucaxelias#eliasxluca#shall we date one shot#shall we date fluff#wizardess heart fluff
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Elias: "I can't believe we're locked in this room together!"
Luca: [throwing a key out of the window.] "Truly unfortunate."
#wizardess heart#wizardess heart luca#shall we date wizardess heart#wizardess heart elias#shall we date#elias×luca#lucaxelias#lucaorlem#eliasgoldstein
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Has anyone read Joel's ending for "decision-making"? Lulias is real y'all 😂
#wizardess heart#shall we date wizardess heart#shall we date#wizardess heart luca#lulias#lucaxelias#lucaorlem#elias×luca#eliasgoldstein#wizardess heart elias#joel crawford#wizardess heart joel
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Luca: [about Elias] "He's so cool, smart, funny, talented, and super cute, and I really like him. :)"
Elias: [about Luca] "This DORK! What a TOTAL LOSER! I'm gonna fight this NERD!"
#shall we date wizardess heart#wizardess heart#shall we date#lucaxelias#elias×luca#wizardess heart luca#lucaorlem#wizardess heart elias#elias goldstein
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Yukiya: "So what ride do want to ride?"
Luca: "I want to ride that. *points at Elias*"
Elias: "*chokes on corndog*"
#wizardess heart#shall we date#shall we date wizardess heart#wizardess heart yukiya#yukiya reizen#lucaxelias#lucaorlem#wizardess heart luca#lulias#luca orlem#eliasxluca#elias goldstein#wizardess heart elias
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Luca: *smiles*
Elias: *blushes* *slams hand on the table* that's fucking it. I'm killing him.
Yukiya: Or you can man up and ask him out.
Elias: K-killing..is easier.
#I just ship it way too much#wizardessheart#shall we date#shall we date wizardess heart#lucaorlem#wizardess heart luca#elias goldstein#wizardess heart elias#yukiya reizen#wizardess heart yukiya#lulias#lucaxelias#eliasxluca
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Prank (Luca×Elias)
Rays of sunshine were seeping through the window, making it harder to fall back asleep.
It was a saturday, meaning no classes; meaning the bed was just too tempting for the blond to even think of getting up.
"Yukiya?" He thought he called for his roommate, but instead of his voice; it was a female's soft voice that called out.
Elias furrowed his eyebrows, where did that come from? He slowly sat up from his bed and looked down at the rest of his body.
He could barely stop himself from screaming. What was the meaning of this?! Is he having some weird dream- no, a nightmare seems more like it.
He pulled the covers off of him. There was no mistaking it; this was nowhere near a boy's body.
He frantically looked around the room for his roommate, and in the process also realizing he had somehow grown long, wavy, blonde locks in a matter of hours, because he definitely didn't have this kind of hair before sleeping last night!
"Yukiya!" He calls out again; his hand immediately flies to cover his mouth. He almost forgot about the voice issue.
Yukiya was nowhere to be seen, and Elias really had no idea what to do. He was too scared to come out of the dorm room in that shape. What if someone saw him? How would he explain himself when even HE didn't know what was going on?
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Elias rushed to the door, thinking it was Yukiya. However, it wasn't his roommate that was at the doorway.
"Prince Elias!" Luca beams, "Just wanted to check if you got my chocolate, and from the looks of it.." he eyes the blond up and down, "Seems like you did." Luca shoots Elias one of his infamous smirks.
"So, this is your fault! Of course, it is! Who else could've done that?!" Elias had his fists clenched in anger.
"Come on, at least you enjoyed the chocolate! Just had to add my own little magical touch you know?" He replied, the smirk never leaving his face, as he enters the dorm room and shuts the door behind him.
"Did you just invite yourself in?" Elias raises an eyebrow. He just wanted to murder that annoying green-haired boy, that seemed to catch his attention a lot for some unknown reason..
"Yup" Luca shrugs and plumps down on the bed.
"When are you planning to fix this?!" Elias snaps at him, "Idk, Prince- oh wait should I just start calling you princess now? Yeah, anyway, I think that look suits you quite well actually." Luca proceeds with the teasing.
"Luca! Fix this! NOW!" Elias demands, growing angrier every second.
"Okay, okay, I'll tell you how to reverse the spell." Luca smiles.
"Well? What are you waiting for?!" Elias taps his foot impatiently.
"Sit down, will ya?" Luca pats the area next to him on the bed. Elias reluctantly sat down next to Luca, leaving a good amount of space between them.
Elias could not stop thinking of how stupid it was to just simply pick up the chocolate an unknown person left at his doorstep and just simply eat it. He was a sucker for chocolate but that was completely reckless, and look where it got him! He was at Luca's mercy, that is if he has any.
"To reverse the spell you need.." Luca pauses for a moment before mimicking a movie narrator's voice, "an act of true love! A true love's kiss!" He grins.
"What?" Elias asks, not really getting what Luca was trying to say. "Well, technically, it's not like that; you just have to kiss the one that put the spell on you, and since you already know who that is, then it's not much of an issue now, right?" Luca replies, but Elias keeps his eyebrows furrowed, "...What are you talking about?" The heat was rising to his face by now; he'd really hoped Luca didn't mean what it sounded like he meant.
Luca sighs then gently places a strand of Elias's hair behind his ear before slowly leaning closer and whispering in his ear, "You have to kiss me." Luca's hot breath near Elias's neck was enough to send shivers down his spine.
"What?!" Elias quickly got off the bed. He should've been angry or annoyed, but instead all he felt was the heat radiating from his cheeks.
"If you dislike the idea that much, well, I suppose you could just stay as a girl if you want. Have fun!" Luca got up, and made his way towards the door.
"W-wait!" Elias exclaimed, yet he couldn't even look Luca in the face, due to his embarrassment.
After a few moments of silence, Luca chuckled, "Here, let me help you out a bit." Though Elias couldn't see Luca's face, he knew that stupid smirk was plastered across his face.
Luca gently places two fingers under Elias's chin, forcing Elias to look at him. Luca admired Elias's blushing face for a few seconds, before pushing his lips against his.
Elias was tensed up at first, but slowly let himself relax, his hands finding their way to the back of Luca's neck, and eventually, Elias was running his hands through Luca's green hair. Luca moved his hands to Elias's waist pulling him as close as possible.
The door to the dorm was suddenly pushed open, revealing Elias's blue-haired roommate. Yukiya stood there with a raised eyebrow, waiting for someone to speak up.
Elias immediately pushed away Luca and started fumbling with words, trying to find an explanation.
"Luca, if you're gonna be making out with random girls, could you just,please, do that in your own room? Neither I nor Elias would appreciate seeing that." Yukiya says bluntly.
It hit Elias that he hasn't really turned back into a guy after all.
"Oh, this isn't a random girl, this is El-" Elias quickly stepped on Luca's toe, causing him to whimper a little and stopping him from finishing his sentence.
"E-Ella! That's me, y-yeah, Luca meant to say that I wasn't random and that I was special, you know?" Elias lets out a nervous laugh. Yukiya just stared at them as if trying to decide if he could care less.
"W-we'll be going now! Sorry to disturb you!" Elias says as he pulls Luca outside the dorm. After they got to Luca's dorm room, Elias just stood there, glaring at Luca.
"That wasn't how to reverse the spell, was it?" Elias crosses his arms.
"The effect of the potion wears off once you come in contact with water, but I figured if the only way to get a kiss from you was to do that then sure, why not?" Luca grins.
"You're unbelievable!" Elias huffs, "I'm going to take a shower; I need to get back to my usual self!" Elias makes his way to Luca's bathroom.
"Need any help with that? I'd still like to get a kiss from my actual prince Elias~ " Luca teases, "Shut up, Orlem." Elias mutters, his cheeks flushed. Maybe after the shower, he thought, another kiss wouldn't be so bad..
#wizardess heart#shall we date#shallwedate#wizardessheart#shall we date wizardess#luca#elias#lulias#luca orlem#elias goldstein#lucaxelias#eliasxluca#imagine#wizardess heart imagine#lulias imagine
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Luca: "People believe in Santa Claus. How come I’m not getting hooked up every Christmas?"
Elias: "Because you’re a bad person."
#wizardess heart#wizardessheart#shallwedate#shall we date#elias#luca#elias goldstein#luca orlem#eliasgoldstein#lucaorlem#lulias#lucaxelias#eliasxluca#original: supernatural
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